ellianoxfleuret · 5 years
@ahundredwars continued
The girl sat on her bed quietly, pondering her situation as it was now. Moving forward would be difficult and she didn’t know if she was ready to do so.
Hearing Nyx, her father she supposed she should call him, Ellia stood and went to open the door. “Come in. I know we need to talk.” Even if she was just anxious and awkward.
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queenlybeast · 5 years
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a moodboard for @ahundredwars based on his headcanons for the attack on galahd
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sxrtis · 5 years
{ @ahundredwars | from here. }
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A little smile of victory. It’d been a test in patience getting the Glaive to break his rules, even with the promise that she’d take take the fall for him should it come to that.  Ever loyal to his duties, he was. For a long while he wouldn’t even speak to her.
❝Oh there are rules against anyone except my handmaidens and Gentiana seeing me in my nightclothes.❞ As if it somehow made it better. ❝Maybe not rules, per se. Just... Decorum around it. It was something I learned in finishing classes.❞
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novuscaelum · 5 years
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“Mommy says that you gotta go sleep or she won’t lay next to you tonight...”
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unworthychosenone · 5 years
Noctis eyed the glaive with a strange mixture of relief and anger. Yes Nyx had saved Insomnia from total annihilation and rescued Luna but he could’ve been killed in the process. Another life lost. One more reason to grieve.
“Whether or not you’re obligated to serve my family I prefer you to be alive to do it.” He responded. The prince crossed his arms in an attempt to close off his emotions once more. “You’re no good to me dead.”
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toilalo · 5 years
@ahundredwars || Worried Ignis
Ignis eyebrows shot up in surprise at the title, his face flushing a bit rapidly. He wasn’t used to being offered any form of respect like that -- and frankly he didn’t feel like he deserved it. He gave a small cough, forcing his embarrassment back and shook his head lightly in response. He looked back up at Nyx, concern obvious on his face as he watched Nyx for a few moments.
“You do not need to offer me such titles, I am merely the Prince’s Adviser, nothing more.” Ignis began, his brows furrowing slightly and a small, worried frown taking place on his lips as he continued, “Are you feeling quite alright? Perhaps you should come with me to my office and rest..? After all you are to follow me anyways, yes?”
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chosenbythecrystal · 5 years
@ahundredwars continued from here.
Noctis flashed the Glaive a grin as he wrapped his arms around himself, hugging it close. It was soft and warm even if it was baggy on him. He preferred baggy clothes anyway – they were more comfortable than the suits he often had to wear.
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“A little. Maybe I’m coming down with something. I feel fine though. Come to the arcade with me?” If he wanted to go out, he needed and escort and he’d prefer Nyx to anyone else. Most of the Kingsglaive disliked him and most of the Crownsguard were all...stuffy.
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gingersmiith · 5 years
✘ tell the truth you shithead did you eat my lunch out of the fridge?
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. (01/10)
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corvidics-blog · 5 years
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| ♟ | - It was one in the morning when Crowe sat alone at Yama’s stand. The woman hadn’t been able to sleep well since she escaped Galahd and would often find her self wandering the streets of the slums the refugees were shoved into.
“What’s it with people always pushing things on me..? Never listening to what I have to say... Why does everyone keep telling me... That I have to be a glaive,” Crowe muttered to herself is spite as she took a sip of her drink. “All a glaive does is fight... I never wanted this power... I’m sick of it...”
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saxhamsurvivor · 5 years
just like birds of a feather
pickpocketarc asked:
“You’re a part of the family.” {saxhamsurvivor}
ahundredwars answered:
domestic/family prompts [open] @saxhamsurvivor​
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Nyx had been full of doubts since he’d brought them all back, that lingering ‘sure you saved them, but do they really want to even see your face?’ hung heavily on him. Weeks of pushing it off, weeks of trying to keep himself at arms length so he doesn’t get so attached to the former glaives again.
Once bitten, twice shy as they say.
He’d brought it up accidentally while helping Axis with dinner. Something small, “Jessamine said something sweet today. She said I was an official member of the family.” It wasn’t meant to be anything more, just the usual update on Axis’ kids.
But, then Axis echoes the words back at him, a look on his face that says ‘yes i meant that, stop worrying’. It stills the air in his lungs, eyes burning with tears that he refuses to let surface all the way. He forces out a laugh to cover it up, smiling at Axis.
“..You always know what to say, don’t you?”
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“It comes from being a father,” Axis says, teasing only a little bit. He can see the suspiciously wet look in Nyx’s eyes, even though the younger man is doing his best to hide it.
And so Axis lays his knife on the counter and turns and takes Nyx into his arms, holding him close. “The kids have always loved you, Nyx. And you brought me back to them. How can you be anything other than family?”
He pulls back just enough to look up at him, to brush Nyx’s braids back behind his ear, touch soft, and remembers, years ago, doing the same with Rosemary in this very kitchen. 
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azhorratha · 5 years
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     @ahundredwars​: ‘ fuck the idea that there is such a thing as destiny ’ for Noct! Or honestly anyone you think it could fit
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     The glaive’s words caught him and Noctis glanced up from the floor to stare. Destiny and Duty had both played a huge role in his life. Be the prince. Keep your nose clean. Get good grades. Marry the princess. Be the king. Allow the ring to drain you for the protection of others. Die. He’d have no life, at least not one of his own like everyone else.
For a second, he opened his mouth to respond but ended up gaping like a fish. Forcing his mouth to close, he wandered over and took a chance. 
“Is this one of those ‘control your own destiny’ things you’re talking about? Because I’m pretty sure that’s not exactly an option.” For me was left unsaid. But the appeal of it... Noctis bit as his lip and glanced around them, hyper aware that they were in the middle of a hallway. “Come on. My old rooms are still available. I want to talk about this.” 
Nyx must have been on to something. He had to be.
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(HUGE body horror, death and gore warning)
Titus kneels, hands grasping at earth as he fights to keep it together both figuratively and literally. Miasma rises from his body in smoking trails, gaps in his flesh filled in with roiling ink. A pained groan leaves him as his flesh knits together again, flits of liquid metal flicking across his skin, forming briefly into jagged armor fragments, but never quite holding. Ichor pours from his eyes and mouth and pools on the ground, hissing as it dissolves. Nails shift in and out, talons to blunt rounds, then back again. Flesh pulsates angrlily around the kukiri buried in his chest, desperately prying at it, but never able to fully dislodge it.
It’s agony.
I’s agony, and he deserved this. Titus should have seen this coming the moment they put that demon inside him. He was damned from that time onward, living on borrowed time that stretched on further than it had been fair. Other people, kinder ones, more deserving (Nyx, he thinks), got a fraction of his time.
He covers his mouth with one hand and chokes back a sob. There’s ash in the air and he recognizes it as Nyx - Nyx stinging in his eyes and lungs, Nyx dissolved into the skyline of the city that he loved. And it’s Titus’ fault. Titus did this, Titus pushed him to this end, he took this future from him and there would be no going back. Insomnia burned and Titus could turn away, but Nyx..
Even crossing swords with him, he’d never wanted this.
Even betraying the kingdom.
Perhaps he thought he could sway him somehow. Perhaps he didn’t think the Empire would go this far. He believed they wouldn’t. But why wouldn’t they? Mercy wasn’t a resource they held in spades.
A rattling hack wracks Titus’ body, bits of his esophagus coming up around his hand. His fingernails shift to talons and nick the side of his face open, skin sloughing away to reveal a skeletal visage, twisted bone forcing its way out of his body like overgrown roots. His clothing fades to greying rags, hanging loosely from his daemonified body.
Suddenly, the pain ceases. Nerve endings disappear and neurons pop out like string lights, the last vestiges of Titus’ soul burning away bit by bit. There’s a strange nirvana to it - his humanity drifting away past return. Something like a death rattle overtakes him, and it’s done.
Titus’ last breath leaves him a stream of miasma that wisps into the sky, mixing for the last time with Nyx’s ashes.
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fujubun · 5 years
"Do you like my hoodie? Its boyfriend material."
Ignis stared at the Glaive for a very long moment, his face dusting pink more and more as time continued on. He wasn’t sure what to say, or even what he could say -- what was he supposed to do? It wasn’t very often at all someone just... blatantly flirted with him. His mouth opened as his brows nit together a little, more concentration necessary in his expression; his mouth closed again. He was taken aback, truly.
“I... c-come again?” he questioned in confusion, stuttering so softly despite his efforts.
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sxrtis · 5 years
I HEARD a rumor that lunafreya is the prettiest oracle ever? in history? wow big claims but i think those rumors might be RIGHT
{ prompt: rumor has it. }
status: accepting
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She isn’t blushing -- no not at all.
Okay, she is. She’s very red, and trying to hide that fact, and her grin.
❝No, that is impossible...���
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novuscaelum · 5 years
Outgoing text from: Novus Caelum
[text]: Those were your boots? 
[text]: I’ll explain it in a sec once I find my phone.
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shibutoi · 5 years
Tell me!
Tell me! || Open || @ahundredwarsSilver: found dead from embarrassment && from having 2 Admit Things
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If you snuck into my room I would:
[ xxx ] Go back to sleep[] Kick you out[ … ] Cuddle with you[ xxx ] Be like “How in the world?”[] Let you sleep on the floor[] Become angry
If you kissed me (or hugged, depending upon character/gender) I would:
[ … ] Kiss or hug you back[ xxx ] Smile and laugh awkwardly[ xxx ] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable[] Push you away[ xxxxxx ] Be shocked[] Strike you
If you asked me to go out with you for a day I would say:
[] No[ xxx ] Yes[] Most certainly not.[ xxx ] Without hesitation.
You are:
[ xxx ] Cute[ xxx ] Adorable[ … ] Attractive[ xxx ] Beautiful[] Okay[] Ugly[ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ] Am not going to grace this with an answer
You are to me a:
[] Stranger[] Acquaintance[ xxx ] Ally[ xxx ] Friend[ … ] Love[] Rival[] Enemy
I find you to be:
[] Pathetic[] Off no consequence[ xxx ] Intriguing[] Frightening[] Unsettling[] Annoying[] Infuriating[ xxx ] Pleasant company[ … ] Comforting[ … ]  Unable to be lived without[ xxx ] Trustworthy
In the end, Silver denies himself even the ability of admitting he wants love and affection from someone, especially from the one he wants it from most. He wont risk their friendship like that, not when he’s uncertain on how Nyx feels, but he hopes these answers will suffice and that he doesn’t look too suspicious. 
Dots are the things he wants to confirm but can’t bring himself too out of nervousness.
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