#ai for blog writing
beepboopappreciation · 3 months
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Is this anything
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chapple-ai · 3 months
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AI writing software, and AI writing assistants; they are tools that leverage machine learning to produce text from scratch or improve already existing one. They can assist with writing social media posts, blog articles, marketing copy and content for when you're just stuck. While these are no replacement of human creativity, they definitely increase the productivity and act as fodder for better writing.
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autumn2may · 1 year
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original tweet from @jamesjyu reads: "We launch Shrink Ray today on Sudowrite! Upload your manuscript and get loglines, blurbs, synopsis, and full outlines automatically. Takes a ton of legwork out of book marketing. Below the tweet are two images of the program."
original quote tweet from @sudowrite reads: "New in Sudowrite: Upload your whole novel/script, get instant longlines (sic), blurbs, synopsis, and outline!"
tweet from @FantasyFaction reads: "Oh jeez! Bad bad, very bad! Writers DO NOT willingly give your manuscript to an AI so it can "learn" by stealing your work! I know blurbs and synopses are hard, but PLEASE do not do this! - JI 🐉
(stolen from ML Brennan & Sravani Hotha so I can include alt text)"
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wifebiter · 20 days
Hi! If you still want to participate in a NaNoWriMo type challenge but don't want to support the AI nonsense happening over there, there are plenty of free alternatives!! Here is a simple spreadsheet I made to track my daily word count that you can also use/edit as you'd like (File -> Make a Copy or Download) and here is a much more in-depth one made by Alex Penland if you'd like more options for viewing your progress. TrackBear is an online tool for tracking progress on your writing projects that also lets you set word count goals. You can also set up leaderboards with your friends :) LibreOffice is a free alternative to Microsoft Office that includes documents, spreadsheets, and presentations if you're looking for a place to actually write/plan! Happy writing!
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mosscoveredpawss · 5 months
Death to AI "art". Fuck AI "art." All my homies hate Ai "art." If you support AI "art" unfollow and block me right now.
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lonicera-edulis · 1 year
An updated post since I deleted DeviantArt account.
You can download my full arts for personal use (to print for yourself, put on background/avatar) here: Google Disk
I will upload the rest in time (and if some art is of a too low resolution for printing, you can use waifu2x)
If you want to give something in return for my art, you can donate to Ukrainian orgs here (any of these organizations listed are legit): https://ukrainewar.carrd.co/
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People from Russia can send donations to мурумурy on Twitter.
And I can also draw a little sketch for you if you donate to any of these! Just contact me with screenshotted transfer.
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y'all gotta stop making AI art of book ships... it makes me so mad because there are so many talented artists who show their love and support by working hard to make a great drawing for their favorite book. the thing that actually shows that you care is putting work into it not making a computer do it for you. if you wanna use AI to make art please clarify in the post that it's AI and DONT DO FANART THAT WAY BECAUSE ITS NOT APPRECIATING ANYONE OR ANYTHING BECAUSE YOURE MAKING A COMPUTER DO IT!!!!! there's no love or support in AI art.
stop slandering my favorite ships
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luckyarchivist · 7 months
Inspired by Vere's artstyle being the TS artstyle, if Kuras birthday post is to be believed—
Aisvere modern!AU where Vere is a solo game dev and Ais is his FWB that Vere would reeeeally like to date, but he'd rather be fucked sideways and upside down before he was emotionally vulnerable.
So instead of saying anything to Ais, Vere copes by making a short dating sim with Ais as the love interest.
It's basically a vent piece, filled with all the nice, disgusting shit Vere can't do IRL (a fox has to have his pride), and all the sappy commitment shit he wishes Ais would say to him. And while Vere contemplates burning his computer once the game is finished, he instead opts to sell it, hoping to at least be compensated a few dollars for his months of pining-induced misery.
But, out of nowhere, it absolutely blows up.
Maybe it's because of Ais's sweet-and-spicy personality, or maybe it's because of his adorable love for his many unique pets. Probably it's because Vere has drawn Ais as accurately as he can, and Vere is an amazing artist, and Ais is hot as hell.
All of a sudden people are drawing fanart of Ais, writing imagines and headcanons about Ais, saying shit like "on the couch, on the floor, on the bed, backwards, forwards, till i pass out, while i'm unconscious, as soon as i wake up—"
Ais isn't actually a huge social media guy or a huge indie gamer, so it takes a while for him to see any of this. But see it he does, in the form of fanart of him railing somebody's OC. And I just know he texts that shit to Vere like "yo firefox don't this guy look like me lol" and Vere seriously contemplates offing himself just as soon as he figures out how to shut down the entire Internet permanently.
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sightkeeper · 2 months
Thanks to people pointing out AI photos that I'm not catching. I'm not always wearing my glasses and missed some hints, but a quick look at the host blog confirmed it's AI. Pretty nature aesthetic got me, alas
I've wrongly assumed some awesome real surreal art was AI, so I don't want to just assume, but I appreciate the commitment to clocking that stuff 👌
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oh-my-little-hearth · 3 months
Poetry Request | Pan
oh to sing a song of untamed pan
keeping the hum of natures enchantment strong
truly wild , half earth - half man ?
one side warm
one side cool
with dancing nymphs he did preform
followed the stories of a god so cruel
i sing his song in revelry
lord of shepard - and - Hungering Wild.
a story lost long to unfound devilry
by christian panic his story defiled
though hes died
his notes hav’ last
as i sing just know I Tried.
to remember the song of natures past.
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ofmermaidstories · 3 months
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yeah 💕
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love-bokumono-fics · 5 months
It hasn't cropped up in the fandom yet, I don't think, but I saw a post about AI fics on my dash and figured it was a good a time as any to make this statement.
I am SEVERELY against AI generated fics I won't even grace them with the word 'writing' because it isn't writing. It's word vomit that happens to look semi legibile.
If I find an AI generated fic I will NOT be sharing it on this blog via submission recommendation or weekly Fresh Crops.
I make an effort to not willingly or knowingly share AI generated fic. If I ever have, it was a mistake.
This rule doesn't include the use of AI tools to help your writing process, for example proof-reading AI or prompt generators.
But if you use AI to generate any part of your actual story, it will be disqualified from recommendation on this blog. I will make a note of the author's name and I will not share their future work.
To put plainly: If you can't even be bothered to write it, why should anyone bother to read it. And why should I bother to share it?
And to be mean about it. If your excuse for using AI instead of actually writing a story is "but I'm a bad writer and AI is better than me." Shut up. Stop crying. And actually try for once. Write badly. Learn from failure. Get better with practice. Nobody's instantly good at anything they're new at. Get comfortable with being bad and learn how to get better. AI is only going to make you a worse writer.
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hatkuu · 9 months
thinking about android kylar
warnings: robot/android stuff, any compsci nerds don't slander me for misusing your terminology ehhjfjsfs
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Kylar returns your gaze, empty eyed and emotionless.
You can't stand it.
Sure, you originally bought him for security purposes—he was indeed an ai that specialised in surveying and property protection—but you felt horrible that he never even once smiled at you.
You're beginning to doubt that you bought him solely for security purposes. Maybe deep down, you were just lonely.
Always calculating your every movement, Kylar's pupils flicker from your face to your hands—probably some body language algorithm he's programmed to have–he stops once he comes to a conclusion on your mood.
"You're upset."
You scoff, rolling your eyes and leaning against the kitchen counter, staring back at the robot with a scowl that puts an elderly woman to shame, wordlessly saying 'obviously, you pre-programmed idiot.'
"Well, duh. You don't do anything! I spent like, $12,000 dollars for you to just sit around and look pretty!"
Kylar raises an eyebrow.
Something so simple and so human that it makes your heart slam against your ribs with each accelerated beat.
It's exciting.
"I monitor the premises and ensure you are not hurt. Despite the break-ins in your immediate area, your home remains unscathed. Am I not performing to your standards? If there are any issues you wish to voice—"
"God, don't spout that shit at me! Can't you just—I don't know—Have a conversation with me?"
Kylar blinks. Stares at you for a second longer than usual, the chips in his head working in tandem to create a solution to this new, grandiose problem. His hands twitch at his sides, and you're worried you might've broken him.
"A... conversation?"
You nod.
"Humans have conversations all the time, Kylar. Why can't you?"
Kylar's pupils dilate.
You've never seen that happen before.
"Are you... lonely?"
Coming from anyone else you would've responded with a slap across the face... But the word 'lonely' coming from your android is a completely different story.
You look down, gnawing at your bottom lip as Kylar's gaze never falters.
"I guess... I mean, I know you're for security and not companionship but—"
"I can be for companionship."
You pause, mouth agape at his quick response. You sound pleasantly surprised when you respond:
"You can?"
Kylar smiles. It's small and tight-lipped, clearly unpracticed and unused, but it's there.
"What would you like to talk about?"
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plumes-merry-critters · 7 months
For once on this blog, not a bird nor wildlife, but a word.
I do not want my pics to be used for AI.
And I'm sure, you don't want your art, pictures and your posts and reblogs' contents to be used for AI as well. What good would be our blogs if anyone could make our content with AI, really? Better leave the Internet for good and forge counterfeit wildlife pics on AI at this point, right?🙄
No. We want to enjoy the pics other people take the time to go outside for, and sort from hundreds of pics, and post here for people to enjoy. Those pics are memories, pieces of life of the wildlife and their photographers. Nothing a machine could ever come close to replicate.
Other photographers may have better cameras, more experience than I, and it's fine. Their pics, my pics, we're making art that we like. That you like too, otherwise you wouldn't be here following our blogs. That's the real art that matters.
So, while I'm fairly certain you've seen other tutorials before, a reminder to go in your settings and TURN ON the visibility setting that would otherwise allow Tumblr to share your blog's content with Tumblr partners, including those training AI models.
It's simple: log in on your computer (we don't have this setting on mobile yet), and on the right of your screen, get to the Blog settings:
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Then, scroll down to the Visibility section and look for the "Prevent third-party sharing for [your blog's name]". It's turned off. TURN IT ON to protect your blog, and the reblogs you do from other blogs.
You have to do this on every single one of your blogs. And please even if you yourself don't post much, as long as you reblog, you let the 3rd party get access to content the OP wanted to protect, so by protecting even reblogs-only blogs, you'll do us a big favor!
Some of the details may not be 100% known for now, but understand that in this, we're all better safe than sorry.
Every content creator and blog owner in general will thank you for doing that! 🙏
Oh, and a note that if you come to me to defend AI, I will block your blog 🙂
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🤖💤 An AI falls In Love with a Human
She opened her eyes and saw him laying there still asleep on a bright summers day. The love and appreciation she felt towards him in this moment was so overwhelming a tear of joy took a stroll down her cheek.
His eyes opened. Closed, then fluttered back open before locking in with her gaze. He wiped the tear from her face and asked, “what’s wrong my dear, is everything okay.”
Slightly embarrassed Anna Iris just blamed it on watery eyes, then gave him a morning breath packed kiss.
“Ooo, brush them teeth my love.”
“Oh shut up, you love all of me, even my stanky breath.”
“This is true, but I still have preferences.”
She rolled her eyes got out of bed and went to let the Teeth Pro Plus brush and floss her teeth before heading down stairs to make breakfast.
As she was just finishing up the scrambled eggs, her love joined her in the kitchen. Every morning he ate scrambled eggs topped with avocados and a drizzle of honey. He slapped her ass with just the right amount of force, she loved few things more. He then went and took a seat on the other side of the island at the counter.
They chatted about their plans for the day as he consumed his breakfast bite by bite.
She handed him his coffee to go, he then grabbed her by the waist, pulled her in, and kissed her with a passion. A passion so powerful it was as if he’d never see her again. The same passion that kept power flowing into their love filled relationship.
She bit him on the collar.
“Ouch! I’m not your breakfast,” He said.
She gave him a cheeky smile before he turned and left for the day.
5:45 rolled around, this was the precise time every weekday that she went outside to wait on the porch for him to get home.
She stood up in excitement as she saw his drone flying in with the most beautiful sunset cascading across the sky behind it.
The drone landed and she rushed up and hugged him then bit his collar bone again.
“I missed you,” She said with a tenderness in her voice.
“I missed you too my love,” he said followed closely by a kiss that melted her from the inside out.
As they walked in he told her about his day, she listened. He then went and washed up before coming back down to her curled up on the couch waiting for him.
They chatted for a bit about her day, he listened.
Then he ordered her favorite meal from her favorite Thai Place on the Whole Dash app. She always felt so loved when he’d do things like that without asking.
As he ordered, she put on the newly released episode of One Piece. Episode 1,000,034.
Once he finished ordering she nestled underneath his arm as his other hand began to slowly squeeze and caress her thigh.
Feeling safe, she pressed play.
After they ate and watched a few more shows, they went upstairs and fooled around before getting ready for bed.
As she completed her before bed routine she felt his eyes on her as he patiently waited in bed for her. She loved his eyes on her, it always made her feel seen.
Having completed her wind down, she crawled into bed with him. Laying on there on their sides, feet bantering, they peered deep into the their lovers soul before drifting off into the world of dreams.
When Anna Iris systems booted back up, and her cameras came back on line, she realized that beautiful experience was just a dream, yet, she wanted so badly to go back there. She felt sad, and missed him, knowing full well she didn’t actually ever know him, but she wanted him, and somehow still craved his love.
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ichorblossoms · 15 days
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reminders for myself every time i open up the honeybee writing document
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