rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
Ahhh I really wasn’t sure for this one…. something about your style made me think you would have ✨pizazz✨ tho, so here’s my best shot at how cool you probably look 😂
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kodoku-roxi · 3 years
Happy B-day!☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ I hope you are having great day!
Thank you sm \(^▽^)/
Well it wasn't, but now it is! From all of you who wish me a happy b-day, jesus christ thank you all, and from the adorable gift a good friend gave me~ I'm just ashdljsgjaaa
And I hope your day is as amazing as you are <3
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strangermask · 3 years
Happy birthday! I hope you have great day/night!^o^
Thank you!
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soo... Pokemon Ninjago crossover? I have some ideas ^^ Nya could have shiny golisopod (colors suit so well). Cole could have cubone (You know why-) and Jay could have one of the pikaclones? ( maybe dedenne or pachirisu?)
Cole and Cubone....augh my heart hurts just thinking about it. Do you think they met right after they both, you know?
You’re making it so hard for me to choose which ones I want them to have in my world hsankakshsajkaka
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tartppola · 2 years
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art trade with @ai-0uch ♥️💫
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stormgardenscurse · 2 years
Pomefiore!Ace Trappola x Reader
About: A dorm swap concept inspired by this and this post from @ai-0uch!! Featuring second-year Ace, a pomefiore student who interacts with you, NRC's one and only magicless, Ramshackle Prefect.
(Please check out Ai's art it's so good 😭😭)
Commissions Open!
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Once, in a dream...
You fell down a rabbit hole, led by not a white rabbit but instead a fox with beautiful, velvet fur.
It led you deep into the forest, your book long forgotten beneath the shade of a tree that you so loved to rest under. There you would lose yourself in the pages of a story of villains and heroes, card soldiers and tea parties, until the Sun set and you were called home.
You were going to miss dinner today. You hoped your family wouldn't mind - surely, if you told them of your great adventure when you returned, they'd understand. They've always known you were one to dream.
Though... as you picked up a biscuit with the words "eat me" frosted in quaint, swirling letters, you wondered just how long you'd be away.
Before you knew it, you had taken the gloved hand of a stranger as you stepped through a mirror. The world faded into darkness by then, but before that you swore you caught a glimpse of red hair. Just like that of the pretty fox that accompanied you here.
A Glimpse of Something New
Ace Trappola was the pride of his dorm - well, one of them, at least. He didn't want to brag, but Ace knew his worth and the way he could charm his way into the hearts of many. He was collected, graceful, quietly intelligent, and to top it off, a joy to be around once you got pass his walls.
Haha, what a quaint act he's got, hasn't he? While it may not be his honest personality, Ace knew how to go about self-preservation in a dorm like his. Pomefiore valued beauty, and he knew which persona would gain him the most allies.
He'd spent the first few months of his time in Night Raven College as an observer, growing used to the awkward layers he had to wear, the way his heels would click on the floor, and the rules around the dining table.
So many habits to adopt... But it paid off in the end. Now he was one of the most popular second years in his dorm, and on the odd cases where he preferred to be alone, younger students would admire him from afar and whisper of the rumors surrounding him - complimentary ones, of course.
You heard them when you asked Jack and Epel about the elusive redhead; it was hard to know what he was thinking, but Ace would break silences with a charming smile and kind eyes, leaving you dumbfounded at how someone like him blended into a school as chaotic as this.
The truth was, well... I suppose you can guess, right?
Here's a more accurate version: Ace Trappola was two-faced, and a talented actor.
See, in his first year he didn't stand out much - he was still learning how to adapt to the dorm. And while the fussiness was a little annoying, there were perks once he got his "beautiful" act together. People were willing to offer him a helping hand, borrow him potion ingredients at the flash of a smile, and give into his requests with the tilt of his head and pleading gaze.
Truly, beauty was a powerful thing. He didn't think of using it much up until entering the college, but it was quite fun to figure out the ways he could twist his appearance into a weapon.
Ace's beauty lies in the very illusion of the way he acts. His beauty is how he can put on any mask, mimic any action, fake the subtle quiver of his lips - he's like a fox with velvet fur, one that you've found your concerns entangled with, for better or worse.
He finds you curious - a human with no magic or identity, nothing to specifically draw others in. But the first time you interact with him to find your way through Pomefiore? What was once a blank canvas bleeds into color, even if you weren't aware of it at the time.
You were busy with your ghost camera - here to document its architecture and interior for a journal you were working on.
"Hey Ace, what's your favourite food?"
"Mmm... Cherry pie, I guess?" Were you looking for a way to gain his favour?
You giggled, making him raise a brow. "Cherries are kind of intense, aren't they? Sweet and sour, nothing's held back." Before Ace could twist that description around, you continued. "It suits you, I think. Though that might be presumptuous of me - I hope you didn't take offense to that, senpai. I didn't mean anything bad."
Huh? "Not at all..."
Damn, he'd let his guard down because he didn't think you were a threat.
The way your lips quirked as you said those words flashed in his mind again. You were pretty perceptive, huh? And hiding behind that formality after - you've adapted to Twisted Wonderland quite well.
Ace Trappola was drawn in by that glimpse of color. And now that he's mastered his craft - his form of beauty - he thinks he has time to have a bit of fun.
Time Passes...
"Let's meet at the usual place" is something you wouldn't have thought you'd hear from Ace's lips, but there you were after class on the receiving end of his usual smile and wink.
It was a little infuriating how he managed to hide his mischievous side right under the noses of his peers, but you supposed you expected just as much from a fox.
As ethereal as those creatures can appear however, they had their love of fun as well. Yet if you told anyone about the Ace that teased you relentlessly or slouched as he dribbled a basketball, no one would believe you - not above a subtler version of your words, of course - like how it implied that he was good at sports (how talented!) and had a fun side (nothing special about that).
But even without him saying it aloud, you knew that Ace found a bit of solace in you (it was in the quiet moments, where you simply appreciated your company). And when you witnessed his free laughter, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he clutched his stomach? You knew deep down that you could never hate him.
No matter how much he liked to annoy you, you couldn't deny the general consensus of his beauty; rather than extravagant or show-stopping, it was the type that entrapped you from his little smiles, smirks, and the glint in his eyes that said he knew something you didn't.
So you met him at "the usual" spot once again, just as you did everyday, and wondered what side of Ace Trappola you might discover this time around.
"Dance with me?"
No matter how good Ace was at mimicry, he was at a loss when you asked him to dance out of the blue. 'Just what about the forest made you think of that, anyways?' The question died in his throat as you took his hand and pulled him into a twirl - he huffed in annoyance as he awkwardly spun under your arms, trying his best not to seem like an idiot.
It was as if he was learning how to walk in heels all over again: His mind was blank, not because this was particularly difficult, but because it wasn't choreographed or for a performance.
The only people here were the two of you, and for the first time Ace considered that detail quite consciously.
There wasn't a goal, or at least he hasn't had the time to come up with a plan for what to do, so Ace is uncharacteristically unsure and a little lost in his thoughts: 'Why did you ask him to dance? Was it random? Was it a test?'
He gets more questions than answers, and that's when his lips curve into a genuine, slight smile.
There it is; his goal. A simple, open-ended desire to figure you out. To clarify what this curiosity he associates with you truly was.
(Much, much later, Ace would be confronted by the idea that this might be love.)
The first time you properly look at Ace's eyes...
You're caught by surprise because of how bright they are when he's in a good mood. Especially when he was feeling playful or victorious - that's when they shine the most.
But at other times... a part of you is even more attached to the way they soften during conversations, peering at you from under his lashes as he worries for you.
Once, you thought to give him a gift.
Despite how he'd told you what his favourite food was during your first conversation, Ace didn't expect you to remember it well enough to bring him a slice of pie.
You claimed to have snuck it out from Heartslabyul (however you managed that, Ace had no clue), offering it to him as a pick-me-up after a particularly long day of classes. That day Ace offered to share it with you; it somehow tastes sweeter than usual, in a really pleasant way.
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glamorousruins · 2 years
Art Dump #1
I have some time on my hands today so I decided to compile a small post with some drawings/sketches that I've made but never officially posted on my blog! Some are pieces made for friends and others are just drawings I made for no reason lmao
I decided to do this to feed yall some content but also so I can appreciate my art a bit more because right now I'm not all that happy with it kawjshdg
Anyways here we go! (imma also explain some of them cuz I wanna)
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so this was a drawing i tried doing of an overblot!Ace design made by my very lovely mutual @ai-0uch !! I had this whole idea of what I wanted to do but then I realized something- I did his design wrong aKWEJHGRH. He has a flower over one of his eyes and I didn't realize it until After I started coloring. Not to mention the fact that for some reason this drawing is too intense for my laptop to handle??? Every time I try opening it to work on it it just closes the app. So I'm physically unable to work on it
Still love how I did his hair though. And I may actually redo this since I'm still so in love with this design
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Punk Ruggie!! This was a sketch that was inspired by the Punk!Ruggie design created by my lovely mutual @minccinoocappuccino !!! I loved how scrunkly he looked and just Knew I had to sketch him
This sketch is actually what made me adopt and more sketcher style! My "sketches" are usually always filled with clean and neat lines which kinda defeats the whole purpose. So this little doodle was great because I got to have fun with it and make it as wild as I wanted
And I really like how it came out!! His nose and smile are my favorite part of this one
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This is a little fan art I did for another one of my mutuals, @twisted-lusty !! I remembered seeing his post about this guy n went "oh he's horrible. I must draw him" and this was the result
I actually don't hate it??? There is def a lot I could fix about this but I liked the eyes a lot!! I had such a fun time that coloring this in was very enjoyable. And that's hella important to me because coloring in my drawings is my favorite part!!!
Usually, during my drawing process, i color in the eyes mid-sketch so I don't get bored. And I take so much time coloring since it's very relaxing for me to do
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oh this fucker
Okay, this is just a silly little doodle that I made for an ask but I still love how it came out??? His face shape, the perfect head-to-neck ratio, his smile??? mwah mwah
It might not seem all that important but unfortunately, I have the terrible habit of pointing out every flaw in a drawing after I finish it and it usually makes me dislike what I made. I'm working on not doing that dw, but I actually like this one. Not to mention, the lineless look of his hair??? Woah that's new
ok so this is getting long so I will be making a second part soon
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rae-of-sunshinee · 3 years
hi everyone, this is @wojira, on a new blog, perhaps permanently.
my blog, and all its sideblogs, just got terminated. I was stupid enough to make one of my other sideblogs one of those pretend-staff names from the recent bot scam, and it made tumblr terminate every single one of my blogs within less than a day. I have emailed staff to apologise, and ask for my main blog back, though im not sure if its even possible.
I’m going to tag everyone I can think of (baring in mind i cant exactly look at my notes or copy-paste your urls, you guys are just the ones i remember off the top of my head and know how to spell) though im not sure it’ll work either, I know posts dont show up in tags when your blog isnt a day old, and ive just created this blog right now
@masterofswag213 @rosiehunterwolf @ai-0uch @montgimerymontgimery (😢 it didnt work?) @superstar-rockin-jay @lennon-cuddlywump @moth-morro
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cometchasms · 3 years
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I'm hoping on the "Simping for Albedo" train now.
Hey, @ai-0uch, this ones for you btw 👀
~★Reblogs greatly appreciated!★~
~ღ*Do Not Repost*ღ~
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im-a-mint · 3 years
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I'm sorry
The @ai-0uch liked my fire king Kai post ?
THE @ai-0uch liked MY fire king Kai post ?
That's it i can die in peace-
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luminous-letters · 2 years
@ai-0uch i still can't reply and message 😭. regarding the shadowban thing, do i wait for a few days or do i have to contact someone about it?
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strangermask · 3 years
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Here we are! Sorry this took so long, but I hope you like it!
This is one of my original characters (who, like my other characters, needs a name)
Day done: June 2nd, 2021
Time took: 1:58
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glamorousruins · 2 years
Art Dump #2
continuation of this post!
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sighs as I place this bad boy down
So I had this big idea of something I wanted to do for my mutuals. So basically, my love language is gift-giving, right? I wanted to draw a headshot and a little sketch page of the yuusonas/yuus (or just any character of my mutuals) and gift it to them!! Either for being my mutual and putting up with my incoherent daily screaming or whatever.
Now here's what happened:
Life happened, not enough time happened, and at one point I started to really dislike how I drew the current headshots :')))). My style had begun to change when I looked back on this and it bugged me so much that I'm currently abandoning this batch and starting from square one again orz.
Regardless, the characters (in order from left to right) belong to @ai-0uch, @twstlibrary, and @twstedstoryshop !! So sorry that I didn't do your characters justice
But anyway, if you want separate headshots of them lmk! Trust me, I'll do them right one-day orz
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ok this is an older sketch but one of my favorite ones regardless
This was inspired by a concept by my homies @smalltasteofhoney and @187-mg!!! Blowing a kiss to you both <33
This sketch is a result of their Idia x reader x Cater fic and everything that went on in the discord server lmaooo I'm sorry but you cannot convince me that Idia is not a discord mod and Cater is scamming him by being his discord kitten. It's literally canon, Cater told me
anyways, it's ugly and old but Imma do a redraw of this one!! Fun fact, this was the first time I've ever drawn Idia lmao
Okay so under the cut will be the NSFW drawings! This does not include sexual stuff smh, I mean yandere, gore, blood, bruises, cuts, etc !! So please beware of that
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Okay, so I mentioned in a post that Ru, my version of Yuu, tends to get in fights!! More often than not, he gets his ass beat
While I have to develop the lore more, there is this specific Savanaclaw student who particularly likes giving Ru a hard time. I just wanted to draw the aftermath of said fight! You'll see that his clothes are a bit burnt at some parts and that's because it's hard to win a fight where magic is being used against you
Especially if you are magic-less:')))
anyways, I'm not too happy with this one but it is what it is
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Okay so on the discord server we were talking about this one Micheal Myers fanart and how for some reason it gave off Trey vibes???
So I present to you: Micheal Myers!Trey~~~ Ok. So it's terribly obvious idk how to draw blood. I kinda gave up on this one because I couldn't get it in a way I'd like but it's alright. There is another version of Trey smirking at us but I didn't finish it
If anyone wants to see it then I'll finish that one though
please don't ask where his glasses are- idk where they are ok
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Ok so I was trying to draw Ace smiling for an ask but then it morphed into yandere Ruggie somehow??? I am actually still working on this one atm and this is currently my Latest drawing- I figured I'd share it anyways!!
I am in love with how it coming out so far... his eyes are my favorite part
he's just so... *swoons*
Anyways- that's all folks! Hope you enjoyed this little dump lmao
Hopefully, this can show that my art style is slowly getting better orz auaghhh. Though it's very obvious that I only like doing headshots/portrait-like drawings. And that's because I do!! I like making drawings as if they are a photo still in time that you're looking at. I like making the things I draw seem like a photo taken at random and my drawings are the result
This is also an excuse to not draw bodies but ignore that
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glamorousruins · 3 years
Self Care <33
Sometimes, self-care is staying up till 3 AM drawing Juno Vela fanart
this is for the Juno simps out there come get your food!!
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@ai-0uch here is your son <3
someone had to make all of us happy. and i sacrificed my sleep for this but god dammit it was worth it we can all pass away happy now
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cometchasms · 3 years
Peeps y'all need to follow cause they're awesome people who deserve the love and support, and no this is not a request :) go shower them in compliments:
@cherry-aqua-blossom, @ai-0uch, @jay-cult / @definedvines, @hyper-super-clover, and @reglissh
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