#again; this is subject to change later as I figure things out šŸ¤”)
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Still unsure about Sapphireā€™s design, but doing these lil mockups really helped me pin her down better!
I plan for her to be my missing link character and Roadie the key kidā€™s reincarnation, but I might do some revamps and other stuff if I change my mind later. Or multiple different versions of her might end up existing, who knows ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ
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you-are-worth-the-wait Ā· 3 years
So weird. Just as you are telling me this I was going to write about how in my mind I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m on par to these other nurses and yet I feel like people are slowly giving me more responsibilities and instead of treating me with kid gloves like they used to, I notice itā€™s not happening as much anymore. There are still a lot of things I feel like I do not know but here they are telling me this and that, making me do this and that, and leaving me on my own to fend for myself. It happened again today and a part of me just wondered when did this change in dynamic take place šŸ¤”šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
You know that I have the utmost respect for you and your abilities and I would trust you with my life when it comes to medical judgements. Heck, I trust you with my life simply because I trust you. I do honestly believe that you can excel in anything and everything you do if you focus and apply yourself. Initial reaction, congrats, I know you are the best person for the job, and I believe in you to do well in that position. Real talk, itā€™s concerning that you are feeling this way to the point of wanting to quit. Is there a reason why you have such strong reservations with taking/accepting this position? What are the pros and cons of taking and staying at that job/position? Iā€™ll make random/wrong assumptions as to the pros and cons so I figure it best that you tell me. If you are willing to.
Whatā€™s going through your heart and mind Love? Iā€™d like to be there for you and just talk it out. Iā€™d ask if youā€™d like to meet up just to talk about this to figure out whatā€™s making you feel the way you are. I know most people would love a promotion but Iā€™ve got a bunch of scenarios playing out in my head that would give you pause and I could be way off course since I really donā€™t know whatā€™s going through your mind/heart so Iā€™m trying to understand where you are coming from. Iā€™m sure if we were able to talk it out, maybe youā€™d find some peace/clarity or possibly even more causes, concerns, and chaos. Maybe if you type it out youā€™ll be able to see it from a different perspective. Like how they say thinking and saying something out loud is completely different. Of course if you type it out it may take awhile for me to respond, or I may misread something or respond completely off topic, and I end up making things worse somehow due to a misunderstanding or choice of wrong words to explain what i actually mean to say. We both know it happens šŸ˜•
On a completely random yet same subjectā€¦would you like to give me a copy of your resume so that if an RN position opens up at the clinic, you could bypass the selection process, and be personally recommended by me? Itā€™s not going to be a guarantee that you get the position, but if a position opens up, they usually ask the staff at the clinic first if they know anyone before asking other clinics/the main hospital and then opening it up to the public. Providers is our biggest turnover, then medical assistants, then LPNs, then RNs. There was a time when I still wasnā€™t an official PACT RN where there was a crazy turnover rate for RNs due to office politics/drama and thatā€™s how I eventually ended up getting ā€œlaterally movedā€ into the position. I donā€™t there are too many talks about RNs but I have an office mate who is in here 21st year with the VA and she has talked about leaving as soon as November/December but most likely/definitely end of January. I also have another office mate who came back from a detail and he was assigned to a random PACT. He has some inner turmoil going and he recently takes about wanting to ā€œretireā€. Kinda weird. He talks about how he does not know where the money will come from but he believes it will find its way to him some way but if he does not find ā€œpeaceā€ in his situation in life and in his position with the VA, he will just leave. So odd that he decorated his desk real nice and after being here for less than a month, he took down his decorations. But anyways, youā€™d still have to interview and go up against other RNs being recommended for the position but at least youā€™d possibly get first cracks at it. Only thing that sucks is that the manager I established myself with is leaving this month so we have a brand new manager so I prolly wonā€™t have as much of an in as I do with this one as I did with the old one. But at least I could get your resume as close to the top of the pile as possible by giving your resume directly to the person who will do the interview and make the hiring decision šŸ˜¶šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜¬
Iā€™ll be out of town for two trips. 10/22-10/26. Then 10/29-10/31. Knotts scary or six flags during Halloween. So conflicted every year. I wanna go trick or treating but the chance to ride coasters with no waitā€¦crazy. Just saying cuz if you want to meet up to talk about whatā€™s going on with this situation, thatā€™s when Iā€™ll be free and/or not. Totally up to you. No pressure.
On a totally random side noteā€¦if I didnā€™t mention it yetā€¦I really really am itching to go to circus circus. I canā€™t remember if Iā€™ve relayed this to you since itā€™s been on my mind since I got back from Tennessee. My brother one day mentioned how he saw a billboard advertising circus circus and he said we should go. I told him that earlier in the week, I had called circus circus to ask them if their midway games are open. Yeahā€¦thatā€™s how badly my itch is to go šŸ„“
Soooā€¦serious talk? Midway? Serious talk then midway? Midway then serious talk? Neither? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m thinking you already know your answer. I know you say you want to do things on your own, own time, when you are ready, not wanting/needing my validation, and all the other things you feel you are working towards to be where you want to be and the person you want to be. I still had to genuinely ask and offer myself if you felt this was something you need or feel you are ready to include me in. Trust and believe in yourself as much as I trust and believe in youā€¦*hugs and skoyf*
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