#agata x michiru
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leenaevilin · 3 years ago
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[Update] 舞台「HELI-X III」(butai heli-x III)
the show will be running from June 3rd, 2022 to June 12th, 2022 (Tokyo) @ サンシャイン劇場 (Sunshie Gekijou) & June 18th, 2022 and June 19th, 2022 (Osaka) @ メルパルク大阪 ホール (Mielparque Osaka Hall)
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Tamaki Yuuki as Zero (ゼロ)
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Kikuchi Shuuji as Agata Takayoshi (アガタタカヨシ)
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Uno Yuuya
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Gotou Dai
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Tatemichi Riona
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Matsuda Shouta
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Hoshimoto Yuzuki
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Hattori Muo
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Tanabe Koutarou
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Sugie Taishi
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Hirano Ryou
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Ayanagi Shou
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Tenma Michiru
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Kuze Seika
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Hosokawa Akihiro
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Sugawara Takeshi
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Sakamoto Kazuki
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Sakae Momotarou
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Aita Mahiro
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Ootsuka Yuuki
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starsrshiney · 4 years ago
Because Crossover Brain refuses to shut up
Miraculous Ladybug x SKET Dance crossover.
Miracu-class aged up to High School age. Purely because the SKET-dan are 16/17, so they can actually interact.
The SKET-dan get "chosen" to do an exchange trip to France. Why? Because the student council was tired of Tsubaki's rants about them/Bossun, so Agata got Mimori to pay whoever was needed to get the SKET-dan out of the school for a while.
Was France overkill? Yes, but Overkill with Money is basically Mimori's name.
(Also this sets where the story is in SKET dance canon- sometime before Agata and Michiru graduate, and probably before or JUST after Happy Rebirthday/ discovery of Bossun and Tsubaki being twins.
Where would this be set in Miraculous canon, ignoring the age up? idk, before Miracle Queen? Mostly saying that because I only know season 4 through tumblr posts and not episodes themselves.)
Unfortunately, despite the amount of thought that went into getting them together, the actual ideas once the SKET-dan get there are less developed. I mean, this is a crossover between a villain-of-the-day superhero show and problem-of-the-day slice-of-life/shonen show.
Idea 1: Switch vs Lila
Idea 2: Himeko vs Lila
Idea 3: Himeko vs Hawkmoth
Idea 4: Bossun vs Akumas (butterflies)/Hawkmoth
Idea 5: Bossun vs Lila
Idea 6: Switch vs Hawkmoth
Idea 7: Bossun avoids getting akumatized because ????
Idea 8: SKET-dan helps people in Mari's stead.
Idea 9: Chuu-sensei's potions vs The Miracu-Class
Idea 10:Roman in Paris! Otome Filter~
Idea 1: Max admires the speech program Switch uses. Lila tries to claim to know the program's creator. The SKETs, knowing that Switch's Dead Younger Brother made the program, don't like hearing this. Lila gets chewed out by the guy who never actually uses his voice. (Himeko and Bossun are being held back in the background, because how dare this girl hit Switch's trauma switch?)
Idea 2: Lila tries to threaten Himeko the same way she threatened Marinette. Unfortunately for her, Himeko is NOT Marinette. Therefore, Lila finds herself running away from the business end of the Onihime's hockey stick/Flagrance.
Lila: You can't hurt me, I'm an ambassador's daughter!
Himeko: You think I give a damn about politics?!
Lila: *does not know how to deal with a non-akumatized violent person*
Idea 3: Moving away from Lila bashing, Hawkmoth tries to Akumatize Himeko. Himeko, however, can NEVER suppress her Tsukkomi instincts, and proceeds to point out everything stupid about the Akumatizing situation.
Himeko: Seriously, you infect people with evil butterflies and get them to steal jewelry from superheroes! I mean, I can kinda see taking a ring, that's like one second to slip of a finger, but EARRINGS? Those don't come off easy!
LB/CN: *drops in while Himeko is in the middle of a rant*
Himeko: And THESE are the heroes you want me to fight? The girl's wearing footie pajamas and the guy looks like he should be in a leather club! What, are you dressed as badly as these two?!
LB/CN: *chokes on air*
Hawkmoth: *three types of tired at this point* I'll have you know I'm wearing a three piece suit-
Himeko: A THREE PIECE SUIT? What, is there a formal ball for supervillians you need to attend to?
Alya: *taking a break from recording* Hey, if you want to critique fashion choices *shows a collage of akumatized villans*
Himeko: THESE ALL LOOK LIKE REJECTS FROM ONE OF BOSSUN'S SUPERHERO SHOWS! Are you seriously trying to turn me into one of those?!
Idea 4: Bossun slingshotting Akumas in flight. Bossun doesn't get akumatized instead because the akumas/Hawkmoth never see it coming, so they can't phase into the pachinko ball when it hits.
Idea 5: We're back to Lila things. She tries to engineer another situation that makes her look good/ Marinette or the SKETs look bad. Bossun slips into Concentration Mode and finds/points out an inconsistency that Lila created and can't lie herself out of.
Idea 5.1- since idea 5 is about Bossun vs Lila. Lila can't get a read on him- I mean, most of the time he's an idiot with no sense of tact/ delicacy and a goody-good like Marinette that can't help but help. But every once in a while he reveals that he can remember and analyze every little sound he hears. And the other two transfers won't hear a bad word about him from her (she nearly gets hockey stick'd trying to badmouth Bossun to Himeko) so she can't really meaningfully isolate him.
Idea 6: Actually, Switch should get a chance at irritating Hawkmoth. Let's have him be the first that tries to get akumatized, only for him to fight Hawkmoth the entire time because "magic has not been scientifically proven to exist." Switch treats the whole thing like another argument with Reiko.
Idea 6.1: Okay wait, The Mime showed that akumatized people don't have to verbally agree to the akumatization, but Switch doesn't speak. He uses his laptop/speech program. Switch yelling about the illogicalness of magic through his laptop and Hawkmoth not hearing it.
Idea 7:
Himeko: Okay, why hasn't mister evil butterfly attempted to turn you evil? You're not exactly mr sunshine yourself!
Bossun: How the heck should I know?!
(Its because his anger is flash-in-the-pan like and too quick for Hawkmoth to actually timely akumatize)
Idea 7.1: Okay, really the only way I see Bossun being angry enough for akumatization is for him to be in a long-standing argument and not dragged away from it. So Bossun vs Lila because he's really not here for her BS and Himeko/Switch aren't here for it either. They argue long enough for an akuma to fly in, but it gets pointed out before it gets to Bossun.
Bossun's emotions go quickly from 'angry' to 'oh no' so it still can't get him. The akuma starts to switch targets. Lila reaches for the akuma, thinking she can get away with it.
And we're back to idea 4, but with possible bonus Bossun slingshotting Lila's hand.
Idea 8: The SKETs catch how stressed Marinette is, and the next time someone asks her for help they offer to do the task instead. I mean, they are the Support, Kindness, Encouragement, and Troubleshooting club.
Whoever was asking for help: I don't think I've ever seen this much chaos outside an akuma attack. Are you sure you three aren't a trio of akumas?
Idea 9: The SKETs, somehow, have some of Chuu-sensei's potions with them. Cue some of Bustier's class suddenly become ten years younger, ten years older, or having hair down to their ankles. LB/CN purposefully drink the invisibility potion during an akuma attack, and because their suits are magic they go invisible as well.
Bossun: LUCKY!
Himeko: Don't mind him. The potion doesn't normally make clothes invisible and at one point this idiot thought it'd be funny to leave his clothes behind while trying to scare me.
Idea 10: "My prince~" "ROMAN HOW DID YOU GET TO FRANCE?!" (This is never explained. Roman defies explanations.)
Idea 10.1: Akumatized Roman. Paris gets drowned in her Otome Filter.
LB: Chat, I think I need to get a Miraculous for one of those students. *points at the SKETs*
CN: Why them?
LB: They're the only ones that can actually figure out what's going on in this filter land- like they're used to it.
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shamelessllamapeanutthing · 5 years ago
Tfw you get a bomb idea for a fic but are now stuck trying to figure out which one of your otps it suits better.
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shamelessllamapeanutthing · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: SKET Dance Relationships: Agata Soujirou/Shinba Michiru Summary: Licking his lips, Agata spread his legs wider and moved closer to suck an open-mouthed kiss where he could feel Michiru’s clothed cock, half-hard from all the attention. The brunette threw his head back, using his arms to support his upper body weight on Agata’s desk.
So I was geeking out about the AgataxMichiru ship with @trash-no-jutsu this morning and they mentioned the wonderful, wonderful episode 28. I went back to it and watched it again (Agata fantasizes about cooking with Michiru against a dorky pink backdrop, gets jealous, blushes and reminisces about their childhood within the span of one episode so excuse me for being emotional) and came up with this silly little one-shot.
In which Agata apologizes to Michiru in a very sexily frustrating Agata way.
Please forgive me I know I should be studying but this barely took an hour and my babies are precious okay? Okay.
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leenaevilin · 3 years ago
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[Announcement] 舞台「HELI-X III」(butai heli-x III)
the new show is set for June 2022!!
Tamaki Yuuki as Zero (ゼロ) Kikuchi Shuuji as Agata Takayoshi (アガタタカヨシ) Ayanagi Shou Tenma Michiru
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