#again. this is not a 'you have to do this' guide this is just 'here's smth that helps me so maybe it'll help yall too'
orbitsaturn · 3 days
the steps to get the best commissions.
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─ except kinich can't make a guide when a "random" person keeps getting the good ones.
"so you're the one getting my commissions."
art creds: Chil_a_Su
kinich x reader
lowercase intended!
kinich is infamous for his utilitarian approach to life. he only does commissions when the reward is satisfactory. but when he does accept a commission, he does it pretty damn well. so when a traveling journalist from fontaine heard about this pragmatic individual he wanted to write a report about him! for some miracle, the renowned kinich actually agreed to his report, albeit, he had to pay a hefty price in exchange.
Step 1: find a commission worth taking. 5/14
"usually i calculate how long the commission would take and what resources i need to put into it," kinich says to the reporter, crossing his arms while scanning the commission board for any worth taking. "i see! what happens if the one who posts the commission can't pay?" the reporter asks, writing down kinich's words rapidly.
"you don't want to know! haha!" kinich's companion, ajaw exclaims loudly.
"oh um- i see!" the journalist sweats at his words.
shooing away ajaw, kinich turns to the journalist, "don't mind him, most people can pay since they need a deposit to post a commission."
"that's great! the adventurer's guild knows how to make a profit, haha." the journalist laughs while kinich was observing the board.
"hm, it seems like there aren't any commissions worth taking today." kinich faces the fontainian again. "do you mind finishing your report tomorrow?"
"aw man! well if there isn't a commission that isn't piquing your interest i'll meet you at the commission board tomorrow." the journalist sighs dramatically before walking away to find more people to write about.
"are all fontainians that dramatic?" ajaw clicks his tongue, seeing the journalist bothering other people.
Step 1: find a commission worth taking. 5/15
as kinich scans the board again a small sigh escapes his mouth. "sorry, the commissions here aren't that great today either."
"ah, that's fine." the journalist thinks for a moment before coming up with an idea, "actually, do you just want to write down what you do in a commission? you can keep it brief." seeing kinich's unamused expression he adds on, "I'll pay extra."
Step 1: find a commission worth taking. 5/16
"are you serious?!" ajaw yells angrily at kinich. which he only glares at the dragon in response.
"I'm telling you, we'll have to come back another day."
looking at kinich in shock, ajaw's face turns red in an instant, "UGHHHHHH!! just take a random commission!" ajaw cries, rolling around in the air in frustration.
"no, I don't want to waste my time." he waves off ajaw before walking away.
Step 1: find a commission worth taking. 5/17
"..." the amber-eyed man stares at the board in disappointment once again.
kinich was a bit irked.
I mean, I guess he has an unofficial vacation going on because of the lack of worthwhile commissions. but that journalist did pay him a good amount of mora for a report on how he does commissions, so he'll make sure that fontainian is so satisfied he'll start getting commissions from fontaine.
"oh, no commissions again? that's so saaadd!" ajaw yells dramatically, sighing very loudly.
and he thought fontainians were dramatic.
Step 1: find a fucking commission worth taking. 5/18
as kinich scans the commission board, one catches his eye.
oh? this one's worth taking.
kinich reaches to grab the flyer, yet a hand rips it out from the board before he can even touch it. he turns to the owner of hand, who's smiling happily at the commission in their hands.
"hey you," kinich gives you a tap on the shoulder, causing you to whip your head at him in confusion.
"so you're the one getting my commissions." he chuckles, yet it doesn't sound like it was evoked from amusement.
it sounded like it was due to annoyance.
"uh? your commissions??" you stare at him baffled. he stretches his hand towards you, motioning you to hand over the flyer.
"i need that," he states in a matter-of-fact tone. causing you to instantly whip your hand up high-
like that'll do anything...
kinich deadpans at you, "wow, it's so high maybe you should have it after all."
"y-yeah! it's mine okay?!" you exclaim, flustered over the stupid act you pulled before trying to rush out.
"hold on," he grabs your hand, "you're not going anywhere."
"well i am going somewhere!" you try yanking your hand but to avail, it doesn't budge.
"I'll pay you 5,000 mora if you give me that commission," he responds.
"nuh uh! I don't need money!" you exclaim, shaking your head profusely.
"NO! aren't you gonna lose profit??" you look at him, baffled by the increasing price points.
"mm, you're right. but look," he lets go of your hand, "I'll pay you the reward money for that commission and you give it to me." kinich says, with ajaw nodding profusely in the back.
'HUUUH?! but I wanna fight!" you cried, "it's not about the money it's for the love of the game!"
kinich stares at you with the same, but the twitch of his hand shows the effects of your proclamation.
"hmph. fine, keep it." he gives you a strange look before walking away.
Step 1: find a commission worth taking. 5/19
as kinich heads over to the commission board once again, he spots a familiar figure.
it was you, holding a flyer in hand, pacing around the board for no reason. but after you spot him you instantly perk up.
"oh, you! random stranger from yesterday!" you run over to kinich, flyer in hand, "so um, i felt kinda bad about yesterday.. so here." you hand over the flyer to kinich.
"thank you, but," he walks closer to you, the distance between you two getting smaller and smaller, "if you're sorry then do this commission with me." he smacks the flyer lightly on your forehead.
"really?!" you look at him in surprise.
"yes really, this is the only time i'm ever going to do a joint commission, so do you want to go or not?" kinich crosses his arms, looking at you expectantly.
"I'll go!"
Note: sometimes commissions can be done by two to maximize profits.
but kinich wouldn't admit he proposed the idea of a joint commission since he found your determination cute.
oh well, it won't be the last time he does joint commissions, contrary to what he said.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 days
MC: ...
MC: Go ahead and take it. *referring to the lunchbox Ruggie’s been eyeing*
Ruggie: Tch. I'm not here for that. *his stomach growls*
MC: ...
Ruggie: ...
MC: You'll find extra spoons and forks in the bag.
Ruggie: I'll just use my hand to eat.
MC: Suit yourself.
*Ruggie eats while the MC sits quietly next to him.*
Ruggie: Goody two-shoes.
MC: *offers him a drink* I don’t think you should be insulting me while you’re eating my food.
Ruggie: *accepts it* I hate that you're being nice.
MC: ...
MC: Is it because it makes you feel bad?
Ruggie: ...Are you not gonna ask why we attacked you that day?
MC: People attack and hurt me for no reason. I don't think it's worth discussing further.
Ruggie: ...Yep, goody two-shoes.
MC: ...
MC: You mentioned in the infirmary that your failure would impact your dorm leader. What did you mean by that?
Ruggie: ...Leona signed a contract with that octo-punk. And since we didn't win the magic shift tournament...
Ruggie: He got this ugly ass sea anemone on his head.
MC: ...Sea anemone?
Ruggie: Yeah. Wanna go to Savanaclaw dorm to see it for yourself?
*In Savanaclaw dorm, the students whom MC defeated are looking at them with disdain.*
Savanaclaw student A: Why did you bring 'em here, Ruggie?
Savanaclaw student B: Yeah! You wanna humiliate us?!
Ruggie: Guys, calm down! Where's Leona?
Savanaclaw student C: Why should we tell you?!
MC: ...
Ruggie: Can't you guys listen for a second?
Savanaclaw student A: You brought that herbivore here!
MC: ...
MC: *decides to leave without drawing attention, guided by a small voice in their head indicating where Leona should be*
*Leona's room*
Leona: *grits his teeth as he struggles to pull the sea anemone off his head*
Leona: Grr!
MC: That must have hurt.
Leona: !!! *turns around* What are you doing here?
MC: Sorry for sneaking in.
Leona: ...Ah, you're here to make fun of me, aren't ya?
MC: ...
MC: Is it really hard to remove that?
Leona: Tch. What do you think?
MC: ...
MC: *slowly walks towards him, eyes fixed on the sea anemone*
Leona: *raises an eyebrow* What are you doing?
MC: *reaches for it, and pulls it off his head as if it were nothing*
Leona: ...
MC: ...
MC: Oh. *looks at Leona with concern* Did it hurt?
Leona: ...
Azul: *received a call from Leona*
Leona: *laughs at him mockingly* That's it?
Azul: *confused frown* What are you on about? Leona, if I need to remind you again, I won’t take you into account next time. I need you to fulfill your end of the bargain.
Leona: Ha! You won't be able to control me now.
Leona: I found a way to break the contract.
Azul: ...What?
Leona: *chuckles* Looks like your golden contract isn't that powerful at all.
Leona: Just hope I don't tell the others how I did it.
Azul: Leona!
Leona: *hangs up*
Azul: ...
Azul: Jade! Floyd! We have an emergency!
MC: ...
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Dear, why are you staring so intently at this sea anemone?
MC: ...
MC: Dada, could it be that I have magical abilities?
Malleus: ...
Malleus: *excitedly* Do you want to test it out, dear?
MC: *nods*
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Christopher Brown’s ‘A Natural History of Empty Lots’
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Christopher Brown is an accomplished post-cyberpunk sf writer, a tech lawyer with a sideline in public interest environmental law, the proud owner of one of the most striking homes I have ever seen, and an urban pastoralist who writes about wildlife in ways I've never seen and can't get enough of:
All of these facets of Brown's identity come together today with the launch of A Natural History of Empty Lots: Field Notes from Urban Edgelands, Back Alleys and other Wild Places:
This is a frustratingly hard to summarize book, because it requires a lot of backstory and explanation, and one of the things that makes this book so! fucking! great! is how skillfully Brown weaves all that stuff into his telling. Which makes me feel self-conscious as I try to summarize things, because there's no way I'll do this as well as he did, but whatever, here goes.
Brown is a transplant from rural Iowa to Austin, where he set out to start a family, practice tech law during the dotcom boom, and write science fiction, as part of a circle of writers loosely associated with cyberpunk icon @brucesterling. After both the economy and his marriage collapsed, Brown started his restless perambulations around Austin's abandoned places, sacrifice zones, the bones of failed housing starts and abandoned dot-crash office parks.
When he did, something changed in him. Slowly, his eyes learned to see things that they had just skipped over. Plants, animals, and spoor and carapaces and dens of all description, all around him, a secret world. These were not pockets of "wilderness" in the city, but they were pockets of wildness. Birds' nests woven with plastic fibers scavenged from nearby industrial dumpsters; trees taking root in half-submerged tires rolled into a creekbed, foxes and rodents playing out a real-life version of the classic ecosystem simulation exercise on the edge of an elevated highway that fills the same function as the edge of a woodland where predator and prey meet.
As Brown fell in love again – with the artist and architect Agustina Rodriguez – he conceived of a genuinely weird and amazing plan to build a house. A very weird house, in a very weird place. He bought a plot of wasteland that had once housed the head-end of an oil pipeline (connected to a nearby oil-storage facility that poisoned the people who lived near it, in an act of wanton environmental racism) and had been used as a construction-waste dump for years.
After securing an extremely unlikely loan, Brown remediated the plot, excavating the oil pipeline, then building the most striking home you have ever seen in the resulting trench. Brown is a pal of mine, and this is where I stay when I'm in Austin, and I can promise you, the pictures don't do it justice:
Formally, A Natural History of Empty Lots is a memoir that explains all of this. But not really. Like I say, this is just the back story. What Natural History really is, is a series of loosely connected essays that explains how everything fits together: colonial conquest, Brown's failed marriage, his experience as a lawyer learning property law, what he learned by mobilizing that learning to help his neighbors defend the pockets of wildness that refuse to budge.
It's an erudite book, skipping back through millennia of history, sidewise through the ecology of Texas, all while somehow serving as a kind of spotter's guide to the wild things you can see in Austin – and maybe, in your town – if you know how to look. It's a book about how people change the land, and how the land changes people. It is filled with pastoral writing that summons Kim Stanley Robinson by way of Thoreau, and it sometimes frames its philosophical points the way a cyberpunk writer would – like Neal Stephenson writing a cyberpunk trilogy that is also the story of Leibniz and Newton fighting over credit for inventing calculus:
Brown is a stupendous post-cyberpunk writer, and also a post-cyberpunk person, which I've known for sure since I happened upon him one morning, thoughtfully mowing his roof with a scythe:
You can get a sense of what that means in this lockdown-era joint presentation that Chris, Bruce Sterling and I did on "cyberpunk and post-cyberpunk":
Brown is a spectacular novelist. His ecofascist civil war trilogy that opens with Tropic of Kansas got so much right about the politics of American demagoguery and was perfectly timed with the Trump presidency:
The sequel, Rule of Capture, uses the device of courtroom drama in a way that comes uncomfortably close to the Orwell/Kafka mashup that the authorities have created to deal with environmental protesters:
And the final volume, Failed State, is one of the most complicated complicated utopias you could ask for. This is what people mean by "thrilling conclusion":
As brilliant as Brown is in fiction mode, his nonfiction is unclassifiably, unforgettably brilliant. A Natural History of Empty Lots is the kind of book that challenges how you feel about the crossroads we're at, the place you live, and the place you want to be.
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The paperback edition of The Lost Cause, my nationally bestselling, hopeful solarpunk novel is out this month!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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「Yandere Tumblr User/Stalker × GN! Reader」
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A/N: Saur, totally didn't disappear..Again. Anyways, here ya go.
TW: Kidnapping, implied long time stalking, victim blaming, non-con, delusional, loss of virginity, the usual stuff.
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Sunny stands outside your window, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't want it to come to this, but you left him with no choice. His hands shook as he stood there, his heart racing after tracking down your address.
"If only you hadn't met with that person," Sunny thought bitterly, the regret weighing heavily on his heart. The thought brought a pang of sadness, and for a moment, his eyes welled up. He wiped his face before quietly sliding open your window, slipping inside as silently as he could.
The room was dim, the faint sound of your breathing guiding him toward the bed. When he saw your sleeping figure, his breath hitched. With slow, deliberate steps, Sunny approached and sat at the edge, his eyes never leaving your face. There was something unsettling in his gaze, the way it lingered, heavy with emotion.
"[Name]...?" he whispered softly, his voice barely audible. His trembling hand reached out to brush a lock of hair from your face, but he froze when he noticed the blood. A single drop fell from his hand, splashing onto your cheek.
"Shit," he muttered under his breath, quickly wiping it away with his sleeve. His hands were stained, his thoughts frantic, but the decision had already been made. He couldn't stop now.
Sunny's eyes darkened as he leaned closer, his hand reaching for the cloth he had prepared. You stirred slightly in your sleep, oblivious to the tension in the air. With one swift motion, he covered your mouth, muffling any chance of a scream as you jolted awake in panic.
"I'm sorry," Sunny whispered, though his voice lacked any warmth. His grip tightened as you struggled, the world around you blurring into confusion and fear.
Within minutes, it was over. The room was silent once more, and Sunny carefully lifted your unconscious form into his arms, his expression a mix of regret and determination.
He glanced around one last time before slipping back through the window, vanishing into the night with you in tow. The weight of what he had done settled heavily on his shoulders, and he knew there was no turning back now. Sunny had crossed a line, and now, he would have to face the consequences of his actions, whatever they may be.
─── ᯓᡣ𐭩 ───
The world blurs into a haze when you finally come to, your head heavy and disoriented. You realize your wrists and ankles are bound, and a gag muffles your attempts to speak. Panic surges through your veins as you comprehend your situation.
Sunny sits in the driver's seat, his eyes darting between the road and the rearview mirror, where his gaze lingers on you. His grip on the steering wheel is tight, his knuckles white. The hum of the engine fills the tense silence, but the atmosphere is suffocating.
When he notices you're awake, a strained sigh escapes his lips. He doesn't say anything at first, just keeps driving, though you can see the conflict warring within him. Minutes pass before he speaks, his voice low and barely above a whisper.
"If you hadn’t talked to that... bastard," he says, his tone bitter, "then I wouldn’t have to do this." His words hang heavy in the air, and he swallows hard, his voice rising in frustration as he continues. "This is your fault."
His words sting, but they're coated in a layer of anguish, not just anger. He glances at you again through the mirror, his eyes filled with a mixture of guilt and resentment. He looks like a man on the edge, torn between his feelings and the actions he's already committed to.
"I didn’t want it to be like this," Sunny says, his voice wavering. "I didn’t... I didn’t plan this. You made me do it." His hands shake as he grips the steering wheel harder, trying to keep control of himself.
You try to move, to make a sound, but the gag holds you silent. The reality of your situation starts to sink in deeper as the weight of his words presses down on you.
"If you’d just listened to me," Sunny says, his voice cracking, "we wouldn’t be here. But no—no, you had to go see him. You had to talk to him!" His voice rises, filled with an emotional intensity that makes the air in the car feel even tighter. "I thought you cared, [Name]. I thought you understood... us. But I guess I was wrong."
There’s a long pause, and the silence feels like it's swallowing the car whole. Then, softer this time, almost like a confession, he adds, "I didn’t want to hurt you. But now... I don’t know what else to do."
His words tremble as they leave his lips, and despite everything—the fear, the panic—you can hear the genuine pain in his voice. But it's twisted, entangled with his anger and desperation, making it impossible to know what he'll do next. The car keeps moving, and all you can do is pray that somewhere in him, there’s still a shred of the Sunny you once knew.
─── ᯓᡣ𐭩 ───
Sunny stands at the edge of the bed, his eyes fixed on you, the light from the moon outside casting half his face in shadow. He looks at you, really looks at you, and you can see the conflict in his eyes, the war between what he wants and what he thinks is right.
"You don't have to do this," you say, your voice trembling. "I don't want this."
But he doesn't listen, just continues to stare at you, his gaze boring into you, and you can feel your skin prickle with the sensation. He takes a step closer, his eyes never leaving yours, and you can see the determination in them, the resolve that he's made up his mind.
"I have to," he says, his voice low and gravelly, "because if I don't, I'll lose you. And I can't... I can't lose you."
He's on the bed now, his weight pressing down on you, and you can feel his breath on your face, hot and harsh. His hands are on your wrists, holding them above your head, and you can see the tension in his muscles, the way his jaw is clenched.
"You don't want this," he says again, his voice a whisper, "but I do. I want you, [Name]. I want all of you."
And then his mouth is on yours, his lips hard and demanding, and you can taste the desperation in him, the need that's been building up inside him for so long. You try to push him away, to fight back, but he's too strong, too determined, and you can feel yourself being pulled deeper into the darkness, into the place where you don't want to be.
He moves down your body, his lips trailing kisses along your skin, and you can feel the shivers running down your spine, the way your body is responding to him, to his touch, despite yourself. He stops at your hips, his hands gripping them, holding you in place, and you can feel the hardness of him pressing against you, and you know what's coming next.
You try to close your eyes, to block out the darkness, but you can't, and you can see him, see the hunger in his eyes, the desire, and you know that you're lost, that there's no turning back now.
He enters you, hard and fast, and you can feel the pain, the sharp sting of it, and you can hear his groan, the sound of his pleasure, and it's almost too much to bear. He moves, his hips thrusting against you, and you can feel yourself being pulled deeper and deeper into the darkness, into the place where you don't want to be, and you can't stop it, can't stop him, and you can't help but cry out, your voice hoarse and raw.
You don't know how long it lasts, how long he lasts, but when it's over, he collapses on top of you, his weight pressing down on you, and you can feel the dampness of his tears on your neck, the saltiness of them on your skin, and you know that he's lost something, something precious, and you know that you've lost something too, and you can't help but wonder if you'll ever find it again.
In the aftermath, you're broken, your spirit and body shattered by the night's events. But Sunny is content with taking your virginity. As you cry, Sunny says, "I love you. I'll protect you."
You hate him for what he's done. Your hatred is palpable, a searing anger that consumes you. You don't feel anything towards Sunny, just anguish, despair, and rage. The love between you is non-existent, no glimmer of hope in the darkness. You wish for freedom, for escape, but you wonder if you'll ever find it, or if you'll be trapped forever in this nightmare, suffocated by the darkness that surrounds you.
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0o-junebug-o0 · 2 days
could you possibly write a smut where its spencer and autistic!f!reader’s first time? reader has a hard time relaxing and being present in their body, and is really nervous but spence is so gentle and understanding and they take it slow. it’s so mushy and tender it’s almost sick how in love those idiots are!!!!
Here you go!!! I had a lot of fun writing this one haha
genre: fluff and smut
cw: 18+ mdni! kinda fem! kinda gn!reader (reader's gender is not specified but is descibed as having afab anatomy, including wearing having breasts and wearing bra), nervous reader, first times, crying during sex, fingering (r!receiving), protected p in v sex, no use of y/n, autistic!reader, autistic!spencer (because every spencer is autistic!spencer), cuddling, they're just so in love
wordcount: 2.2k
Your whole body feels fuzzy. Not in a bad way. It’s just weird. 
“Hey, come back to me,” Spencer mutters, cupping your face and rubbing his thumb over your cheek.
“Hmm?” You blink a couple of times and focus your attention back on him. You’re both sitting on the edge of your bed, Spencer had suggested that the familiar location might help you feel less nervous. You’re both still fully clothed.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want you,” Spencer says softly. He shifts away slightly and lowers his hand like he’s trying to give you the space to tell him what you’re thinking.
“No, I—I want to,” you insist. You lower your gaze to your lap and run your hands over your thighs, picking at the hem of your shorts. “I’m just—“ You pause for a moment trying to find the best way to describe your feelings. “I think I’m nervous. Yes. I’m nervous.” You look back up at him to gauge his reaction.
Spencer smiles sweetly at you and holds out his hand. You take it and squeeze. He squeezes back and you feel more settled in your body, more at ease. “Nervous is okay,” he says. “Nervous is normal. But I don’t want you to make yourself feel bad for my sake.”
You shake your head and smile at him in a way you hope is reassuring. “I’m not. I don’t feel bad. Just fuzzy. Nervous fuzzy.”
Spencer chuckles. “I love you, you know that?”
Your smile grows and you nod. “I love you too.”
Spencer’s eyes dart from your own to your lips. “Can I kiss you again?”
You nod and climb farther onto the bed, pressing your free hand to the back of his neck and pulling him toward you. The kiss is soft and sweet and you’re both smiling into it in a way that makes your teeth knock together every so often. 
Spencer rests the hand not holding yours on your hip and gently, leaving you room not to follow, pulls you into his lap. You can feel how hard he is beneath you and your whole body feels like it’s on fire. The kiss increases in intensity and you remove your hand from his to curl it into his hair.
Spencer gasps weakly into your mouth and brings his other hand to your hip as well. He toys with the hem of your shirt, his fingertips brushing lightly against the skin of your waist and stomach in a way that would otherwise be ticklish but right now just electricity shooting through your body.
He pulls away, panting heavily. “C-can I take your shirt off, honey?”
The fuzziness returns and you pause for a moment before nodding. “Only if yours comes off too.”
Spencer smiles and presses a brief kiss to your lips. “Of course.”
His hands slip under your shirt and he slowly starts to push it up. His hands leave trails of heat that shoot straight between your legs as they glide up across your body. The feeling is so wonderful and overwhelming you have to brace your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. His hands glide over your chest and you can’t help but arch into his touch.
He chuckles and passes his thumbs over your nipples a couple of times through your bra until your head bows forward and you’re gasping. 
He finally pulls the shirt over your head and guides it off of your arms before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss right below your ear. “So sensitive,” he whispers, unclasping your bra and carefully removing it, discarding it along with your shirt. 
You nod, too overwhelmed to respond in any other way. You tug on his shirt in a way that makes Spencer laugh and he quickly removes it. You take in his bare chest for a moment, running your hands up and down it. He’s beautiful. You’ve seen him shirtless before but this feels completely different. 
“You’re so pretty,” you mutter.
Spencer smiles and softly says. “Thank you, baby. So are you.” He leans in to kiss you again with a soft intensity, gently cupping the back of your head. As you kiss, he slowly guides you down until you’re lying on the bed with your head resting on the pillows and he’s kneeling between your legs, propping himself up on one arm.
He breaks the kiss and your heart feels like it’s about to beat out of your chest as you look up at him. And heat pools between your legs when you glance down and notice how hard he is. 
His hands slowly glide down your sides until they reach the hem of your shorts and suddenly the fuzzy feeling is back. Spencer cocks his head slightly and rubs gentle circles into your hips. “You okay?” he asks softly.
You nod, but there must be some expression on your face because Spencer asks, “Nervous?”
You feel your cheeks warm in embarrassment. You nod and mutter a quick, “Sorry.”
“Hey, hey, there’s nothing to be sorry about, okay?” Spencer says. “Nothing at all. Being nervous is completely normal. And everything we do is at your pace. I just want you to feel good.”
You nod, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
Spencer lifts a hand from your hip to cup your face. “We really don’t have to do this. We can stop here. I won’t be upset.”
You shake your head. “I want to keep going. I–I want to feel you.”
A little groan escapes Spencer’s lips. “Fuck, baby, you can’t just say that. You’re going to drive me crazy.”
You bring your hands up to grip his waist with a laugh. “Isn’t that my job?”
Spencer leans down to press a kiss to the valley between your breasts, making you gasp. “And you’re very good at it.”
He slowly kisses lower and lower as you writhe beneath him until he reaches your shorts. He carefully hooks his fingers under the waistband and looks up at you in a way that sends heat pooling between your legs and you realize you desperately want him to touch you. “Can I take these off?” he asks softly.
You nod frantically and lift your hips with an eagerness that makes Spencer chuckle. 
“Just shorts? Or shorts and underwear?”
“B–both, please,” you gasp.
Spencer smiles and moves from between your legs to sit beside you and slowly slides your shorts and underwear off. He tosses them to the side and, gripping your upper thigh with one hand, presses a series of gentle kisses to your stomach and hips that make you squirm and pant. Your hands shoot up to curl into his hair and you can feel your arousal sticking to your thighs. “You’re so beautiful,” he mutters between kisses. “I’m so lucky I get to see you like this. I’m so lucky.”
His kisses move slightly lower and his hand slightly higher and you moan, your hips bucking involuntarily. 
“Sp–Spencer,” you gasp and he pulls away with a smile.
“Pl–please. Wa-wanna feel you.”
He moves up to press a brief kiss to your lips and pulls a condom from his pocket before pushing his pants and boxers down his legs with one motion and kicking them aside. You can’t help but stare at his cock as he rolls the condom onto it. He’s what you assume is an average size for his height but you can’t help the nervousness that starts to make a reappearance. That’s going to go inside you? 
“Spence–” you start, though you’re unsure of what to say.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he says kindly as he climbs back between your legs, sensing your anxiety. “I know it can be intimidating, but don’t worry, I’m not going to just put it inside you, alright?”
You nod, feeling relieved and still a bit nervous, but incredibly turned on.
“Can I touch you, sweetheart? Spencer whispers, his hands mere inches away from where you want him.
You nod again and then a moan rips from your chest as Spencer’s thumb presses against your clit and starts to rub gentle circles into it. Your whole body feels fuzzy again but you’re not nervous anymore, you feel amazing. It’s like the pleasure is frying your brain.
You gasp and moan as Spencer’s thumb works over your clit. His other hand presses a gentle and grounding grip into your thigh that somehow heightens the pleasure you’re feeling. With the hand on your thigh, he guides your legs apart and the movement of his thumb stops. You whine in disappointment at the loss of sensation but then you feel the tip of his finger pressing ever so slightly inside of you. Your eyes slip shut from the pleasure and you moan loudly.
“This okay?” Spencer asks, his arousal apparent in his voice. 
You nod without opening your eyes and Spencer’s finger slips the rest of the way inside of you. It’s a strange but wonderful sensation that has you gasping for air between moans. His finger curls slightly, pressing against different spots inside of you, and then suddenly a wave of pleasure slams into you, making you cry out. 
“There it is,” Spencer mutters to himself, pressing his finger into that spot over and over again. You’re so overwhelmed with pleasure you barely notice when he slips a second and then a third finger inside of you. 
But then his fingers are pulling out of you and you whine in disapproval. You open your eyes and stare up at him with a pout.
“Shh, i-it’s okay, baby,” he murmurs, his voice cracking slightly with pleasure as he gently strokes his cock. “You think you’re ready?”
You nod frantically, desperate to feel him inside of you, and hold out your hand. Spencer smiles at you and laces his fingers into yours before lining himself up and gently pressing inside of you with a moan.
Though you expected it, you still gasp at the sudden and ever so slightly painful stretch, and grip Spencer’s hand tightly. He pauses only halfway inside of you to allow you time to adjust. It doesn’t take long for you to get used to the sensation and you wrap your legs around Spencer’s waist and pull him closer until he’s all the way inside you.
Spencer’s head hangs forward as he pants and you admire just how beautiful he looks like this. 
“C-can I move?” he gasps weakly.
You nod and Spencer pulls his hips back slightly before rocking them back forward.
You moan in tandem at the feeling and you’re eyes slip shut. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced and he isn’t even hitting that spot he’d found with his fingers. With every thrust of his hips, Spencer adjusts the angle until he’s once again hitting that spot that makes you see stars. Each movement of his hips has you gasping and writing and you feel an overwhelming surge of emotions and a desire to be even closer.
You wrap your free arm around Spencer’s back and pull him down until his chest is pressed against yours, with his head buried in your neck, and you’re both holding each other. The pressure of his body against yours is soothing and grounding and helps you feel present in the amazing sensations your body is experiencing that might otherwise be overwhelming. 
Spencer gasps your name and “I love you” between moans and you cling to him as you moan in response, unable to form words. Heat climbs up your spine and you can feel yourself getting close. Tears well in your eyes and start to slip down your face but you can’t bring yourself to care because you just feel so good and so loved. The heat rises to your neck and burns in your stomach and you cum with a cry.
Spencer talks you through it but you’re too overwhelmed with pleasure to understand him. He thrusts a few more times before stilling with a moan of your name as he cums into the condom. His body goes limp against yours for a moment and the only movement is the rise and fall of both of your chests. Slowly Spencer pulls out and the strange feeling makes you whine and causes more tears to slip unbidden from your eyes. He removes his hand from yours and you can hear him moving but then he goes still and whispers your name with clear concern.
You open your eyes and look at him to see a scared and almost horrified look on his face.
He reaches up with one hand, setting the tied-off condom aside with the other, and cups your cheek. He wipes away a tear with his thumb. 
“A-are you alright? Di-did I hurt you?” he asks gently. He looks so worried.
You immediately shake your head. “Good tears,” you mutter. “Happy tears.”
“Oh, thank God,” Spencer whispers, letting out a relieved sigh. He lies down beside you and pulls you into his chest, pressing a brief kiss to your head. “You worried me there for a second.”
“No, no, don’t be sorry. I’m just glad you’re okay.”
You smile and turn your head to look at him. You cup the back of his head and kiss him softly. “I’m very okay,” you mutter against his lips. 
Spencer kisses you back for a moment before pulling away and pressing his forehead against yours. 
“That was amazing,” you whisper. “I love you.”
Spencer smiles. “I love you too.”
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reidsdimples · 2 days
“I gave your girlfriend cunnalingus on my couch”
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Smut & Fluff (if you squint) 18+❤️‍🔥
Your cheating ex gets what’s coming to him when Spencer shows you what you truly deserve.
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Just a little fantasy I had based on this song
Spencer opens his front door just barely after you finish knocking. You rub your arms as you hug yourself tight, trying not to cry anymore. When you see those sympathetic doe eyes though, you feel apart and collapsed into your best friend’s arms. He was warm, solid, unwavering. He always has been.
He closes the door behind you and gently guides you to his couch. You sniffle and wipe your tears. You’d been here before. Somehow you always end up in Spencer’s arms after your boyfriend cheats on you.
Even though you and Spencer no longer work together, the two of you have always been close. So when you took a new job in a different department, it didn’t affect your friendship.
“What happened?” He asks gently. He sits a mug of warm coffee on the table in front of you. Of course it was sweetened to your liking.
“Got off of work early, they were in my bed,” you seethe.
“Same girl?” He stares through you, his anger clear in the flexing of his perfect jaw.
“Nope,” you sigh. “I kicked him out. I don’t care anymore. He better be gone by morning,” you shake your head.
“So you wanna crash here?” He grins and nudges your arm playfully.
“Please,” you pucker your lip. His eyes linger on your mouth for a moment then he stands.
“You are always welcome,” he retrieves his phone which pinged with a text. He’s leaning on his counter casually with his long legs crossed at the ankles, looking unreal in a hoodie and pajama pants.
You and Spencer had never gone there. But you had thought about it… a lot. Now, sitting on his couch, heartbroken again, you find yourself wanting him closer than ever.
Your phone finds.
You ignore it, a fowl taste in your mouth. He calls again which becomes Spencer over with a pillow and a blanket.
Leon: come on babe, we both know you’ll get over it. Just come home
You scowl at the screen and drop your phone on his coffee table.
“I can’t believe I’ve put up with his shit for two years. Every time I say I’m done, I take him back,” you drop your head into your hands.
“I know you don’t like it when I profile you…” he starts.
“Give it to me doctor,” you tell him. No way you could feel worse.
“He’s carefully worn you down slowly. He has destroyed your self esteem and made you subconsciously believe you’re worth nothing better than him. He relishes in the power he’s taken from you. You crave intimacy and fear being alone so you take him back, you can’t help it,” he takes the seat next to you. The couch dips slightly.
You know he’s right, he’s always right.
“How do I… not do that,” you’re feeling vulnerable.
“Prove to yourself that you can do better,” he pushes and gently grips your hand.
You scoff in a disbelieving ‘yeah right’ manner and turn look away from him. You can’t bear his intense stare at the moment.
“I’m serious… you…” he pauses on a groan as if he’s fighting not to say something. His thumb brushes over your skin gently, sending chills up your arm.
“What?” You urge him.
“You are gorgeous, and powerful. You own a room when you walk into it and somehow you have no idea that all eyes are on you. You have the ability to drive a man to his knees but you keep letting Leon bring you to yours,” he shakes his head. Anger has crept into Spencer’s demeanor. “It’s not fair.”
“Fair?” You ask because his words have rendered you nearly speechless. He his squeezes your gently, he look away and looks back into your eyes.
“It’s not fair that he’s treating you this way. If I had the chance, I’d worship you.”
You’re pretty sure your jaw is on the floor. Spencer… Spencer Reid didn’t say those things, Spencer didn’t fantasize about you the way you do him. It’s impossible.
Your sheer lack of give a shit about anything spurs you to grip the collar of his hoodie and pull him towards you. He collapses to his knees before you and stares up into your eyes. He’s torn between astonishment and amusement.
“Worship me how?” You tease him.
He grins, his tongue darts out to moisten his bottom lip. His strong hands rest on your thighs and squeeze. You inhale a sharp breath.
“It doesn’t even have to mean anything. But you need to know that you can do better,” he implores and situates himself between your still clothed legs.
“And you’re the better I’m assuming?” You poke his nose and lean back on the couch. You lift your hips when he locks his fingers in your waistband and tugs. You silently follow his lead.
“I’ll let you be the judge of that,” he gently kisses your ankle as he tosses your jeans on the ground.
He props that same ankle on his shoulder and begins kissing up your leg. You want to tell him he’s the better man in every way, that he always has been.
But his fingers are fire against your skin, his lips soft and teasing as he plants soft kisses on your thighs.
Your phone rings again. Spencer looks up and laughs a breathless sort of laugh against your skin.
A text comes through and you look at it lazily while you play in Spencer’s hair. His fingers dig massage your thighs as he starts to nip at your soft skin.
Leon: where are you?
You smirk as an idea flies to you, one that would exact the perfect revenge. You place your hand on the crown of Spencer’s head and snap a photo from your point of view.
He laughs when you show him the picture. His identify is concealed and Leon doesn’t know Spencer. You send the photo of the “mystery man” between your legs to your cheating ass boyfriend. You finally toss your phone away, eager to focus on said man.
“Are you using me?” He tutts and tugs on your lace panties with his teeth. His breath fans across your pussy and causes goosebumps to trail up your skin and harden your nipples.
“Is that okay?” You playfully pucker out your bottom lip and bat your eyelashes.
“Mhmm,” he answers mindlessly because he’s tugging your underwear aside.
He gets a glimpse of you and you’re perfect and he’s amazed. He kisses your pussy lips softly, eliciting a soft moan. You want more of him, you need more friction.
You put your other leg on his opposite shoulder and pull him closer. That’s all the prompting he needs. He holds your underwear out of the way completely and dives into you as you open up for him.
Spencer’s lips are warm, his strong tongue pushing and prodding against your most sensitive areas. Your clit is given special attention but he notes how much you enjoy his tongue inside of you.
“Spencer,” you cry.
He holds girls your thighs and laps at you like a man starved.
“So perfect, angel,” he praises and slips his tongue back into your entrance.
He drags it upward and flicks it against your clit causing you to twitch.
“Mmm right there,” you beg and push his head closer.
He obeys and keeps his pace steady and unrelenting against your clit. You inhale deeply as your climax builds and you don’t remember the last time you’ve felt so wanted, felt so good.
He moans into your cunt when you start to greedily grind against his face. He masters the pace you need and tilts you right over the edge. Your orgasm seizes you all at once and your legs shake. He eats you through it and your eyes roll back in your head.
“Oh god,” you shudder.
He looks up at you as though asking if he did good and wipes his mouth.
“Woah,” you pant.
He grins and you pull him up to kiss him. You had never kissed Spencer before but doing so felt so … right. He leans against you and cradles you softly, his hands on either side of your face as though he needs to keep you close.
Your lips slot against each others perfectly as if in tune to one another already. You savor the taste of him and how it mixes with your arousal already on his tongue.
Somehow you both moan into the kiss at the same time. It prompts a small laugh from the two of you and he rests his forehead against yours. He’s still leaning between your legs, well, more like lazily resting there as though beyond content.
You hear your phone buzzing and you think it must have been the whole time.
You scoff.
“For the record, Spencer, you’ve always been the better man. I just never would have thought you’d be interested,” you admit. He furrows his brow and moves up to set beside you. He faces you with his legs crossed.
You note his messy hair, crooked collar, and doe eyes which give him a boyish kind of charm.
“You’re so far out of my league that I never pursued you,” his voice notes the irony of the situation. “You don’t have to choose me. Or anyone. Ever. I just want you to be happy,” he says honestly.
Your phone vibrates again. Spencer stares at it and hands it to you.
6 Missed Calls
8 Texts Messages
4 Voicemails
“Thank you,” you smirk. “Right now I want to get over this asshole and spend time with you. In equal measure.”
“We can do that.” He leans back in the couch and you crawl against him.
You play the most recent voicemail which is just Leon blubbering and sobbing about “how could you do this to me” despite him cheating for your entire relationship.
You and Spencer get a good laugh out of Leon misery and then he reaches for a book.
“Read to me?” You sigh contently.
He does, until you fall asleep peacefully in his arms.
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starcurtain · 2 days
Hello! I just saw your latest post and you might have been referring to my ask if it was the one about Ratiorine's differing philosophies or of what philosophies they abide by (existentialism, absurdism, etc) then that's me! If you weren't referring to that I apologize for the confusion. Sending it off anon this time so maybe it doesn't disappear 🥲
Sorry for the ask disappearing the first time; I'm not sure what happened, and I was so sad because I had been carefully holding on to it to answer it! I'm glad you were able to resend.
I do have to say first that philosophy is not my area of expertise, so there may be much more qualified philosophy buffs out there who can answer this more accurately than me, but I'll give it a go with my personal understandings of the characters:
First, Ratio is the easier of the two I think. As many people have said, he's a good fit for existentialism. His entire shtick is basically believing in the power of the individual to improve and enrich their own life, to fight valiantly regardless of the hardships imposed by their life's circumstances, and to make themself into a better person by their own choices.
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It's important to underscore that this means Ratio believes in self-determination, in the idea that people's lives are not foreordained but are actually actively shaped each day by personal decisions. Therefore, people have inherent freedom to decide the course of their own lives by accepting what they approve of, refusing to accept what they disapprove of, and harnessing their own individual power to ultimately achieve self-actualization.
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Essentially, Ratio works under the impression that life is not guided by something as intangible as destiny, and no matter where you start off in life, what ultimately happens to you is within your control (or at least within the control of whoever controls you). This is likely a small part of why it grates on him so badly that he wasn't recognized by Nous, because the fact that one can dedicate everything to a goal and still not achieve that goal runs contrary to his central philosophy.
If he believes that people have the power to determine the course of their own lives, then what does it say about him, who fought so hard to do exactly as he claims even idiots can do--seize control his own fate--and yet didn't succeed? Are there some things outside of man's power? It's enough to make even a renowned doctor question himself, and Ratio decided to come out on the side of "It's a personal failing, not a flaw in my philosophy." He literally said "Skill issue" to himself.
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Changing tack a tiny bit here, I think it's also important to emphasize that there is a difference between existentialism and nihilism even though these philosophies dovetail. Again, I'm not an expert in philosophy, so my understanding is very limited, but the basic idea of existentialism is that "existence comes before essence"--that is, things start as a blank slate and gain nature and meaning after the fact. We are not created by some grand design, nor is there any inherent "purpose for living." Things just exist because they exist.
This is where existentialism intersects with nihilism, at the starting point that existence is inherently meaningless. But, in my personal opinion, nihilism as a philosophy fails to move beyond that. Pure nihilism is ultimately self-defeating because it leaves us with no motivation to commit to growth. It's a philosophy antithetical to the continuation of life as we know it. Existence is meaningless and any meaning you personally derive from existence is also meaningless, so why bother attempting to derive any meaning at all? This complete apathy is the Device IX that Star Rail paints as so dangerous.
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And Ratio is not this way at all. His philosophy absolutely reaffirms that life can have meaning, so long as people create that meaning for themselves. He simultaneously asserts that anything that people create is not meaningless ...which basically means that meaning itself cannot be meaningless. (If that makes any sense to anyone.)
Frankly, I would argue that this philosophy may be a core part of why Ratio has not been recognized by Nous so far, rather than simply his "being a good person." (Nous is a robotic AI super-computer, why would THEY care about the presence or lack of human empathy?) Ultimately, Ratio's central philosophy about people being capable of determining their own fates and purposes also applies to his understanding of knowledge--knowledge is not something which is inherent in certain beings from birth or limited to the purview of the "special" (geniuses), but is attainable by all people. People are not "born talented" or "born untalented," they are simply "educated" or "uneducated," with the only barrier between these categories being one's own personal willingness to change. The mundane can become the divine--if they work hard enough at it.
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Thus, knowledge is not wealth to be hoarded, but a currency to be spent to enrich other members of humanity.
(By the way, completely random aside--it also surprises me that everyone relates Ratio to Alhaitham from Genshin when they literally have such a glaring fundamental discrepancy in their understanding of the concept of wisdom... But anyway, back on topic!)
Ratio may (sort of) respect the members of the Genius Society, may recognize their incredible knowledge and abilities, but at the heart of the matter lies a single all-important question: Does Ratio even really believe in "genius" as a distinction (other than as a concept to insult himself)? Does he truly believe there is barrier between brilliance and idiocy that "ordinary people" can never cross?
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He speaks convincingly about geniuses being different from "the ordinary," but if his core belief is that people have the power to pull themselves up out of despair and achieve greatness through effort and self-development, rather than some form of luck or god-given talent at birth, then... do born "geniuses" even really exist? Is there really an insurmountable difference between brilliant and mundane?
If knowledge is the equalizer of all sentient beings, do we not all have at least the initial capacity to become geniuses?
I personally think this central distinction about the capacity for knowledge among all humanity is the actual deciding factor in Ratio's rejection from the Genius Society, because, at the end of the day... how do you become a member of the "Genius Society" when you fundamentally reject the distinction of "genius" as an exclusive category from the start?
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Ratio wants to share knowledge and uplift everyone (even if he thinks most people are starting off at the rock bottom known as idiocy).
His mission is diametrically opposed to the concept of a "Genius Society" in the first place.
He wanted in to the cool kids club because he desperately craves validation and acceptance, but the philosophical values of the Genius Society are ultimately incompatible with his own. In short, he would have to cease to be "Veritas Ratio" to succeed in joining the geniuses.
Okay, okay, back to the original point again, and just one more note about Ratio: Even though existentialism also goes hand-in-hand with absurdism, I don't think Ratio is far enough down the philosophical rabbit hole to believe in the wider definition of absurdism. Although I think he does agree with the inherent meaninglessness of existence, I don't think he views existence itself as truly irrational and the universe as as manifestation of unknowable chaos. I think he'd at least like to imagine that there are some ontological principles and inherent laws governing the operations of reality, and I think he does believe that certain things can be predicted with the application of enough thought... He certainly seems to believe in some form of "objective truth," at the very least.
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I think he'd at least like to believe the universe is semi-orderly, even if he might deep down admit this is also wishful thinking.
So, to me he reads as a strong metaphor for pure existentialism, with deliberate rejections to both nihilism's apathy and absurdism's lean toward solely subjective reality.
PHEW, this is already long and I still have a whole other character to talk about... I had more to say about this topic than I thought. Sorry for the long read!
Anyway... Aventurine.
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I've seen all sorts of things thrown around for Aventurine's philosophy, and while I think he does inherit a bit of Acheron's absurdism by the end of 2.1, I actually don't think Aventurine is an absurdist, an existentialist, or a nihilist.
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I think Aventurine is a struggling fatalist.
He doesn't like it. We see him actively question it, but ultimately, he does come back to the concept of destiny over and over.
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First, I think it's important to draw a clear distinction between Ratio and Aventurine: Ratio's existentialism is a philosophy that technically works even in a theological vacuum. Nous doesn't have to exist for Ratio's philosophy to function. Ratio's belief in the self-determination of humanity is, in fact, somewhat opposed to belief in aeons in the first place, and only works because technically the aeons of Star Rail used to be human (or were originally human creations). It's essentially an atheist viewpoint.
But Aventurine is a religious character. Like, he's just... religious. That's a fact about him. Even though we do hear his doubts, at the end of the day, he actually believes in Gaiathra, and believing in a omniscient supernatural being that is not human in origin (is from outside the aeon system) comes with a whole set of philosophical foundations that most aeon-worshipping characters just don't have in Star Rail. (Sunday is the obvious exception here, by the way.)
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Kakavasha's like the one practicing pagan in the middle of an atheist convention. Awkward.
Being more serious: Religion requires faith. Faith requires the ability to believe in things you cannot verify with empirical facts. To believe in things you can only feel, never see. The belief that a goddess is watching over you, blessing you, and guiding you requires you to also accept the idea that events in your life are not always in your own control--that some of what occurs to you is decided by powers beyond your comprehension.
In essence, faith requires belief in fate. And that leads to fatalism.
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No matter how much he doesn't like it, no matter how much we see him struggle with it, Aventurine does actually seem to believe in the concept of fate. He believes that some events in life are destined to occur, that some things are outside of individuals' control, and that ultimately not everything can be changed.
This is the dead opposite of Ratio's mindset: No matter how hard we fight, how far we push ourselves... in the end, sometimes people fail. Sometimes the only answer to our endless struggles is that we die, as we were destined to, before ever achieving the greatness we sought or the futures we were promised.
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As an aside, I don't think faith or religion are necessarily the only factors connecting Aventurine to this particular philosophy either. Even removing theological aspects from the conversation, his extreme focus on the gambling aesthetic suggests a strong connection to fatalism too--if not a goddess, then one's fate may as well be in the hands of luck itself, of the whims of the rolling dice--or the push and pull of "powers that be," those figures of authority in the room where it happens, who make their shady deals according to preset rules and expectations, every bet resulting in an ultimately predictable outcome.
(He keeps gambling and gambling, hoping that he'll get a different result than the one he knows is inevitable...)
This is, of course, an inherently pessimistic mindset, a perfect dark-mirror to Ratio's deep-down optimism. Fatalism puts humanity into a position of powerlessness. All hopes and dreams are given over to the goddess, by whose judgment and whims the actual events of one's life are decided. Pain and poverty are inevitable trials. Suffering and death are foreordained.
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And yet Aventurine has to cling to this, as much as he doubts it, as much as he hates the idea that things in his life are beyond his power to control.
Because if fate doesn't exist... If it wasn't destiny, if the tragedies of his life weren't trials from the goddess, if things weren't supposed to go this way... Then every single thing in his life really is meaningless. Everything he suffered, everyone he loved and loss, his mother's and sister's sacrifices, the torment he went through--just sheer bad luck. All of it, completely and utterly meaningless.
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How can you convince yourself to keep living, in the face of such supreme and all-encompassing Nihility?
This is the central struggle of Aventurine's character, the actual mental and emotional journey we see him undertaking from 2.0 to 2.1. He is literally on the precipice, swinging between a viewpoint that he hates--his fatalistic belief in destiny--and an entirely self-defeating philosophy--nihilism--whose only possible final outcome is suicide.
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This is what his talk with Acheron at the end of 2.1 is all about. This is how she saves him. In that final cutscene, we witness Aventurine reach a mental compromise, managing to finally reconcile his necessary faith in the concept of destiny with the reality that life may truly begin meaningless--but beginning meaningless does not mean staying meaningless, and believing in destiny does not bar you from making your own choices or finding your own purpose in life.
Later on in Penacony's story, we literally see Acheron use Ratio's philosophy to reject the same nihility that crept into Aventurine's:
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Acheron wards off nihility's apathy through an absurdism all her own, but one which manages to enclose both Ratio's and Aventurine's otherwise incompatible mindsets: We have no way of ever knowing for certain whether the events of our lives are fated or mere nonsense. We have no way of knowing if our choices are our own or foreordained. But we don't need to know this to find meaning and value in them. Whether life is nothing more than unpredictable chaos or a predetermined pattern of cause and effect, what matters is what you make of it.
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Ultimately, I think that this post has really helped me recognize just how well Aventurine and Ratio work as philosophical foils.
They really are perfect opposites.
Aventurine's fatalism is deterministic, while Ratio's existentialism is self-deterministic. Aventurine's philosophy is inherently pessimistic; Ratio's is inherently optimistic. Ratio's philosophy operates on a core belief in the freedom of humanity to decide their own paths in life, while Aventurine hates but does ultimately believe that people aren't really in control, that even if no gods are guiding us, we can't rise above our own natures. Ratio's philosophy makes meaning from growth; Aventurine's makes meaning from loss...
And they both struggle with fundamental doubts in their own philosophies, core questions that are directly tied to their own lives. Aventurine worries that his faith might be misplaced, that destiny might not exist, and that everything he suffered might have been in pointless, empty vain. Ratio faces the crisis of recognizing that his core belief in the power of humankind to determine their own paths and make their own meaning might not actually apply to everyone--because it doesn't seem to apply to himself.
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It's literally only by bridging this philosophical binary with Acheron's anti-Nihility absurdist rhetoric that we can reach some sort of healthy outcome. That's why it takes both Ratio's note and Acheron's comments to finally lead Aventurine to acceptance. Ratio probably needs a little bit of Aventurine's "If you didn't make it into the Genius Society, there's got to be a reason" mindset to finally reach some peace with his situation too.
I'm not even a philosophy expert and even I can see that there's really only one takeaway here: These two characters were totally written with each other in mind.
Aventurine and Ratio need each other on core metaphysical levels! 😂
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It's so good guys. You can't see it, but I'm making chef's kisses, I promise.
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sunny44 · 1 day
No expectations
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Neighbor reader
Warnings: just fluff
Summary: after the day he saw Y/n alone at the restaurant, he thought it would be nice to do something for her.
Part 1
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The following days after the restaurant dinner were tough for Y/n. I saw her every morning, as usual, when I left my apartment. But something was different. The smile that used to light up her face was gone, her eyes looked tired, and the contagious energy she always carried with her had vanished. She wasn’t the same person I used to see every day in the elevator, always ready with a witty comment or a brief conversation.
I knew it had to do with the disastrous date. As much as she tried to hide it, it was clear the situation had deeply hurt her. And, as much as I wanted to do something to cheer her up, I didn’t know exactly how.
After seeing her return from work once again with that sad expression, I made a decision. I couldn’t just stand by and watch her sink into that sadness. I took a deep breath, walked to her apartment door, and knocked.
She opened the door, and for a moment, the exhaustion and sadness in her eyes disappeared, replaced by surprise. “Max? What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to invite you out,” I began, trying to sound casual. “Nothing complicated, just dinner to help you relax a bit.”
She looked at me for a long moment, and the surprise in her eyes turned into something darker.
“Max, the last thing I need right now is a guy inviting me out out of pity. And honestly, I’m not in the mood to go to a restaurant just to be humiliated again.”
I could see the pain behind her words, and I understood that this wasn’t just about me. It was about everything that had happened to her recently.
“It’s not out of pity, Y/n,” I said, my voice firm. “I just thought you might enjoy having dinner in a place where you know you’ll be treated well. I was thinking… at my place. No restaurants, no expectations, just dinner between friends.”
She hesitated, her eyes studying my face, trying to figure out if my intentions were genuine. Finally, she sighed and nodded.
“Alright, but no complications, okay?”
“No complications,” I promised with a smile.
After she agreed, I returned to my apartment, trying to hide the panic that was starting to build. I had invited Y/n to dinner, but there was a huge problem: I didn’t know how to cook.
I called the only person who could help me: my mom.
“Mom, I need help,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm.
“Max, what happened?” The concern in her voice made me smile.
“I invited a friend over for dinner… and I don’t know what to do.” My mom laughed softly on the other end of the line.
“You’ve always been a disaster in the kitchen,” she said, laughing.
“Stop laughing at me and help me.”
“Alright, you sound nervous. Is this friend just a friend?”
“Yes, just a friend,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“And do you like her in another way?”
“Mom, that’s not important right now.”
“It is important, I want more grandkids.”
“But for that, I need a girlfriend, so focus on helping me with the food.”
“Okay, I’ll help you. Let’s start with something simple. How about lasagna?”
I quickly agreed, and she guided me step by step. It wasn’t easy, but with her help, I managed to prepare the lasagna. I put the dish in the oven, and when the timer started counting down, I heard the doorbell ring.
I rushed to the door, still feeling a little nervous. When I opened it, Y/n was standing there, looking a bit less sad than in the past few days, which made me feel like I was doing the right thing.
“Come in, make yourself at home,” I said, giving her space to enter. “I’ll just take a quick shower and be right back. I got delayed while making dinner.”
She nodded, and I headed to the bathroom. As the hot water ran over me, I couldn’t stop thinking about what was happening. I had invited Y/n to dinner at my place, and even though I didn’t know how to cook, I was determined to make this night special for her.
When I got out of the shower and returned to the living room, I found a scene that made my heart race. Y/n had set the table and was sitting on the couch with Jimmy, my cat, comfortably nestled in her lap. Sassy, my other cat, was lying beside her, purring softly.
“You’ve already met the real owners of the house,” I joked, walking over.
She smiled, petting Jimmy’s fur. “They’re adorable. I think they’ve won my heart.”
“Well, I hope the food wins it too,” I replied, feeling a bit more confident.
She laughed, and the sound warmed the room. “I trust you, Max.”
“Trust my mom, she was the real chef,” I admitted, which made her laugh even more.
We placed the lasagna on the table and sat down to eat.
As we ate, the comfortable silence began to shift into a quiet curiosity in Y/n's eyes. She put her fork down for a moment, tilted her head, and looked at me with a mix of hesitation and sincerity.
"Max, I have to ask... why did you do this? The dinner, the invitation... you didn't have to go through all this trouble."
I sighed, knowing that question was coming eventually. I looked at her, feeling the need to be completely honest.
"After that disastrous dinner at the restaurant, I knew you didn't deserve to go through that," I began, searching for the right words. "I know it wasn’t my business, but seeing you there, alone, waiting for someone who never showed up... I couldn't get that out of my head. Even if this dinner wasn't with me, I wanted to make it up to you somehow. I wanted you to have a good night, a moment where someone cared."
She looked away for a second, as if absorbing what I said. When she looked back at me, there was a hidden sadness in her smile.
"That’s... really kind of you, Max. But to be honest, things like that happen to me all the time." She toyed with her food absentmindedly before continuing. "My relationships have always been horrible. No matter how much I try, it feels like it's never enough. And after a while, you start to wonder... is it me? Is it because I’m not worth the effort?"
Her eyes glistened in a way that made me want to reach out and hold her hand, but I knew she needed that space to open up.
"I feel... insufficient, you know? Whenever I’m in a relationship, I’m always the one left behind. It seems like no one is willing to put in even a little effort for me. And that hurts."
I stayed silent for a moment, processing her words, feeling the weight of it all. It was hard to imagine how someone like Y/n, always so vibrant and full of life, could feel so small because of others.
"Y/n," I began, choosing my words carefully, "the problem was never you. The problem is those people who don’t see how much you’re worth. You’re amazing, and if someone isn’t willing to fight for you, then that person doesn’t deserve you, not for a single second."
She looked at me, surprised by the intensity of my words, and then smiled, a genuine smile, though a little sad.
"Thank you, Max. That means a lot to me." She smiled. “I think you’re the first guy that has put so much effort on something for me.”
“That makes me the only smart one then.”
She laughed.
The dinner was simple but pleasant, and I noticed that, little by little, the sparkle in Y/n’s eyes was returning. She still bore the marks of the disappointment she had suffered, but, at least that night, she seemed to be finding some peace.
And as I watched her, interacting with my cats and laughing at my cooking attempts, one thing became clear to me: I would do anything to keep seeing that smile.
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Bonus scene!
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“It feels good to be treated like a princess sometimes”
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wings-of-ink · 2 days
One day MC walks up to their RO and asks: "Why do you think I love you?" What are the responses from Oswin and Rune? (Relationship stage)
Oh that is such a good question, Anon. Oof, the two that might have the hardest time with it too. Going to go with a semi-early relationship, say, within the first couple years for this. For all the characters there is an element of healing that they need. This question for these two ROs would be most impactful (emotional and hard to answer) earlier on in the relationship when they are very much still healing. This would be a good exercise for them to help healing, I think...so maybe a couple mini POVs are in order for this one. ^_^
He freezes.
You give him a moment to collect his thoughts, but find the moment doesn't quite pass. Oswin just stares at you. Gently, you cup his cheek in your hand, and he snaps from his stupor.
"You okay?" you ask.
He nods.
"Let's sit." You guide him to the seat by the fire as it crackles and pops. Instead of taking the seat opposite him, you kneel down and hold his hands upon his lap, staring into his eyes. You had a feeling he'd struggle with this.
He clears his throat. "The uh, floor is cold, love. Here, you sit, I'll-"
"Why do you think I love you?" you ask again. He won't get out of this again.
He breath stammers. He leans back in the chair and raises his gaze to the ceiling.
"I know you're still working on how you feel about everything, but I want you to really think about that and give me an honest answer."
Oswin sighs, turning his gaze from the ceiling back to you. His eyes are misty. "That's just it, I don't know what to think." His voice breaks around the words. "Most days I don't know why you want to love someone like me."
You nod. "But you let me, don't you? And I know you, Twinflower; you'd never let me love you if you didn't-"
He scoffs. "That's because I'm selfish."
You fix him with a slightly stern look. "I'm waiting for my answer. The real answer."
His bottom lip quivers for just a moment before he bites it. He takes a few minutes to consider his words. "I...think...I think you, um-love me because...you have a good heart."
You snort and pinch his thigh in the spot that makes him jump.
Even he can't remain serious at the sensation as he jerks and chuckles. "I'm not done...I'm getting there."
"Mm-hmm," you say.
"...It's because of your good heart...that you see...you see me at my best."
You nod.
"You see that...you don't see all the horrible things that I see in me."
You nod again. "So what are those things that I see that you don't? Why do I love you Oswin Twinflower?"
His legs begin to bounce in place, trying to soothe his discomfort. He takes a deep breath. "Um...I think you see, despite everything, loyalty." Another shaky breath. "Maybe you like the old pieces of me - from when we were kids...the parts of me that are still carefree, that laugh easy. And I think...I think you like that I'm grumpy though too..." He trails off, his legs still bouncing. His eyes glance to you, but can't hold your gaze for very long at a time.
"Good." You smile. "That's good Oswin, you're doing so well. There are so many reasons that I love you, and one day you're going to know them all by heart."
A strangled sob escapes his lips.
Rune fumbles the freshly washed and dried cups at your question. They clatter and roll along the counter. You briefly catch the flicker of surprise on Rune's face before they snatch up the cups and right them next to the other clean dishes.
Turning back to the sink, Rune carries about the task of rinsing and drying the remaining dinnerware that you have washed. "What do you mean?" They ask.
"It's not a trick question or anything," you say. "I just want you tell me why you think I love you."
Rune chuckles in the way you've come to know as a sign that they are uncomfortable. "It doesn't matter why, just that you do." Rune turns and gives you a placating smile before turning their back again and focusing on the dishes.
"That may be true to a point, but not why I asked and you know it." You watch them a moment. You worry. Rune is not typically unnerved so quickly, and they have always been forthright about your relationship. You've had the feeling recently that a heaviness has been on Rune's heart, old wounds opening back up.
You come up to the sink and watch Rune dry the same plate they've been working on for the last few minutes. "Hun, I think it's dry."
Rune snaps to attention again. "Oh, yes - of course."
"Do you want me to finish up?" you ask.
"Oh, no sweet one. It's my turn and you cooked...I want to finish up. Get settled in the den why don't you. I'll be there shortly."
You nod and make your way there to settle on the couch. If there is one thing you have learned about being Rundis Lyreheart's lover and partner, it is that the more space you give them, the closer they come. Rune always hears you and always pays attention even when it may seem like you're being ignored. You could ask your question again, but that would be pushing. You trust that Rune will answer.
In just a few moments, Rune joins you, removing the smock they use for kitchen duty and hanging it to dry by the fireplace. You chuckle when you realize it is nearly soaked through. You wonder if Rune will ever be able to take care of the dishes and end up dry at the end.
They settle next to you, and you realize they've brought the lyre. Rune looks at you deeply with those bright purple eyes you've come to love so much.
They sigh. "I am sorry that I tried to avoid your question earlier."
You nod. "It's okay. You do that sometimes."
Rune quirks an eyebrow at you.
You shrug. "You deflect the really hard stuff, and then you circle back later after you've had some time to think."
They cover their face with a hand. "Blessed Casimir, you really know me..."
You cannot help the smug smile on your face.
Rune takes a deep breath. "I can't answer your question, not without...some time - not with words. But...I can answer, with this." They hold the lyre up. "If you'll indulge a song."
"Always." You settle back in your seat.
After a few practice notes, Rune begins to pluck the strings in earnest. The melody fills the house, starting off slow, sweet and soft before it becomes...darker, more somber. Rune meets your eyes and smiles as the tune lifts, bringing happy energy to the undercurrent of dark notes. You can't wait to see how the song grows and changes...
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clangenrising · 2 days
Month 19 - Leaffall
Sagetooth gasped sharply and lurched upright as a cold touch to her forehead pulled her up from a thick, inky blackness. She looked around at the bed of hastily gathered wildflowers and the cats clustered nearby and wondered aloud, “How long have I been out?” 
None of the cats even acknowledged her. Close by, Branchbark and Ospreymask loafed side by side, completely unaware she had spoken. Ospreymask leaned weakly on Branchbark, a patchwork of cobwebs plastered over her dark pelt and Branchbark’s eyes were raw and red. More cats sat nearby, all of them somber and quiet in the pre-dawn light. They looked miserable and something foreboding stirred inside Sagetooth at the sight. 
“About an hour, I think,” said a familiar voice. Sagetooth turned her head to see Poppyblaze standing nearby. At her feet lay Lakepaw, stiff and cold and decorated with morning glory and goldenrod flowers. 
“Oh,” Sagetooth said simply. 
“Yeah,” Poppyblaze grimaced. “I’m sorry old friend. I wasn’t expecting to come for you for a while.” 
Sagetooth’s gaze drifted down to the apprentice laying beside her own body, over which she now stood. “She died to protect me,” she said. “Poor kit.” 
“She gave quite the fight for her age,” hummed Poppyblaze. “Are you alright if I wake her now? We really should be going.” 
“Of course,” Sagetooth said, then inhaled sharply with memory. “Wait, I have to check on something!” She quickly hopped over the flowers woven around her feet and headed for the healers’ den at a brisk pace. 
“Don’t go far!” Poppyblaze hissed worriedly. “It’s not safe!” Sagetooth twitched an ear dismissively and continued into the den. There was nothing that would hurt her here and she had important things to do. 
As she stepped into the den, the blood that covered the floor made her pause. Even though every scent felt like it was miles away, she could pick up on the pungent odor of blood and urine -- and not just the expected amount of urine that came with the dead. Stepping further in, she found the herb stores in disaster, every herb tossed to the floor, shredded, and sprayed by the rogues. She curled her lip in disgust.
“Honorless brutes,” she muttered under her breath, shaking her head. Turning away from that mess, she marched purposefully around the corner to Oddstripe’s empty nest and sighed in relief when she saw the small lump underneath the back corner. The horsetail and juniper she had hidden there was safe. She had no doubt Oddstripe would find it eventually. There wouldn’t be another death like Nightfrosts. 
Set at ease, she turned back and padded out into the clearing where Poppyblaze was standing with Lakepaw’s spirit in the middle of the circle of mourners. Poor Lakepaw was softly weeping into the guide’s starry fur. 
Sagetooth padded over and said, “There, there, Lakepaw. It’s going to be alright.” 
Lakepaw looked up at the sound of her voice and sniffled. “I’m so sorry, Sagetooth,” she whined. “I promise I tried my best.” 
“I know,” Sagetooth smiled. “You were a brave warrior.” Lakepaw sniffled again and rubbed a paw over her face, managing to return her smile, just a bit. 
“Alright, now, let’s be quick,” said Poppyblaze. “This place isn’t safe.”
“How so?” Sagetooth scowled. “I’ve never heard of anything dangerous in StarClan.” 
“We’re not in StarClan,” Poppyblaze explained, leading they over to the Stoneperch. “We’re in a place called the Parallel. It’s the place where the spirit and the physical meet, and right now, Razor’s ghost is prowling around it somewhere.” 
“What?” Sagetooth couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “How is that possible?! Only Clan cats move on to the afterlife.” 
“Oh, Sage,” Poppyblaze shook her head. “There’s so much you don’t know about the universe.” Sagetooth bristled indignantly. If there was knowledge out there, why hadn’t StarClan shared it with her? Why hadn’t Poppyblaze told her about it before? 
With a flick of her tail, Poppyblaze sent a shower of stars into the sky, leading up in a series of platforms, and said, “This way! Let’s get climbing.” 
“Wowzers,” breathed Lakepaw and Poppyblaze chuckled. 
“I like you, kid,” she purred. “Now, come on.” She gave Lakepaw’s rump a nudge with her nose and the apprentice hopped up, easily leaping from platform to platform into the sky. Sagetooth hesitated, shifting her weight. 
“You can’t make a slope of some kind?” she asked. 
Poppyblaze laughed and said, “Just give me one jump, yeah?” 
Sagetooth sighed, grumbling under her breath, and bunched her legs beneath her. It had been a long time since she’d properly jumped and she was not looking forward to it. Still, if Razor was loose somewhere around here, she’d be much better suited to jumping than fighting him. She leapt and was amazed to find herself easily and painlessly landing on the first platform. Her eyes sparkled in wonder and she glanced down at Poppyblaze who laughed again.
“See? You don’t have a body anymore so no more joint pain! Pretty cool, huh?” 
“It’s very nice, yes,” Sagetooth purred to herself, stretching out each leg experimentally. 
“Great, now let's go, go, go,” urged Poppyblaze, hopping up beside her. Sagetooth nodded and started ascending. She was buzzing giddily at the freedom in her movements, in the way she could coordinate her limbs and move them without the aching resistance she had grown used to for the last few years. 
Over their heads, Lakepaw cried out, “Wowzers! Look at the world from up here!” 
“It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?” grinned Poppyblaze. The higher they climbed, the more Sagetooth had to agree. The world was a stunning mess of mauves rustling in the breeze. A hint of orange had just started to peek over the eastern horizon and the contrast took Sagetooth’s breath away. 
“Hey, what’s that?” Lakepaw asked. 
“Hm?” Poppyblaze perked her ears. She and Sagetooth followed the apprentice’s gaze to the south. Standing in the grass, not too far from camp, several smudges of glowing red broke up the peaceful purple landscape. 
“Oh, that’s not good,” Poppyblaze swallowed. 
“Razor?” Sagetooth asked. 
“Yeah, I think so. I’m going to check it out. I need you to stay here, okay?” She looked at both of them sternly and said, “Don’t go up without me and don’t try to go down under any circumstances, understood?” 
“Yeah,” Lakepaw’s fur was standing on end as she nodded.
“Absolutely not,” Sagetooth huffed. “I’m coming with you.” 
“Oh, Sage, my stubborn, stubborn friend,” Poppyblaze’s expression was some mixture of distress and admiration. “Now really isn’t the time for this.” 
“If it isn’t safe for me to go along then you shouldn’t be going, you reckless fool,” Sagetooth stood her ground.
Poppyblaze sighed. “I guess that’s a fair point. Alright, fine. Stay here, Lakepaw, we’ll be back soon.” 
“Okay,” Lakepaw’s voice was shaky. “Please be safe.” 
“We will be,” Sagetooth assured her, then looked at Poppyblaze and gestured for her to lead the way. Poppyblaze took a careful step forward into the open air and when her paws moved away, there were starry platforms in their wake. Sagetooth fell into step behind her and they set out over the fields towards the red shapes. 
As they drew closer, Sagetooth started to make out the silhouettes of cats. A tall grey tabby stood in the center of the group, flanked by a cream tabby she-cat, a black-furred tom with white paws, and a pair of blue and white cats with notches in their ears. All five of them had the same shimmery pelts as StarClan but the stars were red tinged or dull and grey. 
“What are so many cats doing in the Parallel?” Poppyblaze whispered to herself, halting to observe them from a short distance behind and a tree’s length above. 
“That big one, is Razor, yes?” Sagetooth asked in the same hushed tone. She’d never seen the rogue’s body, too busy with healing the wounded, but she had heard the stories. She could see the gaping wound in his throat dripping ichor as he hunched over in the grass. He looked like stories of Dark Forest ghosts but that didn’t make any sense to her.
“Mhm,” nodded Poppyblaze. “He destroyed Darkmoon and EarthClan’s guide and tried to destroy me.” 
“What’s he doing?” asked Sagetooth. Both she and Poppyblaze squinted at Razor who was doing something with his paws over a space of fresh churned earth. He hooked his claws into something and pulled up dragging a new glowing red shape up from the dirt. In horror, Sagetooth watched the face of a cat burst from the ground, choking and gasping for air as Razor hoisted his spirit up by the scruff. The cat scrambled to his feet and stared around, eyes wide, chest heaving, and Razor smiled with a deep rumbling purr that Sagetooth could just barely hear. 
“Welcome to the land of the not quite living, Harry, ” he said, slapping the new cat on the back. 
“Oh, no,” Poppyblaze swallowed. “This is bad. This is very bad. Where’s Bakari?” 
“Who?” Sagetooth couldn’t help but ask. 
“What’s going on? Where are we?” the newly dead cat panted. “Who are they?” Sagetooth’s stomach dropped as he looked directly up at her and Poppyblaze. Razor cocked his head and turned in their direction. When he saw them, a terrible smile spread across his face, made all the more gruesome by the ichor seeping between his teeth. 
“Oh, look,” he purred and the whole group of cats turned to look at them, “It’s my little friend. I never did catch your name, sweetheart.” 
Poppyblaze bristled and twitched her tail against Sagetooth’s flank. “We’re leaving,” she whispered. “Now.” Sagetooth didn’t need any further prompting, quickly, she twisted on the starry platforms and started bounding back to where they had left Lakepaw waiting. Poppyblaze was close on her tail.
“Come now, don’t be like that!” Razor jeered after them and a couple of the other cats laughed. “Come on down so we can get friendly!” 
“This is very bad,” Poppyblaze hissed under her breath. “Worse than I thought.” 
“How so?” Sagetooth tilted her ears backward in curiosity. 
“How to explain…” Poppyblaze hummed thoughtfully. “So, when a creature dies, their soul is trapped inside their body. If left there, it rots and disappears, just like the rest of them, but if someone disconnects them from their body, they can live for effectively eternity, given the right conditions.” 
“Right, as long as they’re remembered, they resist fading away,” Sagetooth nodded. 
“Not exactly,” Poppyblaze said, “but that’s not really important right now.” Sagetooth twitched an ear in irritation, wishing Poppyblaze would stop saying confusing and ambiguous new things, but held her tongue so the guide could continue. “Separating a soul from a body is a tricky process, one that guides have been teaching each other for countless millennia. It looks like, somehow, Razor has figured out how to do it, or how to brute force it at least.” 
“Alright,” Sagetooth frowned, trying to put the pieces together. “So now, instead of wasting away, the kittypets’ spirits will be stuck on the Parallel with Razor where they can harass spirits waiting to go to StarClan?”
“It’s more complicated than that,” Poppyblaze said to Sagetooth’s frustration. “Usually, Bakari comes and collects the non-Clan cats in this area, but for some reason, he hasn’t been doing that.” 
“Who is this Bakari you keep talking about?” Sagetooth grumbled. 
“The guide for feline souls,” Poppyblaze’s tail began to twitch, “exempting Clan cats who have their own guides.” 
“But that’s not-” Sagetooth grit her teeth. “That doesn’t make any sense! Only Clan cats persist after death. That’s how it’s always been!” 
“Sorry, Sage, but that’s just not true,” Poppyblaze shook her head. “Everything has its own guide -- cats, dogs, mice, birds, beetles, twolegs. Everything! There’s even a guide who collects the plants! He’s a big ol’ thing with a prehensile nose and the shaggiest fur you’ve ever seen. Name’s Frost. Lovely guy, excellent conversationalist.” 
“Poppyblaze!” Sagetooth snapped, lashing her tail. They were almost back to Lakepaw now and she turned around to glare at the old spirit. “Enough about the plants! I still don’t understand what’s going on!” 
“It’s a lot to understand,” said Poppyblaze sympathetically, “but I’ll try to summarize.” She shifted her posture, collecting her thoughts, and said, “Alright, so Bakari usually collects the spirits of cats from outside the Clan. Every so often, a creature with a particularly strong will can separate themself on their own -- that’s how the first guides were created and it's what I assumed Razor had done. When I ran into him the first time, he said that he’d already destroyed two other cats and since EarthClan’s guide had never returned from gathering Darkmoon, I assumed they were the cats he’d destroyed.
“But this is so much worse. I think he destroyed Bakari when he tried to take Razor to the next life. He’s obsessed with getting back to his body like Goldenstar did and said he was going to keep killing cats until someone showed him how.”
“Oh,” Sagetooth swallowed. “That’s definitely not good.” 
“And that’s not all,” continued Poppyblaze. “If he’s only killed two cats and they were Bakari and Chestnutsprout, then Darkmoon is missing. He could be here on the parallel or he might be lost in the Clouds! Who knows!” 
“Then we need to get back to StarClan,” Sagetooth said. “They have to know.” 
“Agreed,” Poppyblaze chewed her lip. “Come on, let’s grab Lakepaw and get moving.” They padded quickly over the remaining distance to where Lakepaw was waiting dutifully for them. 
“Is everything okay?” she called as they approached. 
“Everything’s fine, dear,” said Sagetooth.
“Not really,” smiled Poppyblaze, “but we’re all safe for now. Let’s keep climbing, okay?” 
“Okay,” nodded Lakepaw and they all started up the platforms again. 
Sagetooth glared at Poppyblaze. “You didn’t have to worry the kit like that.” 
“She deserves to hear the truth,” Poppyblaze shrugged. “Or would you prefer I hide things from her like StarClan hid things from you?” Sagetooth’s anger fizzled immediately. 
“I suppose I’d rather not lie to her,” she sighed. After a moment she asked, “Why did StarClan keep the nature of things a secret? What harm is there in knowing other creatures have spirits that linger just like we do?” She trusted that there was some explanation, that StarClan had made the choice with good reason, but she couldn’t think of what it could be.
“A lot of them don’t know,” Poppyblaze admitted, “not any more at least. And the cats who do, well, you’d have to ask them, but I suspect they thought it would keep the Clans in line.” 
“In line?” Sagetooth sputtered. “What are you talking about?” 
“Well,” Poppyblaze hummed, “if you think that leaving the Clan means you lose your chance at the afterlife, you’re a lot more inclined to stay in the Clan, aren’t you?”
Sagetooth scowled. “I suppose.” This was very troubling. Wasn’t that for the best though? Leaving the Clan was tantamount to death. The poor young cats who were seduced by the lives of kittypets or rogue lovers were abandoning their homes, their traditions, their families. But still, even if their spirits existed after death, they didn’t get to hunt in StarClan’s forests so why lie? Wasn’t the outcome the same either way? The whole situation didn’t sit right with her at all. 
“Alright,” Poppyblaze said, as they neared the lower reaches of cloud cover. “We’re about to head into the Clouds, alright? It’s pretty maze-like in there and easy to get lost so make sure you stay where you can see me and let me know if you need to stop or slow down, got it?” 
“Yes ma’am,” Lakepaw said, eyes wide with awe. 
“Fine,” Sagetooth huffed, still deep in thought. This wasn’t what she had imagined her voyage to StarClan would be like. Still, she resolved to make the most of it and so set her shoulders and raised her head proudly. There would be time to get to the bottom of things and she was going to, that much was certain.
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twst-drabbles · 15 hours
Malleus 17
Summary: Most of Malleus’s day is spent zoning out while bathing in sunlight. It’s always fun to see his little lizard brain occasionally spark up an idea.
(I used to have pet lizards. Loved the way their eyes convey the absolute emptiness going on in their brain.)
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Malleus hasn’t blinked for the past hour. He just sits there, on the window sill, face turned towards the sunlight as he stared into the lush yard outside. From a certain angle, he almost looks forlorn, like a doll abandoned by the side of the road.
If Sebek was here, he’d certainly be fretting around Malleus, trying to snap him out whatever trance he was caught up in. And Silver would whisper his concerns into your ear, hoping you’d give him ideas as to what’s wrong with Malleus despite being his owner for longer. And Lilia, cute bat Lilia, he’d be trying to goad Malleus into playing a flying game with him just to get him moving.
You walked over, leaned against the window sill, and poked Malleus on the forehead. He didn’t so much as twitch, his eyes remain unblinking. You pushed your finger against his head and watched as he practically became a wobble doll. You let go and Malleus still body rocked back and forth until he was stable again.
Malleus was still staring off into the distance.
You snorted. “Not a thought behind those eyes, huh? Empty-headed little critter.”
Bathing in sunlight always does this to him, like the warmth of sun soothed all the chaos in his head into nothingness.
There’s nothing wrong with him, Malleus was just zoning out for the moment. He’ll be back online in a moment. It’s always entertaining to hear the way Silver describes him, like this little pet was some always caught up in some grand and mysterious scheme. A magical genius so smart that his thoughts escape everyone’s comprehension.
That’s not quite it thought. Malleus is Malleus, and he’s more the kind of pet to get stuck on one particular thought or subject for weeks on end. All pets have different phases and routines, and long-living fae pets such as Malleus were no exception. He’s just slower to get to the next phase.
You opened the window. The wind gently blew right past the both of you, guiding the falling leaves and gently caressing your curtains. You took a deep breath in, and sighed it out.
Suddenly, Malleus’s eyes snapped wide open, back stiff and wings jittery. Energetic, excited about something.
“Oh?” You lowered your head. “Did you get an idea?” Are the gears finally turning again in his brain.
You scratched at his soft belly scales and laughed when he practically launched himself out of your hand. He was practically a rocket as he shot out the window, barely more than a blur as he flew in a pattern only he knew.
This month’s obsession seems to be dizzying flight patterns. All because Malleus witnessed Lilia’s flying right after he finished eating some of Crowley’s fermented peaches.
After a round of unsteady figure eights, Malleus finished with a belly flop on the grass, as Lilia did before. He got up, cleaned himself off, and fly once more. He’s nothing if not determined, that’s for sure. Still, it’s hilarious that he spent the entire day zoning out at your house.
Sure, you were a little concerned when he first did it, but you figured it out soon enough. You did as you usually do and let the pets do their own thing.
Maybe that’s why Malleus likes to come over here often. You’ve never been much of a person that fusses. Unless they’re putting themselves in active danger, you’re not going to bother them every single second of their life.
Well, whatever the reason may be, it’s still made clear that your house is a place to zone out in. You know you do that often. And, you will admit, you love the way Malleus's eyes go all empty like that.
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queenshelby · 2 days
The Orphan (Part Two)
Pairing: Dark! Thomas Shelby x Reader
Warning: Sub-Con, Pure Filth, Slow Burn Smut
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Over the next ten days, Mr Shelby made you take his fingers every night and it became less painful when he did. He started with one, for three nights, and then used a second one to stretch you out a little more.
He would often kiss and lick you down there too which was something that confused you and, every night, he would ejaculate  all over your mound and watch as some of it dripped down your thighs.
You could never find the courage to ask him to stop, but the thought of it repulsed and turned you on all at the same time.  
He called you his good girl , his sweet and innocent thing. And you couldn't help but hate and like the way those words sounded on his lips.
You were sore and aching by the end of the ten days and it came as a slight relief to you when you got your first period since moving to Arrow House. But this did not deter Tommy of course, who had another idea to train you to become a proper maid.
"It's alright Love," he thus said when you told him  hesitantly that you had started your period, "We'll just have to skip the fingering for now and move to the next step, eh?" 
You looked at him, puzzled, as he led you back to your bedroom, where he then motioned to the bed, telling you to kneel in front of it. You did as instructed, still unsure of what was about to happen.
"I think it's time you learn how to please me with your mouth," Tommy explained. "It's an important skill to have when you're working here."
He stood on the edge of the bed, and you looked up at him, curious but also unsure about what he meant.
"Don't worry, I will teach you how to do it," he said, unzipping his pants and pulling out his already hard cock which, by now, was eye level with you. 
You couldn't help but stare at it, the way it twitched and pulsed in his hand, and you couldn't help but feel intimidated.
"Now be a good girl, and open your mouth," Thomas instructed, caressing your cheek.
You did as you were told, parting your lips as he took a step closer. He grabbed the back of your head with one hand, and guided the tip of his cock towards your waiting mouth.
"That's it, good girl," he praised, as you hesitantly wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock. "I know it's all new  to you, but you're doing great."
You gagged slightly as he slid deeper into your mouth, but he stopped and waited patiently for you to adjust. 
"Shh , just relax," Thomas whispered, running his fingers through your hair. "Let my cock  slide in and out of your mouth, nice and slow."
You nodded, closing your eyes as he guided your head back and forth. It was strange, satisfying him like this. You could taste him, salty and slightly bitter on your tongue.
He started to move faster, gently fucking your mouth. His grip in your hair tightening as he held you steady. He groaned, the sound so raw and masculine that it made you feel things, deep down inside, that you didn't quite understand yet.
You gagged  again, Thomas's cock hitting the back of your throat, but he didn't seem to notice. He just kept fucking your mouth, harder and faster now, his hips pistoning back and forth as he took what he wanted from you.
"Just relax your throat , Love. Let it happen," Thomas grunted, his voice thick with desire as he pushed deeper into your mouth, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat, making you gag again.
He pulled out slightly. "Keep still now," he commanded, before pushing himself back in again, but this time, he forced himself to slide down your throat even further, his pubic hair  brushing against your lips. You gagged and tears leaked from the corners of your eyes until, suddenly, he groaned loudly and began to spurt his hot, salty cum down your throat.
"Swallow it all down, that's it ," Thomas growled, gripping your hair tightly.
You tried your best to swallow everything, but some of it dribbled down your chin and onto your chest, making you cough.
"Good girl," Thomas purred, pulling out of you and patting your head in approval. "You're learning quickly."
He tucked his cock back into his pants and zipped up, leaving you kneeling on the floor, spit and cum still dribbling down your chin.
You felt humiliated and used, but at the same time, there was a strange satisfaction in pleasing him.
You weren't sure if you should be proud of yourself or ashamed, but you knew that you didn't have a choice in the matter.
Thomas walked over to the basin and wet a cloth before kneeling down and gently wiping your face clean. "You did well, Love," he said softly, as he helped you to your feet and guided you to the bed.
You lay down, feeling exhausted but also still wired from what had just happened.
Thomas sat on the edge of the bed, watchng you intently. He reached out and traced a finger down your arm, sending a shiver of desire through you.
"I am proud of you my sweet girl," he murmured, then leaned in and pressed a delicate kiss to your lips. "And when you finish your period, I will finally be putting my cock into your precious little cunt, eh," he whispered, making your stomach clench with anticipation.
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murdrdocs · 2 days
parasites making me think about giving eric draven head.
the way he kisses you leading up to it. his hands on your waist and hips, gripping your flesh like he's shocked that you're here right now and he doesn't want to ever lose you. you know it's how he truly feels. it's nice to have his words reinforced in his hands.
he always puts your pleasure first, leaving you to be the bad guy when you gently glide his hands away from your cunt. he pulls away from your lips regretfully, his lips still pursed as he blinks at you through lidded eyes. his eyebrows do that thing, the one where the arches lift in a minute tick. you only notice it because you notice him.
there's an unspoken answer to an unspoken question showing itself when you slyly smile. you let your actions speak for you as you sink to your knees, settling yourself between his long legs.
"baby," he coos, as if to say you don't have to.
"baby," you affirm. i want to.
the tension in his body evaporates into the air surrounding you both as you take him into your hand and press your tongue against his tip. you lick the pre off of him, making sure to get the droplet that has fallen off to the side of him.
there are times where you tease him a bit. where you like to see how much he could take before he asked you to give him more or took matters into his own hands, which is rarer than a blue moon. he's so big and intimidating, but he always lets you set the pace. one day you'll get him to break.
usually, you give it to him straight away—wrapping your lips around his tip, flattening your tongue around the underside, sinking down as far as you could go without being as warmed up as you could be.
there are the times where he'll help warm you up, fucking your mouth with two of his fingers, sticking them far back over and over again to get you used to the motion before you took something bigger. but today, you just do the same thing with his cock, taking him deeper and deeper every time.
and each time when your gag reflex triggers around his cock, his stomach tenses, abs briefly flashing every single time.
he's pliant beneath your hands and mouth. not so intimidating when he's whining and digging his feet into the ground with efforts to keep still. he reminds you of yourself when he's like this, completely at the mercy of the other, struggling to comply by still doing so. except, when your positions are flipped, you make a point of being a bit brattish about it. your hand grips eric's hair instead of places itself on the back of his head like his hand does to you. you force him into your cunt instead of let him set the pace.
he's much kinder about it all.
he won't say it, but you know he likes it when you make a mess on his cock. when saliva pools around your mouth and dribbles down to gather in his pubes. when your eyeliner and mascara run down your cheeks. when you leave lipstick marks on his velvety skin.
you do your best to leave evidence, letting him paint your face with his cum instead of simply catching it in your mouth. you do it now, resisting the urge to flinch while you let eric guide your hand back and forth over his cock.
"you ready?" he asks, his voice breathy.
you nod, glancing at his cock once before looking back into his eyes. when his cock twitches in your hand, you pinch your eyes shut and let the warmth rain over your visage.
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kesujo · 22 hours
Chapter 6: Sick Days - Part 2
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Previous chapter here.
Shortly after Parker re-entered the bedroom, upon Jessica’s insistence, he was once again completely nude along with Jessica, trapped against her shapely bottom rubbing against his groin and his growing erection. “Hmm, there’s your cute little friend,” Jessica sang in satisfaction, Parker’s hardening member shamelessly poking at her upper thighs.
Parker wanted to complain, but he knew his words would fall on deaf ears. But maybe, if he tired Jessica out quickly enough, she would permit him to leave. So, instead, he did the opposite;. he took a second to align his rod with her core before swiftly pushing himself inside her.
“Oh, fuck,” Jessica yelped, muffling her voice with the blanket, “Eager, are we? Did you finally give in?”
“The sooner you tire out, the sooner I leave.”
“Ooh, so you’re planning on tiring me out?” Jessica’s salacious remark only earned her a groan from Parker. “Are you going to fuck me so hard that I can’t walk tomorrow morning?”
“Shut up,” he grunted softly, pushing his dick inside her until he felt the pillowy, firm softness of her ass pressing against his crotch. “You just want to fuck, don’t you? You just want to cum a few times with the dick of your husband’s best friend, right? If I can’t get out of it, then at least I can give you what you want as quickly as possible so that I can go back home.”
“Tell me more,” she whispered back, guiding his hands, which were resting on her hips, up towards her boobs. “Tell me how much of a dirty slut I am.” Parker’s hands were placed on her breasts, cupping the sizable mounds in the palm of his sturdy hands. He obliged in Jessica’s silent request, closing his fingers around the pliable skin and feeling the velvety softness in his palms and on his fingers. “Tell me how much of a cheating whore I am, to be fucking my husband’s best friend.” Parker grimaced again, a surge of guilt invading his body parallel the wave of pleasure at the feeling of Jessica’s hot vaginal walls, sticky with her—and possibly, his—own cum squeezing his meat in a vice-grip and her tits giving way to his every kneading and squeezing motion. “Fuck, yes. Milk my slutty tits dry, fuck my naughty ass red, and then deposit all of your semen straight into my greedily waiting pussy.”
“You—you want my cum so badly?” The words coming out of his mouth felt so unnatural, but if it was going to bring Jessica closer to orgasm as it proved to do in the past, then he was willing to do it. “Does your slutty pussy really need my cum so badly, even after receiving that first load?”
“Yes, fuck, god yes,” Jessica replied, her voice indicative of her increasing breathlessness. “I can’t get enough of your cock or the hot feeling of your thick cum filling up me up with your cock stuffing my pussy to the brim. Just the thought of my body vibrating while succumbing to an orgasm with your dick stuffed deep inside me, stretching my tight little cunt is enough to get me to soak my panties…”
As their pace increased, Parker started to hear the audible noise of her butt damp with cum slapping against his groin, moist with a similar liquid, and tried to adjust accordingly. However, Jessica was having none of it. “What are you doing?” she whined, adding a brief rotating, grinding motion against his groin every time Parker’s dick kissed Jessica’s cervix. “You really don’t need me to tell you that you can be rough, do you? After all these times, why do you still insist on waiting for me to ask?”
“Well, for one, if I just start off by doing what you want, doesn’t that mean that you’ve won?”
Jessica couldn’t help but giggle at that. “What? Won? Oh! You mean when I said that thing about feeling like this is a game of trying to ‘soil’ you?”
“Yeah. Plus, I mean, you aren’t normal in many regards.”
“Aw, thanks,” Jessica replied, playfully shaking her ass against his groin. Parker groaned, gritting his teeth as another wave of ecstasy rose up his body.
“I-I meant, that most girls don’t like it as rough as you do, I bet. And I feel like if I get used to starting off too rough, then I’ll just default to it if I ever have sex with other girls.”
“What? You mean to tell me that, with your looks and your dick size, that you aren’t having sex with other girls?” Parker refused to award the teasing remark a response. “Fuck, well, they’re all missing out … maybe I can introduce you?”
“You’re—what is wrong with you?”
Jessica simply giggled. “That can’t have been the only reason though, right? That you’re scared you’ll get too accustomed to being rough when fucking a girl?”
“Well, I mean, it’s loud, isn’t it?”
“You think Hunter can hear the sound of my ass slapping against you through two doors? Fuck me harder, or I’ll give Hunter something to hear.”
It was an extremely precarious situation. Ordinarily, or ‘ordinarily’, Parker would just take this as a final warning from Jessica and use his full strength. However, now he had to make sure to strike a delicate balance; use enough strength to please Jessica, but not so much that it created noise that would draw Hunter’s attention.
So, Parker’s solution was just to gradually ramp up the speed and intensity until the sound of sex was audible to Parker, but still soft enough to not drown out the sound of the running heater of the apartment. “You’re such an attention seeking bitch that you resorted to pretending to be sick so that you could get the attention of both your caring husband and my cock inside your pussy, huh? Are you content, being my personal sex toy while your husband labors just a room away?”
“Yes, fuck Parker, your—” her tone quickly shifted, her body freezing in an instant. “Hunter.” The one word caused Parker such an overwhelming amount of panic that his entire body froze—luckily, the same wasn’t the case for Jessica, who got over her initial shock quickly. “Scoot back, create as much distance between us as possible, and pretend to be asleep.”
Parker obeyed, extracting his sopping wet dick out of Jessica and shifting over, closing his eyes the millisecond he heard the doorknob turning. “Jessica? How are you?”
Jessica, who had also shifted to the edge of the bed while still making sure that the blanket was still adequately covering the two, resumed her ‘sickly’ act. “I’m good,” she replied in a whisper, motioning Hunter to lower his voice.
Hunter, although confused, obeyed as he asked, “What’s Parker doing on the bed?”
The question made Parker start sweating bullets. In the split second that followed, Parker imagined all the fallout that would happen after Hunter learned of the truth: Hunter yelling at his wife, Hunter’s disdainful look at him as Parker collected his clothes and left … but none of it came. Instead, what came was Jessica’s calm, steady voice, “He’s asleep. He didn’t tell you, but he mentioned how, last night, he worked late and fell asleep while kneeling on the bed just now. I didn’t want him to sleep in such an uncomfortable position but didn’t want to disturb you, so I pulled him up onto the bed and tried to create as much distance so he wouldn’t catch my cold.”
“I see. Why’s he on the side closer to the wall though?” Parker saw that loophole in Jessica’s explanation as soon as he heard what she had to say but resisted the urge to spring up and concede and beg for Hunter’s forgiveness. He didn’t really have a choice but to rely on Jessica, a decision that turned out to pay off.
“Well, he was heavy, so I had to use my entire body to get him onto the bed, which ended up with him being on the other side of me.” Parker couldn’t believe it. How calm Jessica and Hunter were despite how bad the situation must’ve looked—although maybe it didn’t look as bad from Hunter’s point of view, not knowing that the two of them were naked underneath the covers—but even more so, he couldn’t believe how believable Jessica’s response was. “What, did you think I was cheating on you with him? Or that Parker would take advantage of his best friend’s sick wife like that?”
Parker dared not even grit his teeth, as much as that teasing question made him want to stuff her mouth with a thick cloth. Although, honestly, Jessica might like that.
But what was more nerve-wracking was the following silence, a few seconds that felt like several eternities, resolving with Hunter’s chuckle and a statement, “Yeah, you’re right. I tried to imagine it and couldn’t even do that. He would never.” Parker let out an internal sigh of relief. Was it that Hunter was being naïve, or was it that Jessica was really that convincing? Parker didn’t know, nor did he care to know—all that he could hope for was that Hunter still hadn’t caught on. “Well, when Parker wakes up, tell him that lunch is on me. I gotta get back to work.”
“OK, love you.”
“Love you too.”
With that being his final words, he closed the door as signified by a final click! At the noise, Parker let out a more audible sigh of relief, Jessica turning around and smirking at him. “Hear that? You would never.”
“I mean, he’s right, though. If you had your way, I would’ve never been able to see your magnificent dick, much less fuck it as many times as I have already.”
“Speaking of—”
“You’re not going anywhere.”
“I mean—I mean, Hunter almost caught us twice.”
“But that’s what makes it fun! That made me so wet, come back inside me and see for yourself.”
He knew that he should just get it over with, but for whatever reason, that brief interruption completely drained all his motivation to do so. “I really…”
“Come oon, my slutty little pussy is getting cold and lonely without your hot, thick cock inside it,” she whined, closing the distance and grabbing Parker’s hand, grinding her ass against Parker’s erection.
He could feel his dick twitch in excitement, but the guilt pounding at his brain overwhelmed the lust. “Hunter was so trusting of me, and I’m here fucking his wife…”
“Aww, you really are a great friend, aren’t you?” Jessica’s playful demeanor subsided and was replaced with a genuinely concerned voice, “Don’t think of it like that then. You can just think of me as the bad guy and yourself as the victim. Because, I mean, you sort of are.”
Parker just scoffed at that. Honestly, in the past few weeks, he had been griping with the notion that he was technically a victim of rape, as weird as it sounded considering he was a guy, talking about a girl that was, well, ‘raping’ him. It went against all his preconceived notions of the word but knew it to be true. However, that wasn’t even the thing that made Parker scoff. “Then isn’t it a bit weird for a ‘rapist’ to console her ‘victim’?”
“Don’t word it like that!”
“Then what would you call it?”
“I would say, ‘adventuring partner’.”
“Enough, my pussy isn’t going to fuck itself. Come on, quickly.”
 Parker sighed, although the brief exchange did make him feel a little better about the whole situation somehow and acquiesced with her demand. He quickly found out that Jessica’s claim did have merit; despite having been inside her just minutes ago, Parker found considerable difficulty in pushing his entire length back inside Jessica’s hot hole.
“Mmph, fuck, you’re stretching my naughty little cunt so much,” Jessica groaned, her hips rotating slowly, easing herself onto Parker’s cock. “God, you feel so much bigger…”
“You really are an attention-seeking slut.” The words were mostly spoken out of frustration than lust, his words reflecting a fraction of his true thoughts. “You almost get caught cheating by your husband, and your pussy’s response is to get tighter?”
“Fuck, yes, I’m such a cock-addicted cumwhore,” Jessica moaned, her walls contracting even more in response to Parker’s dirty talk.
“Do you love the idea of risking your marriage just for some dick so much? Do you love feeling my cum blasting your pussy walls with semen so much? Next thing you know, you’ll want me to fuck you while Hunter’s watching. Is that what you want? Feeling your pussy stretched wide open by my cock while your loving, caring husband watches on in both parts betrayal and lust?”
“Fuck … fuck, Parker…” Jessica’s words becoming more and more of a jumbled mess, a slight yelp escaping her lips as Parker’s cock brushed the entrance to her infertile womb. Jessica’s hands, massaging her own tits and pinching and squeezing her own nipples, were slowly replaced with Parker’s, who used the leverage to increase the force and speed of his thrusts. With his orgasm coming at a rapid pace, Parker abandoned all inhibitions and wildly chased the euphoric high, disregarding even the increased volume of Jessica’s plump ass striking Parker’s cleanly shaven crotch at every stroke, until he let out a final warning grunt before burying his cock deep inside the wanton women’s core, a second load of thick, white substance splashing fiercely against Jessica’s womb.
Jessica’s hands came to her mouth, muffling the yelping moaning sound that her body was uncontrollably creating in response to Parker’s orgasm, the second dumping of semen inside her bringing the seductress closer to the edge. Jessica let Parker ride out his orgasm, so it came to a surprise to her to feel him continuing to thrust inside her despite being spent.
“Parker, you can stop.”
“You-you didn’t cum yet.”
A smile found its way onto Jessica’s lips, patting the back of Parker’s hands, still attached to her breasts, saying, “It’s OK. Get off the bed.”
Parker almost couldn’t believe it. Was Jessica letting him go this quickly?
“Thank god.”
The words escaped his lips as he reached over to grab his clothes, Jessica wordlessly letting Parker put his clothes on and climb out of the bed over her. However, his gradually building hopes were quickly dashed the moment he climbed off the bed, Jessica grabbing his hand and saying, “Kneel at the edge of the bed, and eat me out.”
There was no way. This—this—surely was where Parker had to draw the line. Fucking Jessica while Hunter was on a business trip? Fine, he couldn’t possibly catch them in the act. Fucking Jessica while separated by a non-soundproof apartment wall? Fine, just don’t make any noise. Fucking Jessica inside a bathroom while Hunter was enjoying a meal at the table, potentially sitting on the very chair they were having sex just minute ago? Fine, at least Hunter had to open the door. Fucking Jessica in her shared bed with Hunter while Hunter was just a few doors away? Fine, at least there were still a few barriers of separation (the door and the blanket), not to mention that they could separate if either of them noticed Hunter coming.
But eating Jessica out while in plain view, of everything, with Parker’s ability to detect Hunter compromised?
“There’s no way. We’ll get caught. I can’t do this.”
Jessica flung the covers off, her nude body revealing itself in all its glory. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to finish myself—”
“Fine, OK? Fine.” Parker could feel his heartbeat in his ears as his panic spiked yet again, Jessica’s triumphant grin only making him curse himself at his own powerlessness.
The sly Asian woman retreated back underneath the covers, Parker mentally preparing himself and kneeling at the edge of the bed. “You better be on edge for Hunter, though.”
“Oh, I will. I mean, I have a stake in this as well you know; if Hunter ever finds out, we’ll never be able to do this again, after all.”
Despite the actual words that came out of her mouth, the confident tone Jessica used reassured him enough to get him to start focusing on the task at hand. Under the thick covers of the blanket, he could see Jessica spread her legs a little, shortly after a hand lifting the covers at waist-level. He could just about feel the musky heat of lust emanating from the peephole into the darkness, took a final deep breath, and burrowed his head into it.
He was immediately met with an invisible barrier of heat as his vision lowered to almost nothing. The only thing he could see was a vague outline of Jessica’s slim legs, but Parker felt barely able to keep his eyes open at the wave of warmth his face was submerged inside, as if his head was submerged inside a thick, viscous soup but with none of the wetness. “Shit…” Parker murmured, his hands on the outside gripping the bedsheets more tightly as he pushed through, letting Jessica loop her leg around his head as it neared her womanhood.
Almost all senses disappeared except for his sense of touch which was completely enveloped in Jessica’s body heat radiating from her hot core, and when his face finally made contact with her wet folds, a sweet, sticky wetness on his lips. Jessica shivered, biting back a moan, her legs tightening around Parker’s head, the growing sensation of orgasm reigniting inside her.
“Oh, fuck…” Jessica’s lustful moans and sighs and whimpers went largely unnoticed by Parker, mostly because he couldn’t hear them as the tight grip of Jessica’s legs on his head meant that his ears were being plugged by her velvety thighs. His hands soon joined his head underneath the covers for added stability, his tongue exploring the moist depths of Jessica’s warm cavern, the taste of her nectar flooding his senses. The more he continued, the wetter his face got, and the more anxious he started to feel: why couldn’t Jessica just cum already? Was Hunter going to catch them? Could he even wipe his face off in time if he did?
Parker tried to shove those thoughts away and focus only on Jessica, but it was damn near impossible. The feeling of her smooth thighs around his head, the shuddering of her body as he continued his assault on her nethers, the warmth of her pulsating pussy walls as his tongue glided along its sticky surface, none of it was enough to distract him from the imminent threat of Hunter. And it turned out to be a good thing as, just as Jessica’s orgasm spilled over the tipping point, her hands shot down and pushed his head away.
Parker immediately understood the intention, his heartrate shooting all the way back up, hastily grabbing the inside of the blanket and wiping his face before emerging from underneath the blanket mere seconds before the door opened back up.
“Oh, hey Parker, you’re awake.”
“Hey, sorry for falling asleep earlier—”
“No, I don’t wanna hear it. I’m sorry for making you take care of my wife after having such a busy day.” Parker just shrugged nonchalantly, hoping his acting was convincing enough. “Thanks again for agreeing to this.”
“Yeah, thanks Parker,” Jessica interluded, not a hint of the playful teasing tone Parker knew she desperately wanted to use, “I really owe you one.” Parker could imagine the teasing grin on her face Jessica would be wearing if they were alone, but knew he had no choice but to play along.
“No problem, really. In fact, this was a nice excuse to take some PTO from work. Also,” Parker turned fully around, standing up and looking at Hunter, “sorry for falling asleep on the bed. I heard about what Jessica did for me and I appreciate it, but I just wanted to—”
“No no no, don’t apologize for that. Are you trying to make me sound like the bad guy, demanding an apology for falling asleep after overworking yourself last night? If you need to sleep, go back to your apartment and take a nap, I don’t want to bother you.”
This was it. This had to be the chance Parker was looking for. The one benefit of Hunter’s proximity and constant check-ins was that he could give Parker an excuse to leave Jessica before she was willing.
“Thanks—” Almost as soon as Parker opened his mouth, he heard Jessica shift on the bed behind him. That one sound, a seemingly innocuous action from the wedded woman, triggered a vision of sorts, imagining Jessica threatening to throw off the covers should he leave. Although Jessica didn’t explicitly state it, the fact that he strongly believed Jessica would do so and the fear that she would caused him to change his mind mid-sentence. “—but I think I’m good. I might just need some food in me, but I can always just go to bed early today.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I got this.”
Hunter nodded graciously. “I really owe ya one, Parker. How about lunch, on me? What do you feel like eating?”
“You don’t need to—”
“I insist.” Hearing those words, Parker knew there was no more arguing with him. “It’s the least I can do.”
“Hm … how about Panera Bread? They also sell soup that Jessica can eat, right?”
“Good thinking; the usual for you?”
Hunter soon after left the room after announcing his imminent departure, and it wasn’t until the pair heard the door of the residence close that Jessica broke out into another smile. “You know, I was half-debating whether or not to let you finish me off anyway and see if I could explain it away.”
“Are you serious?”
Parker’s words, while initially in response to Jessica’s admission, could also be applied to her pushing aside the blanket and bringing herself to a sitting position. Parker diverted his gaze, unwilling to look at her naked body if he could help it. “Finish me off with your dick.”
 “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Trying to cum with your veiny cock stuffed deep inside my pussy.”
“What-what if Hunter comes back home?”
“Well, we’ll be able to hear it, but why would he? And I don’t need much, come inside and see for yourself how much wetter and tighter I got,” she said with a playful grin on her face, the last part of the sentence spoken in a sing-song teasing manner.
Parker cursed to himself and turned back to face Jessica, seeing her legs splayed at an obtuse angle and her glossy pink slit clearly visible, her upper body leaning back slightly, supported by her arms, her tits raising and falling with the motion of her breath, her nipples noticeably still erect. While her body was definitely to die for, the sexiest thing about everything was the confident expression on her face and the proud way she displayed her body to him.
“I’m limp.”
Jessica pursed her lips, her eyes falling on his bulge—or rather, its noticeably diminished size. “Well, that’s no good, is it?” Jessica sat up straight and leaned forward, her luscious boobs now hanging more freely off her chest. “Come here, take off your pants and let me help you.”
“I just put them on…” Parker muttered, shuffling forward and pulling them down regardless. He left them pooled at his feet just in case and stopped when his now growing erection was within easy touching distance of the salacious woman.
“Mmm, such a good boy, you’re so happy to see me, aren’t you?” Jessica cooed, her delicate fingers wrapping firmly around the circumference of his girthy member. Parker bit his lip, his legs tensing at the instinctive, primal feeling of pleasure and arousal surging through his body.
A smile befell Jessica’s face, giving it a few pumps for good measure before removing her fingers from his dick and to her chest. “Come closer,” she commanded Parker, who begrudgingly obeyed, and brought her voluptuous breasts to his hardening shaft and enveloped it with the soft sags of flesh.
“Shit,” the curse word naturally fell out of Parker’s mouth, hissing in pleasure as the warmth and pressure from the motion caused another surge of arousal.
“You like that? You like feeling my tits smothering your cock like that?” Jessica teased Parker, grinning as she rubbed the length of his cock with her boobs. Up and down, up and down … with each stroke, Parker could feel his embarrassment raising in parallel with his dick, until its tip escaped the warm confines of Jessica’s cleavage, poking out above it. “Mmm, there it is,” she cooed again, her face drawn to the tip of Parker’s cock oozing with precum.  Without much of a warning, she stuck her tongue out and lapped up the fluid, giving it a few more kisses before releasing it. “There, now you’re ready to go.” Jessica shifted back into her original leaned-back position, her legs spreading out to reveal the glistening slit similarly oozing with her own precum.
Parker simply looked at it, then Jessica’s eager expression, before sighing. “Fuck,” he muttered again, knowing he didn’t really have a choice. He grabbed Jessica’s legs and captured it in the crook of his elbow, angling her entrance upwards, using one hand to guide his cock while the other made way for it. As he neared it, he could once again feel the heat radiating from the sex organ, but didn’t give himself much time to feel it, instead choosing to plunge into the depths of Jessica’s vagina.
“Hmm, fuck…” Jessica moaned, her back arching and her eyes closing, her legs wrapping around his arms, tensing at the feeling of the thick phallic object penetrating her yet again.
Although he never really wanted to know, Parker soon found out that indeed, Jessica was right; somehow, she had gotten even tighter, so much so that he was having pushing himself inside, even with gravity on his side. “Fuck, it’s so tight,” Parker found himself muttering, gritting his teeth as he struggled past Jessica’s vaginal walls fiercely hugging his cock, slathering it anew with her juices, all the while Jessica unleashing a chorus of erotic moans and sighs and strings of dirty talk.
“Fuck me, god, your cock, it’s stretching me so much, holy fuck you feel so big, god I can’t believe how fucking good this feels, god I’m such a slut for enjoying the cock of my husband’s best friend…”
Parker’s mouth remained shut, only emitting the occasional groans and grunts, finding it necessary to pull out and push back in many times before he finally felt his balls making contact with Jessica’s ass. “Fuck, I don’t know how the hell I’m going to do this when you’re this tight.”
“It doesn’t matter, I’m so fucking close, oh god, I want to cum all over your dick so badly, Parker, please…”
Parker took in another deep breath, recuperating his strength before resuming, extracting his cock halfway before slamming it back inside. “Oh fuck! More!”
Parker obliged, gritting his teeth while pulling his dick out until only about a third remained inside her, bracing his knees against the edge of the mattress before pistoning the rest of his length back inside. Jessica’s sexually-charged moans continued, urging Parker to go faster and deeper with each thrust, culminating in a final few, barely coherent words streaming out of her mouth followed closely by an ecstatic scream, her voice fully unleashed now that Hunter was no longer in the vicinity. The orgasm wracking her body, rending her unable to do anything but shake violently atop Parker’s cock, flooding it with wave after wave of the sticky substance from her core. Her arms eventually gave way, her upper body collapsing onto the bed with her tits bouncing slightly at the motion, her panting barely steadying even after her orgasm subsided.
“Fuck, that was good.”
Parker took that as a sign that he could pull out, reaching down to pull up his pants despite the lust that built up from the fucking. “I can go now, right?”
“Nuh uh,” she sang, sitting back into an upright position, jumping off the bed and grabbing his hand. “You didn’t cum yet, and I’m not about to blue ball you like that.”
Caught by surprise, Parker’s grip of his pants vanished, stumbling out of the pool of clothing left at the feet of the bed. “Wait, my pants—”
“Panera Bread’s far away; if Hunter hasn’t returned by now because he forgot something, he won’t for a good amount of time.” Jessica was surprisingly flippant about something that had the potential to be so incriminating, but it was in part because she was so flippant that reassured Parker. “It was nice of you to recommend soup for me to Hunter, but I think I know another kind of soup that would make me feel better.”
Parker nearly burst out into laughter from that, even as Jessica guided him to sit atop the toilet with its lid down. “You sound like a porn actress.”
“Oh, that’s an idea. Do you want to do a porn shoot?” The smile quickly faded from Parker’s face. “I’ve heard of places that let people do them anonymously, like with a mask over both people’s faces and whatnot. You just set up an appointment and they pay you up front with money, and then you just fuck in front of a camera for a bit. What do you think?”
“And you really think I would agree to that?”
“Hmm…” Jessica hummed, kneeling down, her warm hands landing on his legs and gently rubbing his upper thighs. “…yeah, I think you would. It sounds fun, doesn’t it?”
“Do that with Hunter, not me.”
Jessica pouted, parting his legs slightly and inserting herself into the space between, her hands closing in on his erect cock. “Where’s the fun in that?”
“You’re—… you are so messed up.”
Jessica simply giggled, her gaze shifting away from his eyes to his cock, her palms pressing flush against the length of his cock, her slim digits wrapping around them firmly. Parker swallowed a moan, his arms balled up in fists at his sides, pushing down on the toilet lid as if trying to break it. “I’ll look for one and let you know when I find it.”
“Please don’t.”
“Well, you have no one to blame but yourself for this. You were the one who gave me the idea, after all.”
“I didn’t—fuck,” the swear word tumbled out of Parker’s already opened mouth as Jessica suddenly dove down, pressing her tongue against the base of his member and running it all the way up to the tip, giving it a loving kiss. “Wait, Jessica—I might have to pee.”
“Nice try.”
“No, I’m serious!”
Jessica pondered for a brief moment before shrugging. “Well then, do it inside my mouth. I’m fine being your personal pee and cum dumpster.”
“What the fuck are you—agh, fuck!” Again, the swear flew out of Parker’s open mouth as Jessica dove straight down onto his pulsating erection.
Jessica was relentless, taking half of it inside her mouth in one stroke. Her hands were planted at the base of the reproductive organ, her soft, pink lips caressing the perimeter of his cock, her tongue resting on the underside of the oblong object lodged inside her mouth. She let out a guttural moan, the reverberations being sent onto Parker’s dick, him jumping at the sensation.
Parker’s eyes were trained fiercely on their connection, barely watching her head retreating and Jessica taking another deep breath through the nose before impaling her throat with the phallic object. “Fuck … Jessica, please, just let me pee first at least…”
Hearing the words, Jessica’s head tilted upwards, her smiling eyes meeting his. A playfully teasing expression sat on her face, in stark contrast to the girthy length of his penis sitting atop her tongue, sitting so deep inside her mouth that it nearly touched her uvula. The pure amativeness of seeing the sexy woman at his crotch, her lips now two-thirds of the way down his rod made Parker briefly forget about his body’s urge to release a nonsexual liquid.
Maintaining eye contact the entire time, Jessica’s head came back up his cock, another shudder running across Parker’s body, before quickly plunging down. A faint gagging noise could be heard as Jessica’s throat flexed impressively to compensate for the intrusive object, a tear running down Jessica’s cheek but the smile never leaving her eyes.
“Fuck,” he muttered, the lustful grunt escaping his lips. His hands clenched into a tighter fist, the muscles in his limbs similarly tensing, watching the adulterous woman’s head bob up and down his shaft, slowly making her way down.
The small, echoey room was soon filled with sounds of Jessica’s hums of pleasure, gagging noises as her mouth attempted to take in more and more of his cock, and the occasional grunts and groans from Parker. In his peripheral vision, he could barely see Jessica’s voluptuous tits swaying with her every motion, pushing against the side of the toilet with every downward stroke. She shook her shapely romp playfully, as if a dog wagging its tail in joy, all the while squeezing Parker’s cock in the warm, tight confines of her gradually expanding mouth.
“Mmm, your cock tastes as good as I remembered,” Jessica said after briefly coming up for air. But before Parker could comment, Jessica dove right back down, her right hand sneaking behind her body, impaling her pussy with two fingers while Parker’s cock impaled her mouth.
“Shit,” Parker grimaced, the desire to pee and the desire to cum now equal in strength. As Jessica advanced further and further down his cock, the desire only built, the combined, faint squishing noises of her slim digits thrusting in and out of the same hole that was previously occupied by the object now lodged deep inside her mouth only making it worse. When Jessica finally reached the base of his cock, with no lack of somehow extremely sexy gagging noises, she let his cock sit inside her throat, her lips firmly wrapped around his girth and her tongue resting firmly against his shaft. Her eyes, which had turned downward as she focused on taking his entire length, now turned upwards and broke out into another smile upon meeting Parker’s gaze. She shook her ass playfully again, demonstrating the ease at which she could hold his penis so far down her throat, barely a sign of struggle present on her face.
After a few seconds, Jessica’s head came back up a few inches before summarily dropping back down to the base, slurping noises now joining the chorus of gagging noises filling the shared bathroom of the wedded couple. Parker grunted, his leg muscles tensing even harder, his toes curling in an attempt to hold back the overpowering flood of whatever was inside him, something that only got harder with every bob of her head, Jessica now uncontrollably slobbering all over his member, drool trickling out of the corner of her mouth. With one hand gently caressing his balls and one hand furiously pumping now every finger of her right hand inside her pussy, Jessica’s blowjob increased in intensity to an absolutely wild degree.
“Fuck, Jessica—!” That was all the warning Parker could give before that tension abruptly broke all at once, a stream of bodily fluid pouring straight into the wanton woman’s esophagus. Jessica’s throat flexed impressively once again, somehow not missing a single beat in swallowing every drop of cum, or piss, as it shot into the back of her throat. Parker felt a shudder overtake his body’s motor controls, riding out his orgasm with his cock buried deep inside Jessica’s mouth, sighing and slumping against the toilet back after it subsided.
Jessica’s head came back up Parker’s softening erection, her left hand catching the stray trails of saliva on her cheeks while the right rubbed her juices off on her tits, the pillowy skin giving way to her hand. “Mmm, I’m feeling better already,” she sang happily, looking at a Parker who was avidly avoiding her gaze in embarrassment and regret. “You can pee now if you want.”
“…That’s the thing. I don’t need to do that anymore.”
Seeing Parker’s forlorn expression, Jessica couldn’t help but laugh. “What are you acting so embarrassed about? I told you that I was willing to swallow your pee too.”
“But—why? That’s disgusting!”
“Mmm, well it was a little saltier than usual, but it still tasted great,” she noted, shrugging, “I don’t mind.”
Parker sighed, his shoulder slumping. “Fuck, I’m sorry…”
“Aww, does my little baby feel bad for using mommy as his own personal urinal?” she cooed, scooting back up to him and placing her heavy rack on his lap, directing them to his slowly softening erection. “Don’t worry baby, mommy is always willing to swallow anything that comes out of my baby’s precious cock.”
“Stop talking like that, please.”
“You say that, but I think your friend thinks otherwise,” Jessica said, watching in delight as the softening penis did a full 180 at the feeling of Jessica’s makeshift titjob.
“No, no more,” Parker replied, cursing the stamina he had developed from all the long, arduous sex sessions he had been having with Jessica.
Jessica pouted. “One more.”
“Please, I’m drained…”
The sly woman grinned, standing up and grabbing Parker’s hand, leading him back into the bedroom, singing, “We’ll see about that~”
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About You
[jungkook x Y/N] [just another self-indulgent 3.9k+ mild angst fic]
Your foot taps softly in sync with the beat of the song you’re listening to. Strange, you think. This was yours and his song. And now, as you try not to slip on the platform waiting for the train to arrive, you feel nothing.
It was just a song.
“Come dance with me.” Jungkook giggles as he stands on the couch. His foot playfully nudges your thighs, urging you to follow.
And follow you do.
If he were asking you to follow him to the depths of the ocean, you would. There is nothing you wouldn’t do for the man who safely held your heart in his hands.
He gently grabs your arms to guide them towards his shoulders, then softly and sweetly, his own hands slide down to your hips.
“This is nice,” you whisper. Eyes shying away from his; instead resting your gaze at his lip ring. Jungkook slowly sways both your bodies to the melody, careful not to push either one of you off the couch.
“It is,” he hums. The close proximity of your warm bodies has you feeling the vibrations from his chest to yours. “This song’s my favorite ever since I learned that my parents danced to this song on their wedding day,” he muses.
“You trying to tell me something, Jeon?” You tease as your hand caresses the back of his neck. Jungkook once again giggles and this time, it’s his eyes that shies away from yours.
“Yeah, someday,” he trails off. His lips ghosting over yours and you believe this is the love you dreamt about since you were nine, finally materializing—all yours to take.
“I wanna marry you someday, Y/N”
You feel it from the tips of your toes up to the roots of your hair—you are finally loved wholly.
The blaring horn of the oncoming train breaks you out of your reverie. Clutching the strap of your bag, you hurry along the commuters to the train.
Sat on the far end of the car, you lower the volume of your headphones as the next song plays.
Yet again, the memory comes to you in waves. You await for the pit of longing and regret to follow, but strangely, you no longer feel anything.
Long gone are the nights when the very same memory of Jungkook washes every sanity you have and floods you with heart-wrenching pain. The what-if's and if-only’s were keeping you away from a good night's rest and staying with you until breakfast.
A small smile graces your lips as you remember how wrecked you were. You're once again relieved as you remember surviving those tormenting days. You're here now, despite thinking you couldn't live without him.
How dramatic of you.
But looking back, you truly didn't know how to cope with the loss of true love.
How could you have gone without Jungkook's antics during Friday nights—movie marathon turning into a pillow fight, dinner at midnight, and impulsive late night drives around the neighborhood listening to your favorite album on loop.
It was nine years of your life, in which you have grown and adapted his habits as yours and him, yours.
As the train passes by a familiar building, a new sadness creeps up on you. It's not the loneliness you felt before when the loss of Jungkook was still fresh, rather, it's a yearning sadness. You lament over the memories remaining just as is.
No more nights at his place, no more brunch at the corner deli by your street, and no more whispered love confessions between heated kisses.
You wonder how long until this yearning of yours hardens and acclimates. Would it take as long as getting over the simple mention of Jungkook's name or the numbing towards the memory-filled songs you onced listened to? For years, your family and friends tiptoed around you, careful not to mention Jungkook's name. Headphones and vinyls were stashed away in boxes at the attic in fear of coming across a song that you danced to with your then-lover. You worked hard to bully down the angsty feelings that came with the memories, and now, you feel nothing at the remembrance of Jungkook.
You weren't one for cheesy quotes, but you suppose it's true what they say, "time heals all wounds".
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jolapeno · 1 day
I’m embarrassed to ask but so many fav’s are going there so how do you use ao3?
hello hello!
do not be embarrassed at all! and hopefully, i can try and help.
now, i wish to preface this by saying there's likely guides already on tumblr and i don't mean to be rehashings what they might already say/have shared, but I'm going to try and give a run down of things that might help. now, I've done this as if you're a reader, but if you're a writer and want help, pop back in!
I asked my good friend @toomanytookas for help with this one so I knew we was covering off a lot and she lovingly helped me with finding some additional resources to support my bits!
searching for your people
there are a few different search options available on AO3 to find the things you want. if you know the name of the user, you can use the search bar (as seen below).
Tumblr media
or if you're after a certain pairing, you can use the search option.
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you can then search from: works, bookmarks, tags or people.
i tend to use "works" but, others may have their own preferences. but i find this is the easiest way for me to find the things i'm after.
i don't tend to fill in every bit of info, but the ones i do are in 'work tags':
additional tags
i might check 'single chapter' (in work info) if i just want to read a one shot, but most of the time i just see what spits up. for me, additional tags is what makes navigating AO3 so much easier because I can filter by a trope (friends to lovers, colleagues, second chances) or i can filter by a "mood" (smut, fluff etc.). when you've filled in your desired bits you can click search and then your results will show.
ANOTHER great way to search is if you already know the pairing you're after. so say you're reading a Francisco morales x reader and you want MORE of that, click that tag on a piece of work and a new search will show up of all the works with that pairing.
you then have a new filter choice on the right where you can 'exclude' tags or characters too.
there's also this guide i found from 2020!
there’s also this way of searching too! with an addition from @burntheedges
another cool resource on excluding too
2. supporting your people
so, you've found yourself a writer you adore, and you've read a piece of their work. if this is a one shot, you can:
drop a kudos (like a like, but you can only ever give it once)
leave a comment (even writing "love it" or an emoji makes a day)
bookmark (this is more for you if you loved it, you can bookmark things and they save to YOUR bookmarks and you can read again without searching for it - like a lil library)
now, say that piece is a multi-chap/collection, and you want to subscribe and be notified, you can 'subscribe' at the top of the fic
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bookmarks do not notify you of a new chapter, but a subscribe will.
if you love the writer and want to know as soon as they drop anything, you can click their name, go to their profile and click 'subscribe' just under their name in the top right.
here’s a resource too!!
here’s a resource on why bookmarks/comments are cool
3. going back in time... the AO3 way
okay, we've all been there when you're engrossed in something and then life happens and you close a tab or your phone crashes (tumblr app, grr) and then the work is lost. on AO3, if you're logged in, you have a thing called 'my history' and in this is every work you've clicked on. wahay! this has saved me so often because i flick between phone and laptop a lot.
4. a final thing to be aware of...
warnings - a writer can choose to give a warning to the piece. many will use 'creator chose not to use archive warnings' or 'no archive warnings apply', but there are a few to keep an eye out for, such as:
graphics depiction of violence
major character death
'choose not to use warnings' is a read at your own risk, and i always recommend checking out the additional tags for the piece just so you know if there's any trigger warnings.
a resource on excluding (mentioned above too)
this is just a top level thought process of what i thought might help, but if there's any specific questions i will deffo try to help. this resource has a ton of helpful things too. there's also AO3 FAQs which might be able to help if i didn't actually help. and this absolutely brilliant guide created too!
thank you for the ask, and happy AO3'ing 🧡
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