#ain't that ironic
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I really, really should’ve seen that one coming.
Now I hope to heavens I haven’t just jinxed myself for tomorrow, but MAN I’M IN JUST SUCH A GOOD MOOD- I GOT THROUGH MY DANGER DAYS WITH MINIMAL BULLSHIT 👏👏👏 When you got a chronic illness (or illness’s), you gotta take the victories where yah can ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
#i may have cried a little bit today because I was just so relieved#had to suck them back in and zen myself 'cause getting too emotional makes me sick#ain't that ironic#I've had a really nice day though#my sisters and nieces visited and we went and fed the ducks in the park just a short walk from my home#which is tbh is one of the best perks of this house#easy access to duCKS
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Xaden Riorson Fluff Alphabet
| warnings/notes: suggestive notes for kissing and I briefly mention sex to get a point across, the start kind sucks ngl, wc: 3k ;-;
a/n: sooo hi. i’m sorry i’ve been dead😭ihavenoesxcuses anyways, here are some xaden hcs because I finally finished iron flame (from summer shushh) and yes. i am publishing this at 11 at night. my sleeping schedule was always ruined from the start-
fluff alphabet is from @/snk-warriors
reader is written as gender neutral / masterlist
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
when Xaden has free time (either from being a wingleader or from helping run the rebellion) all of his breaks are spent with you
he doesn't do anything too special during these rare moments of peace and quiet with you. they’re special to him because he’s with you and that’s all he really needs
sometimes you two train, sometimes you two just sit and talk on the roof (whether that be at Basgaith or at Riorson House) about each other’s day and events that happened while the other wasn’t there
most days he’ll just trail you and silently stand with you as you go about completing some ordinary tasks. it offers him a certain comforting peace to see you go about your day in a less hectic and chaotic fashion then he’s used to
he also may just drag you to his room for cuddles <3
he’d be fine to do anything that you’d want to do with this spare time you two rarely get, but he really just wants to be able to be silently comforted by just you at the simple fact that you exist and are waiting for him when he comes back to you; his home
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
if we’re talking about physical beauty then it would be your hair (sorry if you’re bald 🫢)
whether it’s long or short, straight or curly; he loves it. he wasn’t kidding when he told Violet that all she needs to do to win an argument is let her hair down. just play with your hair a bit and you’ll FEEL his gaze instantly be drawn to the motion. he might even pause what he’s saying for a heartbeat before he promptly ignores his own reaction
but personality wise it’s probably your softness/patience with him. he knows that he can be frustrating to put up with but you still love him and are patient with him about opening up and he truly appreciates that more than you could know
he also enjoys that he can be vulnerable around you (hence the ‘softness’) he hasn’t been in a relationship like that before so it’s kinda odd for him but he likes it soo
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
he’s had his fair share of panic attacks probably, so he’d recognize the building signs and realize “oh shit. my beautiful s/o is freaking out.”
at first I think he wouldn’t be entirely sure what to do. sure he’s handled his fair share of panic attacks but he isn’t exactly sure how to help someone else who is having them, considering he just ✨deals with it✨ on his own
he ends up just touching you to help keep you grounded. he’d cup your face and lean your forehead against his, whispering to you reassuring words like “i’m here” and that “you’ll be okay. it’ll pass”
he’ll seat you on his lap and hold you, rubbing his knuckles against your back until eventually you manage to calm down and rest your head against his shoulder
he also does that thing where he tells you to count your breaths with him “breath in, breath out. breath in, breath out. see sweetheart, you’re doing great. just keep going, alright?”
overall physical touch is his way of comforting you during a panic attack
if you feel sad he will also at first have no idea how to help you, considering he’d probably mostly be the one to turn to you for comfort so he’s unsure how to go about providing the same thing for you
he’s trying his best tho, truly. he ends up just having you tell him what’s making you feel down and he’s sure to listen intently. he’s a great listener. he’ll kiss your forehead all while telling you that he’ll be here for you until you start feeling in better spirits
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Xaden doesn't tend to think too much about his future with you
he’s too concerned with making sure that you two survive to the next day so he doesn't really have enough time to think about it
although there are times when the possibilities of your future together starts to develop in his mind, but he doesn't allow himself to think too much about it
he’s kind of scared to have a too optimistic outlook on the future. he’s scared to give you two false hope
as long as your at his side by the end of the day he’ll be satisfied
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Overall Xaden would be the dominant one in the relationship
that isn’t to say that you don’t have moments of dominance as well (you have quite a few ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), you can be very persuasive) but Xaden does tend to take the lead overall
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Xaden is a very stubborn individual. he always tends to believe that he’s constantly in the right and that what he says goes
such as telling you that coming with him for a weapon drop off is too dangerous but you go with him anyway
he’ll mainly try to act grumpy about it but (for things that aren’t too big a deal) he’ll get over it in a few minutes
but if the argument is very explosive then he’ll probably distance himself, train and blow off some steam before he goes to you wanting to talk about the issue with you more
I think he would be overall pretty reasonable in an argument (except for special occasions when his stubbornness and temper get the best of him) but you need to be able to hold yourself against him. not that he’s your enemy is these instances, he’s just stubborn and you may need to repeat yourself a few times for your words to really sink in against his
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
he’s very much aware of what you do for him. he knows that being in a relationship with him can be so hard, but the fact that you love and stay with him despite that? he all the more loves and appreciates you for it (if that’s even possible)
he tends to sometimes see himself as a burden (romantically) to you, but he’s selfish and he’s not letting you go anytime soon. you’re the best thing that happened to him and he’ll be damned if he lets you leave him
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
his red flag is pretty much keeping secrets from you.
not directly lying but refraining information (his words)
granted he wouldn’t hide information from you that you would die without but it is still annoying as fuck
due to you being the first relationship he’s been in that contains vulnerability and emotions, he doesn't know how to be transparently honest. he wants to try sharing things with you, but he has no idea how
teach him please. he probably hasn’t ever had a real loving relationship before so he’d going to stumble a lot in the process but he’ll keep trying
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helping them overcome personal problems?
he becomes more honest and vulnerable with you
you teach him that having emotions beside anger doesn't make him weak
you help him be able to be more.. human
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
short answer: yes. Xaden gets jealous
but it can go one of two ways
1) he grits his teeth and bares the other person being more around you while he’s seething on the inside (with an occasional dig at them every now and then)
or 2) he goes all out. hands are constantly touching you. he puts his arm around your shoulder and just calmly is like “yeah, my s/o is fun to talk to” with an almost dangerously low voice
honestly he just needs a little reassurance from you that nothing’s going on and he’ll be fine. he trusts you 100% (he’d still be pissed at someone looking at you in any way like that tho)
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
needless to say, Xaden’s an amazing kisser
although he has experience, he and you both know that he’s never kissed someone with as much passion as he does with you. the high he gets off just by kissing you is only a fraction of what sex had given him before you
his kisses always tend to be heated. even his pecks which are usually hard and quick can leave your body gently humming
Xaden is very observant and after a few make out sessions with him he quickly figures out what you like and makes sure to use those techniques with you later on
he tends to use his tongue and use his teeth to pull on your bottom lip
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
i he’d be the type to confess his love to you either in a moment of passion or in an argument or after/before a near death experience in which you or he almost died (yes, this is wide variety but bear with me please-)
the scenario would play out like this: say that you decided that it would be okay to join him in a weapon run to the griffin riders. things escalate and you and Xaden end up getting attacked by venins and wyverns blah blah blah. eventually you two just narrowly escaped death again, and you thought nothing of it. but then Xaden turns to look at you with the most cold and angry look that you’ve ever seen. he starts raising his voice at you, asking you why you even snuck to go on the run without him knowing and how it was a reckless and stupid decision on your part. but you weren’t going to just stand there and let him insult you so easily so soon enough you both are practically shouting at each other about how you wanted to be there and that you’d do it again if you so choosed. and Xaden says that you’re not and you say you are, and eventually you just straight up ask him why he doesn't want you to go with him considering life threatening situations weren’t anything new to you, and he, built up with rage and fear from almost losing you again just says that is was because he loved you and he couldnt bare to think what would’ve happened to you if– and he just confessed to you, huh? you both get all quiet after that. it’s a bombshell moment for you two considering he never told you it before despite you two having been in a relationship for a while
(i’ll let you figure out how the aftermath goes ;))
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
at first marriage isn’t really on Xaden’s mind. he’s so busy just trying to keep you and him alive that he doesn’t really think too much about your guy’s future relationship. he’s just taking it one day at a time
but- they’ll come a certain instance where you two may be sitting alone on the roof of Riorson House or you laugh at your own really bad joke. and he’s just softly smiling while looking over at you. and he comes to the realization that this, you, are the person that he wants to spend the rest of his life with even in the hell that your lives have been. then marriage randomly pops into his mind and- no, no, no, no. he is NOT going to think about marriage right now. he low-key feels kinda guilty for thinking about it?? you two are in the middle of a damn war! people are dying and here he is thinking about marrying you like a lovesick boy? cue Xaden not being able to process his emotions so he finds excuses to keep a bit of distance between you two. eventually you ask him about it and he reassures you that it’s nothing. and while he’s back to being near you most of the time, he’s a bit.. different. less talkative. you’ve caught him a few times with this blank look on his face, seemingly staring off into space. and he seems a bit more distant physically too, more hesitant with his touch. eventually though (you two are probably all cuddled up in his bed) and he just asks you your opinion on marriage. and by the gods, it’s your first time ever seeing Xaden look nervous, REALLY NERVOUS, avoiding eye contact and everything- if you do (gods he hopes) say that you’re open to marriage he’s secretly ecstatic about it (you can’t tell tho) and it gives him another reason for him to give his all every day during this war
(if you’re not a fan of marriage and you voice that he’ll slowly die inside, but he’ll get over it)
he’ll find somewhere where they give away wedding rings and you pick the one that he thinks you’ll love the most and won’t bother wearing all the time. he wouldn’t hesitate to threaten the vendor if for some reason the ring wasn’t for sale.
he’ll just carry the ring wherever he goes, waiting for the right moment to propose to you
he wouldn’t really want a big party or wedding. but if you wanted one you two would make it a smaller one with just your friends and family
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
your nickname would probably have to do with your initial (the first letter of your name) and something that he enjoys about you (Violence for Violet, Flash for Fiona, Tiger for Tammy, etc.) I think you get the idea 😭
other than that he doesn’t use nicknames that much though
but petnames wise he’d call you sweetheart, darling, princess (in a more teasing/mocking way) and he MAY call you love but but it’s even more rare. he’d probably only use it on special occasions
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
i think people can just.. tell
like he doesn’t even need to say that you two are dating to know that there’s something between you two
the way his eyes will slightly soften when he looks at you. or how his eyes always stay focused on yours. or how if anyone disrespects you or doubts your words then he gets all defensive and snaps at the person
even if you two are in a situation where he isn’t going to be physically affectionate with you as much as he normally does, people just KNOW that your his and that they better not mess with you
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
it depends on where he is. that normally affects how affectionate he is with you
sometimes he acknowledges that there are moments that require him to be more professional and he’ll be careful not to be too affectionate with you in public (although he would sneak his hand on the small of your back or on your thigh if you two are sitting next to each other or manage to give your hand a light squeeze when he knew no one was looking.)
if he’s around people who hate him or you being physically affectionate- he will always keep a hand on you. on your waist, hip, shoulder, the small of your back or just simple hand holding
he likes touching you in public. he thinks it’s funny to see people be pissed off at his direct touches. but it’s you and that’s enough of a reason for him to enjoy touching you, in public or private. pissing people off in the process is just a little bonus to him. he basks in people’s anger at his shenanigans a bit too much but who are you to complain, really?
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
his shadows and title/reputation
due to his reputation, people are scared to question him, practically meaning that you could go wherever you wish. all you need to do is drop his name to a guard or general and their face seems to lightly pale and you’re free to do as you please
and in the rare state where he can’t be physically touching you he has his shadows comfort you in some way, although he’d prefer to do it himself
he also is practically your body guard so that’s a plus
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
this depends on your bias. although he himself is somewhere in the middle. while he tends to be truly romantic in private, he might do a romantic gesture in public every now and then like kiss you passionately (you one where he picks you up and spins you around before kissing you type-thing) but still a bit more rare
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Xaden would lean more towards being supportive, but also kind of not??
like… he cares about you and all and he believes that part of that is sort of bringing you back to reality kind of thing
he’s not the type to entertain goals for himself, especially if they seem to be sort of out of reach
it’s not that he’d say anything trying to hurt your feelings or that he doesn't see you as capable of achieving any high goals, but it can come off as him shutting you down sometimes
he’s kind of a pessimist at heart so 🤷
it’s worth noting that if your goals in life imply that your life would be in danger most of the time then you’re not going to get much support on that front :/ but he can’t stop you (you’re too badass)
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
thrills aren’t really needed in your relationship with Xaden
if anything, you and Xaden are looking for the opposite
a relationship with Xaden can be hard and stressful to maintain when you’re constantly surrounded by riders always trying to kill each other
a sense of normalcy and domesticity and some type of a hangout schedule is pretty much a need, not something sPicY
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
he isn’t empathetic right out of the gate
BUT i think that he would grow to understand his partner and would grow to be more empathetic through your relationship with him
like said before, you help him be able to connect with his emotions, even the sad ones and that helps him be able to be a more empathic person as a whole
when it comes to less emotional knowing and more so physical/material knowing he knows EVERYTHING about you
any little new bit of information that you drop about yourself he keeps tucked away in the back of his mind
and it isn’t like he’s memorizing it, it’s just so easy for him to remember everything about you
favorite foods, favorite color, the places and people that you like to go to
he doesn't just know what you like either, he also keeps track of what you hate as well, which can come in very handy
he can ready your body language very well, and always knows just by looking at you if he would need to come up with an excuse for you two to leave whatever the situation is
he’s really good at reading his partner
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
it may not always be obvious, but you are the most important thing in his life. he will drop everything and anything just to ensure your safety
he said that he’d let Basgiath burn to the ground for Violet soooo
pretty safe to say that you would be his priority
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
he ALWAYS is staring deep into your eyes. his eye contact is constant. even when your attention is directed to someone else and you’re not directly looking at him, he’s looking at you
if you ever rant to him about something he’s always staring into your eyes. he could do it for hours. sometimes his stare can be too much for you and you need to glance away as you try to prevent a flush from overcoming your cheeks
he knows that this stare gets you flustered, and he basks in seeing you squirm under his intent gaze
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
he enjoys kisses and makeouts in public and private. it doesn’t matter too much to him. either way he gets to show you how much you mean to him. he prefers allowing his actions to speak for him instead of his words and boy does he deliver-
it would take him a bit longer to get used to cuddles though. the first time you just casually tried to cuddle him he was so stiff. he just didn’t exactly know what you wanted from him. after you explained that you just wanted to be near and close to him, entrapped in his warmth he suddenly really liked it??
you always end up sleeping in his room at the Riorson House. he tends to intertwine his legs with yours and his arms rest around your waist and he just holds you close to him, your back against his chest (often he won’t let you leave before him in the morning, saying in his morning voice “mm.. five more minutes.”)
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
he kinda doesn’t
anytime he needs to be away from you (either in fourth wing as wingleader or in iron flame leading the rebellion) he makes sure to distract himself with with his duties because if he thinks too much about you he might just have Sgaeyl fly him back over to you
every time after he’s had to be separated from you for multiple days he always greets you with a hug and a kiss
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Xaden is willing to go all the way for you
he’s quite literally all “i’d LET THE WORLD BURN for you” type guy
he’s willing to try and better himself for you. he wants to be able to comfort you and love you on days where you maybe can’t love yourself. he wants to be a sword and shield for you. he’ll protect you and love you at all costs and even death won’t separate his heart and soul from you
sooo… yeah
#lydscare;#xaden riorson#xaden riorson x reader#xaden riorson fanfic#fourth wing#iron flame#the empyrean#the empyrean series#fourth wing x reader#iron flame x reader#fourth wing imagine#iron flame imagine#xaden x reader#xaden riorson imagine#xaden riorson headcanons#I hope the right people see this-#I spent too long on this fr fr 😭#like Xaden ain't even my fav character from fw#(looks at liam slyly)
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Hal Jordan 🤝 Diana Prince
Becoming superheroes bc of a pilot from another world crash-landing
#Steve Trevor 🤝 Abin Sur#I don’t really read marvel but I vaguely remember one event when gamora got the infinity stones and folded the universe in half#so every marvel character got combined with another one like Thor and Iron Man#kind of like the old amalgam characters from the DC/Marvel crossover#anyways imagine an elseworlds where abin crashes on themyscira and his power ring chooses diana#“no man is allowed on themyscira” enchantment allows abin thru bc he is an alien and thus not a man in the sense that he ain't human#if this is a continuity where hippolyta was the jsa wonder woman she's probably thinking hey didn't alan have a ring like that?
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honestly i have to know ー if you self ship with one of the marines, who is it and why? who is throwing it back for aokiji? who is out here trying to make homemade lunches for koby? who is trying to go down on tashigi? who is serenading kizaru or akainu?
i just have to know fr.
tell me your story.
what's your lore?
what pulled you into them?
i'll be seeing y'all on the blue seas as enemies because i fuck with ace and the whitebeard pirates but i just wanna know who my naval opps are
#look she's not writing#selfship community#selfshipping#i personally selfship with ace but i'm curious who is making out with law & order on main??#it ain't me but if you do that's okay#who is being a bootlicker on main fjdnfkjsdfn???#one piece#aokiji#aokiji kuzan#akainu#akainu sakazuki#kizaru#borsalino#koby#tashigi#rob lucci#kaku#kalifa#blueno#helmeppo#monkey d garp#iron fullbody#one piece smoker#captain smoker#one piece hibari#donquixote rosinante#donquixote corazon#one piece kujaku#prince grus#x drake
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hc that stark industries not only pays for buildings damaged during battles, but created an insurance department after the battle of new york specifically to compensate for damage caused to personal belongings such as cars and residential houses. this turned into stark insurance being the only reliable insurance company in america, and that department brought in way more money than expected. it was everything that other insurance companies promised and failed to be: affordable, reliable, and not fucking evil. eventually people stop thinking of stark industries as the weapons manufacturer and start thinking of it as the good insurance company.
#we ain't doing daily headcanons anymore#because i got burned out after 2 weeks#but you can have this. as a treat#mcu#avengers#Iron man#Tony stark#stark industries
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I've been sick and having some restless nights ...
Anyway, the previous night I've really mulled over HB and how little sense the hierarchy makes.
I think I might actually HAVE to make a PowerPoint on this ...
What still irks me is how HB and HH are in the same universe ... ugh. It makes no sense. Make them separate, please!
Imps and Hell Hounds are the lowest, even though they get to live regular human-like lives instead of like ... working 24/7 like the lust and sloth demons. Imps are the lowest, but Satan is like second in command and even at the top when Lucifer isn't around??? Wouldn't he want his underlings to be considered higher than the rest?
Why imps even exist if they don't do anything? The work regular jobs in their own society rather than interacting with sinners (other than I.M.P.). The other types of demons work jobs related to the sin they serve that ultimately act as a service to imps (not sinners).
We see the succubi and incubi make sex toys and the primary consumers are imps ... not sinners. In terms of products, Vox (a sinner) makes things that sinners buy/consume rather than any sin or demon underlings of that sin. It doesn't make sense. Why do they even exist then if they aren't in anyway doing their REAL job/purpose?
What is even the point of the goetia?! They don't do anything!
#helluva boss critical#in terms of serving a purpose#vox > the seven deadly sins#but in terms of watching and understanding HB#ugh ... vox ruins everything and makes no sense#he is moreso in charge of Hell and making it ... well Hell#meanwhile the sins just torment their own servants#I legitimately think he's a wasted character being reduced to nothing but “loves hates Alastor”#I think he should have been like THE main antagonist in both series trying to usurp literally everything and everyone#I think they may have attempted to initially do that with Lilith but ... she ain't nowhere and I can already tell she's going to#be such a flat character when introduced#at least we have Lute and I guess [pilot] Katie Killjoy (ironically the better more likeable villains) but Katie has also been wasted
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Ultraman Centurion Iron King battles Kirigiron!
#Iron King#he ain't an Ultra!#Kirigiron#mecha#Titanian#kaiju#tokusatsu#suitmation#Senkosha#Japanese superheroes
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Does Fall Out Boy have a song that starts just like Iron Maiden's Run To The Hills' intro? Please, I swear they do, what is it???
#Fob#Fall out boy#sorry to be crowding the tags but I swear! It started to play and I'm on my iron maiden playlist but I still thought “hold up ain't that…”#I might be completely off tho my brain does that sometimes#andy hurley#patrick stump#peter wentz#joe trohman#Peterick#Petekey#I mean if you post shippy stuff I hope you also stream their music???? It's a trade: I get good music and rpf they get streams and money or
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Fixing up my blog... thinking about life and wondering do we have Bodhi girlies here? Cause, surely, I ain't the only one swooning over the guy?!
#I ain't even fully through iron flame and do be catching feelings#fourth wing#iron flame#bodhi durran
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I'm so tired of age gap fics please if i can suspend my disbelief about mushroom zombies I can suspend my disbelief about the reader's age not being equivalent to my own, please just give me two 50(+) year old bastards falling in love no more of this 15+ year age gap I swear to god someone is gonna make me start writing last of us fanfiction at this rate.
Anyways, I would like to request some aid from the last of us fandom in terms of fic recs if anyone knows any good reader insert or x reader fics wherein they and joel are around the same age? Pre or post outbreak, au, I don't care I'm starving please if anyone has any let me know.
EDIT: I did not think this was going to get any traction which in hindsight was kinda stupid of me but I really want to clarify something since I originally left it in the tags which I probably shouldn't have. THIS ISNT A HIT PEICE. I've been a fanfic writer for years now even if this blog isn't exactly a great example of my supposed stellar writing consistency. I mean no hate towards the people who like age gap or write it it just isn't my thing personally and I would like to read fics that explore other topics besides that when it comes to this fandom. Yes I understand the easy solution is to write my own and i would be a liar to say I wasn't but I'm new to this fandom and still consuming the actual content and I know my drafts aren't exactly great right now in part because of that. What I wanted to accomplish here wasn't just to complain a little but to reach out and ask if anyone could point me in the direction of non age gap fics in the mean time and they did so thank you very much!! I genuinely appreciate it. Write what you like but understand that I also reserve the right to read what I like and to ask for help in finding it because let's be honest tumblrs search and filter system is non existent and asking for help was my next best bet so uh yeah I'm gonna stop rambling now and refine this maybe when I'm more awake and can word things better probably.
#THIS ISNT HATE#THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION#I'm just really tired of looking for fanfic for certain characters usually played by Pedro pascal let's be real here#and then 99% of them are age gap#like cool people like that good for them all the respect#it just ain't for me#but it's literally all there is#like non age gap fics are the acception not the rule#when I say age gap I mean like reader is at least ten years younger then the character#yeah I know as long as everyone is consenting adults legally it's fine or whatever#it's the difference in life experience for me#I just want more fics where the reader was an adult before the world ended#I swear to god someone is gonna make me write that last of us x resident evil fic#the plot just combines the the two#Leon was in Spain when it happened#racoon city was once a thing#ironically umbrella didn't end the world#weird how mold and fungi are kinda similar I wonder if that's related— [gunshots]#joel miller x reader
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#I made this months ago but I think it's good enough to post.#I am aware of the famous youtube comment. it's awesome to me. and in an ironic twist it is in part why I made this as a joke. but primarily#on account of the fact that ryo ain't davepilled. uh. he sure is dirkpilled though. frowns.#devilman#cath.png#hs
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A classic among classics, we’re talking ENEMIES TO LOVERS this week! We get to the bottom of what we think of as “enemies,” and how it differs from “rivals-to-lovers” and “friends-to-enemies-to-lovers” and “friends-to-lovers” (jk, we’ll never understand friends-to-lovers). We revisit some of our very favorite romances, talk about stakes, about impossible situations, and about how sexy hating someone can be.
#Enemies To Lovers#Rivals To Lovers#Childhood Friends To Lovers To Enemies To Lovers#A Heart Of Blood And Ashes#Milla Vane#Judith Mcnaught#Double Standards#A Kingdom Of Dreams#Kresley Cole#Dreams Of A Dark Warrior#Mila Finelli#Mafia Target#Mafia Madman#Courtney Milan#Unlocked#Ilona Andrews#Iron And Magic#Sarah Mayberry#Her Best Worst Mistake#Tessa Bailey#Asking For Trouble#Susan Elizabeth Phillips#Ain't She Sweet#Kate Canterbary#The Worst Guy#JJ Arias#Fighting For Control#Chayla Wolfberg#Late Night Love#Angelina M Lopez
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why is everyone so pissy at me after the Fade!! the Inquisitor just physically fought through hell and all I hear is whining afterwards
#Dorian at least asked how I was afterwards but he was clearly fishing for info#which fair game but Come On#I got to hug Varric which is only a little bittersweet since I basically picked Hawke to die...#Vivienne is also on my case for info about the Fade!!! these mages do not care#only after she pressed me to pick a Divine candidate ugh she's hot but so tiring#Solas was just a dick to me#I know your divine siblings are on the chopping block but honestly killing slumbering Old Gods before they can start the next 5 apocalypses#it ain't a bad idea buddy#sorry you live forever or some shit but mortals gonna try to avoid countless deaths every time#this is gonna be a case of only the 3 companions I brought in being chill and kind with it huh#so far Cass isn't yelling at me about it at least#Iron Bull continues to be the best that is my best buddy right there#Sera makes sense I sorta forgot she'd have a very uniquely bad time in the Fade#I'm sorry girly I should Not have taken you lol#oh Cole sweet boy have a little more faith in me won't you#BLACKWALL WE ARE HOMIES IN THIS I AM WITH YOU#Gray Wardens did no (okay maybe a little) wrong#DAI Posting#I hope you enjoyed the live tagging of me talking to everyone afterwards
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Want to hold him like a plushie so bad
(Please reblog! I like reading tags :] )
Taglist: @frozenhi-chews @asexualfoxmccloud @throughpatchesofviolet @wizard-selfships @loverboypercy
#🦈🎮.txt#gible scribbles#metal melds where the iron holds🕳️🕶️#seen a lot of things; places you ain't ever been 🐉💫#fun fact: these drawings are the last drawings in my latest sketchbook! thankfully i have a new one ready#but man. always feels a little bittersweet to finish a sketchbook
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3LIGIBLE FO r ??? god intended! FOLLOW NOW T0 FIND OUT MORE!
⋆ might need to be a bit more specific there pal ⋆ met a surprisin' number of 'gods' at this point
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