#ah but the power of love is so strong 😍
aleksanderscult · 9 months
Hii girlie I was thinking about our shadow child a bit ago. And I remembered two separate scenes from two separate characters, but are very similar (the scenes). And yet they have very opposite responses. I’m talking about when Aleksander put shadows into Baghra’s eyes, and when Kaz pulled out a man’s eyeball. I made my own (very) little take on it but I love how you analyse scenes, and would like to hear your opinion why they're seen differently. Thanks byee
Hey, bestie!! Thank you for your kind words! 🥹💗
Ah yes... One of my most favorite type of tea to spill. Hypocrisy ☕
In order to see why they're seen as different we'll have to analyse the circumstances first.
The Darkling
Betrayed by his mother, a woman that is constantly seen as old and frail, who sent away the girl he both fell in love with and wanted her power to protect his country and people. So basically she committed treason (and she got away with it really lightly, if you ask me. Hell. If the King had found out, he would have her beheaded in the spot).
The punishment? He clouded her eyes with the black mist of the Fold. Some even theorize that she could take away that mist with her own powers but she didn't (my own opinion in this, is that she couldn't). It was a punishment that the Darkling could reverse at any time.
How did he feel about it?
Well... I'll let these passages talk for themselves:
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He was hurt that he had to do this to his mother. He didn't take any pleasure from it.
He was ambushed by Oomen, a man that is portrayed as frightening and disgusting, and who tried to kill the woman Kaz was secretly in love with.
The punishment? He plucked out his eyes. No reversing option in that. 🤷
How did he feel about it?
Now the differences are the following:
1) Baghra is seen as a frail, old woman that helped the MC not fall into the jaws of the bad guy. While Oomen is seen as cruel, strong and dangerous:
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and he tried to mess up with the MC's love interest.
2) The relation the victims have with the offender. Baghra was the Darkling's mother. So the fans ask "How could he do such a thing to his own mother?!?" While Oomen is nothing for Kaz. He was a character that came and went from this book.
3) The way the perpetrators are seen and "painted" by the narrative and author ('cause readers almost always get affected by it). The Darkling was seen as a terrifying figure that inspired fear and respect since the beginning of the book. Also, the fact that he was "revealed" to be a "manipulative, bad guy" by Baghra herself in the middle of the book did nothing to give a good light on him. On the contrary, it only enhanced the conviction of the reader that "Yes, he must be an evil bastard to do such a thing to his mother. Baghra was right and the people were right". On the other hand, we have Kaz who is seen as a frightening figure too but!
A) We have his POVs, so we can glimpse his actions and feelings first handed (the Darkling never had that chance. And THAT is why POVs are important!) and it's easier for the reader to see his own side of the story (with the Darkling we don't have his side of the story throughout the trilogy).
B) he's a bad guy that is secretly in love with a girl. And YA readers eat that shit up every time. They naturally act like: "Oh he's a bad boy that has a secret crush! He killed for her! So romantic! 😍😭". While with the Darkling, the readers think he did it because he's a jerk. And, as we all know, the majority of antis think he wasn't in love with Alina. So he only punished his mother because of his "evil fury" and for the fact that she took away his chance to gain more power.
So Kaz has the advantage because he had the opportunity to show himself through his POVs and is "painted" by the author as cruel but badass and in love with a girl. While poor Aleksander never had one POV from that trilogy so we don't know his own side of the story and the author mostly "paints" him as an evil mastermind.
Oh! And let's see the aftermath of what happened after Oomen got thrown overboard!
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Aha... He threatened one of his gang members to shut up otherwise...
And let's not forget how Kaz promised Oomen two things!
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*five minutes later Oomen gets yeeted*
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*five seconds later Kaz throws Oomen's ass to the depths of the black sea*
Kaz didn't feel anything while for the Darkling it pained him to do this to his mother. He didn't want to but she turned out to be a traitor who took away his hope, his joy and the girl he loved. In R&R he even offered to take her back home and I bet he felt even more regret for what he did to her after she committed suicide.
Do the Math yourselves 🙂
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asongforelriel · 8 months
Hi! Might I suggest a song? Francesca by Hozier gives me HUGE Elriel vibes :)
I heard it’s about a couple from Dante’s inferno that were condemned for being affair partners. However, hozier doesn’t vilify them but instead makes their love seem so strong and the speaker has no regrets. It reminds me a of Elriel because, while I don’t believe they are having an affair in any way, it represents acting outside of the path that was set for you. A love so strong you damn the consequences to be together.
Just some thoughts :)
Thank you for your suggestion!
I love Hozier and Dante’s Inferno (i’m so very italian in this Moment 😂) was one of my favorite works to study 🥹
This song was in my list already especially for The tragic and forbidden 😏 story of Paolo and Francesca
Yes it involves adultery BUT it was inevitabile for how their story began. I will put a small summary I found because I’m still not very Good with written English 😅
Francesca was the daughter of the lord of Ravenna, a city-state at war with Rimini, a rival power in northern Italy. To secure peace, Francesca’s father entered into an alliance with Rimini’s leaders, agreeing to marry his daughter to their heir apparent, Giovanni, who has been variously described as uncouth and deformed or crippled. The Francesca’s father was perceptive enough to realise that his romantic young daughter would not welcome such a man as her husband, so the handsome Paolo was invited to stand proxy for his brother at the wedding. Unfortunately, it would appear that no one told Francesca that Paolo was only the proxy. Francesca had fallen instantly in love with the dashing Paolo and must have thought herself the luckiest girl in the world, so we can only imagine her feelings of horror when she discovered the truth. Paolo and Francesca began an affair and when Giovanni discovered them, he killed them both in a rage.
So yes it has some very Elriel vibes (minus The tragic end I Hope!) I’ll leave a little of their quote from Dante’s Inferno its too beautiful 🥹
Love, that can quickly seize the gentle heart,
took hold of him because of the fair body
taken from me—how that was done still wounds me.
Love, that releases no beloved from loving,
took hold of me so strongly through his beauty
that, as you see, it has not left me yet.
One day, to pass the time away, we read
of Lancelot—how love had overcome him.
We were alone, and we suspected nothing.
And time and time again that reading led
our eyes to meet, and made our faces pale,
and yet one point alone defeated us.
When we had read how the desired smile
was kissed by one who was so true a lover,
this one, who never shall be parted from me,
while all his body trembled, kissed my mouth.
A Gallehault indeed, that book and he
who wrote it, too; that day we read no more.”
Ah to read a scene like this in their book 😍 my heart would not Be able to handle it 🥹
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hi!! hope you are doing well!
Alright, let's dive into this juicy spread with all the quirky details! 🌟
1. Career Path:
Card 1: 5 of Cups & 8 of Wands Okay, babe, so here's the tea 🍵. You're kinda vibing in this 5 of Cups energy, where you're focused on what hasn't worked out in the past. It's like you're carrying some emotional baggage from previous experiences, and it's making you hesitant. But wait! The 8 of Wands is swooping in like, "Hey, wake up! Things are moving fast, and you need to catch that train 🚂." The universe is telling you to shift that focus and ride the wave of opportunities coming your way. Don't let the past hold you back because things are about to get real quick and exciting!
Card 2: King of Cups Ooo, the King of Cups is all about mastering your emotions 💧. This is your challenge, honey—keeping that emotional balance in check while you're navigating this new career path. It's like, you've got to be the calm in the storm, ruling with your heart but not letting it drown you. The challenge is to stay emotionally grounded, no matter what comes your way. You got this, queen/king 👑!
Card 3: The Magician Yasss, baby! The Magician is here, and it’s all about manifestation magic 🪄✨. You have all the tools you need to create whatever career you want. The opportunities are limitless—you just have to believe in your own power. This card is like your personal hype man, reminding you that you are the creator of your own reality. What are you waiting for? Start conjuring up those dreams! 💫
Card 4: Knight of Wands, The World, Page of Cups & Ace of Cups Okay, quadruple whammy! The Knight of Wands is charging in with that fiery passion 🔥, and The World is all like, "Look at you, completing cycles and leveling up 🌍!" The Page of Cups brings in that creative spark, new ideas, and fresh energy, while the Ace of Cups overflows with emotional fulfillment and new beginnings 💖. Your long-term outcome is looking like a whole glow-up! It's a mix of passion, completion, creativity, and emotional satisfaction. A true fairy tale ending, minus the dragons. 🐉
Card 5: Ace of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles & 2 of Pentacles The universe is dropping some serious abundance vibes on you! The Ace of Pentacles is like, "Here's your golden opportunity 💰," while the Queen of Pentacles is telling you to nurture it and make it grow 🌿. The 2 of Pentacles is all about balance—managing everything with grace, even when it feels like you’re juggling too much 🤹‍♀️. The advice here is to ground yourself, seize the opportunities, and find that sweet spot between work and play. Cha-ching! 🤑
2. Relationship:
Card 6: Knight of Cups Ah, the Knight of Cups—so dreamy 😍! This relationship is all about those romantic vibes, sweet gestures, and deep emotional connections. It’s like living in a rom-com where everything feels like it’s straight out of a movie scene 🎬. Your partner is bringing that love and charm, sweeping you off your feet. Swoon alert! 💕
Card 7: 10 of Wands & Death Whoa, plot twist! The 10 of Wands says there’s a bit of a burden or heaviness in the relationship 🏋️‍♀️. Maybe you or your partner are feeling overwhelmed, carrying too much weight on your shoulders. But don’t worry, darling, because Death is here to say, "Time for a transformation!" 🌑💀 This card is all about endings and new beginnings. It’s time to let go of what's not working and embrace a fresh start. Out with the old, in with the new!
Card 8: 9 of Cups & Strength Yes, yes, YES! The 9 of Cups is that wish-fulfillment card, making all your relationship dreams come true 🌠. It's like you’re both in a place where you’re content and emotionally satisfied. Paired with Strength, this shows you both have the inner courage and resilience to overcome any challenges that come your way. This relationship has strong foundations, and with a little patience and understanding, you’ll keep those good vibes flowing! 💪✨
Card 9: The Moon Hmm, things might get a little murky here 🌀. The Moon is all about illusions, fears, and the unknown. There might be some hidden emotions or doubts lurking beneath the surface. You’ll need to navigate these shadows carefully—trust your intuition and don’t let fear cloud your judgment. Remember, the moonlight will guide you through the darkness 🌕.
Card 10: Justice Is this person the one? Justice says it’s all about balance and karma ⚖️. This card is telling you that this relationship is here to teach you something important. It’s a karmic connection, where fairness and truth are key. If you both put in the effort to maintain balance and integrity, this could definitely be "the one" 🔮.
Bottom of the Deck: The Emperor Oof, daddy vibes! The Emperor at the bottom of the deck shows that beneath it all, this situation calls for structure, stability, and leadership. Whether it’s in your career or relationship, you need to step into your power and take charge. Be the boss of your life—own it, and everything will fall into place 🧢.
And there you have it, gorgeous! 🌟 Remember to channel that Agora Hills energy, keep it real, and let those good vibes flow. You've got this! 🌙🌺
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t7-01 · 3 years
hell yeah!!! hell yeah!!!! HELL!!!! YEAH!!!!
jango/shmi is SUCH a good ship dude and so severely underrated. the parallels are fucking incredible man - both of them enslaved, both of them with sons through unusual means, both of them willing to do anything it takes to protect their boys. and, perhaps most devastating, both were separated from their children by the jedi. ofc the beauty of shmi voluntarily letting anakin go and find freedom vs the tragedy of jango being killed in front of boba is just so deeply painful, but also so intriguing.
i’ve heard of aus where jango and shmi meet on the slaving ship he escaped from, or meet during bounties, and he eventually asks her and anakin to live with him on kamino, protecting all of them from terrible fates almost entirely by accident. a nice happy fett family is just such a lovely thought, and it makes me wish that’s what had happened for them 😭
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bookaddict24-7 · 3 years
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I said at the beginning of the year that I would share my reviews more on my blog instead of just on Instagram and Goodreads. I’ve been reading a lot so far this year, so my reviews will be delayed on here. I upped it to 10 reviews per post so I can do most of the reviews before the end of the year!
Friend me on Goodreads here to read my reviews in real-time!
156. The Prisoner of Cell 25 by Richard Paul Evans--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was craving a re-read of this because I never finished the series and I loved it just as much as the first time! I'm always recommending this series to fans of the I Am Number Four readers, and anyone who loves books that feature a ragtag group of teens fighting the evil corporation (plus, they have powers and travel around the world.) Such a great re-read!
157. House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland--⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
While I enjoyed this book, I think it was a little TOO hyped up for me. I'm part of a book club and everyone loved it and ya'll know how I am with expectations (if you've been reading my reviews for a while). I think I expected a higher level of WTF, but it was still entertaining for what it was! I enjoyed seeing the relationship between the sisters, despite their mother being hesitant about them seeing each other. The mystery was intriguing and definitely worthy of being a Reddit mystery (as referenced in the book.) I was left with a few questions about why they can do the things they do, and I think a lot of it is left for the reader's imagination. I think this could even have the potential for a sequel, since the world introduced and the multitude of characters and experiences could be expanded. It also gave me really strong Wayward Children vibes (especially with one of the items mentioned). I'd recommend this to anyone who wants a spoopy read with a super atmospheric setting. If you want a conclusion that will leave you wondering wtf did I just read? This one is the one for you!
158. A Dash of Trouble by Anna Meriano--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This book was so adorable! I've been meaning to check it out for a while, so when I saw that the library had the audiobook, I immediately borrowed it. I loved reading about brujeria from the perspective of a younger character and also in a more whimsical storyline. I'm really intrigued by the siblings concept and kind of want to follow this series until the MC is 15 so we can finally learn what her specialty is! There's a scene at the end between the MC and her mom that was the cutest thing ever and reminded me of my mom and me whenever I was in trouble and I did the whole, "I love you, mami" thing. I also appreciated that the MC knew that what she was doing wasn't exactly right and her conscience was quietly warning her of the fact. If you want to read a cute story about brujeria and practice your Spanish, you should pick this up! I was so happy and excited to hear the voice actress speaking in Spanish as she read out recipe lists and other dialogues. Though I was thrown off a bit with how she pronounced azucar.
159. Honey So Sweet Vol. 2 by Amu Meguro--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was a cute volume with how the two MCs are growing closer—I do think one thing was done rather quickly, but I’m also glad it was dwelled on. I can already see a love rival coming and the first hurdle this young couple will have to overcome! Can’t wait to pick up the next volume!
160. I Cannot Reach You Vol. 1 by Mika--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
SO GOOD. Omg. These two. And when the author started showing us both perspectives?? Dead. Those short bonus stories at the end? Ridiculously adorable and sweet. I just...I need the second volume. I can already tell this is going to be a slow burn that destroys me. Also that cover art and the cover art for the second volume 😍
161. The Hostile Hospital by Lemony Snicket--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ah, the plot thickens! Knowing some of the things we know from this book, the next book in the series should be interesting. I feel really bad for these kids. Not only do they have a murderous jerk after them, but now the world believes a lie about them and no matter how much they explain themselves, no one believes them. It just shows an interesting perspective of how kids might view the adult world around them.
162. The Deal by Elle Kennedy--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wow, it’s been six years since I read this book! I enjoyed it for the most part—there were just a few instances that either showed this book’s age, or showed how important communication would have been. I’m doing this re-read because I recently purchased the whole series and want to actually finish it (the nostalgia hit me hard in April.) Will be starting the sequel in June!
163. Komi Can’t Communicate Vol. 11 by Tomohito Oda--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This slow burn!!!! I love the cute scene at the beginning because it clearly shows that others see what’s happening, but these two are just being adorable and unaware. I always laugh when I’m reading this series because it’s either really silly, or really freaking cute.
164. The Way of the House husband Vol. 1 by Kousuke Oono & Sheldon Drzka  --
This was such a fun read and so different from other mangas I’ve read! This was more a collection of events per chapter rather than one linear story. The art was alright in some scenes, but the dialogue was great and funny. Also, the househusband is lowkey kind of fine af, so that was fun—especially the opening panels.
165. White Night by Jim Butcher--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was always told, before starting this series, that it got better as the series progressed and wow...they were right! I’m really enjoying this series and so happy I kept going past the slightly awkward first few books. I loved some of the twists and the moments between Harry and a side character I can’t mention because spoilers. I also just want these two characters to just...smooch. Ugh. Slow af burn, I tell you. Anyway, this was great and there were some pretty cool scenes where Harry just sounded like a complete badass.
Have you read any of these titles? Would you recommend them? 
Happy reading!
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mysticinsightstarot · 1 month
hi! I’d like a free tarot read pls about how I’ll meet my future husband (kinda like a story if u can or wtv lol) and what he’ll think of me (personality and looks pls)
My initials are AD
yeah sure sweetheart love and blessings 🙌 💖
Title: 🎬 The Movie of Your Love Story: How You and Your Future Spouse Will Meet 🍿
Card 1: The Prologue – The Emperor Right now, you're in your power! 💪 The Emperor shows you as someone who's in control, strong, and ready to build an empire. You're structured, disciplined, and perhaps even a bit focused on career or personal goals. You're in the phase of life where you know what you want, and you're not settling for anything less. This sets the stage for a love story that's about to unfold in the most epic way! 🌟
Card 2: The Catalyst – 9 of Pentacles The moment things start to shift is when you realize just how far you've come on your own. 🌱 You're enjoying the fruits of your labor, living independently, and radiating self-confidence. This is the energy that begins to attract your future spouse into your life. You're thriving, glowing, and someone is about to notice that shine! ✨
Card 3: The First Encounter – The Sun & King of Pentacles Ah, the first meeting! ☀️ The Sun and the King of Pentacles suggest that your first encounter is going to be warm, joyful, and full of light. It could happen in a setting where there's abundance—perhaps at a social event, a luxurious venue, or even through a work connection where this King of Pentacles type (stable, successful, and grounded) enters your life. It's like a scene from a movie where everything feels just right, and you can't help but smile at each other. 😍
Card 4: The Conflict – Devil, Queen of Swords, Ace of Cups, 10 of Swords & Temperance Every great love story has its challenges, right? 😈 The Devil shows there's some temptation or perhaps an old pattern that tries to sneak in, causing a bit of conflict. The Queen of Swords cuts through the BS, bringing clarity, but it might also cause some harsh words or misunderstandings. The Ace of Cups and 10 of Swords suggest that emotions run deep, and there could be a moment where it feels like it's all falling apart. But don't worry! Temperance is here to remind you that balance will be restored. This is all part of the process of building something truly meaningful. 💔💧⚖️
Card 5: The Turning Point – Queen of Cups The turning point in your love story comes when you both start to tap into your emotional depths. 💖 The Queen of Cups signifies a shift towards understanding, compassion, and emotional maturity. You begin to open up to each other, sharing your true feelings, and this deepens the connection. It's a moment of vulnerability that changes everything, leading you closer together. 🌊
Card 6: The Climax – 4 of Cups & 8 of Pentacles In the climax of your story, there's a moment of introspection with the 4 of Cups. One of you might be so focused on work or other aspects of life that you almost miss the love that's right in front of you. 😶 But then, the 8 of Pentacles kicks in, showing that you're both willing to put in the effort to make this relationship work. It's like that scene where one character realizes they can't let the other slip away and decides to fight for love! 🛠️❤️
Card 7: The Resolution – The Lovers, Magician & Star And here we have the beautiful resolution! 💕 The Lovers, Magician, and Star all together? This is destiny, baby! Your love is divinely guided, and with the Magician, you both have all the tools to create the future you desire. The Star brings hope, healing, and the sense that you're both exactly where you're meant to be. It's like the perfect ending where everything falls into place, and you both realize you're each other's wish come true. 🌟✨
Card 8: The Epilogue – 5 of Pentacles Even in the happy ending, there's a reminder that love is about sticking together through thick and thin. 🛤️ The 5 of Pentacles shows that there may be challenges ahead, but you'll face them side by side, supporting each other no matter what. This love is about loyalty, commitment, and never letting the other feel alone. 💏
Card 9: The Hidden Scene – Fool, King of Cups, King of Wands & Hermit Behind the scenes, there's so much spiritual growth happening! 🌌 The Fool shows that this relationship will bring a fresh, exciting start for both of you. The King of Cups and King of Wands suggest a balance of deep emotional connection and passionate drive, while the Hermit indicates that you'll both go within to find the wisdom needed to make this work. This love will be transformative, leading you both to new heights. 🧘‍♂️🔥
Card 10: The Director's Cut – 4 of Wands, Strength & 4 of Swords The universe's advice? Celebrate this love! 🎉 The 4 of Wands is all about joy, union, and even a hint of marriage or deep commitment. Strength reminds you that this love requires patience and resilience, while the 4 of Swords suggests taking time to rest and reflect. Together, these cards advise you to enjoy the journey, be strong in the face of challenges, and give yourselves space to heal and grow. 🌻💪
Bottom of the Deck: 3 of Cups And the overall vibe? Celebration! 🎊 The 3 of Cups is a reminder that this love is something to rejoice in. It brings happiness not just to you, but to those around you as well. It's a love worth sharing, celebrating, and toasting to! 🥂
🎶 Channeled Song: "Fighting" by SEVENTEEN 🎶 Just like the song, your love story is about fighting for what's important, overcoming challenges, and coming out stronger on the other side. This relationship will teach you both resilience, patience, and the power of love. Keep pushing forward, and remember that you're in this together. 💖
So, ready to star in your own love movie? 🎥🍿 This is going to be one epic journey full of twists, turns, and a love that was meant to be! 🌟
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