#ahhaha fml
zetsubou--artsu · 7 years
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Me: I dun wanna color fml Also Me: omfg this is too good to be not colored tho asdfghj fuck me
this lil’ thing has been on the backburner of my WIP for a loooong ass time now lmao (funfact: the original sketches even had them in FB lmao nO T GONNA HAPPEN THO) and I guess I just wanted to draw these four dorks after a long time haha ;w;
(The sentence in the middle is an allusion to Nate’s Reclaim Your Throne with that line of: “Promptly we’ll Fight like Fire in the Sky” and like “WELL IF NATE CAN DO THAT LET ME MAKE ONE FOR THE HORSEMEN) and hello we got this mishmash ahHAHA. In case everyone forgot: Io=Pestilence, Emilia=Famine, Nix=War, and Shi=Death)
OCs (c) Me, @koko-hearts @silentsilverrose and @starfighterb
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Why did you get denied petrol??? wtf
Hahahaha, you have to be over 16 to get served. AHHAHA offended. Last time a different lady said i looked 12. #blessed. jokes not really i don’t wanna look 12 at 19 fml
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bitt3rsw33tsymph0ny · 8 years
1. What’s one thing thats heavily weighing on your mind? I guess my apathy towards my relationship, my confused feelings. and all these friendships of mine that have pretty much gone down the drain. People are a bit crap.  2. What’s one thing you’ve learned from a good friendship gone bad? If someone doesn’t want to be your friend anymore, or can’t be bothered to make the effort, there’s not much point chasing after them, because it can’t have been a very genuine friendship to begin with. I don’t think you should give up on people easily, or get offended if someone clearly doesn’t have the time to hang out. But there’s a point where you know...you don’t really mean that much to them. So fuck it, let it go.  3. What’s one thing you’ve learned lately from love? That if you don’t nurture it, keep it interesting, it can fade away.  4. Is there anyone special in your life in general at the moment? Isabella my flatmate, we are very close. and my mum, dad and sister.  5. What’s a happy time you’ve had in the past week? I had a wonderful time in Italy with Isabella. One moment stands out, on the 12th when it was a beautiful cloudless day in Florence and we were trying to find the gate to get into this fucking garden that had a huge stone wall surrounding it. After 40 minutes of walking we finally found the park entrance, and discovered it was 8 euros to get in; money we didn’t want to spend. Anyway we were really tired from the walking and the wall was so obnoxiously large that we found the whole thing rather ridiculous and couldn’t stop giggling. Especially as the park had a big sign indicating you were allowed to bring your cat for a walk, but not a dog. We ended up finding our way to a nearby piazza which gave us views of the whole city. I felt very content. 
6. Is there anything in your past that you’d like to try again? Hm. I want to try more new things, there’s nothing that comes to mind right now that i’d like to try again (though I’m sure there’s something) 7. Who do you like to spend your nights with? My friends 8. Are you an emotional person? I am quite an emotional person in the way I express myself, but thankfully my moods are not particularly extreme.  9. Are you self conscious? I’m not as much as I used to be, but recently I've been feeling more self-consciousness in front of other people again. Like ...awkwardness? How? I thought I’d GOTTEN OVA DIS.  10. Do you think of others before yourself? I tend to think of myself as more selfish, so no, I believe I think of myself before others. But I’m definitely becoming more considerate...I don’t think I’m as self-centred as I used to be 11. What’s something that can always make you feel better? Sleep, unless I’m really depressed sleep usually does the trick.  12. Who was the last person you had a crush on? This guy called Paris who I met in the summer.  13. Where do you see yourself this time next year? Doing dissertation prep, in the same place I am now, hopefully just working hard and making moneys for travelling and getting ahead with my life. 14. Do you tend to make relationships complicated? I don’t think so, but I’m not very good at articulating my feelings when I’m confused so that can make things more complicated.  15. Who do you feel the most comfortable around? My best friends or my boyfriend.  16. Is there something that you’re waiting for? I guess there’s something, but I probably won’t get it.  17. One thing you’re not looking forward to? Looking for a job again, fml.  18. How do you feel about change? Change really scares me, I usually take a while to adjust. But it is a good thing, and a natural part of life, and I’m beginning to learn to accept the transience of it all. I just need to embrace it. 
19. What are you most looking forward to? Right now? Nothing specifically.  20. What are your plans for your next birthday? I don’t know, I have a bunch of deadlines around my birthday so I’ll probably be in the throes of essay writing. I’d like to throw a house party. 21. Do you even care about your birthday? I do care about it but I’ve become more apathetic as I’ve gotten older, I mean it is just a day like any other. If people make more of a fuss of me on my birthday then I tend to be more excited about it.  22. Do you think anyone in general out there loves you? I know some people love me, yes.  23. When do you think the world will end? I don’t think the world will end for a while yet, maybe not for billions (millions?) of years. As for life on earth, or humanity, vell dat is it a different question.  24. What’s the most expensive piece of clothing you own? Not sure, I don’t really buy myself expensive items of clothing. I have a pair of louboutins but they are secondhand from my aunt.  25. Why do you drive the car you have right now? I do not have a car.  26. Do you still talk to the person you LAST kissed? Yes  27. Have you ever seen your best friend cry? yep 28. What kind of vitamins did you take as a kid? none  30. Did you get any compliments today? I was called very pretty, and someone said I looked nice today, and another person complimented my outfit :)  31. Are you friends with your neighbors? some of em? I live in student flats so it’s hard to know everyone.  32. What were you just thinking about? My Celta application and skype interview tomorrow.  33. Name the places you have lived in? Athens, Stirling.  34. When was the last time you drove more than 15 minutes? In the summer when I was in Greece 35. Have ever had a crush your on your sister’s/brother’s friend? Nope, my sister is 3 years younger than me so her friends were all young and spotty when I knew them.  36. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? That my skin looked pretty clear despite spending yesterday with a fever and my head down a bucket.  37. When is the next time you will make out with somebody? Next time I see Jiggles I guess...sometime this week.  38. What’s a word that rhymes with “LUCK”? MUCK 39. What’s your favorite planet? Neptune is cool :3  40. Who’s the 2nd person on your missed calls list? Padre.  41. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone? I don’t have a favourite, at the moment it’s a harp.  42. What shirt are you wearing right now? Blue shirt from Andros that says ‘one ouzo two ouzo three ouzo floor’ 43. What do you “label” yourself as? I don’t really fit into one definitive category. BITCH U CANT CONTAIN ME 44. Name the brand of shoes you’re currently wearing? I am shoeless, toes are bare.  45. Bright or dark room? Well the room i’m in right now is relatively bright.  46. What do you think about the person who last took this survey? I don’t know them, apart from their answers I read. They seem like they could do with a hug.  47. If you’re alone in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep in? The bigger bed? the warmer bed? the comfier bed? 48. What were you doing at midnight last night? watching cartoons with Nick and Isabella 49. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say? ’How you getting on darling?How’s your first day at uni been?’ 50. What just so happens to be the best song in the world? radiohead- pyramid song 51. What’s a word or phrase that you say a lot? I say ‘just’ a lot, very unnecessarily. also the word ‘traditional’ ahhaha 52. Who told you he/she loved you last? Isabella  53. Last furry thing you touched?  blankey.  54. How many drugs have you done in the past 3 days? four, if im counting the md, weed, alcohols, and flu pills i took :D  56. Do you have any film that needs to be developed? yes actually!! got my disposable photos to develop :)  57. Favorite age you have been so far? 20 was a pretty grand year.  58. Hats or beanies? hats, i don’t suit beanies much.  59. Your worst enemy? I don’t really have enemies, never really have :P 60. What is your current desktop picture? a snowy mountain 
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skyehuong · 9 years
svscon is in like two weeks fuck im not ready, when that is said, are any of my followers going ;v;?
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addictedtoweatherly · 10 years
I never find myself interested in soaps but tonight I've actually went onto bbc iplayer to catch up on eastenders omg what is happening to me 🙈
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placiddream · 11 years
I decided not to brush my hair for a bit bc I thought my hair would get more waving. And I was totally right and i love my hair now being super wavy but now there’s like no going back. My hair is like super super knotty like I can’t even brush it. Ahaha I don't know what to do
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