#ai hobo clown
gingerbredman1989 · 7 months
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Muscular "Hobo Clown" from a traveling circus, circa 1900.
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babyawacs · 9 months
.@future .@thefuture @aehaeh_colonial_aeh_piracy_qu estionmark  confirm 1234 is understood and the direct ion is #thefix securityimplications fromtheir botch and muststayfree details and germans compensate their c rimes mostrosities and gemansolutions ocnase andmother apolgise public and informal aswell as implications on inentions safety and howtogetthe lost decades back //// 4 they damage a sm artie a n d k n o w while fools that donot know are gamed as plausibly deniable f ools all intel criminalsecuritypolicy is labelled game or games but itis not itis theutmost serious things they cando and tick by these allalong make sure ai sorts right and doesnot reinterpret labels on criminal securitypolicy criminal governance theprecise matter where interests small and big are trumped by overruled b y s e c u r i t y interests //// 3 banks lawyers insura nces support idonotlive my sexuality mywife has my thrills triggers and raw genuine libido whatever we do about it is our intimacy idonot fuckaround i donotlive mysexuality itis them a nd them only isthis understood we cannot doom minors but we needprevention and w e mercybased save theonlyway theyknew theonlyway theycould ///// 2 banks lawyer s insurances support if the realmsorting is to whocan chain it andpillageit without food and pennyless and no info something somehow sometime maywork how they fool civillians then but who d eserves it anyway this shitball trick willnot work i court demand my interests them damage me as solution and madhouse trick quell whattheydid how them rule i belong tomy wife and kids nucleus family somewhat idonot know which places iwill choose as free billionaire but ihave an organic supportsystem allalong barely averting the worst unable tobreak criminal governance as it seems or unwilling? unlikely. itmeans thenext trickeries are nut hobo and braindamage of skills they do not respect donot udnerstand but germancure to pillage and chain or incapacitate is this understood and get the toddler sunset shitballing offme the whodidnotmak e a house tonow willnever and such toddler sort down and out others seem toget trashed humans only and try their magic then onthiscase thatway but on wounded da mamged hopeless braveryin all its forms //// 1 banks lawyers insurances support these are deep physics technology principles with engineering designs and sketch ing itis not necessarily understood that itis not davinci art or art only when copying nature and ifyounee d a mechanical harm to craft youmake...a .. .. w o o d a r m then with a... hammer on it.. then.. .. instead o f a steamturbine pumping a rod with safety button pressers and belt wheel itisnot necessarily understood that it is c o n s t r u c t e d inthe head while the idiots damage it as  aeh aeh aeh as e i n f a l l s p i  n s e l and aeh aeh notmoelsting germans the retardedness of the inferior t othem then itis clowns and idiocy and idonotmean circus artists the r e a l play ers k e e p t h e i r g e n i u s stamps se c r e t but as  s e r i o u s as they sort populations they k n e w and knew whatthey try to chain and quell and damage what I am Christian K ISS BabyAWACS - Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKT ANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.co m/ [email protected] FluffyBunnySheepleSecuritySol [email protected] Helpful? support. donnate. pay. https://wise.com/share/christ iank426 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/christiankiss
.@future .@thefuture @aehaeh_colonial_aeh_piracy_questionmark confirm 1234 is understood and the direction is #thefix securityimplications fromtheir botch and muststayfree details and germans compensate their crimes mostrosities and gemansolutions ocnase andmother apolgise public and informal aswell as implications on inentions safety and howtogetthe lost decades back //// 4 they damage a smartie…
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
年初二 (Nekoma boys going 拜年 with you)
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(年初一 with the inarizaki boys here)
A/N: the second day of the new year and I spent it doing nothing😌✨until now😌✨
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma, Yaku Morisuke, Haiba Lev
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Kuroo Tetsurou
the one your aunties and uncle like
he’s a tall, handsome man who knows what to say, it’s a given that your aunties will take a liking to him
your uncles dig him as well because they can be talking about the stock market and he would actually be able to give informed ideas
that is until they asked if he wants to play machong with them
oh boy
you were silently making faces at him telling him to give your relative pity wins because their face gets darker and darker by the moment and this asshole ended a round with 十三幺
he refused to take the winning money but the damage is done
“(y/n) this boy is too smart, that’s no good...”
“Yes, yes, men who are too smart might be messy outside.”
cue him desperately trying to get back onto your family’s good graces by buying expensive gift boxes and fruit baskets next year
never got invited to gamble again
“Tetsurou, had they never taught you that losing is part of the process to success?”
“I can’t help it! They suck-”
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Kozume Kenma
regular Kenma crawls around his house in worn-out sweats, company hoodie and his hair messily tied up
basically, the look of someone that does not look like he is the ceo of a company
new years Kenma who has to appeal to your family that he is rich and successful and can make sure you won’t have to move a finger if you’re with him wears cuff links and a tailored jacket with his card prepared in the inside pocket
your relatives lowkey thought there’s something shady going on between you two at first 
(that rumor is still brought up sometimes when they’re bored after dinner, just somewhere you sure won’t hear)
the one that has your extended family in awe because he knows so much about how to make money
trying his damn hardest to not look too reluctant during conversations
retreats to the side to watch your younger cousins play their mobile games mid-way
gets roped into helping them fight the bosses they can’t passed and managed to become their favourite cousin even though he is no one’s cousin
walked away being very liked but still collapsed on the couch the moment he got home
“I need a nap...” he says, as he slowly changes out of his expensive suit and back into his mismatched sweats with a hole on the knee
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Yaku Morisuke
the one who feels more like part of your family than you do
gets asked the golden trio of “how much money are you making”/”when are you getting married”/”when are you having kids” whenever he shows up with you
always blushes a little before saying something super charming like “we haven’t talked about when but I know they’re the one” or “we want it to happen naturally when we are both ready”
the favourite among the kids
he’s the oldest brother of three, he knows what he’s doing 
doesn’t get tired even though they have been making him play catch with them or just come bother him whenever he’s finally free
and when he finally slumps back down on the couch next to you, he only smiles while he pulls you closer as your parents joke about how he would make a good dad
(they never shut up about how he would make a good dad since then)
“Ai, when is Morisuke coming over again? The kids have been asking about him:D”
“Your cousin is getting married soon la wor, when will it be your turn ar?;)”
“You should really talk about it with Morisuke, they say it’s better to give birth as young as possible:)”
he laughs when he heard your parents saying that to you on the phone, that little shit
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Haiba Lev
the one people are curious about
he is a celebrity after all
everyone was slightly intimidated when he walks in with you because does he look taller in person???
until he opens his mouth
instantly got babied by your elders
“Aiya, Lev, why are you eating so little? Eat more, eat more so you can grow taller.”
(are you sure he needs to grow taller, granny????)
“Why are you so skinny?D:are they not feeding you at work?”
(I’m sure keeping fit is part of his job, granny)
brings a lot of expensive make up and skincare he got from sponsors for your aunties
some of the more energetic kids try to use him as a climbing tree
he just holds his arms up and let them swing around while he talks to your relatives about “yes my job is so taxing D: so many jet lags D: it’s so tiring to make sure I look good whenever I go out or else I’ll get clowned D:”
has to literally fight your elders to stop them from giving him fruits and cookie cans to take home
they just like the idea of having this big boy as their grandson
you bet they’ll keep asking you about “your foreigner bf” (no, granny how many times do i need to tell you but he is Japanese) when you visit them on your own next time
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Hang in there, just one more day till the festivities are all over and you can go back to being a hobo😌let’s see who it will be that gets dragged along with you Tmr😌
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omenthenarrator · 5 years
Prompts That Inspired No Sleep Club
If you tell me a few of your favorites, I’ll try to write out a snippet or even a full short story about that prompt!
A girl goes missing in the woods and the search party only finds a decrepit porcelain doll that looks oddly similar to her. The parents start treating the doll like their daughter, slowly losing their sanity.
New residents move into the neighborhood and get invited by their neighbors for dinner. After an hour of horror they finally escape the house only to find it an abandoned decrepit building in shambles. No one has lived there for 15 years since the last family died of unknown causes.
A family dog runs away from home. He returns a year later to the familys delight. However, theres something different about him. Something demonic.
A man reads a novel, soon realizing that the story is his very own–and according to the book, a killer is lurking.
Serial killers world wide have been sent a link that connects them all to an anonymous chat room. A teenager somehow is sent the link by mistake. Soon after receiving a warning of everyones coming demise, he noticed people vanishing from the chat room one by one–and hes the next on the kill list.
A woman who is afraid of clowns wakes up from her normal life to one in which she worked at the freak show. However, instead of working a normal job, she’s the main attraction and the audience she is performing for are the very things she fears.
A young brother and sister find an old door in their basement that had never been there before.
One day, as the townsfolk begin to wake up, it is discovered that strange winged creatures can be seen within the gathering storm clouds above. Over the years, the phenomenon becomes a normal sight during stormy days.
A man wakes up in the streets to find a hobo clown staring down at him with a long face.
A mad scientist performs the first head transplant on his sick and dying daughter (4 yrs old) when things go horribly wrong. (Pigs head?)
A girl is scrolling through her photo gallery only to find several pictures she hadn’t taken. One by one, all the towns residents find the same photos in their galleries. The pictures turned out to be a warning for the whole town of the coming earthquake.
HALLOWEEN SPECIAL: A scarewalk in the woods during a Halloween festival turns out to be real. And all the walkers have to survive multiple horror movie scenarios to get to the end of the walk alive.
A bartender serves last calls to the only remaining patron, a man who calls himself Lucifer.
Something/someone has turned all the neighborhood pets into demonic killers.
A woman wakes up with her eyes and mouth sewn shut and no memory of who she was before.
A couple has a young son who is a total angel in public. However, once they are home alone he becomes something right out of their nightmares.
A woman wakes up in an abandoned maze-like sewer system. As she attempts to escape, the water begins to rise. But drowning is the last of her worries… Somethin lurks within the depths.
A robber steals from the small town museum only to discover the apparent riches belonged to a covent of witches.
Kidnappers abduct a child only to find out she was more than they bargained for. She was found playing on the swingset the next day, no sign of the kidnappers in sight.
A homeless man is stalked by faceless creatures who crawled on all fours. Hes the town drunk so no one believes him until he turns up dead face down in the snow.
A group of friends wake up disoriented in the old abandoned mansion to find it has been turned into a chamber of horrors. Only one of them will survive, so says the note left with them.
A woman of high social standings becomes the gossip of the town when she is sent away to an asylum for raving about the writing on her wall. However, when her husband suffera the same fate, people start thinking she wasn’t as crazy as she seemed.
A boy on a farm makes scare crows to protect the crops. Only problem is, they tend to come alive. (This one might be too goosebumps but I Can try to write it different if it sounds interesting enough)
EASTER SPECIAL: A figure dressed in an old dirty Easter Bunny suit haunts the children of the town.
Something ancient rises out of an old pond.
An artificial intelligence begins to communicate with a family online, only to terrorize them through their tech. Anytime they try to seek help, all traces of the AI vanish completely. (Maybe make this about one person instead of a whole family?)
A family buys a cheap house only to find an unmarked grave in the back yard while remodeling. (It looks like it belonged to an infant child)
A boy is born with an identical twin. The older they get the more evil the twin becomes.
A cult that worships history’s deadliest serial killers begins to kill by copying their methods. A girl and her mother see this on the local news. The girl later discovers her mother is a member and shes the next victim.
A winter snow storm traps a group of thrill seekers in an abandoned asylum.
A little girl comes down the stairs and asks her parents, “Can you hear it breathing? I can.”
Children find a deep dark well and an old ladder that leads down into it.
A teen (?) Finds a crayon drawing of a strange family on the wall–its inscribed with the words, “We live in your walls.” (Its either a teen who blames his 3 year old brother before realizing he can’t write or a young child who tells his parents about the ‘wall people’.
HALLOWEEN SPECIAL: A woman is watching a scary movie alone on Halloween night… But someone keeps knocking at her door. However, when she opens it, no one is ever there…
A famer and his son begin to hear childrens laughter coming from their fields at night–no child is in sight though.
A childs imaginary friend in not actually imaginary. (Possibly use one of the creatures I had made for the original No Sleep Club… Like Scratcher?)
A girl hears movement in her walls and rooms, but she is the only one home.
An old lady is sitting in her house knitting when a whisper interrupts the silence. “Be quiet. They WILL hear you,” it says
A man hiking through the woods when he came across a crumbling staircase that leads upward. However, there is no sign of the rest of the ruins anywhere.
A child walks down the stairs and stop in front of their babysitter. An eerie grin tugs at the child’s lips as they say “We’ll go to war with a smile on our faces.”
The old rotary dial phone started ringing loudly, but when answered, the caller hangs up. When the girl set the phone down, she remembered that her parents had disconnected it a week ago due to some prank calls that had been happening for months.
“There used to be six of us… Now I’m alone.”
He followed the young lady as she led him into a long forgotten room, only to find her gone. There was no way out except the narrow hall they’d just come from.
Someone kept sending her encoded messages. Every time she decoded them, each revealed a secret worse than the last. (The secrets are about her and she grows more paranoid each day until she calls the police for harassment. Once they read all the messages, she practically confesses. Each message is sent from various victims numbers, which had been deactivated.)
Theres an urban legend thats been circulating for years about a taxi cab that doesn’t take you where you want to go but where you need to go. One night a tired yound man steps into this cab.
A boy is sitting on his couch when one of his friends barges into the living room and says, “whatever happens, who ever comes knocking, ive been here for at least an hour.”
Every night he hears the sound of a train… But the railroad closed down years ago.
A reclusive grandmother dies. The grand daughter-who feels guilty for not visiting her-has to go through her things and finds her grandmother was not all she seemed to be.
Having vanished into the forest seven years ago, she emerged looking like she hadnt even left. Everything was the same, she hadn’t even aged, but something seemed a bit… Off.
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: The frozen pond in the forest cracked open. Ice skaters we disheartened by this, and curious as to how it happened–then they noticed the trail of footprints leading out of the pand and into the woods.
A fair has come to town with a strange funhouse. Inside, past the normal mirror maze, there’s a room that has one lone mirror that shows the viewer the last thing they’ll see before they die. (Alternatively: after viewers exit the room, something about their features is a bit off and they act very different then before.)
Funhouse Mirror: Alternatively, it could be both. The last thing they see before they die is why “they” start acting differently.
A grandfather tells his grandson that when a person leaves a graveyard a different way than they entered, spirits will leave with them. The boy decides to test this theory.
A man soon realizes that the fence around the orphanage is to keep the public safe–not the other way around.
One day the townsfolk wake up with their deadly sin tattooed to their left hand. (pride, lust, gluttony, envy, sloth, wrath, greed) This pits the townsfolk against one another as they discover that their heavenly virtue is tattooed to their right.
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hannahwatsonart · 3 years
Bibliography for Semester 1
Blake, William, Songs of Innocence and of Experience
Camus, Albert, The Myth of Sisyphus
Camus, Albert, The Outsider
Camus, Albert, Create Dangerously
Huxley, Aldous, The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell
Nietzsche, Friedrich, On Truth And Lies In A Nonmoral Sense
Fridman, Lex, "Sam Harris: Consciousness, Free Will, Psychedelics, AI, Ufos, And Meaning", Lex Fridman Podcast, 2021 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dC_nRYIDZU&t=4632s> [Accessed 13 October 2021]
Fridman, Lex, "Sean Kelly: Existentialism, Nihilism, And The Search For Meaning", Lex Fridman Podcast, 2021 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC1HszE5Hcw> [Accessed 29 October 2021]
Harris, Sam, "Are We Alone In The Universe?: A Conversation With Neil Degrasse Tyson (Episode #252)", Making Sense, 2021 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBVg5l1Cn6U> [Accessed 5 November 2021]
Warbuton, Nigel, and David Edmonds, "Aaron Ridley On Nietzsche On Art And Truth", Philosophy Bites, 2008
Warbuton, Nigel and David Edmonds, “Graham Priest on Buddhism and Philosophy”, Philosophy Bites, 2015
Lee, Stewart, "Touched By The Hand Of Ithell: My Fascination With A Forgotten Surrealist", The Guardian, 2021 <https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2021/oct/11/touched-ithell-colquhoun-forgotten-surrealist-stewart-lee> [Accessed 12 October 2021]
Leonara Carrington: The Lost Surrealist, 2020 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oukpRMIPISk> [Accessed 31 November 2021]
Lynch, David, David Lynch - Meditation, Creativity, Peace; Documentary Of A 16 Country Tour, 2016 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH4qD5Fzyjk> [Accessed 13 October 2021]
Robert Crumb "It Was Just Too Disturbing For Most People, Too Weird", 2019 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2ZWrWmypA0&t=3s> [Accessed 20 November 2021]
Schulnick, Allison, Hobo Clown (2008), By Allison Schulnik [Feat. Music By Grizzly Bear], 2008 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M8ejo974vk> [Accessed 14 October 2021]
Solar sands, The Secret Darker Art Of Dr. Seuss, 2020 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WSk86uIx2E> [Accessed 7 October 2021]
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mcvfd · 7 years
Notable Characters
Brad “Lorde” Alwaysummer, human, Lord Protector of Neverwinter.
Teresa May, human, Assistant to the Lord Protector. The City Watch Commander and the Spymaster both report directly to her.
Outlawe Steele, City Watch Commander
Blowie J Harden, awful human nobleman running for public office. Lives in a ridiculous ziggurat in the middle of Neverwinter.
Duke Earl Flufenpuf, eccentric human noble. Flufenpuf appears to have fallen on hard times, and pretends to be his own butler, making excuses to leave the room whenever the butler needs to appear with drinks or snacks. He is also a member of the Magic Liberation Agency (MLA), a group dedicated to freedom for magic users.
Robbie Pockets, (deceased) human thief. Robbie was a legendary cat burglar who was hired to help the group pull off a heist. He died when the group murdered him for betraying them.
Neverwinter Thieves Guild
Capo Crunch, human, Former Capo of the Thieves Guild of Neverwinter. He united all the gangs under his banner and believes strongly that the Guild serves as a force of change for the better. Currently holding a contest to determine his successor, and attempting to reconcile with his son, PP. The Capo’s favorite race horse is “The symbol for the artist formerly known as Prince.”
Assault Bae, human, Current Capo of the Thieves Guild of Neverwinter, Formerly Capo Crunch’s right-hand-man.
Neverwinter Gangs
Sparkle Motion, an all-girl gang. They are fiercely competitive, and are led by a trio of woman: a mage, an acrobat, and a brawler.
Wolf Pack, The name appears to be ironic, because this gang consists of one man, who is a total mystery. No one knows his name, and he pulls off every job he takes without killing anyone or leaving any evidence. He rarely speaks.
Clockwork Olivers, aka “Those Dick Kids.” This gang is entirely composed of street orphans. They specialize in pickpocketing and crowd work. They have no apparent leader, it’s unclear how large the gang is, and there are different kids every time the gang shows up somewhere. People who bad-mouth them tend to show up in alleys with multiple stab wounds.
The Tokyo Drifters. Drift is a family name, and these weirdo solve every job using fast horses and speed-related solutions, even when that’s wildly inappropriate. Still, they’re strangely effective, and won’t shut up about the importance of family.
Soccer Moms. This group specializes in blending into the middle-class society. Lots of yoga pants and family-sized horse carts.
Angry Hobo Clowns. Everyone is scared of this gang.
Ragin’ Magins, a gang entirely composed of magic users.
The secret headquarters for the Neverwinter Spy Guild.
Tulip, (deceased) human, former spymaster for the city of Neverwinter. She appears to be in her mid-20s, and always appears wearing a lovely and well-made floral print sundress. Despite this, all the people in her command respect her greatly. She is pleasant and friendly, but a bit smug with knowledge.
Quincy the Quartermaster, dwarf. Current Spymaster. Quincy is short and loud with a large beard and wild, unkempt hair. He is excitable, and eager to share his latest inventions. He can also sell the party any basic supplies they need.
Phteven the Intern, human. Phteven is timid and nervous, jumping at any loud noise and generally looking traumatized. His eyebrows have been burned off and his hair is singed. Has a huge crush on Averlyth.
Falling Star Airship
Currently owned by Cap’n Trey? and crewed by the Flew-Tang Clan:
Former Captain: Zed Lepplin, human (deceased)
Captain, Blowface Killa, frogman
XO, Foot Ball, half orc, ill-fitting naval jacket
Quartermaster, Cliff Fjord, dwarf
Navigator, Lincoln, half elf, tall
Gunnery Officer, Thomas “Thundergun” Smith, human. Looks like Danny Devito, smokes cigar, burned-off eyebrows
Cook, Guy Furry, human, crippled former sailor
Head of Magic, DOT JPEG, human
Temple of Poon
Home of the world’s first draconic hip-hop act, Grand Master P. Represented (poorly) by the MCVFD.
Grand Master P, dragon, hip-hop artist. AKA Master Puff, Puffy, Puff the Magic Dragon, Gavin. After losing a rap battle to the group, Master P agreed to let them manage his career, and is waiting for them to set up some gigs.
Violent J, (deceased) human, former head of the Juggalo dragon cult. Before the group killed all the cultists, J was the head of a dragon cult that aimed to spread the word by recording the dragon’s raps and having bards perform them around the world.
Wave Echo Cave
Site of the MCVFD’s first adventure after leaving Mulmaster.
Maculty Cultin, (presumed dead) human cult leader. Last seen waiting for the group after paying them to kill all the undead in the mine. Likely killed by Mormesk and his undead.
Mormesk, undead wraith, haunting the mine. Last seen taking a group of ghouls to kill the cultists in the mine after being enchanted by Gorevan.
Ronnie, spectator, office administrator. In denial that the mine has died, insists on following protocol for all visitors to the mine.
Former home of the MCVFD, site of an infamous fire that the group was blamed for.
Burnie Cinders, (deceased) human, Captain in the Hawks (Mulmaster secret police). Covered in terrible burn scars, always angry. Nurses a serious grudge against the group for the burning of Mulmaster. They left him to die in a burning house, so he has no trouble believing they’re the terrorists Mulmaster has made them out to be. Burnie became a bit of a zealot, and rose to command all Hawk operations attempting to capture the group.
The Future
“Corporate assholes who’ll keep torturing the timeline as long as there’s a buck to be made.”
Director Bront Laughtrack, male halfling. Bombastic and sleazy. Carnival barker outfit, slicked-back hair, easy smile.
Security Chief Karen Krull. A short, old female elf wearing well-made security armor. She is sarcastic and threatening.
“A bunch of scientists who don’t understand their ivory tower costs money.”
Professor Doctor Jefferson Von Pantaloons III, sentient broadsword. Intelligent, calm, and serious. Carried by a large man with broad shoulders, hair in a man-bun, wearing a tweed jacket.
Doctor Gil Pop’n’lock, female elf. Frustrated and tense. Tall, blond ponytail, glasses, lab coat.
Mad Scientist Gidget, female gnome. Distracted, twitchy, excitable, and flirtatious. Imprisoned. Wild lavender hair, big eyes, constantly fidgeting or typing.
Ops Union
“Those grease monkeys refuse to pick a side.”
Chief Engineer Boodleloodle Noodle, female dwarf. Demanding, respected, and overworked. Huge wrench, braided red hair and beard, greasy coveralls.
Technician Squeaks Clickson, merman. His name is unpronounceable by humans, translates as “The glint off water as sun rises over stormy sea.” Worried and fearful. Green-blue skin, webbed fingers, large eyes.
Quartermaster Nordom, the last modron. Helpful and guileless.
History Channel CEO Georgio Carbonara (and his son, GC Jr). Suits.
Station AI Mizz Computer, computer program, presents as female. Cheerful and helpful, but constrained.
Bartender Splash Gordon, male human. Flirtatious and bargaining. Twinkling eyes, dark skin, silk shirt
Pilot Flappy Lightspeed, female tiefling. Sneaky and capable. Aviator sunglasses, cowboy hat, dark blue scales, flight suit.
Tiffani, female orc gladiator champion. The biggest orc you’ve ever seen, with a butch haircut and scarred armor with many kill marks. Speaks in a loud, confident voice.
Marge Zuckerberg, female human gladiator. Distracted, annoyed, autistic. Small and mousy, dressed in ill-fitting armor, protected by Tiffani.
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gingerbredman1989 · 7 months
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Traveling Circus characters, circa 1900.
NightCafe AI
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gingerbredman1989 · 7 months
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Muscular "Hobo Clown" from a traveling circus, circa 1900.
ChatGPT with DALL-E
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babyawacs · 1 year
#dismal_aeh_pubes_worries #russianmethod #witne ssprotect #arewearescuefloat #rescuepeople #serotolerancewiththefacts .@judge .@judges @law @all @wo rld @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutsc hland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #witnessprotect #misguided #andwherec anifindthiswonderfulnorthkoreathen #timeline #fooledjudges #or #spoiledprocedure #quellaccomplices #l ustgain #ambiguity #mildest #snot #a #case #of #whatiswhatiswhat #barricades #whoelse #gracious #rig ht ... #sgerman #sgermany #lookatthetimeline #usually #hoogle #reframed #mildfacettes #of #what #them quell #ahbythewayididnothingwrong #kanneskaumabwarten #bis #irgendwer #euch #noch #alibis #verschafft #nachdem #ihr #euere #verbrechen #vertuscht #how #judge #judges #system #ai #thetruth #and #the #rul eoflaw #bananarepublic #inthen #donot #the #rubbertittts #simpler #usually #else #bad #biological #g ermansolutions #nowandhow #there #instead #compensation #oujaounorthkorea what coplevel attorneys and such maynot understand is how intel works that intel realtime tv haslikely reality shows and taht it is a protection paste to put someone into a showstarlet of such all in a hierarchical intel foodchain or that these need a story or a substance too like title or dompteur clown eaten by lion entertainmen t and such what attorneys non intel w i l l find is how intel decoys and nuts these things then as gr andure hobo and each thing not understood the germanconfirmed aeh dismal p u b e s worry then because i t is intel and a big mess itis how them rule allalong
#dismal_aeh_pubes_worries #russianmethod #witnessprotect #arewearescuefloat #rescuepeople #serotolerancewiththefacts .@judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #witnessprotect #misguided #andwherecanifindthiswonderfulnorthkoreathen…
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