#aftg reread 2024
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02511213942 · 1 year ago
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"you look like a carrie stunt double"
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eviefrie · 1 year ago
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all for the game by nora sakavic: a summary
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immaterial-pearl · 5 months ago
Best part of aftg is that kevin is also there. 24/7 hes trying to do two things and its play stickball and be homoerotic ONLY for the purpose of making his stickball speeches more dramatic.
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jeanmoreaux · 10 months ago
kevin is a coward 😗
okay, sure, you’re entitled to your opinion. if that’s how you want to see it, there’s no one stopping you. it just seems to me that our reading, interpretation, and understanding of the story is fundamentally different. i cannot even fathom where this godawful take is coming from. if you look at kevin's life in context it’s a gross simplification of the dynamics at play. not to say that he didn’t make some questionable or selfish choices and hurt people along the way but idk how you could look at a deeply traumatised boy and call his (maladaptive) behaviour/trauma responses cowardice. just because you don't like kevin or respect his decision doesn’t mean he’s a coward. 
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hold-him-down · 10 months ago
I am /FERAL/ about aftg. I literally read the entire series (at the time) in 2 and a half days mid 2022 and then turned right around and read it again immediately after. Definitely top list whump recommendations for those who like their media a little dark and twisted.
I’d say those who enjoy the darker aspects of universes like BBU would enjoy aftg
*foaming at the mouth over aftg*
👀 will also be checking out your other recs though
!!! ok but SAME I just did a thorough reread (because I HAVE always skimmed some of the sports(!) stuff), and it holds up it's such a whumpy little thing AND I think more importantly it's EXCELLENT daydream/fanfic fodder.
Let me know how you like the others!! <3
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kingtankgirl · 11 months ago
i do believe neil josten experiences transandrophobia
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hidouuc · 1 month ago
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After practice ~ kevins critiquing neil, and neil is calling kevin a loser <3
I havent posted here in years but the last time i did I was also an aftg fanartist,, time is a flat circle idk
anyways this is just a doodle but ive been in a aftg mood and i had to draw them again,, im still relearning how to draw them , i doodled them a bit in 2024 but now that i plan on rereading the series + tsc for the first time i wanted to do another one <//3
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neilsleftpinky · 14 days ago
Wanted to share my poster and shirt from 2024 pride (I started this blog in march) ,,,, the aftg brainrot is real fresh off of rereading tsc and fully intrenched in my love for my tall sad son Jean the bisexual disaster he is (like me). Naturally paint my shirt to say I swing both ways with an Exy racket with lil painted ones (😭) aaand
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And my poster with him immortalized in the bi flag art credit to owners I do not claim the art
The floats loved it I got a lot of things thrown at me(in a good way) and it got a lot of compliments while being bi is one layer of my sexuality it hits different reading from bi pov and it’s subtle not made a big deal and seen as normal
AFTG you changed my life in the best and worst ways 🥹🥲
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bloody-wonder · 2 months ago
2024 reading wrap up
january is almost over and yet the ghost of reading year past shall not rest untill i rank all the books👻📚
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*the tiers are once again named after different things from the books featured on this list - see explanation below🙃 **the following series i read in full are represented only by one book respectively: doctrine of labyrinths, her instruments, the riverside trilogy, the memoirs of lady trent, the cemeteries of amalo, the stolen heir, the summer hikaru died, evander mills, page & sommers ***usually i don't rank rereads but since this year i had only two - the three musketeers and swordspoint - and they both ended up on the top tier i decided to add them for completeness' sake
so in 2024 i broke all my previous records in regards to the amount of books/pages read. my secret? being unemployed lol. but now that i have started my phd and got a full time job my reading is bound to decrease dramatically which is probably a good thing bc i feel like, while reading so much definitely helps you find more good books and authors faster, the downside is that stories stand out less, regardless of their quality. altho i do love every book i put on the top tier dearly, compared to the previous year's (smaller) selection this one seems quite homogeneous and sff focused. and 3 out of top 5 books/series are straight! who is responsible for this?!🤨
i did well on almost all my nerd ass challenges: finishing and continuing series, starting new ones, not neglecting standalone sff, reading widely in terms of genre and language, not putting off big intimidating books etc etc. i even completed my oldest challenge for the first time by finally managing to read five chunky classics in the span of one year - this won't be happening again any time soon😅 in the future i want to shift my focus to difficult historical novels instead bc i sure don't have enough brain space for both. where i "failed" on the other hand was reading nonfiction: i realized that no matter how much interest i have in the topic the only way i'm able to process factual information is if a trans youtuber dressed as a dominatrix or a cat or some sort of jester is telling it to me in an asmr voice. i'm not very good at encouraging myself to reread the things i want to reread either - hopefully that will change in 2025 so that i can finally reread aftg🪄
last year i tried blogging more about my current reads and it was fun while it lasted - now i sadly don't have time to do that anymore :( so my 2024 reading updates must remain unfinished. in any case, just by looking at this tier list i can come to the same conclusions i would've come to if i had reviewed each and every one of these books: niche sff is where it's at for me, older books are better written, and simply queer is not enough for me anymore - i need intricate mind games and rituals that transcend sexuality lol.
so if you know such books please rec them to me! and tell me about your reading year - by making a tier list, or writing a post or just sharing your fave 2024 reads like @oliviermiraarmstrongs tagged me to do. thank you btw😌💜
@figuringthengsout @fugitoidkry @pinkasrenzo @fandomreferencepending @counterwiddershins @magpiefngrl @sugarbabywenkexing @weirdsociology @theodoradove @doh-rae-me @venndaai @sixappleseeds
p.s. it just came to my knowledge that my year in books is still active. tagging everyone who wants to do this! :D
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goodreads │ old yearly wrap ups 2020 2021 2022 2023 │ my book tag
✨explanation of the tier titles under the cut✨
obligation d'âme is a spell a wizard can cast on a person in sarah monette's doctrine of labyrinths that binds them "closer than lovers". it's very bdsm-coded and a tiny bit problematic bc the enchanted then has to do everything the wizard commands and they may or may not be referred to as slave🫢🙈 on the bright side tho it's very hot and gay🤷‍♀️ just like obligation d'âme these books have put me under their problematic spell🪄
peltedverse is the unofficial name of mca hogarth's sci fi universe populated by humans, human-animal hybrids, space elves and aliens, which has been steadily growing on me ever since i discovered the dreamhealers. in 2024 her instruments completely charmed me by its cast of loveable characters, wacky adventures and fairy-tale romance. it's not the best thought-out world but it has this home-cooked quality to it which i prefer to carefully calculated lore that makes 100% of sense all the time. and these books, while not as good as the ones in the upper tier, have still captured my heart😌
racallio ryndoon is an episodic character in george r.r. martin's fire & blood. he's a chaotic crossdressing bisexual pirate captain with purple hair who likes to be spanked by his wives, gives severed heads as a courting gift and will sell the right of safe passage through his waters for a kiss. all in all, a perfect character who is sadly present only for one short episode. i remember him fondly but i wish he had more to give - just like these books☠️🦜⛵
calliagnosia is a procedure ted chiang invented in his short story liking what you see: a documentary which enables people to turn off their perception of physical beauty - leading to less lookism-based discrimination at the cost of finding nobody hot lol (at least in their looks). the story follows the controversy around making calliagnosia obligatory in certain environments and just like the characters who can't seem to decide whether finding people hot or stopping discrimination is more important, i am of two minds on whether these books are actually good or not😅
gong bath is the preferred method of patient treatment of the sex therapist the main character of jen beagin's big swiss is working for. meaning: the patient rests on the couch while the therapist chants and strikes the gong he has in his office. just like gong bath, these books didn't harm me - but they didn't cure me either😐
the philosophers' colloquium is the crusty dusty male centered science academy that kept refusing to admit lady trent despite her outstanding contributions to the natural history of dragons😠 disappointing, overrated, ill-shampooed - just like these books🧐
life-sickness is something the inhabitants of hope mirrlees' lud-in-the-mist didn't realize they suffered from until they tried forbidden fairy fruit. these books were so disappointing, boring, annoying or offensive that they made me brain-sick, depressed and upset about the state of Literature😩
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aftg-readalong · 1 year ago
AFTG Readalong- FAQ
Hello all! Do you:
Want to read more in 2024?
Want to reread AFTG (or read for the first time!)
Want to talk to other fans, but need structure and find Discord scary and chaotic (*me*)?
If so, this event is for you! Read on:
What is it?
Through Storygraph (Goodreads, but better), they now have a Readalong feature, which is essentially a digital book club.
The readalong is set to run for all of 2024, since there are conveniently 48 chapters in the series. So, it would be one chapter a week, with a catch-up week between books, a wrap up at the end, and a break week in the middle with fun activities/forums.
In order to participate, you need to have a StoryGraph account. It's super easy, and even has a way to import your Goodreads shelf to their system.
Each week, a forum topic for the chapter we're on will open. So, for example, chapter 1 of The Foxhole Court will open on January 1 until January 7.
During that week, people are free to make posts commenting on that chapter's events, and chatting with others on their posts.
Then, the next week, a new chapter will open up. You are still free to comment on previous chapters, so don't worry if you're late or fall behind!
That's it!
Additional Info
As far as rules, I only have one:
Don't be an asshole.
That means, don't start fights with other people about their opinions. This is not a discord: I am not a mod and I am not your mom. I'm opening the space, but I am not here to mediate arguments between people, and honestly, I'm not going to be watching the space that closely except as a participant.
Keep in mind the trigger warnings inherent to the series; I expect that everyone is mature enough to know that these books have a lot of sensitive topics, and you should only participate insofar as you are able to handle that. But again- not your mom.
Finally, don't spoil future chapters- even if you're rereading, someone else might be reading for the first time.
With that in mind, this is a space to get to talk about a series we love in celebration of TSC, and remake the forums of old on FF.net and LJ. So have fun!
Send me an ask if you have questions, and spread to people in the fandom! I look forward to seeing y'all on Jan. 1!
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to this day, this is the funniest interaction in aftg
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augustmourn · 5 months ago
Fic Writer Questions
Tagged by @saiditallbefore, thank you!!
(Of note, I have written... very little in 2024, so that relates to some of my answers.)
how many works do you have on AO3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1 - Unexpected (Bojack Horseman, Bojack/Mr. Peanutbutter fake dating to romance) has over 1.4k kudos. It's the second most kudosed fic in the fandom, and used to be the top before being surpassed by a massive crossover fic. I'm actually really proud of it--it's pretty different from what I usually write, and I think it's both pretty funny and feels true to the canon.
2 - you know what they say about assumptions (Star Wars, Anakin/Obi-Wan/Padme modern AU) has just over 900 kudos. It's the first fic of mine that someone podficced. I haven't reread it in a while, and I was in high school when I wrote it so I'm sure I can find a lot of flaws, but it got a good response.
3 - Into the Dark (IT Movies, Richie/Eddie, time loop) has just over 750 kudos. I wrote a lot of Reddie fics in the approximate 9-13k range and at this point they all sort of blend together, but this was one of the earlier ones I wrote and it's fix-it for the canon, so I assume that's why it's popular.
4 - The Kids Are Alright (IT Movies, Richie/Eddie, teenage getting together fic) has just over 700 kudos. Another longish Reddie fic from this era, and I have fond feelings about this one too!
5 - Lights Will Guide You Home (Star Wars unfinished epic fix-it fic) has just shy of 650 kudos and is almost out of the top five, thank god. This was an ambitious attempt that was the first fic I posted on this account, and I did not finish it and have not touched since high school. Sometimes I contemplate going back, but I have not updated it in... seven years, wow. I've grown and changed a lot as a writer since that time and have freed myself from Star Wars, so I'm not up to date on the lore.
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I used to, and I also used to go back and respond in batches, but I've fallen off of that in a few years. Partly because I used to just do it as soon as I saw the email and then when I started doing exchanges I wanted to wait until author reveals, and then the backlog became overwhelming. As well as often feeling like I had very little to say and feeling kind of embarrassed about it, lol. I do try my best to go back and respond after author reveals of an exchange, at least to the recipient, but it doesn't always end up happening. I do read and appreciate every single comment, though.
what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Probably quiet birds in circled flight -- IT Movies, AU where Richie commits suicide instead of Stan. It's been a while since I've written just a straight up Grief Fic and I enjoy that writing headspace.
what's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
That feels hard to define, haha. I write a lot of noncon and darkfic, and even the ones that aren't noncon or entirely dark have some darkness to them, but I think in IT fandom I did write a few longer, earn-your-happy ending fics. The two listed in my top five above fall into that category--and I guess the Bojack fic as well. full heart and other organs is a fairly sweet, essentially pre-relationship AFTG AU.
do you write crossovers?
I have not written one. I tried to write one for a fic event once and didn't finish it... and I found buried in my google docs two Magnus Archives/The Good Place crossover fics that I didn't finish. But none published, haha.
have you ever received hate on a fic?
I got a barrage of hate comments on a werewolf sex fic because it was a full form shifted werewolf and people thought that was the same as the character fucking an animal, but other than that, no lol.
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
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I've written a very wide variety from fluff to kink to noncon. I enjoy writing it and I think it's probably the kind of writing I'm best at, just based on sheer amount written.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
I think someone posted some of my Reddie fic on Wattpad but tbh I don't think I even looked at it until it had already been taken down.
have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! One of my AFTG fics has been translated into Russian.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I'm interested in the idea, but writing is a very solitary activity for me, and I don't think I've ever had a specific idea that aligned enough with someone else (and both with an interest in writing it) to try it.
what's your all-time favorite ship?
Lol, I don't think I can confidently say! I tend to leave fandoms and then not really get pulled back in. The fandom I'm most confident in calling a forever fandom is AFTG, where Neil/Andrew is like, the better ship, but Neil/Riko lives in my hindbrain as a noncon ship of all time.
what's a wip that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Well, that Star Wars fic from 2017 >__> most of the others have not seen the light of day. Actually I finished a very long Danganronpa fic about a year ago and I recently realized I don't think I will be able to edit it or reread it maybe for a very long time, and probably not publish it even if I do, which does make me sad. Too tied up in my ex.
what are your writing strengths?
Porn. Lmao. But I think I'm also good at comedy, though maybe not consistently.
what are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not good at writing long or writing subplots. I struggle with research and being intimidated by the idea of research, so that feels very limiting in terms of what fandoms I can try to write.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't think I've ever done it. I can see narrative utility in certain cases, but most of the time "they said in French" or whatever will do just fine. A nickname from another language that is not the primary language the characters are speaking is not something I've written personally--I would probably only do that if it was established by canon.
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
The Hunger Games, when I was 12, on FFN. The first fandom I posted on AO3 was Star Wars.
what's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I am between hyperfixations at the moment and the only thing I've started and have some hope for is... a bit embarrassing, so I probably won't talk about it until I publish it if I do so haha
what's your favourite fic you've written?
I like a lot of my fics, and I've had a lot of fun going back and rereading ones that I haven't read in long enough that I actually don't remember everything that's happening, but I think the fic I am proudest of is the fic I wrote for a TLT big bang last year, Crashing. It's the longest piece of fiction I have ever completed and it felt like a massive accomplishment.
Tagging @ladyculebras, @hearthouses, @queermccoy, @gregwambsganss, @witchoil, and anyone else who wants to!!!
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pertinax--loculos · 9 months ago
Books Read in 2024 (so far)
(Looking at my Goodreads, where I've been keeping track of this, I apparently only started keeping track in March? But I guess that's fair, there's a chance I didn't read anything before that. So let's go with that. ^_^)
The Foxhole Court, Nora Sakavic
The Raven King, Nora Sakavic
The King's Men, Nora Sakavic
-> These kicked off my reading binge for the year. Also, how have I never read them before? Because my god. Instant favourites. Don't talk to me.
Like Real People Do, E.L. Massey
-> My attempt to recapture the All for the Game vibes. It failed. The book was okay, though.
John Dies at the End, Jason Pargin
This Book is Full of Spiders: Seriously, Dude, Don't Touch It, Jason Pargin
What The Hell Did I Just Read, Jason Pargin
If This Book Exists, You're in the Wrong Universe, Jason Pargin
Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits, Jason Pargin
Zoey Punches the Future in the Dick, Jason Pargin
Zoey is Too Drunk for This Dystopia, Jason Pargin
-> Some of these are technically rereads; JDatE, Spiders, and the first Zoey book. Regardless, Pargin is an insta-buy for me.
Leech, Hiron Ennes
-> Tumblr recommendation off a random post. Very good.
American Psycho, Bret Easton Ellis
-> I enjoyed this. If you can say that about this book. Taking it as what it is, I thought it was very well done.
Dead Girls Don't Say Sorry, Alex Ritany
-> Go check out @aritany if you haven't already! Wonderful human, incredible writer, new book coming out soon!
Tales from the Gas Station: Volume One, Jack Townsend
-> Trying to recapture some of Pargin's bizarre humour. Pretty similar, and I did enjoy it, but I was starting to move away from that vibe, and to be honest this just wasn't as good as Pargin.
Maze-Born Trouble, Ginn Hale
-> My only complaint with this book is it was too fucking short. 😠 Astonishing worldbuilding and a very rich story for what amounts to a novella. Love.
Altered Carbon, Richard K. Morgan
-> Following on from the scifi of Pargin's Zoey series and Maze-Born Trouble. This was good. I doubt I'll read more in the series because from the blurbs they're quite disparate, but holy hell the world that was built was incredible.
Mystic River, Dennis Lehane
-> Complicated reason why I read this that actually has to do with OOC. Also technically a reread, from a while ago. Love Lehane, though, and this as a standalone is very good. Has some examples of omniscient POV that I would almost classify as head-hopping that actually works, and as a thriller, so an interesting read for a writer as well.
Educated, Tara Westover
-> The beginning of my brief nonfiction binge.
I'm Glad My Mom Died, Jenette McCurdy
-> Because, obviously.
Eggshell Skull, Bri Lee
-> Highly HIGHLY recommended. Some heavy stuff regarding sex offences and the legal system, and quite centred in Australia, but a brilliant nonfiction read.
The Sunshine Court, Nora Sakavic
The Foxhole Court, Nora Sakavic
The Raven King, Nora Sakavic
The King's Men, Nora Sakavic
-> Why yes, I did see that The Sunshine Court had been released and immediately read it, then immediately reread All for the Game, because what the fuck else was I gonna do? Not reread it? C'mon.
Icebreaker, A.L. Graziadei
-> Note the author there, cuz I know there's another book by the same title. This one was excellent. Still not the AftG vibes I was seeking, but closest I've found reading something immediately after finishing that series.
The Ministry of Time, Kaliane Bradley
-> I know everyone's talking about it. Read it anyway.
Summer Sons, Lee Mandelo
-> currently reading. Currently loving.
...and that's 27 so far this year -- 23 if you don't count rereading books I read for the first time this year. 0.o Still, not a bad effort!
If you'd like more info or just wanna chat about any of this books, feel free to hit me up. Also if you've got this far without being intimidated by my awful formatting choices, congrats! And thankyou. ^_^
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immaterial-pearl · 5 months ago
My reread after five years is great because in 2019 I was not in any way interested in anime. But now I am blessed by the clear visions of how different scenes would play out specifically in anime format. You dont get it. Off-model chibi Andrew bits would go so hard.
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jeanmoreaux · 1 year ago
*✧ — january 2024 wrap up
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i truly had a reading journey this month; peaks and valleys. a mixed bag for sure. i mean olivie blake made the list with a new favourite AND the first one star of the year. at least schwab delivered with TFToP!!! it was So. Good. like. So So Good. other than that i really do not have much to say. i am currently rereading aftg so. you know. head empty.
2024 goal: 25/100 books
as alway, feel free to drop book recs, questions, or opinions in my inbox; i am always happy to talk to you about books!
* –> newly added to my favorites shelf
follow my goodreads | follow my storygraph  | previous wrap ups
A Power Unbound by Freya Marske | 3.5★
Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma by Claire Dederer | 3.5★
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan | 4★ | review
Almond by Sohn Won-Pyung (transl. by Sandy Joosun Lee) | 4.5★
The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna | 3★
Penguin's Poems For Love (edited by Laura Barber) | 5★
The Curse of Saints by Kate Dramis | 3.5★ | review
Shanghai Immortal by A.Y. Chao | 2★
A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid | 3★
* Masters of Death by Olivie Blake | 4.75★ | review
Dream Work by Mary Oliver | 5★ | comment
The Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo | 4★
Family Lore by Elizabeth Acevedo | 3★
All About Love: New Visions by bell hooks | 4.5★ | review
The Atlas Complex by Olivie Blake | 1★ | review
* Coriolanus by William Shakespeare | 4.5★ | comment
* The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwab | 5★ | comment
short stories
A Royal Affair by V.E. Schwab
A Life Erased by V.E. Schwab
Sacred Hospitality by Olivie Blake
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab | 4★ | review
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab | 5★
A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab | 5★
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake | 3★ | review
The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake | 2.5★ | review
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan | 4.5★
The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan | 4.75★ | comment
The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan | 4.5★ | comment
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