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mymangamemes · 13 days ago
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How teenage boys think they look in a fedora
From This Villainess Wants a Divorce by AhBin and Nokki
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webtoonscreenshots · 4 months ago
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Bastian, by Solche and Ahbin
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flying-kanery · 2 years ago
Hey guys! So apparently having a job is a lot harder than I thought it would be lol😂but I was able to finally squeeze in some time to write and post this very late submission for Jacen Syndulla week following the prompt father/family. I'll put the link for it on my ao3 right here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48378895. But I wanted to post the whole fic here too to sTaY tRuE tO mY tUmBlR rOoTs lol. I hope you enjoy!<3
Also, quick shoutout to to @jacensyndullaweek for organizing this whole thing and for the amazing prompts! You slayed!<3
Fic rating: G
“And that’s how your mom defeated an entire Imperial fleet!”
Jacen looked up at his father with wide, awe-struck eyes and his mouth agape. Hera couldn’t help but laugh internally. It definitely wasn’t an entire Imperial fleet.
She watched in the doorway, not yet noticed by either of them. She loved the way Kanan placed his arm around Jacen, how sitting down he was barely taller than Kanan’s forearm, the way he sat so comfortable, so small, chubby little limbs relaxed on the bed.
“Wowaw,” Jacen said, “Den what happen, Daddy?” Hera couldn’t hold back a laugh this time.
At that, Kanan glanced up at the doorway knowingly, a grin spreading across his face. Jacen still didn’t see her, completely encapsulated by his dad’s story.
Well then, your mom met with some of the biggest leaders of the rebellion—well, she technically wasn’t invited to the meeting,” another mischievous glance at the doorway, “but she knew she should’ve been in the meeting because it involved someone in her family. Can you guess who?”
“Uuuuuuhhhhhh…ou,’ Daddy!”
“No,” he shook his head and laughed.
“Uuuuuuhhhhh,” he tapped his little finger on his dimpled chin, as if deep in thought. Her boy was so beautiful, both of her boys were. Her smile widened at the thought.
“Ahbine!” he said. Kanan chuckled.
“Sah-bine buddy, there’s an s, ssss,” he pointed to his mouth and then Jacen’s, trying to show him how to make the sound.
“Thhhhhhh,” Jacen tried to imitate his father, “Thahbine!” he exclaimed.
“Close enough,” Kanan shot a quick look back up at Hera, silent laughter exchanged between them. “But that’s still not who it is.”
Jacen was growing more frustrated, “Den who is it?” he said, throwing out his arms in exasperation.
Kanan smiled down at him. “Ezra.”
Jacen gasped in excitement. “Ezzy!” he squealed.
“Yes,” Kanan laughed.
“So did mommy get dem to help wit Ezah?”
“Yes,” Kanan replied, gazing into Hera’s eyes, “she did. Because she never backs down when it comes to the people she loves.”
“What ou’ wookin’ at, Daddy?” Jacen turned around to face the door frame. “MOMMY!” he squealed with joy.
“Jacen, sweetheart,” she laughed, “I was only gone for about twenty minutes and I was right in the other room.”
“I know dat. But I stiww miss ou’!” He began trying to get his tiny body off of his bed in order to run to her.
“No baby, it’s okay. I’ll come to you.” she said, walking towards him and scooping him up in her arms. She sat on the bed and leaned up against Kanan with Jacen snuggled to her chest.
“Did you get the stain out?” Kanan asked.
“Yep,” she held up Jacen’s tiny onesie with little tookas all over it.
“Yay!” Jacen clapped and took the onesie from his mom.
“Now Jacen, the next time you want to paint something, just let us know so that we can keep this from happening again, okay?”
“Okay, mommy,” he said, giving her a big hug. Hera ran her hand over his emerald hair and kissed his forehead. Kanan held her closer.
“Mommy?” Jacen asked.
“Yes, baby?”
“Do you have any stories about Daddy?”
She immediately looked up at Kanan who wore an amused and slightly scared expression.
“Oh boy, do I,” she laughed, “but that’ll be for another night.”
“Awwww,” Jacen whined.
“Your mom’s right, kiddo. You need to get some sleep.”
“But I not tieword.”
“Good, that means my story wasn’t boring,” Kanan replied.
Jacen paused for a moment, considering his father’s words, “I guess dat’s twue. Buh can I wear da tooka jammies pweeeease?”
Hera smiled, “Of course, sweetheart.” They got Jacen dressed for bed and tucked him in, pulling the covers all the way up to his chin.
They knelt down beside Jacen’s bed, preparing to wish him their nightly “I love yous.” Hera placed a kiss on Jacen's forehead, “Goodnight, baby.”
“Nigh nigh, Mama. I wuv ou.’”
She cupped his tiny face, “I love you too, little tooka.” After giving him one last kiss on his nose, she stood up and returned to the doorway, watching Kanan say his goodnight.
Kanan hugged his son and gently kissed his cheek, “Good night, kiddo. I love you so much.”
“I wud ou’ too, Daddy,” Jacen’s eyelids were growing heavy and by the time Kanan joined Hera in the doorway, he had completely nodded off to sleep.
She leaned up against him as he wrapped his arms around her, “He’s perfect,” she sighed.
“He is,” he whispered against her temple. Pulling away to look at her he shrugged, “But I mean, he’s our kid so, makes sense.”
She laughed. “C’mon, we should probably get some sleep too. We have to cut a bunch of orange slices and get Jacen new shin guards tomorrow morning before his soccer game.” She grabbed his hand and turned to start pulling him towards their bedroom, but he stopped her before she could.
“Woah, hold on there, Captain. First, you need to tell me what ‘crazy stories’ about me you were referring to earlier,” he said with an amused grin.
Hera turned back around to face him, wearing a similar grin of her own, “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the time you fell off a building?”
“I did not fall. I used the force to land safely.”
“I literally caught you.”
“Yes, but…I used the force to make sure I landed safely in your arms,” he smiled.
She moved closer to him and placed her hands on his arms, “Okay, well then it was my speed plus the force, since I had to run over there in time to catch you.”
He laughed, “You really are the hero of my story.”
A quiet moment passed. Then Hera replied, “You’ve always been my hero. Even when you couldn’t see it in yourself, I always could…Jacen sees it too,” she pushed a lock of hair behind his ear, “He looks up to you so much, love. I know we joke that I’m his favorite, but I think it’s more like I’m his comfort and you’re everything he aspires to be. That’s why the real story I had in mind was when you saved me from Pryce on Lothal.”
Kanan’s eyes were alight with awe—awe of how much she loved him, how much she trusted and believed in him, how she saw him worthy of being the father of her child and raising him alongside her. When he kissed her, deep and sweet, it told her how grateful he was to be that person for her, how grateful he was that the beautiful life he was living now had all stemmed from the amazing woman standing before him.
He broke away only enough to whisper, “I love you,” and place his forehead against hers. “And you’re right. That would explain why he’s always trying to copy whatever I’m doing.” He smiled fondly, “Like in the morning, when I drink my mug of caf and he’ll ask me to put his orange juice in a mug too. And then he’ll try to hold the mug the same way as me–”
“And when you scroll through your datapad, he’ll get out his little chalkboard and start ‘scrolling through it’ too,” Hera laughed and Kanan joined her, loving how they could just stand there and marvel at their son’s cuteness together.
She let out a yawn, “Let’s go to bed now, love. I’m starting to doze off.” She tried pulling him back towards their room, but he stopped her again, realization hitting him. 
“Kanan, what is with your aversion to me getting any sleep tonight?” she rolled her eyes as her hands came to rest on her hips, a hint of a smile still in her expression.
Hesitantly, he said, “Is Jacen ready for that story?”
Hera remained quiet for a moment, thinking over his question. “I think he is. We don’t have to get into too much detail, but I think he deserves to know how we ended up where we are today and everything you’ve sacrificed for me and for him.”
“Everything we’ve sacrificed, my love,” he cupped her face, “You’ve given up so much too.”
“Well, it’s like you said. I never back down when it comes to the people I love—and neither do you. If Jacen’s going to keep trying to be just like you, I want him to know that you’re selfless and compassionate,” she smiled. “Plus, that story did have a happy ending, right?”
“The absolute best of happy endings,” he said, moving closer to her.
“Agreed,” she took his hands in hers. “Now, c’mon,” she said with an overexaggerated pull of his hands, “I have to appease 15 pretentious soccer moms tomorrow. I need sleep.”
“Okay,” he laughed, finally following her to their room. “I understand, even though you’re technically a soccer mom yourself,” he added with a smirk.
“Watch it,” she poked his side, “I meant those kind of soccer moms.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” he laughed.
Once they got into bed, Kanan pulled her to his chest and she snuggled against him.
“Kanan?” she looked up at him.
“Yes, Hera,” he smiled down at her.
“I hope Jacen grows up to be as exceptional of a man as you are,” she mumbled sleepily.
“He will be. He has you for a mom,” he replied, warmth in his eyes as he looked down at her. And with that, her head returned to his chest and they drifted off to sleep together, forever happy in the new life of peace they created for themselves and their son.
Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you thought of it! All the love to my mutuals<3
(I also might be posting another Jacen week fic sometime soon hehe;))
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k00214627 · 1 year ago
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Secondary research: Ahbin Choi
This is an artist who creates fantastical scenes through collage. As she posts videos of her process, it is fascinating to watch her choose images with purpose and arrange the cutouts in a way that makes them feel native to the final image.
Her works feature elements of fantastical amidst the mundane in a way that completely transforms the context of the original photographs.
Her work can be found here: https://notefolio.net/molar.voyelle.
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bakurainmystic · 3 years ago
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Found Zen acting in a webtoon
- source: (This Villainess Wants A Divorce) by AhBin
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dalshabetglobal · 7 years ago
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180824 Ayoung Instagram Update
한 달 만에 보는 아이
The kid I'm seeing after a month
tagged: Subin
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mooonsherbet · 8 years ago
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hyunjeonglim · 5 years ago
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<꿈의 대화 Day Dream Believer> Exhibition View, A-Lounge Gallery, Seoul, 2020
artists : 권남희, 심아빈, 왕선정, 임현정, 최은혜 
Namhee Gwon, Ahbin Shim, Seonjeong Wang, Hyunjeong Lim, Eunhye Choi
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ikizderenet · 6 years ago
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En Anlamli kutlama Polis teşkilatının 174. Kuruluş yıl dönümü ikizdere'de duzenlenen törenle kutlandı. Tören esnasındaki çekilen bu görüntüler 'iste asıl tören budur" dedirtti. İkizdere Yesilyurt mahallesinde ahbin kazarken Istiklal Marşını duyan Halamiz Vasfiye Köseoğlu:"Bahçede çalışırken İstiklal Marşı nı duydum duygulandım bende saygı duruşunda bulundum.Beş tane asker yetiştirdim Yeğenim de doğuda askerdir. Allah'ım vatanımızı milletimizi koruyan askerimize polisimize zeval vermesin. #ikizdere #ikizderenet #polis https://www.instagram.com/ikizdere_net/p/BwHuHpigKNt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vn1kqyoghdfb
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reporter-satu · 5 years ago
DPR Sarankan Indonesia Serius dalam Bangun Big Data di Sektor Pariwisata
DPR Sarankan Indonesia Serius dalam Bangun Big Data di Sektor Pariwisata
Reportersatu, Dalam pemulihan pariwisata Indonesia, Anggota Komisi X DPR RI Abdul Hakim Bafagih mengusulkan empat gagasan. Dalam usulan yang disebutnya sebagai bagian dari #AHBinitiative untuk masa depan pariwisata Indonesia, Hakim menyarankan agar Indonesia serius membangun big data di sektor pariwisata.
Baca Juga : KPU Gelar Diskusi FGD, Bahas Perlindungan Data Pribadi Pemilu dan Pilkada
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webtoonscreenshots · 7 months ago
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Bastian, by Solche and Ahbin
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surmeneajans-blog · 11 years ago
10 Kelime-Bunları biliyor musunuz?
10 Kelime-Bunları biliyor musunuz?
Hayvan dışkısı, gübre.
Lanetli, uğursuz.
Kör yılan.
Dik açı ile dönüş.
Yanık, muhlama dibi.
Lanet olası.
El sepeti.
Küçük güğüm.
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k00214627 · 1 year ago
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PCP Project
Week 1 & 2
I continued with collage to expand on my project, especially as I found inspiration in the collages of Ahbin Choi (molar.voyelle on Instagram). I looked inwards to find elements of identity significant to myself.
This design was then turned into greyscale, and in turn bitmap with a halftone to allow it to be screen printed. A UV-sensitive emulsion was applied to the screen, which was then set aside to allow to dry. The printed image was rubbed down with vegetable oil to make it translucent for the UV rays to permeate.
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During this process, I created another collage around the theme of identity, focusing on external vs. internal perceptions of a person, in this case a centipede woman. I didn't like how the Riso print came out and find the orange to be frustrating and unnecessary, but I intend to use the design in other ways later.
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I printed the first design on several different surfaces, including various types and colours of paper, as well as patterned fabric and clothing.
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dalshabetglobal · 7 years ago
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180225 Ayoung Instagram Update
👭👯‍♂️ 정말 잠깐보고 집왔당 😜😭
👭👯‍♂️ You really came to my house to surprise me 😜😭
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mooonsherbet · 8 years ago
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supanatchu · 11 years ago
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