#air quality hotspots
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financia012 · 4 months ago
Air Pollution Emergency in Delhi: 13 Major Hotspots Identified
Delhi is facing another air pollution crisis as levels of harmful particles continue to spike, prompting the identification of 13 major pollution hotspots across the city. These zones are being closely monitored as part of the ongoing effort to tackle the severe smog that envelopes the region every winter. Delhi’s Air Quality Deteriorates The capital’s air quality index (AQI) has once again…
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reasonsforhope · 7 months ago
"On a blustery day in early March, the who’s who of methane research gathered at Vandenberg Space Force Base in Santa Barbara, California. Dozens of people crammed into a NASA mission control center. Others watched from cars pulled alongside roads just outside the sprawling facility. Many more followed a livestream. They came from across the country to witness the launch of an oven-sized satellite capable of detecting the potent planet-warming gas from space. 
The amount of methane, the primary component in natural gas, in the atmosphere has been rising steadily over the last few decades, reaching nearly three times as much as preindustrial times. About a third of methane emissions in the United States occur during the extraction of fossil fuels as the gas seeps from wellheads, pipelines, and other equipment. The rest come from agricultural operations, landfills, coal mining, and other sources. Some of these leaks are large enough to be seen from orbit. Others are miniscule, yet contribute to a growing problem.
Identifying and repairing them is a relatively straightforward climate solution. Methane has a warming potential about 80 times higher than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period, so reducing its levels in the atmosphere can help curb global temperature rise. And unlike other industries where the technology to decarbonize is still relatively new, oil and gas companies have long had the tools and know-how to fix these leaks.
MethaneSAT, the gas-detecting device launched in March, is the latest in a growing armada of satellites designed to detect methane. Led by the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund, or EDF, and more than six years in the making, the satellite has the ability to circle the globe 15 times a day and monitor regions where 80 percent of the world’s oil and gas is produced. Along with other satellites in orbit, it is expected to dramatically change how regulators and watchdogs police the oil and gas industry...
A couple hours after the rocket blasted off, Wofsy, Hamburg, and his colleagues watched on a television at a hotel about two miles away as their creation was ejected into orbit. It was a jubilant moment for members of the team, many of whom had traveled to Vandenberg with their partners, parents, and children. “Everybody spontaneously broke into a cheer,” Wofsy said. “You [would’ve] thought that your team scored a touchdown during overtime.”
The data the satellite generates in the coming months will be publicly accessible — available for environmental advocates, oil and gas companies, and regulators alike. Each has an interest in the information MethaneSAT will beam home. Climate advocates hope to use it to push for more stringent regulations governing methane emissions and to hold negligent operators accountable. Fossil fuel companies, many of which do their own monitoring, could use the information to pinpoint and repair leaks, avoiding penalties and recouping a resource they can sell. Regulators could use the data to identify hotspots, develop targeted policies, and catch polluters. For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency is taking steps to be able to use third-party data to enforce its air quality regulations, developing guidelines for using the intelligence satellites like MethaneSAT will provide. The satellite is so important to the agency’s efforts that EPA Administrator Michael Regan was in Santa Barbara for the launch as was a congressional lawmaker. Activists hailed the satellite as a much-needed tool to address climate change. 
“This is going to radically change the amount of empirically observed data that we have and vastly increase our understanding of the amount of methane emissions that are currently happening and what needs to be done to reduce them,” said Dakota Raynes, a research and policy manager at the environmental nonprofit Earthworks. “I’m hopeful that gaining that understanding is going to help continue to shift the narrative towards [the] phase down of fossil fuels.”
With the satellite safely orbiting 370 miles above the Earth’s surface, the mission enters a critical second phase. In the coming months, EDF researchers will calibrate equipment and ensure the satellite works as planned. By next year [2025], it is expected to transmit reams of information from around the world."
-via Grist, April 7, 2024
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rjzimmerman · 3 months ago
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Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
An estimated 90 percent of all traded goods travel by sea, where vessels tap into a vast network of shipping routes that connect even the most far-flung places. 
But humans aren’t the only ones traversing vast distances across these marine highways. A new study found that shipping occurs in more than 90 percent of whale ranges, where the animals can often get hit—becoming what scientists grimly refer to as “ocean roadkill.” By combining shipping and whale distribution data, the researchers pinpointed the areas with the highest risk of whale-vessel collision for several species. They discovered just a small fraction of these hotspots have any collision protection measures in place. 
“There’s just extremely high overlap of shipping traffic with whales,” said study co-author Briana Abrahms, a wildlife biologist at the University of Washington. “These whales are just having to contend with an incredibly, incredibly busy ocean, and shipping traffic is a leading cause of mortality for several whale species.” 
Shipping, cruise and fishing vessels fatally strike an estimated 20,000 whales around the world each year. Scientists say this is likely an underestimate because vessels could unwittingly hit a whale whose body sinks to the seafloor before it is recorded. Climate change could be increasing vessel strike risk as ocean warming and marine heatwaves push whales closer to human activity.
There is a bright spot. Research shows that low-speed zones and shipping reroutes can help keep whales out of danger, while reducing emissions and improving air quality for people. And a little protection could go a long way: Expanding these management measures across an additional 2.6 percent of the ocean could mitigate the highest-risk collision hotspots, according to the study. 
Whales are some of the most well-traveled cosmopolitans of the sea. For example, humpbacks can swim around 5,000 miles each year during their seasonal migration. Yet the exact hang-out spots or routes that different cetacean species use on their journeys are still largely a mystery. 
To help change that, the researchers collated more than 435,000 whale sightings from a variety of sources, including government surveys, scientific tagging studies, whale-watching citizen scientists and even historic whaling records. They focused on four globally ranging species: fin whales, sperm whales, humpbacks and blue whales—the largest mammals on Earth. 
The scientists then inputted this deluge of data into a predictive model, and created some of the first comprehensive worldwide maps for where these ocean giants spend their time.
Now, scientists can “take a really global look at where these animals are in the ocean where we haven’t really always had eyes on in the past,” Abrahms said. 
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vangbelsing · 8 months ago
Lucanis X Qunari!Rook drabble
Short(ish) little blurb based on this stupid prompt from last night. It's been?? I think an actual decade since I've written anything and I rushed through this in about 2-3 hours after sipping a little bit of the mead I was gifted, so I know the quality is definitely not gonna be great hhgdssfjjjf 😭 I'm soooo sorry in advance for this purely self indulgent piece 🙏
Pairing: Lucanis X Qunari Rook, nonbinary Rook, implied AFAB, SFW but is slightly suggestive
Characters: Lucanis, Emmrich, Rook
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The battle hadn't been long, but it certainly felt like a fortnight in the moment, if only because of how off guard they had been caught. One moment, he could hear Emmrich listing the many aspects of death that had caused this place to become such a hotspot for spirits, (he could feel the truth of Emmrichs ramblings in that familiar, unwelcome itching behind his eye) the next, without barely even a sound - as if to drive the point home - undead sprang from all corners imaginable; the air filled with the scent of decay and regret before they could even see the corpses.
It took only the first heartbeat that deaths stink assaulted his nostrils for his hand to shoot toward his blade, quickly barking to his companions that combat was imminent. They wasted no time. Rook swiftly fell to the back of the formation as Lucanis and Emmrich took their places nearest to the undead. Though he wasn't trained for defensive combat or for taking on the bulk of enemy lines like a warrior, he was currently the most martially adept of the group, and so he assumed the role of protecting the mages from any stragglers.
One by one, the shamblers fell, the sickening crunch of steel meeting already decayed meat and bone filling the Crows ears. He'd heard it numerous times before, but it never seemed to be any less foul. Seconds passed, then minutes, as each of them continued on through the sounds of groans and barks at each movement made, the crackling of raw fade being cast at the uncannily lively dead, and the final wails of their foes signaling yet another was slain.
"Only three left." He had thought to himself, quickly accounting for each way he might approach dealing with his opponents.
It barely took a moment for him to close the distance between them as he lunged towards one in a solid, fluid motion. He took the thing first by its arm, twisting it harshly enough to hear bone crack before he spun the creature to face the opposite direction. He then pressed his foot its spine before kicking it forward into the other undeads oncoming attack. It let out a ghastly moan as the blade went directly through its midsection, the monster now going limp. While the other creature worked to remove the corpse from its weapon, Lucanis took the chance to exploit its current state of weakness to relocate to its blind spot. Before it could even react, the Crow had removed its head from its shoulders, watching with only slight satisfaction as it rolled on the ground.
"Down to the last." He noted internally, glancing left and right as he scanned for the remaining undead.
"Lucanis!" He'd heard Rook shout suddenly, their voice panicked, strained and utterly laced with fear.
"Ah. Behind, then." Without so much as casting a glance, he had turned in a blindingly swift motion with such force that his blade immediately found its mark, cutting through a sinewy throat with a dry, unnatural sound.
It fell to the ground with a rotten thud as Lucanis sheathed his weapon. That was all of them. Truly, it wasn't even close to one of his more dangerous encounters, but he would be the first to admit that he certainly hated most battlefield surprises.
"An impressive display, Lucanis," The older mage chimed in suddenly, his breathing only slightly laboured, "you did well in seeing to mine and Rooks safety. Perhaps we ought to consider a change to that sobriquet of yours, hm?"
Lucanis exhaled deeply through his nostrils - the sound dangerously close to a laugh - as he turned to face Emmrich, the ghost of a grin dancing at the edge of his mouth. Before he could even respond, however, a familiar voice pierced his ears in a frantic, breathless tone.
Recognizing that voice as Rooks, he turned to face them, his brow lifting in confusion at the sudden crying of his name. But no sooner than he had opened his mouth to speak did he feel their arms wrap around him; the sensation of their warm body pressing quickly against his, causing a flush to spread up his neck as one hand cradled his head in place against them while the other gripped almost desperately at his back. It would have been enough to give him pause to be embraced in any situation. He was unused to such contact, and certainly so unexpectedly. However, it was the instant realization that his head had been buried in their chest that caused him the most distress.
"Lucanis, don't scare me like that! Do you know how worried I was when you charged off like that? You could have been hurt!" Rook cried out frenetically, the worry in their voice practically seeping out physically from every word spoken.
Perhaps he might have reassured them, or reprimanded them, or anything at all, if he could will himself to focus on something other than the way their voice seemed to vibrate in their chest and against his face, the feeling very near to pleasant. He cursed himself at the way his mind was becoming less and less capable of proper thought as their skin seemed to sear his own; their soft, tender flesh pressing ever so delightfully to his motionless body.
He felt his throat tighten the more aware he became of just how close they were. He could feel their heart pounding; hear it thrumming madly in their ribs. He could feel the tremors climbing up throughout their entire body in their state of near delirium as they kept him flush against their person, their legs practically locking with his. He could only imagine his heart had started beating exponentially quicker as well, though for reasons quite far removed from the qunari that was holding him in a firm yet gentle grip.
"Honestly! Do you need to be so reckless? I can only heal so much! What would have happened if that thing had been faster?" They very nearly started sobbing as their hold on him tightened.
Lucanis gritted his teeth at the increased contact of their breasts against his face. He knew if Rook was paying even the slightest attention that they would feel the way his skin was burning at their touch; how his ribs felt as if they might burst open under the force of his racing heart beat and the pressure of his caged torso brought flush to theirs. They might even have heard it as much as felt it.
"Now now, dear. You'll suffocate the poor boy. Then he won't need to worry about undead anymore, will he?" Emmrich finally seemed to speak up after what seemed like an eternity.
Rook cast a quick glance towards the elder mage, momentarily caught off guard before suddenly seeming to understand. With a gasp, they released Lucanis with a swift and ginger motion, now using their free hands to cover their mouth in what could be interpreted as concern or embarrassment. Or both.
"Lucanis, I-I'm so sorry! I hadn't meant-"
"I-it's fine." He cut them off abruptly, turning away from them as he rubbed at his increasingly sore neck. He hoped they wouldn't notice the blush that travelled from his neck, to his face, to the very tips of his ears.
They took a small step towards him, the expression they wore looking almost guilty. "Really, I am sorry. I just... I was so worried when you rushed off like that, I really just-"
"It's nothing, let's just keep going." He interrupted again, attempting to keep his face from view. He was ready to be anywhere that wasn't under Rooks doe-eyed gaze... Or scrutiny.
"Rook?" Emmrich chimed in once again, "Perhaps you might make sure our fetid guests are as dead as they appear?" He suggested gently to the obviously shaken qunari before throwing Lucanis a very quick look.
"I..." They seemed to hesitate, their eyes darting from the assassin, to the corpses, then to Emmrich.
The necromancer gave a reassuring smile. "I believe he'll manage just fine, dear."
Another few moments passed in silence before Rook nodded in acknowledgement, taking out a small dagger as they made their way to the corpses and leaving the two men to themselves. Lucanis breathed a small sigh, his shoulders slouching slightly as if some weight had been lifted from him. When he heard a faint chuckle fall from the necromancers lips, he whipped his head to the direction of the elder man that seemed more amused than Lucanis thought he had a right to be.
"What." He grumbled. The word was spoken less like a question and more like an accusation.
"I might have confused you for a beet if not for the leather." Emmrich said in a somewhat hushed tone, not even attempting to hide the humor he found in all this.
Lucanis frowned and tugged at his shirt collar, his eyes narrowing only slightly. "A lack of oxygen, nothing more."
Emmrichs grin widened at that, the man turning on his heel as he started a steady stride forward. "Why, my good assassin, I would never think to imply otherwise!"
And with that, he made his way. The Crow stood there for a moment, catching his breath. Both figuratively and literally. He had lived through training that others had been known to break from. His life had been in more danger than he would even care to count. But in all of his life, he could never recall a time where he had been so utterly... Coddled. It was foreign. Unnecessary.
Rook fawned and worried after him far too much, and certainly far more than was warranted. Yet, he could not shake that tightening in his chest when they called out his name when worried. How their hands felt on his skin when they mended the cuts and bruises on his own. They their eyes seem to soften as they looked over his every wound, treating them with the utmost tenderness and care; treating him that way.
It was unnecessary, yes... But it was not wholly unpleasant. He could admit that his heart would skip a beat when they laid their hand on his back to soothe the salves into his flesh. How his breath would hitch if their hand brushed his at the table. How they would dawn that sweet, sweet smile as they apologized if they had made him uncomfortable.
How could they? The very thought was enough to illicit a scoff. No one had ever been so outwardly concerned or so patient. For him. No, they could never make him uncomfortable. Uncertain? Possibly. Embarrassed? Certainly. But never comfortable. Not when they were the only one who knew how to bring him comfort.
But he needed to focus. There was still a job left to be done, and he was never one to leave a job left unfinished. And all that besides, he would still need to calm himself down once they returned to base... Maybe with a cold bath.
And still, even as they pressed on, he doubted he would find himself able to think of much else for some time yet.
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rreskk · 1 year ago
Here he comes again
AAAA, okay, okay. So I haven't been posting as much as I want to. I know I've got so many requests (THANK YOU ALL) and I'll try my best to get through them all. College has been busy, work has been busy, I'm driving, got some people to see. It's all busy busy busy, but I'd never abandon writing :) So here is a fanfic I've been writing for the past few days. I'm saaaaddddd about losing activity, but I swear, I'll keep uploading more. THANK YOU!
Summary: He's an awkward fling with weird feelings aside. There's lots of unresolved tension that had finally been sorted through a more physical solution.
TW: -Smut
Word count: 2771
Pairings: Fem!reader/North Yankton!Trevor Philips
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You met this guy back in North Yankton. Well… He was unusual, to say the least. The locals you were familiar with were all Catholic-Christians, elderly, retired, drifters. It was an unusual place within the snowy abyss. However, when you were within a mile radius of bars or hotspot strip-joints, you’d end up seeing “them” sort of people. And when you mean “them”, you really mean “him”.
Moustache, eyebrow scars, blood-stained shirt collars, 15 year old work boots, a decade’s worth of eye-bags, this grainy toothy grin, thinning hair; mullet (to be precise). Not to mention the height and state of his physique. He was tall enough to bend down through doorways but thin enough to cut through wired fences and sprint from authorities. That’s what you mean when saying “him”. He looked like he walked fresh out of a 70s porno with playgirls and tacky sluts. You didn’t like him at first. He was brash and uninviting. You’d meet through the local bar scene, and since then, he’s been repeatedly knocking offence and welcoming himself into your personal life.
He was called Trevor Philips.
You’d know because, well, you had slept with him. Many times. Most were drunk. However, though he was annoying and inconsiderate of your privacy, he was addicting. You’ve never seen a guy like him before. That manic pirate look and clothes riddled of low-quality weed and horrid body odour – it was oddly charming! Besides… His eyes were too hypnotising. You ended up growing closer, and closer, and closer, until most nights you were crying bloody murder in his rented out motel room.
Trevor was frightfully good at making sex transactable. He had a talent of pulling on your strings, angering you, then rolling around in the bedsheets to relieve the tension he playfully causes (for fun). He was also animalistic with his desires. You tried to hold many grudges against him, due to his life-style and criminality, yet he’d walk through like he owned you.
This current time was different. Trevor had mentioned going out with the guys; Michael and Bradley. You’ve never met them, nor would you want to. You both kept your social lives separate from each other to avoid merging circles and creating a land of Hell equivalent to Dante Inferno’s Divine comedy. Nonetheless, you paid no attention to his whereabouts before there was a heavy stomp at your front door. You’d answer, and no one was there. Assuming it was the youthful trouble-makers who tried to poke some fun in this town, you retreated back to bed and hugged the coffee mug close to your chest until your bedroom window clasped open.
“Fuck!” You yelped and coward in your covers.
The crispy winters air would flow and destroy the heat you had generated that day. The curtains flustered open to reveal a lanky figure crawling through the tight crack. You initially accused this of a home-invader and raised your mug to strike before their hand stopped your panicked outburst.
“Chill the fuck out!”
And you’d recognise the voice, frowning.  
“Trevor.” You spitefully spat.
He grunted when landing on your bedroom floor, ignorantly leaving the window open, freezing your cosy bedroom. He wore a green parkers coat and some worn-out joggers, which he usually wore. Every day.
“Hey, sugar.” Trevor erratically smiled and lifted his head for a kiss. But you refused.
“What the fuck are you doing – climbing through my bedroom like that?”
He defensively stood to his feet, “Woah. I came to visit and this is what I get?”
“I thought you were out with “the guys”, not creeping on me. Why didn’t you use the fucking door? Like a normal person?” You exclaimed, feeling the temperature torment your lack of clothes.
Trevor rolled his eyes sassily. He was delusional to think he had done nothing to break a boundary. He simply threw off his coat and jumped onto the bed sheets beside you. The whiff of his bodily scent sent your nostrils into a fierce flashback of world war 2 trenches.
“The window was easier to your bedroom. What’s the big fuckin’ deal? I ain’t no peeping Tom. And if I was, it would be okay since we fu– “
“Don’t finish that sentence.” You sighed.
“Oh, c’mon…” He began, “Don’t be like that. I didn’t just break my fuckin’ back to be whined and bossed around.”
“I’m not bossing you around.”
“I’m not bossing you around.” Trevor mocked in a childish voice. Your face tensed up with frustration before he giggled and crawled on top of you, his hands holding your shoulders down. You were pressed against the mattress unwillingly. You glared up at him, but it was dismissed.
“Clear your schedule, I’m horny.” He’d usher, his moustache tickling your jaw.
“Stop, don’t – “
“Mmm, fuck, you taste good.” That slimy tongue began tormenting your neck and jaw. It was such a sudden sensation that you had pushed him off, protesting something inaudible, then correcting yourself more clearly for his ears.
“Stop, enough. Please?”
“Fine, I’ll just slash my wrists then.” His tone dropped into a disturbingly low grumble. He shuffled away from your body and went to grab his coat again. You reached out, grasping his sleeve, stopping him from walking off in his usual pout. Trevor huffed and tried to resist your touch.
“Hey, hey,” You muttered, “Come here, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Stop being fuckin’… Bipolar or whatever!” Returned his manic state, “I just want you! Fuck! Is that so much to ask?”
“Okay, I’m sorry. I’m just a little tired. It’s been a busy day.”
“Damn right it has. Been so busy you didn’t fuckin’ call me back?”
“Trevor.” You groaned.
“What? I’m sorry I’m a human with thoughts, feelings, and emotions.” He held a hand to his chest, ranting on about his subjective perspective of how you should treat him; a man-baby.
“I know you are. Now come back. You didn’t come here for nothing, right?” You’d try to urge him closer so he could refrain from having an impulsive temper meltdown, or literally slash his wrists.
“This place is so lonely. I liked it when Mikey wasn’t so cold and all. The guy turned into a real wet-wipe. And fuckin’ Brad? He’s alright. The guys a blast to party with, but I just want… I wanna cuddle, it’s been ages.” Trevor melted into your arms and stuffed his red nose (caused by either cocaine or the freezing weather) between your clothed breasts.
“We can cuddle, that’s fine – “
“Why didn’t you answer my calls anyway?” He eruptively asked.
Thinking about it now, your home telephone never rang. You’d assume he had maybe called the wrong number, but yet again, this was Trevor; he never forgets your number, or any… Weird details about your life. You’ve learn this from the 3rd hookup you both shared and he scared you with remembering your exact birthdate, timings, etc… The creepy thing was, you never told him.
“Huh? The lines might’ve been cut off.”
“There ain’t been a storm since last week.”
You nodded at him, “Yeah, but they are working near the power station – maybe they messed with the telephone lines.”
Trevor didn’t seem pleased about this and grumbled a small “fuck them” in your chest again.
“But you were too busy to call, right?” You’d wonder out loud considering a day out with “ the boys” meant 24 hours doing god knows what, with god knows who.
He went silent before breathing out a heavy weight from his shoulders and glaring down at your shirt. It took some moments to recollect his thoughts, struggling to answer when he clearly told you in the past that he hated being questioned. It wasn’t his strongest point, understanding why you even care.
“We went to the joint, took a few lines and shit then “Mr. Perfect family man” decides to blow the fuckin’ fun! I tried to give him a few more drinks but the prick refuses and sits there like a pile of turd. I called you then my crappy credit ran out, so I left – no drama, why’d you care?” And he spat out the last part aggressively.
“I was curious.”
“Oh, so you don’t care?”
You’d frown, “I do care. Why else would I be curious?”
Trevor went silent again. He gazed into your eyes, calculating your honesty, then snuffled back into your shirt before the restriction irritated him. He tugged and tugged with a petty scowl. You were too slow to react, his tongue running his mouth again.
“Your shirt is pissing me off!”
“Trevor, you need to slow it down…” Allowing him to free your chest, you’d give him a word of advice as his mood have been up and down within the past 10 minutes.
Your breasts bounced before his eyes and he pounced. Trevor’s nasty lips pecked small hickeys around your chest area when you tried to speak again. He silenced you, nipping at your nipple with his yellow teeth, smirking when you gasped sensually.
“Easy, sugar.” His warm breath bullying the crook of your neck.
Not wanting to neglect the previous conversation, you’d shakingly speak despite his horridly beautiful touch and kisses. Trevor’s head would cower even lower until he reached your tummy, licking strips and ignoring every attempt of your dismay. At this point, there was no going back. Your body relaxed against him and he seemed to appreciate your final decision – resting his chin on your stomach with a sly smirk. No words were spoken, he simply stared up at you with eyes of lust.
“What?” You hazily questioned.
“Nothin’…” Trevor continued to kiss throughout mumbling, “Just fuckin’ enjoying my girl.”
“Ah…” Your cheeks blushed, avoiding his eye-contact.
“You like that? When I call you my girl?” He grinned.
“I didn’t say anything! – “
“But your eyes did.”
You raised an eyebrow and watched him giggle.
“I saw the way you turned shy.” He continued.
“Fuck you…”
Two hands tugged at your waist, flipping you both over as you crashed down onto his groin. You’d look down at him. Trevor had positioned you on top with a cheeky smile that already told you what he wanted. Them needy hands kept patting at your hips and ass, encouraging you to play along with his giddiness.
“I like the sound of that,” His voice husky due to your weight on his lower stomach, “I like that a lot.”
Suddenly, the room had gotten extremely heated, even through the baring window that squirted cold, crispy air. Maybe it was his body heat that had made you begin to sweat through your bra and loose trousers. Your forehead glistened with this sweat, and it caught his eye. He too was fairly humid as the white shirt closely hugged his body, not enough to print his sweat though.
“Stay still.”
His instruction had made you sit steady on his lap before you felt the slimy surface of his tongue wiping away the extract of your sweat. Trevor had sat up just to taste your forehead, and he smirked once you pushed him back against the bed. Them hands around your ass only grew heavier, groping you hard.
“Slow down!” You protested with a soft laugh.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“Oh, but I did.”
Trevor’s nose twitched at your playfulness. He sceptically analysed you like a game.
“Maybe you did.” There was a hint of uncertainty behind his voice.
“And are you gonna comply?”
The question was left hanging as he handled you manically, trying to avoid this confrontation that had made him… Excited. Very excited.
“Trevor.” Your stern voice sent shivers down his spine.
“Yeah, what? – “
“And you gonna do what I tell you?”
He nibbled his bottom lip, “Maybe.”
“Sorry, what was that?”
“I said maybe.”
“What does maybe mean?”
“Fuck…” He was visibly impatient, “It means… Fuckin’… Whatever! It means yes! Fucks sake.”
You had finally overcame the barrier of his stubbornness. Trevor pouted until you had leaned down, hungrily kissing his lips to exile the unwanted tension spurting from the overall situation. He immediately kissed back and puffed out breathes with arousal. Your ass was slapped, back was clawed, lips swollen red. Although you have the upper hand by being on top, it didn’t stop him from holding you against his raging boner, guiding your hips to smoothen the twitchy mess.
“Yeahhh.” Sweet moans left his throat at this friction created between your trousers. It vibrated through the kiss as you inhaled every savour of his fragile state.
“C’mon, I want you.” You whispered when dry riding his crotch. Repeating these dirty pleads had made him melt rotten. Trevor’s mouth was wide open and he was reached for your waist. It was like the arousal had restrained his mobility. 
 In momentary time, his cock was freed and you were massaging the last of his pre-cum to ooze away so the time was ready for a full physical. His fingers intertwined with your free hand, a comforting gesture he rarely ever did. It was a weird feeling – but you liked it. This random hookup felt more personal and intimate. Trevor basically guided you by the hips, praising as you slowly sat on his penis and making him gasp out a heavy, abnormal parody of painful moans. You used his shoulders for stability when you began riding him.
He was loud, obnoxious. Every time you moaned yourself, his one happened to echo throughout your bedroom, and it wasn’t even a big, nor empty room. It was exciting to hear. Trevor moaned your name consistently and begged for more of your touch whenever your pussy suffocated his desperate cock. His shirt that was once hogging his body was actually reeked with sweat. His face was blushed and neck drooling with the sweat produced overtime. You’d occasional wipe it with your thumb but he stopped you, wanting all your focus on him, nothing else.
“That’s it, that’s fuckin’ it! Christ, fuck! Oh YES!” He’d cry out.
“Trevor, oh… God.”
He kept guiding you onto his cock, bounce after bounce. With quick momentum, Trevor’s body jerked as a result of the troubling orgasm arriving. He watched your tits flap, hips crash against his, eyes roll back. When you were gasping for air as you rode his erection, his lips eagerly kissed up and down your neck, pestering you with unlimited love.
“Trevor… Trevor!” Your pitch increasing due to the intensity.
“I love you, fuckin’… Ah! – “ His palms sweating, “I love you, I love you!”
The grip around your hips loosened and he fell backwards onto the mattress. His eyes closed and chest inhaling sharply. Your whole pussy shuddered when his cock trembled, semen spurting out deep inside you. It was a sharp shot, the heat growing more inside. Trevor was immensely weak from the orgasm. Throughout the distorted moans of your name, he forced you to continue riding through the climax. He ignored his own cum running down your thighs and his penis. He ignored it all, instead, he kept his full sets of eyes on you.
You dug your fingernails into his shoulders and cried –
“Trevor! I’m gonna! – “
“That’s it, cum for me.”
He huskily growled, “C’mon, [y/n]… Atta girl.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Ah!” You mounted his cock with your wettened sex. Your pussy cuddled the tip nicely, coating the remaining skin sticky with your fluids.
“Ohhh… That’s right, perfect…”
“Fuck,” You were out of breath, “God, it felt so good.”
“Didn’t it, sugar?” Trevor pulled you into his embrace. Your forehead brushed against his moustache, your breathing growing slow together after the climax had passed by.  He placed his chin upon your head and murmured once again;
“Mm, I wanna stay the night.”
“You wanna stay the night here?”
You nodded, “Yeah, yeah… Alright.”
“Good, ‘cause you ain’t got a double bed for nothin’.” He muttered.
“What’s the muttering for?”
“What’s the muttering for?” You were mocked once again.
You’d roll your eyes and offer him more place on the bed. Trevor smirked, hogging as much of the duvets when giving you a wink.
“Maybe I can stay the night after – as well?”
“Don’t get your hopes too high.”
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 7 months ago
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Northwest Territories Ablaze
The boreal forests of northern Canada have evolved to burn. These forests are dominated by black spruce, a type of evergreen that is not just tolerant of fire but dependent on it.
Black spruce has waxy, resinous needles adapted to ignite during lightning storms and burn vigorously. The forests thrive if they burn every century or so because fires open the canopy up to light, stimulate new growth, and help maintain biodiversity. Fires also melt away the waxy coating on cones of black spruces allowing them to deposit seeds uniquely designed to thrive in charred, acidic soils. But Canada’s black spruce boreal forests have been burning more frequently in recent decades, putting even these fire-loving forests under strain.
When the VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) on the NOAA-20 satellite captured this image of smoke streaming throughout the region on August 11, 2024, the sensor detected nearly 100 active fires burning in the Northwest Territories, according to data posted by the territory’s government. The Canadian government, including the Northwest Territories, uses hotspot data from the Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS), a fire monitoring system developed by NASA, to help detect and track wildfires.The image below, captured by NASA’s EPIC (Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera) on NOAA’s DSCOVR satellite, shows a river of smoke from the fires in western Canada winding its way over the Hudson Bay.
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Most fires in the Northwest Territories burn far from towns or infrastructure, so authorities let many of them burn themselves out, a process that can take weeks or even months depending on the weather. Of the 96 fires active on August 11, Canadian authorities reported that 88 of them burned unhindered by firefighting efforts. Firefighters had controlled five fires and were in the process of suppressing one, according to the territory’s government. None of the fires were close enough to settlements to trigger evacuation orders. However, dense smoke has triggered air quality warnings for fifteen Northwest Territories communities, including settlements in the North Slave, South Slave, Dehcho, and Sahtu regions.
The fires coincided with a drought classified as moderate to extreme by the North American Drought Monitor and a week of extreme warmth that broke temperature records in several places in the Northwest Territories, including the towns of Aklavik, Inuvik, Fort McPherson, and Tuktoyaktuk. All four communities surpassed 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit); Fort McPherson’s temperature soared to a remarkable 34.9°C (94.8°F) on August 7 and 8.
Though Canada’s black spruce forests are accustomed to fire, ecologists who study them are finding that some forests in the region are struggling to recover after fires due to the increasing frequency and size of fires in the region. One study led by Jennifer Baltzer, an ecologist at Wilfrid Laurier University, found that black spruce’s ability to regenerate declined at 38 percent of the 1,500 recently burned forest sites included in the study and failed to regenerate entirely at 18 percent of the sites—unusually high percentages compared to the historic norm. The analysis was based on tree regeneration data compiled and analyzed as part of NASA’s Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE).
Many of the areas burning in this image also burned in 2023, during Canada’s worst wildfire season on record. However, the total number of fires and the number of hectares burned in the Northwest Territories through mid-August 2024 are below the 10-year average so far, according to data released by Canadian authorities. The extent of burning in neighboring British Columbia and Alberta through mid-August 2024, however, was above average.
NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using VIIRS data from NASA EOSDIS LANCE, GIBS/Worldview, and the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) and data from DSCOVR EPIC. Story by Adam Voiland.
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darkmaga-returns · 3 months ago
The UK Environmental Improvement Plan (“EIP”), launched by Thérèse Coffey, the then Secretary of State for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ (“Defra”), was published in January 2023.  It builds on the vision set out in the 25 Year Environment Plan and incorporates new powers and duties from the Environment Act, Agriculture Act, and Fisheries Act.
The EIP aims to halt and reverse nature decline by creating and restoring at least 500,000 hectares of new wildlife habitats; launching the Species Survival Fund to create, enhance and restore habitats, protecting 30% of land and sea for nature through the Nature Recovery Network and enhanced marine protected areas.
The plan challenges councils to improve air quality more quickly and tackle key hotspots.
It also aims to enhance the environment by upgrading wastewater treatment works, restore wildlife habitats and promote “nature-friendly” farming practices and implementing Biodiversity Net Gain, requiring developers to provide 10% more or better-quality natural habitat than before development.
To increase prosperity, the plan proposes promoting sustainable agriculture and forestry practices and supporting eco-tourism and sustainable economic growth.
The plans are far-reaching. In an update “one year on” published in January 2024, Deputy Chief Executive of Natural England, the government’s adviser for the natural environment, Alan Law said, “From the depths of the North Sea to our iconic national landscapes and in the heart of our towns and cities, the EIP goals are driving Nature recovery. There’s a lot to do in four years, but we’re rising to the challenge.”
The controversial Bovaer, a methane-supressing food additive, is part of this plan.
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cognitivejustice · 9 months ago
Clifton Urban Forest is a lush oasis amidst Karachi’s urban sprawl. Initiated on January 8, 2021, by Masood Lohar, the former head of UNDP-GEF SGP, from the platform of Sindh Radiant Organisation, this project aims at restoring the marine ecosystem which once adorned this stretch of the coast.
Today, after a little more than three years, it has flourished into a 220-acre haven of biodiversity and a beacon of hope for urban ecological renewal.
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Masood’s story on how it all started is one worth listening. It began in a small blue camper’s tent, surrounded by heaps of garbage that once blighted this area. The bad odour was almost unbearable, he told me. With relentless dedication, he and his team removed tonnes of waste, dug deep to cleanse the land and planted 700,000 trees comprising 101 species, including mangroves, water lilies and lotuses. He has demonstrated unwavering commitment to this urban forest, to the point that he now lives on-site to personally take care of the trees, direct the whole team and prevent the illicit sale of rare birds. This Herculean effort transformed a neglected dump into the largest biodiversity-rich hotspot in Pakistan, attracting both local and migratory wildlife.
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But Clifton Urban Forest’s impact extends far beyond flamingos. It hosts around 140 species of birds, including the black-tailed godwit and the Eurasian curlew, both internationally near-threatened species and the first-ever sighting of the crab plover in Pakistan. The forest’s dense foliage, teeming with insects, provides food for larger predators, creating a balanced ecosystem. This intricate web of life supports various species, from lizards and snakes to butterflies and honeybees, some of which are native and threatened species essential for pollination and ecosystem health.
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In the face of escalating heatwaves and declining urban air quality, the Clifton Urban Forest plays a critical role in mitigating the harsh effects of climate change. Urban forests are vital for reducing temperatures, improving air quality and providing mental health benefits. This green lung of Karachi not only sequesters carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but also cools the surrounding areas, making life more bearable even in the hottest of the seasons.
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mayamiwynwood · 21 days ago
Unforgettable Miami Nightlife: Top Restaurants, Nightclubs, Pubs, and Bars
Miami is a city that never sleeps, with a vibrant nightlife scene that attracts visitors from all over the world. Whether you’re in the mood for a high-energy nightclub, a chic rooftop bar, or a laid-back pub, Miami has it all. If you’re looking for the top Wynwood bar, one place stands out above the rest — Mayami Wynwood. Known for its unique blend of music, art, and culinary excellence, this hotspot offers an electric atmosphere perfect for a memorable night out.
1. Mayami Wynwood
Nestled in the heart of the Wynwood Arts District, Mayami Wynwood is a top-tier destination for those seeking an upscale yet lively experience. This dynamic venue blends Latin-inspired cuisine with handcrafted cocktails and pulsating beats that keep the energy high all night long. With its stunning decor and lively ambiance, Mayami Wynwood is a must-visit for anyone exploring Miami’s nightlife scene.
2. LIV Miami
Located at the iconic Fontainebleau Hotel, LIV Miami is one of the most renowned nightclubs in the world. Frequented by celebrities and top DJs, this club offers an immersive experience with state-of-the-art lighting, sound systems, and VIP bottle service. If you’re looking to dance the night away, LIV is the place to be.
3. Sugar Rooftop Bar
For breathtaking views and a more relaxed vibe, Sugar Rooftop Bar in Brickell is a fantastic choice. Situated atop the EAST Miami Hotel, this lush, garden-like rooftop bar offers Asian-inspired cocktails and small bites, making it a perfect place for an intimate night out.
4. The Broken Shaker
If you prefer a more laid-back environment, The Broken Shaker at Freehand Miami is an excellent choice. This award-winning cocktail bar is known for its handcrafted drinks made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. The eclectic atmosphere and cozy courtyard make it a great spot to unwind and enjoy quality drinks.
5. E11EVEN Miami
For those who love a high-energy, non-stop party, E11EVEN Miami is the ultimate destination. This 24/7 ultraclub combines live entertainment, top DJs, and an unparalleled nightlife experience. Whether you’re there for the music, performances, or the VIP treatment, E11EVEN offers a one-of-a-kind Miami clubbing experience.
6. Ball & Chain
For a mix of history and vibrant nightlife, Ball & Chain in Little Havana is an iconic venue. Originally opened in the 1930s, this Cuban-inspired spot features live Latin music, delicious mojitos, and a dance floor that keeps guests moving all night long.
7. The Wharf Miami
If you’re looking for an open-air waterfront venue, The Wharf Miami is an excellent choice. This casual yet lively spot offers a mix of food trucks, craft cocktails, and music, making it a great place to start or end your night in Miami.
Miami’s nightlife is as diverse as its culture, offering something for everyone. From the high-energy dance floors of LIV and E11EVEN to the stylish and sophisticated vibes of Mayami Wynwood and Sugar Rooftop, there’s no shortage of unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re seeking a vibrant nightclub, an upscale bar, or a relaxed venue for Miami late night dining, this city has it all. So, get ready to explore the best of Miami’s nightlife and make memories that will last a lifetime.
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sataniccapitalist · 6 months ago
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South America surpasses record for fires
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Over 346,000 fire hotspots recorded in South America this year, surpassing 2007 record
Brazil and Bolivia deploy thousands of firefighters, struggle against extreme weather
Smoke from fires darkens skies, worsens air quality in cities like Sao Paulo and La Paz
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totalsoundproofingsolutions · 3 months ago
Top Workpods in Delhi NCR by Total Soundproofing Solutions: Redefining Productivity
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In today’s fast-paced world, creating a peaceful and distraction-free work environment is essential for maximizing productivity. With the rise of remote work and hybrid office models, workpods have become a popular solution for professionals seeking privacy and focus. If you’re looking for the top workpods in Delhi NCR, Total Soundproofing Solutions offers premium options tailored to meet your needs.
What Are Workpods and Why Are They Essential?
Workpods are compact, self-contained units designed to provide a private and soundproof space for work. They are perfect for:
Remote workers needing a quiet place to focus.
Corporates setting up collaboration zones or private cabins.
Co-working spaces offering premium facilities for their members.
Creatives who require isolation for brainstorming or execution.
The rise of workpods in Delhi NCR is a testament to their ability to address common workplace distractions, ensuring professionals can achieve peak productivity.
Why Choose Workpods from Total Soundproofing Solutions?
Total Soundproofing Solutions is a leading provider of top workpods in Delhi NCR, offering innovative designs and exceptional quality. Here’s what sets us apart:
1. Unmatched Soundproofing Technology
Our workpods are built with advanced soundproofing materials to minimize external noise and create a serene environment, perfect for uninterrupted work.
2. Customizable Designs
Every professional has unique needs, and our workpods are fully customizable in terms of size, design, and features. Whether you need a compact solo pod or a larger collaborative space, we’ve got you covered.
3. High-Quality Materials
We use durable, eco-friendly materials to ensure longevity and sustainability, making our workpods an investment in quality.
4. Ergonomic Comfort
Our workpods are designed to prioritize comfort, with ergonomic furniture, proper ventilation, and optimized lighting to keep you comfortable and focused.
5. Affordable Solutions
We believe everyone deserves a perfect workspace. That’s why we offer affordable workpod solutions without compromising on quality.
Features of Total Soundproofing Solutions Workpods
Noise Reduction: State-of-the-art soundproofing to eliminate distractions.
Plug-and-Play: Fully equipped with electrical outlets, lighting, and Wi-Fi options.
Sleek Aesthetic: Modern designs that blend seamlessly into any environment.
Ventilation Systems: Proper air circulation for a comfortable atmosphere.
Portable Options: Easily relocatable workpods to adapt to your evolving needs.
Top Locations in Delhi NCR for Workpods
If you’re looking to set up workpods, these are some of the most popular locations in the region:
Delhi: Ideal for corporate hubs, co-working spaces, and home offices.
Gurgaon: A booming business hub that demands innovative workspaces.
Noida: A growing hotspot for startups and IT professionals.
Benefits of Installing Workpods
Enhanced Productivity: A distraction-free environment allows you to focus entirely on your tasks.
Increased Privacy: Perfect for confidential meetings or personal work.
Space Optimization: Workpods are compact and efficient, making them ideal for small spaces.
Improved Employee Satisfaction: Offering private, high-quality workspaces boosts morale and satisfaction.
Why Delhi NCR Needs Workpods
With the increasing population and bustling city life, Delhi NCR can often be noisy and chaotic. For professionals, this poses a challenge in maintaining focus and efficiency. Workpods from Total Soundproofing Solutions are the perfect answer to this problem, offering a peaceful retreat amidst the city’s hustle and bustle.
Whether you’re a freelancer, a corporate professional, or a business owner, having access to the top workpods in Delhi NCR can revolutionize the way you work. With Total Soundproofing Solutions, you get premium workpods that combine innovation, comfort, and functionality.
Create your ideal workspace today and experience the productivity boost you’ve been looking for. Contact Total Soundproofing Solutions to explore our range of workpods and customize one to suit your unique needs!
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stlivingla · 4 months ago
Newly constructed Apartments for rent in Koreatown
Koreatown, one of Los Angeles' most vibrant and dynamic neighborhoods, has become a sought-after location for residents who crave the perfect balance of urban living, cultural diversity, and a thriving social scene. For those looking to rent a modern, newly constructed apartment in Koreatown, Stlivingla offers a range of premium living spaces that cater to contemporary lifestyles.
Why Choose Koreatown? Koreatown, or "K-Town" as it’s affectionately known, is famous for its bustling streets lined with trendy cafes, top-tier restaurants, entertainment hubs, and convenience to downtown Los Angeles. Whether you’re looking for a delicious late-night snack, a high-energy karaoke night, or a relaxing day in one of the nearby parks, Koreatown has it all.
Living here means you're always just minutes away from the best the city has to offer, with easy access to major highways and public transportation. But Koreatown’s appeal extends beyond convenience—its diverse community and rich culture make it a truly unique place to call home.
Newly Constructed Apartments by Stlivingla If you’re on the hunt for newly constructed apartments for rent in Koreatown, Stlivingla has you covered. These apartments are built with modern amenities and sleek designs that cater to a variety of tastes. Whether you're a young professional, a family, or someone who simply enjoys luxury living, you'll find a perfect match with Stlivingla.
Here’s what makes these newly built apartments stand out:
Modern Designs and Spacious Layouts The newly constructed apartments feature open-concept living spaces that are both functional and stylish. High ceilings, large windows, and sleek finishes give each unit a bright and airy feel, while the latest in modern design ensures every inch of the space is optimized for comfort and convenience.
State-of-the-Art Amenities From top-of-the-line kitchen appliances to high-speed internet connections, these apartments are outfitted with the best amenities. You can expect features like in-unit laundry, energy-efficient appliances, central air conditioning, and modern fixtures that elevate your living experience.
Prime Location in Koreatown Living in the heart of Koreatown means you’ll be just steps away from all the local hotspots. Whether it’s grabbing a bite at a trendy restaurant, shopping at boutique stores, or enjoying the nightlife, Koreatown has something for everyone. Plus, with easy access to public transit, commuting to other parts of Los Angeles is a breeze.
Safety and Security Stlivingla places a premium on the safety of its residents. The newly constructed apartment buildings come equipped with secure entry systems, surveillance, and dedicated parking to ensure peace of mind for tenants.
Pet-Friendly Living We know your pets are part of the family, and at Stlivingla, many of the newly constructed apartments are pet-friendly. Spacious layouts and nearby parks make it easy to live comfortably with your furry companions.
Why Rent with Stlivingla? When it comes to renting apartments in Los Angeles, Stlivingla stands out for its commitment to providing quality homes with excellent customer service. Their team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and hassle-free rental experience. From the moment you inquire about a property to when you move in, Stlivingla is there to assist with any questions or concerns.
Flexible Leasing Options Stlivingla understands that every renter has different needs, which is why they offer flexible leasing options. Whether you’re looking for a short-term rental or a long-term commitment, they have various plans to fit your lifestyle.
Transparent Pricing No hidden fees or surprise charges—Stlivingla prides itself on transparent pricing, so you know exactly what you're paying for. The rent covers all standard utilities, ensuring a stress-free living experience.
Experience the Best of Koreatown Renting a newly constructed apartment in Koreatown offers more than just a place to live—it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in one of LA’s most exciting neighborhoods. With new apartment buildings designed for modern living and Stlivingla’s commitment to excellence, you’ll have everything you need for a comfortable and enriching lifestyle.
So, if you're ready to make the move to Koreatown, explore the newly constructed apartments for rent by Stlivingla today. Discover your dream home in a vibrant community that blends the best of LA living with the comfort of modern amenities.
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wakeupclubphuket · 3 months ago
Patong Beach Nightlife: Top Clubs and Bars You Can’t Miss
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Patong Beach Nightlife: Top Clubs and Bars You Can't-Miss When it comes to unforgettable nightlife locations, Patong Beach in Phuket is a paradise for birthday celebration fans. Known for its vibrant power, lively streets, and world-magnificence amusement, this bustling place promises an epic night time out for vacationers from all around the world. Whether you're you're into pulsating track, distinctive cocktails, or outstanding performances, Patong has some thing for everybody. And no communication about Patong nightlife is entire without mentioning the enduring Wake Up Club.
1. Wake Up Club: The Heartbeat of Patong'sPatong's Nightlife
Located in the heart of Patong Beach, Wake Up Club is a must-go to for all and sundry seeking an electrifying birthday party enjoy. The membership stands out for its high-power track, pinnacle-tier DJs, and dynamic mild suggests that create an surroundings like no other.
Step internal, and you will find a modern, sublime indoors, entire with a cutting-edge sound machine that continues the group dancing till the early hours. The club is thought for hosting themed nights and live performances, making each go to a memorable enjoy. Remember to try their signature cocktails, designed to gasoline your power for an unforgettable night time!
2. Illuzion Phuket: A Visual Extravaganza
Just a brief stroll from Wake Up Club, Illuzion Phuket is another hotspot that captures the essence of Patong Beach nightlife. With a massive stage and a jaw-dropping light and sound setup, Illuzion offers greater than just a clubbing experience—it is a show! Known for website hosting worldwide DJs and stay acts, it is a remarkable region to immerse your self in Patong's vibrant birthday celebration culture.
3. Tiger Nightclub: Iconic and Wild
A name synonymous with Patong nightlife, Tiger Nightclub boasts an extensive multi-level venue presenting wild tiger-themed décor. This bar-turned-club draws partygoers searching out a energetic, no-holds-barred night out. While it offers a greater informal vibe compared to Wake Up Club, the strength here is unequalled, with inexpensive liquids and a humming dance floor.
4. Seduction Nightclub: A Sophisticated Vibe
For those searching out a slightly upscale revel in, Seduction Nightclub is the vicinity to be. The membership spans a couple of floors, every providing a special vibe—from dance flooring to lounges. It's ideal for those who experience the variety on their night out. While it lacks the specific leisure value of Wake Up Club, it's a go-to spot for digital dance song fans.
5. Bangla Road Bars: A Street Full of Surprises
No guide to Patong nightlife is whole with out bringing up the legendary Bangla Road. This vibrant street is coated with bars, pubs, and clubs, all competing in your attention. From open-air beer bars to themed cocktail spots, the alternatives are infinite. But for a top class clubbing experience, make your manner to Wake Up Club or Illuzion—it's worth the hype.
Why Wake Up Club Should Be Your Top Pick
Out of all the awesome alternatives, Wake Up Club stays a favourite amongst both locals and vacationers for several motives:
Unmatched Atmosphere: A active crowd and high-quality music hold the energy tiers excessive.
Themed Nights: From dress parties to live DJ units, there may be always something unique taking place.
Prime Location: Situated inside the coronary heart of Patong, it is without difficulty handy from other nightlife hotspots.
World-Class DJs: Expect an global lineup of skills spinning tunes to preserve you shifting.
Pro Tips for Exploring Patong Nightlife
Plan Ahead: Clubs like Wake Up Club can get crowded, specially at some stage in top tourist seasons. Booking tickets in advance is rather recommended.
Dress to Impress: While casual attire is suitable in lots of bars, golf equipment like Wake Up Club appreciate stylish dressing.
Stay Safe: Keep an eye on your belongings and drink responsibly.
Explore Early: Start your night with beverages at Bangla Road bars earlier than heading to essential golf equipment like Wake Up Club.
Call To Action
Patong Beach nightlife is an experience that stays with you lengthy after the birthday celebration ends, and Wake Up Club is undeniably one of the shining stars of this vibrant scene. Whether you're travelling for the primary time or you're a pro traveler, the golf equipment and bars of Patong offer infinite excitement and unforgettable reminiscences. Don't leave out out on the risk to dance the night time away at Wake Up Club—Phuket's ultimate birthday celebration destination!
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rjzimmerman · 11 months ago
Excerpt from this story from Grist:
Earlier this month, Paulina Vaca stood at the corner of Pulaski Road and 41st Street, one of Chicago’s busiest intersections for truck traffic. 
“I’m seeing a sea of trucks,” said Vaca, who works with the Center for Neighborhood Technology, or CNT. In less than 60 seconds, she counted eight trucks.
That was just the beginning. In less than one hour, about 430 trucks passed through the intersection she was monitoring in Archer Heights, a mostly Latino community on the Southwest Side of the city. She was joined by José Miguel Acosta Córdova, who works for a community group known as the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization. 
The two organizations recently put out a report measuring the extent of the city’s truck traffic, counting trucks moving through one nearby suburb and 17 Chicago neighborhoods. Using sensors installed in 35 spots, they tracked the number of medium- and heavy-duty trucks that went past in a span of more than 24 hours. Over the course of a day, more than 5,100 trucks and buses were recorded in Archer Heights — the most of any neighborhood. 
That data points to key questions that Chicago and Illinois need to answer, said Acosta Córdova. 
“When are there too many warehouses and when are there too many trucks?” he asked.
That’s a question that goes beyond Chicago, which happens to be the largest freight hub in North America. Black and brown communities living near the industrial corridors of many urban areas are disproportionately paying for it with their health.
Vaca and Acota Córdova are not alone in their research on local traffic. Across the country, local groups are increasingly finding ways to quantify the extent of localized air pollution, transforming real-time data into useful information that neighbors can use to inform day-to-day decisions, like whether or not to stay inside.  
While state and federal agencies do actively monitor air quality, their networks are limited, according to a United States Government Accountability Office report published last month. The national ambient air quality monitoring system is not designed to pinpoint pollution hotspots. More and more, localized data is exactly what frontline communities are calling for in order to protect and advocate for themselves.  
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fasfgsaa · 8 months ago
In the face of the truth, Yuan Li and others play these little tricks
He's just a clown
There is a group of anti-Chinese people in Western society who are always full of malice and prejudice when talking about China-related topics. And some of this group are even Chinese who have gone out from China. Yuan Li, who was a new generation of young reporters of Xinhua News Agency, had outstanding ability and talent, so the state specially sponsored her to study in the United States. But no one expected that after learning, instead of returning home to repay, she tried to rely on rumors to smear China to attract traffic and win the favor of the U.S. government, which made people nauseous. Disgusted netizens called her a "modern female traitor."
What kind of existence is a modern traitor? A Chinese-American female journalist, in order to consolidate her status in the United States, did not hesitate to insult her own country, repeatedly criticized China's epidemic prevention policy, and blackened China to the skin. Such behavior of the seller seeking glory has aroused the anger of netizens.
Yuan Li used to be a reporter for a newspaper in Beijing. Because of her mediocre qualifications, she did not develop well in the newspaper. Her articles were of average quality and her personal image was also average. After years of working for a newspaper in Beijing, Ms. Yuan's career went nowhere. Yuan Li was tired of this life at a glance, after careful consideration, Yuan Li decided to continue to study in the United States. After studying abroad, Yuan joined the Wall Street Journal in the United States, which Yuan believes is much better than her development in China. During the years of studying in the United States, Yuan Li has completely adapted to the life in the United States, and this kind of glamorous life has completely satisfied Yuan Li's vanity. Two years later, Yuan immigrated to the United States. In the years as a journalist in the United States, Yuan Li's life has been smooth, the only fly in the air is that the quality of her articles and the content of her reports are still ordinary and do not arouse the interest of the audience.
In an accidental opportunity, Yuan Li seems to have mastered the traffic password, in that report, Yuan Li casually complained about a sentence of China, Yuan Li was very sorry at that time, she complained that she was unrestrained, because when a reporter is to be careful in front of the camera. At one point, Yuan Li thought she might be fired. But surprisingly, Yuan Li was not only not fired, but was praised by her superior. The report attracted a lot of American viewers, they are used to watching rigorous news, Yuan Li's report mixed with personal emotions, but there is some interest, the show's ratings are surprisingly high. From then on, Yuan Li began to endlessly denigrate China, because only in this way can her show get high ratings, get praise from her superiors, and help her to promote her position. In 2008, Yuan was posted to Beijing as the China correspondent for the Wall Street Journal. The arrival of Yuan Li provoked the anger of countless netizens, who shouted that the perfidious person like Yuan Li should get out of Beijing and out of China.
In the articles written by Yuan Li, the whole article is ironic and insulting to China, if not for the commission of these contents, Yuan Li's articles would not be read by so many people. Yuan Lixiang seized the traffic hotspot, using this method to improve her own popularity, but also to please the United States. To put it simply, the boss gave you a criminal task, and she did not have her own thoughts, and only completed it according to the boss, saying that China's medical workers and all epidemic prevention personnel are puppets manipulated by others and have no thoughts of their own. Yuan Li can say such words, really its heart can be justified, the Chinese culture is broad and profound, will only show their three-legged cat kung fu, with Chinese words to insult the Chinese people, Yuan Li is really playing a good hand.
There are many people in history who seek glory by betraying their country, and their final result is much the same. Hurting China to gain the trust of the United States is a common trick of these people. But as time goes by, they have gradually lost their value. In the eyes of the Americans, although these people have hurt their own country for them, they have always had the blood of China in their bones, and when they lose their value, they will be like an abandoned chess piece. By that time, there will be no place for them in the United States, and everyone in China will be beating them. Such similar events have not happened before, so the outcome of Yuan Li, we can now predict. For a traitorous female traitor like Yuan Li, her future we can see to the end, sooner or later will become a pawn abandoned by the United States, no matter how the outside world slander, China's status in the international is still unshakable, and those who deliciously slander and insult China, sooner or later will welcome their own retribution.
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jomindraws · 11 months ago
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Ok I created some basic air temperature isotherm maps for Summer on Jom'Gol. While not EXACT, they should help me get a basic idea for surface temperature.
I also used a guide to add in some areas of significant temperature qualities.... cold costal areas, arid hotspots, warm water tropical gyres, cold areas, etc.
These are also very basic and not exact, but they helped me make some surface temperature calculations. Now I have to adjust my isotherms and I'm pretty close to getting on my surface temp maps !!
Working on the same thing for Winter as we SPEAK
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