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The Many Names of Peace (pt.3/?): Communication
Child murder (discussed).
Rape/Sexual assault (discussed)
Slavery and sistemic oppresion (discussed)
Human/Sapient rights violations (discussed)
Ruusan Reformation (derogatory) (discussed in detail)
The mission was nothing complicated, just a standard corporate dispute. However, the intel didn't say a word about the pirate blockade on the orbit of Quarzite, not a single sound about how both corporations were using slave labor, or about the genocide going on on the planet.
Because the mission wasn't about those things. It doesn't matter that both corporations were using child slaves right in front of their noses, or that the planet belongs to the people the belugans are subjugating, oppressing, killing and enslaving.
The ade, Terith observes with concern, are terrified of them and the Jet'verde. One of them, a girl of near-human species, is clinging ont the Jet'ad for dear life and watching the adults surrounding them with mistrust. Terith's heart breaks a little.
"Agisti, Kenobi" the kage Jedi greets the Padawan-brother of her Shadow-brother. "It seems you found trouble again."
Kenobi sighs, looking a strange mixture of proud and exasperated. "It was all my Padawan this time, Jexha…"
Zahara smiles, a little amused. "Valehnan Jexha Zahara."
The Jetii approaches the scared ade, and kneels in front of them in order to put herself on the same level. She whispers something in a language Terith doesn't understand, but some of the ade seem to. The little girl clinging to the Jetii'ad relaxes once she hears the language, and calmly lets go of the boy's arm. Then, she turns to the other kids.
"She's a Warrior, she's Kin" the little girl says, switching into Basic, "and a Jidai. She doesn't mean us any harm."
The Jetii'ad looks surprised and confused, and a few other emotions that cross his face too quickly to be identified. However, the children immediately relax at hearing the girl's words. Apparently, whatever Heliost said was enough to make herself trustworthy.
Zahara smiles softly. "Don't worry. None of the people here will hurt you" she promises, and the look she gives Terith makes the clear threat of or else. "Do you have homes to return to? Kin?"
The children and Zahara switch to Kage again, and she manages to gather information about some of the children. She turns to the others.
"Most of these younglings are kages from Quarzite" she says in Basic, to make sure nearly everyone understands what she's saying. They'll be discussing these younglings' future, the least they can do is make sure the younglings understand them. "They are all from different Caves —homes, families—, and… some of them don't exist anymore. We have to make sure they all have places to stay in."
Then, she swallowed. "Others were stolen from families and homes in the Outer Rim, or bought from the Hutts. The others were taken too young to remember where they come from."
Anakin flinches slightly. He hopes nobody notices, but they all seem to be busy discussing what to do with the child- younglings.
They finish returning the kage ade to their homes and aliit a full standard day later. Now, the only thing left to do is return the remaining ade to their people or, in case they can't, find them a new home.
There is a tense silence in the subtram back to their ship. The recently freed younglings are wary of the three Jedi and the Mandalorian, even after Anakin freed them, and Zahara and Obi-Wan are obviously uncomfortable with a Mandalorian so close. Jedi and Mandalorian animosity runs deep.
The little kage girl that spoke to Zahara is roughly four standard, but turns five —according to her— in a few months. She's Force-sensitive, judging by her question of why Terith doesn't have "colors".
Zahara swallows a relieved sigh, but her shoulders still relax. Anakin hates it, how nobody cares about slaves unless they are Force-sensitive, how the Jedi do nothing about the planets in the Outer Rim or even the Couruscant underwold. So much for compassion.
There is tense silence as Obi-Wan, Boma and the Mandalorian sit around the table on Terith's ship, drinking slowly from their cups of tea. Hadia, the kage girl, has already drunk her whole cup, while Anakin's sits on the table untouched.
Is this what everyone does? Drinking tea instead of freeing slaves?
"How did you end up working with a Mandalorian, anyway? I thought, well, after…" Obi-Wan says, attempting diplomacy to break the uncomfortable silence.
"Not every Mando'ad is the same, even within the same faction" offers Terith. "Two verde, five opinions, as they say."
"It was you two, especifically" Zahara explains. "Terith despised the idea of a missing youngling, and I needed help to find you."
"Children are the future" adds Terith, sounding like they are quoting a sacred tenet of a creed they are part of. "If it helps… my clan will take care of any child we cannot bring back to their families."
Zahara clenches her jaw. "How wonderful for those you see as children."
The kage Jedi says it in a low mutter, but not low enough to avoid being heard by the Mandalorian.
"Look, you don't owe me the story of your pain" Terith tells her, having a silent conversation Anakin isn't privy to. "But Jaster's faction, the Haat'Mando'ade? We don't kill children. Nu draar, not ever. We are not Kyr'tsad."
Zahara sighs, but doesn't reply immediately. Instead, she turns to the younglings. "Anakin, Hadia, I'm about to explain something gross and disturbing to Terith, okay? I think you should leave. It's not a burden I want to put on you"
Hadia nods, and Anakin has to swallow the sharp retort that wants to come out of his lips. "Alright."
Hadia, still holding Anakin's hand, drags him out of the dinning room.
Whatever Knight Zahara said to the Mandalorian —Terith, they'd introduced themselves— was enough to make them feel disturbed. Anakin can feel their horror, even with their Force-presence muted through the armor.
"Mister Terith, are you okay?" Hadia asks.
The Mandalorian takes off their helmet and smiles, ruffling Halia's white hair gently. "I'm okay, just… learned something a bit upsetting. I'll deal with it."
Zahara and Obi-Wan come next. Obi-Wan squeezes Zahara's arm, and she smiles and squeezes his. They let each other go, and walk up to Anakin.
"Anakin" Obi-Wan begins, and swallows. "Can we speak alone for a moment?"
Anakin hesitates, not sure if he wants to deal with a lecture after the day he's had, but… Obi-Wan seems tired and worried, about him, and his chest tightens.
He hadn't wanted to worry Obi-Wan. He swallows the lump in his throat. "Yes, Master."
Zahara raises a brow at the form of adress, but doesn't say anything. Together, she and Obi-Wan lead Anakin into the dinning room of Terith's ship.
Anakin and Zahara sit down, as Obi-Wan pours his fellow Knight and himself a cup of tea. Anakin doesn't understand the Jedi's obsession with tea.
Zahara takes her cup to her lips immediately, while Obi-Wan leaves his on the table, waiting for his tea to cool down a little before drinking it.
There's a moment of uncomfortable silence, with none of the Knights knowing what to say and Anakin expecting the scolding to begin any time soon. Finally, Obi-Wan starts.
"What you did was very brave, Anakin" His Padawan flusters at the praise. "You did what was right even when it was hard, and I'm very proud of you."
Anakin's cheeks turn hot and red. He… hadn't been expecting the praise.
"But it was also reckless" Obi-Wan goes on. "There are many things that could have gone wrong, things you didn't consider."
Anakin feels anger rising. "I was trying to free the slaves!"
Knight Zahara sighs, suddenly looking exhausted. "Do or do not, Skywalker. There is no try." She leaves her cup of tea on the table.
"You're very lucky Hadia is Force-sensitive and under the age limit" Obi-Wan explains to his Padawan, with slowly dying calm. "You could get into great trouble if we don't thread carefully."
Anakin's anger explodes, and with it so does Zahara's cup of tea. The Valehnan barely shields herself and Obi-Wan in time to stop the hot water from burning them. "I was freeing slaves! I shouldn't need a justification for that! I don't need to tell the Council what I'm doing every second of my time so they can argue about everything and waste my time!"
Zahara picks up the broken teacup, using the Force to avoid cutting herself, and throws it into the trashcan. She's projecting calm into her expression, but the kage doesn't manage to hide her frustration in the Force.
"There is no could, there is no should, only what you must do." The kage Jedi says, words of wisdom beyond Anakin's reach flowing through the air and the Force. "You're right, you shouldn't need permission to do the right thing and free slaves. But we don't live in an ideal galaxy, and right now you do need authorization to fight slavery."
"Jedi must follow our mandates, Anakin" Obi-Wan tells him honestly. "We can't act however we wish, even if it's right."
"You sound like we are slaves at the orders of the Council! Jedi are free, we should-!"
Zahara grabs another cup and pours herself some tea. While she does that, she cuts Anakin off. "We are not, Skywalker."
Anakin's anger quickly turns to confusion. "What do you mean…?"
Obi-Wan sighs tiredly. "What do you know about the Ruusan Reformation, Anakin?"
Anakin blinks at the sudden change in subject.
"It's a peace treaty signed after the last Jedi-Sith Wars."
"In theory" Zahara allows. "In practice, it's… something else."
The kage Jedi and Obi-Wan exchange a glance. Then, all emotion disappears from their faces, but their Force signatures grow… louder.
"At the end of the New Sith Wars, a thousand years ago, the public view of the Jedi had shifted." Obi-Wan explains slowly, carefully. "Most of the galaxy doesn't understand the difference between a Jedi and a Sith, and coming from a centuries long war that caused a technological regression we are still recovering from…"
Anakin finishes his Master's sentence, sounding hesitant and almost hoping he's wrong. "People blamed the Jedi?"
Zahara sighs. "Yes. We were blamed for things we didn't do and for things we couldn't do even if we tried. That's why the Ruusan Reformation was written in the first place: to limit the power that Jedi could wield" The kage Jedi swallows the lump in her throat. "First thing they did was take away our power to participate in the political process, which means we cannot be representatives for any planet or system in any government, have representation in said governments, nor are we allowed to vote."
Anakin's face turns a shade paler. "But… isn't voting a right for all citizens of the Republic?"
"Yes" Zahara replies, and doesn't elaborate, lets Anakin reach his own conclusions. The Padawan doesn't like the conclusions he's reaching to.
"Next was… the demilitarization of the Order, right? I remember Quinlan talking about it" Obi-Wan adds.
Knight Zahara nods. "They took our armor, back-up and defenses, basically everything but our Lightsabers" She takes a sip of her tea. "This means that zabraks and kages, for example, cannot own their cultures' traditional weapons."
Anakin remembers an old male zabrak slave, who had always lamented the loss of his staff, and feels sick to his stomach.
"It gets worse" Zahara warns him.
"How…" Anakin swallows. "How does it get worse?"
"Jedi must follow their mandate, in theory to prevent abuse of power" Obi-Wan explains.
"In practice, it means the Senate can… request favors from us, and we are not allowed to refuse" Zahara tells him. Anakin's anger resurfaces.
"You mean they can use us as Blood Slaves, Pleasure Slaves and… they don't suffer consequences" Anakin says between gritted teeth.
Zahara, notably, doesn't deny it. "They also added other impositions, such as not allowing members of the Corps to carry Kaitahj or nevi padib being sent to the Corps if a jaieh hasn't chosen them once they turn their species equivalent of thirteen."
"Our ability to free slaves is one of those things they restricted" Obi-Wan adds mildly, but Anakin can feel the frustration underneath the calm surface prickling on his skin. "A Jedi cannot free slaves without prior Senate authorization… unless there is an enslaved Force-sensitive youngling, and the Jedi in question is a Finder."
"The youngling must also be taken into the Order" Zahara adds.
Anakin feels the weight of guilt and anger sink its claws into his stomach.
Jedi aren't free, he isn't free, and now he's condemned Hadia to the same fate.
"I wonder what it says about the galaxy that the Order is still the safest place for a Force-sensitive youngling to grow up in" Zahara mutters.
"Jedi can leave the Order and get the full rights of a citizen of the Republic" Obi-Wan adds softly.
Anakin feels anger curl up in his stomach, the familiar frustration that comes with powerlessness. That's not a choice, that's only cruel. Nobody should choose their culture, their traditions, their identity, or their freedom.
It's like the ghost of a choice he and his mother had in working in Watto's shop, the same choice Dancing Girls have in their outfits. Just an ilusion.
He remembers his mother's words, Elder Tena's soft explanation, what they had never managed to teach him because he didn't want to understand, because he'd been afraid of understanding.
There are a hundred ways to be a slave. Gold and jewels can still be chains.
Anakin's heart hurts. He wants… he wants to do something.
"Is there anything we can do?" Anakin asks, voice soft and timid.
Zahara nods and gives him a quick smile. "Yes, I have a plan" She drinks her tea, and adds: "I'm registered as a Finder, and Hadia is four standard, which is within the age range imposed by the Senate. We can simply say that I was on planet and Hadia was enslaved there, so after she was freed I took her to the Order."
"It's the truth." Obi-Wan replies, face in a cold mask but with amusement and defiance coloring his Force signature.
"From a certain point of view" Anakin is certain that Zahara takes her teacup to her mouth to hide her smirk.
Anakin is familiar with these games, these half-truths and careful lies told in order to hide dissent, the keeping of secrets done to get whatever smidge of freedom one could get. He knows the Tongue of Slaves intimately, even if he's never been good at it. Perhaps it's time to start learning another language.
His life dream of freeing all the slaves hasn't changed. It only has one more step. He and the Jedi will break their chains, and together they will free the slaves from the Outer Rim.
No chain or cage can hold a Sky Walker forever.
Dai Bendu
Agisti — hello, hi, a greeting between equals
Jexha — Jedi Knight, title.
Valehnan — Jedi Shadow. Lit "Master of physical darkness" Zahara is introducing herself as a Shadow who has completed her training.
Xari — Darkness, Dark Side of the Force. Although in this context Zahara doesn't mean it literally.
Imkai'ans — murderers without sense or cause, people who kill without good reason, for its own sake. The worst thing you can call someone in Dai Bendu (it's very accurate for Death Watch and the Finder-slayer though)
Enishee — crechemate
Kaitahj — Lightsaber(s)
Nevi padib — the Initiates
Ad(e) — child(ren)
Jet'verd(e) — Jedi Knight(s)
Jetii'ad — Jedi child, Padawan or Initiate
Buy'ce — helmet
Mando'ad(e) — Mandalorian(s)
Jetii — Jedi (singular)
Aliit — family, clan
Verd — warrior
Haat'Mando'ade — True Mandalorians, followers of the Super Commando Codex and the Rewritten Canons who recognized Jaster Mereel and later Jango Fett as the rightful rulers of Mandalore
Kyr'stad — Death Watch. Lit "dead society"
Nu draar — a very strong no, not on your life, absolutely not, not ever, rather cut my eye out with a fork than do that. Lit "not never", since Mando'a uses double negative for emphasis
Jetiise — Jedi (plural)
Mandokar — epitome of Mandalorian virtue: courage, tenacity, loyalty and lust for life. Although in this case they're praising Zahara's guts
Shig — spicy Mandalorian drink similar to tea
Demagolka — someone who commits atrocities, war criminal, someone who hurts children, a real life monster. From the scientist from the time of the Old Republic, Demagol, known for his experiments on children, a figure of hate and dread in Mandalorian culture
Mand'alor — leader of the Mandalorians
Kage Language
Jidai — Jedi
"The mission wasn't about those things". Jedi cannot act without explicit Senate authorization, in theory to prevent abuse of power. In practice to keep them on a leash.
The belugan corporations were using enslaved kages as employees because that way they don't have to pay salaries. Anakin Anakined the whole thing and decided to free the slaves. He freed most of them, mainly the children, but others were killed.
Zahara doesn't have a last name because Kage Warriors don't do surnames the same way we do. They mean something, such as a vocation or an experience you went through, and Zahara hasn't decided upon one yet.
Baby Anakin is suffering from severe imposter syndrome and is trying to make himself fit into the Order. He's hiding his Tatooine accent, he doesn't tell anybody about the culture he was born in and tries to immitate the Jedi he meets. What he hasn't realized yet (partially because of internalized biases, partially because of Palpatine) is that the Jedi want him to keep his culture and traditions, that many Jedi have accents from nearly every planet and that they don't know he was a slave.
The atmosphere of Quarzite's surface is Type IV, which is incompatible with any form of life (save for perhaps some kinds of bacteria). However, its caves are deep and, just like some caves in real life, have their own atmosphere, where sapient life is possible. Most ships are not equipped to the pressure, winds or storms of the Quarzite atmosphere, so people have to take subtrams to travel from one breathable space to another.
Jedi are a culture that drinks tea often, since many of them tend to find the flavors and/or textures soothing. Anakin doesn't know this, but Zahara and Obi-Wan made different teas with different flavors for everybody, because they have different tastes. Terith, on the other hand, is drinking shig (a spicy Mandalorian drink).
Anakin is still a baby and doesn't understand that freeing slaves is not something that can be done just like that. It requires careful planning, money, manpower and resources that the Jedi don't have. The restrictions of the Ruusan Reformation don't help, either.
If you've realized, Terith uses a lot of Mando'a words, even when they know Zahara doesn't speak Mando'a and neither does (as far as they're aware of) Obi-Wan. However, Zahara and Obi-Wan do not speak Dai Bendu in their presence save for a couple words, and they are speaking to each other, not to Terith. This is because Terith, like most Mandalorians, is not used to people not speaking the same language, Basic is their second language, and they're not fully fluent yet. However, Zahara and Obi-Wan are well trained diplomats who have dealt with people who didn't speak Basic, people who didn't want to speak Basic, people who couldn't speak Basic and are used to switching languages when necessary.
Terith doesn't know what enishee means. However, they can guess that it's either sibling, friend or the name of weird Jedi relationships like Padawan. But they can understand thanks to context. Basic sucks.
Jaster is still alive because I said so. He's a massive nerd too because I love that characterization for him.
My intention with this fic is, aside from spiting the Jedi-hate and Mando-worship of the fandom, adressing the horrible history Mandalorians have with Jedi. Despite this, I'm intending to be kind to most Mandalorians that show up on screen. Terith is a decent person that's horrified by everything they're learning (spoiler alert: it's bad) and I intend to give the same kindness to many other Mandalorian characters because, in the end, I believe most people are good (or at least not evil) and many Mandalorians would want to fix things and make amends however possible (giving braids and Lightsabers back, giving those who murdered children to justice, etc).
"A bit upsetting" AKA it's really bad and I'm barely holding on, but I don't want to worry you.
Most Jedi only call their Masters that word in Basic when there are people they don't want to find out about Dai Bendu (politicians, mainly) or when they're upset. Hence Zahara's reaction.
In case anyone's curious, Quarzite is an Inner Rim planet and as such is connected to Couruscant by a public transport network, despite its proximity to Mandalorian space (in this fic, I did artistic lisense on the GFFA map). Zahara didn't want to draw attention to herself while searching for Anakin, and it's standard procedure for Shadows to hide their Jedi status whenever a Jedi goes missing, because it's assumed there was a Jedi hunter involved until proven otherwise. However, now that she's found Anakin, Obi-Wan and the half a dozen or so slave children that tagged along, she's not willing to go by public transport and draw attention to the children they're smuggling out of the planet.
"There is no could, there is no should, only what you must do." A kage saying. What's done is done, it is what it is, and you must do your duty regardless. In this context, she's telling Anakin that it's useless to dwell on what should be happening, because it's, by definition, not happening. There are things that should be but aren't, and Jedi must act according to the present, not the past, possible future or alternate reality.
"Blood Slaves" Slaves whose masters use them as assassins, the very common fate of Force-sensitive slaves.
Elders are, in my version of Tatooine slave culture, slaves who have survived hardships and passed trials, for a lack of better word, and are revered by other slaves for their wisdom. Their role is similar to that of a Jedi Master (because the role of wise mentor is present in many cultures, and not all slaves have parents or guardians), but not quite the same. Anakin will, like many other Jedi, learn to balance his birth culture with the life of a Jedi.
"There are a hundred ways to be a slave." Saying in Hutt Space, where slaves make up over half the population. Not all slavery looks the same, some kinds are worse than others, but all in all it's the same shitty situation. The second part of the idiom, "gold and jewels can still be chains", means that even the people that look the most privileged can still be enslaved to something. Jedi live in a pretty Temple, but that doesn't mean they are free or the elite. In fact, as Anakin realizes, they are the complete opposite.
"Tongue of Slaves" AKA lying, misleading, deceiving, flattering and keeping secrets from slaveowners.
"Sky Walkers" is what the slaves from Hutt Space call themselves. It's a reference to a long extinct red bird species native to Tatooine, wiped out when the Hutts took over. The saying "no chain or cage can hold a Sky Walker forever" is born out of a sentiment of hope and defiance, a way of telling themselves they will be free one day, even if what gives them freedom is death. It's used as a last name for slaves who don't have one.
I'm not very satisfied with this one, so if it suffers any surprise editions you know why.
#star wars#my fanfic stuff#the many names of peace au#anakin skywalker#obi wan kenobi#jedi oc#mandalorian oc#force sensitivity#original child characters#slavery#there are a hundred ways to be a slave#ruusan reformation#this is a pro jedi blog#jedi as indentured servants to the republic#pro jedi#mandalorians critical#not really but just to be safe#anakin skywalker friendly because he baby right now#and he still hasn't interacted much with Palpatine and doesn't think of him beyond “man who was nice to me”
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24/02/2025 Makeup by @diendiana for Ka Agisty Sumpah Dokter👩🏼🎓💄🎓 For bookings WA +62 87 888 606 392 #MUAJKT @muajkt #DIENDIANAmakeup #makeupartist #makeupartistjakarta #makeupartistjabodetabek #makeupartistbekasi #makeupartistjaktim #makeupwisudajakarta #muajakarta #muajabodetabek #muabekasi #muajaktim #muajaksel #muadurensawit #muajatiwaringin #muakalimalang #makeupbridesmaid #makeupprewedjakarta #makeupbridesmaidjakarta #makeupwisudabekasi #makeupprom #makeupwisudajakarta #makeuplamaranjakarta #makeupgraduationjakarta #makeupbridaljakarta #makeupweddingjakarta #makeupwisuda #makeupgraduation #makeupgraduationjakarta #makeupgraduationbekasi



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scaldasti il suo corpo col tuo calore
baciasti centimetri di pelle che non ti appartenevano ma che si stavano affidando a te
agisti solo per soddisfare quella tua voglia
entrasti da uomo sotto le lenzuola
e ne uscisti da codardo
rimase lì
mentre il corpo si raffreddava
mentre sulla pelle sentiva ancora la carezza di quelle labbra
e la sua voglia era rimasta perché non era come la tua
entrò da donna con te sotto quelle lenzuola,
né uscì bambina
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Agisti, could we please have some more terms of endearment or common nicknames for friends? Qahsreash!
Dai Bendu has the -shee diminutive, which you can attach to names e.g. “Sokashee” for something like “little Ahsoka”. “Ibli” would be a spelled out “little”. Another one is the ta- morpheme which indicates that something emits light. So “Tahsoka” would be something like “bright Ahsoka”.
Otherwise you can take our agent nominalization suffix -an and slap it on pretty much any adjective. Kawa “sweet, lovely” to kawa’an and so “person who is sweet”.
Also, as in any other language, people sometimes just take words and declare them somebody’s nickname, as well as the classic “shortening of somebody’s actual given name.”
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Purest Expression of Grief {haj dai}
Order 66 happens.
Cal goes quiet, Kanan thinks too much, and Ahsoka can never go back.
(Or; three children and a dying language, after they've seen their people die.) (AO3 link!)
Cal knows the Empire can track people when they use the Force. He hears it whispered about on street corners, broadcasted over the holoscreens in bars.
He doesn’t know how they do it, though. And, more terrifyingly, doesn’t know what else they can track.
There is a screaming, hysterical place inside him, irrational but un-ignorable, which is convinced that the Empire can reach into people’s minds and tear thoughts right out of them. That, if he thinks the wrong thing too loud or too often, he will bring the Empire down onto him.
This is impossible, he tells himself. But then again, he also thought it was impossible to see his friends gun down his Master.
So Cal forces himself to only think in Basic.
It isn’t hard to talk only in Basic, though he misses the curl of his lips over his other tongue more than he thought possible. But to think only in Basic is a constant, conscious choice.
Sometimes he slips up, and he clamps down on his shields and moves away from where he was standing. His heart races in his chest.
The last words his Master said to him echo in his dreams and they are not in Basic. He doesn’t want to think about those words, either. He has other things he needs to worry about.
There are very few kind people, here. And Cal is small and alone.
(He wonders if his Master would have done the same thing he did, had he known there was no one left to rescue Cal. The last thought in his Master’s mind had been of the council sending someone to scoop Cal up, safe and sound, bundle him away someplace warm — Cal can feel that from his lightsaber. But there is no one left to rescue him, and Cal’s Master had thrown him someplace cold and rainy and unsafe. There’s no one left to take care of him, not that Cal needs much taking care of, anymore.)
(Would he have made the same decision, if he knew Cal would be alone?)
His Master’s last words haunt him, in that language-which-is-not-Basic. He doesn’t think about those, either. Doesn’t think about at all.
The alone part makes him vulnerable on this planet, but the small part makes him useful. He’s not old enough to be a full member of any guild, but there’s always plenty of pickup work for the mice, as they’re called, in a scrapyard. Narrow heads and shoulders to fit up into places no one else could fit.
It keeps him fed, and Cal keeps his head down. Days start to creep by.
Today, there's a new worker on their rotation, and his Basic is thickly accented.
And he says Cal’s name differently, rounds out the vowel — “Khal,” he calls, “Little mouse, you are small, come here, get up into tiny spaces, come on, up-up—”
And it freezes Cal where he stands because— that’s almost right. That’s almost how you’d say his name in not-Basic, in that other thing he refuses to think about.
He hears those last words from Master Tepal’s mouth — “ Padawan kat fehl, netana, paikawaji uu dai” — and for a sudden, dizzying moment, that is all he can hear.
He must freeze in place for a second too long, because someone calls to him again.
“Hey, Cal, buddy,” and Cal hates how he jumps. It’s Prauf, with the kind eyes, who seems to have decided that Cal needs looking after. “Cal, you okay there?”
Cal shakes his head to clear it. He can still hear the words whispering, but ignores them.
“Haj dai, Jaieh,” he says, going for reassuring, already moving towards where the new worker pointed him.
Prauf says, “What?” and he sounds so baffled that Cal turns back to him.
“What do you mean, what?”
“What did you just say to me?”
“I said ‘Yes, Prauf.’”
“No you didn’t. You said haz —” Prauf twists his mouth around the words, and then gives up on saying the rest. “And, yeah, you called me something, what’s Jai—”
“I didn’t say anything like that,” Cal bites. He sounds strangled, even to his own ears. “I said ‘Yes, Prauf,’ that’s what I said.”
Prauf, to his credit, raises his hands in acquiescence. “Okay, okay kid, that’s what you said.”
The new worker, who Cal doubts understood much of the conversation, chimes in with a high voice and a wave of his arms. “Yes, yes, very good, we all talk Khal out, all friends now, so if little mouse pleases, could he climb up into tiny space?”
Cal turns away from Prauf and pretends his heart isn’t trying to escape his chest as he pulls himself up into the gap between a ship’s wall and what used to be part of the thrusters. He’s got pliers clutched in between his teeth, and is biting a little more than necessary.
He’s expecting troopers to grab his legs, yank him out, put a blaster to his head. He’s imagining the words floating up and dissolving into the Force, of his Jaieh tilting a disappointed eyebrow at him.
He bites down on his language, and schools his thoughts into Basic.
Kanan is working with a decent crew, right now. He signed on for a few milk run missions as general muscle and a gun, which should give him enough credits for basics and some wiggle room. They seem like a decent lot, and Kanan doesn’t mind working with them
Well, except the Pilot’s name is Caleb . And it is messing with Kanan’s head .
“Hey, pass this to Caleb up on the bridge?” says Maleek, their mechanic and general tech guy. They’re holding a holo chip of something, probably maps.
Kanan hates how much he falters, how his first instinct is to laugh and say, “I��m right here.”
“Sure thing.” He smiles and takes the chip, then starts making his way towards the front of the ship.
Honestly, he’s got no idea how this hasn’t happened sooner. “Caleb” isn’t an uncommon name. It’s one that’s used on so many planets that it doesn’t really have a planet of origin.
But it makes his body feel as if it’s peeling in two, future and past, twisting like soft dough, to hear it spoken in his presence like that.
“Agisti, ” says the laughing Padawan he has buried deep within him, “tumi mikah Caleb!”
“Kanan!” Pilot Caleb says, grinning as he spins around in his seat. “What can I do for you, buddy?”
“Take this off my hands.” He slumps himself into Kanan, gunslinger, wanderer, shit-talker. He flips the chip to the pilot whose name he didn’t want to think of, and ducks out of the cockpit as fast as possible.
The community on this ship is incredible. Or, maybe, it is average, and Kanan has been alone for long enough that it seems incredible.
And, even more surprising, they all seem to actually like him. Maleek fixes his blaster without being asked and Pilot Caleb keeps trying to get him into games of cards, the other guns and muscle jostle him in a friendly way when they pass him in the halls, and the captain says things about needing to help Kanan upgrade his armor, as if he’s going to stick around.
Kanan bites his tongue and pretends he doesn’t want to stick around. He can’t.
He can’t trust anyone. He can’t rely on anyone, can’t get comfortable anywhere. He needs to keep moving.
Trust is easily shattered. Nothing is certain.
He remembers his Master telling him about how important that was, how important it was to remember that nothing was certain, except the Force. That even their word for ‘yes,’ so concrete and decisive in Basic, gave room for ambiguity— “Force Wills,” the Jedi said.
He can hear the giggling of younglings in the creche — “Will you clean up the paint, little one?”
“Haj dai!” Force wills.
“So why aren’t you doing that now?” “Force says no!”
Then squealing laughter, as the child is picked up and hugged and tickled. For being clever enough to make that connection, but silly enough to not help.
Nothing is concrete, nothing is certain, except the Force. And now Kanan doesn’t even have that to believe in.
“Will I ever see you again?” he shouts to the woman in her dreams, who commands him to run, who saves him and condemns him and gives him his new name.
“Force wills,” she says, and it’s a lie and isn’t. Because she doesn’t say yes.
So Kanan cut his own braid and renamed himself and soldered ( ha ) on.
He needs to walk away from these people, he realizes. He can’t stay, no matter how much he wants to. He can’t bring danger on them. He can’t let them be killed because he is found.
In a ten-days time, the Pilot Caleb and Maleek and their caption will say, “Stay, Kanan.”
And he will want to say “ Yes .” Haj dai.
Force wills.
He will run away again.
(ibli kanan )
Ahsoka has gotten here too late.
There aren’t that many Jedi left to rescue, though that’s something Ahsoka tries not to think about too much. Most of the ones who escaped the initial purge were hunted down in the very, very early days of the Empire, before there was enough structure in the Rebellion to even think about helping them. Ahsoka survived it by not being a Jedi. Well. That and Rex.
They’re always too late, with Jedi, if they even know at all. The Empire and the Inquisitors, always a step ahead. Always.
As Fulcrum, Ahsoka’s jobs keep her away from the front lines. She works in intel. She works in running messages. She works with refugees.
She’d been closest, when they heard the distress call. And, though Ahsoka would never admit it, part of her jumped and stood upright at the idea of saving a Jedi. Seeing another Jedi. Speaking to them.
But she’s gotten here too late.
The crumpled form of a Duros is all that is left of the Inquisitors. A Duros with a hole through his chest, bleeding sluggishly, twitching the last bits of life out of himself.
The Force wraps around him and weeps. Ahsoka knows that feeling. That’s what the Force always does, when a Jedi dies.
Ahsoka falls to her knees next to the form. She cannot judge the age of this being, she thinks in a panic — she’s always been awful at judging age in Duros, Barriss used to tease her about it — but she’d guess a few years older or younger than herself. Ahsoka’s hands hover uselessly. There’s no healing this wound. She knows it.
Had she ever met him? In the Temple, all those years ago? Had they passed in the halls, handed each other food, shared friends?
Helpless to do anything else, Ahsoka gets the Doros’s head onto her lap. Off the ground. Some measure of comfort.
She nearly jumps out of her skin when his eyes slit themselves open. When he stares up at her, eyes hazy, barely coherent.
She nearly passes out when a rush of warmth and relief swells through the Force between them, and the Doros smiles at her.
“Jaieh Tabris ,” he breaths out. The name is spoken as if it is comfort given form. His voice is achingly soft. “Jesara, Jaiah. Henelru...foh keelak.”
Ahsoka goes cold, because she recognizes the name. It conjures an image so old she thought she’d forgotten it. A Togrutan Master, maybe 10 years older than Obi-Wan. A soft-spoken and gentle woman, who liked to help teach children how to read. A woman who now shared Ahsoka’s coloring and build almost exactly, from montreals to face markings.
She knows the tone of voice the Doros just spoke to her in. She used to use it every day. (Wishes, often, that she still could.)
She’s holding Master Tabris’s Padawan. He’s dying in her arms.
The relief in the Force twists a bit, and he repeats, “Jaieh?” with a little more uncertainty. The fear creeping back in. Of letting down your Master, letting down your people. Of dying alone.
What else is Ahsoka supposed to do?
(Because if it were her— if it were her and Anakin, she’d want— even if it were pretend, she’d want—)
“Haj dai, Padawan ,” she says. She keeps her voice soft and even. “ Tamah foh bika. ” The words fall off her tongue as if she never stopped speaking this.
His eyes focus a bit more on her face. He tries to smile. “Jaieh,” he says, actually to her this time. And Ahsoka—
Ahsoka remembers a time in her life when all she wanted was to hear someone call her that. Being 15 and imagining a future where she was doing the training, instead of being trained. Her head on Anakin’s knee and a campfire warm on her face, imagining a future in peacetime, Anakin cutting her silka beads off and her rising to her feet a Knight, embracing him while Obi-Wan embraced them both. She remembers the future she used to imagine for herself; solo missions, growing and improving, always returning home. Finally being taller than Anakin. Obi-Wan going easily, gracefully gray.
She remembers imagining bringing her own Padawan to their lineage dinners, Anakin teasing them both, Obi-Wan resting and smiling. Imagining being in a position, one day, when a little Light would be hers to teach, and look up at her and call her “Jaieh.”
But Ahsoka never got to grow into that title. She never even got to be a Knight. She left her home a Padawan, and never got to return enough to become anything more.
And now she never would.
But Ahsoka cups the face of the person on her lap, whose name she would never know, and lets them both pretend.
“ Rakaah foh wungak,” chokes the man on her lap. “Jaieh, sooah foh enoctak.”
“Leoah foh, Padawan. Leoah foh. Tamah foh bika, tamah foh bika.”
His hand, nearly vibrating in effort, moves up to grasp hers. Ahsoka covers it with her other hand. She can feel the pain coming off him in waves, but she can also feel the peace. The knowledge that he is safe, now.
And in some ways, Ahsoka thinks bitterly, she supposes he is. Even if he isn’t in the arms of his Jaieh . Perhaps he soon will be.
The fingers in hers tighten. The Padawan’s eyes close.
“Komlah foh keelak, Jaieh. Komlah foh…”
And he stops moving.
And Ahsoka doesn’t move for a long time.
Padawan kat fehl, netana, paikawaji uu dai: My Padawan, remember, trust only in the Force. -"Kawaji" is "trust," in the future tense, and "pai" is our consequential prefix, which means that the action will have lasting consequences. This takes the place of the "only" for denouncing how important this piece of information is. -"Dai," the word for the Force, never has an article before it.
Haj dai, Jaieh: Yes, Master. -Haj dai literally translates to "Force Wills"
Agisti, tumi mikah Caleb!: Hello, I am called Caleb! -"Agisti" is a greeting you would give someone who has the same rank in the Order as you, who you are equals with-- Padawan to Padawan, for instance.
ibli kanan: Little runner
Jesara, Jaiah. Henelru...foh keelak: Hello, Master. I...missed you. -"Jersara" is a respectful greeting; Padawan to Master, Master to Council member, ect.
Tamah foh bika: I am here
Rakaah foh wungak. Jaieh, sooah foh enoctak: I feel pain. Master, I feel pain. -There are different words for feeling physically and feeling mentally, as well as different words for mental and physical pain. The first sentence is declaring he is physically feeling (raka, here in present tense) physical pain (wung, here in accusative case), and the second that he is mentally feeling (soo, here in present tense) mental pain (enoct, here in accusative case).
Leoah foh, Padawan. Leoah foh. Tamah foh bika, tamah foh bika: I know. I know, Padawan. I am here, I am here.
Komlah foh keelak, Jaieh. Komlah foh...: I love you, Master. I love... -"Koml" (komlah here, in present tense) refers specifically to familial/platonic love
#star wars#my fic#sw#conlang stuff#dai bendu#did you know that there are people who remember to put fic on tumblr right away?
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#cavalli #horse #tabiano #tabianocastello #colline#natura #estate #agosto #agusti #agisti #girachetipassa #naturaealleggerisciilcervello#camminachetepassa (presso Tabiano Castello) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD8dGHmFcr8/?igshid=wqxp13wj3qbo
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all of codexes and artifacts in doom 2016 translated to finnish + swedish forenames BUT excluding "aa" and without diacritics
Agisti Agnenka Ainahen Aleetta Alfreah Alien Aliopea Allan Allapien Allatsui Allein Allen Allin Allipuut Allix Allykeuri Alman Alpanna Aluna Alvaisiria Alven Alviggo Ankiesiin Antamat Aritset Aritun Astella Astunna Aurin Avinet Beliseita Beltalva Bioin Biopea Biossaben Biosta Bskor Charin Danta Davantora Dellat Demie Demmul Detoimiir Doonnatta Doota Ebalvahes Ebbalaisel Ebbentin Edostaukke Edvihen Edwar Edwaria Edwarva Ehoidon Ehtiin Ektiin Elexansabe Elicor Eliinensa Elinuttut Elioimon Elissa Elistoin Elivathen Elova Elvalver Elviggo Elvinnor Emmaka Emosta Epeahinton Epeia Esetimoa Esint Etrin Etuvauken Felex Feliensa Filopus Frejasmin Gusemon Gussa Hahia Haissarina Hakkiin Halemilm Halket Halte Hamat Hamin Hamus Hante Harlia Hauda Haulun Haurvatta Hauskimuut Hautam Havankikas Havoimat Heassa Heimat Helivan Helle Hemmax Herkota Hestera Hinenry Hjala Hjallas Humalle Huoja Huoleo Huoridava Hyttodet Ikkan Ikkovalla Imaja Immatti Inctukse Ineken Isessa Iviamuina Ivicto Jahia Johdynssa Johtei Johtele Johtuet Joidard Jokevah Jollevin Jolloivon Jopan Josesti Joskql Jostorajon Jotiin Jotta Julka Julla Jullut Julupuoja Jumakopla Junni Kaikkan Kaikut Kainak Kaiti Kaliellir Kasma Kasmak Kasmat Katton Kaugus Kayssalan Kemasmalla Kemoi Kenes Kentei Keraen Kerkoi Kesin Kessark Kettella Ketunesti Keutta Kiineen Kilokat Kirja Kistukul Kivain Klansirk Koella Kofagi Kohton Koinetta Koisestels Koista Kotta Kouinden Kuack Kuineon Kuisa Kunahenna Kunnat Kuron Kuvan Kuvattu Lapan Lenen Levapot Levat Liasarta Licto Lictu Liltin Lindra Lioon Lioot Lipuku Liseeneon Lissar Listavan Loiloka Lopla Loscaskot Loskeama Lovidoone Loydamir Loysia Lucard Lucasma Ludan Luelleamin Luinnatkin Lukse Luksi Lusvoiti Lutkalle Lyhmi Lykka Maineen Makasabri Maker Malista Mallis Malvineen Mankapilia Mankayttin Mannie Marak Marinatiin Mattyr Mejais Mekselia Meytai Meytteen Miemmalian Mikkan Mikuiseba Mistava Misto Monayttai Monnatkir Monne Mukkuitam Muolleva Murin Murvaevie Musta Mutkils Muumakesi Muumax Muuniedos Myottam Naika Nakie Nalluda Neisin Neityke Nenton Nesta Ningo Niseline Noehen Noelker Noelvin Noisa Nolex Nolujekti Nopera Nouta Novattu Nuskoinor Oleitta Olexansa Oliin Olinen Olisanty Olleton Oltom Onkkapor Oskaissa Ottenkka Ovainen Oviin Painna Paisi Palkadie Pally Palta Paudavai Pillaisia Pillista Pittiin Pittuven Ponista Praikset Prokkapia Puhanky Pukayssa Pukehot Puksen Pukser Pulassa Purtusta Pututti Pyssa Quacollaik Rassa Raukin Rautkilla Rautus Ringotta Roksel Rutalien Ruusteja Ryhmaiel Ryhmien Ryhyen Samakse Samuisenne Sangoteja Seitava Selielia Selissa Selkadam Sella Sellinat Selsa Semista Seskoker Sessa Setta Sfagen Sfagentet Siggo Silda Sinat Sinen Sinnetta Sinta Sintetasix Sireddan Stama Stavata Stiin Stoimusvat Stonen Striuman Suildeletu Suolla Sutuverk Svoimingo Sydamersen Syviggen Syviin Syytta Tainni Tavat Tavilisa Tehen Tehta Teitas Teliva Tetta Tette Tetti Tetuvan Thantti Theleoneo Tiika Tiinda Tilie Todermila Tomerse Tonen Toner Tonjacor Toskana Toskivanie Tuilsa Tuita Tukinor Tukutku Tukuttinat Tuman Tumin Tusmarviin Tutteti Tuumin Tuvhao Tyittu Tyrida Tyrillia Tyvine Uacoriin Ulisa Uluoletti Uskan Uskuisa Usmax Ustetta Vahisa Vaikan Vaikkea Vaisa Vaista Vallielio Vanen Vasmatti Vattutkad Veaisessa Verry Victor Vigritta Viina Vileo Vilmaisa Vinen Vinet Vinutun Viresta Visia Voida Voimus Voimuskql Voisa Voistoi Vonkkaikua Wildemar Wilgo Wilin Willa Wille Willevysia Wiloida Xyrassa Xyrin Xyritusvon Ympornen Ympuode
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Prima che ti ritrovarti collocato all’interno di un corpo e di sentirti separato dagli altri non ti mancava niente. I bisogni non esistevano affatto. Essi sono emersi solamente quando ti sei sentito distante da ciò che vedesti con gli occhi del corpo, ed in quel momento tu agisti in base all’ordine particolare di bisogni che stabilisci. Tutto questo è dipeso dalla percezione che hai di ciò che…

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Ian Agisti Mendedikasikan Diri untuk Dekat dengan Mahasiswa
Merisa Seana Ian Agisti Mendedikasikan Diri untuk Dekat dengan Mahasiswa Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Ian Agisti Mendedikasikan Diri untuk Dekat dengan Mahasiswa Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Ian Agisti Mendedikasikan Diri untuk Dekat dengan Mahasiswa Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Ian Agisti Mendedikasikan Diri untuk Dekat dengan Mahasiswa Bila akan membuat konten untuk mahasiswa, maka kampus harus membuatnya dalam sudut pandang mahasiswa. http://www.unikbaca.com
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#Q&A #pytania #agistis #youtube #moovie_en_play🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥 #zapraszam
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[Jadwal Wawancara Calon Pengurus BPI FKG UI 2019]
Rabu, 16 Januari 2019
Langsung (SC 2 RIK UI Depok)
1. Luthfia Reswara Ardevani 09.00-10.00
2. Agisti Rafifah Ekaputri 09.00-10.00
3. Indah Melati Suciyanie 09.00-10.00
4. Elsa Dara Aullia
5. Dinda Dwigita Putri 09.00-10.00
6. Rifki Mujahid Ziyad 09.00-10.00
7. Putri Rachmaniah Nur Hanisa 10.00-11.00
8. Shofwatul Nafi’ah 10.00-11.00
9. Dimas Aditya 10.00-11.00
10. Naurah Nadzifah 10.00-11.00
11. Nurul Izzah 11.00-12.00
12. Fathan Nuha Oktovan 11.00-12.00
Via Telepon
1. Rheta Indra
2. Annisa Fathiyya Gabriella
3. Nurul Adilah
4. Shafira Devi Puspita
5. Fiki Rizqa Izzati
6. Elliana Nadhira
7. Shebika Nurfitri Allani
8. Nada Suci Rahmadani Adrin
9. Dyan Ayu Hapsari
10. Syarifah Auliya Pratiwi
Kamis, 17 Januari 2019
Langsung (SC 2 RIK UI Depok)
1. Annisa Elysia Pramesti 09.00-10.00
2. Aulia Yasmin 09.00-10.00
3. Aldithya Fakhri 09.00-10.00
4. Syafira Irviana 10.00-11.00
5. Sulthan Farhan Athallah 10.00-11.00
6. Syifa Zahra Adita Putri 10.00-11.00
Via Telepon
1. Ilham
2. Tazkia Qolbina Azzami
3. Wahyu Triyulian Prabowo
4. Syifa Ramadhani W
5. Annisa Sittadewanti
6. Fatimah Nurul Izzah
7. Fawnia Raissa A
8. Mutia Farida
9. Shera
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Gerai Bento Ala Indonesia
Gerai Bento Ala Indonesia – Salah satu sajian ala Jepang yang sudah akrab dengan masyarakat adalah bento. Meski bento ini sejatinya lebih merujuk pada cara penyajian yang praktis, yang biasa dipakai untuk bekal saat bepergian. Namun, ada sejumlah resto yang khusus menawarkan bento. Kepopuleran bento di Indonesia pun mengundang minat Resty Agisti untuk memulai bisnis […] The post Gerai Bento Ala Indonesia appeared first on Ide Bisnis Tips dan Informasi Peluang Usaha | ProBisnis.com. https://goo.gl/2AWWyo
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At Puncak Pass
Liburan dadakan 🌿🌲🌲 – at Puncak Pass with Agisti, Lisa, and Nindi – See on Path.
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Agisti! Huge fan of your work. Can you please do Barriss as the character with kai'an and orhma (using the first definition of warm)? Qahsreash!
kai’an /inner peace/ noun inner peace As in being at peace with yourself, even if the world might not be, the state required for Force Ghosting
orhma /oʁ.ma/ adjective warm, alright
Barriss breathed in.
She was one with the Force. The world was quiet, nothing could reach her in her meditation, not the screams of the battlefield, the blood, the many lives lost as they all cried out, begging for release—
Barriss snapped out of the meditation.
She’d been unable to focus properly for weeks now. Whenever she tried, the memories of the war just overwhelmed her. It felt like she was drowning in the darkness of space and couldn’t get herself out of it anymore. Not on her own.
There was a knock at her door.
The door opened and her Master, looking tired as Barriss had never seen her, stood there. She must have woken Luminara up with her disorder.
“I’m sorry, Master, I—”
Luminara merely raised her hands, then she walked over to Barriss. She opened her arms, a gesture so clear that it startled Barriss, but she did not hesitate. She threw herself into her Master’s arms, hoping it would be enough.
Hoping she would be warm again.
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Uerah foh a'ain jaka naki sedorem (ueraah? uera'ah? I'm trying :D) Anyway, I would like to request Dai Bandu swear words. Also, how does one do politeness in DB? Please/thank you, respect to an elder or teacher, stuff like that. This is a very cool project!
Uera’ah foh a’ain jaka naki sedoremak.
(I want to say bad words).
Agisti! You did a wonderful job with the translation. We hope it was fun figuring it out. Just for you, we’ve come up with a couple swear words. This was harder than we thought it would be because of how heavily coded swear words are!
yhua’ythun (n.): lit. “without thought”, a bit like “idiot” or “dumbass”
imtonbrei (adj.): lit. “not wholesome”, meaning something along the lines of “upsetting to the Force”, “disturbing”
imwan (n.): “not learning”, derived from imwanyth “not learner”. Given how much the Jedi value learning, this is a pretty bad insult. “Oafy-Wan” in Dai Bendu likely would have been “Obi-Imwan”
xahx (n.): a bit like “ah, hell”, “urgh, shit”, lesser curses
sydehv (n.): this is the “fuck!!!” you yell
For politeness, we got our respectful greeting jesara. Otherwise, politeness is coded more into vocabulary than grammar. For some more casual words (created just for you, thanks for reminding us to finally tackle those!), look below:
taweju: please
metiv: sorry, like “sorry, I failed the test”
tiv: sorry, like “sorry”. Abbreviation from “metiv”, more casual, every day things like accidentally bumping into someone
heleo: sorry, like “sorry for hurting you”, apologizing for hurt you’ve dealt when you have to beg for forgiveness
qahsreash: thank you very much
reash: thanks
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