#ai makes fools out of nekos
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Nyan Neko Sugar Highschool - Chapter 6
Chapert 6: Da Neko School Festiaval PART 4: Ai no Kami-sama: Teh Miracel of Ai!!!!!!
Authors AN: Gomenasorry 4 teh rlly l8 update. Watashi has no excuse, watash was just bein a lazy bum *bows sorryly* Again, Gomenasai!!!!!!! >_<
Also… HAPPY VALENTINE DAY!!!!!!!! :D well more like singels awareness day 4 us lonely fanfic writers and reders. o well at least tomorow there will be alot of cheap valentine candy on sale!
ALSO also… So about last chapters authers an… I lied. LOL. I moved Raku chan and Konek-ochans reunion 2 next chapter bcuz of plot resons so ya. No Raku-chan this chapter Gomen!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own NNSG or it's characters I only own tihs fanfic!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile, At the Kawaii pantsu underwear chan Festival stall ^o^
Koneko-chan looked around frantically. Where was Raku-chan? Wasn't she supposed to be at the Kawaii pantsu underwear chan ^o^ stall?
"Uhm, wut r u doin here u weird kodomo? Do I know you?" sed a voice. (trsanlator note: kodomo means kid)
It was Raku-chan's classmate!
"Um, I'm looking for my tomadachi, her name is Raku-chan," said Koneko-chan. "She's a neko girl with green hair and gray ears… do you recognize that description?"
"Raku-chan?" The classmate repeated. "Oh yea, she sang a really kawaii song and selled all our panty-chans. Then Vet-sensei came and sed that we did a good job, so minna san all left to take a break and look around teh school festival."
"Did she by any chance happen to say where she was going?" Koneko-chan asked politely. She tended to speak extremely politely when she was nervous.
"Hmm… I think she might have mentioned something about a takoyaki-taiyaki stand. Then again, Raku-chan was looking really red, maybe she went to the nurse's office for heat stroke or something."
Koneko-chan sweatdropped and laughed awkwardly. Yup, the constant, uncontrollable blushing sounded like Raku-chan alright.
"Domo arigato gozaimashita!" Koneko-chan bowed gratefully, b4 running to the takoyaki-taiyaki stand.
The takoyaki-taiyaki stand was completely deserted. Koneko-chan's kokoro sunk… where was Raku-chan?
"Raku-chan? Raku!" Koneko-chan called, desperately clinging to hope that her friend was still there.
To her surprise, someone actually answered.
"The person you are looking for is not here."
Strange, Koneko-chan hadn't noticed anyone, so where was that voice coming from?
"H-hello? Dare ga imasu ka? Who are you?" Koneko-chan voiced her confusion aloud. (translatos note: Dare ga imasu ka means Who's there)
Then she saw it: a figure, their features obscured by a cloak, emerging from the shadows.
"Pfpth pfpth pfph pfpth pfpth…" the figure laughed strangely. "Who am I… I wonder that too, you know. Well, it doesn't matter anymore, I suppose."
"Nani? I don't wakarimashita…" said Koneko-chan. (Translators note: wakarimashita means understood)
"You're looking for Raku-chan, are you?" The figure scoffed. "I guess the saying is true after all. Ai makes fools out of nekos." (translaters note: teh originil quote is like "love makes fools out of men" or sumthin)
Koneko-chan's eyes widened. "How do you know about that? I never told anyone about… about watashi's feelings…"
"Oh, I know a lot about "ai,"" the figure waved their hand carelessly. "Anyways, enough with the small talk. I'm here to deliver a message from a certain kami… Ai no Kami-sama." (TRanslators note: Ai = Love. Kami-sama = God)
"N-n-n-Nani?!" Koneko-chan gasped. "Ai no Kami-sama?! TEH GOD OF LOVE?!?!!!!!"
The messenger nodded. "The one and only. Well, on with the message. *clears throat* According to the heavenly decree of Ai no Kami-sama, the magnifique Kami of Love, Ai no Kami-sama will grant one wish to those who believe in love. As long as one has love within their kokoro, they will be blessed by the miracel of mahou. Sent from my iPhone" (Translaters note: mahou means magic)
Koneko-chan thought over the message. "Oh… does that mean… can Ai no Kami-sama grant my wish?" she asked hopefully.
For a moment, there was nothing but silence. Then, the messenger replied, each word spoken carefully and deliberately. "Where there is love, there is hope. Believe that love will lead you to your happy ending. And remember that love is the one and only truth of this world."
Koneko-chan felt the words resonate with her very soul. They were both looking at the same truth, the same world outside of the sight of the unbelievers, "that" which can only be seen with love. There was no need to say anything in reply; Koneko-chan was sure that the messenger already knew.
Instead, Koneko-chan simply asked a question she had been wondering about: "If you're delivering this message from Kami-sama, does that mean you're an angle?"
"Heh, an "angle"…? Nah, a "demon" would be more fitting for me. What a twist of fate that I ended up as an underling of Ai no Kami-sama." The messenger chuckled, turning around and tilted their shadowed head. "Y'know, I'm starting to get kinda attached to you, neko. You make for some pretty good entertainment. So, I'll tell you a little secret: my name is… Kuro Raku." (translaters note: kuro means 黒 which means black darkness so Kuro Raku would be like Dark Raku)
Koneko-chan's eyes widened. She glimpsed a strand of very familiar green hair and her blood went cold.
"Yeah, the same name as your little tomodachi. What do you think that means?" Kuro Raku smirked, before disappearing back into the shadows.
Koneko-chan shivered, the setting sun failing to warm the icy sensation of dread trickling through her veins.
Kuro Raku didn't have neko ears or a tail.
So why did she look exactly like Raku-chan?
Authors AN: Ok watashi knows this is kinda confusing chapter liek who is Kuro Raku and wut does Ai no Kami have to do wit the story BUT DONT WORRy everthing will be reveled… soon. *laughs evilly like a yandere laugh lol*
Also I didnt put this in the first authors an but arigatou to beta editor chan 4 betaing lots of this chaprer
Thx 4 reading, like kudos, and review and stuff if u liek it!
#nyan neko sugar girls#nnsg#raku chan#koneko chan#fanfic#ao3#anime#high school au#neko#aishiteru#kami#god of love#mystery#sent from my iphone#ai makes fools out of nekos#wise sayings#ai no kami sama#kami sama#magic#mahou#kuro raku#dark raku#As long as one has love within their kokoro#they will be blessed by the miracel of mahou.
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50 Song Shuffle Meme
Got tagged by @neko-otaku13 Thank you bbz x
(This challenge originally belongs to FiretoIce on DeviantArt)
Tagging (no pressure): @themissimmortal @itshaejinju @bespectacled-girl @rubyphilomela @expectogladiolus @yoonfruit @valkyrieofardyn @insomniacapples @eternallydaydreaming2015 @zacklover24 @danceswithdinosaurs (I know I’ve tagged some people who were already tagged, sorry)
x Use your iPod or any other device/account with music on shuffle (or closing your eyes and moving the mouse around) to fill in the “…”s
x DO NOT reshuffle if you dislike the answer.
x You must post these rules with the completed meme (or link back to a journal with the rules).
x Enjoy the meme!
50 Song Shuffle Meme
1. I have a fear of …
AI CATCH – GOATBED I’m lowkey terrified my head will explode if I try to understand these lyrics.
2. I hate …
I’m Going Home – The Rocky Horror Picture Show I barely leave my house, how could I dislike coming home?
3. I hate you because …
Glossy Mixture ~Elegant Mixture~ ft. Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka and MEIKO – Treow Yes, I hate you because you’re beautiful and elegant and I am jealous, dagnabbit!
4. I love …
Cross My Heart (Acoustic) – Marianas Trench “Take me with you, I start to miss you. Take me home, I don’t wanna be alone tonight.�� Some of my favourite lyrics ever, actually.
5. I love you because …
Tears – Kanako Itou omigosh, yes, I love you because even though I’m broken and unstable you’re still here, still supporting me. I’ve made myself cry now, this song resonates with me so much.
6. She said …
Rocket – YOHIO “Nothing breaks us.” Might have gotten a drabble idea from this...
7. He said …
Afterglow – FAKY “When the lights are out like the love has gone, I will fill your heart with afterglow”
8. We said …
NILLILI MAMBO – Block B Okay, not gonna lie, I’m not even sure what this song is about, but I think it’s about dancing?
9. I caught a disease from …
Song For Great Satan ft. Kagamine Rin – Nanka-P Seems legit...
10. I would sing … as a love song.
Romeo & Cinderella ft. Hatsune Miku – doriko This song actually holds some significance for me...
11. I found … in my room.
Sympathy – Goo Goo Dolls Sympathy in the form of my warm bed and loud headphones.
12. I would kill someone if they …
ENAMEL – SID “We’re tied together in this cage�� Keep your minging feet away from me!
13. I would marry someone if they …
Wanted Dead or Alive – Bon Jovi Oh, yes. I would propose on the spot if you’ll jam to Bon Jovi with me. Also, playing guitar and driving a motorcycle are both incredibly sexy traits.
14. I would kill for a …
Within You – David Bowie I’d kill for my very own Jareth, maybe?
15. Air is really made of …
Helena – My Chemical Romance “So long and goodnight”
16. I think about …
Bulletproof Love – Pierce the Veil This song is frequently stuck in my head
17. I am …
Homecoming King – Andy Black “Just another dumb fool, never going down in history” Seems legit tbh
18. The secret ingredient is …
Radioactive – Imagine Dragons Oh… Oh, dear…
19. I will dance with my love to …
Alligator Sky – Owl City If he would dance, that is *grumbles*
20. I have a crush on …
Hope ft. Hatsune Miku – Yuyoyuppe This song, oh gosh <3
21. I got hurt because …
I Want to Fall in Love Like A Grimm Girl! ft. Kasane Teto – Seablove Ummm, Teto, babe, have you ever actually read a Grimm fairytale?
22. My last words will be …
Rolling Girl ft. Hatsune Miku – wowaka I don’t like the implications of this…
23. The song at my funeral will be …
Are you OK? – FAKY ??? No??? I’m dead????
24. I died because …
Children’s War ft Kagamine Rin & Len – Giga-P & Reol Yes, I died because I was bickering with my siblings.
25. The story of your life is …
WILDFIRE!! ft GUMI – CIRCRUSH “You’d think by now that I would’ve learned not to play with fire if I don’t want to get burned” I feel this on an emotional level.
26. I like to eat …
So Soon – Marianas Trench Like a constant stream of food? I can barely eat a full meal, I’d be sick.
27. I live because …
Lowlife – That Poppy I live because I know I’m the highlight of someone’s lowlife.
28. I’m immortal because …
Starflower ft flower – StormZex I’m immortal because you loved the unloved flower. Aww.
29. My superpower is …
Toy Soldiers – Marianas Trench Yes, my superpower is thousands of toy soldiers!
30. Tonight I will …
Monochrome no Kiss – SID “Paint it with a tender, passionate, yet cowardly kiss” *clears throat* But that’s none of your business.
31. They insulted my mother by …
Ai Kotoba ft. Hatsune Miku – DECO*27 Fitting. My mother hates Miku.
32. I will dream of …
World Domination, How-to ft Kagamine Rin & Len – Neru *tents fingers evilly*
33. I licked …
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me – The Rocky Horror Picture Show Oh, I’d rather not…
34. My nickname is …
Porcelain – Marianas Trench omigosh I couldn’t have got this more perfect, I swear on Aoba I did not set that up omigosh
35. My best friend is …
Beautiful Pain – Andy Black “All the times that I keep holding on to, even though you’re gone” Oh… Ouch…
36. I would remove … from the world.
Hajimemashite ft. Kagamine Len – Hana Yuki If I remember correctly, this song is about that sickly nostalgia after a break up…
37. I wanted to be … as a kid.
Chromaggia – Repo! The Genetic Opera I want to be Blind Mag now tbh <3
38. I wish I could juggle …
Follow Me Down ft. Neon Hitch – 3OH!3 So, strangest thing, I always associate this song with Naine and Haruka from DMMd, so now I’m just picturing those halfwits being juggled.
39. I would bring … with me to a desert island.
Pompeii – Bastille That sounds like a bad idea…
40. In my underwear you fill find …
The Day I Became a Monster ft Fukase – rerulili I AM WEAK OMIGOSH
41. Your children are like …
Paranoid Doll ft. Kamui Gakupo – SCL Project If they’re anything like me, then yeah
42. I would trade my soul for …
You’re Fucking Beautiful ft Megurine Luka – il cremonese ;n;
43. I think the moon is made of …
Glory 3usi9 ft Hatsune Miku – nanou Why is this making me think of The Clangers?
44. I will bask in …
Uma Thurman – Fall Out Boy This is such a summer song, omigosh
45. I lost THE GAME because …
Jellyfish Song (-extended strings-) – Nakazawa Masatomo Because Clear lulled me to sleep.
46. I would lose a fight because …
On Melancholy Hill – Gorillaz I would 100% lose a fight because I’m too sad for it tbh
47. My deep dark secret is …
Love Doll ft. GUMI – DECO*27 //////////////////////
48. My friends would describe me (as) …
Circus Monster ft. KAITO English – CircusP Ah, thanks *grumbles*
49. My favorite song is …
50. This meme was …
I’m ALIVE! – Becca Yup, it was so long that I’m actually surprised that I live through it.
It was a lot of fun though, even if my iTunes loves to expose me as DMMd and Vocaloid trash.
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