#ah yes let me drink up those tears mmmm
sarasade · 9 months
Aaravos wouldn't have survived the casual homophobia / hate of androgynous/ feminine male characters of the 00's Internet. Those people would have torn him apart.
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babyybitchhh · 3 years
Ace x Reader 18+
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Rating: Explicit/R-18+
Words: 3,201
Warnings: oral sex, cunnilingus, semi established relationship, first time
A/N: Wrote this for my editor in chief, who just got to the climax of Marineford and is very upset about ... you know. She gave the okay to post it, so please enjoy! : )
You were halfway through the motion of lifting the overstuffed laundry basket so you could hand it off to Marco when you suddenly caught movement at the corner of your eye. Distracted from the task at hand, you swivel around only to find Ace leaning through the doorway, beckoning you over with a wave and a big mischievous grin. You eagerly start to smile back, excited to see him, but the sound of Marco expectantly clearing his throat stops you from bolting.
Sheepishly, you turn back around to glance at the blond who offers you a droll look in response. “Don’t even think about it, missy … you’ve been shucking your laundry duty off on other people for weeks now. Do you really think I’ll just let you take off like that?”
Your mouth pulls in a frown, dejected, and Ace not-so-helpfully chimes in with a grumble of ‘no fun!’ Brow arching wryly, Marco shoots him a quick look of warning, putting a stopper on any further commentary before turning his attention to you again.
“Sorry,” you murmur, holding out the basket in resignation. Whatever Ace wanted would just have to wait until the chores were finished.
Silently, Marco takes the laundry from you, studying the dispirited droop of your shoulders for a long beat until, at last, he heaves a yielding sigh. “Go.”
Your head immediately comes up. “What? Really?”
“Yes, really.” He says, trying not to smile when Ace loudly whoops from his spot at the door. “But you owe me. Both of you do, so you’ll take turns filling in for me on the chore rotation, got it?”
“For how long?” You ask, not exactly trusting his generosity at face value. But Ace was already dashing across the room to grab your wrist and unceremoniously yank you towards the doorway, making you squeak and stumble after him.
“A month!” You hear Marco shout after you, just barely, over the racket of Ace’s heavy boots on the plank floorboards.
He doesn’t even give you a chance to respond, clearly making the decision for you as he drags you down the hall like a clumsy toddler until you get your feet situated under you. Laughing, you pick up the pace to jog alongside him with your heart in your throat, cheeks flushed and warm. He was laughing as well, his howling chortle much louder than yours, as his grip adjusts to your fingers so he can swing your arm back and forth between the two of you.
“Where are we going?” You giggle, struggling to breathe around the happy flutter in your chest.
“You’ll see! I’ve got a surprise for you!”
That gives you pause - or at least it would have, if he hadn’t been steering you down the winding corridors of the Moby Dick at an excitable pace. You were completely at his mercy now that he had you in his clutches and all you could do was go along with it, tittering the whole while.
You’re a little surprised, though, when he pulls you right up to the door of his cabin a few moments later, but Ace doesn’t so much as pause. Swinging the door open, he storms inside and slams it shut again before yanking you towards the cot.
You do, but not without shooting him an inquisitive look.
“Now close your eyes.”
You do this, too, with butterflies in your stomach. Ace was a kind soul, certainly, but he was also prone to making impulsive, sometimes questionable decisions so you weren’t really sure what to expect while you listened to him move about in the small room. It was really anyone’s guess at this point, and you start slightly when you feel him slide something into your lap.
“Okay,” he says, plopping his butt on the mattress to sit beside you. “Open them.”
Obediently, you do just that only to find yourself blinking down at a ribbon wrapped box. It wasn’t very big at all, so likely not anything too extreme, but you could tell the bow on top wasn’t messy enough to be his doing, and you shoot him a questioning glance.
Ace’s grin only widens though; big and boyish, and so frustratingly charming that it makes your heart twist. You still couldn’t believe the effect he had on you, sometimes. “Go on, take a look. I think you’ll like it.”
Certain you would like it, you take the end of the ribbon in hand and tug. It comes loose with a slither and you feel for the seam with your fingertips, quickly finding it and working the top off so you can peer inside.
“Ace …” you warble after a prolonged moment of surprised quiet, eyes wide and glossy. “You shouldn’t have.”
He snickers as he leans close to your shoulder, proudly joining you in regarding the small, personal sized tiramisu sitting within. “It’s your favorite, right? I knew I had to get you something when I saw the bakery in town and I hurried back to the ship as fast as I could so it wouldn’t get all soggy. I hope it still tastes okay.”
“Thank you,” you murmur, trying valiantly to fight back the happy, reflexive tears that threaten to spill over your lashes. “You really shouldn’t have, but thank you. That was so sweet of you.”
His smile falters slightly when he looks up at your face and sees the misty quality of your eyes, fluster quickly creeping into his expression. “Hey, hey! It’s nothing to cry about!” He huffs, suddenly awkward, as he reaches over to drag his index finger through a corner of the cake. “Here, give it a taste. Tell me if it’s any good.”
Your mouth opens, wanting to tell him you’re sure it’s delicious, but he slips the cream covered digit past your lips before you can get so much as a word out. Cheeks warming, you noise around the intrusion and turn a plaintive look up at him even as you shyly clean the tip of his finger with soft little kitten licks. That seems to please him a great deal, his grin returning at full force in just a matter of seconds.
“Yummy?” He prompts, withdrawing his finger.
“Yummy …” you agree as your hand comes up to timidly touch at your mouth. “It’s really good, actually. Thank you.”
“No problem. You know I’m always looking out for you!”
Mouth tugging into a smile, you watch as Ace leans back with his hands braced on the cot, face tilted up at the ceiling. He seemed so content and happy just to share his space with you, lightly humming a faint tune under his breath while he kicks his feet back and forth over the edge of the bed. In so many ways, he reminded you of a little boy when he was like this. Carefree and easy. Untroubled. It wasn’t a side of him that many got to see and, feeling quite fortunate, you start to reach for the cake.
“Here, you have some too.”
“Mmmm. No thanks. I’m good.”
Blinking, you curiously glance over at him. “Oh? You liked it the last time, though.”
“Yeah, but … I’m not really in the mood for dessert right now.” Neck turning, Ace drops his cheek to his shoulder and casually sends a meaningful glance down the length of your body to settle on the spot between your thighs. A sharp thrill immediately races through you, face warming alarmingly quick. He laughs at your reaction, all good natured humor and charming as he starts to tip his head back again. “I’m just teasing ya’, don’t worry. I wouldn’t want to - -“
“I don’t mind.”
His laughter abruptly cuts off with a sputter. “What?”
Face growing even hotter, you nervously shuffle your feet against the floor. “I said I don’t mind. If you really want to, that is. It’s okay if you were just joking - -“
Ace jumps up from the cot so fast you’d think he accidentally set it on fire if you didn’t know any better.
Eyes widening, you let him snatch the cake box from your slack hands and watch as he urgently sets it aside with quick, jerky motions. His expression is suddenly dark when he leans down to hook broad, calloused hands under your knees and pull up, flipping you onto your back.
“Ah - Ace!”
“Were you serious just now?” He asks, not stopping long enough to hear the answer before sinking down to the floor and sending you a hopeful puppy dog look from where he was now knelt between your legs.
“Y - yes,” you tell him truthfully. “I was. But you don’t have to though, I just - -“
He abruptly drops his face into the meat of your thighs, startling a squawk out of you. Embarrassed, your grasping fingers shoot down to tangle in his wavy hair as he inhales a deep, stuttering breath that makes his shoulders rise dramatically like some sort of hunching beast.
“God, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do this.” He practically growls against you.
“You should have said something then …”
Ace’s only response is a low, rumbling groan to accompany the tight squeeze of his fingers on your hips. You tense and shudder for him as he drags those big hands of his further down to take hold of your thighs and ease them apart. The breath catches in your throat when he promptly nuzzles into you, rubbing his face against your tingling cunt as if he were a cat marking its territory. You struggle not to screw your eyes shut at the sensation of him so intimately close to your core, smelling you and basking in the warmth bleeding through your clothes, but you force yourself to keep watching.
To bear witness to the way he presses in so tight his nose wrinkles up, brows furrowed in unconcealed pleasure. To see how the wavy strands of his hair rest along the curve of your thighs and then cling to the fabric of your skirt when he impatiently shoves it up out of his way. To appreciatively drink in the sight of him, all dark eyed and freckled, staring hungrily at the pudgy seam that runs down the center of your panties just as a starving man might look at a bountiful harvest.
He was easily the most beautiful man you’d ever seen and, based on the way he was looking at you, that feeling was apparently mutual.
“You’re sure?” It’s a soft question, but it rings loud in the quiet cabin.
“I … I’m positive, Ace. You don’t need to hesitate.”
Loudly exhaling the breath he’d been holding, he snags his fingers into the waistband of your panties and tugs. Your throat constricts as you twist on top of the bed, helping him work the cotton down over your legs. He tosses them without a second thought as soon as they’re loose, quickly diving back in to shove his face into your bare pussy, making you jolt.
You have to bite down on your lower lip to keep quiet when you spread your legs further apart for him, delighting in the way he eagerly nuzzles against you without another thought to the matter. His lips purse against your slit and he kisses you, just as passionately as he does your mouth when no one’s looking. A whimper promptly claws up the back of your throat, high strung and needy, and Ace responds in kind with a rumbling sigh of his own.
Blunt fingers knead into the doughy soft flesh of your thighs as he tilts his head so he can better work your labia apart. You shiver at the sensation of warm spit gathering along the crease of your body, slowly dribbling down your skin and mixing with sticky slick to leave you feeling obscenely damp. The realization that he was excitedly drooling all over your pussy, panting and faintly moaning into you as if you two had been at this for hours, has your toes curling in premature ecstasy.
His rough lips were the perfect contrast on your delicate folds, sending intense shockwaves of friction through you that felt like something akin to fireworks. You heave, spine arching off the bed when Ace finally dips the plushy swell of his tongue inside to truly taste you and tease at your clit. Fingers scrabbling across his broad shoulders, you latch onto him with your nails, fighting to keep yourself grounded rather than let the heat of the moment swallow you up.
It was the middle of the day on a heavily manned ship, after all, and there was no lock on the cabin door. If someone came calling on him for one reason or another they probably wouldn’t hesitate to barge in unannounced. This was Ace you were talking about here. He wasn’t someone that often concerned himself with pleasant niceties such as knocking so why would they show him that courtesy?
It would be over in an instant and you’d both be caught red handed, no questions asked. Word of this incident would spread fast, no doubt, depending on who found the two of you like this, but everyone on board will have certainly heard about it by sundown. You just couldn’t afford to get carried away right now, for your sake as much as his - but it was so hard not to cry out in pleasure when he was languidly dragging his tongue up and down the length of your slit to gather all the accumulated fluid and swallow it down in one big gulp.
Seething, you finally give in to the urge and squeeze your eyes shut as your head tips back against the haphazardly strewn sheets, the smell of him swarming your senses all over again. “Ace … please …!”
“Mmmm, yes, baby,” he murmurs against you, muffled by the meat of your cunt. “Say it again. For me?”
“Ah! A - Ace! Please … pleeeaaase!”
It’s hard to keep your voice down but, somehow, you manage to hush your desperate pleas to a mere whisper, strained and cracking. He responds in kind, moaning softly as he nuzzles deeper, making your pliant pussy lips mold against his face. Hooded obsidian eyes rove up to regard you as he does it, watching your expression twist in pleasure with nothing short of a fierce, almost predatory interest reflecting in his dark irises.
Ace was hungry for you in a way you never would have anticipated, his lips and his tongue voraciously laving you in warm, wet attention, quickly winding the spring inside you tighter and tighter. Your sensitive cunt was already throbbing for him, threatening to burst at a moment's notice if he wasn’t careful. You could hardly breathe through it, so heavy and gratifying, as his insatiable, relentless mouthing continued to work you over until you were half delirious with it.
Despite wanting to savor this, you knew, instinctively, that you weren’t going to last much longer.
“Ace … I - I’m gonna’ …”
The sound he makes in response is very nearly a snarl, bordering on animalistic and feral. His fingers come up to press into your labia and spread them, finally - finally! Exposing your clit fully to his mouth. You suck in a haggard gasp of air and try to brace for it, but still jolt as if you’d been electrocuted when he drags the flat of his tongue over that pulsating little bud tucked away inside silken folds. Your vision whites out for a split second, entirely overwhelmed, nails clawing at his shoulder blades with an almost savage sort of desperation. A scream rises in the back of your throat, choking you when you refuse to give it voice.
Embarrassingly, all it takes is three quick swipes of his tongue to send you into a fit of convulsions, fresh tears instantly welling up in your eyes. This time, however, they track freely down the sides of your face while you struggle to keep yourself in check even as you twist and writhe underneath him, mewling as quietly as you can. You sound like something broken, an injured calf in its death throes, and Ace the ravenous wolf drinking your lifeblood as if it were sacrament.
He doesn’t let up for what feels like a small eternity, persistently lapping at your sensitized clit until you finally issue a wounded, half stifled shriek that seems to echo against the cabin walls. Coming up off you with a wet, wheezing gasp, he watches the way you slap a hand to your mouth and quake through the lingering tremors of your orgasm from under the fall of messy, sweat slicked bangs. So obviously entranced by the sight of you even as his bare chest contracts with quick, heavy breaths that give away the true extent of his tense arousal.
“You look so good like this ..” he murmurs, comfortingly dragging his hands across your trembling thighs as you start to ease down from your high. “Coming apart just for me. How’d I ever get so lucky, huh?”
Whimpering, you reach for him with shaking fingers and Ace attentively obliges, climbing up onto the cot and settling over you with his knees bracketing your hips. He swoops down to catch your mouth with his, and you moan at the taste of yourself as you languorously stretch out beneath him. The buzz of your afterglow was potently intoxicating, making your head spin long after the pulses had finally stopped, leaving you warm and comfortable. Satiated.
Sighing pleasantly into the kiss, you card your hand through his hair, working out a few errant knots here or there before tilting your head back to look up at him. “I think I’m the lucky one, actually … I’ve never felt so good in all my life, Ace.”
He chuckles when he leans down to adoringly press his forehead to yours, eyes locking from just a scant few inches away. “Guess we’re both lucky then, baby girl. I couldn’t ask for anything else, you know that?”
“That makes me happy,” you warble, feeling like you could just burst all over again.
“Me too.” Sighing contentedly, Ace snuggles somehow even closer to you and tries to get comfortable, but the prodding weight pressed into your thigh seems to give him a bit of trouble. He shifts awkwardly, looking for a position that will ease the strain on his cock, but it doesn’t appear as though one is very forthcoming in his current predicament.
You hesitate to do it but, quickly making up your mind, you reach down and shyly grasp at him through his pants. It’s his turn to jolt as if he’d just been shocked, and his attention whips around to practically gape at you. It probably would’ve been rather funny, the flabbergasted look on his face, if only your pussy wasn’t still soaking wet and silently begging to be stretched.
“I want to.” You tell him quietly.
Ace visibly gulps, swallowing his nerves. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I know for a fact that there isn’t a single soul in this world I would rather have. Please …?”
Luckily, you don’t have to ask him twice.
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yungidreamer · 4 years
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Home should be safe, but sometimes innocent things have unintended consequences. 
Angst, lots of angst, sorry, I promise things get better
Pairing: Yunho, Mingi, unnamed female character, established poly relationship
Word count: 6.2k
Content warnings: people dealing with homophobia and internalized homophobia and fears of ostracization. Struggles with decisions about being out and self acceptance.
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“Can I get you something to drink?” Yunho asked over his shoulder as Hong Joong pulled his books out of his bag and onto the kitchen table.
“Sure,” Hong Joong nodded.
“Soda, juice, sparkling water,” Yunho listed out the drinks he could see in the fridge. “Something aloe...not sure what that is.”
“How about a soda,” Hong Joong chuckled, amused by the last observation. Yunho pulled two cans out, one for each of them, and joined him at the table.
“Thanks for coming over to help me study,” Yunho said, opening his notebook. “Some of this science is just going right over my head…”
“No problem,” he waved away the thanks and turned to the start of the chapter they had spent the week covering in class. “The material is hard. I’m just lucky I basically took this in high school. I did AP chem.”
“Thank god you sat next to me,” Yunho laughed. “I’ll pay you back with dinner tonight. I can look and see what we have later. If we don’t have anything worth eating we can just order something when my roommates get back.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Hong Joong agreed with a smile. “Okay Phases and Classifications of Matter, have you ever heard such a scintillating opener?”
“Mmmm, sexy,” Yunho joked back. The tension broken, they set about going through the dense material of the chapter, doing their best to slog through, focusing on the definitions and concepts that would likely be covered in the test next week. Yunho wrote out notes as they went through, comparing them to those he had taken in class.
“I just keep getting stuck on what the hell the difference is between weight and mass,” Yunho cradled his head, staring at the paper in front of him. “I know they are different, I do, it’s just…”
“Okay, okay, just think of it as like...the mass is how much space it takes up,” Hong Joong mimed out a sphere in the air in front of him. “If you have something this size, the mass is going to be the same here, or in space, or on Jupiter, but the weight depends on how that mass interacts with gravity. The mass of something, how much there is of it, doesn’t change, but it’s weight depends on how gravity attracts it to other bodies.”
“Okay I think I get it,” Yunho nodded, scribbling something down. “Let’s see if it sticks.”
A whooshing clunk sounded as the front door opened and someone entered the house. Yunho hopped up, leaving Hong Joong at the table as he went to go greet whoever it was. The heavy footfalls that approached, told him it was Mingi that had arrived home first. The two met near the kitchen door, their paths crossing just outside the double wide door between the kitchen and the living room.
“Hey I--” Yunho started to mention that he had a friend over to study but was cut off by a happy and eager Mingi, who had greeted his approach with his trademark full face grin, taking his head in his hands and bringing his lips to his own for a joyful kiss. He was happy to be home; happy to have the week over; happy to touch someone he loved. 
Yunho froze, immediately regretting not messaging Mingi that he was bringing someone over to study. The study session hadn’t been planned. He had only asked him if he was free as they were packing up at the end of the class. It hadn’t crossed his mind to message her or Mingi that he was bringing someone by to work with. He couldn’t have even guaranteed that Mingi would have seen it if he did. He turned his phone off in class and sometimes forgot to turn it back on before he got back. After all, class was less than a half an hours walk from their front door. Maybe it would have been useless, but at least then he would have tried.
Mingi broke the kiss, pulling back to look lovingly at Yunho’s face. He could see it, the moment that Mingi saw, over his shoulder, that someone else was there. His face fell and he blanched. Without a word, he stepped back, turning to go down the hall as quickly as he could manage.
“Mingi wait,” Yunho called after him, his guest at the table forgotten, aside from the unintended impact his presence had had on the boy he loved. “Hey, wait—” He called out again as Mingi disappeared through the door to his room, slamming it closed behind him.
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She entered the front door, taking off her headphones as she stepped inside. Putting down her book bag next to the couch, she headed for the kitchen to look for something to snack on while she waited to talk to the boys about dinner. An unfamiliar face greeted her in the kitchen, which oddly looked more surprised to be there than she felt to find him there.
“Uh, hi,” she greeted.
“Hi--hello,” the boy quickly stood up, extending his hand to her. “I’m Hong Joong, I’m in Yunho’s chemistry class. We were studying…”
“Ah, well, welcome,” she gave him a welcoming study. “Did Yunho go to the bathroom or…” Her eyes scanned the study material still strewn across the table, clearly still in use. 
“Oh well,” Hong Joong shifted uncomfortably. “I think his boyfriend was surprised I was here… I didn’t mean...It isn’t a problem that he’s gay.”
“Boyfriend…” she froze, blinking, as if that would solve the malfunction that was happening in her mind.
“Yeah,” he sighed. “The kiss was actually kind of cute, they seem like a sweet couple, but I guess maybe they aren’t out and...it’s not a problem. I’m not going to say anything. I won’t say anything.”
“Thanks,” She plastered a bland smile on her face. “It’s just...things are complicated at the moment.”
“No I understand,” He nodded, a regretful look on his face.
“I hate to leave you alone,” she sighed. “But do you mind if I go check on them?”
“No, yeah, that’s fine.” He insisted. “Just— Should I go, or…”
“Ummm, let me go check on them,” she shifted, looking towards the hall. “Yunho might want to study a little more or at least say goodbye, so, maybe wait.”
“Yeah, right, sure,” Hong Joong nodded, stepping backwards toward his seat, a worried look still on his face.
“Thanks, really,” she gave him a smile before setting off for the hallway, mentally cursing everything...Mingi’s father most of all. She found Yunho in the hall, leaning against Mingi’s private bedroom door, his forehead pressed against the white wood as he said something she couldn’t quite make out until she drew near.
“...if you would just let me in,” Yunho spoke to the person on the other side of the door.
“What happened,” she whispered harshly, keeping her voice low so that it wouldn’t travel to the kitchen.
“It...it all just happened so fast,” Yunho looked pained as he turned slightly to look at her. “I just wanted to study a little and I forgot to message either of you. He just came home...and I was going to tell him...I was headed to tell him I had brought home a friend...but he got to me first, and he was so happy to see me, he just...it was just a kiss. He should be able to come home and kiss me if he wants. Home should be safe. I...I fucked up.”
“Okay,” she nodded, running a hand over his arm. “First, what do you want to do with your friend?”
“I don’t know,” Yunho rubbed his face, feeling like there was no winning for him at the moment.
“Do you need to study?” She decided to focus on the practical things first.
“Yes, I’m an idiot when it comes to chemistry and—“ 
“Okay, then go, explain what you need to, to your friend,” She sighed, casting a look to the closed door. “Study for another hour or however long you can concentrate tonight. If you can’t, then talk to him and plan something over the weekend. Maybe meet at the library or something. I’ll see if I can’t talk to Mingi.”
“I’m sorry,” Yunho’s chest hurt and he was sure he wouldn’t be good at focusing any more tonight but… how important was it for him to keep up appearances?
“Accidents happen,” She drew in a long breath through her nose. “Let’s just try not to stumble into any more incidents like this.”
“Please talk to him for me,” he begged quietly. “Please make him understand...I’m so sorry.”
“I’ll try. Go talk to your friend,” she shooed him away, watching him walk away down the hall before she knocked on the door. “Mingi, baby, please let me in…” There was a faint shuffling on the other side of the door, then…a click. The door swung open a few centimeters and she could make out the sound of retreating footsteps. Pushing into the room, she let her eyes adjust to the dim room. He had turned off all the lights and closed the curtains to make the room as dark as he could.
She slipped inside, closing the door behind her, her eyes scanning until she found a lump on the floor near the foot of the bed. He sat there, making himself as inconspicuous as he could, legs pulled up to his chest, his face hidden in his knees. He looked small...and sad...like he wanted nothing more than to disappear.
“Baby,” she knelt down beside him, her hands going to the messy mop of brown hair that stuck out in every direction. He had clearly been running his fingers through his hair, pulling at it in frustration with himself. “Please talk to me, love.”
Mingi lifted his head enough for his eyes to peer at her over the line of his knees. His eyes sparkled with unshed tears that spilled the moment he blinked. “I…” he managed to choke out before his throat closed and he couldn’t make another sound.
“Okay, okay,” she soothed, stroking his head. He let his knees drop and reached out with his long arms, drawing her into his lap and holding her like she was the only thing keeping him afloat in an ocean of pain. Her arms wrapped around him in return, letting him tuck his face into where her neck and shoulder met as he let out a soul crushing sob.
In the dark of the room, she sat with him, quietly letting his warm, wet tears soak through her t-shirt as she gently shushed him. She rubbed the broad expanse of his back in slow circles with one hand as the other held his head, her fingers gently running through the soft fluff of his hair. In the moment it was all he needed, it was all he could take. In a few minutes the feeling of pure panic subsided, the choked feeling in his chest had loosened enough for him to not feel like he was drowning.
“What happened?” She murmured, hoping to get him to say something, anything, to indicate that he was past his moment of horror.
“I...I just came home, I was so happy to see Yunho,” he shook his head, letting out a wet hiccough as he took a breath. “I wasn’t thinking. I was so stupid, so stupid. I wasn’t careful. I just…”
“Go on,” she encouraged, continuing to hold him. “Just tell me what happened.”
“It’s home,” he shrugged, his shoulders drooping even further as he let it go. “I didn’t think I had to be careful. I just saw him and he looked so good. School has been hard and I just wanted to kiss him...and I did.” He pulled back, letting his head rest against the bed as he looked pleadingly at the ceiling. “I pulled back and that is when I saw him. I saw his face. He looked so disgusted. I can’t...I just...I feel gross.” Hot tears ran from the corners of his eyes as he tried to draw a breath only to find he couldn’t. He could only draw short gasps, choked short by the fear coursing through him.
“Honey,” she soothed, using her hands to make him look at her. “He wasn’t disgusted. I’m sure he was just surprised, that’s all. You are...unexpected, baby. That’s all.”
“You don’t know that,” he insisted, a hint of panic still dancing behind his eyes. “You didn’t see his face. You d-d-didn’t see it.”
“I saw him when I came in,” she assured him. “I talked to him. He even said you two were cute.”
“Wh-wha-what?” He stuttered out past his hiccoughing breaths.
“He said you two were kind of cute,” she wiped away the dampness of his tears. “He doesn’t think you are gross.”
“How do you know he wasn’t just saying that?” Mingi asked, not sure he could believe it.
“Trust me,” she smiled. “I wouldn’t lie to you. And you know I would hunt someone to the ends of the earth if they wanted to hurt you or Yunho.”
“But…” he began, only to have her cut him off with a gentle kiss.
“Really, he seems nice,” she added. “Maybe you can go out and see for yourself.”
“I can’t--” his eyes widened and he shook his head.
“Love, I won’t make you come,” She calmed, speaking in a quiet, assured voice. “But am I usually right on things like this?” He nodded. “Would I ask you to do this if I thought, even just a little, that it would hurt either of you?” He shook his head. “Will you come out with me?” He paused before giving her a smaller, less sure nod. “Okay, let’s stop by the bathroom to rinse your face a little first, yeah?” He agreed, letting her stand before taking her hand and letting her lead him into the bathroom. He washed and dried his face, frowning at his slightly pink and puffy eyes which would not disappear with just a quick wash, then allowed her to comb his hair into some semblance of order.
“Ready?” She asked. Taking a deep breath, he nodded. “You know, you’re beautiful even when your eyes are puffy from crying.” He let out a surprised and pleased scoff of a laugh, hugging her tightly in response.
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Yunho walked back into the kitchen, half surprised to see Hong Joong still sitting there at the table. He was staring into space, clearly distracted by his own thoughts, only turning when Yunho approached the table and moved into his peripheral vision.
“Hey, look,” Hong Joong started, a worried look painting his features.
“No, let me,” Yunho interrupted, then paused, trying to decide how to apologize and explain. “This is really my fault. I forgot to mention that someone was coming over and…”
“You two are still in the closet,” Hong Joong filled in. “That’s okay. I would never say something about it if you aren’t out. I can keep a secret.”
“I...thank you, but,” Yunho sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It’s not that simple. I would appreciate you not saying anything but…”
“I mean what is that simple,” Hong Joong joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“Right,” Yunho agreed, letting out a laugh at the attempt at jest.
“This is your first semester here, isn’t it?” He confirmed, allowing Yunho to nod before he continued. “The campus has a lot of LGBT students and even some professors that are out. The campus is a safe place. There are clubs and support groups and I have some people I could introduce you to.”
“That’s...that’s nice of you,” Yunho gave him a nod and grateful smile. “It is still more complicated than that. I’m not sure we would really fit in and…”
“No pressure,” Hong Joong put his hands up, backing up but letting the offer stand. “You don’t have to do anything, and the offer will always be there.”
“Thanks,” Yunho said earnestly. “I can keep that in mind I just…I still need to study, and if you don’t mind helping me still, I’d really appreciate it.”
“Do you want to keep going today, or…” He let the offer hang.
“I don’t know,” Yunho scoffed, looking at the books and papers strewn across the table. “I should, I just...my mind isn’t on the books right now.”
“We don’t have to,” Hong Joong said agreeably. “I guess maybe tomorrow would be alright, too.”
“I think I just need a few minutes,” Yunho shook his head. “Do you mind if I make myself a snack?”
“No that would be fine,” Hong Joong accepted affably. 
Yunho nodded and walked over to the refrigerator, pulling out everything he needed to make himself a sandwich. 
“Did you want a sandwich, too?” He offered.
“Yeah, sure, thanks,” Hong Joong agreed, though he probably would have agreed to slamming his hand in a door if he thought it would reduce the tension in the house. Honestly, he felt terrible. When he had seen the other boy kiss Yunho, he had indeed been surprised by the sight. He hadn’t been grossed out but, honestly, he would never have guessed Yunho was gay. It just came out of left field. He had been totally taken by surprise and it had undoubtedly shown on his face.
The stupidest thing, he berated himself in his head, was that it didn’t fucking matter. He felt like a moron, but it had just hit him the same way catching a frog working a smartphone would have. It was just completely unexpected. You’re better than this, he scolded himself silently. You wouldn’t have made that face you did if that girl had come home and done the same. God, I’m so embarrassed. He squirmed in his seat, debating bowing out and just starting fresh tomorrow, but he didn’t say anything, just watched in silence as Yunho worked on making some sort of sandwich, he hadn’t even asked what kind.
In the silence, they both heard the click and creak of a door opening somewhere in the hall. Footsteps moved further down the hall then disappeared. In the kitchen everyone held their breaths in the silence, wondering if someone was coming. Yunho stood, bread in hand, hoping to hear more, but nothing followed. Letting out the breath with a heavy sigh, he finished assembling the sandwiches. He passed one to Hong Joong and flopped down at the table to eat.
They both took their first bites and were met with the disappointment of it mostly tasting like paste. The food itself was fine, it was probably even delicious, but their taste buds couldn’t register it past the cloying discomfort.
Footsteps sounded down the hall again and both boys looked up, putting the food down as they looked in the direction of the sound. She emerged first, one hand extended behind her with Mingi following, gripping it tightly with both hands. Yunho moved to stand up, only to stop when she shook her head. She escorted Mingi to the empty seat beside Yunho, opting to stand behind him with a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Mingi kept his eyes down, focused on the table. He looked terrible, Yunho thought. His nose was red, his eyes were slightly puffy, and he looked like his heart had been broken in two. Yunho reached out under the table, putting a palm on Mingi’s knee, only to have him pull away. It was like a stab to Yunho’s heart. He wanted to say he was sorry, he wanted to comfort him...he wanted to hold him.
“Mingi, baby,” she said softly. “I’d like to introduce you to Hong Joong. He came by to help out our Yunho study.”
Hong Joong’s attention was caught by her words. It could be that they were all just very close friends but...Mingi baby? Our Yunho? His eyes flicked to her, trying to read her face. Somehow she reminded him of velvet covered steel. Soft and inviting on the outside but strong and unbending if struck. Somehow he knew, she was not one to be crossed.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Hong Joong said, nodding once in Mingi’s direction.
“Hello,” Mingi said quietly, straightening up but still keeping his eyes down.
“I...I’m sorry about earlier,” Hong Joong continued. “I was just surprised and…” he trailed off and grimaced at himself. “Please, don’t be embarrassed. It was sweet. I wish I had anyone in my life that was that happy to see me.” Success, he thought to himself as Mingi’s eyes lifted to meet his for a second. “I don’t suppose you are taking Chemistry this semester? I’m happy to help you too, if you are…”
“No,” Mingi answered glumly. “I wish I had.”
“Oh, well, the offer stands when you take it,” Hong Joong offered. “Of course, maybe by then Yunho will be an expert on all this and he can help you, then.”
“I’m just going to be lucky if I can pass the tests,” Yunho gave a short chuffing laugh. “Please, don’t count on me being able to hold on to this in any useful way.”
“You’ll do fine,” Hong Joong laughed. “You’re doing so much better already.”
“Let’s see how I do on the test before we decide that,” Yunho demurred.
“Anyway,” Hong Joong smiled at Mingi. “I’m sorry about earlier and I’d like to maybe be friends. I have some people you should maybe meet.”
“What do you mean,” Mingi asked, suspicious but curious.
“I have some friends who are, well, like you...I think,” Hong Joong’s eyes flicked to her, still not sure what to make of her. It didn’t help that she was keeping silent. Then again, what had he said to her?
“What do you mean like you?” Mingi looked between Yunho and his classmate.
“Uh, just...you know….” Hong Joong felt suddenly unsure. “Gay?” Somehow the last word ended as a question.
Mingi flushed, part of him wanted to object. After all, he didn’t like boys...or well, not just boys.
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“Why are you always hanging around with him?” Mingi’s father asked him with a sigh. 
“He’s my best friend,” Mingi shrugged, moving the food around on his plate.
“I don’t like how he talks with you,” His father grumbled. “Always touching you when he laughs. Why can’t he ever be serious? Life’s not a joke.”
“They’re kids, honey,” his mother soothed. “Let them have fun while they can. And that Yunho boy is sweet. He’s so helpful when he comes around.”
“You just like that he helps you cook,” his father scoffed.
“It’s nice to have someone who isn’t afraid to help in the kitchen,” she admitted, sending her son a smile as she said it. “He is so lovely and helpful.”
“Boy’s aren’t supposed to be lovely.” His father let his silverware drop loudly to the table. “Boys are strong, reliable. Useful.”
“I would say helping in the kitchen is very useful,” she countered.
“That isn’t the kind of useful that will get a guy anywhere in life,” his father insisted. “You didn’t marry me because I helped with the dishes. You married me because I could provide.”
“Times are changing dear,” she reminded him. “It wouldn’t be so bad for Mingi to know how to be both. Women these days expect more from guys.”
“Fine, maybe cooking is good,” his father shrugged and grumbled. “The touching is too much. The world hasn’t changed that much. Men don’t do those things. No one wants to be around that stuff.”
“Dear, really,”  she rolled her eyes.
“He’s going to end up alone like that,” his father insisted. “Guys don’t want to be friends with boys that do that, and no girl worth her salt would want to be with a boy that she feels like she has to compete with his friends for attention, especially that kind of attention.”
“Honey, drop it,” she warned.
“Why don’t you date that girl you two are always with,” he suggested, half changing the subject to placate his wife. “She puts up with you two. She’s sort of pretty too; you could do worse.”
“She is wonderful,” his mother sent a glare to her husband. “You really should bring her around more. She is so fun to talk to.”
“She’s been busy,” Mingi shrugged, hoping the excuse was good enough. “I mostly see her when we meet up to study. I don’t know when she can.”
“Just remember,” His mother offered him a strained smile, knowing what she said was only half true. “Your friends are always welcome.”
“Thanks mom,” Mingi offered her an attempt at a smile.
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“It might be nice to have some friends you don’t feel like you have to, well, hide from,” Hong Joong fiddled with one of the papers on the table. “You can think about it.”
“No one wants to see that,” Mingi said, his head ringing with the hundred ways his father had told him that; sneered when he saw those things he didn’t approve of.
“That sounds like something you heard a lot,” Hong Joong intuited, a hint of sadness in his tone. “My friends, you’d like them and I really think they would like you.”
“It would be nice to make more friends,” She responded. “We all moved here a few months ago and it would be nice to have some people to hang out with here.”
“Actually, we are having a Halloween party next weekend,” Hong Joong lit up as the idea struck him. “You should come. You can meet my friends and you’ll have fun.” He turned to Yunho and teased. “It would be a great way to celebrate that test you are going to ace next week.”
“Your faith in me is inspiring,” Yunho laughed. “But that could be fun. I guess we’ll have to see if we can make it.”
“It’s going to be at my dorm,” Hong Joong explained. “Do you know where Whitby Residence is?”
“Yeah over on the north campus,” she confirmed.
“Yeah, yeah,” he nodded. “If you have costumes, wear them. It’s just going to be a good time. I really hope you will come.”
“Okay,” Mingi agreed, looking up at him finally.
“Great, great,” Hong Joong grinned. “Listen, I’m not sure I’m going to get a lot more out of studying tonight, but tomorrow I’m free. It’s Saturday but I would love to get in a little more studying if you would be up for it.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Yunho nodded, grateful for an excuse to not try and concentrate anymore tonight. “Where did you want to meet to study?”
“The library is possible,” Hong Joong offered. “Or here is still fine with me.”
Yunho looked at Mingi, wondering if it might be okay or if he should push for the library.
“You can study here,” Mingi said quietly in the stillness of the moment.
“Sure,” She agreed. “You bring the brains, I can provide some study snacks.”
“Yeah of course,” Hong Joong gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks for, well, letting me come over and study. Being able to study here is great; no battling for the best study spaces or rules against snacks or drinks in some of the spaces.”
“Home is always a comfy place to study, if you can get away from distractions,” She took a step back away from her protective stance by Mingi as Hong Joong started to pack his things up. Yunho did the same, gathering his things up to carry them down the hall to his room and drop them on the little desk he had there.
“So what are you studying?” She asked Hong Joong, filling the silence as he packed.
“Design actually,” Hong Joong replied. “It’s not exciting or anything, but it's where my passion is.”
“That could be really interesting actually,” she replied supportively. “Are you interested in stuff like fashion, or interior design, or graphic design?”
“Fashion and graphic design,” he was surprised by her interest, as well as her ability to engage in the subject at all. Most people were somewhat dismissive, outside of others in his department.
“What are you going to do with that?” She asked, walking with him towards the front door, both boys trailing behind them.
“Not sure yet,” He admitted. “I really like the idea of recycled fashion, but…”
“You don’t have to know yet.” She shrugged.
“True,” Hong Joong finally felt the tension he had been holding let go. “We have time.”
“Exactly,” She said enthusiastically.
“Anyway, it was really nice to meet all of you,” Hong Joong adjusted his bag on his shoulder.
“Yeah I’ll see you tomorrow,” Yunho agreed. “Maybe around one?”
“That sounds good,” Hong Joong readily agreed. “See you then.” He opened his arms to offer the much taller boy a hug. Yunho paused for half a second before leaning down to take the offered hug. They pulled apart and he opened his arms to her, giving her a solid hug goodbye. Lastly he turned in the direction of a still quiet Mingi, offering him a hug as well. Mingi hesitated but gave in, leaning down to hug him. 
Hong Joong held him for a few seconds longer than he had the other two. “I’m sorry again...I just...Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow when I come to study.”
“Yeah, probably,” Mingi fidgeted as he answered.
“Well, see you later,” Hong Joong bid as he turned and walked out the door.
She closed the door behind him and Yunho immediately threw his arms around Mingi. “I’m so sorry for today. It was all my fault and I will do anything to let you know how sorry I am.”
“It’s okay,” Mingi only half hugged him back. “I should have been more careful.”
“No, love,” Yunho shook his head and pulled the other boy tightly against him. “This is home. You don’t have to be careful.”
“No...I have to be careful,” Mingi shook his head again, his eye prickling as the fear and emotion rose again.
“I want to always come home to a greeting like that,” Yunho insisted, turning his face to kiss the other boy's cheek. “Never hide how you feel for me. Not here.”
“Come here, loves,” she gave them gentle pulls, urging them to come sit with her on the couch. Yunho followed, taking Mingi with him and pulling him into his lap.
“Okay so I think we need to come up with a few house rules,” she suggested quietly. “Let’s start with agreeing not to bring anyone over without checking with everyone first.”
“Agreed,” Yunho said quickly, pressing his forehead to Mingi’s shoulder. Mingi nodded.
“It would be nice to make friends here,” she said carefully. “Maybe we can find people who won’t find the three of us together weird, but that might take time. It’s probably worth a try but in the meantime, maybe we need to decide what we are when we aren’t at home.”
“What do you mean?” Mingi asked, giving her lost puppy eyes as he tried to decipher what she meant.
“Well, are we just roommates?” She proposed. “Just friends?”
“I...don’t know,” Mingi said honestly.
“Then we’re just friends for now until we decide differently.” She nodded, giving his leg a reassuring pat. “We’ll be careful and keep things at home. Maybe we can just ask Hong Joong to pretend he didn’t see anything. I’m sure he can just pretend nothing happened.”
“Yeah, I’m sure he wouldn’t say anything,” Yunho agreed, not sure what he felt about it.
“Of course the other alternative is,” she ventured slowly. “I’m just the friend here.”
“Just the friend?” Mingi parroted.
“Well, maybe it would be okay for you two to be a couple for a while,” she gave them a smile. “I don’t think people would think it is that weird if you two were together and had a female friend and roommate. Besides, maybe then you can see that most people don’t really think like your dad.”
“But…” Yunho trailed off, not sure what to say, but it didn’t sit right with him.
“We don’t have to decide,” she replied. “Not right now, but it is something to think about. It wouldn’t mean we can’t do stuff together, but maybe you two hold hands sometimes and maybe I don’t always make it to lunch on Tuesday or Thursday.”
“No,” Mingi sat up. “I don’t like that, it’s not the answer.”
“It’s just an option,” she held up her hands. “We don’t have to decide now.”
“No he’s right,” Yunho shook his head. “It’s always been all of us together unless it was at school or one of us was gone. It doesn’t feel right to pretend that it isn’t all of us.”
“Only for a little while,” she promised. “And it was just an idea. Why don’t you two talk a little more and I’ll go pick up some dinner for us from one of the places nearby.”
“I can go with you,” Mingi offered.
“We can both come,” Yunho leaned forward as Mingi moved to get up.
“No, don’t worry,” she shook her head. “It won’t take me long.” She looked at Yunho and gave him a bright smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Take care of our boy for me, and you two can clear the table up the rest of the way for me. Does chicken sound good?”
“Yeah, sure,” Yunho agreed. She patted Mingi’s knee and stood up, heading over to where she had left her bag by the door. Slinging it over her shoulder, she gave the boys a wave and headed out the door. She made it all the way down the curve in the road to where it dead-ended into the road that they walked along every day to head to the university for her to give up being strong. They couldn’t see her now and that was what mattered.
Tears clouded her vision and she sat down on the edge of the sidewalk to allow herself five minutes to let it all out. Moving in was supposed to make things easier. They were supposed to be together and feel free to be themselves. But suddenly the outside world had intruded. It was easy to steel her spine and make a show like she thought everything was going to be fine. They needed that from her. 
She could still see how timid Mingi was to make the first move with Yunho. That he had done what he did this afternoon, only to have things blow up like this, was about the worst thing she could have imagined. She wondered if Mingi ever noticed how he would reach for her first, covering for himself, before he let himself reach for Yunho. Sometimes she could almost hear Mingi’s father’s voice echoing out of his ears when he suddenly froze, questioning if he was doing something wrong.
Someday she would say her piece to that man. But not now. Mingi needed his support for school and there was no way of telling what stupid thing he would do if he heard that his son was more than just friends with Yunho. 
No one here knew them, no one here was friends with their parents, so she wasn’t worried in particular that anything would get back to him. Maybe having a chance to really see that everyone doesn’t find two boys in love strange or gross would be good. Of course there would always be some people who ‘didn’t approve’, not that it was their place to have an opinion either way. But it would be good for him to finally step out of the shadow his father had put him in his whole life. He was too kind, too sweet, too affectionate, too soft. He wasn’t strong enough, forceful enough, confident enough. No one could have been, not even a clone of himself. It’s one thing to ruin your own life with your self hatred, she fumed internally, it’s another to let that taint everything that you do with your kid. 
Enough, she told herself wiping her face and taking a few steadying breaths. They would work through it eventually, together as they always had. It would be fine. They just had to be careful, really. Much as she knew that Mingi was disgruntled that they weren’t in more classes together, it was probably for the best. The less time they were together outside, the fewer questions anyone would ask.
She had thought about suggesting that they all make their own friends, maybe even have a little more time apart, but she hadn’t suggested it after seeing their reaction to the idea that maybe the two of them could spend a little more time together or even consider letting themselves be ‘out.’ Maybe it was a dumb idea, she admitted, but she was tired of watching them hurt. It didn’t really have to change anything, she promised herself.
Standing up, she wiped her face and pulled herself together, and headed to the restaurant to pick up dinner. By the time she got back home she would be fine. She would make sure they never saw it worry her.
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
The Lord of the Manor (4)
Summary: Barok refuses to let anything get in his way this time: today he will go to visit his brother and pay his respects...
Content Warnings: suicide references (specifically suicidal thoughts), angst + me taking artistic liberties re: the van Zieks family
Other parts:  (1)  |  (2)  |  (3)  |
At some point he'd fallen asleep in Klint's room, though he couldn't remember the precise moment. He was propped up against the footboard with his legs tucked up close to his stomach. The first thing he noticed when he moved was a stiffness in his shoulders and neck. Hardly the most sensible way of sleeping...
Suddenly a loud rumble of thunder echoed overhead, causing the windows of the ancestral home to rattle. Clearly a storm had rolled in overnight.
After stretching until his bones cracked pleasingly, Barok drew back the curtains that covered the large bow windows of the master bedroom and looked out at the landscape. Rain pelted the earth in torrential sheets and lightning lanced across the sky as if momentarily tearing it. This was a most severe storm.
If he were the superstitious or god-fearing sort, then he might have considered that some form of divine force was trying to keep him away from his brother’s grave. Thankfully he was not so limited in his thoughts. Instead, Barok was incredibly stubborn and he had resolved to visit Klint’s grave that day – so that was what he would do.
Of course, taking Black Gale out in such hideous conditions was out of the question. He’d have to go for a ride on a more pleasant summer’s day, perhaps to the orchard or along the coast...
For now, he went to his room to dress in simple clothes and sturdy knee-high leather boots. The path to Klint’s grave would be muddy, so practical footwear was essential. He knew full well his clothes would become drenched quickly, so he donned a shirt and jacket of reasonable hardy material and breeches of similar quality. Once he was dressed, he made his way downstairs to the Grand Vestibule.
“M-My lord!” Harvey hurried over looking deeply concerned, “Surely you do not intend to go out in middle of this storm?”
“I’m going to visit Klint,” Barok replied as he took his cloak from the row of hangers by the door.
“Begging your pardon, my lord, but, surely it could wait until tomorrow? I’ve heard tell that this storm is merely passing on its way to Spain...”
“I appreciate your concern, Harvey, but you need not worry about me. I have to do this... I postponed my visit yesterday on account of factors outside of my control, I’ll be damned if I do that a second time...” an odious noble was one thing, a torrential storm was another. He had no qualms about leaving himself at the mercy of the elements.
“... If you’re sure, my lord...” the old butler had handled enough van Zieks’ lords during his tenure as a servant of the house to know that they were all of a similar stubbornness and driven by their sense of principles. If the young Lord had decided he must visit Klint’s grave then that is what he would do by hell or high water, “... Just do be careful out there and take shelter if the storm worsens....”
“Yes, I will promise you that much,” Barok said as he donned his cloak and opened the door. A sharp gust of wind violently tousled his hair as it howled through the air like a frenzied ghost. He lowered his head and stepped out into the squall, pulling the door shut despite the insistent push of the wind against him. Rain pelted down, taking but a few moments to soak his hair until it was clinging to his face. He ignored the hostile elements and pressed on in the direction of Klint’s grave.
By horse the journey was some 10 minutes away, on foot it was closer to 20 and his progress was slowed by the wind in his face and the unsteady earth beneath his feet. Despite that, he was able to navigate the familiar banks and pathways of the forest that had been a favoured haunt of his since he was a boy. Even with the gloom of the storm clouds over head, he knew the way like the back of his hand.
“Blast! Of all the times for a storm to hit!” he could hear Klint’s voice as his mind reflected on a time they’d been hunting and a similarly fierce squall had rolled in, “Come little wolf, we’ll need to find shelter!”
He nodded and followed behind as Klint led the way to a large bank that over hung like a roof, they crouched down and looked out from their semi-sheltered vantage point at the chaos, “It doesn’t look as though it’ll pass any time soon,” Barok observed.
“Mmmm, I think you’re right, so we might as well amuse ourselves in the meantime.”
“Oh? How so?”
“Well, I heard that someone came home late last night in quite an intoxicated state,” Klint was grinning impishly, “Care to tell me about your debauched night of revelry?”
“. . . .” Barok coughed, “I discovered that I’m not much for mixing drinks...”
“Ah... and what did my little brother mix?”
“.... Well, I might have tried to see what all the fuss with beer is about, before switching back to wine,” Barok massaged his temples as he recalled just how rotten he’d felt first thing that morning, “...I’m firmly of the view that beers, ales and stouts are not for me.”
“That was a fatal error of judgement on your part, have you never heard ‘grape or grain, but never the twain‘?”
“Apparently I missed that particular sermon on the subject of drinking...” Barok replied dryly, which only seemed to amuse Klint further as he laughed harder, “I doubt I’ll forget it in a hurry, however...”
“Sometimes the best lessons are the practical ones, Barok.”
“... Yes, perhaps they are...”
A bright flash of lightning and sharp crack of thunder roused him from his daydreams and reminded him that his focus ought to be on the journey ahead rather than a trip down memory lane. It wasn’t far to the family burial grounds; a small mercy at least. He covered the rest of the distance briskly, passing through the cast iron gates and along the path of cobblestones and dirt to the mausoleum where his brother slept. He opened the door and stepped inside, dripping water all over the stone floor as he went; his first act was to light the candles that were dotted around the room, which he did by taking the box of matches that were stored in an alcove by the door and striking one.
Soft candlelight twinkled around him, casting shadows across the walls that danced and swayed deliriously; their movements slowed once he closed the door to the tomb over enough to block out the wind.
Finally he was here, with Klint once more.
“... I’m sorry for my tardiness brother,” he said softly as he knelt down before the stone where his brother’s name was engraved, “... I found myself in the talons of Lady Darlington yesterday, and you nowhere in sight to distract her...” he snorted to himself at the thought, “I dare say you’d have found my performance quite amusing.”
His gaze lifted to the ceiling of the crypt, “... No doubt you’d scold me for coming here in such a bedraggled state, well, not so much that as willingly walking out into a storm. You’ll have to forgive me for that...”
For a while, he knelt in silence; his voice stilled in his throat as he wondered what had compelled him to come out in such hostile conditions. Eventually he found his voice, “I... no doubt I sound quite mad to you, but, I wonder if you’re still here with me... You know, there are rumours abound in the Capital that your ghost follows me wherever I go and exacts revenge upon those who escape my prosecuting them through some dint in the law.“
“It’s nonsense, isn’t it?” he looked down at the gravestone once more, as if holding out for some sort of sign, “... It has to be, surely, because I’d like to think if you truly were still here then you might show me by some means other than violence... And yet, I’m desperate enough that I’ll take it. I just can’t bear the thought that you’re gone.”
Klint had always been a symbol of what was right and just in his mind, so it did not sit well with him to picture his brother as a vengeful apparition whose sole purpose was to dispatch of the criminals who managed to worm their way out of the noose. Yet, when he first heard those wild tales whispered on the lips of the common folk and the nobility alike, how he wanted to believe it. No matter how much it cut against the grain of what his brother had embodied for him; it was better than accepting that he was dead.
Anything was better than that, surely.
“... Of course, the world goes on and the sun and the moon wheel through the sky as they always have, and those who once held you in such high regard slowly begin to forget you... but for me it’s as if time stopped five years ago. I... still cannot come to terms with the thought that you’re no longer here. So, if you are the Reaper, I hope you will stay by my side until my time comes...”
He’d contemplated joining his brother. Sometimes it felt like the only logical thing to do. The world seemed so cold and devoid of vibrancy without Klint in it. Like someone had stolen the sun. Of course, he couldn’t go through with it – at first he had to bring his brother’s killer to justice, it had consumed his every waking moment. He’d read the case file until he could recite it with his eyes closed; until he dreamt of the autopsy report.
Then, once he’d gotten some semblance of justice for Klint, his thoughts had started to wander to the notion that his purpose was now fulfilled and there was nothing left to keep him here; but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. It wasn’t what Klint would have wanted. If there were an afterlife, what kind of expression would his older brother wear when he arrived there prematurely? He could practically hear the disappointed words whenever he thought about it.
“Oh little wolf.... how could you?”
And it was that which stayed his hand.
Instead, he’d thrown himself into being a prosecutor; to following in Klint’s footsteps and maintaining his legacy. His brother had believed so deeply in justice and integrity, and he would honour that memory by doing his damnedest to hold the corrupt and evil to account for their crimes. It was all he could do.
And yet, he’d even failed at that. He ran away from the Old Bailey, too overwhelmed by the Reaper mythos and the gravity it put upon his shoulders...
“I hope you will forgive me, brother,” Barok murmured, voice strained as he tried to swallow back the desperate sadness in his core, “I’ve been a poor substitute for you... I was unable to save you from the Professor... and now I’m not even capable of continuing your legacy as a Prosecutor... Truth be told, I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m at such a loss.”
“I’m so tired, Klint...”
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kumeko · 4 years
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A/N: For the once in a lifetime zine! I just wanted to write all the siblings.
1.      Past
 “Gure-san!” Ayame crooned into the phone, delight spreading to his toes at the sound of his friend’s voice. It had been ages since they’d last called, since they’d last played this game of lovers and midnight escapades. He pouted. “You took too long to call me.”
 “Aaya, you know I could never leave you for long,” Shigure breathed on the other end of the phone, his tone perfectly serious. It was the thing that freaked out their teachers’ the most: the absolute lack of a teasing lilt or mocking smirk. The inability to determine if he was serious or not. “There’s no one who could replace you.”
 Really, it had been too long. Ayame closed his eyes, his finger twirling on his antique phone’s cord. It was too bad there was no audience for this performance, no Hatori to give them a dry look, no Mayu tossing a table. He would have even taken his mother’s disgusted expression. Glancing around his empty shop, Ayame noted the light escaping under the sewing room’s door. Mine was still here then.
 Mine was here. His lips tugged up into an involuntary smile as he sat down on an empty couch. “So you weren’t cheating on me, Gure-san?”
 “Never.” Shigure chuckled. There was a short pause, the breath between actions, and while his tone was still light, Ayame could almost see his slow smirk. “Though that might change. Yuki’ll be staying with me.”
“Yuki?” Ayame blinked, confused. Yuki. Yuki. A familiar name. An old classmate? A younger cousin?
“You still don’t remember your brother’s name?” Shigure let out a short, bark-like laugh. After a long pause, he added incredulously, “Or did you forget that you have a brother entirely?”
 Both. Ayame didn’t respond, his grip tightening on the phone. Yuki. His brother. Faintly, just faintly, he remembered small fingers reaching for him, a tiny voice and teary eyes. A black room and Akito’s smirk. A hazy image with a hazy name. “He’s moving in with you?”
 Shigure didn’t press the matter, to Ayame’s relief. “Haru asked. Haru. Can you believe that? The cow helping the rat? I guess your brother actually has friends outside of Akito.”
 A cruel comment. Ayame couldn’t refute it; he had thought the same thing, on those rare instances he thought of his brother at all. “Akito let him leave?”
 “I know! Amazing. And he’s even going to our high school.” Nonchalantly, Shigure changed topics. “Well, they managed the three of us, I think they can handle one well-behaved kid. It’ll be like having a second Hatori. He’s a quiet kid.”
“He’s in our high school,” Ayame muttered, his brow furrowed. Yuki was in high school. His tiny fingers were bigger now, his voice deeper. There must have been a time—at the new year’s banquet, at any of the million times he’d visited the main house—that he’d seen this Yuki, an almost grown-up Yuki.
 But his memory was still that of a child and a heavy feeling settled in his belly.
 “Don’t tell me you forgot high school too!” Shigure teased playfully.
 “No…I just…” Ayame struggled to find the words to describe this feeling, this aching, gnawing feeling. “I didn’t know.” That his brother was in high school. That his brother was leaving the compound. That his brother had friends, had at least one friend. Even the facts he barely remembered, favourite foods and toys, were all circumspect. “Does he know that we went there?”
 “I don’t think so. He’s never brought it up.” Shigure paused and Ayame could tell before he even took a breath, before the first syllable was uttered, that this would hurt. “He hasn’t mentioned you either.”
 It was like the twist of a knife. A punch in the stomach. Ayame was left winded and he didn’t even know why.
 “It’s not like you two talk.” There was a pounding sound on the other side of the line and Shigure sighed. “Well, I suppose I have to let her in eventually. Or she might actually hang herself. See you in my dreams, Aaya.”
 “Not if I see you first,” he responded automatically. On the other end, the phone went dead, a dial tone echoing in his ears.
 “Ayame?” Mine poked her head out of the door. Spotting him, she cocked her head. “Is something wrong?”
 “Yes. No.” He stared down at his shirt, at the edges of his right sleeve. Tiny fingers had reached for it once, tiny fingers that he had never considered once. “I…I don’t know.”
2.      Present
 “Heya, squirt.” Arisa ruffled Megumi’s hair as she walked past him to the kitchen. Yanking open the fridge, she rifled through its contents for drinks. “Didn’t realize you were home.”
 “I just came back.” Calmly, he ran his fingers through his locks, brushing any stray hair back in place. There. Much better. While he liked the attention, there were times when Megumi wished Arisa would be less physical about it. Noting her cotton shorts and white tank top, he cocked his head. “A slumber party?”
 “Yep.” Grabbing four cans of pop, Arisa closed the fridge with her shoulder. She held out one can to him with a grin. “Come on, you can join us. We’re playing some card games and I’m tired of Saki winning all the time.”
 “She’ll beat me too,” he pointed out, still accepting the cold can.
 “Then at least we can change who’s losing.” Arisa shifted the cans from one hand to the other, rubbing the cold appendage against her leg to warm it up. “I feel like Tohru should be doing worse than she is, and Saki’s screwing me over.”
 The chances of that happening were almost a hundred percent. Megumi didn’t even need to ask his sister to know. Trailing after Arisa as they headed upstairs, he asked, “So all three of you today?”
 “Mmmm, yeah. It’s been so long since it’s been just the three of us.” Arisa practically bounced up the steps. Looking over her shoulder, she winked. “I kidnapped her from the prince and the pauper. Just because they live with her, the Sohmas think they can hog all of her attention.”
 “The prince and the pauper?” Megumi raised a brow. That was a new nickname. “I thought he was an orange-haired bastard?”
 “He can be both.” Arisa shrugged, reaching the top landing. She spun around, a mischievous smirk on her face. “He’s a pauper because he almost always loses at Rich Man, Poor Man.”
 “That would make you one too.” Saki suddenly appeared behind Arisa, grabbing a pop can. Ignoring Arisa’s surprised jump, she stared at the can. “It’s cold.”
 “Warn me a little, would ya?” Arisa leaned against the wall, calming down. She shot Saki a disgruntled glare. “At the very least, I beat Kyo. And sometimes Tohru.”
 “A grievance I shall never forgive,” Saki remarked, rolling the can in her hands. “This feels good.”
 “It is hot today.” Megumi pressed his can against his cheek. The cool aluminum sent a shiver down his spine. Ah, that was much better.
 “…I can never tell if either of you are serious or not.” Arisa rubbed her forehead, torn between exasperation and annoyance. She glanced at Megumi, and then at Saki. “At least you’re wearing short sleeves today.”
 “I am not completely immune to the heat,” Saki replied, fanning herself lightly. “Ah. It truly is hot.”
 “Now you’re making fun of me.” Straightening up, Arisa barged into Saki’s bedroom. “Alright, time to kick everyone’s asses.”
 “K-kick?” Out of sight, a surprised Tohru squeaked. “It’s a card game!”
 Still standing in the hallway, Saki leaned against a wall, closing her eyes with a pleased smile. Quietly, Megumi stood next to her, his shoulder bumping into her arm, listening as Arisa crowed excitedly, as Tohru stuttered and panicked. His sister chuckled softly and he could feel the vibrations through her skin.
 A laugh. A smile. Megumi watched her, transfixed.
 “Yes?” Saki cracked open an eye. Even the aura around her felt light and teasing.
 “You’re happy,” he said, more a statement than question.
 “Hmm.” Saki considered it before nodding. “I am.” She opened both her eyes and smiled fondly at him. “Your prayer came true.”
 3.      Future
 “She’s here!” Momo peeked out the living room curtain, into the main garden. She quickly let go of the cloth, letting it fall back into place as she stumbled back. “And so is everyone else.”
 “Ahhhh…” Momiji’s smile dropped a notch as he tried to figure out just how did his cousins know about this concert. There was Tohru, of course, but while she was a terrible liar, she wouldn’t actually tell anyone. Standing behind his sister, he drew back the window curtains just enough to get a glimpse of everyone. Haru. Yuki. Kyo. Shigure—
 Shigure. Momiji rubbed his forehead. Yep. That was the root cause. It would have been hard for Tohru to hide it from him, her face gave everything away. From there, it was a single call to invite all of the ex-zodiac members. Add in their friends and a performance for three became a performance for a crowd. Frowning, he shot a glare at his older cousin. “It’s always him.”
 “That’s a lot of people,” Momo muttered, clutching her violin tightly. She glanced at him in askance. “Are we really going to perform?”
 “Yep!” Smiling at her encouragingly, Momiji pointed at the few cousins that she’d met. “There’s Kisa and Haru and Hiro—actually, never mind Hiro.”
 Despite the things that had changed since the curse was broken, Hiro’s tongue was not one of them. Even Kisa couldn’t sweeten his barbed words by much. Still, he was at least moderately kinder to others and Momo hadn’t come back in tears whenever she played with the pair.
 “Kisa.” Momo brightened. “And…there’s Yuki. And Mine and…” She stumbled, trying to remember the names of all their friends. “And…and Uotani and Hanajima…”
 “Yep.” Momiji grinned, counting them off himself. There were far more outsiders in the Sohma compound these days, the doors open to all now. High school friends, coworkers, that guy from the bakery—wait. Momiji cocked his head. It was good and all that anyone could come and go, but why were all of these random strangers here for a single violin recital?
 Momiji’s eyes landed on silver hair. Of course. He should have known. Ayame. Who else could it have been? As though sensing his thoughts, Ayame spotted him and shot him a thumbs up. He winked, mouthing, Good luck.
 It was hard to decide between Shigure and Ayame which one deserved more punishment. Maybe he could sick Hatori on both of them later. Turning back to his sister, he wrapped an arm around her and hugged her to his side. “We have so many friends! I think they’ll be happy to hear us play.”
 “Right.” Momo swallowed, peeking back through the curtain once more. She took a deep breath, stood up straight, and then moved back into the center of the room. Staring at her violin for a long moment, she squared her shoulders and raised it. “We have to tune up.”
 Part of Momiji missed the baby chick, the little girl who was always peering around her mother’s skirts. As a teenager, the only part of that left was the tremble of her hands as she raised her violin, the slight shake of her bow as she tried to settle herself. Yet this girl was able to talk to him, was able to be with him, and he would take that over the baby chick any day. “Right.”
 Momiji raised his violin. Finally, after all those years, they were playing together. Like real siblings. Like a real family.
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thiswasinevitableid · 5 years
this isn't off any prompt list but hero/villian indruck where they have a meetcute and both desperately try to keep the other from finding out their alter ego as their relationship gets more and more serious while simultaneously trying to keep their rival away from their seemingly innocent love interest for fear of endangering them
Here you go!
“You win this round, Knight,” The Moth hovers, mechanical wings flapping and smile spreading across his face. The blood trickling down his nose doesn’t faze him in the slightest, “But I’m sure we’ll see each other quite soon.”
He flies off before Duck can grab him, leaving the hero standing, arms crossed (and cross in general), his quiet evening at home ruined by The Moth’s need cause trouble at the Governors Ball.
He’d just gotten to a good part in his book too.
“Oh goodness, I’m so sorry!”
Duck looks up as he’s wiping coffee from his lap to find a tall, gangly, angular stranger hurriedly tossing down his bag  to help clean up the spill.
“I’m sorry, I get lost in my thoughts sometimes and oh, darn it all.” In his eagerness to help, the taller man splashes coffee onto this white tank top, giving him a belly splotch that matches the one on Ducks green t-shirt. 
“It’s uh, no big deal, ain’t like I was in my Sunday best and, uh, that ain’t a library book.”
“Oh no your book.” The other man lifts the stained paperback, looks at it sadly, “At least let me buy you a replacement.” He’s holding the book to his chest now, clearly hopeful that Duck will let him make amends.
Between the red-brown eyes, the tousled, silver-dyed hair, and the earnest, odd smile, he has an air of disheveled charm that, at his age, Duck ought to be past finding adorable. 
Instead, he smiles back, “Sure thing. Bookstore  two blocks down oughta have copies, and a little cafe to boot. You let me buy you a replacement drink, I’ll let you buy me a new book. Deal?”
The other man nods, hands flapping, “Yes, that sounds wonderful.”
Duck grins, suddenly excited, before noticing he’s a bit sticky.
“Meet me there in an hour so we can both change?”
“It’s a date.”
It’s a date? Agh, of all the ways he could have phrased it, why did his blasted, traitorous mouth choose that one?
He stands awkwardly in one corner of the cafe, hands stuffed into the pockets of his pink and yellow cardigan. Was this too flamboyant? He doesn’t even know if the other man is gay. He supposes he could look into the futures to determine the answer to that, but doing so feels rude. 
This is why he turned to supervillainy in the first place; he’s terrible with people. 
He wishes he’d worn his glasses. They’re technically a tool of his trade, but they make him feel safe. 
“Uh, howdy.” 
He glances up, finds the man from before looking at him. Now that he’s not racked with panic trying to clean up a spill, he has a chance to take in just how much his type the man is. Short, but bear like (”a teddy bear” his mind supplies, unhelpfully), with green eyes and charming, unhurried vibe to him. His drawl does remind him of a certain hero who’s always in his way, but he won’t hold that against him. 
“Buy you a coffee?”
“Yes, please. Ah, um, I guess I should introduce myself; I’m Indrid.”
“Duck” he holds out his hand and Indrid takes it, enjoys the warmth and strength in his grip, “Nice to meet you.”
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” Duck tightens Beacon around The Moth, who tears at the blade with his retractable claws. Duck learned about those the hard way, when the villain extended them during one of their first meetings. The slash broke the skin, something rare for Duck on account of his durability. 
“And you have got to come up with some more creative lines, hero.” The Moth snarls, “you have used that one twice before now. Which is also how many times you have forgotten about this.”  The villain throws himself sideways and down with enough force to yank Duck to his knees and loosen his grip. As his sword clatters to the ground, red powder fills his eyes.
“Gah, jesus, not that shit again.” His eyes sting, and as he pats the ground for Beacon he hears the scrape of metal moving away from him. Beacons hilt disappears into the mist, dragged slowly back by The Moth’s foot. 
Duck looks up at him through watering eyes, trying not to breath in the dust. 
“Well, you got me at your mercy. You gonna start gloatin about your evil plans or some shit?”
A light, sharp laugh, “Why would I waste my time in such a way? Oh no, I shall be making off with my prize. And making sure you don’t follow me.”
He raises his foot, and Ducks vision whites out on one side as he crumples. 
He should be more worried about the villain getting away with the schematics for the ApCorps latest government security features. 
Mostly, he’s worried he’ll have a black eye tomorrow. 
“Hel-oh goodness, Duck, your eye.” Indrid opens the door a half second before Duck knocks, then quickly cups his cheeks to take a closer look.
“Looks worse than it is, sugar, don’t worry. And, uh, surprise.” He produces a small bouquet of Irises from he behind his back. Indrid beams, taking them with squeak of delight. 
“They’re lovely, but what’s the occasion?” He’s smiling almost like he knows, almost like he just wants to hear him say it. 
“Know, uh, know I said I wanted to take things slow, but I realized we been datin a month I ain’t given you anythin.”
“You bought me coffee that first time. And we have each bought dinner for the other multiple times.” Indrid takes his hand, drawing him inside.  
“I know but, well, kinda wanted to do somethin a little more special.”
“Any time with you is special.” 
Duck snorts, “Cornball.”
Indrid kisses, “I learned from the best.”
“What can I say, I learned from the best.” Indrid grins at The Knight, who is currently hanging upside down in an elegantly simple snare. 
“I got the idea from that unpleasant sword of yours. Keep your enemy tied up nice and tight to keep them out of your OW, ow, alright I should have seen that coming.” His glasses are now cracked from the Knight headbutting him.
“I’m impressed you could manage that upside down.”
“Drop these fuckin chains off me and I’ll show you somethin real impressive.”
Indrid tilts his head, “Tempting, but I have a pressing engagement tomorrow morning. Not to mention I need to get this,” he pats the painting he just lifted from the house of a man with a gold toilet, “somewhere safe. Until we meet again.” He offers a mocking salute, and takes flight.
“Again?” Indrid offers, pressed against warm, sweat-tinged expanse of Duck’s chest, his heart beating in time with the rapid rise and fall of Ducks breathing.
“Nope. Not that the body and mind ain’t willin, but the mind and body also got work tomorrow. Damn that felt good.” He usually tops, but with Indrid he’s found it more variable; some nights, like tonight, the other man fucks him into the bed, or over the nearest table, or however far they get before Duck can’t stand waiting anymore. Other nights, Indrid gets on all fours so Duck can fuck him with the strap, drops to his knees before they make it past the entryway, tugging at Duck’s belt buckle with little whimpers. 
“Mmmm, it was magnificent my love.” Indrid goes stone still in his arms as that last syllable flutters in the air.
Duck brushes strands of pale hair from his forehead, “I love you too, ‘Drid.”
His boyfriend flops down in relief, “oh thank goodness that’s the way it went.”
“As if I could feel any other way about you.”
Indrid mutters something that might be “cornball” into his chest, yawns and nestles closer with whisper of “love my teddy bear.”
“Love you too, sugar.”
He’s in love with Indrid. 
Bad things happen to superhero love interests. Very bad things. He can’t bear losing him, but no one beside the other members of the Pine Gaurd know his secret identity. He’s not ready to tell him yet. Soon, but not yet. 
Indrid rolls sleepily onto his side and Duck goes with him, turning into the little spoon in his embrace. God, what if an enemy decides to kidnap him, hurt him, just to get to Duck?
Then again, no villain has singled him out, save for one. 
Which he’ll need to deal with that one as soon as he can. 
“Give up while you still can, Moth!” 
“Not a chance.” Indrid hisses back, clutching the gash on his arm from the sword. What has gotten into the Knight today? Usually he only fights Indrid the amount needed to stop whatever crime he’s busy committing. 
Today he’s trying to destroy him. 
He’s been training, that much is clear, he has new moves that Indrid finds difficult to anticipate in a fight, and a fire in his eyes that heightens Indrid’s guard. 
As he flits out of reach of yet another strike, his goal of thievery long forgotten in favor of not getting chopped in half, he tries to determine the source of the change. What would make him fight harder?
Duck. He’d burn this city to the ground, tear every hero in it to pieces, if Duck were in danger. 
He reaches the edge of the building, but before stepping off to safety he turns.
“You win tonight, Knight. But do give that new lover of yours my regards.”
“Hey, Indrid?”
“Yes?” His boyfriend looks up from his sketches. 
“I was wonderin if, uh, if you’d like to go to a  fancier place than normal? Barclay got me an in at La Lune, thought we could go on Friday. There’s, uh, there’s somethin I wanna talk about.”
“Is is a marriage proposal or breaking up with me?”
“What? No!”
Indrid chuckles, “I am teasing. Mostly.” He bounces his eyebrows and Duck rolls his eyes in response. 
“Thought afterwards, might be nice to go out to the park and stargaze, tell you what I need to in private.”
“That sounds lovely, my love.”
The stars are aligning in Indrid’s favor this week. 
Yesterday, when the Knight tried to corner him on his way out of his lair, he took the gamble of getting close, earning him the reward of landing a deep slash on The Knight’s cheek. One he won’t be able to heal by tonight. Whether he’s in his hero get-up or his civilian clothes, Indrid will be able to spot him. 
And tonight, he has it on good authority that the Knight will be appearing in this block of the city.  The same block on which sits La Lune. Indrid can go to dinner with his boyfriend right after removing the biggest threat to said boyfriend. 
He’s perched on the roof of the restaurant, steering clear of the large skylight. His glasses scan the streets, the windows all around him. 
But this is taking longer than anticipated. He hasn’t looked too far into the futures for the night, since his growing romantic side wants whatever Duck tells him to be a true surprise. 
He pulls out his phone, swipes to his conversation with Duck. Beneath the photo of a Scarlet Tanager Duck sent him from his work at the ranger station he types, running behind, will be there shortly after 7.
He receives back, NP, see you soon sugar with a kissy face. 
The minutes tick by, the spring sun setting inch by inch behind the downtown skyline. At 7:05, he peeks through the skylight, spots Duck. He can’t see his face all the way in the mood lighting of the restaurant, but he knows his gait, his profile. 
At 7:30 there is still no sign of his nemesis. He’s been scanning and staring and searching, looking at his phone only once after it buzzes many times. He has four missed calls and five texts
Duck: ETA? Damn, this place is even fancier than I thought. 
Duck: Everything okay? If you’re close, I can order us some appetizers so you don’t got to wait to eat. 
Duck: Can’t wait to see you.
Duck: Are you still coming? Are you okay? 
Duck: Sugar?
That last one comes as he’s reading the others. He peers down through the skylight, sees Duck stare at his phone for a ten count, gnawing his lip. Then he looks up at the sky, eyes shut, as if weighing a decision. 
Indrid’s heart plummets. 
There’s a gash on Duck’s cheek. 
A gash he put there. 
Every coincidence, every strange incident he’d pushed to side, lost in the happiness of their courtship, floods his mind. 
Suddenly, he knows what Duck was going to tell him. 
With shaking fingers, he types,
So sorry, my battery died at the worst of all times, I borrowed a charger from a good samaritan. I’m nearly there. 
It takes him two and a half minutes to descend the building and change into his evening wear that he stashed nearby. 
At three minutes, he’s walking through the doors, Duck jumping up and hugging him before he even makes the table.
“Sorry for, uh, textin so much, I guess I got a bit nervous. Y’know how shit can get here; can be walkin home and suddenly a supervillain is wreckin shit and you’re collateral.”
“I understand.” He takes his seat, Duck relaxing into the chair opposite him, “in fact, my love, I understand a great deal.”
Indrid reaches into his pocket, producing a pair of red glasses. He slips them on, knowing the other diners will think nothing of it. 
“I look familiar, don’t I?”
Duck stares so long, moving so little, that Indrid fears he sent him into some kind of shock. 
“Get out. Now.” Duck’s tone is level, his eyes glinting with threat. 
“Duck, please, I, I want to explain-”
“Out. I ain’t gonna tangle with you tonight, but I don’t wanna see you ever again.”
Wordlessly, Indrid removes the glasses, and walks into the night.
Indrid is out of ideas. 
For the first week after his confession, he searched the futures religiously for any sign that Duck would come after him, would reveal his apartment to the other heroes. 
It never came. 
He hasn’t stolen anything in two months. 
He sent a single apology letter to Duck, doing his best to explain the situation. Watched the futures narrow down to a single one; Duck reading it, then tearing it up. 
He even sent anonymous notes to the Pine Guard, altering them to several oncoming disasters or the kind of supervillainy that has a body count. 
Wounded pride, a loss of purpose, a wave of self-loathing, and a dozen other complexly unpleasant emotions could form the center of his world. 
But it all comes down to one simple feeling: he misses Duck. Misses his smile, his sense of humor, his strange laugh, the safety he felt by his side, and endless list of things stripped from his life by his own actions. 
Which is why it has come to this.
He sets up the camera, and starts recording.
“Hey, Duck, I think you should see this.”
Duck plods into the main control room, where Ned is fiddling with the video feed while Aubrey waves him to sit by her.
“I swear to fuck if it’s that police chief tryin to recruit us again-”
“Nah, Aubrey and I finally got through to him.” Mama tosses out from the corner where she’s busily whittling a wooden duck. 
The screen flickers blue, and then Duck feels the opposing pulls of revulsion and longing as Indrid’s face appears. His glasses are off, but he’s otherwise in his full villain get-up.
“Hello Duck, and, ah, I assume the rest of the Pine Guard. It is fine with me if you all listen in, but this message is ultimately for him.”
Barclay reaches over Ned to hit pause, “Duck?”
“Y’all can stay.”
The video resumes. 
“I have two messages. The first is an apology; not necessarily for the things I have stolen, but for any genuine harm I caused other people, yourselves included. And I apologize once again, and as many more times as you require, Duck, for not telling you the truth sooner. In my defense, there is no easy way to admit to the man you love that you are a supervillain. All the same, I ought to have been brave enough to try, for your sake.” 
Indrid sits up and Duck leans forward. 
“My second message is that I am retiring from supervillainy. I could say something about a change of view on the world in general, but the truth is that villainy is less interesting without an equal to rival and banter with me. And, well, I am sure I can find other ways to fill my days. Especially if the man I care for is by my side. I should be clear that my retirement is not contingent on you reaching out to me again, Duck. Merely that it is something you may wish to know. Ah, I suppose that is all. This is the Moth, signing off for the last time. I’m sorry again, Duck. I love you.”
“Think it’s a bluff?” Aubrey asks as the screen goes dark.
“No, as one who has mastered the art of insincerity, I do not believe so.” Ned responds, switching on the lights.
Duck, for his part, says nothing.
Indrid rolls off the bed at the knock, rubbing his eyes as he trudges to the door, too tired to look at the futures. 
“How can I…” 
The sight of Duck Newton on his doorstep elicits so many emotions that he short circuits. 
“So, retiring huh?”
“Yes.” He fights the urge to chew his nails. 
“Guess that means you’re free to talk right now?”
“Indeed.” He steps back, allowing Duck to step in and shut the door.
“Great, Because we got a lot to talk about. But, uh, first.”
He cups Indrids cheeks, kissing him so lovingly that the former villain melts against him, gripping the front of his ranger jacket the way a falling man grasps at a cliff. 
“I missed you so much.” He whispers, and before he has time to hate the crack in his voice, Duck is kissing him again, guiding him slowly and surely to the couch, murmuring in between kisses.
“Missed you too, so much, goddamn, couldn’t stop thinkin about you, love you so much ‘Drid, wanna make things right, we’re gonna make ‘em right, I promise.”
Indrid glances at the futures, sees that in all of them they do, in fact, end up having a long, serious conversation, one that ends in even softer kisses and Duck curled around him in his bed. 
But there’s still a few more minutes for him to savor being here, safe and secure, in the arms of his hero. 
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subverbaldreams · 5 years
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@reniisbooks  This one captured my imagination. I hope you enjoy! I’ve posted the full 5.9k story on my AO3 here: 
The Darkness In Me
warning: dubious consent
everyone’s 18 or older
There have been a few (read: many) times in Tony’s life when he’s known he was fucked. Now, looking into his own eyes, ice-blue and devoid of empathy, he feels a great surge of nostalgia for those good old days.
Every inch of his body hurts. The fight was quick and brutal and now he’s tied up, legs spread, sitting up against the headboard of his own bed with his arms splayed out to either side.
Well. If being shibari’d to his own bed by his evil twin doesn’t say something about lifestyle choices, he isn’t sure what does.
His doppleganger picks up Tony’s phone from the floor and starts flipping through it. His lips— Tony’s lips, his own goddamn face except for the eye color—curl in a smug smirk that’s gut wrenching in its familiarity. Tony’s seen that look on his own face, before.
“And Pepper Potts, too,” his twin murmurs. “You really are just a pale copy of me and my universe, aren’t you? Ooh, hel-lo. Who’s this?” Avarice darkens his gaze; he taps and scrolls, then tilts the phone so Tony can see. Peter Parker’s innocent face fills the screen and Tony jerks at the cords around his wrists.
“You fucking piece of garbage, if you touch him—”
“Oh, my shadow,” his twin shakes his head. “Not a full day in your ‘verse and you keep disappointing me. You’ve just told me he’s exactly the person I should touch.”
He flicks his wrist; a splash of chrome flies off his suit like paint splatter and hits Tony’s throat, burns into his skin and he screams, but only for a second. Air keeps pushing out of his throat, but there is no more sound. Nothing. Tony meets his own eyes (pale as a winter sky) and a conspiratorial wink, grotesque because that’s his face, his wink and in this context, so wrong.
“Vocal cord paralytic. It’ll wear off in a bit,” his twin smiles. “Don’t want you ruining our surprise.” He taps the phone and Tony hears it ring.
Oh, Pete. Don’t pick up, kid. Don’t pick up!
“Hey. It’s me,” his doppleganger says, voice urgent. “I have an emergency situation. I need you at the tower, right now. No, don’t tell anyone. Top secret, superhero stuff, you know the drill.” He listens, watching Tony’s face, then his teeth bare in a shark’s grin. “You’ll understand everything, soon.”
  Peter climbs the side of Stark tower to enter Tony’s quarters by the runway on the top floor. His chest is in knots, the hairs on his arms and neck lifted. Something isn’t right. The knot eases when he sees Tony, leaned against the door frame to greet him. He wears a pale blue shirt, unbuttoned, with the sleeves rolled up and Peter doesn’t know whether to be more distracted by his forearms or the curves of his abs. Tony’s got his sunglasses on, even though it’s two in the morning. The drink in his hand might explain it. He waves Peter inside, opens his arm as Peter gets close and wraps it around his shoulders.
“Take the mask off, baby. Let me see your face.”
Peter obeys without thought. “What’s wrong, Mr. Stark? I used the credit card you gave me to catch a cab, I hope you don’t mind.”
Tony laughs, then: a deep, rolling sound that’s both surprised and pleased. He turns into Peter, looks down at him and Peter wishes he could see Tony’s eyes; he isn’t acting like there’s an emergency.
“Oh, sweetheart. Of course I don’t mind.” He keeps that arm around Peter’s shoulders as he steps forward, pushing their chests together and Peter forgets how to breathe. Tony’s hand holding the drink comes up to touch his chin and the scent of fine whiskey wraps around him like a fog. “I’m glad you let me take care of you. You’re my boy, aren’t you?”
Peter inhales a sharp gasp. Those words, that tone, drive a line of heat straight to his crotch. Heat floods his neck. Surely Tony didn’t mean it that way. Peter knows his desire is one-sided; has been for years. He doesn’t answer the question. His mouth feels frozen. Tony walks him a few steps back, a smirk on his handsome lips like he knows exactly what he’s doing, and Peter knows this can’t be what he thinks it is, but his body isn’t listening.
Tony knocks back the rest of his drink and tosses the tumbler aside. It hits the floor with a heavy thunk. He pulls Peter in and grips his chin with the arm wrapped around his shoulders, half-choking him and Peter realizes with a flutter of panic that his hard-on is pushing against Tony’s thigh.
“Mr. Stark,” he gasps. It’s like his brain’s shorted out. He’s drowning in Tony’s scent, that delicious cologne he always wears, the light salt of his sweat, and Peter’s almost hyperventilating as Tony leans down until they’re drinking each other’s breaths.
“Mmmm, look at you, baby. So hungry for Daddy.” His thigh pushes forward and he rolls his hips up, and there’s no question he does it on purpose. Peter lets out an embarrassing whine. He may be stronger than Tony, but that sound speaks the truth of their relationship. Tony Stark owns him, body and soul. Has since they first met.
Tony drinks in the moan, reflects it back to him in a pleased sigh and nips at his bottom lip. Peter’s legs shake. He’s grinding against Tony’s thigh, needy like an animal and he can’t help it; he’s wanted this for so long.
“Do you dream about this, pretty baby? Huh?” Tony murmurs. He puts an arm around Peter’s lower back and lifts him with ease, nudges with his legs until Peter takes the hint and wraps his legs around Tony’s waist. “How many times have you jacked off to me? Tell me.”
He walks with Peter in his arms, walking toward the bedroom and if Peter’s brain was short-circuited before, it’s complete jelly now.
“I-I don’t know, sir,” he gasps. “Every day. For years. Oh, god. I want...oh, Mr. Stark!” He arches as the man’s hand dips into the cleft of his ass, pressing through the suit. They cross the threshold of the bedroom and Tony kicks the door shut behind them. The lights are low and it’s perfect because Peter’s simultaneously shy and desperate to see Tony without the shirt on.
“Take this off,” Tony murmurs, tapping Peter’s suit. “Let me taste you.”
“Oh,” Peter whimpers, so close to cumming right there as he tightens his legs around Tony’s waist and Tony holds his ass in both hands so Peter can let go of him to pull out of the suit. He pushes it down to his waist, then Tony’s hand is in his hair, pulling his back into an arch and there’s warm breath on his nipple and teeth and oh god, is this happening?!
“AH! Ah, ah, Mr. Stark, ohhHHH!”
The man’s lips sealed around the throbbing, bitten skin and sucked, and Peter thinks he might die from pleasure. No one’s ever touched him like this. He wishes Tony would take off the sunglasses; it feels so impersonal, not being able to see his eyes.
“Are you still a virgin, baby boy?” Tony asks, and Peter shudders because he can feel Tony’s hard cock riding up against his balls.
Peter nods, embarrassed. Tony’s so much older than him, so much more experienced. Will he back off, once he realizes Peter’s “experience” comes entirely from porn videos on his phone?
But Tony’s grip in his hair tightens; he yanks back and Peter yells in surprise.
“Use your words, Petey. Is Daddy’s little boy a virgin?”
Those words steal Peter’s breath, but he manages a choked, “Yes, sir!”
Tony’s pleased chuckle rumbles through him. “What about kissing? Have those pretty lips ever tasted another boy? A girl, maybe?”
Peter shakes his head, too humiliated to look into Tony’s eyes, even shaded as they are by the sunglasses. “No, sir,” he whispers.
But Tony groans, as if that answer makes him incredibly hot. He grinds their hips together and Peter’s transported.
“Oh, please, Tony,” he moans.
That hand jerks his hair back, and Peter’s head rocks from a slap that leaves his ear ringing on that side. He’s so shocked, he doesn’t even think to pull away. Tony’s lips are hot against his burning cheek, the scratch of his beard unbearable on the sensitized flesh.
“You may call me sir, or Mr. Stark, or Daddy. Those are your options, boy. Do you understand?”
Peter’s eyes are full of tears. He blinks and they run down his face, onto T—onto Mr. Stark’s lips, and the man licks it up as though he enjoys the taste.
“Y-yes sir, Mr. Stark,” he stammers; he’s not brave enough to call the man “Daddy.”
Mr. Stark thumbs his chin.
“There’s my good boy,” he murmurs. Humiliation and pride fuse into a glowing ball in Peter’s chest, spreading warmth throughout his body. Mr. Stark’s skin is cool by comparison, the only thing that keeps Peter from burning up. He leans in and presses his lips against Peter’s, tongue invading his mouth and goatee scratching his lips raw. His first kiss and it’s Tony Stark, and the man doesn’t hold back. He knows how sensitive Peter is, yet he eats into him like a hungry beast. Peter submits to it, completely overwhelmed. His mouth and nose and flesh and senses are all full of Tony, and if the hair’s still lifted on his neck, that’s just because everything is dialed way past eleven right now.
  Tony Stark grins over Peter’s shoulder at his shadow-self, who watches helplessly from the bed. The pathetic sap looks like a vein in his forehead is about to burst. Tony slips his own shirt off, grinning as Peter’s hands flutter over his skin, eager, but (rightfully) afraid to lay hands on him.
“You really are a virgin in every way,” he smirks. “Touch me, boy. Find out what a real man feels like.”
The flush has gone all the way down Peter’s chest. Tony’s handprint lights up Peter’s left cheek: a gorgeous, cherry red overlaying all that hot pink. The tips of the boy’s ears glow like candle flames.
Tony grips his shirt behind Peter’s back and folds it, then brings it up over Peter’s eyes.
“No,” Peter gasps.
“Did you just say ‘no’ to me?” Tony lets his words melt with the disdain he holds for this entire, sorry world. If Peter fights him, he’s going to find himself badly outclassed.
Peter inhales sharply.
“I-I didn’t mean it, sir,” he amends. “I’m sorry, sir.”
“Mmm, that’s what I thought.” He ties the blindfold tightly around Peter’s eyes, tucks in the fabric to block all sight.
He maneuvers the boy’s legs from around his waist, makes him stand straight and turns him sideways, putting the boy on display for their bound audience.
Tony takes off the sunglasses with a flourish that is for the benefit of no one but himself. He kneels in front of the boy to pull the spider-suit the rest of the way off. Peter’s thick, young cock springs out eagerly. Tony fists it and chuckles when a wavering moan leaks from the boy’s mouth. Over on the bed, his shadow self glances at Peter’s dripping cock then looks quickly away.
“Never been fucked,” Tony murmurs, looking at his other self and letting his breath ghost along Peter’s cock. “Never been kissed.” He curls his tongue around the base of Peter’s cock and grins at the whimper he elicits. “Never been sucked.”
He wraps his lips around the boy’s hooded cockhead and slathers it with his tongue. Peter’s hands find his hair, but the boy is smart enough not to pull. Tony gets the head nice and wet before he dives down to bury his nose in Peter’s thatch. The kid’s cock makes a nice throatful, and he bobs on it a few more times before pulling off with a satisfied smack. Peter’s legs shake adorably; he really is a virgin in every way.
Tony looks up at his lesser twin. The man’s face is twisted between horror and hunger. Of course, the pathetic worm has denied himself this pleasure. But he’s wanted it.
Tony knows that, because he wanted Peter from the moment he saw that sweet face gazing out of his shadow-self’s phone.
  Bound to the headboard, silenced by some tech he’s never even considered, Tony can do nothing but watch. Peter’s innocent moans tug at his heart. The way the boy shakes, cries out “Mr. Stark!” Not even angry after the slap. As if Tony has the right to treat him any way he wants.
As if Tony owns him.
He’d denied it for so long, and here it is, his sin of the mind coming back to swallow him whole. Tony could cry when Peter arches under his twin’s touch.
“Please, sir...please...”
The other man stands up, trailing kisses along Peter’s hip, stomach, chest and shoulder as he does. He tilts the boy’s chin up and takes his mouth in a kiss that’s got to be thick with the taste of Peter’s cock. The boy’s hands come to his shoulders, gripping hard as his legs tremble like they’ll go out from beneath him.
“Beg me to fuck you,” the man whispers, but his blue eyes are focused on Tony. Peter licks his lips, breath shaking.
“Please...f...fuck me, Mr. Stark, sir,” Peter breathes.
I’m gonna kill you, Tony thinks, and it’s almost like his doppleganger can hear his thoughts. It’s Tony’s own cocky smirk that shines back at him, and it’s like they share one mind in that moment.
I’m taking what’s yours, his twin is saying to him. And you’re going to sit there and watch. And want. And hate yourself for not doing it first.
Because he does; he wants this. He wants to be Peter’s first. He’s rock hard, watching the boy’s slim muscles shake under his hands. It’s like he’s watching the world’s most invasive porn video.
His other self walks Peter to the bed and shoves him back on it. Pulls his wrists together and a chrome tendril laces out from the glowing reactor on his chest, swirls down his arm and wraps Peter’s wrists and forearms a dozen times over. Peter gasps and tugs at the binding.
“You can try to break it, if you want,” the doppleganger says, grinning. “You aren’t getting out of this until I let you out.”
Peter’s breath is high and tight in his throat. He’s afraid, but he doesn’t know he should be terrified. Tony’s hands flex, aching to grab Peter and run.
His doppleganger climbs onto the bed, hooks one hand under Peter’s arm and lifts him. Peter kicks his legs, making a hurt sound that socks Tony straight in the chest.
You’re HURTING HIM! His throat won’t move, so he screams the accusation with his eyes.
His twin’s cold gaze reflects back at him: I know.
Peter’s feet are still tangled in his suit. He squirms until the fabric comes free. He’s just starting to get his feet under him when Tony’s twin kicks his legs apart. More silver ropes flow around Peter’s ankles and pull his legs wide. The man throws him down and Peter doesn’t quite catch himself. His face hits the bed inches from Tony’s crotch.
Peter’s whimpers are edging out of “scared” and into “panicked.” He rubs his face against the mattress, trying to push the blindfold up. The doppleganger slaps a hand over Peter’s cloth-covered eyes and jerks his head back.
“Do you want to see? Ask and you shall receive. Don’t be a naughty boy and try to take what you want.”
Peter swallows loudly. His voice sounds wet, like he’s holding back a sob. “Please Mr. Stark. Please take the blindfold off?”
“Mmm...what’ll you do in exchange for your sight? Will you make Daddy happy with your tight, virgin ass? Will you be good while Daddy cums inside you?”
A whine. Tony’s legs shift; he can hardly hold still when Peter sounds like that. The boy is letting Tony take him apart because he trusts Tony to put him back together. He doesn’t understand the darkness in Tony’s heart. That darkness, free and hungry behind glacial blue eyes, is enough to break him until there’s nothing left to repair.
Don’t, he begs, and he’s begging himself. Literally and figuratively. Begging that he doesn’t have it in him to do this to Peter.
“Of course you will,” his other self coos. “You’ll be a good little slut for us, won’t you.”
Peter twitches, and goes still. His nostrils flare. “Us?” He repeats, a plea in his voice. Let me have heard wrong, it said. Let me have misunderstood.
The doppleganger spits onto his own fingers, slips them between Peter’s legs and the boy lurches forward with a choked scream. At the same moment, the man pulls the blindfold off him.
Shocked amber eyes stare at Tony’s crotch, then up his bare chest to his face. Tony is shaking, head to foot. But then, so is Peter. The boy lifts himself on his forearms and twists to look behind, at the blue eyed Tony Stark, also shirtless and with at least one finger inside him from the way Peter had screamed.
“W-w-what,” Peter stutters. He looks forward again, at Tony desperately trying to get sound out of his paralyzed throat. “Mr. Stark!?”
His eyes are begging. Please tell me this isn’t happening.
The doppleganger pulls a small bottle from his pocket, squeezes it over Peter’s crack and the boy jerks forward again as he feels the liquid hit him.
“Oh, god,” Peter moans.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, sweetheart.” The man’s forearm flexes with the movement of his fingers and Peter’s mouth hangs open over a choked whimper. “Just feel. Feel what we do to you. Listen to my voice, baby. You know who I am. You’ve always belonged to Tony Stark, haven’t you, baby boy?”
He slaps the side of Peter’s head. The boy shakes his head like he’s shaking off water, and gasps out a hasty, “Yes, sir,” followed by a loud moan as Tony’s twin grabs the back of his neck and drives his fingers in to the last knuckle.
“Oh, please, Mr. Stark! Please, I can’t—I can’t—”
“Can’t what? Can’t give me what’s mine?” Blue eyes harden and he twists his wrist until Peter sobs into the mattress, hips bucking into his touch as much as away from it. “Can’t help being a dirty slut for your old man? With your legs wide open and your ass in the air? Try and tell me you don’t want this,” he snarls, and releases Peter’s neck to reach around him and stroke his leaking cock.
Peter’s bloodshot eyes lift back to Tony’s, desperate. Begging him, but for what? To make it stop? Or to let it continue? Tony’s cock is at high mast inside his pajama pants and Peter sees it. His trembling lips open as if to say something, but it turns into another moan.
The doppleganger takes hold of Peter’s hair, holding him so he has no choice but to look at Tony.
“Say, ‘please, fuck me with your giant cock, Mr. Stark,’” he orders.
Peter’s breath shivers over a whine. Tears drip down the sides of his nose. “Pl-lease—AH!—oh! Please fuck m-me, with your giant…OHGODOHGOD!”
“My giant what, boy?” The man grins. He tilts Peter’s ass up until Tony can see: he’s got four fingers shoved inside the boy’s virgin hole.
“Giant cock!” Peter shouts. “It hurts! Please, it hurts, Mr. Stark!”
“Poor baby,” the man rumbles. “I’ve got something that’ll feel a whole lot better.”
Peter glances up at Tony’s eyes, then away. His whole face, neck and ears are bright red. Humiliation and pain have his eyes glassy as a drug addict’s. He moans in relief as the man’s fingers pull out of him. The doppleganger unbuckles his pants and pulls himself out. His cock, like the rest of him, is a mirror image of Tony’s. Long and thick, far too big for a virgin boy.
“I’m gonna ruin you, baby,” he purrs, and smiles as Tony jerks ineffectually against the ropes. He maintains that eye contact while he slicks up his cock, then brings it right up to Peter’s entrance.
Tony twists and tugs at his bonds in a panic. Peter’s hyperventilating. He’s too tense. He’s going to tear. He’s going to bleed. Tony shakes his head at himself, because it is him, it’s him doing this. His lips move in silent pleas.
Don’t! Stop! Stop!
He can go to hell for a lot of things, but please god not this.
Tony looks into his own eyes as the man’s hips push forward.
Peter’s breath cuts off. He curls over himself as if clutching a stomach wound, statue-still as Tony’s double breaches him. The man takes it slow, millimeter by millimeter pressing inside. Thirty seconds without a breath, and then a gasp rattles through Peter’s throat. He tries to lurch forward, but the man grabs his hips and holds him in place. Peter’s bound hands reach forward, grab onto Tony’s thigh like it’s a life raft.
“Hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts aah aah aah—”
“Mmm, I know it does, baby,” the man rumbles, with Tony’s voice, Tony’s words (if he was a sociopathic monster and would do this to someone who loves and trusts him) (and clearly, he is) Tony’s hands holding Peter’s hips in place as he drives deeper.
Peter’s breath stops again. His grip is going to leave black bruises on Tony’s skin. It’s the least he deserves for causing this.
His twin pauses, halfway sheathed in Peter’s body. He tilts Peter’s hips so Tony can see the ridge of the boy’s overstretched hole wrapped tight around his cock.
“Would you look at that,” he marvels. “Look at that cherry pop.” He traces a finger over the rim. Peter hitches in a sob. “Shh, that’s a good little boy. Get used to Daddy inside you. Ohh, fuck that’s good.” He groans, turns half-lidded eyes up to Tony and sneers, “you pathetic worm. You could have had this, but you left him for me. You did this. Saved him for the superior version of you. Guess that just goes to show, you’re still not stupid as the rest of the vermin on this planet.” A triumphant sneer tugs at his lips and he sinks deeper into Peter’s shaking body. “This one, though...ugh, I’m keeping this one. It’s gonna be fun, dirtying him up.”
“Can’t,” Peter begs into the comforter, “s-s-st-op...hurrrts…”
“Push down on me, baby,” the man coos. “There you go. I know, I know. It’ll start to feel good. You’re doing such a good job for Daddy. Being such a good boy. Giving me that sweet little cherry. Look up, sweetheart. Look at how much your Tony wants you.”
Peter’s head comes up. Low to the bed now, his eyes are blocked by the tent in Tony’s pants.
Tony feels like he’s choking on flames, the shame burns so hot inside him. And even so, a part of him is memorizing the taut lines of Peter’s body, the way his pink hole stretches to take his twin’s cock, the breathy whines of “can’t” and “hurts.”
The man shoves his hips forward when there are just a couple inches left, slides home with a slap of skin on skin, and Peter shrieks. He tries to lunge forward, to get away from the pain, but the man hangs onto his hips and rides the motion. He jerks Peter’s hair until the boy’s head leans back onto his shoulder, so Peter’s lithe body is on display, and Tony is shocked to see the boy’s cock still hard, with precum drooling from the tip.
Tony’s twin sets a hand over Peter’s belly and pushes. Peter’s eyes fly wide open. He squeals out a helpless sound, and the doppleganger laughs. He shifts, angles so he’s thrusting straight forward and Peter bucks in his arms. His scream breaks in his throat.
“You’re always gonna remember this first time,” the man promises, eyes locked with Tony. “Cause you’ll never be the same after I’m through with you.”
He pushes Peter back onto his elbows, drags the sobbing boy forward until he’s hovering right over Tony’s crotch. His big hand closes over the back of Peter’s head and pushes his face down into the thin fabric which covers Tony’s raging hard-on.
“Suck it,” the man orders. “It’s mine, after all. Show me how desperate you are for my cock. Take it in your mouth and ass at the same time, you depraved little cockslut.”
Peter tries to look up, maybe for permission, but the other Tony holds his head down. A sob ratchets through his chest and Tony can feel his wet breath through the soft cotton of his pants. Then Peter’s mouth closes around the side of his cock and it’s a struggle not to let his eyes roll back. Not to admit to himself—neither the Tony across from him nor the Tony that is him—how fucking good it feels.
“That’s right, whore. Suck your Daddy’s big cock. Show him how much you want it.”
The man tilts his hips gently forward and back while Peter sobs over Tony’s clothed cock, loosening the boy up with the motion.
“Fuck, Tony,” the doppleganger groans. “How’d you keep your dick outta this for so long? This slut’s been after you for years, you know that? Jerking himself to sleep, dreaming about getting bred by Daddy Stark. Isn’t that right, boy?”
He jerks Peter’s head up. Peter’s eyes meet Tony’s for an instant, and the fear in them says everything. His twin is telling the truth.
“You piece of shit,” Tony rasps, then looks up as he realizes his voice is back. His other self smirks.
“Right on time. You wanna cuss yourself out while we take what we’ve always wanted? Be my guest.”
Without pulling out, he shoves his hips forward, hard.
Peter’s breath chokes off. He thrashes his head back and forth in silence until his voice bursts free in a broken whine.
“Mmm, feels good from that angle, doesn’t it, baby? Daddy’s sooo deep inside your little body.”
He stirs his hips, and Peter writhes, face buried in the comforter until the man jerks his hair back.
“Look at him. That’s me, right there. That’s the part of me too chickenshit to take what’s mine.”
“I’m gonna kill you,” Tony snarls. “I will rip you limb from limb and leave you for the vultures, you fucking sack of garbage.”
His own face smirks back at him. “Look at him, Peter. Leaking through his pants for you. This is what he always wanted to give you. Not some StarkTech suit, not money, not mentoring or whatever the fuck he’s told you. He wanted to feel your lips on his cock. He wanted to feel your ass sucking tight around him.”
Peter’s eyes are too wide, white showing all around the irises. His breath pants out in little whimpers. The rocking motion changes to short thrusts, and Peter’s forehead creases; a thin whine leaks from his mouth.
“Mmm, starting to feel good, now? Tell Daddy you like it. Say it!” He jerks back on Peter’s hair.
“OHH Daddy I like it! AHH!” His voice is a train wreck. Tony is never going to forget that sound; his twisted brain will make sure of that.
“Good boy,” Tony’s twin purrs. “You get a sweet treat for being so honest with Daddy.”
He pushes on Peter’s upper back until his chest is arched into the bed, ass in the air and hair still pulled back so he’s staring wide-eyed up at Tony.
The man starts pounding into him, long thrusts that knock the breath from Peter’s lungs.
Fat tears stream down the boy’s face. Tony whispers Peter’s name, tells him it’ll be ok, that he’ll get through this, but his own rigid dick gives the lie to his comfort and he’s dying inside because he can see Peter shattering. Those doe eyes go half-lidded as endorphins help him ride out the pain and there are moans sandwiched between his wet sobs.
“That’s my baby boy,” the other man coos, his praise a twisted complement to Tony’s words of support. “Fuck, such a good boy for Daddy. Come here. Show your other Daddy some love.”
Tony looks up, almost chokes out “No!” before he thinks how much more damage that might do to Peter, and begs instead with his eyes.
Please, don’t do this. Please. You’ve got what you wanted.
His own eyes narrow back at him. The cruel baring of teeth replies:
I want MORE.
  Peter can hardly breathe as Mr. Stark lifts his legs. Still inside him, he curls his knees to his chest and tries to hold still. Any movement might tear him to shreds. Mr. Stark lifts him up until he’s straddling the other Mr. Stark, his bound hands resting against the shining reactor in the man’s chest, and his own hard cock smacks Mr. Stark’s lower belly. He gasps at the sensation of warm flesh and soft, curly hair. Mr. Stark’s hard-on rubs up his perineum and pushes his balls to one side. He’s only vaguely aware that he should have tried to run when the bonds loosened around his ankles. They’re tight again, holding him to the bed. Holding him in Mr. Stark’s lap.
Peter’s head is floating in a cloud. It still hurts, the cock inside him, but when it moves, these sparks fly through his whole body and it feels like flying. The blue-eyed Mr. Stark breathes against his throat, hips still with a waiting silence. Calm before a storm.
“Ride him,” he orders.
Peter glances up to meet brown eyes, wide like he might say “no.” Like maybe Peter only deserves to get fucked by some cruel, twin version of himself, but isn’t good enough for the real Tony Stark. Misery floods through his chest at that thought. But it’s the other’s words that pulls him out of the imminent spiral.
“See how much he wants you, sweetheart?,” the man rumbles in his ear. “See how he’s been denying himself. He’s been desperate to bend your pretty body over his desk and fuck you raw, to breed you full of his cum and leave your hole gaping wide open, dripping wet. He needs to fuck his little boy. Show him, baby. Show him how good it is.”
Peter swallows his tears. This, at least, makes sense. Of course, he wants to help Mr. Stark feel good. He rocks his hips tentatively, but that makes the other man’s cock pull out just a fraction and his breath stops.
“You need Daddy’s help?” The man intuits, hands stroking down Peter’s sides. Soothing him.
Peter sniffles and nods. Mr. Stark is looking up at him, and he’s actually blushing, which is somehow more intimate and strange than their position.
“Show him how your lips taste,” the other says, pushing Peter forward until his bound forearms are sandwiched tightly between himself and Mr. Stark. “Show him what he’s been missing. I promise you, he’ll love it just as much as I do.”
They’re already close enough to taste each other’s breath. With the help of a hand pushing on the back of his head, Peter closes the gap.
Instead of alcohol, this Tony Stark tastes like mint toothpaste. At first, neither of them move. Then the man behind him renews his thrusts, and it forces Peter’s hips forward and back, makes him grind on his mentor’s clothed cock and rubs his own sensitive cockhead into ticklish belly hair.
Peter moans into Mr. Stark’s mouth. His cry is swallowed and Mr. Stark is returning the kiss now, groaning and biting Peter’s lips as if he’s starved for the taste of them.
Something explodes behind Peter’s eyes as the unexpected orgasm sweeps through him. He disappears, lost under waves of pleasure beyond anything he can comprehend.
He comes back to himself, still crying out as he’s filled with a cock that seems bigger than his whole body. He looks on in a daze as a hand runs through the dripping, white cum on Mr. Stark’s chest, then lifts it to his open mouth. Those fingers force the semen past his tongue and shove into Peter’s throat. He gags and struggles. Drool falls down his chin, onto the bound Mr. Stark’s neck and chest.
The fingers stay hooked over his tongue. Peter struggles to breathe, struggles just to exist as that massive cock pushes in and out of him. It still feels good, but it’s hurting again too and he tries to beg. He gurgles unintelligible sounds around the fingers in his mouth.
“Oh, son,” the other Mr. Stark breathes hot on his ear, gritty with need. “Daddy’s gonna cum. Beg me to breed you, sweetheart. Come on.” He slaps the side of Peter’s face with his free hand. Peter tries to pull back from the hand in his mouth so he can speak, but the man won’t let him. Shame drives deep into his guts, twisting him inside out.
Peter gargles out “Please breed me Daddy” as best he can, then screams as Mr. Stark’s teeth latch onto his throat and bite down. The cock inside him pulses and Peter realizes he’s cumming. Tony Stark, the man Peter idolizes above any other, is cumming inside of him.
But it isn’t Tony.
But it is.
Something deep, deep inside of Peter’s chest cracks and shatters into pieces.
  Tony cums at the same time as his doppleganger. It’s Peter’s voice that does it: the choked gargle around his thick fingers, the way the kid tries to please Tony no matter what the situation. The way Peter’s cum clings to his chest, or how the drool shines on his chin and his strong thighs squeeze Tony’s hips.
Tony’s other self stares him down, pushes Peter against Tony’s chest to pull out of him, and hot cum leaks out of the boy’s gaping hole to soak through Tony’s pants. Peter hides his face in Tony’s neck, lets out a wrecked sob, and Tony tilts his head against Peter’s.
“Hush baby,” he whispers. “Shh, it’s alright. I’m right here.”
His other cocks an eyebrow at that. He leans in against Peter’s back, lips close to Tony’s so he’s almost kissing himself.
“Stay here sweetheart,” he says to Peter. “I’ll be ready to fuck you again in a minute. I’m sure your Mr. Stark will look after you while I clean up,” he smirks.
Tony avoids the blue eyes, this time. He can’t bear to look at himself. At what he’s done. What he is. He doesn’t move until his twin disappears into the bathroom.
“Peter,” he whispers urgently. “Can you reach my wrists? Untie me, Pete, I’ll get you out of here, sweetheart—”
He cuts off, realizing what he just said. How naturally it rolled off his lips. Peter catches it too; he hides further in Tony’s neck and shakes his head.
“Can’t, sir,” he mumbles. “You said to wait for you.”
Tony leans his head back against the headboard, tears stinging behind his eyes. "I'm right here, sweetheart. It'll be ok."
my AO3: SubverbalDreams
The rest of this story: [Part 2]  [Part 3]  [everything]
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atinytokki · 5 years
Here’s my first impressions (aka this is what 2020 is gonna sound like folks)
Alright so I’m really behind today, as some of you know I literally just got back from vacation and it’s also my first day of classes this semester and it’s just craziness. Yes I’m posting the first chapter of Yeosang’s spin-off today. But people seemed to like my first impressions of the last album so I’m going to do them again. Thankfully (?) this album is a lot shorter so I can pause and talk about stuff.
Warning! a loooong post, squealing, incoherent thoughts smashed together, and crying ahead. A lot of crying. Keysmashes included.
Post-MV thoughts before I listen to it again: There’s way too much to focus on and I’ve watched it many many times to look at the choreo and the storyline stuff that’s happening, but this is my first time listening without the video so I’ll notice more musically this time. But first I wanna say; YEOSANG’S LINES!!!! I’ve been screaming for forever that he has a beautiful deep voice and needs to be given parts that compliment it. And wow it finally happened :’) Anyway here we gooo
건배하자 like a thunder!! Can you believe they literally spoiled the entire hook of their next song in Beginning of the End? *flashbacks to my utter confusion when that happened* San sounds amazing and I like the little echoey thingies. Gives it a real nostalgic feel. Jongho already popping off vocally barely 10 seconds in. Mingi’s rap here and the transition to Hongjoong’s— rap line goals. The attitude in that mm-mm made me smile ngl. This prechorus might be my favourite part of the song. Seonghwa sounds heavenly. An EDM drop bringing back that hook, good decision and again it kinda feels nostalgic?? Especially the oh-oh-ohs which are also giving me a pirate drinking song vibe wow 0.0 Wooyoung with that 불러 불러 lol. Yes the Yeosang part!! I love a good post-chorus switchup and he. handled. it. perfectly. There’s even harmony, yall know how much I love harmony. And SINGING RAPPERS AHAHDJAHAK YESSSSS. Back to that glorious prechorus but it’s Yunho’s turn. This chorus is just such an anthem. I’m bopping rn. San in this bridge— he said I am a VOCALIST listen to my beautiful VOICE. Yay the rappers going back and forth again!! It’s like If Without You. Man I can’t believe I get to replay this song forever. 2020 is gonna be lit. You hit those notes Jongho! I’m always blown away by this kid, and that scoop earlier mmmm. Just nodding very energetically right now. Perfect end to the song. 100/10!!!!
Okay I’m pausing before the next one starts because no I am not prepared. It’s just like last time; I know Hongjoong wrote this and I know it’s gonna ruin me but I have no idea how and when and what it’s even gonna be like but anyway, too bad, let’s just go.
Oh kinda futuristic sounding opening with the synths? Yooo the vocal thingy in the background, sounds like a sample of some kind, that is super cool and I hope we get more of it. Ok I paused just to write that, let me unpause. This is gonna be a long one, I can already tell, sorry guys 😅 And the beat changed right before the vocalists came in. definitely a back and forth thing here in two registers, very sweet. Wow. WOW MINGI WOW. This rap is?? It sounds super mature and idk just full of confidence. I’m shook. Ok the chorus. Holy cow this is LIT lit. Nope nope I need to pause and go back. This is so chaotic, I feel like I’m missing things?? I’m listening to that chorus again because there were so many elements there. I just wanna take this song and break it down second by second to hear every single sound hahahah. I’m only catching an odd word or two here as far as lyrics go. Oml harmonies 💆🏻‍♀️ Alright Hongjoong’s rap. OMG if he sounded sassy in Answer this is a whole new level and I LOVE IT. Flow is 100/10. The “are you gonna take me there” gives me chills. This song needs a dance this chorus is TOO LIT. Am I at a rave rn??? Oh thank God the bridge took it back a level. Ok I’m pausing because I think I caught some of the lyrics this time. If I’m not wrong I heard 난 궁금해 저 끝이 궁금해, 더 가까이 조금 더 가까이 ? Which is something like “I wonder, I wonder about the end. Closer, a little bit closer” if I heard correctly. I need to look up the lyrics in full later because Hongjoong has a big brain and his lyrics are always 🤯🤩 Ok unpause. Final breakdown! Yep this is going on repeat the rest of today. Jongho yussss with the ad libs. No it’s over ㅠㅠ Alright this one is already vying for top spot this album. We shall see. But I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. HONGJOONG GENIUS.
Um so yeah I saw them perform this live for their anniversary thingy and cried so this should be fun. At least I already know the song so how much can it hurt me? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Smart of whoever put this album together to stick this song right in the middle and make us cry between head banging to the other songs. Mingi in the beginning is just 💖💕💘💝💓 San ballad king. I need more ballads from him. Jongho, of course, with perfect vocal control. Oh Seonghwa too, I need more ballads from him. Wooyoung with T H A T part. A tear is forming, I just love this chorus. People are saying the song should be in a drama and I 100% agree. Everyone together FOREVER YOU ARE MY STARRR. The little drum frills it’s so cute :(( Yay Hongjoong, and his cute little voice I’m UWUWU. Wooyoung with the high note and I’m ascending........... Chorus again and this is the real meaning of crying in the club. It just occurred to me that the second verse seemed really short. Yeosang + Hongjoong + that guitar in the bridge is *chef’s kiss*. This is so emotional, do we really need to do this at 4am?!? I’m just gonna vibe for a sec, it’s the last chorus. The ad libs were so perfect and the way it ended— wow. I need a moment.
From my understanding this is a full version of the Precious Overture they gave us last album. Tempted to go back and see my first impressions about that one, but either way i have a distinct feeling my wig is about to be snatched. Let’s GOOO
So far, it’s starting the same. Creepy humming and all. Okay scratch that, we have a vocal melody. Yunho sounds great ugh I’m so proud. Sorry, San’s voice just takes me to another plane of existence or something, how can it be that smooth and gorgeous, someone please explain. Building to something now... Oo. OO?! Hongjoong’s rapping. This is so cool oh wow, and into this vocal part which I believe is the chorus?? wOW wow it’s amazing to hear this having already heard the bgm, this is like a new level of appreciation. It really all goes well. Ah we have a switch up now with Seonghwa. guys GUYS GUYS you know how I feel about switch ups. Sorry I’m going back to catch something. The tempo changed here and really grabbed my attention. The bass is also super cool, it’s actually the same melody as the treasure opening (and the opening of this song) but much lower, I believe. Uh oh guys this might be vying for top spot too. Let’s continue. Ok Mingi’s rap which I’ve already heard. Um I’m confused now. It’s Hongjoong’s rap again? Is this the chorus?? Woah woah hold on I gotta pause. Because. Wait, what?? This is the chorus??!? Yoooooooo bold move! I have no idea what is going on but I love it. Continuing on. Ah yeah ok the vocal part with Yeosang again, so I guess the rap + vocal part is the chorus? Also I neglected to mention but Yeosang is killing this song. Ooh okay this bridge is building some suspense. Feeeelingggggg.... And now a shouted version of the rap for the final chorus. Okay wow I’m impressed that they took it this direction. And Jongho with the ad libs is PERFECTIONNNN. Oop okay they’ve added the revised-lyric Treasure part to the end here. And the lyrics are the same as in Precious (Overture) so I’m guessing we still didn’t find the treasure, good grief. How long is it gonna take to find this treasure 😅. And it ended like that. Well. WOW. Again, I could listen to this on repeat all day. Again, I am deceased. Instant fave.
I’m pretty sure this is the exact same as I already heard on the trailer thingy but we are gonna react to it anyway.
The orchestra really loosens my tear ducts like nothing else. It’s beautiful, who else is doing it like them?? “Did you find your treasure?” Yes, I found ATEEZ 🥺. The way he says “finally found it” . This is Maddox btw. Also about Maddox, hang on I’m gonna pause for a PSA: guys if you don’t know Maddox please PLEASE check him out. He’s doing the amazing narration on this (and Intro too), he’s a soloist under KQ and one of Ateez’s hyungs who they look up to. In addition to his superior narrating talents, he is also an amazing vocalist. If you like R&B and lo-fi music I would definitely recommend him, he just dropped a single called Color Blind, his insta is xxmaddox, he’s a great guy and YEAH that’s all for my plug but go stan him, he is deserving and proof of the fact that KQ artists are talent through and through. Unpausing! The way the orchestra swells and then goes into a piratey sounding theme is so motivating and familiar :))) “Can you hear those voices?” HNGJRKSNDN WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SCARY. This is the Epilogue, it’s supposed to be like the denouement, the falling action!! The bad guys should be gone now! What’s next?? Treasure Ep: Answer to Question? Because that’s what I have after this album! More questions!!! Anyway, the bass here and the humming 👌🏻 100/10 for the instrumental. And in ATEEZ fashion, they leave me thirsting for more.
So that was my first impression/live reaction to the mini album! I think it’s Horizon and Precious fighting for #1 currently. Maybe I’ll reblog with second and third and fourth impressions... Thanks for reading if you got this far! And tell me what your first impressions were and if I missed something big while I was keysmashing. TTFN~
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freddy-hughes · 5 years
Trials and Tribulations - Velvet Spinnerets. Pt. 1
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“Haskell! Haskell wait!” 
Freddy ran after the little fox, who dashed through the underbrush with a conviction he didn’t think possible for such a small creature. He swiped bushes away, ducked under branches, crashed through creeks, and generally tried his damndest to keep up. 
It’s just this way Freddy! Just this way! Hurry!
Haskell’s voice sounded gently in his head, which only spurred Freddy faster. They were getting deeper, and deeper into the forest. All around them the trees grew denser, leaving one feeling claustrophobic. The canopy above was so dense the dying light of the ethereal dusk could hardly break through. 
However, the deeper they got, the more distorted the forest seemed to get. Spider webs grew more frequent, peppered with the occasional wrapped meal, or egg sack. An uneasy pall settled over the air, as decay laid heavy upon the senses. The spider webs grew in size, frequency, until every tree seemed to be wrapped by them. 
“Haskell! Haskell be careful!” Freddy called, but the fox was rounding over the hill ahead, and then vanished out of sight. 
Come on, Freddy! Hurry! 
Breathing ragged, Freddy followed dutifully, but the moment he stepped at the crown of the hill, something beneath him gave way. Spindled, blackened spider legs flew from the darkness beneath his feet, and dragged Freddy down into the abyss. 
Freddy awoke slowly, the warm summer breeze filtering in through the window, the sheets cool across his back. He blinked slowly into the waking world, smiling as the sounds of breakfast being made reached his ears. With great hesitation, unwilling to get up fully, he pulled himself out of the bed. Bare feet landed on the cool floorboards. Clumsy, sleepy footfalls heralded his ascension to the land of the living. 
He made it to the kitchen, where Lydia stood making breakfast. The sounds of eggs, bacon, and other goodies sizzling causing a symphony of domestic bliss. His arms idly wrapped around her waist as he laid his chin upon her shoulder. “Mmmm g’mornin…” He murmured sleepily. 
“Look who finally decided to join me,” She quipped, a smile on her lips. “Go sit down ya lug. It’ll be ready soon.” 
Freddy groaned, squeezing her hips softly before lumbering to the table to sit. A hearty plate was set before him a few moments later, and Lydia sat next to him with her coffee in her hands. She smiled radiantly as he took up his fork, and began to dig in. 
The food tasted like heaven. His starved stomach rumbled loudly as he ate with gusto. He could hear Lydia chuckle, but didn’t look up from his meal. He was too consumed with the taste. It wasn’t until he pierced the bacon with his fork that something struck him. 
They didn’t eat meat. They hadn’t in years. 
“Wait,” He murmured, mouth full. The food on his tongue dissolved into ash, the thick texture like molded leaves under frost in winter. He watched as the plate began to rot away, mushrooms, and mold springing from the feast as it disintegrated there before his eyes. With horror, Freddy looked up. 
Lydia leaned over the table, spindly fingers like claws as they wrapped around her coffee mug. Her lips were twisted into a smile that was much too big for her face, her lips appearing to have been sliced at the edge, and all the way to her ears. Her skin was deathly pale, as though she had been dead for days, left in the freezing snow to slowly petrify away. Eight soulless eyes stared at him as her head tilted to the side. She looked as though the mortified expression on his face was the greatest joy she could ever experience. 
“Is something wrong?” She purred, voice foreign, and heavy with malicious intent. “Oh, forgive me, I didn’t let you finish your meal.” 
Freddy sat frozen, staring at the monstrosity beside him with wide, fearful eyes. Tears streamed down his cheeks, fingers shaking, but unable to move. “Why…” He questioned. “What did I do..?” 
The cruel vision laughed. It’s eight eyes blinked simultaneously as it sipped at the coffee. “Haven’t you figured it out yet?” It asked, a smug smile pulling its mouth apart in garish angles. “Nothing.” 
Freddy jolted awake, chest heaving. His neck, and chest were drenched in sweat. He tried to move his hands, but they stayed tied where they were. He looked, seeing the familiar webbing tied taunt around each wrist, pulling each arm wide, and tying him to two trees. He was on his knees, suspended by nothing other than the restraints. Spiders crawled over his arms, their needle teeth piercing his skin, and drinking deep of his blood. 
Looking out among the web covered forest, Freddy saw the bones of others who had come here, found themselves in this horrible place, only to perish a slow, torturous death. The massive widow that had ensnared him here hung on her webbing, plucking the strings idly as she watched him with curious eyes. 
“What happened, little morsel? Did it scare you?” It’s voice was like honey, dripping thickly down the walls of his innermost thoughts, coating his brain in its delight at his torment. “You have been such a fun thing to play with. Such simple wants, and desires. Such easy fears. Oh you have been a  -delight- to play with.” 
Freddy felt new tears fall down his cheeks as he tried to reposition himself. Yet his weight was too great, and the taunt pull of his arms kept him knelt almost reverently before the spider. “Please,” he begs, a choke sticking in his throat. “Please what did I do..?” 
The spider laughed. It was a cruel sound, as though the very notion that he was begging her was adorably pathetic. Slowly the spider came down off its web. As it meandered up to Freddy at a slow pace, it began to change. The body of the massive spider stayed the same, but sprouting from its thorax grew a females frame. The shadow of it stayed as a silhouette for a moment, only to slowly form until she sat naked atop the thorax with a smile. Nipple-less breasts were covered by lightly folded arms, as white hair like spiders silk trailed down its back in waves. Painted lips pulled into a bright smile, and though Freddy tries to find a humans eyes, all that greeted him was a carapace of eight eyes like a crown. It smiled down at him with malicious cruelty, as the still spider body meandered towards him at an almost lazy pace. 
“You came here, don’t you see? You thought you knew these forests like the back of your hand, only to stumble further, and further into the woods. Getting more, and more lost. Then you came here, and tried to take my meal from me.” 
Freddy looked over to the petrified body of a stag across the way. It’s antlers were tangled in the webbing, keeping it suspended on its hind legs in perpetual flight even in death. It’s body had been sapped of all life, the skin pulled taut over the bones. It’s lifeless eyes stared right at Freddy where he knelt. 
“I was just trying to help…” Freddy feebly offered. “Please, great one, I beg you. I am a friend of the forest. I am not here to hurt you…” 
Again the spider laughed. It’s hands came up to caress his face, leaving pins and needles in their wake. Her thumbs ran almost tenderly across his cheeks, wiping the tears away as she smiled condescendingly down at him. “Oh, but you tried too, didn’t you? Hmm? Tried to take what was mine away. Have you such pride to think you can stop the cycle?” 
Freddy cried, a defeated sob ripping through his throat. “Please, I beg you. I just want to get home…” 
“Home? What do you think is waiting there, hmm? Do you truly think anyone would bother to wait for such a foolish, stubborn oaf like you? Someone with so much pride he thinks he can defy the natural cycle? Please. You are but a memory. Buried, and forgotten. Here to die in the forest you love. Alone.” 
Freddy cried anew, his body so weak he went limp. His arms, and shoulders burned with the effort of keeping his weight suspended. His head bowed low, the tears dripping onto his knees. “It’s only been a few days...just a few days...she would wait for me...it’s me...I’m Freddy...it’s Freddy.” 
The spiders hands let his head go, let his neck flop as he cried softly into his knees. After a moment, a single finger came out, and dipped beneath his chin to raise his eyes back to her. The crown of eyes blinked at once, her head tilted to the side as a cruel smile plucked at her lips. The glimpse of fangs could be seen as those lips pulled wider, the bottom bow twitching as though she ached to sink those teeth into his neck at any moment. 
“That’s what I love about you, little morsel. You’ve been so much more fun to feed upon. Such hope. Such love. Such dedication. What a shame it’s all so...hmmm...what’s the word? Ah, yes. Misplaced.” 
The grin on its face nearly made Freddy gag. 
 “You are but a stone in the ground, little morsel.  A place visited until it isn’t anymore. A memory tucked away, and then slowly forgotten. So, why don’t you just give in? Hmm? Just close your eyes, and sleep.” 
Freddy feebly looked to the others suspended in the trees. Their bones were picked clean, wrapped in webs, and left to adorn this place as macabre reminders of meals long past. He wondered if they gave in. He wonders how long they lasted. He wonders if their dreams were pleasant as the spider drained them of everything, or if they spent their final moments in torment. He felt so weak. How long had he been here? Was he just a headstone in the forest? He didn’t know. 
“Will you make it pleasant..? Just for once, please. Great one, have mercy…” 
The finger that had curled beneath his chin slowly glided along his cheek, until like a lover she caressed his head in her palm. Her other hand came up as well, sliding up his neck, and then back around his head to softly comb her fingers through his hair. Like a lover lulling their beloved to sleep, she caressed him. “Sleep, morsel. Give in. Let your eyes close. It will all be over soon.” 
Freddy felt so tired. He looked down to his chest, where a single chain could hardly be seen amid the leather of his armor. He sucked in a weak little sob, lips quivering. His eyes closed tightly as he whispered, “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I wish I could have gone home…” 
The spider slowly tilted his head sideways, and with tender affection sank her fangs into the meat of his shoulder to feed.
Freddy feels his lungs suddenly gasp in a breath, moss green eyes going wide as he jerked almost violently into consciousness.
His arms flail, fingers digging into the plush grass beneath him to haul his weight as far away from the Spider as physically possible. When his arms are too weak and get him only a few mere inches away he then startles over, and upright, one leg bent as wild eyes look around. His lungs gasp for breath, like a fish out of water, and his face looks drenched in sweat that seems to have bubbled from the skin instantly upon his arrival to the waking world. The sun blinds him, eyes scrunching shut tightly as he tries to shield them.
“Where…?” He whispers between gasps. “Where..? Where am I?” Rubbing at the pain with the butts of his palms, Freddy slowly ventures another look at the world around him. A picture perfect cottage in the woods greets him. Smoke gently billows from the chimney, butterflies float upon the breeze, and all manner of animals in the forest sing in their interwoven symphony of life. Confusion furrows his brow as he looks up to the sky, where the sun sits proudly in the center, only now, and again blocked by a few passing clouds. No longer was he surrounded by ghoulish bare trees stuck in a perpetual winter. Their gnarled branches did not reach for the sky like the arms of desperate devouts begging for ascension into heaven. The sticky webs of his captor no longer tore into the soft skin of his wrists, and his legs burned with the sensation of finally being unfolded from beneath him. 
Freddy looked around in wonder, nearly brought to tears by the realization that the Spider had taken mercy on him. She had ferried him away to a sweet dream he could finally enjoy being a part of, even if it would end like all the others. However he took comfort in knowing that instead of painful wakefulness, he’d find perpetual darkness when this dream finally ceased. 
“A dream,” He whispers. “Another dream…at least this is a good one.” He whispered softly, arms curling around himself as he took a moment to feel the warm summer air on his back. The way the breeze ruffled his hair, how nicely the forest smelt - just like he remembered. This was the realest dream the Great One had offered him. He was so struck by it that the tears only sprang anew, and he clutched his knees close to his chest as hopeless tears of joy, sorrow, grief, and relief flowed down his face. Mercy never tasted so sweet. 
“This is home...so many people have been here waitin’ for you…”
“You don’t have to go back there...you can stay here.” 
Freddy’s entire body went rigid. He wasn’t hearing this correctly. The Spider was cruel, but she wasn’t this cruel. 
Slowly, oh so slowly, he lifted his head. He kept his eyes closed, battling the thought of opening them, or keeping them closed. It would be easier if he kept them closed, let the Spider do what it wished instead of seeing that horrid malformed visage she loved to torment him with. He didn’t want to face that as the final thing he would see within a dream, or reality. He’d rather keep the memories of Lydia to himself, and not mar them with the whims, and whiles of Gods. 
However, curiosity won out in the end, as it often did. Slowly his eyes opened, a small wince playing on his face as she came into focus to prepare himself for the horror he was sure to see. Yet, he didn’t see any. Instead, it was her. Fiery, feisty, curious, playful Lydia. He almost couldn’t believe it. Did the Spider truly have mercy on him? Had she finally grown so tired of him that she sought to kill him with mercy, and kindness? Tears sprang anew, regardless of the answer. . “Lydia..?” He questioned, hesitant, afraid any words would break this fragile dream he had found himself in. “This…isn’t a dream…?” 
He felt the pins, and needles of the corrupted magic rumble beneath him. It quaked the very ground below, the white hot fangs digging into his skin with an intensity he hadn’t felt since he pulled the corrupted eye from Haskell. It was then that Freddy was hit with the horrifying truth of what was happening to him. 
The Spider, in all her cruelty, had severed the tendrils that kept his consciousness trapped behind that mask. Mercy was not something she had intentionally sought to give him, instead only offering a glimpse of the world outside that forest, and the abomination that roamed around it. She would kill him with cruel reality, and in the most visceral way possible. She would show him what was happening while he was trapped within her webs. She would feed off the horror, sorrow, and grief until he was nothing but bones. 
It was in that moment that Freddy had to make a choice. He could either give into the Spider, or finally do as his teacher had taught him so long ago: 
“The bear does not run, and hide. It stands tall, and it fights. Are you a bear, Freddy? Or are you a deer?”
Freddy feels himself began to quiver, and shake. Anger, and frustration shoots through his veins like wildfire. “Lydia, listen to me. Okay, you have to listen.” He finds his strength, and reached out to grab her hand. He cradled it close to his chest as he looked at her with an urgency unmatched by anything before. “In the garden, beneath the African violets we planted, do you remember? Remember the purple ones we planted last summer? Beneath those in the dirt, is something. I don’t know what it is, but it’s important.” 
So delicious…
Freddy snaps his neck towards the forest, eyes going wide in abject fear, only to suddenly steel over his as his jaw clenched in determination. The Spider was there, right at the tree line, her painted nails playing with nipple-less breasts as she watched him with an orgasmic pleasure. The body of her thorax quivered, as though this truly was the most euphoric thing she could have possibly done to a human for her entertainment. He bared his teeth as a snarl escaped him. He would end this, damn it. He would end this. 
Freddy looks back to Lydia, and takes a moment to memorize her face. She looks tired, pained, and sad. So very sad. He feels his heart break for her. His gaze steels, however, and he laces their fingers together, kissing at her knuckles. “You have to find it, check on it, but don’t move it. Just, you have to promise me you’ll check for it. Make sure it’s there. Every time I come, and visit I need you to check it when I leave. It doesn’t know where it is.” 
Tears ran down his cheeks like a river, pooling into his beard, and getting lost in the tangles as his lips quiver. One of his hands reaches out, fingers still twitching but his, and his alone. He cups her cheek gently, running the pad of his thumb over her cheek. “I’m coming home okay? I promise, I promise I’m coming home. You have to trust me. I’m coming home.” 
He would do this. He would see this through, and if the Spider kept him then he would at least die knowing he saw Lydia one final time. He wanted to tell her he loved her, that he missed her, that she was everything to him, but he couldn’t. She had suffered as much as he had, if not more so, and he wouldn’t cause her anymore if he could help it. 
Freddy closed his eyes, focused on the pins, and needles that rumbled beneath him. He tuned into the flow of it, the thorny cut of it against his skin, and grabbed hold. With tight hands, he yanked, the force of it flinging his consciousness away from reality, and slamming him back into his own body with such disorienting force he thought he’d vomit. 
The spider was still attached to his neck, drinking deep of his blood. Freddy felt light headed. His vision swam. He felt himself beginning to go numb in the fingers, and toes. The trickle of warm blood down his neck pulled his attention into sharp focus. He opened his eyes, grit his teeth, and flexed his arms. 
“I am a servant of the Sacred Forest, wielder of the magics of old,” Freddy whispered, the incantation muscle memory on his lips, “The beat of the forest sounds in my heart. I will not succumb. Your darkness will not shield you, Spider!” 
Fur began to sprout along his arms, fingernails growing until claws tipped massive paws. His shoulders cracked, and disjointed, reforming as the muscles reshaped on his back. His legs struggled beneath him, heels digging into the earth, until he found purchase. He pushed with inhuman strength, pulling himself up to his full height as the transformation sped up. Shaggy brown fur now covered his entire form, while the skin of his head peeled away, the skull elongating until nothing, but the barren bone of the bear remained. With fiery green eyes, he stared at the monster before him, and roared. 
Freddy pulled at the restraints that held his right wrist, and with great effort broke his arm free. With a massive swipe, he dislodged the spider from his neck, crimson droplets flying as she stumbled a few steps away. Her neck, chest, breasts, and thorax were drenched in his blood as she wiped at her mouth with the back of her hand, and smiled. 
“What do you think this will do, little Morsel? Think you can fight? Hmm? Give in.” 
“I told you, I’m going home.” Freddy snarled, “So you will either let me go, or we finish this.” 
“Do you think you can kill me?” 
“No, but I’m going to try. Let me go. Or let us end this.” 
“I do love it when my meals fight. I’ll send you to that little stone, alone in the earth, and forgotten.” 
“Let it be done then.”
The Spider lunged at him.
(To be continued) ( @drustvar-dragonfly​ for mentions)
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moorehollandplz · 5 years
Undrunk :-: T.H.
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Authors Note: This slammed into my brain without warning. Based on the song “Undrunk” by Fletcher. Italics indicate voicemails.   If you enjoy my writing please like and reblog! And check out my other stories on my Masterlist.
Summary: Leaving Tom a series of drunken voicemails in one night… two weeks after a terrible break up.
⚠️ Warning: angst, adult themes, drinking, language, mentions of sex and self touching
Word Count: 1930
Tom woke up to the sound of his phone pinging and vibrating, which was alerting him to messages he’d received overnight. Most nights, he kept his phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ so any calls or texts came in silently for him to review in the morning. He sleepily cracked one eye open as he fumbled for the phone. He unlocked it with his thumb and slowly dragged himself into a sitting position. He lazily rubbed his face with his left hand as he looked down at the illuminated screen. First, he checked his private Instagram, the one he used only for his close friends and family. He checked the likes and comments on his recent uploads. Then decided to scroll through his feed a little.
Suddenly, he stopped scrolling, his breath hitched in his throat, and he just stared for a moment. There you were. Arm slung around a mutual friends waist. Red solo cup raised high in the air. A beautiful smile spread on your face, one that told a story of how much fun you were having. You were clearly one sip away from wasted. He checked the date stamp on the photo and saw that it was from the previous night.
Tom noticed that the post had multiple pictures attached, so he sucked in a shaky breath and swiped left on his screen. Again, your smiling face assaulted him. This time you were pouting. But, your eyes were still bright with laughter. Your cup was raised just under your stuck out bottom lip, as if you were about to take a sip when the photo was snapped. He tore his eyes from yours, which he had always found himself getting lost in.
He swiped left again. This one took his breath away completely. It was candid. It was stunning. You were outside around a bonfire with a few others. Everyone around you was laughing and appeared to be having a good time. But, not you. You were staring off into the distance. Your eyes were glassy as if you had been crying. Your cheeks were pink. Your hair had been blown slightly forward so some pieces were in front of your face.
Tom found himself wondering what you were thinking. What had made you cry. Even though, he knew the answer. Even though, he wasn’t supposed to care. Not anymore. He shook his head trying to loosen his thoughts and closed his Instagram app. Having had enough of the memories of you and that night two weeks ago.
He decided to stay off his other social media accounts. He really couldn’t take anymore pictures of you popping up in his feeds. So, his eyes settled on the green phone icon. His eyes widened at the number in the little red bubble next to it. Eight. He opened the phone app and saw he had four missed calls and four new voicemails. All from you. He covered his mouth to stifle a groan and he looked to his right at the naked body of the woman he’s been trying to fill the void in his heart with for the last week.
He slowly shifted out of his bed and tip-toed out of the room. He closed the door behind him softly, definitely not wanting to wake her up. He moved silently through his quiet apartment. He plopped down on the couch in the living room and he let out a huff of air that he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
He closed his eyes and clicked the first message.
Y/n Saturday 3/30/2019
2:37 am
“Tom? Uh… hey. It’s me… I don’t even know why I’m calling. I’m veeeeery drunk. Hahaha… I’m at Bryan’s party. I only came, because they said you couldn’t make it. Why did I say that? Ugh… I should really go home. This party has been… over for a while now. Every… everyone important is either passed out or gone. But…. but I’m scared of being… sober. Sssssssth… ow! I just got lime juice in a paper cut from work! You don’t need to know that. Shit that burns… but not…. not as bad as thoughts of you… (mumbling)... Yeah? Oh… shots? Out by the fire? Coming! Yeah I’m on the phone… no it’s no one… just someone I used to know….”
Silence. Tom’s finger hesitated over the delete button. He shouldn’t be listening to these. To you. After what you did, he should hate you. He needed to hate you. But, he loved you so deeply and he just couldn’t stop himself. He passed over the delete button and pressed the next message, instead.
Y/n Saturday 3/30/2019
2:51 am
“(Sniffle) T… Tom… It’s… me… (sniffle) I’m sitting on a bed. I’m… not sure (sniffle) where I am. I think I’m still at… (sniffle) Bryan’s. It’s dark. My clothes… I don’t know where (sniffle) they are… I think I… I made a mistake. I don’t remember. God my head… (Gasp) He moved. Please don’t wake up. I need to… to get out of here. But… (sniffle) I don’t want to… turn on the light. I don’t want to see who… who it is. (Shifting) I wish I could see you... I want to come over… (sniffle) oh fuck… (sob) that’s weird to say… especially after… And I know… (sob) I know… she’s there. Of… course… she is! (Loud bang) FUCK! Oooowww… (Mumbling) Oh… no… I’m fine... I think… yea I’m just gonna head home. No no no… I’ll find my way. I’ll call an Uber. Hahaha… please no… don’t. Just go to sleep. I’ll be fine. I always am. (Door click) I need a shot.”
Silence. Tom felt his heart break all over again. He couldn’t believe you had called him after having just had sex with someone. He felt tears stinging his eyes. But, he refused to let them form. He shook his head and thought about not continuing. Sure, this was only going to get worse. He wasn’t sure his heart could take anymore of this. But, he needed to hear the rest. He needed to hear your voice. He hung his head as he pressed the next message.
Y/n Saturday 3/30/2019
3:34 am
“Tom… hi… me again. I’m sorry I keep calling, but I hate being alone…. and drunk. All I do is look at all the old pictures of you. You know the ones you sent me. The ones from Venice. I should have deleted them, I know. I'm sure you deleted the ones I sent you… so she wouldn’t find them. I get it. But, i just can’t seem to let go of them. Mmmm… I find myself getting… you know… aaah… and I just can’t… mmmm… let them go…. not yet…. Ooooh… This… this is my… ha… ha… secret… aaaah… crazy right? Hahaha! Oooh... Mmmmm… Tooom… Ha… Ha… mmmmm… I… ah… ah… ooooooh mmmmm…. Tommy… Pleeeeaaase! I’m so close…. Ha… ha… yes… aaaaah! I’m… I’m… cu...mmmmmm… cumming! TOOOOM!! (Heavy breaths) Sorry… I shouldn’t have done that. (heavy breaths) I… I’m hungry.”
Silence. Toms jaw hung open and he stared blankly ahead at what he had just heard. You had been touching yourself. To pictures of him. You had called out his name as you reached your high. He felt his boxers tighten a little. And, he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about you when he was with her. But, he would never admit that he hadn’t deleted his photos of you either. He hadn’t looked at them once since that day. But, he still had them. Just in case. In case what? He had no idea. Tom blinked and looked back down to his phone. One left. He took a deep breath. And pressed the final message.
Y/n Saturday 3/30/2019
4:22 am
“Oooow shit … Tom…uh hey it’s me again. You probably won’t even listen to this. Not after the others… which to be honest, I don’t even completely remember what I’ve said to you. But… I just hurt myself… no not on purpose. I’m still pretty wasted… and I shouldn’t have tried to make spaghetti… but I’m just so hungry…. I dropped the… the pot on my foot. The boiling water… ooooow… splashed on my leg… FUCK!! It burns! Hahaha! But… not as much as… as these never ending thoughts… thoughts of you and that… that day…………………..(Silence)............................ (glass shatters)... FUCK!... (Glass shatters)... AAAAAAAH!!! (Heavy shaky breaths) Tom…. (sniffle) I can’t do this…. (sob) I can’t function…. I can’t… (sniffle)... these two weeks… have been… (sniffle) the absolute worst! (Sob)... I’ve been bouncing… bouncing through every emotion… (sniffle) I seem to have settled… into sad… (sob) and broken… like… (sniffle) these bottles… these empty bottles… I just… (sniffle) threw on the floor. I should…(sniffle) clean them… up, but… but I’m too drunk to care… (sob)... I deserve this. I know that. (Sniffle) I ended us… (sob) that night, I know that. I… (sniffle) wish… wish I could undo it! Undo it all! (Sob)... I wish I could get undrunk that night… (sniffle)... so I could un-lose my temper…. Haha.. I don’t even… (sniffle) remember what we fought about. (Sob)... I wish I could… (sniffle)... wish I could un-kiss that room full of strangers. (Sob)... I did that just to hurt you… and I’m so… (sob)... sooo fucking sorry! Fuck! (Sob) Haha… I wish could be undrunk right now… (sniffle) so I could un-call you! And I wish… wish that night… no… our first night... (sob)... that I could un-fuck you… then this… (sob) never would’ve happened, because… we never… (sob)... never would have been… (sniffle)... i wish… I wish (sniffle)... I could… I could un-love you… (deep breath)... but some things just can’t be undone… (sigh).. and one of those… (yawn) things is… you. (Silence)...... (light snoring)”
Tom felt the tears falling down his face. But, he didn’t care. You had just ripped his heart out. These messages were the first time you had made direct contact since that night two weeks ago. You had never tried to apologize. Not until now. He felt his insides twist, and all he wanted to do was go to your place. He wanted to see you. To scream at you. Tell you how bad you had hurt him. How you tore him apart that night. He wanted to hold you. Let you cry into his chest until you had nothing left. He wanted to forgive you. He wanted to carry you to bed and make sure you were okay. This whole time he thought he was the only one who was in pain. But, you were too. Tom felt his chest tighten. The need to run back to you was overwhelming.
“Tom?” Her voice from the hallway broke his spiraling train of thought. His head shot up and his eyes found hers. Soft and gentle. And he felt a rush of calm through his body. That’s why he was with her now. She grounded him. Kept him level. “Are you okay?” She asked and Tom’s eyes dropped back down to his phone.
“Uh… yeah… “ he lied as he stared at the voicemails. “Well…” he rubbed his cheeks with the back of his free hand to rid himself of his tears. “I will be.” He hit delete all, and dropped his phone on the couch. He stood up and crossed the room. He wrapped his arms around her and she was quick to return the gesture. “Let’s go back to bed.”
Tag List: add yourself here
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Little wonders (6/?)
Summary: Ellie and Luca spend some quality time with both Logan and Colt. Will they behave?
Pairing: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Rating: Mature.
AN: Ok, a little fluff here and there, some steamy stuff too... I got a little carried away here at 2,900 words!! Catch up HERE. As always if you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
Song inspiration:
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Ellie walked into the house, flopping herself on the couch. “So, how'd it go?” Riya asked.
“Well, he's coming to the beach with us.” Riya made a face “Yikes! How do you think that's going to go?”
“I don't know,  good I hope. I shouldn't have invited him along, but I just wanted them both to meet her. I mean really meet her, in Colt's case. Not just a run in at the farmers market.”
“Can I ask you a question?” Ellie sat up, usually when Riya said that, she didn't like what she was going to be asked “Ok. Sure.” she hesitantly answered.
“Why are you going to have them meet her before the paternity test? Isn't that setting one up to be hurt when the results come in?”
Ellie sat there staring at her best friend,  she was right. Of course she was right, and that was the logical thing to do. “Well, Logan asked to meet her. And Colt, well he has already met her and wants to get to know her. I don't know, it seemed like a good idea at the time.”  she let out a frustrated sigh.
“And what about them? How are you going to handle being around them both? I know you still care for them.” Riya gave her a knowing look.
“Ri this isn't about me, it's about Luca knowing her father. My feelings dont matter right now.” that was a lie, or a half lie at least. As soon as she saw the both of them, her feelings came flooding back.
They spent the night hanging out, talking and  playing some board games with Luca. Ellie got Luca to sleep and then laid down herself. They were all meeting at the beach  and her nerves were a wreck. She tossed and turned before finally falling asleep. But her dreams were running wild.
Her fingers trailed long the jukebox key, scrolling for the perfect song. She pressed her selection as Logan quirked his brow grabbing her hand pulling her close. “Very fitting song, seeing as you're spending your evening with a dangerous criminal.”
“The only thing Dangerous about you are those totally kissable lips.” She smirked as she leaned in.  
They swayed together, it was only the two of them in that moment.  “Have you thought about going back to school?” she cooed into his ear.
   “Eh I don't know, having to sit in a school all day, abiding by someone's rules. That's the reason I dropped out in the first place.”
She lifted her head from his shoulder “Logan, there are other ways to get your diploma.  Night school for one. You could even do it online. Just, think about it ok?”
He leaned down, placing a soft kiss on her lips. “For you, I'd move the stars in the sky.”
  “Mommy. Mommy.” her eyes flew open,  pulling her from the dream. “Luca? What's the matter sweetie?” Luca stood before her, tears in her her eyes. “I had a bad dream.” she sniffled. Ellie picked her up and laid her in bed next to her. Luca snuggled up next to her as she rubbed her hair, Ellie began to hum a sweet melody, it was one her mother used to sing her.
Lavender's green, dilly, dilly
Lavender's blue
If you love me, dilly, dilly
I will love you
It didn't take long before they were both sound asleep.
Ellie woke the next morning and crept down the stairs. “Morning” her dad said coffee in hand, he slid another towards her. “Morning.  What time did you get in last night?” Ellie smirked, knowing it had to be very late. “Ah 1am? We were talking and the time just got away from us.” Her father couldn't wipe the smile off his face, she was so happy for him.  After her mother died, he refused to date. He put all of his energy into raising her and working, but in recent years he started to dip his feet in the dating pool.
“So, you all ready for your beach trip with Logan today?” he asked as he took a seat next to her at the kitchen table. “Well, I sort of invited Colt along.” she shrugged,  a new development her father hadn't been made privy to. “COLT!?” Her father choked on his coffee. “Yeah, We sort of ran into him at the farmers market yesterday. He ah. Met Luca,” she sipped her coffee, avoiding eye contact. “Oh there's jerky for you.” she tried changing the subject.  Her father had been hell bent on her telling them since Luca was born, he hated that Ellie was solely responsible for Lucas care and there were 2 able bodied men out there somewhere. “Well, its about damn time I say.” She rolled her eyes, and went upstairs to get Luca ready.
They arrived at the beach a short time later, they un packed the car and found a spot on the beach waiting for Logan and colt to arrive. Ellie hadn't told Luca that both Colt and Logan would be joining them, so it was going to be a surprise.  Logan was the first to arrive. With butterflies in his stomach he trudged across the sand in a pair of swim trunks and a t-shirt. “Hey troublemaker.” He grinned as he approached. “Hey Logan.” she gave him a hug “Ready to meet her?” he nodded as they turned towards Luca “Sweetie I want you to meet somebody.  This is Logan, one of mommy's old friends. Logan, this is Luca.” Luca quirked her little brow, “Hi Logan. Are all of mommy's old friends boys?”
“Ahhhh.” He looked at Ellie confused, just then they heard the sound of a loud motorcycle pull up. “We ah, ran into Colt at the farmers market yesterday. He knows.” longan shook his head “Got ya. This should be fun.” she pushed him. “Play nice, I've already warned him.” He gave her a lopsided smile “Yes mom.”
Colt approached the group.  “Hi El.” he hugged her. His eyes locked on Logan “Logan.” he put his hand out, Logan grasped it firmly. “Hi Colt.” “Is that your motorcycle?” Luca approached awe struck. “Yes it is. Do you like motorcycles?” Luca shook her head “Yup. They go fast,  I like fast stuff, it's fun.” Both men shared a grin, and then looking at Ellie who shook her head “Yeah, she does. Cars too. Do you see where it gets confusing for me?”
“Can we play now?” Luca whined, bored of the conversation. “Sure, what do you want to play?” Logan asked. “How about sandcastles? Will you guys help me? I need a lot of water and my little arms can't carry it alll the way up here.” Colt snickered, she definitely had Ellie's dramatic flare. “Of course we can.” Colt answered as they started walking towards an open spot next to them. “um Colt, Logan. You're going to get all sandy, you need to be beach ready.” She snapped.  
Ellie watched the two men be ordered around, they were practically tripping over themselves to help her. And then Logan stripped his shirt off, Ellies gaze traveled his chest. He was still so toned and firm, she wasn't sure it was possible for him to look any better than he used to, but damn if he wasn't.  Her eyes snapped to the side of him to where colt was removing his shirt and jeans. Ellie couldn't help but gawk as her eyes feasted over yet another perfectly sculpted body.
Colts shoulders were a bit broader than they used to be but he still looked like a tan god standing in front of her. She swore she was drooling, but for the life of her she couldn't stop staring. How was it fair that time had only made them hotter? She was thicker than she used to be. After she had Luca, she filled out in many areas, making her a little self conscious.
So here she stood, unable to move or blink, she didn't hear the kid down the beach hollering heads up, just as a volleyball hit her in the side of the head. “Are you ok Ellie?” Logan shouted “Yeah, im fine.” she shouted back. A cuckling Colt ran forward collecting the ball. He reached down scooping it up.
   “See something you like?” He shot her a wink as he threw the ball back, and went back playing with Luca and Logan. Ellie sat down in her chair, catching some sun her mind wandering back..
She had just walked downstairs to grab a drink of water. It was hot up in the loft. She heard some noises and grunts coming from the garage area. She crept out to see who it was. She stopped in the doorway seeing Colt working on his bike. He stood ripping off his shirt and tossing it on the tool box behind him. She watched as his glistening sweat covered muscles flexed with each motion he made. She leaned against the door frame, marveling in the sight of him. when she met him she couldn't stand him, He was so smug and arrogant, but boy was he was nice to look at.
He stood noticing her there, smirking as he walked towards her, noticing the way she was staring at him. “See something you like?” He said as he walked past her and into the kitchen, washing his hands.
   “I ah. It's hot. I mean,  up there. Its um, hot.” she stumbled on her words
     “You said that already.” He chuckled as he walked up to her grabbing the bottle of water and drinking it.
     “You are so infuriating.” she scoffed as he pushed closer to her, his body inches from hers.
    “Oh yeah? You gonna do something about that?” he challenged.  her eyes locked with his as she reached out and touched his chest. She felt his muscles contract under her touch.  
His lips were on hers in an instant. His tongue parting her lips causing a soft moan to escape. They pulled back breathless, their eyes searching each others as they came together again. Her hands lacing his black locks. He backed her up against the fridge knocking several items off the top. His lips left hers placing frantic kisses along her jawline, making their way down her neck as he nipped and gently sucked her pulse point. “Mmmm Colt.” He slipped his hand up her loose tank top, gently caressing her bare chest. His lips were on hers again as her hand reached down softly palming his already stiff length. He moaned out thrusting himself against her hand. “Fuck Ellie, I want you. I want you so bad.”
His lips finding her neck again. “Colt. Please.” Her body ached for his touch.
“Well well well. What do we have here?” They froze in place seeing Mona smirking.
Ellie shook the thought from her head as she watched the three before her building a sandcastle.  
   “Your side is lopsided Kaneko, what's wrong? Don't you know how to build a sandcastle?” Logan boasted.
  “Yeah. Well your side is to dry.” He reached out pushing his finger into the side of Logan's tower. “See, just fell apart.”
  “What's Kaneko?” Luca asked
  “It's my last name.” Colt smiled at the question.  
  “Why did Logan call you that?”
  “Well, that's what everybody used to call my dad and sometimes me.” Colt answered somberly, Logan gave him a sympathetic look.
They continued to work on the sandcastle, both making little cracks at each other undetected to Luca.  “um Colt, what are you doing?” Colt looked at her confused “what is that?” She pointed at the small cannon he constructed in the tower. “This cannon? Oh, its to help defend the castle against intruders.” He grinned clearly pleased with himself.  “magical mermaid princess's do NOT have intruders Colt.” Logan snickered “Ok. Ok. No cannons.”
Luca stood up “Ok, it's time for swimming. Mommy, let's go swimming.” Luca yelled running over to Her. Colt and Logan stood up “Ok I still hate you but, the cannon was a nice touch.” Logan whispered, Colt smirked “Next time, we make a mans castle.”
Ellie stood up and shimmied out of her shorts, leaving her tank top on walking towards the water.  “Mommy, you left your shirt on. You gotta take it off.” Ellie stood there frozen “Mommy is just going to leave her shirt on ok.”
“Mommy. You don't wear a shirt in the water.” she put her hands on her hips. “Yeah Ellie, what are you chicken?” Logan teased. Ellie rolled her eyes at him lifting her shirt. She noticed their eyes glued to her. Why not have a little fun? She thought taking Lucas hand and walking towards the water, sashaying her hips eith a little extra oomph to show off. Colt and Logan stood there staring. Ellie was beautiful before, but since she had gotten older she matured into a stunning woman.  
Logan spoke, his eyes still fixed on her “Dude I still hate you but..”
“Don't even gotta say it man, I know.” Colt replied.
“You guys coming?” Ellied called out. Logan took off running, Colt on his heels. Logan pushed him causing him to lose his balance. Colt stumbled over grabbing Logan's legs as he took him down with him. “Damnit Colt.” Logan grunted. “Don't fucking go there Logan, you pushed me.” he huffed as they scrambled to their feet.
They played around in the water for a while, each taking turns with Luca. Colt had her out in the water, teaching her how to wakeboard, while Logan and Ellie walked along the beach.  “So, tell me what you're thinking.” she noticed Logan's far off expression. “oh. Um nothing.” he shrugged her off. “Seriously Logan, its ok. It's a lot to take in, just tell me what you're thinking.” He stopped walking. “Luca is an amazing little girl. I never had a father, the closest thing to a dad I had was Kaneko. What if im not any good. The thought of being a parent is scaring the hell out of me.” Ellie tried not to let the sting of his confession effect her. He only just found out a few days ago, and it is a lot to process.  “I understand.”
“Hey,” He took her hand in his “I'm not saying I wouldn't be happy if she is mine, I would be over the moon. I would step up and take care of Luca and you. But, I am ok just being Uncle Logan too. If the odds don't end up weighing in my favor.”
Ellie smiled at him, he had been amazing throughout this whole thing so far, he was sweet, thoughtful, amazing and kind. She reached out cupping his cheek. “Thank you. You have no idea how great it is to hear that.”
Luca and Colt came up “Someone wants ice cream.” Colt announced as the eager little girl danced around in front of them. “How about uncle Logan takes you, is that ok?” Ellie stifled a laugh “Alrighty! Oh yeah! Come on uncle Logan.” she grabbed his hand pulling him towards the concession stand.
Colt gave her a confused look “Uncle Logan?” Ellie smiled and shook her head.  “He said he would be content being uncle Logan if she wasn't his.
“Huh. That's mighty big of him.” Colt looked down at the sand.
“Guess he is making light of this awkward situation,” she glanced over at the concession, watching logan carry Luca on his shoulders. “Speaking of, how are you adjusting. You've had less than 24 hours. Its a lot to process.”
“Me?” He pressed his fingers to his chest. “Im fine. Luca is a piece of work, just like her mother.”  Ellie giggled “So what about you? Do you think you could be Uncle Colt?” They walked along the waters edge.
“Well, that would be impossible since she's mine.” a smirk tugged on his lips.
“Colt, how are you so sure of this? I have had 6 years to wonder, and 5 of them looking at this little girl swearing one minute she's Logan's, and the other yours.” she started to become upset. the last thing he wanted to do was make her upset.
“Hey, El. Look at me,” He tilted her chin up with his finger. “I would be anything you needed me to be. Father,Uncle, friend. I would do anything you asked of me.” She stared into his deep brown eyes she knew he was telling the truth. She felt herself gravitating towards him, wanting so badly to press her lips against his.
She pulled away quickly, stopping herself from making a big mistake. “Colt..” She breathed out. “Give me a chance Ellie. Let me be the husband you deserve.”
Logan and Luca returned from the concessions, luca completely cover in chocolate Ice cream. “Ok, let's get you washed off, its about time to pack it up for the day.” Ellie reached for her hand leading her back to the water.  
They said their goodbyes as Ellie got Luca buckled into the car seat. Telling each of them they could catch up soon. As she drove away she looked at both Logan and Colt in the rearview. She was definitely lying when she said it wasn't about her. One wrong move and she could lose her heart to one-or both- of them again."
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
Sweet Love/Epilogue
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Elijah Mikaelson x reader
with Klaroline and Kennett
AU TVD/TO story 
a/n:And so this is the end of this story. Thank you so so much for reading and all your likes, and reblogging this story. This is so appreciated. Really. You are the best guys. xoxo
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tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @elejahforever @ goddessofthunder112
@fafulous @captainshurley @butifulsoul125
Elijah opened his eyes as he heard something tumble in the loft. Then he heard Davina and Sophie talking as they got in Davina's bedroom. He looked at the watch. It was 5 a.m. It was clear that they got back from the party and they had a great time as he could hear muffled laughs. 
He now looked at Y/N who was sleeping serenely curled up with the back turned to him. He now smiled content and neared her, cuddling up to her. Feeling him slide his hand over her waist landing on her belly to tuck her closer to him, Y/N just let a little hmmmm out turning her head now slightly towards him, her eyes still closed though.
"Sleep"- Elijah whispered and placed a little peck on the temple of her head-"it's early."
Y/N let another little sleepy moan out and made herself more comfortable in Elijah's arms.
💕 Elijah and Y/N fell asleep all cuddled up again, but sleep was the last thing on Davina's mind. She was too wired up to think of anything like sleep. Her mind played Kaleb appearing at the party, swooping her in a kiss.               
It took her by surprise. She didn't know how to react, not saying a word. She just looked at him gone out, and then with a little sorry, left the party.
To say that she was confused, would be an understatement.
She now sighed and put the Ipod on. Eventually she fell asleep. 
A couple of hours later, Elijah and Y/N were up. Elijah had to be on the track for practise and Y/N had to go to the factory, even though she still had time off.
They both got out of the loft quietly not to disturb Sophie or Davina.
In the elevator, Elijah kissed and held Y/N in a semi-embrace, both of them happily gazing in one another's eyes.
"So, what plans do you have for tonight?"-Elijah asked.
Y/N went into sort of pensive mode, teasingly taking time to think and then said-
"I think I have plans with my boyfriend. He is going to take me out for a drink?"
"Boyfriend?" - Elijah said chuckling.
"Yes."-Y/N said smiling-"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"
Elijah smiled, and nodding a little, he now pulled her in the kiss.
Both of their hearts were high up in the skies. As they parted from the kiss, they couldn't take their off of one another. 💋
A bit later as Elijah left Y/N at the factory and she entered the building, her phone rang-
"Yes, Caroline. I will just have a quick meeting with Abby and then I am heading home. We can meet at the house." - Y/N replied.
"I want to know everything!" - Caroline said-"is it like you thought it would be?"
"A lady doesn't kiss and tell." - Y/N joked a little, her whole being still trembling from the very thought of Elijah's kisses.
"You don't have to say anything. I can hear by your voice that you are so in love."
"Maybe it is all - too much--but I can't help it. Oh, it hit me harder than I thought it could be. He is wonderful."
Y/N now told her friend about the night, maybe not all.
"It was so old-fashioned from me- but I called him my boyfriend- I just didn't know how it slipped?!" - Y/N said.
"Y/N, it's so you. It's OK. Most important is what he said back."
"He smiled, nodded and kissed me." - Y/N replied.
"So, what are you worried about?"
"I am not worried. It's just - Elijah has a list of ex-girlfriends and women he has been with, and - he is so -"
"What, Y/N?"
"Cool and I - you know."
"What? I don't know. What are you?"
"Serious. I had like three boyfriends in my life." - Y/N said.
"Oh, stop it. The way Elijah looked at you, it was like  he was looking at a goddess."-Caroline said to her friend.
Y/N's heart was all mushy.
Caroline continued - "I wish a man looked at me like that."
"Klaus does." - Y/N now said.
"Ah, you are just saying this, cause you are my best friend."
"No, I am not. I really think you should give him a chance." - Y/N said.
And so-
💖 Later that evening in the bar
A band was playing, with Davina singing.
"Dance?" - Klaus asked Caroline, who looked at him a bit surprised.
Y/N, who was there with Joel, shot a look at her friend not to say no.
Caroline accepted.
Elijah now just took Y/N's hand and without asking just led her to the little dance area.
Y/N wrapped her arms around Elijah's neck holding him close to her. Both feeling the words of the song as they swayed dreamily, holding each other tight.
💗I know your eyes in the morning sun
I feel you touch me in the pouring rain
And the moment that you wonder far from me
I wanna feel you in my arms again And you come to me on a summer breeze And softly leave ...
How deep is your love Is it like the ocean Devotion are you How deep is your love Is it like nirvana Taking me higher ... I believe in you
You know the door to my very soul
You're the light in my  deepest darkest hour
You're my saviour when I fall💗
How deep is your love I really need to learn
Those words were now sparkling from Caroline's eyes at Klaus, who now said-
"So, how about we - well- we go on a date?"
"Actual date?"- Caroline asked-"like?"
"Like- I come pick you up around 8 and we - go somewhere fancy to eat - and - maybe - stroll down the river or something?"- Klaus said.
Caroline looked at the car-mechanic with eyes glittering with charm.
"Ok. It's a date."
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♥️Bonnie and Kol were also not  far behind dancing, completely lost in one another.                 
Life seemed to be nothing but good for Elijah and Y/N, Klaroline, as well as Kennett. Except for Davina and Kaleb, as Davina was not sure if she was willing to try again to start anything with him.
And so, Elijah's comeback in the Indie race circuit  went sky high, having the sponsors and his new manager get him all the best advertising deals.
Y/N, who was now very much involved on two fronts, working on new chocolate recipes and co-running the factory with Abby, was rushing around busy as always.
Her phone rang and she now answered-
"Hey, babe" - she said to Elijah.
"Hey, I am off to the photoshoot and - can you be there. I feel strange doing this. I am a race driver, not a model."
"I will try to make it. But you will do great."
"Oh, I never really like these things." - Elijah said.
"I know. Just be yourself and you will do great. They will help you. I have another call, sorry. I will see you there. Love you."
"Love you." - Elijah said hanging up.
Sometime later, Elijah was doing the shoot like a pro.
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             Y/N arrived nearly at the end of the shoot, waving a little at Elijah, who smiled back at her.
"How is it going?" - Y/N asked Jackson, who was Elijah’s manager.
"Really good. I have confirmed other shoots now."
"Great. This is the boost he so needed."- Y/N said.
"You are the boost he so needed." - Jackson said.
Y/N smiled a little.
"He is a great guy. He deserves all this. "
Elijah now joined them, exchanging a little kiss with Y/N. 
in a few days, at the loft. Davina swished in as if she was chased by a pack of wolves.
"I got the magazine." - Davina yelled as she now got in the loft and both Elijah and Y/N, who were at breakfast now wanted to see how the photoshoot turned out.
She now passed the magazine to Y/N and Elijah.
“They turned out so good.”- Y/N said.
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“You look so sexy, babe”- Y/N said-”it’s like you have been modelling your whole life”
“Please, it’s just a bunch of photos- I just stood there and that’s it”- Elijah said modestly.
“You are way too modest. Give yourself some credit. You are the sweetest and the most gorgeous man and you are all mine.”- Y/N now wrapped her arms around her loved one around his neck.
“All yours?”
“All mine”- Y/N looked at him with a loving sparkle in his eyes.
“Guess what - you are all mine, too.”- Elijah now said and pulled her into a sweet kiss. 
Davina rolled her eyes a bit, cutely though, and now taking the magazine went to her room.
Y/N’s phone rang and she now frowned a bit- “Damn the work”
And before she answered the phone, Elijah said- “How about escaping to Sunny Cove tonight?”
“Great idea.”- Y/N said and now moved away to take a call. Two minutes later, she had to leave and giving him a peck on the lips went to work. 
Elijah now went to his sister’s room. Knocking at the door that was ajar, he entered.
“I need your help”
“Oh, what with? What’s up?”
“I will propose to Y/N this weekend after the last race, and - can you help me get it all romantic - and get some of those chocolates she loves so much”
“OMG! You are going to propose! Did you buy a ring? Where is it? Show me”
“I haven’t bought it yet. I have seen one and I think it is the one. I will go buy it later today.”- Elijah said.
“Wow! And of course, I will help you. Where are you going to propose - here?”- Davina asked.
“No. At the Beach Grill.”- Elijah replied.
“There?”- Davina was not happy hearing what place Elijah chose to propose to Y/N.
“This is the place - where we - all started - thought it started in front of the Mystique bar, but there - we had the most perfect day out. “- Elijah explained.
“Ah- ok. I didn’t know that you are so romantic”- Davina now teased her brother a bit.
“Shut up”- Elijah said smiling blushing a tad bit.
“Hey, it’s great. I am so happy for you. Sometimes I look at her and you and - it is like a dream.”
“Believe me, sometimes it feel like a dream to me, too.”- Elijah said-”I don’t know how I got to be so lucky.”
“Well, I think that we’ve through a lot of bad and now we deserve to get a bit of good luck.”
“You are the best, sis, you know that. I would not be able to go through all if it wasn’t for your lifting spirit.”- Elijah said.
Davina now teared up, hugging her brother-”I am so happy that you are my brother.”
And that weekend, after the race, after Elijah celebrated coming second at the Championships, Y/N disappeared from the after-party. Everyone knew where they were going, except for Y/N. It was so hard for Caroline to keep stum about the proposal happening that evening, but Klaus made sure that she was occupied with other stuff and they waved Y/N and Elijah bye.
Slipping into his new Porsche, Y/N asked where they were going.
“You’ll know - pretty soon”- Elijah said.
And not long, it was clear to N/Y where they were headed, and she thought he wanted to celebrate in his most favourite place in the world.
But as they got there, and as she saw the place empty, with only a table for two in the most romantic setting ever, her eyes watered turning to Elijah saying-
“This is wonderful”
“You like it?”
“Oh, I so love it”
Suddenly, he was down on his knees and Y/N looked at him completely taken aback-
“Y/N, I love you so much. You brought this light back in my life and showed me that things can be good again. Will you marry me?”
“Oh, yes, Elijah, yes - I so will marry you!”- Y/N gushed and as he slipped the ring on her finger that was a perfect fit, she wrapped her arms around him kissing him with all the love she possessed.
A year later, after winning the Indy car Championships, not far from the Grill, at the beach, Y/N walked down the sandy aisle adorned with flowers, in a beautiful floaty white dress, to Elijah, who stood in the gazebo that looked like came from the 1001 night, his heart thumping wildly at the sight of Y/N, looking like a goddess. The ceremony was a simple one, and they only their closest friends and family celebrated with them. As they were pronounced man and wife, everyone present cheered happily. 
And after the dance, and the cake and the lovely dinner, Y/N was ready to leave with her husband, but not before she threw her bouquet.
“Ok, are you ready?”- she now stood with her back to the women that huddled up wanting so much to catch the bouquet. 
Y/N turned a little and the women now shouted for her to finally throw the flowers.
“Ok - here we go- one- two -” and before she said three she threw the bouquet - the flowers landing in Caroline’s hands of course.
Caroline jumped all happy, and all eyes were now set  at Klaus. Elijah and Kol were teasing him openly-
“You are next, mate!”- Elijah said.
“That’s fine- I think that I am more than ready to take the plunge”- Klaus said. 
Caroline shot to him now in a hug and a kiss. 
Y/N was happy for her friend, and now as she came up to her husband, taking him by the hand, said-
“I’m ready if you are”
“Oh, I’m so very ready”- Elijah said. Thanking all their guests, they got in his car, driving the direction of the Sunny Cove, where they decided to spend their honeymoon. It was needless to say that they spent nearly all the time in the bed, making love till the end of time. Well, unfortunately not, as worked called and Mrs Mikaelson was after all a CEO of a multi- national company, and Elijah had to go practice to as he now got into the F1.
As for Klaroline, yeah- they walked down the aisle at New Year’s Day. 
Bonnie and Kol married a few years later. 
Davina got her interior design degree and made up with Kaleb eventually.
Each pair also had a kid or two. Y/N and Elijah were the only ones that actually had three. 
The End
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ichliebeschwanz · 6 years
title: dreaming
fandom/ship: hetalia/gerita
genre: drabble
Romano snarled in irritation, kicking at his brother's shins again. His brother mumbled and shifted in his sleep, but didn't wake.
"Germanyyy, I'm getting tired from all this marching, it's been hooooours, let's stop and have some fun now, ve. Look, look, this is the perfect spot . . ."
"Shut. UP," Romano growled, squashing his pillow onto his own head, trying to drown out the noise. Bad enough that Veneziano rambled nonstop while he was awake, but the fact that he was constantly doing that while asleep too was just too fucking much for him. Especially since he was usually rambling about that stupid potato-obsessed freak.
Several minutes passed. To Romano's immense relief, it was in slience. Gradually, he relaxed, hoping he'd finally get the the chance to fall asleep before the moron next to him started back up again.
Romano was drifting gently, hovering between the realms of wake and sleep, when a mumbling voice next to him snapped him out of it again.
"Germanyyyy . . ."
Oh, for fuck's sake. Romano squinted his eyes tightly shut and sighed. Should he shake the idiot awake again? It didn't seem to do much good. He would always fall back asleep again in just a few minutes and just resume babbling.
"Oooh, Germany . . . mmmm, yes . . ."
Romano paled a little. He didn't like how that last part had sounded.
"Aaah . . . ngggh. D-d-dio santo, Germany . . ."
Yeah okay no, that sounded gross. Romno grabbed his pillow and whacked at his brother with it, hard.
"Wake up, idiot!"
Veneziano made a loud noise, so Romano assumed smacking him with the pillow had been sufficient for waking him. However, he soon learned that sadly, he was mistaken.
"Cazzo. Harder, Germany, harder . . ."
Romano, horrified, yanked at the covers til his brother went flying off the bed.
Italy cried out as he hit the floor, startled and shocked, looking around in confusion.
"Wh-what . . . what?"
"You're banned from bed until you can stop fantasizing about your gross, stupid boyfriend!"
Italy gazed up at the angry man, still entirely confused.
"Romano? Why are you yelling at me? I don't understand . . ."
"Don't play dumb with me! You know exactly why I'm yelling!! Go finish your nasty dreams on the couch!"
Go finish his . . . dreams? Italy thought a moment. He felt vague flashes of memory.
"I guess I was dreaming, ve. It was nice, I think. Oh, and Germany was there. He was . . .he . . ."
As he trailed off, his eyes widened a little and a blush crept up slowly over his face--
"Uhh . . ."
Germany fumbled around for his bathrobe as the doorbell rang again. He finally located it and tossed it on. He abandoned his search for his slippers and quickly descended the stairs instead, calming his barking dogs on the way.
When he opened the door, he was surpirsed to find Italy standing there. The surprise wasn't so much at seeing Italy showing up at his house at 3am. The surprise was more in finding him actually ringing the doorbell instead of just . . . showing up in his bed somehow.
He even was dressed in his little striped pajamas, rather than buck-naked. Germany looked him over with a concerned eye.
"Italy? Are you all right?"
The country nodded.
"Hi Germany. Could I sleep here tonight? Brother kicked me out of bed and told me to sleep on the couch but our couch has a lumpy cushion and I can't fall asleep on it."
Wordlessly, Germany stood to one side and ushered Italy to come in. Italy grinned and bounded into the house.
After locking the door again, Germany turned and watched Italy playing with the lab for a bit. The odd man had apparently forgotten his troubles in the blink of an eye. Germany was almost reluctant to remind him, but cleared his throat.
"Italy, why did your brother refuse to allow you access to your own bed?"
Italy, smooshing the dog’s face goofily, glanced up.
"Oh, um. Sometimes I talk in my sleep and it wakes him up. You don't mind though, do you Germany?"
Germany brushed back his messey, bedraggled hair as he thought. Cetainly, it was not uncommon to hear Italy quietly mumbling as he slept, but he could hardly imagine anyone finding it disruptive. If anything, it was just sort of endearing and adorable.
"E-er," Germany started, trying to shut down his train of thought,
"I don't mind. But I am a heavy sleeper, so not much bothers me."
Italy looked very happy with this reponse.
"~Aah! You're way much more fun to sleep with. I wish I could sleep here all the time."
"Let's not make it a habit," Germany cautioned. It was already dangerously approaching a habit at the rate Italy showed up here.
"Would you like anything to snack on?" he asked, changing the subject. Food was pretty much always a safe bet with Italy.
"Do you have any of those cookies left?"
Several minutes later, Italy was perched on a stool at the kitchen counter nibbling on a cinnamon cookie while Germany heated some chocolate and milk over the stove.
"Germany always makes the best hot chocolate."
He frowned as he whisked the milk carefully.
"I don't do anything special."
"You must do something, it's always extra strong and nice."
He dotted a few drops of vanilla extract in and continued stirring.
"Really, it's a simple recipe, I think you give me too much credit."
"Hmm . . . you made these cookies too, didn't you?"
Germany glanced over at him.
". . .yes."
"And they're amazing too! Germany is a wonderful cook. You don't want to admit it?"
Germany stared down into the pot of hot chocolate, embarassed at the praise.
"I just follow recipies very precisely," he insisted stubbornly.
Italy laughed.
"We should cook together sometime, we would make great things together. I can show you the bolognese recipe I use when I make you those dinners."
Germany looked at him a moment, his heart smooshing into a dumb little mush. He'd always been reluctant to admit his fondness for baking and cooking, and certainly didn't think he'd measure up to Italy's talents in the kitchen. But Italy wished to actually collaborate? And share his family recipes? It was . . . touching, honestly.
"I'd like that," he answered gently, pouring out the chocolate into two mugs and sliding one over to Italy.
"Here. Be sure to drink it before it gets cold."
"Ow ow ow ow ow! It's too hot!"
"Nonsense. I used a thermometer."
Italy whined, still trying to drink it but failing.
"Aah, ooh! But it buuuurns! Blow on it for me?"
Germany sighed, but he took Italy's mug anyway and blew at the steam wafting off it. He doubted it made much difference, but after a minute handed it back to Italy, which seemed to satisfy him.
"Ah, thank you Germany~"
He sipped gingerly at the hot cocoa and then reported cheerfully,
Germany gave a small nod of satisfaction, and then sipped his own drink. He made a careful mental note to reduce the temperature by five degrees next time.
"Do you and your brother fight often like this?"
Italy glanced up at him with his bright amber eyes, as if confused, but then seemed to remember. He laughed a little and busied himself with dunking his cookie in his hot chocolate.
"Oh, eh heh, you don't need to worry. My brother loves me very much, he's just hot-blooded. I think yelling is one of his favorite things."
Germany sipped his cocoa and settled down on a stool across from Italy.
"I can understand, I suppose. My brother and I don't always get along very smoothly either."
Italy nodded vigorously.
"Brothers are just like that. It is how they show they care, I think."
Germany briefly pondered some of his own family bickerings.
"Maybe. I always thought it was because I was so different from my brother. Sometimes it's hard to believe we're related."
"Mmm, yeah . . .that's true."
"Actually," Germany added,
"I thought much the same when I met your brother. It was very strange to see you both. He's so . . . . dour. And you're so . . . ah . . ."
Italy leaned his chin on a hand, looking at him eagerly.
Germany cursed himself as he struggled to knit words together.
"Um . . . you're. Well, you know, you're very Italy."
Italy frowned in confusion.
"Well we're both Italy, actually--"
"Grahh, that's not what I-- I just mean, you're completely different. He can be so bleak and  bitter. You couldn't be further from that. You are a brightness that fills the room."
Germany thoughtfully sipped his drink and continued,
"I just find it curious--"
"G-germany," Italy blurted, intterupting. Germany stopped and noticed Italy's wide eyes and absolutely enormous smile-- he was even tearing up a little. Why in the world? . . . Germany mentally played back what he had just said.
And found himself sort of wanting to disappear.
"U-uh. That is, I . . ."
Italy flung himself over the counter, hugging Germany and nearly spilling both drinks in the process, proclaiming,
"I knew Germany cared!~ He's fluffy and as sweet as cannoli siciliani!”
Germany wriggled in Italy's grip and complained,
"Italy, you're going to make a mess! Get off!"
Germany sighed.
By the time the two had finished their late-night snack (and Germany had cleaned up the mess) and went to bed, it was probably more accurate to say it was early morning then late night. Still, Germany had no pressing morning meetings tomorrow, so it didn’t trouble him too terribly. 
“Goodnight, Germany!”
He reached up and switched the light on his nightstand off.
“Thank you for the cookies and hot chocolate.”
“You’re welcome.”
There was a pause.
“And thank you again for letting me sleep here!”
“. . . you’re welcome.”
“Oh also I’ll try to dream quietly tonight!”
Pause. Germany waited. The silence expanded. He sighed in relief, sinking further in his pillow.
Italy’s voice returned,
“Oh and if I don’t, you can always let me know and I’ll--”
“--oh, aaah, sorry, sorry!”
The room fell silent again, the final words hanging in the air. Germany started to feel slightly bad over how harshly he’d snapped at him. 
Ugh. It was hardly his fault. Italy had been rambling. 
. . . it wasn’t a very nice final thing to hear before falling asleep, though. 
Germany sighed, trying to end things on a more neutral note.
“I already told you, you don’t need to worry about that. Your dreaming won’t wake me. So relax.”
“Okay, well Romano said I was really really loud, but okay, I won’t worry. I’ll try to have boring dreams anyway though, I’ll think about boring things, that way I’ll be nice and quiet.”
Germany rolled his eyes.
“What were you dreaming so loudly over anyway?” 
Italy rolled over in bed, stealing a little of the blankets as he replied,
“Oh, it was kind of weird, you were spanking me with a pasta spoon.”
Germany sat bolt-upright and made a choking noise.
“Yeah, for some reason I wanted you to keep doing it. Funny, ve.”
Germany croaked.
“Anyway, goodnight Germany! Sleep well!”
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meldanya44 · 7 years
Home for a Rest
For @gaslightgallows ​ who prompted for a TCW fanfic, with “We’d make such a cute couple.” (Brun/Inge)
She woke up on a heap of blankets on her floor. Valkyrie blinked blearily, trying to piece together her memories from the night before. She remembered pissing off a Vrellnexian scavenger and the massive brawl that had followed. They’d been tossed out into the street, then the scavenger had been taken down by … by that stunning blonde in blue leather.<
“You seemed to be in a bit of trouble,” the blonde had smirked as she helped Valkyrie to her feet. They’d ended up back at her rooms that night, and the blonde had done things to her with her tongue that Valkyrie hadn’t experienced in years. She sat up – the blonde was gone and there was no booze left in the place. That needed to be remedied.
It had been a good night. She could almost wish for a repeat, she thought, admiring the bruises on her wrists as she cleaned herself up. Too bad she had no memory of the woman other than her skin and her touch and her taste. Mmm, her taste.
Focus, Scrapper 142, focus. You have shit to do today. Valkyrie slithered back into her clothes. I’ll have to repair those tears later.
By the time she showed up to her deal later, she’d replenished her booze supply and was swimming in the familiar warm comfort. The Ursaa trader was waiting at his normal table, looking just as repulsive as he normally did. She loathed this man, but he bartered at prices no one else had.
“Ah, Scrapper 142, at last,” He sneered. “You’re late.”
“I’m early,” she snarled. “And you know it.”
“I’ve already made the deal and the goods are gone. To this lovely captain just now.”
“Here’s your firebrandy,” snarled a familiar voice beside her, and a bottle was slammed down on the table. Valkyrie swallowed; it was last night’s blonde.
“Thank you kindly, m'dear.” the trader simpered. “I was just telling Scrapper 142 here how you cut her out of the deal.”
The captain gave no sign of recognition in her brief glance at Valkyrie. “I don’t believe we’re quite done here.”
“Oh, what part would you like to …,” the trader bent over and pinched the captain’s rear, “… renegotiate?”
The blade sliced the trader’s finger before Valkyrie could blink. “Yes, yes, I think we are going to renegotiate.”
Blood started spurting from the finger, but the captain’s voice remained calm. “You’re going to give us the goods. And you’re going to give us the goods for free. Scrapper 142, if you go into his back room, you’ll find them all there.”
She didn’t dare disobey a command from that voicr, and fled to the back room. By the time she came back with the goods, the trader was gone, and the captain was enjoying the firebrandy, boots propped up on the newly bloodstained table.
For once, Valkyrie had nothing to say.
“Drink?” The captain handed her a glass.
She knew how to answer that, swinging her leg over a chair and downing the firebrandy in one go. “That trader has had that coming for years.”
“Mmmm,” said the captain, finishing her glass equally quickly. “I have a ship nearby.”
Valkyrie froze. Was this a chance to get off Sakaar?
“I’m sure this trader’s companions will make Sakaar rather … difficult … for you for awhile. And I need a new crew member.”
Yes, dear god, yes. “That sounds like an interesting proposition.”
“You’d get ten percent of our cut.” She refilled both their glasses with a wink. “Besides, Scapper 142, I think we’d make a cute couple.”
Valkyrie rubbed the bruises on her wrists. She had a good gig going here on Sakaar, and she’d just met this woman. Then the blonde smiled at her, and Valkyrie’s head swam with memories of the night before. “Fifteen percent.”
“Deal.” The captain unfolded her legs and leaned across the table. “Call me Inge.”
Valkryie hauled out a name from the depths of her memories. “Hilde. Call me Hilde.”
Inge let out a low laugh, and she bent in to kiss her. “Welcome to my crew, Hilde.”
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
never a dull moment
Sakuya: *nods* "Okay...Here we go..." lilac: *stumbling a bit* Sakuya: "Just one step in front of the other..." *supports Lilac* naho: *worried* -in the nurses office* lilac: *in a bed, passed out* Sakuya: "...Does he just need rest, or...?" nurse: he just needs rest for now...poor kid. looks like he's had it rough... Sakuya: "..." *nods* "Do you mind if we wait here? Just for a bit?" nurse: are you sure? naho: *she nods* Sakuya: "Please?" nurse:...very well. lilac: *asleep, shivering* -there are faded scars visible on his wrists- naho:....!!! Sakuya: "What is...Oh no..." naho: *tearing up, holding lilac's hand* Sakuya: "..." *pats Naho's back, rests another hand on her hand over Lilac's* lilac: ........*waking up* nnnn? naho: *she hugs him* lilac: ???? Sakuya: *sad smile, as he hugs as well* lilac: ????? Sakuya: "You're okay, buddy." lilac: ......??? did i....g-get sick again? Sakuya: "You...just needed some rest." lilac:...........*pulls the blanket up* you.....saw them.....d-didnt you?....t-those ugly things.... Sakuya: "...Lilac...I'm sorry. The past hurts...but it's in the past. And like scars, you can heal, however long it takes..." lilac:...*whimpering* Sakuya: "...Do you want to talk about it?" naho:....(thinking: i dont know what i can say...sakuya and lilac....they both suffered so much in the past....and i had a fairly normal life......but its not fair at all.....they should have had good lives too...) lilac: did i......do the right thing? Sakuya: "...None of us can answer that. That's up to you...Do you think you did the right thing?" lilac:...i-i dont know....i was just...so upset....h-he killed them....and i wanted to hurt him......but i....i feel like i did something really unforgivable.....i-im scared. Sakuya: "...This is beyond me, and I think beyond you...Maybe we should talk to someone else? Maybe a professional at this kind of thing?" lilac:.....mr mahiru....he's good at talking to people....but....im scared he and the others hate me for what i did......i wouldnt...blame them if they do.... Sakuya: "...You won't know unless you try...How about we meet up with Mahiru for lunch?" lilac: !!...o.....ok....*gulp* naho: hey, we're here for you, ok? lilac:....r-right... Sakuya: *small smile* "Yeah." Sakuya: "I'll call up Mahiru when we get home..." lilac: o-ok.... naho: ..... >///>; Sakuya: "???" naho: n-nothing. Sakuya: *shrug* "Lilac, want to head home early?" lilac:...y-yes please. Sakuya: *nods, holds out a hand* "Come on..." -later- lavender: *holding lilac* easy there, kiddo. lilac:...... Sakuya: "...Tsubaki, I was thinking of bring Lilac to see a friend. Would that be okay?" tsubaki: sure, who did you have in mind? Sakuya: "Mahiru?" tsubaki:.....ah. should i come with you? Sakuya: "I think it would help." tsubaki: *she nods* Sakuya: "...Lilac had a rough day. I think it's about...what happened." tsubaki: ....i'll try my best to resolve this then. Sakuya: *nods* "I know you will. You're the negotiator for this group now..." tsubaki: i suppose so. otogiri: she will be head of her family someday, so best to practice i suppose. naho: she's kinda like a princess in some ways. -w- tsubaki: ^^; i wouldnt say that. Sakuya: *small laugh* "You probably could pull off a Disney princess dress, Tsu." tsubaki: ^^; -elsewhere- Konro: *groans* kabuki: are you sure you're alright, commander? Konro: "Just sore...It's worse during some days than others. Probably the weather." kabuki:....shall i apply the medicine then? Konro: *nods* "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: -w- kim: *in tanuki form, on jackie's lap* =w= Jacqueline: "Are you comfortable?" *strokes her back* kim: yeah. im so fluffy im gonna die~ -w- Jacqueline: *sigh* "You can be so conceited..." *strokes Kim--and not paying attention, strokes to her bottom* kim: KYUKYU! O////O *TAIL WHIP* >//////< Jacqueline: "Ow!" *realizes what she did* .\\\\\\. "S-Sorry!" kim: 7///////7; i-it was a reflex. Jacqueline: "Y-Yeah..." *holds her on her lap* "...You are fluffy. And cute in this form." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ midori: hmm? worker: im not sure if he's a kitsune or not, but i figured you might be able to take care of him for the time being. misuzu: ah, i see. Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at Midori and Misuzu* "???" *slowly approaches...sniffs at Midori* midori: hehe. <are you really a kitsune? i wonder...> Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" ^\\\\\^ *small fox laugh* midori: ^^ my sister will be visiting tomorrow with her friends. im sure they'd love to meet you. Mr. Tsubaki: *tentatively approaches...still sniffing* -elsewhere- Patty: *dragging Gopher into the room by his ankles* "Look what I found outside!" Gopher: x___x kirika: O-O; ...im not even shocked. Gopher: "I was in front of the door to knock--then the door bust open." Patty: ^^ "Sorry about that! I was in a rush to get out, and you were in the way." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *lying on the couch* nayumi: how're ya doing, commander? Akitaru: *yawn* "Alright. Just tired..." nayumi: ah. Akitaru: "How about you? Having an okay week?" nayumi: *she nods* i got a letter from my family, they're doing well. Akitaru: *smiles* "That's good. What are they up to?" nayumi: just the usual things. Akitaru: *nods* "Any visit you plan to make to them?" nayumi: soon, if squad 0 gets called out that way. Akitaru: "Right..." *gets off the couch* "Wait and see, I guess. Want some tea?" nayumi: i would like that. ^^ Akitaru: *follows her to the kitchen, puts water on the stove* "...It's good for you to check in with your family." nayumi: *she smiles* did i tell you how i joined squad 0? Akitaru: "Just a little bit...How did you?" nayumi: *she smiles* one day, my father and i paid a visit to the main sol temple, and there was commander miwa, offering anyone to join squad 0 as a sister. she ended up striking up a conversation with my father and he then spoke to me. he told me 'i want you to go with them. i know you are happy at home, but i dont want you to become sheltered. i want for you to experience the world, and understand your surroundings.' and, i suppose i do now, to some extent. Akitaru: *smiles* "And you get to see more of this world...not a bad lesson." nayumi: *she smiles* i will admit, its scary sometimes. but i still want to respect what my father asked of me. Akitaru: "...You value your father's advice, then?" nayumi: *she nods* i suppose the commander is a rather trusting person. Akitaru: "Yeah..." *pours the hot water over tea for both of them* "She is." -elsewhere- Lawless: *yawn* kranz: sooo? how was school today? Lawless: -_- "Exhausting...So many assignments..." licht: *already studying with julian* Lawless: "I just want to sleep for hours..." julian: but we havent even gotten to reviewing the works of Aristotle yet! Lawless: -__-; "I'll get to 'Poetics' in the morning...It's not that long..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *smiles, talks in his sleep* "You're lovely..." stocking: *she kisses him* Kid: "Hmmm~" *opens his eyes* "...Oh. Am I still dreaming?" stocking: you tell me~? *smooch* Kid: *smooch* "Mmmm~ This is better than my dreams...so this is real." *smiles at her* stocking: *she smiles* i love you kiddo~ Kid: *hug* "I love you, too..." -elsewhere- Emine: *sipping water* medea: *drinking coffee* Emine: "...So, how have you adjusted to life here?" medea: fairly well, minus the doll incidents. Emine: "Hmm...I am familiar with bad deeds. Those seemed far less destructive than they could have been." *pause* "...I mean that as a compliment." medea:.... Emine: "...May I ask you something? How did you...learn about your abilities?" medea: i often heard the voices growing up, and one day i heard my grandmother's voice amongst them. and we just started talking. Emine: "...Oh. And it...was an okay conversation?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Hello, Sister." kirei: *she smiles* commander. Benimaru: "How has today treated you?" kirei: it went well. Benimaru: *nods* "...I wish I could say the same." kirei:...is the commander- Benimaru: "He...is recovering, as best he can." kirei: *she nods* -some time later- lord death: happy birthday shiori! Kid: "Yay!" shiori: ^o^ Yumi: "Happy birthday, Shiori..." shiori: *stumble walks over to kid* hehe! Kid: *shiny eyes, gasps* "Awwww! Come on, Shiori! You can do it!" -she made it!- lord death: *SQUEEEEE* Yumi: *recording* "So good, Shiori!" shiori: kid! ^^ Kid: "Good work, Shiori!" *holds up a large box* "Your present..." -elsewhere- Tool: "Is this good enough to wear?" chie: looks good. mana: *thumbs up* Tool: "I-I hope so...Don't want to screw this up." chie: hey. you're gonna do great. Tool: *gulp* "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- Anya: "At least I can move around enough to go to classes..." tsugumi: ^^ Anya: "I just hope that today goes smoothly without--" Lawless: "Bro, I'm just saying that if you are going to write a sonnet, you have to--" Anya: "??!!!" licht: oh. hey. *wave* Anya: .\\\\\. "Hi..." Lawless: "...Hey. Um...Glad to see you on two legs again." Anya: -_-; "Yeah..." ao: say, i'll be visiting the shrine later today, do you want to come with us? Anya: "Might as well...So long as the stairs aren't too much." -at the shrine- midori: ah, welcome. ^^ ao: i'll go get changed then. *she goes to a back room* licht: so this is a shrine, huh? Anya: "What was your first clue?" Lawless: *snort* licht: father did mention going to them when he was young, but i never actually visited one. Anya: "Hmm..." tsugumi: awww, how cute! licht: *shiny eyes* its so fluffy. Fox!Mr. Tsubaki: o___o ("Crap crap crap crap crap--") Lawless: "???" Anya: *shiny eyes* "Where did you find this pet?" midori: well a worker from a sashimi restaurant came by and dropped him off. we think he might be a kitsune, or someone's pet. tsugumi: awwww, he's so cute! Fox!Mr. Tsubaki: ("Stay in character, stay in character...") *approaches Tsugumi, sniff lightly* tsugumi: hehe~ ^^ mio: i guess he's kinda adorable. 7-7; Fox!Mr. Tsubaki: *lets himself be pet* ^^ -valentines day- misono: at least i'm feeling better now... Lily: "Yes, you are...which is good because--" *CONFETTI* "Happy birthday!!!" misono: !!! *blush* t-thanks. mitsuki: oh, you got two packages of chocolates today. misono: o/////o s-seriously?! Lily: "Oooooo..." -two packages, one from madoka, one from shinoa- misono: *opens the box from madoka*......'happy birthday'......*sigh* Lily: *hands on the side of his face* "Oh, my..." misono:.....*opens shinoa's box.........it's birthday/valentines chocolate* .///////. Lily: "OoooooooOoooooo...So couple-y!" -elsewhere- stocking: ahhhh~! >/////< Kid: "I take it you're pleased?" stocking: *pants* that was...amazing. -knock knock- stocking: !!! *she puts a bathrobe on* Kid: ._. "Um..." *puts on his robe* stocking: yes? postal worker: package from a mr b...bel..bei.. *squints* stocking: donate it. postal worker: y-you sure? stocking: yes. postal worker: ok then. Kid: -___-;; "Maybe send it to a bomb-disposal unit..." postal worker: o...ok then. -later- -knock knock- girl: ??? *she opens the door* y-yes? Postal Worker: "Donation for you, ma'am. Please sign here." girl: *she signs it* t-thank you.... Postal Worker: *nods, leaves* *The box shakes a bit* girl:.....*just stares* *The box breaks open, revealing a card and a box of chocolates...The card opens, playing Belkia singing 'My Heart Will Go On'...Badly* girl: ah....*blush* *she reads the note attached* Belkia's card: "My darling cinnamon bun, please say you will be my Valentine! Your beauty, your charm, your elegance, your--" *It goes on and on...The card even folds out to continue with a long list of compliments* girl: ah...*tearing up* Belkia's card: "I love you. I made reservations at the restaurant listed below. Please, say you will be there." girl: *she eats the chocolates, happily* (thinking: someone....really did this for me? w-was it donated out of shyness?....im so...so happy....ahaha....) -elsewhere- Wes: *holds out a rose* "Hello." liz: aww. *smooch* Wes: -\\\\- *smooch* "Happy Valentine's Day. Looking forward to dinner tonight?" liz: of course. ^^ Wes: *holds her hand* "It'll be intimate, good music...good food." -elsewhere- naho: =w= Sakuya: *smooch* "I hope a small gift for Valentine's isn't a problem..." naho: not at all~ ^^ otogiri: *in a heart sweater* Black Star: *looks at his* "...Thanks. This is really kind of you." lavender: *in a red dress* higan and i are gonna crash some valentines parties in the red light district, dont wait up~ otogiri: -.-; Black Star: "...Don't hurt anyone." lavender: the night is still young~ Black Star: *serious face* lavender: *sigh and hair ruffle* we wont kill anyone, ok? Black Star: -_____-;;; "Thank you. And no cutting. Or biting. Or anything that causes physical harm." Higan: "What about mental scarring and emotional pain?" naho: that too! Higan: *pout* lavender: we wont bite....too much~ tsubaki: be sure to keep in contact. -_-; lavender: alright alright. ready to go then~? Black Star: *GLARING* Higan: "Always." *puts a hand on his hip, guiding her...* otogiri: -___-; naho: *cringe* speakin of pervs, anyone seen belkia? Belkia: *in a suit* "Hello, hello, hello! I'm off to meet my destiny!!!" naho: of course you are. Belkia: *holds a bouquet of flowers, humming 'The Wedding March'* "Don't wait up--it's going to be a late night!" otogiri:...... Black Star: "...$5 says he comes back hacked to pieces." naho: where the heck are you even going? Belkia: "A fancy-ass restaurant to romance my delicious cupcake over a sumptuous dinner, where my magical charm will finally convince her to leave THAT DIRTY UGLY REAPER SHIT and marry me~" otogiri: .....sure. Belkia: "Maybe even breakfast with my sweet bun..." naho: just go and break a leg. -_-; Sakuya: "Break both." Belkia: "Hmph." *departs* -later- Belkia: *seated at his table, looking at this watch* "Hmm..." girl:......um..e-excuse me... Belkia: "??? Yes?" girl: y-you're 'belkia' r-right? Belkia: "Yes. Who is asking?" girl: -i-im ayami. i-its so nice..to finally meet you. Belkia: "Um...Hi?" ("Who the heck is Ayami?") ayami: w-when your card arrived for me i-in the mail...i was...so happy you'd waste your time on pitiful filth like me. and the chocolates were so yummy, and i felt i was beginning to love you even more. Belkia: "...What?" ("Something here isn't making sense...What card? What chocolates?") ayami: w-were you that shy that you had it donated? the card said to meet you in this place, so here i am. Belkia: "...'That card'? Wait..." *Thought bubble: Stocking + My Gift - Stocking + Random Girl = OH SHIT!* o____o "Uuuuuuuuuuum..." ayami: if you wish. i'll be yours forever. i-i'll do anything for you. *twitching* a-anything. Belkia: o_________________o;;; "Um...That's great. Just one question: who the hell are you?" ayami:..................hehehehe...you're so funny....im the love of your life...r-right?! *dark yandere aura* Belkia: o__________o "CHECK, PLEASE!" ayami: are we ordering to go then? Belkia: "Yes! I'm ordering myself a taxi to get the heck out of here!" ayami: w-we’re going to your place already? oh my~ U////U Belkia: "AAAAAAAHHH!" *runs away--and into a wall, falling back to the floor* x_____x ayami: oh no! y-you're hurt! Belkia: "I'M FINE! STAY BACK! MOMMY!" ayami: ....he's so shy...how cute....hehehe.. -and so- naho: hey belbel, how did it- Belkia: "DON'T TALK TO ME!" naho: !!!.... *pouts* rude. Belkia: *shudders* "Worst Valentine's ever! I need a shower..." otogiri: ?? Sakuya: "Guess Stocking didn't like her gift?" naho: nah, he's still in one piece. Sakuya: "Hmm. Wonder what happened to him?" -at the hoshino shrine- midori: .....(thinking: he looks so forlorn...poor lil guy...) Fox!Tsubaki: T_T *whimper* midori: .... Fox!Tsubaki: ("I know most of my family is safe with her...but I worry...") -elsewhere- Relan: ^^ "These are tasty..." shinra: im glad you like them. Relan: "I do--thanks! I...wish my gift was better..." shinra: its from you, so that makes it the best. *hug* iris: hehe ^^ Relan: ^\\\\^ -elsewhere- kranz: HE'S HAD HOW MANY SHOTS OF BOURBON?! licht: yeah.... 7_7; Lawless: "HA HA HA HA HA! A quart of ale is a dish for a king, bruh!" romina: i think you've had enough tonight. ._.; Lawless: *whines, pulling the drinks towards himself* "I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking: I could well wish courtesy would invent some other custom of entertainment..." *HIC* licht: ugh... Lawless: "..." *ugly sob* "WHY?!" licht:...*awkward back pats* Lawless: *hug, cries into his shirt* licht: !!!!....*back pats* 7///7; Lawless: "Ophel--*hic*--ia! Why?!!!" licht:.......*humming* Lawless: *whimpers, his breathing steadies...he starts to calm down...* -elsewhere- Yumi: "I hope you like your present..." lord death: *opens his eyes* O//////////O *Yumi is in her panties, with a large ribbon tied around her chest* Yumi: "Care to unwrap?" lord death: *closes the door* oh goodness yes! Yumi: *approaches him, giving him a light push down to have him sit at the edge of the bed, as she sits on his lap and puts her arms around him* "Happy Valentine's Day, love." lord death: *he takes off his mask and kisses her* Yumi: *kisses back, rubbing his back* -elsewhere- Patty: "Thanks for winning me this big-ass sloth at the arcade, Takeru!" takeru: n-no problem. >///< Patty: "..." *kiss on the cheek* "You're cute." takeru: >//////< Patty: *holds his hand* "...Do you think I'm cute?" takeru: *blushing* Patty: *pouts* "Is that a yes?" takeru: *nods* Patty: *smiles widely--and taps her finger on his nose* "Thank you!" -elsewhere- Hibana: *holding up a spoonful of ice cream* "Excellent dessert." gabriella: im glad you like it~<3 Hibana: "Such good taste. Tell me, how often have you made ice cream?" -elsewhere- Gopher: *singing outside a window...badly* "Life is like a broken arrow- / Memory a swingin' door / I could be your great misfortune / I can make you happy every day of your life!" kirika: *right behind him* hey. Gopher: O-Oh! Um...I thought you were upstairs. In your room." kirika: i kinda figured you'd be out here. *head pats* points for effort, though. Gopher: -\\\w\\\- "H-Happy Valentine's...Day." kirika:....here. *she gives him some chocolate cat faces* so ya dont head home empty handed. 7///7; Gopher: "!!! Thank you! I will treasure these, always!" kirika: sure. (thinking: so pathetic and try hard....its almost kinda cute...) Gopher: "G-Good night." .w. *turns to leave* -elsewhere- Tool: "...I enjoyed your company tonight." saki: i enjoyed it too. ^^ *she holds his hand* Tool: *slight shudder* "Th-Thanks...Saki...I..." saki: *smooch on the cheek* Tool: o\\\\\\o "I...You...and Io are so...important to me...Thank you." -elsewhere- Kid: -\\\\\- "A bit embarrassing..." stocking: *smooch* aww. Kid: "But...for you, I can do it." stocking: ^^ Kid: *clears his throat, gets down on one knee...and sings lightly* "Whenever I'm alone with you / You make me feel like I am home again / Whenever I'm alone with you / You make me feel like I am whole again" stocking: *she smiles* awww. *smooch on the forehead* Kid: -\\\\\- *takes her hand, kisses it lightly* stocking: hehehe~<3 Kid: "I love you, my valentine. Please, say you'll be mine." stocking: i'm already yours kiddo. *smooch* Kid: *smiles lightly, as he hugs her legs* stocking: ^///^ Kid: *kisses her knees lightly* "Happy Valentine's Day, love." -elsewhere- Black Star: *holding up a jewelry box to Tsubaki* tsubaki: aww. *smooch on the cheek* Black Star: -\\\\- "I hope you like it..." *Inside is a camelia necklace* tsubaki: *blush* it's beautiful! thank you. *smooch* Black Star: *smooch* "It...seemed right for you." tsubaki: hehe. ^^ Black Star: *hug* "Happy V-Day, Tsubaki." tsubaki: *she hugs him* Black Star: "Mmm~" ^^ -elsewhere- Meme: -w- mio: h-hope you like it. *she gave meme a scarf* Meme: "I do! The color is great, it's so comfy and fluffy..." *puts it around her neck--then lets the end of it rest along Mio's shoulder* mio: o////o Meme: *smiles* "I like you a lot, Mio." mio: m-meme..... *blushing* Meme: "..." *kiss on Mio's cheek* mio: .//////////////////////////. Meme: *holds Mio's hand* "I think...maybe we need an official date to happen already...If you're not up for that, this is enough for me." mio: i would.....l-l-like that...... .///////. *head steaming* Meme: "Good...Um..." *pulls the scarf off to cool Mio down* "Let's get you some water to cool off..." -elsewhere- Fox!Tsubaki: -______-; *He is dressed in a puppy-size Valentine outfit* midori: ^^ adorable. Fox!Tsubaki: *tiny growl* midori: ?? Fox!Tsubaki: *puppy dog eyes, as he scratches at his outfit* midori: dont you like it? Fox!Tsubaki: *whining* midori:...*she sighs* hold still lil guy... *she takes it off him* Fox!Tsubaki: *slips out of the outfit, shakes his fur, sits, panting happily* midori: *she sighs* i hope we can find if you have an owner soon...they must really miss you. Fox!Tsubaki: "..." *looks down, sadly* midori:....you're welcome to sleep in one of the guest rooms, if you'd like. Fox!Tsubaki: *sniff...walks his way towards a guest room...* -the door is open.- Fox!Tsubaki: *slips inside...tries to shut the door behind him* midori: ^^; want your privacy? hehe, you're certainly an interesting lil guy. *she closes the door and walks away* Fox!Tsubaki: *sigh* *POOF* Mr. Tsubaki: *in human form* "Hate those tiny outfits..." -silence- Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around the room...yawns* "Might as well get some sleep..." -morning- Kid: "Mmmm~" stocking: ahhh.... Kid: *smiles, kisses her cheek* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "That was a good night..." *kiss* "I hope this is a good morning." stocking: hmhm~ *smooch* Kid: *small kiss on her neck* "I think...you deserve an excellent dessert this weekend." stocking: 7///w///7 oh~? Kid: "Yes..." *kisses her shoulder* "A feast fit for a queen like you...Flavorful...decadent..." *his hand lays along her leg* "Stimulate your senses..." stocking: oh my~ Kid: "But right now...I want to taste..." *his lips near hers* "...you." *smooch* stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: *holds her in a hug* "I love you." stocking: i love you too kid. Kid: *holds her hand* "Ready to start the day?" stocking: *she nods* -at school- Meme: *in the scarf* "Come on--you can do it, Anya!" *points to where Licht and Lawless are standing* "Go on." Anya: -___-; "This is stupid." licht: just believe you can walk. if you trip i'll catch you because...*pose* im an angel. Anya: o____o "...Um..." Meme: *pushes Anya along* tsugumi: do your best! ao: good luck~ Anya: "!!!" *slowly walks over to Licht...* -nice catch- licht: hey. Anya: o\\\\\o Lawless: -_-; ao: aaaw, how sweet. Anya: "SHUT IT, AO!!!" *slips out of Licht's hands--and onto the floor* "...Ow." licht: *picks her up* i'll get you to the nurse. because im an angel. *pose* ao: fly her away to heaven~ ^^ tsugumi:..... O___O ao-chi that's really morbid. Anya: "Put me down! I'm fine! I can walk! I can--" Lawless: *follows Anya and Licht* -elsewhere- misuzu: *tending to the shrine* Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, curled up on the bed* misuzu: (thinking: alright. just need to clean the guest house) Mr. Tsubaki: *sits up in bed, stretches* "Hmm?" ("What time is it?") -the sun is shining through the window- Mr. Tsubaki: ("Morning? And quite late...I wonder what I should do...") *looks around the room...* -nothing much, other than what you'd expect from a traditional japanese room- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." falls onto his back, rolls on the bed like a doggie* "Ah, so good..." -footsteps approach- Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" *sits up in bed, looks at the door* misuzu: *she opens the door* ah. hope you dont mind me coming in. Mr. Tsubaki: ^^; *small fox laugh, as he hops off bed, stands before her, smiling* misuzu: ^^ *she begins to clean the room of any dust* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sweeps his tail along, trying to clear up some dust* misuzu: hehe. ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ *follows her* -a little dust falls onto his nose- Mr. Tsubaki: Q~Q "Ah...ah...ah...CHOO!" *POOF* misuzu: oh dear im quite sorry abou-............ Mr. Tsubaki: o______o;;;; Mr. Tsubaki: "...Um..." misuzu:.... WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?! *swatting at him with the broom* Mr. Tsubaki: "OW OW! Stop it! I'm the fox! I just, you know, turned into a humanoid form--as you do..." -SWAT SWAT SWAT!- midori: mother? what's- !!! Mr. Tsubaki: D: "...I know this looks bad. But I'm the kitsune you brought in...Um...Surprise?" -OFUDA'D- Mr. Tsubaki: o___o "Oh, sh--" misuzu: <begone evil demons!> Mr. Tsubaki: "No! Wait! I'm not--" -OFUDA'D x2- Mr. Tsubaki: "Crap! Wait! I'm Tsubaki! I'm not--" -OFUDA'D x3- Mr. Tsubaki: "WOULD YOU STOP OFUDA-ING ME?! I AM NOT A THREAT! I'M A TINY FOX PERSON-THING!" -OFUDA'D x42- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *DIIIING* x___X -KO- Mr. Tsubaki: *collapses on floor, small smoke out of his mouth...* midori: what do we do? -later- Mr. Tsubaki: "...Wh-What...?" tsubaki?: i was so worried about you. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Camelia Blossom?" tsubaki?: *she strokes his cheek* im so happy...that you're ok. *she leans in* Mr. Tsubaki: o\\\\\o "I...You..." *closes his eyes, reaching out to her* -there is a warm feeling against his lips- Mr. Tsubaki: "Mmmm~" stray dog: *lick lick lick* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." ._______. "...The heck?" dog: 83 Mr. Tsubaki: "..." -_- "Hmph...Where am I?" -seems he's in a field in a random park- Mr. Tsubaki: "...Darn. That bed was comfortable." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *pouts* kim: what? Jacqueline: *holds up heart bopper headband* "I just wanted you to put this on once..." kim: *she puts them on* *with the lights* Jacqueline: .w. "Yay..." *holds up phone* kim: .///_____///.; *SNAP* Jacqueline: "Thank you. You are quite cute like that." kim: you're evil. Jacqueline: *chuckles* "Just a little insurance for the future..." -elsewhere- Belkia: *shaking in the corner* otogiri: ??? naho: you feelin ok, bel? you've been actin weird since yesterday. Belkia: "That girl was crazy!" naho: who, the angel girl? Belkia: *shakes his head* "No, most definitely not! Crazy girl! Stalker girl! She got my gift for my darling buttercup--and instead it was some crazy broad!" otogiri: oh my. being stalked day in and day out by some pest. i wonder how _that_ must feel. Belkia: "Awful--that's what it feels like! What kind of a crazy person does that?!" otogiri:.................................................................. naho:............................................ lavender: *cough* Higan: "...You try for a 'friends with benefit' arrangement, Belkia?" Belkia: "NO!" lilac: ????? Higan: "Just suggesting...It works well for many people. And you could use an opportunity to de-stress." naho: could you talk about gross stuff like that somewhere else, old man?! -_-; Higan: "Yes, I could." *pulls out a notepad, moves his pen across it--then turns it around to show to Naho; a portrait of her disgusted face* "But I also get to practice my drawing." naho: *she goes under the kotatsu* =3= *pouts* Sakuya: *small laugh* "Ignore him..." *kneels down, pats her head* naho: =,= *nuzzle* Sakuya: -\\\\- Higan: "...Speaking of 'friends with benefits'..." lavender: 7w7 hmhmhm~ naho: WE CAN HEAR YOU OLD MAN! >n< Higan: *pats her bottom* "My room or yours?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *staring at a pile of Valentine's cards* "...I guess I am popular." fang-hua: no kidding. ._.; Benimaru: *flips through them* "Hmm...The usual suspects...and at least 12 from Tsukiyo. Can only imagine what is in these." *puts those aside* fang-hua: there's a few from the shrine....from that one very strange person...and.....*she hides her card* Benimaru: " 'Strange person'? A threat?" fang-hua:......not exactly. -elsewhere- Relan: *jogging* ayami: ....... Relan: "???" ayami: e-excuse me...have you....s-seen this person? *holds up a picture of belkia* Relan: "Oh!" *jogs back towards her, looks at the photo* "...Can't say I have. Is he a street magician?" ayami: do you know someone who has met him?? *twitching* Relan: *noticing the twitching* "...Um...N-No? I mean, if I never saw him, I wouldn't know whether someone 'met' him?" ayami:...*runs off* Relan: "...Odd." *jogs...in the opposite direction* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Yo, Ao--you alright?" ao: oh, hello. ^^ Black Star: "Hey. I heard something happened at the temple? Everything okay?" ao: yes. everything was resolved. Black Star: *nods* "That's good. If you got any more problems, you let me know--and I'll fix it!" ao: ok. -later- Yohei: "Tool tell you anything about his date?" chie: no, but saki did. she had a great time, it sounds like. Yohei: "That's good." *pats her shoulder* "I'm sorry we didn't get to go out for Valentine's..." chie: *smooch* Yohei: -\\\\- "How's the little guy?" chie: doing well~ Yohei: "That's great..." *hug* chie: ^^ Yohei: "Heh...Imagine his first Valentine that he'll get...Probably get glitter everywhere..." chie: hehe ^^ Yohei: "After that mess Shotaro made with his Valentine..." chie: yeah... ^^; Yohei: "Still better than what Mono got..." mono: oh shut up! >///n///< Yohei: *small chuckle* "One extravagant card from Assi, Zuno giving you 28 cards because he didn't remember whether he already gave you one...and whatever that thing was Emine put in your bed." mono:.... >_________>;;; Yohei: "When's the wedding?" mono: OH SHUSH YOU! *pap attack!* Yohei: "Wow! Hey! I was just kidding!" -elsewhere- Takehisa: *hyper-ventilating* shinra: commander you ok?! Takehisa: "V-Valentine's...Gifts..." shinra: o.o ~? Takehisa: "I was too nervous...and now Valentine's Day has come and gone--and I didn't do it..." shinra: didnt do what? Takehisa: "Didn't give this gift to Maki..." shinra: oh. well, she put something in your locker. i saw it happen. Takehisa: o___o "...I never opened my locker..." *goes to open it...* -seems there is a box of chocolates with a note- note: hey takehisa. thought i'd give you something so you dont feel left out. happy v-tines. maki *there is also a little doodle of pusupusu.* Takehisa: ._. *looks at the note* Takehisa: "..." T_T "Why didn't I give her my gift to her yesterday...?" shinra: hey, its never too late. Takehisa: "..." *runs for Maki's room...* maki: yes? Takehisa: "..." *holds up a wrapped item* "Vappy Halentine's Day!" maki: aww, thanks! *hug* Takehisa: o~o "I-I hope it is...good." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, wandering through alleys* ("And here I am again...Darn.") naho: i think the shop is this way. Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" naho: did you guys want to get anything while we're out? Sakuya: "Wouldn't mind a burger--with all the toppings." Mr. Tsubaki: Q~Q *stomach growl* lilac: ..... naho: hmm? you ok? lilac: y-yeah... Mr. Tsubaki: *hidden, following* Sakuya: "Maybe you're hungry?" lilac: i guess...i'll just have a milkshake... Sakuya: "There you go." *smiles* Mr. Tsubaki: T____T lilac: y-you can just...order me whatever.... naho: ok! Sakuya: "And fries...and dessert..." *drooling* -elsewhere- Rino: *holds up the kitten* "See? Cute, huh?" gabriella: aww. Hibana: -_-;;; "...You de-claw that thing yet?" Rino: -_- "No." gabriella: can we make him our mascot? *shiny eyes* Hibana: "...Seriously? A cat? Not something more elegant?" Rino: "Of course you can make him the mascot!" ^^ Hibana: -______- gabriella: *shiny puppy dog eyes* Hibana: "...F-Fine..." -elsewhere- Patty: "Big. Ass. SLOTH TOY!" *shakes it at Liz* liz: ^^; stocking: fluffy. Patty: "Very--and very kind of Takeru to win it for me! How were your Valentine's Days, ladies?" liz: it was wonderful. stocking: same. Patty: "Hee hee...I bet. I can tell from Stocking's smile--and that jewelry Sis is sporting." stocking: ^///^ Patty: *sighs, holds up sloth* "Just a few more months..." stocking: ?? Patty: "Then we graduate...and then...I don't know." -elsewhere- Yumi: *smooch* lord death: =w=~<3 Yumi: *hug* "So good..." lord death: i wuv yoooou~ Yumi: *chuckles* "I 'wuv' you, too..." *soft pat on his bottom* lord death: ^////^ Yumi: *smiles* "I love the moments of just us, together...and I love our children." lord death: UwU~<3 Yumi: *smooch on the cheek* "...You know...maybe we owe ourselves a small break...a mini-vacation, perhaps to a hotel?" lord death: oho~ planning something naughty, are we~? Yumi: -\\\\\\- "...Maybe a bit. I think you could benefit from some...discipline." *spanks his bottom* -elsewhere- Lawless: *writing poetry* licht: *practicing piano* kranz: how you two kiddos doing? Lawless: "Shhh...Geniuses at work..." kranz: *whispers* right sorry. Lawless: *humming along as he reads the words to himself--* "Blast. I can't get the meter right..." julian: would you like some help? Lawless: "...Sure. How much you know about syllables and meter?" -elsewhere- mafura: ~? Tsurugi: "??? What?" mafura: ......*leeean* zzzzz.... yumikage: -___-; what does she even see in him? Jun: "...A rock to depend on?" Tsurugi: o\\\\\\\\\\o yumikage: tsurugi if you lay a scratch on her you are a DEAD MAN DO YOU HEAR ME?! tinker: easy there, grumpy pants. yumikage: ...*hmph* im just saying, he's inexperienced with girls. tinker: so are you. yumikage: IRRELAVENT! Tsurugi: "I AM NOT INTENDING ANYTHING TO BE EXPERIENCED WITH GIRLS!" hyakuya:...anyone else confused? mitsuba: oh yeah. Jun: "I just keep my head down and focus on work...which you all should." shinoa: speaking of which, shall we get a head start on today's jinn clean up? *sunny* Jun: "Good thinking. Take a few of the team with you, and Tsurugi--" Tsurugi: o\\\\\\\\o Jun: "...Um...Either go with them, or keep being a pillow for Mafura." mafura: mafura wants to come too! Jun: *smiles* "Very good." *stares seriously at Tsurugi* "_Keep an eye on her safety..._" Tsurugi: o______o -and so, near the antique shop- mitsuba: not a lot of activity today... hyakuya: i suppose that's a good thing. mafura: ?? *looking all around* Tsurugi: "So...While we're here, do we have to do a checkin at the antique shop?" mitsuba: i suppose. Tsurugi: "..." -____- "Maybe...someone else could visit the antique shop?" mitsuba: fine i'll do it. *she opens the door* metsu: may i help you? hyakuya: just checking stuff out. mafura: *looooooks* O.O *staaaaare* Jeje: *in snake form* "???" mafura: !! metsu: ^^ mitsuba: oh! i-is mikuni in? metsu: yes, he's upstairs, shall i get him? hyakuya: yes. mitsuba: AKANE! D8< Tsurugi: -_____-;;;; "Whhhhhhhhhhy?" Jeje: *slithers up the stairs with Metsu...* mafura: o.o ~? Jeje: "Ssss...Mikuni. You have guests..." Mikuni: "???" *steps outside, not even looking* "Well, howdy there, y'all! And how may I help--" *spots Tsurugi and all...* "...Oh. So, you're here." Tsurugi: -_______________- mafura: ~? *head tilt* mitsuba: .///////////////////. hey. hyakuya: sup. Mikuni: "S'up. Tsurugi." Tsurugi: "Kuni-chan." Mikuni: *spots Mafura* "!!! Oh, hello! Who are you?" mitsuba: did it just get colder in here? hyakuya: oh fuck yeah it did. mafura: mafura-chan is mafura-chan ^^ metsu: ?? Mikuni: "...Um...And Mikuni is Mikuni. That's me! Where you from, buddy?" hyakuya: she's with us. Tsurugi: :3 "More like, she is with me." *holds Mafura's hand* mafura: OwO~? metsu:...eh? Mikuni: o____o Jeje: "...Sssssshit." Tsurugi: "Going steady. Staying together. Holding hands. All those things." mitsuba:...since when? hyakuya: oh my god. Tsuguri: "S-Since a long time now! So there! Isn't that right, my smoochy peachy?" mafura: OwO~?? metsu: ......*sweatdrop* Mikuni: "...Really now? Huh. Well, good for you." Jeje: *looks at Metsu, whispers* "Can you believe this?" hyakuya: *texting someone* metsu: i dont believe this for a moment. -_-; Tsuguri: ^^ "Thank you, Kuni-chan. Mafura and I are happy to hear..." mafura: ^^ *nuzzle* hehe~ mitsuba: *JAWDROP* Tsurugi: o_____o;;;; *slight shudder* "Oh...Um...Uh...Help?" Mikuni: "..." *crosses his arms, smirks* mafura: ^w^ -squiiish- Tsurugi: D: Mikuni: o\\\\\\\o Jeje: "...Yikesssssss." mitsuba: O__________O Tsurugi: "P-P-Please, love muffin--wait 'til we get home~" Mikuni: ._. "Good. Lord." mitsuba: is this even real? hyakuya: >->; Mikuni: "Um...Congrats? I guess. You two have fun with...whatever. I'll go back to my dolls." Tsurugi: "Y-Yeah! You go play with your dolls! Maybe have a tea party for them!" Mikuni: "...Yes. That's what I am going to do. Because that is normal. Unlike...whatever you're doing." Tsurugi: >____< "YOU WANT TO THROW DOWN?!" metsu: *chop* please dont cause a scene. -_-; Tsurugi: "Ow!" Jeje: :) Mikuni: "Hmph...Good day to you all, then..." mafura: O.O *hug* mitsuba: O-O Tsurugi: *slight whimper, whine...* "Um...Okay?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: D: "Did he say _anything_ kind about my Valentine's cards?" fang-hua:....you're quite enthusiastic. Tsukiyo: "Isn't that a _good_ thing? It shows I'm up for a lot!" fang-hua: *sweatdrop* (thinking: no denying that...) Tsukiyo: "Well, tell me Beni-Hottie at least liked _your_ card..." fang-hua: >_>;;; Tsukiyo: "...Oh, sweetie, you didn't chicken out, did you?" fang-hua: >///< i only made the card cause you made me do it! Tsukiyo: "..." *sigh* *pats her head* "I guess you need to take your time..." fang-hua: 7.7; h-he's my commander...it would be weird for me to give him something like that... Tsukiyo: "But...I don't want you to live with regrets. I mean, it can't hurt to be open and honest, right?" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *burp* "Man...That hit the spot." lilac: thank you for the meal... naho: now onto shopping~! Sakuya: "Awesome!" *puts money on table to the tip* Sakuya: "What you plan to buy?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "WE'RE HOME!!!" chie: welcome back! setsuna: ^^ Shotaro: *hugs both of them* "You should have seen the good deed today--I knocked a supervillain into a wall!" setsuna: good job! mana: (thinking: at this point, he's going to become a vigilante...) Emine: *enters in after them...with a black eye* setsuna: !!! emine! are you ok? Emine: "Yes. When Shotaro incapacitated the supervillain, I called him a rude name for my bad deed. Evidently, the supervillain really loves his mother and did not take kindly to that insult." lin: *she has the ice pack on the ready* Emine: "...Aw." *takes the ice pack...kisses her cheek* lin: hehe~ ^^ Shotaro: "Emine and Lin, sitting in a tree..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Look at you, Shiori--walking all over the place!" shiori: hehe! Kid: "Wait 'til you start running...just be careful doing that." shiori: ^^ Kid: "Let's walk around and see what everyone is up to, okay? I wonder who we'll see..." -elsewhere- tsubaki: we're home! otogiri: welcome back. Belkia: *whimper* lavender: you've been out of it all day. im actually starting to get concerned. Belkia: "Scary girl...We should change the locks. Maybe move. Change our names. We'll change Tsubaki's name to Camelia, Lavender's name to Mint, and Otogiri's name to Strings." -chop- otogiri: you're overreacting. Belkia: Q~Q "She was scary...I don't think I'll ever be able to fall asleep again..." otogiri: -_-; Black Star: "Could always just knock him out with a big stick..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *lies down on the couch, groans* kim: you ok? Jacqueline: "I don't know...I feel sore from stacking books, tired, hungry...but my stomach also feels weird." kim: want me to help? Jacqueline: "...Yes, sure." -elsewhere- Relan: "So I ran the other way...She was...odd." shinra: that is pretty weird. iris: yikes. Relan: *nods* "It was...also familiar." shinra: how so? Relan: "...Something hereditary, maybe..." shinra: ?? iris: ??? Relan: "I am...was a creepy stalker to you, Shinra...and my mother is...well, herself." shinra:...*holds his hand* you've outgrown that though. and we're proud of you for that. Relan: "...I don't want to go back to that." *small squeeze of his hand* shinra: you wont, trust us. *hug* Relan: *hugs both of them* -elsewhere- Shinoda: *humming...* nea: =w= zzzzz Shinoda: *smooch on her forehead...then exhales his breath, which is cold...smiles* nea: zzzzz Shinoda: "I love you...my queen." -elsewhere- Stein: "...What is _this thing_ doing here?" marie: care to elaborate? Stein: "This _thing_ on my front step...who is stealing my face." Johannes: *waves* marie: *stunned* valentine: ??? oh? aya: O.O ????? Stein: *puts a hand to his chin* Johannes: *matching the movement* Stein: ._. *takes a step to the left...* Johannes: *matching his movement* Stein: -_____-;;; "I need to put a lock on my cloning lab." ???: guuuugh... marie: !! valentine: seems the patient is waking up. Stein and Johannes: "Oh, good! Let's check on them." *stare at each other...* sayaka: just cause i can heal doesnt mean i like being vivisected. -_-; *hurk* Johannes: .w. "Hello~" sayaka: ahahaha...haaaa *FAINTS* XwX;;; valentine: mind helping her up to the couch? marie: way ahead of you. Johannes: "I can do it! Let me just get a hold on her--" Stein: *pulls Johannes's arm behind his back* Johannes: "Ow ow ow..." *getting on his knees, as Stein puts a knee to his back* "I mean, I'll wait here." sayaka: X____X awawawawaaa Stein: "Good boy." sayaka: nnng... *opens eyes* doooc? Stein: "It's okay. You're safe. You just...needed some care." sayaka: oh thank god. i had a really scary dream. *hurk* i feel sick. Stein: "I'll get you some stomach medicine...and tie this clone up." Johannes: "Actually, I'm not a clone. I'm Johannes--" *SMACK* Stein: "Quiet, clone...We're going to have some fun...Heh heh heh..." Johannes: x_____x sayaka: O_____O;;;; Stein: "You can't beat the original..." *a scalpel falls from his sleeve, as he holds up Johannes by the collar* "So let's cut to the chase, and see what's inside of you..." Johannes: o____________o ("...I think I've learned a valuable lesson today...WEAR ADULT DIAPERS.") -elsewhere- Anya: *staring at her phone* "..." ao: waiting on a call? Anya: "I don't know...More like waiting _to_ call..." ao: who are you planning on calling? Anya: "...I never gave a clear thank you to Licht and his friend for intervening during that attack...and the flowers." ao: ah, i see~ Anya: *stare* "...What's with that tone?" ao: 737~*whistling* Anya: "Hmph...Fine. I might as well be proactive--" *texts Licht and Lawless* kranz: [hello, rosen kranz, licht's manager speaking~<3 who do we owe the pleasure?] Anya: "...The devil? He has his manager intercept his texts?" [anya hepburn, wishing to thank licht and his friend for their intervention when i was attacked] kranz: [ah yes! my son hyde mentioned you!] Anya: [oh? i hope i was not a trouble, seeing as your son and licht helped me against that violent menace] -elsewhere- Arthur: "I hope the gift was...okay." tamaki: i appreciate it. thanks. 7///7 Arthur: "..." *nods* "I just didn't want to screw up too much..." tamaki: *hug* Arthur: o\\\\\o "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Ah...My stomach feels a bit better." kim: glad to hear. Jacqueline: *turns over on the couch, sits up* "I owe you one." kim: 25 dollars please. Jacqueline: "...You greedy little tanuki." kim: im joking! im joking!.............just 5 dollars will suffice. Jacqueline: -_-; *pulls out her wallet, hands five dollars* "Here." kim: thank you~ Jacqueline: *sigh* "I guess I should appreciate getting the 'Kim's partner' discount." *looks at her face* "...Kim...Did you get your hair cut?" kim: hmm? no. actually i've been growing it out a little. Jacqueline: *smile* "It's been a while since you had longer hair. It looks nice. Suits you." kim: 7///7 thanks, i guess. Jacqueline: "..." ("She's so cute when she blushes...") -\\\\- "I...I mean...You look..." kim: hmm? Jacqueline: "...Kim. You look cute." kim: i know~ ^///^;; Jacqueline: "..." *brushes hair over her ear* "Pretty..." kim: o////o Jacqueline: "...I just said that aloud, didn't I?" kim: said what? Jacqueline: o\\\\\\o "N-Nothing..." -elsewhere- Kuro: *batting at a cat toy* mahiru: ^^ cute. Kuro: "This is not cute. It is training. Reaction time..." *yawn* -the door opens- Kuro: "???" uncle toru: im hoooome! mahiru: hey uncle, how was work? Kuro: "..." ("What the heck?") uncle toru: went well. the weather was a bit muggy this morning, so i had to drink my coffee from a bowl. haha! mahiru: -__-; Kuro: "Boo." uncle toru: ?! did you hear something? mahiru: hear what? *gives kuro a side glance of 'act natural!'* Kuro: "..." *meow* -elsewhere- Kepuri: "...At least it's red. But I think I added too much salt--" akaderu:....i think its great. s-since you made it....that sounds stupid, doesnt it? Kepuri: "..." *holds his hand* "It sounds supportive." *smiles* akaderu: .////////////.;; Kepuri: "Next time, I'll try less salt." *smooch* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *looking through a garbage can* "..." hinata: *shiny eyes* hikage: cuuute! Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *looks at them* ("Twins"?) hikage: we can be foxes too! see? *fwooom!* Mr. Tsubaki: *shiny eyes* ("Babies!!!") *slowly approaches...* hinata: *pet pet* hehehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: ^^; ("Just don't burn me...") *stomach growl* hinata: *picks him up* come on lil guy, sister kirei will give you something to eat Mr. Tsubaki: *huddles* ^^ -elsewhere- Kid: *curled up in blanket* =w= stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "Good." *smooch on the cheek* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "These are such calming moments...I'm happy..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *rubs her hand* -elsewhere- Belkia: "...Mommy? Daddy? May I sleep with you tonight?" tsubaki: ._.; huh? Belkia: "I have nightmares about creepy girl. May I sleep in your big bed?" Black Star: -______- tsubaki: .... ^^; i guess for tonight... Black Star: *sighs* "Fine...Just don't make it weird--" Belkia: *crawls up into bed, in his doll form--in footie pajamas* "I won't take any space!" tsubaki: ^^; Belkia: "Good night. Love you." Black Star: -_-; "Good night." -morning- Black Star: *snore, hugging Belkia's doll form* Belkia: *cuddle* tsubaki: *streeetch* *yaaawn* Belkia: "Morning, Mommy." Black Star: *eyes slowly open...* o_o Belkia: "Daddy..." *Doll flung so hard he opens the door and lands in the hallway* Belkia: *squeak as he hits the wall, squeak as he hits the floor* "...No pain!" otogiri:....*she picks him up and brushes him off* Belkia: "Thank you. Is breakfast ready?" -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning kiddo~<3 *smooch* Kid: *smooch...smiles* "Good morning, Love." *hug* "Ah, I'm so glad..." stocking: hehe~ *forehead nuzzle* Kid: *nuzzle* "I love you." stocking: i love you too, kiddo~ Kid: *sighs* "Can...it get any better than this?" stocking: *kiss* mmmmn~<3 U/////U Kid: *smiles* -\\\\\w\\\\\- "That's a start." *cuddles* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *stretches, hops out of bed* "What you want for breakfast?" kim: waffles. you? Jacqueline: *smiles* "That sounds delicious." *puts on Kim's jacket, zips up* "Some fruit, too." -at school- Stein: "I hope you all are ready for a fulfilling day of lessons. I would like to introduce my teaching assistant for the day--" Johannes: *tied up* o___o sayaka: O____________O misono: what the bloody hell? Stein: "We begin by showing reflexes..." *taps a physician's mallet to Johannes's knee, making his leg kick up* -in another room- Meme: *taking notes* "So informative..." tsubaki: *also taking notes* -shuffle shuffle- tsubaki: ?? Plush!Belkia: *whispers* "Hello, Mommy." tsubaki: .____.;;; Plush!Belkia: *holds up a sign* "GOOD LUCK WITH CLASS!" stocking: *cringe* tsubaki: ^^; Plush!Belkia: *shiny eyes...waves at Stocking* stocking: *face of disgust* Plush!Belkia: *pouts* "I don't think she likes me..." tsubaki: *sweatdrop* Plush!Belkia: "Maybe flowers?" -later- Kid: "It's okay..." stocking: thanks kid. *hug* Kid: *pats her back* -elsewhere- metsu: (thinking: he wasnt even phased by today... o_o; ) Jeje: -___- Johannes: "I think I should skip visits to school..." metsu: it would be for the best. Johannes: "But I will miss some finer points about the school..." metsu: -_________- spare us the details. Johannes: *pouts* "I got to be a dummy in class...Wasn't that good enough? I got to demonstrate anatomy." metsu:...right... *sweatdrop* Johannes: "Did you know that if you hit the right pressure points..." *tapping a hand along his shoulder* "...you can cause--" *His pressure point makes him smack Jeje in the face* Jeje: -________- metsu: D8 Johannes: ._.;;; *runs away* Jeje: "Owie..." metsu: are you alright? *cheek touch* Jeje: *shakes his head* "It hurt more than usual..." metsu: *hug* Jeje: -\\\\\- metsu: feeling better? Jeje: *nods* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...Where did this thing come from?" kirei: the twins brought him in. poor thing was famished... Mr. Tsubaki: *nom nom nom* Benimaru: "Odd to see foxes around here. How is his health otherwise?" kirei: he seems to be doing well, other than that. Benimaru: "Hmm. Domesticated?" kirei: seems so...almost human... Benimaru: "Will he be behaved?" Mr. Tsubaki: *puppy eyes* kirei: seems so. Benimaru: "...That should be good." Mr. Tsubaki: *wags his tail, leans against Kirei* kirei: ^^; hinata: he's so fluffy! hikage: fluffy fluffy~ Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ *hugged* Benimaru: "..." kirei: ^^; kabuki: ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at Kabuki* "..." *smiles, approaches* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "...The chocolates were delicious. Thank you." maki: glad you liked them ^^ Takehisa: "...Maybe...I could make you something for lunch. Or dinner." maki: i would like that ^^ Takehisa: *nods* "Any particular dish you would like?" -elsewhere- Anya: "...So..." licht: this is happening. Anya: "...That is a nice suit you have on." licht: thanks. Anya: "So...What do you like to eat?" *opens menu* "I was thinking of starting with a salad..." licht: melon. Anya: "Oh. You like melon? I suppose that would be tasty..." -elsewhere- Tool: *humming happily* -elsewhere- tsubaki: we're home! Sakuya: "Yo." otogiri: welcome back. lavender: hey! Belkia: "School was fun! Can we go again?" otogiri: -_-; naho: ._. Black Star: "...Hell no." Sakuya: "Your 'girlfriend' was going to pull the stuffing out of you..." naho: *giggling* Belkia: -___-; "I don't mind her getting all up in my stuffing..." naho: ew. lilac: ???????? Black Star: "Stop that--and go set the table..." Belkia: "Fine..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *yawn* gabriella: tired? Hibana: *nods* "Yes...I was picking up cat hair..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "We picked up the pizzas!" saki: awesome! ^^ mana: ^^ Yohei: "Excellent. We got the plates out..." Emine: *opens one of them* "...Pineapple? Huh." chie: *nom* ^^~<3 Zuno: "Um...I don't remember what I ordered..." mono: *she points to a box with a name written on it* here, thats yours. Zuno: "Oh, thanks!" *opens up, takes a slice* Assi: "...I didn't know they made red-cheese red-crust pizza." akaderu: *nom* special order. nea:.... *pouts* Shinoda: "Can always have frozen pizza...or a concoction I have been working on..." -elsewhere- Relan: *holds up his camera* "Say cheese!" buttons: ^o^ *Snap* Relan: "Awesome!" *hands a bit of cheese to Buttons* buttons: *nom nom* Relan: "Such a good pet..." mikami: *looking at pictures of Lapis* Relan: "How is Lapis?" mikami: she's doing well. ^^ Relan: "That's good...Hey...What is her favorite food?" mikami: she really likes lettuce. Relan: *nods* "Rabbits tend to be so calm...and fluffy." -elsewhere- Meme: "Feel okay?" mio: yeah. Meme: *smiles* "I enjoyed tonight...Thank you for going out for a walk with me." mio: 7///7 n-no problem. Meme: "...Would you mind if we held hands?" mio: O/////O i-if guess it'd be...ok... Meme: *nods...holds her hand lightly* mio: *head steaming* ./////////////////////////////////. Meme: "...Should I let go?" mio: i-its fine.... Meme: *nods* "...Mio? I really admire you. You are so smart, so much fun..." mio: *blushing* even though im a NEET? Meme: "You are...who you are. You go out, you have friends, you are not alone. I am happy to be with you." mio: .....*teary eyed* that...really means a lot, meme. Meme: "Mio..." *hugs* "It's okay." mio: >//////< *hug* Meme: *chuckles, pats her back...kisses the top of her head* mio: .////////////////////. Meme: "...Want to head home?" mio: yeah. Meme: *holds her hand...walks with her* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sweeping the floor* shinra: zzzzz *asleep on the couch* Arthur: *pulls out a marker...* iris: *chop* no. Arthur: >< "...F-Fine..." -elsewhere- yumikage: SHOW YOURSELF, COWARD! YOU CANT HIDE FROM ME FOREVER!! Tsurugi: *hiding in a closet* Q~Q hyakuya: its not like he did anything lewd though. yumikage: HE STILL DECIVED A NAIIVE GIRL WHO DIDNT KNOW ANY BETTER! bless her lil heart. IM GOING TO CASTRATE HIM!! Tsurugi: *clutches his hands over his crotch* Q______Q mitsuba: arent you over-reacting just a little bit? yumikage: WHO'S OVERREACTING?! Jun: -_____-;;; "Stop yelling...It's loud." shinoa: latte? yumikage:....*siiiip* mitsuba: ok, that should buy us some quiet for a while. Tsurugi: *sighs with relief...slowly steps out of the closet...* mafura: ~? Tsurugi: *holds up a finger to indicate quiet* mafura: *nods and goes in with him* Tsurugi: *tries to tiptoe away from Yumikage* -elsewhere- Anya: -_- ao: so how was the date~? Anya: "It was dinner, not a date. And it was...good." ao: i see~ Anya: "He seems rather closed off, but not rude. He tends to talk about himself, but..." ao: but~? Anya: -\\\\\\- "I suppose he is not bad...and kind of cute." ao: how adorable~ Anya: "Q-Quiet...I was just saying, I would not be opposed to a second date." -elsewhere- Lawless: "Hmm." licht:...what? Lawless: "Did you have a good time out?" licht: you were there, remember? in my bag? Lawless: "I do--which is why I'm asking: did you have a good time out? 'Cause you're so inscrutable that sometimes I can't tell." licht: ...i guess. Lawless: " 'You guess'? You weren't listening to her talking about her favorite classes, favorite meals, or looking at that thing she does after sipping on her drink?" licht: and you _were_? Lawless: "Yes! Because I was in your bag and listening and watching! And I see your face all the time, so I focused on her!" licht: then why dont _you_ date her then? Lawless: "...I...um..." *remembers Ophelia...then pictures Anya* o\\\\\o "Sh-Shut it!" licht: *smirk* make me. Lawless: *slaps his hands on Licht's face* "I'll make you, alright!" licht: !! Lawless: *tugs on Licht's cheeks* "There! You shutting it yet?! How about now?!!" licht: -_________-# -elsewhere- Stein: *sigh* "Thank goodness that cheap imitation of me was not actually a clone." marie: thats good to hear. ^^; Stein: *collapses on couch* "I don't need that stress..." *pats his shirt pocket...then remembers...* "Oh. Right. Quitting. Again." marie: ^^; Stein: "This is miserable...You ever struggle to curb an addiction?" marie: hmmm? maybe try chewing gum? Stein: "...Might as well. Got any?" marie: mmhmm! you want watermelon or mint? Stein: "...Watermelon." -elsewhere- Yumi: *showing a photograph* "Look at how Shiori demolished that slice of birthday cake..." sid: dawww! Spirit: *shiny eyes* Yumi: "It took so long to clean that mess--but she got a bubble bath..." *shows another photograph* -elsewhere- Gopher: "The plants look to be growing well." eibon: *he smiles* Gopher: "I hope the medicine created is effective." eibon: i hope so as well, my child. Gopher: "...Are there any good plants here for delicious teas?" eibon: i believe so -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *catches the ball* hinata: hehehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *runs back, drops it at her feet* -elsewhere- tsubaki: ?? *checking the mail* Black Star: "Any bills?" tsubaki:.........*she looks around, the subclass arent present* a letter from C3...regarding 'negotiations'... Black Star: "...Crap...You're going to meet with them?" tsubaki: ........ note: 'rest assure, the subclass in your custody will remain unharmed.' Black Star: " 'Unharmed,' huh? I'll believe that when I see it..." tsubaki: ....do you think you could stand guard? i trust you. *she smiles* Black Star: *nods* "Always. You're going to go to C3 and talk to them?" tsubaki: ....*she nods* Black Star: "..." *pats her shoulder* "You come home..." tsubaki: i will. i promise. Black Star: *hug* -and so- tsubaki:....... Jun: "Ah, Ms. Nakatsukasa, welcome. Touma will see you now..." tsubaki:..... yumikage: .....*whispers* touma's kind of a prick, just a warning, but we got your back. *thumbs up* tsubaki:...right. Jun: *knocks on door* "She has arrived..." Touma: "Oh, hello." *stands and approaches Tsubaki, offering a hand* tsubaki:......hello. *shakes his hand, but keeps a firm look* Touma: "I am happy to see you here..." *puts his other hand on her shoulder* "We have much to discuss." tsubaki:....right. Touma: *directs her to a seat, where there is a pitcher of water and cups...he pours one for her and himself* "Let me begin with the obvious: you have had experience with vampires--far more than most humans." tsubaki: i suppose so... Touma: "Please, don't be modest, Ms. Nakatsukasa. After all, you were present during some of the earliest attacks by Melancholia, battles between vampires...and you are currently housing so many of these individuals in your home." tsubaki:..... Touma: "And you want to keep this individual vampires in proper order, yes? Make them well-behaved?" tsubaki: i've been keeping them safe and under control yes. keyword _safe_. Touma: *small laugh* "Of course." *opens a file* "I'm sure you want to make sure little Lilac is safe...young Naho Toguchi...stoic Otogiri...manic Belkia...flirtatious Lavender...aesthete Higan...bilious Sakuya Watanuki..." tsubaki: ....... Touma: *shows the file to her...with a photograph of the imprisoned Shamrock* "And one more." tsubaki: !!!! Touma: "Looks like you missed one when you gathered your close-knit menagerie..." tsubaki:....where is he? Touma: "Safe. Like your family. But that can change, can't it?" tsubaki:........what is it you want? Touma: "Information...Tell me if this sounds right. You happen to take in subclasses, all belonging to one vampire. Now that vampire is missing. I imagine...that you know where this Melancholia is." tsubaki:....no. he just left them in my care and vanished. i dont know his current whereabouts. put me through a lie detection test if you wish, but my answer remains the same. Touma: "..." *smiles* "Gladly." *presses a button on his desk--and clamps close around Tsubaki's wrists and ankles* tsubaki: !!! Touma: *turns on the intercom* "Jun and Yumikage...I need monitors for a lie detector test* yumikage: ..... shuuhei:..... hyakuya: this is inhumane! she's not a prisoner! Touma: "Relax. She won't feel a thing." *adjusts the test parameters* "This is just a clinical examination to ensure she is providing accurate information...Let's begin. Please, state your name." tsubaki: Tsubaki Nakatsukasa. Touma: *nods* "Age?" tsubaki: 21 years old. Touma: "Occupation?" tsubaki: im currently a DWMA student, EAT class. Touma: "Family?" tsubaki: my father, Sanjuro. my mother, and my late brother, Masamune. Touma: *nods* "You are a meister?" tsubaki: no, i'm a weapon. *After a few more questions to gauge Tsubaki's heart rate when telling the truth...* Touma: "When did you last see Tsubaki?" tsubaki: ....in january, during the parking garage incident. Touma: "You did not see him in February?" tsubaki: ....i think i may have seen a picture of him, but im not certain it was him, and if it was, i dont know if he is still there. Touma: "Interesting...When did you last speak with Tsubaki?" tsubaki: during the incident. Touma: "...Do you consider Mr. Tsubaki an enemy?" tsubaki:.....neutral. Touma: "Define 'neutral.'" tsubaki: i realize he has done terrible things, but i dont believe he is completely evil. Touma: "Hmmm...If you were to locate Mr. Tsubaki, would you inform us?" tsubaki: ....what do you intend to do to him? Touma: *smiles* "Protection." tsubaki: define 'protection'... Touma: "Heh heh...Now who is conducting the exam here? We will take all steps to ensure the safety of all parties involved." tsubaki: ....... Touma: "You want Shamrock to be safe, yes? I would so hate for something to happen to him." tsubaki: please, what is it you want? Touma: "I want to know...that when Tsubaki contacts you...you will give us his location." tsubaki:........ Touma: "I'm not hearing an answer, Ms. Nakatsukasa." -crash from touma's office- tsubaki: ?? Touma: "???" tsubaki: what was- Touma: *stands up to look...* yumikage: so is the meeting dismissed then? Jun: *watches Touma's exit...* "...Let her go. We'll speak when Mr. Tsubaki returns..." tsubaki:.... yumikage: like i said, touma's a prick. tsubaki:...... Jun: *opens the bracelets to let Tsubaki loose* "...You care about this vampire?" tsubaki: what do you mean? Jun: "That look in your eyes, when you are asked about him...You are concerned for him." tsubaki:...yes. yumikage: ..... Jun: "...We will contact you when next we require your services. Please continue to keep your subclasses in line." tsubaki: i understand.....please....keep _him_ safe. June: "...Yes." -in touma's office, a young woman is trying to cut herself loose from an ankle restraint- Touma: "Ah. I see you wanted attention. Here, allow me to give it to you..." himawari: !!! Touma: *examines the ankle restraint...and tightens it* himawari: *wince* p-please forgive me, i-i just- Touma: *puts a hand over her mouth* "Shhh...You were making far too much noise while I was working. You know I want quiet, yes? Quiet helps me think. I can't think clearly when I have to listen to your noise..." himawari: i-im sorry....y-you wont...punish me again..r-right? Touma: "Do you promise to stop squirming, making such a racket?" himawari: i promise. i'll k-keep quiet... Touma: "Good...girl." himawari:....*trembling, tearing up* Touma: "Now stay here...I'll be back for you soon." himawari:...... Touma: *exits the office...looks around* hyakuya:.......*glares* Touma: "..." *meets Hyakuya's stare* hyakuya:......*walks away* *to yumikage* prick? please, he's a fucking cactus. Touma: *continues down the hall, heading towards the downstairs...* mitsuba: where do you think he's going? mafura: ~? Tsurugi: "Maybe...something down there?" Touma: *follows stairs down to jail cells...* mafura: *follows* Touma: *approaches one cell...smiles* Shamrock: *curled into fetal position on the floor...looks up* "You...What do you want?" mafura: ~? Touma: "I was just meeting a mutual acquaintance of ours...a Ms. Nakatsukasa." Shamrock: "...Funny. She is no friend of mine." mafura: *listening* Touma: "Yet I imagine, should any harm come to her, your dear ‘Young Master’ would be most displeased..." Shamrock: "..." Touma: "How would he react should she have an accident? A broken arm? A pierced intestine? The separation of head from neck--" Shamrock: "Enough. What do you really want?" Touma: "...I simply want to make sure you are taken care of...because if Ms. Nakatsukasa does not provide me with whatever I ask...you won't be alive to see your previous Tsubaki ever again." Shamrock: "...You are sick." Touma: *chuckles...then reaches an arm through the cell bars, pulling Shamrock by his collar--and pulling back and forth, knocking Shamrock's skull against it before tossing him back, barely conscious* Shamrock: gnnn.. Touma: "You'll recover. So rest up." mafura: mr vampire? are you alright? Touma: "??!" ("Damn it.") *gentle smile* "It is okay, Mafura. Mr. Shamrock and I were playing a game. Right?" Shamrock: Q_Q *pulls back towards the corner of the cell* mafura: can mafura-chan play too? Touma: *approaches Mafura* "Of course...Why don't you choose the game?" mafura: hmmmm...mafura-chan doesnt know many games, the only game mafura-chan knows is when she takes father's thingy in her mouth. Shamrock: .____. Touma: "Hmm...How often have you been around vampires?" mafura: mafura-chan met mr vampire when her door was opened, but father made mafura-chan go back... Touma: "Say hello to Mr. Vampire, Mafura." mafura: hiya mr vampire. ^^. Shamrock: "H-Hi?" Touma: *removes a deck of cards, starts shuffling them...and 'accidentally' slices one along Mafura's hand, giving her a paper cut* mafura: *winces and licks at the blood* Sakuya: "!!!" *sniff...sniff...sniiiiiiiiff* Touma: "Why don't I teach you a card game, Mafura? Mr. Vampire can learn with us..." mafura: ok, mr touma. ^^ Shamrock: *still smelling the blood...staring at Mafura* mafura: ?? mr vampire? are you ok? Shamrock: *licks lips slightly* "F-Fine..." *stomach growls* Touma: "It's Go Fish...Players call out the other players for a card..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *pacing* -knock knock- Black Star: "??? Who is it?" tsubaki: im home... lavender: *hug* thank fuck, we were all seriously worried about you! Black Star: "..." *glomp* Belkia: "Mommy!" *hug* naho: welcome home! ^^ lilac:...*small hug* tsubaki: *tearful smile* Sakuya: "??? Tsu? What's up?" Black Star: "...Are you okay?" lavender: hey, higan, tsubaki's back home! Higan: "Excellent!" *exits...spots the hugfest* "...Want a portrait of this lovely reunion?" -tsubaki explains the situation- Black Star: *shaking* otogiri: so then, at least he's alive... Higan: "..." lavender: isnt there anything we can do? Belkia: "C3...Even I wouldn’t wish that on him..." tsubaki: i dont want to endanger any of you....i dont know what to do... Sakuya: "A break in...but we don't know what kind of fire-power they’re packing tsubaki: that seems too risky... lilac: t-they could- *trembles* Sakuya: "..." *pats Lilac's shoulder* naho: maybe ask mahiru and the others? Black Star: "Worth a shot." tsubaki: i'll see what i can do...im sorry that i havent been doing a good job taking care of you all... lavender: hey, *pats her shoulder* you're doing all you can, and thats good enough for us. Belkia: "Mommy has done a great job, and no one can change my opinion of that!" Higan: "We're still breathing, aren't we?" otogiri: you've been taking care of us. tsubaki: ....*tearful smile* right...thanks guys. Black Star: "..." *holds her hand* tsubaki: *she nods* Higan: "Until we figure out how to get Sham freed, and until we learn more about C3, might as well relax." tsubaki: right..... naho: *worried* Sakuya: *holds her hand* naho: thanks sakkun. Sakuya: "Any time..." -\\\\- -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Okay...What if you tried baking him something?" fang-hua: like what? Tsukiyo: "Cookies? Dessert? Even a meal? What does Benimaru like?" fang-hua: hmmmm.....why are you asking me this? >///<; Tsukiyo: "Because _you need to take a step forward_, girl! I'll even help make the meal!" fang-hua: jeez... -///-; Tsukiyo: "What? You want the Sister to get ahead of you?" fang-hua: w-what- i-i-i dont know what you're talking about! Tsukiyo: "...Don't lie to me, Fang--you aren't that good at it. Look, you like Benimaru. Kirei likes Benimaru. Heck, Kabuki likes him, I like him--" fang-hua: o-of course i like him, he's my commander! t-that doesnt mean i- n-nevermind. Tsukiyo: :3 "Fang-Hua...If he was not your commander, would you go out with him on a date?" fang-hua: w-what?! *blushing* i-i dont know. Tsukiyo: "..." *hug, pat on the back* "It's okay. I know you're confused. But whatever happens, he cares about you, and he would never want to see you hurt." fang-hua: i appreciate that...*shakes her head* we still have to focus on the matter at hand, we shouldnt be worrying about petty romantic subplots. Tsukiyo: "Right--the dopplegangers! Have to make sure we aren't near any fakers--" *slaps a paper on Fang-Hua's face* fang-hua:..... -___-; Tsukiyo: "...No, huh?" *takes it off carefully, puts it on her forehead* "...Well, I'm not...What next?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Mana, how have you been holding up?" mana: good. you? Shotaro: "Okay...I just...was...um..." mana: ?? Shotaro: "...Do you ever think about things, back home, with your family?" mana:...sometimes. Shotaro: "Maybe visit them?" mana: ....maybe someday. *hair ruffle* Shotaro: "Hee hee...Okay!" -elsewhere- Kid: "A penny for your thoughts?" kirika: yea? Kid: "How have you been? Feeling okay?" kirika: yeah, why wouldnt i be? Kid: "No reason. Just making sure, wanting to check in, have a conversation with you..." kirika: ah. Kid: "...You seem to be doing well. Mocha seems happy. Your boyfriend seems happy--" kirika: *CHEEK TUG* SHADDAP! >///n///< Kid: "OW! At least grab my other cheek!" kirika: i was, dumbass! Kid: T___T "Thank you for the symmetry..." kirika: Xp -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "I'm done with the laundry." kim: awesome! Jacqueline: *sets down two baskets* "Yours is the top one." *starts sorting the bottom* "How was work?" kim: it went well. Jacqueline: *folding* "Getting along with your boss and coworkers?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: "I hope the meal was enjoyable." maki: thanks for dinner~ ^^ Takehisa: -\\\\- "You're welcome. I--" Arthur: *BUUUURP* tamaki: -_-; Takehisa: -_-;; "...I take pleasure in knowing my food satisfies so many..." Akitaru: "Indeed! But now I got to get back to my workout so I don't put on more fat..." -elswhere- eruka: *nestled under the blankets* finally home after visiting my parents. *sigh* Free: "It go okay?" eruka: yeah. they're doing as well as always. Free: "That's good...Did they mention me?" eruka: well, yeah? (sephy: if that werewolf boyfriend of yours does anything to hurt you, his ass is grass!) Free: "Oh, good! Were they nice comments?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "More tea, Blair? Izumi?" izumi: yes please blair: ^w^ sachiko: sounds good nagisa: ^^ Spirit: *pours out more cups of tea* "How have you been, Blair? Work okay?" blair: yeah, lily's been feeling a lot better now~ Spirit: "That's good. I'm glad you're watching that guy, after their injuries." -elsewhere- Wes: *holding a cold compress to his head* soul: you sure you're ok, bro? ghost maid: *worried* Wes: *small laugh* "Just a tension headache, I'm sure...Probably staring at music sheets too long." soul: if you say so... Wes: "...Soul? Have you gone to a doctor recently? You know, for a checkup?" soul: not recently, but i'll probably do it soon. Wes: *nods* "Could you recommend a doctor? How is Stein?" soul:.... >_>; -elsewhere- Konro: "Got our drinks." *hands Kabuki his order* kabuki: <thank you for the meal> *sips* Konro: "You're welcome." *sip* "...I don't like this calm. Not with some impersonator running around." kabuki: i dont think anyone does, it worries me... Konro: *nods* "I've had parents worried, children...They could be anyone." kabuki: .... Konro: "...In any case, just be observant." *points to a table where a couple is dining* "Like making sure people actually recognize who is seated across from them." -elsewhere- Stein: *chewing gum...blows a bubble* -a few days later- misono: *in an animal suit* *panting* this job is...ha...harder...than it looks mahiru: *also in an animal suit* its not all that bad. at least the suits are warm. misono: im sweltering in this damn thing! Kuro: "I'm going to suffocate in a prison cell of felt and annoying children..." Lily: "Smiles!" *holds up phone to photograph* misono: im gonna suffocate in here... im going to take a short break to breathe... mahiru: hey! dont just give up half way! misono: *removes mask* haaa...darn you lily for getting me involved in this. -_-; Kuro: "Yes, give up _all the way_..." mahiru: dont do that either! Lily: "Little old me~? But Misono, shouldn't a leader be involved in community outreach to today's youth? Look at these children's faces: do you really want to disappoint them?" ???: misono? Lily: "???" misono: ?!?! *spots shinoa* !!!! *puts head back on....backwards* (thinking: ohgodohgodohgodohgod) shinoa: hmm.... mitsuba~ lets go get balloons~! mitsuba: how old even are you? Lily: *waves* "Hello!" shinoa: hello again, lily? is misono around? Kuro: "??? Misono...Isn't that your girlfriend?" Lily: "...Yes." :3 misono: *falsetto* misono here? naw, i dont know who that is! *shaking* Kuro: "...Oh, this will be good." shinoa: oh? i wonder if he'd be jealous if i did...this! *hug* misono: !!!!!!!! *steam begins to come from the neck of the suit, which knocks the head off* O/////////////////////////////O mahiru: i think she broke him! Lily: "Misono! Oh, dear...He's burning up! Quick, remove his suit and clothes--" mahiru: just the suit will suffice! Kuro: "Like I said, _all the way_ or nothing..." licht: hello mr cat. mahiru: hmm? oh, hey licht- licht: *pets kuro's suit* you're handing out balloons today? mahiru: O_O; uhhh... Kuro: -__-; "..." *soft purr* licht: *shiny eyes* do you like piano? mitsuba: oh my god, is that licht todoroki?! shinoa: so it is. *getting water from the vending machine* Kuro: "...I don't mind piano." licht: *pet pet pet pet* Kuro: *purring...curls up, lying on his back* "Rub my belly?" licht: he even talks! how intellegent! mahiru: you already know him licht! =__=;; Kuro: "No, he doesn't--shut up." mahiru: *sweatdrop* ?? oh? another suit? mitsuba: what is this, a furry meeting? Lawless: *goofy voice* "Hiya, kids! I'm Sonny the Hedgehog! Ready to have a way-past-cool time today?!" ("I am _so_ into this role! This will improve my acting chops considerably!") Kuro: "...I instantly dislike this person." mahiru: hey lawless. Lawless: o_o "What?! How did you know it was me?!!" mahiru: well, licht's here, i figured you wouldnt be too far off. looks like we'll be working together to day. please take good care of us. licht: *shiny eyes + flowery aura* fluffy mr kitty... Lawless: "Why do I have to do it? Can't Licht--" *sees Licht* -____- Kuro: *purring* >w< licht: fluffy fluffy..... Lawless: "Well, why not Lily--" Lily: "Hello!" *now shirtless, with butterfly wings* mitsuba: O///O; shinoa: here misono, thought this might help. misono: 7/////7; t-thanks. Lawless: "..." *sigh* "I'll be the adult in the room, then..." mahiru: that makes two of us. ^^; Lawless: *handing out balloons* "Want a balloon, little girl?" mitsuba: dont patronize me! >n< shinoa: 4 please~! mitsuba: why 4? shinoa: for takuto, im sure mr jun would appreciate it. mitsuba: oh right. licht: can i get balloons too? misono: *sweatdrop* (thinking: he has a mature body, but the mind of a child...) Lawless: *hands four to Shinoa* "Enjoy!" *looks at Licht* "...You get none. Go back to stroking your cat..." -KICK- licht: die shit rat. Lawless: "OW!" mahiru: here. ^^; Kuro: "Excuse me--I'm not feeling my tummy being rubbed..." -later- Kuro: "...This is all we got paid for that many hours of hard labor?" mahiru: at least it's something. Kuro: "This isn't even enough for a used DS game..." misono: -////- cant believe she saw me like that today...i want to die from shame... Lily: "I think she thought you were very cute~" *still shirtless, still in butterfly wings* misono: and put your damn clothes back on! Lily: *pout* "I'm wearing wings." mahiru: *sweatdrop* *stomach rumbles* ah, anyone up for lunch? misono: sure. mahiru: i think there's a cafe not far from here. Kuro: "Cool." *cat form* "Carry me." mahiru: *sweatdrop* -and so- mahiru: here we are. misono: it's not that bad. naho: hello~ right this wa-.... OwO;; misono: O_O Kuro: “Oh, it’s the fujoshi-pire…” mahiru: oh...so it's a maid cosplay cafe then? Sakuya: "Yo, Naho, we got some delays waiting on Table 6--" o\\\\\\\o mahiru: oh! sakuya, you're working here too? misono:....watanuki. naho: yeah, the three of us decided to get some part time work. arent the uniforms just the cutest~? Sakuya: o\\\\\o *can't move* naho: yeah, shall i get the 4 of you seated then? mahiru: uh, sure. -once they are at their seats- naho: ok~, lila will be with you in a moment, also, please dont make fun of him, ok? mahiru: we wont. misono: ..... Lily: *shiny eyes* "It's an entire restaurant of adorableness!" lilac: u-um...h-hello..m-may i...take your...order? mahiru: oh hey liiiiillaaaaaa..... O.O -lilac is in the maid outfit- misono: O_O (thinking: CROSSDRESSER MOE?!) Lily: "Oh, Lilac! It's a pleasure to see you again. I like your outfit." Kuro: "..." *thumbs up* lilac: um... >////< t-thank you! misono:.... -///-; i'll have camomille tea please. mahiru: i'll just have orange juice. Lily: "Green tea with honey, please~" Kuro: "Cola." lilac: o-ok, right away then. Lily: *hands on his cheeks* "OMG, so adorbs~" misono: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Anya: "I do look forward to a change in weather--" ???: "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KICK ME SO HARD?!" Anya: "???" licht: because *pose* im an ange- oh, hey anya. tsugumi: hey guys. *wave* Anya: o\\\\o "Hi..." Lawless: o\\\\o "Y-Yo...How are you all?" soul: huh, small world. licht:...evans. soul: yeah, that would be me. Lawless: "Oh, Soul! Awesome!" *bro-fist* soul: hey man, whats up? licht: hyde had part time work. soul: oh? tsugumi: well, we were gonna meet meme, mio, and ao at the shopping plaza to get some shaved ice. soul: in this weather? tsugumi: maybe the cold from the ice and the cold from the weather will cancel each other out? soul: interesting logic. licht: shaved ice? what is that? tsugumi: well, its when you pour flavored syrup over crushed ice. soul: ever had a snow cone? its the same basic principal. tsugumi: right! Lawless: "Oh. Well, Licht is too sheltered to have ever had that--" licht: i want some. -and so- licht: *nom*....*shiny eyes* it's like taking me to the clouds of heaven and over the melting rainbow. soul:......interesting analogy. Lawless: *sharp-tooth crunch into the ice--* "Just don't eat too quickly--" mio: these damn celebs... *sweatdrop* Meme: "AAAAH! Brain freeze!" mio: meme! -elsewhere- Patty: *crawling along the floor* "Where did you go...?" stocking: looking for something? Patty: "...Hypothetically...I may have misplaced a child. And fireworks." stocking: WHAT?! Patty: "Look, you can blame me later! Just help me find Julie before--" julie: hiya. stocking: oh, there she is. Patty: ._. "..." *HUGE HUG* "OH MY GOD, YOU ARE SAFE AND HAVE NOT LOST ANY LIMBS OR FINGERS!" julie: ?? Patty: "Where are the fireworks, though?" julie: fireworks? -BOOOOM from outside- stocking: *she goes outside to check* what the-......oh. whats this shitty clown doll doing so far from the garbage? Belkia: *blown apart...coughs up stuffing* "I was going to light candles for you, m-my love...Why did you blow me up?" stocking: -STOMPSTOMPSTOMPSTOMP- get thrown in a trash compactor and die. Belkia: "OW OW OUCH OW oooooo that feels nice AAAAAAAAAAAH-OUCH!" stocking: *poker face while turbo stomping* Belkia: x______x stocking: *panting*.....haaa...haaa......*calmly drops the doll into the trashcan* Belkia: "Oh...At least I left you panting..." stocking: fuck...you.... Belkia: *shiny eyes* "I would love that!" stocking:.................................*closes the door* -________________________-;;;;; -footsteps are heard- ayami: oh..you poor dolly.....i'll...give you a home.....you....look just like him.... Belkia: Q___Q "NOOOOOOOO!!!!" ayami: hehehe....^^ *cradles the doll* you'll....keep me warm tonight...wont you, belbel? *faking his voice* 'of course my sweet lil ayamin~' hehehe~ Belkia: "Unhand me! Let go! No! Noooo! NOOOOO!" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *petting Mr. Tsubaki* "Is this one still being behaved?" Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ kirei: seems so. Benimaru: "Let me know whether he is getting disobedient...and I'll keep teach him obedience." Mr. Tsubaki: ._. kirei: noted. ^^; Benimaru: "Have you given him a name?" kirei: a name? hmmm. not really. Benimaru: "Well, 'Kabuki' is out..." kirei: hmmm... i'll ask the twins later. Benimaru: "Good plan..." *pets Mr. Tsubaki* "How are you holding up, Kirei?" -elsewhere- Jeje: *yawn* metsu: zzzzz.... *laying with him* Jeje: *small hug, happy sigh* -elsewhere- takuto: izza bunny, papa! *playing with the balloon* hehe ^^ Jun: "Hee hee...Yes, it is a bunny, Taku." -w- shinoa: hehe, glad you like it. Jun: "Thank you for doing this. That was fortuitous to find balloons." mitsuba: eh, it was shinoa's idea. 7///7; Jun: *smiles* "Takuto, what do you say to Shinoa and Mitsuba?" takuro: thank you ^^ mitsuba: *flusted* n-no prob. shinoa: ^^ -elsewhere in the building- Shamrock: Q_Q -silence, he is left with his thoughts- Shamrock: "...I want to go home." -elsewhere- mafura: *nom nom* yumikage: jeez, you were hungry werent you kiddo?.....*sigh* Tsurugi: ^^; "Just feeding her...Where did you get the money for the snack?" yumikage: paycheck, where else? mafura: =u= *nom nom* Tsurugi: "Well, I'm happy she's eating. Need her at her healthiest." -w- yumikage: *gives him a look* Tsurugi: "Make her look good. Nice and fed." yumikage: you better not be perving on her, you little shit! mafura: ~? Tsurugi: "..." *smirk* "And if I was?" yumikage: *guns out* *GLAAAAARE* Tsurugi: o________o; *holds up Mafura as a human shield* yumikage: O____O you...*growls* mafura: owo~? *head tilt* Tsurugi: "You wouldn't kill a man using a woman as a human shield, would you~?" yumikage:....damn you. *drops the guns* you ok mafura? mafura: mafura-chan's ok~ ^^ Tsurugi: *smirk* "See? She's fine..." yumikage: ..... -elsewhere- Relan: -w- -morning- lavender: rough night, bel? Belkia: o____o;;;; "I feel awful..." otogiri: ....*pap pap* Belkia: "I need therapy. Please, help me..." otogiri: no offense, but you're kind of a lost cause for therapy. Belkia: Q____Q "I have seen things...I think something is needed." otogiri: a lobotomy perhaps? Belkia: *sobs* "I JUST WANTED MY SUGAR MAMA TO LOVE ME!" otogiri:.....*awkward hug* 7.7;; Belkia: *cries on her shoulder* naho: did he come home drunk again? Belkia: "I was touched in ways I have never wanted to be!" naho: O___O lavender: its ok. *back pats* lilac: will he be....o-ok? Belkia: "So bad...So awful..." naho: yeah, because i noticed that his feelings regenerate 3 times the speed of a normal human. lilac: is that true? Sakuya: "Maybe we should keep an eye on him. Someone should chaperone him--" otogiri: i'll do it then. Belkia: "YAY!" naho: and there it is. lilac: O.O tsubaki: ^^; *to higan* you sure are a lively bunch, huh? Higan: "Can go all night, ma'am." tsubaki: ..... ^^;; thats....not quite what i meant... naho: are you drunk again, old man? -3-; Higan: "I'm always drunk..." *looks at Tsubaki* "...You model?" tsubaki:..... *chop* down boy. Higan: >___< tsubaki: -,-; Sakuya: "Naho, let's lead Higan away...to the backyard. And lock him outside." naho: on it! -elsewhere- Yohei: *asleep on the couch* chie: zzzzzz...... Tool: *puts a blanket over them* "They're going to crash so hard at this rate..." saki: ^^; must have been a long night. Tool: *nods* "Chie will definitely need the rest..." saki: no doubt... Tool: "...I guess I need some sleep, too. You probably, too." -elsewhere- Kid: *collapsed on bed* "Ugh..." stocking: you ok? Kid: "Sore...tired...just feel off..." stocking: ....*she holds his hand* Kid: *smiles weakly* "I'm sorry." stocking: *kiss* its ok. Kid: *sighs* "One of those days." stocking: *she nods and hugs him* im here. Kid: "I am here for you, as well." -elsewhere- Hibana: "AH-CHOO!" gabriella: D8> here. *gives her soup* Hibana: *nods, takes it* "Thank you...Did you add some chili powder to it?" gabriella: *nods* Hibana: *slurp* "Hmm...So tasty. Thank you..." *sniffle* -elsewhere- Izuku: "This a good spot for the couch?" ochako: looks good! eijiro: soooo what are we doin' again? Izuku: "We're trying to help each other fix up rooms--you know, combine forces to get the work done more quickly." Bakugo: "THESE DUST BUNNIES ARE EVERYWHERE UNDER YOUR COUCH, OCHAKO! I'M GONNA BURN THEM ALL!" eijiro: right. ochako: nooo, not the little bunnies! D8> Izuku: *chop to Bakugo's head* "No burning things. You promised." Bakugo: >3< "I STILL WANT TO BURN THINGS..." kyouka: should i call up your girlfriend? Bakugo: ._____. "...The hell you just say?" kyouka: *whistling* mina: ooooooh.... *smirks* Bakugo: "SHUT UP, MINA!" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "Stabbing the wall, stabbing the wall, hi-ho the daily-o, stabbing the wall..." saku: too noisy... PlushFix: "...I can stab more quietly." *stab stab stab the wall* saku: ....... hina: she's sure chatty, aint she? mimeca: *nod nod* PlushFix: "Maybe we need some activity for bonding...Camping trip? Murder spree? Drinking? Kidnapping? Pottery class?" -elsewhere- Kepuri: *tosses in bed* *groan* -elsewhere- Kuro: *nom nom nom* "Good cat treats..." -elsewhere- Patty: *hugs Liz* liz: hey sis. Patty: "Hello yourself! How you feeling?" liz: doing good, and you? Patty: "...I'm grounded for a bit after the fireworks..." -elsewhere- Gopher: *clutching the top branch of a tree* :< "...I'd like to come down now." kyouko: how did he even get up there?! Gopher: *slight shrug* "I was, um, trying to fly?" licht: ....!! little mr birdy, i'll help you because...*pose* im an angel tree climbing expert. Gopher: -^- "I'm not a birdie...and I thought I was an angel." -3- -up he go- kyouko: woah, he's really getting into it! Gopher: -_-; "I could've done that, too...I mean, I did, but..." -lift and drop- kirika: got ya. Gopher: o______o kirika: you ok, doofus? Gopher: *whimper* T~T *nod* kirika: you're still alive, arent ya? Gopher: "...I think my stomach is now half-way up my throat." kirika:...*siiighs and carries him back to his place* come on you big baby... Gopher: *clutches her* Lawless: "...What? They aren't going to thank you?" licht: they did with their hearts because....*pose* im an archangel who helps those in need. kyouko: *sweatdrop* Lawless: "...Dork." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "And clothes are now put away." *stretches* "About time for some sleep." kim: zzzzzzz Jacqueline: *looks at Kim* ("I see someone already had that idea...") *yawn* *crawls into her own bed...* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Comfortable?" naho: yeah. =w= Sakuya: *cuddle* "Have fun today at the cafe?" naho: *she nods* *smooch* ^^ Sakuya: *smooch* "...It was...interesting. But...it went well. And you looked great." naho: hehe ^^ thanks sakkun~ Sakuya: "Did I look okay?" naho: you looked quite dashing in that suit >w< Sakuya: -\\\\- "Thank you...I try." naho: hehe~ *huuuug* ^w^ Sakuya: *cuddle* "Maybe we can wear those outfits again..." naho: i would like that ^^ Sakuya: *nods* "...I...really like being with you." naho: *blush* Sakuya: *kiss on the forehead* naho: thanks sakuya. Sakuya: "Thank you..." *hug* naho: can we...do _that_ again tonight? i-if its...no problem... *blushing* Sakuya: "..." *kisses lightly behind her ear* naho: >/////< Sakuya: "Your skin is so soft...and warm." *his hand rests on her hip* naho: mmmm... >/////< Sakuya: *slight rub of her hip, as he kisses lightly along her neck* "Comfortable?" -elsewhere- Kid: *lying in bathtub* "Ah..." stocking: *washing his hair* feeling better? Kid: *nods* "Much." *sigh of relief* stocking: *she smiles and hums* Kid: *lies back* "I...have to accept some days are going to be harder than others." stocking: and i'll be here through all of them, ok? Kid: *holds her hand* "Promise?" stocking: always... Kid: "...I will be here through all of the days, for you. Okay?" stocking: ok. *kisses his forehead ala spiderman* Kid: -\\\\- "So cute, and talented." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *rubs her arm* "I love you." stocking: *smooch* Kid: *smooch...* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Come out! I promise, I won't laugh at the outfit..." fang-hua: ??? Tsukiyo: "Fang, could you help me out here? The twins are afraid I'll laugh at their dresses." hinata: you picked these god awful things out. hikage: so unappealing. Tsukiyo: -_-;;; "I wanted you two to look cute, and this is how you thank me?" -elsewhere- Belkia: *sipping tea, shaking a bit* otogiri:...*pap pap* Belkia: "So creepy..." *yawn* -morning- Sakuya: "Mmmm..." naho: zzzzz..... Sakuya: "Time to wake up..." *kiss on the cheek* naho: *kitty yawn* im uuuppp.... Sakuya: "Sleep okay?" naho: *she nods* thanks.... Sakuya: "Same..." *holds her hand* naho: hey...sakuya?.....im glad you were my first... *blush* Sakuya: .\\\\. *gulps* "Y-You're welcome...I'm glad you were _my_ first..." naho: *bluuuuuuuuush* *smooch* >/////< Sakuya: "!!!" *smooch...* *hug* -elsewhere- mafura: zzzzz.... Tsurugi: *yawn...* -squish- Tsurugi: "Huh? What is go--" *squish* o\\\\\\\\o mafura: zzzzz..... Tsurugi: "Wh-Wh-Why a-a-a-a-re you in my bed?!" mafura: ~? hehe ^^ Tsurugi: " 'Hehe' is not an answer!" mafura: *head tilt* ~?? Tsurugi: "...Why aren't you sleeping in your own bed?" mafura: mafura-chan got cold. tsurugi's nice and warm. ^^ Tsurugi: "...Why didn't you put on extra clothes? Or another blanket?" yumikage: oi, tsurugi, you u-..................................................... Tsurugi: OwO;;;; yumikage:.....*darkly* start running. Tsurugi: "..." *leaps out of bed--and into a wall* mafura: O.O -elsewhere in the building- himawari:.....?? -elsewhere- Jun: "People still aren't up yet?" shinoa: morning. mitsuba: zzzzzzzzzz........ hyakuya:...mika....yuu.......*talking in her sleep* Jun: *smile* "Morning. Sleep okay?" shinoa: *she nods* mitsuba: mmmn....not here... Jun: "Where are the rest? Think I'll go check their rooms--" yumikage: there, at least you have something decent to wear, jeez... mafura: *pokes tsurugi* Tsurugi: x_____x Jun: "...What happened?" yumikage: im gonna check the others. hyakuya: *she jolts up in a shock* NO!.......*trembles* Jun: "???" Tsurugi: *flies buzzing around him* -elsewhere- Patty: *snore* julie: zzzz... Patty: *yawn, looks down...smiles* "Wake-up time, Julie." julie: *streeeetch* Patty: "Sleep okay in the big girl's bed?" julie: *she gets up* *nod nod* ^w^ Patty: "That's good. You got school today?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "GIVE THAT BACK!" tsubaki: *sigh* ok, everyone please keep calm. what happened? Black Star: "That stupid magician-head freak took my books for class!" tsubaki: belkia! Belkia: "I needed them for weapons! I could use them to bash that stalker over the head!" tsubaki: *sweatdrop* she doesnt go to our school, i dont think. and we need those for classes. Belkia: "Then give me a weapon!" *holds her arm* "You're a weapon! Let me use you!" Black Star: o_o tsubaki: *chop* down boy. -.-
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