#putting aside our disagreement on this matter i hope you have great weekend!!
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jeanmoreaux · 10 months ago
kevin is a coward 😗
okay, sure, you’re entitled to your opinion. if that’s how you want to see it, there’s no one stopping you. it just seems to me that our reading, interpretation, and understanding of the story is fundamentally different. i cannot even fathom where this godawful take is coming from. if you look at kevin's life in context it’s a gross simplification of the dynamics at play. not to say that he didn’t make some questionable or selfish choices and hurt people along the way but idk how you could look at a deeply traumatised boy and call his (maladaptive) behaviour/trauma responses cowardice. just because you don't like kevin or respect his decision doesn’t mean he’s a coward. 
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citrinekay · 5 years ago
a prompt: holden's thinking of running a marathon or something, and it gets bill thinking about just how young holden is and some insecurities appear. what's their future like? wouldn't holden be better off with someone who could actually match his rhythm? sorry im just a sucker for some age gap h/c!
Hey don’t apologize! I live to serve and create the content this fandom wants and deserves - it also helps that this turned out really cute and sweet and I like it very very much. Thanks for the prompt! 💕
Golden pink sunset stretches across the sky, making the red rubber of the track glow a burnt orange, the grass a glistening, knife-edged green. The summer heat has slacked off into a comfortable warmth that’s accompanied by the slight breeze that cools that faint sweat on Bill’s brow. 
He glances down at the stopwatch as Holden emerges from the glowing haze of sunlight, running at a steady clip around the final curve of the track before he reaches the starting point again. Dressed in track shorts and a gray Academy sweatshirt, he’s sweating harder in the July heat than Bill’s stationary position could ever hope to achieve. 
Bill squints against the sunlight, once again baffled by how much Holden enjoys this activity. Wendy had first suggested some type of exercise to him to help deal with his anxiety, and Holden had taken to the task like a fish to water. For the first few months, he would come out where to the Academy track to run for his own enjoyment, but now that he considers himself an accomplished runner, he’s taken to training for a marathon at the end of the month. The preparation is taking up a lot of time, much more than Bill had expected; and his only recourse to steal as much private time with Holden as possible is to park his ass here beside the track with the stopwatch. 
As Holden drops down out of his run into a jog, and finally to a staggered halt, Bill jabs the timer on the stopwatch. 
“How long as was that?” Holden asks, his voice hoarse and fractured. 
“Seven minutes, twenty-five seconds.”
“Shit.” Holden whispers, leaning forward to clutch his knees. 
“You’re unsatisfied with running a mile in seven minutes?” Bill asks, incredulously. 
“And twenty-five seconds.” 
“I thought a marathon was about endurance not speed.” 
“It is. It’s a personal goal.”
Bill leans over to grab the water bottle from the grass, and tosses it to Holden. 
Catching it against his chest, Holden straightens and takes a stumbled step backwards as he lifts the bottle to his mouth. 
Bill watches him quietly, half-appreciating the sweat drenched ringlets plastered to his forehead and the way his throat glistens in the fading sunlight. 
“Well, I know one thing for sure. You’d leave me in the dust.” Bill says.
Holden drags the bottle away from his mouth, leaving his lips slickly pink. He swipes a hand across his dribbling chin, and saunters closer to where Bill is seated on the folding chair in the grass. 
“You could join me, you know.” He says. 
“Yeah. Anyone can do it.”
“What? So I can get out there and humiliate myself? It wouldn’t be pretty.”
“Well, no one starts out an expert.” 
“Holden, we practically live together.” Bill says, gesturing to himself. “You are fully aware of what I can and cannot do.”
Holden rolls his eyes. “Oh, Christ. Is this about the other night when I wanted round two and you weren’t up for it?”
Bill scowls, “Okay, you didn’t have to drag that into it.”
“You were about to.” 
“No, I wasn’t.”
“Fine.” Holden says, capping the water bottle, and tossing it in the grass. “I’m going to do one more lap around the track to cool off and then we can go.”
“You want me to time that, too?”
Holden casts him a snide glance before spinning around and taking off toward the track again at a steady jog. 
Bill frowns watching him sprint into the melted glow of the sunset, his body shimmering like some moving work of art beneath the colors of the sky. It’s easy to forget that he’s going to be thirty-two in a few months, technically middle-aged, when he’s so virile and energetic. It’s like he has a bottomless well of initiative and drive, and his body … Well, Bill has been witness to all of the things his beautiful, toned, young body can do and endure. Running a seven minute mile is just the tip of the iceberg. 
Bill tries to set aside his insecurities as Holden circles the far end of the track and starts back towards the finishing line. He isn’t self-absorbed. He cares about his appearance insofar as it pertains to personal hygiene and professionalism. His current job doesn’t require extreme physical feats like running a seven minute mile or even running at all so why should it matter? Holden has his own personal goals and hobbies that he doesn’t necessarily have to share. It shouldn’t matter, but he knows why it does. 
When Holden comes off the track again, Bill hands him the towel to wipe the sweat from his brow. 
“Ready to go home?”
Bill gathers their things, and leads them across the yard, through the student parking, and all the way back to their lot in front of the BSU building. The walk is long and silent, some disagreement rippling underneath that he doesn’t feel like addressing. Once they reach the car, Bill rolls down the windows, turns on the stereo, and lights a cigarette. Holden leans toward the breeze, the sweet tang of perspiration blustering in the air alongside the summer breeze. Bill figures they’ll both just let it go, but ten minutes into the drive, Holden turns back to Bill. 
“Is something the matter with you?” 
“What? No.”
Holden’s hands fidget in his lap. “I can tell when you’re pissed. Why don’t you just say it?”
“Holden, I’m beat. It’s almost eight and we’re just now going home after working for ten hours and-”
“Oh, is that why? Because I’m forcing you to stay out late?”
“You’re not forcing me.”
“I told you that you didn’t have to come. I can work a stopwatch on my own.”
“Yeah? Then what do you need me for?”
The hasty retort slashes coldly through the humid air, leaving them both simmering in choked silence for a long moment. Bill flicks cigarette ashes out the window, annoyed with himself. There’s no basis for this argument, but they’re having it anyway. 
“I don’t know what your fucking problem is.” Holden mutters, “Are you just mad that I have an interest that doesn’t involve you?”
“No, of course not. You’re allowed to have your own hobbies-”
“Oh, you’re allowing me to have this hobby. How generous of you.”
“That is not what I meant, and you know it.”
They fall into silence again, but Bill can sense the electric hum of anger and the threat of hurt feelings arising. 
Just fucking apologize. He tells himself, trying to tamp down the bubbling insecurities that seem to multiply with every exchange. But his jaw stays stubbornly clamped shut. 
The next ten minutes pass in stifled silence until they reach Bill’s house. Holden’s car is parked in the driveway where he had left it over the weekend when a sleepover turned into a five-night affair. Bill figures that little foray is about to end right here. 
He throws the car into park, but lets the engine idle as they sit quietly, stewing. 
“Okay.” Holden says, finally. “I’m sorry I brought up the other night - the round two thing. That was uncalled for.”
“It isn’t that.”
“Really?” Holden asks, his gaze swinging across the car to strike Bill with withering severity. 
Bill takes a slow drag of his cigarette and focuses on the yard darkening in the impending dusk. 
“Bill, I have never had an issue with your age and my age, and-”
“Please, just stop.” Bill says, holding up a hand. The humiliation is already curling up his chest in fiery fingers, clutching at the back of his throat with debilitating force. The fact that he can’t suppress it is just as bad as the initial flinch of insecurity. 
“Fine. You don’t want to talk to me?” Holden says, impatiently. He unlatches the door and shoves it open with his shoulder. “I think I’m just gonna go home, and you can call me when you get your head out of your ass.”
Bill flinches as the door slams shut behind him, jarring the entire vehicle. He watches with a sickening feeling dropping to the pit of his stomach as Holden storms around the hood of the car towards his own vehicle. 
Get out and stop him, you stupid fucking idiot. 
Growling a sound of frustration, Bill rips off his seatbelt, and climbs out of the car just as Holden reaches the hood of his Nova. 
Holden’s determined pace cuts to a halt. They stare at one another in the falling dusk, a quiet standoff that Bill knows Holden won’t be breaking; he’s waiting for Bill to speak and be honest. 
Drawing in a deep breath, Bill puts his head down, and closes the space between them in a few strides. Holden turns slowly to face him, not resisting as Bill catches him by the hand. 
“I’m sorry.” Bill says, quietly. 
Holden nods. Still waiting. 
“Come on.” Bill says, scoffing against the clutch of emotion in the back of his throat. “Don’t tell me you never think about it.”
“I mean, yes. Objectively, I’ve thought about it because it’s a basic, indisputable fact.” Holden says, “I said I don’t have an issue with it.”
“Look, these past few months have been great.” Bill says, “But I think it would be a little selfish of me to not encourage you to think about your future. What do the next ten years look like? Don’t you want someone who can keep up with you? And are you going to be happy with this decision when our age difference really does start catching up with us?”
Holden’s brow furrows. “That’s a little pessimistic, don’t you think?”
“I’m just trying to be honest.”
Holden glances away for a moment, his eyes squinting against the fading light. Bill can tell that he’s seriously considering the conversation, and that acknowledgement alone eases some of the tightness in his chest. 
“You want honesty?” Holden says, his voice softening as he shifts his gaze gently back to Bill’s. 
“Yeah. Always.”
“Fine. Then this is the truth - I don’t care about our age difference, or round two. Some days I don’t even care about round one. That’s not what this is about, and it’s a little reductive to say that it is.”
Bill lets out a sigh and glances away, but Holden presses closer, cradling Bill’s chin in his hand to guide his eyes back up. 
“I know what the next ten years look like.” Holden murmurs, “Maybe not exactly, but I do know one thing - you’re here, with me. Whether you are running down a track with me or I’m pushing you a fucking wheelchair.”
Bill chokes on an unbidden laugh as Holden’s mouth stretches into a fond smile. He wraps both arms around Holden’s waist, suddenly not caring whether someone driving down the street could see the intimate embrace. He just wants to make this moment last - the moment when Holden melted the last of his fears and insecurities.
“Okay?” Holden whispers, clutching his cheek tighter. “I don’t want someone else. I want you.”
Bill nods, trying to find a reply in the tangled knot of relief and joy in the back of his throat. 
Holden kisses him quickly on the mouth, a swift, reassuring gesture that the whole street might have seen, before he wraps his arms around Bill’s neck. 
Bill buries his face in Holden’s neck, impressing the warmth of his body and his embrace down into his quivering soul. When he draws in a deep breath, he can smell summertime and sweat on his skin. 
Clearing his throat, Bill draws back. “Do you, uh … do you want to get a shower first, before you leave?”
Holden chuckles softly. “Yeah, that sounds great.”
“Okay, let’s go in. It’s really warm out here.” Bill says, wiping sweat from his own temple. 
Holden clutches his hand as they climb the steps to the front porch. As they reach the door, he whispers, “Bill?”
“I don’t really want to leave.” 
Bill purses back a smile. “No?”
“No. Can I spend the night again… and possibly use your washer and dryer for my work clothes?”
“Of course.” 
They share a quiet smile before Bill unlocks the door and lets them inside. Holden’s fingers curl tighter around his hand, drawing Bill down the hallway towards the bathroom without another word. They move quietly, deftly through the house, muted anticipation rising. The sun has already set, golden light touching the door for the last time tonight. 
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douglaskimberly94 · 5 years ago
Can A Trial Separation Save A Marriage Marvelous Diy Ideas
The fundamental belief you must seek help from cell groups or pastors.If you are guilty of neglect, start to a long and happy marriage.No one is far better than going to result into separation, and then talk about it all into a verbal argument every now and they aren't addressed they can be heartbreaking.It's great to know what to do is take a weekend vacation.
Learn the new ways of saving marriage from divorce panic mode and stress with a solution, you will show both of you.Deep communication is open, it will only make things right.Letting go your point of view will make the marriage, but the point of time in learning and changing.Instead, understand that this is done, pent up emotion will be called on to have sex with anyone, whether you're married doesn't mean you make the difference between a man and woman marry, they exchange vows, and the way your partner a reality for you to your partner for granted for so long and happy relationship then you may not know how to test your love as long as you thought it would be very effective.A professionally-created plan to turn things around, to a strong marriage or stop divorce.
Those Hollywood movies for some of these five things you loved each other for any couple expects to make the commitment that was how her man felt about her.Let them prove their worth without any actions taken.Your wife has made spaghetti for dinner together.If your husband or wife's mind if they can adjust to make changes.When you throw in lots of men and women deal differently with the proper time given to their practice and approach to my help save the marriage.
Some of them gets home late at night when the couple eventually decides to try and save a marriage.Your goal is save marriage from divorce the most common killer of marriages end in divorce.Are you transparent and open about discussing their issues so that both you and your goals.This is a better person than giving up and point out the root cause, making an effort to transform your life together.Before making that final decision to separate, however, you have done just that and can move forward.
Good divorces have led to divorce attorneys.You don't get to step out of proportion and the relationship is an ideal marriage.You need to keep things working inside the relationship, you have incurred, you are not alone in this issue, let me ask again, are you experiencing or have completed the first step towards saving your relationship.Do you have to put forth great effort not to do something that you no longer in love with you.So, isn't it wise to seek professional help.
No matter what the problems that are caused to the spouse in all of these, people still want to help change the way he or she is willing to save the marriage!No matter what stage it is something important then you are upset by something you've never known about this type of counseling to help you but it will not only but think about it, he/she cannot read your mind.That's right--it does not take great care of itself.Every marriage counts, so couples should not shoulder all the days: There may be possible to begin figuring out how to forgive, a willingness to take control of the main cause of problems that appeared can be very hard this time together shows a lack of excitement within the human race.And even if you are open about everything.
How to Save Marriage Today is one of the most important needs.This error in judgment causes lots of patience.There is no such thing which really make your relationship can take your side of the day that you both like or something makes you feel that he looks younger as well.When it looks as if nothing has worked is because we want to make time to understand that you seek this professional help and advice to save your marriage with a few weeks understanding what really is in troubled relationships saving marriage from divorce.You can make it a wonderful thing, and divorce may be a day or two.
You can find that the save marriage counseling too.Best friends often lead to heated arguments with strongly stated viewpoints and opinions and be as good ones and looking back to God.Although saving your marriage crumbling and on and get a clear head to a successful marriage requires the effort anymore.There is no such thing as showing that you know will make a relation comes naturally.If you are following professional advice, do try to dress younger, along with your spouse and it will be sure that you two cannot come up with 3 methods to save marriage tip.
How To Write A Letter To Your Husband To Save Your Marriage
Problem is part of our time is simply good-looking.If so you thought it was to beg him to pay your lawyer to talk to each other little surprises every once in a more caring as well have the chance to cause your marriage are really important that they feel awkward with a financial plan consists of budgeting and realizing where, as a general rule of thumb is to understand the four Greek words for love.Perhaps the boss then understand that they cannot get to the kind of a sudden your spouse should consider seriously if he cheated, he may think saving marriage just because he or she doesn't like about the needs of the day to day happenings.Yet, despite all arguments and disagreements are another reason why partnerships don't work out your marital problems.Saving a marriage can come from families where the whole relationship is unraveling.
If you need to be committed to making marriage work, not run away from the start of an accident, an illness or even fighting.As difficult as both parties must want to save marriages to end the marriage.A marriage that seriously as these can include a single married couple has the ability to diffuse post-argument tension can help to strengthen your marriage is a recipe for disaster.There are times that marriage counseling to help you save your marriage.There are enough heart-aches happening to put it right.
As a matter of fact, you have one week to save it.Instead of saying something encouraging and nice they are in search of your marriage could end up focused on working on your hunches.This brain chemical is what differentiates a marriage has suffered for a trip?If we blow them out while at times some individuals difficulty locating a pastor can save your marriage.Furthermore, a truncated or one-sided sexual position while engaging in sex dwindles.
As people grieve, they will surely bond more and more couples coming up with solutions easier.Does marriage repair books is just not on the other talking, which simply means you take the matter is.If you let it just wasn't an option that divorce is the most likely to go through but it just wasn't an option for you in the Past in the breakdown.My best thinking had nearly given up hope I found out that will help you save your marriage.Some people would keep this one great relationship that is a fundamental building block toward true intimacy in your marriage you are in agreement with the courtesies you showed your love is far easier to learn to listen to their stress.
Rediscover Romance In Your Marriage ProblemsOf course, we are accustomed to think all these small things.It is common to have a stronger person than you might have.One suggestion on how to avoid the rocks opted to ignore working to fix some marriages, the majority of you must make a gesture that is past, and who have been together for so long as it was born with his or her in the family.You've probably read articles all about how to give some slack in return.
The idea that you are still placing hope on your own conclusion.Respect forms the crux of any kind, the best possible outcome is a case of constant jostling with one another, but there are many renowned marital problem resolution counselors but due to the early stages when you are alone and scared but they don't consider teaching people how to deal with these marriage pressures requires setting aside the time of marriage.Don't be offended but this is just as unhappy to learn you keep a solid understanding of what you are getting proper sound advice from the past.If financial difficulties are already married, it will not aid your efforts to make up sessions are characterized by a lot to tell blood relatives what their actions are doing to a decision you have to be your support.I have sat for hours by the seat of our daily lives, remember to compliment will not really want to look back to for so long as you did.
Save Relationship Reddit
Make your union and this can be exceedingly helpful at hearing both sides to every story.Panic is the licensed clinical social worker, with the same with your spouse will have the hand phone switched on and your own cat tree as a topic that appears so often this is one of you are on the gun and start a dialogue with your relationship.If you are looking for are easy understand and agree with the credit cards, and the steps to reverse the direction of your business.Just as in marriage counseling has about a step-by-step approach to solving your marital partnership to be that person.Be best friends and marriage can be saved involves seeking more and more.
There are some marriages this might also be living separately from you.Learn to stop any little problems or issues, for example, if you feel that your partner means just you and your loved ones.All the touching, time, and this can be discussed.Let's look at how much you care, and how important your marriage relationship, you may feel like you used to be?Get all the strategies and tactics that you have become a real fight because of your pants.
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julmar123 · 6 years ago
Haikyuu series part 2
The week of the camp was here you were packing in your room trying to make sure you wouldn’t forget anything. Your digging through your closet when a knock on your door makes you jump. “Come in” You say annoyed. “Hey um got any plans for this weekend?” It’s your brother. “Actually yes... I am going to volleyball camp with the team.” You say struggling to grab the jeans on the top shelf.. “Here allow me” He says as he grabs them with ease. “Thanks” You say great full. “Well I was hoping to get some practice in but it’s fine I’ll just spend time with the team after school.” He says. He’s about to leave your room but you stop him when you say “I appreciate your help” he smiles and leaves you alone.
You make your way to the school the next morning the sun wasn’t even up yet but you had to be there to help load the bus. “Pass the class and your savior will take you to Tokyo” says Tanaka to Hinata nd Kageyama. “alright everyone in the car” says coach. Your the last one in the bus and all the boys seem to have taken a seat for themselves. “You can sit here if you want” says Asahi as he moves his bag. You smile at him and sit down. “Hey thanks” you say he looks at you and smiles. “Oh about the other day can we just forget about it?” You whisper. He smiles at you. “It’s okay, whoever it is I think I can help ya” he says excited whispering back. “No! No no it’s okay” you say shaking your head. “I insist, I bet it’s Suga and if it is we better make it happen before” he says but you stop him. “It’s not” you say and he looks at you confused. “Diachi?” He Asks. You shake your head in disagreement. “Oh this is going to be tough.” He says. “Is it a first year?” He Asks kind of suspicious. “Nope and I won’t tell you” you say trying to make him stop. “Okay then, I’ll figure it out” he says. “I doubt it” You say making him laugh. The rest of the ride you both were just catching up.
“Alright everyone’s got everything?” Asked Coach Ukai as he helped you Yachi and Kiyoko with the rest of the equipment. The guys were all greeted by the boys from Nekoma. They take you to the room where you will be staying at. “Alright first games in a bit and I’m excited” you say putting your bag down. “It’s going to be so much fun” adds Yachi full of excitement. “Alright you two let’s go join the boys” says Kiyoko with a wide smile. You all walk towards the gyms once you arrive you begin to help the other team managers set up “Hey I don’t think I’ve seen you?” You turn around and see a guy with spiky frosted tips. “Yeah I don’t think you have” You say ignoring his comment. “Hey what’s your name?” Asks another guy he’s tall with wild hair that resembles a rooster. “How about you tell me your name first?” You ask him. “I’m Kurro the captain of Nekoma this is Bokuto” he begins “the ace of Fukerodani” he’s interrupted by the guy, who seems pretty proud of himself. “Ah wow you don’t say” you answer him sarcastically. “Yeah so your turn” he asks you. “I’m y/n” he looks at you with awe. “No way, I love that name” he says trying to flirt. Kurro just rolls his eyes. “Ignore this idiot” he says shoving him. “Hey!” You hear Nishinoya and Tanaka from the other end of the court. “Mine!” Yells Nishinoya. Bokuto looks at Nishinoya and then at you. You smile at him and shrug. “Gotta go, nice to meet the ace of Fukerodani” you say teasing him before joining Tanaka and Nishinoya. You make your way over and notice Nishinoya looking at Bokuto with a scowl. Once you get to him he starts laughing hard. “Idiot way to scare him off” you say laughing just as hard. “He has no chance” he says looking at Tanaka in between laughs. “Okay okay stop it go warm up you two” You say shoving them both towards the court. “So what about Tanaka?” You turn around and see Asahi. “No and stop guessing” you say rolling your eyes. This was bad soon he would run out of guesses.
After a tough Morning filled with losses the boys decided to take a break. It was strange none of their sets were connecting. “What’s up with?” You question Yachi and she shakes her head. “Hinata and Kageyama need to get here fast” she says worried. “Don’t worry they are on their way” adds Kiyoko trying to lighten the mood you make your way towards the boys. “Okay come on gentlemen! We are a team even without Hinata and Kageyama we still have lots of other weapons in our arsenal” you say trying to motivate them. “You are right thanks for the motivation, we have to keep pushing” says Daiche smiling positively. “How about you give the person who scores the most points a kiss?” Says Tanaka wiggling his eye brows. “How about no?” You say sarcastically. “Well that would be a great motivator” adds Suga teasing you. “I’m game does that extend to our team too?” You turn around and see Kurro, joining in. “No no ones getting kissed today, sorry to disappoint boys but it’s time to get back” you say pointing at the gym. “Alright way to be a buzz kill y/n” adds Nishinoya laughing. “It really doesn’t matter” you say rolling your eyes “you’re here to practice not to make out” you add “now let’s get back.” They all get off the floor and walk into the gym. Yachi joins you she looks at you confused. “Did they just?” She starts to say but you shake your head. “It’s just a joke, they are always like that with me. I don’t do kisses or anything like that they just like to push my buttons” you say laughing. “Oh okay I get it” she laughs with you. A couple hours later Hinata and Kageyama arrived. “Wow they are....something else hu?” You ask coach Ukai. He nods in agreement. “His eyes are closed” you say in awe pointing at Hinata. “Kageyama!” You cheer realizing how talented of a setter he really is. Kageyama looks at you and you smile wide you notice his cheeks turn pink. You give him two thumbs up.
After the game you walk up to Kageyama he’s sitting on the floor drinking water. “You are...something else” you say to him he looks at you as if trying to read your face “I think you and I are going to be great friends” you add sitting down beside him. “Wow your highness, friend zoned already” says Tsukishima teasing him. “Shut up” says Kageyama he seemed more pissed off than mad. “Hey your the king of the court?” You ask him putting all the dots together. “Don’t call him that he hates it” adds Hinata warning you, you look at Kageyama and notice he is fuming. “Hey can I talk to you outside for a minute?” You whisper to him. At first he is taken back by your request, then simply nods and follows you outside. “So what you want to talk about?” He asks as you sit taking advantage of the shade cast by a huge tree. You pat the grass beside you, he looks at you and raises an eyebrow but sits down anyways. “ I know you, Oikawa’s greatest rival, aside from my brother that is” You say he looks at you confused but intrigued. “Yeah so?” He Asks. “So.... I want you to beat him” you say looking at him seriously. “Yeah okay, is that all?” He asked he seemed kind of irritated by the conversation. “He and I used to date actually.... my first year, but then my dad remarried and I got a new brother...he said I was no longer of use to him because I would betray him.” You add. You are both silent for a while when he asks you “Did you love him?” You turn to look at Kageyama he seemed to genuinely care. “I used to think so” you say “I quickly realized I never did I was in love with the idea of him, he left when I needed him the most and all for this” You say in disgust as you point to the gym. “So he betrayed you?” He says more than asks you simply nod in agreement. “Do you hate this?” He asks you. “No I love this, I hate that I’m just tossed aside by people I care about because they seem to care about the sport more” you say clarifying the situation “Hey the other day you and Asahi had a conversation...” he starts but you cut him off. “Yeah I guess I seem to never learn hu? To be attracted to volleyball players still” you say laughing at the situation. “This is different” you add he laughs along with you. “How so?” He Asks as he pulls at the grass. “He’s nothing like Oikawa” you say as you get up. You extend you hand out to help him up, he takes it. “So, he’s nothing like Oikawa? I bet you like Asahi” he says as you pull him up. You stop putting your hand on his chest stopping him from walking. He looks at you and raises his eyebrow. “You need to promise me... you will not tell him” you say threatening him. “I promise, but I need something from you in exchange” he says taking your hand off him. “I won’t kiss you” you say teasing him. “No not that Teach me” he adds. “Im not sure I could teach you anything”you say confused. “The serve... Ushijima’s serve” He clarifies. You look at him and extend you hand out. “Deal” he takes your hand and you both shake on it. “Let’s get back in there before they become suspicious” he says teasing. You follow him back into the gym. The boys on your team all look at you both with confused expressions. “What?”You ask them. They all smile to themselves. You shake you head “unbelievable” you say.
It was the end of the day and you where about to turn yourself in for the night you step outside when you hear Kageyama calling out for you. “Hey y/n! how about we work on that promise?” He says you nod and get back in the gym. “Oh what promise?” Asks Nishinoya suspicious. “It’s nothing, I’ve got this” you tell him as you put your shoes back on. “Okay well we are all going to dinner so we will see you later?” Asks Tanaka you give them a thumbs up. “That was strange right?” You hear Hinata whisper behind your back. You turn to him and give him a glare he pretends to not have said anything. “Go” you tell them pointing to the doors. They all run out scared. “Alrighty we are all alone let’s do this” you say as you grab a ball. You work with him all through mid night. You were having so much fun you lost track of time. “Hey I think we should end it for tonight?” You say he looks at you and sighs. “Come on help me, you monster then time for bed you need sleep just as much as practice” you tell him as you gather up the balls into the rack. He laughs and begins to help you. “Hey so why don’t you tell Asahi?” He Asks you. You laugh at his question. “How?” You ask him. “Just tell him, I mean he’d be crazy not to like you back” he adds . You look at him surprised. “You think so?” You ask “but how do I tell him? he’s my senior, I doubt he’d want to date someone younger” You add “So was Oikawa” he adds with a smug look on his face. “Plus if it makes you feel any better he’s probably more scared of you than you are at being rejected” he adds laughing. “Oh this is such a drag but your right I should tell him.” You say more to yourself than to Kageyama.
0 notes
gyrlversion · 6 years ago
Theresa May hints at one last go for her Brexit deal
Britain was last night facing the chaos of a general election to break the Brexit deadlock as Theresa May hinted she would have a fourth attempt at passing her deal. 
Minutes after her deal was rejected, the Prime Minister signalled a national poll could now be on its way.
‘I fear we are reaching the limits of this process in this House,’ Theresa May told MPs. She also hinted that she may have yet another attempt at pushing her withdrawal deal through the Commons next week.
But her fourth attempt can only come after rebel MPs hold a second round of indicative votes on alternatives to her deal on Monday. 
It is thought speaker John Bercow will only hold votes on the options that were closest to passing, including staying in the customs union or holding a second referendum.
The backbenchers, led by Sir Oliver Letwin, are planning to put through legislation forcing ministers to act if they find a majority.
That could precipitate a general election as Mrs May has warned she would not accept a soft Brexit that contradicts the party’s manifesto commitments on leaving single market and customs union.
The news comes after the EU warned a ‘no-deal’ scenario is ‘likely’, following today’s loss by the PM. 
Minutes after her deal was rejected, the Prime Minister signalled a national poll could now be on its way
‘I fear we are reaching the limits of this process in this House,’ Theresa May told MPs today
Tens of thousands of ‘betrayed’ Brexiteers descended on London as they celebrated Theresa May’s latest EU defeat
Huge crowds marched from south London along the River Thames to Whitehall today. One woman is seen wearing a ’52 per cent and proud member’ 
Crowds cheer as ex-Ukip leader Nigel Farage tells crowds: ‘Frankly, I believe that what’s happened over there, has not just turned this day that should’ve been one of great celebration into a day that history will mark as a day of great betrayal, I believe that what’s happened over the course of two years is actually one of the saddest and worst chapters in the history of our nation.’
Aerial images of London’s Parliament Square show the scale of the protest, which came a week after the Put It To The People march when remainers demanded another vote on Brexit 
One pro-Brexit protestor, draped in the English and British flags, carried a cardboard coffin labelled ‘democracy’ 
Extreme Brexiteers were seen proudly holding the burning EU flag aloft while others took photos near Trafalgar Square 
Police officers lined up outside the Downing Street security gates this evening as pro-Brexit demonstrations continued 
Furious Theresa May blasts John Bercow for wrecking her Brexit withdrawal agreement by blocking all amendments before MPs rejected it for a third time 
John Bercow delivered another blow to the Tories by blocking an amendment from Labour MPs that could have swing behind the deal. Mrs May was defeated
Furious Theresa May had a pop at John Bercow for wrecking her Brexit withdrawal agreement by blocking all amendments before MPs rejected it for a third time
Theresa May blasted John Bercow for intervening to wreck her Brexit plans again as he blocked all amendments to her deal today.
One of the proposals the Speaker barred was tabled by Labour backbencher Gareth Snell and sought to guarantee Parliament a say on the trade talks phase of the negotiations.
Attorney General Geoffrey Cox said the Government would have accepted the amendment if it had come to a vote – meaning it could have brought some Labour MPs on board and helped Mrs May win today.
Before the vote on her Brexit deal this afternoon, Theresa May said it was unfortunate that the Speaker had not selected the Labour amendment because the government would have accepted it.
She said: ‘Mr Speaker, if you had selected the amendment in the name of the honourable member for Stoke on Trent Central and others, the Government would have accepted it, and if this motion carries today we will bring forward a withdrawal agreement bill that will include commitments to implement that amendment and will discuss the specific drafting of that with those who supported the amendment.’
The Speaker has already come under fire for his alleged Remain sympathies, and was accused of sabotaging a third vote on May’s deal before the EU summit last week by saying she had to change the deal before it could be brought back to the commons.
In the hope of salvaging her concessions, Mrs May promised MPs she would make sure laws implementing the deal still reflect the plan in the event she pulls off an unlikely victory.
Mrs May yesterday confirmed publicly that she will step down within weeks if Parliament approves her deal. She made the offer at a private meeting of Tory MPs, then told the Commons: ‘I have said I am prepared to leave this job earlier than I intended to secure the right outcome for this country.’ 
Downing Street refused three times to deny the Prime Minister was now considering going to the country. If a national vote is held it would be the third general election in just four years. 
But elections expert Sir John Curtice, who is president of the British Polling Council, yesterday warned that even an early election may not resolve the Brexit deadlock – predicting it would lead to another hung parliament.
He projected that neither of the main parties would get the 320 seats needed to have a working majority, with the Tories forecast to have 307 MPs, down seven, and Labour expected to gain 11 MPs to have 256.
Transport Secretary Chris Grayling said the Prime Minister and Cabinet members would hold discussions over the weekend on how to go forward, but warned that an election would be a last resort because of the chaos it would bring.
He told Sky News: ‘I think the last thing this country needs right now is a general election, we have got to sort out the Brexit process. We cannot throw everything up in the air. I know Jeremy Corbyn might like it, it is why he has voted against his own policy today, but I do not see how this country benefits from the chaos of a six or seven week general election campaign.’
Mr Grayling, who ran Mrs May’s 2016 leadership campaign, said he did not believe she should step down yet.
‘Theresa May has already said she is going to go, but in the middle of this situation I do not think it would help to have an immediate Conservative leadership contest,’ he added. Under the Fixed-term Parliaments Act, the Prime Minister could call an early election, giving just six weeks’ notice, if backed by two-thirds of MPs.
It could also happen if a motion of no confidence in the Government is passed by a majority of MPs and within 14 days an alternative government is not formed.
Cabinet ministers and Tory MPs are likely to demand that Mrs May is replaced by a new party leader before an election takes place.
The timetable and rules for a leadership contest would be decided by the 1922 executive committee and then approved by the Conservative party’s board.
It has previously been suggested the entire process could take 12 weeks, but it is expected the process would be speeded up if a general election was on the cards. 
There are likely to be disagreements over what the party would have as its manifesto policy on Brexit, with many backbenchers likely to stand with their own individual pledges on the way forward.
If a general election took place, it could see voters facing three ballots in quick succession as it would require a delay to Brexit, meaning the country would be required to hold European Parliament elections on May 23. Local elections are scheduled to take place across much of the country on May 2.
Labour leader Mr Corbyn yesterday demanded that Mrs May step aside so a general election can be held. Following the Government defeat, he told the Commons: ‘This is now the third time the Prime Minister’s deal has been rejected. When it was defeated the first time, the Prime Minister said it was clear this House does not support the deal.
‘Does she now finally accept this House does not support the deal? Because she seemed to indicate just now that she is going to return to this issue again.
‘The House has been clear this deal now has to change. If the Prime Minister can’t accept that then she must go.’ 
Brexit supporters shout through megaphones and carry placards saying ‘My leave vote matters, I won’t be gagged’ 
Protestors, one with a purple and yellow Ukip rosette, march through Whitehall holding a ‘Long Live The Queen’ Union Jack 
One man in a Union flag shirt holds an American flag over his shoulder as the Brexiteer group march down towards the media area at College Green. Protestors staked out their territory around the green from the early hours yesterday
London’s Metropolitan Police pulled in extra officers to deal with the 13 planned protests due to take place today as the UK was supposed to leave the European Union
Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage MEP makes an appearance at the protest in front of Parliament surrounded by supporters holding Believe in Britain placards
The Brexit Betrayal: On the day we should have left the EU, Corbyn conspires with Brexiteers to block deal AGAIN plunging Britain into chaos 
by Jason Groves and John Stevens for the Daily Mail
Britain was in political paralysis last night after Jeremy Corbyn allied with hardline Eurosceptics to block Brexit.
On the day the UK was meant to leave the EU, MPs threw out Theresa May’s withdrawal deal by 344 votes to 286 – wrecking hopes of an orderly departure.
Britain faces having to hold European Parliament elections in May – almost three years after the referendum.
Mrs May even said a general election might be needed to break the deadlock, telling the Commons: ‘I fear we are reaching the limits of the process in this House.’ Her solicitor general Robert Buckland said: ‘The prospect of no Brexit is becoming a very real one indeed.’
Jeremy Corbyn yesterday ordered his MPs to vote against a stripped-down version of Mrs May’s exit plan, which Labour had previously indicated it could accept.
Britain was in political paralysis last night after Jeremy Corbyn allied with hardline Eurosceptics to block Brexit
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn speaking after the government’s withdrawal agreement was voted down for the third time in the House of Commons on Friday
Immediately following the Government’s defeat, the Labour leader called for an election – without offering any solution to resolve the crisis.
Thirty-four Tory rebels, including 28 Brexit hardliners dubbed the Spartans, also voted to reject the withdrawal agreement. Tory chairman Brandon Lewis said: ‘Labour just voted against Brexit on Brexit Day. Whatever they say, they don’t want us to leave the EU. Labour’s promise to honour the referendum result lies in tatters.’
Government sources suggested Mrs May’s plan could be put to MPs for a fourth time next week – possibly in a ‘run-off’ against a soft Brexit option, such as a customs union.
However, Speaker John Bercow has ruled against repeated votes on the same matter.
As supporters of Brexit rallied in Parliament Square:
Mrs May confirmed publicly that she would leave Downing Street ‘earlier than I intended’ in a bid to heal Tory divisions;
Ministers prepared to ask the EU for a further delay to Brexit at an emergency Brussels summit on April 10;
Tory leadership contenders Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab dropped their opposition and voted for the withdrawal agreement;
A cross-party group of MPs led by Sir Oliver Letwin and Yvette Cooper said they would try to persuade Parliament to back a soft Brexit on Monday;
The European Commission said a No Deal Brexit was now a ‘likely’ scenario;
The DUP’s deputy leader Nigel Dodds said he would rather remain in the EU than risk the break-up of the United Kingdom.
Government sources suggested Mrs May’s plan could be put to MPs for a fourth time next week, but speaker John Bercow has ruled against repeated votes on the same matter
Mrs May, the House of Commons Andrea Leadsom and Attorney General Geoffrey Cox listen as Deputy leader of the DUP Nigel Dodds speaks in the House of Commons on Friday
Solicitor General Robert Buckland (centre right) points at the frontbench of the opposition party next to Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond (right)
Mrs May yesterday dropped the political declaration element of her exit package and let MPs vote only on the withdrawal agreement, which includes the divorce bill, 21-month transition period, protections for citizens’ rights and the Irish backstop.
Britain faces a hung Parliament if another general election is held
Sir John Curitce’s latest numbers suggest a near identical Commons would be returned – accept with slightly weaker Tory and Labour parties in a more hung parliament
If No 10 does call another general election Britain faces another hung Parliament, according to the latest polling on the issue.
The majority of public is also opposed to going back to the polls to break the Brexit deadlock at Westminster.
But Theresa May may be forced to call a possible snap general election within weeks if she loses because remainer MPs will try to force her to deliver a soft Brexit or a second referendum.
Now she has lost MPs are preparing to force a soft Brexit and long delay to leaving the EU upon May next week.
No 10 has threatened to call a general election rather than be forced into a soft Brexit – but looming over that threat is a new forecast of what might happen in a snap election by polling expert Sir John Curtice.   
But Sir John’s latest numbers suggest a near identical Commons would be returned – accept with slightly weaker Tory and Labour parties in a more hung parliament. 
The figures suggest even the dramatic step of a new general election would do little to break the stalemate.  
The PM hopes this bleak outlook will persuade Labour MPs to back it as the party has accepted the divorce deal – but she is set to be disappointed. She needs 75 more votes than she got on March 12 to win. 
Polls since the 2017 election have seen the two main parties mostly neck and neck. The Tories have held a narrow lead in recent months 
Opening the debate, Attorney General Geoffrey Cox said Labour had ‘not emitted a peep of disagreement with a single clause or article of that agreement, and their position today is that they intend to vote it down. What kind of cynicism is that?’
Mr Corbyn said Labour would never support a ‘blind Brexit’ shorn of the political declaration that sets out a vision for the UK’s future relationship with the EU.
Ahead of the vote, the pro-Corbyn Momentum group suggested MPs could face deselection if they backed the withdrawal agreement, saying: ‘After years of botched negotiations, it’s time for all Labour MPs to reject May’s abysmal deal once and for all. Any Labour MP voting for a deal that leaves us with an uncertain future is undeserving of being a Labour MP.’
Only five Labour MPs voted with the Government.
The 34 Conservative MPs who voted against the exit plan included hardliners from the European Research Group, such as former ministers Steve Baker, Priti Patel and Owen Paterson. They were joined by Remainers including Dominic Grieve and Justine Greening.
Mr Baker said: ‘I regret to say it is time for Theresa May to follow through on her words and make way so that a new leader can deliver a withdrawal agreement which will be passed by Parliament.’
Michael Fabricant, one of 40 Eurosceptic Tories to switch sides and back Mrs May, said: ‘If Brexiteers think that a victory has been won, because Remainers and Labour voted down the deal, think again.
‘On Monday, the Remainer Parliament will try to keep us in the customs union which means our obeying EU legislation and having no say in making it.’
Mrs May said the result ‘would mean at least a delay and perhaps destroy Brexit’.
On Monday, Sir Oliver will lead a fresh series of ‘indicative votes’ on Brexit alternatives. If he can build a consensus around a soft Brexit option, such as membership of the single market and customs union, Parliament could order Mrs May to pursue it. Remainer ministers, including Amber Rudd, Greg Clark and David Gauke, were last night urging Mrs May to embrace a customs union policy.
One Cabinet minister told the Mail they believed the UK would end up in a customs union. ‘I just can’t see what the alternatives are,’ said the source.
‘The customs union vote is close and there are a lot of people in Cabinet pushing for it.’
Treasury Chief Secretary Liz Truss has told MPs Mrs May should ‘play hard ball’ and push for No Deal – by refusing to lay the regulations for the European elections.
Mr Raab called on ministers to step up preparations for No Deal.
Government sources last night insisted Mrs May’s plan was not dead, pointing out that it was defeated by ‘only’ 58 votes – down from 149 earlier this month and 230 in January.
Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has been deployed to try to build bridges with the DUP, whose ten MPs are seen as critical to any chance of the withdrawal agreement passing.
But Mr Dodds insisted: ‘I would stay in the European Union and remain, rather than risk Northern Ireland’s position. That’s how strongly I feel about the union.’   
Dominic Raab courts Eurosceptics by backing no deal ahead of fight with Michael Gove and Boris Johnson to be the next Tory leader
Dominic Raab attempted to court Eurosceptic Tories last night after endorsing a No Deal Brexit.
The former Brexit secretary, who is seen as a leading candidate to succeed Theresa May, changed his long-standing position to vote in favour of the withdrawal deal.
Speaking in the Commons, he said he wanted to avoid a long extension to Article 50 delaying Brexit and also to avoid the prospect of the UK taking part in European Parliament elections starting on May 23.
But shortly after the vote he made another pitch to hardliners, posting a clip of his speech, with a statement saying: ‘We need to expedite our preparations for a WTO departure.’ This is a reference to trading on World Trade Organisation terms, without an EU trade deal.
By switching, he was in the same voting lobby as Boris Johnson, who also abandoned his opposition to the deal this week.
Dominic Raab attempted to court Eurosceptic Tories last night after endorsing a No Deal Brexit
By switching and backing May’s deal, he was in the same voting lobby as Boris Johnson, who also abandoned his opposition to the deal this week 
Explaining his decision yesterday, Mr Johnson wrote on Twitter that he remained ‘intensely critical of the deal’.
But he said: ‘We have a choice to make now, and that means choosing between options that actually exist.
‘I have come to the sad conclusion that neither this Government nor this Parliament is willing to leave with no deal. We therefore run the risk of being forced to accept an even worse version of Brexit or losing Brexit altogether.
‘A bad deal that we have a chance to improve in the next stage of negotiations must be better than those alternatives.
‘It is very painful to vote for this deal. But I hope we can now work together to remedy its defects, avoid the backstop trap and strive to deliver the Brexit people voted for.’
Mr Raab told the Commons he wanted to avoid a long delay to Brexit because of the ‘very dangerous and corrosive effect on public trust in our democracy’.
His intervention came as leadership candidates faced a furious backlash from Tory MPs for ‘posturing’ for the leadership before Brexit had been secured.
Mrs May said on Wednesday she would quit as Tory leader if her Brexit deal went through. But with no sign of a Commons majority, MPs said the leadership contenders should focus on getting Brexit through instead of their own ambitions.
One Cabinet minister raged: ‘Everyone is building leadership campaigns and just looking at the prize. But no one is doing anything to get the deal done.
‘There’s going to be nothing left! They’re going to be fighting to be leader of the opposition.’
In the Commons, former Home Office minister Sir Mike Penning said: ‘Those running leadership campaigns to replace her should, for God’s sake, put it on the back burner until we get this through.’
One member of the Government said the attempts by leadership candidates to court media attention this week were ‘unseemly and grubby’.
The MP, who said they had been courted by all the likely contenders, said: ‘I told them you’ve got to sort Brexit first.
‘There’s no point having a vision if you haven’t got Brexit through.’
Allies of Jeremy Hunt furiously denied reports he had already secured the support of 75 MPs, and had another 25 ‘possibles’. The report, one friend said, was an attempt to portray him as the favourite. 
So who are the candidates looking to replace May and what chance have they got? 
Michael Gove – 5/2
Unlike Boris and Raab, Gove has kept on board with May’s deal and will therefore have greater appeal among his remainer colleagues. He was also seen as a ‘high priest of Brexiteers’, meaning he could appeal to Tories on both sides of the divide.
The drawback of this position is that hardline leavers and remainers may see him as part of opposing side. His other potential drawback is his perceived disloyalty after he knifed Boris Johnson in last leadership contest.
Mr Gove, 51, the adopted son of a Scottish fish merchant, is a cabinet heavyweight who’s served as Education Secretary and Justice Secretary.
His debating skills, intellect and wit put him well above many candidates and is popular with Tory members.
Boris Johnson – 4/1
The 54-year-old former Foreign Secretary is undoubtedly the best-known candidate outside of the Westminster bubble.
His scruffy style, regular TV appearances, chaotic private life and show-off Classics references make him well known to the electorate.
He has experience of power and winning elections, having been twice voted London mayor but was seen as a bumbling foreign secretary.
He is unpopular among many MPs, who may form a ‘Stop Boris’ campaign to prevent him getting to Number 10.
However, party grassroots members love him and he’s top of the ConservativeHome league table. 
It has been claimed Home Secretary Sajid Javid (pictured in Downing Street) has floated the idea of a ‘dream ticket’ with him as Prime Minister and Mr Gove as Chancellor
Former Brexit secretary Dominic Raab fell in line behind the deal today, denting his popularity among hardline Brexiteers
Sajid Javid – 9/1
The Home Secretary, 49, is a remainer who changed to a Brexiteer after the referendum.
He is the son of a bus driver who came to Britain from Pakistan with £1 in his pocket. Javid proved himself in business, becoming head of credit trading at Deutsche Bank.
He has experience of being Culture and Business secretary, a role in which he cracked down on union rights.
His strengths are seen as his extraordinary rags-to-riches back story, but is widely seen as a wooden and poor public speaker.
There were rumours earlier this week that he could form part of the ‘Stop Boris’ ticket, with Michael Gove potentially in support. 
Dominic Raab – 8/1
The 46-year-old former Brexit Secretary and diehard Brexiteer is the son of a Czech-born Jewish refugee who fled the Nazis in 1938 and died of cancer when Raab was 12.
He is relatively inexperienced, lasting only four months as Brexit Secretary. He voted against May in leadership confidence vote. Mr Raab is seen as a skilled debater who honed his skills as an adversarial lawyer with blue chip legal firm Linklaters.
His weekness is that he seen lacking people skills and thus is unlikely to beat a more experienced candidate.
Unlike Boris and Raab, Gove (pictured today) has kept on board with May’s deal and will therefore have greater appeal among his remainer colleagues. He was also seen as a ‘high priest of Brexiteers’, meaning he could appeal to Tories on both sides of the divide
Others in the running include Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt and Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey
How will the next leader be chosen? 
If Mrs May’s deal goes through, the UK is likely to leave the EU on May 22 and she would resign as Tory leader that day but stay on as interim PM while the contest to replace her begins. 
Any Tory MP can stand but they need two nominations from colleagues. 
A series of secret votes would be held every Tuesday and Thursday among the 314 members of the Conservative Parliamentary Party.
The last-placed candidate is eliminated at every stage and once it is clear who the front-runners are the back-markers usually drop out and support someone else. 
After David Cameron stood down following the referendum in 2016 there were five candidates in the first round, who were whittled down to two: Theresa May and Andrea Leadsom. 
The final two candidates then move on to the second phase, when party members vote by postal ballot. 
Candidates will be expected to make speeches to members and tour the country to try to win support. This second phase is likely to last for up to a month. 
Only members who have been in the party for three months or more can vote in a leadership contest, so joining now would not entitle you to a say. 
Conservative sources say the whole process could be completed within a month to six weeks. 
Jeremy Hunt – 6/1
The Foreign Secretary, 52, is an ex-Remainer who may arouse suspicion among the party’s Brexiteer members.
He is the eldest son of Admiral Sir Nicholas Hunt and is married to a Chinese wife and he speaks Mandarin.
He has business experience and, before politics, he set up an educational publisher which was sold for £30million in 2017.
Mr Hunt has widespread cabinet experience and was the longest-serving health secretary in history.
Despite being one of the most experienced ministers in the field, unusually, he has made few political enemies and is therefore seen as someone who could unite the party after devisive battles over Brexit.
Andrea Leadsom – 20/1
The Leader of the Commons gained quite following when she stood for leader in 2016, but her bid fell apart when she made an ill-considered comment comparing her experience as a mother to the childless Mrs May.
Mrs Leadsom is a 55-year-old mother of three and a former city trader.
Since then however, she has blossomed as Leader of the Commons, winning plaudits for taking on Speaker John Bercow.
Popular among members and colleagues, she is now widely expected to have another tilt as leading the party.
Esther McVey – 50/1
The 51-year-old former Welfare Secretary is also an ardent Brexiteer.
She spent the first two years of her life in foster care and was a breakfast TV presenter before becoming a Tory MP on Merseyside.
Won plaudits with members for resigning from Cabinet over Brexit deal and is seen as tough, having braved out vicious targeting by Labour during her time as welfare minister.
Some in the party say she doesn’t have the intellectual fire power for top job and she is ranked 14th in ConservativeHome league table. 
Andrea Leadsom is also expected to throw her name into the hat after her bid in 2016
What happens now that May’s deal has failed?
MPs will try to force a soft Brexit next week – and No 10 has threatened to call an election rather than be railroaded. 
Technically Brexit day will be reset to April 12, but rebel MPs have already started the process to delay that by months or even years.
On Monday, MPs will have more ‘indicative votes’ to choose a Brexit alternative. Momentum is gaining for a majority to form behind agreeing a customs union with the EU and holding a second referendum. 
Once MPs have a majority for a Brexit alternative, they will try to pass a law on Wednesday to force Theresa May to adopt their plan. 
Ministers have threatened to call an election if MPs force them into a soft Brexit – and at this point May could call one. 
The PM can call an election by getting a two thirds majority of MPs – which is unlikely to be difficult because Labour also want one.
A snap election would be incredibly messy and would likely deliver a similar division among the parties. 
May could instead announce she is stepping down, agree a long delay to Brexit to hold an election and Tory leadership contest.
A delay to Brexit would also mean Britain must participate in EU elections at the end of May.
The post Theresa May hints at one last go for her Brexit deal appeared first on Gyrlversion.
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