#agents of lucifer
aprismaticodyssey · 3 months
Surprise! Chapters 8 and 9 of Agents of Lucifer are now up!
Okay, I can't promise when I'll upload more chapters but I was glad to see most of this was already done, so there was little for me to do when I came back to it. Click this sentence to read!
That said, Ch.9 is wordy and there aren't a lot of choices/flavor text. So if you want to see more of either, and have ideas/suggestions, please let me know! Because it could definitely use it. I went through and did testing and such, so hopefully everything works as it should!
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octofrsh · 3 months
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the same side of a different coin
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issues-oclock · 3 months
Shout out to the trope ever
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decentsoupperson · 2 months
Serial Killer x FBI Agent Au
Part 2
Adam is determined to find out if Lucifer and his secret admirer are one in the same. He showed him the text he sent that was later deleted.
Lucifer knows he fucked up, he used the wrong phone.
Lucifer: Oh no. Now what?
Lucifer didn't respond to the text, but Adam could see that it had been read.
Adam: What are you hiding, Morningstar?
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kittenfangirl20 · 1 month
Serial killer x FBI Agent Au
Adam was a newly so FBI agent and one of his crime scenes were very brutal. Training doesn't prepare you for the smell.
Lute: I think it's him again.
Adam: Him who?
Lute: A serial killer who goes by The Devil due to the brutal nature of his crimes. No one knows what he looks like.
Little did they know, The Devil was watching their every move.
*Adam looked through the records of this man they called the Devil with interest, he mainly went after corrupt figures who escaped the law, he saw that the heart was cut out of the body, he had to be impressed with how precise this killer was*
Adam: How long has this Devil been killing?
Lute: At least five years as far as I can tell.
*Lucifer stood outside the home of his latest victim and he saw the new FBI Agent, the most beautiful man he had ever seen in his life, short brown hair that made him think of milk chocolate, honey brown eyes, a little goatee on his chin, and even his chubby little gut made him extremely attractive, he took a picture of the man and decided to look him up, a couple days later Adam walked into the apartment that he stayed in ever since he finished training and saw a box wrapped in black with a gold ribbon, there was a nice card that said “You have stolen my heart” under it was written “To FBI Agent Adam Kadmon from the Devil,” sadly it was all types out so they couldn’t compare writing, Adam used a knife to open the box and saw a human human heart in the box, Adam quickly grabbed his phone and called his boss Sera*
Sera: Agent Kadmon?
Adam: I got a fucking gift from someone claiming to be the Devil, it is a human heart. I bet if we did a DNA analysis it would end up being the heart of our recent victim.
Sera: Don’t touch it, we need to see if what you said was true and if we can get DNA samples off of it.
*once they got the box with the heart out of the apartment, Adam could rest easier, after having a rib dinner Adam went to bed, in the morning Adam woke up to see his old watch was replaced with a very new and very expensive watch, all of his shampoo and other personal care items were replaced with very expensive products that were made for his hair type and skin type, the bathroom mirror had a heart painted in blood and the words Agent Kadmon + the Devil written in blood on it*
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inubaki · 4 months
“Put your back into it!” Lucifer’s cheerful animosity was something of the stuff of legend. “I can clearly see you missed a spot, right there!” Adam could feel those eyes like a second sun on his back, but absolutely refused to acknowledge the high-born tit in a sun dress, sun hat and milfy sunglasses. Aka: Lilith’s mini fucking clone. “Honestly, what were you doing on earth all that time?” In his hands, the literal devil idly twirled the tiny umbrella in his drink, openly sighing his displeasure before taking a loud sip. Adam should’ve cracked it against the ex-seraphim’s skull and pretend it could hurt him.
Worse yet, he could hear the chiming of ice cubes in Lucifer’s tall glass of lemonade; its seducing serenade of cold liquid drying out whatever rude comment he been tempted to make. Fuck it was hot. Beneath him, Adam’s hands dug into the dirt for struggling rooted weeds, feeling more as if he was dragging through desert sands rather than a suburban backyard. It has all been his own idea to start a garden, his own stupid fucking idea to humor Charlie’s ridiculous persistence for ‘healthier hobbies’. “Maybe we should plant something like lilies. They were one of Lilith’s favorites”. “Alastor and I agreed on chilies, and garlic to start” Adam replied, delivering a stab for a stab.
Charlie had been absolutely delighted by Adam’s stupid fucking idea, of course. The real mistake having been mentioning the singular other person he had in mind for the task. The one name that had earned the first man Lucifer’s only fatal warning; an angelic smile.
Adam yanked a weed harshly from the ground and threw it hazardously behind him in frustration. He had thought they were finally moving passed all this shit, foolishly hoped they could be as they were before Lilith, alone in the garden. It had seemed so impossible before that Adam had honestly got suckered in by Charlie’s encouragement and attempted to find middle ground with the second biggest pain in his ass; Alastor. It had been one of the few things Adam had discovered they had in common. An attachment to nature and the old-fashioned method of coveting for food. They even discussed it with Alastor’s asshole face seeming a tad more genuine this time around. The garden would be tended too in pairs from the hotel’s residence all with Adam assuming he would have Alastor’s aid.
But no, it was Lucifer’s pale ass name that was pulled with his, over and over, and over again. Each draw with Lucifer giving Adam that same fucking smile.
“How about an apple tree?”
Adam finally snapped his head around and glared at the royal tart. Red meeting gold with a magnetizing fusion of animosity beneath Hell’s blistering sun. Lucifer’s lips began slipping from bored to down right devilish grin; full of teeth and wicked intentions. He opened his mouth to say deliver Adam’s reckoning when Adam nonchalantly reached back into the dirt at his side and throw a massive potato bug directly at the devil’s face.
The scream Lucifer Morningstar gave was well worth any punishment that awaited him. Watching Hell’s strongest and Heaven’s most feared scrambling to slap away the large monstrosity from his dress was nearly all the satisfaction the first man would ever need in his third life.
Just as nonchalantly, Adam ‘saved’ the siren glass of lemonade before it could be knocked over. Drowning it while simultaneously sidestepping the tussling, raving angel. He then reached for the hose.
Lucifer was a prideful, petty, jealous, theatric mess, but with Adam’s merciful aid, he could at least be a prideful, petty, jealous, theatric mess in a soggy white dress amongst Charlie’s ruined tulips.
Adam smiled broadly.
“Let me ask Alastor”
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———— AdamsappleWeek
Potato bugs should be their own warning.
Prompt 3: Garden (based partly on my own gardening experience. I mean you, Divinity!
I am sorry for the grammar and spelling. My dyslexia demands chaos. It’s why I don’t write in general, but for the sake of saving time I’ll attempt it.
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scoobycool9 · 3 months
So my friend @bluetrainer tagged me to make a poll of my five time favorite characters ( and tag five people to do the same)
I’m tagging @blufoxstar @saintlesbian @cleoselene @mysticalcloudkingdom and @1296-very-good-year
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People's Choice Awards x Crime TV Series
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Having seen multiple posts on Twitter about people on TikTok questioning how popular crime shows like Bones and Castle are, I decided to look at the People's Choice Awards. The PCAs are held annually and next year's ceremony will be their 50th anniversary. These awards are voted for by the fans and cover 4 main categories - Film, TV, Music and Pop Culture.
I discovered that from 2006 - 2017, the categories in the PCAs included Favourite TV Crime Drama and Favourite TV Crime Drama Actor & Actress. This shows how these crime shows were a staple of popular television at the time whereas the 2024 categories included The Bingeworthy Show of the Year and The Drama TV Star of the Year.
I decided to make a spreadsheet to illustrate how so many great crime shows were nominated in the same categories! There are a few years between 2006-2011 that are not included because none of the shows on this list were nominated. If the box is green, all the categories in that box were won by that specific show. If the cell is red, the show was nominated but did not win.
Side note - Happy 19th anniversary to the Bones Pilot episode !
@backgroundagent3, @lightningzombie, @feministjane, @adder24, @magicandmaybe
@stxrdust-widow, @pisceanix, @katebeckets, @wildwildtarget, @kathnaris
@tiredgatt0, @robntunney, @burningblake, @21-roses-a-day, @renegadesstuff
@catnuns, @a-carnie-and-a-cop, @lisbonsteresa, @psychicpinenut
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fanofstuff01 · 2 months
Agent Au
Something silly
Lucifer calling Adam: Hey there, I got you on speaker phone so behave.
Adam: Or what you'll spank me?
Lucifer: ......
Sera: ......
Adam: ..... Sera's there isn't she?
Lucifer: No…?
Adam: Lucifer.
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Your name in blood au is very good and is my favorite of your au's so far
Maybe during one of adam missions he has to dress up fracy to attend a party to gather information. And just so happend lucifer was invited aswell
Adam flirting to get information out some rich old dude: now like you said about your boss
Rich dude: hold that thought sweetheart, am gonna go get me a drink
Adam taking a sip of his own drink: finally
Adam looked up and see a short blonde dude that was wearing a mask looking at him: can I help you?
Lucifer: I think you can~
Adam, before he could say anything, the light went out, and when it turned on, the rich guy was dead
If you don't mind I'll work that in, I love that!!
And thank you! It just kind of came to me the other day and I've always liked dynamics like that.
Chapter 3 is up by the way! Check it out, the next one will be interesting.~
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aprismaticodyssey · 3 months
Agents of Lucifer's Short Story: Raziel/Lucifer Up Now!
Here it is! Hopefully I got everything worked and didn't miss anything in terms of spelling errors and stuff. I checked, of course, but you never know.
I had a lot of fun with this!
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octofrsh · 7 months
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soullessjack · 4 months
i think perhaps another layer of autism in jacks character is that he’s fine with being different, but is always upset to be treated or perceived differently.
#i want to make this longer but I’m tired and i wanna finish my drawing#does this make a SMIDGE of sense#cal.txt#spn#supernatural#jack kline#autistic jack kline#autism experiences#autistic coded character#like he outwardly defines his identity as the son of Lucifer/a hunter/a Winchester#he’s often prideful of his powers & strengths but instantly ashamed if they’re perceived as weird or wrong#sam dean & cas are basically a support system for him in the same way as many other autistic support systems#they’re consistently accepting of him as he is—even when dean didn’t necessarily like him he still just took jacks mannerisms as they were#or the fact that jack decided to be that age right from the womb? they’re like ‘okay sure whatever that’s his own thing’#the offered reassurances that he’s not any less of a person bc of his difference#that they’re all weird in their own ways and it just doesn’t matter#he can accept that he’s not fully human and his father is the Supreme Agent Of All Evil#this is about don’t go into the woods btw. that episode is like Peak autism but in a bad painful curl up and rotting way#re the original script: ‘he’s back to being the oddball again’#read: he doesn’t LIKE being the oddball#he knows that he’s fundamentally different and not normal and he can accept that#i mean his state of demigodhood is basically like being born with bad eyesight#it’s like the difference between being used to and accepting of bad eyesight vs being called four eyes#is that a good analogy idk . I’m tired and low on food
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finalvortex · 10 months
you know what i can do it too. based off this post but you have to choose one of my (relatively) obscure indie mystery game blorbos
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meowdy-all · 1 month
Ten characters from ten fandoms, ten tags!
List ten your ten favorite characters from 10 separate fandoms, in no particular order:
Tagged by @the-book-fan
1- Eddie Diaz, 911
2- Dean Winchester, Supernatural
3- Bruce Wayne, DC
4- Bucky Barnes, Marvel
5- Lucifer, Lucifer
6- Alastor, Hazbin Hotel
7- Stolas, Helluva Boss
8- Zuko, Avatar the Last Airbender
9- Aaron Hotchner, Criminal Minds
10- Seeley Booth, Bones
No pressure tags! @bloodydeanwinchester @presumeddeaddie @eddiediazismyhusband @illgetmerope @buddiesmutslut @cuephrase @bugs0da-t0mb anyone else!!
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Maze: We need a plan... How long can you hold your breath underwater?
Dan: I don't know.
Maze: Are you familiar with the term 'slam and cram'?
Dan: No, and I don't think I want to be.
Maze: How attached are you to your pinky?
Dan: Very, very attached, and before you ask another terrifyingly vague question, let me be clear; any plan that involves even one of those scenarios isn't going to work for me.
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