#ahh ahh ok time to do chores. =_=
toastsnaffler · 4 months
ahh.. I have tickets for a small music festival tmr which I went to last year + had a whale of a time but this year theres only like 2 artists I wanted to see but they released the schedule a couple days ago and neither are playing before 9:30pm. since I don't live local anymore I'd have to leave to travel back home around that time or I'd miss the last train... and there's not rly anywhere I can crash overnight there (and I was planning on going alone anyway like I did last year). so I think im gonna have to let this one pass me by :-(
#its not the end of the world like theyre not artists i LOVE love just ones i know and like a few tracks of#last year i had so much fun bc one of the artists there was an all time fave of mine. but yeah im not missing out on that this year#but its still a shame. i miss living there and being able to walk to gigs to easily like the music scene was so up my street!!#and i was kind of looking forward to it. but i shouldve planned it further in advance if i was serious abt going#i just didnt think theyd BOTH play so late???? i swear they had an earlier schedule last year#i guess i could just go and mill around some of the shows earlier in the day even tho ive skimmed most of them on spotify and theyre-#not rly my thing. sigh#im v tired + starting to feel quite sad this evening for some specific reasons i dont really want to think much about bc it is what it is#so its hard to imagine going out and having fun tomorrow. maybe ill just aim to get my chores done instead and see how i feel after that#i might fix my bike up and check the other local climbing gym out bc i havent visited that one before and itd be nice to mix it up#and i need to go out on the bike at some point this weekend so i dont build up anxiety abt it after yesterdays crash. hmm#man. its hard trying to do things solely for my own enjoyment sometimes. im usually pretty ok at making myself do it#and im grateful that i am! but i think im just feeling quite lonely. and not in a way where being around other people rly helps#like its more of a core thing. i feel kind of unseen by people in my life at the moment and that makes me feel like im not quite real#and i dont really know what to do about that. i think its why im still on my discord hiatus i just dont really have anything to say rn#ive felt this intermittently throughout a lot my life i think. but most of the time i can distract myself from it enough not to notice it#and i put the effort in socially regardless + usually when im in the moment it doesnt matter. but the stretches inbetween those moments..#its not unbearable and i dont feel that depressed at the moment either. just a bit lost i guess. i know itll pass eventually#but yeah it just keeps nudging up against me bc im feeling every little misunderstanding and slight quite keenly atm#ahh.. well its okay. ive never really needed much anyway im good at taking care of myself and thats enough to get by#ill do something nice for myself this weekend one way or another. im gonna go take a long shower rn i think and then read a bit#ah and i said i didn't rly want to think about it! but i guess i did... well i feel like i exist a little more for typing it out anyway#okay yes shower time now :-)#.diaries#maybe someday ill have ppl in my everyday life who i do feel seen + safe around. a girl can dream.. i have a lot of work to do before then
0 notes
semiweirdshipper · 3 months
How I feel when I update each of my stories.
I've always wanted to make a post describing how each one of my stories made me feel when I updated them. I guess I thought maybe it could give you guys some insight to how I really feel. Because, in all honesty, I don't like updating some of my stories. But I still write for them because I know you guys like them. It's not really that big of a deal though. I just made this post for fun.
1.) My Own Exit Gate. Piece of cake. The short chapters help give me a break. There's no major drama on the sides. It's a simple uphill battle. Not a lot of brain power has to go into it. Extremely easy to write. Allows me to relax if I'm ever feeling depressed.
2.) Miracle of The Moonlight. Used to be my favorite but I lost my passion due to lack of confidence. But I still love it! Difficult to write because of all the multiple perspectives. The reader is mentally all over the place which requires a lot of brain power to write. No one really cares for it which used to hurt.
3.) Reverse The Dancing Knights. Officially the most difficult story for me to update. Long chapters. Too much plot. Too much action. It keeps me all over the place. Too many characters and relationships. Will have sex which I suck at writing. Too much backstory. The reader is not going to be that happy which I hate. But the show must go on! I love my killers.
4.) Fate of Broken Roads. My least favorite story. Feels like a chore to update. I always feel pressured. I have to write sex which, once again, I'm not good at. I have no layout for it which means that I wing it with whatever comes to my mind, so the fact that I don't like it makes it difficult to want to think about it. Love Jason though.
5.) Battle of The Imaginary Minds. Ahh, talk about stress relief! Officially my least violent story. Only have to deal with one intimate relationship instead of several. Has my baby Jason in it who I love writing! Lots of cute themes. Real world time so there's more unique plot that I can use. Love the slow build. The followers for that story are adorable and I love them. It's just a fun, feel good story. I also don't get to write Jason enough.
6.) My Saddest Journey. My personal therapeutic story. Write it for myself to help cope with my anxiety and trust issues. Has my favorite comfort trope which is father figures. Feels good to write some times and difficult to write other times depending on the plot. It helps me get emotions out. I enjoy writing it.
One shots that I enjoyed writing the most and wish I could write more for.
1.) My Gelastic Flower. Part of the "MY" Collection, this story hits close with the reader having epilepsy like me. But I also really loved how Frank turned out in the story. It's one of the best portrayals of him I've ever written, and I just wish I could have written more of it.
2.) Embracing The Realm of Control. Ok... This story is just hilarious, come on. Everyone's naked? The reader has a problem with fainting? Oh my gosh, it's just too funny. I wish I could have seen how far I could get with it.
3.) The Underdogs Great Stand. Not only is this story purely about killers who don't get a lot of attention, but it's also the only story I have with a reader who was done wrong by rumors, lies and manipulation. Secretly... I do have a layout created for this, with plot and everything. It was supposed to be my first attempt at getting everyone to love Jeffrey, but I never updated.
4.) Circumhorizons Form With Faith. Ehhh, I'm not gonna delve too deep into this one. But the reason why I love it so much is because of the expansion of characters and the different route I took with the Entity's realm. Different groups of people have to survive the fog monsters? Uhh, awesome! Plus it holds my fondest memory where I made Jeffrey likable for the first time ever.
5.) Now That's a Cut! First thing I have to say is... JEFFREY. Dealing with another reader close to me (asexual), this story is just very personal for me and it deals with one of my favorite characters. I'm so proud of this story because it opened up so many hearts to Jeffrey, and I want to finish the job by finishing the story one day.
6.) 3x Mass Overlap. I love this story because it's written in real time which means more plot. I used Hannibal, Wesker and Herman, all of which have the hots for the reader. It's funny, unique and full of drama. I really, really would like to update it one day. It would also give my head a break from all the angst and let me have fun with some humor.
7.) These Muddy Waters. I enjoyed this story because this is my only reader who allowed anger, hatred and bitterness to take control of them, and now they're just mean to everyone, which is a common response to sadness. The point is to show how far the killers are willing to go to make the reader happy even though the reader is deeply scarred and hateful. Idk. I just thought it was unique.
I just had a thought... Why are my story titles always so dramatic?? Lol.
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bijou-dame · 1 year
Okay more fanfic bc I want to and bc my favorite boi makes an appearance and I will not stop until I get to HIM.
A guide to not fit in
Tw: slight mentions of child abuse
The car drive there was insanely boring, I wasn't allowed to get my phone till I was done with all my chores - which I couldn't do, so I just didn't get it- and even though he knew it was a long, LONG car ride, 2 hours actually, he still wouldn't let me have it to keep me from losing my damned mind. So all I had to do for the long, boring 2 hours was idoly pick and prod the bandages on my face, and sit there looking out the window, not even a book, I mean at least he put on music but it was his boomer music so... Also bad. But finally after a gazillion hours, I almost miss it with how zoned out I am but out of the corner of my eye I see something that looks like a light at the end of the tunnel, a town sign the read in big words "WELCOME TO MULTISENYLE!" The town name, and I was just as bad as the first time I read it. I mean really how hard is it to name a town, like it's so uncreative, and just weird, like Multisenyle??? Come on dude, it really can't be all that hard.
As I Finnish up my condescending thoughts on the towns name we FINALLY get to our destination, a moderately sized, nice looking, two story house with a moving truck right in front of it. I take a quick glance over at the neighbors and almost immediately regret it, next to our house is a big, mansion like three story house. Wow talk about rich trash, bet in a broken down town like this, the rich garbage will be 'kind as can be'. And like really I get it you're rich, you really don't have to try that hard, to tell everyone else that, if I was whoever lives there I would have chosen a GOOD town and not washed up gangs and trash.
My internal monologuing getting out of hand I stop and continue into the house, lucky for me father paid to have everything moved in by others. Of course I'm not all too thankful especially after that drive, I mean I really have to get up and move, like now, and I mean really move not just around the house. " Hey dad" I say with hints of hesitation "Can I got out and... Meet everyone in the neighborhood? It's always good to make a first impression." I reason. He sighs, I mildly slump at this knowing the answer almost robotically by now, "Just be back before dark." He sighs with a fake smile... wait what? Did he just say yes??? I try to hide my visible surprise but fail, luckily for me father was turned away "o-ok, I'll make sure to be back sir." I say with hints of excitement, as I do so he motions me off with his hand, and I try my best to not run out the door, and slam it behind me.
'Well' I think to myself, finally getting the fresh air 'time to meet the neighbors.' I silently sigh to myself the rich family being our only neighbors that seem to want to be bothered, I jog over with a false sense of urgency, stop at the door, take a deep breath, put on my best convincing smile, and knock... I hear slite shuffling... It sounds like it's getting closer... And to my honest surprise, someone actually answers. "Hello sir, my name is cross," I say, looking up to even look him in the eyes "and I just moved in next door and my father wanted me to make a good first impression on the neighbors!" A little white lie but it won't hurt anyone. "Ahh yes." He states calmly, and with undertones of surprise"I remember hearing something about someone moving in, I did not think it would be so close." Saying the last part quieter, to and himself before taking a brief pause to look over. 'my God, is this man 6.11 or something' I silently think to myself while trying my damned best to look him in the eyes. "Well," he starts "It good that someone taught you to respect your elders, I couldn't say the same for my 'son'" he says son with a far darker tone, I mildly shudder " well hello to you too son, you may simply call me Mr.Geer, it's a pleasure to meet you, I would get my son down here, I think he's about your age, but he is out right now, but if you go around town you might find him, His name is Epic..." After that we continued to talk for a few more minutes, he seems quite pleasant, and I found out he was a world class boxer and his wife Moopey was a famous scientist and lawyer, talk about set, I mean God I which I was their kid I would have everything that I would have ever wanted. But after the surprisingly pleasant conversation I decided to get on my way, and go into town.
The way to town was again surprisingly pleasant and really helped me get up and get moving, the town was not as pleasant but luckily uneventful, I remembered that I had money in my jacket if I wanted to buy anything, I only bought some chocolate though and when I saw how low the sun was on the horizon I decided that I had overstayed my welcome and almost panicky sprint home, well not really sprint or run but speed walking through the crowd of people, I remember asking about before being late and decide if I want to make it home in time and NOT get smacked then I should take the alley way, and with the thought of violence placed on the table I do what I believe is the smartest choice, and go through the dark, dingy, unlit alley way, and while definitely not my brightest idea I was trying not to get hit so, yeah. And the unsafe but faster way bights me in the ass way quicker than I expected, as at first I feel a slight pull on my hood, then suddenly the ground gets pulled out beneath me, and I hear a mildly sadistic sounding laugh come from above me, then I hear the sound of shoes dropping on metal, and finally a person in right in front of me, holding a knife... Well I have to admit universe, I did not see that one coming.
After my second of initial surprise I analyze the boy in front of me, he has deep purple hair covered with a light purple hoodie and deeper near black purple visor, you could see that he was wearing a white turtle neck underneath the hoodie, and on top of it all was a sleeveless puffer jacket the same color as the visor, he was wearing simple black long pants with white stripes, tucked into brown boots, and thought I couldn't see it all too clearly he had black gloves on, along with what looked to be a scar along his face and coming down from one eye, not that EYE could see them. Once I was finished with my once over I put on a surprisingly good poker face and glared at him with enough force to shatter steel. Seeing this he just laughs again, this time a, much sweeter, almost calming laugh, I mentally smack myself at that thought." Wow" he begins in a cute(?) Mildly raspy voice, I curse myself "Just wow, I didn't realize someone as pretty as you would be such an easy catch," I blush at the comment "well guess that would make you the ignorant, stupid type," he sighs, I glare daggers through him "well you know what they say it's always the good looking one's that end up stupid." I get annoyed at his comment and snap back in a violent tone "Who are you and what do you want, asshole." He laughs again at the snarky tone and happily responds "The names Epic, Epic Geer or 012, call me whatever. And you'll be seeing me around so don't cry when you see people not even half as good looking as me, I know, Everyone round here is a site to behold, I'm lucky I found someone as good looking, and handsome as you to keep me company." He says the last part with a flirtatious tone, I'm a little too shocked to respond. "Well I'm sorry to do this but, it's time to CUT out time short" he sighs "oh I'm gonna miss your pretty face." He takes another second to get a really good look at me, and much to my delight cuts me down, unfortunately while I was preoccupied with his constant flirting, and getting down the boy 'Epic' nabbed my bandana, and by the time I had noticed he was already gone, I sigh one last time and look up to see how much time that costed me, not much but I really did just sprint home this time.
By the time I got near my house I was a panting, sweating mess, but the sun was not down yet, which went no smacks for me today. I slow down my pace from jogging to speed walking and as I take a look to my left I remember something, something that Mr.Geer had said he said he had a son named Epic, that was about my age, I think back to the boy and remember that he said his name was Epic Geer, that can't be just a quintessence, and for a second I stop, right in front of the Geer household, I stare and I think...
What should I do?
Well that was the story I'm writing this at 10, yay me cross now has a decision to make, and for this fic he will make the 'best' choices that will lead to the real ending, and the one you want the 'best' ending per say. There will be other 'choices' like this thought the fic, one I'll probably make spin off fics with the alternative choice's they wouldn't be long one chapter at most, but I have a lot planned so stay tuned, and have a good day/night.
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tohisprettyc00l · 1 year
Hello! I’m here for a toh matchup ^^
I have short dyed hair (one side purple one side black) in a wolfcut, pale pasty skin, some acne on my cheeks, chin, and nose, circular silver glasses, I’m 4’9 in height and I weigh 98 lbs, I have long boney fingers and slender hands, I have a eye bags, and I have mole underneath my right eye, one on my left ear, another one next to my left ear, and one on my right cheek along with lots of moles on my neck. I’m very skinny, and I have eating problems, and you can basically see my ribs, have a big-ish button nose, and I have blue eyes with specks of hazel and green. I’m also sixteen.
As for my personality, i’m an ISTP and Virgo, I believe in zodiac signs, I prefer practicality and realism over optimism and recklessness, i’m pretty apathetic and don’t really react to any dire situation (mostly because my parents would say ‘if you cry I’ll give you something to cry about’ ☺️), I don’t like socializing, and I don’t have any friends, but that’s because I’m homeschooled and don’t interact with kids my age.
I am very nonchalant most of the time, and I barely ever talk, but that’s just a trauma response from my neglectful childhood.
I was forced to grow up and stay home alone because my mom and ex stepdad (who was narcissistic and emotionally abusive) and I also had to do most of the chores around the house too.
I’m a people pleaser, and I hate asking for things because it makes me feel guilty.
I like conspiracy theories, anime, Ninjago, Amphibia, Gravity falls, candy, Pepsi, gaming, tie dyeing, science, space, stuffed animals, fidget toys, chewing on things, cryptids, ghost hunting, exploring abandoned places WHILE ghost hunting, music, and aliens.
I’m bisexual, poly, and gender-fluid but idk prefer he/him and they/them pronouns
My disorders: Anxiety, ADHD, social anxiety, depression, and PTSD, I also dissociate a lot.
My stye: Goblincore/emo, it depends on my mood.
If you don’t mind, could this be a long matchup? If not then that’s ok ^^
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I match you with: Luz Noceda!
-You have ✨Amity hair✨ (or at least the multicolored with one of the colors being purple part of it
-I don't think Luz believes in zodiacs but she's def interested in learning about them.
-Girl loved space when she was a kid.
-Though you two definitely differ on the whole not being reckless thing, she does kinda get your realism views.
-Luz tried to make friends when she was in human school but she was deemed 'too weird.' so you could probably talk (vent) about that.
-Amity also has a pretty fucked childhood, so I guess that's a thing with her partners.
-Luz at the age of four-fucking-teen saved the entire world so she also grew up quite fast.
-Ahh to be a poeple pleaser in love with another poeple pleaser.
-Luz has watched that conspiracy theory iceberg at least ten times and you can't convince me otherwise. (Whether she believes them is a whole other can of worms.
-Ampiba exists in toh fandom and Luz 100% is a fan of it (And gravity falls if that exists)
-You like candy, Luz has said that she eats so much sugar her blood better be sweet.
-She has enough stuffed animals to fill multiple rooms, no I don't take criticism.
-She believed in ghosts and aliens before she even knew about the demon realm. (Her mom had to stop her from going into abandoned buildings multiple times.

I hope you like this! The length of matchups depends on how much content I can get out of the ask, and you gave me quite a bit! :)
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sailoryooons · 1 year
I hope it’s ok that I mention “Carved” 😅
1. My favorite fic of yours is “Please”. Shy Yoongi 👌 Him being the focus of this fic 👌 It’s 👌 I also like “Sunday Chores” 🧎‍♀️The kinks 👌
3. The best character you’ve written for is “Carved” Tae. “Dominus” omg 🖤🧎‍♀️ “Obisidian” Jimin and Yoongi are close behind him. I have a type lol but they are all in my bias line so yeah
5. A fic I haven’t read from you, but I want to is “F*ck Christmas”. “Iron Ring”. “Break”. “The Wood”. “Don’t read dead languages”. This is a lot 💀 I know they’ll be good but it’s hard to get motivated to read a lot of the time for me 😕
6. Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics: In “Mine”, the way Yoongi experienced time and reality in a murky way. (God that was hard to word) Reader being cute but deadly. The ending 👌 Truly an unique fic that I can’t forget 🖤
7. What made me emotional after reading: In “Carved”, the scene where reader holds her dying friend after they fight in the arena.
8. What I like most about your writing: World-building and emotions! You do it so well 👌
9. A fic I’m excited for you updating/posting. “Gods of the Dark” for the Yoongi cult 🧎‍♀️🖤 You said Yoongi is soft and sensual! I can’t omg. I want to see what he’s like ahh! “Obsidian” since there’s such a big world and mystery. What will Yoongi and reader do? How will they get revenge? Does reader want to get revenge on Seokjin? When can we see the goldfish? The Yoongi (and Tae?) x reader vampire fic because the little sneak peek made me so curious. Also vampires 👌
14. A fic i didn’t expect to like so much is “Samsara”. The picture in the request was hot. But you went hard at making it emotional and hot! I like their dynamic so much!
dfguhdfiguhdoiufhasoiaj okay I'm going to answer this via numbers so I don't get lost because WOOF the wine is hitting here we go!
Please is actually my favorite fic of mine for the sheer fact that I really enjoyed writing Yoongi getting showered in the love that he deserves. Shy, soft Yoongi is my favorite!
3. Okay you absolutely have a type because Carved!Taehyung, Obsidian!Yoongi and Obisidian!Jimin all have something in common: threatening and sharp lmao
5. Honestly take your time - you are not obligated to read anything and certainly not on a timeline! I enjoy you just being here and chatting :)
6. HONESTLY THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE. The Wood is actually very similar to Mine in the sense that like ...... it's super ominous and eerie the way that they're both written and both POVs are from people out of the know even though you as a reader can tell something is amiss.
8. sdjfhsdifuhsofishdfoij stop you're so nice
9. Okay so specifically about Obsidian - reader definitely would fuck up Seokjin if given the chance. And Yoongi is playing like 4D advanced chess 0496840596846 steps ahead of everyone else and it's really challenging to write someone who is so far ahead of the 'plot' where I'm writing from but it's fun!
14. Samsara IS that bitch. She is the moment. She is emotional. I really said cool but what if I hurt your feelings lmao
Apparently you tell me the answers to this ask and not the other way around because I can't read
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omentranslates · 2 years
COMPASS Live Arena Jeanne d'Arc Story -- english fan translation
Hello, the next entry in my quest to bring over the Compass characters' stories is complete. I've already done Juumonji Atari's, it can be found here if you're interested!
As always, there is a transcription at the end for screenreader or copy/paste purposes, thank you for reading
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-- Transcription --
"*sigh*.... Finally the concert is over...
For someone like me who's not used to it, this might all be a bit more than I can handle....
....who's there?
Oh, hello! Is that water you've brought for me?
Thank you for your consideration. I was getting a bit thirsty!
It's a new experience, talking to you here...ah, I know! Why don't we introduce ourselves once more?
I am Jeanne d'Arc. I spend most of my time fighting for peace with my allies in a city called Orleans.
Orleans was such a wonderful place...now, though, it is under siege by the enemy army and their hordes of Hell beasts. It can't by any means be called safe at the moment.
However, with all our combined power, I am confident we will take back our peace! I would be elated if we might have you lend aid as well when the time comes.
Ah-I'm sorry! I got a bit carried away.
I may have tired myself out a bit with the concert I just finished.
*sigh*....I had faith in my own endurance, but I suppose a 24 hour series of consecutive concerts would be exhausting to anyone.
Of course, it was indeed my own idea! When I discussed it with Voidoll-san, it was mostly just a matter of me wanting to do whatever I am able.
I had tried to invite the various other heroes as well, but they all walked away quite quickly when I brought it up. I wonder why...?
It was a lot of fun, although I had been so looking forward to sharing the sense of accomplishment amongst everyone....
Anyways, you watched my broadcast, didn't you? Thank you so much for your kind words!
Hehe, the most important thing is to have fun. The performance made my own heart jump as well.
To have been able to successfully hold a 24 hour concert without incident, this must have been divine blessing. The Archangel Gabriel still watches over us and graces us with His protection even now.
To be able to see people smile, to be what is making them smile...live shows truly are amazing!
That being said....there are still many areas in need of more consideration. Like when the laces of my boots came loose and made dancing into quite the chore...
It was difficult making time to rehydrate as well. Not to mention fixing up my costuming and hair whenever something would undo itself.....
Uhm....if you would like, perhaps tomorrow you would accompany for a bit of a lesson?
I want to learn how to stealthily have a drink and adjust my costume without the attendees noticing.
....thank you so much! It will be so reassuring to have you there!
Then, first thing tomorrow we'll hold a 24 hour dance lesson!
First we'll have 2 hours of warm-up exercises, and then the next 5 can be spent going through images from the concert and studying dance, then a 5 minute break, and for the next 10 hours we can look at how our costumes and hairstyles have degraded with the activity and focus on-
Huh!? You say something's come up? ...h-how could that be!?
Ahh...well that's certainly unfortunate. Of course, I don't mind you only having 3 hours to spare!
I'd be delighted even to just hear you say you'd watch my lesson.
You will!? It's a promise then, ok? Hehe!"
-- end transcription --
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leopoldainter · 4 months
Is it safer to wait inside the vehicle or remove it fir use
What's the booklet say to do.
itsa no
on get go
so we arent friends
good riddance TK
Yeah se have remeber
so there lies hands
basicly what we'RIsland
And dance to it to now.
you and;I then a lil toypop go!
and agumonPlauge of Darkfall
ok jeez
and hair face it leopold
we can CD
walmart silvirgincinemArizona
nickles and platinum, just like michael has in his
i assume he has a restaurant of his own if he isnt rollong in ittoo
New york
Ball falls
what is it!
i put the neckkacd ahh she gonna knoRain!
whats so unfair Quincy Adams
oh met reconte l'abre la
a tree's where a sap pours from sap
moisture lock
thatd be the slogon dot midi
file klik forgot
wat c'est une rlite oar Frontenac where they find ohip dont cover chiropracters
krak it baks
just formis
6 but out in the woods
dont i stab your heart
those were his last wards
battery is dead in this What
oh thats right jewlery power
still agumon
See how glued i am
to you call me jijimon
oh thats sweet so no funny bussiness
just your basic shit
who told you to
put the balm on
skin says so
you be a man but you are not my kind of kramer
still waiting for anything
you've changed
Avril Lavigne Parody
bathroom door slam
well my last daughter had a sex change
you look like lady gaga
thanksbi just thru it on more ok
we'll shoot on site in italy
Yes, A star is born!
and stephine gsrmablabla is no korean bbq
what kind of gym
hits the trackUranus
digital reference remember me not your friends
jijimon's jouset a couple try get one off surface
and drill cave
To burry Upwards is canyon
fishing instructions koelmon if you can catcj
marineangemon you are watching youtube
try a tims flyer and get arrested
jerk you got bits
house zelda do it see through Window lookin frame its mario ok Easter eggs fair game
amd hp chip nice amd agumon the item cointer
destinarion assured I have the space you need
for all your extra items
but button head flash
he traded his butterfree on the ss anne but alas
was it not caterpie that reminded misty that frogs
dont dance
eat and be merry
gotta catchem all its tips excluded
then moonlight sonata by beethoveb
so claire de lune
fountain bublé
im not refilming the motor
cycle seen flips out
thats where you rest an hour and sure enoiugh
you got
that one
jolt you need
at the gym before
poops or bed time
what a board the waterfall
run then beg to guess luck
so another melody punchline
And thats HP.some attk maybe
settle the sclre20
nice rox
and put onder the front mat if i have tp hear what my feet thinks so welcoming id go broke
she has to plexiglass everywhere now
then she tries from eraser
gomme et facile its french for
me im who my mom hired for your party
planer itchy zStop poochie
Tess was looking at Dalia Royce alone on her bed now
just a sec my moms calling espresso from the back seat
do you have cups
the little cups for espresso of course i do get in here.
and so they were there lost in space.
Dallas Royce and removes sunglasses.
its duck hunt now or we hit the poconos
actually tessa architect moved from the city
so they made you switch schooldumas
michaelBedmas and first off dial it for long distance break off and comply
i kapeesh
careful hot espresso
careful power windows child lock in door it seems
but another hand and its too good to bedsm
Then her dad gets up and walks out if I'm not dead by then either
Walks home a box of elephant Mines for basic yard chores I could just get a pet and then there was a new baby came along cancer funeral arrangements sally you did good keep up the goof
Crying a little
Packing peanuts and nails at an angel I'm an unlicensed driver
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dannybobany · 6 months
🎂 - birthdays 🧸 - full names 💞 - family life 💖 - siblings
Unfortunately I can only really answer some of these in full but I will answer to the best of my ability !!
For birthdays, I honestly have no idea when most of the kids birthdays are expect maybe Susie since in my head it was her birthday around the time of the incident (which actually played out over two days) which, little known fact, the mci canonically happened on June 26th! It’s mentioned alongside the initial information in those fnaf 1 papers but most people forget, so for simplicity’s sake let’s say Susie’s birthday is June 26 :}
The only other kid I’d know a birthday for would be Charlie who’s January 8th but she doesn’t really even count does she?
Full names! I mostly know these
Gabriel Mason (iffy on that surname, he’s the reason for that “mostly”)
Susie Webber
Jeremy “Jem” Lee
Fritz Hernandez
Cassidy Hicks
Honestly any of these names are up for change but I’m pretty sure these are my final choices for them, I’m glad this got asked because I like talking about Jeremy and his nickname, I think Jem is just a really cute nickname and it helps clarify who you’re talking about given the…. Several Jeremy’s
Family life! Ahh ok this is a fun one (my definition of fun is not fun)
So my thoughts are that most of the kids come from very nice homes .. with an exception to that but I’ll get to it
Gabriel’s parents in my head are this very nice very community oriented people, they do stuff like organizing food drives and fund raisers and charity dinners and all that probably because they’re also very involved with the local church, they’re very into that “sewing seeds” mentality and I think that rubs off on Gabriel in some ways, he likes helping people because that’s just what he grew up doing, he’s also the oldest of the main 5 so this ends up manifesting as him becoming a sort of parental or older sibling figure after the incident happens and the kids are sad about not being able to talk to thier parents anymore, for reference Gabriel is 12 and the others in in the 9-7 range
Susie, Susie’s life is incredibly basic and nice to me, she’s plain and that’s ok <3 she likes pink and traditionally girly things and her parents buy her dolls and dresses and all around the Webber’s are incredibly plain “nuclear family” people, the only notable things I have to say about Susie’s life is despite the fact her parents have well enough money to buy one of those fancy purebred dogs, when they asked Susie what kind of dog they should adopt she picked out a grimey scruffy little white dog from the shelter, like the kind grandmas have, and that’s her little werido dog and she named it dolly and she puts bows in its hair
Jeremy is a similar situation to Susie in that I picture his family as just plain nuclear family type people, the thing with him though (mixing in the ask about siblings) is his older brother is one of the masked bullies and that means tiny Jem (he is 6, his brother is 15) gets brought along on many teenage escapades because he just wants to be around his “cool” older brother, his brother Lincoln hates this but deals with it (and by deals with it, I mean he and Mike abandon their respective brothers in random playgrounds while they go commit vandalism and petty theft)
Fritz, Fritz is what I meant when I said this was a fun question
Fritz lives with his father and stepmother, his parents got divorced when he was 2 or 3 and since then Fritz has been largely absent from his own life, he parents pay little attention to him and at only 8 years old he’s learned to be almost entirely self sufficient, he knows how to make basic meals for himself he can do his own chores and most importantly he walks himself to school everyday… but since nobody really notices when he actually shows up and when he doesn’t on occasion Fritz will simply choose not to go to school and since his parents never show up to parent teacher conferences he doesn’t see many consequences for this, there’s also the matter of going home every day, but much of the time Fritz instead of going home just goes to Freddy’s since he really likes the place and it’s not a far walk from his school, after awhile of this behavior and the noticeable lack of parents watching him the employees at Freddy’s take notice of him and take turns watching him to make sure he’s alright since nobody else is… plenty of the time they’ll just get him a slice of pizza and a drink on the house because they feel bad, leaving Fritz to spend his questionably acquired money at the arcade instead
Fritz is one of the only kids I’ve really thought about at length like this.. other then
Cassidy! Cassidy lives with her dad, her mom died shortly after she was born so that leaves her dad Richard a single father, Richard is also a nurse and often struggles with his work schedule since the local hospital is permanently understaffed for nurses and they never seem to need him at convenient times of day… babysitters are expensive and Richard doesn’t have reliable friends or family, luckily Freddy fazbears provides surprisingly good childcare? He feels bad about leaving his daughter in a pizzeria while he’s at work but he doesn’t really have another option since there’s no decent cheap childcare in their town and well like I said, Freddy’s is genuinely the best option, not exactly on par with a real daycare.. but close! Well, right up until the murders that is…
Richard never stopped blaming himself
ANYWAY !!! Those were my general answers, unfortunately I am still missing information on some of the kids but for ones like Fritz and Cassidy I am joyful to share their stories :}!! Like I said any of this could change at any time but right now this is what it is <3 thank you for the ask! Terribly sorry to end on such a depressing note but that’s fnaf I guess
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boyheros · 2 years
Ideally i would like to draw a bunch of stuff for my Snatcher descendent Minnie but I'm SUPPOSED to be doing homework so instead I'll just write about it for now. I'll put it under the cut cuz this might get long lolol
Ok ok it seems a lot of the descendants are similar in personality to their parent WHICH MAKES SENSE but honestly it would be really funny to me if Minnie was a failguy. Like instead of the "ahh scary ghost who steals my soul and makes my head pop off" part of snatcher he takes after the "makes people sign contracts to do his chores & sends mail to his minions so they feel appreciated & gets defeated by his own attacks in a bossfight" part of snatcher. This is also kinda reflection in his name? Instead of an ominous name like "the snatcher" he's still just. A minion. She's gotta EARN the scary title and he has not...!
I was thinking of having her be a paperboy too. Cuz of the mail mission and because snatcher has a mailman hat and it's cute. Idk if teens do that though? And there's not really a school club equivalent. Maybe like an office TA? Delivering shit to teachers and stuff? Perhaps.
Back to the failguy bit. Minnie is capable of performing the same magic as Snatcher but he SUCKS at it. Killing fellow students and staff is against the rules so she can't eat their souls to get more power :( and her dad usually takes care of everyone who trespasses in subcon so she doesn't get a lot of chances. Also the 'snatcher lazyness' comes into play where she sorta doesn't try. Sad!
She used to use her summoning magic as a replacement for a bag/backpack but it's not reliable. He has gotten many a detention from trying to summon his math homework & instead fucking blowing up everything with a cherry bomb. He also likes the white cherries like to eat but frequently causes them to blow up by accidentally imbuing them with spiritual energy. Exploding lunch incident 1 dead 7 injured.
If asked about why her clothes are burnt up she'll say it's an homage to how subcon is constantly on fucking fire but it's actually because he blows up and sets herself on fire all the time by accident ❤️
I think maybe one of the things he's skilled at is making blue potion except that's not super useful when you don't have any attacks to back it up with 🤨 instead she'll just splash people with it like when you're mad and throw a drink in someone's face. Or like pocket sand.
He makes contracts that are surprisingly non threatening too. Like the contract will say 'give me your soul' but 'soul' is crossed out and written over it is "HELP" and the conditions are "PLEASE HELP ME WITH MY BIOLOGY HOMEWORK!!!!!!" Also he signs all his papers and homework with a seal. Like the seal snatcher puts on contracts. NO NAME just a cute little smiley seal :D
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8lah8lah · 2 years
still talking abt acespec questioning stuff still maybe tmi
allosexually thinking loads of ppl are hot and loving sexual stuff as a concept and very much having the like Aesthetic of a lavish whore but the second anyone i... aesthetic attraction and/or libido-ly and/or hypersexually and/or simply Recognizing theyre hot or wearing smth intended to be sexy, -ED-LY THINK IS HOT has anything to do with me or the feelings could be reciprocated or they like me back or whatever anything where being sexual together is a real possibility i'm like. what is anything suddenly. this is SOLELY hypersexuality that's keeping me here now. what was it in you i liked again? i like your body so much so why am i not interested when it's being applied to me??? why are you someone id drool over in theory but in practice it feels robotic and played-out and like it's not my own, like i'm not the one doing this? i wanna return your feelings, why am i running off empty now, why is there nothing to give, why is it just a hollow shell of attraction, just actions but absolutely nothing behind them past 'but i have to do this, so!!' (<--hypersexuality)
that might sound like i Am attracted to them before and THEN they become not hot but it's more like. okay: -hypersexual thing of 'think of everyone sexually even if i dont want to even if i dont see it even if i dont like them my brain will absolutely never let me have a break it's just intrusive thoughts of 'HAHA WHAT IF YOU FUCKED!!!!!!!! YOU WOULD BE COOL IF YOU DID THAT' constantly constantly constantly Literally Ad Nauseum' -sincere aesthetic attraction esp towards girls that are like, my Type, im like oh WOW i like YOU i admire you so much id wanna be like you/i wouldnt wanna look like you specifically but i respect it so much/like how youre put together etc etc that im just like. wow wowww i love you. the thing of 'seeing someone and being like omg heart eyes sighing swooning' being As In you like them romantically/sexually, BUT FOR ME THAT'S, ALL IT IS, IM LIKE WOW HEART EYES [IT STARTS AND ENDS THERE] -Recognizing someone is hot. wow that's a really short skirt. wow your necklace says pussy. wow those are some cool thigh-highs. wow that's a provocative pose. wow this photo is certainly framed in certain ways. i'm supposed to find this hot i'm supposed to get something from this but it cuts off the second i stop being like 'this is objectively hot' but because these things are like designed to get more from you it makes this weird loop of me liking it and feeling absolutely nothing in the same breath because i dont feel anything past 'that is hot [stated matter of fact-ly]' -libido [end of sentence] AND IT'S EASIER TO SUMMARIZE IT ALL AS 'I THINK PPL ARE HOT', AND THEN I GET WITH THEM, AND THEN IT'S LIKE. OH THERE WAS NOTHING HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE AND IT'S CLEAR AS DAY NOW CAUSE IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT ADMIRING YOU ANYMORE. AHHHHHHHHHHH IM SOOO ALLOSEXUAL SOO SOO BAD ♥
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himitsu-luna · 3 years
࣪𑁍˖՚༹⌒ Domestic chores with Nct 127 ⌒ ༹՚˖𑁍 ࣪
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Taeil always feels kinda discouraged to start doing the chores, and he drags you along on procrastinating with him
"Come here, Y/N, stay with me a little bit more! Let's cuddle five more minutes, okay?". You agree, ofc, and you stay on the bed for a little too long, talking about the zillion things you have to do, but not having the guts to leave each other's arms.
When you start cleaning the house though, he really gets into it. No dirty spots and no dusty surfaces escape his strong hands.
He plays the most random songs, from classic music to heavy EDM, and you vibe together while doing the chores, bouncing with your brooms in hands and spinning your stained cloths in the air.
In the kitchen, he always gladly cooks for you. But after a long tiring day doing domestic chores, you both agree on ordering some food, spending the night just chilling, watching a movie in the middle of which Taeil probably will fall asleep.
Johnny is the one who organizes the chores at home. He assigns what each one needs to do, and there you go, his high energy overflowing from his body, encouraging you and providing you the ignition you needed.
"I clean up here, you clean down there" - he says with a suspicious smirk. You don't know if he is making fun of you or if he is being considerate.
He needs his coffee pauses, and he makes you take a break too. You talk about the most random daily things, which always leads to precious bonding moments, the kitchen getting filled with laidback laughs.
Then you continue your activities, in your own pace, jamming to some soft background music.
Johnny likes to offer you rewards. "If we finish this today, I'll buy us some nice ice cream, and then I'll take you to the movies. Deal?"
Taeyong has the most endearing way of convincing you that it's time to do some domestic chores. "Y/N, come hereeee! It's time for a couple activity!! I even got us matching rubber gloves, look!"
He doesn't let you do heavy tough stuff though. But when you see him struggling by himself and run to help him, he gives you the most precious smile, full of admiration and gratitude. A cute "Thank yoou!" (yes, in his cute english <3) leaves his mouth.
But there's one thing about doing chores with him that is a bit trick: he loves to rearrange the furniture and decoration. It's always extra tiring, but you have to give him the credit for your house being so cool and stylish.
Taking care of your pets is something that consumes a lot of time, but Taeyong does everything with happiness and sparkly eyes.
He makes sure you have some breaks, to keep hydrated and to eat something. He will prepare you some sandwiches, while you start to plan a little trip to the grocery shop.
Yuta and you have this synchronicity and telepathy. You think "I guess it's time to sweep the front yard". You get your broom and everything, and when you step out the house, Yuta is already there, cleaning everything.
"Oh, you had the same idea! Well, you can...", he says. "Oh, I guess I will...", you start. "....do the laundry.", you two say at the same time, smiling at each other.
He tries to do things in "Marie Kondo style". He takes a long time folding your clothes, but it's worth the effort. Your wardrobe is a beautiful piece of art.
If he thinks something is dangerous for you, he definetely won't let you do it. Changing the lamp? No no no! It's not that he thinks you're not capable of doing things, he knows you can do anything. He just can't live with the possibility of you getting hurt.
After a day of hard work, you take a warm bath together, and stay in bed for the rest of the night.
Like Johnny, Doyoung assigns the chores. He knows the things each one of you is good at.
But he is the type of person that sees you doing something, and automatically says "Wait baby, let me do it for you", or starts helping you, out of habit.
For example: you're doing the dishes, you wash part of the things in the sink, and then you start to rinse them. Doyoung takes the opportunity to sneakily snatch the dish sponge and, it's too late, he won't give it back to you. "Don't get used to it though", he says with a little grin. You grin back, because you lost count of how many times you've heard this same sentence.
You have a lot of plants at home, and Doyoung treats them like real babies. He even bought one for you, a baby tree of your favorite fruit.
Cooking is his thing, so he makes sure you have a nice, delicious and nutricious meal everyday.
Jaehyun will gladly do anything you ask him to do with the best of intentions, and he does his best to help.
He looks at the weather forecast to see when it's a good day to do the laundry, he sorts the garbage for recycling, he researches the supermarkets with the best prices, and does other little things that seem unimportant, but that are truly essential.
He likes vaccuing very dirty places. The satisfaction he gets from seeing the clean path that the vaccum leaves among the dirty is priceless.
But he is clumsy, so you know you can't let him get near the fragile stuff. So the kitchen is a little bit dangerous for him
If he can't help you with something, he makes sure to support you, like a real cheerleader. "Oh yessss honey! You're doing great, wow!That's my baby!!", he says, already massaging your shoulders.
Winwin sees you getting ready to start cleaning, and he asks you what he can do to help, while wearing your spare cute apron, which makes you smile like a fool.
He follows you and do what you do, ocasionally asking you if the things he is doing are good enough.
He is extra careful when hanging the clothes out on the clothesline, making sure to spread them well to avoid any wrinkles. He knows none of you like ironing, and also you burned yourself once, and he doesn't want this to happen ever again.
He spends a considerable amount of time making your bed, changing the bed linen, tyding up the sheets and smoothing the pillows, so you can feel good in a clean space and relax with him after working hard all day long.
Jungwoo is very good at domestic chores. He is a tidy and organized person, so things go smoothly in your house
He has the ability of turning every boring task into a pleasant and funny experience. Out of sudden you're having a broomstick battle. Out of sudden you're blowing soap bubbles. Out of sudden you're with white flour blots all over your face, after a spontaneous flour smudge battle.
For your surprise, he is excelent on fixing things. His creativity helps him a lot, along with a couple of YouTube videos and a degree on engineering.
Times just flies by his side, and you get surprised when you see the sun going down by your window, as he streches his back and says "we're finally done!", pulling you for a little celebration dance.
Jungwoo doesn't want to cook after doing domestic chores all day long. He orders an amount of food that could feed well ten people, and you eat a lot while watching some nice series.
Mark always tries his best at everything. He knows he is a little bit clumsy, so he does things carefully. Thank God he has spider senses.
A chore that is supposed to be finished in ten minutes takes thirty to be completed, but it's completely fine, because you know it will be perfectly done.
He used to get confused with all the types of cleaning products, but he eventually learned about them all and now he knows anything's purpose just by smeling it. "Mmmm very soft floral smell, must be clothes soap/ Very strong and citric, I guess this is disinfectant" (pls people, don't be like this, it's dangerous for everyone!!!)
At the end of the day, he is so satisfied looking at your team work. You can see it on his little proud smile, while he runs an arm over your shoulders and distractedly kisses your cheek.
Haechan whines for two minutes before starting doing chores, but he is a man of action after all. "The sooner we start it, the sooner we'll finish it", he says to himself.
You play rock paper scissors to decide who will be the one that will do the unpleasant chores, like cleaning the bathroom and taking the garbage out.
But hearing your heavy sigh after losing for him makes him go "ahh ok, I'll do it, don't worry, but it will cost you twenty kisses!"
He doesn't stop singing while doing the chores. He is like a walking karaoke machine,he knows every song you ask him to sing.
When he cooks for you, you often catch him talking to his mom on the phone, asking her about that dish you liked so much the last time you visited her.
•° Thanks anon, for the request!! I hope you like it!
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On Set - Chapter 1
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Soooo.... after all these lovely comments of you, here is Part 1 of my story for you. I hope you like it. A special thanks again to @nashibirne who always supports me no matter what and kicks my butt if I struggle with writing...Love you hunnybunny <3
Pairing: Henry Cavill x reader (f)
Summary: You start your work as Henrys new PA and things turn out completely diffrent than you thought...
Word count: 1309
Warnings: rpf, implied smut, insecurity
Please note also that english is not my mother tongue and that the story is not beta read, so all the mistakes are mine.
tag list: @nashibirne @sillyrabbit81 @lunedelorient @littlefreya @fanficlover91 @omgkatinka @aaescritora @finney13s @lumiousmoon @sharonisantisocial @marantha @supermamabear123 @lharrietg @red42985 @summersong69
Chapter one: Never in a million years I would have thought that I would be Henry Cavill's personal assistant but now here we are. After the short greeting in Lauren's trailer we headed to Henry's to sort out what my tasks would be. It was just half an hour that I was officially his PA now and I already was nearly breaking down. This man could definitely not be human, his broad back and his muscular body... his curls and his ridiculously handsome face and the worst of all, his ocean blue eyes that stared right into my soul every time he looked at me... Well yes Henry Cavill was certainly the lead role in all my thirsty fantasies and to be honest not just once in my mind while I pleasured myself late at night. And now I felt like a boneless puddle just because of his sole presence in the same room. I wasn’t sure how I should manage to be the professional assistant Lauren had promised him. Well there was just one solution to this problem. I had to face reality... He was way out of my league. ah what did I think...way out of my universe, there wouldn’t ever be the possibility that he would see me as a woman and not just as his employee. I didn’t need to trick me and think that there would be the tiniest chance... I mean come on, we all knew his ex-girlfriends, one prettier than the other, all super sexy, super fit and super gorgeous, nothing ordinary and average like me. That’s it Y/N just face the truth and be happy about the job. "Earth to Y/N" Henry pulled me out of my thoughts as I stood awkwardly and lost in the middle of his trailer. "Oh, sorry what did you say?" I mumbled slightly embarrassed by my lack of attention. "I just asked if we want to sit down and talk about our arrangement" he smiled at me. "Oh of course". I simply replied and followed him to the small couch in the Living room. We sat down on opposite sites and looked at each other, our knees touching because of the lack of space but Henry didn’t even realize. For me on the other hand, just that tiny bit of bodily contact made me tingle with excitement. His soul reading blue eyes stared at me and I swore I saw a light grin on his face as if he knew exactly what he was doing to me. I shook my head and looked down on my lap "Well OK Henry please tell me what you expect from me as your personal assistant." I looked at him again Be professional, be professional. I thought to myself while his smile never disappeared and he obviously was confident enough to hold eye contact the whole time, I mean why wouldn’t he, HE was definitely not distracted by pure beauty like I was. "OK there are several things that you as my personal assistant need to do, I mean obviously you did a lot of these things for Lauren too but it wouldn’t hurt to repeat them doesn’t it darling?" his smirk grew bigger with each of his words "Of course not Mr. Cavill... I mean Henry" Oh gosh he was so fucking intimidating and some kind of demanding, but I wouldn’t mind at all if he would have pounded my chores deep inside me, right here on the carpet in front of the couch now. Fuck fuck fuck stay professional. The heat started already to grew up in my spine but I tried to remained focused and to not look down in embarrassment again. "The most important thing is that everything I tell you stays between you and me, I mean obviously you signed an NDA anyway but I want to have a trustworthy relationship with you. because you will get to know a lot of personal things during our time together." His words were strict but his smile was bright and warm. "That’s absolutely clear Henry I would never talk about the things you trust me with to anyone... I bet you already made enough bad experiences with that" I rumbled but then it stroke me "Oh sorry that was a bit too forward maybe" I scolded myself for letting my words go so far but I knew enough about him and his past to know, that his privacy was very important to him. "That wasn’t too forward... That’s exactly why I told you that. I really want to trust you and I want you to trust me as well. Yes, I had some people around me before that abused my trust
and I will not let that happen ever again" as he said that his smile faltered and for the first time in our conversation I saw the real Henry, the one that was just a human being with emotions and doubts, not Henry Cavill the actor. But he composed himself very quickly. "Your main task is to watch my schedule and remind me of meetings and appointments I have. Here on set you will get my timeline from Lauren and I already have a complete schedule for the next two weeks with appointments like interviews and training sessions that I need to attend in addition to filming. You have to watch the clock so that I don’t mix anything up, but I don’t think that this will be a problem for you. Lauren said that you are a fantastic organizer." He gave me the most reassuring smile and I blushed instantly which didn’t go unnoticed to Henry. "Ah and there is one more thing I’d like to ask you right before we start... because our schedule is very packed I thought it would be the best, if you could skip your drives in the morning and evening and therefore move in with me into my rental house at Berkshire." He beamed at me. "I am sorry what?" I couldn’t believe my ears. Did Henry really ask me if I wanted to share a house with him...heaven help that could not be real. "Yeah well it´s just effective isn’t it?" He scratched his head and seemed to be somewhat unsure of himself for a moment. "But you don’t need to if you are not comfortable with it" he tried to ease up the situation, certainly not used to female hesitance. "No no its OK. It’s totally fine for me and I bet that your house has a guest room and we don’t need to share a bed." I tried to answer as cockily as possible. "Well this darling, depends totally on you" Henry grinned at me with a smug smile. OK now ladies and gentleman I am dead. Was that a serious invitation for a hook up?I sat there speechless, bright red and left with an open mouth. "No worries princess I am just kidding" he winked at me ahh ooh OK it would have been too good to be true anyway.. but wait did he just called me princess? "Of course, I have a guest room. If you want to, we can head over to your apartment and catch your belongings now" with that he stood up and held out his hand to me. As I took it and he helped me to stand up, some sort of electricity stroke me. Henry pulled me towards him and now just a few inches separated us as he looked down to me, right into my eyes with that earth-shattering stare of his bright eyes. Henry leaned down to my ear and whispered " And princess just one more thing...I am sure in no time you will beg me to let me sleep you in my bed" Oh holy mother...what the fuck was going on here....
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libby-is-a-idoit · 2 years
Ok i don’t know if you are taking requests if you aren’t feel free to ignore but if you are I just had an idea so what if the reader was a Madrigal but could do what Karl (from dsmp) could do as a gift they could time travel but can’t control when. Maybe when Mirabel trying to fix the miracle the reader starts forgetting things and she’s freaking out because she doesn’t know what to do.
(Also,for anyone asking,yes I'm alive,I'm dealing with finals rn along with a cold rn,as I'm actually sitting on my ass blowing my nose rn-)
"I'm scared I'm gonna forget you.."
~karl X reader~ (ENCANTO AU <3)
WARNINGS: just angst and memory loss :) ------------------------------------------
"Karl you know what my family thinks!!" You said talking to your best friend as you were doing your chores "ahh I know!! But like it's not like we're daiting!! So what's the problem with me just showing up!!" He said following right behind you as you carried two bricks up to a house that was getting built "karl, showing up at 2am is not acceptable." You said putting down the bricks tgat were already nicely put in a pile thanks to your amazing younger sister Luisa.
Ah yes, y/n Madrigal,the second oldest out of Julietas kids; me? Well imwell.. special in my own way!..my gift you may ask? HA one you will never guess...out of the whole family of magic,there was BOWN to be two screw ups! And that was me! And my youngest sister Mirabel.
What's my gift? Time traveling.
What's wrong with it?
untill I met Karl,Karl is from the past,WAY in the past.
Like I think he said 100 or some years! He's truly magic,and the best part is,is that he doesn't even come from so magic family,he just has a gift! Time traveling to be exact.
He helps me the best he can..sure,he can't always help,non of my family likes him,and when I say no one,I mean no one,not even my mom!!! Which blows my mind,my mom likes everyone...
"y/nnn" Karl said snapping his fingers in front of my face "AH" I said closing my eyes and shaking my head "I'm back im back." I said rubbing my eyes and Turing around to go get more bricks to help (even if Luisa could do it by herself.) "Y/n,wanna go work on your gift???" Karl said moving in front of me as I tried to walk back to the other pile "Karl,I need to do this.." I said trying to move away "buttt it's been like three days since we trieddd" he said talking more with his hands trying to get me to cave in,and it worked.
"fine,but I have to be home sooner this time,Isa is having her future husband come to dinner" I said laughing at the last bit,as did Karl as well.
"ok! So just,think of a place and try again!!!" Karl said after I fell on my butt after trying to get to the time period Karl was from.. Karl always the place he was from was amazing.. sure,there was war, fighting, Nations blowing up.. but he also told me about a place that I really, really wanna go to..it's called kinoko kingdom.. he said that him and his fiance's built it or something like that,but then one left..I think Karl said his name was quackity or something..and then something else happend and it just took a turn for the worst..but I wanna see how it was built,and on how beautiful it was..Karl always says it was truly an amazing place...
I think that's he said at least..
"Karl,it's no use,I'm just not ment to have this gift!!" I said putting you hands down and throwing my back on to the ground and laying on the ground looking at the brown haired boy.
"y/n you just haven't made it alive yet!!!it's there just..dead. that's all!!! It happened to be before to,now look at me! I'm from 100 years in the past!!" He said sitting on the ground facing me as I laughed at his stupid sentence.
"one day Karl I'll head to that kingdom you told me about..the one where sapnap left you guys and started his down place" I said laughing as Karl gave me a strange look.."sapnap? Uhm,y/n, quackity left..sapnap said with George before he left.." Karl said confused on your words.
"I MENT QUACKITY YES"I said even tho I swear it was sapnap..I don't remember a quackity at all being there.. "Karl,I need my right hand man at dinner tonight,wanna join?" I said sitting up and looking at him,I did NOT wanna be in that house alone with my family tonight,so why not bring my right hand man my family hates!
"y/n your family hates me,why would I go" he said with no emotion in his voice like he was disappointed in me, "well I need you,so your gonna go and I don't care,that place is gonna be scary tonight -" I said shivering at the thought of it."well I'm not gonna turn down your mom's cooking,so he'll ya!!" He said standing up as well as I did as well. "Well then we better get a move on,were already probably late anyway-" I said laughing as I grabbed his hand and we started our walked back to Casita.
"y/n Madrigal. Where have you been young lady/man" abuela said as you walked in to see the whole family sitting and getting ready to eat "I was helping Karl,and he's staying for dinner,so I'll go get him a plat." I said smiling as I dragged Karl to the kitchen with me I grabed a plate and set it on the counter..I turned to bring a pot over and immediately forgot what I was doing "why did I grab the pot?" I said confused and looked at Karl "you were gonna dish me some dinner.." he said concern growing in his voice "y/n are you feeling ok?" Karl said moving towards me and putting his hand on my forehead to see if I was heating up "Karl I'm fine,now get your.." I forgot what that word is...shit shit shit shit shit it's on the tip of my tongue.."hand off of my face please so I can get you food" I say as I mentally sigh..I don't forget much..or at least this much..did I hit my head today?
I finished dishing up Karl his food and we're all sitting at the table,and when I tell you everyone was acting strange I mean most people were.. the amount of tension that was there was basically setting me and Karl back a 100 years it was so thick. "So y/n..I heard you didn't finish your chores today.." Camilo said as he shovled food in his mouth "I did finish them!" I said in defense...I did..I know I did,I even told Karl I have to finish before anything happend.
"tia..you have a cloud.." abuela said trying to act as natural as possible as if it didn't just seem like Maribel threw herself on the floor to cover up something.. I look at Karl who's clearly enjoying his food alot,like so much it seems that it takes him a hot second to realize I'm shooting him a glare,he looks at me,then back at the family,then at me then makes some strange eye movements saying let's head to your room like right now.
"well Uhm..I'm gonna,I mean,me and Karl are gonna head upstairs,he's helping me with a project..thank you mama for dinner,and I'll see you all late-" I was very much cut off as cracks stared to show up on the walls,on the floors and basically everywhere "NO" Mirabel said as a tray that had green glowing glass on it that I very much recognized but I couldn't remember at that moment.. it went flying on the table towards abuela as everyone started to freak out and leave the room "Uhm..y/n..?" Karl said looking at me " yes Karl?" I said right back at him "wanna go see if we can time travel again?" He said looking at me again and then back at the house that was now wet from tia Pepe's clouds "yup." I say taking his had as he grabbed mine and we sped walked up the stairs to see all the doors fading as the good glow slowly started to disappear with every new crack of the house showing up.
Not long after I fell asleep due to extreme exhaustion..Karl went home before I fell asleep..or after..I just know he wasn't there when I woke up. Soft knocks rang at your door as you can back to consciousness after your sleep "yeah.." you said sitting yo from your bed "y/n!! You missed it!! Isa and I we just.." Mirabel said looking at me but then looking around my room my room is brightly colored, little flex of what seems like iridescent could always be seen in the early sun rise and sun sets..but this time..this time there was nothing.."Isa..come look at this.." Mirabel said to Isa who must have been just outside the room "y/n..how..we,we fixed the magic!! Wha.. what happened??" Mirabel said walking in the room.. little cubes on grey could be seen flying slowly off the walls and faiding away as soon as it detached it self.
"why are you guys in here.." I say,I don't remember how they got in my room.."this is just like Bruno's vision..he said y/n was gonna have something happen to them.." Mirabel said to Isa as they looked at me again! This time I stood up,somehow not in my sleep clothes,but in the cloths I wore yesterday.. who was Bruno and why did he have a vision of me?
"y/n,I think your losing your memory.." Isa said walked towards me,I don't remember much,all I know is the black dots showed up and then I was out.
Just like how the magic went out..
I woke up,why was Casita demolished? Did I travel? Why was everyone crying? Where was...? Where's Karl..he can fix this! He knows everything!! "Karl!" I stood up quickly and started to run.."I don't..I don't remember how to get to his house.." I said quickly and stop running,Isa comes to my side as grabs my arm,."y/n Karl is-" Isa said right before Karl showed up behind her "I'm right here Isa..thank you.." he said as Isa have him a hug of relief and quickly left to go find _______.
"y/n..do you remember anything?" He said as we grabbed my hands and led me to a patch of grass that had yet been touched by anything "Karl! When did you get here..?" I say,I'm confused,I'm scared..I'm angery but all I wanna know is when did he get here? "Y/n what do you remember?" He said looking at me dead in the eyes,fear rose In him like no one had ever seen.
"I remember you!!"I say smiling at him,he starts shake his head.."y/n..your memory..it's..it's like mine.." he said eyes started to fill up with tears,he was terrified to not only lose what was left of my memory,but of his close friend.. "Karl.." I say looking at him,he trys to keep himself calm for a second.."Karl..I'm scared.." I say,I don't remember where I am at this point..I know who I am,I know who he is,I know who I think my family is..I just..I just don't remember...
"y/n.. please... please say you remember...I can't lose you again...". Karl says cupping my face with his hands before pulling away and pulling me in a hug.."I don't remember Karl..." I say,hands at my side confused as ever..I'm scared,but I don't remember.. "y/n..you have to remember...your to young for this to happen...at least not again.." he says pulling away and wiping his cheeks,he had been crying before..I know what people look like sad..he's sad..
I wonder why he's sad?
"why are you sad..?" I said looking at him.. The look he gave to me made me sick,he looked scared..
"THEY FOUND HER!!!" People yell in what seems to be joy as they have found ________ I don't remember who ________ is,but they were looking for her..I remember that..I think.
"excuse me for a second y/n.." Karl says standing up and going towards a group of people who must ha e been there before...I never got my answer tho...
Karl had walked over to the Madrigals who were pulling in Mirabel for hugs.. Mirabel pulled away and went to where y/n sat,on a rock, confused.."y/n! Are you ok??" Mirabel said crouching down to look at them,they looked back,."Uhm..who are you..?" They said uncomfortablely backing away as well.
"they can't remember..they don't remember anything.." Karl said bearing the sad news to the family "but the candle when out? How can they not remember??" Camilo asked confused as well as just about all the family as well "I don't,I don't know..I know my memory started to faid but now this quickly AND I still knew what was going on..but I have a feeling..this..this if different..." Karl said walking to the y/n who just sat so confused at everything that was being said..soon the family walked over to them,all talking softly one at a time to y/n,but nothing...every passing second..was just like when Karl and y/n first met,back when they were just traveling and they came across Karl planting flowers at the base of kinoko kingdom..just like how when they met when ballroom dancing during the tales of the SMP which they came up with! Karl knew what was gonna happen...it was gonna be the same as before,they were gonna forget and pass away from a broken heart..just like before..
And all the other times of before..
No one knew why after y/n would pass Karl would disappear to..but I guess when your soul mate dies..you gotta go find them again..and start all over..again..
Just like before...
AHHH IM ALIVE!!! also sorry this may be shitty,like I said before I feel so sick rn,but I already made you wait for so long,once I'm better I promise I'll fix it up,but that will probably be in a few weeks when I'm off on summer break...anyway,thank you for reading and I love you all sm!!
And thank you sm for the request!!! My requests are open!! But it may take me time to write them..
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tickly-trashcan · 2 years
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Ca-can I ask for K and T for thomato? 👉🏻👈🏻 know they are two people and U would prefer to pick one of them its ok too! *ER HUG*and 🍡 for You for positive boost!
Note: AHH Hi hi!!! Of course you can, I love those two hehe! I may or may not be working on something for them right now~ *hugggg* Thank youu! Have a great day and remember to stay hydrated! :D
K: Killer Move - As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
Wahh ok ok so Ayato is definitely more of a ler in their relationship so naturally, he has a few tricks up his sleeve! Thoma knows them at this point but they still manage to get him pretty bad, and Ayato always finds his reactions rather endearing~
One of Ayato's killer moves is when Thoma's doing chores around the estate, he blows on his neck. This doesn't necessarily tickle too much, but it does catch Thoma by surprise quite often. Another one is that Ayato will be kissing Thoma and he'll start squeezing his hips or something like that, but he doesn't stop trying to kiss him. Thoma's laughing and trying to squirm away but Ayato is pretty persistent. He also teases Thoma a little bit while he does this, saying "Thoma, why are you laughing? I'm just trying to kiss you, you're making it very difficult~" and Thoma's just a mess hehe.
Thoma's killer move is tickle hugs! Whenever Ayato is busy or is stressed out or anything that would suggest that he's not having a fun time, Thoma will pull him in for a hug and just gently pinch at his sides or ribs. Ayato can't move bc Thoma is quite the hugger so he just has to take it until Thoma decides that he's feeling better! Of course, this often leads to retaliation on Thoma's end, but he doesn't mind as long as Ayato's happy.
T: Teasing - Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
OMG these two,,, the teasing is insane. Thoma's pretty sweet, but he can be pretty teasy with Ayato, and Ayato's teasing can be pretty brutal sometimes LOL
Ayato loves to tease Thoma, regardless of whether he's the lee or ler. If he's tickling Thoma, he really likes to tease Thoma on how ticklish he is! Like "Your stomach is so ticklish, should I change spots? Ah, but your hips are quite tickly as well, aren't they?" And poor Thoma can't even say anything back bc he is really ticklish and if he does he's worried he'll get it even worse.
Thoma will tease Ayato very cautiously, and even then his teases are more like compliments bc he's a sweetie. He'll be like "Your smile looks so pretty, Ayato! You should smile more! Here, I'll help~" and Ayato doesn't mind those teases, but sometimes he'll turn the tables by being like "My laugh isn't nearly as cute as yours though, dear," And he just squeezes Thoma's hip and the poor dude just topples over and soon Thoma's the one being tickled hehe
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glazebowstuffz · 4 years
New brother?
Ok, this is a little au idea that I wanted to do with the SBI! It's the dsmp but everyone is younger... along with some giants. I don't know if anyone has made this au or not but here we go! For now, this story is the meetup with Wilbur and giant boi Tommy but younger (Maybe Toddler or child age? Like under 10 years at least). We'll see this through the eyes of Wilbur (pov) but still 3rd person. Hope you enjoy it!
It was a normally peaceful day like any other, the birds were singing, the bees dancing to each flower, the 3 boys (Dream, George, Sapnap) chasing Wilbur through the forest. Yup, a normal day. As Wilbur dodges the trees trying to escape the other boys in the forest, Dream seems to be right on his tail never losing site of Wilbur. If only his brother, Techno, was here he'd fight Dream which would make his escape much easier but atlas, he was with Phil gathering more food for dinner.
Still running deeper into the woods Wilbur trips over a tree root and falls face-first into the dirt. Dream puts his foot on his back so he wasn't able to escape again. "No where to hind now, Wilbur, and no brother to save you. Just give back our items and we'll let you go." Dream told him as he waited for George and Sapnap to catch up. Wilbur tries moving free from his foot but no avail. Dream's pressure on his back wasn't going to release until he gave them the stuff he took borrow.
"Can't we just talk about this? C'mon there's no need for this treatment! Just let me sit up and I'll give yer stuff!" Just as Wilbur told him, Dream removes his foot and lets Wilbur sit on the ground. He starts handing Dream the stuff that he took borrow like their iron weapons, health potions, and cooked food. "There that's all of your junk... will you let me go now?"
Dream looks back at his friends which they both seem to be nodding in a agreement. "Yeah, your off the hook but if this happens again then I'm just going to have to tell Philza!" Both George and Sapnap giggle at his statement. Remembering the last time he got in trouble with Phil was him stealing gapples from Sam. Phil grounded him for 4 weeks and he had to do all of his and Techno's chores with it as punishment. He didn't want that happening again.
All 3 boys laugh at him but suddenly they felt the ground shake which stopped the laughter. "Did you guys felt that too?" George asked grabbing a hold of Dream's arm.
"Maybe an Earthquake?" Sapnap reply looking around the forest. Earthquakes usually last a bit longer but this shake felt like something big was headed their way. "Hey Dream? Isn't this the forest that both of our parents warned us not to play in?"
"I think it is... also... RUN!" All 3 boys start panically running back from were they came leaving Wilbur behind. The forest that their parents warned them about was known to hold monsterous man eating giants. Phil had told both him and Techno to never step foot into the forest or the giants will eat them with no mercy or guilt.
In also a panic state Wilbur quickly gets off the forest floor and follows the boys lead. "Guys! Wait for me!!" Though he has no idea which way is out and the others are long gone. He felt the ground shake more and knew this giant was getting closer. Wilbur didn't stop running but with his luck he trips on another root and lands on the ground again. He tries to get off the ground but he then sees a large hand coming towards him. He stops in terror knowing there is no way of escape. The hand grabs a hole of him, not pressing to much that it hurts him but just enough that he wouldn't fall. Wilbur holds onto the hand, not that he has really much of a choice.
Wilbur's mind was racing he was never going to prank his friends or anybody again, he was never going to eat Niki's delicious sweets again, never going to bother Techno again, and never going to see Dadza again. Wilbur closes his eyes waiting for his undeniable doom... but it never came. He opens his eyes and is face to face with the giant. His blond messy hair on his face but still showing his blue eyes and poor clothing being ripped in some areas along with baby socks?
The giant smiles at Wilbur. "Hewwo." The giant softly spoke. Wilbur wasn't sure how to respond but gave a small wave back at him but quickly holding on to the large hand. This only made the giant giggle. "You awe so small!" He raises his other hand and softly pets his floofy hair.
"Aren't... Aren't you going to ea- eat me?" Wilbur ask trying to hold on to the giant's fingers for dear life. The giant looks at him confused and stops petting him.
"Eat? Oh! Fwod! Apples and bewries!" The giant seems proud of himself with telling Wilbur the difference foods that he eats. Still confused Wilbur starts putting two and two together and realize that this giant is a small child. He was being held by a child, a giant child who probably has never even seen a human before. Soon a few crows fly behind the giant child scarring him. "Ahh! Nooo! Bad!" The child drops Wilbur into a bush and crouches down next to a tree holding his head slightly crying.
Thanks to the bush that broke Wilbur's falls he was free to escape and run home to everyone but he didn't. Not knowing why this child made him feel some sort of sympathy. He walks closer to the child hearing soft cries for both of his parents. "Hey, there big man... it's alright. No need to cry. It was only a few silly old birds. They can't hurt you. Not while Wilburs' here!" Wilbur said in a soothing manner. Even if he wasn't good with kids this one was different and not just because he's a giant.
The child looks up at him with tears in his eyes. "There. There. Nothing can hurt you, big man! You're strong and brave, right?" The child nods wiping away some tears. "There you go. See! You're going to be just fine- uh... do you have a name?" The child shake his head. "What!? You're telling me don't have a name? Did you're parents not name you?" The child looks down upset. Wilbur looks at him confused waiting for an answer.
"Mum and dad awe gone. They left me alwon..." small tears start to form in his eyes again. Shocked Wilbur goes closer to him and starts rubbing his shoulder. He didn't realize that this kid was all alone and without a family. Something took over Wilbur, he wanted to protect this child at all costs even if he was twice his size.
"No more sad tears, Tommy! Cheer up! I'm going to be you're new big brother now!" Wilbur states. The child look up at him suprirse by the name.
"Tommy?" Wilbur starts to blush from embarrassed. He didn't realize that he just shouted a random name out of nowhere, especially the name Tommy.
"Eh, sorry. I didn't mean to-" He was cut off by the child pulling him into a big warm hug. He even hugged back.
"I lowve it! Tommy! And my big brother, Wilby!" Wilbur couldn't help but to let out a lil aww. But there was just one problem... a huge one at fact. How on Earth is he going to explain this to Dadza?
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akaashisupremacy · 3 years
Summary: Hajime Iwaizumi runs into an old friend yet again. Second chances don't come often so will he able to make a move before their time is up?
Iwaizumi x fem!reader/Oc || Read it on A03
Genre : romance, friends to lovers 
The day had gone by quicker than Hajime Iwaizumi thought it would. It was now or never.
It all began last week, when he ran into Hiromi Miura, a friend from college, in a small Vietnamese restaurant in Ginza a month after he moved to Tokyo. As he lined up for a seat, he noticed the figure in front of him was familiar. He tapped her shoulder and waved. Hiromi was so surprised that it took her a moment to realize it was her old classmate.
“Iwa??” she said in disbelief.
They got a seat together to catch up. Normally, Hiromi would be nervous about have lunch with one other man, but she had been on so many failed dates lately that at least she knew lunch with Iwa would not end in disappointment.
“You’re eating here? This place must be legit huh?” he said, remembering that she worked for a food publication. She chuckled.
“Definitely has my seal of approval.”
The restaurant was small and Iwa was rather tall. He could feel his knees touching hers from time to time. She crossed her feet behind her chair so they didn’t have to apologize mid-conversation when they bumped into each other.
“I’ve been meaning to call you by the way. Do you know any good markets around where I live?” he pulled out his phone to show her the area where he was staying, “I’m not too familiar with the area yet, so you’ll have to tell me where is it on the map.”
Iwa lived almost at fringe of the city. His home was located not too far away by bike to one of Hiromi’s favorite wet markets. She took his phone a little more enthusiastically than he expected her to and pinned a location.
Hiromi loved showing people around her favorite food spots. If being a food guide was more lucrative, she would ditch her dayjob altogether.
“Here! There’s a wet market where I’m friendly with the stall owners right here.” she pointed, “It’s about a 15 minute bike ride away from your place. I can help you get good deals. Not too many tourists too.”
And that was how Iwa found himself inside a wet market with Hiromi, on an early Monday morning. On most mornings, Iwa liked to jog and not do chores, but Hiromi had been so enthusiastic about the market that he let himself get sucked in. He tried not to yawn as she waved at every other stall.
“Another market day for work? Did the production team ask for your help again?” tutted an old woman at a vegetable stand.
Did he really look that dressed down?
“No, I’m bringing a friend around, hopefully a soon to be regular. Yamagata-san, this is Iwaizumi. He just moved here.” she chuckled, gesturing at him. Iwa politely bowed and greeted her.
As Iwa picked out some vegetables, Hiromi continued to chat with the old woman, guiding him every now and then to a vegetable that looked fresher than what he had picked out.
“I thought he was a production boy., You know one of those boys that drives your company van and carries your stuff.” Yamagata-san commented good naturally, “Too handsome for a production boy.”
When Iwa was about to pay up, Hiromi disappeared over to the next stall. He sighed and made his way to the counter at the back. Behind the desk, he saw a simply framed black and white photo of Yamagata-san with a candid smile, reaching out to a customer. The background seemed to blur and the old woman was the star. Next to that was a smaller photo of Yamagata-san and…Hiromi.
Was Hiromi some sort of MVP for this stall or something?
“Miura-chan took that photo of me,” said Yamagata-san, taking notice of Iwa, “I told her that I didn’t need such a big photo of myself so I insisted on having one with her.”
“What was the photo for?” he asked, peering again at the two photos.
“She ran an article on the oldest stalls of the market saying we were the heart of the community or something like that. When the story came out, she even gave us a glossy magazine that had my picture on it. She made us sound big and important. She was really grateful that we let her talk about us so she gave us a framed photo of ourselves to remember her milestone by. It was her big solo article I think.”
After hopping from one store to another, sometimes to say hi and others to buy produce from, they settled in for early lunch at yakitori or grill restaurant. The sun was high in the sky. While waiting to be seated, Hiromi bought cool green tea for the both of them.
“This is so good! Damn!” he sighed in pleasure. The drink relieved the sweat gathering at his back. Hiromi grinned in satisfaction.
“Iwa can I ask you something?” she tilted her head towards him.
“Shoot.” Suddenly he felt unnerved and tense. What could this be about? He bit down on the tip of the straw.
Her eyes were with amusement, “Did you not notice that the fruit vendor was making eyes at you?? She’s totally into you and I tried to wingman for, but you just shrugged and paid up.”
“Wait, for real?” he asked, taken aback by his lack of self-awareness.
Hiromi nodded her head vigorously, “That was cold!’
He slapped his hands on his forehead, “Well, I wasn’t really interested in her anyways.” he sighed, his eyes flicking towards her before looking away.
Hiromi recalled a time in college, when a circle of their friends were having lunch together. One of the girls that had a crush on Iwa tried to make a pass at him.
“I would date you if I could, Hajime-kun,” she blushed. Everybody’s eyes turned to Iwaizumi who continued eating and only stopped because someone had nudged him.
“Thanks, I’m flattered,” he nodded. It had taken him weeks to realize that she was trying to confess to him.
“Do you remember that time in colle-“ she began but was interrupted. He was cringing as he remembered the same memory.
“Don’t bring up that lunch incident, Hiromi. I know you’re going to. Just NO.”  he groaned, “I get it! I’m dense.”
Hiromi was trying to restrain her laughter. He could hear her stifle her giggle beside him. She tried not to look at him. He straightened up beside her and nudged her knee with his.
“I wasn’t interested in her anyways.” he said, thoughtfully looking at her.
“Clearly not,” she snorted, browsing through the menu, “You should see what you want to eat before they seat us.”
He placed his hand a little bit behind her and peered over her shoulder. He could feel her arm pressed against his chest. They were seated so closely his nose almost touched the side of her head. She remained oblivious to him.
After they were seated, Iwaizumi finally brought up what he had been noticing.
“How does everyone here have a photo by and with you?” he asked, “Are the photos really required by your work?”
Hiromi looked a little embarrassed. She cleared her throat and sighed, “People like to take. They take stories and never give the people they take from. They take their food and their ideas, which is really not fair.
“It took me a while to earn the trust of the community here but once I gave them a copy of their story, it made them realize I was sincere about wanting to give back to them. The black and white framed photos, that was on me. We had some budget left so I got them their own photos because they’re important even if their job is not glamorous.”
“You’re really passionate about your job huh?” he said. The food had just arrived and they began to rearrange their bowls and plates on the table.
“It’s not my job I’m passionate about, it’s people and their stories. I’m just lucky enough to be paid enough to do this.” she smiled.
“Don’t you feel the same way about your job?” she asked, “You like volleyball so much you turned it into a profession.”
“I do, but I’ve just started in my new job. Passion takes time if not at least a little bit more experience. Maybe by next year, I can feel the same way about my work.”
“Thanks for bringing me here.” he said as he loaded up his bike with his morning purchases.
“Thanks for lunch,” she said. Iwaizumi had paid while she was at the restroom to thank her for introducing him to her community market.
Urgency prodded at his back. It was now or never. As she handed him some of his packaged vegetables, he hastily turned to her.
“Can I see you again next week?” he said it so quickly, he wasn’t sure she fully understood him.
“Oh, do you want to try a different market?” she asked, carefully taking out the strawberries from her bag and transferring it to his bag.
“No, no this market looks great —“
“I know right! It’s not the best or most comprehensive market, but it’s a good market if you’re looking to build a community with.” she beamed with pride.
Iwa straightened his back and cleared his throat, “No, like a date.”
She paused and stood to meet his eye. “Oh…I guess this is why you weren’t interested in the vendor huh. I really thought she would be your type! She even plays volleyball.” She looked away while slowly recalling signs from earlier today: the knee nudge, the lunch, his lack of interest in other women in the market.
Iwa could feel the heat rising in his cheeks. He forgot how nerve-wracking it was to ask someone out. Sweat was pooling around his temples just standing there.
“Ahh not really, I am actually interested…in you. I thought you might like me too, that’s why you agreed to go out with me today…y’know to test the waters…” he stuttered, “but..ah…turns out you just really like markets. I realized that I should have been more forward.”
Hiromi was simultaneously flattered, mortified and a little confused. She kept quiet. In the back of her mind, she entertained the thought that maybe this was an unofficial date, but she had convinced herself that Iwa was invested in buying cheaper fresher produce.
“It’s ok if you don’t want to. You look uncomfortable,” he said, waving his hands side to side, breaking her out of her reverie, “We can pretend like this never happened.”
She hesitantly replied, “Well, I’m on the weekend and my hours are flexible on Thursday because it’s a reading day for me…” She was praying in her heart that she got her schedule right.
Her reply caught Iwa off guard. Nevertheless, he jumped to the chance to spend a day next week with her.
“That’s great! I’m away next weekend, but Thursday sounds great.” he smiled, looking hopeful, “Let’s meet then?”
“I know it’s kinda early, but I think I have to put it out there that my schedule’s really erratic some days. That’s kind of put some people off.” he shrugged. His schedule was one of his occupational hazards.
“We’re out on a Monday, I think I’m aware.“ she nodded. Although outwardly calm, she was ready to faint. She couldn’t wait to tell Itsumi that she had a date with a seemingly decent guy?
“Oh and Iwa?” her face schooled itself into a more serious expression as he gave her his full attention, “It’s non-negotiable for me. If you want to insist on being able to date other people, I’ll have to cancel next week.”
“I had a small spat with this guy I was dating and I…walked in on second date while he was making out with someone.” she gritted her teeth, heaving a sigh.
“Ok, I won’t see anybody else while we’re seeing each other. Deal?” he couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m not very good at dating. I haven’t been in a good relationships in awhile. I’m gonna need your patience.” she said softly, turning to him, her eyes wary.
“I’m kind of aware.” he nodded, “I’ll make the most of the time you can give me.”
When she left she felt dumbfounded. She had recently sworn off dating and now she was on another date?
“Itsumi, you’ll never guess what just happened!” she called up her coworker.
This is part 2 of a series on Iwa living in Tokyo after he moves back from California. If you’d like to keep up with the next chapters (which will include questions to help them fall in love *hint hint*), comment or message!
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Series taglist: @itstheee-ha-chan
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