#airship syndicate
fhtagn-and-tentacles · 3 months
Texturing by Anya Nikitina
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
Wayfinder Gameplay Reveal
Airship Syndicate’s Wayfinder is an upcoming free-to-play online multiplayer action RPG. 
The world of Evenor has been shattered by The Gloom and you must harness the power of a Wayfinder to control the Chaos. 
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miloscat · 2 years
[Review] Darksiders Genesis (PC)
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A twin-stick adventure.
My brother and I have been plugging away at this in co-op sessions for a while and finally got to the end. It’s a spinoff in a series that I’ve seen predominantly described as 3D Zelda-likes, albeit with more involved combat systems. This one is more an isometric twin-stick shooter, although one of the two characters lacks almost any ranged attack. So for Cameron as War it was a hack and slash melee game while I took the gun-toting Strife and enjoyed a shooter.
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It’s not just a simple wave combat game though. The story takes you to various locales in this typical “Dante/Milton fanfic” world of demons, fallen angels, Eden, and so forth, with plenty of platforming, puzzling, sidequests, and collectibles to keep you busy. On top of an array of fighting skills, you unlock interaction abilities that let you replay levels to find more goodies, and there’s a big “passive bonus” tree to fill in with demon soul orbs, so there’s lots of options and customisation. But it’s not overwhelming, and easy enough to just pick a few favourite techniques/ammo types and get on with it.
Cameron always wanted to skip the story scenes, but I insisted on watching them. Sometimes there’s cool motion comic cutscenes, but it’s often just voiced dialogue. Strife’s wisecracking banter is a good foil to War’s stoicism, but my favourite was supporting NPC Samael, voiced by Australian actor Vernon Wells, whose delivery was refreshingly naturalistic despite the demonic pitch shifting filter. The plot is convoluted as heck but a decent excuse for some realm-hopping action. The ending lets it down though, with an anticlimactic boss fight and a resolution that kind off just trails off. What could I expect from a prequel, I guess.
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I’m struggling to put much more into words. For us it was a decent way to fill time while hanging out with a bro. It looks good, it plays well, there’s some hilariously demanding/janky optional platforming challenges that were enjoyable as a shared experience. The basic thing is that the combat works quite well and there’s a lot of it, with good enemy variety. What more can you ask for?
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jasper-rolls · 2 years
Moloch - Gareth Coker [Darksiders Genesis Official Soundtrack]
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stevienix · 2 years
Happy 1 yr to the Ruined King!
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Airship Syndicate is holding a fan art contest and these are my "Miss Fortune's" lol. I love her so much but when I saw the new skin, it made me SUPER happy xD
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cajuinadepixel · 1 year
Wayfinder: conheça o jogo
Imagem: Airship Syndicate A princípio, Wayfinder é um MMORPG de ação de código aberto da Wayfinder Entertainment e Digital Extremes. Uma força negra conhecida como The Gloom causou estragos na terra mágica de Evenor, onde o jogo se passa. E, o jogador assume o personagem de um Precursor, um poderoso guerreiro encarregado de impedir a destruição de Evenor nas mãos de The Gloom. O combate em…
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gamefanatics · 1 year
Jump into Wayfinder | PAX East 2023
Wayfinder is a new multiplayer hack and slash adventure game from Digital Extremes and Airship Syndicate. The developers of the title are striving to allow a high level of customization for your character as well as your gameplay experience. If you know anything about Digital Extremes, you know that they have a ton of experience when it comes to the creation of an engaging game world. From what I…
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ashrillvenheim · 1 month
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Darksiders 2 was my first game from the Saga when I was a teen. I found Joe Madureira's art after buying the artbook and it just captivated me. I wanted to give it a try to create a fanart in their last games' style, Darksiders Genesis from Airship Syndicate and made a mockup too :3
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berensteinsmonster · 5 months
coverted Toppats to Cowwoys for the hv au
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The Cowwoy Posse are a group of cowboys, usually on the outskirts of Red Mesa, who do everything in their power to do good.
Usually they're sent on missions to go help people :) They regularly fight petty criminals or more bust organized crime factions. Or they travel to other locations if trouble arises there. Though not all Cowwoys use the airship or train, if they're skilled enough (such as being of ranger rank) they ride their own horses. Crease and Piercings have their own and they're named Crane and Hoops respectively, those horses are also lesbians.
All Cowwoy members are also required to learn basic survival skills, such as foraging or hunting, for when they take trips across the Red Mesa that'll quickly deplete their resources.
If there's one crime syndicate that have really gotten the most of their attention towards dismembering, it'd be the TVOGXART corporation. And all Cowwoys hate the TVOG.
They're not swindled or easily tricked by promises of riches, because they REGULARLY beat up rich people who are affiliated with the TVOGXART corporation. They've all sworn to do good because as bleak as things can be they want to prove that there is a beating heart of kindness in a world that regularly profits off of misery.
They are kind and they are good. because the hv au society wants people to believe that is no longer possible.
Thank you to @digital-roots for sending me 5 toppats to turn into cowwoy members :) I had a lot of fun doing these, I really love making good-ified mirror characters just as much as I like making evil dopplegangers. I'm so proud of how these guys turned out. like look at them. Theyre so cool and awesome and theyre gonna save the fucking day. even though the world they live in worsens, it's in Cowwoy honor to still try and make it a bit more bareable.
Bonus: original draft sketches
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btw just take the messages as like, unpolished draft only for the descriptions of the characters. I was just playing around with the idea process. I think Piercings knows how to use a phone and Ms Hero is (eventually) fine with the Regal Bronzeage since that guy's an actual superhero. The more the merrier. two cakes
Also ignore the message where it says ms hero ues he/him cuz i updated it. ms hero uses he/she because while his pronouns may interchange, her sense of JUSTICE!!! does not :)
Bonus: hey its her sidekicks The Fairy and Wilhelm Krieschen!!! they will get their own post eventually
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teecupangel · 6 months
I can’t remember if anyone had a final fantasy ask, but what if Desmond landed in Spira (Final Fantasy X). He could go full pirate and I’m sure Edward’s bleed would love it.
Not yet. I mean, there was a Desmond as the same species as Nanaki one and a frog Desmond based on FF frog debuff but there hasn’t been any real full crossover or isekai idea.
I was thinking of how Desmond could be a pirate in Spira considering Sin is there lurking and all.
Then I realized we can make Desmond become a full pirate if we don’t set this in FFX but in FFX2. For this one, Desmond could be the captain of his own airship (which is smaller than the Celsius and is actually made up of extra parts from both Fahrenheit and Celsius) which he got by winning a bet against the Al Bhed. Maybe even call it Kelvin to continue the degree themes of their names)
Now, let’s focus on the plot. Desmond really didn’t want to be a pirate. Not exactly. Calling him one would actually be a bit of a… generalization?
The truth was…
He had a sphere with him when he woke up in this world. And that sphere contains a memory of Minerva talking to him, telling him of a device that they had created which can hop into other timelines. Unfortunately, the device disappeared because… it hopped into a different timeline and they couldn’t find it.
So Desmond is looking for that device to get back to his world. The sphere he got from Minerva is his only clue. She said that the device has a lock that used these ‘spheres’ and he needs to collect them all first. He would know if a sphere is part of the device or not.
Which meant that, technically, Desmond is a sphere hunter.
But because he’s looking for specific spheres, he sorta also steals spheres from other people if they’re the spheres he’s looking for.
So in this one, he and his group are actually a rival of the Gullwings (and Leblanc Syndicate) and he gets in the middle of the whole FFX2 plot along the way even though he’s really just there for those specific spheres.
How does Desmond know he got the right sphere?
These spheres are marked with the letter of the Isus’ alphabet and each sphere contains a memory of the device he’s looking for.
Mostly experiment logs, chopped off pieces of how to use them…
With the lead Isu scientist pf the project going by the name Yevon.
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duckapus · 5 months
Okay, at this point I have to admit I have no idea what to do with A Snake in Horseland. I have a few scattered ideas but nothing coherent, and with how long it's taking I kind of just want to list out the ideas and move on.
-the Syndicate gets dealt with first because they're relatively easier, not trying to hide, and aren't relevant to the Ozymandias and Root plotline. Crocker's a joke since he doesn't have any powers whatsoever, Vlad gets taken out by Luigi because he's a ghost, Vaati gets into a fight with the Wonderbolts and a bunch of the flight-capable characters before ultimately falling to Fluttershy's therapy-fu, Gohma fights the Hologram Trio and uses the leftover memories from Byte to mess with their heads a little, and I have no idea what to do with Lokoko besides the fact that any MLP or SMG characters will probably have some commentary on her and Frida's dynamic. Ultimately they end up retreating back to the MRU universes while the Anchors stay behind to help the Crew (and find Timmy because the kids have been having their Airship Adventure during all that)
-The Kids' find Ozymandias and Garyboy first, and Elanore managed to beef up the ship's weapons enough that they can throw Ozzy around even if they still can't actually hurt him, so between that and the fact that Gary's not invincible they're able to hold their own until the adults show up.
-Lil Coding actually listened when Hex yelled at him and is helping.
-The first real Big Moment in the fight is Ozzy making the mistake of taunting Mira and Antivirus with how close Root's code is to being fully reintegrating with his, resulting in them fusing through the Power of Rage into ANNIHILATION, and thanks to having AV's strength and Mira's speed combined they can hit hard enough that it makes Ozzy actually feel pain, even if it's technically not doing damage.
-Another way to make him feel pain is Toad managing to latch onto his head and sing at the top of his lungs, because no matter how invulnerable you are if you're capable of hearing you're able to experience the agony of Toad Song.
-There's also Pinkie Pie and Mario managing to annoy him enough with their antics at one point that they lure him into biting his own tail, which does the first actual damage out of everything they're throwing at him (which is a lot), and also knocks loose a few scales (these ones don't end up as Offshoots btw. they're just basic objects and will probably grow back), which Link gathers up, uses an item duplication glitch on, and starts fusing to his arrows. So now he's the biggest threat of the group since he's actually able to do damage.
-Twilight, magical genius that she is, manages to reverse-engineer the Fusion command just from observing Annihilation being formed, work out how to replicate its effects as a spell, and actually successfully use said spell with Rainbow Dash to become who I'm calling Lightspeed Aurora, in ten seconds flat.
-Bob finally figuring out how Changeling Shapeshifting works results in him divebombing Garyboy as the Bob-omb Battlefield Chain Chomp...which unfortunately results in Garyboy biting the inside of his mouth. Fortunately, instead of, you know, dying, he gets glitched out so badly that it changes him back into his normal character model (complete with being 3D again) and reapplied the False Positive glitch, which gives him an idea...
-Fast forward a couple scenes and Ozzy's got everyone on the ropes (of course he does, they can only disorient him and do chip damage), when he's suddenly hit by a massive ball of water. They all turn to see where it came from and see Lily back in her normal form (though still 2D unlike Bob) as tall as she was as Sonata and glowing with Meme Energy, with Bob in his sunglasses and a modified version of his gold necklace (the skultula charm is replaced by a lowercase 'i') and Pinkie with matching sunglasses and a silver Pi symbol necklace standing next to her...doing as close an equivalent to holding hands as a guy with swords for arms and a pony are able. Yes, 3 and 4 do grump a little that even those two seem to be better than them at being SMGs.
-Unstoppable Force (Lily is huge and fucking pissed) meets Immovable Object (Ozymandias is still indestructible), and the Magic of Friendship intervenes because of course it does they're in Equestria. There's a lot of rainbow glowy stuff, said rainbow glowy stuff somehow lets Lily's not-quite-a-Storm-Trident-Replica-anymore stab a gateway into Ozymandias's code, find Root, have a brief heart-to-heart and pull her out.
-Once she's out of Ozymandias Root is in her Maneuver form; an eastern dragon that's almost as big as Ozzy's current Equestrian dragon form and about half the size of his true form. It's already been described by Efficiency in a few of their branching AUs so I'm not going into that here. She manages to deal a massive blow on Ozzy's chest, he discovers that whatever that mix of Meme Energy and Friendship Magic did made it so he can't absorb her at all anymore, and he grabs Garyboy and barely manages to tear open a portal and escape.
-He didn't actually set a specific destination so the Admins can't track him like AV did when he left SM64, and even if they could nobody's in any shape to chase and fight him, so they decide to worry about the two of them later. In the meantime, the Anchors have to get home, everybody has to recover from All That, and somebody has to explain to Equestria and its allies what the hell has been happening for the last day and a half or so.
-No, Bob and Pinkie don't get to keep being SMGi and SMGpi full-time. It is noted that they were actually pretty good at it though. Also Bob might have wireframe scars now (he did get hit by Garyboy's venom after all), but he's always completely covered up so we'll never know.
-Wherever it is that Ozzy and Gary ended up, they find out that the injury on his chest left a wireframe scar...and that that specific part of him is no longer invulnerable.
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The world of Spéir is vast, and filled with strange, magnificent, and dangerous things. Airships sail the skies over land and sea. The waves churn below, hiding monsters in the deep. Tucked away in the Thornback Mountains is the autumnal village of Thornvale, whose primary business is the Swiftwell Courier Service. Four Audron ships and a number of individual All-Couriers fly out of Thornvale to make their rounds across the whole of Spéir, carrying mail to and from dozens and dozens of locations, avoiding storms, pirates, and the oppresive Red Feather Syndicate as they go. The Audrons also keep "griffins" as part of their trade: working with these enormous, rideable birds are a necessary part of the airiner or Courier business. Beyond even all these wondrous things, there are yet more pieces of the world waiting to be discovered. Magic lurks in the shadows of everyday life, and using it comes at a sometimes terrible price.
Skyjacks: Courier's Call is an all-ages actual play podcast following three teens as they begin their careers as apprentices in the Swiftwell Courier Service. It's GMed by Drew Mierzejewski and features June Hymnal (played by Aly Graur), a stoic girl who's willing to fight for what's right, Kiran Rao (played by Paulomi Pratap), a shy nonbinary young teen looking for someone who's missing, and Cecelia "Cici" Witwick (played by Aaron Catano-Saez), a bold girl with a big personality with even bigger aspirations to explore every piece of the world she can! The show combines top notch roleplaying with humor and heart that everyone in your family can love.
They are currently kick-starting their third season and I truly want to see this become the success I know it deserves to be.
With the way Twitter has declined this year, they've gotten a lot less outreach than they have in previous years, and if there ever was a show to financially support, it's this one. If you are able to give, please consider it.
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manfrommars2049 · 2 years
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Airship Syndicate by José Ramírez via ImaginaryPortals
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demon64 · 8 months
So... it has been a little bit since Riot Games had the mass lay-offs and closed down Riot Forge. Let me just say that the closing of Riot Forge sucks, majorly. Of the games I played, I really liked their output. Ruined King is awesome, and while over the course of playing it I just grew to both love and hate Convergence but overall it was still a fun experience.
I know they still got Bandle Tale coming out, which will be the last Riot Forge game, I think. So I just wanted to speak quickly of an idea I think could have been cool to see if Riot Forge had not been closed.
An isometric twin-stick shooter starring Graves and Twisted Fate.
I've been doing some reading on the characters cause I think they seem genuinely interesting. A game starring them on their adventures could be so interesting. As a fan of Darksiders Genesis my first thought is get Airship Syndicate to do the game I suggest, but I do think getting a different developer would work too. I'm thinking Upstream Arcade, the people behind West of Dead and Hellboy: Web of Wyrd. Mostly because of the former than the latter.
Maybe with Riot working on projects outside of their usual multi-player wheelhouse we could hopefully get something like this, but I'm not holding my breath.
Would any of you wish for this too? Or do you have ideas for what other characters could have gotten their own game? Which character and what kind of game?
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warframestuff · 2 years
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The biggest night in gaming is almost here! Watch The Game Awards live on Twitch on December 8 to catch a very special announcement from Digital Extremes and Airship Syndicate.
This new announcement follows hot on the heels of our recent collaboration with Airship Syndicate co-founder and legendary comic artist, Joe Madureira (Joe Mad), who designed the wolf-inspired Voruna Warframe featured in our latest update, Lua’s Prey.
In celebration of this exciting new reveal, we’re running a special Warframe Twitch Drop! Tune in at twitch.tv/thegameawards for 60 consecutive minutes and you can earn a free Lucra Syandana and 3-day Affinity Booster!
There’s no need to link accounts to receive this Drop. Once you’ve watched for 60 consecutive minutes, a pop-up message will appear letting you know that you have a Reward to redeem. Click the notification, and you’ll receive a voucher code that you can redeem for any platform at Warframe.com/promocode anytime before January 31, 2023 at 7 p.m. ET.
The Game Awards begin on December 8 at 7:30 p.m. ET. See you there, Tenno!
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starvingtongue · 7 months
For canon muses: what's the worst take, headcanon or even canon moment you saw regarding your muse? ( for any muse youd like (
Honestly, I don't find even the worst takes for Leblanc or Dona to be particularly that bad. Dona's clearly a bitch throughout most of X and Leblanc is supposed to be a slightly goofy villain for X-2.
I don't think I've heard any bad takes or headcanons or worst takes for Tromell either, he seems to be pretty forgotten about by the fandom. Same with Anima too, she tends to get the sympathetic card by most people, maybe barring those that roleplay as Seymour.
The Watcher doesn't get much attention outside of who they were at the end of the pre-sequel and what their were doing.
That leaves Paine. And the only thing that really bugs me about fan interpretations of her, and this is usually a very small minority, is when people say she's a female Squall. Which is true, at least a little, she was based off of Squall and I can see where there are some similarities, but it's also really obvious that they're two different characters. And I know it's slightly off topic from her being a female Squall, but I think this post really highlights how much a complex character Paine is and that she's not just a 'female Squall'.
I also hate the saying that she's a replacement for Lulu, cause again, yeah slightly true, but can you imagine Lulu letting Yuna do half the shit she does in X-2 if Lulu was there? Can you imagine Lulu letting Yuna steal the Leblanc Syndicate uniforms? Put on that cute little concert to raise everyone's spirits on the airship? The excitement over the awesome sphere in Kilika? Me neither. Lulu even says this herself when you first visit Besaid, she's not there so Yuna can spread her wings. Paine is a good replacement, if anything, for Lulu in X-2. She's finds them annoying at first, but she comes around to and has a lot of time for, the shenangians that the Gullwings pull her into.
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