#agumon x tentomon
izzyizumi · 7 months
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Digimon Adventure x And Cafe (Merchandise Collaboration) "Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary Cafe: Our Memories" + featuring Duo: Taichi Yagami & Koushiro{u} Izumi & Koushiro Clutching Protecting the Laptop
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taichi-x-koushiro · 7 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ 25th Anniversary Pop-Up Shop + Taichi Yagami & Koushiro{u} Izumi (+with Agumon & Tentomon) (Higher quality art from the character stand previews!)
{Note how Koushiro has mainly ORANGE (Taichi), Dark fuschia pink (Hikari) and green (Mimi) splashes, with a significant amount from Taichi too} (Koushiro also seemed to land a hit or two on Agumon!)
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taikouvember · 3 months
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Taikouvember 2024 - Rules & FAQ
Even though most of the general rules for the week were already written down in the Event Announcement Post, we would still like to specify some of our Do’s and Don’t’s to make sure Taikouvember will turn out amazingly for everyone involved!
Do's & Recommendations
The event goes from November 4th to November 10th. There are prompts for every single day - this time, they refer to the Crests of the other Chosen Children.
Interpret the prompts as you like, you can find some helpful tips in our Prompt Guideline. You may submit as many entries for each prompt as you like.
If this year's prompts are not to your liking, feel free to use the prompts used for the 2022 and 2023 events as well.
Every kind of entry will be allowed: Fanfiction, Drabbles, Poems, Fanart, Comics, Sketches, Doodles, Music, Playlists, Music Videos, Picture Sets, Edits, Gifsets, Meta, etc.
You can of course decide which series or medium you want to focus on: Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, all corresponding movies, Digimon Adventure Tri, Digimon Adventure Last Evolution: Kizuna, Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning, Digimon Adventure: The 2020 Reboot, games, manhuas, audio dramas, novels, the stageplay, etc.
You are free to choose how to interpret the relationship of Taikou - whether that's romantic or platonic is completely up to you!
Other canon characters are allowed to be included, as long as the entries contain the original ship Taikou, the original characters, Taichi Yagami and Koushiro Izumi, and/or in extension, their partners, Agumon and Tentomon. You can also include multi-/polyships, OT3s, OT4s, etc. as long as they contain Taikou.
Crossovers, Alternate Universes (AUs) or Own Characters (OCs) are allowed, as long as the entries contain the original ship.
When posting your entries, please make sure to @ us directly as @taikouvember in the entry post or use the following tags: #taikouvember2024, #taikouvember 2024, #taikouvember. You can also submit your posts directly to our blog.
We will search the different ship tags (#taikou, #koutai, #taishiro, #taishirou, #taichi x koushiro, #taichi x koushirou) for your entries too, so regardless of what spelling you use, we will try our best to find it. Late entries beyond Taikouvember are perfectly fine, we will search the ship tags until at least the end of November. If we missed your entry, please contact us directly!
Old content may be reblogged by using our handle @taikouvember, so we can find it or you can send us content you would like us to reblog for consideration. We highly encourage creating new content though!
Don't's & Restrictions
Do not post any ship or character bashing/hate concerning any other Digimon ships/characters. It will not be reblogged.
Only post your own content, art theft etc. will not be tolerated. This includes the use of AI technology. AI art may only be reblogged if it is tagged/marked explicitly as such and doesn't blatantly copy other people's work.
Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content may be submitted in moderation and in line with tumblr's guidelines, but only if it is hidden under "Read Mores". Any kind of adult themes and triggers need to be tagged accordingly. Please understand that we may not reblog explicit, disturbing or any kind of discriminating content.
We're excited to see what you'll have in mind. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly! Have fun!
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smackins · 2 years
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Name: Sgt. Pepper
Age: 8
Likes: Bananas, gardens, tea, new friends
Dislikes: Loud noises, Real World meat, fly traps and bug zappers
Pabumon (Fresh)
Motimon (In-Training)
Tentomon (Rookie)
Kabuterimon (Champion)
Owlmon (Armor)
MegaKabuterimon Blue (Ultimate)
Kongoumon (Mega)
Imperialdramon P.M. (Jogress w/ Dynasmon)
Pepper was born from my first ever V-pet, the Digimon Mini. He's a peculiar little tentomon with leaf-like antennae. He began his life as a shy, naive, gentle little baby. He's much wiser now, but he never lost his gentleness. He gets along well with my family and loved ones, and even wears a scarf my mom made for him. He has a great appreciation for nature, both in the Real World and the Digital World, and enjoys long walks and scenic car rides. He is a constant companion and confidant, and is not only my protector but also a protector of defenseless digimon in need. His Jogress partner is my sibling's Agumon, Marigold.
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Name: Raz
Age: 1
Likes: mischief, books, magic, and spicy food
Dislikes: That One Damemon in Particular
Puttimon (Fresh)
Tokomon X (In-Training)
Renamon X (Rookie)
Renamon (Alt. Rookie)
Youkomon (Champion)
Sangloupmon (Alt. Champion)
Leomon X (Alt. Champion)
Butterflymon (Armor)
Raz is a young digimon born from the Digital Monster X. Though I have befriended many digimon from other V-pets over the years, she took to Pepper and I instantly and a true Tamer Bond formed. She views Pepper as her Big Brother, even though her rookie form is significantly taller. Like any Renamon, she is a master of illusions and invisibility- the latter she uses to sneak into places she shouldn't be... For reasons we are yet to fully understand, she has both a Holy Ring and a ring with the Nightmare Soldiers symbol on each ear. Like the trickster fox of folklore, she's a sly troublemaker- though she is never motivated by malice. She has a peculiar evolution method which takes multiple paths, and she can even suppress her X Antibody when the situation calls for it.
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genork-the-fandork · 2 years
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Merry Digi-mas, @smackins ! I was your Digimon Secret Santa!
(This is my writing blog, but my main is @animegenork - I know it's confusing)
I had to think about this one quite a bit, as I mostly dabble in writing rather than art, and what can I do with Digimon lines and writing? ;w; Not much...
But! I took a peeksie around your blog and saw your icon was Kunemon (excellent choice), and your letter said you also love Tentomon! An idea took shape, and the result was this little crossover fic! I hope you like it, and I hope you have a very merry holiday season!
Thank you to @digisecretsanta and @sluggybasson107 for the excellent hosting of this event! 💕
So Much for Rescue
Word Count: 1508 | Universe: Survive x Adventure [Tri] Crossover | Characters: Ryo Tominaga, Kunemon, Koushiro Izumi, Tentomon | Dedicated to smackins
Ryo pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes for the fiftieth time that day. The others had suggested that he go outside and take a breather, maybe clear his head a little. It wasn’t working in the slightest. Not only had Kunemon followed him outside—the thing was like a ninja! He could barely hear him move!—but his head was still swirling with all the thoughts that kept bombarding the sides of his skull like bullets. Ha! Bullets! That was the last thing he needed to be worrying about right now!
Beside him, Kunemon sat quietly, his two front legs folded quietly in front of him. Resting his cheek on his right hand, Ryo peered down at him, narrowing his eyes. He supposed he was getting used to the weird creature, but it was hard. What did “Kew” even mean? How did the other monsters even understand any of that? He could barely wrap his head around where they were, much less try and figure out why this monster who spoke in chirps was following him around all the time. “Are you ever gonna be able to talk?”
Kunemon turned his head toward Ryo, his head tilting the slightest bit. In a way, that was fair—Ryo couldn’t remember if he’d interacted directly with Kunemon besides the screaming in the first few minutes. Since then, he’d only ever tried talking to the other kids… or to himself. After a few seconds, supposedly of making sure Ryo had indeed been speaking to him, Kunemon’s beak parted, and he let out a simple “Kewkew!” in response.
“Wish I had a translator around for this,” Ryo muttered, sighing. Besides the fact that he was probably going to get jumped at any moment, going off alone had been a terrible idea. Especially with this horrible communication problem between him and Kunemon.
“Guess we should go back,” he surmised, pushing himself to his feet and dusting himself off. Kunemon appeared to raise himself up on his legs, but it was hard to tell, considering he was so close to the ground compared to Ryo himself.
As they turned toward the school building, there was a popping noise behind him. Ryo nearly leaped six feet in the air. He whipped around so fast he nearly fell over. Kunemon made a chittering sound and leaped in front of him, not that his presence reassured Ryo at all. Where was Agumon and Takuma when he needed them?
A ball of blue light appeared out of nowhere, floating menacingly in front of them. It gradually widened, and Ryo took a nervous step back. In a few seconds, the blue sphere was more of a mirror-like shape, round and glowing. Kunemon scuttled near it, and if Ryo didn’t know any better, he’d say the little guy was sniffing the… whatever it was. Portal? It looked like a portal. But why would there be a portal here?
Did it lead back home?
There was a strange buzzing noise, and a large red insect came flying out of the portal. Ryo yelled and ducked down, using his arms to cover his head. Kunemon made a screeching noise, and a voice said, “Whoa! Sorry! I didn’t know there was anyone here.”
Looking up, Ryo saw the red insect thing land on the ground. Upon closer inspection, it seemed more like a robot bug than a full-fledged insect like Kunemon. Was this another strange creature? “Wh-what are you?”
“I’m Tentomon. And this is—Koushiro-han! Hurry up!”
“You’re the one who went flying through before I could check that the portal was stable.” Another voice sounded from the other side of the portal, a distinctly human voice. And Ryo was right, because out of the portal stepped a boy about his age, maybe a year or two older, with dark red hair and dark eyes. The boy was wearing his summer school uniform, a white collared shirt and a navy-blue tie paired with navy blue slacks and green shoes. He wasn’t familiar, though, which meant he probably hadn’t been on the camping trip. So much for a rescue operation.
“Oh, a person. Tentomon, are you sure we calibrated the portal correctly?” The boy opened a laptop computer he’d been holding under his arm, a frown crossing his face once he (assumedly) realized he had no connection. “That’s odd. If this was the Digital World, I would be able to connect.”
“Maybe this isn’t the Digital World, Koushiro-han!” Tentomon buzzed, gesturing his claws (were they claws?) at Kunemon and Ryo. “At least, I haven’t heard of more humans showing up there.”
“What the hell is the Digital World?” Ryo blurted, glancing back and forth between the two strangers. “Does it have anything to do with what’s going on around here?”
“I’m afraid not.” Koushiro closed his laptop and gave Ryo a guilty smile. “I think I accidentally opened a portal into a completely separate dimension from the one I intended. Well, I always suspected that was possible, what with the various gates, but to think I ended up in a totally different universe is…” He scratched the back of his head. “I wish I knew how I did it.”
Kunemon turned to Ryo, who hung his head in disappointment. “So definitely not a rescue party.”
“Rescue party?” Something flashed across Koushiro’s expression, and it was enough that Tentomon peered up at him. “Why are you waiting for a rescue party?”
Ryo gestured helplessly toward the school building. “The others and I are stuck here in these woods with these weird monsters, and we keep getting attacked every five seconds by something! Just last night we had to deal with a huge spider that nearly ate one of us!” Dokugumon’s face flashed in his mind, and he covered his eyes with a hand. “This place sucks!”
Above him, he heard Koushiro chuckle. “Are you laughing at me?”
“No, no.” Koushiro hid his smile behind his hand. “It’s just… This all sounds remarkably familiar. I went through something similar, you see, when I was in elementary school. About six years ago now.”
Kunemon let out another of his chirps, though this one sounded surprised and confused. Exactly how Ryo was feeling. Glancing up at Koushiro, who politely sat across from him, he murmured, “You’ve been stuck like this, too?”
“I have. And we were all much younger than you.” Koushiro lips turned up in a weak smile before he looked at Tentomon, placing his hand gently on the head of the robo-insect (Ryo still wasn’t sure which he was). “But we had our partners, and they kept us safe. They still keep us safe, even years later.”
Ryo looked at Kunemon. “Partners, huh.” He tentatively reached his hand out and placed it on Kunemon’s head, eliciting a delighted “Kew!” from the creature. The beginnings of a smile caused Ryo’s face to twitch at that. This wasn’t so bad. “I wonder if you’d be able to keep me safe, Kunemon. Not that I can understand you.”
“Tentomon, do you know what Kunemon is saying?” Koushiro turned to his partner creature, who began buzzing in thought.
“Sort of. He said, ‘Oh!’ in a surprised way. I think he’s not used to physical affection. But he seems to like it.”
For the first time since he’d gotten into this mess, Ryo let out a little chuckle of his own. “After all I’ve put him through, he deserves it.” His eyebrows furrowed, and he looked at Koushiro once more. “Do you think we’ll be able to make it out of this?”
“That’s up to you.” Koushiro placed his hand over his heart. “It’s up to you and the others to decide whether you’re going to make it out of this. You can’t just sit around waiting for it to happen.”
Ryo nodded. “That makes sense.” He looked at Kunemon and smiled. “Think we’re going to make it out of this, Kunemon?”
“He says, ‘Let’s do it!’” Tentomon translated.
Koushiro pushed himself to his feet, and Ryo scrambled to do the same. “I should get back. I need to recalibrate the portal.” He held out his hand. “I wish you luck.”
Ryo took Koushiro’s hand and shook it. “Thanks. Good luck with your, ah, portal.”
“Thanks.” Koushiro turned toward his portal, and Tentomon saluted before flying through. “Oh, and by the way.” The boy turned back. “What was your name?”
“Ryo. Ryo Tominaga. Nice to meet you.”
“See you around, Ryo.” Koushiro stepped through the portal, and faster than it had appeared, it shrank in on itself until it was completely gone.
“Let’s head back, Kunemon.” Ryo slipped his hands into his pockets and smiled down at the little creature. Koushiro was right—working together was probably better than screaming and being afraid all the time. Now to put that into practice.
Scuttling along after him, Kunemon did a little hop, his beak turned up in what Ryo could only assume was a smile. “Kew kew!”
Ryo decided he liked the sound of that, whatever it meant.
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Superman TAS X Digimon: Digital Monsters
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The city of Metropolis is bustling with activity as Superman patrols the skies. Meanwhile, a strange portal opens above the city, and a group of Digital Monsters emerge: Agumon, Gabumon, Biyomon, Tentomon, and Gomamon. Confused and disoriented, they find themselves in a world unlike their own Digital World. As Superman investigates the strange energy signature of the portal, he encounters the Digimon. Initially, he is cautious, but their innocent and curious nature quickly wins him over.
The Digimon are amazed by Superman's powers and his dedication to protecting humanity. However, a new threat emerges: the villainous Lex Luthor has discovered the portal and seeks to exploit the Digital Monsters' powers for his own gain. He creates a machine that can control and manipulate the Digimon, using them to wreak havoc on Metropolis. Superman and the Digimon must form an unlikely alliance to stop Lex Luthor and destroy the machine.
Along the way, they learn from each other: Superman discovers the value of teamwork and friendship, while the Digimon learn about courage and selflessness. As the battle concludes, the Digimon must return to their own world, but not before sharing a heartfelt goodbye with Superman. The Man of Steel ensures that the portal is sealed, knowing that their friendship will transcend dimensions.
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cresvalkyrie · 5 months
I can't take this anymore so... digi rejuv rambling time!
So in my Digi AU, the overall story is split into three volumes: Ancient, Past and Present.
Ancient This volume covers the Human World's first recorded contact with the Digital World (it's implied that the two worlds had made contact before in the past, but it's unclear as to who, where, when and how it happened). It's about a team of young researchers who stumbled upon the Digital World by chance, and began a years-long investigation on this mysterious new reality. However, a few years later, they eventually got caught in the crossfires of the fierce war between Huanglongmon and Lucemon over the throne of the Digital Emperor, resulting in the brutal death of one of their own. With the help of their Digimon partners, the remaining ten started a crusade to bring an end to the war and stop Lucemon's destructive rebellion.
"Ancient" takes place approximately 28 human years (est. 5000 Digital years) before the events of "Present".
Tamers debuted: Meissa (OC) - Agumon (later AncientGreymon) Vitus - Gaomon (later AncientSphinxmon) Nymiera - Strabimon (later AncientGarurumon) Vivian - Koemon (later AncientVolcamon) Hazuki - Zubamon (later AncientWisemon) Anju - YukiAgumon (later AncientMegatheriumon) Celine - Floramon (later AncientTroiamon) Cella - Penmon (later AncientMermaimon) Jolene - Tentomon (later AncientBeatmon) Souta - Hawkmon (later AncientIrismon) Kanon - Luxmon
Past This volume is a direct sequel to "Ancient", taking place roughly 13 years after the conclusion of the previous volume. Set in an alternate Tokyo-esque city in the late 2000s, technology has improved drastically, and with the rapid advancement of technology holograms have become much more widespread and common. However, there came rumours of holograms malfunctioning and acting erratically, terrorising anyone unfortunate to be in its reach... as if possessed.
One such teenager, Orion, was among the most recent victims of a Hologram Ghost attack... and they would've lost their life if they had not stumbled upon one of their mother's belongings: a Digivice resembling a smartwatch, during the chase. And by synchronising themself with the Digivice, they inadvertently became partnered to an energetic Gammamon and a grumpy Cepheimon, leading them down on a wild adventure beyond their imagination...
Unlike in the "Ancient" volume, the main antagonist is a fanatical cult who worship Digimon as their god known as the "Apostles of Meteor". They believe in a prophecy predicting that the two worlds would collide and merge with the arrival of a calamitous meteor, and they seek to make it come true at any cost. And to aid them in their crusade, they infused the X-Antibody into their partner Digimon to empower them, believing it to be the "blessings" of their gods. They were eventually defeated and apprehended, while the few who defected to Orion's side were integrated into their group that would eventually form a diplomatic organisation which aimed to foster peaceful relations between the Human and Digital Worlds.
However, they mysteriously vanished without a trace in the aftermath of a global disaster known as the "Digital Fallout", which left Orion's hometown in ruins and abandoned by its surviving inhabitants as it was said to be the disaster's epicentre.
Main Tamers Orion (OC) - Gammamon & Cepheimon
Present The "Present" volume takes place in the early 2020s, in a shining bustling city known as Aevium City (which is also one of the few cities around that remain firmly pro-Digimon following the Digital Fallout, making itself known as a popular spot for Tamers). The story centres around a teenage girl named Artemis and her partner Dorumon, who was moving in to start a new life with her adoptive mother Nancy and her partner Renamon.
But it doesn't take long before she realises that Aevium is not what it appears to be, as she and her new friends quickly became entangled with the Xen Syndicate, their conflicts ultimately leading them into the Digital World where they each discover dark secrets - some were dark family secrets, others the truth about their identities and the truth behind the cause of the Digital Fallout. One such secret, however, ties the ancient past to the present, and it's now up to them to finally put the restless ghosts of the past to rest.
Tamers: Artemis (OC) - Dorumon Melia - Gatomon Ren - Labramon Venam - Kunemon Aelita - Falcomon Erin - BlackGatomon Alexandra - Ryudamon Damien - Monodramon Crescent - Lunamon Aevis - Kudamon Aevia - Biyomon Ariana - Shoutmon Axel - Impmon Alain - Patamon Aero - Veemon
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clawz-out-archive · 2 years
If you know me, you know that I'm very indecisive about who my digimon partner would be, so I decided to compile a list of rookie digimon I would want as a partner.
Agumon X
Wormmon (I don't think @bandit-is-stupid would be very happy about that XD)
...Yeah, that's all I can really think of right now. If I think of anything else, then I'll add them here.
Edit: Forgot to add Elecmon and Betamon
Edit 2: Also added Dracomon
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havenlyblade · 2 years
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mahado-chan · 3 years
I needed something to improve my happiness
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gregmikaels · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 2020 - Ep. 05 - Six Digidestined Instead of Eight?!
Thoughts & Comments? Please support my Earth Angel project at: http://www.ko-fi.com/earthangelmanga
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure (+02, tri, 2020) (x GhostGame Cameo) ~ Edit Pre-view [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - “TOMODACHI” {“Friends”} + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} + Friendships: Koushiro & Tentomon line; Koushiro & Izumis; Koushiro & Chosen (briefly)
“That’s WHY I HAVE TO DO IT!!”
“…YOU and {Hiro}/[Koushiro] are F R I E N D S!!!” - Gammamon to {Espimon}; [GhostGame 54]
“…{Friends}”? [ 友達 ] ? ( “TOMODACHI?” ) - {Espimon} (voice line provided via GhostGame Ep54 by 2020!Koushiro’s V.A.; Yumiko Kobayashi)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
My Commentary:
Some DigiAdvs Fan @ Me: “EXPLAIN Canon!Koushiro Izumi (from any of) {Adventure} / {02} / {tri.} / {Kizuna} / {Adventure:} (2020 reboot) to me!!!”
M E: “OK” *drops vid edits using a significant audio clip from GhostGame Ep 54 because Koushiros various Seiyuu Are Wonderful*
(GhostGame inclusion can be A.U. spin-offs or even canon-compliant A.U. spin-offs, you decide!)
* Currently un-sub’d, I’ll see what I can do in the future to add them in!! (For now, please refer to the link + text & etc. here!)
There are small but significant Koushiro-spoilers from: DigiAdv 2020 Ep 36 (Taichi & Koushiro moments; & Ep 43 (2020!Koushiro & Mimi moment) + (Koushiro & Tentomon friendship) Tri: Kokuhaku (Koushiro & Tentomon friendship; +1 Kou+Mi moment) Bokura no Mirai (Koushiro & Tentomon relevancy; Agumon is briefly seen along with Chosen too, it’s a kind of significant moment if context-free.)
(Along with some moments from Adventure + 02!)
BONUS gif’s with context (+some Spoilers for Tri; Kizuna; 2020) under the ‘read more’!
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS SHIPs/PERSONAL PREFERENCE. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting please tag with the ship name[s] and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship!!) {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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DigiAdvs ~ Taichi & Koushiro[u] {A.M.V. Out-lining/Timeline} for this Koushiro x Taichi A.M.V. [#Tri Spoilers, #Kizuna Spoilers, #Digimon Adventure: Spoilers]...
{Almost 3~ hours spent on this one total.}
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graciellasamma · 2 years
List of Danganronpa x Digimon
So, I made a list of Danganronpa x Digimon template as well what crest they represent as well who is their Digimon Partner is I also put the link of their template if you want to see their evolution line if you like as well  to make it easier to see it, I hope it helps you. Here is a link to Tatsuya Canon Digimon Adventure Version if you want to see.
Class 77th-B:
Tatsuya Tenkubashi: Crest of Courage Digimon Partner: Agumon
Gunham Tanaka: Crest of Friendship Digimon Partner: Gabumon
Sonia Nevermind: Crest of Purity Digimon Partner: Palmon
Hajime Hinata: Crest of Hope Digimon Partner: Patamon
Chiaki Nanami: Crest of Destiny Digimon Partner: Terriermon and Lopmon
Mahiru Koizumi: Crest of Maturity Digimon Partner: Cameramon
Nagito Komaeda: Crest of Vigilance Digimon Partner: Offmon
Ryota Mitarai: Crest of Redemption Digimon Partner: Monodramon
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: Crest of Discernment Digimon Partner: Dorumon
Peko Pekoyama: Crest of Devotion Digimon Partner: Kotemon
Kazuichi Soda: Crest of Comapassion Digimon Partner: Kokuwamon
Mikan Tsumuki: Crest of Innocence Digimon Partner: Lunamon
Nekomaru Nidai: Crest of Unity Digimon Partner: Dokamon
Ibuki Mioda: Crest of Passion Digimon Partner: Musimon
Teruteru Hanamura: Crest of Charity Digimon Partner: Pomumon
Akane Owari: Crest of Bravery Digimon Partner: Coronamon
Ultimate Imposter: Crest of Adaptability Digimon Partner: Hackmon
Hiyoko Saionji: Crest of Potential Digimon Partner: Renamon
Class 78th:
Kyoko Kirigiri: Crest of Love Digimon Partner: Biyomon
Chihiro Fujisaki: Crest of Knowledge Digimon Partner: Tentomon
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Crest of Reliability Digimon Partner: Gomamon
Makoto Naegi: Crest of Miracle Digimon Partner: Veemon
Mukuro Ikusaba: Crest of Kindness Digimon Partner: Wormmon
Leon Kuwata: Crest of Trust Digimon Partner: Armedillomon
Celestia Ludenburg: Crest of Ambition Digimon Partner: Mikemon
Mondo Owada: Crest of Honor Digimon Partner: Elecmon
Toko Fukawa/Genocider Syo: Crest of Desire Digimon Partner: Meicoomon
Aoi Asahina: Crest of Confidence Digimon Partner: Betamon
Byakuya Togami: Crest of Conviction Digimon Partner: Kudamon
Sayaka Maizono: Crest of Grace Digimon Partner: Tinkermon
Sakura Ogami: Crest of Vitality Digimon Partner: Pulsemon
Hifumi Yamada: Crest of Chivalry Digimon Partner: Kamemon
Junko Enoshima: Crest of Despair Digimon Partner: Bearmon
Yasuhiro Hagakeru: Crest of Reserve Digimon Partner: Ryudamon
Class 79th (V3):
Kaede Akamatsu: Crest of Light Digimon Partner: Gatomon
Shuichi Saihara: Crest of Truth Digimon Partner: Wizardmon
Maki Harukawa: Crest of Integrity Digimon Partner: Hawkmon
Korekiyo Shinguji: Crest of Spirit Digimon Partner: Falcomon (2006)
Kaito Momota: Crest of Loyalty Digimon Partner: Gaomon
Angie Yonaga: Crest of Joy/Enthusiasm Digimon Partner: Lalamon
K1-B0 (Keebo): Crest of Intellect Digimon Partner: Gatchmon
Rantaro Amami: Crest of Versality Digimon Partner: Aruraumon
Kokichi Oma: Crest of Persistence Digimon Partner: Psychemon
Gonta Gokuhara: Crest of Emphaty Digimon Partner: KoKabuterimon
Kirumi Tojo: Crest of Wisdom Digimon Partner: Dokunemon
Miu Iruma: Crest of Creavitivity Digimon Partner: Hagurumon
Himiko Yumeno: Crest of Faith Digimon Partner: Impmon/Ghostmon
Ryoma Hoshi: Crest of Patience Digimon Partner: Herissmon
Tenko Chabashira: Crest of Resilience Digimon Partner: Labramon
Tsumugi Shirogane: Crest of Forgiveness Digimon Partner: Morphomon
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shihalyfie · 3 years
Kizuna itself vs. the two versions of the novel
Written on request from a friend who wanted to remain anonymous. This is more of an editorial than a meta, and while I usually have a policy of “this is an analysis blog, not a review blog” it goes into more of my personal impressions and opinions than usual, but it’s something I write hoping to be helpful.
There are basically three “official” full versions of Kizuna: one being, of course, the movie itself, one being the Dash X Bunko version of the novel, and one being the Shueisha Mirai Bunko version of it. While it’s certainly not to say that any of the three is an “incomplete” version of the narrative, if you really want as full of a picture of the story as possible, somehow, each of all three versions of the story happens to have really important information that the other two do not. If I had to pick only one of these three versions to recommend to people, I would of course pick the movie itself; it’s obviously the base story everything else is based off of and was the one the production centered around as a priority, but the novelizations have a surprising amount of info that provide a lot of insight into the movie’s story and themes.
I get the impression that the creation of Kizuna involved making a lot more story and background details than could fit in a 95-minute movie, so these novelizations, which were based directly off the original movie script, ended up being an outlet for a lot of these details (and as much as I could be harsh on the movie itself for being a bit “reliant” on extra material, I have to admit that Adventure and 02 were both like this too -- a lot of our current understanding of the series comes from the Adventure novels and drama CDs -- so frankly I’m thankful we at least got this with a 95-minute movie instead of a yearlong series). On the flip side, while I'm not going to say that the novels are completely and utterly inaccurate representations of the movie, in a perhaps too-close approximation of Adventure and 02's writing style, this is a movie where even the nuances in a single line or split-second moment carry heavy implications, which become much blurrier or harder to identify when they’re presented differently (or not even presented at all) in the novel’s context, especially when they emphasize very different things from what the movie itself was emphasizing.
The short version of this is that I believe the Dash X version contains the greater amount of “plot and story” information but significantly misses out on the emotional themes and presentation, whereas the Shueisha Mirai version abridges and cuts chunks of content but is much better at conveying the intended message. More on this below the cut. (Note that the following post spoils Kizuna’s plot events.)
The movie itself
Since the following parts are more “in comparison to the movie”, I’m not going to go too much into this in this section, but one thing I will say is that the official English subtitle translation for the movie is really not great. Even if you take out nitpickiness about the fact it misses several significant nuances (the difference between “unchangeable fate” and “changeable destiny”, or the fact that Gennai refers to partnership dissolution as a “case” and not like it’s something that happens overall) at really plot-important moments, some lines (thankfully, usually not plot-important ones) are just straight-up incorrect. And worse, there’s evidence the official English dub was based on that translation! (I’m not faulting the people in charge of the dub for this, but whoever handed them that translation to work with.)
The dialogue in the Dash X Bunko version is transcribed effectively word-for-word from the dialogue in the movie (or perhaps vice versa, given that the novel is based on the original script), so I highly recommend checking that version as a reference for dialogue or if you want to do any intimate analysis on it. I don't want to go as far as to suggest not supporting the official version of the movie because of this, but at least please be aware that the translation used there is not entirely reliable.
Dash X Bunko
If you talk about “the Kizuna novel”, this is the one that people usually tend to be referring to, for two reasons. Firstly, it was translated shortly after the movie’s release, and due to the unfortunate circumstances of Kizuna being delayed in accessibility outside Japan for several months, this basically served as the only comprehensive source of info about the movie outside Japan for a very long time. Secondly, in Japan, this one was marketed as “the one for adults” in contrast to the Shueisha Mirai one being “for kids”, which meant that a lot of people assumed that the latter one was just an incredibly stripped down version that was otherwise disposable or replaceable. (This is very, very much not the case, and is extremely ironic when it comes to a movie that partially centers around the dangers of looking down too much on things associated with childhood.)
When it comes to “plot and story info”, this is the one that probably serves as the best reference (especially for fanfic writers or those who need a refresher on certain plot events or to look up something quickly), and probably has the most “comprehensive” listing of plot events surrounding the movie. The dialogue in it is a word-for-word recreation of the movie’s script, and actually includes more scenes than the movie itself does, including two that I suspect to be deleted scenes (a detailing of the specifics behind the initial plan to pursue Eosmon, and a conversation between Koushirou and Tentomon) and adaptations of the first and second memorial shorts within their context in the movie. It also contains some interesting background details and extra context for some things in the movie that you might think would normally be animation flair or something, but take a very interesting implication of story importance if they’re going out of their way to write this in the script. (There’s a scene where Agumon and Gabumon appear in front of their partners when they’d been behind them a minute before, and it’s easy to think this might be an animation error, but not only does the surrounding context make this unlikely, the novel itself actually directly states that their positions had changed.) Given that, I think it was very fortunate that this novel was available to us for those outside Japan waiting for the actual movie to come out, because this level of detail was very important to have on hand rather than fragmented spoilers on social media.
However, the part where I think the novel is significantly deficient in compared to the actual movie (and also to the other version of the novel) is that it describes the plot events in too blunt of a manner and doesn’t bring out its themes very well. (It’s kind of like having a long and very detailed Wikipedia article plot summary; it definitely got all the hard facts down, but the emotion is gone, which is still a pretty significant issue when media’s all about the feelings and message in the end.) While “considering the movie to be more cynical than it’s probably meant to be” happens regardless of which version someone’s working from, I’ve talked to perhaps an unnervingly high number of people who started with the novel and were absolutely convinced that the movie’s message was about adulthood sucking and needing to just accept it, until they saw how the actual movie pulled it off and the surrounding atmosphere and realized it definitely was not. (I think one really big factor here is that a lot of the visual imagery makes it extremely, extremely hard to miss that Menoa’s mentality is completely screwed up and her way of seeing things was dubious to begin with; prose descriptions really just don’t capture the way they slam this in your face with visual and musical cues during the climax of the movie.)
You can figure this out from the novel itself, but you have to really be looking closely at the way they word things, and on top of that it’s hard to figure out which parts you should be focusing on and which parts aren’t actually that important -- in other words, the “choice of priorities” gets a bit lost in there. Even the little things lose a lot of value; it’s theoretically possible to use the novel to put together that Daisuke is wearing his sunglasses indoors during his first scene, but you have to put together the context clues from completely different paragraphs to figure this out, none of which compares to the actual hilarity of visually seeing him wearing the thing in a very obviously dimly lit restaurant because he’s our beloved idiot. (For more details, please see my post with more elaboration on this and more examples of this kind of thing.)
I wouldn’t say that the movie itself isn’t guilty of (perhaps accidentally) having some degree of mixed messaging, but I would say this problem is rather exacerbated by the novel’s way of presenting it due to its dedication to dropping every single plot detail and event without much in the way of choosing what to contextualize and what to put emphasis on (as it turns out, treating practically everything in the movie as if it has equal weight might not be a great idea). So, again, for that reason I think the novel serves as a good reference in terms of remembering what happened in it and knowing the movie’s contents, but I also feel that it’s really not the greatest deliverer of the movie’s message or themes at all.
Shueisha Mirai Bunko
The second version of the novel was not translated until several months after the movie first released, and shortly before the Blu-ray and streaming versions of the movie itself came out anyway, so my impression is that on this end a lot of people don’t even know it was a thing. On top of that, even those who know about it often dismiss it as the “kid version” -- and to be fair, it did baffle quite a few people as to why this version even exists (Kizuna is technically not unacceptable for kid viewing and its plot is still understandable regardless of age, but since the movie is so heavily about the millennial existential crisis, it’s not something kids would really relate to). So a lot of people tended to just skip over it...which is really a shame, because it contains some interesting things that actually aren’t in the other two versions at all. For instance, did you know that, as of this writing, this is the only thing that plainly states the specific explanation for why Yamato decided to become an astronaut, for the first time in 20 real-life years?
While there are still some things that weren’t in the movie proper (mainly the Eosmon initial plan and the adaptation of the second memorial short), for the most part, the actual events are somewhat abridged compared to the movie and the Dash X version, and other than a few stray lines, there’s not a lot of extra information that would be as helpful for referencing the events of the plot. The version of the novel here is rather broadly interpretive of the scenes in the movie, so several things are condensed or taken out (and, amusingly, because it’s assuming that the kids reading this don’t actually know the original Adventure or 02, it has to describe what each character is like in a quick one-liner).
However, interestingly enough, it’s because it’s so heavily interpretive that it illuminates a lot of things that weren’t really easy to glean out of the Dash X version. For instance:
Some scenes are described with “other perspectives” that give you info on someone else’s point of view. (For instance, we see more of Yamato’s perspective and thoughts when he has his first phone call with Daisuke, or a bit more detail in the process of how Eosmon kidnappings work.)
We get a lot more information on what’s going through everyone’s heads during each scene, and what emotions they’re feeling at a given time. (This is something that you could at least get to some degree in the movie itself from facial expressions and framing, but would often be a lot blurrier in the Dash X version; here, it’s spelled out in words.)
When things are abridged, you get a clearer idea of what the intended point and theme of the scene was because it’s stripped down to include only that part. In one really interesting case, the scene with Agumon finding Taichi’s AVs has a “censored” equivalent where Taichi’s pushed to a corner because he can’t find anything non-alcoholic in his fridge -- so when you look at the two versions of the scene and what they have in common, you can figure out that the point isn’t that it was a lewd joke for the sake of it, but rather that Taichi’s forcing himself into boxes of “adulthood” that are actually meaningless and impractical.
Some of the descriptions of the characters, scenes, and background information make it a lot more obvious as to their purpose in the narrative (it outright confirms that Miyako being in Spain means that her personality is getting overly enabled there).
The scene where the circumstances behind Morphomon’s disappearance are revealed makes it significantly less subtle what the point is. In the actual movie, a lot of this involved visual framing with Menoa seeming to become more and more distant, but in this version of the novel they basically whack you over the head with the final confirmation that Menoa is guilty of neglecting her own partner, which contradicts her own assertions that “they were always together” (maybe not emotionally, it seems!) and helps clarify the commonality between her, Taichi, Yamato, and Sora in what exactly led to their partners disappearing.
Bonus: this version of the novel really wants you to know that the ending of the movie is about Taichi and Yamato fully having the determination to turn things around and lead up to the 02 epilogue. (The movie’s version of this involves the extended version of Taichi’s thesis and the credits photo with Yamato obviously next to a rocket, while this novel’s version involves more detailed fleshing out of how Taichi and Yamato decided to use their experiences to move onto their eventual career paths and what kind of hope they still have at the end. The Dash X version...didn’t really have a very strong equivalent here.)
In other words, while this version of the novel isn’t the greatest reference for plot or worldbuilding, it does a much more effective job being straightforward about the intended themes and message of the movie, and even if the scenes in it are much more loosely adapted, it’s much better at adapting the emotional nuances of the things that would normally be conveyed via visuals, expressions, and voice acting. (Although I would still say that the movie itself is the best reference for that kind of thing, of course.) If you just want lore or plot ideas, I don’t think it’ll help you very much, but since this series is so much about characters that had their ways of thinking fleshed out in such incredible detail, and about strong theme messaging, this is all still very valuable information in its own way.
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koumi-blog · 2 years
Digimon Adventure: Awaken - Primal - Chapter 6
by Silverwolf6266
The last chapter of Primal has arrived! Hope you guys all enjoy and see you in the next part: Evolution.
Words: 10480, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 11 of Digimon Adventure: Awaken
Fandoms: Digimon - All Media Types, Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure tri.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Yagami Taichi | Tai Kamiya, Agumon (Adventure), Ishida Yamato | Matt Ishida, Gabumon (Adventure), Takenouchi Sora, Piyomon | Biyomon (Adventure), Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi, Tentomon (Adventure), Tachikawa Mimi, Palmon (Adventure), Kido Jou | Joe Kido, Gomamon (Adventure), Takaishi Takeru | T.K. Takaishi, Patamon (Adventure), Yagami Hikari | Kari Kamiya, Tailmon | Gatomon (Adventure), Wallace | Willis, Terriermon (Adventure), Lopmon (Adventure), Mochizuki Meiko, Meicoomon, Motomiya Daisuke | Davis Motomiya, V-mon | Veemon (Adventure), Ichijouji Ken, Wormmon (Adventure), Hida Iori | Cody Hida, Armadimon | Armadillomon (Adventure), Inoue Miyako | Yolei Inoue, Hawkmon (Adventure), Huckmon | Hackmon, Dorumon (Digimon), Alphamon (Digimon), Jesmon (Digimon), Seraphimon (Adventure), Ofanimon | Ophanimon (Digimon), Holydramon | Magnadramon, Pegasmon | Pegasusmon (Digimon), Nefertimon (Digimon), Rapidmon Armor (X-Antibody) | Rapidmon Armor X (Digimon), Cherubimon | Kerpymon (Digimon), Imperialdramon (Digimon), BlackTailmon | BlackGatomon (Digimon), Elecmon (Adventure), Ogremon (Digimon), Leomon (Adventure), Eaglemon, Tigervespamon, Kuwagamon (Digimon), Dark Gennai | Mysterious Man, Gennai (Digimon), Homeostasis (Digimon), Gesomon (Digimon), Slayerdramon, Lotosmon, Catherine Deneuve
Relationships: Mochizuki Meiko/Yagami Taichi | Tai Kamiya, Ishida Yamato | Matt Ishida/Takenouchi Sora, Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi/Tachikawa Mimi, Ichijouji Ken/Inoue Miyako | Yolei Inoue, Patamon/Tailmon | Gatomon, Agumon/Meicoomon
Additional Tags: Violence, Drowning, Fighting, Character Death, Blood, Crying, Concussions, Fan Characters, Aegismon
from AO3 works tagged 'Izumi Koushirou | Izzy Izumi/Tachikawa Mimi' https://archiveofourown.org/works/41004078
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