#agent ressler
acoupleweeksago · 2 years
- I'm a sin eater. I absorb the misdeeds of other's, darkening my soul to keep theirs' pure, that is what I'm capable of.
Raymond Reddington
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The limited amount of Donald Ressler and Jack Thompson fanfics on here is extremely disappointing.
What's a girl gotta do to get absolutely smothered with affection from two agents whom she's obsessed with? I mean come on man!
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aanthonyvb · 10 months
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aninizi · 2 years
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alyblacklist · 1 year
The Night Agent | Official Trailer | Netflix
Just finished binging this show - really good!  
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writingbyshiloh · 11 months
Sharp Dressed Man
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AN: mutual pining with FBI's most wanted and agent! Reader has my heart idk what to tell you guys. I'll do the tag list at some point I'm just lazy
WC: 0.6k
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"Where do you think you're going?" Ressler snaps at Reddington. The criminal doesn't even look phased by Ressler's attitude, instead, he just adjusts his fedora.
"Inside. That's where the criminals are, Donald." He replies, cocking his head as if to better analyze the situation. You press your lips together to hide a smile. A smile which has nothing to do with your small, schoolgirl crush on the concierge of crime. To avoid getting caught smiling, you zip up your FBI windbreaker, the only one in the group to have visible government identification.
Donald leads the way, pushing the door to Reddington. Instead of keeping with the chain, he holds the door open for you. You walk through, politely thanking him and wait in the lobby. When he follows, you allow him to walk in front of you. Having him in the middle helps keep his profile low.
To prevent Raymond from charming the receptionist, Donald leads the group, informing her why you're here (to collect files), who you represent (special FBI task force), and who the man in the suit is (a lie about how he's your supervisor). The files are only minor, nothing critical but the company's phone reception is abysmal.
You can only focus on how she smiles at Ressler, warm and slightly fascinated at what a man in a suit with an important job is telling her. You can't blame her.
"I have some files here, but most are kept in storage on the third floor." she helpfully tells the group, only glancing at you and Reddington, keeping her eyes on Donald. If he's not picking up on her hints it may be time for him to retire. She's toying with her necklace, drawing attention to her lips. Maybe you can give Ressler a shove in the right direction.
"Is anyone on the third floor?" You ask, watching her eyes draw slowly to you. Not rudely or abruptly, but in a caught-oggling way. You flash her a small smile.
"Mhmm. Lon should be up there. I can call him if you'd like." She says, reaching for her desk phone.
"You should stay here. We can go up to the third floor." You tell Donald, a slight bite in your voice so he doesn't argue. Before he can reply, slide your hand on Reddington's shoulder to get him away from the desk.
Once directly in front of you, you give his shoulders a push towards the stairs. Raymond tries to keep his breath steady as he feels you press your chest into his back. Your arms are on his shoulders, trying to move his as fast as you can. You're taking small, wide steps, being careful not to step on his shoes. He's thankful for that but in all honestly, he wouldn't mind whatever you do to him, so long as you're this close.
Once you're out of eyesight, you peel yourself off, looking sheepish. "Sorry, I saw how the receptionist was looking at him, I think she likes him."
"I understand, my dear. Something about a sharp-dressed man?" He asks, slowly acceding the stairs, with you right behind.
"Ew. He's not sharply dressed, he looks like every other FBI agent in a suit." You reply, hoping that Raymond doesn't pick up the subtext in your words, that his suits are much nicer.
He does, but for your sake keeps it to himself. Maybe he'll wear the cream one tomorrow, try and impress you.
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Raymond Reddington is a great example of an evil character working with good characters
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Raymond "Red" Reddington (played by James Spader) is the primary protagonist of the show The Blacklist. He is a notorious criminal who turns himself into the FBI (in amazing style, walking in and giving his name and asking to speak to Assistant Director for Counterterrorism Harold Cooper, then assuming the position to be cuffed while they look him up).
Once in front of Cooper, Red basically pitches the premise of the show- he has a list of criminals that he offers to help the FBI pursue, criminals that span the world and are so good at what they do, the FBI doesn't even know about them. Each episode (or occasional two parter) is about another one of these criminals who Red tells the task force about.
He's not gone soft or turned a new leaf of anything, tho, he is still a cold blooded killer who makes frequent use of his many criminal contacts and isn't interested in playing by the FBI's rules. He is in fact using the task force to his own ends and has made the case to the task force that he's more useful when he has his autonomy and cover, that they can't do anything with the names he gives them if he isn't allowed to "keep up appearances."
Red is a very nuanced portrayal of a cold blooded, ruthless criminal. He has loved ones, such as his assistant and heavy Dembe Zuma, whom he rescued from a life of child slavery, whether as a sex slave or child soldier, and he shows genuine care for Elizabeth Keene, who is essentially his handler in his roll as a criminal informant, and Mr. Kaplan, an older woman (and a lesbian) who runs body disposal and evidence cleanup for Red. It is clear that Red sees his closest associates as some form of family.
And if that bond is betrayed, well, he is still a ruthless criminal and has certain ideas about how things should go. The surest way to end up dead is to get in his way (actually, rather than whatever way he assumed you would as part of his Xanatos gambit).
The task force he works with are broadly characters I would place as good-aligned in D&D- Lawful Good, by the book, stick up his ass hero field agent Donald Ressler, Neutral Good, emotions on his sleeve computer specialist Aram Mojtebai, "somewhere in the intersection of Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral" profiler with a heart of gold but circumstances of shit Liz Keene, and Neutralish Good leaning Chaotic or Lawful from situation to situation team dad Assistant Director for Counterterrorism Harold Cooper, but also with True Neutral agent on loan from the CIA Meera Malik and Neutral *Something* Mossad Agent on loan Samar Navabi.
Samar and Meera do their share of questionable or outright immoral things, but mostly in that 24-style of "if I don't do this bad thing, innocents could die". Tho, Meera cheerfully informs a suspect in her first episode what the difference between FBI and CIA is, namely, that she's allowed to prod at the open wound on his leg to get him to talk.
But Raymond is the Big Evil Teammate. Meera will take advantage of a suspect's wounds to get information. Samar's specialty in Mossad is actually torture, and has on occasion pulled a "do what you want with him." But Raymond has a torture specialist on speed dial and is pretty quick with summary executions with no feelings of regret.
But the Task Force works with him because he largely targets criminals with his own crimes and he's useful.
He is a perfect example of the evil teammate, which some of the good guys even like (or at least have respect for)
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srslyscary · 5 months
“Hello YNNIE. The effects will dissipate soon. You’re gonna be fine.” Minho fixed her legs correctly in the wheelchair, tapping her ankle lightly with a small smile. The girl only stared at him with blank eyes, not being able to move her body due to the injection. He sat up, turning her wheel chair around to face away from the naked criminal tied up. She closed her eyes, letting the warmth of Minho’s hand pat her head slightly.
He turned towards the criminal, an unimpressed look on his face. “Okay. Should we get started?”
The criminal stared back at Minho, a somewhat frown on his face. The red acid bath behind him began to bubble and pop wildly. “A farmer comes home one day to find that everything that gives meaning to his life is gone. Crops are burned, animals slaughtered—“ Minho begins to walk slowly forward toward the criminal, rambling on with his little story.
“Bodies and broken pieces of his life strewn about. Everything that he loved, taken from him. His children… one can only imagine the pit of despair… the hours of job-like lamentations, the burden of existence.” Both men stare at each other for which seems like minutes to no end. “He makes a promise to himself in those dark hours— a life’s work erupts from his..knotted mind. Years go by. His suffering becomes..complicated.”
YN still sits in her chair, listening intently with what little strength she had. “One day he stops. The farmer who..is no longer a farmer— sees the wreckage he’s left in his wake. It is now he who burns.. it is he who slaughters. And he knows in his heart he must pay.” Minho nods his head, still looking unimpressed and walking closer to the criminal.
“Doesn’t he, Stanley?” “No, Minho. He couldn’t help it.” YN responds quickly, not wanting things to escalate. Their case was to find the stewmaker, and knowing Minho he would probably end up killing him. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe he could change. Maybe he’s not damaged beyond repair. Maybe he could make amends to all those that he’s hurt so terribly.. or maybe not.” Minho walked forward, grabbing the criminals legs up and pushing him into the acid bath. He fell into the bath with a loud splash, and Minho turned away to walk back to the girl. She looked dazed over, but shocked. She felt her eyes tearing up and gasped slightly while trying to sit up. Minho walked over in front of YN with his hands behind his head, timing the exact moment when the rest of the squad would barge in.
The door burst open, Agent Ressler had his gun out and aimed at Minho. “Where’s Kornish?” “We’ve had a little incident. Agent LN needs medical attention.”
dialogue from the blacklist s1, ep 4
sorry this scene from this show I’m watching literally made me think of Lee Know and I’m NOT SURE if this is really accurate from him. But like idk. I’m way further in the show and literally had to skip back rlly far to find this dialogue 😭✊🏼
tags: @sixxze
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ronandreams · 6 months
i've been watching season 10 of the blacklist and all i can think about is that agent ressler in an incredible character trapped in a bad show. he deserved better. diego is a phenomenal actor and so underrated
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zzzallnite · 1 month
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Blacklist 4x19
Agent Ressler is knocked unconscious during a raid, captured and kept sedated, allowing the bad guys to brainwash him into doing their dirty work.
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lovelyheart502 · 5 months
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When FBI Agent Robert K. Ressler conducted interviews with Edmund Kemper in prison, they were situated in a compact room equipped with a panic button under the table.
This button was intended to notify the guards when Ressler required assistance or when the interview concluded.
During one interview session, after its completion, Ressler pressed the panic button, but there was no immediate response from the guards.
Kemper, perceiving Ressler's growing anxiety, spoke calmly, making a chilling statement: "If I went apeshit in here, you'd be in a lot of trouble, wouldn't you? I could screw your head off and place on the top of the table to greet the guard!"
The guards casually arrived in the room about 30 minutes later.
I wonder when all that did happen ???
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cerebrodigital · 18 days
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Robert K. Ressler, cuando era agente del FBI, entrevistó a Ed Kemper en prisión. Ambos eran encerrados en una habitación que tenía un botón de emergencia para alertar a los guardias cuando la entrevista terminaba.
Al concluir, Ressler presionó el botón varias veces, pero los guardias no aparecieron. Viendo su nerviosismo, Kemper le dijo con calma: "Si me volviera loco, tendrías un gran problema, ¿no? Podría arr*nc@rt3 la cabeza y ponerla en la mesa para saludar al guardia". Los guardias finalmente llegaron 30 minutos después.
Mira la entrevista aquí:
Ed Kemper medía 2.05 metros y pesaba más de 100 kilos.
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unhinged-waterlilly-2 · 4 months
"Not all men." You're right, Special Agent Donald Ressler would never
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hillside-dangler · 1 year
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The depths of Ed Gein's depravity sank beneath the morals of civilized society. His deranged thoughts fed a dark desire, that motivated him to commit unimaginable crimes.
What began as casual Friday night grave robbing soon turned into murder. Gein needed freshly deceased female bodies to create his Corpse-couture. In a town with only 503 residents, freshly deceased ladies were limited. As a result of these dry spells, Gein had no choice but to kill. The laborious task of perfecting his artistry gave Ed Geins' life a sense of purpose and connection.
Gein transformed the family home into a palace of death. He covered wastebaskets and chair seats in a patchwork of hand stitched human skin; Female skulls adorned his bedposts while others were sawn in half and used as bowls. A pair of lips made a window shade drawstring; A collection of noses which he saved for a rainy day and cutlery made from bones. Gein dressed his naked body in skin garments that symbolized female beauty. A corset made from freshly skinned torso empowered the once emasculated virgin. In his new skin lady Gein was born. He assumed the role of 'woman of the house'. Death made it possible for Ed Gein to connect to the world. He gave life to dead bodies by dressing in their skin. For the first time in his life, he felt a sense of power and control.
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He worshipped and feared his dominant mother, a religious tyrant who condemned the young Gein as a sinner in his masculine form. After his mothers death, Gein was distraught. He lacked the strength and discipline to live in the world without his mothers control. Increasingly, he craved her feminine power.
Ed's farming upbringing gave him some useful skills in butchery. He'd also dabbled in taxidermy when other kids were playing sport. With his lazy eye, speech impediment and antisocial family, young Ed was regularly picked on at school.
The gruesome nature of Ed Gein's crimes not only captured the collective fear of the public but also created a blueprint for three of the most unattractive antagonists in American cinema history: Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" (1960) was directly inspired by Gein's overbearing relationship with his mother and his habit of dressing in women’s clothing. He kind've became the poster boy for psychopaths; Leatherface in “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” (1974) wore the skin of his victims, but stuck to more traditional gender roles; Buffalo Bill in “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991) is a composite of several real-life murderers, including Gein.
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Locals in small town Plainfield described Gein as a quiet man who may have been a little odd, but harmless. They regarded Gein as one of their own. He had dined at their tables and even babysat their children. But this was well before they knew about his fetish for pelt-belts.
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The case of Ed Gein significantly contributed to Criminal Studies & Understanding of Psychopathy: Although Gein was not a diagnosed psychopath, his case has illuminated aspects of disturbed behavior, contributing to our understanding of mental disorders in the context of criminality. For instance, Gein's unhealthy relationship with his mother has influenced theories regarding the impact of familial relations on disturbing behavior. His obsession with female body parts also led specialists to understand more about fetishism and necrophilia.
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Additionally, Ed Gein's case promoted the development of FBI's criminal profiling methods. Robert Ressler, a former FBI agent and one of the pioneers in this field, especially used Gein's case, among others, to understand the motivations and behavior of serial killers.
Ed Gein-The Lost Tapes 2023
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cryptid-intraining · 1 year
Let me introduce you to a strange beef I have with one of the creative members of Criminal Minds.
There was a period of time where I was really into forensic psychology, I was intrigued by the concept of it depicted in Criminal Minds so I started reading forensic psychology textbooks and coursework. There was one section in Criminal Profiling: An Introduction To Behavioral Evidence Analysis by Brent E. Turvey (Fourth Edition) that touched on a now retired FBI profiler called Jim Clemente, in a section about the often flawed and biased nature of the court testimony given by so called "expert profilers". In fact the first half of the textbook is basically just dedicated to explaining how untrustworthy and frequently inaccurate profiling is. Turvey preceded to absolutely rip apart the way Clemente presented his credentials and proof of expertise in the most coldly brutal yet academic manner. For context there were ten whole pages specifically just discussing SSA Clemente's expert witness testimony.
And obviously what I'm getting at is the fact that Clemente was the advising expert on Criminal Minds. He was naturally retired by this point, since I don't think agents are allowed to advise on TV shows when they're still active, but he had worked on numerous high profile (hah) cases before he left the FBI.
Now, onto why I really don't like this dude.
Just looking at the show, it's not clear how much of an influence he had on it, at least not without knowing a little bit about our man Jimmy. Once you do, it becomes clear that he straight up copy and pasted elements of his own life onto the show in some bizarre cool person narrative ego trip.
Have you ever noticed how many times the members of the BAU bring up the case of the DC snipers? It's more than once if you weren't counting. How they often mention how accurate the profile was and generally just use it as a touchstone of "good" profiling?
You'll never guess who created that profile in real life.
They never go so far in the show as to actually name drop Clemente but the constant reference of it is as good as.
We all know and love the team leader of the BAU, right? Good old Aaron Hotchner. His backstory is pretty interesting as well, wouldn't you agree? Prosecutor to BAU profiler, that's neat.
You know who else started as a prosecutor before being recruited as a profiler for the BAU? If you said Robert Ressler you would be wrong but if you said Jim Clemente you would be bang on the money.
There are more, much smaller bits and pieces I've noticed on rewatches. Phrases and metaphors that I've heard Clemente use on video before that he's clearly adding to the scripts (he's done several breakdown style videos on YouTube), it's just a little bit here and there and it irks me to no end.
There isn't anything sinister here. Nothing actually problematic. I just know too much about retired SSA Jim Clemente and I need other people to know about this too because I'm rewatching Criminal Mind and I just can't stop seeing his influences in the shows and it's so annoying.
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le-scenariste · 2 years
Okay so I've started watching Blacklist with my parents while we eat dinner and shit, right ?
We watched ep9 tonight (Anslo whatever the fuck) and ofc my dad's complaining cuz trust but my mom was also saying how some parts of the dialogue was so bad.
Meanwhile my queer ass is watching the same scenes going "do they not see ??? The homoerotic tension ???????" Like...they really didn't need to have Ressler and Red interact like that AND YET !
"Why not let them have me, Donald ? I'll likely be tortured for weeks and left to rot until they finally deign to put a bullet in my skull. Wouldn't that please you ?"
"Youre an adjunct informant for the FBI, Reddington. That means you're my responsibility. That means I fight for your life regardless of how badly I want to take it."
"Donald, never let it be said that I valued a Zegna Venticinque tie over human life, even yours."
Like, I know Red obviously has his own set of morals and shit but he's also aware of the luxurious life his criminal activity brings him and how that may appear as disregard for others entirely. (although apparently you should not be tourniqueting a leg which is exactly what is happening in that scene)
And then Red gives Ressler a fuckin blood transfusion while they're trapped in a glass and metal box together. AND MORE DIALOGUE
"I know you don't think much of me but you don't get assigned a case file like yours unless you pass muster."
"You were engaged."
"To her, yeah. But it was my engagement with you that ended that relationship. Five years, I chased you. Five years trying to make my name."
If that ain't some enemies to lovers shit jfc. They did not have to word it like that but goddamn. Like...it's kinda implied from the beginning that Ressler's kinda pissed that some new person managed to get this world class criminal he's been chasing for years to finally give himself up without even realising. Ressler has spent YEARS tryna take down Red and now Red is currently saving his life. Literally enemies to lovers my god.
Again, that ain't bad dialogue if you stop looking at it from that boring ass Straight™ pov. I mean yeah it probably wasn't on purpose but still.
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