#ain't that ironic
okkennymay · 1 year
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I really, really should’ve seen that one coming.
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Now I hope to heavens I haven’t just jinxed myself for tomorrow, but MAN I’M IN JUST SUCH A GOOD MOOD- I GOT THROUGH MY DANGER DAYS WITH MINIMAL BULLSHIT 👏👏👏 When you got a chronic illness (or illness’s), you gotta take the victories where yah can ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 7 months
Fixing up my blog... thinking about life and wondering do we have Bodhi girlies here? Cause, surely, I ain't the only one swooning over the guy?!
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crowbird · 11 months
I'm so tired of age gap fics please if i can suspend my disbelief about mushroom zombies I can suspend my disbelief about the reader's age not being equivalent to my own, please just give me two 50(+) year old bastards falling in love no more of this 15+ year age gap I swear to god someone is gonna make me start writing last of us fanfiction at this rate.
Anyways, I would like to request some aid from the last of us fandom in terms of fic recs if anyone knows any good reader insert or x reader fics wherein they and joel are around the same age? Pre or post outbreak, au, I don't care I'm starving please if anyone has any let me know.
EDIT: I did not think this was going to get any traction which in hindsight was kinda stupid of me but I really want to clarify something since I originally left it in the tags which I probably shouldn't have. THIS ISNT A HIT PEICE. I've been a fanfic writer for years now even if this blog isn't exactly a great example of my supposed stellar writing consistency. I mean no hate towards the people who like age gap or write it it just isn't my thing personally and I would like to read fics that explore other topics besides that when it comes to this fandom. Yes I understand the easy solution is to write my own and i would be a liar to say I wasn't but I'm new to this fandom and still consuming the actual content and I know my drafts aren't exactly great right now in part because of that. What I wanted to accomplish here wasn't just to complain a little but to reach out and ask if anyone could point me in the direction of non age gap fics in the mean time and they did so thank you very much!! I genuinely appreciate it. Write what you like but understand that I also reserve the right to read what I like and to ask for help in finding it because let's be honest tumblrs search and filter system is non existent and asking for help was my next best bet so uh yeah I'm gonna stop rambling now and refine this maybe when I'm more awake and can word things better probably.
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chernobog13 · 17 days
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Ultraman Centurion Iron King battles Kirigiron!
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odybramm · 2 months
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Tumblr is a little bitch that can't handle my art.
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In any case, here's the close up of the man suffering.
And here is the reason for it:
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adreamingrevenant · 7 months
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angelspenance · 9 months
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fated-mates · 3 months
A classic among classics, we’re talking ENEMIES TO LOVERS this week! We get to the bottom of what we think of as “enemies,” and how it differs from “rivals-to-lovers” and “friends-to-enemies-to-lovers” and “friends-to-lovers” (jk, we’ll never understand friends-to-lovers). We revisit some of our very favorite romances, talk about stakes, about impossible situations, and about how sexy hating someone can be.
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sofiiif · 4 months
The more I think about it the more i realize how I am like Eulalie.
She knows many things and loves to share her knowledge with others, especially things that she is interested in. She doesn't pay much attention about many things but also noticed things others don't, even the small ones.
Someone time ago said that Berenice and Eulalie are useless to the story (or something like this) which may be true but it doesn't really bother me because they are still enjoyable characters. They at least helped Lenore at the beginning of the maze arc, revealing also a little bit of background,which may not be a lot but it's fine by me.
And also, Eulalie gives me big sister energy and it gives me so much comfort. I have a big sister (she's not like this thought, not even a little) and I love her and she loves me. Me and my sister are so different, but she is still my point of reference. Eulalie is not, in fact, my sister but she is like me, a big version of me we could say (I'm short af) and I love it. I never felt so attached to any character of other anime/story/film where I know so little about them. BUT STILL.
Oh and, she reminds me of the White Queen from Alice in wonderland.
(aka, my favorite chacter)
(don't count "Alice throught the looking glass" that movie is...I don't like it)
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cryoflovver · 2 years
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hand of god, at your service 😇 ✨✨
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zodiac-senpai · 8 months
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Sorry girls, Kirito likes:
99% MEN
1% Best girl (fujoshi) Asuna
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breitzbachbea · 1 month
I should get more familiar with the troubles of the late republic and pick an era for my res publica AU. Like idk even in WHAT civil war these clowns dies, but it would be positively hilarious to have all these drabbles that make them seem like political masterminds and the talk of the town ... and then we get them placed next to ACTUAL power of historical figures and they're the lowest on anyone's list.
But for that I would have to give everyone a latin name and uuuuugggghhhhhh.
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berryshipbasket · 2 months
Some of my favourite Jim.iny merch that I hope I can own one day...
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And honourable mention.... The Jim.iny mug.
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Proship / Exclusionists DNI
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chernobog13 · 10 days
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The four stars of the first six episodes of Ultraman Centurion Iron King: Shoji Ishibashi as Gentaro Shizuka; Iron King himself (suit actor Hisashi Kato); Mitsuo Hamada as the comical Goro Kirishima, who is actually Iron King's secret identity; and Chieko Morikawa as Yukiko Takamura.
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simplegenius042 · 2 months
WIP Folder Game
Tagged by @aceghosts and @adelaidedrubman
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @derelictheretic @strafethesesinners @strangefable @cassietrn @turbo-virgins @g0dspeeed @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @carlosoliveiraa @corvosattano @shellibisshe @titiagls @nightbloodbix @onehornedbeast @voidika @afarcryfrommymain @gaeadene @henbased @cloudofbutterflies92 @wrathfulrook @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @minilev @inafieldofdaisies @florbelles @yokobai @shallow-gravy @softtidesworld @snake-in-the-garden @skoll-sun-eater and @justasmolbard + anyone else who wishes to join in.
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I've only selected a few, and you can find the WIP names under the cut:
The UnTitledverse
Jurassic World: Before The Storm
A Blast In The Past
The Tale Of Mario Emmet
All Who Remain
The UnTitled Stories
UnTitled Venture: Hazardous Residence
Chapter One: The Truth Seeker
The Silver Chronicles
Silva's Hope
La Última En Pie
Old Dusk
Call To Arms
Ain't It A Joy?
No One's Safe At Home
How Good Is A Heist If It's Improvised?
Life, Despair & Monsters
Word Of Woe
The Thorned Crown Of Iron Thrones
Sonya's Push
Miraculous Miracles
My Heart Goes Doki Doki Literature Club!
Choo Choo Charles Has Gone Off The Rails
An Invite To Wine And Dine
A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore/Spin-Off Works/Original Works
The Time Guard
Mario: Mother's Boy
Wings And Horns
The Waters Of Life Flow
The House At The Top
A Symbol For A Better World
What Happened To Vault 76?
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Pardon me but
so erm (as some of you in the Discord have seen) I’ve made these little iron-on patches
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👉👈 Aaaand even though they’re a bit messy (I am but a mere hobbyist!) people in the discord seemed to like them so I’ve been thinking about putting a few up for sale on Etsy? So I guess I’d just like to gauge if there’s any interest!
:) In which case comments or tags (completely non-binding lol) to give me a rough idea of the consensus would be super appreciated!
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