Prompt: Elsa doesnt realize her feeling for Maren but the spirits are like: you dont know? We're basically empathetically linked so yea let us tell you that you are so whipped for Maren.
(This is hilarious help sfhsdjkgkl)
Elsa dreamily smiled as she stared at Honeymaren walk away from her and the shore to the other people of the tribe, bringing the baskets of berries that her and the Snow Queen had picked in bushes down the river and brought with the help of Nokk. It had been a plentiful harvest and the blonde admired the undeniable strength of Honeymaren to be able to lift both the baskets on her own, because they were really heavy. Indeed, when she passed it over a smiling Sami man, his expression changed to amazement when he felt the weight of it. All the Northuldra thanked and congratulated Honeymaren on her incredible efficiency that morning, saying they were set for the whole week with such a loot, and the brunette modestly lifted her hands and pointed at behind her shoulder. Elsa lifted her eyebrows as she now saw the Sami people look at her from where they were and smiled, some even bowing in a thank you and others outright giving a sign of blessing for being fed with the help of the Fifth Spirit. 
Elsa smiled bashfully and waved an awkward hand. However, her cheeks filled with an intense blush when Honeymaren turned around with a bright and proud smile. Elsa’s heartbeat even doubled in rhythm, and she felt like Gale had just picked her up from the ground to fly in the clouds when the brunette and her locked their eyes, despite the distance. The Snow Queen looked around in confusion but the Wind Spirit wasn’t there. Weird. 
Nokk nudged her shoulder with their muzzle all of a sudden, and Elsa startled at the touch. She had completely forgotten that the horse was still next to her. 
“Y-yeah, we’re leaving.” She muttered, her voice a bit lost, her eyes still fixed on where Honeymaren was, and now was walking to the camp with the others. 
It amused Nokk, and they nuzzled her shoulder a second time. 
“Hey! I said we’re leaving, alright? I know you want to go back to that lake, I could feel your excitement when we passed by it on the way.” 
The water horse shook their head to indicate that it wasn’t the reason of their tease. Elsa frowned. “What, you don’t want to anymore? Gee, you really change your mood as fast as-- What?” 
Nokk had neighed in their magical way, with a sound that echoed like a whale call. It sounded like a laugh, and it confused Elsa. She frowned as she deciphered the feeling it transferred to her mind and heart, the process she went through when she communicated with the Spirits. 
“You love me?” Repeated the Snow Queen, confused at the term she translated from them. Then she thought more about it. “No, you said... Lover... In love?” 
She gave Nokk a look, then her eyes snapped wide. “Wh- That’s- NO! No I’m not- no, you’re ridiculous...” 
Now the Water Spirit neighed in a happy tone, and the sound they make clearly sounded like the sound Elsa knew meant “Honeymaren”. She blushed, her eyebrows knotting in embarrassement and her mouth wrinkling in a pout. 
“Stop that immediately. This is not what you think, I was just checking that she brought the baskets safely--” 
Nokk neighed loudly at the ‘think’ word, their icy front hooves lifting to slam the grass in what definitely was a burst of laughter. 
Elsa clenched her fists and stretched her arms along her body, about to reply and deny, but another thought coming from the horse interrupted her. 
“We’re in your mind. So we know what you think.” Said the Water Spirit mentally. 
The blonde blinked, embarrassed to the point where her cheeks and ears were on fire. Her heart sped up again.  
“We know what you think” Expressed another emotion coming from behind her, or more accurately in between her legs, as a tiny salamander dashed in zig zags to join Nokk’s sass. 
Then Bruni climbed on her leg and seemed to look at her with a very-aware stare. Elsa was admirative of his cleverness but also sincerely wanted to toss him with a jolt of the leg and send him up in the sky violently. Right when she was about to scold him for encouraging the teasing horse, a twirl in her hair made her realize that Gale had arrived too, and a rumble reverberating in her feet - or rather, her foot, for she was shaking the leg where Bruni was nudging his tiny paws along her tibia - announced that the Giants had joined the mocking party. 
“Stop! All of you!!” Groaned Elsa. “I am not in love with her, this is just stupid!” 
But the Spirit kept teasing her. She forced herself to find arguments. “I was simply looking after her! It’s just... Care, okay?” 
One of the Giants snorted. “Care. Just like time when you looked her climb.” He mentally reminded. 
“Or like time when you look her spear fishing.” Neighed Nokk happily, and Elsa swore she saw them wriggling eyebrows that didn’t even exist on their face. 
“Or like time when you looked her run in fields!” Joyfully added Bruni, speeding up his pawing as to imitate the bucolic run. 
Elsa gulped and looked at each one of them, her reply stuck in her throat. She was a bit angry at how they had been spying on her, and then realized that they actually hadn’t; it was due to their mental connection and the fact they spent a lot of time together. 
They all felt that she got it now, and Gale playfully tried to lift her out of the ground. Elsa groaned as she felt the tug. She slammed both her heels on the grass and froze her ankles in place to make sure that she would stay down. 
“Is everything alright?” 
Elsa screamed in fright at the sudden voice that had appeared behind her. She practically twirled around when she recognized the voice, but she was stuck at the feet, and lost her balance miserably. She stood up in a jolt, quickly melted the holds and pushed Gale away with one hand, while she used the other to pass it in her hair and dust her clothes, which made no sense. 
“H-heeey!” She smiled nervously. 
Honeymaren frowned at Elsa’s state, and the latter rose her hands awkwardly. “Everything’s alright, yes. Don’t worry.”  
The brunette arched an eyebrow, in between amusement and curiosity. “I’m not worried. I’m just wondering why all the Spirits are around you.” 
Elsa gulped. She looked around and it was true and oppressive: they all were standing there, staring at her and then at Honeymaren and then at her again. 
“We’re just... Hanging around. Nothing much.” Pretended the Snow Queen. “We’re about to go on a ride. Right, guys?” She added, clenching her teeth.  
Gale and Nokk moved around and she thought for a moment that they had played along, sighing internally in relief, when suddenly she felt them both push her back forward. Elsa stumbled a bit and she now was standing right in front of Honeymaren, really close, and she blushed furiously. 
The brunette noticed and smiled. Thankfully, she wasn’t sarcastic and rather soft. “I think they want you to come and eat. They care about your health, you know.” 
“Y-yeah, they sure do...” Murmured Elsa, her voice a bit mushy at the brunette’s suggestion. 
The Northuldra turned around, indicating to follow her. The blonde waited a bit to keep some distance between them and not be intrusive. 
Honeymaren had made a few steps when suddenly Gale made a whistling sound. She lifted her eyebrows at the noise and turned around. 
Elsa gasped, her face was as red as a tomato. “IT WASN’T ME, I SWEAR.”
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swimmingnewsie · 5 years
Back at it again with writing fic. Props to @justlookatthosesausages and @agentphilindaisy for listening to while I screamed making this fic. Please enjoy!
Link to AO3
It wasn't uncommon that Yelena wanted to speak to her. Between learning the basics of living with the Northuldra and mediation lessons, Elsa met with the elder frequently. And in theory, as the Northuldra were allies with Arendelle, meetings with Anna should also be expected. But something in today seemed different. She wanted to meet both Anna and Elsa together.
"What could she want?" Anna asked, looking around as Elsa welcomed her into camp. She hadn't stopped fidgeting since she arrived.
"I don't know," Elsa said blankly. And it was the honest truth. "Perhaps she wants to set up something with Arendelle?"
'Or the camp is under attack! And she needs help! Or maybe there's trouble with one of the bigger countries trying to push them around! Or- or-"
"Anna," Elsa shushed her sister, resting an easy hand on her back. "The camp is fine. The spirits would have said something if it wasn't. And there haven't been any foreign interactions aside from Arendelle. We're safe."
"But what if-"
"Your sister is right," Elder Yelena said coming out of the forest. "Things are at peace. There is no need to worry."
Anna's eyes widen. "Yelena? Hello! It's been a while."
The elder nodded her head, reaching out to touch Anna's hand. "Only a few weeks, child. But it is good to have you here. Have you here together."
Anna nodded in response, relishing in the comfort of Yelena's touch. "I'm always happy to come to the forest."
Elsa smiled at the interaction, her heart warming at the sight. "What did you want to meet with us for, Yelena? The suspense is killing this one here," she teased, mussing with Anna's hair.
"Hey!" Anna giggled, playfully hitting her sister. "Like you aren't curious too."
Yelena smiled watching the sisters. "There's someone I would like the both of you to meet. Come with me." She then began leading them to a hut. She quickly entered, told them to wait, and then returned to them.
"Come inside."
Inside sat a woman weaving on a loom. She looked to be Yelena's age or perhaps a bit younger, and there was something familiar to her. But Elsa had not met this elder yet.
"Girls, this is Johánná. Johánná, meet Anna and Elsa."
Johánná looked at them with tears in her eyes. She stayed silent and softly touched Anna's face. "Are you really Iduna's daughters?"
"Did you know our mother?" Anna asked, forgoing a formal answer.
Elsa squeezed her sister's hand and answered the elder. "We are. How did you know her?"
"Because she was my daughter," she replied tears in her eyes.
Anna and Elsa's eyes opened wide. "Then that means..."
"My áhkkut ..."
Áhkkut. The Northuldran word for grandchild.
Tears fell from the sisters' eyes. Johánná opened her arms wide, and Anna immediately fell into her hug. Elsa was hesitant, unsure of everything in her pool of emotions. "It's okay, Elsa. You don't have to if you aren't ready."
Elsa bit her lip. She wanted to embrace her grandmother. This was just so unexpected. In a leap of faith, she fell into the space Anna had left for her. Her arms were warm and tender, and she let herself feel the love and care of a grandmother. Elsa sobbed, a release of emotions she wasn't expecting.
"We didn't know there was anyone left. Mama and Papa died and then it was just us, but now you're here and it's a lot," Anna rambled in a daze, barely audible as she talked into her grandmother's chest.
"I have to admit that this has been a lot for me too, child," Johánná said. "A month ago, I was convinced my daughter died in the awful battle. But now to know that she lived a long full life? It is a lot to take in."
Tears welled in her eyes. "I can see her. In your eyes. In your smiles." She ran a soft hand through Elsa's hair. "If your hair was darker, you could have been her twin."
"You think so?" Anna asked, an inquisitive smile growing. "That's what Papa used to always say."
"Mhm," the elder hummed, continuing to stroke Elsa's hair. "You're awfully quiet, ráhkis . What's on your mind?"
"How long have you known? It's been months since we arrived and I haven't seen you at all." This was just all so strange. Elsa had been working on being more social with strangers, making it a point to know everyone in the village. How could she have missed something like this?
"There are many groups to the Northuldra. When the mist cleared, I was in the Eastern woods tending to crops. But Yelena sent word and I knew I had to come to meet you."
"Do you live there?" Anna asked with eyes full of wonder.
"I do. It was hard to continue herding reindeer after... Well after your mother disappeared for she loved them so. Your grandfather and I picked up and found a spot along the river and made a home there, learned the art of fishing and farming. I wish he could have seen you both, know what we know now.” The older woman looked down sadly, grief clear in her expression.
“Do you think we could go there?” Elsa asked timidly. The whirlwind of emotions inside was slowly settling, allowing her natural curiosity to set in. “I’d like to see it.”
Johánná smiled. “I would love to take you there. Show you the land, tell you all kinds of stories. Perhaps you would even like to meet your aunts and uncles and cousins?”
Anna’s eyes widened. “Cousins? We have cousins?”
Johánná chuckled. “Of course, miehta. Your mother had five siblings. There are many cousins.”
Elsa’s heart ached, feeling a warmth she never thought she could. Six years ago, it had just been the two of them and a wall. But now there was more than she could have ever imagined for herself. Her and Anna were talking. Anna had brought her a brother in Kristoff and had another brother in Ryder and a lover in Honeymaren. And now to have a grandmother and extended family? It was so much she felt like she could burst.
“Thank you,” Elsa said, tears falling again.
“No, thank you. Iduna, she may be gone, but you continue her life and her light. And for that, I will never be grateful enough.
“You always have a home here.”
And that was more than enough.
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Hi, i love your drabbles so much 💕 been reading all your drabbles since i watched F2 and there isn't a single one that i don't like. Anyway this morning i suddenly have a pretty interesting prompt for you: Elsa got sick and as usual she tried to hide it, and the other spirits were fussing over her, which caused Honeymaren to be a bit fussy too 😂 in the end Elsa just gave up and let Honeymaren to take care of her.
Oh my GOSH, thanks!!!?!??!
Nice prompt, sadly I’ve read many drabbles/fanfic chapters having this exact trope so I’m gonna be influenced :( and others probably write it better than me anyway :) 
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swimmingnewsie · 5 years
Rest Your Eyes, Weary Traveller
@agentphilindaisy requested a fic of Elsa being sick and refusing to admit it, causing the spirits and Honeymaren to be a bit fussy over her. My friend @justlookatthosesausages didn’t want to write the thing fearing influence of other works, so I asked nicely and took the prompt on myself.
So please enjoy!
Link to AO3
Elsa’s eyes were weary as she rode Nokk to Atohallan. The past week and a half had been difficult. An illness had been making its rounds through the tribe, and it was putting everyone through the ringer. The tribe’s healers and apothecaries worked day in night to monitor and care for the ill. And though she was not a healer herself, Elsa was doing her part running amuck making ice packs to alleviate fevers for the elders and children. She would have continued that duty today if not for Yelena- who was barely recovered herself- telling her to go to the forest to center herself and be with the spirits.
And in all reality, she needed the break. She wasn’t feeling her best, worn down both physically and mentally. While the healers were able to rotate in and out, Elsa was the only one able to make snow on command. Her control was far better than when she was younger, but using her magic for an extended time like this exhausted her. It was her magic that was making her feel poorly, not possibly succumbing to the illness around her. Atohallan would allow her to recharge. She would feel better then.
She was just thankful that Honeymaren and Ryder were feeling better. The twin siblings had been hit with the illness early, knocking them both of their feet and out of the fields for four days, When Elsa wasn’t making packs for others, she was in their hut, icy hands resting on their foreheads.  Her girlfriend had been particularly clingy, choosing to stay snuggled against Elsa at every opportunity; Elsa was more than willing to indulge her.
Gale brushed by her back as she and Bruni rode Nokk, and she couldn’t help but shiver. “Hi there,” she smiled, trying to suppress the cold. “Coming along today?”
Gale messed with her braid, their own personal greeting.
“I think we’re just going to meditate today.” Since living with the Northuldra, Elsa was learning the art of meditation. She found it not only helped keep her in touch with nature and her powers, but also her worries and fears as well. It was the perfect way to recharge herself.
Soon enough, they arrived at Atohallan. Elsa bowed as Nokk drifted back into the water and headed into the icy chamber.
Elsa settled herself into her usual nook and began to breathe deeply. As she breathed, she became keenly aware of how wrong her body felt. Her muscles felt sore and heavy. Her chest was tight and throat ached. Her head pounded.
A sneeze ripped through her body, making her feel even more exhausted. Flurries fell to the ground around her. She sighed. At least it wasn’t Snowgies. Though she had only made them once, any time she sneezed, the fear of creating them was still there.
Bruni perked his head up at Elsa. He looked worried.
“I’m okay,” she said sniffling. “Just a sneeze.”
He looked at her incredulously. His doubt was not unfounded when she sneezed again. Taking matters into his own hands, Bruni crawled up Elsa’s arm and settled on the back of her neck, warming her.
“Why thank you.” As much as she wanted to deny it, Bruni’s warmth felt amazing against her body.  Maybe she was getting sick. It wouldn’t surprise her given everything, but she wasn’t ready to admit it just yet.
Meditation was difficult today. Focusing on inner strength when she felt so weak was almost impossible. Even the task of breathing deep was difficult as her lungs expelled the air as fast as she could breathe it in. After a frustrating half hour, Elsa moved from her seated position to lying down, finding some comfort and relief in it. The ice felt nice on her back, even if it made her shiver. She was just going to rest her eyes for a minute…
Famous last words.
Her sleep was fitful and uncomfortable. Nightmares of the past tormented her. Memories of her long years in isolation. Thoughts of what her grandfather would say to her. Fears of hurting Anna again. She tossed and turned, only making her body ache more.
When Elsa woke, it was dark out. And she wasn’t in Atohallan? How did she get here?
“You’re awake,” a familiar voice said. Her eyes slowly opened to see Honeymaren at her side, a cool hand on her forehead. “You have a fever.”
“How did I get here?” Her voice was raspy and sore, far worse than it had been earlier. She tried to sit up, but she was so weak that when Honeymaren placed a hand on her shoulder she was laying right back down.
“Nokk,” she said simply. “He carried you home and ran for me.” Honeymaren pressed a cool cloth to her head. “Why didn’t you tell anyone you were feeling sick?”
Elsa shook her head, eyes shut tight. “Didn’t want to worry anyone. I’m a spirit. ‘M not supposed to get sick.”
“You may be a spirit, but you’re still human. It’s okay not to be perfect.” Honeymaren sighed, kissing her hot forehead. “But what’s not okay is running away to Atohallan when you’re burning up with a fever.”
“‘M sorry,” she rasped, ashamed of herself. Coughs overtook her tight chest. “I didn’t mean to be bad.”
Honeymaren looked like she was about to cry, but she gained her composure enough and continued to stroke at her face. “You aren’t bad. You just need to take better care of yourself. And what that means for now,” she pulled the fur covers up to Elsa’s neck, “is sleeping and getting better.”
Elsa nodded, allowing herself to snuggle in. “Can I have the scarf?” she asked sheepishly, almost like a child asking for their blanket.
Honeymaren smiled and put her scarf around her. The scarf they had made together; the one that represented their family. “Nice and warm and cozy.” She kissed her head once more before getting under the covers.  “Now get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Elsa curled up, her head laying on Honeymaren’s side, and soaked in the warmth and comfort of her girlfriend. She was home. She was safe. It was okay to let that guard down.
“Thank you.”
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