tagged by typicalsuperwholock
Who is your otp/brotp? everlark :)
If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be? i would be super athletic
What show would you want to be a part of? SHERLOCK
Who are your idols? hmmm not sure maybe emma watson
What’s your dream job? being paid to read haha and maybe test chocolate :)
What are you good at? maths
What’s something you’re looking forward to? fantastic beasts and where to find them!!!
Are you afraid of anything? spiders, like ron :)
How tall are you? quite tall-ish, about 5'6
What’s your favorite color? purple
Do you regret starting watching any shows? i have no regrets :D
Always post the rules.
Answer the questions of the person who tagged you. 
Then write 11 new ones. 
Tag 11 people. 
Let them know you tagged them
If you could have written one book/film/tv show, which one would you pick?
Who is your favourite fictional villain?
What one thing could you not live without?
Which shows would you most like to see do a joint episode?
Who's your favourite band/artist?
What book/film/tv series ending would you change if you could, and how would you change it?
If you could go to one fictional place, where would it be?
What's your favourite book?
Which celebrity would you most like to be?
If you could only eat one food ever, what would it be?
Are you listening to music right now, and if so, what is it?
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shorm · 11 years
you're really cute okay
Thanks :3 
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itsbellar · 11 years
"send me a: "☮" and i'll handwrite my tumblr crushes"
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littlepinkbby · 12 years
Killing two tags with one post
Itsnotstalking asked:
1.How many blogs are you following at the moment?
2. OTP? (One True Pairing) hahaha you can list like 100 don’t worry
Uh... Wemma?
3. What homework should you be doing right now? 
It's late so I wouldn't normally but I have psychology and law to do.
4. Have you seen The Road to El Dorado? 
I think so. 5. Why haven’t you seen The Road to El Dorado?
Because reasons. 6. I’d seriously recommend watching The Road to El Dorado. Favourite film/TV Show?
Film: Little Miss Sunshine Show: Modern Family
7. Name something you’re proud of yourself for. (And smile about it. ;D)
Grade 6 musical theatre? 8. Favourite quote (even if it’s your own)? This shit is easy peasy, pumpkin peasy, pumpkin pie, motherf*cker: Gerard Way
'Other people’s success is not your failure.' - Christian Borle 9: Can you finish this sentence to earn maximum love from me? ”HEYYYYYYY SEXY LADY! OP OP OP OP OPPA G______________”:
ANGNAM STYLE! 10. If you could only eat one food forever, what would it be? fucking oreos with ice cream and biscuits and hey let’s add a little chocolate sauce to that and maybe even some pancakes because why not and does benedict cumberbatch count as a food because he could definitely go on the list
Hmmm.... Peanut butter cups 11. How do you feel about being tagged in this?  
Ahbeemayzee asked:
1.what did you do today and how do you feel about it? gimme details
Woke up, ate, went to town and rehearsals. I'm fairly content with it all
2.is there anything you’re worried about right now?
Not knowing my lines for tomorrow, not getting my work done, the future (mainly uni/college), her not loving me.
3.hello, buddy the elf, what’s your favourite colour? tell me why
Green because it's pretty and I look nice in it and just prettiness
4.how’s your heart?
In love and waiting. Pretty big.
5.would you rather live in the jungle and eat cheerios for the rest of your life or suddenly become a penguin and become the president of the united states?
The penguin.
6.what are you procrastinating from doing right now?
7.favourite youtube video?
So many. But... The roller coaster one of Andrew's Blog never fails to make me smile
8.how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A little bit, depending if he needed the wood or not. He's an eco-friendly woodchuck.
9.would you rather shove minstrels up your nose or marry an elf?
Elf.  A pretty lady elf.
10.where did you put matt smith’s eyebrows?
In the bin.
11.to be or not to be?
To be. With all my heart.
Soz but life's too short to come up with questions and tag y'all.
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fistmein45-blog · 12 years
ahbeemayzee started following you
Hey there!
Posting will be slightly inconsistent until tomorrow afternoon, so just sit tight!
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littlepinkbby · 12 years
Kissying is the best word ever and if you don't agree you're wrong.
For example: 'I was kissying her face most of the night. It was beautiful.'
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echo-espresso · 12 years
ahbeemayzee started following you
hi:) You have a great name. 
welcome to the fuckery
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littlepinkbby · 12 years
KELLY'S ABOUT ME AS ME (wat): ohai, i'm ginger and cool. and i like marla mindelle's butt and akb's muscles. i love abi because she sleepclowns and i would shave my beard for her. and we have adopted an english teenager who is older than both of us without any common sense. who's the bitch now, bitches?
This is literally me and if you don't know this already well we can't be friends.
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