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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
10 second challenge helpy doodle
This is the worst thing every thank you for the idea i love it
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
Ur Micheal design gives me so much gender envy tbh
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For you trans anon
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
20 secs challenge of your top three favorite animatronics?
They are so stupid
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aftoonfamily · 9 months ago
🧸 CC headcanons please!!!!
Perfect. I love a little man.
His name was Evan because William liked the E named pattern with his kids. He didn’t really know his middle name because his mother picked it out and William never used it.
He looked the most like his mother. The ones that knew her (she died soon after he was born), told him that all the time. He didn’t know how to feel about it.
He is not who we play as in the actual gameplay for fnaf 4 (the bedroom) but he is who we play as in the mini games (obvi).
He still experienced the nightmare animatronics tho because William tested that weird gas stuff on both him and Mike.
He dies only months after Elizabeth dies.
His birthday is on Halloween based on the Halloween dlc of the game.
He had a bad dissociative problem from constant trauma. Because of that, he didn’t talk a lot, but he’s not completely mute.
Over the years of anger, despair, and close proximity with Cassidy, their souls and memories started to melt together. That’s the main reason why Cassidy/the vengeful spirit is still so violent after everyone else had moved on.
If he had lived longer, he would have learned he really likes to cook and he had inherited his father’s intellect.
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
Fnafmon anon (?) here, I wonder how Evan dies in this au. Maybe Henry had a shiny bewear (large bear pokemon local to the alola region, the shinies have gold accents instead of pink), bewears are known to look friendly, but are actually incredibly dangerous. (They seem like they're going in for a hug, but this is a threat display, and will legit crush you to death if you accept.) Maybe Henry had caught it on a trip to alola (alola is pretty much pokemon Hawai'i, unova is america to a degree) and didnt know alot about the species, hadn't known to warn the kids about it outside of a general 'this is a grown wildcaught pokemon, be careful, don't get to close', but mike and and the other tormenters are pricks, and force Evan to get really up and close to it, despite his fear of larger pokemon. Then it 'hugs' him, because his panicking and crying stressed it out, and it didn't have a better outlet outside of lashing out at the source of the stress, which was evan.
Oh you are speaking my language now. I’ve played every Pokémon game but the only one I’ve ever beat and cared to go through was Sun and Moon. I am VERY aware of the creature that is Bewear.
I can really see that happening and it’s way more fucked up of a death honestly. Like instead of a coma and bloody bite of a death, Evan would pretty much be crushed to death. He would be able to scream and cry while his bones are being crushed and Mike would probably have more awareness on what’s happening because it’s happening so slowly in front of him. They wouldn’t be able to pull Bewear’s arms off him, but they would try as Evan is literally getting his ribcage and spine snapped into pieces.
I wonder what Henry would do with Bewear after that.
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
Would you like to share some thoughts/ headcannons/ whatever you want about your oxymoron au? Specially regarding Mike but whatever you like is fine :D
Sure why not.
Mike only really inherited looks from William. He was not very good in school at all while William was actually very academically gifted. He also gained little from his father’s charming personality, more of his mother’s quiet demeanor. Not even his temper was from William, who is actually very good at holding his composure.
William still messed with the springlocks on Fredbear so if Henry had taken them to Fredbear’s for Evan’s birthday, the bite still could have happened (and I did think about it ngl).
Although, William was not around to mess with the animatronics at the fnaf 2 location so the bite of 87 did not happen.
One of Mike’s favorite activities is lying in his bed while it’s dusk and dark in his room, headphones on and turned up loud, and just staring up at nothingness. It’s a weird destresser that he kinda has to do our else he just gets continuously crankier.
Lizzie wasn’t very popular in school, having a bit of a record of talking back and snarking to other kids and teachers a like. She mostly just hung out alone or with Susie.
Evan also wasn’t very popular but for an opposite reason. He was still bullied terribly. Like really bad. Pretty physical at some points. He had a couple friends that helped, but you can only do so much as a kid yourself.
Mike has a lot of fidgeting quirks that are physically harmful. He rips up his lips with his teeth and fingers until they’re bloody and scarred, he was eat his nails down to little nubs, and he scratches at his scars constantly. It leaves a lot of harsh flaws. They’re also Lizzie’s number 1 pet peeves she fucking hates when he starts picking.
Mike’s favorite band is The Smiths, but his favorite genre is grunge. He just really likes The Smiths.
None of the siblings could decide on what they wanted to change their last name to by the time Lizzie had Cassie. It caused so many fights. At the end of the day, Lizzie just gave Cassie her father’s name and they all begrudgingly kept the name Afton.
William always struggled with his need to be liked, but all the things he thinks are cool are objectively…. Lame and dorky. He literally tried making friends with Henry by showing him card tricks. He got Clara by telling cheesy jokes that he would explain too much. He can literally juggle.
Mike has only dated like a few people in his life and not for more than three months, but has lived with his bestie Jeremy for over a decade he is the definition of a loser like his father William “never got over his college situationship” Afton.
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
hi i just wanted to say i wholeheartedly appreciate you for also spreading my fnaf as cats/fnaf warriors propaganda. thank you
Fuck yeah love them fnaf warrior propaganda
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
In love w/ your art style and warriors fnaf au. I haven't even read more than one warriors book but I LOVE fnaf and seeing designs of previously human characters as something other than human. Keep being amazing, and I hope you have a fantastic day/night!
THANK YOU I appreciate that
Fun fact I have only read the third and fourth arc of the series lmao but I’ve learned the stories of the other books over the years. It was honestly really funny having Graystripe return in the third arc and it being such a big deal and I like. Genuinely had no idea who the fuck that man was lmao.
But anyways thank you I loved trying to make the animatronics specifically into cats. The hardest by far was Monty cause he’s like. A fucking green alligator with red eyes and a red Mohawk how the fuck do I make that a cat??? lol
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
((Movie spoilers!!!))
Vanessa being William’s kid outside of the movie universe is a really interesting idea, and I’d be compelled to believe it, but 1. Everything else character-wise and family-wise in the movie is already so far off from what we’re familiar with and 2. Vanessa being an Afton in the games doesn’t really make sense timeline-wise. I have an open mind though so I’d be willing to hear any counter arguments, I’m just trying to make sense of it!
Yeah I get everyone’s complaints about it, but the best parts about fnaf is that we get to pick and choose what we do with it. Considering there are so many canon universes with different rules.
For me, I changed up the timeline a bit because it made more sense to me. So the games like fnaf 3, pizza sim, and security breach are just a little closer together. In my head, security breach takes place in 2023, and if we say William died in 1993, that gives Vanessa the chance to be in her 30s. Which is totally possible
People can do whatever they want tho with fnaf that’s why it’s fucking great
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
Ok the 10 second challenge thing looks neat actually I wanna see Dave
Evil man murders dozens
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
Hey same anon who send the first ask abt mikes hypothetical pokemon, to add to to it, what if they (the nickit) eventually had lost a foreleg and eye (to further mirror foxy) by the time it evolved into a thievul? Maybe William forces mike to train his pokemon against his own, (which are obviously stronger, hes had them for years and years), and whenever his lopunny is 'a little too rough', he makes it seem like it's mikes fault that his pokemon got hurt, and that he should be taking better care of them, etc. Makes mike make do at home with health potions and stuff when this happens becuase it would all be over for him if a nurse joy saw. The pokemon setting introducing new, inventive ways to be a shitty parent and pet owner fr
I hate you so much how could you fucking say this to me. Nickit doesn’t deserve this :(( But they are besties and I love them. Two abused dogs deemed criminal just for being alive.
To make shit even sadder, I really want to give Evan a Cubone. The Pokémon just fits him so well. And when Evan dies, I was thinking Cubone could carry Evan’s Fredbear instead of the bone. The fella also HATED Mike after Evan was killed and would try to attack him, but little Nickit would always defend him.
I hate this this is so sad and terrible.
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
Omfg the mf who commented "why blackwash though" on your post is my irl friend fml ew idk why they act like that helppp I'm so sorry
Call them racist for me since I can’t say it to their face
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aftoonfamily · 9 months ago
🎂👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 (the MCI's Families; what were they like?)
:( sad
lol anyways I don’t have the families completely fleshed out but I do have little things.
Susie is the half sister of Jeremy Fitzgerald. She wasn’t being watched very closely by either him or their mother (no dad in the picture), so she was an easy first victim. She was first made a target when she kept bringing her dog along everywhere when she wasn’t allowed to.
Gabriel and Jeremy (one of the kids) are brothers of a pretty big family. Freddy kid is the older brother but he was a little too immature and naive to be in charge of his little brother. Freddy kid ran after Bonnie kid when he saw the yellow bunny and neither one of them told their parents.
Fritz I have the least thought out. I’m thinking he was an only child that was just dropped off at a birthday without his parents tagging along. No one really noticed when he disappeared until they came to pick him up.
Cassidy was a rotten little girl that didn’t want to be at Freddy’s when she was killed. Only child to a sweet mother and emotionally distant father. William knew the mom and hated her kid.
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aftoonfamily · 9 months ago
🎂🫂 and of course 📖 for the fnaf asks!
🎂🫂 (did the MCI (and possibly Charlie) know each other before death? how well did they get along after they died?)
Charlie in my au is only 3 and died quite a few years before the MCI kids so they didn’t know each other, but I still like sticking to the idea that Hurricane and the surrounding towns were very close knit. The MCI kids at the very least all went to the same school together, if they weren’t friends. I like the idea of Bonnie kid and Freddy kid being close friends tho :)
As for after they die, they don’t really interact much. They’re mostly little kids minus Cassidy who I think I made closer to ten?? Can’t remember. Mostly they just wander around. Many of them don’t like Charlie tho because she helped trap their souls (she didn’t know any better).
📖 (what's the general timeline? this can be as elaborate as you want)
Geezie it’s been a while since I’ve touched it so it might be a little off now but I have a personal cheat sheet here
Fnaf 4 takes place in 1983.
Fnaf 2 takes place in 1987.
Sister Location takes place in 1990.
Fnaf 1 takes place in 1993.
Fnaf 3 takes place in 2003.
Pizza Sim takes place in 2009.
Help Wanted takes place in 2018.
Special Delivery takes place in 2019.
Security Breach takes place in 2023.
Basically I just made a few things shorter because I Do Not Like the weird 30 year gap idea. Dunno where it came from but I didn’t like it.
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
Okay but seriously I wonder if litwick/lampent ever starts to actually get attached to mike outside of him being like, their main food source. It would be so funny in a dark as hell way if they realise they actually have only for him to like, die nearly immediately after. Then they're all panicky and sad and stuff only for him to just. POP! Instantly respawn as a ghost type. Maybe it was the near constant years of close quarters exposure to a ghost type that did it? That sometimes tends to a have a.... strange effect on people, considering the existence of hex maniacs.
-fnafmon anon
Time to bring out the angst we spawned yesterday lmao
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Lampent evolved from their little bitch form and learned to yearn
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aftoonfamily · 1 year ago
Fnafmon anon here, I wonder how long litwick sticks around. Long enough to actually evolve?
Also does mike still get 'scooped' by baby? (Just flat out killed by baby on William's order, maybe?)
You said that the dead kids might become phantumps, maybe Charlie is a shiny phantump (black, white, and red color scheme, kinda matches the puppet) to make her stick out from the rest? If mike does die, hes probably too old to become one too, so I wonder what would happen? A galarian yamask, maybe?(have purple eyes) Alot people like the idea that sometimes people become other ghost types when they die, so maybe a hisusian zoroark if you want to make him a literal fox. (the shiny's have purple accents, too)
(Love your design for Bonnie, by the way. Are you aware of the fact that bunearys only evolve into lopunnys if they have enough friendship points? I wonder if he simply caught Bonnie as a lopunny or if he got his hands on some poor buneary, and managed to get them to love him, despite how he treats them?)
I know Lampent sticks around for pretty much Mike’s whole life. Like from 83 all the way to when he dies in whatever Pizza Sim would be in this au. Me and my friend already made some angsty little idea on how he feels when Mike finally croaks.
I genuinely do not know what I’m gonna do with the scooping. He might not be scooped exactly, but I do REALLY like the idea of Mike becoming a ghost type after he dies. I’ll have to think about it all. And yeah I already planned for Charlie to be a shiny Phantump cause it was just too perfect not to do.
And I do know Buneary evolves from friendship it makes me sad cause William absolutely caught this Pokémon and befriended them before he really turned into such a selfish and horrible man. So Bonnie loved his trainer, but is now forced to follow his orders while going through terrible abuse. The poor baby :((
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