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Bilgisayar Performansınızı Artırın ve Güvenliğini Sağlayın: Kapsamlı Yazılım
SysGauge Ultimate 2024, Klasör Renklendirici 2, Avica Remote Desktop, Easy File Organizer 2024, Vit Kayıt Defteri Düzeltme 2024, RAM Saver Professional, StreamFab 2024, AIDA64, AdwCleaner, Core Temp ve Kerish Doctor.Bu yazılımlar, sistem izleme ve analiz, dosya ve klasör yönetimi, uzaktan erişim, kayıt defteri düzeltme, RAM optimizasyonu, medya dönüştürme, sistem teşhisi, casus yazılım temizleme ve sistem optimizasyonu gibi çeşitli işlevler sunmaktadır.
#KerishDoctor#5_Donanım_Optimizasyon#Vit_Kayıt_Defteri_Düzeltme#Adwcleaner#Core_temp#Avica_Remote_Desktop#RAM_Saver _Professional#SysGauge_ultimate#Aida64#streamfab
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Writeup: AOpen i945GMm-HL shenanigans
AOpen i945GMm-HL - The Retro Web
Welp. This board is weirder than I ever thought it'd be. Not the board in general, but the specific one I bought.
To begin, it turns out that my particular board, and likely many others of the same model, are OEM-customized boards that AOpen provided to a little company called RM Education. They make all-in-one PCs for the UK market.
...And they are using evaluation BIOSes (in other words, BIOS software that's normally only meant for prototyping and... well, evaluation) in their retail boards.
My specific board contains BIOS version R1.08, which is actually R1.02 apparently. There is evidence of an R1.07 existing as well from a reddit thread on the r/buildapc subreddit, but I doubt that it's been dumped anywhere.
Moving on to the original point of this writeup, I got this board because I wanted to build a system that pushed the 32-bit Core Duo T2700 as far as possible, meaning I needed a mobile-on-desktop board. AOpen built a reputation for doing this sorta stuff in the 2000s, so I went ahead and picked one of their boards for use (although I would've much preferred using the top of the line AOpen i975Xa-YDG instead if it were being sold anywhere. That's a VERY tasty looking board with its full size DIMM slots and SLI-compatible dual PCIe x16 slots and ability to crank the FSB all the way to 305MHz).
Slightly surprisingly, the Core Duo T2700 is quite the overclocker! It's able to push from 2.3GHz all the way up to 2.7GHz with some FSB overclocking using the SetFSB tool. It's multiplier-locked to a range from 6.0 to 14.0, so I can only push it through this means.
The board I'm using, the AOpen i945GMm-HL, supports running the FSB up to 195MHz. It's okay-ish in terms of stability, but crashes when running Aida64 benchmarks unless I loosen the memory timings from the 5-5-5-15 settings that it uses at 333MHz to 5-6-6-18, which is just the tiniest bit faster than its stock settings for 400MHz operation by SPD. With these settings, it's much more stable and is able to run the benchmarks, though unless I lower the FSB from 195MHz to 190, it will consistently crash Chrome when trying to play Youtube videos on integrated graphics. I'll likely experiment some to see if adding a card capable of handling the video playback in hardware helps.
For now, this is all for this blog post. I'll follow-up with more details as they come in reblogs. As follows are the specs of the system:
AOpen i945GMm-HL (OC'ed from 166MHz FSB to 195MHz, 190MHz for more stability)
Intel Core Duo T2700 @ 2.7GHz (OC'ed from 2.3GHz)
2x 2GB Crucial DDR2 SO-DIMMs @ 5-6-6-18 timings
Some random 40GB Hitachi hdd lol
Windows XP Pro SP3, fully updated via LegacyUpdate
Supermium Browser (fork of Google Chrome and the reason why I was able to test Youtube playback in the first place)
Coming up: Installing One-Core-API and Java 21 to play Minecraft 1.21 on a 32-bit system out of spite for Microsoft "dropping support" for 32-bit CPUs.
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Discover AMD’s Next-Gen Zen 5 CPUs with AIDA64
Within AIDA64, support for the Zen 5 CPUs that will be released by AMD in the future generation has been enhanced
The most recent version of AIDA64 was only recently made available for download, and it comes with a variety of updated capabilities as well as brand-new additions. Improved compatibility with AMD’s Zen 5 central processing units, which are the company’s next generation of CPUs, is the most notable of these improvements.
The most recent version of AIDA64 is equipped with a system that provides compatibility for next-generation PCIe 6.0 hardware as well as AMD Zen 5 central processing units.
The release of AIDA64 version 6.92 is accompanied by a number of changes, the great majority of which relate to the software’s support for a variety of components that make up the hardware. These changes were made in order to improve the overall user experience.
As indicated in the headline that was presented earlier, the software monitoring and diagnostic programme has been improved to include compatibility with AMD’s Zen 5 central processing units. this update was made accessible to users of the system.
Additionally, HWiNFO started offering limited support for AMD Zen 5 central processing units (CPUs) almost a year ago; despite this, the “Improved” support section is where the majority of the content that is significant to this issue can be found.
Despite the fact that early samples of the AMD Zen 5 CPUs have been seen seeping out and Linux versions have incorporated support for them, there is still some time left before we get to see them functioning in an official capacity. This is the case despite the fact that early copies of the CPUs have been spotted leaking out.
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Как проверить степень износа батареи ноутбука?
Воздействие ресурса батареи на эффективность работы ноутбука может быть значительным. Один из основных сценариев, который стоит учитывать, - это возможное перегревание компонентов. Это особенно актуально, если вы используете ноутбук без подключения к электросети. Иногда, когда уровень заряда батареи падает, системе охлаждения может не хватить мощности для поддержания оптимальных оборотов, на которые она рассчит��на. Это может привести к повышению рабочих температур компонентов и, в результате, к сокращению ресурса процессора и чипсета.
Кроме того, следует учитывать возможность перепадов напряжения.
Изношенные элементы питания могут вызвать скачок напряжения, когда система пытается обеспечить увеличенное потребление тока, а старая батарея не может справиться с этой задачей. Это может привести к возникновению перепада, который может повредить предохранители и конденсаторы на материнской плате.
Также важно учитывать возможность выхода из строя отдельных компонентов из-за выпячивания аккумулятора.
Это может происходить со временем, когда некоторые элементы питания начинают набирать объем и давить на соседние элементы материнской платы.
Чтобы проверить состояние аккумулятора, существует несколько способов. Один из них - использование встроенной утилиты PowerShell в ОС Windows. Эта утилита предоставляет возможность получить отчет о состоянии батареи. Чтобы воспользоваться ей, нужно выполнить несколько шагов:
Заходим в меню "Пуск" и выбираем версию с правами администратора.
Вводим команду: powercfg /batteryreport в окне утилиты PowerShell.
Отчет будет сгенерирован и сохранен в ��казанную папку.
Еще один способ - использование командной строки.
Для этого в меню Пуск нужно ввести "cmd" (или нажать Win + R) и ввести команду powercfg /batteryreport. Операционная система предоставит вам путь к файлу отчета, где вы сможете узнать состояние аккумулятора.
Также существуют различные программы от производителей ноутбуков или аккумуляторов, которые предоставляют средства для оценки состояния батареи. Многие из них доступны бесплатно. Следует обратить внимание на две самые популярные бесплатные и одну платную программы для Windows 10.
Программы для управления батареей, такие как Battery Care и Imtec Battery Mark
предоставляют широкий набор инструментов для контроля и оптимизации работы аккумулятора. Battery Care, например, привлекает своей легкостью и быстрой установкой, а также минимальной нагрузкой на систему. Она предоставляет обширную информацию, включая данные о циклах зарядки за последнюю неделю.
Imtec Battery Mark, в свою очередь, является отличной альтернативой с особенностью подхода к старым ноутбукам с низкой производительностью. Эта программа также бесплатная и позволяет проводить тестирование как в ускоренном, так и в обычном режиме, а также имитировать разные нагрузки на аппаратные компоненты.
Среди платных программ стоит выделить AIDA64
мощный инструмент для тестирования всех компонентов ПК, включая аккумулятор ноутбука. С помощью AIDA64 можно получить информацию о заявленной емкости, текущей емкости и уровне износа аккумулятора.
Для пользователей MacBook важно отметить, что батареи рассчитаны на определенное количество циклов зарядки и перезарядки. Данные о состоянии аккумулятора можно получить через меню Apple → Системные настройки → Аккумулятор. Необходимо следить за рекомендациями системы по обслуживанию аккумулятора, чтобы поддерживать его работоспособность.
Важно помнить, что забота о батарее - важный аспект управления ноутбуком.
Правильное управление состоянием аккумулятора может значительно продлить срок его службы и обеспечить оптимальную работу устройства. Выбор программы зависит от ваших предпочтений, главное - реагировать своевременно на изменения в работе системы.
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Overclock Nedir?
Overclock Nedir?
Overclock, bir bilgisayarın işlemcisi (CPU), grafik işlemcisi (GPU), RAM veya diğer bileşenlerinin, üretici tarafından belirlenen hız sınırlarının üzerinde çalıştırılması işlemidir. Bu, bileşenlerin performansını artırarak daha hızlı ve verimli çalışmasını sağlar. Ancak, overclock işlemi dikkatli bir şekilde yapılmadığında bileşenlerin zarar görmesine veya sistemin kararsız hale gelmesine neden olabilir.
Overclock'un Amaçları
Performans Artışı: Overclock, bileşenlerin hızını artırarak bilgisayarın genel performansını yükseltir. Bu, oyunlar, video düzenleme, grafik tasarımı ve diğer yoğun işlemci gerektiren uygulamalarda daha iyi performans sağlar.
Maliyet Tasarrufu: Yeni ve daha güçlü donanım almak yerine mevcut donanımı overclock ederek maliyet tasarrufu sağlanabilir.
Benchmarking: Overclock, kullanıcıların donanımlarının sınırlarını test etmelerine ve performans karşılaştırmaları yapmalarına olanak tanır.
Overclock Nasıl Yapılır?
BIOS/UEFI Ayarları: Overclock işlemi genellikle bilgisayarın BIOS veya UEFI ayarlarından yapılır. İşlemci frekansı, voltaj ve diğer parametreler burada ayarlanabilir.
Yazılım Araçları: CPU-Z, MSI Afterburner, Intel Extreme Tuning Utility (XTU) ve AMD Ryzen Master gibi yazılımlar, kullanıcıların overclock yapmalarına yardımcı olabilir.
Soğutma Çözümleri: Overclock, bileşenlerin daha fazla ısınmasına neden olabilir. Bu nedenle, etkin bir soğutma sistemi (örneğin, su soğutma, güçlü hava soğutucular) kullanmak önemlidir.
Overclock Yaparken Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler
Isı Yönetimi: Overclock, bileşenlerin daha fazla ısınmasına yol açar. Etkili bir soğutma sistemi kullanarak bileşenlerin aşırı ısınmasını önlemek gereklidir.
Güç Tüketimi: Overclock, bileşenlerin daha fazla güç tüketmesine neden olabilir. Güç kaynağının (PSU) bu ek yükü karşılayabilecek kapasitede olması önemlidir.
Sistem Kararlılığı: Overclock işlemi sonrasında sistemin kararlılığını test etmek önemlidir. Prime95, AIDA64 ve FurMark gibi stres test yazılımları, sistemin stabil olup olmadığını kontrol etmek için kullanılabilir.
Garanti: Overclock, bazı üretici garantilerini geçersiz kılabilir. Bu nedenle, overclock yapmadan önce garanti şartlarını kontrol etmek önemlidir.
Overclock'un Avantajları
Yüksek Performans: Bileşenlerin hızını artırarak daha iyi performans elde edilebilir.
Maliyet Etkinliği: Yeni donanım satın almak yerine mevcut donanımı optimize etmek maliyet tasarrufu sağlar.
Özelleştirme: Kullanıcılar, sistemlerini kendi ihtiyaçlarına göre özelleştirebilirler.
Overclock'un Dezavantajları
Donanım Hasarı Riski: Yanlış yapılan overclock işlemi, bileşenlerin aşırı ısınmasına ve hasar görmesine neden olabilir.
Garanti Sorunları: Overclock, bazı üretici garantilerini geçersiz kılabilir.
Sistem Kararsızlığı: Overclock, sistemin kararsız hale gelmesine ve sık sık çökmelere neden olabilir.
Overclock ve Modern Sistemler
Overclock nedir, bilgisayar bileşenlerinin performansını artırmak için kullanılan etkili bir yöntemdir. Ancak, bu işlem dikkatli bir şekilde yapılmalıdır, çünkü bileşenlerin hasar görmesine ve sistemin kararsız hale gelmesine neden olabilir. Isı yönetimi, güç tüketimi ve sistem kararlılığı gibi faktörler dikkate alınarak yapılan overclock, kullanıcıların bilgisayarlarından maksimum performans elde etmelerini sağlar.
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Overclocking the Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 SL9S5: Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Performance
If you’re a computing enthusiast or a nostalgic techie, you might remember the Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 SL9S5 as a groundbreaking piece of hardware from the mid-2000s. While it may seem like a relic of the past, the X6800, with its impressive 2.93 GHz clock speed and unlocked multiplier, remains a fascinating candidate for overclocking. Whether you’re looking to squeeze out a bit more performance from your old system or simply curious about overclocking an iconic processor, this guide will walk you through the steps and considerations for maximizing the potential of your Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 SL9S5.
Understanding the Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 SL9S5
Before diving into the overclocking process, it’s essential to understand the core features of the X6800. Released in 2006, this processor was a part of Intel’s Core 2 Extreme series and was known for its performance and flexibility. With a base clock speed of 2.93 GHz, a 4 MB L2 cache, and an unlocked multiplier, it was designed for enthusiasts who wanted to push their systems beyond standard specifications.
Preparation: What You Need to Know
1. Cooling Solutions: Overclocking generates additional heat, so a robust cooling solution is paramount. The stock cooler is generally insufficient for significant overclocking. Invest in a high-quality aftermarket air cooler or, for more advanced setups, a liquid cooling system.
2. Power Supply: Ensure that your power supply can handle the increased power demands. Overclocking places additional strain on the power components, and a reliable, high-wattage PSU is crucial.
3. Motherboard: A motherboard with a strong reputation for stability and overclocking support is essential. Look for motherboards with advanced BIOS options and good cooling around the CPU socket.
4. Memory: Higher overclocks can stress your system memory. Ensure you have high-quality RAM and consider increasing its voltage or loosening its timings if necessary.
Steps to Overclock the X6800 SL9S5
1. Enter BIOS/UEFI Settings
To begin overclocking, restart your computer and enter the BIOS/UEFI settings. This is usually done by pressing a specific key during startup, such as DEL, F2, or ESC, depending on your motherboard manufacturer.
2. Adjust CPU Multiplier
The Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 has an unlocked multiplier, which allows for more straightforward adjustments compared to processors with locked multipliers. Increase the multiplier incrementally to achieve a higher clock speed. For instance, if your base clock is 2.93 GHz and you set the multiplier to 10x, you’ll achieve a 2.93 GHz speed. Raising it to 11x will increase your speed to 3.22 GHz.
3. Modify Front Side Bus (FSB) Frequency
In addition to the multiplier, you’ll also need to adjust the Front Side Bus (FSB) frequency. Increasing the FSB will raise the overall clock speed. For example, if you set the FSB to 300 MHz, combined with a multiplier of 10x, you’ll reach a clock speed of 3.00 GHz. Be cautious with FSB adjustments, as it also affects other system components like RAM and PCIe slots.
4. Fine-Tune Voltage Settings
To maintain stability at higher clock speeds, you may need to increase the CPU voltage (Vcore). Start with small increments to avoid excessive heat and potential damage. It’s crucial to monitor temperatures closely after making changes. Higher voltages can lead to increased temperatures and stress on the processor.
5. Test Stability and Monitor Temperatures
After each adjustment, save the BIOS settings and boot into your operating system. Use stability testing software such as Prime95, AIDA64, or IntelBurnTest to stress test the CPU. Monitor temperatures with tools like HWMonitor or Core Temp to ensure they remain within safe limits (typically below 70–75°C under load).
6. Iterate and Adjust
Overclocking is often an iterative process. If your system crashes or shows instability, you may need to adjust settings or revert to previous configurations. It’s a balance between performance gains and system stability. Incremental adjustments and thorough testing are key to achieving a stable overclock.
Tips for Successful Overclocking
1. Start Small: Begin with modest increases in clock speeds and voltages. Small steps help in understanding the limits of your system and ensure stability.
2. Monitor Temperatures: Always keep a close eye on temperatures. Overheating can lead to thermal throttling, reduced performance, and potential hardware damage.
3. Stability is Key: Prioritize system stability over achieving the highest possible clock speeds. A stable system with slightly lower speeds is better than an unstable one with higher speeds.
4. Benchmark Performance: Use benchmarking tools to measure the performance improvements gained from overclocking. This helps you gauge the effectiveness of your changes.
5. Documentation: Keep detailed notes of your settings and changes. This helps in troubleshooting issues and understanding which adjustments yield the best results.
Overclocking the Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 SL9S5 can be a rewarding experience, providing a tangible performance boost to a classic processor. With its unlocked multiplier and robust design, the X6800 is well-suited for enthusiasts looking to squeeze out extra performance. However, it’s crucial to approach overclocking with care, prioritizing stability and cooling to ensure a safe and successful experience.
Whether you’re reviving an old system or exploring overclocking for the first time, following these tips and guidelines will help you get the most out of your Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 SL9S5. Enjoy the thrill of pushing the limits and relive the excitement of high-performance computing from an iconic era in tech history!
Want to buy SL9S5 (Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800) in bulk?
The Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 (SL9S5) is a high-end processor from the Core 2 series, released in 2006. It features a 2.93 GHz clock speed, 4 MB of L2 cache, and supports a 1066 MHz front-side bus. Known for its unlocked multiplier, it allows for advanced overclocking. This processor is well-suited for enthusiasts and legacy systems. When purchasing in bulk from VSTL, ensure to verify stock availability, check compatibility with your systems, and consider the support and warranty options provided for these vintage components.
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Asus ROG Strix B660 A Gaming WIFI D4 Features: Intel LGA 1700 Socket: Ready for 12th Gen Intel Core, Pentium Gold and Celeron processors Optimal Power Solution: 12+1 power stages with ProCool power connectors, high-quality alloy chokes and durable capacitors to support multi-core processors Optimized Thermal Design: Integrated I/O cover, VRM heatsinks with high conductivity thermal pads, and three onboard M.2 heatsinks High-performance Networking: On-board Intel WiFi 6 (802.11ax) and Intel 2.5 Gb Ethernet with ASUS LANGuard Best Gaming Connectivity: Supports HDMI 2.1 and DisplayPort 1.4 output, three M.2 slots, as well as USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 Type-C Intelligent Control: ASUS-exclusive AI Cooling, AI Networking and Two-Way AI Noise Cancelation to simplify setup and improve performance DIY Friendly Design: M.2 Q-Latch, pre-mounted I/O shield, BIOS FlashBack button and Q-LED Unmatched Personalization: ASUS-exclusive Aura Sync RGB lighting, including one RGB header and three addressable Gen 2 headers Industry-leading Gaming Audio: ALC4080 with Savitech SV3H712 amplifier, along with DTS Sound Unbound and Sonic Studio III Renowned Software: Bundled 60-day free trial of AIDA64 Extreme, and an intuitive UEFI BIOS dashboard ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 offers premium power delivery and optimized cooling to unleash the full force of the latest 12th Gen Intel Core processors. Onboard PCIe 5.0, WiFi 6 and three PCIe 4.0 M.2 slots provide lightning-fast data transfers for an endless variety of scenarios, and ASUS-exclusive intelligent controls to help optimize PC settings. On top of all that, DIY-friendly innovations help simplify the PC building process to get to you up and running smoothly. TEAMED POWER STAGES 12+1 power stages combine high-side and low-side MOSFETS and drivers into a single package, delivering the power and efficiency that the latest Intel processors can take full advantage of. ALLOY CHOKES AND CAPACITORS High-end chokes and durable capacitors are engineered to resist extreme temperatures, enabling performance that exceeds industry standards. PROCOOL POWER CONNECTOR The ASUS ProCool socket is built to exacting specifications to ensure flush contact with the PSU power lines, enabling lower impedance and better heat dissipation. DIGI+ POWER CONTROL The Digi+ voltage regulator module (VRM) is one of the finest in the industry, ensuring ultra-smooth and clean power delivery to the CPU. SIX-LAYER PCB A multi-layered printed circuit board design quickly dissipates heat around the voltage regulators to improve overall system stability and provide the CPU with more overclocking headroom. Two-Way AI Noise Cancelation This powerful ASUS-exclusive utility leverages a massive deep-learning database to reduce background noise from the microphone* and incoming audio while preserving voices. Distracting keyboard clatter, mouse clicks and other ambient noises are removed so you can hear and be heard with perfect clarity while gaming or during calls. Asus ROG Strix B660 A Gaming WIFI D4 AI Cooling ASUS AI Cooling technology automatically manages and controls motherboard-connected fans to ensure optimal settings based on current system load and temperature. AI Networking The proprietary ROG GameFirst VI utility is designed to help all users beginners, experts, and everyone in between optimize network settings to ensure smooth online gameplay. New to this generation, GameFirst VI features AI-enhanced identification and boost technologies to ensure faster and smarter network optimization. Adaptive Intelligence GameFirst VI notes what you’re currently doing and adjusts bandwidth accordingly to ensure smooth online experiences, even when multitasking. OptiMem II OptiMem II technology offers higher clock speeds through trace layout optimizations that significantly reduce signal distance and crosstalk while enhancing memory stability and compatibility. ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 supports up to 128 GB of DDR4 memory across four slots.
WiFi 6 (802.11 ax) Onboard WiFi 6 (802.11ax) supports ultrafast wireless-networking speeds, improved capacity and better performance in dense wireless environments, providing exceptional online gaming experiences. Pair your motherboard with ASUS WiFi 6 routers to fully experience the networking potential of WiFi 6. Intel 2.5 Gb Ethernet Onboard 2.5 Gb Ethernet gives your wired connection a boost, with up to a 2.5x improvement over standard Ethernet connections for faster file transfers, smoother lag-free gaming and high-res video streaming. SupremeFX ROG SupremeFX is a unique blend of hardware and software that provides superior audio. In ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4, SupremeFX features the ALC4080 codec to increase playback resolution from 192 kHz to 384 kHz across all channels. The front-panel output is streamed through a highly integrated Savitech amplifier thatands capable of driving of a wide variety of gaming headsets and high-fidelity headphones. Undeniably ROG Strix The ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 will turn heads with a striking silver-white finish that contrasts with a bold Aura RGB-illuminated glitch-effect logo. Meanwhile, parallel strakes and dotted text on the aluminum I/O shroud, M.2 and PCH heatsinks tie the whole aesthetic together and underline the ROG Strix fundamentals of speed, diversity and attitude. M.2 Q-LATCH The innovative Q-Latch makes it easy to install or remove an M.2 SSD without the need for specific tools. The design employs a simple locking mechanism to secure the drive and neatly eliminate traditional screws. CERTIFIED COMPATIBILITY ROG Strix motherboards undergo an extensive certification program to ensure compatibility with the widest range of components and devices. Our Qualified Vendor List (QVL) provides a reference for identifying guaranteed-compatible components and memory. ASUS AIO coolers are also compatible with a wide variety of CPUs, up to and including 12th Gen Intel processors, giving you ultimate flexibility to cool the CPU that fits your needs. THE ROG STRIX ECOSYSTEM AWAITS Level up your game with ROG Strix. Enjoy complementary aesthetics, control and compatibility across AIO coolers, cases, peripherals, and much more. ROG offers more choices than any other brand. UEFI BIOS The renowned ROG UEFI (BIOS) provides everything you need to configure, tweak, and tune your rig. It offers intelligently simplified options for newcomers to PC DIY and more comprehensive features for seasoned veterans. Sonic Studio III ROG Sonic Studio supports HRTF-based (head-related transfer function*) virtual surround for VR headsets, casting an immersive aural landscape that draws you deeper into the action. The intuitive Sonic Studio interface also offers a range of EQ options and one-click presets, allowing you to tailor acoustics to suit personal preferences or the characteristics of your headset. DTS: Sound Unbound dts ROG Strix B660 motherboards are pre-loaded with the DTS Sound Unbound app that envelops you in audio as never before, conjuring whole new levels of immersion for extraordinary gaming and entertainment experiences. By leveraging Windows Sonic spatial technology, DTS Sound Unbound delivers audio in a virtual 3D space putting you right in the middle of the soundscape, where you can sense the location and direction of every gunshot, footstep or other sound in your virtual environment. Stereo Sound: Discrete left and right audio channels enable headphone or two-speaker setup. Surround Sound: Audio is split and served over multiple speaker channels e.g., 5.1 or 7.1 to create an enveloping experience on a single, logical plane. Spatial Sound: A virtual audio sphereand effect creates astonishing 360° immersion with you at the center, where sounds seem to travel in all directions. AIDA64 EXTREME ROG Strix B660 motherboards include an AIDA64 Extreme 60 days free trial. This industry-leading system information tool provides detailed information about installed hardware
and software, and it also provides benchmarks for measuring performance of the entire system or individual components. AIDA64 Extreme includes a monitoring and diagnostics feature to detect and prevent hardware issues. All vital system sensors can be tracked in real time, allowing voltage readings, fan speeds, and temperature information to be displayed on the desktop or sent to dedicated displays or to the OLED panels of ROG AIO liquid coolers*. Armoury Crate Armoury Crate is a software utility designed to give you centralized control of supported gaming products, making it easy to tune the look and feel of your system. From a single intuitive interface, Armoury Crate helps you customize RGB lighting and effects for compatible devices and synchronize them with Aura Sync to create a unified lighting scheme across your system. In addition, Armoury Crateands Fan Xpert4 tool provides comprehensive control over fans, water pumps and all-in-one (AIO) coolers. Asus ROG Strix B660 A Gaming WIFI D4
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Powerful KL II 360 AIO liquid cooler by Segotep
In the Summer, wouldn’t it wonderful to have a cup of icy coke when you are playing your favorite game? So how about your computer? Why don’t you bring down its temperature so it can perform effectively? Check this KL II 360 ARGB AIO liquid cooler by Segotep. The pump of the cooler has been built in the radiator rather than in the water block. Therefore, a fan is available inside the water block to dissipate the heat generated by the MOS on the motherboard. This design is appealing to overclockers concerned about the heat.
From the first generation of KL 360 cooler, Segotep have been considering placing a fan inside the water block. So they moved the pump of the first generation of KL 360 cooler to the ends of the tubes near the radiator. And now the pump of the second generation, KL II 360 AIO, is integrated inside the radiator. Besides a fan, the water block is also equipped with a 2.1 inch LCD screen.
As an integrated design, KL II 360 looks nice and simple on its appearance because of its screwless 3-in-1 fans on the radiator, which saves the users’ bother of cable management.
Besides, the pump, pump cables and ARGB lighting cables are all built in the radiator. If you need to build a computer of ARGB synchronization, you will have to suffer the bother of connecting many 5V 3PIN lighting cables from traditional fans. So the integration of KL II 360 will certainly save the time of building without a cable hub as well as make the cable routing easier.
KL II 360 AIO also make it the computer building easier with its bundle including mounting brackets for 12th and 13th GEN Core and AMD platforms.
The water block base of KL II 360 AIO is made of copper, which delivers high efficiency of heat.
The 70mm PWM fan built in the water block can be seen clearly from outside. This design is good for MOS near the CPU socket on the motherboard. As test shows, the heat sink temperature of the MOS being cooled by a fan will be 8℃ lower than those without being cooled. This help stabilizes the voltage and current for a overclocked CPU. Besides, the M.2 NVMe SSD nearby will also benefit from the cooled environment.
This build is with KL Aelous white case to go with KL II 360 AIO cooler. As the 3 windows in the can front panel can be opened to a 10° for more air to come in, this build will be enough for i7-12700KF and RTX 4070.
The most appealing part of KL II 360 is its 2.1 inch LCD with high resolution display. With a 480*480 resolution, the screen delivers a PPI as high as 323.
CPU use rate, temperature, voltage and power consumption can be showed in the LCD through a designated software named KL-Center developed by Segotep. You can also customize the display with your loved photos or videos in JPG, PNG, GIF, MP4 and AVI formats. The ROM of the LCD display is 4GB, which is even enough for a movie.
As a high-level liquid AIO cooler, the screen of KL II 360 is built with high quality materials. And its high resolution improves the display quality over other coolers in the market.
After being tested with AIDA64 FPU for 20 minutes, the temperature of the i7-12700K was first detected around 60℃ and then maintained around 50℃. Thanks to KL II 360, this i7-12700KF has a lot of potential for overclocking.
KL II 360 has embodied all thoughtful designs for easy and enjoyable computer building. No one would refuse such an integrated cooler as its fans, power cable, ARGB cables and mounts are all pre-installed and pre-attached.
KL II 360 has assembled so many creative designs besides a high-resolution LCD screen. If a product calls itself a good one, it must do good in all aspects. By the way, the KL-Center, a software used to control the display of the screen, is easy to use. In a word, KL II 360 is a beautiful and user-friendly liquid cooler that you should not miss.
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Frequency vs timing You can see some higher frequency kits down the line, but they have more relaxed timings than the Corsair Vengeance RGB DDR5-6000 CL36. They also don't have the same aesthetic, as these DIMMs would look great on a system with a ... bitrise.co.in
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FinalWire обновляет AIDA64 до версии v7.20
FinalWire объявила о доступности программного обеспечения FinalWire AIDA64 Extreme v7.20, оптимизированного инструмента диагностики и сравнительного анализа для домашних пользователей; инженерного варианта AIDA64 Engineer 7.20, профессионального решения для диагностики и сравнительного анализа для корпоративных ИТ-специалистов; AIDA64...
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/03/12/077-finalwire-obnovlyaet-aida64-do-versii-v720-grss-289742797.html
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Writeup: Forcing Minecraft to play on a Trident Blade 3D.
The first official companion writeup to a video I've put out!
So. Uh, yeah. Trident Blade 3D. If you've seen the video already, it's... not good. Especially in OpenGL.
Let's kick things off with a quick rundown of the specs of the card, according to AIDA64:
Trident Blade 3D - specs
Year released: 1999
Core: 3Dimage 9880, 0.25um (250nm) manufacturing node, 110MHz
Driver version:
Interface: AGP 2x @ 1x speed (wouldn't go above 1x despite driver and BIOS support)
PCI device ID: 1023-9880 / 1023-9880 (Rev 3A)
Mem clock: 110MHz real/effective
Mem bus/type: 8MB 64-bit SDRAM, 880MB/s bandwidth
ROPs/TMUs/Vertex Shaders/Pixel Shaders/T&L hardware: 1/1/0/0/No
DirectX support: DirectX 6
OpenGL support: - 100% (native) OpenGL 1.1 compliant - 25% (native) OpenGL 1.2 compliant - 0% compliant beyond OpenGL 1.2 - Vendor string:
Vendor : Trident Renderer : Blade 3D Version : 1.1.0
And as for the rest of the system:
Windows 98 SE w/KernelEX 2019 updates installed
ECS K7VTA3 3.x
AMD Athlon XP 1900+ @ 1466MHz
512MB DDR PC3200 (single stick of OCZ OCZ400512P3) 3.0-4-4-8 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)
Hitachi Travelstar DK23AA-51 4200RPM 5GB HDD
IDK what that CPU cooler is but it does the job pretty well
And now, with specs done and out of the way, my notes!
As mentioned earlier, the Trident Blade 3D is mind-numbingly slow when it comes to OpenGL. As in, to the point where at least natively during actual gameplay (Minecraft, because I can), it is absolutely beaten to a pulp using AltOGL, an OpenGL-to-Direct3D6 "wrapper" that translates OpenGL API calls to DirectX ones.
Normally, it can be expected that performance using the wrapper is about equal to native OpenGL, give or take some fps depending on driver optimization, but this card?
The Blade 3D may as well be better off like the S3 ViRGE by having no OpenGL ICD shipped in any driver release, period.
For the purposes of this writeup, I will stick to a very specific version of Minecraft: in-20091223-1459, the very first version of what would soon become Minecraft's "Indev" phase, though this version notably lacks any survival features and aside from the MD3 models present, is indistinguishable from previous versions of Classic. All settings are at their absolute minimum, and the window size is left at default, with a desktop resolution of 1024x768 and 16-bit color depth.
(Also the 1.5-era launcher I use is incapable of launching anything older than this version anyway)
Though known to be unstable (as seen in the full video), gameplay in Minecraft Classic using AltOGL reaches a steady 15 fps, nearly triple that of the native OpenGL ICD that ships with Trident's drivers the card. AltOGL also is known to often have issues with fog rendering on older cards, and the Blade 3D is no exception... though, I believe it may be far more preferable to have no working fog than... well, whatever the heck the Blade 3D is trying to do with its native ICD.
See for yourself: (don't mind the weirdness at the very beginning. OBS had a couple of hiccups)
Later versions of Minecraft were also tested, where I found that the Trident Blade 3D follows the same, as I call them, "version boundaries" as the SiS 315(E) and the ATi Rage 128, both of which being cards that easily run circles around the Blade 3D.
Version ranges mentioned are inclusive of their endpoints.
Infdev 1.136 (inf-20100627) through Beta b1.5_01 exhibit world-load crashes on both the SiS 315(E) and Trident Blade 3D.
Alpha a1.0.4 through Beta b1.3_01/PC-Gamer demo crash on the title screen due to the animated "falling blocks"-style Minecraft logo on both the ATi Rage 128 and Trident Blade 3D.
All the bugginess of two much better cards, and none of the performance that came with those bugs.
Interestingly, versions even up to and including Minecraft release 1.5.2 are able to launch to the main menu, though by then the already-terrible lag present in all prior versions of the game when run on the Blade 3D make it practically impossible to even press the necessary buttons to load into a world in the first place. Though this card is running in AGP 1x mode, I sincerely doubt that running it at its supposedly-supported 2x mode would bring much if any meaningful performance increase.
Lastly, ClassiCube. ClassiCube is a completely open-source reimplementation of Minecraft Classic in C, which allows it to bypass the overhead normally associated with Java's VM platform. However, this does not grant it any escape from the black hole of performance that is the Trident Blade 3D's OpenGL ICD. Not only this, but oddly, the red and blue color channels appear to be switched by the Blade 3D, resulting in a very strange looking game that chugs along at single-digits. As for the game's DirectX-compatible version, the requirement of DirectX 9 support locks out any chance for the Blade 3D to run ClassiCube with any semblance of performance. Also AltOGL is known to crash ClassiCube so hard that a power cycle is required.
Interestingly, a solid half of the accelerated pixel formats supported by the Blade 3D, according to the utility GLInfo, are "render to bitmap" modes, which I'm told is a "render to texture" feature that normally isn't seen on cards as old as the Blade 3D. Or in fact, at least in my experience, any cards outside of the Blade 3D. I've searched through my saved GLInfo reports across many different cards, only to find each one supporting the usual "render to window" pixel format.
And with that, for now, this is the end of the very first post-video writeup on this blog. Thank you for reading if you've made it this far.
I leave you with this delightfully-crunchy clip of the card's native OpenGL ICD running in 256-color mode, which fixes the rendering problems but... uh, yeah. It's a supported accelerated pixel format, but "accelerated" is a stretch like none other. 32-bit color is supported as well, but it performs about identically to the 8-bit color mode--that is, even worse than 16-bit color performs.
At least it fixes the rendering issues I guess.
#youtube#techblog#not radioshack#my posts#writeup#Forcing Minecraft to play on a Trident Blade 3D#Trident Blade 3D#Trident Blade 3D 9880
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G.SKILL Introduces Trident Z5 CK & Trident Z5 CK RGB Series
G.SKILL Introduces Trident Z5 CK Series Overclocked DDR5 CU-DIMM with Clock Driver, DDR5-9600
With a built-in clock driver (CKD) and a maximum overclock speed of DDR5-9600, G.SKILL International Enterprise, the world’s top brand of performance overclock memory and PC components, is thrilled to announce the release of the Trident Z5 CK and Trident Z5 CK RGB series extreme overclock DDR5 CU-DIMM memory. With its mirrored black finish heatspreaders and their ability to push the limits of memory overclocking, the Trident Z5 CK and Trident Z5 CK RGB series are designed to work with the newest Intel Core Ultra 200 K-series desktop processors and Intel Z890 chipset motherboards. Newegg.com is now selling the Trident Z5 CK and Trident Z5 CK RGB series DDR5-9600 memory kits:
Image credit to G.SLILL
DDR5 CU-DIMM – The New Generation of DDR5 Memory
The new CU-DIMM standard, which adds a built-in clock driver (CKD) chip to the memory module, serves as the foundation for the Trident Z5 CK and Trident Z5 CK RGB series. The CKD is intended to improve stability in high-speed memory operations by fortifying signals between the CPU and memory IC chips.Image credit to G.SLILL
Extreme Overclock Speed at DDR5-9000 (Gear 2)
G.SKILL is also producing an ultimate DDR5 CU-DIMM memory kit specification at DDR5-9000 CL42-56-56-144 with 48GB (2x24GB) total capacity, which is designed for extreme overclockers. Using the ASUS ROG Maximus Z890 Apex motherboard and Intel Core Ultra 9 285K desktop processor in Gear 2 mode, the screenshot below shows the high-speed overclock memory:
Extreme CU-DIMM Speed Up To DDR5-9600 (Gear 4)
The R&D team at G.SKILL, which is constantly pushing the boundaries of memory overclock speeds, has achieved a new benchmark of DDR5-9600 CL46-58-58 48GB (2x24GB) using CU-DIMM in Gear 4 mode. View the screenshot below to see the incredible overclock speed being achieved with the most recent ASRock Z890 Taichi OCF motherboard and Intel Core Ultra 7 265K desktop processor.
DDR5-10000 Dual-Channel CU-DIMM Memory OC Potential
G.SKILL Trident Z5 CK memory has achieved an overclock speed of DDR5-10000 in dual-channel mode on air cooling with both Apex and ASRock Z890 Taichi OCF motherboards, demonstrating the CU-DIMM’s memory overclock capabilities. The screenshots below show system stability under the Memtest stress test on the ASUS motherboard and the AIDA64 bandwidth benchmark on the ASRock motherboard, which were accomplished via extra BIOS tuning across CPU and memory settings, including voltage and sophisticated memory timing modifications.
Sleek Flagship Trident Z5 Family Design
The Trident Z5 CK and Trident Z5 CK RGB series, which follow the design language of the flagship performance Trident Z5 family, add a sophisticated look to your PC build with their sleek mirrored black heatspreaders topped with either a semi-translucent RGB light bar or a piano black top bar.
Availability & Intel XMP 3.0 Support
In October 2024, the Trident Z5 CK and Trident Z5 CK RGB series DDR5 CU-DIMM memory kits which support the Intel XMP 3.0 memory overclock profile will be made available to approved G.SKILL distributors and retailers.
What is CU-DIMM?
Clocked unbuffered dual in-line memory module is what CU-DIMM stands for. This latest DDR5 memory generation has an integrated clock driver (CKD). Compared to conventional DDR5 modules, this CKD chip improves signal integrity between the CPU and memory chips, allowing for faster speeds and more stable performance.
What are the key features of the Trident Z5 CK series?
For extreme overclocking, the built-in clock driver (CKD) increases signal strength and stability. Extreme Overclocking Speeds: These speeds push the limits of DDR5 performance and are available up to DDR5-9600. Sleek Design: Maintaining the Trident Z5 family’s style, this heatspreader has a mirrored black finish and a piano black or semi-translucent RGB light bar. Support for Intel XMP 3.0: With compatible motherboards, this allows for simple setup and automatic overclocking.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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Бенчмарк AIDA64 получил тёмный интерфейс и поддержку видеокарт RTX 40 SUPER
Бенчмарк AIDA64 получил тёмный интерфейс и поддержку видеокарт RTX 40 SUPER Известное приложение для тестирования видеокарт AIDA64 получило новую версию. Обновление за 11 марта принесло поддержку серии видеокарт Nvidia RTX 40 SUPER, которая была представлена в минувшем январе.... #Новости_технологий #Компьютеры #IT #ТрешЭксперт #TrashExpert #Высокие_технологии Read the full article
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Intel Core i3-14100 non-K(非K)ベンチマーク結果リーク情報
北米時間2024年1月8日にリリース予定と噂されているIntel Core i3-14100 non-Kのテストが行われたという記事を紹介します。Aida64のストレステストとCinebench R23ベンチマーク結果が含まれています。同時に、Core i5-14400 non-Kのデータも記載されています。
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The Intel 14600 processor is only 5% slower than the 14600K model
Benchmark results of the 14600 processor, measured using several software, show almost identical performance compared to the 14600K.
Intel Core i5-14600 CPU benchmark scores have been published, detailing the boost frequency, single and multi-thread performance, and energy consumption.
User X with the username ECSM_Official has published images of AIDA64, Cinebench R23 and CPU-Z software running on Core i5-14600 and it seems that this low power chip is the 154 watt version of Core i5-14600K which is one of the best Intel's 14th generation processors have been displayed.
Intel's Non-K processors are designed and manufactured to meet the needs of affordable and home desktop computers. These chips are not supposed to have a high overclocking capacity and provide a higher TDP; Rather, while maintaining the configuration of cores in K series processors, their most important difference will be in frequency and lower power consumption.
The frequency and power consumption data of the i5-14600 processor were measured during heavy decimal number processing (FPU) in AIDA64, which usually maximizes power consumption. In principle, it should be confirmed that the Core i5-14600 operates at a maximum frequency of 4.8 GHz in its high-consumption six cores and 3.9 GHz with its eight low-consumption cores. Power consumption of 156 watts also means thermal design (TDP) of 154 watts, which is set at the limit of Core i5-13600 .
Powerful core boost frequency
Low consumption core boost frequency
Total power consumption
4.8 GHz
3.9 GHz
154 watts
5.3 GHz
3.7 GHz
154 watts
5.3 GHz
4.0 GHz
181 watts
The frequency results in the above table are not entirely logical, because the high-power cores of the i5-14600 processor show a boost frequency of 200 MHz lower than the i5-13600, while the i5-14600 should be faster or at least equal to its predecessor.
It seems that the i5-14600 was probably running at a lower frequency than it would sustain in stable processing.
The screenshot shows that the AIDA64 test ran for almost three minutes, which is longer than expected for the Core i5-14600 to run at maximum frequency.
We have already seen similar behavior with the Core i5-13400F processor; where in a short period of time it could reach the boost frequency of 4.6 GHz and then return to 4.1 GHz. Probably the same thing happened in AIDA64 test for Core i5-14600. Although the frequency of the low-power core of this chip is mentioned with high accuracy, it should be expected that it will remain at the boost frequency of 5.3 GHz for a short time in its high-power cores.
Multiple cores
single core
Core i5-14600
Core i5-14600K
14600 and 14600K single and multi-core scores with Cinebench R23 software
Given that the Core i5-14600 has been operating at lower frequencies, it's not surprising that it got low scores in Cinebench R23 software. In the multi-core test, the Core i5-14600 was only about 10 percent slower than the Core i5-14600K, but in the single-core test, this value dropped to five percent of the Core i5-14600K's speed.
The mentioned results were obtained while 14600 consumed about 30 watts less energy than 14600K. The Core i5-14600 chip and other 14th generation models (non-K models) will be unveiled at CES
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