#ahhhhh. a fellow person of taste i see.
slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
Ok ok ok. So during the lunch rush, this lady walks up to the register to pay for her food. No biggie, huh? I do my job as normal. That's what you do...
And then I looked up and saw the woman wearing a shirt of MY WIFE!!!
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I am embarrassed that I got this excited and happy over a T-shirt 😅 (and admittedly a little more embarrassed/flustered when i imagined if Tiffany was really right there. Like, no, don't look at me when I smell like burritos 😅😅😅😅), but at the same time, I SAW MY FIRST F/O OUT IN THE WILD!!!!
I may get this shirt now 🤔 have you ever had moments like this when you see your F/O on merch or something? XD ^^
I woke up at the ungodly time of 5.30am on a Saturday for no apparent reason, checked my notifications, and saw THIS and I was instantly okay with it XDD
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atomic-thomas · 4 months
(Fake ASMR Commission) Yandere Giantess Kidnaps You [REMAKE]
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*giant footstep sounds right out the gate until specified stopping point*
“Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum! How much longer are you able to run?”
“You know I’m just toying with you, right? I’m walking slowly on purpose. I can end this silly game whenever I want.”
“It’s a game to me. I find it quite entertaining to watch you try & flee, futile as it is. By all means… Continue running as fast as your little legs can carry you. It amuses me. Ahaha~”
“Aww, what’s the matter? Slowing down already? Tiring out so soon? But I was having so much fun.”
*footstep sounds stop*
“Pity… It appears that you’ve tripped over a tree branch. Such a shame. Now you lay there… Exhausted… And helpless. Now it’s my turn to strike.”
“Here comes my giant hand~ Hehe~”
“Now… To firmly wrap my fingers around you… And clench my fist shut.”
“You’re all mine now. Mine to do whatever I want with. What shall I do? Hmmm… Perhaps I could… Crush you~ Or maybe even… Eat you~ You’d probably taste delicious.”
“You really want me to just get it over with already. My, my… I didn’t think you’d be so eager to meet your fate. Very well. If you insist.”
“Mmm~” *kiss sound*
“Ahahahahahahahaha~! I wish you could see the look on your face right now! I’ve never seen such a stark expression of shock & confusion on anyone before.”
“Ahhhhh… Well, I suppose the jig is up now. I’ll just go ahead & say it.”
“All of that… Was a jest.”
“Hehehe~ You certainly look delighted to hear that. I never had any intention of hurting you. I would never do that to you.”
“I did all that because… It’s just fun acting like a storybook fairytale giant. With that poetic catchphrase & the menacing facade. Flaunting my incredible size & awesome strength.”
“But it was all just for show. A bravado. A spectacle. In reality… I’m actually quite the soft-hearted individual.”
“Don’t mince words, little one. Being soft-hearted doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m ‘Pure’-hearted. Despite everything… I have a confession to make.”
“There’s another reason why I did this.”
“My reason for picking you up is because… I’m kidnapping you now. Not exactly something a pure-hearted person would do.”
*giant footstep sounds continue until specified stopping point*
“I know that sounds alarming seeing that I just spared your life. But I shall explain where I’m taking you & what my plans are. I think it’ll be of great interest to you. So please remain calm & hear me out.”
“I’m very deeply in love with you.”
“Do I really have to justify myself? What do you want me to say? ‘Oh, darling~ I love you because X, Y & Z~! I’d go to any length to show you my dedication~! I’ll destroy anyone who does so little as breathe in your direction~!’ Or other such ridiculous Yandere stereotypes.”
“Yes… I am a Yandere. I’m well aware of that fact. Although… To be honest… I barely qualify. I’m more of a Soft Yandere.”
“Tell me, little one. What comes to mind when you think of Yanderes? Crazed obsessive girls who’ve driven themselves insane over their romantic interests & build shrines for them? Blood-stained knives? Black-mailing? Other such criminal activity?”
“Yeah, you see… None of those apply to me. I’d much rather not bring harm to others. It’s wrong. And it would also make me a huge target. I know better.”
“I’m surprised that I was willing to go as far as kidnapping you. This hyperfixation I have towards you is hard to resist.”
“The reason I chose you instead of anyone else… Let alone a fellow giant… Is for the same reason why I love you.”
“There is no reason. It’s unconditional.”
“Do you finally realize the situation you’re in? A beautiful, powerful giantess has decided to dedicate her time & energy to you. And devote her entire life to loving you. Just because.”
“Okay, well… Fine. You got me. It’s not JUST because. I admittedly don’t like being lonely. I was just torn for so long as to whether or not I was willing to kidnap a human for my cause. And well… Here we are.”
“Yes… It IS selfish. I won’t defend my imperfect behavior. But then again… I wasn’t trying to be perfect anyway. And I don’t think you’d do that either. Most people probably wouldn’t.”
“So tell me… How do you feel about getting kidnapped now that you know all of this information?”
“Still unsure. Well… Since you are to be my partner for life… It’s out of love & respect that I should listen to your concerns. What are you worried about?”
“No… You’re not going to be my ‘Pet’. That would be so degrading. Imagine… Locking you in a cage… Feeding you unfulfilling crumbs of my food… And watching as you wallow in a prison of boredom for the rest of your life. You’d surely go mad. You deserve better.”
“I don’t want you to feel restricted or restrained in our relationship. I want you to feel free. To feel as if you were never kidnapped in the first place.”
“I want this relationship to feel normal… And equal.”
“You want that to… Don’t you? Do you understand now? We’ll be so much better off together. It’s mutually beneficial.”
“Just say that you love me… Please…”
“Haaaaahhhhhhh~ My heart feels like it’s fluttering! Thank You so much, darling.”
“Mmm~ *kiss sound*
“Oh! Yeah.. Haha… I still haven’t told you where we’re going. It’s just my home. Plain & simple.”
“Well… Maybe it’s not so plain & simple. I actually live in a hollowed out mountain. I didn’t feel like settling for a traditional giant home. They take up so much real estate. So I went for something more natural. And… Bonus… It has a clean waterfall in it. So I have a perpetual shower that’s active all the time. It’s great!”
“Well… Yes. I still need giant furniture & other various utilities. Can’t really survive without the essentials, you know?
“Anyway, we’ll be there soon. I know exactly what we should do when we arrive. You’re going to love it. And I know I will to.”
*footstep sounds stop*
*door opening & closing sound*
“Here we are. Quite spacious, isn’t it? This mountain is enormous. Perfect for a giantess such as myself. And the luminous mushrooms make for great natural lighting. It’s so cozy.”
“Speaking of cozy… Would you like to cuddle on the couch? Twas what I had in mind.”
“Well, obviously we can’t cuddle in the traditional sense due to our drastic size disparity. But that’s okay. I know just the thing.”
“I’ll lay down… Place you on my bosom… And cover you with my hands. You know what that means, right?”
“Indeed. You’re going to be in the softest, warmest & most loving embrace that you’ve ever experienced in your entire life. So let’s do it.”
“Alright… Now… To place you on my chest… And rest my hands over you.”
*heartbeat sound for the rest of the audio*
“There we go. Hahhhhh~ This is so nice.”
“You can hear my heartbeat, right? It must be booming for you. Mighty, yet soothing. Good for the mind, body & soul.”
“I’m going to brush your hair with my thumb now, okay? Just want to make sure that you aren’t surprised by it.”
*swedish fish kun or grennifer intensifies for the rest of the audio*
“No matter how small you are compared to me, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re still a person. I promise to always show you utmost respect.”
“Of course you can venture out & do your own thing. I’m not your captor. I’m your partner. If you want to visit your friends & family then that’s perfectly alright. In fact… You should introduce me to them sometime.”
“Well… Yeah. They might be afraid & bewildered at the sight of me, but… You’ll put in a good word for me, right?”
“Hehe~ I knew you would.”
“I love you, darling~”
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writers-ex · 2 years
who dat b
girlfriend!yuna x fem!reader
word count: 642
warnings: jealous yuna, established relationship, reader is a simp for another idol and yuna is not having it, argument, reader makes up with yuna, praise and fluff, suggestive ending, teasing yuna = dom!yuna <3, i mean no disrespect to jessi but i simp for her so she'll be mentioned here as the idol you simp :3
a/n: this was part of a fanfic exchange idea, i made this for @ryuttaeng based on this prompt list, hope you like it anastasia and fellow anons/followers <3
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🔪 ★﹏★ % 金
"yuna yuna yuna!!! look!!! jessi unnie came out with a new song!! did you hear it?"
"jessi unnie has the sexiest body ever on the planet, true mommy material!" (facts)
"yuna jessi unnie is so sweet did you see what she did at the music bank?"
"oh jessi is perfect! just look at her!" holding your phone up you show yuna a photo of jessi from her latest instagram post. rolling her eyes yuna gives you a fake smile and gets up to grab something from the kitchen. "oh wait she's doing a live now!!" eagerly clicking the notification you watch with awe as your idol appears on the phone screen talking about her day and thanking the fans for everything. "oh unnie the things you do to my poor little heart ahhhhh~!!" squealing you hit a pillow holding on tightly to your phone when a loud noise startles you. turning your direction to the kitchen you see yuna's fist on the fridge door, her eyebrows furrowed.
"can you stop talking about them for one second? because frankly, i don't give a fuck about them or what they do to your poor little heart." with teeth bared she stomps over to the room leaving you frozen on the couch. jessi's voice wakes you up from your trance you look over at the open door and then back at your phone wondering if you should let yuna cool down or comfort immediately. turning off your phone you rush over to the room and see your girlfriend hugging your pillow, biting your lip you enter the room and take a seat next to her your heart racing faster than normal.
"babe..." turning over to face the wall you sigh and think of what to say, patting her thigh softly you wait a moment and then continue speaking. "you know she's just an idol i admire and not the person i love the most." seeing her shift her weight to face you better you take it as a sign to keep going.
"of course i would gush about my idol she's someone i support, you're the person i adore and cherish. you're the reason i get up in the morning and want to keep living." squeezing her thigh you watch her scowl turn into a doleful look. "your eyes make my heart race every time you glance my way. your lips are softer than cotton candy and if i dare say taste better too. your nose is perfect to rub against mine and to kiss when you're down or looking cute. don't even get me started on your fingers babe yuna your fingers make me-" covering your mouth with her hand you see yuna trying to bite back a smile from growing.
"shut up i understand already. were you shakespeare in your past life?" grumbling your ecstatic look makes yuna remove her hand and loosen her grip on the pillow. with a teasing tone, you poke her cheek and lean close to whisper into her ear.
"you should've let me finish babe." guiding her hand down to your throbbing pussy yuna inhales sharply at how much heat she could feel coming from your core. "give me a chance to prove what you do to my heart...after jessi's live stream though~" bragging you jump out of bed and make your way to the door, moving quickly yuna grabs the belt loop of your jeans and drags you back to lay on the bed. with a hungry look, she towers over you.
"and just where do you think you're going kitten?" squirming from her hand cupping your clit her cheeky smile that makes you blush. "let's get that heart racing now."
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taki118 · 4 years
Go Watch the Venture Brothers
So just heard the complete and utter Bullshit news that Adult Swim has cancelled one of (if not the best shows) they have the Venture Bros. This series is one of those shows that for WHATEVER reason never got to the level of fandom Rick and Morty has even though they’ve been at the genre parody game longer and in my opinion better. 
The series is about Rusty Venture former boy adventurer and failing super scientist who in an attempt to keep his head above water in debt goes around with his two boys Hank and Dean, and bodyguard Brock on misadventues while various legal archnemisis go after him, such as the Monarch. 
So if you never watched or never heard of this 7 season series let me give you a break down on why you should, 
1) Art Style & Animation
Venture bros is one of those rare Adult aimed animated series that that really truly tries to utilize their medium to the best of their abilities. Season 1 had like such a small budget and corners had to be cut so it can be a little hard to watch at times. 
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But with each passing season they get a little better, a little more fluid, go just a little harder and it truly feels rewarding to watch. Like seeing an artist you follow online improve over the years. Like they COULD have stayed with the choppy and stiff animation from season 1 it fit right in with its fellow adult animated shows but it didn’t. They strove for quality to have something that matched the story they were telling.
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2) The Writing 
Venture Bros has some of the tightest and consistently great writing of ANY serialized show I’ve seen, adult, animated or other wise. Wanna know why? Cause it’s all done by TWO people (save for like one ep each season where one other person is allowed to touch their baby). Yeah TWO people and they work their asses off every season to interject, humor, refrences, parody, plot and character development in equal measure. 
3) Character Development
Um yes in case you were wondering that’s right an adult animated show has CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT  that holds as the series goes on. Not to give spoilers but characters will go through changes in alignment, relationships will develop and change, some characters will go through negative arcs where they are straight up unbareable for a season before coming out the other side even better than they were before. There is no end of epsiode or even end of season reset. Characters, settings, and dynamics all change over the course of the show and it feels just so god damn good.
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4) Story Development 
Just like the characters the story of the Venture Bros grows and changes each season. Things that are set up even as early as season one are paid off as the series goes on. Like not to be that bitch but you know how RIck and Morty teases an overarching plot ALL THE TIME but like will often just spit in the face of fans hoping for more than like one episode a season addressing it? Yeahhhhhhh that doesnt happen here, fans are consistently rewarded for putting the time in to rewatch and really think about what happened in the series. Characters that are seen in the background or are just referenced by other characters will be brought in to be recurring characters, things that start off as a small detail or gag will be given larger relevance and each time they do this you get that “OH I remember that from last season! So thats what it was!” The writers WANT you to rewatch, they WANT you to analyze and they WANT you to theorize, and they give you a show that gives back the time you put in.
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5) Parody & Reference 
This series does a great thing with parody. They make real characters  who are just as enjoyable as the characters they parody, they make story lines that both poke fun at the absurdity of the media but shows the writers love for it. So often parody and references are just used to mock the thing but with Venture Bros you feel the love and care so when you know the thing being parodied you can laugh but feel good about laughing cause they are never laughing at a thing maybe you cared for in your youth but rather laughing with it.
And it’s never just one thing. When they parody a thing its often layered with other things to make it even more unique. Scooby-Doo is overlayed with famous criminals, Laura Croft is mixed Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, GI Joe is given the look of the Village People and so on. They never go for the easy joke or reference. Hell theres an episode that starts with them reciting the lyrics to David Bowies Space Oddity for really no reason other than they could. They weave these things in naturally with their setting and characters so nothing feels out of place. Like if you dont catch a reference or parody you dont feel like “I think this isa reference to something?” like a LOT of things do not just adult animated shows. You arent taken out of the moment cause it all feels so natural. 
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6) The Characters 
God damn these characters, I could go on for hours about these characters. From main to one off these are some of the most likeable characters you can find. I mean it when I say I can’t think of a single character I wish they had cut cause they are all so well created. Even the ones I hate i have fun hating cause they were made to be that way. I’ll be good though I’ll only talk about my absolute top faves.
- The Monarchs
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You ever sit and wish villain couples could have functional  healthy relationships? Well look no further than Malcom Fitzcarraldo aka The Monarch and Dr. Shelia Girlfriend (yes that is her last name). The Monarch is a high strung impulsive saturday morning cartoon villain whos tendency to over react is only matched by his unspecified hatred of Dr. Venture. And Dr. G is his nonsense partner in crime who will cut a bitch if they don’t play by their admittedly weird rules. Both characters are great on their own but are better together. Though that doesnt mean they always get along. Like a real couple they have their ups and downs they fight, break up, make-up and grow stronger in their relationship with each season. 
- Shore Leave
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Ok ok so I want you to imagine James Bond, mixed with GI Joe simmering in a cocktail of the most flamboyant gay men you have ever seen and you have one of my favorite gay characters/characters in general. Shore Leave is a member of OSI (the shows SHEILD/GI Joe parody organization) he’s loud, brash, flippant, sassy and highly competent at his job loving every second of getting to beat bad guys down within an inch of their life. I love seeing him play off the stoic Brock and the two have this great brotherly dynamic that’s never called into question. He also gets to have a very cute romance with Al the Alchemist (who is also great). I could talk about this man all day.
- Dr. Rusty Venture
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They did such a good job with this man. He’s a self serving, sexist, perverted, whinny, self important asshole and yet you feel pity and genuine sympathy for him and want him to succeed. You can see how Dr. V was given a raw deal by his father who seemed to care more about his adventures than his sons well being and how this molded him into the bitter man he is today, but on the flip side you can see where he chose to use that as a crutch for his worst behaviors and impulses. Seeing him slowly grow and change and be an actual good father to his boys while all the while still be a giant dick is actually really great. 
- Dr. Byron Orpheus 
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Ahhhhh Dr. Orpheus part Dr. Strange Parody part busybody stay at home dad, he’s just such a delight. Dr. Orpheus is a divorcee, with an unfulfilling job of maintaining order to the cosmos (which isnt as hard as one might think), and uses his magical ablities in ways most of us would (ie menial tasks and home chores). Overly dramatic and affectionate Dr. O is a delight whenever he appears, but he’s at his best around his daughter and old friends The Order of the Triad. 
Again I can go on but all these characters ranging from main to recurring are crafted with the utmost care for you to want to see them succeed or fail, to see them again even if you know it’ll never happen, and want them to cross paths with other characters. 
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The Venture Bros is one of those series that I will ALWAYS recommend even to the pickiest of humor tastes. But if you don’t believe its as good as I said or don’t think the concept is to your tastes I’ll recommend a few eps that I think best show off the base idea of the series without giving much away. In terms of plot and spoilers, though somethings wont make a lot of sense. 
- S1 ep10 "Tag Sale – You're It!" - Dr. V is having a yard sale so of course all manner of costumed weirdos show up.  - S2 ep5 "Twenty Years to Midnight" - basically a fetch quest around the world to save the planet with daddy issues - S3 ep2 "The Doctor Is Sin" - Again daddy issues but with one of the best recurring characters and a great showcase of the series deeper emotional plots - S4 ep6 "Self-Medication" - Really embraces the parody as Rusty goes to a former boy adventurer support group.  Anyway the show is 7 seasons with 80 episodes, please go watch it. I will never forgive @adultswim​ for cancelling what was to be their final season. And in closing GO TEAM VENTURE!
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Hi Steph!
Love you ♥️
Can you and your followers maybe help me out? I'm writing a story where John is Canadian, what are some Canadian dishes that he'd be easily scandalised over if done wrong? You know, in this joking way like when we butcher some Italian dishes for example and you get an Italian village throwing pitchforks (all jokes fam)
I think poutine is Canadian? What are some do's and don'ts?
Thank you :3
Hey Nonny!
AHHH what a fun question! Ahhhhh, funnily enough, a lot of our cuisine is very American, BUT the one I was going to suggest WAS the poutine hahahah. It’s legit one of my FAVE foods, and my city has a Poutine Fest every summer when we’re not in a pandemic, LOL, and it’s just the best thing ever.
It’s the one that is ALWAYS make or break for me personally! It differs by region and nowadays, because of the ease of “buy everything in a can” for food, but a poutine can be greatly affected by what type of the three main ingredients you use.
A proper “original” Canadian poutine (pron. POO-TEHN) is made with fresh potatoes skin-on, gravy made from beef broth (dark brown, THICK gravy... this REALLY REALLY matters), and cheese curds (NOT shredded or chopped up blocks of cheese). BUT because not everyone’s tummies can tolerate ALL THAT HARD TO DIGEST FAT AND DAIRY, obviously these days, any poutine is good, as long as it’s got good fries, hahah. Poutine Fest has trucks that sell “hamburger” poutine and “mac and cheese” poutines (I’ve had both, and they are delicious), so really, it’s all about what you like. But yeah, IF you can eat cheese, get it with curds.... it’s NOT the same without the curds. I know many Canadians judge a poutine by the curds you have in them. It’s because they melt and get SUPER stretchy, which is why it’s fun!! This website here, actually, has a pretty good rundown of how a good Canadian poutine should be made :)
These days I make my poutines with bagged frozen fries, St. Albert’s Cheese Curds (one of the local cheese farms that sells in-store), and St. Hubert canned Poutine gravy (very subpar, but it’s the best of the canned gravies for poutine), topped with bacon bits, green onions, and a dash of salt. TOTALLY not an every day snack, but it’s nice to treat myself once in awhile. Really though, there isn’t a RIGHT and WRONG way to make poutines, but I CAN say that Americans make very.... subpar poutines. Except New York Fries. Theirs is really good.
Ah, hmm, what else? Timbits (doughnut holes) are the perfect snack. Popular “group” snack, since you can order them in Party Packs. 
Maple syrup, very important! The best syrup comes from sugar farms, costs a lot, but SO worth it. There’s a BIG difference between pure maple syrup and whatever fructose crap sold in bottles on the store shelf. Canadians have “maple season” from February to April where you go to a sugar shack (cabane à sucre), pour hot maple syrup onto the snow to make maple taffy / candy and eat it. Best thing ever. Every Canadian kid who grew up in Northern Ontario of my generation has gone to at least ONE during a school trip.
And another one I am REALLY fond of and miss, are Persian Buns. It’s COMPLETELY a local thing in Thunder Bay where I grew up, and when I was a kid, you made sure you had money to buy a Persian on Persian Day at school lest you look like a LOSER. It’s literally a cinnamon sweet roll with strawberry sugar icing on it. They were the best, and I miss them so much.
AHHH sorry, I got super nostalgic there. That last one is completely not an all-Canadian thing, but it’s very VERY localized.
OH!! BEAVERTAILS. Americans call them Bear Claws / Paws, we call them BeaverTails, they taste better, and they’re shaped like a beaver tail, LOL. Staple of Canadian ice skating winters on the Rideau Canal. We actually have stands here where I live all year round, but yeah, people go NUTS for them. It’s literally a pastry with cinnamon sugar, sometimes with additional toppings (see the link above) and they’re HUGE, like the length of your forearm and about an inch thick.
OH!! A Tourtière (pron. TOUR-TEE-AIR, but faster and roll the ‘R’ because French people talk fast and all our R’s are rolled LOL), which is a meat pie made with beef and pork. Some Québecois will not be happy if you make them wrong, LOL. Traditional French dish my family has on Christmas Eve. 
OH. NANAIMO BARS. One wrong mess up in a recipe will ruin them. Trust me, I did this once, EEEEEE.
Montréal Style Bagels. The best bagels you will ever get, tastes like heaven, that’s why they’re shaped like halos.
OH! And Canadians are VERY VERY proud of our craft domestic LOCAL beers. Wherever John lives in your story, look up the local brewery, because that shit is important to some Canadians, and it will make the story more believable. Same goes for wines, especially if your John is from the Niagara region. They’re popular for their wineries and wine tours. And Canadian beer is better, and I don’t even like beer LOL.
Hee hee! I was just scrolling to see if there’s any other I have a comment on, and I actually found this great article about Canadian things you HAVE to try, so yeah, these are all staples of Canadiana! <3
Food Network Canada also has some here too! I have lots to say about all of them minus the seafood and the Caesar, but yeah, all of it is delicious, and just makes me proud to be a Canadian! <3 
AND finally, some a lot of the best-known Canadian cuisine comes from the French Canadians and from our First Nations People [see here for some make-at-home recipes] (bannock bread is AMAZING!!), so have a look see at that too – these are the cultures I grew up with and currently live around, so they’re the ones I’m most familiar with. I know that there’s regional food out west, in the Territories, and out east that I’m unfamiliar with, but do some research on Canadian food, it’s all very unique and amazing.
As I said, a lot of Canada has a lot of “local” things, so many of us make things in our own ways, and we’re pretty easy going about it all, because it’s food and we love food. But yeah, I think poutines are the biggest one. Most Canadians who love poutine will tell you every other poutine EXCEPT a French Canadian poutine is inferior, LOL. 
If any of my fellow Canadians have anything local to their region to share, or has some words about poutine because it is very divisive, please share LOL.
This was such a joy to write, and now I want Persians. :D
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iliketrainmen · 2 years
If I had a nickle for every great glitchmon fic/au I've found over the past month or so, I'd have three nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird/amazing that it happened thrice in 2022. ((I'd also have two nickles for every reminder of and subsequent nostalgia-wave for Glitch Fest ;u;)) Anyways!!! Greetings, person of phenomenal taste & art skill, please take this ask as blanket permission to talk about whatever GlitchFarer AU stuff you want to :)
I'm so so sorry for responding to this so late! Tumblr pulled a Wattpad and kept deleting wiping my responses to this, but after updating Tumblr it's finally working properly and I can answer this!
Thank you sm for the ask ahhhhh!!!! I'm really happy that you like Glitchfarer, it's such a passion child of both my interests in Submas and my love for Gen 1 glitches (which have become so prevalent they're practically a science of their own.). Also, nice to see another Scykoh fan here, making this au made me rewatch their glitch quest videos about pokemon and eventually the entire playlist of glitchfest that they've made.
Also, I have been holding BACK so much when it comes to this AU, but I'll try not to spoil too much of it other than basic world building.
So, Glitchfarer. This au came alive during the first big wave of submas content involving Emmet capturing/using legendaries to beat up God. I remember looking at a particular post about Emmet catching all of the legendaries to absolutely body Arceus to bring Ingo back, and going "that's cool and all... but why not more unhinged? Why not something like MissingNo?" and them boom. It was created and it was incredible.
A really fun thing about this au for me is that while I can portray it comedically, there's a lot of thought and technical stuff that goes into the designs of the glitchmons and the world they live in. For example, the main Glitch City is one big labyrinth that will always get you lost, and is a constantly changing maze. If you dont have one of the locals guiding you, you're stuck in there forever unless a pokemon can use fly to escape. It's made up of a bunch of optical illusions that aren't illusions at all. There are also floating islands as apart of the natural terrain outside of the massive city and a large, endless sea at the bottom that doesn't have a floor to it.
The bottomless sea is more or less a really complicated one-sided gateway to Cinnibar island's coastline, and it's flooded with all of the different pokemon and trainers that are possible, including Zzazz trainers. This is mainly in reference of the Old Man glitch, where various pokemon and trainers can be encountered at the right edge of the Cinnabar Island coastline depending on the letters of your name. Thought it'd be a cool reference to one of the oldest glitches known.
Glitchmons included in this comic are designed based on their known typings, moves, and general corruption in the game. In the introduction post .4 was portrayed as an evil beetle sort of fellow, and for good damned reason!! Encountering one in the wild with the Mew glitch is risky, as these fellas can learn Super Glitch as early as... you know... level 1. It learns it multiple times through its move pool aswell, and it's pokedex entry plays a chaotic glitch tune that never ends and prevents the player from doing most of anything. Japanese Symbol is designed as a bit of a dick head, as it can be encountered through the Mew glitch and will always freeze the game upon entrance. (During research of this, I found out that by complete coincidence Japanese Symbol is the same name given to it by the English community of glitch hunting. I gave it that name because my phone doesn't have the character.)
Currently, there are three other characters planned to join Emmet in his shenanigans; one of them I already revealed in the introduction post, but the other two I won't spoil for a while. Just know that one of them is probably wanted for war crimes and the other is a character I'm surprised to not see much of in this Submas revival, considering they were one of the og fanboys of Ingo and Emmet.
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amixedwitch · 4 years
ahahaha thank you anon for sending another duck!
another mutual that has had a profound effect on my Tumblr experience so far has been @thusatlas
For one, she’s just an amazing mutual to talk to. You can tell that her mind is so rich, sophisticated, and full of information. I just would love to spend an entire day just picking through her brain. LIKE SHE JUST RADIATES INTELLIGENCE LIKE WHAT THE HECK. 
Secondly, HER FICS ARE FUCKING AMAZING. ALL OF THEM!!!! If anyone wants an exciting HP post-war slowburn fic with all sorts of twists and turns that is drenched with philosophy, metaphysics, and spirituality I STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU THE CROWNLESS: PART I -THE FUCKENING BECAUSE IT’S SUCH A SEXY FIC LIKE HOLY FUCK. And by I mean that everything and everyone in the story is so intriguing and electrifying that it’s intellectually and creatively sexy!!!!!!! I AM HOOKED TO THIS FIC!!!!! BUT SERIOUSLY READ EVERYTHING!!! I LOVE HER DEPICTION OF DRAMIONE AS BOTH A COUPLE AND AS DYNAMICS!!!!! YOU BECOME SMARTER BY READING THIS AND YOU WANT TO BE JUST AS SMART AND SEXY AS THE CHARACTERS!!! AHHHHH
(Side Note: As a fellow fanfic writer, that The Fuckening is magnum opus level stuff. like you read it and you’re just soooo inspired to create something of your own that is soooo epic) 
Also I remember when I first wrote about my temptation to delve into fanfic, she slid into the replies and simply wrote “DO IT” and it gave me the necessary push/excuse to just do go for it!!!!!! She really gave me the necessary courage and bravado i needed to fully delve into writing HP fanfic and becoming a full time HP fangirl. 
Basically what I’m trying to say is:
@thusatlas SUPREMACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
(Send me emojis for my 800 celebration!)
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ahaha child losers Hanukah/christmas AHEEHEHHEEGGEGGEGE
Ava: yes
Eddie: *waiting for everyone to show up to his house*
Richie: *rings the DOORBELL*
Bill: *also rings dOorbell*
Eddie: *opens the door* (hes wearing a cute elf sweater bc hes babey) hi guys!!
Richie: hiii!! *picks up the edward and spins him around oop*
Bill: *idgaf imagine stutter with ur big brain* wowie
Eddie: *giggly boye* put me down!!
Stan: what is up my guys
Richie: *kisses the edward úwù* *also then he put him down* Hi stan!!
Bill: Hi ssstan
Eddie: *kisses thy Roach*
Stan: jeez get a room you two
Richie: oh shut up stanley
Bill: eddie, can we come inside?
Eddie: yeah!! *skips inside*
Stan: bill...look up- (this is before they were dating)
Bill: *closeted panic*
Stan: *kisses the bill* okay moving on *walks inside*
Bill: what?? no come back wait- *kisses the stan 😳👉👈*
Stan: Bill- under a mistletoe you only kiss the person once- I'm Jewish and even I know that dork *giggly boye*
Bill: yeah well, I really like you so shut up *r red*
Stan: awe *puts his hand on the Bill's cheek* I like you too *smiley boye*
Bill: *kisskiss uwu* I love you-!!
Stan: I love you too *happy boye*
Eddie: aweeeeee
Bill: Shut the fuck up RICHARD
Stan: calm down honey *kisses thy Bill*
Bill: *REDREDREDRED* I’m, uh, I’m
Eddie: have fun with your boyfriend Bill, I'm making food *walks to the kitchen*
Stan: *wraps his arms around Bill from behind*
Richie: I’m going with him so you guys can have SEX *richie trips after eduardo*
Bill: *literally dying* *REDREDREDRED*
Stan: awe dont listen to him...I kinda wanna cuddle with bill denbrough, what about you
Bill: that would be uh, really nice.
Stan: *picks him up and sits on the couch*
Bill: *leech* your stupid face is really pretty
Stan: well you're beautiful *plays with his hair*
Bill: *leech leech* *kiss úwù* i love you
Stan: I love you too *kiss uwu*
Richie: eds stop fucking talking and let me finish making out with you
Bill: haha you guys are gay
Stan: says the one who's literally sitting in my lap right now
Eddie: Richie, we were never making out I've been trying to cook
Richie: okay yeah but you taste better than whatever shit you’re trying to cook EDWARD
Bill: *bill* *leech*
Eddie: Richie! *kiss uwu*
Stan: dont fall asleep Bill *giggly boye*
Bill: what?? *half asleep oops*
Stan: *sits up against the end of the couch and plays with the Bill's hair* nothing
Bill: *leech* i’m really tired and and and you’re not helping
Stan: you can go to sleep if you want, I'll keep you safe *giggly boye*
Bill: yeah, that’s cool that’s nice *sleep sleep sleep sleep*
Stan: *stands up holding the Bill and walks to the kitchen* I officially have the best boyfriend, look at this adorable human
Richie: dude you know who’s better looking? *picks up eddie 😳👉👈* this kid is way better
Eddie: Richie please dont again-
Stan: yeah yeah but Bill is completely different- hes literally like an angel, no offense Eddie
Eddie: none taken
Bill: *shoves his face into Stans shirt while he’s sleeping oops*
Richie: *still holding eddie lmao rekt*
Stan: did you see that? Definition of the sweetest person alive
Bill: where am I?? *awakens* *leech* oh yeah- hiiii *kisses stan uwu*
Stan: hi *smiles at the bill* see Richie, angel
Bill: whattt?? *REDREDREDRED*
Richie: Bill looks like a sink, I think
Eddie: Richie what the hell are you saying
Stan: dont insult my baby!
Bill: *REDREDREDREDRED* *leech* why the pet names *h*
Richie: I’m saying words, can we eat food yet?
Eddie: *puts the food down on the table in the living room and puts the fairy lights on (the whole living room is like a fort) guys look!!
Stan: *puts Bill on to the couch*
Bill: *leeches to the stan* it’s cold
Richie: dude i’m going to eat all the food
Eddie: richie please dont- you can eat the snacks
Stan: *wraps bill up in a fuzzy blanket*
Richie: so i can eat you? *BADJOKEBADJOKE*
Bill: *l leech*
Eddie: yeah later, anyways
Stan: *cracks up laughing*
Richie: okay fellow homos, let’s eat food
Bill: *lmao stands up*
Stan: *eats literally all the candy* HeY gUyS (hes sugar high)
Bill: oh god-
Richie: yoooo dude why would you eat it all, rude
Eddie: I'll get more Richie-
Stan: dont OH GOD me Billiam
Bill: what are you talking about??
Stan: *on top of the Bill* dont oh god me Denbrough
Eddie: WOAH
Richie: eww you guys look like me and eddie’s mom
Eddie: richie dont-
-a couple minutes later-
Stan: *comes downstairs bc he was in the bathroom* Why is Bill's face red?! Did you hit him!
Richie: no you two fucked, it was gross
Stan: oh- I would never *cuddles the beel*
Eddie: richie tozier why am I getting no affection
Richie: because it’s hot *picks up the edward*
Bill: *redredred* *owo nuzzle furry*
Eddie: I'm flying!!
Stan: *sleep*
Richie: *kisses the edward*
Bill: *sleep*
Stan: nuzzles the beel*
Eddie: we're alone.... you know what that means! *starts blasting Christmas music*
Richie: WOO LETS GO *picks up the edward and spins him around*
Later: hi lmao
Richie: *a asleep*
Bill: *also asleep lmao*
Eddie: *fell asleep hugging the Roach*
Stan: *gets up but the beel wont let him*
Bill: noooo-
Stan: okay okay *sits back down*
Eddie: Richieeeeee
Richie: shhhh i’m asleep *leech*
Bill: *LEECH*
Eddie: you slept with your glasses on dork *takes off his glasses and ruffles his hair*
Richie: I’m tired shhhhhut up *tiredly kisses eduardo’s face*
Eddie: *kisses the roach*
Richie: i’m tired what time is it? *LEECH*
Eddie: its 2 AM- *plays with his hair*
Richie: i love you *leech*
Eddie: I love you too *:)*
Richie: your stupid face is so pretty
Eddie: you're adorable
Richie: you’re dumb and pretty and really cool
0 notes
Before going on my cruise, I specifically asked my friend Patricia if we could choose islands that I have never been to before. I wanted to get as many of those pins on my world map as I could. So that when my friends came over I could get a surge of dopamine we all crave when you hear them exclaim, “Wow! Look at all the places you have been! I’m so jealous!” Then I would smile with an air of pride & respond, “Yeah, I have been really lucky to be able to travel to THAT many places”. It wasn’t that I wanted to make them feel smaller for my having traveled so much, but more because I have my own insecurities about SEVERAL different things that seem to constantly hold me back. So to get this type of response from visitors, man it is a powerful rush & really makes me feel like one of the cool kids!
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Well, Jamaica changed me, at least it did with the people that I was able to encounter there. I am not one who likes to follow the herd. I wanted a unique and private adventure where Patricia and I could bond, enjoy nature and take lots of cool pictures (for FB & IG of course).
(below: Carolyn giving this sweet little puppy some love 🙂
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We met up with Carolyn, from Barrett Adventures, and her tag line “off the beaten path” was literally like I found a kindred spirit a half a world away! I LOVED this, her, and the adventures she had in store for us. So I talked with Patricia who was very hesitant in doing anything that did not involve the overly priced shore excursion, with 80 other people photo bombing you throughout your expensive trip. Through my negotiating powers, and begging and pleading, she agreed to do go with Barret Adventures; but said I would be held personally responsible by her husband if anything should happen to her. She said she was only half joking (insert large gulp).
Well we got to Jamaica, Carolyn was there waiting for us with a sign, and she quickly whisked us away from the main town center ahead of the crowd. We started winding up the hills, were taken through the small beachside towns, and would stop frequently to show us the different plants that were so abundant on the island for anyone to eat.
Here you see a Cocoa plant, I had no idea how much they look like acorn squash! Not only that but how tough the skin is to cut through, the sticky outer shell that has an incredibly slimy texture, but is so sweet you think your just ate a piece of candy, and then the slightly powdery bitter center that is the chocolate bean itself. It was the part she said next that really got me, “now you see how it has that bitter taste? Think of how much sugar they are actually putting inside chocolate to make it taste so sweet. Something to think about”.
We continued on our journey, Carolyn told us about how she ended up in Jamaica. She was actually one of the only female divers that was able to be accepted into a diving school. When she told her parents, they nearly disowned her and chained her to her bed. But Carolyn’s adventurous and strong willed nature propelled her to what she calls her life today. She left the East Coast, with all its stuffy over cramped buildings and headed to the ocean, where she was this young woman who was keeping company with…. well….. roughens of her time. Guys who were likely just let out of jail and a diving job is what they could get. She put up a good fight, learned how to swear like a sailor, sail like the best of them, got her own boat and toured around the islands of the Caribbean. She actually met her husband in Jamaica, as a chance meeting. He was so enamored with her that he came to the place where she was staying, knocked on the door and pronounced, “I would like to marry you, and I’m not leaving until you say yes”. Well he stayed out there for about a week or so, and Carolyn decided that if he was that determined, why not. So they got hitched an started up, ‘Barrett Adventures’, which is now one of the top rated tours on Trip advisor.
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We came to Mayfield Falls entrance, walked down the slippery entrance, while the locals were just walking down barefoot and fancy free— literally — yes this did include exuberant singing and conversations with all the strangers who were walking along the same path. One such fellow decided to befriend me, can’t think of his name at the moment because I was kind of crushing on him a little bit. So sue me, I have a thing for foreign guys, something about the accent makes me want to swoon……lest I digress.
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He ended up being our guide, and was so fun! He would help us over the harder spots when we were hiking up the river, then sneak ahead and jump out right in front. Having worked at the Trauma 2 Hospital at night, I pictured one of the more terrible cases I had helped with & I was going to watch it happen right before me into this shallow riverbed. Well like all magic tricks, and to my shock…wonder….awe….there was no mangled body, he just disappeared below the water & came up smiling like a little kid at our shocked faces. At one point I even joined him, as afraid of heights as I am, I climbed up a very precariously built ladder onto a tree that had been cut in half as my landing pad. Patricia was yelling, “BE CAREFUL!” and then, “JUST DO IT!” while laughing the whole time. I was hyperventilating because I’m so scared of heights, well of what happens after you fall, as I have seen the worst of the worse in my day— but I did it. The feeling of being weightless for about 10 seconds, everyone holds their breath…hoping you jumped out far enough not to who everyone what the inside of your skull looks, then the rush of the water as it swallows your toes then legs then shoulders like a very hungry boa constrictor; only to emerge victorious & giddy with Adrenaline. Ahhhhh… I love the Adrenaline rush, and it is kind of like you won the talent show, as everyone claps & laughs. Bonding……isn’t it great. Well, on with our show, our guide showed us all the hidden caves where you could swim under the water and come up breath for a few & swim up river again.
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Where are the pictures you ask of this amazing adventure? In a cruel twist of fate, my camera battery died about 20 minutes into the trip! Yes, you can all groan and cry a little for me…. I was devastated! How would everyone know how much fun I had?!?! Well, as they say, the show must go on— and I dare say, I enjoyed my time so much more than I possibly would have if I would have had that camera in proper working order. I actually looked around me, smelled the things around me, laughed a little more, stressed a little less about how I looked & who would notice my rolls and cottage cheese on my legs. Who cares! I think this is when I really started to appreciate that I had a body that was working, I could do the hiking, I could keep up (relatively well, lol) — and my memories and being able to connect with the people I was traveling with actually is what made it all so worth it. We got to Mayfield Falls & we were the only ones there, it was so BEAUTIFUL with 4 cascading waterfalls one after the other, gurgling, swirling and spinning like a dance under the bamboo canopy of the Jamaican Jungle with 4 unlikely people enjoying God’s green earth & this hidden gem, off the beaten path.
In order to keep schedule and not be stranded in Jamaica without our passports we quickly moved on to the hike through villages and the Jungle. This is where we met Harry, the mysterious man with the unspoken rough past, standing there in his tank top, phanny pack, shorts that were far to big for him & emblazoned with (what should be the countries official plant) Marijuana leaf. I was a little nervous at first seeing him, but as soon as he started speaking, I relaxed and his jovial infectious nature & positive vibes just had us all laughing and really enjoying our time.
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He took us through the Jungle and pointed out all the plants. There was one plant that when Slavery was a still present was planted around fields — it has a special characteristic to it. That if you touch it, it will close its leaves rapidly for about 20 minutes & all that is required is a light touch. This way if the slaves tried to run, the ‘owners’ could catch them and know exactly where they had run to.  When I saw this, suddenly I became quiet and wanted to cry, its like the earth of this place testified of what he was saying, and its almost like I could feel a glimmer of how trapped these people had felt…..and for so long. The cruelty that humans are capable of, against their own species……it makes the strongest of us cry. People may think this sort of thing doesn’t happen today, or are just blind to it, just like they were in that time period, excusing it as a, “oh it’s just how the world works right now” — but thank God above for those who had the courage to stop the atrocities that happened on this beautiful island.
Next we literally bushwhacked our way through the thick vines, overhang, wet a slipping and a sliding over the humidity coated palm and banana leaves. Through a village, where Harry secretly showed us some Marijuana plants; how they grow etc….. Being a Physician Assistant, I have never actually tried the stuff, and care too much about my license to try it for recreational purposes; but again, was amazed at how humans fight over this small unique leafed plant that is only about 12 inches tall. I was beginning to feel the weight of how humanity is so backwards.
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There is abundance in Jamaica, someone from the States may come to Jamaica and think, “look how poor they are with their tin roofs collecting the unsanitary water from the rain. Look at the terrible life they have”; but in reality….the people here have more opportunity and communal community than anything I have experienced within the USA. We may be the greatest nation in military and monetary value, but sometimes I feel we traded that for things that have far greater importance….I will let you think of your own opinion on what those things missing in the States could be.
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In the end, this trip humbled me in ways that were very surprising…. I realized how selfish I was, how much beauty and quality of life is really in the eye of the beholder, how much the media contributes to skewed images of what the ‘perfect’ life is because of how lucrative commercialism is. I know some may disagree with me, but living a life of luxury and showing off my amazing trips became less important to me. The stories of the people I meet, their lives, their hopes, their fears and what drives them to get up everyday are the things that I vowed I would cherish the most from this trip.
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My Jumanji adventure in Jamaica Before going on my cruise, I specifically asked my friend Patricia if we could choose islands that I have never been to before.
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