Explore tagged Tumblr posts
yuukiyuunairumafan · 6 months ago
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Shinoa cosplay!!! As well as a face reveal lmao
@forever-aimika @mxhirus
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sparepartshere · 4 months ago
ten people i’d like to know better! tagged by @vvalllerie <3
last song: Mr Feel by John Michael Howell, i’m kinda obsessed with this song atm
favorite color: love love love a midnight blue shade, but dark blue overall!
last book: To Kill a Mockingbird (lmao)
last movie: Stranger by the Shore, watched it with my friend August who’s basically a sister to me :,)
last tv show: Demon Slayer (specifically the Entertainment District Arc - binging Demon Slayer with my younger sister)
sweet/spicy/savory: savoury, i’d say, huge salty fan myself (just as well, my doctor says i need to eat more for my pots lmaoo)
relationship status: single :( need a relationship man, romantic or qpr or something idk
last thing i googled: fipah fipal meaning (i was doing a divination thing and Lord Poseidon spelled that out, still don’t know what he means)
current obsession: Haikyuu ofc. is it weird to say an au i’m writing? if not then that.
thing that i’m looking forward to: the weekend man im exhausted. man the only significant events in my life coming up are stuff im not looking forward to booo
no pressure tags: not really sure who to tag whenever i do this but erm @certifiedbun @thefollowingone @milksteakkk @shas-mirrorball @cecebeanie @greyarionking @shiftonii @rhyswiththeshiftingzone @izumiyagami14 @forever-aimika <33
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444names · 3 years ago
japanese cities and forenames
Adaharumoi Agawa Aimika Akeitamba Akichie Akihachisa Akitachi Amatsumo Anaohita Asakasuru Asaki Asakunita Asato Ashinami Ashinshio Atakaijirō Atarō Atokika Atsuaki Atsujieda Atsuno Ayama Ayamanago Ayasu Ayasushiki Azuaki Azuyo Bandairo Bunabara Bunabe Chigero Chihikuma Chikumi Chimura Chironari Chirō Chiyu Chōshū Dairi Daisuko Daizo Eiichiko Eisuki Erikatsugu Etakaho Etsuki Fujin Fukaichi Fukuba Fukuhara Fukumasa Fukurano Furasugu Futtsuko Gakuo Gamigata Genjirō Genohe Ginobuhiro Hachi Hajimanari Hakariya Hanaomio Hanashi Handabae Haruma Harunabara Hatsugu Hatsuru Hidakageo Hidehara Hidekazusa Hidera Hidetoki Higashi Higashira Higekinako Higenobori Hikokuto Hiogawa Hioka Hiroishi Hiromiya Hiroshiga Hirotarō Hiroyama Hiroyohisa Hisadoka Hisaki Hisama Hisamuroi Hisatarō Hisatokura Hitakami Hitami Hitaro Hiteru Hokusa Honmato Ibushigeko Iemoru Iemotori Iesadahiro Igashimi Igayasu Iiyazuhika Iizawachi Ikiko Ikiyoshige Ikuko Imasu Imata Irumi Isennuma Ishide Isseiji Itaaki Itachiki Itakeruaki Iwakuniaki Iwataka Izuhiro Izukagoe Izuko Jiichi Jitsuto Juniyukio Jōetsunori Kahide Kaichi Kaishi Kamagajō Kamotsu Kanagata Kanehara Kaneichi Kanobu Kanori Kaokazu Kasahiro Kasakuda Kasamo Kashi Kasujieda Katakasa Katakawa Katomoji Katsu Katsuke Katsumitsu Katsuna Katsuto Kazuai Kazuru Kazuyama Keiichiko Keino Keinobu Keisahiro Kenagawa Kengote Kentaiji Kikumana Kikuruo Kimatsu Kinamiko Kiryūhei Kisatosuke Kishuko Kitaaki Kitahito Kitaku Kiyako Kiyoshiho Kiyuki Kogorozane Kojirō Kojiyo Komaezaki Komako Kosasahi Kosukasa Kotenri Kotoyuki Kumazuto Kumie Kumizuka Kunishito Kunita Kusazu Kushizō Kyoka Kyuki Kōchiki Kōchitake Kōkamata Kōsaka Kōseiki Kōshinji Mahiko Makihiro Makura Mamiasami Mareyama Marutashi Masachi Masaha Masaka Masakuji Masakumo Masamoru Masata Masate Masayate Masayo Masayoi Masazaki Matagami Mataka Matomoyuki Matoshiko Matsuaki Matsunagai Mayamado Meishi Michi Michiori Michiro Midoriyako Miharu Mihiroka Miikomaga Minatoki Minei Minohe Misuke Mitsu Mitsuda Mitsunari Mitsurō Mitsushi Mitsuya Miurano Miwade Miyoshichi Mochiya Monbetsuko Monorima Mookazu Morihikako Moriyako Motokubara Motokōri Motoshiko Motoyoaki Motsuke Motsuki Muneharu Musaki Mutakuo Nagahagisa Nagajō Nagashika Nagawa Nagawago Nagawari Nakawa Nanai Naoka Naomio Naomoto Naotonda Naozu Naozuman Nariyotarō Nashimatsu Nasuzue Natonari Natsu Nichi Niigaki Niizue Ninokawa Nishigeki Nobuatsuya Nobukawata Nobuma Nobumina Nobuna Nobuto Nobuya Norika Nōgane Nōgano Obara Ogame Osaiichi Otokujirō Raizō Ranobori Ranosu Riharumi Runaga Ryōkō Ryōmachi Ryūga Ryūgashiku Ryūjiro Ryūtaro Sachiro Sadakaka Sadanami Sagoshi Saikio Sakaki Sakoji Sakurō Sashito Satomiya Sayukihei Sendō Setaga Setsuehisa Shigen Shigeya Shigi Shiie Shikasu Shiko Shimabasa Shimasa Shimi Shioji Shioka Shiokatsu Shiro Shirotarō Shiwakuo Shiya Shizu Shizukara Shogawa Shunkyo Shuntango Shōichiko Shōshū Shōtanami Shūtarō Sonori Suitama Sumatsu Sumeko Sumie Sumiharuko Sushigemi Suzukawa Suzuru Sōgentarō Sōsaka Tadaka Tadana Tahiro Taishima Taishimi Taito Takado Takaede Takagano Takahi Takama Takamatora Takamisa Takano Takasaka Takawa Takayako Takemasako Takena Takenai Takesado Takushisa Tamako Tamurayama Tatsu Tatsuhide Tatsumasa Tatsunaru Tatsuruga Teruyo Tetsuke Tokin'ichi Tokunio Tomae Tomanara Tomomo Tonan Toshin Toyohisa Tsuga Tsugu Tsuke Tsumeji Tsuto Tsuya Umazuma Unnanagi Urano Ushiko Uwanuma Yachi Yahide Yaitō Yamasato Yamatsumi Yasuda Yasuke Yasuna Yokkano Yokoro Yorinosuke Yoshibetsu Yoshige Yoshigen Yoshimori Yoshiro Yoshiōtawa Yotaka Yumisumeko Yurihiko Yurikaki Yōichiko Yūdairai Yūdaito Yūdaizo Yūsh��hei Zentane Zento Zushiki Ōitabe Ōmutsugu Ōmutsuka Ōmutsuke Ōshūhei Ōtsuneo
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yuukiyuunairumafan · 7 months ago
Favorite color
Black, purple, and blue
Last song
Beautifully broken by Plumb
Currently reading
Owari no seraph manga by Takaya Kagami/Yamato Yamamoto
Currently watching
Mairimashita Iruma kun!/ Welcome to demon school Iruma kun
Currently craving
Drawing inspiration
Coffee or tea
Strawberry tea (I love to buy it especially from Cameron Highland)
Hobby to try
Coloring, shading, animating
Current AU
Owari no seraph-oc-Yuuki Suzuki and Yuna Suzuki. (Still hasn't draw the older brother yet.) I want to make an art of Yuuki x Yuichiro and Yuuki x Mika just like how I had describe Yuuki for the first time. Was inspired by an Owari no Seraph fanfic called "Feeling human again" at quotev
Thank you very much for the tag, @forever-aimika ❤️ I had to rewrite it again because I don't know what to do aha.
tagged by @mettywiththenotes!! thanks for the tag!!
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favorite color
purple or black
last song
currently reading
i don’t remember the title but it’s the second book in a fantasy romance series my housemate likes—romance isn’t really my genre but I’m trying to expand my tastes and also learn things about her
currently watching
mha season 7
currently craving
coffee or tea
hobby to try
I’ve been trying to expand the amount of things I can cook—maybe I’ll try something new tomorrow!
current AU
honestly really obsessed with the canon mha ending at the moment, but if I have to pick an AU it’s probably Starless Night (i tried so hard to make that fic canon complient but it wasn’t meant to be)
tagging (if you want to!!): @holyloved @katiethedane12 @ealyserose @creatively-storm @arizbethcolor97 @aussie-the-hedgehog @ocean-sunrise @ititheteavillain @freeze-rae and anybody else who wants to!
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Phiên dịch viên tiếng Hàn - Song hành với PHÁT TRIỂN và HỘI NHẬP
From: daodich.com
Mối quan hệ Hàn- Việt tốt đẹp mở ra những cơ hội tiềm năng cho hợp tác cùng phát triển giữa Việt Nam và Hàn Quốc. Là cơ hội nhưng cũng ẩn chứa nhiều thách thức, sự thấu hiểu hai bên trong một hợp tác mang tầm quốc tế là vô cùng quan trọng...
Phiên dịch viên tiếng Hàn có thực sự cần thiết?
Bất đồng ngôn ngữ có thể nói là rào cản lớn nhất trong mối quan hệ hợp tác Việt- Hàn. Trong các trường hợp này, phiên dịch viên tiếng Hàn sẽ trở thành cầu nối giao tiếp góp phần không hề nhỏ trong những cuộc đàm phán, thương thảo
Phiên dịch viên tiếng Hàn là một lựa chọn vô cùng cần thiết cho bất kì doanh nghiệp, tổ chức nào đang có mục tiêu tiếp cận, khai thác thị trường Hàn Quốc vô cùng năng động, trẻ trung này.
Mối quan hệ hợp tác Hàn-Việt ngày càng được mở rộng trên nhiều lĩnh vực
Về chúng tôi
Công ty TNHH Đáo Dịch tiền thân là Hội Phiên dịch viên chyên nghiệp được thành lập bởi các Phiên dịch viên tốt nghiệp ĐHQG Hà Nội, ĐH Ngoại ngữ HN, ĐH Bách Khoa HN, Đại Học Thượng Hải, ĐH Bắc Kinh, ĐH Seoul,...
6 năm hoạt động, 6 năm Đáo Dịch cung cấp dịch vụ phiên dịch viên tiếng Hàn nhưng hơn hết, Đáo Dịch tự hào trong suốt 6 năm đó, chúng tôi đã luôn cố gắng hết mình để phục vụ và mang đến những trải nghiệm tốt đẹp nhất đến quý khách hàng.
Đáo Dịch cung cấp dịch vụ phiên dịch tiếng Hàn uy tín, chất lượng
Lợi ích 
B��� dày kinh nghiệm
Với hơn 5 năm kinh nghiệp, Đáo Dịch đã thực hiện và hoàn thành nhiều dự án biên phiên dịch lớn, là đối tác tin cậy của nhiều tập đoàn lớn như: Vingroup, Masan group, Mipec, Viettel, Vietnamairline, Jetstar, Niccon, Honda, Panasonic, Tôn Hoa Se,...
Đội ngũ phiên dịch viên
Trình độ chuyên môn là yếu tố mà Đáo Dịch luôn đề cao lên hàng đầu. Với đội ngũ phiên dịch viên tiếng Hàn tốt nghiệp xuất sắc từ các trường đại học chuyên ngữ trong và ngoài nước, cùng những kỹ năng bổ trợ tuyệt vời, Đáo Dịch tự tin mang đến cho bạn những câu chữ chuẩn chỉnh, bài bản và chuyên nghiệp nhất.
Dịch vụ đa dạng và chất lượng
Đáo Dịch cung cấp đa dạng và đầy đủ các dịch vụ phiên dịch từ đơn giản đến các công việc phiên dịch có tính chất phức tạp, quan trọng như:
1.    Phiên dịch viên du lịch tiếng Hàn
2.    Phiên dịch Hàn MC
3.    Phiên dịch viên Cabin
4.    Thông dịch viên tiếng Hàn kết nối đám cưới
5.    Thông dịch chuyên ngiệp tại Hội nghị, Hội Thảo
6.    Phiên dịch tiếng Hàn lắp ráp máy móc kĩ thuật
7.    Phiên dịch đàm phán kinh tế, thương mại
8.    Phiên dịch Hàn chế biến nông lâm, thủy hải sản
9.    Phiên dịch event, truyền thông
10.  Phiên dịch Hàn kết nối, hợp tác giáo dục
11.  Phiên dịch viên ngành thẩm mỹ, spa làm đẹp.
12.  Thông dịch viên Hàn nhượng quyền thương hiệu
13.  Phiên dịch Hàn Xây dựng công trình giao thông
14.  Phiên dịch viên tự do theo yêu cầu đặc biệt của khách hàng.
Tư vấn miễn phí, phục vụ 24/24
Nếu như tại nhiều công ty phiên dịch khác khách hàng phải trả chi phí để được tư vấn thì đến với Đáo Dịch, bạn sẽ được tư vấn miễn phí 100%. Đội ngũ chăm sóc khách hàng lành nghề, giàu kinh nghiệm sẵn sàng giải đáp mọi thắc mắc của khách hàng mọi lúc mọi nơi.
Quy trình chăm sóc khách hàng chu đáo, nhiệt tình
Quy trình làm việc chuyên nghiệp
Bước 1: Tiếp nhận thông tin, yêu cầu từ khách hàng
Bước 2: Phân tích mức độ công việc, nhận báo giá và chốt giá
Bước 3: Ký kết hợp đồng và thanh toán
Bước 4: Bàn giao công việc và liên hệ
Bước 5: Nghiệm thu và quyết toán công việc.
Tiết kiệm chi phí từ 10-30%
Luôn tối ưu quá trình làm việc một cách chuyên nghiệp nhất, Đáo Dịch giúp bạn tiết kiệm 10-30% chi phí phiên dịch viên tiếng Hàn so với các công ty khách trên thị trường, mang đến cho bạn một mức giá tốt nhất.
Phiên dịch viên tiếng Hàn tại Đáo Dịch
Báo giá
Cấp độ 1
Cấp độ 2
Cấp độ 3
Trình độ của phiên dịch
Cơ bản
Nâng cao
Cao cấp
Tính chất
Đây là mức độ cơ bản, chính vì vậy yêu cầu phiên dịch  viên cấp độ này thường không đòi hỏi là người có trình độ chuyên môn cao, kỹ  năng giao tiếp thuần thục. Tuy nhiên phải sử dụng nhanh nhạy các loại hình  giao tiếp tiếng Hàn cơ bản, sử dụng hàng ngày
Đây là mức trung bình, thường phù hợp với các hình  thức công việc phiên dịch yêu cầu giao tiếp nâng cao, thông thạo ngôn ngữ  chuyên ngành chất lượng.
Đây là cấp độ phiên dịch cao cấp, là hình thức phiên  dịch khó đòi hỏi sự tập trung cao, cẩn thận, tỉ mỉ từ phiên dịch viên
Công việc thường dùng
Phiên dịch đám cưới, hội họp gia đình, phiên dịch du  lịch, thăm quan, giải trí, phiên dịch nghiên cứu, khảo sát thị trường, phiên  dịch trao đổi thương mại đơn giản
Phiên dịch hội thảo nhỏ, họp công ty, phiên dịch kỹ  thuật chuyên ngành, phiên dịch lắp ráp máy, công trường, phiên dịch tháp tùng  thương mại, phiên dịch theo yêu cầu đặc biệt của khách hàng.
Phiên dịch cabin, tại các hội thảo lớn, tháp tùng cấp  cao, phiên dịch hội nghị truyền hình hay các chương trình phiên dịch công tác  dài ngày, phiên dịch đặc biệt.
50 USD/buổi
70 – 90 USD/ngày
80 USD/buổi
100 – 150 USD/ngày
140 USD/buổi
250 - 350 USD/ngày.
Khách hàng của chúng tôi
Hơn 6 năm hoạt động, Đáo Dịch đã phục vụ và làm hài lòng rất nhiều các khách hàng:
§  Công ty TNHH dịch vụ quảng cáo và triển lãm Minh Vi (VEAS)
§  Trung tâm giao lưu triển lãm Quốc tế Trung Quốc CNCIC
§  Trung tâm Hội trở triển lãm Sài Gòn SECC
§  Henan Electric Equipment Material Company
§  Hung Thanh Dat Manufacture Importing and Exporting Co.,LTD
§  Nantong Xinfei Textile Co.,LTD, Boeng – Aviation (S) Pte Ltd
§  Hansung Vietnam joint- Stock Co.,Ltd,...
§  Shaoxing Chenglong investment Co., Ltd
§  ShangHai Aimika Industrial and Trading Co., Ltd
§  Cty TNHH Nhà Nguyễn
§  Beijing Fenglong Technology Co.,Ltd
§  Cty TNHH Giấy YuenFongYu (VN)
§  Nantong Xinfei Textile Co.,LTD
§  Sharewatt Holtels Linens and Amenities Inc.
§  Shenzhen Absen Optoelectronic Co.,Ltd.
Vô vàn những lợi ích khi lựa chọn phiên dịch viên tiếng Hàn của Đáo Dịch 
Nếu đã, đang và có ý định hợp tác với Hàn Quốc, nếu sắp sửa đón tiếp các vị khách của xứ sở Kim Chi mà chưa biết tìm ở đâu những phiên dịch viên tiếng Hàn chất lượng thì hãy liên hệ ngay với Đáo Dịch. 
0 notes
vigilancesaga · 7 years ago
Kynegos Fengari
The following is an excerpt from the book Aletheia by Archelaos Sideras of the Kynegos Fengari.  It was written towards the end of his life around 264 (1), this version was published in 228 (3) with a responsorial essay by Usta of the Ejderhan Vigilants, Nko Sauri.
Alexandros Apokryfe (Blessings of the Blood be upon Him) was born in the coastal city of Kavos to Kyna and Karanos, two farmers.  He led a normal childhood on his parent’s farm, but was largely alone save his parents.  He spent much of his time considering the world around him and how the world worked.  At the age of twelve, he and his parents went into town to visit the market and saw a traveling magician.  The man’s use of magic caused Alexandros (BotBuH) to reconsider his observations about the world.  The remainder of Alexandros’ (BotBuH) childhood is unclear and very little is written of it.  The next point of our esteemed leader’s life we know of is when he joined the Kerkyrika army*.  He was at the battles of Sidari and Astrakeri where he was honored for his valor and was allowed to go home for such bravery.  His leaving the Kerkyrika army is said to be the reason the army eventually lost their war.  
After he left the army, Alexandros (BotBuH) wandered the southern plains for years before he came to the city of Lygos.  When he entered the city, he established a shop for carpentry.  After some time the esteemed leader cultivated a comprehensive rhetoric outlining his beliefs and he explained them to the people of Lygos.  He cultivated a substantial following and outlines his extensive beliefs.  He taught his followers that humanity is not alone on Kita, there is a group of beings that cannot be seen and live in another realm that, while inhabiting the same physical space as Kita, resonates at an alternate frequency.  These beings are known as Aoratos (Aoratoi is plural) and are composed of pure magic, and Alexandros (BotBuH) taught his followers how to harness the magic of the Aoratoi.  
He told his followers of an Aoratos named Omiletes who told him that its people loved humanity and could not reach out to them.  Alexandros (BotBuH) taught his followers of what Omiletes taught him of Aoratosika magic, which may use a variety of catalysts.  The first of which are the Plektres, a series of sigils that perform different functions.  Each Plektra requires extensive attention to detail and, according to Omiletes, is part of the map to the realm in which the Aoratos reside.  The second is the Apangelia, the recitation of the 99 names of the most powerful Aoratoi, called Thiria.  In this ritual the magic caster recites the names and says what he or she wants to happen between each name.  The last of the catalysts is sexual and is split into three groupings that each perform a different form of magic.  The first is autosexual, the second is heterosexual, and the last is homosexual.  Alexandros (BotBuH) preached these manners of magical use but, due to interference from the Prodotes court mages the esteemed leader was unable to fully perform a spell.  When the esteemed leader died, he was buried in an elaborate shrine in his hometown of Kavos which is where all myimenoi must travel before they are officially inducted.
After Alexandros’ death, his apprentice Xenokrates Entonos (Blessings of the Blood be upon Him) took over his mantle as Archiereas and made a breakthrough with his master’s teachings.  The wise leader realized that his master had made a single mistake: the Aoratoi do not reside in a realm resonating at a different frequency but reside inside each human.  That is to say that the beings of pure magic reside within each human, they are manifestations of the magic inherent to humanity.  This realization came during the hunter’s moon when he looked into the sky and saw that the moon was red as blood. Therefore, the element his master was missing was blood and Xenokrates (BotBuH) added it to the Plektres, the Apangelia, and the sexual aspects of the magic.  The blood used is not large in quantities but even a single drop may activate the magic.  Xenokrates (BotBuH) taught his master’s followers and in 165 (1), the first spell using Aimika magic was cast.
The wisest of leaders then centralized his following and gave his following a name: Kynegos Fengari meaning hunter’s moon to commemorate the event that had brought about his epiphany.  Using his family’s money, Xenokrates (BotBuH) bought a piece of property in Lygos and established the Evlogimene Aithousa tou Fengariou Kynegou: the Blessed Hall of the Hunter’s Moon, a large obelisk shaped building made of red granite that would become the tallest building in Lygos.  The building was designed as a temple as well as a living area and was completed in 178 (1).  Xenokrates (BotBuH) spent this time continuing to study the new variety of magic he had created and developed such a mastery that he could control the magic pumping through his veins, creating dark tendrils he could use as extra appendages.  He had his apprentice, Argaios Yprotrofos tattoo his skin where his veins and arteries pumped blood through his body.  Xenokrates (BotBuH) stood before his followers and told them that he had another epiphany: the Aoratos that resides inside his blood is the being that holds the 99th name recited in the Apangelia, Apeiros.  This means that he was the most powerful and would never truly die as Apeiros is known as the timeless one.  The wisest leader told his followers that when his physical body would decay, his consciousness would become the physical universe and Kynegos Fengari would rule.  
In 187 (1), following the Aimorragia Aimatos, the Lygosika city guard attacked the Blessed Hall of the Hunter’s Moon but Xenokrates (BotBuH) and thirteen of his top students were able to repel their attacks.  This siege continued for seven days before the wisest leader sensed five presences approach the temple.  Xenokrates (BotBuH) told his followers that five destroyers had approached the temple and threatened all they had built and all they were destined to build in the future.  The Epidesmoi Gia Tou Thanato as they would be referred in history’s books were members of a corrupt Ejderhan Vigilants, led by Syntrofos*** Nikandros Dikastes.  Dikastes met with the wisest leader and told him that he must give up his magic and renounce his status as Archiereas.  Xenokrates (BotBuH) spit in the face of his enemy and told them that they would never kill him or his movement.  The Epidesmoi Gia Tou Thanato laid siege to the temple and after much effort were able to break through the doors.  They entered the temple and fought an epic fight with the wisest leader.  Xenokrates (BotBuH) fought with honor and valiance while the Ejderhan Vigilants fought unfairly and killed our wisest leader.  The Kynegos Fengari scattered and, while Archiereata are still chosen, our greatest obstacle to the ruling future Xenokrates (Blessings of the Blood be upon Him) promised.
* Kerkyra was a region from the Southern Plains that attempted to secede from the kingdom of Dasos and was led by the traitor Andros Epanastates
** Syntrofos is the Dasosika term for the Ejderhan Vigilant rank of Yoldas       
 Nko Sauri Usta authored the following essay entitled The Lies in the Aletheia
Archelaos Sideras peddles dangerous lies in the chapter of his book outlining the history of the Kynegos Fengari.  While Carreg Dwyniaeth Usta send his best vigilants to put down Xenokrates and his followers, I still must send many of my best vigilants to deal with users of the so called Aimika Magic.  That is to say that many people of the southern plains in Dasos are ignorant, willfully or otherwise, of the true history of the Kynegos Fengari.  Such ignorance and blatant denial of history and atrocities committed by the early leaders and members of the cult are furthered by Archelaos Sideras’ history revisionist piece of drivel that madman ironically chose to entitle with the Dasosika word for truth.  Alexandros Apokryfe and Xenokrates Entonos were not great men, great leaders, nor were they wise.  These two established and expanded the organization that would commit one of the greatest atrocities the city of Lygos had ever seen: the Aimorragia Aimatos.
Sideras claims that Apokryfe was an honorable and valiant soldier but according to his military discharge papers the opposite was true.  According to Archegos Kanellos Fantaros in his report to Commander Andros Epanastates, “I released Pezos Apokryfe due to gross cowardice and desertion.  During the previous two battles at Sidari and Astrakeri Pezos Apokryfe was seen fleeing the battlefield to hide and abandon his brothers.  While you have said that we require all soldiers we can obtain, I would strongly argue that the commander’s army of Kerkyra is better without Pezos Alexandros Apokryfe.”  Sideras later claims that, had Apokryfe not left (or been dishonorably discharged) then the Kerkyrika army would have surely defeated the Dasosika army.  This statement is incorrect on two counts: the first, as evidenced by Archegos Fantaros, is the fact that Alexandros Apokryfe was a coward that fled his post on two separate occasions; the second being that, while the Kerkyrika army impressively won a few battles against the crown’s army, they had substantially fewer soldiers and quickly ran out of supplies.  Apokryfe then wandered to the city of Lygos where he found people to indulge and encourage his delusions such as beings of pure magic that inhabit the same physical plane but resonate at a separate frequency, the Aoratoi.  This claim is brilliant because, despite its ridiculousness, it is nearly impossible to argue that these beings do not exist.  However, Alexandros essentially proves their nonexistence himself when he cannot perform the magic he claims they bring him.  He separates the catalysts for his magic into three divisions but the final division, sexual, is the most important to Apokryfe.  According to Lygosika magistrates, many charges were brought against Alexandros Apokryfe for numerous sexual charges from engaging in autosexual manipulation in public spaces to more serious charges for non consensual sexual acts against both men and women of Lygos.  When Alexandros Apokryfe died, the world lost one of the most dangerous sexual predators, a predator with a significant following.
When Xenokrates Entonos took up his master’s mantle he claimed to study magic but engaged in significantly dangerous practices.  His ability to control the magic in his blood is not the result of any magical beings that reside in the bloodstream but a manipulation of the magic inherent in a human being’s body.  This practice is especially dangerous as the magic will corrupt the organs, particularly the brain.  Many early magic scholars discovered that this practice caused one to eventually go mad.  This would explain Xenokrates’ decision to declare himself a timeless being and declared the beginning of the Aimorragia Aimatos.  Xenokrates became progressively more obsessed with blood and the sight of it; he regularly used more and more of it in his spells.  He then told his followers to go out into the city streets and shed as much blood as possible.  During what the people of Lygos called Sfage Sta Mesanychta (the midnight massacre) thirty-nine people were killed and torn apart to maximize the amount of blood that stained the streets.  The Basilissa, Aspasia called on Carreg Usta to handle the issue but the Dimarchos of Lygos decided to handle the situation with the city guard.  Carreg Usta sent five vigilants in the area after Kynegos Fengari including the Yoldas Nikandros Dikastes, who met with Xenokrates and asked him to stop pushing his magic through his bloodstream before it killed him.  When Xenokrates, in his madness, spat in Nikandros Yoldas’ face the vigilant had no choice but to break down the doors and force the people therein into submission.  Nikandros Yoldas begged Xenokrates to stand down but the man used his own blood to attack him, so he was forced to used his own magic to kill Xenokrates Entonos.  
Alexandros Apokryfe was a mad sexual abuser and his apprentice was a mad murderer obsessed with blood.  In Sideras’ history of these two men he greatly misrepresents them and  their true effects on the city of Lygos.  The Ejderhan Vigilants fight spirits and Olcai and other evils of supernatural origin, but every so often men such as Alexandros and Xenokrates enter the world that remind the Vigilants that often the greatest evils on Kita are committed by humanity itself.          
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forever-aimika · 1 year ago
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🩸🌕"Drink my blood until I die."🌑🩸
AiMika Ship Aesthetic Collage 2 Photo credits: Pixlr E & Unsplash - Yu Kato
The haunting and obsessive, unsinkable ship!
Fanfiction that goes with this collage: 🍋🍋🍋
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forever-aimika · 7 months ago
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Soul Melody - Mikaela Hyakuya x Aiko Aihara
It has been too long since the last time I drew them, finishing the first version of this became something I needed to do tonight. I will post another version of it sometime in the future. I call it "Soul Melody," because this ship is the music to my soul. ❤️🎶
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forever-aimika · 7 months ago
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forever-aimika · 7 months ago
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forever-aimika · 1 year ago
I don’t know who will read this but…I meant to have ONS Medieval AU Fan art completed by this point, three days before the end of this month but life just kind of happened…even if I clearly can’t finish it on time, I’m still going to work on them and post them whenever I get the last 4 pairings done.😭
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forever-aimika · 1 year ago
-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅Introduction⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ
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Welcome! I’m Yumi and this is a blog fully dedicated to shipping Mikaela Hyakuya and Aiko Aihara from Seraph of the End! If you love this ship, please follow〜
🌹AiMika is a rare pair, regardless, it has the characteristics of ships that usually sail in fandoms. They are Life and Death. Sun and Moon. Vampire and Human. Angel and Knight. A haunting, obsessive, unsinkable ship!🥀
*While the main focus of this page is AiMika, there is content dedicated to other ships and general fandom things.
I am now open to taking requests, however, please understand I have many responsibilities, so it might take time to complete them. Also, here are some conditions before requesting:
It must be about Mikaela x Aiko, that is the whole point of this page
No hate or anti Mikaela x Aiko or any other ship. Each person has their tastes and reasons to like or dislike something. Let’s be respectful of that.
Nothing immoral, sacrilegious, explicit, or x-rated. (for example no desecration of religious figures or symbols, no rape or non-con allowed)
If I am uncomfortable about a request sent to me, I will not be able to fulfill it. That's about it. This post will keep updating♡
Photo Credits: Pixlr E Images & Unsplash - Kym MacKinnon, Debby Hudson, and Dave Herring
Requests Open
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forever-aimika · 1 year ago
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forever-aimika · 1 year ago
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forever-aimika · 1 year ago
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Source: Pixlr E Stock Images & Unsplash - Aaron Burden, Tomoko Uji, Ethan Robertson, and Anthony Ievlev
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forever-aimika · 1 year ago
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