#ah ot6 with jeremy
A Panacea [for the absent soul.] [AH OT6] [Chapter 2]
Title: A Panacea [for the absent soul.]
Pairing: AH OT5 [eventual OT6]
Rating: T [for abuse and neglect]
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Words: 1385
Prompt/Summary: [by @amberfret] Hi! If you’re doing requests, AH OT6: five guys are in an established relationship and they really like Jeremy who’s been working with them for over a year but who’s already in a relationship. They find out J’s partner is an asshole and help him leave relationship, but he’s been in such a shitty relationship for so long the other guys have to show him how he should be treated.
A/N: Gave you a cliffhanger so y’all could look forward to one last part. I won’t drag this on much longer, I swear. I hope you enjoy it! ~No One
The fact that the entire apartment was dark when Jeremy got home should have been the first sign.
Initially, upon pulling into the driveway, he had guessed that Travis had left for a while. But the other male’s car was still parked in the driveway, and there was nowhere super close to their shared abode that Travis would bother walking to.
The silence as he warily opened the front door should have been the second.
Even as Jeremy turned the lights on, everything was strangely in order. Nothing was out of place, everything was quiet… Perhaps Travis had gone to bed, or had seen how ridiculous he was being earlier.
Getting even slightly relaxed had been his biggest mistake.
“Jeremy, what the fuck took you so long?”
Jeremy’s heart nearly burst from his chest as Travis entered the room. Immediately, he noticed that Travis’ eyes were bloodshot, hair disheveled, and his speech was slightly slurred, indicating that he’d been drinking. “T-Trav, I was work-”
“I was working,” Travis mocked. “Nice excuse, but that won’t fly with me.” With a few angry strides, the taller male was stood in front of Jeremy. “What were you really doing?”
“I really was just working, I swear.” Jeremy wanted to move, but he felt frozen. “Trav, why would I lie-”
“You were fucking around with the rest of those Achievement Hunter sluts, weren’t you?!” Travis grabbed a fistful of Jeremy’s hair and forced him to look up at him. “Can’t keep your hands off ‘em, can you?!”
Jeremy tried to shake his head, but Travis’ hold kept him firmly in place. “I-I would n-never d-do that t-t-to you!”
With an angry yell, Travis threw Jeremy into the coffee table, his body twisting as a barely audible crack filled the air. “I see the way you look at them, Jeremy! I see you lusting over them!” He knelt to the floor as Jeremy rolled off the table, gasping for breath. “Why do you make me do this, Jeremy? I’ve done nothing but love you!”
“I haven’t fucking done-” Jeremy gasped in pain as Travis kicked him in the stomach, effectively interrupting him.
“I didn’t give you permission to speak to me that way, you piece of shit!”
Winded, Jeremy mustered his strength to get into a sitting position. “G-go to hell.”
“And what would you do without me, Jeremy?” Travis grabbed the front of Jeremy’s shirt and lifted him off the ground. “No one else could fucking love you. You’re nothing without me, Jeremy. Nothing!”
The short male went to retort, but was silenced with a punch to the face. It took all his willpower not to tear up. Not in front of Travis.
“You should be ashamed of yourself, you filthy whore. You’re lucky I don’t kill you for what you’ve done to me.” Travis dropped Jeremy from his hold, the smaller of the two landing on the floor with a dull thud. “Sleep out here tonight. I don’t want to be seen with you.”
Jeremy laid where he landed, his body throbbing in pain. He listened as Travis’ footsteps got quieter, until he heard the door to the bedroom close forcefully. Only when silence once again filled the apartment did he allow the tears he’d fought to hold back flow loose.
I didn’t do anything wrong.
Did I do something wrong?
I must’ve done something wrong.
I’m worthless.
The thoughts swirled around in his head, torturing his soul. He let out a choked sob and curled into a ball, ignoring the sharp pain radiating through his ribcage. Travis was right. I am a piece of shit… Jeremy didn’t bother moving from the floor, and let his eyes slip closed. I deserved this… I’m so sorry, Travis… For whatever I’ve done. Soon enough, his thoughts finally dissipated, and he finally settled into an uneasy sleep.
“Don’t let them see that bruise on your face.” Travis’ stare was emotionless. “Cover it up.”
“I-I can’t…”
Slap! “Find a way, Jeremy!”
Jeremy nursed his already-injured cheek. “I’ll just… tell them I fell down the stairs or something.”
“You’d better.” The taller male turned and walked towards the door. “I expect you home on time tonight, understand?”
“Good.” Without another word, Travis shut the front door.
Once he heard Travis’ car pull away, Jeremy slowly made his way into the bathroom. After removing his shirt, he gasped at the deep purple that had begun to form on his abdomen and ribcage. Though it would be hard to hide the pain from the guys, at least he could cover those. But the bruise on his cheek was angry and near swollen, and that one would be harder to explain. He shook his head; the guys could not know what happened. Even if he had deserved it.
Getting ready had proved difficult, as moving a certain way caused his pain to skyrocket, but soon enough, he was dressed and on his way to the Achievement Hunter office. Jeremy rehearsed a few excuses in his head, finally deciding on one, as he entered the building. Luckily, only a few people were there, and they hadn’t noticed them.
Jeremy had only been in the office for a few minutes before he heard Michael and Lindsay come in. He flopped his hood up and turned away, hoping that he wouldn’t be noticed right away.
“Morning, Lil’ J,” came Michael’s tired voice only moments later.
“Mornin’.” The exchange ended there, and Jeremy only hoped he would get as lucky as the others arrived.
His luck stayed until Geoff walked in.
“Hey Jer- What the fuck happened to your face?”
The slightly harsher tone Geoff’s voice had taken caused him to wince, which luckily went unnoticed by Geoff. “Oh, I just pulled a Gavin. Tripped on my way in last night and smashed my face on the door.”
Geoff raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it, but unsure of how to proceed. “Uh huh. Well, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Jeremy feigned a smile. “It hurt a bit last night, but it’s not too bad today. I hardly even notice it.”
When Jeremy lowered his hood, he heard a hiss from Michael. “Dude, that looks bad. Do you need some ice or something?”
“No, I said I’m good.” Jeremy tried to keep himself from sounding irate; he knew they were only worried about him. But he deserved what he got, and they didn’t need to get involved.
“Just… let me know if I can help you with anything.” With a pat to his shoulder, Geoff walked over to his desk.
The short male nodded. “Will do, Geoff.”
Most of the day had passed without further mention of the anomaly on his face, though he knew Geoff was still suspicious. He hadn’t lied when he said his face wasn’t bothering him anymore, but the dull throbbing of his ribcage had become constant, and it was getting harder to keep from showing it.
Somehow, he managed to keep his increased level of pain from the guys, laughing along at jokes and jerking around as he usually did. But by three PM, he knew he had to do something, or he’d be found out.
“Hey, Geoff?” he inquired.
The tattooed male didn’t even look up from his computer screen. “What’s up?”
“We have any Tylenol? Headache.”
Geoff nodded. “I know Lindsay carries some. You should ask her.” He glanced up at Jeremy. “You sure that’s all?”
“Yeah, Geoff. I’m sure.” To avoid more questioning, Jeremy rose quickly, and instantly regretted his decision. His pain escalated from a seven to a solid ten, and he let out an involuntary gasp.
“Jeremy?” The older male rose, slowly walking near his employee. “What’s wrong?”
Jeremy only let out a whine as he tried to straighten himself out. He didn’t count on a sharp, stabbing pain in his chest, and he let out a yell as he collapsed to the floor.
He could see all sorts of activity around him now, but he heard nothing. All he could hear were his rapid heartbeats and rough, jagged breaths. He felt a hand on his shoulder that was accompanied by muffled yelling. The pain was too much for Jeremy to continue to bear, and he let his eyes slip closed.
Suddenly, the pain was gone.
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archester-creations · 5 years
For the Christmas advent: how about OT6 cuddling on the sofa drinking hot chocolate while it snows outside with gifts under the tree and weapons on the table. (FAHC OT6)
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I know by ‘ot6′ you likely meant Jeremy, but when I think ot6 I think of Ray, so I just included them both! Plus close-ups of the mugs and my favourite part after the cut
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falpiancaraxus · 5 years
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I saw this gif 👆
Now give me a fanfic about the guys (fahc + team b) carrying Gavin around like a princess. I want Geoff to sigh when he found Gav sleeping around at the living room and then he decided to carry him to his bedroom. I want Jack to carry Gav when he become an annoying little prick just to surprise him. I want Ryan to be suprisingly delicate when he carry Gav back to his room because Gav decided to blame himself by working all night for an error that happened on a heist until he shut down in his work room. I want Michael to be angry at Gav but then become super guilty about it when he realised its not Gav fault so he decided to carry Gav around and apologised to him along the walk. I want Jeremy to suddenly scoop Gav up when Gav was walking just for the sake of fun.
I want Linds to found Gav being all sad around the penthouse so she carry him because that what she always saw the others did. I want Trevor to carry Gav because he wanted to prove his point to Gav that he was a human stick. I want Fredy to carry Gav princess style back to the penthouse because Gav was so wasted he cant walk without tripping on his first step. I want Fiona to carry Gav because Gav bet that she cant and she immediately did it with ease.
I just want the crew to carry Gav around like a princess 😍
Bonus : Ray was the only one that still hasnt try to carry Gav around. Some said that the sniper was too lazy, some said that he was too cool for that, and some said that he was lighter than Gav so he cant carry Gav. So, imagine the suprise on the crew face when Ray suddenly came to the penthouse, scoop Gavin without any difficulty and brought him out to city just to prove to the others that they were wrong about him. And Gav was so shock that he didnt even move an inch since Ray carried him.
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It All Lies Here (chapter 2)
“The deed’s been done,” Lindsay crows, dropping a bundle of photos on Trevor’s desk. Trevor looks up from his phone, spreading the pictures out with a hand; the drug dealer Lindsay had been sent to rough up is in every one of them, in increasing stages of dismemberment. There’s one near the bottom of the stack with Lindsay and Meg both taking a selfie in front of the victim, blood pouring down his face while they flash peace signs.
“Good work,” Trevor says, collecting the photos and shoving them into a drawer. “Were the cat ears really necessary though?”
Lindsay just shrugs with a grin. “You know Meg.”
“Somehow I doubt it was Meg.”
Lindsay turns on her heels with a cackle, and Trevor watches her go, a smile on his face. It’s been a while since Lindsay has truly enjoyed herself, whether it be on or off jobs. It had been a month or so after the Fakes had all passed before Meg had managed to do anything more than glare. Lindsay hadn’t so much as laughed until after that. And now, almost seven months after the fact, things finally seemed to be returning to normal.
“Hey ‘Fredo,” Trevor says, not even looking up as his boyfriend enters the room; he can identify various international criminals by voice alone, so he is more than capable of knowing what his partner’s footsteps sound like. He yanks gently at Alfredo’s collar as he comes close, tugging him down into a quick kiss. “We still on for dinner?”
“Yep, got us a table down at that sushi place you love.” As Alfredo’s eyes crinkle around the corners and his lips split into a grin, Trevor can’t help but think about how much he’s missed this. The typically rambunctious and lively man has just returned to normal after months of grim nonchalance and crying in private. Trevor draws idle patterns on the back of Alfredo’s hand, breathing in his cologne.
Alfredo chuckles, pulling his hand away and smacking Trevor lightly upside the head. “You’re going soft,” he says, his eyes crinkling around the edges.
“What can I say? I’m a romantic at heart.” Trevor blows a kiss in Alfredo’s direction, throwing in a dramatic wink for good measure.
Alfredo merely chuckles again before reaching into his pocket. “Oh, this came in for you.” Alfredo hands over an envelope, empty of return address and addressed to him only by the first name.
“Probably a death threat. Or worse, a bill.”
“One can only hope,” Alfredo says with a shrug, making his way to the door. He pauses at the entrance, turning back to Trevor for a moment. “You coming with us tomorrow?”
Trevor pauses for a moment, glancing down at the photo in the corner of the desk. Geoff and Jack smile back at him, their arms looped around each other as Jeremy and Michael wrestle in the foreground. He can just barely see Ryan and Gavin in the back, mere blurs as the Vagabond chases the Golden Boy around with a fairly large wrench. The photo looks to be near the beginning of the Fakes’ reign over Los Santos, their faces still beaming in the sunlight. The spot they had been standing then, a peaceful area near the top of Mount Chiliad, is where the former B Team had placed their empty graves. The only bodies they had been able to recover had been burnt beyond recognition, and Ryan’s corpse had been destroyed by the cops, so there had been nothing to put in the ground. Still, their resting place is relatively humble as compared to how the crew was in life.
“I think I’ll come along this time.” He owes it to them, after all; after spending weeks too buried in paperwork and crew politics to properly tag along, it’s probably time to visit their graves.
Alfredo beams, nodding quickly before zipping out of the office. Trevor leans back in his chair, grinning a bit in fondness and he twirls the envelope in his hands. It’s heartening to see the members of his crew in such good spirits. It’s taken a long while for everyone’s smiles to return, his own included. The original Fakes had been closer than family to everyone on the B Team, and Trevor had known them since he was a mere teenager. Sometimes he’ll still expect Geoff to text him or Jeremy to show up at his door, a half-formed plan for destruction on his lips. Trevor rips the envelope open, smiling fondly at the photo on his desk. Maybe one day he’ll be that kind of family for someone else.
The paper tumbles out of the envelope, and Trevor can’t help the sinking suspicion that rises in his stomach as he reads it. It’s just a time, date, and location. No name, no location of origin, nothing aside from the three sentences. There’s something about the letter that strikes him as familiar, though. Trevor holds it close, squinting at the handwriting, the paper, the ink, the wheels in his head turning.
“Alfredo!” Trevor squawks, and the other man’s face appears in the doorway after a moment. “Change of plans. Something just came up.”
 When he pulls up to the park, Trevor isn’t really sure what to expect.
A letter, a date, and a set of coordinates. That’s all that it took to drag him halfway across the world. A simple piece of paper, the whiff of a wild goose chase, and he suddenly finds himself at a small public park. It’s mostly abandoned, seeing as the sun is just about set, but it’s not cold enough out to warrant anything more than a light jacket. There’s a soft glow coming from the street lamps on the corners as Trevor climbs out of the car, stuffing his hands into his pockets to avoid the chill. His fingertips brush the edges of paper, crinkled and fraying with wear, and suddenly Trevor is much more unsure than ever. It’s more than the contents of the letter that have summoned him at a moment’s notice.
It’s the handwriting. Crooked, slanted, near-impossible to read if it hadn’t been for his years of experience.
Trevor stalks silently a bit further into the park, taking a seat on a bench close to the entrance. He pulls the note out of his pocket once more, squinting in the low light, as if his location will suddenly change the contents of the letter like in the movies. Trevor shakes his head, letting out a long sigh. This isn’t the movies, he knows this. It’s real life, and people don’t just up and come back from the dead, even if a mysterious letter shows up months later with their handwriting. Before now, Trevor would have been certain he could tell Geoff’s chicken scratch from anyone else’s. But here, halfway across the damn planet and freezing his ass off, Trevor knows it’s hopeless. Geoff’s dead. No letter will change that.
He stuffs the paper back in his pocket, shaking his head again. He is about to head for the car, already planning on blasting the heater, when a voice stops him in his tracks.
“Hey, Trev.”
Trevor freezes in place, his heart beating too fast, his mind suddenly blank. In any other life, he would recognize that voice in an instant; it’s gravelly from years of use but still warm, and you can practically hear the smirk. It’s a voice that used to comfort Trevor, the voice belonging to the first person who ever showed him any kindness.
Trevor turns, slowly, to face the source of the sound, and there he is. His hair is more salt than pepper at this point, and he’s bundled up in a couple different jackets, but it’s him. There’s no mistaking it. Geoff slouches against the bitter cold, his nose red, his eyes fixed on Trevor’s.
And suddenly Trevor isn’t Trevor anymore. His mind closes down, his back straightens up, and a plastic smile forces its way onto his face. It’s a transformation he’s more than familiar with; with cold eyes and a smooth voice, hair slicked back and fingers wrapped around the handle of a knife, he becomes the man who now runs Los Santos, the new Kingpin. A calm voice that knows which questions to ask, a cheerful façade to put his enemies at ease. It’s a persona that comes almost too easily for Trevor, but it’s automatic now, a way to hide his shattering heart behind a placid grin.
“Long time no see!” Trevor says brightly, and nothing feels real. Geoff looks too far away and too close at once, and his limbs no longer feel like his own.
Geoff’s mouth opens and then closes, his eyes crinkling in confusion. Trevor notices his hands slips out of his pockets, empty for now. “Yeah, I guess. How…how ya’ been?”
“Oh just fine,” Trevor says, and the lie is too sweet, too sing-song. But that plastic smile stays in place, and he has to fight the rising lump in his throat. “You’re looking pretty good yourself. For a dead man and all. How are the others doing? I’m just going to assume that they’re here too.” Trevor hopes they’re not, that this is some sort of trick played by one man, not a deception pulled by his entire family.
Geoff flinches back, his mouth pressed into a thin line. “Yeah, they’re all okay,” and Trevor’s heart sinks even further, but Geoff continues. “I know it’s a lot to take in, sorry ‘bout that. There’s a good reason, I swear.”
“Oh, now that’s something I have to hear.” Trevor crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes. “Please, regale me with the ‘reason’ you decided to not only leave us without so much as a goodbye, but also fake your goddamn death on the way out. I’m sure that there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for that.” Venom drips from his lips, and Trevor can feel the shock wear off, feel the reality begin to sink in.
In front of him stands his mentor, his teacher, someone he considered a father. In front of him stands a dead man, a man who should be nothing more than the grave marker he helped erect. And for what? All that grieving, all those tears, just so Geoff can pull a 180 and shout ‘psyche’? So they can write this all off as one big prank and be done with it? Go back to the way things used to be? Lindsay cried for weeks on end. Meg refused to speak to anyone for two months. Alfredo literally worried himself sick over keeping his team safe in the field and was forcibly isolated himself while at home, and for what?
For nothing.
“Look, Trevor,” Geoff starts, but Trevor cuts him off with a wave of his hand.
“Whatever you’re about to say, you don’t have to. You’ve already done enough.” The words cut deeper than Trevor intends, but he doesn’t care.
“Look, Trev, I’m sor—”
“Sorry!” Trevor barks out a laugh, sharp in the evening air. “Like ‘sorry’ is going to fix anything. Sorry won’t fix jack shit, Geoff, you know this better than anyone. You’re always the one who told me that saying sorry means nothing if you don’t prove it. And this is how you prove it? By sending me a cryptic letter, by asking me to meet in a dog park halfway across the planet? Yeah, seems real sorry to me.”
Geoff’s face hardens. “We didn’t have a choice. There were—”
“Like shit you didn’t have a choice!” And the façade is cracking now. His voice breaks, his vision wavers, his hands ball into fists, and he’s past the point of caring anymore. “You could have chosen to stay! You could have chosen to let us help! You could have chosen not to let us all think you died! To let us mourn! What I don’t get,” he says, taking one, two, three steps closer until he’s face-to-face with Geoff, “is why you chose to leave.”
Geoff’s mouth opens and closes, the words caught in his throat, and a hysteric sort of giggle bubbles out of Trevor’s mouth. “No answer now, huh? Cat got your silver tongue, or have you finally run out of excuses?”
“Hey, listen, I was just trying to protect y—”
“Protect us!?” Trevor’s hands fist in Geoff’s jacket, and he hates the way his voice warbles. “You died, Geoff! You died seven months ago! You left us all behind, you abandoned me and the others, and you expect it to be fine!?”
The tears start to spill in earnest now, rolling down his cheeks until he can taste the salt. His arms don’t feel like his, his vision is foggy, and he’s tired. So tired. Months of mourning, of grieving, of missing his family have left him numb to anything but the sadness, the anger, and now it’s all spent. Trevor can do nothing but stand there, hands balled in Geoff’s coat, tears running down his face.
It’s hesitant, it’s slow, but Geoff’s hands reach up to Trevor’s shoulders, and soon Trevor is sobbing openly into Geoff’s shoulder, the older man holding the younger one tightly as they both cry. Geoff mumbles little “I’m sorry”s into Trevor’s ear, and Trevor almost lets himself believe it. He wants to so badly, wants to go back to the way things were, wants his father back.
“Why?” Trevor finally croaks out, his voice sore from screaming. He pulls away from the embrace, wiping his tears away. “I just wanna know why.” His energy is drained, his anger is gone, and Trevor feels mask façade of the Shadow slip away until he’s just Trevor again. Scared, alone, desperate Trevor standing in front of the man he considers a father.
“It’s a long story,” Geoff says, wiping away his own tears.
Trevor gestures weakly back to where his car is waiting in the parking lot. “Well I’ve got some time and a heater,” he offers. Geoff simply nods, following Trevor back to the safety of the rental car.
 It’s a story that many people in Los Santos are familiar with: decades-long rivalries, petty turf wars turned into blood feuds, conspiracy and espionage that threaten to topple empires. And Geoff had been a part of the city’s criminal underground for most of his life, having made quite the number of enemies along the way.
Two years ago, Geoff had caught wind of a certain old rival who had it out for him and his crew. But not just anyone in his crew would satisfy this enemy; they were after him and his partners, all six members of the inner circle. To anyone else it would look like a power move, trying to cut off all six heads of the snake to render the Fakes powerless. But Geoff had known better: it was a personal vendetta, one that would only be resolved with blood. And, if this rival was going to have their way, there would be a lot of it.
Had it been ten years ago and had Geoff been ten years younger, it would have been no problem. But he’d gotten older, gotten complacent, and the two years since the challenge was issued had been hard-fought and barely-won. The letter about Ray had been the tipping point; if the infamous Brownman could be brought down, it was only a matter of time before the other followed suit. And with the rival hot on their heels, that moment was more likely to come sooner rather than later.
He’d wanted to tell Trevor and the others, wanted to loop them in on the plan. But this rival was cunning and knew about all of their tricks seemingly before they’d even pulled them off. Secrecy was of the utmost importance if everyone, including the B Team, was to make it out alive. They could be looped in later, but “killing” the Fakes was the top priority.
It had been hell, watching Trevor and his crew mourn for those long months. It had been torture watching them think they were burying a friend, a member of the family. But it had been a necessary sacrifice, an evil they couldn’t do without.
And now the time has come to correct that mistake.
 It takes the better part of two hours before the story is told. It’s mostly thanks to Trevor interrupting here and there, as well as Geoff getting side-tracked in the retelling, but at the end of it, Geoff breathes a sigh of relief. There are deep circles still under his eyes and his cheeks are still a bit gaunt, but the tension from his shoulders seems to slip away as he fixed Trevor with a look that can only be read as hopeful. A wordless question, begging Trevor to understand, to forgive.
Trevor leans back for a moment, huffing out a sigh of his own. Before this, everything had been straight forward, simple. Not good by any stretch, but uncomplicated at least. And now, the situation was neither of those things. A small part of him, an angry, bitter part, wants to hold onto the hate welling up in his chest. The feeling of heartbreak, of grief still unresolved, of absolute betrayal. He wants to take all of that, everything he’s had to go through, hell, everything his team has had to go through, and throw it all back in Geoff’s face.
But then he looks at the man. The same man who took Trevor off the streets when no one else would give him the time of day. The same man who taught him how to hold a gun, how to throw a punch, how to take a hit. The same man who shaped Trevor into the person he is now, the one who gave him not only a family to come home to but a home to begin with.
This man, Geoff, who, despite making what Trevor may consider to be the most selfish decision he’s ever heard, made it on their behalf.
And yeah, Trevor’s mad. He’s upset, furious at the idea that this family could lie to his face and think it’s okay. But, on the other hand, he understands why they had to do it. Protecting the ones he loves has always been Trevor’s main goal, and risking everything for the people who love you…it’s something he can understand.
Trevor sighs again, rubbing a hand down his face, and damn that jetlag is kicking his butt right now. “It won’t be easy telling the others.”
Geoff relaxes, a nervous sort of smile working its way onto his face. “Yeah, I can’t imagine it being simple. We’re planning on telling everyone back in the states eventually, but it’ll take some time.”
“Why me?” Trevor asks, and Geoff cocks his head a bit in confusion. “Why’d you tell me first? Not that I’m not glad, but…you know…why? Why not Matt, or Barbara?”
“Wasn’t even a choice,” Geoff says, and the answer is so instant that Trevor is a bit taken aback. “You’re the head of the Fakes now, if I told you and you thought it would be a bad idea to tell everyone else, we wouldn’t have. Besides, we trust you a lot more than you know. You’ve been through a lot, Trev, you’re a damn good leader. I trust your judgement.”
Trevor isn’t sure if it’s pride or not swelling in his chest, but he lets the smile slide onto his face all the same. “You know Meg’s probably going to kill you,” he says after a moment.
Geoff rubs the back of his neck, a nervous laugh falling form his lips. “Yeah, I kinda figured.”
“We’ll burn that bridge when we come to it,” Trevor says, clapping Geoff on the shoulder.
“Sounds good to me,” Geoff replies, putting a hand on Trevor’s arm, grinning more widely than Trevor’s seen a very long time.
 Trevor’s known Lindsay, Meg, and Alfredo for years. They’ve gone on countless jobs, shared countless secrets, each been there for the other when the world stood against them. Trevor know that given a thousand opportunities, a thousand lifetimes, he would never trade any member of this team. He trusts them with his very life, and knows for a fact that they feel the same.
But still, in this moment, he’s terrified of them.
Alfredo sits beside Trevor, both hands shoved up against the car’s dashboard heater as he shivers. Coming from the more heated areas of the west coast, Alfredo isn’t exactly used to Alp-like climates, and though Trevor thinks two jackets and a scarf is a little overboard, he couldn’t talk Alfredo out of the ridiculous getup if he tried. Meg lounges in the back seat, idly flipping through her phone as she cards her fingers through Lindsay’s hair, the blond woman snoring loudly as she lays splayed against the brunette.
He knows them all almost better than he knows himself, knows that they trust him implicitly. Still, he can’t fight off the ball of anxiety in his stomach, the notion that maybe this is a bad idea.
“So you wanna tell us why we’re here?” Alfredo asks, eyeing Trevor out of the corner of his eye, and there’s no avoiding the subject anymore.
“Yeah, you didn’t really give us a lot of warning,” Meg accuses, not looking up from her phone.
Trevor takes a breath; he’d been expecting this. He hadn’t taken the time to explain the letter to the crew before taking off in a rush to Switzerland just a few short days ago. Of course, it had been equally as confusing when he’d insisted Meg, Lindsay, and Alfredo accompany him on a spontaneous voyage across the world at a moment’s notice, but they’d still trusted him. Steffi had only been slightly irritated when he’d asked her to keep an eye on everything for a few days, agreeing only when Trevor had promised her a brand new car. It’ll probably buy them a week or two before she insists they come back; Trevor just hopes that’s enough time.
He runs a hand down his face, sighing heavily as the road takes a sharp turn right. “Meg, you might wanna wake Lindsay up. You all need to hear this.”
Meg eyes Trevor suspiciously, but still reaches over to shake Lindsay gently. The other woman snorts in surprise, rubbing at her eyes and yawning. “What’s going on? We there yet?” Lindsay mutters, huddling further into Meg’s side for warmth.
“That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you guys about.” Trevor pauses for a moment, checking the GPS before turning onto a side-road, the car lurching from side to side on the uneven dirt path. “I’m sure you’re all curious about why we’re in the Swiss Alps.”
“You could say that,” Alfredo mutter, shoving his hands closer to the heater.
“Well, you all know that I got a letter the other week.”
“And that was reason enough to haul our asses halfway across the planet?” Meg gripes, rubbing Lindsay’s arms soothingly.
“Seeing as Geoff wrote the letter, yes.”
The stunned silence in the car is deafening, and he can feel three pairs of eyes boring holes into his skull in shock. Meg’s mouth is hanging open, Alfredo’s eyes are wide as saucers, and Lindsay is sitting straight up, her back stiff and her mouth set grimly.
“That’s…not possible,” Meg says, and Trevor has to avoid looking at her directly in the rear-view mirror.
“Trev, are you…okay?” Alfredo asks, putting a hand gently on Trevor’s shoulder, his gaze laden with concern. “There’s no way Geoff could have written that. He died seven months ago, remember?”
“Look, I was just as confused when I read it. But it’s his handwriting, no doubt.” He reaches into his jacket pocket, tossing the letter to Alfredo. The younger man scans the page, his eyes flicking between the page and Trevor’s face. Lindsay snatches the paper from Alfredo’s hands after a moment, and Meg scans the words desperately over her shoulder.
“It’s just…coordinates. It’s not exactly the map to El Dorado,” Lindsay said, a bit of skepticism leaking into her tone.
“Wait, is that why you disappeared for a few days? You were following this—this wild goose chase?” Meg snaps, waving the paper in the air in irritation, her voice sharp and accusing, but Trevor can notices her bite her lip, her eyes darting back and forth. Meg is more of a realist than anything, and even now Trevor can see her trying to quash the rising hope.
“Actually, yes,” and Trevor’s almost impressed that his voice is so calm. The road ahead of him evens out, the dot on the GPS gets ever closer, and there’s three more miles. Just three more miles, and the trust Trevor’s team has in him will be tested. After all, Trevor’s the leader of sorts, and his decision to trust the former Fakes, to actually forgive them after everything, will probably have some mixed reactions at best. But it’s too late to turn back now. As the cottage looms into view, the only thing he can do now is just cross his fingers and hope for the best.
The GPS beeps in triumph, announcing their arrival, and honestly Trevor doesn’t know what he was expecting. Maybe a parade, a tearful reunion, something to that effect knowing the former Fakes’ penchant for the dramatic.
Instead, it’s just Geoff sitting on the porch, a mug of coffee in his hands, the steam swirling around his moustache and stubble too long to be called stubble anymore. He’s bundled up in a coat, but a pair of bunny slippers peek out from underneath his pajama pants. He seems unperturbed by the arrival of his new guests, merely raising the mug in greetings before turning and shouting something towards the interior of the house.
“What’s going on?” The voice is small, soft, scared. Lindsay puts a hand on Trevor’s shoulder, and he can see the tears in her eyes. He glances back at Meg, something hopeful and at the same time furious in her eyes. Alfredo’s mouth is open in shock, the words almost stuck in his throat. And, honestly, this is probably the best reaction that Trevor could have hoped for.
“There’s something you need to know,” is all Trevor says, opening the car door and stepping out into the snow.
 It takes nearly three hours to get the whole story out, this time due to Meg’s impatient interruptions and Lindsay’s frantic questions. Geoff takes his time addressing both, seemingly just relieved that they’re even sitting at the dining table having this conversation. And, if Trevor is being honest, he’s surprised at how well his team is handling the news. It had taken nearly fifteen straight minutes to get Meg to stop screaming and kicking, and he’s pretty sure Gavin is going to be nursing a bruised jaw for at least a week. Lindsay had merely stood there wordlessly for a good long while, eventually breaking down into both crying and berating the former Fakes in turn. And Alfredo had merely flung his hands in the air, proclaimed “Fuck this shit!” and tried to trek his way back to the main road on his own. Trevor had needed to collect him halfway down the driveway. Even now, listening to the story, he’s largely quiet, glancing at the others around the room as if they will disappear any moment. Trevor’s just glad that they’ve stayed this long; it had taken a lot of restraint to let Geoff explain himself the first time, and their tempers are tend to be much more volatile than his.
“So…yeah,” Geoff says at the end, shrugging with all the nonchalance in the world. “That’s how it all shook out. Sorry for not telling you guys sooner; it was really shitty, but it was the best way to keep everyone safe.” Meg snorts derisively, folding her arms and leaning back, but no one seems to pay her any mind. They probably all expected her to either cuss them all out or simply walk away; the fact that she’s even here is a miracle. Lindsay puts a comforting hand on Meg’s arm, although Trevor doesn’t miss her gnawing at her lip.
When Meg stands up suddenly, stalking towards the front door with her hands balled at her sides, Trevor’s not really surprised. Hell, he’s impressed she’s managed to stay sitting for so long. Lindsay follows soon after, glancing between her girlfriend’s retreating form and the former Fakes before following Meg outside. Alfredo merely sits next to Trevor, but his back is too rigid, his eyes too wide.
“If you’ll excuse us, I think we all need some air,” Trevor says, his voice much calmer than he feels as he grasps Alfredo’s hand, leading him away from the table. He sees Gavin start to reach out, whether to comfort or stop them Trevor can’t tell, but Ryan puts a hand on his shoulder, keeping him in place.
When Trevor and Alfredo step onto the porch, Lindsay and Meg don’t even look up. Meg is curled into herself, arms wrapped around her torso as Lindsay rubs soothing circles into her back. Lindsay looks so much wearier in the afternoon light, the bags underneath her eyes so much heavier than they had been that morning. Even Alfredo is unsettlingly still, his eyes fixed on the mountains in the distance, the life gone from his face.
Trevor leads Alfredo to the bench where the others sit, taking a seat next to Lindsay. The afternoon is starting to fade from the sky, but the air isn’t so cold as to be unpleasant. The hills are starting to lose their green colour, and Trevor can begin to see why they chose this place to escape to. It’s beautiful, secluded, and there’s enough room for them to do pretty much anything they want without being disturbed. It’s quite the place to escape to.
“I’m not dreaming, am I?” Alfredo asks, and his large brown eyes are still fixed to a point in the distance. His hands are shaking in Trevor’s, and Trevor gives them a little squeeze.
“Not quite,” Trevor responds.
“Seven months.” Meg’s voice is quiet but filled with poison. “They left us for seven months. We thought they were dead seven fucking months, and now everything is supposed to be fucking dandy.”
“You heard them, Meg,” Trevor interrupts, and three heads whip around to stare at him. “They were just trying to do the best they could. It sucks, yeah. But they’re fixing it now.”
“How can you be so calm?” Lindsay asks, her words tinged with hysteria. “They lied to you, to all of us, and you’re just okay with it all?”
“I’m not okay with it. Not by a long shot. But I get where they’re coming from.”
“That sounds an awful lot like you’re taking they’re side,” Meg snaps, shooting upright and whirling around to face Trevor. “How could possibly think that what they did was the right thing!?”
“Because I’d do the same thing for all of you.”
Meg’s mouth open as if to respond, but she merely tips her head in confusion. “Think about it. They were in the middle of a fight they couldn’t win, at least not with them all surviving at the end. And if it were me, and I had to choose between winning a fight and keeping all of you alive, you bet your ass I’d do what I had to to make sure you survived.” He squeezes Alfredo’s hand harder, and Alfredo puts his other hand on Trevor’s shoulder.
Lindsay sputters for a moment, shaking herself. “But they—”
“What they did was shitty,” Trevor interrupts, putting his spare hand on Lindsay’s arm. “And if you don’t want to forgive them for it, I won’t blame you. But you all heard the same story I did, and I can’t fault them for trying to protect the ones they love. I mean, that would just be hypocritical of me.” He smiles wryly at the three of them, holding in a sigh of relief when Lindsay’s eyes lose a bit of the steeliness in them, when Meg relaxes her shoulders just a touch.
“Yeah, but they were still idiots to hide this from us,” Lindsay mumbles.
“No one’s debating that,” Trevor replies with a grin.
“And I’m still angry,” Meg snaps.
“That’s to be expected. And I’m not saying that anyone has to forgive them right this instant. But maybe you can all think about it?”
A silence hangs over the group, and for a moment Trevor isn’t sure whether this was a good idea or not. Perhaps it would have been easier for all of them to have stayed ignorant of the truth, for them all to believe that their family had all died so they could just move on. Heaven knows it would have been the simpler solution; staying in Los Santos, safe in their penthouse and only worrying about the day’s business like normal, suddenly seems a lot more appealing than sitting tense on a porch in the mountains.
But suddenly, Meg stalks back towards the door, throwing it open and stomping inside. Her heavy footfalls can be heard retreating back into the house for a tense moment before voices filter out, hers sharp and the others subdued. Lindsay’s eyes dart from the door to Trevor and back, and she gnaws once more at her lip before following Meg inside. Trevor can actually hear her hug someone, and judging by the resounding ‘oof’ that comes out of them, she isn’t letting go any time soon.
Trevor peers back at Alfredo, the younger man still firmly on the bench, one hands still clasped in Trevor’s and the other picking splinters out of the wood. And, for a moment, Trevor wonders if he misplaced his worry. He’s been most concerned about Meg, what with her propensity to resort to anger. He had been certain that either she or Lindsay, kind-hearted Lindsay who got attached so quick and got hurt just as easily, would be the one to keep an eye one during this whole ordeal.
But now, looking at Alfredo, Trevor isn’t so sure. Yes, Meg and Lindsay had taken the Fakes’ deaths hard. Meg had refused to do anything besides scowl and kill for weeks, and Lindsay hadn’t dared to smile or laugh until after Meg had calmed down. But Alfredo’s grief had broken Trevor heart, mostly because he hadn’t seen it. The light had been sucked from Alfredo’s eyes, and the time he hadn’t spent locked in his room, grieving in private, had been tense to say the least. Alfredo had run himself ragged in the field, desperate to make sure that none of his team got hurt. He’d gotten into more scrapes in that time than he had during the rest of his criminal career, and the entire time he had insisted on patching himself up, never coming to the other for help, never letting them see his hurt. As hard as Trevor had taken the news of the Fakes’ deaths, Alfredo’s withdrawal had hurt him the most. It had taken a couple solid months to get Alfredo to open back up, and suddenly the idea that Alfredo may disappear again sends a spike of panic into his gut.
“Are you okay?” Trevor asks, bringing one hand up to cup Alfredo’s cheek.
Alfredo doesn’t react for a moment, still as stone, and Trevor is about to pull back when Alfredo turns his head, a small smile on his lips. “Yeah, I think I am.”
“You sure?”
A beat of silence, a deep breath. “I mean, I’m as okay as I can be right now. But I’ll get there.”
Something heavy slides off of Trevor’s shoulders, and he grabs Alfredo by the shoulders, pressing their lips firmly together. The kiss lasts just a second before Trevor pulls away, his grin mirroring his partner’s.
“Yeah, we will,” Trevor responds, grasping Alfredo’s hand and tugging him back towards the door and stepping inside.
Inside the cabin, Trevor can see Meg, her arms gesturing wildly as she lectures Geoff and Jack, Geoff silent in the face of her ire and Jack with a bit of a bemused grin on her face. Lindsay has one arm around Ryan and the other around Michael, and Trevor can’t tell from this distance if she’s crying to trying to talk their ears off, but they don’t seem to mind either way. Alfredo lets go of Trevor’s hand, making his way towards Gavin and Jeremy, and both men’s faces light up when they see him approach.
Trevor simply leans against the wall, appreciating the view. He isn’t sure if this will last; if Meg’s goodwill will extend past this one meeting, or if Alfredo’s hesitance towards people he once called family will ever dissipate, or if Lindsay will be able to fully trust any of the original six. He’s not entirely sure if anything will be okay again after this.  But, as he listens to the idle chatter, watches both of his family reunite, Trevor is certain of one thing.
Everything is okay right now.
And that’s all that really matters.
And here’s chapter 2! I hope you enjoyed it, and I’ll be putting chapter 3 up here in a minute. As always, my inbox is always open, and my AO3 is MillionMileMountain if you wanna stop by. I hope you enjoyed this!
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cyans-stardust · 7 years
Tumblr media
Ughhhhh guys this is kinda bad but I finally worked together the sheet for who everyone is in my outlast au 
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doobler · 7 years
its seriously just gratuitous smut so if youre into that, take a look
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staranon95 · 7 years
sugar baby thought
everyone and their mother knows that jeremy is spoiled rotten by 5 dudes and a gal. jeremy doesn’t often think of it as a sugar baby arrangement, but he can’t deny how nice it is to have other people spend money on him and not make him feel like a burden in the process
it comes to a point where jeremy is so spoiled that he’ll make them buy the most mundane things for him. like they could just be out and about at a strip mall and jeremy points to something in a storefront window and says ‘buy it for me?’
and whoever he’s with is just ‘??? you have your own money???’
and jeremy will add the ‘please?? (✿☯‿☯✿)’
and the Fake Of The Day is  ‘(=ಠ ل͟ ಠ=).... FINE’
and jeremy is completely shameless about playing into the trope
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shadeofazmeinya · 7 years
i saw youre taking prompts so heres something: one of the crew is in a bad way healthwise for whatever reason but hides it so no one will worry, but its worse than they thought and the other have to find them passed out and nurse them back to health
@miss-ingno: I’M ONLY HUMAN, AFTER ALL. I’M ONLY HUMAN, AFTER ALL. Everyone blames Jeremy. (fahc?)
(combined your prompts which means it didn’t completely follow either of your prompts. i hope it still turns out alright!)
Now on AO3
They come home wounded, Gavin draped over Jeremy, coughing and bloody and bruised. Jeremy was just barely able to hold him up, chest tight from the bullets his body armor caught. But it doesn’t stop him as Gavin was drifting in and out, blood dripping down his arm, swaying on his feet. Jeremy punches in the security code of the penthouse door, pushing inside to meet the startled and worried eyes of the other Fakes as they see them come in.
It wasn’t often that trade deals went south. Especially ones that were supposed to be easy, ones with people they’ve dealt with before. But it happens. This might not be the first time. But it is the first time it was Jeremy’s fault.
He shouldn’t have shot first. He shouldn’t have sparked it all going down. Because of him, Gavin was just barely conscious on his feet, finally collapsing once they got inside their home.
“What the fuck happened?” Geoff’s angry face is on him. Ryan and Jack were carrying Gavin away, out of Jeremy’s arms. He watches him go as Geoff steps even closer.
Jeremy knows, deep down, the anger is only stemmed in worry and fear at Gavin’s state. It still makes Jeremy flinch back.
“T-They pulled out a gun. I didn’t know what else to do, so I shot them. But there were too many and one of them got Gavin in the shoulder. H-He fell so hard. I got him out of there as fast as I could, I came straight back –“
They’re interrupted by a howl of pain from Gavin as Ryan, Jack, and Michael work together to try to get out the bullet that had lodged into Gavin’s shoulder. Jeremy pales even more at the sound. Geoff gives him another angry glare before rushing over to Gavin’s side.
Jeremy wants to go to Gavin too, heart wrenching at another scream ripping from his throat. But with they’re already working over Gavin, there wasn’t room for Jeremy to go to his side. They probably wouldn’t want him to either. Not after he was the reason Gavin was screaming, crying in pain, so much blood dripping down, spilling onto the floor.
Jeremy slowly leaves the room, moving further back into the penthouse, away from the screaming. As the adrenaline drains, as the panic of getting Gavin home, getting him to safety drains, he can start to feel the ache in his chest worsen.
He nearly doubles over in pain when he reaches the bathroom, bending over the counter, clutching his chest. Taking off his armor nearly makes him collapse as he hisses and curses the strains pulling across his chest. There were two bullets stuck in it, one right over his heart. At least Jeremy did one thing right remembering to wear it.
Despite it being off, Jeremy still feels like he can barely breathe, chest like it’s on fire. He glances to the mirror, looking to his now bare chest already molting into purple and black around where the bullets had hit. It looks hideous under the harsh bathroom lighting, the pristine mirror missing none of it. Jeremy tries to feel around his ribs, tries to feel the damage, but all he can do is hiss and wince in pain the second his hand touches sensitive skin.
He starts to reach for some painkillers in the medicine cabinet but then stops. There was only one bottle. Only one pill bottle left and Gavin needed it more than him. Gavin was hurt more. Sure Jeremy’s bruised, maybe bones even cracked, but that’s nothing compared to a bullet ripped into one’s shoulder. So Jeremy sighs, dropping his arm away from the painkillers. He grabs his shirt to slip it back on, which proves difficult but he manages, sliding back out from the bathroom to see how the others are doing.
Gavin’s unconscious as Jeremy walks back to the living room. His shoulder was wrapped up but everyone still looked worried over him, fussing around him. Jeremy doesn’t blame them, he had lost a lot of blood. They’ll still need to keep a close eye on him even if the wound was closed.
Geoff turns to Jeremy as he comes back in, eyes narrowed and it makes Jeremy freeze and his heart sink.
It was his fault Gavin got hurt. It was because of him they could’ve lost him. It’s grounds enough for Geoff to want him gone, want to kick him out or worse. Jeremy swallows under his gaze, starting to shake, in fear or pain or both he can’t tell.
But before Geoff could say anything, deliver his sentence, Jack appears, eyes knit in worry as she looks him over. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” Jeremy says, the lie slipping past his lips before he can even think to stop himself. Relatively he’s fine, he tells himself. Compared to Gavin, he’s fine.
Jack doesn’t look convinced, not completely, but Jeremy still hides his stiffness, hides his labored breath as he goes over to a chair and carefully sits himself down. “How’s Gavin?” he asks quietly, changing the subject off of himself.
Jack sighs. “He’s going to be alright. The bullet didn’t hit anything major. Just barely missed breaking his bones.”
There’s an awful silence after that, as they all glance to Gavin. “I’m sorry,” Jeremy breathes out.
“What do you mean?” comes Geoff’s gruff voice, piercing eyes to him. Jeremy has to look down, speak to his knees.
“I shot first,” he admits. “I know I wasn’t supposed to. They didn’t even have their guns fully out yet, were only just reaching for them and I… I panicked and shot. I started the shootout.”
“From the sound of it you had plenty of reason to,” Michael speaks up. “If they were going to shoot one of you, better you don’t give them the chance to.”
“I didn’t know for sure they were going to shoot,” Jeremy mutters. “I just saw one of them raising a gun and I shot. We were outnumbered, but I still did it anyway.”
“What happened after that?” Geoff finally speaks, making Jeremy shrink back more, even if Geoff’s tone was even.
“I kept shooting, but one of them hit Gavin in the shoulder. I got as many as I could before dragging Gavin out with me to the car. I’m not sure I got them all…”
Geoff sighs, a sound Jeremy is sure in disappointment. He should’ve tried to not let any survive, but he needed to get out of there. Needed to get Gavin somewhere safe.
The room fills with awful silence. Something strained in it as they watch Gavin’s chest rise and fall, body too pale, so much paler than he should be.
Ryan’s the first to move, dragging himself up and heading back further into the penthouse. Jeremy sits back against the chair, trying to keep his breathing even, but it’s hard as the pain seems to only be increasing. A rib has to be cracked, there’s no way it hurts this much and it isn’t. Maybe Jeremy should find some bandages later and wrap it up. But he’s not even sure if he can get himself back up off the chair.
The others all start shuffling around, getting some food started and wrapping Gavin up in blankets on the couch. Then Ryan comes back, the fact that his footsteps are heard as opposed to their usual silence, signal enough that he was mad.
“Is this your body armor?” Ryan’s cold voice breaks through the silence. In his hands he holds up Jeremy’s armor, bullets stuck in it, shining under the living room lights. Jeremy realizes he had just left it on the bathroom floor after changing out of it.
“…yes…” Jeremy mutters in response, hurting too much to shrink back from Ryan.
“What the fuck Jeremy?!” Comes Michael’s shout as he sees the bullets, knowing they would at least cause major bruising, if not worse. “I thought you said you didn’t get hurt!”
“I said I was fine!” Jeremy shouts back but then winces. Screaming was not helping his state.
“You’re not fucking fine!” Michael hisses, storming up to him and lifting his shirt up to see his chest, to expose the horrible bruises to the others. Jeremy shrinks under their gasps.
“It looks worse than it is…” he tries, but they can all tell he’s lying, as his voice shakes and they all notice how pale he’s gotten.
“You’re supposed to tell us when you get hurt!” Michael retorts, dropping his shirt.
“I didn’t want to worry you, Gav needed to be helped first –“
“And exactly how long after Gavin being helped were you going to tell us?” This time Geoff’s sharp voice, again glaring at him.
“I don’t know…” Jeremy mumbles.
“Did you at least take some painkillers while you were in the bathroom?” Ryan says as Jack digs around for more bandages.
“No –“
“What?!” Again Michael’s loud voice cuts through. “Have you gone completely fucking stupid on us? They were right there!”
“Gavin will need them more –“
“We have plenty to spare,” Jack says, pushing Michael aside and sitting besides Jeremy, bandages in hand. “It takes five minutes for us to get more. Ryan, grab the idiot something for the pain. I’m going to make sure he didn’t break any of his ribs.”
“Did you drive all the way here with your ribs hit like that?” Geoff says as Jack works on getting Jeremy’s shirt off, Jeremy hissing through his teeth.
“Had to get home –“ Jeremy utters, falling back and gritting in pain as Jack starts poking at his chest.
“You should’ve tried to call us to pick you up! It’s a fucking miracle you didn’t break a rib into your lungs!” Michael yells.
Jeremy can’t even retort, just groaning in pain as Jack continues to try to examine his chest and then start wrapping it up in bandages.
“Can’t fucking believe you!” Michael continues his rant, pacing around the living room.
Ryan reappears, holding out a pair of pills to Jeremy. Jeremy doesn’t refuse it this time, immediately taking them and swallowing them dry.
“There,” Jack says as she’s finished with the bandages. “We need to get you laying down. And no more moving around. We’ll get Caleb in here later to properly check it out. But for now nothing seems broken.”
“You’re such a fucking idiot,” Michael grumbles, but he leans over and presses a kiss to his forehead, showing the more worried side of the anger.
“Next time, tell us when you’re hurt,” Geoff says, his anger bleeding away.
“I’ll do my best,” Jeremy says, giving a small grin despite the pain.
Geoff sighs, shaking his head, but the small smile return tells enough. And Jeremy knows all is forgiven. “Let’s get you in bed,” Geoff says, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. “I think we all need a rest from the excitement of the day.”
“Next person who hides being hurt is getting fucking shot, I swear to God!” Michael says, regaining his rant as Geoff and Jack help Jeremy up.
Jeremy can only just smile, feeling better knowing his family isn’t that angry with him. Knowing his family is going to take care of all of them just fine.
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A Rainbow on His Head
Brown hair is boring. Jeremy decides life is too short to have boring hair.
This all came up because of Jeremy's newest Rimmy Tim inspired look for RTX, I wanted to revisit his past hair colors in homage to the new!
Pairing: AHOT6 Rating: G Word Count: 1050 Read it on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11396289
Brown hair was boring.
Or at least that’s what Jeremy had decided when he first started dying his hair wild colors. He wasn’t entirely sure what made him want to do it, but the urge to color the top of his head set in one day, and then there was no turning back. It started with lime green, a shock of color peeking out from under his white cowboy hat during heists. Los Santos knew him as Rimmy Tim, the tacky bastard with orange and purple plastered on everything he owned. Green clashed. Green was obnoxious. Green was Fake AH Crew to it’s core. It was perfect for Rimmy Tim.
The crew had mixed reactions. Ryan didn’t really seem to care that much, running his hand through it once and shrugging it off like it was nothing. Michael asked when he was planning on going rainbow with it, getting his face right up in it and analyzing the color like a scientist. Jack had touched it with a frown, immediately going to the store and buying him a good conditioner, swearing up and down that if he didn’t take care of it that it was going to fall out of his head.  Geoff took one look at it and just shook his head, muttering something about his ‘lovable morons’.
Gavin had the most extreme reaction, nearly climbing Jeremy’s short frame to get his hands on the lime hair. He demanded Jeremy let him pick the next color, and cooed with joy when Jeremy reluctantly agreed. He was rewarded with a kiss on the cheek and a bottle of blue hair dye in the shower a few days later. Green washed out pretty quickly and with all the robberies and explosions they’d been involved in recently sadly the green did not last as long as Jeremy had wanted.
On top of the faded green the color ended up being more of a teal. Gavin was disappointed as he wanted it to be a royal blue, but Jack absolutely loved it as soon as he realized it matched one of his favorite Hawaiian shirts. He roped Ryan of all people into taking a hundred pictures of the two of them together. He was Jack’s favorite piece of arm candy for the whole week. He posted them to her private Instagram and garnered lots of likes from all the gangs in the LP Network. Suggestions for the next color poured in through comments and everyone had some kind of an idea, but the third color ended up being the most unexpected of them all. Quite simply it was decided when Ryan walked up to Jeremy and handed him a plastic bag and walked away. Jeremy kept the blue longer than the green though, the crew was planning it’s next big event and naturally they needed distractions, his specialty. He almost forgot about the bottle of red sitting in his room as he planned out a route to lead the cops lined with explosions. It faded to a sky color that and then a baby blue that was almost white. He rediscovered the color when he was looking for a particular sketch he’d done and later that night he emerged with a head of fire.
Ryan loved it, every time he saw it he couldn’t help but touch it gently and grin. He told him red was his color, it matched it fiery personality, and that he should keep it. The color bled everywhere though. It wouldn’t have been a problem for a normal person, but the life of Rimmy Tim was not a normal one. During a weapons exchange a rival gang ambushed them in the rain and the crew lost their shit when they all reconvened to check for injuries and there were rivulets of blood red streaking down Jeremy’s face and into his clothes. The red faded to rusty orange which Jeremy liked much less than the bright to pastel fades he’d experienced previously. He couldn’t commit to the red again and opted to wear beanies around the penthouse just to keep it under control until he figured out his next move. He pretty much kept it hidden until it was a gross brassy yellow and he figured, why the hell not, just use a toner for blonde hair to even it out. He didn’t really research it, just ordered a random violet toning shampoo and used it the day it came in.
He exited the bathroom that day with patchy lavender hair, spoke to none of the crew and just left the penthouse. He came back soon after with a bottle of purple hair dye and disappeared again for a few hours. When he emerged he had royal purple hair and a grin. Though the color may have technically backfired he now rocked the Rimmy Tim life with a pair of orange sunglasses even when he wasn’t out on the town causing chaos. His hair was starting to feel a little crispy though and his roots had grown out a good bit, so when the purple eventually made it’s way to lavender he cut it short to his scalp. It was weird that first day after he made the switch back. 8 months with wild colors and then back to brown, it was almost shocking to look so normal again. He was happy though that it felt healthy again and that he wasn’t fucking up all the towels and sheets in the penthouse with the rainbow he’d been keeping up on his head. Geoff especially was happy with that last one. Jeremy figured he’d keep it natural after that for sure.
 Brown hair was boring.
And when Jeremy unveiled his newest creation none of his boyfriends was really shocked. They all agreed it was the perfect combination and honestly the crew was shocked he hadn’t done it before. Now their little Rimmy Tim’s hair was truly as bold as his spirit.
During the next heist he skipped out on the cowboy hat, guns ablaze out the top of his orange and purple monster truck in his orange and purple suit with his orange topped hair and purple sides on full display. Truly two became one and where Rimmy Tim started and Jeremy ended was pretty much impossible to distinguish.
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The Eye of the Storm [AH OT6] [Minecraft AU]
Title: The Eye of the Storm
Pairing: AH OT6
Rating: T
Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Angst/AU
Words: 1212
Prompt/Summary: [by @greenpuma88] So... if you're interested, AHOT6? Michael-angst (of course): Minecraft AU; Michael gets hurt while returning to Achievement City during a storm. Jeremy and Ryan manage to rescue him from the outskirts of the city but Michael's hurt and in need of medical attention. Cue angst, hurt/comfort, and lots of TLC. <3 Please and thank you.
A/N: Whew, first fic using Jeremy. I hope to fucking god I write him well. I also haven’t written Minecraftverse stuff in a while, so it doesn’t follow your prompt exactly, but I hope it’s good anyway. Thanks for the prompt! ~No One
It was going to rain today. Geoff had warned him that it was going to rain today. The clouds in the sky had even looked temperamental, as if they could release waterfalls upon the surface of the earth at any given moment.
So why the fuck did Michael think it was a good idea to stray from Achievement City?
The trip back to Achievement City hadn’t inherently been disastrous. He’d stuck mainly to sheltered areas to avoid detection, and naturally saw or heard most mobs before he was seen, and could avoid them or take them out easily.
His luck, however, ran out as Geoff’s house finally came into view.
Seemingly from nowhere, an arrow whizzed past his head. Great. Michael turned around, pulling his sword out, but gasped as he witnessed what was behind him. How he couldn’t have noticed the many zombies and skeletons gaining on him, he’d never know, but knew he couldn’t lead them straight into the city. Geoff, Jack, and Ryan spent too much time as it was keeping the city clear and safe. Michael wasn’t about to make it harder for them.
He let out a battle cry as he ran into the thick of the mobs, slicing into a zombie with relative ease. Michael had to duck as another came after him, and unluckily ducked right into the path of a skeletons arrow. It pierced his left arm – it hurt like hell – but he pulled it out quickly and slashed into the offending monster.
As he carried on, growing more tired by the second, nighttime was beginning to fall. With the storm raging on – having merged into a thunderstorm a short while ago – the added darkness of nighttime would not fare him well. He needed to finish this quickly and get back to Achievement City.
Michael was not counting on the Creeper that had stealthily joined the attack.
It had only taken a second for Michael to hear the Creeper’s telltale hiss, but before he could run from the thick of battle, the green creature exploded, sending Michael flying back. The only upside to the explosion, he noted, was that the mobs that surrounded him had been blown up as well.
He hit the ground with a sickening thud, the air knocked out of him instantly. One of the monsters that had been blown back with him – a spider that had not died on impact – made its way back to him and took a bite out of his leg. Michael screamed. The pain coursed through his leg, in turn causing him to spasm and send pain through the rest of his body. The spider was relentless, however, and continued to take chunks out of the now-defenseless man.
Dammit… Where’s my sword? Michael punched at the spider, trying to keep it from harming him further, as he glanced the rainy landscape for his diamond sword. As he spotted it, glimmering in the light from a strike of lightning, he rose. The spider had seen the movement and quickly got agitated, but Michael continued to flail at it. He needed that sword if he was going to stay alive. Needed it.
And then he felt the arrow.
As the arrow that was fired at him sank into his left shoulder, he collapsed back onto the ground in a weakened heap. This is it for me, isn’t it? Michael was face-down in the grass, but he could hear the spider and the skeleton nearing. He was done for.
But suddenly, he wasn’t.
He heard the spider hiss in pain as something attacked it. Had the skeleton accidentally fired an arrow into the spider’s enormous abdomen?
“Ryan, he’s over here!”
Jeremy…? He immediately recognized the voice, but when he tried to call out to it, his voice wouldn’t work. Instead, he let out a pained moan.
“Michael? O-oh god, you’re hurt bad.” Jeremy’s voice was panicked. “Y-you’ll be okay, Michael. R-Ryan’s coming.”
Michael managed to nod against the dirt. His vision was swimming, his eyes slipping closed. He was so tired.
“Wait, no, Michael, please stay awake!”
“Michael!” The new voice was Ryan, clearly panicked. “I got you Michael. You’re okay.”
The redhead chose to take Ryan’s word for it. He felt himself being lifted off the ground, he heard talking. But Jeremy and Ryan’s voices began to melt together, and the darkness that threatened him at the corner of his vision had taken him.
Finally, he was beginning to feel better.
The rain had stopped when Michael woke again.
The redhead opened his eyes but closed them again, the light flooding the room causing him temporary blindness.
“Thank fuck you’re awake.”
Apparently, he wasn’t the only one in the room. He cracked his eyes open again – slower, this time – and looked around. It was Ryan who had spoken; Gavin was asleep on Geoff, who had also dozed off, and Jeremy and Jack were nowhere to be found. “What… What happened?” The question was so obvious; he’d gotten himself into some trouble. But he felt stupid that he just didn’t remember.
The dirty blonde let out a hefty sigh. “We heard a creeper explosion nearby, and you’d been gone for quite a while, so Jeremy and I went out to look for you. Jeremy scouted ahead and found you being attacked by a spider and a skeleton. You were in pretty rough shape.”
“Oh.” Michael stayed silent as he let the information sink in. He could remember now – the creeper, the spider that wanted him for lunch… “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Worrying you guys.” He sat up, but instantly regretted it as pain flared through his back. “Dammit, that hurts.”
The commotion had woken Gavin up, and he immediately scrambled over to Michael’s bedside. “Michael, you’re all right!”
“I told
“Oh.” Michael stayed silent as he let the information sink in. He could remember now – the creeper, the spider that wanted him for lunch… “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Worrying you guys.” He sat up, but instantly regretted it as pain flared through his back. “Dammit, that hurts.”
The commotion had woken Gavin up, and he immediately scrambled over to Michael’s bedside. “Michael, you’re all right!”
“I told you he would be.” Geoff’s voice was calm and steady, but held a worried undertone. Michael had always been good at picking up on them. “Jeremy and Jack went out to get some food, but they’ll be so happy to see you-”
“Michael!” As the door flung open, Michael saw Jeremy fly over to him and wrap him in a light hug. When the redhead winced, he backed off, but bounced in place. “You scared me. I thought…”
“I told you not to think like that, Jeremy.” Jack put a hand on his shoulder. “Michael’s strong.”
Jeremy nodded. “Just… seeing him like that…”
Michael looked away. “I’m sorry you had to see that… I’m sorry I worried you guys.”
“Just… be more careful, next time.” Ryan took to sitting on the edge of Michael’s bed. The gesture had been enough that the other four to follow suit. They each found a spot to sit on the small, one-person bed, and wrapped Michael in a careful hug.
“I will.” Michael leaned into the touches of his boys, closing his eyes. “I will…”
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lunarlover12 · 7 years
It was nights like these that Geoff loved the most. It had been a relatively easy day, just some negotiating and messing around for the most part. But now it was nearing the early hours of the morning and the crew was starting to doze. The night was silent except for the slow breathing of everyone around him. The giant cuddle pile had started with Ryan tackling Jeremy onto the bed. Where Jack had plopped herself down on top of them and then refused to move. Gradually, everyone joined them until they fell asleep. There was something about being surrounded by those one loved. From the snoring to the heat that radiated from the bodies. Geoff closed his eyes and felt his body relax even more. He was just about to nod off when he felt one of the many feet kick him in the shin. He huffed in amusement before rolling over. Michael moved with him, turning to face the leader and mumbling to himself in his sleep. Geoff instantly reached out to wrap his arms around the younger and pull him to his chest. He'd come to regret it in the morning when he woke up drenched with sweat. But for right now, the moment was perfect.
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bostonchungschwa · 7 years
consider: the fakes all retiring because a couple of them have sustained injuries over the past few years that didn't take them out of the game but might if they keep with their current lifestyle, so geoff hands the reigns over to "the kids" (the lads, trevor, matt, mica, all them) and takes the gents (and also michael because he was in a building when his bombs went off a couple years ago and he's not gained back the mobility he used to have and probably won't ever) to a tiny sleepy seaside town somewhere in europe where the feds will never think to look for them (and just in case, geoff shaves his mustache and then grows a beard, jack lets her hair go long, and i mean ryan doesn't have to do anything but retire the mask, and nobody's going to guess mogar is the guy walking with the cane). 
and a couple years later when jeremy and gavin join them, jeremy decides to open up a little bakery bcos it's something he loves and listen he's young and restless still and wants to do something good and positive with his hands that isn't massaging ryan's arthritic shoulders and hands (though he also loves doing that because he loves caring for ryan)
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gavinyouidiot · 5 years
(holy shit it’s been awhile since I’ve been on tumblr. college hit and I just stopped coming here, crazy it’s been just about 5 years since I was actively active lol.)
ANYWAY: I’m here to request lists of your favorite Fake AH Crew/GTA!au fics involving either the OG OT6 (i.e., w/ Ray) or the new OT6 (i.e., w/ Jeremy). Anything from no smut to smutty af, i’m here for whatever. Ever since Jeremy’s song in the AH musical, I’ve been craving some FAHC OT6 content. Please and thanks!! (feel free to leave in my inbox) ❤️❤️❤️
EDIT: Fuck R*an.
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cyans-stardust · 6 years
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From @jeremichal‘s beautiful hanahaki fic that gave me too many emotions to handle (x)
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brownenby · 5 years
Lollie, ne/nem/nir sh3/h3r/h3rz h3/h1m/h1z, 21, aussie
Main: @lolliepops-rox
MAP, TERF, Transmed, SWERF, ace exclusionist, harss RT n Co. Staff about shipping, anti-ship, harss Ray/Meg or any ex staff about going back, anyone who defends Ryan or Adam's actions
This blog is a fan work, RT employees are welcome, but be warned, this was made for fans by fans.
I will still include people who have left in my works. I am happy for those who have happily and willing left. I will still be posting about Ryan and Adam still, all mentions of them will be tagged with with full name 'Ryan Haywood' 'Adam Kovic'. I will not post about Joel Heyman.
What I post & write about
I love The FAHC extended universe more than anything else. I tend to stay away from things set in office when it comes to shipping. During my break from RTAH I picked up Homestuck as a special interest. Expect me to post about RTAH Homestuck AUs.
I'm a huge polyshipper. My OT9 is Geoff/Ryan/Jack/Michael/Gavin/Lindsey/Ray/Matt/Jeremy and I would die for this ship.
Outside of OT9 my OTP is doolray & doolraymatt. It's small ship but man I would die for those boys.
I also used to watch alot of Funhaus. I ship OT6 (Adam/Bruce/James/Elyse/Peake/Lawrence) I was a newer fan and don't know Joel and Spool well, but I'm always down for binge watching old content. I would die for Jon Smith.
As for actual RT staff, my Faves are Kdin, Barb, Jon, Chris, Blain, Matt Hullum, Gus, Burnie, Cole!
I don't/didn't follow SP7 Closely, but love writing them with Funhaus and in the FACH universe.
I'm a couple seasons behind in RWBY and have only seen like 3 season of RvB.
I love camp camp!!! But I am uncomfortable with cult/counsellor ships. Dadvid FTW!!!
Shows I've followed/watched
On the spot, Demo disk, AH's MC, Wheelhaus, FH's Comment show, Openhaus, AH's Jackbox, AH's GTA races, Ray's Streams, Board as Hell, RT life, RT shorts, RTAA, AHWU, Camp Camp
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thespookyswan · 8 years
I kinda feel like I want to write some stuff again? I.. Am such trash at it though :n If you wanna send me prompts I'll shoot at it tomorrow if I don't get all stupid about my writing :) stuff in the tags
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