#agate lightvale
dark-arts-stuff · 24 days
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Part 2!
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vanyzvat · 1 month
To each their own, I guess...
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vimariil · 3 months
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And this art is straight from February of this year.
In my AU, Agate's name has been changed, now she is ✨Anna✨
She faces harassment and humiliation from people in power, but she has the strongest influence on her brother. He makes any important decision only after consulting with his sister.
Anna has been through a lot, so her hatred extends not only to monsters, but also to people. Therefore, Beth does not just seek to separate monsters and people, and then simply seeks to destroy everyone.
The people of the country loved Anna more than her brother. She was considered a patroness and after her death they prayed to her and asked for mercy. The people were not the most educated, so they could not understand that monsters were not dangerous
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sumiresuzunori · 1 year
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wynona101 · 11 days
I've done another art challenge made by @dark-arts-stuff
So I've drawn Copper Lightvale and Agate Lightvale from Glitchtale and my versions of them
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I cannot believe the amount of similarities that exist between Agate Lightvale/Bete Noire (Glitchtale) and Emperor Belos (The Owl House), it almost seems like they are two sides of the same coin.
First off, their motives: Both want to destroy another species to protect humanity (for Agate, this is the monsters, for Belos, it's the witches). Their preferred method of doing so is genocide, (Agate created Bete Noire, the main antagonist of Glitchtale season 2, to fufill her wishes, Belos took over the demon realm and attempted to kill all witches with the day of unity, a spell that would drain everyone of their magic).
Both also genuinely believed that they were doing the right thing, despite their own insanity (Belos's reluctance to hurt Luz and trying to reason with her, what Agate tells Bete to do when she created her "Bête Noire: That a civilization where the 2 races live together, is just a time bomb waiting to go off. Bête Noire: That we're doing good by speeding up the process.").
They also killed their siblings (Copper and Amber for Agate, Caleb for Belos) and proceeded to create magic constructs from said dead sibling and brainwash them (For Agate this was only Amber as Bete "Bête Noire: I didn't ask to be this way… Bête Noire: But it's what I am. And here we are trying to fulfill our purpose despite our doubts… Akumu: … Bête Noire: I know we don't have other choice, you don't need to remind me of that. Bête Noire: Plus, we've already started. There's no going back now. * We gotta make mom proud…", Belos created all the grimwalkers who fought for him as golden guards from Caleb's corpse).
Both appeared nice and innocent at first, only to reveal that they were evil (In Elsewhere and Elsewhen back when Belos was Philip, this is more complicated for Agate since she and Bete are kind of the same person due to sharing a soul and it's a bit unclear exactly how separate they are, but Bete seemed like a cheerful little girl at the start of season two, and pretending to be happy to see Copper once she got home after gaining fear magic) and also had a monstrous true form (Belos: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/the-owl-house/images/6/64/Belos_Monster.png/revision/latest?cb=20230208074735 Bete/Agate: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/glitchtale/images/2/2e/IMG_9455.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20180814194413).
They also committed acts that made them more like the species they wanted to exterminate while being blind to the irony (Agate created a Bete Noire, a spell construct made from magic, not unlike the monsters, and such a creature is distinctly inhuman, Belos learned magic, cut his ears to blend in with the witches and literally became their emperor).
Belos and Agate also contacted with god-like beings to obtain greater power (Agate gained her fear magic from HATE, an embodiment of pure hatred who wants to destroy the world, and Belos made a deal with the collector for a stronger and distinctly different kind of magic from anything else in the series, the collector being a childish god from the stars sealed inside a stone tablet).
Both are violent and manipulative, but to different extents. Belos is far more manipulative, by establishing a system that let him control the witches and creating a cult to gain authority over the demon realm, but still being abusive to his underlings and grimwalkers. Agate is far more violent and insane, as she killed both of her siblings because she lost a fight with her brother over whether or not to destroy the barrier and forced a rematch, and then Bete went on to destroy an entire city for the sake of killing the monsters. I can't find it but there's a comic which shows Bete finding Agate's corpse and Agate gaining control, this happened before Bete revealed her true form and there are still cases of her being manipulative afterwards, like tricking Toriel into her husband by using an illusion of his killings of human children (to break the barrier).
At the same time I noticed that their personalities are almost opposites, with Bete/Agate being far more violent and sadistic but not good at long term planning and just wanting to be feared, and Belos being a master-manipulator who is excellent at planning ahead, and being able to hide his hatred so well that no one noticed, while not being nearly as sadistic as Bete.
Either way this was really just a thought I had, tell me if I missed anything.
Edit: Just realized that both their siblings 'betrayed' them in some way. For Agate it was actual betrayal by Copper, who promised to lose the fight since his sister reasoned with him that releasing the monsters at that time would have been a bad idea, but he defeated her anyways. For Belos his brother 'betrayed' him by falling in love with and running off with a witch.
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petikgeorgiev · 5 months
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I love Betty as much as the rest of you do, but I think Agate deserves some attention as well.
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hardloverfun · 1 year
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I decided to request Agate Lightvale in the neural network, she looks like a picture.
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rosateien · 2 years
🔥Bete Noire & Agate Lightvale🔥
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Glitchtale belongs to @camilaart
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thelio123yt · 1 year
Glitchmare AU - Letter Noire (El Hermano de Betty)
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Bueno, un Universo Alterno de Glitchtale, llamado GLITCHMARE, Donde le hice un Hermano Gemelo a Amber Lightvale / Betty Noire. Su Nombre de Arma es Letter Noire (Hechizo Infernal). https://www.wattpad.com/story/326601644-glitchmare-letter-noire-el-hermano-de-betty-noire
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vanyzvat · 2 months
She's wrong about me...
You are currently on PART 6.
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DISCLAIMER: Matsutako is NOT my character, they belong to Sowon.
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To be continued . . .
Why is the emoji speaking rich 😔
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Ok.. SpIns are spinning waaaaaaa
May I request yan!beasts (separately) with a Reader/Darling who ended up like Agate Lightvale from Glitchtale?
Basically, Agate lose one fight with her twin brother and runned away from her Kingdom just for making a revange and corrupting herself with hate and changing her soul trait drastically to the corrupt counterpart of hers (aka. fear) and for years later return to her kingdom to fight her brother and killing her little sister and her brother and create a creature (by a spell who needs her soul in a corrupted form + one body) who is the most powerful of her world with the quest of destroy the monsters and make humans bow to her creation (The creature is Bête Noire from Glitchtale).
What I mean is Reader/Darling had a child with them and lost a battle against them and years later came back corrupted and tries to kill them but in the end she needed to cast a spell who needs her soul jam + her soul to create a creature who basically is Bête Noire from Glitchtale
(Sorry If it's confusing, I just got back from high school after having an anxiety attack)
 - 🪷🌙
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about that! I hope this helps cheer you up.
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Eternal Sugar Cookie doesn't know what to believe when she sees you for the first time. You came back! But you're.. so different. You're so cruel and bringing out others' fears. She'd love it if it wasn't for you doing it against her too.. and that creature.. she doesn't understand! She doesn't! Something must've happened.. not that fight with her, right...?
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Silent Salt Cookie and Burning Spice Cookie are very similar on their reactions. They're more than willing to fight you, but they just don't understand.
Silent Salt Cookie is more likely to try and reason with you. Surely this can't be because of the fight, right? Recall the monster, please!
Burning Spice Cookie enjoys the battle, but he's so confused. He doesn't get the fact that he's contributed to this. And what is that monster?!
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Mystic Flour Cookie is all too aware of what this creature is and why you made it. That doesn't mean she isn't going to fight back, but she's so confused. She'll do what she can to reason with you, but she'll ultimately fight.
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This is a twisted he wasn't expecting, but, hey, he doesn't mind it at all! Sure, he's a little confused, but this is a good material for his mischief. And hey, maybe he can borrow that monster, too?
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dark-arts-stuff · 1 month
Copper Hearth
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Copper Hearth is the rewritten version of Copper Lightvale of UT:AGT. He was known as the leader of the Wizard Council and responsible to take care of the kingdom. When he was alive, Copper was known as a fighter and actively participated in the Human Monster War, even killing a few himself in the process. He's not particularly innocent like his original counterpart.
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However after taking in Amber Pureé, They slowly changes their mind about monsterkind and confines in Agate Lightvale who is enraged by this, so much so that when she points a spear at them, the council believes she is trying to kill Copper (they weren't in the room when the argument happened) and banished her. Copper didn't say anything cause he knew if he did, the plan wouldn't work so he stayed quiet.
Later when Amber is killed and they have the big fight, Agate tricks Copper with a illusion that Amber is there alive, but it causes Copper to be stabbed straight through him. But when Agate turned to shout victory, Copper summoned all his strength and stabbed Agate as well, killing her. He also dies that night.
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But Copper plays a much bigger role later, coming back as a ghost to continue their mission, believing only a red trait, like themselves, could break monsters free. In fact, THEY were the one whispering suggestions to Chara and Frisk to go to Mt. Ebott (Though Chara didn't trust him cause one he was a human, two he killed monsters in past, and three Chara went instead to off themselves before being found by Asriel)
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Now he's Frisk's "Knight Buddy" along side Chara, who still doesn't like him.
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sumiresuzunori · 1 year
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The Lightvale twins doodles!
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idioticemilio · 9 months
Idea for a undertale animated series
1 - Fuck Glitchtale! Camila is a bad person and I really want to fix the shit she made. Should I? Nope! Can I? Maybe?? Honestly this is just gonna be my own thing using concepts from Glitchtale (specifically the characters.)
2 - If you got any ideas, suggest! I really, really want to make a good series for the fans, I can't do this on my own lads!
We can't get started just yet- We need a setting! Now, here's the thing: I want some eldritch stuff too. So, here we go!
Before the infamous Monster-Human war, there were many human kingdoms- But there were 8 huge nations which make up most of the world. As I said, I will be using concepts a few from Glitchtale, this includes nation names.
Justeceo is basically Britain. Much like my ancestors, Justeceo was an empire, the Justice Isles were the capital, they had cities/outposts on other continents.
Capital: Aend
Ruler: King Aerik the VI (53)
Heirs: Prince Aerik the VII (16 at the start of the Monster-Human war, he's gonna play a huge role.) Prince/Major Arnid (28) Princess Jadis (5)
Government: Monarchy
Noble families below:
Lightvale Family (Dukes and duchesses)
Agate Lightvale: Wizard of Bravery, duchess of Determino and twin of Copper. (29)
Copper Lightvale: Wizard of Determination, duke of Peservin, twin of Agate. (29)
Amber Lightvale: Youngest child, one of the few people that Aerik spends time around. (16)
Kraln Family (Noble family)
Quentin Kraln (Royal scientist/alchemist, and royal advisor. 32)
Elizabeth Kraln (Quentin's wife)
Arli Kraln (Addoptive son, and apprentice.)
Several military families.
Determino is india basically, it's a large chunk of the continent. It's ruled over as a district by Agate. Perservin is Scotland, sorta, and it's ruled over by Copper (but the land is disputed with Paitien, which is based off of France)
Patien: Now we get to France, it's literally fucking france OFF WITH CAMILA'S HEAD! (Not really but you get it mate.) It rules over Prida (Other huge-ass part of Determino's continent,) and that's it.
Kindao (Japan, ya fucking weeaboos.) It sticks to it's own area. Samurai and all!
Integid (Russia. Freeze to death ya bastards!)
Bravio (Spain.)
As you can clearly see, shit needs fleshing out. So, uhh.. I would love some help fleshing it out. Also, I WILL NOT ANTAGONIZE JUSTECEO. Anyways, help is appreciated!
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metal-amy-blog · 2 months
My take on Betty from Glitchtale IG
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Alright so I've been having this idea in mind for a while but I did think of a version of Betty who is essentially my take on the character, though I haven't really had any art for her until my friend Jay made a design for her, that being the image above. My main idea for her is that she has a pretty similar Backstory to the original, being the creation of Agate Lightvale made to sow discord within Monsterkind and Humanity. But, my idea is that she ends up awakening a few years before the barrier shattered and is taken into an orphanage. She also misinterprets multiple parts of her background, I.E believing that she had an absent father who had the last name of Noire rather than being a spell and never having one, with her only finding the true purpose of her existence about a year after the events of Undertale. If I gain more interest in the idea I'll probably explain a little more of my take of the character and show off my interpretations of the other characters as well but for now I think I've rambled on long enough.
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