#airbnb cleaning chicago
dreamcleaningchicago · 2 months
Exceptional Housekeeping Chicago Solutions for a Spotless Home
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andreafmn · 2 years
12 Days of Ficmas - Day 6
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Prompt (by @12-days-of-ficmas): i know it’s supposed to be romantic to be snowed in but literally all i have in my apartment is pop tarts
Word Count: 1.9K
Story Description: Nick Miller has it all planned out. A rental just for him and (Y/N), a dinner reservation, and a week by themselves during Christmas in Chicago. The only thing he can't predict is how the weather will be.
Fandom: New Girl
Pairing: Nick Miller x Female!Reader
A/N: no, I am not posting on day seven day six, that is not what I'm doing 🫣
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Nothing Ever Goes According to Plan
He meant well.
Nick Miller always meant well.
He had planned a whole trip to Chicago for the winter with his girlfriend (Y/N). They had been very busy as of lately. He with his writing and she with her graphic design clients. Especially as the holidays snuck up on them, they had less and less time to see each other.
But Nick wanted to change that. They had already decided to spend Christmas in Chicago with his family. And as much as he loved them, he could barely spend a few hours in a confined space with them, let alone a week. He also couldn’t bring himself to do that to (Y/N). Having to spend the holidays in the piercing Chicago winter was torture enough.
He had rented an apartment just for the two of them. Close enough that they could see his family on Christmas day but far enough that they wouldn’t drop by for a visit. A nice AirBnB to spend the week in together. It was even adorned with beautiful Christmas decorations.
Nick arrived a day before his girlfriend. He had said it was so he could spend some one-on-one time with his family. But in reality, he had something else planned for her arrival.
“Look, Jess, I have told you the plan twenty times already,” Nick sighed into his phone. “I’m sure it’s gonna be fine.”
“Just tell me one more time, Nick! I wanna make sure everyone is on schedule.”
“UGH! Fine. She gets here at three, we have some couple-y alone time, then at 6 we get to Piccolo where we will be escorted to the outdoor patio where I’ll finally pop the question,” he listed off. “Then, if she says yes…”
“When she says yes,” Jess interrupted.
“Sure. We’ll go inside where you will all celebrate the fact that she is crazy enough to want to spend her life with me.”
“Stop it, Nick. I’ve never seen either of you this happy,” she reprimanded. “Now, you’ve got the ring?”
“You confirmed the reservation?”
“Did you check the weather for today?”
Nick kept quiet for a couple of seconds. He thought he had done everything possible to ensure the night would go without a hitch. Except check the unpredictable weather of the winter. He had gotten used to the warm and sunny days of California so it didn’t cross his mind to verify that snow would ever ruin everything he had planned.
“You know they’re saying it might snow a lot tonight,” Jess regained his attention. “Maybe we can think of plan B, just in case something happens.”
“It’s gonna be fine Jessica,” Nick laughed nervously. “I’m pretty sure it won’t snow that much. I would know. I’m from Chicago.”
He didn’t have a backup plan. He didn’t want one. Nick wanted everything to go as he had been playing out in his head. Nothing less than perfection.
Somehow, he found himself nervously cleaning the place as he waited for the clock to hit three in the afternoon, and (Y/N) knocked on the door. The apartment was already clean but he needed to hyper-fixate on something that didn’t make him lose his mind.
Before he knew it, a knock rapped on the door and the nerves built up once again inside him. If she was here that could only mean that they were hours closer to a life-changing decision. And (Y/N) had all the power to turn all his Christmases into a time to remember or a time he would always dwell on.
“Uh, Nick?” (Y/N) called from the other side of the door. “Can you let me in, babe? It’s freezing out here.”
“Yeah, yeah! Just a sec,” he responded as he took one final look around the place to make sure it looked perfect. “Hey.”
“Hey, you,” (Y/N) smiled as soon as her boyfriend opened the door. She gave him a quick peck on his lips as she passed the threshold, patting away the snow that had accumulated on her clothes. “It’s really coming down out there. Looks like I got here just in time before things get ugly.”
“What’d you mean?”
“Well, snow’s already coming down hard and they say that six more inches of snow are gonna fall.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, a tempting smile on her face. “But enough about that, huh?  It’s the first time in a long time that we’ve been together with no other things to worry about. Let’s make up for some lost time.”
“I like where your mind is, girl,” Nick answered, pushing his worries to the back of his mind.
The pair lay in bed, enjoying the warmth of the apartment. After engaging in the physical activity they had missed out on in a while, they were pretty worn out. (Y/N)’s head was on Nick’s chest, listening to his heartbeat as he drew circles on her back.
“It’s a bit romantic, don’t you think?” she said softly. “You and me, trapped in this very nice apartment, a white Christmas happening outside. It’s charming.”
Panic set into him once again. Whilst his mind was elsewhere, he had completely forgotten about the weather predicament. “Well, babe, being snowed in might sound romantic,” he said. “But all I’ve got in the apartment is beer and pop tarts.” 
“Very college-esque of you,” she chuckled. “I think we can manage for a night. You know, we can start now, be drunk by seven and back in bed by nine. We’ll sleep through the whole night.”
“But we’ve got that reservation at that restaurant I told you about. It took me a long time to get it.” 
“We can call and reschedule, baby. I mean, given the weather conditions I’m sure they’d understand,” she reasoned. “Now, I’m gonna go get a beer and sit by the fire. You can join me if you want. But I’m drinking with or without you.” 
As soon as she was out of the room, Nick scurried for his phone. Calling the only person he knew could help.
“Jess! I’m freaking out,” he scream whispered.
“You’re snowed in?”
“And the only plan you had is falling apart?”
 “You know it,” he replied. “I know I screwed up by not having a backup, but I don’t want to hear an ‘I told you so’ right now.” 
“Okay, calm down, Nick. I’ll call the restaurant and have them set up the same thing for tomorrow. I’ll send out a message to everyone telling them about the change of plans. And you, my friend, are going to enjoy this night with your girlfriend soon-to-be fiancé.” 
“Thanks, Jess.”
“Sure thing. It’s all gonna work out, Nick,” she said in an attempt to calm him down. “Now, I’ve gotta go 'cause I am also snowed in with Sam and I’m gonna take advantage of the situation.”
“You dirty dog,” he chuckled. “Have fun!”
He hung up the phone, feeling relief wash over him before he walked out to the living room. There, (Y/N) had taken out a six-pack of beer from the fridge and had started on her first one. In front of her was a plate with two pop tarts, and one of them had a bite taken off.
“Ready to get drunk?” she asked Nick when she saw him come out of the bedroom. “As you can see, I’ve already started.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” he smiled.
Two hours and twelve beers later, they were sat next to the apartment’s Christmas tree staring at the twinkling lights. They were bundled in each other’s arms, a warm blanket wrapped around them. They had drunk, watched movies, drunk some more, and ate half a box of Pop-Tarts. But they’d gotten to the point where their minds were hazy from the alcohol and everything around them was a very intriguing sight.
“This is fun,” she said. “I could do this forever.”
Forever triggered something in drunk Nick. Suddenly, the box in his pocket was burning a hole in his pants.
“Funny you should mention that,” he chuckled dryly.
“Mention what?” 
“What are you talking about?” she laughed.
(Y/N) didn’t understand where he was going with his line of thinking. But it intrigued her. So, she asked, “What about forever?” 
“You know, I had a whole thing planned,” he started. “But I forgot to check the weather. I grew up here and I forgot to check the damn weather.” 
“Babe, why are you rambling on about the weather?”
“Might as well get this over with,” he smiled. “I, uh, had been planning something for a while now. But like most of my plans, things didn’t really turn out the way they should. You know, you start with one thing and make sure it’s perfect. Once it’s perfect you don’t want to mess with it. And you always do it with the best intentions, but the world doesn’t care about good intentions. And…”
“Nick,” she interrupted him. “Don’t mean to cut you here, but you’re rambling.” 
“I had this whole speech planned,” he went on. “But for the life of me, I can’t remember it right now. So, I’ll speak from the heart – 'cause I’m very good at that, especially when I’m drunk.” 
Nick moved his body until he was sitting face-to-face with her. He took her hands in his and continued.
“(Y/N), I love you. I love you so damn much,” Nick smiled. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Making plans that always get screwed up. I want to get drunk right before Christmas. I wanna go to crazy expensive restaurants with you and leave because we hate the food there. I want a house, and kids, and everything that comes with life. I want it all and I want it with you!”
“Are you asking what I think you’re asking?”
He pulled the black box out of his pocket, revealing the ring he’d guarded for six months and somehow had managed to hide it all that time. “Will you make the craziest decision of your life and agree to marry me?”
“Nick! Yes! A thousand times yes!” (Y/N) exclaimed as she threw her arms around him, knocking him back onto the floor. She landed on top of him and they both laughed. “And if getting married to you is crazy, then let me be crazy. Because nothing would make me happier.”
“Can I ask you something else?”
“Make sure you act surprised tomorrow at the restaurant,” he chuckled. “It was supposed to be a surprise, but everyone’s gonna be at Piccolo’s tomorrow expecting a proposal. They don’t have to know it’s gonna be a replay.”
“Nick, you suck at lying.” 
“But I’m great at make-believe,” he grinned. “And tomorrow I’m gonna be Nick from this morning. The nervous wreck that wanted today to be perfect.”
“Well, regardless if tomorrow doesn’t go well, today you gave me the best present in the world,” she smiled as she set a soft kiss on his lips.
“Merry Christmas, (Y/N).”
“Merry Christmas, fiancé.”
“Kind of like the sound of that,” he chuckled. “Nick Miller, fiancé.”
“I’d like husband a lot more,” (Y/N) smiled back. “And it’d be a Christmas miracle if you can pull off tomorrow. Again, you are terrible at lying.” 
“But terrific at make-believe,” they chorused before laughing.
Taglist: @honeylovemoon @hufflepuffobsessedwithmarvel @laylaskywalker
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acommonwhor3 · 2 years
Emerald Haywood x Reader
Ok so, I wrote this in about a day so please give me some slack. This was low key rushed.
This is my first time really writing suggestive stuff.
Song suggestions: So Fresh, So Clean-Outkast, Throw Sum Mo-Rae Sremmurd, and Come Closer-Wizkid.
Remember bolded words are thoughts.
Warnings: Cursing and implead drinking
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Emerald’s POV
“Are you sure you have everything?” Oj asked as he watched Emerald scurrying around her room. “Yeah……? I think?” Emerald said timidly. “Em!” Oj he said concerned. “If I need anything I’ll just buy it. I gotta gooooo!” She said as she quickly slipped passed Oj. Running down the stairs into the kitchen, grabbing any snacks she could find. She stops when she sees a picture of her father. Swallowing hard she grabs the photo and stuffs it in her tote. For good luck.
“Do you even have enough money? You’re gonna be gone for almost a month.” Oj exclaimed still looking concerned. “I’ll be fine, and besides this gig is bringing in some dough!” She said with amusement. Oj rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Be Careful!” Oj said following her as she ran out the door. “Oj, it’s not like I’m leaving the country! I’m only going to LA. It’s like an hour away.” She said getting in her car.
“Ok…..take this.” He says as he pulls out three hundred dollar bills. “Before you decline, just take it. It will make me feel better that you have at least something in your pocket.” He says looking away. “Oj-“ “Nope, I’m not taking it back” Oj says as he turns around. “Oj-“ Em shouted. “I love you, sis, be careful.” Oj says as he walks up the stairs. “Love you too.” Em shouts out the window as she drives off. “Lord let this gig be something.” Oj said to himself.
*play So Fresh, So Clean.
“Ain’t nobody dope as me…. I’m just so fresh, so clean!”
“So fresh and so clean, clean!” Em shouted as she pulled up to her Airbnb. Damn, this is nice. After a long and deep sigh, she said “Ok, here we go.” She started taking out her luggage and walked in. After some time her stomach started to growl and ache. “Damn, I’m hungry. I’m pretty sure there’s a market down the street I saw.” She said as she grabbed her keys.
“Carrots, milk, meat, water, chips, and fruit.” You said to yourself as you walked into the store. As you scanned through the aisles, you decided to get your chips first. Here we go, Salt and Vinegar. Ohhh they have butter pretzels! As you were trying to decide on which chips to buy, a girl comes down the aisle humming which sounded like Family’s Ties. “Jumpin' in that-...Summon that bitch” The girl sang softly as scanned the aisle for cookies. She noticed you were lost in thought and said “Just get both, baby!” The girl said. “What?” You said turning around with a questioning look.
The girl was leaning on the basket looking you up and down with a sly smile. She was wearing high-waisted jean shorts with a Chicago button-up jersey. Couldn’t deny it, but she was kinda fine. You thought. “I said, just get both, baby.” She exclaimed chuckling. “Oh….OH!” You said laughing finally understanding. “Oh trust me I will.” You said as you placed the bags in your basket. You both stare at each for a couple of seconds before you smile. “Well have a good day!” You say as you walked off. “You too!” The girl said watching you walk away.
You smile to yourself feeling butterflies in your stomach. Ok, where’s the milk? You think as you continue shopping. As you clear your list you noticed you haven’t gotten your fruits. Hmmm, I kinda want grapefruit and strawberries. You thought as you walked toward the produce section. While browsing through the different grapefruits the girl from earlier walked up next to you, and took the grapefruit out of your hand. She started to check to see if it was good. “Definitely take this one! It’s perfect. It’s sweet, juicy, and plump.” She said slowly while looking at you with low eyes. Your eyes grew big and your thoughts ran wild. Gosh, the things I’d let her do to m-… No Y/N, you don’t even know this girl!
“I-I-“ You say as you tried to find the words to say. “I hope to see you again, beautiful! The names Emerald by the way!” The girl said before placing the fruit in your cart. “And I wasn’t just describing the fruit.” She whispered close to your ear, your knees getting weak. “See ya, babe!” She said before walking off. A chill ran down your body sending it straight to your…Nope, Nope we don’t know them. You cleared your thoughts before going to check out.
Emerald’s POV
“Mark, you know I can’t go. I have to start shooting tomorrow and I have to be there super early.” She said to her friend on the phone. “Oh come on, Em! It’s your first night in LA, and I want it to be special!” Mark exclaimed with pleading eyes. “Mark-“ Emerald started. “Only for like two hours maybe three. And hey, you might meet someone.” Mark said laughing. “I’m only here for business, but two hours wouldn’t hurt.” Emerald said as Mark smiled. “Yes, I’d known you come around! I promise to have you home by at least one.” Mark said. “One, Mark I can’t-“ Emerald was cut off by the sound of the call ending. “Did this nigga just hung up on me.” Emerald said while laughing.*Be ready by 10, I’ll pick you up* A message I got from Mark.
*Play Throw Sum Mo~Rae Sremmurd*
“Franklins (Hunnids) rainin’ on your bodyyyyy….Rainin’ on your bodyyy!”
You sang softly as your friend slowly grinded on you to the beat. “Ayeeee!” You shout. “This is my song!” Your friend Jayden said as she started dancing regularly. “No one here is cute, I kinda wanna leave.” Jayden said frowning. “Just wait, it’s only 10. You know people don’t pop out until after 11:00. And besides this will probably be the last time we go out for a while. We have the project coming up you know.” You said trying to cheer her up. “I guess, but can we get some drinks.” She said pleading. “Yeah, but not too much the shooting starts tomorrow.” You say as y’all walked to the bar. “Whatever mom!” Jayden said while rolling her eyes. “Four shots of Patron please!” You say shouting over the music.
As you waited for your shots, someone across the club catches your eye. Is that the girl from the grocery store? What was her name? Emery no Emra- Your thoughts were occupied when your friend said the shots were ready. “Oh thank you.” You said as the bartender placed the drinks down. I won’t lie, drinking was never your thing for real. However smoking, now that’s another story. “Girl, Hurry up I wanna go dance again!” Jayden said as she swallowed down the last shot. “Awww, shit! That’s some strong stuff.” You said with your face scrunched up. “Bitch, come on.” Jayden said. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” You said as she dragged you to the floor.
*play Come Closer-Wizkid*
“Came into the game, no one replace me… Me love my Hennessy straight with no chaser.”
As I started to whine my hips, I felt someone behind me. As you turn around about to go off, you are shocked to find Emerald dancing behind you. Your eyes grew big, but she gave you a reassuring look calming you down. “Yeah baby come closer!” She sung to you as she continued to dance with you. You turn back around relaxing as you pressed your ass against her core. Grabbing your waist she started to match your rhythm to the music.
While you feel Emerald gently grind against, you feel your core tighten around nothing. You turn around and put your arms around her shoulders. Before slowly whining your hip toward the floor dragging your hand down her body, keeping eye contact the whole way down. “I never properly introduced myself, my name is Y/N.” You said, as you slowly came up from the ground looking at her with low eyes. She slowly grabbed your neck and pulled you close. You felt your lips brush, but before you could go in for a kiss she pulls away. “Thanks for the dance, Y/N. It was fun.” She said as she gave you a quick smirk while walking off.
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inkandguns · 2 years
In June 2021 I left Colorado to go work in Washington state. I left friends at my house to rent the place. Well they’ve broken a bunch of shit, one of them in in jail, and the other won’t pay me on time. This is what people get nowadays for providing affordable housing. My house is in an expensive neighborhood in a very touristy area - they’d be paying quadruple the rent if it wasn’t for me. And when people complain about having to pay hundreds of dollars for screenings to rent somewhere - this is why.
There’s no reason at all to rent to people at affordable rates nowadays. Jack that shit up sky high so that when they fuck up your place you have money to fix it. People have become so low quality and trashy that it’s better to just convert to Airbnb and try and rake in as much cash as possible. That way I can stay in a clean place when I travel home and make decent money.
My renter that doesn’t pay on time pleaded and begged me to keep the place open to him - no fucking way. I also find it totally insane that people who fled Chicago to Colorado can’t see the problem a democrat supermajority causes. Some people are walking around totally blind to everything happening in the world around them. And the entitlement is off of the charts. Sorry folks, the only person with a “right” to live there is me and I earned that right with the US Army on the streets of Afghanistan.
I’ve given about a dozen people life changing low amount of rent to pay each month. No one has taken that opportunity to better themselves and move forward except one guy. What held back everyone else? The mentality of being a victim. Marx was wrong, Goggins is right.
People are fast to blame rising rent and gentrification on greed - look to how low income people treat their housing and you’ll see exactly why shits getting gentrified and more expensive.
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jaymzeecat · 11 months
I'm Gonna Ride This Plane Out of Your Life Again, I Wish That I Could Stay, But You Argue...
I woke up on Wednesday morning fairly early (as I usually do) and cleaned up the AirBnB apathetically. Sad and tired I just wanted to crawl back in bed but we had an early check out time (10:00 AM) so there was no chance of that. Le sigh.
It was a sad morning knowing that this was the last few hours but on the plus side we did find a nearby place to get some breakfast which was pretty good (we both had the Vegan Chorizo Hash). The staff at the restaurant seemed so nice and friendly I felt bad that there were no other customers (save for a Door Dasher who was complaining about the wait for the food). If you're ever looking for breakfast in the Montrose neighborhood of Chicago maybe hit up Breakfast House.
On the way to the train we saw a heart under the overpass which appeared to be made of smeared human feces and if that doesn't make you feel loved by a city I just don't know what does!
The long train ride to O'Hare was spent with me mostly weeping "I'd cry too if I had to go back to Portland." The Funny Bunny said. I was at least looking forward to getting back to Alzee and the cats (a life with no cats?? Who needs it?)... but I started ugly crying as soon as we parted ways at the airport. It was so bad that the security lady was like "ARE YOU OKAY???" I would've thought crying at the airport was a common occurrence but maybe I just cry like a crazy person, haha.
The wait to board wasn't too long thankfully and the plane was a little nicer than the one I flew in on. I got the impression my seat mate (a white haired older fella) was confused by what I was doing in First Class (don't let the colorful hair fool you, I'm a bougie bitch) but the flight attendant remembered me "Oh, Jaymz! Didn't I just have a flight with you?" "About a week ago, yeah." "Wonderful!" See, man? I'm famous.
I had a lot of thinking to do on the long ride home and I was a little overwhelmed. I don't know yet how to break the news to my mom that I don't think I can handle a flight over 4 hours (she wants me to come to Florida, I just don't see how). But at least I got some warm nuts and ginger ale.
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The vegan meal was pretty good too. White Bean Chili and Polenta. I erred on the side of caution again and skipped the cookie since everyone got one and I assume it's not vegan. So just be aware of that if you're vegan and you fly Alaska.
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I got a nice view of the mountains to welcome me home. I wish I was better at taking pictures out of plane windows, haha.
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As we de-boarded my new best friend flight attendant said "Goodbye, Jaymz will we be seeing again soon?" I laughed and she turned to the other attendant and said "She's the quietest passenger I've ever had." She has not heard my cackle...
Alzee picked me up at the airport, it's really nice to live only like ten minutes away from it, haha.
All in all it was a good trip, I'm glad I finally got to see Chicago so I can cross that off my bucket list, haha. Ashley and Shelly were proud of me for stepping outside my comfort zone and going on an adventure. I'm also really thankful that the Funny Bunny was willing to show me all around because I know I wouldn't have been able to figure out the trains on my own. I also came away with a few mementos...
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From left to right, Gifts from the Funny Bunny: Sue the T-Rex from the Mold-O-Rama mold machine at the Field Museum and Klondike Kat & Ricochet Rabbit figures (thanks!). Pine cone from the Botanical Garden and flat penny (DNA strand design) from the Science Museum. Mug with "The Loop" train map design I got at a souvenir shop. Precious memories.
I hope you all enjoyed reading about my own personal Adventures in Babysitting, I will try to document more adventures in the future. I have been meaning to make it up to Seattle again sometime soon and visit Arizona and California again so I should really get to planning... If you're vegan and want to show me around your city (and not murder me!) feel free to hit me up sometime. As long as it's not more than 4 hours by plane, haha.
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kcowgill · 1 year
Hocrap, switching meds knocked me on my tuchus. I had to call off of work a few days. And was grouchy and irritable for a few days after that.
And THEN...
So the kids’ spring break was this past week. My wife’s been itching to get out. Since my son’s a freshman in high school she realized we’ll only have a few more opportunities for taking little vacations. So off we went!
We took a mini road trip to Louisville, Kentucky. Why? Why not! It was a few hours drive, and we’ve gone there before but only briefly, so we wanted to enjoy it a bit more. With our dogs.
We drove down on Wednesday. Packed light - only two large dog crates and barely enough clothing to last (AirBnB had laundry, so...) Everything fit on top of my car in my rooftop “car bag” (IDK what else to call it). Big dogs in the rear cargo area with a couple of cushy beds, Riley in the backseat with the kids.
Get down there, unpack, order some food for pickup, but it was dark and where we were staying had some severe weather damage - street lights out, stoplights completely nonfunctional, etc. So getting to pick up the food in the dark was not fun.
Next day we hit up the Louisville Slugger museum for the factory tour, and went to a place for lunch called Mussels and Burgers. I went in thinking I’d get a burger, but wound up with a plate of mussels. The whole rest of the day I could only smell the distinctive smell of the baseball bat factory (like burned wood? Unsure) and could only hear Men at Work’s “Down Under”* song running through my head.
The next day we realized Louisville is only a couple hours from Cincinnati, so why not pop by and visit my dad and stepmom? So we did! With the dogs.
We found a dog park with SO MUCH ROOM TO RUN. And they did! With a new friend “Daisy”, a tiny little 11 month old french pug? The bad news? Dog park was MUDDY. So we tried to figure out how to clean up three muddy dogs on Good Friday. Finally found a tractor supply store with DIY dog wash stations, so off we went! Riley went straight up into the tub, Apollo wanted nothing to do with it. Boomer eventually got into the tub with Riley, and somehow my wife wrangled Apollo into the other tub. I washed Riley who was easy - short hair, less mud, smaller surface area, more compliant. My wife washed Apollo, and started drying him before I figured out how to turn on the hose, but as she was drying him realized his butt was still muddy. Anyhow we both finally finished, got the dogs mostly dried, paid, and went to my dad’s place to hangout in their apartment building lobby which (as we’d already determined) the dogs could also hang out in. And ordered pizza for takeout.
Few hours back to Louisville in time to turn in for the night, wake up SUPER early to drive back to Chicago to get my son to his friends noon birthday party (oy!) and I slept the rest of the day because I hardly slept at all the night before.
And all I have to show for all of this are these few lousy pictures.
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My wife & kids got more pictures so as soon as I can grab those I’ll post them here for y’all.
* Why? Because I also got mussels when we went to Brussels a few years back, and as we all know Brussels and mussels is a double whammy for this lyric:
Buying bread from a man in Brussels He was six-foot-four and full of muscle
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intearsaboutrobots · 2 years
1, 17, 19, 38!
(end of year meme)
First things first, did you have a good year?
Thank you for asking! You know, on balance I think I really did! I got promoted to a more managerial role at my job and by the end of the summer I felt really proud of how I'd improved.
And then I semi-quit that job! And went back to SCHOOL! For the kind of job I actually want! And you know what, I really like my classmates and my instructors, and I don't know yet if I'll like the work but I really think I will!!!
Also I took a plane to see a big wrestling show in Chicago, a trip we started planning like 2.5 weeks before we did it. It was a truly objectively bonkers thing to do but ykw it was one of the coolest things I ever did!!!
17. Did you make any big permanent changes this year?
Yes! I got my tongue pierced in the summer - and then worked an 8h day the next day. I don't super recommend that, but it was not nearly as bad as I anticipated! And my tongue piercing is my favourite piercing I've ever gotten <3333
I also got snakebites (lower lip piercings) a few months ago! A really great year for jamming metal into my body.
ALSO i got a tattoo!! It was a 1940s design of an old school boxer, and I got him done all in black lines except the ones under the pecs, which are in red :) Maybe my favourite tattoo of them all, I love my fellow trans boxer sm <33
19. What was one nice thing you did for yourself?
Hm! I cleaned my room up nicer than it ever has been before I went a-visiting elsewhere for the new year, so I am actually unpacked (after more than a year...) Which has honestly been really lovely, and made it easier to keep it clean and organised. Hopefully setting a trend for 2023...
38. What was the best moment of the year for you?
Gosh. It's hard to choose but I really think standing in the back garden of our Chicago AirBnB being introduced to our host's chickens and given every vegetable from her garden that we would accept + all the eggs we could eat was truly magical <3
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nityarawal · 1 year
Make Peace
Not War
Kimmy (AKA Kim Kardashian (West) re: Armenia VS Azizis)
Morning Songs
Make Peace
Not War
Use Your Queendom
For More
Make Peace
Not War
Ask Presidents
To Be Different
Kind Of Lawyers
Make Peace
Not War 
Like The Gita
Make Peace
Not War
Like King
'Cyrus The Great'
Best Military 
Make Peace
Not War
Parenting 101
Why You Always 
So Quiet
So Pretty
No Voice
Of My Heart
Why You Always
So Quiet
Letting Tabloids
Tell Your Stories
Mrs Civil
News Shows Say 
What They Want
To About You
Probate Dolls
Of Gluttony
For Him
Not Me
Big Lips - Pleas
Rolling Stones
We Can't Read
Can't Afford
Data Full
On Big Brothers
And Cars
With Dollars
For Our Heads
On ROs
Writers Strikes
On Twitter
On Real Estate
Probate Ponzi
I Wanted To See
Josh Radnor's
Shows On T.V
But Too Poor
On Government Stipend
And Wrongfully
For 7 Years
Of Divorce Courts
Now Writers
Now A Actresses 
Whose Your Nanny
Did You Get Taylor
On The Black Market
Poppet Master
Dream Santa #FreeBritney 
Katie Perry
To Clean Your 
Whose The Fairy
Tale Godmother
Acting For "Free"
In Your Bedroom
On Tax Dollars
A Futuristic
In Someone's Mind
About Us
Was Always
Someone Wants To Love
Hate Her
Dad Or Me
"F" Us
Hookers Thrown
At Brotherly
By Sterling Men's Group
"Whose Who,"
Wants To Know
Our Stories
King Taster's
On Bid
My Novel
Twent Five Plus Years
To Publish
"Whose Who,"
Wants Our Story
"Whose Who,"
Wants Me To Talk
"Whose Who,"
What About You
Will You Move
Your Pretty Lips
Drop The ROs
From Your Dad's
Syrupy Shows
OJ Simpson
Laws To Protect
The Assassin
What Drugs
Make You So 
Or Is It Vegan
Queen's Bitters
Got You 
Cafe Gratitude
Alexandria House
Still Waiting
For Mommy 
And Me
Dhani Harrison
CPA Hope
The Dog
He Is From
Deserves More
Than 25 Years
California Camping
A Army Soldier
We All Want Peace
We Ask
For Our Moms
Don't Sell Another
Or Womb
Gracias Madres
My Love
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
(Americano Ethnicity in Nutshell: Born in Chicago:
Vedic French Italiano- Azizi- Persian Sufi Kings Taster- Scottish Buddha.) 
0 notes
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roxy206 · 2 years
vandergerd + "dancing in the dark" please? <3
A couple weeks after the season 3 finale, Irma & Vivian finally have their first gig together. They both do some solo numbers, but they end the show with a duet in their Periodic Table of Elements looks (naturally their mix includes the Cell Block Tango from Chicago). When the number ends, Irma slips their arm around Vivian’s back while everyone applauds
They’re in a bar in Toronto, one that Irma used to perform in when they lived here. The local queen in charge of bookings gave the two of them the main dressing room to share for the night & the two of them sit together at the vanity as they remove their jewelry & wigs. Irma has Vivian start the zipper of their dress & while Vivian removes her makeup, Irma adds to their pile of discarded shoes & outfits
Somehow Vivian is already pulling a clean t-shirt over his head, the green dress packed away in a bag, when Irma turns to find where they left their sweatshirt
The thump of music upstairs has stopped & as Vivian stares at every article of clothing Irma’s worn in the past two hours crumpled on the floor, the overhead lights on an automatic timer turn off. The vanity lights are still on, but Vivian looks up at Irma in confusion
Irma forgot to mention that they agreed to lock up for the night as a thank you for giving the two of them such a long set on a Saturday night
Haphazardly throwing their sweatshirt on, Irma grabs their phone & puts on a playlist. As they swipe through their notifications, they feel a tug as Vivian pulls down their sweatshirt so it’s properly on & Irma can’t help but grin. But Vivian’s moving to the vanity, picking up the stray black gloves that need to be put in a suitcase
The two of them work together to pack Irma’s suitcase & they talk about the crowd, about how fun it was to perform together, & what will still be open so they can grab a bite & maybe a drink before heading back to the Airbnb
A slow song starts to play over the phone speaker & Irma takes Vivian’s hand in theirs, plucking the yellow raincoat from his other hand & tossing it behind them. Baby, we’re never going to get out of here, Vivian tells them, but Irma just pulls him closer. Giving in, Vivian wraps his arm around Irma’s back
Irma’s breath is hot on Vivian’s neck & he drops Irma’s hand, his other arm wrapping around their back. The song changes, but they continue to sway softly. There’s a pizza shop open all night near the Airbnb, Irma tells Vivian. And there’s a bottle of wine in the refrigerator, Vivian reminds them
Later their pizza gets cold as the wax of a candle melts down, a slow song playing in the background
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gregorygerwitz · 2 years
Hey Alex! What's the Mouse Stays on Fire AU? Does he also get adopted from Mouch? (Because if Trudy is Mom...)
Good morning! I'm supposed to be getting ready for work, but this little AU lives in my mind rent free some days, and today is one of those days.
It is the most self-indulgent AU I could have created, with Fire being my favorite of the One Chicago shows and Mouse being My Boy™. It came about because I was watching through Fire after I caught up on PD, and any time Mouch mentioned that Trudy wanted to turn the spare bedroom into an AirBnB, my brain just very helpfully supplied "that could have been Mouse's room" and my brain was right.
The TLDR of it (because the details haven't come to me yet, just vibes and potential scenes) is that Mouse doesn't reenlist, but he does leave CPD and the Intelligence unit, because... *gestures to All Of That* and while he's looking for another job (with a clean record because of course), Trudy offers to let him stay in the spare bedroom so he can save money and not be stressed out about rent and bills and all of that when he doesn't have a steady income, and then he kind of just. Doesn't leave? He lives there now. That's his home.
Yes, he absolutely gets adopted by Mouch, too. I am team Give Mouse Good Parents, even though I'm the one who made my own oc parents for him awful. I contain multitudes.
This might continue to be an AU that I just think about fondly, but if I write any scene from this, it will be a very self-indulgent one, simply because the idea of Mouse having to sit Ritter and Gallo down and explain that Plouch are not actually his parents, he just got unofficially adopted and calls them "mom" and "dad" and lives with them, is very, very fun, and I think about it once a week. (Violet does not need to be sat down. she figured it out)
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jaymzeecat · 11 months
Hot Dog! (with everything)
I'm in the coughing and phlegm phase of this cold right now... so my brain is admittedly a bit fuzzy. Still, I'm trying my best to sort out my Chicago trip timeline of memories... bear with me.
In the morning we ventured out of the hotel to scare up some coffee, the Funny Bunny took me to the fanciest Starbucks that exists I think. It was like two or three stories and my latte was $10! Hahaha.
After hotel check out we walked a while down to Portillos where I had my first Chicago style hat dag! It was really good, we had 'em with fries. Check in at the AirBNB wasn't until 4:30 so we ended up going to the Funny Bunny's apartment to take this certified Good Baby out for a walk.
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I'd only previously ever seen her in pictures so it was great to meet this pupper in person finally. She is so cute. T^T
After getting settled at the AirBNB I think this was the night we went out to the new VeganX Market. I finally got to meet the Funny Bunny's partner (who I'll just refer to as "Bluey" for privacy purposes) who was kind enough to come pick us up. We checked out the little grocery store and picked up some vegan Kit-Kats which I was surprised to see since they're currently only sold in the UK... we didn't realize until after we bought them that they were crazy expensive, haha. Everything at VeganX was, I really hope they're able to lower their prices at some point otherwise it may be unsustainable!
They had a little food court where I got an Italian Beef and mozzarella sticks, everything was good! Vegan mozzarella sticks are always a rarity, haha. I really enjoyed getting to hang out with Bluey too, I really wish I'd had more time in Chicago to get to know them but fortunately we did get to hang out a few more times before I left. They might come out to Portland sometime too so that'll be fun. I'm extra appreciative that they were willing to drive us around so much.
The following day we went to the Field Museum and looked at lots of birds, rocks & gems and dinosaur bones. Being that I'm a bird nerd seeing all those specimens was my favorite part. I also got my first pic of the Adventures in Babysitting building!
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Childhood memories achieved! It was mad overcast that morning too, some of the skyscrapers disappeared into the fog...
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I think I brought the Portland weather with me, haha (and yes, we got hot dogs from that vendor).
After this we had a nice time in Chinatown and dinner at Veggie House. We met up with Bluey later for some awesome vegan soft serve at Vaca's. They had these bomb looking ice cream pies I really wanted to try but alas we didn't make it back there again before the end of my trip.
I can't recall if it was this night or the night before but we saw a motorcycle accident on the way back to the AirBNB... we discussed back and forth whether or not it was a fatality as the cycler was lying in the street. I think not because I swear I saw his hand moving but we couldn't find any news about it. We witnessed several (unrelated) car crashes and fender benders while walking around Chicago. Anything goes, I guess!
My city observations: How does Chicago compare to NYC (which I've spent a fair amount of time in) and downtown Portland? Chicago is a much cleaner city than either. While NYC as a whole smells like piss and hot garbage Chicago didn't have much of a smell other than city garbage every once in a great while. I was also thankful that there were many public restrooms and bonus they were fairly clean! Chicago definitely gets Jaymz's "Best City" award. *thumbs up*
Also, they have Ricochet Rabbit.
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sheeple · 4 years
Itchy sweaters | 7: Quality time
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PHOTO NOT MINE. THIS IS ALL FICTION. Genre(s): CEO!au / arranged marriage!au / Fashion designer!au Fandom(s): MCU Pairing(s): CEO!Bucky Barnes x fashion designer!reader Summary: Love comes in unexpected places and in many forms, everybody knows that but we often forget it. It can come as enjoyment in your job, brunch with friends, gifts, or an arranged marriage. Warning(s): Age-gap [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist]
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My eyes travel over the wall with model headshots. I chew on my bottom lip as I think deeply. We just need a handful of models to walk for us before the big show. It's a wonder if we can get them fitted in this short time.
I suddenly get an idea, thinking back to the fundraiser and James' ill-fitting suit jacked. "Wan, doesn't the brand stand for inclusivity? Do we have some models with prosthetics?" I turn towards her with raised eyebrows.
She quickly starts typing away on her laptop, understanding my thought process. "There are a few available at the moment. Should I send them a call?"
I nod enthusiastically. "Do that. See if they can come down within the next three days for a fitting."
Wanda hums, walking out of my office and already calling the model agencies of the models.
I also decide to go out of my office and make rounds through the atelier to see if I can help something. I overlook the sketches and see that the white tule dress has yet to get started. 
"What is this?", I ask, point towards the pinned sketch with my brows arched.
Cleo who's closed to my right cringes at my harsh tone. "We only got the right fabrics yesterday." 
I curse softly under my breath. We have less than five weeks to finish the whole set. "I'll take it, just make sure you finish in time, okay?" I throw her a quick smile as I grab the sketch and pattern.
At a free station, I place everything down as I also grabbed a pincushion and the right fabrics in the meantime. Just with the amount of tule, I can't see the station anymore. 
I start to sow the tule three-piece, time races by and before I know it's ten o'clock and everyone already has left, except for the twins.
"Here", Pietro places a plate with steaming diner before me, transferring my sewing work to another station. "Eat."
I glance at my watch. "What are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you be at home?"
"We could ask you the same", muses Wanda with a smile, grabbing a stool and sitting next to Pietro with a plate on her lap.
With a roll of my eyes, I start to eat while I look over the sketch. "I am the boss, I can stay as long as I want to. Did you find the models I asked for, by the way?"
She hums. "Three are comming down tomorrow, two others Thursday. Thursday are the males comming."
"And how's the decoration for the show coming along?" I glance at Pietro. "Are those plants able to be delivered in time?"
Pietro grabs his phone and scrolls through his mail. "The supplier said that they are on location in two weeks."
"Then I'll be staying in Chicago that week. Can you arrange some Airbnb or hotel for the whole week for us three, Wan?" I run a hand through my already messy hair. 
"Added to the to-do list. You also have Thursday a meeting with the head stylist about the make-up and hair." Wanda types away on her phone, glancing now and then up at me while she speaks.
"Saw it on the agenda, thanks for the reminder", I mumble with my mouth full of rice. 
Pietro scowls at me speaking with my mouth full. "What style are you planning to use?"
I swallow this time before speaking, a fist before my mouth. "I was thinking to keep it natural since the clothes are pretty bold. Maybe a smokey-eye with a bold lip, soft-looking hair." I wave my hands around my head to sign wave-y hair.
Wanda quickly takes notes, the fork still in her mouth. "Anything else?"
I shake my head. "No, not at the moment. I'll probably come up with something at the moment." Like usually, I must admit.
Once we finish our dinner, I clean up and make sure the dishwasher is loaded and turned on to be cleared out in the morning. 
Before I can continue on the tule three-piece, Wanda has already grabbed my jacket and bag, and Pietro pulls me away from the workstation.
A whine leaves my lips as the twins drag me out of the atelier, turning off the lights and locking the place up. I get ushered towards my car, practically shoved into my jacket.
"Now you're going home and sleep. No baking, designing, or binge-watching, okay? If I catch you being online on social media, I am going to knock you out so that you sleep."
I roll with my eyes at Wanda's aggressive caring. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I will do that, don't worry", I grumble, throwing my bag on the passenger's seat and getting in my car.
"Go to sleep, you understand." Pietro doubles at the waist as he lectures me through the open window of the driver's side.
With a dismissive wave of my hand, I start the car and drive away.
"No baking or drinking!", I hear the twins yell in unison.
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"No BaKiNg Or DrInKiNg", I say in a mock tone as I knead the bread dough, macarons in the oven and a tall Cosmopolitan next to me.
The ringtone of my phone laying on the kitchen counter next to my drink scares me and I jump up in the air. It's Wanda, she always knows when I am drinking or baking with her witch-like powers.
To my relief, it's James' name on the screen. I accept the call and press the speaker button with my nose as my hands are still sticky from the bread dough.
"Hello stranger", I say with a smile.
"Hi doll, did I wake you up?" Just by the sound of James' voice, I know he's frowning.
"No", I laugh, "I am baking. Something's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, I just can't sleep. So I thought I give you a call, in the hope that you were awake." 
I can already see in my mind how James lays in his bed, probably only wearing bottoms and one arm under his head, the other holding the phone to his ear.
No! Bad thoughts! Bad thoughts! I only know him for like a month or so. It's way too quick to just... catch any sort of feelings for him.
The next words come out without me thinking. "Do you want to come over? I mean... if you want to? I'm not going to sleep anytime soon, so why not have some company?" I feel my face heat up and I close my eyes in embarrassment.
"Okay great, because I am already kinda at your place?", says James more like a question than a statement. "Look out of your window."
I frown and walk over to the window to my right that faces the street as I peel the sticky dough off my fingers. And lo and behold, James is standing at the bottom of my apartment building, looking up with the biggest smile on his face while he has his phone pressed to his ear. 
With a small wave, I quickly clean my hands and practically rush down two sets of stairs with my keys in hand.
"Hi", I greet him, slightly out of breath from running down the stairs. "Come in." 
James follows me up towards my floor and walks in after me into my apartment, his eyes going over the living space.
"It's not much and not really clean, but let's be fair when is someone's apartment?"
My statement makes James chuckle, his fingers dancing over the back of my forest green couch that matches the wall across from it. I make my way back towards the kitchen and finish up the dough quickly, letting it rest in a glass bowl with a towel over it so it can rise.
James sniffs the air. "It smells delicious in here, what are you making?" He cranes his neck down slightly so he can look into my oven. "Are those macarons?"
I nod with a smile. "Mocha macarons. I just need to make the hazelnut sauce to drizzle over it and then they are finished. Do you... maybe want to help me?"
His face lights up like Christmas lights and James smiles enthusiastically, already taking off his leather jacket. "I would love to."
"Wait, first you need a cocktail. Drinking cocktails is a part of midnight baking. Which is your favourite?" I grab my mixing tools and have already opened the liquor cabinet.
"What is your favourite to make?" James smiles amused at me as he sees me readying the tools.
An excited gasp leaves my lips. "I make the best Necromancer! Are you allergic to blueberries or lavender?" James shakes his head. "Great. Be prepared to let your mind blown. Place your butt on one of the stools and watch me make magic." I wink at him, already combining the gin, triple sec, lemon juice, vermouth, absinthe and crème de violette in a cocktail shaker with ice.
"Where did you pick up this... skill?", asks James as he eyes the purple drink before him in wonder once I served it in one of the pre-chilled glasses I have in my fridge and placed before him. 
He takes a small sip of it, nodding content. "That shit's good. What is it exactly?"
While I clean up, I answer his questions, "it's a lavender and blueberry gin, one of my favourites. Besides a good martini, of course. I used to work as a bartender while I was in fashion school. It was a fun job, paid well too."
James hums, an amused look on his face as he leans closer towards me. "So, any more recommendations for me to try while we burn down your kitchen?"
I let out a loud laugh as the timer of the oven goes off. "Do you want to honours of taking the macarons out of the oven?" I hold out the oven mittens for James, and he grabs them.
"Of course, my lady. It would be my pleasure." He carefully grabs the baking tray out of the oven, making sure he doesn't touch the hot walls. James places the tray on the stove, wafting it with one mitten.
"Let's play twenty questions", he says and I raise my eyebrows.
"Where is this comming from?" I let out a laugh as I add instant espresso powder and a shit load of buttercream into a clean bowl.
James shrugs, leaning against the counter next to me and sipping his drink. "I thought it was a good idea to get to know each other. I mean ─ not to sound creepy ─ but I googled you and that doesn't tell me anything about the person (Y/n) (Y/l/n)."
I shake my head with a smile. "Okay, okay, fair. Shoot your question." I glance at him while grabbing two piping bags.
"Dream car?" James looks at me with a crooked smile.
"Oh, that one is easy. A cherry red Cadillac from the '50s with white and red upholstery." I show James a photo of the car. "Dad has bought one and promised I could have it once it's fixed."
"I never pegged you for a classical car girl."
I snort at the word 'peg'. Not a good enough reason to use the word. "Yeah well, I am full of surprises", I say in a teasing manner, winking at James. "My turn, favourite film?"
James stands back, thinking deeply. "I really love the Grand Budapest Hotel. The colours, how bizarre it is. Wes Anderson is a genius."
I hum, filling a piping bag with filling and giving it to James. I fill the last one and we both start to pipe filling on one half of a macron and very carefully place the other half on top of it.
"Favorite gemstone", James tries to say so casually as possible, but I notice the side glances he gives me. He’s plotting something. I just know it.
"Grey spinel. It's far more beautiful than a black diamond." I let out a laugh as I see him take mental notes. "Why? What are you planning?"
James shrugs, a playful look in his eyes. "Just good to know."
I laugh again. Good to know indeed. "What's your favourite colour?" 
He sends me a smirk and I already know his counter-question. "Why? What are you planning?" 
I bump against him with my hip and laugh, rolling my eyes. "Just answer the question, dork."
"Fine", he sighs dramatically. "My favourite colour is maya blue."
I raise my eyebrows up in surprise. "Maya blue? That's oddly specific."
James shrugs, leaning closer towards me. "What can I say? I like oddly specific things."
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airbnbfestivals · 5 years
Airbnb Chicago Cleaning recommendation
Hey, anyone have a recommendation for a cleaning service in Chicago?
Original post here =+-+= Get $20 off your first AirBnB stay.
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
Hi! I don’t know if you’re even taking requests right now. But I was reading Moving Back and was wondering if you would be willing to write a drabble on Connor’s time at Baylor or something along those lines?
When he decided to leave Chicago, it just felt right. He’d been impulsive but the decision to go, to leave and never come back, settled on him like a warm blanket on a cold night.
When Connor made it home he checked his email, going through the headhunting emails he got once or twice a week. Most of them were also in the Midwest, or from prestigious hospitals in New York or California. He didn’t want that. He wanted somewhere he could do good for so many people, prove he wasn’t his fathers son.
One from Texas the week before caught his eye, and he dialled the number. A twenty minute conversation later and he had a start date for a week’s time. It was enough to pack what he wanted to keep, hiring a service to clean the house once a week. With his rooftop down he took off from Chicago, leaving the city behind.
He had an Airbnb for his first two weeks, an apartment search something he wanted to spend time on. The two day drive gave him time to think, to breathe again. He’d miss everyone - he missed Will already, regret that he didn’t say goodbye to his best friend flowing through him - but he needed to leave. It was right.
That first morning he was nervous, stopping for a coffee when he saw Sarah Reese, a doctor in her own right, smiling with her curls pulled away from her face. They’d both left Chicago to run from their demons, and her smile made him feel at home.
Connor had never been unsure about relationships. He’d prided himself on knowing what women wanted. But he couldn’t read Sarah, couldn’t tell if she wanted what he did, until they stood watching the lights. Her face reflected the colours, glee on it, and he couldn’t help but reach down and kiss her.
It was soft and sweet, and when they separated she was smiling before reaching for him again, one final press of their lips. Connor intertwined their fingers, walking back to his car hand in hand as his body screamed that this was the best thing he’d done since leaving Chicago.
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