go-starry-eyed · 1 year
Some AfterVision thoughts:
Like most, I'm a little disappointed. Especially because I just remembered last year and that... that was the best of Eurovision. That was Europe standing behind Ukraine and showing them all the love that you can in a silly little dance show. I liked last year so much!
There were people being worried that it was going to be rigged last year too. And I could see why they would be worrying about that. BUT then Stefania was SO good. It was such a great piece. I heard it and I knew nobody needed to rig anything because this was by far the best song in the competition!
Now, this year. Starting with the host: UK, sweety, I like you. I really do. But what the fuck was that? Why did you make that all about yourself? That was SO uncalled for! Who made that decision? You took the spotlight from a war torn country that WON. That is just... WHAT?!?!?!? Why?!? That's basic human decency 101. That's like don't hit a toddler and don't steal from the elderly. Like, do we have to even say this?
But instead of giving the time to Ukraine - THEIR time, you know, because THEY won - you made it about people who almost won 30 years ago and all the "memorable" ESC acts of the last decades? Like. What?!? Nobody liked that, that was a dick move. Whoever is responsible for that decision: Shame on you. You did your country such a disservice by stealing Ukraine's spotlight.
Now, for the winner, I feel icky about the jury votes too. Don't get me wrong, it is a nice enough song. But Sweden got so many 12 points. So many. When there were other strong songs (Norway, my queen! That was great!).
I'm also sorry for everyone who feels let down today. Last year was the best if Eurovision, this year was just... a pretty disappointing meh.
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lazuliblur · 7 years
Eerie: One thing that always creeps you out?
Halloween asks
With the Mind Body Switch technique complete, Rin found herself in a body not her own.
She took an experimental look around the unfamiliar chamber that she was in and her heart leapt into overdrive. A trail of slow motion visual artifacts followed in the wake of every movement that her eyes made. The more she tried to follow the aftervision replicas, the more they reproduced until her head started to hurt from trying to make sense of the multitude of realities superimposing themselves in front of her.
It was too much to handle. Her breaths became shorter and shorter, quicker and quicker. As a medic, she recognised what was happening. She was hyperventillating.
She immediately closed her eyes.
The visual chaos assaulting her senses was suspended. She started counting back from a hundred and taking deep breaths.
“Shit! I’m sorry! I forgot that– Look, everything’s fine! You’re okay,” a voice sounded at the back of her mind.
That would be the owner of the body that Rin now occupied, she realised.
“What was that?!” If she sounded a little more hysterical than she would have liked, who could fault her? She was still freaked out by what she had seen.
“That’s just my… Well, you’re not really supposed to know that, but I fucked up so now I have to explain it. That was my sharingan. I forgot that it was still active.”
“You forgot.” One deep breath. Two deep breaths. Little by little, Rin regained control over her body. “Did you just not notice that the world looked insane?”
“Sorry. Force of habit. I suppose it would look creepy to a non-Uchiha.”
That… sounded hard to believe, but Rin supposed that she had no choice but to accept it. How else could an entire clan go about their day-to-day lives without going insane if they didn’t eventually get used to the world looking like that?
“Can you turn it off, please?”
“Umm, yeah, if you… Actually you can do it yourself. Just stop directing chakra to the sharingan and it will deactivate.”
“Okay,” Rin whispered. She focused on her new body, mapping her inner chakra pathways. From heart, to lung, from shoulder to fingertip, from brain to eye. She regulated those paths back to a normal flow.
“Yeah, like that,” the voice in her head instructed.
When next Rin opened her eyes, the world was still spinning from the scare that she had been given. She remained a little light-headed, but everything else was thankfully back to normal.
“Now that was beyond weird. I don’t think I could ever get used to it.”
Sorry, she felt more than heard, from her host.
“So you’re an Uchiha, huh? Nice to meet you. My name’s Crane. Now, how can I help you?”
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maestrobilly · 7 years
A-Maze Berlin 2017
Estive este ano no A-maze, festival de Indie Games aqui em Berlin, para participar do dia focado em VR/AR/MR.
Pela primeira vez eles abriram o festival para isto, mas com um foco mais artístico do que efetivamente de games e desenvolvedores.
O resultado foi bem interessante. Tem muita gente já desconstruindo artisticamente projetos de VR, como é o caso da cyber artist holandesa Rosa Menkman.
Basicamente ela usa DCT (Discreet Cosine Transform) para desconstruir arquivos JPEG e retirar deles o processo de compressão invisível para criar formas e objetos diferenciados.
Disso ela criou uma história de dois personagens, Senior e Junior, que passeiam por este ambiente descobrindo as mudanças de macroblocks para vetores e wavelets.
Tudo bem que o vídeo não dá a dimensão do visual dentro de uma experiência VR, mas pelo menos dá uma idéia.
Além deste projeto, rolaram Contos com imagens em VR, instalações artísticas e um projeto bem interessante do artista e designer Miguelangelo Rosario, que inventou o que ele chama de Cyberdelics, ou uma imersão no Cyberespaço como uma experiência Psicodélica.
A idéia aqui é um tipo de imersão que não te dá a real noção de tamanho, espaço e localização. Assim você se sente solto no ambiente virtual e pode “viajar” por ele.
Diz Miguelangelo que quando terminamos a imersão e retiramos os óculos de VR ficamos ainda uns 15 minutos vendo a vida de uma forma “diferenciada”, o que ele chama de Aftervision. Vale a experiência.
Aqui um dos vídeos de uma imersão, com música minha de fundo, num projeto colaborativo nosso.
Na área dos exibidores alguns projetos interessantes.
Um deles é o ooooovr.com, uma experiência deitada em VR.
Quase um relaxamento, você deita e viaja pelas dimensões propostas.
E o cara deitado viajandão –
Além dos VR, óbvio que tinha muita coisa de games.
Um game interessante era este Arcade que vc literalmente desenha os obstáculos enquanto joga, criando experiências únicas a cada jogada.
O promo anos-80-fliperama aqui –
E a máquina lá no evento
Um uso interessante de iPads e de interação veio com a experiência da Other Tales Interactive.
Prá começar, você não joga sozinho.
E o jogo só continua se vc e seu parceiro, cada um com um iPad, se ajudarem para desvendarem os puzzles juntos.
As desenvolvedoras disseram que o básico do game já está pronto, mas que ainda falta muita criação em cima para fazer uma narrativa longa e interessante para todo mundo.
Games desenvolvidos a partir de clássicos também estavam por lá.
É o caso do The Fallen, que levou o prêmio de “Most Amazing Game”.
E é mesmo.
É quase um mod de Counter Strike só que ambientado na Ucrânia dos dias de hoje, com gráficos impressionantes. A mira e a precisão do sniper são demais.
Quer baixar e jogar o demo? AQUI
Prá fechar, outra experiência bacana é o VinylOS, que ganhou menção honrosa na competição do evento.
Um toca-discos que joga.
Entenda aqui no video –
E eu jogando os dois tipos de game disponíveis
Tinha muita coisa bacana acontecendo, muita palestra, conversa, gente se conhecendo e idéias surgindo.
O pólo de desenvolvimento de games aqui da Alemanha é Hamburg, mas Berlin é com certeza a capital dos games independentes do país.
Quer mais imagens? Aqui no Facebook deles tem.
Tudo de bom,
from A-Maze Berlin 2017
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papapapapanda · 10 years
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aftervision-blog · 11 years
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www.aftervisionstudios.com coming soon
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aftervision-blog · 11 years
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check out our work reblog and share
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aftervision-blog · 11 years
Graphics and Photography
We do work in graphics and photography looking for video editors based in new orleans reblog and help us out
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aftervision-blog · 12 years
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Dead presidents photoshoot
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aftervision-blog · 12 years
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Dead President shoot
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aftervision-blog · 12 years
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pitbull shoot
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aftervision-blog · 12 years
MiC When You Come Home ( Official Video) (by MrSculpturez1)
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aftervision-blog · 12 years
Its only an AfterVision
Come get your Flyers, Business Cards, Banners, Logos, Clothing Line Designs, Business Film Commercials, Music Videos, Websites, Photography, Marketing etc. Its only a Aftervision
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aftervision-blog · 12 years
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@rengettz .....Mic ......Burna .....Lyrically Advanced.... for booking get at Sayf (504)417-1413 or on twitter @mrSculpurez
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aftervision-blog · 12 years
Ren Gettz Interview (by triple18)
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