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İsviçre'den Devrim Niteliğinde Koşu Cihazı: Airshield
İsviçre’den Yenilikçi Koşu Cihazı: Airshield İsviçre’deki ETH Zurich Üniversitesi’nden bir grup araştırmacı, sporcuların rüzgar direncini ortadan kaldırarak daha hızlı koşmalarını sağlayacak devrim niteliğinde bir cihaz geliştirdi. “Airshield” adı verilen bu yenilikçi cihaz, koşucuların hızlarını artırmak amacıyla tasarlanmış özel bir kalkan olarak dikkat çekiyor. Chip’in aktardığına göre,…
#Airshield#Antrenman#ETH Zurich#koşu cihazı#koşucular#LiDAR sensörler#performans artırma#rüzgar direnci#spor teknolojisi#sporcu analizi
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Hutchinson lanza el revolucionario neumático Challenger TLR sin líquido sellante
Hutchinson ha lanzado el neumático Challenger TLR, diseñado para bicicletas de carretera. Este neumático es ultrarresistente y no requiere líquido sellante. Utiliza una banda de rodadura más gruesa y tecnología de refuerzo de fibra de alta densidad para una protección superior contra pinchazos. Disponible en tamaños de 25 mm, 28 mm y 30 mm, con pesos de 255 gramos, 300 gramos y 320 gramos respectivamente. El precio recomendado es de 59,99€. Conozca más sobre las características, beneficios y pruebas del neumático Challenger TLR en este artículo. Hutchinson presenta el neumático Challenger TLR Hutchinson ha lanzado al mercado el innovador neumático Challenger TLR, diseñado específicamente para bicicletas de carretera. Este neumático ha sido diseñado con tecnología de vanguardia y ofrece características únicas que lo destacan dentro del mercado. Características y tecnología del neumático El Challenger TLR de Hutchinson presenta una combinación excepcional de resistencia y polivalencia. Su banda de rodadura más gruesa y la tecnología de refuerzo de fibra de alta densidad proporcionan una protección incomparable contra pinchazos. ¿23 ó 25 mm que montar? Destaca el uso de la goma Bi-Compound de Hutchinson, que incorpora un compuesto más duro en el centro del neumático para resistir cortes y abrasiones, y un compuesto lateral más suave para garantizar un agarre excepcional en curvas, tanto en carreteras secas como mojadas. Además, cuenta con una carcasa de 66 TPI que ofrece una buena relación entre peso, protección y resistencia a la rodadura. Resistencia y durabilidad del neumático El neumático Challenger TLR ha sido sometido a rigurosas pruebas de resistencia y durabilidad, superando con creces las expectativas. Gracias a su tecnología HardShield, que consiste en dos capas protectoras, este neumático ofrece una excelente protección contra pinchazos. A su vez, la tecnología AirShield garantiza un sellado hermético en el interior y el talón del neumático, permitiendo su uso sin necesidad de utilizar líquido sellante. Esto facilita la configuración y el mantenimiento del neumático, brindando una mayor comodidad al usuario. Con una vida útil probada de hasta 10.000 km, el neumático Challenger TLR se presenta como una opción durable y confiable para los amantes de la bicicleta de carretera.Este fragmento del texto proporciona información sobre el lanzamiento del neumático Challenger TLR de Hutchinson, destacando sus características y tecnologías innovadoras, así como su resistencia y durabilidad. Además, se enfatiza en el uso de tecnologías que permiten prescindir del líquido sellante, brindando así una mayor facilidad de uso y mantenimiento. La información proporcionada está basada en la temática específica de la sección '1. Hutchinson presenta el neumático Challenger TLR'. Beneficios del neumático Tubeless Ready sin líquido sellante El neumático Challenger TLR de Hutchinson ofrece una serie de beneficios gracias a su diseño Tubeless Ready sin necesidad de líquido sellante. A continuación, enumeramos algunas de las ventajas que ofrece este innovador neumático: - Mayor resistencia a los pinchazos: Gracias a su banda de rodadura más gruesa y a la tecnología de refuerzo de fibra de alta densidad, el Challenger TLR proporciona una protección inigualable contra los pinchazos en comparación con los neumáticos convencionales. - Durabilidad comprobada: Con una vida útil probada de hasta 10.000 km, este neumático ofrece una gran durabilidad, lo que significa menos necesidad de reemplazarlo con frecuencia y un ahorro a largo plazo. - Mayor agarre y rendimiento: Gracias a la tecnología de goma Bi-Compound de Hutchinson, el Challenger TLR ofrece un compuesto más duro en el centro del neumático para resistir cortes y abrasiones, y un compuesto más suave en los laterales para un agarre superior en curvas, tanto en carreteras secas como mojadas. - Configuración y mantenimiento sencillo: El neumático Challenger TLR no requiere líquido sellante gracias a las tecnologías HardShield y AirShield. Esto facilita la instalación y el mantenimiento del neumático, ahorrándote tiempo y esfuerzo. - Versatilidad: Este neumático está disponible en tres tamaños diferentes (25 mm, 28 mm y 30 mm), lo que te brinda opciones para adaptarlo a tus preferencias y necesidades de conducción. Tamaños disponibles del neumático Challenger TLR El neumático Challenger TLR está disponible en tres tamaños diferentes para adaptarse a las necesidades de cada ciclista. Estos tamaños son 25 mm, 28 mm y 30 mm, ofreciendo opciones tanto para aquellos que prefieren una opción más estrecha y ágil, como para aquellos que buscan una mayor comodidad y estabilidad en terrenos más variados. El tamaño de 25 mm es ideal para aquellos ciclistas que buscan una experiencia más rápida y ágil en la carretera. Esta medida ofrece una menor resistencia al rodar, lo que se traduce en una mayor velocidad y rendimiento. Además, su construcción resistente y ultrarresistente garantiza una excelente protección contra pinchazos, permitiéndote rodar con confianza y seguridad. Si buscas una opción más versátil, el tamaño de 28 mm puede ser la elección perfecta. Este tamaño ofrece un equilibrio ideal entre velocidad, confort y agarre en carreteras variadas. Su mayor volumen proporciona una mayor estabilidad y absorción de impactos, lo que te permite rodar con mayor comodidad en diferentes superficies. Además, al igual que el resto de tamaños, cuenta con una resistencia superior a los pinchazos, evitando contratiempos innecesarios durante tus rutas. Para aquellos que buscan una mayor tracción y confort en condiciones más exigentes, la opción de 30 mm será la más adecuada. Este tamaño ofrece una mayor superficie de contacto con el suelo, lo que se traduce en una mayor adherencia y agarre en carreteras irregulares. Además, su construcción reforzada asegura una durabilidad excepcional, permitiéndote explorar nuevos terrenos sin preocuparte por los pinchazos o daños en el neumático. Sea cual sea el tamaño que elijas, el neumático Challenger TLR de Hutchinson te ofrece una combinación perfecta de rendimiento, resistencia y versatilidad. No importa si prefieres una mayor velocidad, una mayor comodidad o un mayor agarre, estos neumáticos te brindarán la confianza y seguridad que necesitas en tus rutas en carretera. Precio y disponibilidad del neumático El neumático Challenger TLR de Hutchinson está disponible a un precio recomendado de 59,99€. Este precio es acorde a las características y tecnología de alta calidad que ofrece. Es importante destacar que este neumático se encuentra dentro de la gama de productos para bicicletas de carretera de Hutchinson, reconocida por su excelencia y rendimiento. Para aquellos interesados en adquirir el neumático Challenger TLR, es posible encontrarlo en tiendas especializadas de ciclismo, tanto físicas como en línea. Hutchinson ha establecido una amplia red de distribución para garantizar su disponibilidad en distintos puntos de venta a nivel nacional. Asimismo, se recomienda consultar la disponibilidad en las tiendas en línea de confianza, donde podréis encontrar información actualizada sobre el stock y realizar la compra de manera cómoda y sencilla. Es importante señalar que, debido a la demanda y a la popularidad de los productos Hutchinson, es posible que se agoten las existencias en algunos momentos. Por ello, se aconseja estar atento a las actualizaciones de stock y realizar la compra lo antes posible para asegurarse de obtener el neumático Challenger TLR sin demoras. Teniendo en cuenta el equilibrio entre calidad y precio, así como las características superiores del neumático Challenger TLR, el precio recomendado de 59,99€ lo convierte en una excelente opción para aquellos ciclistas que buscan un neumático Tubeless Ready de carretera resistente, duradero y con un rendimiento excepcional. Más en Componentes: Otras cubiertas para bicicletas de carretera Hutchinson Hutchinson ofrece una amplia variedad de cubiertas para bicicletas de carretera, además del neumático Challenger TLR. Estas cubiertas están diseñadas con tecnología avanzada y materiales de alta calidad para ofrecer un rendimiento excepcional en diferentes condiciones de la carretera. - Cubierta Hutchinson Fusion 5: Esta cubierta destaca por su agarre y durabilidad. Ofrece una excelente tracción en curvas y una resistencia a los pinchazos mejorada. Disponible en varios tamaños para adaptarse a diferentes bicicletas y preferencias de los ciclistas. - Cubierta Hutchinson Intensive 2: Una opción ideal para ciclistas que buscan una cubierta resistente y duradera. Con un refuerzo de protección contra cortes y pinchazos, esta cubierta ofrece una gran resistencia en todo tipo de carreteras. - Cubierta Hutchinson Sector: Diseñada para los amantes de las largas distancias, esta cubierta combina resistencia, comodidad y rendimiento. Su construcción duradera y su diseño de rodadura optimizado garantizan una gran vida útil y una gran experiencia de conducción. Cámaras de aire y otros accesorios relacionados Además de los neumáticos, Hutchinson también ofrece una gama de cámaras de aire y otros accesorios relacionados para completar tu configuración de bicicleta de carretera. - Cámaras de aire Hutchinson: Diseñadas para adaptarse a diferentes tamaños de neumáticos, estas cámaras de aire ofrecen una gran resistencia y durabilidad. Disponibles en diferentes válvulas para adaptarse a tus necesidades. - Tape Tubeless: Si estás buscando convertir tus llantas a tubeless, Hutchinson ofrece cintas tubeless de alta calidad para sellar tus neumáticos sin problemas. Estas cintas garantizan un sellado hermético y una instalación fácil. - Accesorios de montaje y mantenimiento: Hutchinson también ofrece una variedad de accesorios para facilitar el montaje y mantenimiento de tus neumáticos y ruedas. Desde extractores de válvula hasta kits de reparación, encontrarás todo lo que necesitas para mantener tu bicicleta en perfectas condiciones. Descubre la gama completa de cubiertas, cámaras de aire y accesorios de Hutchinson para bicicletas de carretera y lleva tu experiencia de conducción al siguiente nivel. Pruebas y competiciones del neumático Challenger TLR El neumático Challenger TLR de Hutchinson ha sido sometido a rigurosas pruebas y ha demostrado su rendimiento superior en diversas competiciones. Los resultados obtenidos han superado las expectativas, lo que lo convierte en una opción confiable para los ciclistas de carretera exigentes. Durante la Transcontinental Race, una conocida competición de resistencia en bicicleta, el neumático Challenger TLR se enfrentó a los desafíos más extremos sin sufrir pinchazos a lo largo de una distancia impresionante de 9.000 km. Esto es un testimonio de su durabilidad y protección inigualable contra pinchazos. Además, las pruebas de resistencia al pinchazo realizadas en laboratorio han confirmado la resistencia del neumático Challenger TLR. Ha sido capaz de resistir fuerzas de más de 170 Newtons, lo que demuestra su capacidad para mantenerse firme frente a objetos afilados en la carretera y minimizar los riesgos de pinchazos. Estas pruebas y competiciones dan fe de la calidad y desempeño del neumático Challenger TLR. Los ciclistas pueden confiar en su resistencia en condiciones extremas y disfrutar de un viaje suave y sin preocupaciones, sabiendo que este neumático está diseñado para enfrentar cualquier desafío en la carretera. Read the full article
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#airpolicing #wearenato #airshield #airshielding #strongtogether #piotrg...
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Nessa nova fase da pandemia novas medidas estão sendo tomadas para aumentar ainda mais a proteção conta a nova variação do Coronavírus, dentro e fora de casa. ⠀ O Air Shield tem eficácia comprovada de neutralização do vírus e serve como proteção nas mais variadas aplicações: hospitais, ônibus, laboratórios, farmácias e até em casa. ⠀ Quando o Air Shield é aplicado nos sistemas de refrigeração, ele realiza processo de neutralização de microrganismos do ar que passa pelo sistema, consequentemente eliminando o vírus e protegendo todo o ambiente refrigerado. ⠀ Cuide-se. Estamos juntos nessa batalha. Você encontra os produtos da @airshielddobrasil nas lojas da @frigelar Envio para todo o Brasil ⠀ #coronavirus #covid19 #airshield #biodegradavel #virucida #bactericida #fungicida #arcondicionado #escola #hospital #climatizacao #refrigerista (em Recife, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMwoBa0J1Ph/?igshid=j60nqp9h6vez
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Air Curtain Plane Protection : AirShield Teague, a Seattle-based design and innovation firm, recently debuted a new concept to keep passengers safe from the COVID-19 virus while boarding, called the AirShield.
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For the fluff prompt ask: 45 (Kataang, obv)? 👀
45. "You're hurt. Please just let me heal it." from this prompt list.
1.5k words. Rated G. Read on ao3.
Fire and rocks crashed down around them as Aang bent an airshield, but there were so many of them. The rebels had ambushed their tiny camp; it was just Aang and Katara and Appa and Momo on their way back to Air Temple Island from meetings with King Kuei in Ba Sing Se. Aang had immediately sent Appa and Momo to the dark night skies for safety, tucking the bison whistle into his robes for later, and the two of them fought, side by side, against at least a dozen men.
“You’ve got to get out of here!” Aang shouted to Katara as they took advantage of an opening and tore towards the nearby stream.
“And risk having to bring you back to life again?” Katara shot back at him. “Not a chance.”
Aang smirked in her direction as he easily dodged a boulder that fell between them, causing them to run off in different directions through the trees. As much as he hated having Katara in danger, he loved having her by his side for battles like this. She made him feel more confident, and they had always worked so well together, pushing and pulling and complementing each other’s every move. When they worked as a team there were very few foes that could take them down, and that was without the use of the Avatar State.
But Katara’s water skins had quickly become useless as the firebenders dried out the air around them. They had to retreat to water, and that opened them up for more attacks.
The rebels descended on them as they ran, and soon there were flying shards of rock in addition to the boulders, which acted almost like arrows. They were small but sharp, and Katara felt more than one cut into her before she got within reach of the water. She hoped Aang was faring better than she was.
As soon as she could bend water from the stream, though, it was all over. She quickly had their pursuers frozen in ice, and Aang made quick work of the rest of them once he joined up with her. Locals had heard the fight from the nearby town, and law enforcement was there to deal with the rebels before the two of them had finished putting the fires out.
Attacks like these were becoming more and more frequent, the closer they came to unifying the former colonies into what Team Avatar called the United Republic. A few rogue benders from both affected nations had joined forces to oppose their efforts, not wanting their land taken from them or their homes ‘corrupted.’ No matter how many speeches Aang gave about peace and balance and hope, these rebels always found them after. This time was no different.
Finally, the dust settled and they finished quelling the last of the flames. But when Aang noticed blotches of red dotting Katara’s blue robes, he all but flew to her side, heart racing again.
“Hey, Sweetie, you’re hurt,” he said, trying not to show the panic that had suddenly overtaken him.
“Huh? Oh,” Katara replied, looking down and noticing the cuts on her arms and back, and one low on her hip near her abdomen. “It’s nothing, Aang, don’t worry about it. Let me check you over, hm?”
“Katara.” His voice was firm, but his eyes were pleading. “You’re hurt. Please just let me heal it.”
She rolled her eyes but smiled at him and acquiesced, sitting down on the bank of the stream and holding her arms out for him to start.
Aang had never quite achieved the healing success his wife had, but after years of practice he was at least able to mend minor cuts and scratches like these. The water seemed like it was glowing brighter than usual in the dark of the forest. Luckily none of the rock shards had cut her very deep, but he still reached a little further with the water to be sure she was okay; that there was no internal damage from the impacts.
He moved from her arms to her back, and despite Katara’s earlier protests she sighed in relief as he closed all the small wounds, leaning into his touch. When he healed the small gash near her abdomen, though, knitting her flesh back together and reaching further with the water as he had done with the others, he stopped abruptly, water crashing down into her lap.
“Aang?” Katara asked, looking up at him. His eyes were wide and his mouth was flopping comically like a fish, and she shook slightly in an effort not to laugh outwardly at him.
“Sweetie?” she tried again, but Aang just smiled his brightest smile and swept her into the tightest hug.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he finally asked, quietly, into her hair, still clutching onto her for dear life. There was no judgment or accusation in his tone, just open wonder. Awe, even.
“Tell you what?” Katara had never felt more confused, but Aang just bent another small orb from the stream and pressed it fully to her abdomen this time with one hand, taking her hand with his other to feel with the water as well.
As she took control of the glowing water, probing further into the tissue there, she felt it. A small, barely noticeable change in her chi. Or, maybe, it wasn’t actually her chi at all. A faint bundle of energy that was not quite her own. She couldn’t be more than a few weeks along—she wasn’t even expecting her monthly bleed for another couple days.
“I… I didn’t know,” she said, simply. She looked back up at him and they both laughed and hugged again, shocked as they were. They hadn’t exactly been trying for a baby, but they hadn’t been doing anything to prevent one, either, now that they were married. They’d figured they would let things happen in their own time, without the pressures the world wanted to place on them. Now that it had, they couldn’t have been more elated.
“A baby,” Aang sighed. “A baby!” He took Katara’s face in his hands and kissed her with more love and adoration than he’d thought possible. In one instance his love for her had doubled, had increased an impossible amount, because she had doubled his world. There would be time to discuss names and logistics and redecorating their small house and rearranging their lives, but for now, all that mattered was that they were going to have a baby!
“It’s still really early,” Katara warned when he pulled away, feeling his excitement grow. His joy was contagious, yet she knew how often women miscarried before reaching their second trimester. “We can’t even be a month along, yet. Lots of things can happen in the next couple months so…let’s keep this to ourselves? For now?”
“Yeah,” Aang replied dreamily. He understood the risks, but also felt confident that the universe would do that to them, after all they’d been through to get here. Neither of them were supposed to be alive. Katara should have died in the Fire Nation raids and Aang should have died at the Air Temple with all the other Air Nomads, or under Ba Sing Se during the war. Yet here they were, creating new life together. New life that he had just felt with his own hands. He had never felt so ecstatic.
“It’ll be our secret, for now,” he agreed, “but I’m still going to dote on you, you know.” He stood, lifting her in his arms and pulling out the bison whistle once she was on her feet. “Let’s get home, hm?”
“Okay,” she laughed. Her own happiness and wonder, while slightly dampened with a healthy dose of reality, was still hard to contain, and it bubbled out of her as she hugged Aang again. She felt so much potential within her, not just for new life, but for renewing their lost cultures. For a new, small person with Aang’s beautiful spirit. For new love, that was already growing. She couldn’t seem to stop hugging him, even as Appa arrived to pick them up.
Aang swept her up in his arms again and airbent them both into the saddle. They settled against their bags and snuggled up for the ride, hands intertwined and Katara’s head resting softly on Aang’s chest. “Let’s go home, boy,” he called to Appa. “Yip, yip.”
Appa groaned and thumped his tail, and they were off. As they soared up to the sky, both their hearts were soaring, too. A baby, they kept thinking, over and over. A baby!
“I can’t wait,” Katara whispered, just loud enough to be heard over the wind. Aang’s smile—a permanent fixture for these last few minutes—widened, and he held her tighter. He pressed a kiss to her hair, still dirty and smoky from the all-but-forgotten battle, then moved their entwined hands to rest on her abdomen.
The sky brightened slightly before them as the sun’s first morning rays licked the sky. As they flew East towards home, they couldn’t help but feel their future brightening as well, full of promise and hope with their little secret. Their baby.
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Good news, Sam-Lha! Father has allowed the use of an AirShield within the waters of his throne room, if you wish to communicate more effectively.
You'll be able to speak in your own dialect, his translator services are much more... advanced... than mine.
We kept it for dignitaries or ambassadors from off-world, but it's a bit of an antique by this point.
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Rev up Your Engines–Why the 7Eye Churada Motorcycle Sunglasses are a Must?
We all know to some degree why motorcycle glasses are beneficial. But the 7Eye Churada motorcycle glasses? Well, they’re a different breed.
In fact, these glasses come from RX Safety’s line of performance eyewear and are one of their best sellers. They’re an oval, wrap around frame in several select styles with high performance that you simply can’t resist.
So let’s get into it.
In this review, we’ll discuss technology, lenses, safety standards, and more. But first, besides their incredible features, we’ll talk about how having these motorcycle glasses in particular can be extremely beneficial for the upcoming season.
Advantages of the 7Eye Churada motorcycle glasses
Warmer weather has begun to defrost winter all across the country. And with that, motorcycle riders are more frequent.
While you may be eager to get on the open road again, it’s important to have your eyes safe
during rides of any kind. So whether local to cross country, the 7Eye motorcycle sunglasses will protect you while journeying and give you the confidence you need to focus on navigation.
Like standard motorcycle glasses, they can protect you from debris and other irritants while on the road, while also shielding you from harsh sunlight as you get to your chosen destination.
Next, we’ll talk about features so keep reading to see just how these glasses offer a tailored, unique performance.
Now, you may already have invested in a pair of motorcycle glasses, but these glasses in particular are designed with a tailored approach to modern technology.
For starters, they feature a removable AirShield® eyecup technology. This locks in moisture and blacks out wind, dust, pollen, and air-borne irritants, keeping your eyes safe during rides.
These sunglasses also have patented filtering vents that manage air circulation–this ultimately reduces fogging. Crisp vision definitely gives you the confidence to navigate safely and efficiently while out on the road.
The 7eye sunglasses lenses are really durable. They are made of polycarbonate that are impact-resistant, providing great durability and consistency.
The 7eye sunglasses lenses also offer 100% UVA/UVB protection, keeping your eyes protected from any harmful UV light you may encounter while out in the sun for long periods. And with distortion-free clarity, you’ll be able to enjoy the great views without any added distraction.
Safety Standards
One of the greatest things about the 7Eye Churada sunglasses is that they meet rigorous industry standards. Being ANSI Z87.1 certified gives you the peace that your glasses will perform time and time again, even in harsh environments.
Prescription ready
Lastly, let’s talk about prescriptions. Because finding the perfect pair of glasses that doesn’t offer prescription could feel upsetting.
But the 7Eye Churada are prescription available, and can accommodate your unique prescription needs so you won’t have to worry about the work arounds.
Contact us for exclusive frames!
RX safety has a wide range of motorcycle sunglasses, with and without prescription. They offer the best brands and high-quality frames–all at affordable prices.
Contact us, online or by phone, to get your high-performance motorcycle sunglasses.
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Air Shield é um dos grandes heróis contra a COVID-19 nessa pandemia, ele bloqueia durante 30 dias a formação de colônias de micro-organismos, combate: fungos, ácaros, vírus e bactérias! Portanto cuide da saúde dos que estão a sua volta utilizando Air Shield nos sistemas de refrigeração. 🦠 ⠀ Lembrando, Air Shield não é tóxico e você pode aplicar com familiares ou funcionários no recinto, sem preocupações. ⠀ ✅ Laudo emitido pelo laboratório de virologia da UNICAMP. ⠀ Air Shield é biodegradável! 🍀 ⠀ #arcondicionado #airshield #cuidados #heroi #Arcondicionado #climatizacao #refrigeração #inverter #refrigerista #recife (em Recife, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMpP5XmFSUH/?igshid=or41d9y6lo5t
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The thing I like about watching TKK / CK from a t.aekwondo practitioner’s perspective is noticing the little details that other people wouldn’t otherwise pay any attention to. In other words, don’t look under the cut unless you want to see me nerd out and infodump a bunch of random martial arts stuff.
Johnny tucking his toes upward when preparing for a forward thrusting kick!! Unless you’re kicking with the front of your leg, you need the muscles in your foot flexed to retain tension and prepare for impact to your heel or the outer edge of your foot (aka the "knife edge”) depending on technique. Aiming is typically done with the balls of your feet in conjunction with the direction of your knees, and flexing helps keep that movement precise. The biggest thing though? It keeps your toes from getting smashed. (But if you’re kicking with the front of your foot/shin, you need to keep your toes pointed like a ballerina. I feel like this is a lot of people’s natural instinct when they try to kick something so it’s not as hard to train into your muscle memory as the upward flex in my opinion.)
That tiny flex on the last sections of Daniel’s fingers when he’s doing open palm techniques!! It shows that Ralph is actually putting in the effort to retain the proper tension in his muscles for his kata, as keeping that tension throughout your technique will cause those tiny sections to retract slightly.
Daniel and Robbie being perfectly in sync doing kata!! Super important for training and hard to do for beginners in large groups. The point is to train your timing, your discipline, and to ingrain the technique into your instincts so that it’s second nature and you don’t have to waste time thinking about it, your body just *does* it. If everyone in the group is doing it in sync, it means they’ve all dedicated the time to putting it to heart and there’s no hesitation. Another thing? It trains your teamwork. You have to follow whoever is leading the exercise and go at their pace, so that helps you not be locked into a singular rhythm, instead adjusting to the people around you. Also it just looks nice to onlookers when everyone is uniform lol.
The full umpire-style face gear Daniel wears is kinda ridiculous and I’ve never seen anyone actually wear that tbh, but I think it makes a narrative point to show how delicate he wants to be with these kids and train them the right way, and I love it. And idk, maybe some people do train with it, I’ve just personally never seen it. We usually shield our faces with the airshields themselves or maybe light padding if we’re practicing head kicks, but every dojo is different.
In the original film, they diversified the belt colors, and I loved that detail. Not everyone is a black belt. Wish they would bring that back; a black belt is something you have to earn over the course of years. It doesn’t always have to do with skill either, there are actual time requirements that you must fulfill to get promoted at certain belt levels. None of these kids in the current show should have a black belt certification because the show has only taken place over the course of a year, it doesn’t matter how good they are. But in the original film, Johnny being a black belt as a teenager? I believe it’s doable, especially if he’s been training for years, though individual organizations might differ in how they grade underage ranks versus adult ranks. There are different ranks of black belts too; in both k.arate and t.aekwondo we call them dan. Basically, you can compare earning a black belt to graduating from high school, and pursuing further rank promotions is like pursuing higher education. That’s the best metaphor I have for it.
I don’t recognize a lot of what Daniel does because I’m not as familiar with goju-ryu style, but I DO recognize a lot of what Johnny does because the C.obra K.ai style of k.arate is not k.arate at all; it’s tang soo do, which actually has a shared history with t.aekwondo, so we have a lot of similar techniques. And that spin kick Johnny does in the first movie on the fight at the beach? Immaculate, especially considering he was wearing shoes in sand, so the guy had no surface tension to work with to keep his balance. Zabka really put in his work for the movie and I was super impressed with how polished his techniques looked.
#[ooc]#ignore this I just needed to scream for a minute#look I am always in martial arts nerd mode on sundays bc this we do heavy training on sundays so my brain is locked into that mindset#I can't help it lmfao#also it's like 2:40am RIP me
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The first day of the Anatomy Tools workshop is over, and with it went the idea of seeing anything else of Vegas. x) It's absolutely brutal, we're an adrenaline-driven mess of sweat stains, sculpting clay and the realization that we didn't really know anything about anatomy at all. The next five days will be very intense, but there's no way that we would have been able to learn all this on our own. It's highly professional and worth every cent. ... As soon as we've finally overcome our jetlag with apparently delayed onset. x)
I look forward to try Halo Top. Your AirShield candy is already awesome. °-° Oh, and we visited the Strip yesterday evening. After three hours, we were completely overloaded - nothing compares to the weirdness of it all.
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^@! Mountain Hardware Airshield Elite Red Polartec Fleece Beenie Size Regular https://ift.tt/3ePGlNO
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TechBasics Shockproof Bumper Case for Apple iPhone 11 Pro-Transparent (Military Grade Drop Tested with AirShield Technology)
TechBasics Shockproof Bumper Case for Apple iPhone 11 Pro-Transparent (Military Grade Drop Tested with AirShield Technology)
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] – Details)
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Military Grade Tested with world renowned Airshield Technology . Highlights the contour of your mobile device by giving it a sleek and compact look. Extremely Thin Profile and highly durable due to the High Density TPU Used. Raised lip of 1.2mm protects against flat surfaces. Fingerprint proof, Anti-dust, washable &…
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Could this invisible air shield protect fliers from coronavirus transmission?
Could this invisible air shield protect fliers from coronavirus transmission?
A new device that fits on to the existing air vents inside an airplane cabin could help reduce the risk of inflight coronavirus transmission.
The simple device is called AirShield.
Seattle-based technology company Teague says the device enhances air flows that help minimise the spread of germs on board, creating an invisible ‘shield’ around passengers.
AirShield is a 3D-printed component…
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Quando a proteção é completa. Do ar condicionado até a geladeira. #Arcondicionado #pmoc #limpeza #Climatizacao #airshield #useairshield #Recife (em Recife, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP2rUpcFApv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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