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mozayka · 2 years ago
AI Performance - аналог ai.marketing! Подарок 25$! Твой пожизненный доход!
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kamal2835 · 3 years ago
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yass19999 · 4 years ago
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aimarketingrobot · 4 years ago
How To Make Money With AiMARKETING ?
What is Ai Marketing? AI Marketing is a online advertising platform that enables investors to make money through cashback from the product sales of their various partners. Combining marketing with artificial intelligence allows to generate on average between 25% and 35% returns for the investors.
The company is registered as Wexford Alliance Limited under the number 2531493 at 111 Bonham Strand, MW Tower, 7 Floor, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, China. It was created in 2017 and according to their website, have over 1.5 million users already.
How does Ai Marketing work? As every tasks gets more and more automated, artificial intelligence has slowly taken its place in apps we use daily. AI technology is not new and big companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Uber… have already taken advantage of it.
AI Marketing leverages this technology to do mass advertising and generate sales for known brands (aggregators). These known brands pay commissions (up to 60% for certain products) in the form of cashback to AI Marketing.
In a nutshell, AI Marketing does keyword analysis related to products sold by the partners to identify trends at regional market level. Advertising is then generated on the large advertising platforms like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads…. toward those selected keywords to promote products from the partners. These ads will generate sales and a commission on the sale (cashback) will be earned by AI Marketing.
How do you participate? To generate this mass advertising campaigns, AI Marketing needs funds and that is where you come in.
First, you create an account on the platform and a marketing bot is associated to this account. The next step is to deposit some funds, it takes a couple of days for your fund to be cleared as marketing budget. The robot will then go to work and start spending the marketing budget and generating sales.
The cashback generated will be split between AI Marketing (45%) and yourself (55%).
The cashback will first appear on your account as “Pending” until it is confirmed by the aggregators. Each aggregator as its own timeline to confirm the cashback.
To sum up:
Deposit some funds starting from 10$. The robot will analyze the markets and select trendy keywords related to the the products of its partners. The robot will then launch advertising campaigns using the advertising budget. You get your cashback once the sales are completed. Click on the button below to get a $50 bonus to start (see below how to sign up properly).
How does Ai's marketing robot (the marketbot) work? The robot analyzes trends in social media and search queries. The results of the analysis are used to select the keywords and trends that are gaining popularity regionally.  Products and programs that match the trends are connected to the cashback programs  of many websites (over 50). Then, the marketing team launches advertisements on Google,  Yandex  direct , Instagram, Facebook and other internet platforms. The robot has a 48 hour moderation period to be at work.  When customers interested in advertising spend to purchase the product or service, you receive  cahback  waiting on your  marketbot.  The  cahback  will only be confirmed when the aggregator deadline has  passed and the customer does not request a refund of their purchase.  5 Ways To Make Money With Ai Marketing Receive the 50$ gift certificate Before investing in ai marketing and earning earnings you will need to register through a link. Here is my link that allows you to get a gift voucher worth 50 dollars for your advertising budget after you register.
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superfestballoon · 4 years ago
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Earn up to 35% cashback!
Without complications
Sign in / Enter using social network account
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smartmarketer2030 · 4 years ago
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hamdystore · 4 years ago
استثمر فلوسك  واكسب مئات الدولارات بأكثر الوسائل المربحة والآمنة  مع التسويق الذكي ai matketing وعلشان تثق تماًما إنك في أمان هقولك في الآخر
*** بدون تعب هتربح من 25 إلى 35% وكل اللي عليك إنك تشحن الريبوت بتاعك وهو هيقوم بالنيابة عنك بالتسويق والمتابعة ودراسة السوق ووضع الخطط التسويقية والتنفيذ والربح هيجيلك لحد عندك
*** هتوصلك تقارير مفصلة عن نسب البيع والربح والشركات اللي الريبوت سوق لها ونسبتك من الأرباح
*** هتكسب في الأرباح النصيب الأكبر 55% من الربح والريبوت له 45% دا غير مميزات تانية كتير هتعرفها لما تشاهد الفيديو الموجود على الصفحة
*** هتعرف إزاي تشتغل وتشحن حسابك وتسحب أرباحك *** شاهد الفيديو بهدوء مرة واتنين لحد ما تطمن وتثق في النظام المتبع وقرر في الآخر
*** وعلى فكرة لما تدخل تسجل من الرابط دا هتاخد 50$ على سبيل القرض وهتشغلهم كمان وتكسب منهم وتبقى ترجعهم لما تكسب بالفعل
*** التجربة مثيرة وتستحق المشاهدة وانت م�� خسران حاجة غير إنك تسجل الآن وتشوف بنفسك بعد ما تشاهد الفيديو *** دا غير انك هتسكب أرباح وانت قاعد في البيت بدون تعب والريبوت شغال وتقدر تزود ربح في أي وقت
* علشان نطمئن ونشتغل في أمان لازم تعرف إن اللي بيقدم الدعم والاستشارات لهذا التسويق شركات كبيرة وذات مصداقية في العالم كله مثل: Ebay - Amazon - Apple
*** أما التدريب والاشراف فهو من خلال شركات عال��ية مثل: Dell - IBM -NASDAQ
*** ومقارنة البياانات التحليلية يتم عن طريق شركات Scotiabank - Deutsche Bank
*** جرب الآن بنفسك ولا تدفع اي جنيه إلا لما تشوف بعينك واعمل تسجيل من رابط هذه الصفحة لتحصل على 50% وتربح منهم بدون ما تدفع جنيه واحد
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shalemo · 4 years ago
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kamal2835 · 3 years ago
How to create an account for AI marketing. ai marketing is sign up, how to AI marketing  registration, How to create an account on INB network, Sign up INB Network, INB Network Registration,
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enibetbot · 4 years ago
Nagyon szeretem a munkámat, ami a hobbim is 🤗
Itthonról a családom mellől, kényelmesen, nem stresszelve dolgozok, több tíz éves marketing tapasztalatomat használom fel úgy, hogy nem kell termékeket ajánlgatnom és toborzáson görcsölnöm, mert ezek nélkül van profitom! ☺️
A munkám csupán annyi, hogy finanszírozom a Marketbotomat abból a pénzből, amit ő keresett meg/többszörözött meg nekem 😁
Kétszemélyes csapatmunkát végzünk a robotommal 😁 🤖🤝👩‍🦰
Én a céges kölcsönnel és minimális tőkével elindítottam, azóta profitból dolgoztatom ő pedig reklámokat ad fel különböző nagy cégeknek, akik partnerségben állnak az én cégemmel.
A több éves tapasztalatomat adom át azoknak, akik hozzám csatlakoznak és Marketbot tulajdonosok lesznek 🙂
Többlépcsős szűrőn lehet a csapatomba jelentkezni, mert csak azokat szeretném támogatni az anyagaimmal, akik komolyan veszik ezt a munkát.
Ha érdekel, kövesd a lentebbi lépéseket.
1️⃣ Jelentkezz üzenetben.
2️⃣ Olvasd el, amit küldeni fogok és töltsd ki az űrlapomat.
3️⃣ Figyeld az email fiókodat, mert ha megfelelő válaszokat adtál az űrlapon, akkor oda fogom küldeni a következő lépést.
4️⃣ Megkapod emailben a regisztrációs lépéseket és elküldöm a regisztráció utáni teendőidet, valamint a privát csoportom linkjét, ahol az anyagaimat találod.
5️⃣ Elkezdjük a munkát, tájékoztatlak minden tudnivalóról (írásban és szóban), megbeszéljük, hogy csak a robotot akarod dolgoztatni, vagy a plusz jutalékok és bónuszok is érdekelnek-e és aszerint segítelek.
Dönts és cselekedj okosan! Hosszútávon, stabil, passzív profitot tudsz teremteni magadnak! 📈💵
Várlak sok szeretettel! 🙂
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yass19999 · 4 years ago
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fredconvsolo · 4 years ago
AI.marketing: les NBO et leur utilité
AI.marketing: les NBO et leur utilité
Alors dans ce post je vais essayer de clarifier les NBO et leur utilité pour AI.marketing ^^ Les NBO sont la monnaie qu’utilise inb network pour les primes, les promos etc … Pourquoi faut il avoir des NBO en stock ? Quand vous voyez passer une promo INB du genre 21% sur AI.marketing ca veut dire quoi ? Si par exemple vous aviez acheté 1000 NBO (et donc vous  avez en stock ces 1000 NBO sur inb)…
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digital-products-usa · 4 years ago
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ammar201114-blog · 4 years ago
My brother or sister, this opportunity is not compensated and we must use it in order to earn a living for our day, especially in these days when we suffer from the Corona epidemic, there is no work and no employer for that day. Important You will find a detailed explanation in the video when you click on this link.
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ora776 · 5 years ago
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appsapknet · 4 years ago
تنزيل APKPure APP 2022 من أجل Android مجانًا
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