#again i knowww i said i wanted to wait but you know what f past me present me is gonna fsu and not give a damn rn
Sebastian Vettel Giving Me Gender Envy - Part 3
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justanamesstuff · 5 months
Chapter 8
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Matty Healy x f!reader A/N: two more chapters and we're done with this story...craaazy! as i've said i'm not too sure about this chapter but i hope you like it guys. Keep in mind that this story originally writed it during 2020/2021..I've made A LOT of changes but the core of the story is one. Anyway, let me knowww <3 Warnings: ANGSTTTT, mention of disease, typos. Word count: 4 K
< Chapter 7
Matty firstly felt the coldness of the morning before opening his eyes. Weather was all over the place, like his mind. Summer was around the corner, but the skies around England stayed grey and the wind cold. 
He moved, side to side, in the bed, groaning, because his head was pounding so hard. Why he drank so much the night before? A flash of images flew in front of his eyes.
He sat on his bed quickly, desperately. Matty felt dizzy, so he had to close his eyes again. The singer cringed at the memories. 
As fast as he sat up, Matty moved around looking for his phone. It wasn’t there to be found. The sheets engulfed him like a snake, making him end up on the floor with a big noise. That didn’t help his other achings.
Matty continued searching.
His phone was under the bed after all. Why the fucking device always ended up there? 
He unlocked it and his first impulse was to call Y/n. Matty anxiously waited, hoping she answered. She didn’t. The frontman looked at the time, it was almost lunchtime. How much did he sleep?
He dialled again.
The call ended up quicker than before. He tried again with the same result. Matty continued trying and trying, none stop. She was obviously avoiding him, he understood. Matty finally declined.
He just sat on the floor, staring at his phone on his right hand. He was sure she hated him by that point. 
It wasn’t like he thought he didn’t deserve her treatment, but Matty couldn’t think about it. He couldn’t picture Y/n not wanting to talk to him any more. Again, he deserved it, although it hurt his heart too much. Y/n was the love of his life, but first, it was his best friend, and he hurt her pretty much. Again.
Why did he keep hurting her when he promised not to? Why no matter how much he tried to be good he still managed to do wrong to her? He fucking deserved the treatment. 
Matty fidgeted with the phone in his hand. Should he call her again? She wasn’t going to answer. He didn’t seem it possible. 
What happened last night? Everyone was beyond angry or pissed with him. Matty was sure of that. He was angry at himself. He drove past the line by way too far. 
For what he could remember –which wasn’t that much–, Ross was disappointed, George ignored his bullshit completely –just for now–, Adam was furious and Y/n was another world to be explored. Her face would linger in his mind forever. The surprise, the pain, her sadness.
 He couldn’t help himself to think what Tom thought about it. What happened with Y/n and Tom after they left? They would probably be at Y/n’s flat, talking about her foolish best friend...or ex-best friend? 
Y/n was going to forgive him? He needed to know. He needed to talk to her. Pushed by the thought, he dialled again. The voice mail answered this time, and a couple of minutes later George opened Matty’s room door.
“Stop.” G said with a look that expressed more than his words, Matty analysed his friend’s face.
“What?” he placed his phone to his ear again. Fucking voice mail.
“That.” the drummer pointed to his phone and Matty understood right away.
“I need to talk to her.”
G didn’t hesitate saying, “She doesn’t want to talk to you right now.”
“I can picture why. But- I need to talk to her!” Matty whined.
“And tell her exactly what?” George said getting angry at Matty. The frontman looked at his friend without saying anything for a solid minute.
“That I’m sorry.” he looked down, embarrassed. George scoffed at his answer.
“You have to say way more than sorry to her...if you want her to forgive you,” he stated.
“I know. But- I need to talk to her.” Matty repeated like a broken record. 
“You are not her.”
“But...she just texted and told me.”
A warmth woke up Matty’s body. “What?” he exclaimed. G said nothing. “Why is she telling you stuff? Why can’t she speak-?”
G interrupted his next words, “Because I don’t fuck her life all the time.”
“I don’t-”
“You know you do.” George exclaimed.
“Fuck you, George!” Matty shouted, standing from the floor. 
As fast as he managed to stand in both of his feet, he reached for new clothes so he could change after a quick shower. He had slept on his last nightclothes, he stank badly.
“What are you even doing?” the drummer asked, fearing his mate decided to storm off and run towards Y/n’s flat.
“I’m going to shower.”
“Why?” G inquired.
“Because I stink!”
“Don’t you even think about it.” G warned him, while Matty left his room going to the bathroom.
“Think about what?” the singer turned around.
G knew him better than believe his acting.“You know exactly what. She doesn’t want to see you at all.”
“You’re not going to do anything, Matty.”
“I need to see her, to explain, to talk...I can’t-” he said desperately.
“You have to give her time.”
“You’re not her father!”
“I’m not. I’m her and your best friend. I don’t think it is a good idea for either of you to talk right now.”
Matty felt his eyes tingling with tears. “I don’t want to lose her.” Matty sadly admitted.
“I know, I kind of understand you. But- Hear me, please.” G dared to move closer, placing his hands on Matty’s shoulders. “You fucked it up pretty big last night. She is really hurt, and she didn’t even want me there.” George let him know a little bit more, just trying to make his best friend understand the situation.
“She doesn't want you? Fuck!” 
“Yeah, so...please stop calling her and don’t go. Wait for her to come around, okay?” Matty nodded, swallowing thick.
“Am I going to lose her?”
“I don’t know, Matty. You have to think about the risks of what you did last night before actually doing anything.” 
Matty only managed to detached his body from under G’s hands, entering the bathroom. 
He had to wait for her times. 
Once and for all he had to stop being the selfish dick he was. Y/n was the love of his life, his entire life almost since the moment he saw her stood for herself. She was worth the wait no matter if he died waiting. 
The morning after the gathering at the boy’s house, Y/n woke up in the middle of her living room. Her back hurting like a b*tch, her neck very sore. She could feel the mascara that adorned her cheeks and the mess on her hair.
Although, nothing of her exterior could match what she was feeling.
Her entire body was cold due to the low temperatures, but not even sleeping without covers made her so stone cold as the pain in her heart.
She tried standing up slowly, her bones cracking at every move. Y/n reached for her phone on the coffee table. It was 10 am. Y/n didn’t believe she slept a single second because the weight in her eyes and the achings around her body were a sing of a tiredness she didn’t linked to a good night sleep.
Y/n unlocked the little device, no messages far from George and Adam asking how she was and some from the group chat before she and Tom arrived at the boy’s house. 
She already missed him. She opened their chat, readint the last messages about him apicking her up and loving words. Her heart sank on her chest. Y/n wanted him there to hold her and make the sadness go away. 
Y/n tried to call him one time, he didn’t answer. He probably was still asleep or avoiding her. Y/n didn’t want to be one of those people, but she looked at his last connection, he turned them off. 
Y/n moved around searching for a comfy place on her couch, chossing at the end the place she remember Tom sat on the night before. She curled in a little ball and started crying again. She needed his warmth around her, his contagious happiness. 
Tom was so right about her. She avoided her feelings for so long so when she had to face them, she had to face them all at once. That was painful so she preferred seeking the comfort of Tom in that case, who in reality was in excuse to not feel, to not go though her pain. He was so right about her..
She unlocked her phone again. She replied to George’s text with an emoji without expression and seconds after he was calling her.
“Hi.” she answered with a low voice.
“Hi, darlin’.” he said sweetly. 
“How are you?” she coughed trying to clear her voice.
“Fine, you?”
Her eyes watered again saying, “I don’t know.”
Y/n listened how G took in a sharp breathe. “Are you with Tom?” 
“No, he dropped me off last night and then he left…after we fought.” she told him.
“What happened?”
“I’m not so sure.”
“Did you guys bro-?”
“I don’t know. I mean, not officially but kind of.” Y/n started to cry a little.
“Oh, darling.” 
“It’s- I don’t know. I don’t know what to do or feel, G.” she whipped some tears from her face.
“Do you want me to go there?”
“No,no.” Y/n pushed her body up as if she could stop him even though he was kilometres away. “I- Don’t take it the wrong way but...I don’t want to see anybody right now.”
“It’s totally fine, love. Although, if you need anything let me know okay?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Do you wanna talk about last night?”
“Which part?” Y/n scoffed. “It feels like it wasn’t just one night, y’know?”
“Yeah, I can imagine.”
“I told Tom I used to have feelings for Matty.” she muttered out.
“I’m not sure. He asked about Matty and I- And I just told him.”
“What did he said?”
“Not so much, firstly he got angry...and then he was like done with the situation. He said he loved me, but then he left me.” Y/n chocked on a cry.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to go there? I can promise you to make myself almost invisible. You know I can do that.” George offered again.
“I really appreciate it, but no thanks, G. I need to sleep and be alone for a little.”
“Okay. Can I call you tomorrow?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Good. Well, take care! I love you and I’m here if you need me.”
“I know…I love you so much.”
“You should date me, I’m less dramatical.” Gmade her laugh a little.
“Oh god, I don’t believe that…not even for a second!”
“Bye, George.”
“Bye, Y/n/n.”
Y/n left her phone on the coffee table. She could feel the tiredness coming back. As she told George she needed to sleep and be alone. Y/n needed to wallow in her sadness for a little.
She believed she managed to sleep for an hour before her phone went off. Thinking the person calling was George she reached for it quickly, but she got disappointed pretty fast when the person’s ID was ‘Matty’. Y/n just looked at the screen, wondering if she wanted to answer or not. She was sure she didn’t want to talk to him.
He hung up, but then Y/n saw how he called her again and again. Every time she just declined the call. At the 10th call, she texted George asking him to make Matty stop.
Some part of her, deep deep down, wanted to answer and scream at him. Y/n wanted to shout and also asked him so many questions. Why he did it? Why he fucked her life so easily? 
Another big question was about what in fact he asked her last night. What does that question meant? Y/n really tried to think about it, but not even one idea that came to her mind made sense. Because as a friend, as her best friend, it was everything so childish. Also, the tint of his voice sounded so deeply wounded. No matter how much he had hurt her, she still worried about his feelings. Y/n felt stupid.
Y/n couldn’t even start to think that he had some feeling beyond friends. Like, two months ago he was deeply in love with another girl, and he never ever gave Y/n a single reason to think that he liked her excluding the first states of their relationship and little moments here and there. Was she so deeply into her own feelings and making herself believe that he didn’t want her when in fact was the opposite? ‘No,no, it was impossible. Was it?’  
With the events from the night before and the unknown state of her relationship with George, she didn’t want to go down that road. Because going there meant that all of what happened was about two stupid and so self-centred people, hurting others because they tried to maintain something that bloomed to be so much more, but they got scared, and they avoided it. Matty and her avoid talking because they feared losing each other when in fact they were doing exactly that.
Trying to distracted her mind, Y/n found herself reaching for the little device for the hundred time. She wondered about calling Tom. He said he was going to reach later or something like that. Maybe, she had to give him time. She knew that the relationship was over, the solo thought of that made her cry again. Why she loved the wrong man? Was he the wrong man? Weren’t they, Matty and Y/n, so perfectly bad for each other?
Three years with so many mixed feelings. Everything bad thing that happened, every fight, the people they hurt…everything because they couldn’t be enoughly grownups and face the fucking point. All with the stupid excuse that they didn’t because they wanted to maintain a friendship. 
They were toxic and they were stupid. Y/n knew that they had to talk but at the moment she wasn’t ready to even looked at his face. She wasn’t ready to the real talk they were going to have this time. Y/N knew that was going to happen soon but for the time being she needed her time alone.
Two weeks later…
The weeks after the dinner were odd, strange, rare, uncomfortable to the top. The boys didn’t say much to Matty, that was even worse for him than them shouting how stupid he was. Meaning they were more than disappointed with him. 
George, Ross, and Adam treated Matty the necessary not more, not less. Even though he knew Adam was the angriest and he wanted to punch Matty, scream how stupid he was and more. The guitarist told him not to do it, but Matty never listened. The frontman acted like a child you tell not to eat grass and you’re 100% sure they are going to do exactly that. He somehow knew the consequences of his actions, he knew what he could do to hurt Y/n, to piss the boys, he knew and even though he continued with it. Adam was right to be angry.
The problem Adam had is all the promotion he had to do with Matty for the next album. Jamie and the label thought that it was a good idea to control Matty during interviews. Adam wanted bad to decline but everything was arranged and he wasn’t going to disappoint their management, the band, and everything he stood for just because Matty was a complete idiot. He would maintain the distances and just let Matty talk as it was planned. Simple. Or that was he thought.
Matty, on the other hand, was beyond anxious. Having to do interviews and speak about the record and the process when everything going on at the minute and the fact that he didn’t know anything about Y/n was driving him insane. 
He wanted to ask about her many times, but he was sure no one was going to tell him a single word. Matty couldn’t say there were sides, even though it felt like they were taking Y/n’s side in a way. He didn’t blame them, Matty would probably do the same. 
Adam tried to do his job the best he could but at the same time, every interview felt like a never ending conversation. Sitting beside Matty, hearing him talk so normally and carefree boiled Adam’s blood. He loved his friend to pieces this time was something else. The guitarist acknowledged it wasn’t exactly his problem -in fact, it wasn’t, just Matty and Y/n’s- but he involved himself in some way. 
Adam’s prayer came quicker than he expected. One morning during a quiet time, a call interrupted his entire life. 
His girlfriend’s mother was in a bad medical condition and she was not only asking for him to be there, she was even demanding it. Adam being the good and generous man he was accepted at the same time he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs since he had to find a replacement. Ross and George were at the other side of the sea working on side projects. The idea of finding a personal assistant crossed his mind but with such short notice he didn’t had time to find one. He had to speak with Jaime and face the situation.
When the call ended, a repeated question filled his mind ‘what should I do?’ 
He pulled from his short hair thinking. Maybe, he could call George and beg him or Ross. No, he knew they were really busy and compromised with the work they had been doing. 
Suddenly another name was pushed into his front lobe. 
No, he couldn’t do that to her. Even though he was in a hurry, as soon as he could find someone he would be travelling to his hometown, to his girlfriend who needed him. He must found someone trustful and that one was Y/n. She knew how to manage Matty like no one else.
Maybe, he could just call Y/n and asked her. Tell her what he was avoiding Matty as much as possible while still doing his job. He felt selfish, although the situation was demanding him a quick solution. He didn’t lose anything to just try.
After staring at his phone for three solid minutes, he dialled Y/n’s number. He hoped she answered it. He prayed she answered but after a couple of seconds, the line died. Fuck.
Adam tried again and again, but every time she declined. Probably she thought that Matty was calling or something like that. He texted her instead.
‘Y/n, I’m Adam. I really need to talk to you. It’s kind of urgent.’
Five minutes later, Adam’s phone was ringing.
“Hi.” he said, breathless like if he just ran a marathon.
“Hi, what happened? Are you okay? Is he okay?” she asked fast and worried.
“Yeah, yeah. We’re okay, nothing happened.”
“Fuck, Adam! You scared the shit out of me!” Y/n exclaimed.
“I’m sorry.”
“Well, what was all the urge about?” 
“Okay, first, please know that if I had someone else to ask this to,  I would…please believe me.“ he explained.
“You’re scaring me again, Hann.” 
“Sorry, I just don’t know how to say, to ask this…and I know you’re going to hate me but please, I need this favour.”
“Please, said something clear to me because I’m so fucking lost.” 
“Here’s the thing. Carli’s mother is in a bad state and I have to be there, Y/n.“
"I'm so sorry to hear that Hann...but what does that have to do with me?
Hann took a big breath before just asking, “I need you to replace me as some type of personal assistant to keep Matty under control during interviews.” Y/n remained silent, making Adam panic. “Please, believe me…I tried to think about another good substitute but no one is better than you or knows him better.”
“Your compliments won’t work, Adam.” Y/n voice was sharp as a knife.
“I’m not trying to. I’m being honest with you.” she sighed.
“You know I can’t. Not right now.”
“I know you can. Hear me out.” He said when she protested. “I’m 100% sure that you’re not fine and with everything that happened you have absolutely the right to say no. Although, I’m 200% sure that you’re the most qualified person to deal with his stupid ass, and you’re such a professional, Y/n. I’ve been doing this interviews with him for two weeks and I almost didn’t talk to him. You can do it, and I know I’m being selfish…Carli needs me.” Adam’s state ended with a sob falling from his mouth.
“It’s too soon, Hann.”
“Yes, but…”
“How is he?” she inquired suddenly.
“I’m not so sure, I didn’t talk too much because he- “he started to say.
“He’s your best friend” Y/n stated.
“How could you defended him, after- Sorry, not my place. I- He’s bad, he’s moody and trying to focus on work, but it’s difficult. I know he wants to ask about you, but he’s retaining himself as much as he can.” 
“When am I supposed to be there if I accept?” Y/n asked defeated.
“Next interview is in three days. BBC radio 1.”
“For how long?”
“Probably until the end of the month.”
“I’m so deeply sorry, Y/n!”
“Stop, I understand. I’m just doing this for you and Carli, okay?
“Yes, yes. I’m deeply thankful with you! I own you a big one.”
“So, I don’t have to be too much time with him?”
“No, if you don’t want to. You know the job, and I suppose Jaime, the management team, are going to tell you more details. I’m going to call him right away after we hung up, okay?”
“Fuck, I don’t know what I’m doing but…okay.”
Hann felt guilt filling his chest, “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I know that I can walk away any moment I want.”
“Yes, that would cause a big mess but yeah.”
“And I’ll talk to him and clear this just a bit. I’m not ready to actually talk about what happened but just letting him know that I need to do my job and this time he can’t mess with me.”
“Yeah, I totally agree.”
“Fine. Then, arrange all this and let me know, ya’?”
“Yes. Thank you so much, Y/n!”
“Don’t worry. Please hug Carli for me and I’m here if you need anything else.”
“I will, I promised. I’ll return it somehow.”
“Don’t mention it, Hann.”
“So…how are you?” Adam asked.
“I don’t know really. These weeks have been…a lot.”
“I can only imagine.”
“Tom and I broke up.”
“Shit Y/n, I’m so sorry.”
“Do you want me to punch Matty for ya’ before I go?” he offered.
“No, for now, let him be.”
“That’s a big risk.”
“Yeah,” she said sadly. “How are you?”
“I’m fine, worried but fine.”
“I get it.”
“Well, I gotta go now. I’ll send you the details, and again thank you so much!”
“Shut up, Hann. Go and support your family.” 
“Bye, Y/n.” Adam said, and she just hung up.
Adam ended the call with his soul aching a little. He didn’t know if he was making the right move, or he was making everything worst. He would have to wait and pray.
Y/n on the other hand was unbothered. Which was rare due to all she had to face. Getting the job was a big opportunity for her, but being close to Matty after everything was too much.
During those weeks she felt kind of death inside, at the same time she waited. For what? She wasn’t sure.
Nothing was sure and for the time being, she would focus on her work. On being the professional that Hann described, and she knew she was. 
Taglist: @sinarainbows @eaglestar31 @sugarkane1001 @brittluvs1975
Chapter 9 >
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athenasilver7 · 4 years
hii! i hope ur doin well! can i get a sea hawk x fire princess reader? if not u can make it to whoever ur comfortable writing for!
Hell yeah! You’re the first person to send in a request btw!💞
Disclaimer: We’ll go with, Seahawk and Mermista are good friends in this fic, so no ones feelings are hurt! :3
Seahawk x Fire Princess! Reader
✨Burning Ship✨
There were practically stars in his eyes, “Who. Is. That?” Seahawk dramatically points at you, whipping his head to look at Glimmer, waiting for a response. “She’s our newest recruit to the Princess Alliance. Everyone, meet Princess Y/N, ruler of Mount Candila.” Glimmer explains enthusiastically, clapping her hands together.
Bow pipes in, looking rather disheveled, “Her kingdom is just west of the Britemoon castle, we caught her burning down trees that were growing in the middle of her castle.” Adora nods at the statement, “We thought she was trying to burn down the forest, so we...we accidentally started..f-fighting her people..” Adora mumbles the last part quickly, “But it’s fine now! We worked it all out, everything is fine!!” She waves her hands in front of her quickly.
Mermista looks at you with her usual bored expression, a hand on her hip as she mentions, “Isn’t she like, evil or something?” Frosta‘s blue eyes widen with with enthusiasm, “Woah! You mean like she’s a secret spy?! Are you a secret spy here to betray us all?!!” She forms two ice fists that glistening in the light, bumping them together which causing chips of ice to flick in all directions.
“...I’m not a spy. I’ll admit, my people have done some bad in the past, but that’s not how I want things to be.” You calmly explain, a hand over your heart, observing everyone’s reaction to what you just said. Perfuma is the first to say anything, walking up to you with a hopeful smile, “Amazing! New beginnings, it’s something we all need. I think it is wonderful that you’re choosing to make a change instead of following in the footsteps of those before you.” The floral princess hold your hand in hers.
The same moustache man from earlier appears from nowhere, big tearful eyes with a pout on his face, “You truly are amazing.” You stare at him for a moment before smiling, “Thank you.”
After two weeks, you find yourself heading to the Britemoon palace everyday. Everyone was so welcoming of you, you thought for sure they wouldn’t be so kind towards you considering the past of what your people did. Perfuma even offered you a mediation session with her!
Although, there was something about that Seahawk guy, you can’t put your finger on it though. He’s rather cute, you won’t deny that.
The guards lead you into the castle, guiding you through the halls to...a bedroom? The doors fly open to reveal Glimmer, Bow, Adora, and Mermista, all hanging out. Adora and Bow are sitting on the bed, Mermista on a beanbag chair, and Glimmer at the door, looking at you ecstatically.
“...what’s going on? Aren’t we supposed to be in the War Room?” Glimmer pulls you in, her cape fluttering as she closing the doors behind you. Mermista smirks at you with a hand on her face and a leg crossed over the other, “You know we like, don’t always do boring stuff like that.” “I don’t think we even really do anything at all unless it’s a huge threat.” Adora adds on. Glimmer brushes them both off, “Enough of that! Y/N!” You jump from having your name suddenly shouted, “Yes?!” You squeak out.
Glimmer laughs at your reaction, “You knowww, Seahawk is so into you.” Pink dusts your cheeks, “I- what?” Mermista gets up and walks up behind you, “The way he looks at you,” She places her hand on your shoulders, “It’s totally love.” “I don’t- I don’t t-think so..he’s just...nice.” Bow gets up next with a small frown on his features, “Come on, you two. You’re freaking Y/N out.” There’s a moment of silencebefore you speak up again, “....I would have to get to know him first anyway.” Bow looks at you, nodding his head in agreement, “Seahawk should be down by the shore, soooo if ya wanted to do it noooow.”
“Um, will you guys come with me?” You fidget a bit where you’re standing, unable to stop yourself from stroking your H/C hair for comfort. “Of course! We wouldn’t let you go all by yourself!” The sparkly queen answers with a light laugh. Mermista raises an eyebrow at her, “Umm, more like you wanna see how everything goes down.” Glimmer let’s out an odd noise from the back of her throat and narrows her pink eyes slightly at the water princess, “So do you!”
Adora looks at Bow confused, “W-why are we, why are we doing this?” “Don’t you think they would be cute together?!” Bow gushes, squishing his cheeks together at the thought. Adora still doesn’t understand the whole point of this.
When the five of you reach the shore, it’s hard not to notice Seahawk. He’s setting a boat on fire. “Does he even know who’s boat that is?” Glimmer questions. “I somehow doubt it, he’s always getting himself in trouble.” Bow replies.
You careful make your way through the sand, the others trying too hard to look like they’re just casually there for some reason. Seahawk doesn’t notice you approaching, “.....Seahawk?” “Ah!” He falls off the boat and onto the sand, landing right by your feet. “Y/N!” The pirate scrambles to his feet, “What are you doing here?! It’s dangerous to be this close to a fire! Back away, my dear.” He begins to usher you away from the chaos that he created.
“Seahawk, you were the one who was one the burning boat.” Realization starts to dawn on you, “And I’m a fire princess! The fire isn’t going to hurt me!” Seahawk stops in his tracks at the statement, “...OH MY GOODNESS, YOU’RE RIGHT!” He squeezes your shoulders at that statement, “My apologizes, it would appear as though there is smoke in my brain.” You giggle at his joke, placing a hand over you mouth to hide your smile, “Why were you setting a boat on fire anyway?” You honestly can’t help but ask.
“Ah! Glad you ask, dearest!” He steps away and dramatically put one of his feet on a small grey rock that’s peeking out of the golden ground, “You see, there’s the thrill and excitement of knowing that a boat is going up in flames! Something in water, getting completely destroyed by fire!” It wasn’t exactly the response you were expecting to get, but it’s still interesting either way. You gaze at the line up of boats that are also resting on the shore, completely unharmed.
“I can..help you. Set the rest of them on fire I mean.” He stares at you for a moment, completely bewildered. You wonder if asking him that was a bit of a stretch, maybe this is something he likes to do on his own.
“T-truly? That would be marvellous!” His grabs you hand and you run with him to the next ship, your hair blowing harshly in the wind. When you two stop, Seahawk is looking at you with such admiration that it make you blush. You nod your head at the purple haired pirate and walk up to the boat. Placing the palm of your hand against the wood, you focus you energy and, “Holy moly! It’s beautiful!” The entire boat goes up in immediate flames from where you were touching. Looking at it, you don’t think much of it.
“Dearest, you really are magnificent!” Seahawk rushes next to you, his bright red scarf hitting his face in the process. You have no idea what to say next, luckily Seahawk speaks again before you get the chance, “Let’s do the next one together!” Taking your hand in his own, you both happily rush off to the next boat that was to be a victim to you two.
“Ummm...” Mermista raises an eyebrow at the scene of events unraveling in front of her, “Should we like, stop them or something?” The small group stares at the both of you setting a sail on fire. “Let’s let them have this one.” Glimmer sighs, “We’ll stop them next time.” Adora’s eyes widen at that statement, “There’s going to be a next time??!!” Mermista tosses her hair over her shoulder, “With Seahawk, there’s always a next time.”
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