#ahhh my halloween shoot was so fun!
Octavia Godparent
Octavia x God parent!Reader
Platonic/sfw/fluff/comfort/angst kinda?
Octavia deserves a better parental figure than Stolas.
Fairly oddparents AU
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Octavia a teenager who lives in the mansion as a moody teenager.
Her parents argued again as they shouted at eachother blaming that Stolas slept with an imp and Stella is angry at Stolas slutty behaviour as Octavia turned her music up.
Octavia feels miserable as she holds her knees to her chest. Stolas forgets his daughter promises as she felt upset.
“It’s not fair all he thinks about is that man I wished I would see the stars…” She threw the useless gift her dad gave her in the bin as she kick the bookshelf one book fell onto the floor.
Octavia hold the book in her hands as she goes in her room she brushed the dusty book off she smelled the scent from the book that smelled like…dark chocolate and cinnamon?Octavia hold it in her arms hiding it as she goes to her bedroom as she shut the door she take the chains off with her magic as she opens the book a puffy smokey vortex blow up out of the book as there’s a silhouette came out.She coughed covering her mouth as she her a deep voice.
“Awww….feeling the misery already?Do no worry wart!For as I….Y/N THE HALF ANTI-FAIRY!Will shall help you cheer up!!” A blue skinned fairy with a sharp elf ears,a floating yellow crown,a demon wings and a very old ancient clothes appeared out of the smoke as they use a huge wand as their own prop as they put on the smug face they walked around Octavia in circle.
“What even are you anyway?Are you a grown adult playing dress up and pretend to be a fairy for Halloween?” She looked Y/N roasted them as they were speechless. “Ah- I’m sorry what?”The Half Anti Fairy looked at Octavia in confusion.
“You know you should try a better fashion sense than this.” Y/N is offended by her “No I’m not wearing a costume!Anyway…AHEM!I am your fairy godparent! I will make any wish you desire,Octavia!”
“Wait how did you know my name?”
“Well it’s said you’re name on my list after all and you freed me!Damn it’s been 100 that I am trapped in that cramped book!"You stretched as the bone cracked.
“Wait you said that you were trapped in the book for 100 years?”
"Yes by your ancestors and Jorgen Von Strangle they used their magic to trap me in here!Cursed your ancestors...." You said bitterly in your voice at the end of the sentence. "Okay there are rules or whatever,Do not tell anyone about fairies do exist if you do tell you'll forget me and I'll disappear forever."
"Okay I won't tell anyone it's not like I am a very talkative person..."
"So where am I?Am I in Hollywood or...."
You open the curtains as you see redness everywhere that in fact that you are unaware that you are in hell as you scream from the red that blinded you.
"AHHH!TOO MUCH RED!!"You covered your eyes while rolling around on the floor Octavia watched you in confusion.
You heard a loud shouting walked with your prop limping as you see two adults arguing eachother as you are confused. "That's my mom and dad, Stella & Stolas...they are always fighting."
"Oh and what caused them to ruin their relationship?"
"My dad cheated on my mom with a man." Octavia says as you turn your head slowly with a disgusted expression as your face darken. "Do you want me to turn your father into a cockroach?"
"What no!" Octavia tried to stop you as Stella walked passed Octavia ignoring you and Octavia you immediately make Stolas fainted by shooting a beam from your wand.
Octavia is shocked by your actions as she was about to tell you off you control Stolas standing up like a puppet.
"Hello daughter I was wondering we could see the stars together!"
"What have you done to my dad?!" Octavia scolded you as you put on a smug face. "Oh you know I changed his personality to be a good father he is and guess what he deserves it!"You poking his eyes making fun of him.
"So you said you want to make a wish?What do you wish for Octavia?"
"I wish I want to see the star."
The wand began to glow as the portal appears as they see spaces filled with stars and beautiful atmosphere. They are both wearing a spacesuit as you smirk feeling proud of yourself.
"Wow it's so beautiful..." Octavia smiled as she began to float she is confused as the you pulled the rope down to you. "Come on let's jump like we're on the moon!" Octavia jump with her mind control dad as you watch them. Octavia began to smile feeling the joy in her again as they are both having fun.
After many hours she flopped onto the bed as you put her unconscious dad to his bed. You walked in the room as you see Octavia smiling as you tucked her up.
Stolas keeps getting nightmares for his karma as you and Octavia have so many fun and wish everyday. You both go on the adventures,disguise as a teenager demon to hang out with her in public,see the stars and go out for food.
You sit next to Octavia staring at the sunset as you looked down at the reflection of the water having flashbacks of your past.
"Please don't take my child away!"
"Y/N NO!!"
"Y/N are you okay?"Octavia puts her palm of her hand on your top of your hands as you sigh in sadness.
"I'm okay it's my past... I'm the one who caused bad things happened I'm the one who keeps putting everyone in danger."
"Octavia if you grew up and become the queen would you ever forget who I am...?"
You began to raise her better as a god parent as you feel happy again after 100 years trapped in the book you'll always find the right person who came into your life.
"No why would I ever forget about you? Your the best parent I needed in my entire life."She hugged you without a warning as you tear up feeling butterfly in your heart as you feel comfortable with your godkid.
What happened to Stolas great question he have been turned into a tasty chicken nugget he is so delicious with the dip sauce.
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ticklystuff · 1 year
Tickletober Day 16: Sweets(?)
a/n: ahhh i wanted to do at least one day of tickletober! ty to the mi(y)as for making a fun list this year!
characters: lee!lyney, ler!aether
wc: ~1.5k
summary: aether and lyney come back from a night of trick-or-treating at the fortress of meropide!
"I can't wait to see what everyone gave us!"
Aether grinned as the two entered his temporary living quarters, still riding the high from the night. Halloween had been surprisingly eventful for a prison; inmates were encouraged to show up to work in whatever costumes they could scrounge together, with extra coupons as an incentive, and the cafeteria even gave out spooky-themed meals for the occasion. Although most inmates were not prepared to give out candy, seeing as children are not commonplace in the Fortress of Meropide, understandably so, their bags were still filled a decent amount, much more than the group initially anticipated. While Aether was satisfied with his haul, Paimon insisted on gathering more for herself and thus, the group split into two, Lynette and Freminet accompanying Paimon, leaving Lyney to stay behind with Aether.
"Okay, but you have to take any candy corn that I might've gotten."
"Ew, no." Aether turned to shoot Lyney a displeased squint, only for the corner of his mouth to stretch upwards into a smile, amused by the sight of the magician. He couldn't help but let a snort slip past his lips, catching the other off-guard.
"And what exactly is so funny?" Lyney quipped perplexedly, one hand on his hip as his own bag of candy swayed in the other.
It was Aether's idea, but something about it was.. off. Costume ideas were limited due to lack of notice and on a whim, Aether suggested that the two swap outfits for the night; Lyney would cosplay as the traveler, while Aether played the part of Fontaine's famous magician. This was a totally normal idea in his head, but the sight of Lyney not his usual dapper self in such a revealing outfit threw Aether's brain for a loop. Granted, Lyney's own outfit was not exactly on the conservative side, Aether had to admit, but this was something different altogether.
"It's just," there was a moment of pause as Aether gestured to all of Lyney with his hands, further bemusing the magician. "Just all of this," Aether finished his sentence, unable to properly convey his thoughts, opting to instead stretch his hands out in front of him, creating a grabbing motion towards Lyney's bare stomach by reaching forward.
"H-Hey!" Aether was barely in reach, yet the threat of wiggling fingers was enough to trigger a fight-or-flight response from Lyney, swinging the heavy candy bag in front of him as a form of self-defense. "It's not my fault you choose to dress like this!" The blush steadily creeping across Lyney's face was enough to get Aether to giggle; it took quite a bit to fluster the normally charming magician and Aether took great pride in doing so.
"J-Just sit down already!" Lyney quickly took his seat on the floor, gesturing for Aether to follow suit, looking away as he huffed. "I wonder what they give out around here."
Aether snorted amusedly, but refrained from teasing any further. Together, the two opened their bags, Aether immediately dumping the contents all over the floor. His mouth began to water at all the sweets, both familiar and new, laid out right in front of him. He was taken aback by the wide variety and initially figured most candy would be from Fontaine, yet his eyes immediately recognized packaging reminiscent of Monstadt and Sumeru treats, with the occasional sweets from Liyue. There was so much to choose from; where should he even begin..?
"What the—?! What is this?!"
Aether looked over at Lyney and his eyes widened at his pile of sweets, or rather.. lack thereof. Rather than Halloween treats, it was almost like Lyney somehow picked up everyone's trash instead. In fact, the only things that Aether discerned were edible were a random protein bar and the bag of sliced celery sticks handed to everyone by Sigewinne. Just from a quick glance, Aether caught sight of a dirty rag, a doll with no arms, a ball of yarn, ripped up coupons, one sock, a stuffed pig with its hind legs sewn on backwards, an empty bottle of firewater, a full bottle of firewater, except the liquid contained inside certainly did not resemble firewater. Most things Aether did not know; most things Aether did not want to know.
"How did you not notice any of this till now?" Aether had to hold back his laughter due to how distraught Lyney looked in the moment, but it was a very valid question. Perhaps, the magician wasn't as intelligent as he liked to portray.
The question seemed to fly over Lyney's head as his eyes continued to stare dumbfoundedly over his accumulated pile of trash. "I-I don't.. understand," Lyney mumbled, shoulders slumped.
"Maybe they just liked my costume more." Aether grinned teasingly, bursting out into giggles when Lyney snapped his head directly at him.
"But you're just wearing my outfit!" he huffed with a raised voice, before crossing his arms, turning his back to Aether, evidently upset by tonight's outcome.
As amusing as the whole situation was, Aether couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit sorry for Lyney, seeing as he had to spend his favorite holiday in, well, prison. With how much he had gone on and on all morning about Halloween, Aether practically had all of his favorite candy memorized, down to all the costumes Lyney and his siblings were allowed to wear at the orphanage. Figuring he should at least do something to lift the mood, Aether started sifting through his stash, picking out the perfect piece..
"Hey, Lyney."
At the sound of his name, Lyney shifted his body in Aether's direction, his pitiful expression morphing into starry eyes at the sight of Aether tossing a piece of candy his way. The treat nearly went uncaught, Lyney fumbling with his hands as he coordinated his limbs, but he managed to catch the little gift, shooting an expression at Aether that could be described as gratuitous. "Thank you so much," his voice nearly cracked.
Aether smiled as he nodded, a job well-done. Since Lyney was from Fontaine, there was a good chance he'd be most familiar with the sweets from the area. Thus, Aether had decided to go with the Yalda candy given by the Sumerian bodyguard. Normally given out for free during Sumeru's Sabzeruz Festival, the piece of Yalda candy was the perfect choice for Lyney, the flavors being a new experience for him. The added sunsettia complemented the other fruity notes present in the treat with its bright colors and tart—
"Oh, ew! EccH!"
The excessive gagging was enough to break Aether from his thoughts and his eyes caught sight of Lyney seemingly attempting to clear his mouth, adorning a distasteful expression with an empty wrapper in hand, while Aether's previously gifted generosity was a half-chewed mess on the floor. His mouth remained agape at the scene, trying to process all his thoughts on Lyney's display of actions: the impudence, the incivility, the disrespect.
"Sorry, that was, uh, something," Lyney finally spoke, still wearing a sour face. "It's, ahem, certainly not to my tastes. Do you have any water on you? I think I need— WaAHH! A-Aether? What are youhuhuhu- N-Nohohoho!"
"Throwing away my generosity like that, hmm?" Aether chastised the other, having taken the opportunity to pounce and pin Lyney to the floor, finally making full use of Lyney's costume to his advantage. "Y'know how many coupons that would've cost you on a normal day?"
"I- wahahait! I'm sohohohorry!" Lyney burst into a fit of laughter as Aether kneaded along his exposed sides, recalling various methods that were often demonstrated on him. Somehow, his outfit always seemed to invite tickles from the many friends he met during his journey, so it was a bit of relief to be on the other end for once.
"Really now?" Aether teased, taking great interest in the sensitive area surrounding Lyney's navel. "I'd ask for a piece of your own, but it doesn't look like you have anything to offer."
"You cahahahan have the dohoholl!" Lyney managed to squeal through his laughter, giving Aether a playful smirk in the process, only to throw his head back in hysterics when Aether punished him for the unsatisfactory offer. "I kihihihid! I'm kiIHIdding!"
"Hmmm, only you if you promise to no more wasting," Aether chided the giggly magician, teasing the outie with sporadic pokes, just gentle enough to elicit a hiccup or two, but still resulted in Lyney's legs kicking outwards.
Sufficed with the answer, Aether finally removed his hands and allowed Lyney to sit up once more. While he got himself comfortable, Aether took the time to pick out a different piece of candy, this time selecting one from Fontaine, a piece Lyney was sure not to reject. He motioned for Lyney to hold out his hand and watched as his face lit up yet again at the sight of the treat.
"Ah, I have to thank you again," Lyney said, humbly taking the candy in hand, "but seriously, if there's anything you think can be of use from my stuff, just let me know."
Aether peered over at Lyney's pile of "sweets" and the thought of handing the armless doll to Paimon amused him for a moment, but he shook his head, ultimately deciding against it. "Ehe, I'm good."
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 2 years
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Character/Fandom: Austin Butler (Werewolf!Austin)
Requested: y'all have asked me to do this and i'm here to DELIVER
Prompt: He can smell you even when you're not there. He can sense your presence. He knows where you are at all times and he can hear when you're safe and when you're not. A wild dog, a slave to the moon. He has CLAIMED you.
TW: Mentions of blood, gore, an epic werewolf fight lmfao, I think that's it!
Rating: Pg-13   ||   Word Count: 6397
A/N: AHHH HE'S FINALLY HERE!! I didn't realize how badly I needed this until 6k words later 😅 I have to be honest though I had SO much fun writing this and it's probably one of my favorite things that I've ever written!!! I hope y'all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!
Part two of the Supernatural Series. See all three parts by checking out my #SupernaturalSeries tag.
🦋 mila
“What are we doing here?” you hiss at your friend.
It’s almost two-thirty in the morning on Halloween night. Not only did your friend keep you up until two a.m. at the high school’s biggest Halloween party, but now they’re dragging you into what’s probably the creepiest building you’ve ever seen in your life. It looks like some sort of abandoned warehouse with threatening broken glass windows, barred doors, and some sort of horrible smell reminiscent of wet dog. Your head is pounding thanks to the ungodly amount of tequila you inhaled at the party and what you really want to do right now is change out of your costume and into pajamas for a good night’s sleep. A very long sleep.
“Shh,” your friend whispers back as they yank on your hand. “I told you I had a cool Halloween surprise for you. Just be quiet and follow me. You’ll understand soon, once I can get us into the building…”
“Understand what? Alex, I just want to go home and go to bed,” you complain, tossing your free hand into the air. “I drank way too much and now I'm exhausted.”
Alex releases your hand so they can try to figure out how to get into the building. A cold breeze blows through the air and you clamp your arms over your chest, rubbing the goosebumps from your bare skin. Now you wish you’d chosen a warmer costume. You groan when Alex doesn't respond, too invested in breaking and entering. You reach into your pocket and fish out your phone.
“Well, whatever then. You know what, I’m gonna call Austin and see how he’s doing," you say and step away.
Austin, your ex-boyfriend of several years. According to Alex, he was supposed to be in attendance at the Halloween party tonight, but he called to cancel less than an hour before the party. Apparently, he’d fallen ill. At first, you were disappointed. You've never stopped having feelings for Austin and had been sort of hoping that you’d be able to rekindle something at the party.
You’d gathered all the courage you had and texted Austin to wish him good health and tell him you'd pay him a visit in the morning. Since you have a free moment now, you might as well use it to check in on him. Austin rarely gets sick or injured, almost never actually, so it’s always a little more than concerning when he does.
You dial the familiar number and hold the phone to your ear, waiting patiently. After a few moments of ringing, you get sent to his voicemail. You smile at the soothing sound of his deep, raspy voice but then hang up. He must be asleep.
A loud clicking noise sounds as Alex breaks through one of the bars on the door. You spin and watch as they throw the wooden beam to the side with ease. Your eyebrows shoot up, although this display of strength doesn’t really surprise you all that much. You always knew Alex was incredibly strong although they don’t look it. They’ve been an all-star field hockey player for the last three years at your high school.
“Didn’t answer?” they ask and you nod. “Yeah, I figured,” they mutter quietly.
You don’t miss the furrow of their eyebrows as they drop their gaze from yours.
“What?” you ask.
“Oh, nothing. He just doesn’t get sick that often, so it’s probably pretty bad.”
“Right…” you nod but something in your gut doesn’t feel right. Maybe it's this haunting place.
Your relationship with Austin has been nothing short of rocky recently. Before you broke up, he was increasingly absent, sometimes randomly and suddenly leaving to go ‘take care of something.’ You hadn’t minded at first, figuring it was a personal thing. In the past, your fights had been pretty contained and calm. This one was quite the opposite.
He didn’t even bother to show up. It was your anniversary dinner last month and he forgot completely. You’d gotten into it, complaining about how he’s never around anymore and never pays attention to you. He seemed to be handling the argument well until you accused him of cheating.
“I’m sorry! I was taking care of something!” he shouted, balling his fingers into fists.
“Taking care of what, Austin? Another person? How stupid do you think I am? I can tell pretty clearly that you’re not paying attention to me anymore which means you must be paying attention to someone else!”
Suddenly, he grabbed ahold of a glass cup that was resting on the counter and threw it down. It cracked into a million pieces, shattering glass everywhere. None of it hit you or anything, but you were horrified by his outburst. You could never forget how his eyes seemingly started to somehow shift color under the light. Normally bright blue, they were turning yellow right before your eyes. You’d never noticed before, that his eyes were like mood ring circles that changed colors with his emotions. He seemed to grow larger, too, to tower over you with bulging muscles. When he took a step toward you, you stepped back in fear and accidentally placed your palm on top of the table. With a hiss, you pulled it back in front of you to find a tiny piece of glass stuck in the skin, quickly seeping red with blood.
When you glared back up at Austin, his eyes had softened and he looked terrified by his actions. He threw his hands up and then turned, rushing out of your house. You followed after him, desperate to know what the hell was going on with him. But by the time you’d thrown the door open and stepped out onto the porch, he was gone. He was nowhere to be seen. It was as if he’d vanished into thin air. Your heart thumped with fear as two yellow circles flashed through the forest in the distance. But when you blinked and looked again, they were gone. Actually, you don’t even think you ever saw them at all.
After that fight, he disappeared for several weeks. You came around his house to check on him and apologize, but his parents said that he had taken a vacation for a few days. You found it a bit odd, but when he returned, word spread fast around school about his little trip. Apparently, he’d been struggling with anxiety and anger management so he went away to a therapy center to get help.
You hadn’t seen him in quite some time, aside from the occasional pass in the hallway, but he and Alex had been close friends for a while.
Something that had always bugged you when you were dating was a nagging feeling that he was lying to you about something, that he was hiding something from you.
Alex holds the door open and gestures for you to enter. With a huff, you step in, the heels of your shoes clicking against the concrete pavement. It’s blindingly dark inside, not a ray of light to be seen other than a single blueish-white stripe from the light of the full moon which shines on a small circle on the floor in the middle of the room. It illuminates the immediate area around it, but there’s not much to see other than a couple of random rocks and something you that looks suspiciously like a dead rat. You shudder as Alex shuts the door behind you, slamming closed with a loud noise.
Despite the alcohol still coursing through your veins, you’re starting to feel extremely awake and very sober. You gulp as another cold breeze blows through the dilapidated building.
“Alex, what the hell are we doing here?” you ask, irritated. “I’m very tired and I’d really like to go home.”
“I just need to show you something, that’s all,” they say. “As soon as I find the light switch…aha!”
Dazzling yellow light suddenly fills the room and your eyes instinctively blink as they attempt to adjust to the new environment. After a few minutes, you can see well enough to start scanning the area. It’s a massive room with no walls or structures to divide it. A large wooden chandelier hangs from the ceiling, illuminating most of the space. In the front of the room, there’s some sort of massive stone table with markings all over it. To the left is a huge stone fireplace with a row of couches and chairs spread around. The chairs are even dressed with red plaid blankets and tiny flattened pillows.
As your gaze follows the contour of the room, you see what looks like a massive kitchen-like area. There are barstool seats around a few high-top tables and a massive fridge, like the largest fridge you’ve ever seen in your life. Right next to that is a changing room divider and a rack with clothes hanging on it. You quirk an eyebrow but step further into the room anyway. It’s surprisingly warm and cozy, like it used to be some sort of cabin or lodge or something.
“What do you think?” Alex asks and you turn toward them. They’re staring back at you with a huge grin on their face. “Pretty sweet, huh?”
“I mean, sure, but…what is it? Did it used to be like some sort of ski lodge or something?”
As you ask the question, you step up toward the stone table, interested in the one piece of furniture which doesn’t seem to fit.
“Well, I guess it is a lodge of sorts but not for skiers. It’s actually a lot older than it seems, too. It’s been around for almost two hundred years.”
“Yeah, this weird stone table definitely gives off that vibe,” you chuckle as you step up onto the platform.
Alex chuckles and continues explaining the history of the strange place.
“That table is incredibly important. It holds extremely potent cultural value and isn’t allowed to be moved from this spot until the al- er…archaeologists can clear the area and transport it safely,” Alex explains but you zone out as they’re talking.
The stone table has you completely enraptured. It’s incredible. As you peer down at it, you think you can decipher a few of the symbols: one that looks like a bear claw, one that looks like a sun, and one that looks sort of like a sabertooth tiger or maybe a wolf. In the middle of the table, there’s an engraving larger than the rest. It’s a huge circle with three large slashes through it as if an animal had angrily defaced it. Absentmindedly, you reach out toward it and run your fingertips across the deep, stony inscriptions. Alex’s deep gasp startles you and your head pops up to meet their gaze.
“What are you doing?” they shout.
Alex sprints up toward you, grabbing onto your wrist and pushing your fingers away from the table.
“Why did you do that?”
“Do what, Alex? I just touched it. Is the oil on my fingers gonna damage it or something?” you ask with a shake of your head.
“Just…don’t touch anything else. Let’s go,” they say, turning and pulling on your arm. “We shouldn’t have come here. It was a mistake to bring you. My mistake.”
“Woah, Alex, what the hell is happening? What is this place, anyway, I thought-”
Your speech is cut off as the ground below you starts to shake. You spread your arms out to balance yourself as the whole building itself begins to feel like an earthquake is rumbling through. Alex glances at you with wide, wild eyes, and you can clearly see the terror in them. After a few moments, the rumbling stops and you glare at Alex.
“What the fuck was that?” you demand and Alex just gestures toward the door and breaks out into a sprint.
You throw your hands up but follow them anyway. You only make it about three steps before something crashes through the window. You throw your arms over your head to protect it. When you lower them, you shriek in fear at the sight of a massive wolf stalking its way toward you with a snarl pasted on its face. You jerk to the side with a yelp as another wolf bursts through a different window. Alex steps in front of you, holding their arms out to shield you. You step backward, shaking with fear as more and more wolves begin to surround you in a circle. In just a few moments, you and Alex are standing in the middle of the feral crowd, helpless and left completely at their mercy.
“What the fuck!” you scream, backing up further.
You stop abruptly as you hear a growl from behind you. You glance over your shoulder to see another wolf positioned to attack your backside. You step forward, clutching onto Alex’s jacket and scanning the circle of wolves gathered around you with horror. Your heart is pounding in your ears and your entire body feels like it's vibrating with fear. Alex drops to their knee, placing a fist over their heart. You stand completely still, too terrified to do anything.
“Alpha, domine mi,” Alex says with their head bent reverently in front of one of the wolves.
The wolf is absolutely massive, definitely bigger than any normal wolf you’ve ever seen. Its black fur is like a shadow in the night with two bright yellow eyes glinting in the dim light of the warehouse. It growls and straightens its head.
“You have brought a human to us,” it says.
Your mouth drops open and you stumble back with shock. It spoke….it genuinely just spoke human words.
“Why have you done this, Parvulus?” it continues.
Your eyes flick back and forth manically from Alex to the wolf. The air is filled with growls, snarls, and yips coming from every direction. You quickly count the wolves and come up with nine.
“I…" Alex responds in a shaky voice. "They're my friend. They won’t say anything, I swear. I will fix this, domine. I-I swear it."
“It is too late!” the wolf, apparently the alpha, snaps and bares his teeth at you. “It must be disposed of. You know the law.”
You clutch harder onto Alex’s jacket as the wolves step closer in unison. Your heart slams in your chest and you can feel your breaths catching in your throat with the panic as you start to hyperventilate.
“Alex, please tell me you can fix this. Please, I’m scared,” you mutter into their ear as they stand.
“I won’t let them hurt you,” they respond and then address the alpha wolf. “You can’t have them. We must find another way. This is my wrongdoing. Take me, instead.”
You watch with frantic eyes. You try to step closer to Alex but there's no more room for you to go.
“If you insist, Parvulus, then we shall take you both!” the wolf growls, lunging forward.
As he does so, Alex shoves you back and you fall onto the ground. You wince as the hard concrete slams against your tailbone but scramble to your feet quickly as you notice the wolves closing in on you. You glance back over to Alex and scream. They’ve shifted into the form of a wolf, just like the others, although much smaller. The massive alpha wolf lunges toward Alex and clamps down hard on their neck, despite Alex’s best efforts to fight back. You whimper in fear as you can do nothing but watch and hope Alex can save you both. Most of the wolves descend upon Alex and you gasp as they start to rip at their fur and face. The massive black alpha wolf steps away from the massacre and shifts its attention to you.
“I do so love my dinner fresh,” it growls, baring its teeth.
You step backward with your hands outstretched and absolutely no idea what to do. The wolf lunges forward suddenly and you drop to your knees, throwing your arms over your face. To your surprise, nothing happens. You feel no pressure and no pain. You open your eyes to see another wolf in front of you. This one is larger than the other and has sandy, yellow fur. It growls as it stands in front of you like it's trying to guard you against the other black wolf.
“They are under my reign. Leave them alone or die,” the sandy wolf barks.
‘Who are you to claim it?“ the black wolf hisses. ”My pack has discovered it here. It is ours to take.“
“Do you not smell my mark on them? My claim.”
The sandy wolf growls and they begin to circle each other. You slowly back up, glancing over at Alex, who lies off to the side, lifeless and bleeding terribly. The black wolf growls and then lunges at the sandy one, clamping its teeth onto its neck. You gasp and cover your mouth as the sandy wolf does the same to the black one. As they toss each other around back and forth, you run over toward Alex, who’s now sitting up. You pause in your tracks as Alex’s fur begins to retreat into their skin. Once they appear mostly human, you drop to your knees beside them and start examining their wounds.
“I’m sorry,” is all they say before your attention is redirected toward the wolf fight going down in the middle of the room.
The sandy wolf has the black one pinned down with all four paws and is tearing at its neck mercilessly. The black wolf is whimpering in pain as it tries to wriggle out from under the sandy one. It bites hard onto the sandy wolf’s stomach and it howls and releases the black wolf from its grasp. The black wolf then growls and runs away limping, its pack following behind.
“This is not over, Impetus,” it growls as it runs off.
The sandy wolf stands still, its head moving as it tracks the black wolf’s retreat.
“Help me!” Alex shouts and you turn toward them with wide eyes. You shake your head, not understanding their meaning.
Alex scrambles toward the corner and the space is suddenly filled with light. You hadn't even noticed it was there before. Chains are bolted securely onto the wall and attached to metal contraptions that look like animal traps. There are several stations, each with the same combination of chains. It looks like a trap for wild animals. Wild wolves. Alex unclamps some of the chains and moves deftly to hook one onto the sandy wolf’s back left foot. The wolf rears up and slams down on Alex, pushing them over. They slide back across the concrete and slam into the wall. They clutch their shoulder and glance over at you with fearful eyes.
“Stop!” you shout, stepping toward the wolf.
You slide your shoe off quickly and toss it at the creature. It bounces off his shoulder and he turns to glare at you, although he makes no move to attack you. Because he shifted, however, he has also exposed his other back foot to Alex, who moves quickly to chain it to the wall. He howls and pulls against the chains as he turns back toward them and begins to approach Alex. Your friend is bleeding from their nose, the side of their head, and all over their arms and legs. They can’t defend themself. The wolf rears back, preparing to pounce. You gasp and sprint over to Alex, throwing yourself in front of them.
“No!” you shout, throwing your open palms in front of the wolf. “Stop!”
It jerks back suddenly. You gaze into its eyes which soften immediately. It steps back and you watch as the yellow eyes start to fade into blue. They widen and the wolf pauses, long enough for Alex to jump to action, chaining its last two paws up and turning an ancient-looking crank to pull the wolf back against the wall. It weakly fights the chains but then drops defeatedly.
You feel sadness and pity rising in your throat. Tears threaten to spill as you stare into the eyes of the wolf. You’d know those eyes anywhere. Those blue sparkling eyes like waves on a stormy sea and the sandy fur, almost exactly the same human blonde color as…
“Austin…” you whisper quietly. “Austin…”
The wolf bows its head, lying limply on the floor in almost a shamed position. You shake your head and step toward him slowly and carefully. He barely reacts as you approach him. Once you’re close enough to touch him, you drop down to your knees. You lift your hand and then hesitate in the air before gently placing your shaking fingers underneath the wolf's head. You lift it by the chin and stare into the eyes again. The wolf huffs in your grasp and raises its gaze to meet you.
“Oh Austin, baby…” you say, your face screwing up with tears. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
You drop your gaze down, not wanting Austin to see you cry. But your head shoots back up when you feel his face starting to shift in your hand. You pull your hand back with a gasp as Austin’s fur begins to shrink back into his skin. You fall back onto your ass and watch as his eyes flick back and forth from yellow to blue. His large teeth shrink back into his gums, still sharper than normal human teeth but rounding out slowly. The structure of his face cracks and shifts back into place. His head drops down, his arms restrained behind him. He releases a breath and you watch his back muscles as they contract with his breathing, now just human skin. His fingernails are still long and pointed, like claws, and when he lifts his head, you can see hair along his jawline. His nose is enlarged and his ears are pointed, just like the werewolves you see on tv.
“Here’s some cleaning stuff for you guys,” Alex’s small timid voice sounds from behind you. “Sorry about this. I’ll…leave you some time alone.”
Alex places the things she's carrying down on the ground next to you. It's a bowl of water and a towel, clearly previously used judging by the faded brownish-red blood stains. You and Austin both wait in silence until Alex has left the room. Immediately, you reach your hand back up to his face, placing it on his cheek and turning his gaze up to meet you. He glances at you with furrowed eyebrows. He looks ashamed. You take a few shaky breaths, the tears still gathering despite your best efforts to force them back down. He harshly pulls his face away from you, avoiding your eyes. You gulp and move to start unfastening the chains that hold his hands and arms hostage. He yanks his hand away.
“No. Not until I’m fully human again,” he says dryly. “I can’t risk the chance of hurting you.”
You nod and return to your seated position, not sure exactly what to say to him.
“I understand if you never want to see me again,” he continues.
You’re silent for a moment, genuinely trying to digest everything that’s just happened.
“Don’t be a fool, Austin,” you say. “Of course I want to see you again. I just…I don’t understand-”
“So now you know,” he interrupts you. He lifts his head and you can already see that the hair has shrunk considerably and he’s starting to look even more like his human self. “Why I’ve been so distant, why I’ve been acting so…weird lately.”
You nod slowly, dropping your eyes as it all starts to settle in. This is real. It’s actually happening. After a few moments of silence, you glance back at Austin to see the human man you know and love. You move again to unfasten his restraints. He recoils from your touch but you gently place a hand on his wrist.
“It’s okay. I’m not afraid. I trust you, Austin.”
His eyebrows remain furrowed but he allows you to undo the clamps and release him. As soon as you unclip the last shackle, he falls forward uncontrollably. You just barely catch him on your shoulder, although his heavy body pushes you onto the floor. You glance up at him, heat creeping onto your cheeks as he hovers over top of you.
“Well this is familiar at least,” you joke and he shakes his head with a sad laugh.
He grimaces as he pushes himself off of you. You stand and grab the bowl and towel with one hand, sliding the other arm around Austin's waist to help support him as you stumble over toward the couches and the fireplace. You drop Austin into one of the chairs as gently as possible. You kneel by him and soak the towel in the water. You look up at Austin’s body, taking a minute to assess the damage. He has a bad gash in his stomach and cuts and bruises everywhere else. Not to mention that his shirt was ripped to shreds and the black sweatpants he was wearing are barely strung across his frame. You ring out the towel and gently press it to the largest gaping wound on his stomach. He hisses and leans forward, his hands gripping tightly onto your wrist. You see the tips of his fingers lengthen and sharpen as his claw threaten to come out again. He releases you with a pained breath.
“It’s okay,” you reply and gently press the towel down again.
A few moments of silence pass until you gather the courage to speak.
“How..how did this happen?” you ask, shaking your head.
Austin chuckles dryly.
“You know that scar on my side,” he says and your eyes immediately drop to the place. You know it well. “Yeah, that one. I didn’t get it from a dog attack. Well, I guess I did but not a domestic dog. Not a pet, I mean. It was a wolf. My alpha.”
“Your…alpha? That black wolf that was trying to eat me?”
“Esuriens? No, he was never my alpha. My alpha is dead. His name was Magnus.”
“Wait…that wolf, it called Alex something different, something that started with a p?”
“Parvulus. It means ‘little one,’ because they’re the smallest wolf in the chapter. Every werewolf is solidified into their pack with a Latin name that has to do with their personality or characteristics. Latin is the language of the werewolves since our sire was Latin, the first werewolf.”
“The chapter? I thought werewolves were in packs.”
“They are. But packs are also organized into chapters. We’re very organized, you know,” he says with a smirk. You smile and dip the towel back into the water.
"What’s your Latin name?”
“Impetus. It means impulsive,” he says with a chuckle. You smile and bite your lip.
“Sounds about right. So, what exactly is this place and how come that other…pack just showed up here?”
“This is the chapter headquarters. It’s where we all meet for our yearly ceremony and commencement. That stone table up there, that’s the altar. It’s how we call our fellow pack members.”
“I thought you could just howl?”
“Only the alpha can howl to call their pack. Whenever betas or omegas need help, they use the altar. It was originally used by humans many centuries ago to call on the wolves whenever they needed help. When you touched the full moon symbol in the center, you sent out a distress call to the packs. Esuriens’ pack was probably the only one to respond since most of us like to stay inside on nights like these.”
You wring out the towel again and rewet it, shifting so that you can reach Austin’s face. He spreads his legs without question so that you can slide between them. You gulp and mutter your thanks as you reach up to clean the wounds on his head and face.
“Nights like these?”
He gestures up toward the beam of moonlight that shines down onto the floor.
“Full moon.”
“Right, of course. Well, where’s your pack? Where’s your…like alpha and stuff?”
He hisses and jerks forward, his hand latching itself onto your waist and squeezing as he works through the pain. Your heart begins to pound in your chest. You and Austin haven’t been intimate in a long time. And you've missed his touch like oxygen. He clears his throat as his blue eyes gaze deeply into yours.
“I…am the alpha,” he says. “My pack is at our lair, hopefully restrained and not hurting anyone. That’s why I couldn’t come tonight. I wasn’t sick. I was watching over my pack, but when I realized the distress call came from you, I knew I had to come."
“How could you possibly have known it came from me?”
"Your scent and your heartbeat. I know them. Intimately," he says with a smile. You bite your lip as you place the towel back down on his wound. “I always have a good sense for where you are and whether you're in danger. Sometimes I tap into it just to check on you."
"So...you stalk me?" you ask jokingly with a chuckle.
"No! I'm just watching out for you. Don't be a perv."
You giggle and wring out the towel again.
"So, do you stalk me often?"
"Only when I think you might've made a bad decision. I almost didn't come tonight, actually."
"Oh?" you ask, looking at him incredulously. "Why's that?"
"I...really shouldn't be around you when the full moon hits. That’s why I was so distant before and-”
He hisses as you accidentally push a little too hard on a wound on his arm. His mention of the distance between you threw you through a quick flash of anger, but you quietly apologize and release the pressure.
“I don’t understand why you couldn’t just tell me this," you say. "Why is it so dangerous for you to be around me?”
He glances at you, his eyes asking you to let it go, but you persist, gesturing with your hand for him to continue. He sighs and shakes his head.
“The truth, Y/N, is that the full moon brings out all of our most animalistic traits. Not just the vicious ones but the…biological ones too.”
“What are you saying?” you sit back on your heels with furrowed eyebrows.
“I…when the full moon hits it makes us extra…well, horny. To a fault, sometimes. When my alpha died, he named me as his successor. Why I have no fucking clue but here we are. I had to leave to get control of myself. As an alpha, all of my senses were dialed to like a thousand. It got to the point where I couldn’t resist you whenever you were around, where I needed to have you, to smell your scent and touch you,” his eyes drop down to take inventory of your figure and you gulp nervously under his scrutinizing gaze. “It was becoming dangerous for us to be together. But what I learned while I was gone was…was that there’s a way to control it. There’s a way to turn that passion against itself.”
“What are you talking about, Austin? I don’t understand,” you whisper, having unintentionally moved closer to him.
Your hands are resting on his knees and he’s leaning over to look down at you. He raises a hand, wincing with the movement, and places his open palm on your cheek. You lean into his touch as he strokes your cheek with his thumb.
“You’re the key to controlling my shift.”
“I thought you just said I was the reason you can't control it?”
“You are, or you were. But what I was tapping into was my lust for you, my desire. But if I just focus on how you make me feel, the way my heart reacts to you, my…my love for you, then I can anchor myself in those human feelings.”
“I never stopped loving you, Y/N. I’ve only learned to love you harder and that love makes me stronger. I need you but not in the way I did before. I need your soul, everything that you are. It’s all meant for me as I’m meant for you.”
You pull away from him for a moment, feeling overwhelmed with so many emotions you could never name. them all You release a few deep breaths as you try to get a handle on your feelings. It’s as if your heart is reaching out to him like it knows the words he speaks are true, like it wants you to give in. You feel tears brimming in your eyes.
“You said...you told the other alpha that you marked me, claimed me or something. What did you mean?”
Austin’s fingers gently curl around your wrist and lift your arm up into the space between you. Goosebumps rise on your skin as he gently flips your wrist around and runs his thumb over a tiny, vaguely star-shaped scar on your wrist. You’ve noticed it before, of course, but you figured you just stabbed yourself with your nail overnight or accidentally cut it at some point and never noticed. Austin smiles handsomely and looks up to gaze into your eyes.
“This scar is my claim on you. It contains my scent and warns all other werewolves that you’re taken, that you belong to me and to my pack. I have the same here,” he lifts his wrist and you see that you do, in fact, have matching scars.
“How did you do it?”
“With my claw.”
“How did I not feel it?”
“Our marks are done while our soulmate sleeps. It causes no pain to them. If the scar remains, the soulmate has accepted the match. The only way it can be undone is for both parties to reject the union.”
You look away as the brimming tears start to fall down your cheeks. Austin’s hand maneuvers your face back to him and he tilts his head like a puppy to look at you.
“What’s wrong, love? Does this make you unhappy?”
“No, I…it’s just all so much,” you say through tears. Austin gently wipes them away from your cheeks and smiles sadly.
“If you want to remove it, we can do so. Just say the word and I’ll be out of your life forever.”
“Shut up, Austin,” you chuckle through shaky breaths. “I never want to remove it. I want it there forever. I want you there forever.”
He inhales sharply before crashing his lips onto yours. His hands immediately clutch onto your waist and he pulls you to stand. You slide your knees onto the chair and sit down on his lap. Your hands find his shoulders and then slide up onto his neck. You tangle your fingers into his hair. He tilts his head as one of his hands slides up your neck and into your hair, holding your lips against his. You tug on his roots and he moans quietly into your mouth. His hands grip you harshly and you can already feel him growing stiff underneath your legs.
His lips slip off of yours and attach themselves to your neck. His fingers pull on your locks to tug your head to the side so he can reach your neck better. You tilt your head back as he bites onto the sensitive skin under your jaw. You moan quietly and bite your lip. You gasp as you feel his hips rise up to meet you but then wince as his grip tightens on you and he bites down hard on your throat. Your hands fly to his chest and you firmly push him back. He stares up at you with wide eyes and swollen pink lips, shining with his saliva.
“Fuck I’m sorry…” he says, his eyebrows furrowing as he drops  his head.
You slide your finger underneath his chin and tilt his head up.
“It’s okay,” you reply and lean forward to press a gentle, chaste kiss onto his lips. “Just be careful with me, tiger. Or should I say wolf.”
He smiles, pulling you flush against him, his strong arms wrapped tightly around your frame. He buries his face in your shoulder, rubbing his head around as he nestles there. You close your eyes and sigh contentedly. You missed this and now you understand why Austin used to do this so much.
“Are you marking me with your scent?” you ask with a giggle.
He pulls back and you can already see a blush settling on his cheeks. Whether it’s from his embarrassment or the heat of your makeout session, you aren’t sure.
“Sort of…”
You laugh and kiss his hot forehead.
“Alright,” he says, sliding his hands underneath your legs and lifting you, “let’s get you home. Come on.”
He carries you bridal style along the dark Halloween night streets and you nestle into his hot skin. He smells earthy, musky, and like dried sweat. You somehow manage to fall asleep and, the next thing you know, your eyes are opening to see Austin carefully tucking you into your bed.
“I need to get back to my pack, but I’ll check on you in the morning.”
“I was supposed to be checking on you. Did you change my clothes?” you ask with a contented smile as you realize you’re no longer in costume and in a large t-shirt instead. Actually, it’s one of Austin’s old tees you never gave back.
He smiles and sits on the edge of the bed, intertwining his fingers into yours. You feel his thumb swiping over the scar and you smile wider.
He leans over and gently presses his lips to yours. You smile into the kiss, squeezing his fingers between yours. You curl your arms around his shoulders, pulling him in for a hug. He squeezes your shoulders, rubbing his head into your neck. You breathe him in, satisfied that he’s leaving your bedroom with your scent all over him. When he pulls back, he presses a sweet kiss to your forehead and then pulls the blankets up to your chin. He runs his fingers through your hair.
“Rest well, my love,” Austin says and you close your eyes, slipping into a deep sleep.
Reblogs, likes, comments + feedback are extremely appreciated! Please help support your content creators!
**If you notice any triggers or grammatical errors that I missed, please let me know! :)
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itsdappleagain · 2 years
OKSORRY FOR. EVEN MORE. but dash, paper star, dokuso, neal, and the troll?
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AW YEAH sorry about the break in answering i was at an auditionnn
Dash Haber
How I feel about this character: he's so silly. what a guy. he's trying so hard but he's so bad at everything. i love him he's hilarious All the people I ship romantically with this character: ahhhh not really any? haberzackary is kind of a fun ship. oh also neal solely because of mangokat again My non-romantic OTP for this character: mmmm i dont know he doesn't really have enough interaction for this My unpopular opinion about this character: if he was less silly he could be so dangerous actually. he has carmen with her back turned, unaware of him, he's HOLDING his razor hat. he could have her dead in five seconds. but HE WHISTLES TO GIVE HER A HEADS UP its so fucking funny One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i dont know i kinda of liked what happened with him. ivy gets to growl at him. i wish he would have gotten his hands a little dirtier...a physical fight or something instead of a long distance one? but i know he'd probably just die instantly also so
Paper Star
How I feel about this character: BARK BARK All the people I ship romantically with this character: TIGRESS!! i also enjoy a good bit of carmen shipping here,, My non-romantic OTP for this character: mmmmmmmmm i dont know with her she's kind of a solo act unless she's. not. that doesn't make any sense but i don't know My unpopular opinion about this character: that ending did her soooo dirty we didn't even get a final fight she was just trussed up and left there to look mad about it One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: mmm the above i guess. also make out with tigress. also give her a damn halloween costume can you imagine if she was cool
Lady Dokuso
How I feel about this character: she's so much fun because she's dangerous!! but also she's not!! like they let her be dangerous but not that dangerous. you're like omg what did she poison shadowsan with what did she poison shadowsan with this time what did she shoot carmen with and its just paralysis. potion of knocked out instantly. shadowsan falls through a roof etc. she could be so deadly and they dont let her be All the people I ship romantically with this character: shadowsan but ONLY so they can be divorced My non-romantic OTP for this character: ahhh i dont know her little mentorship thing with paper star was kind of a cool dynamic but then she just kind of. idk My unpopular opinion about this character: i guess i already said. give her Potions of Die Instantly One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: POTIONS OF DIE INSTANTLY
Neal the Eel
How I feel about this character: SILLY also yeah he's amazing he's hilarious he's rhys darby who is always cool. ALSO he almost broke carmen's neck which was really slay of him All the people I ship romantically with this character: mime bomb and dash both have special places in my heart when shipped with him My non-romantic OTP for this character: mmm i dont know again there isnt too much interaction to go off of My unpopular opinion about this character: okay remember when they're in russia and he disappears into the grate? the noise he makes when he disappears is the worst thats the worst part about him that coo noise it sounds like a baby One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: ahh i dont know he was kind of hilarious?? he just went WELP mind control doesnt work on me soo i guess ill go sit on a fish boat for the rest of my life so true of him honestly
The Troll
How I feel about this character: i heavily dislike him he feels like he would call me a slur and he's annoying. JHDSFDS okay sorry thats a bit harsh but i literally do not have any feeling towards him other than dislike All the people I ship romantically with this character: i don't My non-romantic OTP for this character: no My unpopular opinion about this character: ahhhhh he was in the sort of awkward batch of one or two time s3 characters that were vaguely unlikable or vaguely entertaining but had a lot of potential. like (ok sorry) spinkick and flytrap were kind of cool but i think spinkick was kind of annoying and his biggest personality trait was being dante basco. so. i think they should have fixed the troll and these characters and kept them in or left them out altogether One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: can you imagine an actual rival hacker to player?? i wish he was more threatening!! i wish he would be more used but only if he was less annoying!! that would be such an obstacle but he idk didnt he just kind of disappear once s3 was over??
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qveenknowles · 2 years
[text] You really never modeled before? NO FUCKING WAY! Wow, you were a pro. Thank you very much! It's all about the Gucci, darling!
[text] Yeah I will be off from Mid-Oct to Mid-Nov! Ok well let's shoot for a week there in between and I can come visit you and spend a week wherever you are and then we will get stuff done! Ahhh, I love Halloween, you lucky, lucky woman!
{text} never modeled a day in my life. Thank you so much, I think it’s just because I have a badass power walk. I was just really focused on not stumbling especially with all that heavy makeup I had on my body.
{text} oh if we can try to shoot so we can spend Halloween together that would be amazing! Even if we can’t, spending time with you will still be so fun! Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday and I’m so glad that Ji Chul puts up with my extraness when it comes to it. We’ve completely decorated the house to where it looks like the Addams Family!
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sniperi-cosplay · 7 years
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When you borrow Shigaraki’s face hand for just a minute and you can hear him having daddy issues from another room. >:3c
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dayseternal-blog · 3 years
If you ever finish answering all of yours awaiting asks...
45 questions for you 👀
Lolllll BADLUCKBREBIS, you are so funny.
Inspiration and Reading Asks:
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
It looks like I started writing in 2017. I've been reflecting recently on how there are so many regularly active writers now compared to in 2017-2018. It was the tail-end of some of my fave writer's activity within fandom. Utsus was posting less and less. The Tumblr NaruHina fandom seemed to disappear, a whole community of writers left for other things (matchaball, nekomamoru, magmawrites, cherryjutsu, spyder-m, tenney-shoes, eliphya, among others). 2018 was a very quiet year, but! I avidly read katarinahime and bunnyhoodlum's works! In 2019, quirrrky restarted things with NaruHina Week!
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
Recently I’m primarily a reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because there's so many writers now!!!!!!!!
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do?
Yeah, let’s list them.  “A Special Friend” by agitosgirl inspired “Nightdreams.  “Medicine” by @grimmjowkurosakidrake​ inspired “White Lilies.  “Torch Song” by @mmmbuttery inspired “About You.”  The language in “Unless the World Were to End” by @bunny-hoodlum​ inspired the language in “That was the plan.”  “In Between Drinks” by @peppercornpress inspired “In Between Drinks NH.”
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
“Operation: Bring Home Naruto” by Dragonwannabe - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata's been assigned the mission of getting Naruto back home safely after his last dangerous assignment. But can she handle the undercover identity as his girlfriend that she’d been given without revealing her true feelings for him?
“The Mission” by Lunawraythe - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. It wasn't that Hinata never expected to work with Naruto, just never on a mission quite like this.
“The Loving Type” by @peppercornpresses - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. A few years have passed since the Fourth Shinobi War, in which...Rookie Nine steadily advances in rank. Naruto gets engaged. Hinata leaves Konoha. And Kakashi schemes for days.
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
ahhh.  I do have quite a few pet peeves.  If the fic is Canon-Compliant or Canon-Divergent, I expect Naruto and Hinata to behave like Japanese people.  Say what you want, but the Naruto Universe is definitely Japanese in my book.  So that means no shoes in the house.  Nothing rattles me more than reading Hinata taking her sandals off before climbing into bed.  Like, what?  she was wearing her outdoor shoes indoors this whole time??
mmm... another pet peeve is when the writer describes Hinata in a kimono, but it sounds like an American Halloween costume, like the slutty version, instead of an actual kimono.
mmm... and the other big pet peeve I have is when it’s Hinata’s first time eating ramen because Naruto is showing her the wonders of ramen.  lol.  why.  how.  in what world would a Japanese person make it to their teenage years without ever eating ramen.
I have a bunch of other little pet peeves regarding Japanese culture in fanfics.  But in general, it doesn’t stop me from reading the fic if I'm already in the middle of it.  I’ll continue reading it and will probably recommend it to other people anyway. If I can tell based on the summary, then it's not for me, and I don't read it. If this makes anyone feel nervous about writing fanfiction, that's not my intention! I would also be happy to be a sensitivity reader if necessary.
6. How do you find new fic to read? Where do you primarily read fanfiction?
I primarily read fanfics on AO3 and ffnet.  I find new ones by constantly checking the Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto tag on AO3 or looking into a writer’s favorites list on ffnet.
7. Do you prefer to read short fics or long fics?
Short fics.
8. How often do you reblog/comment on fics that you like?
I reblog pretty often. I don't comment as often as I used to😕 I used to comment on every fic I liked.
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
Uhh?? Idk. I think recently the writing group here is pretty tight, everyone seems to know everyone.
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Naruto fandom and NaruHina.
Fanfiction Writing Asks:
11. How do you come up with your fic titles?
I usually take it from words used in the story or from the prompt.
12. Tell the author your favorite fic title of theirs (not the fic, strictly title). Author: what’s your favorite title you’ve come up with and why?
I think...maybe "Tell Me of Forevers" or "Nightdreams." I like those because they aren't taken word-for-word directly from the story, but touch on a theme in the story.
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
Yes, I outline. They wouldn't get a headache, I think. It's usually just a summary.
14. Do you have a personal word minimum that you hold yourself too? Why or why not?
Nope. I didn't know people do that.
15. Tell the author your favorite fic of theirs. What’s your (the author’s) favorite fic you’ve written?
My favorite fic continues to be "It's No Secret."
16. Do you research for your fics? If so, how deep of a rabbit hole have you gone down by accident when researching?
Yes, I do. I've done historical and folktale research for "Little Samurai." I did area/location research for "Last Chance." I did historical research for "About You." I did fairy tale research for "Catskin." I did a ton of astronomy research for "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl." And I did lighting research for "Inspo." I go pretty deep.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
I don't. I usually have something else I need to do or I go to bed.
18. Do you have a WIP that you keep telling yourself you’ll eventually get back to, but deep down you know that’s probably a lie?
I actually think I can finish all of mine if I just try.
19. Do you edit your fics after you write them, or do you prefer to just hit post and run (because it’s someone else’s problem now)?
I always edit before posting to AO3. Anything I post directly on Tumblr might not be edited.
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
21. What’s your least favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Starting a new chapter.
22. Do you take fic requests? If so, for what characters and why?
On occasion. If someone sends me a request, I'll think about writing it. Sometimes I do write and post it, sometimes I leave them in my drafts for a better day.
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
From what I already have posted, probably friends-to-lovers, secret relationship/forbidden love, or high school au. I don't think I have an intentional favorite.
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
Public humiliation / public degradation.
25. Do you listen to music as you write? If possible, link your writing playlist.
No, not usually.
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing?
Tumblr feed, all the pictures to scroll through mindlessly.
27. Do you like to give your readers some warning of what might be coming or just slap them in the face with content at random?
lol, whatever is fine.
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
Well, pressure to update is not a big deal to me. I do this for fun, so I don't think I unnecessarily pressure myself too much. With negative comments, I don't get too many of those, and I think I do my best to avoid situations where I might get negative feedback.
29. Have you ever written for an exchange or event of some kind? Which one(s)? Did you enjoy it?
Yeah, I like the events. My favorite was NH2020, the year-long one last year. I also enjoyed the Secret Santa last year since @badluckbrebis was my giftee.
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Ecstasy slides through his veins, blooming over his mind, cocooning him in pleasant sensations, cum shooting out in eager twitches against hot, milking flesh.
31. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Naruto Uzumaki, always.
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from?
Top 3 faves in order:
That was the plan: "She shifts in his arms, and cloth and cleavage come pillowing up to his face, and he’s certain that she’s scooped from the same puffy stuff his adolescent daydreams were made of."
Tell Me of Forevers: "What he wouldn’t do to inspire every blush, every smile of hers for an eternity when such moments already only speak “forever” to him."
White Lilies: "Whether at his feet, in his eyes, ears, mind, if not reaching his heart, she never landed anywhere. (It’s okay.)"
I consider "White Lilies" to have my technically best writing, so it was kind of hard to choose just one line from that fic! But I decided that one's my favorite line from the whole story.
33. What do you like writing better: one shots or multi-chapter stuff?
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
A lot of my life experiences are in my writing. Hmm, I think readers probably think I'm...hmm...either empathetic or really perverted?
35. How much has writing fic changed your life?
I spend a lot less time on real-life social media than before.
36. Are there any fics or fandoms you’re embarrassed to have written or been part of?
I'm kind of embarrassed of "Honeymoon at the Hot Springs" lol. It's fine.
37. Give an update on your current WIP - if you don’t have one, give a sneak peek to a title or idea that you have and would like to write.
My current WIP is that A/B/O fic I started for February Smut Month Prompts: Sweet as Candy or Love Bites. I'm going to title it "Sweet As," and it'll be about how Naruto and Hinata become Alpha/Omega mates. It's really kinky, really smutty, and totally what I would want to read.
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
uhh???? a 1?? I've never once thought of my writing process as chaotic. Ahh, then I think of bunnyhoodlum's multiple drafts for the same chapter, and I realize that there exist types of writing processes that I would not be able to handle...
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
My smut.
40. How did you come up with the idea for [x fic]?
41. What’s your most popular fic (with the most notes on tumblr, most hits/kudos on ao3)?
Idk about Tumblr,,, maybe White Lilies got the most attention here. My most popular fic is Nightdreams on AO3.
42. Asker: pick three of the author’s works. Author: rank them 1 (the best) - 3 (the worst) based on whatever criteria you want - this could be something totally random that isn’t quality related (like simply ranking fics based on how many trains appear in them) - have fun!
43. Talk about a positive experience with fanfiction or the fanfiction community that you will always remember.
I will always remember how people congratulated me for finishing White Lilies😭 Also, when peppercornpresses made that FIRST art of my story, I just, I just stared at it all day.
44. Rant about something writing related.
hmmm, I don't feel like ranting about anything. I just recently ranted about my pet peeves above.
45. Fic specific questions - if you have any weird questions about specific works, here’s your shot to ask them!
I did them all! Nice questions.
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00gangfriend00 · 4 years
I was tagged by @jade-marie and @bourbon-ontherocks to list my top 10 books  fics I read in 2020.
and lemme tell you..
i’ve been WAITIN’ for this one!!
This IS a bit tricky because I spent most of 2020 just lurking on AO3, no acccount, no commenting, no kudos. so there are just so so so many fics that I remember pieces of, and have little headcanons that LIVE with me but I have no idea who the author is or what the fic is called.  
so.. that being said, the top 10 is ever changing and could never be fully complete. I just love every author and every fic, you are all so wildly talented. 
❤  a song inside the halls of the dark - ms_scarlet  (@mego42 )
This fic has everything!! a sexy ex-lover rival gang leader, relaxed rio, angry rio, angsty kitchen sex rio. LOFT rio. AND it’s my favourite post-S2 reckoning of all time. There are moments in this fic that I just want to SPAM the gg writing room with. like scrap ur plans. DO. THIS.  Overall, this is such a creative and well-written series.  The characterization is superb, the smut has.... so many feelings, and the angst is AMAZING. There are a couple chapters (I wont give spoilers) that involves Beth in a hotel in Canada that I legit could not stop reading. it’s just all... so damn GOOD. favourite line: You thought I could be something, right? Well, this is that something. The bitch you trained bit back. 
❤  we’re living in a powder keg and giving off sparks - BourbonOnTheRocks  (@bourbon-ontherocks)
Whew! this fic has EVERYTHING. safe house brio. KARMA. brio ignoring each other. snippy, cranky brio. baking shows. mick overhearing loud shower sex. zero communication. brio getting high and giggling! all the feelings. I looooove this fic. like I LOVE it.  it's so creative and it feels so real!! I can play it like a movie in my head. There is so much fun smutty build up, so much tension, anxiety and a very, very, good Thaw Of Feelings which is my fav. I will forever have a soft spot for safe house fics, but this one hilariously twists the trope by doubling down on their idiot stubbornness. genius. favourite line:  He's using her and she's using him. Maybe it's the only thing they're truly equal at.
❤  my girl - elizabethmarks (not on tumblr?)
This fic has everything!!!!!!! (but TW that everything is not for everyone, as the plot primarily revoles around a rape scene.) This fic sets up some of the most soft, emotional, protective brio moments. I also adore how this author handles the delicate subject matter. I work from time to time as a crisis advcate for women and ...... this fic is so accurate and well written. All the emotions beth feels, the way rio reacts to her. everything. I have read this SO many times. It also inludes a Mick POV that will TUG at your HEART.  favourite line: *When on route to Rio’s loft* Rio nods, with that gentle look he has. "Alright, mama. Let's get you home." There's a beat, they both catch it, but neither of them make the correction.
❤  working on things - odenkirk (not on tumblr?)
THIS fic, now this fic has everything!!!!!!!!! masturbation! sexting! weed-smokin horny rio! DEAN?!??! in a way that didnt repulse me???? SEX. kinda threesome??? a heck of a lot of things that I didnt think id be into but then read it and was like HUH, guess i AM. and last but not least, deliciously perfect characterization. This is a fic I ask you to take a risk on. It will pay off. Its fun and oooh soooooooo sexy. Yes, dean goes to pound town too, but I promise- odenkirk makes it WORK.  Blush meter: off the charts. I had to put my phone down and reckon with Jesus.  favourite line:   Rio: Don't get precious, sweetheart. It's you cuz it's you.  AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
❤ miles before you sleep - FakePlastikTrees (@nakedmonkey)
THIS AUTHOR has EVERYTHING! FakePlastikTrees is one of those authors where... I read one fic - then buckled my seatbelt and clicked on her account so I could systematically read through every. single. fic. They are often short scenes that feel so true. Her Rio characterization makes me green with (benevolent) envy. and her smut?? oof. top notch.  This fic in particular lives in my heart because it really truly feels like a missing GG scene between Beth and our favourite tattooed babysitter. The atmosphere is tangible and the author slows time down for these two, it stretches out like you are smokin in the suburbs with them. I love a MickFic and this one is top tier. 
favourite line: “Oh come on. He’s a little unhinged.” “Takes one to know one.” 
❤  people can be so cold - s_t_c_s (@sothischickshe)
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this fic has EVERYTHING. scrabble competitiveness! annie speaking truths! christmas beth! christmas rio?!?! delicious bickering! CABIN isolation!  gift giving perfection! I could go on and on and on.  This fic just pulls you straight in. stcs crafts the timeline so effortlessly, and weaves it with so many endearing and authentic feeling details (beth has her own ‘guys’ now, and we know this bc she gives them sweets and food. OF COURSE) The longing between her and rio is so RICH. if you want your heart to swell a million sizes - this is the fic for you.  favourite line:  They hadn’t – been intimate yet, back when she got him arrested, or the first few times he’d shoved a gun in her face. And the sexual part had been all done and dusted prior to their, god, kidnapping and shooting fiasco. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t present throughout – a hovering spectre, forming a treacherous spine through all their endeavours.
  ❤ listening through the air shaft - ms_scarlet (@mego42)
now this fic. actually for real, has everything. because its every POV you never knew you NEEDED.  and mego42 absolutely nails each and every one. especially Dean. Its a complicated look into his blubbering sexist mind, and misguided fixations that is really well-written. The way in which brio has their own arc throughout the chapters, but told through the eyes of those around them - is amazing. this fic just makes you love every character even MORE.  favourite line: well.. annie, mick and ruby have a group chat and thats all you need to know. anytime that comes up = favourite line.
❤ instigator - nomind (@inyoursheets)
be still my bisexual heart. this fic has everyONE! Yes, this fic dissolves into perfect threesome smut BUT before you get there, you get this awesome set up of a dangerous-feeling connection between Rhea and Beth. They are honest, open and fully acknowledging the fuckedupness of their desire. For how small a part Rhea has in the show - this author NAILS her voice, it’s uncanny. Both of them talking about rio? sign me up. Rio coming home to it? sign me UP.  favourite line: “Jesus,” she hears behind her. “What am I looking at right now?” Rhea smiles down on her, ignoring him, running her fingers through Beth’s hair.
** shout out to another be-still-my-bi-heart fic : @sothischickshe​’s “its a dirty, dirty, game”
❤ do not pass go - linzackles @mrslackles
this. fic. has. every. thing.  I am currently putting every single important thing in my life on hold to PLOUGH through this series. like full speed ahead. UGH. marcus!!! beth and rio at an event! a fancy one! big bad business dudes! betrayal! beth making bad choices! rio unable to fully communicate the weight of his desire for her! angst! just excellent, excellent, excellent plots. i like everything!!!!! favourite line: truly impossible. they are all art. but this one made me cackle.  Shrugging, she responds. In the bathroom, eating nuts.Annie’s reply comes through instantly. Rio’s???????
❤  meet me under the mistletoe - sdktrs12 (@sdktrs12)
this fic.... has.... everything. I want to include this not only because I loooOoOOOved it, but also because this author just has a talent for creating holiday themed brio fics that are not in the slightest cheesy, or forced. which is... hard! to! do! I read her halloween series while in quarantine, and it became apart of my little daily routine. each fic containing at least one moment that made me go AHHH these two!!!!!  so in short - thanks for infusing all my holidays with stellar brio. then christmas comes around and she nails it again! beth and rio begrudgingly working late?   YES. they migh each have a date but they dont DARE talk abut their jealously? YES. Bourbon as a third character? haha YES! Beth looking smokin hot? YES.  favourite line: “Is that your move? Meet me under the mistletoe?”  “Oh baby, you know my moves.”  
and PHEW. there ya go! 
Thank you amazing fanfic authors for making my year 10000000% better. 
I TAG @whiskeyjack @purplemagic @sdktrs12 @joeyjoeylee @ama-ssiempre @roxy206
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twstwonderlandstuff · 4 years
Jamil with a doting and loving little sister
why the fuck does this exist- i dont fucking know
Spoilers for Scary Halloween Event ahead!
“Karin!” A young girl with long, dark hair yelled. “Please don’t run!”
“Eh? But aren’t you excited to see your big brother, Aniq?” Karin shot back, her loose, white hair flitting through the air. “I can’t wait to see what Scarabia’s doing for Halloween this year~!”
“I am too, but...” Aniq forcefully pulled Karin back, leaving Aniq to pout. “I can’t have you ruining the Asim family name looking like that.”
“Eh? But I’m the 12th, it’s not that important.” Karin dragged out, dramatically walking back towards her right-hand (wo)man/best friend. Pouting, she reluctantly let Aniq tidy her appearance- carefully tying the whit turban back in place, tugging the aqua-blue sleeveless top so it covers her decently, making sure the matching colored parachute pants reach her bottoms and shining the golden jewel that rests on her sandals it’s Jasmine.
“There, much better.” Aniq gave her a once over, satisfied at the appearance. “Wait, let me do yours too!” Karin insisted, roughly cleaning Aniq’s image. 
“Ah, don’t-” Aniq gave up, letting the girl do as she pleased- well, it’s not like anyone can see them, right? Just in case, Aniq gave the room they were in (Karin’s room) a onceover, glad that nothing was amiss.
In contrast to Karin, Aniq wore a very simple black cloak that draped gracefully over her shoulders and a collared, midi-length, grey dress that has buttons running its entire length. For a pop of color, orange, curly-toed shoes line her feet (it’s a witch)
“There~ you look better, see?” Karin grinned. “Now we can both look good!”
“Well, I guess... thanks.” Aniq replied, twirling around. “Well then, my lady, shall we go?” She teasingly asked, offering Karin an arm.
“But of course. We can’t have our brother’s anxiously wait for our arrival, can’t we?” Karin answered in kind, looping her arm in hers. 
“They don’t even know we’re coming, how are they supposed to wait?” Aniq sighed. “I wonder if this is really ok...”
“It’s fine, chill. My dad already said ok, and I forced your parents to take you with me!” Karin casually replied, stepping out of the room. A glare from Aniq made her soften her voice.
"You and your abuse of power...” Aniq sighed. “If my parents knew I told you to...”
“Hihihi... ahh, just relax already! We’re going to have fun, and you are prohibited from being anxious, do you understand?! This is a command straight from the master herself, okay?!” Karin commanded, booping Aniq’s nose.
“Hai hai~” The two of them laughed good-naturedly, chatting light-heartedly about other things.
"Woah!” Karin exclaimed. “Is this what NRC looks like when it’s Halloween?! It looks so cool...!”
“I know right?!” Aniq noticed a man with what seems like bandages, but made into clothes on him. “Oh, there’s a guy sitting there- let’s ask him for the directions of the Scarabia dorms- oh wait, isn’t that the dorm leader of Octavinelle?”
“Hmm, maybe? I think I remember someone looking like that when we came here last year.” Karin hummed, walking placentally towards the guy. “Excuse me, do you know where the Scarabia venues are?”
"Oh, welcome and happy Halloween. Yes, they are located in the Mystery shop.” Azul explained. “Do you have anything else to add?”
“No, that’s all. Thank you, and happy Halloween!” Aniq replied, flashing him a quick thank you smile before leaving with Karin. 
“Eh, you remember the way?”
“Duh~ I mean, do I not have good memory?” Aniq flexed lightly, grinning.
“Oh yeah, you helped me cheat on that test one time-”
“Ahhh shaddup don’t talk about that!” 
“Eh- but you’re the that brought up the topic!” Karin argued back.
“No, you did! I didn’t say a word about tests!”
“Oh yeah.. ahaha...”
“Ah, what am I going to do with you?” Aniq sighed, shaking her head and smiling. 
“There they are- oh...” Aniq’s spirit dissipated after seeing to long, long line that stood in front of the Mystery Shop. “H...how are we supposed to find big bro and Kalim-san now...?”
“Ahh, I don’t know...” Karin echoed, sighing sadly. “But I’m so lazy to wait in line...”
“I’ll wait for you, you go do something else.” Aniq suggested. “I think we passed a haunted house or something. You love those things, right?”
“Yup, thanks Aniq! Karin playfully teased, pressing her lips on Aniq’s cheek. “See ya!”
Aniq blushed deeply, but managed to wave her off. “Honestly, that girl...!” She grunted under her breath, a little bothered. “She’s way too affectionate...”
Aniq aligned herself in the queue, looking around. It certainly is more crowded then last year. I wonder why- oh, right, because of that picture of the ghosts and the cat. Ahh, I kind of want to see the cat... it looks so cute! She thought, smiling at the thought. And the cute girl too... I wonder why there’s a girl in NRC? Ah well, I can ask big bro, can’t I?
She grinned happily at the thought and accidentally overheard the chatter of a few people.
“Ahh, I wonder what angles I should take for the waffle?” Girl A pondered, asking her friend.
“I think from up high is good because the lighting is better. That way, the post will definitely get more likes.” Girl B answered, concluding Girl A’s response.
“Hey, are we going to actually eat the waffle? No, right? It’s so annoying to walk around holding this around...” Girl A sighed, hesitantly looking at the waffle store.
“But it says not to throw it here...eh, I’m sure its fine since everyone is doing it too!”
“Right, right!” The two continued chattering, but Aniq’s eyes went straight for the trash can.
She glanced at the pile of waffles and containers surrounding the trash can. Ahh, I don’t think big bro is going to enjoy that... She spotted several caterpillars and slugs on the trash can and sighed. Most definitely not.
Silently, quietly, she muttered a spell: Spread your wings, and turn the ugly to good.
After a few seconds, the pile of trash became a flight of butterflies, which quickly dissapeared and flitted into the air, along with the caterpillars and slugs.
“Woah, the trash just dissapeared! Is that the way they clean the trash?” Girl A gasped, shaking Girl B by the shoulders.
“So pretty! Let’s throw some more trash so we can see it again! Maybe if we put it on Magicam it’ll become viral!” Girl B added. 
That’s not what I meant to do! “Don’t-” The word slipped out before Aniq could stop herself. The two strangers in front of her glared at her. 
“Have you been eavesdropping on us? That’s rude.”
“Ah- I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help it when you said that you’d continue littering.” She countered calmly.
“Why not? It doesn’t hurt anyone, right?”
“Well, there is a sign clearly indicating that you shouldn’t throw trash, but if you ignore that, then yes, the actions you did obviously have no impact at all.” She chastised sarcastically, pointing towards the sign. 
“Ahh, so annoying! Let’s just wait for the waffles another time. I’m tired of waiting in line anyway.” Girl A said, shooting a dirty glance at Aniq, which she subtly ignored. 
“Yeah.. oh, let’s go to Savanaclaw! Maybe the rumor that...” The 2 customers walked away, letting Aniq take their place. 
2 people away from my order... come on, hurry up! Aniq thought impatiently. Ah, shit, where’s Karin?
She hurriedly pulled out her phone and called. After precisely 3 rings, Karin’s cheery voice rang from the other side. 
Is everything okay on your end?
Ehh, are you worried~?
When am I never worried? Aniq deadpanned.
That’s true, yeah. I’m okay! I took a picture with THE Malleus Draconia, can you believe it?! I mean, there were these people who tried touching him, but I got a brain, so I didn’t do that. 
Heh?! Really? Woah, they have some guts! Aniq replied in surprise. 
“Next.” She stepped forward one step, noticing that the server had some wolf ears attached to them. Hmm, I don’t remember Scarabia students having animal ears... it’s probably for the costume.
Oh, and I found the cute girl in the picture you were talking about! 
Eh, did you find the cat and the ghosts too?! Send me the pictures ya! Aniq reminded her.
Yup, will do~ Karin replied fleetingly. They were swarmed with people haha! I pitied them, so I just... watched as the throng of people overwhelmed them. The people were saying something about the Malleus Draconia challenge, or something.
Eh, really? What’s it about?
Like, they have to film them touching him. Isn’t that crazy?
Well, more like moronic but yeah, I guess. I heard a few people talk about Magicam here too. ‘Let’s upload the waffle pictures! It’ll definitely get a lot of likes!’ then they throw it away! So stupid, right? Karin snorted.
...Are there people in the area-
Oh shit-
Oh my god you dumbass- Aniq could hear her friend laugh. Well, order some waffles for me, okay? I’m headed over there right now.
Aight then, bye!
Bai bai~
“Next, please!” The Scarabia student called, prompting Aniq to eagerly step forward, happy to see her big brother-
“Oh, is that you, Aniq?” Kalim cheerfully asked, prompting Aniq to quickly bow. 
“Ah, Kalim-sama!” Kalim laughed. 
“Raise your head up, jeez! I told you over and over you don’t need to do that, ya know~” Kalim lectured playfully, resulting in a quiet giggle from Aniq.
“Yes, master!” She inclined, using her left hand as a salute. “Can I take a picture- after I order, of course!”
“Sure!” Kalim agreed. “So, what do you want?”
“2 NRC waffles, please.” Kalim cringed at the word. “You’re going to actually eat it, right~?”
“Of course! What’s the point of buying food you’re not going to eat?” She casually answered back. 
“Don’t be so casual, Aniq.” Jamil’s voice floated through the booth. She grinned once she saw him. 
“Big bro!” Jamil was quick to give her a head pat, which she radiated from. “Aha, sorry... it slips out sometimes.”
“Hmm.” Jamil replied. “Kalim, the residents of Scarabia are asking for your help. Can you handle it by yourself?”
Kalim nodded, putting a thumbs up. “Leave it to me!” He then left to help with whatever needed to be done.
Aniq eyed her big brother. “Oh, you’re donned in a costume too, big bro.”
“All vice-dorm leaders and leaders are required to wear the costumes.” 
“Oh, did you make it, big bro?” Jamil shook his head. 
“No, Vil did- Pomefiore dorm leader.”
“Ahhh, you mean the pretty guy in charge of the mirror of chambers?” Jamil nodded. “I saw it on one of the flyers plastered on the walls.” 
"Ah, that makes sense. Ah, Aniq.”
“Can you guess the theme of our dorm venue? I’ll add in a special treat if you guess it right.” Jamil teased, watching his sister’s eyes light up. 
“Really?! Well, um...” Her eyes quickly darted to take in the surroundings. The ragged carpet draped across the trees and roofs, with lanterns hanging from the trees. “Well, it’s very LHS (Land of Hot Sands)… oh!” She gasped, clicking her fingers. “Is it recyclable material? The carpets are made out of rags, and the lanterns out of reusable plastic.”
Jamil hummed, genuinely pleased. “You’re right.” Aniq beamed at the praise. ““I assume you’re with Karin?” He questioned.
“Mhmm, but she’s in the haunted house, or wherever Malleus Draconia is in. ”Oh, by the way, bro, what’s with the trash piling in front of the station? Are people really just buying the waffles to take pictures on Magicam?” Aniq asked, watching his eyebrows furrow.
"Unfortunately.” Jamil sighed. handing her the cones. "We tried telling them off, but they wouldn’t listen. They also bugged with Kalim’s tail.” Jamil smiled smugly, giving her the scones back. “Oh, and thank you for the trash.” 
“Ah, you saw, big bro?” She asked happily. Jamil shook his head. “You shouldn’t be using your UM so casually.”
“I know, I know, but it did help, right?” She grinned, but before she could continue, someone behind her whispered: “Oh my god she’s taking so long!”
“Oh, right!” Aniq quickly realized. “Um, chocolate for me and Mint choc-chip for Karin.”
“Of course.” Jamil got right to it, taking the wrappers from their containers. 
“How’s everything going, big bro?” Jamil raised an eyebrow at the question. “You know what I mean, with Kalim-sama... and everything.” Aniq asked, staring straight at her brother, who sighed deeply. 
"Don’t say that out in public.”
“But I’m worried! You’re doing okay, right?” Aniq frowned.
“It’s been... decent. He still treats me like a friend, no matter how many times I shrug him off. It’s annoying.” Jamil hissed, putting more force then usual when putting the waffles. “I’m just thankful nobody- except you- knows about this back home.”
“Ahaha... Kalim-sama is always like tha-” Her phone rang, interrupting her talk.
Jamil, well understanding the circumstances, quickly handed her the waffles, mouthing ‘For free.’ Aniq grinned in thanks and waved goodbye, walking away. 
What happened?!
I found this cute guy, and- Aniq wanted to slap her.
Oh my god, I thought you were in ACTUAL trouble you dumbass!
Hehe- anyways I found this really cute guy and he’s got ears and- OH MY GOD HE’S COMING MY WAY- oh nevermind he’s walking away...
Aniq couldn’t help but laugh at her friend’s simping level. I’ll be there right away. Maybe we can get you to score a date with him.
so basically lads
Aniq (which means classy in Arabic haha see what I did there): Jamil’s younger sister
Karin (a play on the Kalim’s name): Kalim’s younger sister
also they cute Karin’s just rlly affectionate 
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thoushallnotfall · 4 years
Hey, I hope you're feeling better!! 🧡 Also, I don't know if you're still taking questions but at what point you think The Boys mind tricks go? Do they read minds or they just can manipulate a little? Do all of them have that or this is more a "David thing"? I love your stories, man! Can't wait to your Halloween stuff! But no pressure, really. Take your time and be kind to yourself 🧡
Ahhh, I don't know when you send this to me (dang tumblr not telling me when I get messages! 😭) but thank you!! ❤️❤️ I'm definitely always taking questions!
I feel like the mind thing has sort of just been a universal headcanon by the fandom, so the 'rules' for it are kind of lacks. I personally don't like to take it all the way and have them read everyone's minds (that takes all the fun out of it for me. I like that air of mystery, back and forth repartee; and you kind of lose some of that when you already know what the other person's thinking) but I love the idea that they have a psychic link with each other. The idea that once you're 'part of the pack' so to speak that you just get tuned into each other's thoughts (whether you necessarily want to or not) is both wonderful and hysterical to me.
As far as controlling thoughts, I have seen some fics give them that power, though I personally have never really had them utilize any abilities like that. (I will say that does come into play in some vampire lore, so it's not totally off base, and I could totally see them having those types of powers) To me it just seems out if character for them though; they're just so...animalistic? Hmm, they're the 'shoot first ask questions later' types? Uhm...they don't always...plan ahead?
... ... ...
They're stupid teenage boys and they'd rather fuck shit up with their bare hands than use mind control.
Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say.
Anyway; while David is their leader I don't think he has any powers the others wouldn't. David might be more inclined to utilize mind control more than say Paul or Marko if they had it; but honestly I'd think would Dwayne use it the most out of any of them.
Anyway, thanks for the question! Again, sorry I didn't answer right away; tumblr didn't put it in my notifications and I totally didn't see it! 😱💀
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junkratsloverat · 4 years
Alright, got a lot of questions for you: Cake pop, chocolate truffle - Halloween; raspberry remains tart - cafe; ozian green tea, iced cinnamon buns - ozdust heelie; pecha berry bubble tea, sky forme biscuit - shaymin; day after con, meet and greet - convention, all for any f/o(s) (@sanjis-soulmate)
Cake Pop: Do you like to tease your F/O? Are they easy or hard to embarrass?
Yeah, all the time! It’s fun, watchin’ her get flustered and blushy. It’s pretty easy, buuuut I’ve had a good bit of practice~
Chocolate Truffles: What made you realize you liked your F/O? Was it quick or more slowburn?
Took me longer than it took her, that’s for sure. Now, I never disliked her, right? It just... took me a while to see how much she meant to me ― er, means to me. Yeah, that sounds better. Anyway! The first time it felt like... real, I guess? Was the first time she fell asleep on my shoulder. We hadn’t known each other for that long, but it felt like a- uh, what’s it called? Trust fall? Trust... somethin’, can’t remember, not important. But she was so peaceful, y’know? Like a lil angel or somethin’...
Raspberry Remains Tart: /a small, for-one, tart of puff pastry, raspberries, and powdered sugar/ Do you and your f/o(s) ever feed each other? Or do you steal bites when they aren’t looking?
We share snacks all the time! Marshmallows are the most fun, ’cause we do the chubby bunny thing! I got 30 last time~
Ozian Green Tea: What’s your favourite way to relax with your F/O after a long day?
As much as I love when we play around with her dog... I think my favorite’s when we draw or color together and just shoot the shit. She doesn’t draw as much as she used ta, but she’ll color my stuff!
Iced Cinnamon Buns: Share a handful of things you associate with your F/O the most! Objects, Songs, Colours - you name it!
Just about everything blue. And, uh... all that plush shit. Wait, no, Roadie likes those, too... huh... She’s got these old... CD’s she used to listen to? Some boyband I can’t remember? If I’m not gonna be home for a bit, I’ll “borrow” a couple and listen to ’em when I’m homesick. Helps more than you’d think.
Pecha Berry Bubble Tea: What are some of your favorite memories with your F/O?
The first time she went on a job with us ― after we taught her a thing or two, right? Ain’t sendin’ her out there before she’s ready, y’know? ― stressful as it was, it was really fuckin’ fun! Seein’ her eyes light up at all that destruction, knowin’ we were the ones that did it... ahhh, it was so good~
Sky-Forme Biscuit: In what ways has your F/O helped you? And in what ways have you helped them?
She’s good at keepin’ my head on straight ― says I do the same thing for her, but I’unno if I buy that, heh.
Day after the Con: What are you and your F/Os like when you’re tired? Are you cuddly or do you tend to sleep on your own side of the bed with no touching?
We fall asleep curled up together, but who knows how we’re gonna wake up! Usually on of us’s curled up around the other like a koala. It’s cute! ...until my arm falls asleep.
Meet and Greet: How do you and your F/O greet each other everyday? What is the greeting like when you haven’t seen each other in a while?
Kisses, usually. She likes ’em on her forehead, which is good, ’cause it’s easier to reach~
Thanks, @sanjis-soulmate! These were fun! :D
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maximumkillshot · 5 years
By The Books Part 1- Meeting the Professors
Warnings: Mentions of actual murders and psychopaths as well as what they did(this includes rape, torture, murder)[It’s brief but I wanna be safe.], The setting is after the show ends (in my head they’re fine... well some of them.], Major character death is described, cursing, Professor! Dean Winchester, Professor! Sam Winchester, Promise that it gets better though! 
Pairing: Professor!Dean x Reader x Professor!Sam (EVENTUALLY)
Characters: Claire, Dean, Sam, Reader, Jack is mentioned, Mary is also mentioned.
A/N: This part is long... I know, but trust me when I say we are setting up a monster fic so please take the time to read all of it.... LOVE Y’ALLL!!! Also.... sorry in advanced... also thank you for brainstorming with me @anathewierdo and @emoryhemsworth
“All I Could Do” Masterlist- CLICK HERE
Overall Masterlist- Click Here
“When You Call” Masterlist- Click Here
“The Situation” Masterlist- Click Here
 “I can’t believe it took me four years to be able to take these classes,” I said to my friend, Claire as we filed into the giant lecture hall. “You’d think that topics as niche as ‘religious deities and ritual practices’ and ‘the psychology of murder and criminology’ would be a bit more available’.
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“Well you know, the professors are in demand. They each have been studying their practices for years, just started teaching though,” said Claire, absentmindedly as she claimed the seats in the front row and center of the hall.
“Okay...how do you know all of that?” I asked.
“I grew up with them…. my mom worked with them on some cases… she’s a sheriff. They’re pretty cool people. Came over for dinner a few times… they were present for some… awkward conversations.” Shuddered Claire.
“Do I even wanna know”
“Hell no”
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“Fair enough,” I said as a tall man in a suit came in. He had long brown hair and eyes that could stop anyone in their tracks. He was also incredibly tall and had a body chiseled from marble. Immediately he set his suitcase down and started speaking, “Hello class, wow, big crowd. Hi, my name's Samuel Winchester, please for the love of everything call me Professor or Professor Winchester.”
There was immediate buzzing around the room, everything from women humming in approval and men scoffing at the Adonis in front of them.
When he turned around my head snapped to Claire and she smiled at me… that shit eating grin that spilled that she knew he had an effect on me.
“Something wrong, Y/N?” Asked Claire with a toothy grin…
When I went to shush her the professor spoke up, “Claire… do you have something to share?”
“Oh, I have a few things to share” Claire nudged me and my eyes went wide. I’d known Claire since we both enrolled in the same year, both with an odd interest in the supernatural, she became my go-to for everything weird and out of the norm. She always praised me for my prowess in religious studies, I also knew a lot about different abnormal psychology, which is my major. This is also why she didn’t leave me alone until we took these classes together. Finally, with one semester left to go, I was finally able to take the course, purposely leaving some elective credits for this.
“Go for it, since you’re so eager to share that I can’t even get through the ground rules for this class.”
“Well first off, hi, I’m Claire, criminal justice major, just like mom intended but you know this…. I’m excited to see whatcha got Sam… teach me somethin’” she bounced as my face turned white next to her.
“The first lesson for you, Claire…” the professor pointed to himself, “Professor Winchester… not Sam. Okay? That one was free… don’t make me call Jody.”
Claire huffed as she crossed her arms, then I heard his deep voice address me, “You okay there? You look a little pale.”
Why is my mouth not working, his gaze is so intense yet.. gentle? How can a literal giant look so soft and patient…
“Now is the point in the interaction where you talk” chuckled Claire. The rest of the class chuckled as the professor shot a glare towards her.
“She’s just trying to cover the fact that she isn’t getting any special favors and that she’s on thin ice. Mere minutes away from having her mom roll up here in a police car gunning for her ass, actually… don’t worry… you okay?” He turned his attention back to me.
“Y-yes sir,” I replied.
“Professor works just fine,” responded the professor as he turned his back once more.
He wrote the word ‘rules’ on the board.
His voice boomed as he addressed the lecture hall, “first things first some ground rules. I am going to be teaching real religious deities and practices. This means actual runes and witchcraft, which also means that under no circumstances are you to practice these, unless they are a part of your religious beliefs, of course. This means… absolutely no cursing, hexing, summoning, or rune writing in this or any classroom!”
Claire smirked, which the professor caught and didn’t let slide, “and under no circumstances is there any potion or relic making in any way, shape or form… Claire, I’m looking at you…”
Claire rolled her eyes as the class got underway.
After discussing the syllabus and course materials he began the lecture with a simple question, “Who can tell me the major differences in between Wicca and Witchcraft?”
I raised my hand and he picked me.
“That’s a trick question”
“Oh is it, explain.”
“Wicca is also known as Pagan Witchcraft. In Wicca they have no central deity, instead worshipping and giving thanks to the elements and personifications of these elements. Sometimes through prayer, other times through rituals that call upon the personifications of these elements. This is where the classical form of witchcraft comes from. There are light and dark witches, each specializing in their own forms of worship, although dark witches are known to hex and curse others, where as white witches can be seen as healers. Some who practice Wicca don’t even dabble in classical witchcraft at all…”
The professor’s jaw was wide open as I finished my explanation, “therefore...what you asked is a trick question.”
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The professor smiled as he said, “I’ve been teaching this class for two years now and no one has gotten that question correct on the first try...except for you...bravo…” he then turned to the rest of the class, “for the rest of you who aren’t walking encyclopedias on Wicca and Witchcraft, read pages 13 to 45 for next class… although you, young lady may just wanna read it for fun” he said with a wink.. “alright...class dismissed, see? Who knew witchcraft isn’t that scary after all? See you on Thursday guys.”
Claire grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the podium, the closer I got to him the larger his frame became.
Finally, we were right in front of him, Claire practically bulldozing all of the other students that crowded the podium…
“Since the class is over, can I call you Sam now, Professor.” Over annunciated Claire.
“Depends on who we’re in front of, and how did it take you two years to get into my class, Claire? .” He said as he closed his briefcase, when he looked up he said, “ahhh my star pupil, knowing that much on the first day, I’m impressed.”
“This is my friend, Y/N Y/L/N… remember I came home raving about her when we first met?”
“Oh yeah… Claire said you had some major knowledge but I wasn’t expecting you to blow everyone out of the water on the first day…good job.”
“Thank you, “ I said shyly.
He looked at his watch and then said: “shoot I’m meeting someone to go over lesson plans, umm it was nice meeting you and Claire don’t get her in trouble.”
As soon as Claire was a few feet away, his hand brushed my arm and he said, “seriously, great work today. Just so you know…” he leaned in closer, “now that I know how smart you are, I’m going to be expecting much, much more out of you...no pressure” he chuckled. The next thing I knew he was out the door.
By the time I met Claire outside I was completely confused. Claire just looked at me as I said, “He is seriously gorgeous.”
“Eww, dude, he’s like my older brother, practically an uncle! Please don’t give me that mental image.” She smiled as she nudged me.
“You knew he would do that to me, didn’t you?” I asked, almost amused.
I  gave her the stink eye.
“Okay, I did know… What with the way you react to Channing Tatum and Thor, of course I’m not gonna tell you that Sam’s your type… knowing you…. You would’ve run for the hills and you would’ve never gotten to know him!” Said Claire.
“He’s a Professor, Claire… Not a Tinder date…” I scoffed, “Being with him in any way would be unethical.”
“Oh please, I know you... I’ve known you for four years, which means that I know that for Sam, you’d break any law in any and every country if he asked you to. Hell, you even called the man ‘sir’. Who does that?” Snickered Claire.
“Shut up, Claire. It just slipped out. He’s intimidating, he’s the literal size of a skyscraper ” I defended.
“If you think that he’s intimidating, then you’re gonna love the next Professor, come on, class starts in 15!” Said Claire as she walked me down the long corridor of the building.
I stopped mid-stride “Wait here it is, room, 132.” As soon as we walked into the hall it looked like a Halloween store, with different photos and mannequins of horror movie characters.
As we filed into the hall, Claire, once again, immediately pulled me to the front and center of the lecture hall. Not too long after that a man walked in and sat next to me. He had piercing green eyes and a jaw that could cut glass, absolutely stunning. He was also dressed up, my guess was that he is just a curious business student since he had a lollipop and looked as casual as his getup allowed.
I heard constant chatter about the professor, everything from him being a jackass to him being incredibly good looking and flirtatious.
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As soon as the lecture hall filled up and it was time for class the man that was sitting next to me nudged me and said, “well, looks like it’s showtime,” and got up.
My jaw dropped as he stood and jumped onto the raised lecture area.
“Murder… It’s messy, most times…” The man said as he opened up a briefcase, already on the podium, he handed papers to the first student he saw. Some students chuckled at his shocking yet honest opening words.
“You are here to learn not just about why people kill, but how, how could this person kill another human being?  What were they thinking, if they were thinking at all? What’s their motive, What made them tick….How they kill the way they kill, and who was the person that they killed if that had anything to do with it. You are also going to learn some ties in between these guys,” he pointed to the more prominent horror movie character mannequin,” and the real thing.” He continued.
“My name is Dean Winchester and I am a professor in Abnormal Psychology, specializing in psychological profiling of killers who were dumb enough to get caught.”
He looked around the class as he stated, “This is going to get gruesome if the name of the course didn’t give it away already. You will see dismembered bodies, you will see blood, you will see the worst of humanity in this class… So if you’re squeamish… this isn’t the class for you. You can get up and leave, no one will judge you.”
Immediately 10 to 20 students got up and left, “The remainder of you… you are one of two types of people. You are either a murderer who’s looking to brush up on technique or you’re morbidly curious. That’s the only way you’d be crazy enough to take a class that isn’t even required for a criminal justice major.”
“Now, before I get the influx of questions, yes Professor Sam Winchester is my brother, we are not twins, I am four years older than him, we don’t discuss student’s grades but we do discuss students which means all of the rules for his classroom apply to mine.”
The professor’s face turned hard as steel, “ No potions, no hexing, cursing, rune making, or summoning. If you try, we will trace it back to you, and we will not only report you but reverse it onto you with no way of removing it… I’ve already had many students try to make a voodoo doll, love potions, persuasion spells, the whole nine so don’t think we haven’t seen it and that we won’t do anything about it.”
He then turned to face the board as he said, “don’t believe us, you’re more than welcome to try and find out. Every single shaman, healer, spellcaster, witch, all of them have their special signatures… we will find yours and you will not like what comes next.”
He started writing, “You can all read the syllabus on your own time, since you’re all college students, I assume you can read. If you give me 100% off your efforts, your grades will reflect that.. if you give me shitty work…. you’ll get a shitty grade, simple enough.”
“But we are starting… now.” He turned around to reveal that he wrote ‘serial killers’ on the board…
“Claire, about damn time you’re in my class. Tell me, what do you know about Ted Bundy?” He said as he crossed his arms and leaned on the podium, casually licking and sucking on the lollipop as he waited for an answer.
Claire looked at him and said, “well he’s a serial killer…”
Dean’s eyes narrowed as he said, “well, no shit Sherlock, what else, Claire….give me something!” Said Dean as he motioned in the air… “Anything…”
“Ummm he only killed women…”
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He huffed and nodded as he said “Yes but what else, can anyone tell me what else he did? Anything about him?”
I raised my hand and the professor licked his lips and called on me, “C’mon give me something good..”
I started, “Ted Bundy, your classic deranged serial killer. He was active in the 1970’s and admitted to killing 30 women, although his kill count is expected to be much higher. He was most known for kidnapping, raping, and killing women, then dismembering the bodies, he was executed in 1989.”
His eyebrows shot up as he said, “tell me, did he take any souvenirs of his kills?”
“Yes, the heads of the women.”
“THANK YOU!!!” He exclaimed, “You must be Y/N… Heard nothing but good things from Claire and Sammy, I only expect the best out of you… So let’s get a little more challenging here… Tell me, Y/N… What’s the difference in between Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy?”
I replied simply, “John Wayne Gacy, nicknamed ‘the killer clown’ because his day job was being a clown at parties. Active in the 80′s. His victims were teenage boys and young men. His confirmed kill count is 33. He was also known for torturing as well as sexually assaulting and murdering the victims.”
“Very good Y/N… Something tells me you'll be teaching me a few things too.” Dean replied as he licked his lips and looked at me up and down.
After a lengthy class on different serial killers, he assigned us homework and dismissed the class, everyone practically ran out except for Claire and me, as she insisted on personally introducing me to him.
When I turned around to get my bag, I felt someone behind me. Then I heard the professor’s voice loud and clear directly behind me.”
“Hey, Claire… I remember you telling me about Y/N being smart and all, but you didn’t tell me that she had brains and beauty too.” He said, immediately making me blush.
When I turned around he was practically chest to chest with me. Noticing the awkward distance he stepped back a bit.
“Really Dean? You just met her and you’re already hitting on her?” Claire quipped, “it was bad enough that you couldn’t keep your eyes off of her the entire class.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Claire.” Refuted the professor. He then turned his attention towards me, “I just wanted a proper introduction. Hello, My name’s Dean Winchester, it’s a pleasure to meet you and I can’t wait to have you in my class.” He extended his hand as I stood there, dumbfounded.
Claire nudged me and I accepted the handshake saying, “hello, and I can’t wait to get to have your class. This is really interesting stuff.”
Dean smiled, “The human mind is interesting… especially when a few screws are loose… but something tells me you already know that. Judging by the rockstar performance you put on today. I’m assuming that much of my course material as well as Sammy’s is going to be child’s play for you… So I want to offer you an opportunity.”
“Sure!” I exclaimed.
He smiled as he continued, “I know you’re graduating in a semester, and since you’re interested in this… I need a research assistant. I’m working on a book, something that the college is making me do. But I need people like you to help me research some things, it’s a paid position and I don’t mind counting it as an independent study. You’re an abnormal psychology major so I was hoping you’d be interested.”
“I am more than interested.” I immediately replied.
“Great. Then meet me in my office at 3 pm. I’ll have the W-9 paperwork and all of that drawn up by then. I look forward to working with you.”
Claire interrupted with, “hey…. why didn’t you offer me that?”
He just stared at her and said, “really? Claire no offense but you are nowhere near qualified for this.”
“What? I’m qualified!”
“Oh really, where do you get your information from? What website?”
“Exactly… I rest my case…now I need to go and meet my brother for lunch… rub it in his face about how I got the notorious Ms. Y/L/N as my research assistant. I’ll see you both next class.”
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Room 412: Professor Samuel Winchester.
I scoffed at the nameplate and just opened the door. Sam looked at me almost insulted…
“Dude… knock much?” He commented as he went back to grading papers or whatever he was doing.
“Oh please Sammy, it’s bad enough that we had to retire, now you’re complaining about manners too?”
“Listen Dean… I know this is hard for you.” Said Sam.
“Hard?” I commented. “This… this isn’t hard.. pretending I can do very well Sam. Burying Jack and mom… now that was hard. What’s impossible which somehow you are executing perfectly is acting like neither of them ever existed.”
“Dean, we had to move on and we agreed..”
“I know… we agreed that retirement is the only option. The only way we can save the people that we love.. I know..” 
Sam looked at me, with pain in his eyes, “you still having those dreams?”
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I looked at him, “every single night. Mom throws herself on a bed of wood and waits for Jack to light it. Jack lights it and then walks into the flames with her… I can’t move… can’t do anything, Sammy.” I huffed as I loosened my tie and collapsed into the chair next to his desk motioning in the air.
“Maybe you should go to see somebody, Dean.” He replied gently.
“Like who? A shrink?” I laughed, “ I will be in the nearest asylum instantaneously, Sammy. How do I explain half of the shit we’ve been through? ‘Well, it all started when a demon nailed my mother to the ceiling and burned her from the inside out in my childhood home when I was 4’.... can’t imagine that going too well.”
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“No… but you can talk to me.” He said as he put his pen down and looked at me, “So, listen Dean, I …”
“Not here… and not now, Sammy.” I interrupted, “The only person I’m seeing is the lunch lady for a double bacon cheeseburger with fries… now are you coming with me or are you going to stay up here doing this?” I asked.
“Ok Dean… let’s eat.”
When we got onto the elevator I struck up a new conversation, “so… Y/N Y/L/N…. she’s something else, right?”
“Yeah, she’s crazy smart.”
“One would think she’s a hunter,” I said absentmindedly.
“No way… no scars, not one scrap of flannel on her.”
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“Y’know not every hunter wears flannel, Sammy. But you’re right… she isn’t battle hardened. Shame… she’d be one hell of a hunter…” I flashed a smirk and shrugged at Sam.
“Dean…” Sam warned.
“I know I know… keep a low profile… only kill the monsters that come looking for us.”
I huffed, “and never bring someone else into the life… I know Sammy.”
When we got off of the elevator Sam said, “I’m actually thinking of asking her to be my research assistant.”
“Too late” I replied.
“You didn’t.” Said Sam as he stopped me.
“What? Try and find someone willing to look at gruesome crime scene photos all day and actually like it… I dare you…” I said as I continued walking, “by the way most people think that your field is mostly lore based… remember, and who doesn’t like to read fiction all day? I’m sure you’ll find someone.”
“Not someone like her…” Said Sam.
“Why do you think I asked first? You snooze you lose Sammy Boy.” I said as I play punched him on the shoulder.
“Oh please dean, you only hired her because she’s hot.”
“You know I’m almost insulted that you’d think that… she’s a student, Sammy”
“But she won’t be in three months… I know how you think Dean. She’s truly intelligent… she has a future… one that doesn’t involve your bed.”
“Listen the fact that she’s hot is beside the point, Sammy. She has the brains and the ability to digest information that others would go crazy doing. She’s perfect for the job.”
“Well, she’s perfect for my job too…”
“Sammy, this is a student, not a competition… by the way, I already won…”
“Did she sign the papers?”
My eyes went wide.
WANT MORE? TELL ME SO!!! Tell me if I should do a Part 2!!
@mamaredd123 , @impala-dreamer , @impalaimagining , @jotink78 , @nichelle-my-belle , , @scorpiongirl1 , @ilostmyshoe-79 , @teamfreewillimagines , @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid , @chelsea072498 , @brickwall035 , @maui137 , @mogaruke , @jayankles , @butiaintgonnaloveem , @kawaiilivkitty , @naviwhite , @emoryhemsworth ,              
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belvera · 5 years
[Lively 4 1/2 Tatami Room] Yuika Mitsumine Full Card Story
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Mitsumine’s recent Halloween support SSR was not only a cute seasonal story, but also represented a step forward for Mitsumine and her relationship with the other members of L’Antica. I think it’s also a story many will find relatable -- Don’t we all get a little nervous when invite people over for the first time? I hope you enjoy! 
(Some background: At the time of this card’s release (10/20/19), the fact Yuika is an idol otaku is something she hides from the other idols at 283 Production, including the rest of L’Antica. Also, while not particularly significant to the story, this card’s title reveals the size of Yuika’s apartment. 4 1/2 tatami is equivalent to just under 9 x 9 feet. Her place is tiny!)
Here is a video version of this card story if you’d like to follow along! Timestamps: Commu #1, Commu #2 , and Commu #3
Commu #1: “Not as bad as I thought.”
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Location: Yuika’s Apartment
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Yuika: ......Let’s see............?
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Yuika: This area should be all safe, now......? I hid my idol merch away over there already......
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Yuika: What to do with my camera......
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Yuika: ......That should be fine to leave out, right......? Photography isn’t a hobby they’d judge me for......?
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Yuika: ......Yes, I can do this! It’ll all be okay, Mitsumine, have confidence! 
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Yuika: ──...... 
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Yuika: ......Fufu, man.
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Yuika: How did it end up like this.
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Yuika: ......So, these are the reference materials Producer wants us to watch to prepare for acting in that horror mini-drama.
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Kogane: Ack......!
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Kiriko: Wah......!
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Kogane: Hmmm~......! I don’ know if I'm strong enough for this...... 
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Kiriko: Kogane-chan......
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Yuika: Whew, man...... We're getting spooked just from seeing the covers of the DVDs.
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Kogane: It's really required that we watch all these horror movies an' dramas......!? 
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Yuika: Yup. They’re our reference material, so. 
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Kogane: Hweh~......!
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Kogane: I’ll jus', hafta push through it.....
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Kogane: Well, I that's what I’d been thinkin’...... But...... ──!
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Kogane: Nobody tol' me it was gonna be stuff this scary~!
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Yuika: Nfufu......!
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Yuika: (They gave Kogatan this job even though she said she’s no good with scary stuff...... The poor thing......)
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Yuika: (......Though, she’s still going through with watching everything. That Kogatan’s really got guts......)
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Yuika: ──Crap!
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Yuika: (Need to hide this stuff away too.)
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Yuika: (......So, what’s left...... I still need to clean, and I guess I should buy some guest cups for Kogatan and Kiririn to use, too......?)
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Yuika: Hmmm......
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Yuika: (......This would be a good opportunity to get a set for all five of us...... It probably won’t be long before I’m inviting the entire unit over, anyway──)
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Yuika: ──Uh-oh.
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Yuika: Oh, no no no...... Not so fast, Mitsumine...... Let’s not get ahead of ourselves......
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Yuika: ......Whew.
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Yuika: This really wasn’t what I intended to happen, y’know.
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Kogane: I know we gotta watch ‘em...... ! I know we gotta, but......
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Kogane: I couldn’t handle watchin’ stuff like this if I’m at home all alone!
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Yuika: Ahahah, I feel you there.
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Kiriko: ......
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Kiriko: Maybe we could all...... Watch them together......
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Kogane: ...! Y’all’d be willin’ to watch ‘em with me!?
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Yuika: All of us need to watch them anyway. So it just makes sense to watch them together! 
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Kiriko:  Fufu...... Yes......
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Kogane: Yuika......! Kiriko......! Thanks, y’all~......!
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(Kiriko and Yuika both nod.)
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Yuika: ──So, where should we host our little horror screening? Here at the office?
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Kiriko: Um, well...... If we do it here at the office.....
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Kiriko: ──Other people here might..... Get scared......
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Kogane: Kiriko’s got a point.........
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Kogane: Imagine if someone came into the office totally unaware an' saw horror on the TV. If that happened to me I'd probably start screamin’......
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Yuika: Yeah.....
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Yuika: (...... But, in that case, we don’t have a place......)
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Kogane: ......
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Kogane: ......Well, I guess, we could do it at my place then, like we usually do......
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Yuika: Ah──
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Yuika: (With Kogatan being so scared, we probably shouldn't watch them at her place if it can be avoided......)
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Kiriko: If we can’t do it at Kogane’s place...... Maybe, I could......──
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Yuika: (......Then Kiririn lives with her family...... And we’re probably gonna be really loud......)
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Yuika: (............)
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Yuika: ......Hey, I know! Why don’t we change it up!
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Yuika: How about it, you two── Wouldn’t you like to pay your first-ever visit to my humble abode?
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Kiriko & Kogane: !
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Yuika: Halloween is almost here, too.
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Yuika: I don’t think it’ll be anything fancier than us all snacking on candy together, but we could try and make our get-together a bit more festive──
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Yuika: How’s a cozy little viewing party at my place sound?
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Yuika: (Instead of “Wouldn’t you like to”, I should have said “Would you like to”.)
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Yuika: (I just want to keep up my image, is all──)
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Yuika: ──Alright, that looks much better! Now, there's no need to worry about them thinking I’m a freak!
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Yuika: Be it Kogatan or Kiririn, my apartment’s all ready for you now! 
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Yuika: ──I sure hope Halloween gets here soon~.
———– Commu #1 END ———–
Commu #2: “I know I’ll be lonely after they leave.”
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Kogane: ......Why are they goin’ that way!? There’s clearly somethin' scary over there...... !
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Yuika: No doubt about it~.
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Yuika: But unless “something scary” shows up, the plot can’t go anywhere.
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Kogane: These people are too eager to go places!
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Kogane: They gotta be more careful.....! Value their lives some.....!
(Clatter from the TV.)
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Kogane: ......*gasp*!
(Door creak from the TV .)
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Kogane: No! Don’ open it! That doors gotta have somethin' scary behind it, I jus’ know somethin’s gonna jump out~!
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Kogane & Yuika & Kiriko: ......*gasp*......!
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Kogane: ......H-Huh...... I guess not......?
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Kiriko: Y-Yes...... It looks like we were mistaken......
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Kiriko: Thank goodness......
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Yuika: No, it’s behind──
(Screams from the TV.)
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Kiriko: ......Awah!
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Kogane: Trickin’ us like that ain’t fair! It jus’ ain’t faaair~~~!
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Yuika: A-Ahahah...... ! That was real scary, huh......
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Yuika: I thought I'd prepared myself, but it still got me......
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Kiriko: Yuika-chan...... You’re amazing......
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Kiriko: You could tell it was coming......
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Yuika: Well yeah, the flags were obvio--......
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Kiriko: ......Huh?
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Yuika: Oh, nothing!
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Yuika: Anyway, it still really surprised me. Even though I saw it coming!
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Kiriko: Fufu...... Yes......
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Kogane: ──Augh! There they go again, headin’ right into another dangerous-lookin’ room...... !
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Kiriko: Ah......
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Yuika: Ahhh......
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Yuika: ......Horror sure is a lot, huh......
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Kogane: ......Phew~......! Horror really wears ya out, don’ it...... !
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Yuika: It sure does...... I guess that’s one way watching these movies is helping us prepare for the drama shoot.
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Kiriko: In the drama...... We’ll just have to do our best......
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Yuika: Uh-huh.
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Yuika: We’ve gotta make like in those movies and run right into all the dangerous-looking rooms -- Or maybe try carrying around an obviously haunted doll!
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Kogane: Yuika~! Don’ go sayin’ stuff like that!
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Yuika: Ahahah, sooorry.
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Kogane: When yer dealin’ with ghosts the best thing to do is try an’ fool ‘em...... ! Or even better, hit ‘em with the ol’ “Trick-or-Treat”!
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Kiriko: Yes......!
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Yuika: Uh? But why?
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Kogane: I hear sayin’ "Trick or Treat” is also a way of wardin’ off evil durin’ Halloween. So I bet it works jus’ as well for wardin’ off ghosts!
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Kiriko: It’s the first time...... You’ve ever invited us over......
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Kiriko: So we thought it’d be nice...... If we brought you something......
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Kogane: Me an’ Kiriko thought of it together!
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Kogane: An' if one of them ghosts from the movies tries to pay us a visit, we’ll make ‘em go away with a “Trick or Treat”!
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Kogane: Anyhow! Trick or Treat, Yuika~!
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Kiriko: Trick or Treat...... Yuika-chan......
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Kogane: Here’s the candy we brought, so now it’s yer turn, Yuika~!
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Kiriko: Fufu...... Yes......
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Kiriko: We tell Mr. Ghost...... See you another time......
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Yuika: Oh, you two......
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Yuika: ......Heh, thanks a lot.
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Yuika: ──I guess it’s time to get out the candy I'd secretly prepared for my treasured guests, then!
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Kogane: Nfufu~! That’s our Yuika~!
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Kiriko: Fufufu...... Secret...... Candy...... ♪ 
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Yuika: Fufuuun! Happy Halloween... Kogatan, Kiririn!
———– Commu #2 END ———–
Commu #3: “This is a conversation we’ve never had before, isn't it.”
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Mamimi: That reminds me... How did the drama shoot this morning go?
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Kogane & Yuika & Kiriko: !
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Sakuya: Oh, yes. I’m quite curious to know the details as well.
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Sakuya: Please, do tell.
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Yuika: ......I’ll tell you what happened, but......
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Yuika: Can you both promise that no matter what I say...... You won’t freak out...... ?
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Mamimi & Sakuya: ......!
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Kogane: Oh c’mon, Yuika~! Don' start talkin’ all weird!
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Yuika: Ahahah, I figured you wouldn’t like that.
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Sakuya: Yuika......?
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Yuika: I’m sorry, Sakuyan! Anyway, it went well! No issues at all!
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Yuika: In the studio hallway there were people dressed up as ghosts who'd pop out and try to scare us. Kogatan screamed the whole time. That kinda thing.
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Yuika: After the shoot they brought us snacks shaped like ghosts for refreshments, and Kogatan even got freaked by those......
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Kogane: Why're ya only talkin’ about what I did!?
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Yuika: Well, your reactions were what left the biggest impression......
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Kiriko: Fufu...... Yes......
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Kiriko: The drama...... Was a scary story......
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Kiriko: But the whole time...... I was having so much fun.....
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Mamimi: Well isn't that a shame.
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Mamimi: Considering I’ve heard that studio is haunted.
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Kogane: Hweh~!?
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Mamimi: There’s been a lot of ghost sightings there, don’t you know?
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Kogane: H-Hweh~~~......?
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Kiriko: ......!
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Mamimi: Maybe what you saw in the shoot were--
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Kiriko: Mamimi-chan......!
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Yuika: That’s enough, Mamimin. Kogatan is probably gonna pass out if you keep going. Knock it off.
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Mamimi:  Boo.
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Yuika: Look, you’re making Kiririn worry too.
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Yuika: While I do apologize that our experience didn’t meet your expectations!
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Yuika: The three of us have never encountered any actual ghosts, and we didn’t see any during today’s shoot either!
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Yuika: Right, Kogatan! Kiririn!
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Kogane: T-that’s right!
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Kiriko: Yes......!
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Mamimi: Well, that’s just too bad.
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Sakuya: Fufu. How about this then, Mamimi.
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Sakuya: While it won’t be the same as real ghosts, there’s still something spooky we could do.
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Mamimi: ......You’re saying we should watch the drama they were in, right?
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Sakuya: Ah, it’s as if you read my mind, Mamimi.
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Sakuya: What do you think? We can look forward to seeing what they shot today when it airs.
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Mamimi: ......Sounds pretty good.
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Mamimi: And if I record it, I can have everyone’s terrified faces preserved on my TV forever.
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Yuika: Oh hush, just how weak do you think we were?
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Mamimi:  Fufu, I guess we’re gonna find out.
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Sakuya: Although it will hurt my heart deeply to watch the three of you in peril......
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Sakuya: I am really looking forward to seeing the fruits of your hard work.
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Kogane: Me too!
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Kogane: Though, watchin’ it on my own...... Might be a bit too scary~......
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Kiriko: Then......
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Kiriko: When it airs...... Let’s watch it together......
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Yuika: Ah!
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Yuika: Oh hey, in that case! How about this!
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Yuika: If it’s cool with everyone, why don’t we watch it at my place──
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(Everyone nods.)
———– Commu #3 END ———–
Thanks for reading! While Mitsumine is still hiding her hobbies from L’Antica, It makes me so happy to see her slowly opening herself up to them more and more. I hope that in the near future Mitsumine will be able to invite over her friends without hiding away all the things she’s passionate about. (Just gotta wait for that Mitsumine-focus scenario event...)
If anyone would be interested in using this script (with credit of course) to make a subbed version of this card, please contact me here or on Twitter!
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wickedlightsalot · 5 years
Oh that's awesome! People don't normally realize that it is actually pretty common to switch majors multiple times. I'm glad you found one you liked! What's it like being a film major? Do you have any cool projects or stories as a film major?
Ahhh being a film major is absolutely so fun. It’s every aspect of flimmaking from green screen to acting to editing to shooting to writing. It’s absolutely amazing but it is soooo much work. I genuinely have no spare time during school. One of my favorite projects I’ve done is a short intruder film for Halloween. It was hard to do with only three people but it was so much fun!!
Changing your major is SO NORMAL and it’s never too late. I changed two years into school! It’s important to find something you love to do!
Get to Know Me
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pjbehindthesun · 6 years
chapter 16: road dogs and glass eyeballs
Friday, October 26th, 1990
“I still can’t believe you came to see me off, Luce! You sure Jeff didn’t mind? Doesn’t his flight leave soon?”
“Nah, we said goodbye this morning.”
“You really should have stayed in bed with your man and snuggled like the adorable otters you are.”
My friend giggles, although I’m not quite sure where she’s managing to come up with the oxygen, since my brother basically has her in a stranglehold as we all stand on the curb a little ways off from the Greyhound bus in the very early hours of the morning, getting ready to say goodbye. I’m trying hard not to think about the goodbye part.
She eases herself free and kisses his cheek. “Yeah, but I know he’s getting back in a few days. You? Who knows when you’re gonna grace us with your presence again.”
“Yeah, well, Portland’s a lot closer than Asheville.”
I interject, “we’ll come down and see you once you get settled in, promise. We’re due for a road trip.” Lucy bounces on her heels in affirmation, but Alex lets out a huff of disapproval.
“Don’t listen to ‘em, man, these two will suffocate you if you let them. Especially this one,” Alex ruffles my hair, “just go live your life, enjoy it. We’ll see you around.”
His words feel like a boot print on my chest. I swallow hard, as if that’s going to wash away the tread marks.
“But, call when you get in anyway, okay?” I curse the little quaver in my voice, which I know is what’s making Alex roll his eyes.
“I will, I will,” Patch sighs, but with a loving smile quirking his mouth.
The hiss of the bus’s air brakes makes me wince, and we all turn to watch the rest of the small group of passengers start climbing on board, or hugging their loved ones, or fussing over luggage in the storage bay. Luggage… oh right, I’d almost forgotten…
“Hey, kiddo, I forgot, I have one more thing for you in the car…”
“For fuck’s sake, Cora,” Alex ribs, but I walk past him unblinkingly, leading my brother back out to the parking lot where I can talk to him in peace.
Patch’s forehead wrinkles questioningly as I open the hatch of the Rabbit and thrust a bike wheel into his chest.
“Here, hold this, I had to pop it off to fit the whole thing in the back…”
I wrestle my bike out of the tight space and frown back over at the bus. “Huh, I thought there was a bike rack on those things, but I guess not… well, a cable lock will keep the wheel and the bike together in storage until you get there. It’s a quick release attachment, you know how those work?”
“Cora, slow down, what…” Patch’s shoulders shake with a soundless laugh as he watches me fidget with the bike.
“What do you mean, what?”
“You’re not giving me this thing, are you?”
“That’s the plan.”
He shakes his shaggy head. “No can do, C, it’s a sweet idea but it’s yours.”
“Yeah, well, it was also my idea for you to leave your truck all the way back in western Carolina in the first place, and I don’t like the idea of you all on your own in a new town with no way to get around.”
“They’ve got buses and shit, Cora.”
“Humor me, you brat,” I finish working the bike lock key off my key chain and thrust it into his hand. Something in his face contracts, and he pulls me into an embrace.
“Love you, C.”
“Love you more.”
“Try to be happy, okay?”
“Mmhmm,” I affirm, squeezing him tighter.
We rejoin Lucy and Alex on the curb, help Patch stow his one small duffel bag and new-old bike underneath the bus, and start to hug our goodbyes. None of the words being said seem to want to stick in my numb, fuzzy brain. The only things immediate enough to feel real are the last little squeeze he gives my shoulder before climbing onto the bus and the look of excitement on his face as we wave him off.
Lucy wraps her arms around my neck from behind in a fond hug, leaning her head against mine. “He’ll be alright.”
I swallow hard again and nod, not willing to unclench my teeth just in case that’s the only thing keeping me from crying.
“You two are unbelievable. He’s a grown man, he’ll be fine,” Alex grumbles.
Without even turning my head, I know exactly what kind of glare Lucy’s giving him. But instead of arguing with him, she lets go of me and turns me around. “So, I gotta head back and get to work, but it’s movie night tonight…”
“Oh, right.” I’d lost track.
“...but I feel like heavier artillery’s in order. Night out?”
I glance at my boyfriend to gauge his reaction. “Oh, I don’t know, I mean, Alex is leaving Sunday morning, I probably ought to --”
“No, hey, it’s cool,” he cuts in, “I can go game over at Brian’s, you girls have fun.”
Lucy smiles and starts to chatter about what we might do for a girls’ night while we walk back to the Rabbit, but I’m stuck on Alex and his eagerness for a night apart so soon before a whole week of nights apart. We really are done here, aren’t we? What are we even doing?
“So, have you decided what you want to be?”
Cora’s rummaging through the thrift store’s bargain bin of hats as she asks me about Halloween. There’s a thing next week at the Tavern with a drink special if you show up in costume, and I’d talked the guys into it the other night. Cora took a little more convincing, but I think the prospect of sitting home in an empty house finally got to her, and she agreed to play along. Normally, I don’t think Alex leaving town for a week would have her feeling quite this down -- after all, they’re pretty good at managing time apart for her research trips -- but it’s obvious how intensely she’s already feeling the void left by her brother. She’s keeping it together admirably, but everything about her is more subdued since this morning.
“I have absolutely no idea,” I tell her as I pluck a fuzzer off of a pair of red velvet platform heels. “I was thinking I could just recycle the flower child from last year, I still have the fringed vest.”
“Oh come on, we can do better than that. What’s Jeff going as?”
“Larry Bird.”
“Typical,” she snorts. “I’ll only acknowledge it as a success if he wears the super short 70’s shorts.”
“Oh, bet on it,” and we crack up loudly enough that the only other patron in here on a Friday night looks up from his careful inspection of a broken camera to figure out what we’re laughing at.
We poke around the racks, trying various things on for size, debating costume ideas for the creatively and budgetarily challenged, and ultimately settle on plans for us both. Pleased that I managed to incorporate the velvet shoes into my own idea, we pay for our finds and walk the few blocks to the bar where we’d planned to have a drink. On our way, we catch up on each other’s lives. Her frustration with her advisor Jim, who keeps forgetting to send in a recommendation letter for her fellowship application. My annoyance with Greta for piling more responsibilities on my plate after someone else in our department quit. Her excitement over finally getting a chance to listen to the new Neil Young album. The stray cat that I’ve been seeing in our building parking lot, who looks ready to have her kittens and who I’ve been leaving food out for. Where we’d actually go on a road trip, not just to Portland to visit Patch but throughout the whole West. It’s a steady, comforting rhythm that’s rudely interrupted by a sleazy guy about our age who’s already three sheets to the wind when he catches up to us on the sidewalk as he walks the same direction.
“Damn, where are you fine ladies heading tonight?”
I have to try not to laugh as I watch the loathing seep out of Cora’s every pore. Half the fun of going out anywhere with her is watching her destroy buffoons like this one, who only seem to materialize when we don’t have our usual herd of guys in tow. But she’s in a quieter mood tonight, so I decide it’s my turn.
“Just out for a walk,” I respond in a neutral tone.
“And may I app..ccompany you?” he hiccups, I guess trying to seem gentlemanly but failing miserably.
“No thanks, it’s a girls’ night tonight, just want to spend time with my best friend,” I throw an arm around her shoulder because I could have sworn I just heard her growl.
He clucks his tongue. “Ahhh, I get it, I get it, that’s *hicc* that’s beautiful. I just,” he slurs, and at the sound of Cora grinding her teeth I have to look over and stifle a laugh so the asshole won’t notice, “I’m out here looking for the same thing as everybody, y’know? Just trying to find love, my girl, my one and only, my road dog…”
“Your road dog.” Cora repeats in monotone, no longer able to resist the temptation.
“Yeah!” the guy enthuses. “My road dog, you dig?”
“I do not.”
“Like, my best friend, my road dog, the one I wanna travel this wild and crazy life with *hicc*, you know how it is. Well, I don’t wanna bother you no more, you girls be good,” he gives us a sleepy grin and disappears around the corner while we continue straight.
“Calling a girl a dog is a special kind of pickup line fail,” Cora cackles.
“Points for originality though, I kinda love the whole road dog thing.”
“You do?” she shoots me a withering glare.
“Yeah!” I stop on the sidewalk and drop to one knee, holding her hand while she looks at me like I’ve totally lost it.
“Cora, my darling, my dream, would you… be my road dog?”
“Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” We hold hands and skip the rest of the block.
Sunday October 28th, 1990
“Hey, Red, guess I missed you, uh… hi, it's Stone, obviously, what other rude motherfucker would call you at this hour? Anyway, uhm, I just… wanted to say hi, and fill you in on our New York happenings… oh, Kelly had a thrilling brush with the law today, it's a long and pointless story and I really wanna bore you with it if you're around. Call me, okay? The number here's… shit, hang on, what is it again?...”
Why does the sound of his stupid, rambling voice make me grin like such an idiot? It probably helps that no one’s watching, I guess. I wouldn't be caught dead smiling at Stone like this in person because I know I’d never hear the end of it. Someone has to keep him in line.
I grab a notepad while I listen to him look up the number in his room and read it to my machine. I didn't miss his call by much, it's not even 7:30 here yet, so I figure I have time to shower before I call him back. He’ll probably be up late anyway because of the time difference that he obviously forgot about. There's no reason to rush, and I’ve got the whole apartment to myself now.
But I’m rushing anyway.
After I shower and throw on whatever sweatpants and shirt are closest, I fold my legs up and sit on the couch with the phone, wiping away the occasional stray drip of water from my sopping wet hair, and dial the number he left. He answers on the second ring.
“Okay, bore me.”
I'm greeted by the laugh he makes when he's feeling particularly pleased with himself. “Hey Red, you got my message?”
“Obviously, idiot.”
“Hi to you too,” he sasses. “Jesus, where are your phone manners? I’d make a crack about you being raised in a barn, but in your case it's probably true and I wouldn't want to make you relive the trauma, so…”
“Ooh, etiquette lessons from the most obnoxious, sarcastic piece of shit I’ve ever met? Gee golly mister, sign me up.”
“I think my rates are a little steep for you, Red.”
“Oh really? What do you charge?”
“If you have to ask, you can't afford me.”
“I’ll cry myself to sleep tonight.”
“Is this you using your manners? Try again.”
“Hi, Stone.”
“Hi, Cora. Sorry to bug you so late, is this a good time?”
“I called you, man.”
“And it's way later there than it is here, anyway.”
“Ah, fuck it, I’m still on Seattle time, this trip’s not long enough to adjust. Whatcha been up to?”
“Mostly studying for that exam I’ve got on Tuesday, but I needed a break, so I just got back from a run and got your message.”
“You know, I thought I could detect a rank, sweaty odor as soon as my phone rang…”
“Well either you should call your doctor about those olfactory hallucinations, or you should tell Jeff to throw those damn hats in the washer already. Anyway, it’s not me, I just showered.”
He’s quiet for a beat, so I decide to prod him. “And what are you up to?”
“Nothin’. Being lazy in bed.”
“Aww, that’s kinda cute. Tell Jeff I said hi.”
“Jeff’s out with Kelly tonight, so it’s just me.”
I shift my position a little on the couch to distract myself from the odd little thrill that just shot down my spine.
“Just you, huh?”
“Yup, you got me all to yourself,” he jokes, pouring the seduction on thickly.
“You’re a pig, Stone, it’s not like I asked 'what are you wearing’ or some seedy shit.”
“T-shirt and boxers,” he says bluntly.
“I didn't ask! ...where the fuck are your pants, dude?”
“It’s almost midnight and I’m in bed, why the fuck would I be wearing pants? This is what I always sleep in.”
“Again, for the record, I did not ask.”
“Why, what do you wear to bed, a Victorian nightgown?”
“New subject, please.”
“Oh my God do you wear a nightgown??”
“NO!” I laugh, my cheeks reddening.
“Then what? You're not getting out of this without telling me, Red, I told you mine.”
“I'm gonna have to get a look at this nightgown when I get back, I feel like it's got to be fuckin’ awful if you're trying this hard to avoid telling me about it. Like, high neckline, ruffled hem, puffy sleeves…”
He sounds way too gleeful for me to believe he’s ever going to drop this, so I brace myself to rip off the band-aid. “Icantsleepinclothes,” I mutter.
“Excuse me? Didn't catch that.”
“I can't sleep in clothes. I go to bed naked.”
“Oh… oh.”
“No nightgown then.”
“Uh uh.”
“Well okay then.” He’s quiet for an excruciating pause, and then, “point of clarification, are you in bed now?”
“I am not, you pig. I am studying on my couch, fully clothed.”
“You're no fun,” he baits me.
“NEW TOPIC,” I shout, mostly just to drown out my own laughter to avoid encouraging him.
He fills me in on their trip so far, which has included a case of mistaken identity that landed poor Kelly in jail for a few hours while he and Jeff were occupied in meetings. Overall, though, the trip seems to be leading to a productive resolution with the old record label people. I forgot how much I love talking to him like this, aimlessly. Even when we lose the thread of the conversation and sit together in silence, it doesn’t feel weird, it just feels peaceful.
“I had a dream about you last night, you know.”
“Yeah? Good dream, I hope?” His words are innocuous enough, but I can hear his smile permeating his voice, that stupid challenging smirk.
“Ugh, not like that kind of dream, gross,” but I'm smiling too as I tangle my fingers in the phone cord. We're both talking in quieter voices all of a sudden, too, even though there's no one to overhear us and nothing of consequence being said.
“Oh yeah, disgusting. Absolutely revolting,” he cackles in that breathy, almost silent way he has when he thinks he's being utterly hilarious.
“You wanna hear about it or not?”
“Be nice, then. I should warn you, I have extremely weird dreams…”
“Ooh, a disclaimer,” he says in a scandalized tone, “now we're gettin’ to the fun stuff, lay it on me.”
“You're a pig.”
“Mmm, so you said.”
“I just mean like surreal, kind of psychedelic, but very vivid. Nothing’s straightforward in my dreams, ever.”
“I'm dying to know how you dreamed of psychedelic me, then.”
“Well, I guess it wasn't technically a dream about you…”
I'm so stupid for blushing, ugh.
“Pain in the ass. You weren't really in it, you were just the first person I wanted to tell about it when I woke up.”
“...aww, really?”
“...Cora… that's so sweet…”
“Maybe you should reserve judgement until you hear it.”
“Well, I’m all ears.”
“Okay…” I take a deep breath and slump deeper into the couch, trying to figure out the best way to explain my weird little world to him. “So, the first thing to understand is that in the dream, the Earth isn't really a planet in outer space, okay, it's… it's a glass eyeball in a jar…”
“This is what made you think of me??”
“Damn it, man, have a little patience,” I laugh.
“Patience is my middle name,” he deadpans.
“Well, they can’t all be winners. Wait, what actually is your middle name?”
“Carpenter. You didn't know that?”
“No, asshole… wait, really? Stone Carpenter Gossard?”
“Your parents really went all in on a theme, huh? Respect.”
“Yeah, well, the hippie streak runs deep.”
“Clearly. I like it, though. Anyway, if you're such a know-it-all, what's my middle name?”
“It's, uh… fuck, I don't think you’ve ever told me.”
“Which means you have to guess!”
His groan of irritation gives way to a low little laugh. “Hmm… let me think…”
After a long pause, I’m pretty sure he's striking out. “Admit defeat, Stoner, you got nothing.”
“Give me a chance… okay, Cora… Cora…” Move along, nothing to see here, just Stone sighing my name, that doesn't affect me in the slightest, nope… “Cora Something Shaw…”
“Compelling, but incorrect.”
“You're impossible.” His grin broadcasts itself through the phone again. “Well, in order to suit you, it has to be something short and matter-of-fact… nothing flowery…”
“You're getting warmer.”
“...and you’re a good little Catholic girl,” ...nope, that doesn’t affect me in the slightest either, Jesus if you save me right now I promise I’ll believe in you again... “so it's probably some saint bullshit… Maria? Theresa? Anne? Joan?”
“Ha, colder. Except for the monosyllabic part.”
“Okay, I give, what is it?”
“You got closer than I’d like to admit, to your credit, but you forgot the hippie dad.”
“In my defense, I didn't know you had a hippie dad. This isn't the paterfamilias asshole, is it?”
“Nope. That's the stepdad. My actual dad is a whole other story.”
He’s quiet for a beat before speaking up in that same tender, vulnerable tone I heard for the first time at the cafe, when he’d asked if he could call. The tone I've been wanting to hear again ever since, against all my better judgement.
“I’d like to hear it sometime.”
“Hmm. Maybe when you get back. So, any last guesses?”
“I give. You got me.”
“Really? You're folding? That's damn disappointing, Stone.”
He chuckles. “If this is the worst way that I manage to disappoint you, we’re in good shape. What's your fucking name, huh?”
“Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes…”
“Hang on… monosyllabic… Lane? Cora Lane Shaw?”
“Ding ding! That's me!”
“Huh. It suits you. Very strange.”
“Hey, thanks,” I sass him.
“No, no, I mean it… like, I’m sure they couldn't have known when they named you, but it's the perfect song. The surface seems wholesome enough, but the closer you look, the more… ‘off' it seems, the more interesting and cryptic it gets…”
“I can deal with being interesting and cryptic.” I bite my lip in, which is stupid because there's no reason to hide how hard I’m smiling when I’m by myself.
“Well, good, because that's you. Speaking of which, back to eyeballs…”
“What? Oh, right… okay, so we're all living on this glass eyeball suspended in a jar, right, just sitting forgotten on a dusty shelf somewhere in a warehouse or something… and the jar is filled with some kind of gas, I guess that's our atmosphere, and stabilized by electromagnetic fields so the eyeball can float.”
“Right, okay…”
“Well, it was supposed to be a sterile environment, but something went wrong, or someone screwed up, I don't know, but something started growing on the eyeball. So all the life on Earth we’ve ever known… dinosaurs, trees, amoebas, dogs, cats, humans… that’s all we are, we’re all just eyeball fungus.”
He's silent for a long time, and I imagine his face looking the stupid smug way it always looks before he launches into a typical sarcastic takedown, but when he finally speaks again, his voice sounds so sincere, almost childlike.
“How do day and night work inside the jar?”
My smile splits so wide it's hurting my cheeks. “I... I don't remember. I’d have to go back in the dream and look it up.”
“You can do that??”
“Sure, I do it all the time… can't you?”
He lets out a soft laugh. “Baby, I think our dreams are such entirely different animals, I couldn't begin to relate.”
I don't give a fuck whether he can relate, or about much of anything else, except wanting him to call me that again... “Well, uhm, you’ll have to tell me some of your dreams so I can be sure. I showed you mine…” holy shit, did I just say that?
“Hah. I don't have anything to offer on this scale of creativity. I don't even remember most of them, and the ones I do are just your typical, mundane, playing-a-show-in-your-underwear-type stress dreams, shit like that.”
And now I'm picturing him in his underwear for the second time tonight. Fantastic. Doesn't he know my subconscious don't need any outside help objectifying him lately? Focus! What were we talking about? Oh yeah...
“Anyway, one thing I do remember is that the stars are not real.”
“Oh, inside the jar? That makes sense. What are they, do we know?”
“It’s a scientist’s dream, of course we do. A long time ago, people got sick of having nothing to look at at night. So someone climbed up there and pasted a bunch of random stuff on the inside of the jar for the people-fungus to look at and dream about. But over time, the sticky stuff wears off, right? and the pictures fall down, and someone has to climb back up there and paste the ‘stars’ back into place. So, somewhere, there's a real Stairway to Heaven, just for that purpose: for the one person whose job it is to climb up and put the stars back up when they fall.”
The silence stretches on long enough that I fear we’ve been disconnected. “...Stone? You there?”
After what feels like an age, his voice drifts over the line, barely above a whisper.
“And this is what you woke up wanting to tell me?”
“Yeah… it's stupid, I know…”
“It's not stupid at all, it's… that's beautiful.”
“No, it's definitely stupid, all my dreams are. I just woke up and... you were the first person I thought of who might possibly understand.”
“...I love it, Cora.”
“Mmhmm. Really.”
After another long pause, I ask, “You okay over there?”
“Yeah, never better. Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“How your brain must work, if that's the normal dream output you're used to. It's gotta be pretty wild in there.”
“I mean, I think it's just nonsense most of the time, odds and ends that get mixed up from my waking life and jumbled into stories.”
“Yeah, but like, that's a pretty intricate story. And you remembered it! I'm jealous, I wish I remembered more of mine.”
“I guess the thing about being an artist is that all your creativity comes out when you're conscious, huh?”
“Mmm, maybe. So, uhm… tell me another one? Please?”
Damn him, when did he get so endearing? “I don't know, this exchange is feeling a little one-sided… I think maybe I need to limit you to one dream a day, especially if you don’t have any good ones for me.”
“Aww, come on.”
“Nope. Go to bed, call me tomorrow, maybe I’ll have a new one for you.”
“I’ll settle for an old one, they're all new to me.”
“You’re getting greedy.”
“Oh, unabashedly,” he laughs. “Come on, just a short one? Maybe your dreams’ll rub off on me and I’ll have a better one to tell you tomorrow.”
“Uhm… well, there is this great one I’ve had several times --”
“Oh, god damn it,” he grumbles.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I just forgot, I might not be able to call tomorrow night, we have a dinner thing. Fuck.”
“Yeah, well, hopefully anyway. If everything goes well tomorrow we were gonna go celebrate a bit. And if not, I guess drown our sorrows.”
“Aww, poor thing, getting wined and dined by record execs, what a terrible burden it is to be cool.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, “but this is pretty cool too.”
“This. Just... having all kinds of time to sit and talk to you about nothing. Kinda like when you were in Alaska, remember?”
“Yeah,” I bite back another grin, stretching my legs out and savoring the softness of his voice. “It's almost like I like you best when you're three thousand miles away.”
“My band needs to make it big and start touring aggressively, then. Just think how likeable I’ll be from Australia.”
“Better yet, I oughta launch you to the moon, you’ll be irresistible.”
“There’s a thought,” he murmurs. “Want me to hang the stars back up while I'm up there? It's no trouble, it's on my way.”
“Yes, please.”
“You got it, baby.”
Silence is definitely the safest policy because I have no idea what might come out of my mouth in response to his sleepy, affectionate whisper. I decide instead to focus on restoring my breathing, which has gotten a little too fast, a little too uneven, like we’ve been running from something. Or towards something. I don't even know which way we're running. How did a phone call become so reckless?
Thankfully, Stone doesn't seem to have much to say either. His breathing comes more evenly over the phone than mine feels, so I try to follow along with it. Soon he starts to breathe deeper, and slower, and I wonder if maybe he's falling asleep. I open my mouth to ask if he's still there, but the image of him asleep in bed with the phone to his ear is so sweet that I can't bear to disturb him, although don't want to hang up on him either, because the thought of him waking up later to nothing but a dial tone is even worse. The textbook I was studying from earlier is still on the floor, so I decide to read a few pages, but it feels more like mindless word recognition when my mind's so far away.
Consider the case of an initial excess hydrostatic pore water that is constant with depth…
How is it that a person can feel such a potent mix of relief and anxiety at the same time? Relief, because even if we haven't come out and said it all yet, there's the feeling that we no longer have to. We both know where we stand. All of a sudden, there's this sense of security, out of nowhere on a quiet, sleepy phone call, which somehow feels so much more intimate than swapping dirty penguin jokes. Flirting can be pretty impersonal, almost war-like, where you're both trying to gain the upper hand. But it's not everyone you want to fall asleep with, wake up with, and tell all your dreams to.
...shows plots of the friction angle θ vs. plasticity index PI of several clays as compiled by…
And anxiety, because this is all going too far, too fast… like being trapped in a speeding car, except we’re both flooring the gas pedal, and no one is keeping their eyes on the road. What are we going to hit? Or whom? Someone's bound to get hurt. There's an undeniable violence to falling this quickly. So who's it going to be? Me? Him? Alex? Shit, Alex… how did I let this get so far away from me? Not like Alex seems to care how I spend my time anymore. Alex, who didn’t even come home Friday night, who stumbled in yesterday morning, hungover as shit, saying he’d fallen asleep at Brian’s place. I don’t even know who he is anymore...
... Comprehensive failure conditions or yield criteria were first developed for metals, rocks, and concrete…
“Ow, shit!”
“Cora? Wh-what's wrong?”
“Nothing,” I say around my finger, which I’ve got in my mouth to stop the bleeding. “just a paper cut.”
“Sorry to wake you.”
“Mmm? I wasn't asleep. Is it bad?”
“Nah, just a flesh wound. You were awake all that time?”
“Well, maybe I dozed off a little…” his voice gets gravelly as he stretches himself out, making the image of him in bed even harder to resist. I don't want to hang up, it's pretty much the last thing I want right now, but I know it's essential that I do.
“I should let you go, you need to sleep.”
“I do not.”
“Go to bed, Stone.”
“Waaaay ahead of you,” he chuckles. “I'm awake, though, I’m good.”
“Go get some sleep.”
“Nooo,” he whines, “you were gonna tell me another dream! Please?”
His indignation makes me giggle. “Okay, just a short one. Or even better, what if I tell you just the first few minutes, and then you can dream about it tonight and we'll compare when you get home to see whose version is better?”
“I already told you, I don't remember my dreams.”
“I know, idiot, that's why I'm gonna loan you one of mine.”
“Okay, yeah,” he chuckles, sounding drowsier by the second, “hit me.”
“Okay, just, leave it the way you found it, okay? It's one of my favorites.”
“Something tells me you'll like it too, there's ice cream involved.”
“Now we're talking.”
“Okay. There's this ice cream parlor, but it's not down here on Earth, it's floating up in space.”
“Are we still in the jar?”
“No, that's a totally different dream. Anyway, there’s air, you can breathe normally, but you're out in the night sky, among the stars. And the parlor is an old converted train car, still has all the old booths and the sliding windows and everything. And on the very back stoop, where the train car would have been connected to another one once upon a time, there's a rickety old wooden chair. Just one. It’s hot up there, so close to the sun, but there's a good solar breeze. You're sitting in the chair, leaning back, your feet up on the railing, eating an ice cream cone --”
“What flavor?” his voice is thick with sleep.
“Dealer’s choice. You're listening to the music on the radio, and watching the vastness of space, and that's where your dream starts.”
“Mmhmm, got it,” he murmurs. “Are you gonna be there?”
“No, dumbass, I’m lending it to you, I’ll be in another one.”
“We’ll see about that. G'night.”
“Goodnight, Stone.”
With reluctance I hang up, set my work down in a haphazard pile on the floor and stretch out on the couch, staring at the ceiling with no intention of falling asleep. Why do I miss him so much already?
Her voice is still sounding my name in my ears as I drift down further and further, or is it up, higher and higher? until another sound replaces it, followed by another, and another, as I acquaint myself with my new surroundings. The creaking of the chair underneath me. The drip of ice cream in my lap, prompting me to hold the melting cone out to the side where it drips onto the floor instead, sizzling as it lands. Elton John’s Rocket Man playing through crackly speakers. The gentle rocking of the train car, like a boat on idle water. I take a taste of the ice cream. Blueberry. Weird. I like it. Why’s it so hot up here?
As if to answer, the roar of the sun’s fire rises in my ears. It’s right there in front of me, how’d I miss it? I shield my eyes reflexively but end up whacking the bridge of my nose with the sunglasses I didn’t know I was wearing. Huh, I can stare right at it, they must be protecting my eyes somehow. Can’t say the same for the soles of my feet, which are gonna have blisters tomorrow from being propped up on the railing facing the sun. Time for a change. I balance the ice cream cone precariously between my knees and grab the railing on either side of me with sweaty hands, trying to rock the train car and steer it away from the sun. Inch by inch, the damn thing eventually lurches away from the blazing star, and now I’ve got a beautiful nebula to look at. Much better.
Swirls of gases, some purple, some orange, some red, some colors I don’t even understand, are entwining gracefully before me, shielding the stars with their dance. I crane my neck to keep watching it as the train car continues to gradually float around its central axis, turning me toward the blackness of space. One of the red plumes curls sinuously towards me, seeming to follow me, and I regret turning away from it... how do I stop this damn train from turning, shit, come back...
Grumbling in disappointment after I’ve lost sight of it, I frown at the vastness of space in front of me. The longer I stare, the less it seems like a dark vacuum filled with stars and the more it seems like a thick blanket covering an immense light, which peeks out through holes in the fabric. As the train car finally turns fully opposite the sun, the blanket of space folds in on itself, clothing a figure, and suddenly the stars are freckles and the nebula swirls back into view as a cascade of red hair, and Cora’s smiling enigmatically at me as I watch her step onto the train. I don’t dare make a sound as she climbs into my lap, nuzzling my neck and tugging at my shirt… I’ve never been seduced by a space goddess before, I’m not sure of the etiquette, should I say hi? Before I can think of something witty to say, a solar flare blinds me.
“Oh hey man, sorry, didn’t know you were asleep,” Jeff says, switching off the hotel room light he’d just turned on.
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dirtyretrowrites · 7 years
The Star
Fandom: Mamamoo Pairing: Wheesa Rating: G Word Count: 1008 Tags: Fluff, flirting, Halloween AU Summary: Hyejin is a psychic who does tarot card readings. Wheein is lost, misguided, and doesn’t know what to do with their life.  A/N: Inspired by this amazing fanart and this prompt. 
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Hyejin wasn’t a psychic per se, but she was awfully talented at reading people. Body language, tone of voice, eye movement, clothing—it wasn’t judging people, it was interpreting the way they represented themselves to others. Some people were easy to read because they wanted to be read with ease; others were difficult, whether by voice or not. She took it as a personal challenge to decipher the intrinsic meaning in everyone’s disposition.
That’s why the occupation of a fortune teller was as ideal as it was fun. She happened upon it searching ads in the paper around Halloween time, when the general public’s taste for the enchanted and spooky was high. Hey, if she could turn profit from doing what she did every day anyway, she was there in a heartbeat.
Shifts were short and really only at nighttime when the curious folk dabbled around the town. Tipsy friends and love drunk couples were her favorite. They came for a good time, to laugh at the silliness of a psychic reading their life story through a deck of tarot cards, and to make snarky, playful comments about the other’s fantastical life. Couples, of course, always wanted to know if their love would last. A softie at heart, Hyejin couldn’t always tell the truth.
The money was awesome, but Hyejin loved the culture and experience. Her psychic tent was part of a mystics fair downtown that was only open on Friday and Saturday nights. Stars and moons, gold and silver, tassels and shimmer—the fair was gorgeous and whimsical. Her tent was decorated in crystals and galaxy tapestries. Naturally, she had the crushed velvet tablecloth draped over a small, round table with a massive crystal ball as the centerpiece. She wore jewel tones and heavy makeup, and even filed her nails to a vampy, stiletto point.
On All Hallow’s Eve, Hyejin was visited by a distraught woman with a lovely temperament. She was calm but bubbly, spoke gently but with intention, and had the most amazing, full-faced smile. She introduced herself as Wheein. She came to a psychic because she felt misguided and lost with her life. Typically, Hyejin would play up the enchanted, psychic vibes by wiggling her fingers at the crystal ball and pretending to read hidden messages in the incense smoke, but Wheein seemed to genuinely want guidance.
“This is known as the Celtic Cross spread. This is used to assess yourself and the situation with which you surround yourself,” Hyejin explained, internally grinning at Wheein’s adorable, attentive face. “Put your energy into the cards.”
As Wheein chose her cards and laid them in the pattern Hyejin instructed, she sucked in a deep, worried breath. Hyejin immediately interpreted Wheein as a usually successful woman who often got what she wanted through both hard work and charm; the girl likely fell into an unfortunate circumstance that caused a momentary setback. As Wheein flipped over the cards one by one, Hyejin’s initial thoughts were affirmed.
“Card one represents the present. It reflects your state of mind and your perception of your situation,” Hyejin explained. “The Star. The woman on the card holds two containers of water. She pours the water out to nourish the earth and to continue the cycle of fertility… the other container pours the water onto dry land in five rivulets, representing the five senses… one foot on the ground, representing her practical abilities and good common sense, and the other foot in the water, representing her intuition and inner resources, and listening to her inner voice.”
After a while of explaining the cards as they were alone and together, a story unfolded. A young woman with keen intuition and impervious practicality suffering from a lack of inspiration in her daily life, which snowballed into resentment and lack of ambition. A classic case of apathy towards the brightness of life. When the relationship card was revealed, it stated hardship or heartbreak. Hyejin, curious for unprofessional reasons, inquired.
“I see… an absence of romance—”
Bashful, Wheein said, “I recently got out of a relationship with—”
“Well, he was a loser to dump you!” Hyejin added pointedly.
“She,” Wheein laughed awkwardly. “She was a loser in general.”
“Ahhh~” Hyejin tried to muffled the excitement in her tone. Jeez, who was she to take advantage of her patrons?! This pretty girl sought her services for advice, and here she was prodding for information. Still, she couldn’t stop the slip of her tongue, “So, you’re gay?”
“Uh… yeah…” Wheein admitted, albeit hesitantly.
Hyejin made a tiny, chipper noise of amusement and carried on with the tarot reading. Wheein’s energy shifted to something more guarded, and Hyejin repeatedly kicked herself for poking at an obvious sore spot in Wheein’s life. Couldn’t be helped, she figured, since Hyejin was an insatiable flirt and Wheein was definitely, absolutely, one hundred percent her type.
As they chatted through the succeeding cards, Wheein’s body language grew more welcoming and receptive. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but Hyejin could’ve swore Wheein was reciprocating Hyejin’s kittenish mannerisms and shameless compliments.
“Card seven is the advice card. It sorts through the message of all the other cards to provide a recommendation for what approach to take to tackle your challenges,” Hyejin said. “Oh look! The Lovers. Which leads to the outcome, card ten.”
Wheein pulled a confused expression. Did the fortune teller just skip from card seven to card ten? What about eight and nine? Hyejin asked to hold Wheein’s hand as she hovered her her free hand over the crystal ball mystically. After several seconds of doing this, Hyejin nodded like she had found the answers to all of the world’s problems.
She squeezed Wheein’s hand to capture her full attention and stared into the depths of Wheein’s eyes. With a flirty smile, she said, “If you let me take you out to dinner, I’ll make all of your problems go away, my shooting star.”
Blushing, Wheein stuttered, “B-but, what’s my outcome? What’s card ten?”
“Rubbing her thumb along the ridge of Wheein’s knuckles, Hyejin replied, “Strength.”
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