#agw hyde
agw-comic-official · 4 years
Are you finished with your Jekyll and Hyde designs? I'd love to see them when you're done, they really intrigue me. Also, what are their personalities like and what is their relationship with each other like?
I'm still tweaking the designs and art style as a whole, but the current designs for Jekyll and Hyde sre these!
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Jekyll is incredibly timid and often withholds information about himself. He doesn't speak up often, and when he does he's very unsure and easily gives up when confronted, at least verbally. He's a good 6'11" in height, something he absolutely loathes as he hates having attention on himself. He tries his best to stay polite and is a very rational man, always stopping and thinking things through, though this can sometimes lead to overthinking and spiraling into a panic for him.
Hyde is the complete opposite; they're unapologetically loud and proud, demanding attention and always butting in with their opinion, wanted or not. They're stubborn and act almost entirely on impulse and feeling, and feel all their emotions very strongly. They stand at about 4'8", and unlike Jekyll, who represses his 'ungentlemanly traits and characteristics', Hyde is more than happy to let the world see them. They're a shameless flirt, protective of those they care about, and always eager for a fight.
As for their relationship, neither actually is all that aware of the other. Jekyll knows that when he takes HJ7, he feels really good, and he has fuzzy memories of drinking and laughing and enjoying himself, but that's about it. Hyde also has very little recollection of what they do as Jekyll. It's like if your sober/drunk selves shared a flat and only ever spoke to each other when one was heading to bed and the other was waking up; all one would recall of the other's day would be jumbled, out of order, hazy tidbits. Maybe if Jekyll ever gets curious enough, he would run tests to see just how separated they really are.
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
Gabriel sighed as he wiped at Edward's face with one hand and Hyde's face with the other. Both the little miscreants had gotten into one of Mrs. Clarke's pies, and both had suffered heavily for it. He now had one very agitated housekeeper and two sick little Hydes to take care of. It didn't help that Hyde kept lurching like he was about to spit out his own stomach again, the odd little shark.
Edward was already trying to worm his way into the lawyer's lap while Hyde tried to pull away, huddling in on himself protectively. The smaller Hyde had always been the shyer of the two, perhaps because Henry didn't pay him as much attention, leading to the little thing's inferiority complex. With a soft shake of his head, Gabriel reached over and pulled the other close, hoisting them both up, a 4"9 little slime on one hip and a 4"0 shark on the other.
"Honestly, you two, have you learnt nothing in your time here?" The lawyer admonished. Edward looked slightly bashful, whereas Hyde flinched and tried to hide himself against Gabriel's side. "You need to stick to broths and other easily digestable things. Your stomachs are too sensitive." He walked to his study, holding both the brunettes with care, and settled down in his favourite chair.
"At least it's not as bad as that time with the peanut butter," The larger of the two piped up, earning a groan from Gabriel and a disgusted whine from Hyde. They both remembered the incident well, one from having to scoop soggy peanut butter out of throats, the other because he'd been right alongside Edward, drooling profusely and trying to hack the sticky spread up.
"Well, I suppose that is a positive, yes," Gabriel muttered. At this point, Hyde had wedged himself between the lawyer and the corner of the seat, nestled in and mostly hidden from sight. He was shivering, freezing cold to the touch, and Gabriel moved Edward over to sit in front of his double. The runny-eyed gremlin leant on him, trying to help keep him warm. Gabriel looked at the two, then sighed once more, picking them up. It was clearly time for bed for the two, especially if he wanted to keep them on a diurnal schedule rather than a nocturnal one. He walked up to their shared room, setting them down on the bed. Hyde immediately tried to hide underneath the pillows, to which Gabriel simply tugged him out.
He had grown rather adept at changing fussy little Hydes into their sleepwear, though he still wore falconer's gloves when dressing Hyde; the little shark could be unpredictable when agitated, and he'd rather not recieve another nasty bite from those rows of razor sharp teeth. They huddled together for warmth, and Gabriel felt a spark of affection for the two as he tucked them in.
"Goodnight, you two," He murmured softly, blowing out the candles before leaving, unable to help but wish Henry Jekyll were here to help wrangle his two little creations.
Just a short little drabble-ly fic thingy involvi g @thatsmyhyde 's delightful boyos and world and my own littke shark wedged in there. I just find the idea of Henry leaving behind two little devils interesting. Poor Utterson - now he has to scoop peanut butter out of two mouths.
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Casting goals for Jordan Donica?
Casting Goals
Billy Bigelow in Carousel
Harpo in The Color Purple
Aaron Burr in Hamilton
Dr. Henry Jekyll/Mr. Edward Hyde in Jekyll & Hyde
John in Miss Saigon
Fedya Dolokhov in Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Coalhouse Walker, Jr. in Ragtime
Joe Gillis in Sunset Boulevard
Flick in Violet
Fly Into the Future
Mister in The Color Purple
Fred Graham in Kiss Me, Kate
Javert in Les Miserables
Pierre Bezukhov in Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Agwe in Once On this Island
Papa Ge in Once On this Island
Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera
Emile de Becque in South Pacific
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agw-comic-official · 4 years
Proud to say Hyde is getting a redesign and will no longer be some twink in a corset
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
AGW Jekyll & Hyde say
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Blessed Yule~!!!
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
@fox-guardian this is my third attempt at making your ask (which tumblr deleted) into a post. Apologies for the wait.
Fox-guardian: Your Hyde: *exists* Me: *signs adoption papers*
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Ah, yes, the one thing that can make Jekyll put his constant anxiety attack on hold: the implication that he/a part of himself need to be looked after/taken care of (even though it's true and he most certainly does).
Hyde on the other hand—
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Hope ya don't mind tear stains and snot, Fox, cuz this particular gremlin is a Crybaby.
(I experimented a bit with Hyde's ears in this one. I don't know, what do you guys think? Shoul I keep them as normal human ears, or should I give him these big ol' bad bois?)
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
I'm in love with your Hyde, could you tell me more about him? I loved him in that drawing!
The bastard has a fan already?? I'm Shook
(This might be a bit long, I apologize-)
So, the Hyde lad:
Emotional trauma is his middle name. In the original novella Hyde is all of Jekyll's repressed desires, and I thought, "Hey, why not also make Hyde his repressed trauma too??"
He and Jekyll aren't really seperate but also are?? Like, they treat each other as two seperate people and always say things like 'I can feel Hyde clawing to get out' and 'Jekyll won't stop my fun this time', but they can't interact like other J&H adaptations, notably The Glass Scientists by @arythusa and @thatsmyhyde 's delightful slimy boi and chunky grandpa (go check both of them out their stuff is really great). They're the same person. Kinda somewhere in between the original novella (where Hyde is just a disguise) and more modern adaptations (where Jekyll and Hyde have screaming matches at 3 am).
This version of Hyde belongs to a comic I'm trying to force myself to take seriously and actually finish, Against God's Will, which has a bunch of different gothic lit and sci-fi characters as the main group. Hyde works as the suspicious spy type character who nobody in the group actually trusts. In fact, a main goal of the group is helping Jekyll find a cure to get rid of Hyde once and for all.
Hyde can't bring himself to ever face the people who were important in his/Jekyll's life. If he so much as hears somone say 'Lawyer', 'Hastie', 'Old friend', etc., he will immediately grow aggressive and lash out, both verbally and physically. He actually craves comfort and close friendships but has never been given that on account of his uncanny valley appearance and generally crude and aggressive nature.
Hyde is actually pretty weak. He was made for running and hiding, not brawling, and suffers from poor health on account of his being artificially created, including a heart condition, a weak immune system, and a weak digestive system. Most things will get him sick to his stomach.
Hyde is the definition of those feral cats that get slowly won over by kindness but refuse to show it. The fact that he's in the same room as you is totally unintentional and has nothing to do with the fact he's fond of you, shUT UP—
Gets flustered really easily. Like, give him one (1) moment of positive attention and he will blush and actually wiggle with happiness.
Hyde likes soft things.
Hyde likes cute things like puppies, kittens, birds, etc.
For some weird reason no one can explain, the one thing Hyde can eat without getting sick is raw seafood. A majority of his diet is just slabs of raw fish and in case you're wondering, yes, he does fish like a cat and just pounce and swat at fish in running water.
Under his chin is his weak spot. Scritch under there and he will be putty in your hands.
Picking him up under the arms renders him completely immobile and he just goes limp. You know how when you pick up a cat, they just stick their arms straight out and let the rest of themself dangle? Yeah, that's Hyde.
He's nocturnal, sunlight genuinely hurts his eyes. This is possibly a side effect of only ever being let out at night during the first chunk of his life.
His eyes do the cat thing: angry = slitted pupils, curious = BIG pupils.
He can purr but it sounds really fucking creepy, like that video where they tried to replicate what a T-Rex would actually sound like.
As mentioned in the drawing, he gets physically ill at the sight of people being affectionate. It reminds him of everything he never had and has been promised he never will have.
He's extremely touch-starved and if you pat his head he will break down crying.
Reacts badly to being accused/yelled at (this ties into how his interaction with Sir Danvers Carew went down, and the subsequent manhunt for him).
If you're his friend, he'll be loyal to you for life. If you're his enemy, you will at some point lose at least a finger.
T e e f s.
Ya know that Mao Mao character from that cute cartoon, and how he does the shark-mouth thing when excited? Hyde does that only with more uncanny valley horror.
And last but not least,
His one wish in life is to be told 'I forgive you' by Lanyon and Utterson.
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
Can I give your Hyde a big motherly hug? He looks like he needs one. Oh, and while I'm at it, here's one for you!
A hug for the feral cat lad...
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
AGW memes - based mostly on TikToks, ngl (SPOILERS)
Cthulu: Look, makeup your gods all you want.
Cthulu: That's not gonna save you when I come to eat your ass~ *sips water*
Jekyll: Hey, mum, you remember how you told me you brought me into this world and you can take me out of it?
Jekyll, face going deadpan: Yeah, I'm ready to go—
Moses: Is anyone there..?
Griffin: *Scooby Doo laugh*
Moses, running: Oh, fuCK THAT—
Lord Henry: *leaves the front door open*
Dorian: OoO
Dorian, running outside: Oh my Jesus, oh my God, wait who even is Jesus- holy shit, wtf is this green stuff? *plucks grass* I'm taking some, I'm taking some *sees a coach* aH BIG METAL THING DRIVING, I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS—
Dorian: *excited running with a huge smile, freezeframes*
Dorian voiceover: My name is Dorian Grey, I'm a twink. Five seconds after this shot I got hit by a carriage. That means I lasted a total of thirty-six seconds in the real world!
Griffin: If God loves me then why can't I smoke crack without burning my lips??
Faust: GRIFFIN!!
Moses: Bruh—
Griffin: Paul, when is dinner ready?
Victor: Yeah, Paul, when is dinner ready?
Griffin: Paul, we're hungry!
Victor: Yeah, Paul, we're hungry!
Moreau, slowly turning to face them: ....reeeEEEE—
Faust: You either buckle down and do your work or you'll end up at McDonalds.
Victor: We goin' to McDonalds if I don't do my work?
Faust: No—
Mina: What's my taste in men? Fuckin' dumb ones. A man who thinks he's smart because he read Catcher in the Rye by himself and has a superiority complex is boring.
Mina: Jonathan Harker once asked me which side the kidney was on and ever since I have dreamt of kissing him—
Dorain + Jekyll, dancing in the mirror: I hate. My body. I hate. My body.
Victor: Let me get one thing straight-
Victor: I am a John Mulaney stan FIRST,
Victor: and a human being second.
Griffin: All these bitches talking about Disney plus?? Yeah, fuck that, I'll enjoy my free Moana with the porn ads on the side, thank you, I LIKE seeing them—
Vampire Lady #1, to Mina: I can take your man if I want to~
Vampire Lady #2: I can take your man if I want to~
Hyde, joining in for literal no fucking reason: I CAN TAKE YA MAN IF I WANT TO, BUT LUCCKY FOR YOU I DON'T WANT TO—
Helsing: *vampire hunting Dracula*
Dracula: *bites him and turns him into a vampire*
Helsing, now trapped in an immortal life and forced to become the thing he hates most in the world: Wow, didn't know it did that.
Jekyll, trying to kill Hyde: The power of Christ compels you!
Hyde: Does it, J?
Jekyll: The power of Christ COMPELS YOU!
Hyde: Is the power of Christ compelling me? Is that what's happening?
Jekyll, having a mental breakdown: THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!
Hyde: Guess what? It's not that compelling (:
Jekyll, first creating Hyde: You will remove all sin from me. That is why you are alive. That is your purpose...
Hyde, immediately dressing in drag and hitting up every brothel and pub in a five mile radius mere minutes after being alive: My purpose is to get money and suck dick (:
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
Y'all I'm so pissed
Okay so surprising literally no one because it's me we're talking about here, Jekyll/Hyde are trans. I need to change Jekyll and Hyde's designs to be more feminine, not only because femme trans guys (like myself) need rep too but also because FUCKING DANVERS CAREW IS A CREEP.
So, Carew gets all buddy buddy with Jekyll because he's small and feminine, and that's Carew's Type. He also suspects Jekyll is trans, which he has A Thing For, the damn sicko (trans men are not a fetish, Carew, fuck you). He invites Jekyll over for a party, knowing Jekyll is the kind to be the last to leave because he'd feel rude if he didn't properly thank the host for inviting him. He waits till the end of the party, grabs Jekyll, and you know what happens next because at this point we've established Carew is a fucking rapist.
HE LATER DOES THE SAME SHIT TO HYDE IN THE ALLEYWAY, but instead of killing him Hyde just lays there in shock as Carew walks away. Later, the AGW is called in to investigate strange happenings by none other than Danvers Rapist Fuck Carew. Jekyll keeps his mouth shut even with Carew creeping on him the entire time he's housing the AGW because Jekyll blames himself for what happened. He still has that gaslighting bullshit with Hyde, but now it's a two way street because Hyde hits him right back with the same accusations. Basically, these two have never experienced a healthy coping mechanism in their life and need some godsdamn couples therapy (and also just therapy in general). The AGW is generally confused about Jekyll's behaviour (he's always been skittish, but never like that), and that's all I'll say for now.
As always, thoughts, comments, and criticism are welcomed.
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
Okay so ive seen,,,,,agw all over your page but i dont know what it is, pwease enlighten me my good friend i feel like a dumbass and i really dig the concept (unless its like a thingie that i shouldnt know about then leave me in the dark)
AGW is the abbreviation for Against God's Will, a comic that I'm working on. It features Frankenstein, Dr. Moreau, Faust, Abraham Van Helsing, the Invisible Man, the Time Traveler, and Jekyll/Hyde as the main cast. It's a collection of mysteries and cases that the group solves that are all connected, but the AGW crew isn't aware of this until much later. It will slowly progress into a darker story as the series continues. Each book will be around 120 pages, and the series is broken up into cases. It's currently still in it's concept phase, though I do have two chapters mapped out for the first case. It will be a lot of work since I need to learn to draw backgrounds and props, finalize the character designs, and will be not only drawing and inking the pages by hand, but also digitalizing it for posting. Mod Hyde might be doing some of the panels and chapter art, which could end up being a spot-the-difference game for readers since our styles can be pretty similar.
I'm excited and dedicated to work on AGW, as this would be my first finished/professional project.
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
AGW Voice Claims (? Claims? Headcanons? Idk—)
Moses/Time Traveler - Daveed Diggs
Griffin/Invisible Man - Invisible Man from Hotel Translyvania
Moreau - Dan Avidan from Game Grumps
Faust - Johan from Hellboy 2
Frankenstein - John Mulaney
Van Hellsing - Dracula from Hotel Translyvania
Hyde - YouTube/Soundtrack Hyde from the J&H Musical
Jekyll - Chris Fleming, specifically from the Baby Got Back video
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
AGW Jekyll: New year new me.
AGW Griffin: Haha, okay, I get it, you're gonna turn into Hyde now—
AGW Jekyll, pouring cyanide into a bottle of cider: (:
AGW Griffin: WAIT, NO—
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
Could you explain that shark thing Hyde's got going on a bit more in depth? (Talking about the throwing his own stomach up thing) also, does he grow teeth back the way sharks do?
One of the ingredients in AGW Jekyll's HJ7 is powdered shark scales. It's actually the 'rare salt' in this version. As such, Hyde is very shark-like in terms of his anatomy and behaviour. It's also because Jekyll was bullied/abused as a child with the most common insult being about his eyes being 'dead and soulless, like a shark's', as well as being from Oban, a fishing town, and constantly being called a 'filthy little shark' or 'hideous shark pup' because he grew up eating fish, often raw because he was an orphan on the streets. Hyde ended up sort of manifesting as all the shark insults because Hyde starts off as Jekyll's traumas shoved into one being, and all the verbal abuse and bullying definitely was part of that trauma.
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
Ya boi wants to 1. Draw his AGW cast, and 2. Finally design the side characters in AGW, soooo...
Art challenge time!!!
Pick a number;
- Main Cast
1. Moses Nebogipfel
2. Victor Frankenstein
3. Jack Griffin
4. Abraham Van Helsing
5. Paul Moreau
6. Johann Georg Faust
7. Henry Jekyll and/or Edward Hyde
- Side Characters
8. The panther woman
9. Dorian Grey
10. Basil Hallward
11. Lord Henry
12. Sherlock Holmes and/or John Watson
13. Johnathan Harker and/or Mina Harker
14. Lucy Westenra
15. Lucy's Boyfriend Squad (Dr. Seward, Quincy Morris, and Arthur Homestead)
16. Renfield
Then send three random emojis and I'll make a drawing of the character based off them!!
(If you want more than one character, send # + #. Example: wanting both Frankenstein (2) and Faust (6), so tou'd send 2 + 6)
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thejeksburyguy · 5 years
I got some more questions for you! How did Utterson end up in Bethlam? Does Hyde secretly crave Jekyll's approval? Is Jekyll just generally really cold towards Hyde? For what specific reasons does Jekyll dislike Hyde and think he's justified in treating him badly? (Also please take this as an invitation to ramble about anything else relating to your Jekyll and Hyde content, about anything you waited to be asked about, be it more details about relationships, more backstory, or quirks.)
Utterson was already suffering due to ~spoilers~, and seeing Jekyll transform into Hyde and then ~BIG SPOILER~ was just too much for him. He fell into a permanent state of shock, unable to speak or care for himself. He has no surviving family other than Enfield, but he's.. hehe.. currently in prison, so he wasn't available to take him in. So, off to Bedlam he goes.
Not getting too far into spoiler territory, Hyde starts off hating Jekyll to the point of wanting him gone. As in dead. He hates Jekyll, and sees him as his captor. Which, think about it; if you were only allowed to exist at the whim of someone else, and this same person gaslights you and blames you for everything rather than confronting their own pain and trauma, wouldn't you want to hit them with a cane? Repeatedly??
Jekyll views Hyde as nothing more than an extension of himself. He sees his treatment of Hyde as advanced self-loathing, excusing his behaviour as just hating his own flaws. He is actually genuinely oblivious to the fact that Hyde is slowly developing into his own person. Whether intentionally oblivious or not is still up for debate.
The rest of the AGW is guilty of this as well, but that's because all they know about Hyde is what Jekyll's told them. They don't know that Jekyll has the formula for HJ7 memorized at this point. They don't know that he hasn't 'gone clean' like he said he has. They just see Hyde as a parasite infecting their darling Jekyll, and it's not like Hyde's ever given an opportunity to defend himself. Not that he would; Jekyll's treatment of him has definitely warped Hyde's perception of himself.
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