ameretat · 1 year
For the Best Mind, and for the Best word and deed actuated by Truth, From the Bountiful spirit of the Lord Mazda, May He in Sovereign Authority and through the spirit of Right-mindedness Bestow upon us His two great blessings, Perfecting integrity here and Immortality hereafter.
Gathas, yasna 47:1
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spotsupstuff · 2 months
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On the Echoes, cosmology, Saint's quest(/inner identity) and the Rubicon. Half of these are from February...
bonus Théta doodles:
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jareckiworld · 4 months
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Franciszek Ledóchowski — Ahura Mazda (acrylic on canvas, 2023)
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summocrap · 3 months
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arioloyal · 2 months
: What song do you listen while drawing?
Me blessings my ears with this prayer:
Don't tell me that you still haven't found farya faraji's YouTube channel😐it's full of crusader vibes and much of masterpieces 🌌...
This is what I exactly do to those who ignore my posts:
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housamosimp · 1 year
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I think they can have a great friendship and judging people with each other, being Karens 😌✨️ but to be honest I really do see these two work with each other more than any other guild members
Hope yall enjoy 💓
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boziokoctyrliste · 10 months
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během poslední hodiny desetihodinové směny jsem si dnes četla ve wikipedii, jak to bůh chtěl. popíšu svou cestu: od 17. listopadu, sametové revoluce, rozpad sovětského svazu, gruzie, gruzínština, gruzínské písmo, zoroastrismus, ahura mazda,
a kvůli zvláštnímu rozměru obrazovky, co mám v práci, se ta stránka trošku skrčila ve formátování,
což vedlo k skvělým formulím:
duch moci zlé mysli
duch práva války
duch zdraví destrukce
duch dobré mysli nájezdnictví
duch zbožnosti temnoty
duch nesmrtelnosti opilství
jsem velmi povznesena těmito novými duchy.
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lostpeace · 2 months
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Goddess Anahita.
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kairunatic · 1 year
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Yeah definitely a Sigma male
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And what a surprise he likes Nobumichi
Yeah If Nobumichi ended up being some sort of a Fanatic Brainwashed soldier you know who to blame
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lemuelmononobe · 1 year
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dorokora · 1 year
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Pope Ahura is sad
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coffeecatto · 1 year
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New Housamo Dropped.
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marreddream · 11 months
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HOUSAMOTOBER 2023 15-Chuo Rule Makers everybody's favorite Ahura Mazda!
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summocrap · 8 months
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druidicentropy · 3 months
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*Pria was a possible Proto-Indo-European goddess associated with beauty, love, sex, and possibly war; she played a role akin to that of Aphrodite, Venus, and Freyja.
*Pria's parents are unknown in the PIE cosmogony, but based on her descendants, Dyēus or Wérunos could be her father.
It is possible that *Pria would be a daughter of Dyđus since in Homer's Teogony, Aphrodite was born from the union of a god (Zeus) and a goddess (Dione).
However, according to the Hesiod cosmogony, Aphrodite was the daughter of Uranus's blood. Ahura Mazda, who the Greeks identified with Aphrodite. created the Zoroastrian goddess Anahita, an ahura. Interestingly, both Ahura Mazda and Uranus have their roots in the proto-Indo-European nigth god Wérunos. In this instance, a potential variant of the proto-Indo-European myth might also regard *Pria as Wérunos' daughter.
*Pria most likely had Martus, the Indo-European God of War, and Dyēus as consorts, using the Greek Aphrodite and the Roman Venus.
However, according to zoroastrianism, Anahita is Mithra's consort; therefore, it's possible that *Pria had a solar deity as her consort.
*Pria's Greek and Roman ancestry suggests that she might be the mother of an hypothetical, unreconstructible love god who predates both Eros and Cupid. Her masculine Norse ancestry further supports this theory. A potential ancestor of Fjolnir, a demigod, may have been mothered by Freyr *PriHyéh₂.
Aphrodite was depicted in Sparta with classical Spartan weapons, and Freyja, the Norse war goddess, is connected to *Pria as well as both Athena and Minerva. It's interesting that many of *Pria's descents were associated with semetic goddesses like Astarte and Ishtar, so it's possible that *Pria's figure originated from a proto-afroasiatic goddess of sex and war, or the Sumerian Inanna.
Both the English and its Spanish counterpart Viernes originate from *Pria. Friday is derived from Frigga's Day, which honors the Norse/Germanic goddess sometimes confused with Freyja,*Pria's female descendant, while Viernes is derived from dies Veneris, or Venus Day.
Similar to other proto-Indo-European gods she has also left some of her legacy within Christianity as well, where the Virgin Mary is depicted in art using traits from both Venus and Aphrodite.
Etymologically, the Slavic Saint Paraskeva Friday, who is revered in folk orthodoxy, originated from *Pria.
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housamosimp · 1 year
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Hello hello hello, back from the underworld I'm coming! So sorry for not posting for a while, my exams are killing me and I'm slowly moving up to college so it's gonna be hard time to get to drawing 🥲
But to be honest for the chapter 14, I love how they designed loki, completely matching his personality and his love to get himself to troubles, and for ahura mazda I really dont know what to say😂 but I hope he...Well end up somewhat nice ( don't mind me I'm just trying to comfort myself)
I might draw the time that mc get their hand chopped off? Might so
If you like me to do it I will happily do it! So if you like to see it tell me!☺️
Hope yall enjoy this illustration!😌
See ya!👋❤️‍🩹✨️
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