#ah yes and i kinda made a new solo blog too xD
lenzimanotmoved · 2 months
hello beloveds <3 I'll try to finally poke at things here again over the weekend!!
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[Translation] SOARA Drama CD Vol. 4 - Track 2 - Part 1
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Here’s track 2 of SOARA’s 4th drama CD~! The actual track is 23+ minutes long so it’s cut into two parts again ^^ This track runs from minutes 0:00 to 15:04. Still quite long but, it was kinda difficult to actually cut it into parts XD
A special thank you to @ryuukia for sharing with me~!
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please like and re-blog instead of re-posting ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 2: [~現在~今日も元気にレッスンです!] “~Present~ We’ll face our lessons excitedly today, too!”
  DANCE INSTRUCTOR (JUNYA): Alright! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…
JUNYA: Sora-kun, you’re a bit too fast.
JUNYA: Ren-kun, don’t look down. Look in front.
JUNYA: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8… (laughs) Nozomu-kun, that’s a great smile! Can you still do more?
NOZOMU: Yes! I can still do more~!
SORA: (tired) Nozomu-kun’s really lively, huh?
NOZOMU: Leave it to me! Being lively is my specialty!
NOZOMU: Spin here and then a killer pose!
SOSHI: Sensei, looks like it’s okay to make Nozomu do 10 more of these.
NOZOMU: Are you a demon?! I might be lively but 10 times is too much!
MORI: Soshi, too… The fact that you can speak normally after this… You have a lot of energy, huh? (sighs)
SORA: (panting) Well, Mori’s more fit than I am…
REN: A-a-are you okay, Sora-senpai?
SORA: Ren-kun, the pretty boy at first glance is actually a kendo boy so obviously, you have a lot of stamina.
REN: Obviously, you say…
SORA: This is bad! At this rate, I’ll…! I feel like I’ll be the only one who’s super weak…!
JUNYA: Ah, no~ To me, Sora-kun seems super energetic!
JUNYA: Alright~! Let’s do one from the top again!
JUNYA: Okay, that’s a great response~! I’ll be dancing with you in the next one so try to keep up.
JUNYA: Here we go! Okay, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…
  SORA: (sighs) It’s over.
SORA: I overcame… a lot of things.
SOSHI: I think you mean that you did your best but I feel like that sounds like something else.
SOSHI: Hey Sora, don’t sleep on the floor.
SORA: But the floor’s cold and feels good!
MORI: I understand that but, you’ll get dirty, Sora.
MORI: Here, a towel. If you wash your face you’ll feel refreshed.
NOZOMU: Yep, yep~! Nozomu-kun will also wash his face, be sparkling clean, and be dripping with water~!
SOSHI: What a good puppy. (Soshi starts petting Nozomu) There, there, did you get all clean~?
NOZOMU: Woof, woof, woof—Hey, Soshi-paisen! When I said ‘dripping with water’ I meant like, the way hot guys do, not like dogs do!
(Nozomu spills water)
SORA: A-a-ah…! That’s cold! The water’s splashing!
REN: Ah, geez, Nozomu. Your hair’s dripping wet. (Ren wipes Nozomu’s hair with a towel)
NOZOMU: Ah, sorry, Sora, Ren.
REN: I wonder why even though you dried your face, you didn’t dry your hair.
NOZOMU: I wonder why, too~!
REN: You don’t know either? Ah, come on. You’re getting wet here, too.
NOZOMU: Eh, which? Where, where?
REN: Your nape. Give me the towel. If you don’t dry off properly, you’ll catch a cold.
NOZOMU: (laughs) That tickles!
REN: I’m not playing with you! Stay still!
NOZOMU: Y-yes…!
SOSHI: He really is a dog. I’m sure he is.
SOSHI: A big dog that’s a lot to deal with.
SORA: Yeah, I can tell. Nozomu’s a dog. A puppy.
MORI: Come now, you guys. Don’t treat your cute kohai like a dog.
MORI: Come on Sora, go wash your face, too.
SOSHI: Guess we have to take care of the clingy toy dog, too.
SORA: Who ya callin’ a clingy toy dog, hey!
SORA: I am a man who is a wolf at heart!
SOSHI: (with a sarcastic tone) Yeah, yeah, sure. A wolf. Got it. So cool~ (he pats Sora’s head) There, there, good boy~
SORA: Awoo~! Hey! Don’t come at me just ‘cause you’re tall!
MORI: That’s becoming common for Soshi now, huh?
  (water splashing)
SORA: (sighs) I feel so refreshed~ My body will be super sore tomorrow for sure. Ah, is it time to head back?
SORA: Ah, I was right on the mark. 6 PM.
SORA: Time to review “LIFE IS AMAZING”.
SORA: (breathes in) Finally, huh? (sighs)
SORA: It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m not alone this time.
SORA: It’s what everyone decided.
SORA: It’s a song that everyone agreed to and supported me with.
SORA: (sighs)
(Sora’s phone vibrates)
SORA: Hm? It’s from Wakatsuki-san. What’s it say?
SORA: “Everything’s all in place~!” (laughs) What’s with this sticker?
SORA: Wakatsuki-san’s really good at finding appropriate stickers. That calmed me down a little.
SORA: Let’s see… (Sora starts typing on his phone) Thank you for going out of your way to report to us…
NOZOMU: What? What are you looking at, Sora?
REN: Sora-senpai?
SORA: Uwah! You startled me… Nozomu and Ren?
REN: Sou-nii told me to go wring Nozomu’s hair.
SORA: His hair’s that wet? Geez, what were you doing?
NOZOMU: (laughs) It was wetter than I thought~
REN: You were checking your phone, Sora-senpai? Did something come from the agency?
SORA: Ah, yeah. Wakatsuki-san contacted me about our preview video.
SORA: The PV was supposed to be released at 6, right? SOARA’s RE:START Series. A song with all five of us after a while. For “LIFE IS AMAZING”
NOZOMU: Ah, I see! That was today, wasn’t it?
REN: Nozomu… It’s important so you should remember it…
NOZOMU: I knew the day but I couldn’t remember the exact time.
NOZOMU: Alright~! I’ll go retweet it to help advertise, too~! Ah…! I left my phone there.
SORA: I already did it~ Advertising’s important, right~?
REN: Yes. I’ll do it later, too. So, uh, senpai…
REN: How was the reaction…?
SORA: It looks like they’re saying “it’s amazing!” or “it’s cool!” That’s great, huh~
SORA: Well, there are also some so-so reactions.
REN: Ah… Is it a reaction that says something about how it’s different from usual?
SORA: Well, that’s right. I understand anyway~ They’re people who have been listening to our music since the beginning after all.
SORA: Compared to a solo or a duet, it’s easier to tell a unit song’s atmosphere.
NOZOMU: You know, Sora? I really love our new song.
NOZOMU: All our songs before were good but this one is exceptionally good!
NOZOMU: Singing and performing it is super fun and it makes you excited! I wanna hurry and perform it live.
SORA: Nozomu…
REN: Me, too…! I love it too, senpai. “Life is Amazing” is a song that we can sing because of who we are now.
REN: The past me wouldn’t have been able to sing such a grand song. I definitely wouldn’t have been able to follow with all the challenging and powerful lyrics.
REN: No… Even more than that, I couldn’t imagine myself even singing back then.
REN: If I did sing, I’m sure that it would have been with a small voice.
REN: It’s not only because I lacked skill then but my feelings about it weren’t strong as well.
REN: This song is important to me because it’s proof of how much I’ve grown by being able to follow with such a strong song.
SORA: Ren…
SORA: Ah, um… Am I being comforted by you two? I wasn’t really…
SORA: I guess I was…
SORA: Yes, I’ll admit it. I was honestly curious about it. Also, a little bit scared. Like, a lot of things might happen again…
SORA: But, I know now.
SORA: Just like when I told everyone that I’ll be sharing my burdens, I challenged it while knowing the consequences.
SORA: I have to receive those results properly, too.
REN: Senpai…
  SORA: Hm, Sensei? You’re still dancing?
JUNYA: Ah, I just thought of starting the choreography for my next work.
JUNYA: Your lessons are already over so, rest assured.
JUNYA: Review the parts you had trouble with and try to work on it, okay?
SORA: Yessir~!
MORI: It’s already this late but you’re still working. Sensei, you had another lesson before ours, didn’t you?
JUNYA: Yeah, I did. Oh, by the way, those boys are from TsukiPro, too.
JUNYA: They were going to start filming a PV next month. They’ve started practicing the choreography for that.
JUNYA: It’s got a lot of steps so we had to start earlier.
SOSHI: From the same agency, huh… So that’s why I thought there was someone who looked familiar when we were arriving…
MORI: Eh? You greeted them when you weren’t aware?
MORI: I knew who they were.
MORI: You need to remember the faces of the people who work at the agency. It’s an important part of this job, too.
SOSHI: Ah, damn. I got lectured.
SORA: Yeah~ Sou got scolded~ I knew who they were, too~!
SOSHI: Shut it.
SOSHI: I entered the studio last so I really only got a glimpse of them.
MORI: Sou, that’s not an excuse.
SOSHI: Yes, I’m so sorry.
SORA: (laughs) He got scolded again.
SOSHI: You better remember this later.
JUNYA: I’ve been having lessons since this morning with a lot of TsukiPro artists.
JUNYA: TsukiPro is such a good agency to actually secure rehearsal times early, huh?
JUNYA: That kind of method is the best in the long run so I’m not regretting doing a lot.
MORI: You’re right. I think so, too.
MORI: Normally, we perform as a band and don’t really dance. But, during the joint live, we all had to do a dance.
MORI: That time, I thought that it was good that we did lessons beforehand.
NOZOMU: Ah~! You mean for “Dear Dreamer.”? When the song run was done, they sudden;y said, “okay, let’s start counting!” and they started adding choreography! That totally surprised me!
REN: Exactly. The other units followed easily as if it was a given.
REN: They do dances normally and they could remember the choreography easily. I was really panicking then.
SORA: Like SolidS’ Tsubasa-san and those three from Growth, right?!
SORA: I really panicked a lot then! The dance was only showed once and they could already dance most of it!
SORA: It made me think, “What are these people?!” y’know?
SOSHI: And then, the one who’s panicking and dancing desperately behind them was our Ohara Sora.
SORA: Shut up! Even I… knew that much!
REN: So you knew?
JUNYA: Well, remembering choreography is a talent but it’s also something that takes getting used to.
JUNYA: Dance is a fixed form to a point. But it can also be freestyle so I understand the feeling of not knowing what comes next.
NOZOMU: Oh~! Is that so?
JUNYA: It’s pretty simple but there’s really not much steps that are very showy, you know?
JUNYA: Plus, dance should be something that anyone can dance regardless of the costume they’re wearing, and skill level, when the music plays, right?
JUNYA: Today’s should’ve been adjusted to your level, though.
NOZOMU: Oh ye~ah! The choreography lesson today didn’t scare me so it must’ve been that.
SOSHI: Oh yeah. Whenever we go to rehearsals or to a venue, the production staff were dancing along at the end, too.
REN: The chorus is pretty lively after all.
JUNYA: I think it’s important for idols to have dances that are easy to remember even for normal people, rather for your fans.
JUNYA: If that happens, the song will be a big hit, too.
NOZOMU: And then we can go wild together during the live!
JUNYA: Exactly. That’s important, right?
NOZOMU: It totally is!  
JUNYA: That’s exactly why we choreographers do our best to make dances easy to copy but unique at the same time.
MORI: I knew it was obvious but, making choreography requires a lot of thinking too, huh?
MORI: We don’t really know much about dance so that was very useful to know.
JUNYA: I tend to talk a lot when it comes to dance, y’know~?
JUNYA: Like, for example. Even though they’re all idols, there’s a lot of difference between the choreography of idols from Japan and those that are K-Pop idols. There’s a lot of instances where they go all out with their dances that they’re pretty hard to copy.
JUNYA: A lot of those steps are kinda cool so I try to incorporate them sometimes, too.
MORI: I’ve seen those in videos, too. They all look like they’re professional dancers.
JUNYA: Yeah! Over there it seems like dancing is a must-have skill so if you try to debut as an idol there, the hurdles are definitely higher.
JUNYA: That sounds troublesome, doesn’t it?
MORI: Now I feel so glad that we’re a band in Japan.
JUNYA: You guys do a lot of work that are similar to idols but under the agency label, you’re “artists” aren’t you?
MORI: Yes. There’s never really been a division between those who do idol work and those who don’t.
MORI: But, the work we do receive is somewhat different.
MORI: There’s a possibility for us to actually do work like acting in dramas or stage plays but our main focus is music.
MORI: Though I think there would be opportunities and things that we want to do that would play to our strengths, too.
JUNYA: It’s wonderful that you want to do and your visions for the future won’t be imposed on you by the agency but rather something that you’ll be discussing together.
JUNYA: But I’m sure that there a lot that might not be easy to do.
MORI: It looks like it, yes.
MORI: It makes me so glad to have joined an agency where we could learn a lot about things like that.
JUNYA: (chuckles) I guess you could say that. TsukiPro is quite a large agency so I guess it’s flexible and kinda stable, too.
JUNYA: And so, everyone in SOARA, please relax and just make good music. I’ll be supporting you as a fan, too.
To be continued~
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