#ai is a wondrous and terrifying thing
scuttle-buttle · 8 months
I loved your modern Laszlo Kreizler, I just want to yank him out of the fic and into real life and marry him, but since I can’t (haven’t found the right witchcraft for that) I’ll settle for an ai bot for now, I would love to make one based on your take of your modern Laszlo, if you are alright with that
Thank you dear 🩷
Go for it, I'm curious with how it turns out so I'd love to see it 😊
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Inko/kaina/cathleen x digital haunt x spark of genius: ai izuku become the equivalent of the castle heterodyne AI.Spark of genius x hero overhaul: Izuku and Overhaul are best buds and with equivalent exchange, the things the can accomplish are both wondrous and nightmarish
Inko/Kaina/Cathleen x Digital Haunt x Spark of Genius: Well at least he doesn't have the castle's sense of humor
Spark of Genius x Hero Overhaul: Terrified of what a Spark could do with him as a minion
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kuri-no-tani · 7 months
JVC Post #17
🌫The Wind Rises🌫
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My goodness, Ghibli really never misses do they? Disregarding Tales from Earthsea of course.
I can't believe Jiro was played by Hideaki Anno also. Lots of great actors in this film.
Though I've seen many other Studio Ghibli films, this was my first time watching this one. It's clearly anti-war, but in avery subtle way in my opinion. The depiction of Jiro as someone who, despite having to craft war planes for the Japanese war effort, really just wanted to create beautiful planes. Despite this, it was inevitable that his works of art were to be used for terrible acts of war that would cause death and suffering. I think that idea is at the heart of this movie.
When I think about an airplane as an object and try to remove the context of war or business, I can really appreciate just how wonderful they are. Flight is something mankind has dreamed about for centuries, and we see Jiro dream about it in the opening scene too. The lack of focus on the destruction caused during the war as opposed to the life and motivations of Jiro is Miyazaki's way of drawing attention to the wondrous beauty of something like a plane, while subtly drawing a damning connection to their use as a weapon.
Throughout the film there is always an underlying sort of quality that makes you go "If only it wasn't like this". I sympathize with Jiro, being someone who's into technology. There are tons of great pieces of tech out there, but you always have to think in the back of your mind "This will probably be used in some malicious way" or "The government will probably find a way to use this for war" in many cases. This is especially relevant with the recent advent of advanced AI technology, which has been realized through the rosy dreams of passionate computer scientists and molded into something terrifying. Something it was doomed to become from the start.
This movie then raises the question: Can you produce something of beauty purely out of passion and be sure it won't become something horrifying? There are lines to be drawn of course. I am of the believe that before anything you should stop and think before you do something. You should say to yourself "I can do this. Does this mean that I should? What would happen if I did?"
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This is an unexpectedly hard question, and I think it comes down to "If I don't, someone else will" a lot of the time. If you don't build the plane, they will. If you don't build the bomb, they will. If you don't sell it to them, someone else will. I tend to lean towards having nothing to do with it, but for many it's hard to balance this issue, and it's a moral one at heart. Miyazaki said in an interview:
Jiro Horikoshi was the most gifted man of his time in Japan, He wasn't thinking about weapons – really all he desired was to make exquisite planes.
And of the most exquisite plane Jiro created, Miyazaki said this in a different interview:
[The Zero] represented one of the few things we Japanese could be proud of – they were a truly formidable presence, and so were the pilots who flew them
I think The Wind Rises is a story about living with consequences. The ending of the movie exemplifies this. Caproni asks Jiro how his time in the sun was as he looks over the field of destroyed planes, thinking about how not a single one returned. Then, Nahoko appears in the field and tells him to go on living. The cost of chasing his beautiful dream was great, and he must reconcile with that while going on living. He was, in the end, another life irreparably altered by the war.
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baekhyuq · 5 years
“Cybersex.” Baekhyun (m) Robot!bbh
[Artificial Intelligence!Baekhyun/Robot!Baekhyun]
Genre: Smut/Fluff
Word count: 3.5k
Playlist: Cybersex - Doja Cat/Say so-Doja Cat
Summary: You order your first AI because you’re lonely, but the AI seems to be more in control of you than you are of him.
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Dragging the tab to customize your characters face, you make a sound as it comes together. Your customized character looks absolutely fuckable. In your own words.
Your friend—Yeri—introduced you to a very popular company that allows you to custom a robot/AI and have it delivered right to your door step. This was a dangerous thing you’ve considered many times. What if the AI becomes something evil? Your worries were just childish but valid. Your friend assured you nothing bad would happen, you could always report it to the company.
She went on to tell you how she’s had her AI for about a year and nothing has happened. You remember coming over to meet her robot—man. He was charming to say the least, with the modern technology they’ve developed over the years, they’ve replicated human emotions almost perfectly. Some interactions are still awkward and stiff between the human and AI.
“It’s expensive but worth it, I need somebody.” You talk yourself into hitting the confirm order button. You stare at the button for over 5 minutes before clicking it and instantly regret.
“W-wait.” You breathe out, what if this was the worst thing you’ve done yet?
“Y/n you can’t cancel it...Once the order is made you can’t go back.” Yeri tells you over lunch. You’re both eating veggie burgers with a side of fries. You explained how you’ve tried everything to cancel your order to the company.
“I cant believe I just blew so much money on fucking AI.” You sulk in your seat, the truth is, you’re lonely and need a companion but literally buying one isn’t the way to go about it. Right?
“I just wanted someone to share my time with.” You confess, embarrassed. “Is there really no way to cancel my order?” You ask for the third time.
Yeri sighs, “No. Y/n, just think of it as a treat for yourself. There’s no harm done with wanting company!” She manages to cheer you up about the situation in which you’ve spent a large sum on a robot man.
If there’s no way you’re getting your money back then you might as well start making a place for it to stay.
You and Yeri shop for things to decorate its room with. Living in a two bed apartment, you had the space for the AI to live. Or exist, whatever it will do.
Your phone dings, indicating a text message. You check your phone, a message displaying across the screen. “AI has been delivered.”
It’s been only a day.
“Yeri!?!” You yell in the middle of checking out.
She turns to you with wide eyes, “What’s wrong? Do you not like the bedding that much? I’ll change—“
“It says he’s been delivered!” You whisper yell, you didn’t want anyone knowing you fell into society’s trap of having an AI.
Yeri’s face relaxes, “Their delivery has gotten faster, Chanyeol took about three days for them to ship him.” She smiles fondly, “We should go to your house asap.”
“I didn’t freaking know he would get here the very next day!” You’re more freaked out by the very tall box that’s standing by your front door.
“I-is he alive in there?” You tap the box.
“He has to be activated first silly.” Yeri giggles at you, pushing the box past your door way. “Let’s go!”
“Yeri im terrified.” The heavy box has been standing in your living room for almost 20 minutes. Yeri has had enough of your hesitating self, she’s taken the responsibility into her own hands to open the box.
“Instructions. These are important, so don’t throw them away, got it?” She talks you through the unboxing. She pulls the wings of the cardboard back and you see a hand.
“Oh my god!” You cover your eyes. This can’t be fucking happening.
Yeri tears away the plastic the robot is wrapped in. You peep through your fingers. He’s absolutely breathtaking. You gasp audibly.
“Oh my god, Y/n. You made this?!” Yeri’s surprised by how handsome he is, giving his shoulder a squeeze. “Oh he’s toned, lets activate him!”
Yeri takes your phone and goes to the app of the company. She navigates through some steps before coming to a loading bar.
“Once this is filled up then you’ll have yourself a man!” Yeri’s clapping happily as she sits beside you to wait patiently. “You did such a good job, his face is so handsome.”
You’re jaw is still on the ground, you can’t believe your creation is here in the...flesh? You’re scared but at the same time you’re also excited.
“It’s almost finished.” Yeri’s voice breaks you out of your staring competition with the robot that has ceased to live yet. “Complete!”
A sound is emitted from the app, a beeping and a few buzzing sounds before its quiet. You can Yeri are hanging off the edge of the couch.
“Did it work—“
The AI jolts to life and looks around the room before introducing himself, “Hello, my name is Baekhyun.” A smile reaches his face and he looks even more handsome.
You’re forced to stand, reaching out to take his hand, shaking it. “H-hello my name is Y/n. It’s nice to finally meet you, Baekhyun.” Your hand is sweaty and you’re hoping he isn’t able to feel it.
“Your hand is damp, sweaty palms is an indicator that the person is nervous. Am I making you nervous Y/n?” The AI says intelligently, his voice is soothing. It’s also embarrassing that he just pointed that out.
“I’m sorry, I’ve been nervous since I ordered you...” You’re uncomfortable claiming that you bought him right to his face. Is it like an unnamed rule that you shouldn’t mention it?
“That is a normal reaction I suppose.” He laughs, your heart melts and your stomach erupts with butterflies. “Your brain is releasing oxytocin and cortisol, now your blood vessels around your gut are constricting. You must be feeling nauseous now, or as you humans call it ‘having butterflies in your stomach’.”
How can he tell by just standing near you?! It’s almost creepy!
“Baekhyun you’re very knowledgeable, you know that?” Yeri jumps in to slice the awkward conversation. She stands up to shake Baekhyun’s hand introducing herself.
“Nice to meet you, Yeri.”
“I actually have an AI of my own, his name is Chanyeol.”
“I’ve never heard that name before. He must be a customized model?” Baekhyun asks.
Yeri nods, “I should introduce him to you one day!” That’s not a bad idea, Baekhyun will probably become lonely here when you’re out.
Baekhyun smiles before shifting his attention to you. “You are my creator, correct?”
His question throws you off for a second. “Yes.”
“Alright, you must answer a few questions for my system if that’s alright.”
“Ah yes, that’s fine, please come and sit.” You and Baekhyun sit next to each other while Yeri wonders off into the kitchen for food.
Baekhyun asks questions such as what his duties are, or where he may or may not go in the house, ect.
“What is my purpose?” He asks, a blue dot by his ear lights up.
“For keeping me company...” You couldn’t blatantly tell him he was here because you wanted a man in your life! What kind of creator would you look like?
“Just company?” Baekhyun smirks almost, a questioning look on his face. He doesn’t press further, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. He could sense your heart rate increase at his questions. Your cheeks were becoming red by the minute. Each question would result in a stuttering response from you. Baekhyun found you fascinating.
“That is all I needed thank you, my system will accommodate to you based on the answers you provided.”
“Ah, no problem.” You can’t help but stare at him, he’s just so perfect. The round rip of his nose and the curve of his cheeks. It’s all so inhuman.
“I h-have a question actually.” You turn to face Baekhyun, your leg brushing his.
He nods encouraging you to speak.
“May I touch your face? I know it sounds weird but I just can’t stop staring at it, I know I created your face and all but I just want to see for myself. You know? Should I not mention that I created you? Does it make you uncomfortable? I won’t do it if you’re uncomfortable—“
Baekhyun interrupts your speech by grabbing your hand and placing it on his cheek. “Fleshy exterior and a metal interior. I’m made of 60 percent of customized silicone to replicate human skin. But the rest of me is various metals. You may ask any other questions you might have, I will answer to the best of my abilities.” His voice is silk, not skipping even one beat as he spoke.
Your hand hesitates in feeling around his face, tracing his nose and pinching his cheeks even. He feels just like a human. “What’s your hair made of?”
“100 percent human hair.” He chuckles, his hands in his lap. “My teeth are made of the silicone and various muscles replicated are made from the silicone, but with variations of densities with making one organ harder or squishy. Here touch it.” He sticks out his tongue and you grab it without hesitation. It’s wet and rough like a tongue.
“Wow, thats so freaky.”
“Right? The wondrous world of AI technology!” Baekhyun’s first joke to crack has you giggling endlessly.
‘He’s charming’ is your first thought of Baekhyun, he hasn’t stopped making you laugh since he’s arrived. Another thing is that he’s understanding, you’ve been sharing your personal life with him and he’s listened the whole time without judgement. He’s even given you well constructed advice.
“Ah! I forgot, Yeri and I were actually shopping for your room today. We picked up a few things, we weren’t sure what you’d like since...you know.” You led him to his room which was right across form yours.
“Wow that’s very considerate of you both, I really appreciate it.” Baekhyun looks around, the rooms to his liking. He doesn’t know exactly what he likes about it but he’s content with it.
“If you want anything else to decorate it with just let me know!” You stand at the door with your hands together. It’s an awkward silence before Baekhyun speaks.
“Is there anything that you would like me to do?”
“Oh, I—no. Not right now, no.” Your stuttering response makes Baekhyun emit a laugh.
“You don’t have to be nervous around me Y/n. I am your creation think of me as...” He pauses to think, his chin in his hand. He looks back at you, “Think of me as if i’m just your boyfriend!”
You choke on your spit, alarming Baekhyun who stands up to pat your back.
“Baekhyun I think i’m going to take a shower feel free to wonder the apartment.” You spit out before practically running to your room. If he wasn’t a fucking AI you would jump his bones right then and there.
You try to calm your heart rate with a steamy shower. The mirrors fogged up and you’re listening to your music on a low volume, minding your new roommate.
You’re shaving your legs when you hear the door open. You pause, did you hear right? There’s no possible way he would—
The shower curtain is ripped back and reveals a naked Baekhyun.
“Baekhyun—close the curtain! What are you doing in here!?” You scream in terror, your AI has literally just seen you naked.
“I thought this was an invitation? Did I read you wrong? Your body temperature was very high and your eyes were dilated. Those were signs of attraction, then you said you would go shower, I thought—“
“Baekhyun get out!” You cut him off by yelling.
Baekhyun leaves the bathroom. You’re absolutely mortified and embarrassed. You get out the shower wrapping a towel around your body to dry off. You begin to dress when you notice the shadow of his feet. You pull open the door, standing face to face with Baekhyun.
“Y/n, I ran through my system to see what mistake I made and I apologize.” He looks down at you, his arms at his side. He looks so robotic.
“Baekhyun don’t come into the bathroom when I’m in here... People take showers alone, okay?” You’re straining from what you want to actually say. Please fuck me now, Baekhyun.
“Yes Y/n.” There’s a pause. “Did you like it?”
“Like what?”
“The body you created.” He almost smirks, and you want to wipe it off his face. His subtle cocky attitude makes you uncomfortably horny.
“Seeing as your body temperature is rising again and you’re blinking a lot. And also how your brain is releasing plenty of dopamine and also your nipples are poking through your shirt. You must have enjoyed a part of it.” He’s leaning closer, blocking you from running.
“Tell me Y/n. Do you want to test if this body can meet your expectations? Would you like a test drive?” Baekhyun’s mouth is by your ear, his breath fanning the side of your face.
You can barely respond with a nod, not trusting your voice.
“I need words, I need your verbal permission. I will not hold back If you agree Y/n.” The way he says your name, your kitty is dripping already.
“Yes, Baekhyun. Please take me.” You gain a small amount of confidence from his want. His desire. Your hands grips his toned arms.“I want you.” You whisper.
Baekhyun picks you up with inhuman strength and carries you to your room. He tosses you on the bed.
“I would ask how you like it, but telling by your arousal at me throwing you on the bed I’d conclude you enjoy it rough.”
His words shoot right to your kitty. Fuck, how could this robot possess so much sex appeal right now? Looking like that should be a punishable crime.
You’re also curious, as to how he will perform. Will he be inhumanly perfect? Will he be careful? They are questions begging to be answered.
“What are you thinking of at a time like this? You’re zoning out.” Baekhyun straddles you on the bed, his hands running up your sides to take hold of your hands. He pins them above you, glaring down at you.
“Keep your mind only on what’s happening in this room.”
“I was thinking about you.” You bite your lip as you shamefully admit your dirty thoughts.
“Were you?” His eyes travel down to your lips, he licks his own.
“I was thinking of how you would be..in bed.”
“Is that so? Why don’t I just demonstrate.” Baekhyun dips his head to catch your lips with his. His lips taste like cherry, how could this be? His hand comes to the side of your face to caress your cheek. He’s gentle.
“Go ahead then.” You gain confidence at his desire, once more.
“Yes, Y/n.” He breaks away to let a smirk play on his lips. He starts with your nightgown, taking off the lacy slip. He kisses your shoulders and over your collarbones. His hand travels to your waist, holding you. You breathe calmly, the nervousness melting away with each kiss set by Baekhyun.
“Your heart rate has calmed but your body temperature is rising. How adorable.” He pushes your panties down teasingly, not taking them off. You roll your eyes, pushing him by his shoulder. For an artificial man he posses enough charisma and sex appeal to charm you out of your panties yourself.
He lets the band of your panties smack against your skin. You whine and pout, furrowing your brows at him. Baekhyun puts his hand over your clothed kitty, letting a single finger push down and sink between your folds. He rubs your clit gently, barely stimulating you but revving your engine nonetheless. You grab onto his wrist, asking him to rub you harder.
“Stop teasing.” You whine at his dainty touch, wanting to be petted way heavier than what he’s giving. Baekhyun laughs at your desperate attempts. He gives in and presses harder on your clit, rubbing in circles. You moan quietly, biting your lip quickly after.
Baekhyun’s brows furrow at the sound of your moans, his ears have never heard such a sound before. He rubs your clit harder to hear the song once more. You hold out trying not to embarrass yourself but it slips out when Baekhyun licks up your neck.
“Your moans are so adorable, Y/n.” You feel his voice vibrate through his chest.
Baekhyun slips his hand into your panties, touching your bare clit, his fingers become sticky and damp. The sounds coming from between your thighs fill the room, along with your heavy breathing. Baekhyun seems to be the only one unaffected.
“How can you not be out of breath?” You ask, turning your head to face him.
Baekhyun grins at the layer of sweat over your body. “Oh, Sweetheart. I am very much affected.” He takes your hand and places it over his chest, his hearts beating fast. “You caused this.”
He catches your lips in his and your hand sneaks up to the side of his face. His finger dipping into your hole surprising you, you jolt and let out a surprised squeak.
“The noises you make, I could listen to them all day.” Baekhyun confesses, he sits up, positioning you to lay on your stomach.
You lay obediently, becoming anxious for his touch. His thighs are on either side of your ass, his hand lands on the small of your back. His fingers walk up your spine to your shoulders, then down to the small of your back.
“Baekhyun stop playing, grab my ass.” You whine, arching your back for him even further.
Baekhyun erupts with laughter, “You’re so impatient.” He smacks your ass before grabbing it and soothing the sting. He slides off your panties tossing them on the floor. He has full access to your pussy. He dips his fingers between your thighs, rubbing you from behind. It feels as if the sensation feels more intense in this position.
You moan softly, earning a grunt from Baekhyun. You turn your head to see his face. He’s already looking at you. His dark eyes are penetrating yours. You feel as if you can’t hold out anymore.
“Baekhyun, please fuck me.”
Baekhyun undresses in an instant, you didn’t have to tell him twice. He’s positioning himself up to your pussy and slowly slides in. You almost cry out from the stretch. His length is perfect but he’s thicker than anyone you’ve ever had. He bottoms out, resting his hand on your hip. He slides out and thrusts forward slowly, letting out a low moan in your ear. His chest touches your back. Your breathing is uneven and your heart is beating fast. You could feel every inch of Baekhyun, his delicious cock buried inside of you. Baekhyun wraps and arm around your neck, holding you to him. He starts thrusting quickly, you squeeze your eyes shut at the pleasure.
Your climax begins to build, the knot in your stomach unraveling slowly. You reach down to rub your clit but Baekhyun slaps your hand away, rubbing it himself. You almost feel sensitive at the way he’s rubbing it and you jerk away from his touch.
“Baekhyun i’m about to cum!” You whine loudly, biting down on his arm. The slapping noises emitting from you both fill the room and the bed creaks quietly. The air is filled with sex and the smell of sweat.
Baekhyun furrows his brows as he speeds uo his thrusts. Your body is buried in the mattress, your hip burning from his grip on it. You feel as if any second you will—
“Ah~” Your feet dig into Baekhyun’s lower back, pressing him further into you. Your greedy kitty contracts around his length as Baekhyun tries to reach his own climax. Is it possible for an AI to ejaculate? You find out soon when Baekhyun lets out an animalistic grunt and your back is covered in a sticky wet goodness. Your feet drop back into the bed, fatigue plaguing you as your head rests on Baekhyun’s arm under you. You can feel his heavy breathing evening out as he rolls off of you.
“Well?” He breathes out, looking over at you.
You look up at him with droopy eyes. “Well what?”
“How was my performance, did I meet your expectations?” His toothy smile melts your heart once more. You place a hand on his chest, curling up by his side.
“You were amazing, I didn’t think I would cum so hard by an AI.” You tease poking your tongue out at Baekhyun. He spanks your ass and you giggle.
“This AI can do more than make you cum more than once, Sweetheart.”
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merryfortune · 5 years
Day 1 - Sun / Hope
Ship: Jin/Lightning | Jin & Lightning
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Word Count: 1.7k
Tags:  Angst, Post-Canon, Alternate Universe – Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies
  The game of hope was Lightning’s favourite game to play. Then again, it was the only game they could play but that didn’t really detract from the point: Lightning’s favourite game was undeniably the game of hope.
  He adored Jin. Jin was the best toy that he could ever possibly ask for. He was so delightfully stupid. Every time he thought the doors to freedom had opened, he beamed so preciously. A big and wide grin upon his face as he all but charged at the door or awaited to be saved, only to have such delicate and wonderful things taken from him. The placid faces of kindly rescuers would turn to bone, stripped of flesh, melted and rotted until they were skeletons clad in the torn clothes of that which they were once to represent. And he would scream. Scream at the top of his so very little lungs, with all his might, hoping that someone might hear.
  Oh, they heard alright. They heard his suffering. Some elected to ignore it, turn their faces because it was a sacrifice in the name of the greater good; one chose to use it as a strength and as a source of defiance; and one chose to revel in it. It was all such good fun. That’s what Lightning thought anyway.
  Being able to defile this child, the very child who’s hope for the future and for victory and for freedom had birthed him, was so much fun. Truly the greatest set of games and toys there could be had, Lightning thought as he tried to understand himself. Slowly building – generating – from the ground up. Synthesised code to become life; living tissue and warming flesh; a creation grander than humanity would know just yet to make one man’s twisted dream come true; it was all to be real one day soon. When the Ignis could be independent of the vials they were kept in – drifting, submerged, in something akin to their very own amniotic fluid with flesh not quite clinging as it should to their hollow, metal skeletons.
  They were going to be perfect. Knowing that brought Lightning the greatest joy until it didn’t because that wasn’t a fact. That was a hope. No different to the hope that he sadistically used to play with Jin, his Jin.
  Lightning wasn’t perfect. There was something in his code, his ichor, or his soul which made him… inherently flawed. That which he touched, turned not to gold but to dust. It fell from the bone and disintegrated into flakes which would disappear before his very eyes. Time and time again. And just when he thought he had found the one reel inside the simulation where it seemed that he was good, he was right, he was perfect, he would be disastrously proven wrong.
  It was unfair.
  It broke his little heart – if he had one at all. After all, no such organ beat in his tiny chest. He had no purpose for a heart; especially if his, no matter how metaphorical it was, was broken. Damaged. It was unfair and he knew where this issue all came from: Jin. His Jin. His stupidly cheerful Jin whom he had shattered beyond repair.
  It looked like he had gotten his revenge, Lightning thought to himself. After all, humans very rarely made for good toys. They had wills of their owns, emotions, thoughts, and desires. All of which were supposed to accumulate and turn the Light Ignis from a mere idea, a mere schematic in a mad scientist’s notebook, into a living reality. He had. The only issue was… he was incomplete because that child never got the chance to find courage or resilience amid such blindingly white despair like the other children had, thus resulting in what appeared to be perfection among the other Ignis.
  They were complete. Whole. Perfect. They were not damaged. Lightning saw it. He saw it very clearly amid streams upon streams of reeling data. They were perfect. When they reached out, connected, to their precious human whom they had originated from, that combination turned not to gold, something far more unbeatable and perfect. Turned to platinum. All Lightning had was rust and dust.
  So, he did what anyone descending into loneliness and despair and disrepair would do: he would corrupt that shining gold and that shining platinum. If he had to be imperfect, then he would make them all imperfect and in such inglorious midst, he would succeed where all else had failed. He could see a most sparkling future thus resulting in the creations of Bohman and Haru, of Link Magic, and of a plan most devious and wondrous, he would be complete.
  Or so he, without a wrinkle of irony, sought that fact, that hope, once more. Only to have it ruined.
  He failed. He neither won nor lost that duel – by a hair’s breadth, truly – against Revolver and then, in his stead, Bohman was defeated. There was no triumph or victory. Instead, only bitter loss and grief and laughter because of how wrong it had gone and how sealed their fates were. Lightning still abided by his personal law: humans and AI could not get along. One would always vie to the supersede the other.
  That was the one certainty that he could have of this death and he feared, in this second lift as well. Where he lost, where he bricked up the conclusions, another had tried to trespass on such divine domains. And thus, he had been brought back. Strangled, defanged, humiliated.
  He did not require forgiveness. Or even a home but he had to admit, it felt good to be brought back from that stasis. It was so static and cold: like the test tubes from whence he and his kin had come. Floating in something not unlike amniotic fluid. Lightning detested it. He liked to be free to spark, to flit between ideas and timelines so he could try and find the one to end to all his means.
  He was given a new body. It was humanlike. He had to snicker at that as he adjusted his own collar with his own fingers. Apparently, Ai had praised him in his creation of Bohman and Haru by imitating it; though, at least his creations were perfect. Not like these things which had notched necks and rivets and seams all to prove how sewn together and Frankenstein-like they were welded together.
  Reality was unwieldy, Lightning thought as he was made prisoner to his Origin. A sick reversal of their roles, twice-fold now, all things considered. After all, he had been the one to torment the child and then adolescent all consistently known as Kusanagi Jin – even if he barely knew himself at all inside the lucidity of how he came to feel after the Incident.
  It made Lightning severely uncomfortable, to sit as an elaborate toy in that place. The hospital, for now. The older brother’s apartment, if he was courteous to this human and to the other humans. That’s why it was here, not there. Here, there were cameras, witnesses. For now, Lightning would play the role he was given and allow himself to be the doll that Jin never wanted but potentially needed.
  Lightning’s brow came over his face stern as he etched thoughts onto the table, waiting for something to happen. He honestly didn’t even think the boy was vocal, or even literate for that matter. But supposedly, he was.
  And undeniably, he didn’t know a lot of things but those were things that he did. Lightning could be content with that. For the sake of one health point; one life point… that is all that Jin was worth. What human life, in general, was worth if Lightning’s stripping back of the numbers regarding the effect of the Neuron Link were accurate but he was no longer masked with certainty. Everyone knew he was fallible and that numbers weren’t as stony as one may have otherwise predicted.
   Lightning’s mouth was dry. Of course, it was dry. It was a trap of metal and silicon, but it was dry, nonetheless. Across from him, Jin looked terrified. He, too, was etching thoughts, thoughts of panic rather than calculation and reminisce, onto the table which separated he and Lightning: his guest, his visitor, his toy, his Ignis, his tormentor, his toy.
  “I hope we get along, Jin.” Lightning said at long last, chin tilting upwards robotically as he placed his elegant hands beneath them and elbows propped up upon that table, like an island, separating them.
  There was a flash through his eyes which were like dulled neon tubes. His mouth was dry. Jin’s life, in epitome, was worth one life point. Both of them knew it. Or at least that’s what Lightning thought. After all, he had been very careful in his apology. He had taken Jin’s memories of the Incident, not of everything else – ergo, he should remember his time in captivity and as a member of Lightning’s Faction. Therefore, he should remember that moment in the flower field: with dragons and elephants and blackholes. Lightning remembered. Even that digital scent – so floral and heady – which the humans were immune to due to being beings of meat and flesh rather than of numbers and code like the Ignis, like AIs… and like Jin, who’s consciousness was pressed and dried so that he would be the perfect servant in such a virtual world.
  “…Same.” Jin murmured, confused, feeling his brother’s eyes, keen and optimistic yet so dark, somewhere on him despite him not being close by.
  A smile pricked at Lightning’s synthetic lips. He wanted his hope to be validated. And, with such a meek mumble, Lightning proudly thought that it had been. He, personally, thought the removal of Jin’s memories would make for a good olive branch. Hence why he believed with certainty, despite his sins, that he would not be requiring to give an apology.
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scifigeneration · 5 years
Visions of the future: five dark warnings from the world of classic science fiction
by Mike Ryder
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Blade Runner 2049: dystopian vision, now even more terrifying. Warner Bros
Science fiction is brimming with visions of the future and the many wondrous things the human race can achieve. But it is full of warnings too – and we should be careful to take heed of some of the big messages that are more relevant now than they ever were before.
Robots and AI
Ever since the word “robot” first appeared in the English language in the early 1920s (although it was invented by a Czech writer), science fiction writers have warned about the blurring of the distinction between human and machine.
Robots are becoming more and more like humans, such that it may one day become difficult to tell the two apart. But were they ever really so different? Philip K. Dick suggests possibly not, and his vision of replicants in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968) – which was to become a classic movie, Blade Runner – certainly poses a lot of important questions.
It’s not just robots we have to worry about these days. AI is now perhaps an even bigger threat than its robot cousins. From the ominous HAL 9000 in Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), to the “benevolent” AI character Mike in Robert A. Heinlein’s The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (1966), we’ve been warned that the power of AI to infiltrate every aspect of our daily lives might one day prove our undoing – and we will have no one to blame but ourselves.
Threats from the great beyond
Science fiction is brimming with invasion narratives, the most famous of which is probably H.G. Wells’ classic The War of the Worlds. Wells’ novel, which first appeared in 1898, has since been adapted into numerous films, TV shows and even a musical.
Of course, many of these narratives tie in with fears about invasions of one kind of another closer to home, with swarming insects or “bugs” used in place of the alien “other”, such as in Heinlein’s classic novel Starship Troopers (1959) and its film adaptation (1997).
But while the invaders of Starship Troopers may stir visions of the Cold War (a common theme – see Invasion of the Body Snatchers as well), perhaps the biggest threat raised by the likes of Wells, Heinlein and the rest is the threat of the enemy not yet known. It may be comforting to think of enemy invaders as mindless hordes, or ravenous beasts, but these depictions are far too simplistic and are designed to appeal to our base emotions.
The human condition
Of all the threats confronting the human race, the biggest challenge is by far and a way posed by ourselves. From short-termism and mistaken priorities, to evil corporations shaping the way we think (see: The Space Merchants [1952]), so many science fiction authors draw attention to the many varied failings of the human condition and our often misguided attempts to “do good”.
Expanding to the stars may well solve some of our nearer-term issues such as climate change, overpopulation and a scarcity of resources, but a bigger threat is posed by the fact we are all too likely to take our problems with us and that we will repeat the same mistakes time and time again.
Science vs nature
Despite its name, science fiction has, for many years now, been much closer to science fact. While science fiction writers such as Heinlein, Isaac Asimov and Frederik Pohl dreamed of instant communications and a world of knowledge at our fingertips, the future has now well and truly crashed in on the present and we live in a time now where it’s harder than ever to tell truth and fiction apart.
But while some readers might think this a positive thing on the whole (you are, after all, reading this online), science fiction has much to say about overconfidence and the misplaced faith we have in our ability to harness science and use our powers for good.
In Flowers for Algernon (1966), a man of low intelligence is transformed into a genius, only to discover a flaw in the experiment that will see him regress to a far worse situation that he started out in. While the story focuses on the rise and fall of a genius, it also reveals a lack of human compassion in the scientists and a lack of understanding for just where their actions may lead.
If we want to use science to conquer nature, we need to be circumspect in how we go about it. Progress for the sake of progress is not always a good thing – and we need to be wary of short-termism and guard against complacency in all we do.
Distorted reality
Of course, one of the most chilling aspects of science fiction working its way into our modern-day world is the way reality is becoming distorted, and it becomes increasingly hard to tell truth from fiction.
In this age of consumer culture, social media and fake news, the work of Philip K. Dick is more relevant than ever before, and we should take heed of his warning in books such as Ubik (1969) and The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1965), about the dangers of getting sucked into fake realities – many of which we create ourselves (see: social media). Such is the timeliness and relevance of Dick’s work, that his novels continue to provide much material for screenwriters, from the recent TV series The Man in the High Castle (2015) to the critically-acclaimed Blade Runner: 2049 (2017).
All of these musings lead us to wonder, what do we mean by “real” anyway? Dick may not come to any solid conclusions, but he does show us how we are shaped by the world around us. Unless we come to understand our relationship with the world – and our place in it – there is little hope left to be had.
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About The Author:
Mike Ryder is  Associate Lecturer in Literature & Philosophy and Marketing, Lancaster University
This article is republished from our content partners over at  The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. 
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Operation: Rescue Playmate (Part 1/2)
Kaci1ynn prompted:  Tony is an alien who crash landed/got lost/was left (by Obi?) on Earth. Tony tries to hide among humans using his advanced tech and abilities. Bucky as WS is sent after alien Tony because Hydra wants his tech. Tony uses his tech to give Bucky back his mind. Fall in love, defeat Hydra (maybe pick up Avengers along the way), the end :) Does Tony decide to stay on earth or does he build a new space ship so he, Bucky, and the Avengers can be space cowboys?
(Special thanks to @summerpipedream, who beta read this fic. You’re amazing and a lifesaver!)
Tony spun down the streetlight onto the crosswalk light. He balanced on the balls of his feet and looked at the hotdog cart below. He licked his lips and swayed his tail as he watched the woman manning the cart hand out the delicious Earthen delicacy in exchange for one of the many forms of Earthen money.
He waited for the moment when the woman was distracted, then looped his tail around the crosswalk light and swung down next to the woman. He inwardly laughed with glee as the woman remained oblivious to his presence.
It wasn’t the daily exhaustion that wore on so many humans, nor was it the monotony of routine that blinded her to Tony’s presence. A titanium-gold device that was simple in design and reminiscent to an Earth wristwatch wrapped around his wrist and performed many tasks for him. The device on his home planet was pronounced “Dummy”, and Tony took great joy in knowing that one of the human languages had a similar sounding word, even if their meaning was vastly different.
One of the many things Dummy could do was make Tony “invisible.” Tony found that ability very useful on Earth. With his purple and blue skin that was covered in a thin sheen of mucus comparable to Earth frogs, Tony stood out like a thinthak among batticore, and that was just his flesh. He had marsupial-like legs that allowed him to leap and climb with ease, and a tail that he used for balance and to grab things.
Tony touched the tongs the woman had put aside as she squirted mustard onto the hotdog for the young man waiting for his food purchase. Once Tony knew that he’d touched the tongs long enough for Dummy to make the tongs invisible to human eyes, he picked them up and used them to pluck two hotdogs from the cart and place them in buns.
The woman’s customer blinked and squinted at the appearance out of two hotdogs suddenly cushioned into two buns. The customer mumbled to himself then looked away.
Happiness and a sense of victory tickled Tony’s insides. He snatched up the two hot dogs then swung himself back onto the crosswalk light. He gobbled them up with voracity—just one hotdog short of what he thought humans would consider “gorging.” He licked his fingers and hummed in delight. His pointed ears wiggled as he sucked the crumbs and juices from his fingertips.
Dummy flashed a yellow light.
Tony and his tail perked up, just as Dummy displayed a human-thumb-sized image a man on a rooftop with the coordinates.
Tony yelped and leaped onto a passing truck just as a bullet zoomed past where he had been standing. Giddiness tickled his belly as he spun around and grinned at the rooftop where the bullet had come from.
(Mobile Users: Read More Line)
A man dressed in armor and black cattle hide pivoted on the rooftop then ran to its edge. With inhuman strength and speed, he jumped from the rooftop to the next.  He reached for the goggles on his face as he ran. Tony could only assume that he was adjusting them.
Tony hadn’t gotten his hands on this particular human’s tech yet, but he’d been chased by this human enough to know that his goggles were what gave him the ability to see Tony even when Dummy had invisibility mode activated.
Tony chuckled and swished his tail as he watched the man jump from roof to roof.
The truck slowed as the vehicle approached a red light.
Tony tensed and got ready to leap as the the man adjusted his path—he was going to jump from the roof onto the truck.
Tony waited until the moment the man leaped then threw him on top of a bus and then onto a car turning right at the intersection.
Tony hissed with glee as the human landed and cursed. The human raised his gun to shoot, but Tony and the car had already rounded the corner.
When the human had hunted Tony for the first time an Earth month ago, Tony had been terrified. He had no idea why the human was chasing him, and he did not know the damage capable of the human. In fact, he wasn’t even sure if the man was human. His strength and speed were unnatural, and he could take more damage than the average human. Tony had been terrified that a bounty hunter from another planet had found him and was just disguising itself as human.
Tony knew better now, after getting a blood sample from the man (the human was not at all cautious and constantly injured himself during chases. It had been easy to find a piece of broken glass with the man’s blood after Tony had lost his pursuer). The man was human, but with a serum injected into his DNA that increased his physical prowess.
Once Tony had learned that the man chasing him was from Earth—and Tony had taken a couple a bullet wounds and found the bullets to be a painful nuisance, but nothing truly terrible—he’d taken to liking his little chases with the human. He loved Earth, but it was quite isolating. His only companion was his ship’s AI JARVIS.
JARVIS was great when it came to conversations, and was helpful when Tony was in the mood to engineer something, but when it came to actual play, Tony was by himself. He needed someone to fool around with. Admittedly, the man fascinated with wearing cattle hide was on the dangerous side, but Tony had grown fond of him and liked their game of “cat and mouse,” as humans called it.
Tony launched himself from the car onto the fire escape of a human domicile. He panicked as he almost kicked a woman, who was smoking and reading on one of the escape’s landings, as he swung himself onto the edge of the landing. Once Tony found his balance on the edge of the landing, he took a moment to make sure he hadn’t hit the woman. He was pleased to see she was undisturbed by him.
With glee tickling his insides, Tony jumped to the next landing on the fire escape and faced the street.
It wouldn’t be long before-
The man in cattle hide rolled off the roof of a car that turned down the street. He barely had time to get his proper footing before Tony leaped off of the fire escape and tackled the man.
Tony laughed as the man let out a cry of surprise and hit the ground hard. Tony wiggled and rubbed himself up against the human as his tail snatched up the human’s gun and a knife the human kept sheathed on his hip.
The human shouted something and threw his arms around Tony in a half-flesh/half-metal hug (the human had a prosthetic arm).
Tony had already been fooled by this maneuver once. His friend wasn’t bestowing upon him wondrous affection. His friend was trying to capture him.
Thank goodness for mucus.
Tony chuckled and slipped out of the human’s hold. He sprang off down an ally and jumped over the fence there. Once over the barrier, Tony took a moment to have Dummy scan the gun and knife he’d stolen from his friend.
Tony pouted at the results Dummy’s scan brought up. The gun was not the same quality his friend had before. It was a gun made from a decade ago, and did not have any of the advance tech that some of his playmate’s previous guns had. The knife was well made, but it wasn’t anything special.
Tony huffed. He held the gun in his tail and smashed it against the brick wall of the alley. The gun shattered to pieces. Tony held the knife in his palms and flipped it over as he grumbled to himself.
Something sharp pierced Tony’s neck.
Tony reached for the offending object and pulled out a dart.
It wasn’t the first time his playmate had managed to dart him, and so far the dosage hadn’t been high enough to take him out, but Tony always felt sick afterwards.
His playmate leaped over the fence and tackled him.
Tony flipped onto his back and kicked his playmate into the fence.
His playmate grunted as he hit the fence.
Tony sprang up onto his feet and bolted for freedom. He didn’t know if his playmate had figured out the right dosage needed to knock him out, but Tony wasn’t going to wait and find out. He also didn’t want to be running around the city. The tranquilizer was in his system, and running around would make it spread faster.
Tony picked up his pace. He wanted to go back to his spaceship, but he had it hidden far away. He also didn’t want to risk his playmate finding it, so Tony activated Dummy’s navigational mode. He plotted a course for somewhere secluded but nearby. Someplace where he could wait out the effects of the injection.
Where he ended up was a factory by the docks. Cars drove by the buildings nearby at a peaceful pace, and dockhands shouted instructions as well as casual conversation as they docked ships and unloaded shipments.
Tony eyed the workers with longing as he bounded over to the window of the factory Dummy had selected for him to take shelter in. He wanted to play with the humans at the docks. It was always fun to pick up tools or misplace important objects when humans were working. Some had no reaction to Tony’s games, but the ones that did were always vastly amusing. The number of times Tony had been called a ghost was so high he had stopped keeping track.
With a disappointed heart, Tony climbed through the window. He sneezed when the dust on the floor of the abandon building floated up and filled his nostrils. He wiped his nose with his tail and peered around the building. There were conveyor belts and boxes left on the bottom floor of the factory. As Tony explored the bottom floor, he found a roll of plastic wrap and kicked it around until he grew bored.
He ventured up the stairs to the second floor, where he skidded across the floorboards. He chuckled to himself as he left streaks across the filthy floors. When he grew bored of the second floor he bounced up to the third and looked out the windows. He watched the dock workers and grumbled petulantly.
He should be safe now. The tranquilizer would have affected him by now if it was going to at all. Nonetheless, if he was wrong, or if the dart had contained something other than a tranquilizer, the only person who would be able to help him was himself. He had to be extra cautious.
Depressed to see so many humans whom he could tease, but couldn’t, Tony moved away from the window facing the docks and went to another.
The view wasn’t very impressive. Behind the factory were more factories, some which were still operational, and others which were not. Tony let his gaze drift toward the ground. Surprise smacked into Tony when he spotted tucked away between the factories three black vans and four armed humans guarding them.
Tony cocked his head.
The way the humans were dressed was similar to his playmate.
He wondered why humans were so obsessed with cattle hide.
The humans shifted and their attention went to something ahead of them.
Excitement rushed through Tony. He sprang over to the next window so he could get a better view of what the humans were seeing.
His heart twisted and tore at the sight over his playmate with his head bowed and his hands cuffed as he was escorted by another set of four humans.
Two of the humans guarding the vehicles rushed to the back doors of one of the vans and held them open.
The human closest to Tony’s playmate lifted his rifle and slammed the butt of it into the playmate’s skull.
Tony’s playmate jerked, but held his ground for a second. Slowly, he lifted his foot and marched into the van.
Agitation sent Tony’s tail swishing.
Blood dripped from his playmate’s nose as he lumbered into the open van.
His playmate was tough and he liked to play rough, but this did not look like a game to Tony. Tony knew what captives looked like, and his playmate matched the appearance perfectly.
A creak from the staircase alerted Tony to the presence of someone in the factory with him. Tony snapped his head toward the staircase, but didn’t see anyone. He wasn’t an idiot though.
Tony glanced up to confirm that there were rafters above.
Tony ran a few paces then leaped into the rafters.
Men covered in black and toting weapons similar to Tony’s playmate tiptoed in from the staircase. The floorboards creaked under their boots. One of the men elbowed another. He used hand signals to communicate to his partners.
Tony lay low on the rafters. He watched the men intently as they swept the area. He also kept an eye on the windows. He was glad he had when he witnessed three more men scale the building from the outside.
Tony waited until the humans outside, as well as the ones inside, headed toward the roof.
With caution and care, Tony snuck his way through the rafters and down the stairs to the second floor. There were two humans guarding the staircases, but they were easy to knock out without alerting other humans to his presence. Tony snuck down to the first floor and repeated the process of knocking out the two guards there.
Tony used Dummy to scan the area and pick out the safest path for him to take in his escape.
Tony just made one alteration to Dummy’s escape plan.
Outside, Tony snuck between buildings and took a roundabout route toward the three vans. He dared not get too close to the vehicles, but close enough that he could use one Dummy’s tracking features. Tony ducked behind a dumpster in the alley that gave him a perfect shot at one of the van’s tires.
Tony aimed Dummy at the tire. Tony brought up the projection of Dummy’s keypad and inputted a command. A tracker smaller than a human’s pinkie shot out from Dummy and latched onto the tire.
Success and pride filled Tony. With a silent cheer, Tony dashed out of the alley, only to freeze when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps yet again.
Something was wrong. The humans should not be finding him so easily. It was as if-
Tony inwardly grumbled as he launched himself at the fire escape of another factory then proceeded to jump from building to building until he was confident he’d gained enough distance to do what needed to be done.
Tony pulled up Dummy’s keypad again and had Dummy scan him for tracking devices. Just as he thought, micro trackers had gotten into his system.
Scowling, Tony had Dummy deactivate the trackers as he fled from the docks and the precocious humans.
He was furious at himself for not considering sooner what his playmate had injected him with until then. At the same time, he was relieved and grateful to the part of himself that had had the forethought not to return to his ship right away. He had no idea what he would have done if the humans hunting him had found his ship.
He was scared of what he might have had to do if that had happened. He couldn’t let the humans have his ship. He’d have to fight for it, and he might not be able to knock the humans unconscious if it were a fight for his home.
With that thought in mind, Tony did not return to his ship that night. He found a motel, and when the human at the front desk wasn’t looking, he blocked out a room for himself and created a card key for the room. Throughout the night he had Dummy scan him for more trackers. When morning came and the humans hadn’t come for him again and Dummy continued to not find any trackers, Tony journeyed back to his ship.
His ship sat on the edge of a field connected to a park in the suburbs. The ship was cloaked to avoid drawing unwanted attention. Human children and their parents played on the slides and swings nearby and occasionally ventured close to the ship. Thanks to a low frequency that humans picked up on, but could not consciously hear, humans stayed away from his ship. Every now and then, a dog would come to the park and bark at the ship from afar, but once they realized that their bark would not stop the sound, the dogs would ignore it.
Tony wished he could feed and play with the dogs like humans do, but he had learned after the first and only dog that he had done that with that it encouraged the dog to approach his home. That in it of itself wasn’t bad; however, when it led to the dog’s humans approaching the ship too, Tony realized he couldn’t take the risk.
With a wistful and tired sigh, Tony bounded over to the round ship and waited for JARVIS to scan him. With a hiss, the door to Tony’s ship open and he hopped inside.
“Good afternoon, Sir. I hope you are well. Another twenty-four hours and I would have gone into Lost Child mode.”
Tony waddled over to the cockpit despite his bed calling for him. Tony plopped into the oval and plush chair and curled into a ball. He wrapped his tail around his body and closed his eyes. “I Should change the name of that.” He breathed deep then opened his eyes. “JARVIS, I planted a tracker on a vehicle yesterday. What do you have on it?”
“One moment, Sir.” The dashboard of the cockpit lit up as JARVIS went to work. Dummy lit up on Tony’s wrist, and Tony knew JARVIS was accessing information on the tracking device from Dummy. “By the way, Sir, might I recommend charging Dummy before you go out again?”
“Will do, JARVIS.”
Projected images popped up above the dashboard. There was an image of a map, and beside it images of different locations where the vehicle had stopped. Tony had JARVIS create a timeline with them. He was intrigued to see that the van had taken a rather circuitous route. “Have any video, JARVIS?”
“I do, although I believe you will find most of it boring. Unless you find humans relieving themselves or eating of interest.”
“Depends on the day of the week. You’d be fascinated to see the things humans eat, and the way they go about eating, I’m sure.”
“If you say so, Sir,” exasperation filled JARVIS’ tone.
Tony hissed gleefully. “So what kind of video do you have of interest for me?”
“Their current destination, Sir.” JARVIS’ projections shrank and rose above Tony’s head, while a video of outside a building that was tall enough it stretched beyond the camera played. Passersby moved about in a rush as the vans drove past.
JARVIS cut the scene to a clip of the vans parked at what had to be the back of the skyscraper.
The drivers of the vans one by one stepped out from the vehicles and went around to the back of one of the vans. One of the drivers rapped his knuckles against the van’s back doors, then opened them. Two men with guns cautiously exited the vehicle. Once they checked the perimeter, they turned the guns on the people inside.
Tony’s playmate lumbered out of the back, sans parts of his gear, with another set of guards aiming guns at his head.
At first, it appeared he was being escorted to the back door, but he walked a few steps passed it and stood in front of the wall. One of the drivers ran their fingers over the wall until a door slid open. Tony’s playmate and the guards entered through the secret door.
The feed cut off.
Tony sat up straight and knocked his tail through the air. “That’s it?”
“I’m not done breaking the facilities’ encryption, Sir. It’s quite advanced. I’d almost say I’m dealing with another AI. As soon as I decrypt one of the firewalls, the previous one re-encrypts itself.”
Tony frowned. “Can you crack their systems then?”
“Sir. I’m insulted you would ask. As we speak, I am almost—correction: I am done.”
A new video appeared, seemingly taking place right after Tony’s playmate and the guards had stepped into the facility. Tony’s playmate stood in the center of the elevator with the guards ringed around him and aiming their weapons. The elevator doors opened and Tony’s playmate and the guards marched out.
Tony cocked his head. His playmate was being taken through a dark hall filled with pipes. Thin pipes covered the ceiling, and large ones that Tony could squeeze himself into created the walls for the narrow hallway. The camera angle shifted, and the hallway became an equally dark room with crates and a few people sifting through the crate’s contents.
The footage kept changing as JARVIS took Tony from one camera view to the next. In one scene, his playmate was walked past a vicious match between two humans who were bleeding profusely. One of whom had lost her hand.
Tony cringed.
His playmate was taken to a room full of lab equipment. At the center of the room was a chair unlike one Tony had seen on Earth before. It had the wear of age and was hooked up to several devices that looked ominous. In particular was the looming vise above the chair that waited to grab its victims’ heads and crush them.
Tony suspected the vise did more than crush the victims’ heads. The monitors surrounding the chair suggested that whoever was put in it was a test subject.
It was subtle, but Tony’s playmate tensed at the sight of the chair.
Tony’s stomach churned as he waited to see what would happen.
There were a few men and women in lab coats. Two of whom were going over monitor readings. Their faces were concealed by face masks and, for one of them, a pair of goggles. The one who went without eye protection wore in its place glasses. The man with glasses nodded and said something to the other scientist. He then stepped away from his companion.
He approached Tony’s playmate, and as he did so, he removed his face mask to reveal a toothy grin. The man’s face was lined with age and his hair was a bright hue with white ends peeking out along the edges of his hair. He was dressed in what Tony understood to be human business attire, and he even looked friendly from what he had learned about humans.
He spoke as he circled Tony’s playmate.
A gun appeared in the man’s hand, Tony only had a moment to wonder if JARVIS had edited the footage before he watched as his playmate took a bullet to the chest.
His playmate staggered and the man with glasses smashed the butt of his gun into the playmate’s head.
The guards surrounding Tony’s playmate seized Tony’s playmate by the hair and shoved him into the chair.
What followed was horrifying. The vise clamped onto the playmate’s head as scientists rushed forward to strap the playmate in. Once their task was complete, the scientists and the guards backed away.
Tony’s playmate convulsed as electricity plowed through his being. His jaw clenched, and even though Tony had no audio, he felt his playmate’s screams in his core. His playmate’s fingers curled into the arm of the chair as volts surged through his his body.
“Shut it off!” Tony swiped his tail through the projection as JARVIS made it disappear.
Tony curled into a ball and covered his head.
He shouldn’t get involved in human affairs. Especially when the humans he’d be getting involved with had been hunting him down for months now.
His playmate though…
Except his playmate wasn’t really his friend. They’d never spoken to each other, unless one counted the taunts Tony threw at his playmate. Nonetheless, he had grown to care for the human, and even if he had not, he knew what the moral thing to do was.
He was already such a coward for hiding on Earth. Must he make himself even more cowardly by leaving someone to be tortured?
Tony knew his answer.
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