#afternoon tea; rosie headcanons
suraemoon · 6 months
Rosie Rosenthal Headcanons
~Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal Edition ~
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🌹: Hi, Mrs. Rosenthal. Hope you’re doing well. How’s the hubby? These are some Rosie x Reader cute and domestic headcanons that cover some tiny details that make married life even more special
♥️: Fluffy fluff. If you’re feeling horny, stay to the end and I’ll help you, doll. Thats really it. Hope u enjoy.
Humming. He hums softly during the most comfortable silences, making them even more cozy. You could be reading a book on a quiet May afternoon, watching him work at his desk on a cold January night, holding hands while watching the August sunset from your balcony.
Whenever you’re singing a tune, he’s going to hum along with you
Can’t remember the name of that one Ella Fitzgerald song for the life of you? Hum it together until a namesake lyric pops into one of your brilliant minds. Followed by a “Ohhhh, you’re right. It is that one!”
A comfortable hum during the times when you’re crying on his shoulder, his hand rubbing your back in small circles, your cheek against the fabric of his grandpa sweater
Rosie’s blue eyes have always been one of your favorite features of his.
They are as vibrant as technicolor, always displaying so much emotion.
Looking into Rosie’s eyes is a constant reminder that as long as you have him, life will never again be sepia toned.
Rosie spoils you in the most nonchalant ways. Buying his wife a gift is never made into its own big event.
He notices how you eye a certain sparkling necklace while walking hand in hand by the jewelry store window? The next day, those same diamonds are lying on your vanity, waiting to be worn.
For some reason the flowers in the vase on the dining room table never seem to die? Hmm I wonder why.
Little do you know, those roses were replaced with fresh ones last night
Rosie buys beautiful bouquets of flowers as pink as his wife’s cheeks on a chilly day
Hides them in places you’d never look until the sun goes down to rest for the night and you are securely fast asleep next to him
As soft light floods through the windows in the morning, the glass of the vase creates a rainbow and the flowers sitting delicately on display look new as ever
Another small detail that your home would like an incomplete puzzle without?
Him and Hers plaid robes hang gently on delicate hooks behind the bathroom door
Technically, both robes were bought and owned by Rosie before he even met you
But they’re so damn comfy that they’ve become happily coparented between the two of you
Whenever your choice of robe starts to lose the distinct and comforting scent of your beloved husband, the two of you switch in order to replenish
A constant cycle of robe wearing
The record player is the most used and well loved item in the household
Soft jazz fills warmly lit rooms
Not much of a dancer are you? Rosie insists that the two of you slow dance to his favorite love song anyway
Don’t worry, it is not a game of skill. Maybe he hits a silly dance move now and then to distract you from the worry of accidentally stepping on his feet.
He spins you around like Prince Charming does Cinderella until both the rotating and romance makes you a little lightheaded.
He also loves a good candle. (Don’t we all?)
Not only for when he is trying to set the right mood for homemade dates at the kitchen table and nights full of lovemaking in your bedroom
but also to further enhance the warm and comforting atmosphere that fills any room that his love steps into
Cuddling in eachother’s warmth where the cold evening air of the bustling city outside cannot touch you
What else sometimes happens while you two lying in bed on a weeknight? Gossip.
It’s a safe space to talk about anyone or anything
When your little ones start school and the two of you join the PTA, the reason being not because you want to but instead having the “new parent” fear you were the only ones not in it. Do you regret it? No. The tea is unexpectedly piping hot.
“Remember how late we stayed up making those cookies after finding that bake sale flier at the bottom of her bookbag? Today, the Joneses went on and on about how they had a family recipe. Guess what?…their brownie container had a price tag, Rosie.”
Maybe a family member said something utterly ridiculous at the family reunion that you aren’t able to talk about until you’re in the comfort of your own walls
Something that even has Rosie uttering “Now if I was his wife…” or “I don’t know about his mother but if my mother caught me doing that…”
A lot of “I can’t believe that happened” head shakes
A lot of “You were right about that, honey” nods in agreement
Rosie also takes the time to tell you about his cases. Him and his co-workers always act so professional but sometimes you need an outside opinion to confirm how ridiculous some people are.
That outside opinion is Mrs. Rosenthal sitting on the bed stirring a cup of cocoa
Speaking of drinks, Rosie likes his coffee black
You learn that the morning after you spend your first night at his
What else do you learn after that riveting first night? Your man fancies a bath. A warm bath after sex is only part of his phenomenal aftercare routine.
He puts oils into the water, massages your sore thighs, and wraps you in a comfy soft robe when you get out
You two don’t argue often but when you do? You hate to admit it but Rosie is usually right
Even when he isn’t right, he has you second guessing yourself because…he’s a lawyer and being a good arguer is part of the job description
He’s a “I need to get the last word in” kind of person, even if it’s just a snarky or sarcastic comment
You two always make up though!
Make up, makeout, and make love is always the order
My last thot for today…dad jokes
If Rosie is going to do one thing, it’s make you laugh
He’s goes out of his way to see your pretty smile as much as he can
Your sweet giggles can easily compete and win against the sparkling sound of wind chimes
Your laugh is as melodic as his favorite song. It *is* his favorite song.
He’s so good at dad jokes, you have to make him a father. That’s good logic, hm? I definitely think so.
They’re purposefully bad and cheesy. So unfunny that they’re funny and trying to hold in the laugh always fails.
Your husband’s a dork and you love him that way
Thanks for reading! If you’re like “Excuse me ma’am, wheres the smut?” I know where to redirect you. All my dirty thots went towards my friend Marina’s (@precious-little-scoundrel) lovely post about Rosie. It’s so chef’s kiss. 110% recommend. xxxx 💋
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helluvagyal · 2 months
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Synopsis: just some general headcanons about my favorite demon. Part 1/3, relationship headcanons coming next.
Content: general headcanons, mentions of cannibalism.
A/N: My first piece of writing for the fandom and I had to start with my murder baby. Enjoy, let me know what you think please. Don't forget to reblog! Banner and dividers by me.
— shoutout to @hellvcifer for getting me into it. Please read and reblog their work it's amazing!
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Alastor is like that weird elusive sinner that you rarely see and when he does show up, it’s during drama or when he needs something.
Count on him to show out and throw hands (hooves?) for his people though.
Alastor always has a story to tell and the hotel residents’ favorites are definitely about his life before he ended up in hell.
He’s usually very tight lipped about those but if you catch him while he's making dinner, he'll turn into a chatterbox—especially if he's already got sherry or rye in him.
When he's cooking alone, that's his favorite time for contemplation and/or Hell domination.
His ever present smile has gone soft at the corners, his voice has lost its warped and static edge as he hums along to his radio, moving around the kitchen as if floating.
On the nights when it's his turn to cook, he definitely helps Niffty with the clean up after.
He doesn't have much of a sweet tooth but when those cravings kick in, it's with a vengeance.
Gingerbread cookies are his go to snack to pair with blood infused lemon tea as well as blood orange tea.
Demon ladyfingers sprinkled with powdered sugar and paired with blood infused black tea is an afternoon time favorite.
There was one week where he ate nothing but beignets, bananas foster and sweet potato pie for breakfast.
Alastor has a thirst for knowledge, prides himself on finding out everything he can, even if it's only to satisfy a mere curiosity.
He's a fashion snob. He never did care much for it when he was topside, only making sure he looked his best.
But since being in Hell, he's found himself with quite the eye and knack for Hellish threads. I mean, come on. I know ya'll saw his red bottoms!
He goes shopping with Angel occasionally, resolutely ignoring (or snickering at) how the shopkeeper cowers in fear when he asks if a powder blue fleece scarf he saw came in blood red.
With being a fashion snob, it paved the way for his stitcher's thumb.
Now, he's no expert like Rosie but she taught him a thing or two when he'd have the patience for it.
He's patched up knife holes in Niffty's dresses, sewn up tears in Angel’s sweaters and even hemmed one of Vaggie's skirts.
He'll dedicate two nights a week–if he's not busy with hotel duties–to sitting in front of his bayou and stitching or sewing.
He can play instruments; learned the sax and trumpet topside and mastered the piano down below.
Alastor actually likes the peace that comes with doing menial tasks. Instead of snapping his fingers to have the dishes washed and put away or to have his books dusted, he will do it if he has the extra time.
Getting dressed for the day is something he always does on his own, from ironing his pristine suits to shining his dress shoes.
Alastor does in fact sleep, however, he's trained himself to go long periods without needing to. He sleeps best after a feeding.
When using his abilities on particular prey, it acts as a health bar of sorts. So the stronger the prey, along with the extent of damage, determines his healing time and energy output.
Alastor is one of the many sinners who have had issues in the past coming to terms with their newly acquired anatomy.
The antlers have grown on him and so have the ears as it helps when he's flicking through frequencies.
Alastor absolutely abhors his tail, tried cutting it off but it just grew right back, bushier too.
He could never control the wretched thing, hates that it would give away his moods with a twitch or a tuck.
When he first discovered that it rapidly swishes from side to side when he's upset, he immediately went out to hunt, feeling like he had to go out and prove something.
He's started going to bed last, or at least retiring to his room when all the residents are asleep. Secretly likes to ensure the others are safe and sound.
Alastor is a huge fan of games, board, tile and card games to be specific. Yes, he's competitive but he enjoys the relaxing and occasionally heated atmosphere it provides.
For board games, he loves Scrabble (topside), Game of the World (topside), Clue (down below), and Pictionary (down below). If you value your life, please do not poke fun at his drawings in Pictionary, he gets testy.
For tile games, he loves Dominoes. His mother was the one who taught him how to play–as with most of the other games–one night when the power was out and he couldn’t listen to his radio programs or get some work done.
For card games, he likes Oh Hell, The Donkey card game and Make-A-Million.
If you couldn't tell, he prefers games where he can show off his smarts and be stimulated.
He despises Chess, Beggar-my-neighbor and Bingo.
Bonding/group sessions have grown on him, he won't admit it though. He's come to look forward to them, especially the night-time rituals, but please do not ask him to join movie night, he already put up with camping in the garden.
He's stellar at giving advice but is absolute shit at taking them sometimes, especially if he doesn't agree with it but knows it's rational
He will never tell you what you want to hear unless it's beneficial to him. Count on him to tell you what you need to hear, especially if you personally sought him out to get something off your mind.
If you aren't Rosie (and occasionally the residents), he would prefer not to prolong conversations unless he knows he's going to gain valuable information, be entertained or stimulated.
It's no secret that he has a soft spot for Niffty, his shadow does too; you can find them playing together sometimes with Alastor occasionally keeping a watchful eye.
He takes his title of 'King Roach' very seriously.
If you want some quiet time in the hotel, just seek out Alastor. If your social battery is running low but you don't necessarily want to be alone, either him or Husk would be your best bet.
If you've been invited to his room or his study to have a nightcap and a gab session, you're one of his most tolerable companions.
For the love of all that is bad and sinful, PLEASE do not ask about going up to his radio tower, especially during a broadcast; it's best if you just let him invite you.
However, he does allow Niffty up there to assist his shadow with cleaning the space.
If Alastor had a middle name, it would be Petty. It's also no secret that he's into mischief making. He and Angel got a kick out of the Prank Wars as a bonding exercise. They make a scary good team
He can dish out but he cannot take it. Don't even bother trying to get even with him because then everyone will have to hear about “the terrible slight on my honor”.
He's very chivalrous, even if his ways of showing it can be a bit twisted.
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© helluvagyal ‧ all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, translate, share, or copy my work.
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itslusii · 2 years
hello, good afternoon/evening 😊 , I would like to request a headcanon for pedri gonzales, what would it be like to have a relationship with him (whether he likes him, how he is, and what his love language is like), thank you very much yes you take my request and if not in the same way thank you! 💗🫶💐
Dating Pedri Gonzalez Headcanons ❤️‍🩹
Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x Reader
Requested: yes / no
Warnings: um i don’t think so
Author’s Note: Omg omg Hiii !! this is my first request! 😭 thank you so much for this!!! I really hope this is what you were expecting, if not im open to hear any corrections! Hope you enjoy! 🤍🤍
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-He would definitely be the kind of boyfriend that would talk about you to his parents and like ramble about how pretty you are and you’re like the best. the biggest simp ever
-His love languages are most definitely physical touch and words of affirmation. Like is less likely he will kiss you and grab your waist in public but he would whisper how gorgeous you look or how much he loves you. Again, simp.
-Also he would remember every. single. detail. of everything you tell him. All the of family tea, how you like your coffee, favorite ice cream flavor, favorite movie, what are your favorites t-shirts of him, etc, etc.
-If you are a student in college he would pick you up and take you wherever you need to ! Sometimes with him training and traveling for the matches and with you the studying it can be hard to coordinate dates and little meetings so any time he gets to spend with you, he’ll soak it up !!
-He would dedicate all his goals to you because well you are one of his main motivations to play. And it is clear to him that without your support he would not have gotten this far.
-His kisses are out of this world. Like he WILL grab you by the waist, pull you closer to him, stare down at your lips and then look back at your eyes for then him just to kiss you with all of his body. Like with every kiss he gives you a part of his soul (okay maybe i did go a little too far with that one but i got carried away sorry😭)
-When it comes to cuddles i have to admit that i don’t see him as the cuddler type, but don’t get me wrong he does love hug you! He definitely does the ‘from the back’ hug when you are standing at the kitchen counter with some hot drink in your hands.
-If you feel sad or frustrated with something he will do ANYTHING to make you feel better. He’ll go from dancing like an idiot for you to smile to letting you cry in his arms while he listens to you ramble and thinking of the best advice he could give you.
-If you have any little siblings he would get along with them so well. Definitely the little kids like him more than you. But when it comes to having some of his own he still thinks that it’s a little soon. But never turn down the idea of the cool uncle. This is for Fer and Fer exclusive.
-Talking about Fer! He would adore you, like he is sooooo happy his baby brother got someone to love him the way he deserves🫶🏼
-His mom and dad of course love you, and whenever you visit them Rosy definitely cooks her famous croquetas that her son loves so much! But if you don’t like them that’s fine she’ll gladly cook something else for you.
-Pedri is so happy he has you in his life❤️‍🩹
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gloomwitchwrites · 3 months
Hi! After the wonderful headcanons you shared about Thranduil and Éomer I want to go for someone you seem to like a lot. Here it goes:
Lord of the Rings
Samwise Gamgee
Preferred weather
What does he like to do in his preferred weather and does he want to spend it alone or with someone?
Thank you! 😊
I do love Sam! I like to imagine that I would end up with someone like Faramir or Éomer when in reality, Sam would be a much better match for me. Living in a hobbit hole, having a garden, reading in that garden, and eating all the time sounds wonderful. That’s a life I’d want for myself, and Sam could give it to me. This will be short and sweet. Enjoy! :)
Content & Warnings: none, just fluff
Word Count: 167
A/N: Thank you to everyone who sent in requests. The 1k event is closed and I am not taking any more requests. Thank you!
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ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // 1k follower event masterlist
Sam who can find the joy in any weather, prefers a lovely spring day.
Sam who sees spring as the first real promise of returning to his garden.
Sam who is a gardener for everyone but mostly himself.
Sam who knows he can soon pick flowers to give to his wife, Rosie Cotton, so that she can make her lovely flower crowns for festivals and celebrations.
Sam who can spend time with his children outside.
Sam who after working hard tending to his flowers and plants, will kick up his feet with a book to linger with the bees.
Sam who enjoys long walks around Hobbiton during this time whether it is alone, with his children, or with Rosie. A friend or two isn’t so bad either.
Sam who can’t wait to enjoy his afternoon tea outside.
Sam who loves clear skies and a warm breeze for work and for play.
Sam who adds extra honey on his scones and leaves sticky kisses behind on Rosie’s cheeks.
@glassgulls @childofyuggoth @foxxy-126 @km-ffluv @firelightinferno
@glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @protosslady @coffeecaketornado @miaraei
@cherryofdeath @ferns-fics @ninman82 @thewulf @beebeechaos
@hantheconqueror @therealbloom @berarenado
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its-all-ineffable · 2 years
Any headcanons on domestic stuff with Sherlock and John, during any point in the series or post canon?
Omg, so many!!
John and Sherlock go to Angelo's for dinner after closing a big case. They make it a point to go at least once a month, and Angelo always gets them a candle. John has learned to stop protesting it. They pick this tradition back up after Sherlock comes back, and then again after John & Rosie move back in.
John falls asleep in his chair sometimes, often while Sherlock is playing his violin. Sherlock always places the blanket from the back of the chair over John.
Sherlock likes to stretch out on the sofa, he claims "to think" (rather like in A Study in Pink). However, he often falls asleep like that, and John always drapes a blanket over him when he does.
When there's no need to go out, or no one due over, Sherlock likes to stay in his pyjamas as long as he possibly can (always with a dressing gown on). Because his pyjamas are so comfy and are for bed, they make Sherlock feel sleepy when he's sat around in them. John looses track of the number of times Sherlock falls asleep in his chair or on the sofa next to John in the afternoons.
When John makes himself tea, he always makes one for Sherlock too, and sets out a plate of biscuits. Sherlock always has biscuits with his tea. Even during a case.
Since Baskerville, John has started taking sugar in his coffee (just a little bit). However, he always watches Sherlock when his friend makes it for them. It's a standing joke between them.
Sometimes, Sherlock finds John sat with his coat on John's lap, or finds John asleep in the living room using the coat as a blanket. This is a remnant of how John coped when Sherlock was dead, and was missing him. Sherlock never says anything about it.
Sometimes after a case, John is too tired to go up another flight of stairs to his room, and Sherlock has a very comfy bed. So they share.
Sherlock sometimes steals John's cardigans and wears them around the flat. John retaliates by stealing Sherlock's dressing gowns. Mrs Hudson has witnessed this many times, and always finds it hilarious.
Sherlock delights in being with Rosie. When John and Rosie move in with him, Sherlock dedicates hours to playing with her, reading to her and feeding her. He loves to take her to nursery/school, and always comes up with outings for them all to go on. Sherlock misses her when she's not in the flat.
Sherlock always insists on carrying baby/toddler Rosie when they go somewhere. Rosie always wants Sherlock to pick her up and carry her, even as she gets older. She also likes to sit on Sherlock's lap. John often finds them curled up together in random places in the flat, Rosie on Sherlock's lap and nestled into him.
I could go on forever but I'll stop there for now! Do you have any, I'd love to know them?!
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
How about 1, 3, and/or 5 for Samwise and Merry? It's an obscure one, but their canon interactions are so fun!
1. “How I think they met”
Honestly, I think they’d never really spoken to each other until Merry recruited Sam for the Conspiracy; but I think they would’ve known of each other, through Frodo, for longer than that. Frodo might have mentioned to Merry the latest antics of his gardener, Sam, and he might have told Sam that he was going to have his cousin over for tea that afternoon and to please sweep the grass clippings off the footpath before then.
If they’d ever crossed paths, Sam would’ve been too nervous to try small talk with a gentlehobbit (and a strange Bucklander, at that; don’t you know that they go out in boats??). Meanwhile Merry, while polite and courteous, would have had no reason to say anything to his cousin’s gardener beyond a pleasant “good morning”. But then around comes the Conspiracy, and suddenly Merry has a very good reason to speak to Sam—as a potential source of information, a spy for the good of someone close to them both—and they got to know and grow in respect for one another from there.
3. “A random headcanon I have of them”
Boating is one of Merry’s favorite hobbies. He’ll paddle out into the middle of the Brandywine and fish for hours until his skin is tanned and cracked by the sun. Sam, on the other hand, hates boats, and it’s one of the reasons he distrusted Merry at first, before they really got to know each other.
But as the years passed after the Quest and their curly hair turned grey, Sam began to make short trips to Buckland—“on business”, he said, though he wouldn’t say what the business was—and he’d quietly ask Merry to show him his way around boats.
Merry suspected his reasons from the very beginning, but he didn’t ask questions, and Sam didn’t offer information. Nonetheless, Merry showed him how to work the ropes and sails, and he explained their construction and repair and the waterproofing, and he’d keep the thing steady as Sam held on with knuckles quickly turning white. As the years went by, and Rosie’s health slowly worsened, Sam would visit more and more frequently. He got stronger and bolder on his “sea legs”, as if he was running out of reasons to stay afraid.
When Rosie passed away, Sam dug a letter out of a drawer and sent it straight away to Buckland.
What that letter said, no one else ever knew. But the younger Brandybucks heard old Meriadoc say, when he’d finished it, “Well, he’s off at last. I thought it might be so. I hope he finds him.”
Before the funeral ceremonies were over, a letter from Buckland arrived at Bag End that wasn’t the typical one of condolence; there was some of that, too, but also a message, and a sealed envelope that he was expressly asked not to open.
When Sam arrived in Valinor, he was carrying a letter in his breast pocket: written by Merry, and addressed to Frodo.
5. "A scene I wish we'd gotten of them"
See above. But also, I'd like to see all of the hobbits catching Bilbo up on their adventures just after the Council! I imagine they'd have lots of opportunities, across those months they waited for the scouts' return, to hole themselves up in Bilbo's room and compare notes so Frodo could get things written down. Just think of the laughter when they finally get around to Old Man Willow!
"'Gnaw it down!'" cries Merry, nearly doubled over laughing. "With your teeth?!"
Sam looks a bit sheepish, but stalwart. "Yes, sir, if there weren't no other option. At any rate, I wasn't going to let any gnarled old tree do in you and Mister Pippin not a day's jaunt from the Shire, and that's a fact."
Merry sits back, still chortling, and raises his pipe to his lips. "Well, that is good of you, Samwise. I'm glad it didn't come to that, for all of our sakes. You'd still be picking splinters out of your teeth today!" He shakes his head. "But it's a comfort that someone had the good sense not to listen to that old tree and his talk of sleep."
"I tried to wake myself up!" Frodo cries defensively, but he's smiling.
"Yes, and got an early bath out of it, with your clothes on!" Pippin interrupts.
All five hobbits erupt in laughter, Bilbo most of all, before they collect themselves and the conversation goes on—but no one even tries to refute Merry's praise of Sam. Secretly, Sam is preening like a barn rooster.
"Well, it was good of him to say it. I do have good sense. Strange folk, these Bucklanders, but if they're all half as polite as Mister Merry here, then I daresay they might not be half bad after all, queerness or no."
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sword-brainrot · 3 years
Hi!! Can I request Yamaneko (Manba, Chougi, Nansen) headcanons with a saniwa that's going through a little winter blues? Kiwame Manba please and thank you! ♥️
I have never heard of their trio name together before but gosh! It's so cute!
(Separate) Kiwame!Yamanbagiri Kunihiro, Yamanbagiri Chougi, and Nansen Ichimonji Helping Saniwa With Winter Blues (GN!Reader)
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♡ Most of the swords have no idea what is Winder Blues and why you were suddenly ill with it.
♡ Are you going to turn blue?
♡ When Yamanbagiri finds out exactly what it is, he feels terrible that you were suffering from it. He knows very well how miserable it feels to not have motivation to do anything and just want to lay in bed and never face the world. 
♡ But you didn’t let him wallow in that pain, and neither will he!
♡ He starts very slow in helping. One morning, he will randomly show up pretty late in the morning so he knows you got plenty of sleep and show up with some hot chocolate. 
♡ Nothing sooths the soul like a warm drink and chocolate... So combine them, a perfect cure for the cold day to start with. 
♡ Ever since going on his kiwame journey and learning to accept himself for who he is, he became much more confident. 
♡ Days will start off with him waking you up softly. His gentle voice telling his saniwa to open their eyes and softly rubbing their back(If they are okay with touching). He knows he has to help you stand and take your first steps back to improving your mood.
♡ What better than to go on morning walks together. Offering over his hand to keep them warm if they do wish. 
♡ Walks around the citadel, watching as the swords start their day or the tantous already out to play. 
♡ Perhaps even going around the scenery away from the citadel for alone time. Anywhere with a lot of light.
♡ When it’s one morning when the sun just refuses to shine bright for you, he will put his new found confidence to the test.
♡ “Some days the sun won’t shine... But I hope I can be your sun instead to lift you up in the morning and give you a reason to start your day.” 
♡ An flushed rosy pink would find it’s way onto his pale cheeks as he quickly mutters just loud enough for you to hear.
♡ “Sun.. At least that is what Jiji calls me from time to time... I just want to help you because you have done so much for me. I hope I wasn’t overstepping my boundaries, aruji.”
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♡ It was Mikazuki’s incomprehensible ramblings about what may be bothering you was the first time Chougi ever heard the term Winter Blues. He thought the name was so silly. How could anyone get sad because winter was here? Just because it was cold?
♡ He wouldn’t go up to you and just tell you to cheer up since the winter will pass. He had thoughts but you are precious to him and he wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings.
♡ Instead of just going off what he thought winter blues meant, he did his own research to make sure.
♡ As soon as he gets informed, he instantly regrets ever thinking that it was silly that you were upset with the thing called winter blues. 
♡ He honestly isn’t too sure what he could do to cure it. But he sure does everything in his power to find that cure! 
♡ He goes on a mad research on the internet to look at any cure or anything he had to do to help you. Taking up his whole morning and then that afternoon, he is gone from the citadel to find the equipment to cure this Winter Blues.
♡  The next day, he starts off the bright and early to make a healthy breakfast for his saniwa. 
♡ Unlike someone like Kasen or Mitsutada... He is not a cook. He never cooked in his life... So he decided to start small. He made Ochazuke with leftover rice. Not only is it a healthy meal to start the day but also a nice cup of green tea! 
♡ He has a plan and he is going to make you feel better, TODAY. 
♡ A healthy breakfast with your favorite sword, him. 
♡ Unlike his copy... He might not be as gentle with waking you up. It starts off with gentle “Aruji... It’s time to wake up”, before he gets frustrated with your lack of waking and snatches the blanket off you. 
♡ After you are startled awake, he is almost as startled as you! He totally forgot one of the main tips to curing Winter Blues was keeping warm... AND HE JUST RUINED THAT. 
♡ He quickly sets up a table with your food and wrapping you in the blanket once more to keep you nice and warm. 
♡ The day goes off like a schedule, him ticking off each box. A walk, healthy meals, staying warm, getting sunlight, see the other swords, and trying to get you to start new hobbies... Like sword fighting... Because Chougi is an expert in that! 
♡ The day quickly ends with you wrapped in blankets in front of a fire, and Chougi staring at you intensely. 
♡ “Are you cured now? I did everything right so you have to be cured, right?”
♡ Of course you weren’t. A sigh of frustration left him, was he not doing enough to cure this pesky illness?
♡ “I suppose I can’t leave your side until I make sure you are cured. Though... you did look a little stressed throughout the day so... Maybe we throw out this check list and go with the flow. How does that sound, aruji?” 
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♡ Unlike Yamanbagiri and Chougi, Nansen doesn’t research Winter Blues. Instead he asks the Ichimoniji family what may be wrong with you when suddenly you were much more distant from him and the citadel. He was constantly worrying over you. Watching you from afar whenever you left your room to do something quick, but it never lasted long and you would disappear once again.
♡ He always wanted to approach you to try to ask you what it is wrong but never wanted to bother you and cause thing to get worse...
♡ So he went to Sanchoumou and Nikkou, the two people he respected the most in the clan.
Sanchoumou: Ah, I think a little birdy once told me a thing called Winter Blues. Perhaps that is what is making our little bird so unwell.
Nikkou: Winter Blues? Does that mean they are really cold?
♡ That is all he needed to hear before he rushed to be by your side.
♡ You were unwell and cold?? Not on his watch!
♡ Grabbing(Stealing) his favorite snacks from the kitchen, he ran to your room. Perhaps... Dropping some on the way and leaving a trail for everyone to know that they had a thief in their citadel and he wasn’t subtle.
♡ It was a late afternoon when he barged into your room with a bunch of snacks and a very worried look.  
♡ “Aruji, I have heard everything! The Winter has got your heart and now you are cold! Don’t worry! I am here, mreow!“
♡ He is a bit confused, but he got spirit! 
♡ After explaining to him that he probably means winter blues and it doesn’t mean that you are just cold, he looks very embarrassed for being so confused.
♡ “Does.. That mean you don’t need me by your side?”
♡ Massive puppy(kitty?) eyes stare at you, as he gets ready to leave your room with what little pride he has left. 
♡ Allowing him to stay will automatically make him light up, as he embraced you in his arms.
♡ Even if the Winter Blues doesn’t mean you are just really cold, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t hug you and try to make you forget all your worries. Soft purring can be heard and his warmth consuming you even more so than a fire could.
♡ If it ever got too hot, he would release you and start telling you about his favorite snacks that he brought you to show he cares.
♡ For once, he isn’t trying to hide his catlike behaviors. Instead his full focus on you and making you smile. 
♡ He will go at your own pace. If you ever really want to be left alone, he would leave your side but make sure you have plenty of food blankets before he leaves. He wants to be there to help so he will listen to all your words like his life depended on it; 
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Rainy Day HCs
Summary: What everyone's favorite boys do when it starts to rain.
Soft fluffy fluff. G/N reader
Warning: Mild cursing. Menitons of recreational drugs.
Characters: Bakugo, Midoriya, Kaminari, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Sero
. He insisted on training outside even though the forecast called for rain.
. Also insisted that he needed a training buddy and you were the only one awake.
. You two barely started actual sparing when the first few droplets of rain started to fall and you questioned if you should move the practice someplace dry.
. "You think villains are gonna stop because of a little rain? I don't think so! Now gimme all you got, damn it!"
. You've both always been fairly matched when it came to sparring so after about 30 minutes of going back and forth you were both soaked through and covered in mud.
. Laying on your backs, looking up at the clouds with the rain still coming down, you heard Bakugo crack a small laugh before standing up and pulling you to your feet.
. After hot showers, you curled up together in his dorm room under a mound of plush blankets.
. He brewed hot tea that you both sipped on while reading your favorite respective mangas listening to the raindrops hitting the glass.
. "Thanks." He'd mutter into your temple after giving you a soft kiss. "Drink up. Don't want my teddy bear getting sick."
. You two were walking back to campus when the rain started coming down, but Midoriya was prepared for it.
. He popped open the All Might themed umbrella he'd been carrying with him all day and pulled you in close.
. Everything had been fine until a gust of sudden wind hit you both by surprise, and in an instant, the umbrella was inside out. Midoriya tried his best to right All Might but it was no use.
. "Plan B, I guess." He wrapped an arm around you and, using his quirk, ran to the nearest coffee shop. "We should wait it out here. If we walk all the way back with no cover we could get sick, and then we'd-"
. You silenced his babbling with a quick kiss turning his cheeks rosy when you praised him for his quick thinking.
. The shop was cozy and smelled inviting. Midoriya wasted no time buying you both something to drink and a pastry to share while you found a booth.
. It took about an hour for the rain to slow to a drizzle. "We could probably go now... if you wanted to."
. You snuggled closer into his side and suggest waiting for a sprinkle of rain rather than a drizzle. And he was happy to oblige.
. This boy was too excited when he woke up and realized rain was really coming down. He threw his covers off himself and got right to work!
. He'd been busy all morning, running around nonstop, and didn't bother to stop when anyone asked him what he was up to.
. Shortly after noon, you get a text from him telling you to meet him in his dorm as soon as possible.
. Thinking something might have been wrong, you dropped whatever you were doing and went straight away.
. When he answered the door, he beckoned you into his room with a flourish. "I might have gone a bit overboard." He chuckled.
. It looked like he stole every available blanket and pillow from the rest of your classmates and constructed the most elaborate fort you'd ever laid your eyes on.
. "We've got board games, card games, video games. And I have stocked up on drinks and snacks..." He jumped up, nearly falling over his own two feet. "I also set this up!" He turned the lights off and turned on a small projector. "Perfect for movies, right babe!"
. He'd really gone and thought of everything.
. Kirishima had been planning on taking you to the zoo for two weeks. It'd been all the guy could think about, and you were equally as excited. So excited, in fact, that neither of you thought to check the weather forecast.
. It started to come down as you drove. "We, well, we could go back to the dorms. Try another time?" He looked so sad even as he suggested doing the thing you both knew was the smarter option.
. That's why when you told him to keep driving, a wide, sharp-toothed smile quickly spread from damn near ear to ear.
. You walked for hours around the zoo in the pouring rain, looking at all the animals, jumping in puddles, and spinning around like idiots.
. By the time you climbed back in the car to head home, his hair was sticking to his forehead, and your shirt was nearly seethrough... and the sniffles began.
. You both shed your wet clothes and climbed into his bed once back in the dorms. Coughing and sneezing messes.
. Bakugo nearly broke down Kirishima's door in sheer annoyance, asking what the both of you had done to get sick and, after hearing the explanation, left to go make you two idiots some soup.
. "I don't regret a single thing." Kiri kissed the tip of your stuffed up nose before eating his soup with another huge smile on his face.
. Rainy days make Todoroki very sleepy. He has a tough time getting out of bed on rainy days and will only make an effort to if it is mandatory.
. It was something about the sound of rain on glass that made his eyes feel heavy and how warm his blanket felt around him.
. When it's almost one in the afternoon and you haven't seen him all day, you decide you should probably check on him. You knock and he tells you it's open.
. You're barely able to see his two-toned hair peeking out from under his blanket and you question what he's still doing in bed. "The rain. I just like staying in bed when it rains. But, I can get up if you wanted me to."
. He starts to crawl out of his cacoon, but you tell him that isn't necessary. Instead, you run back to your dorm, change into comfy clothes and ask to join him in his snuggle cacoon.
. Todoroki welcomes you in with open arms. And after a bit of wiggling, you are securely tucked into his side.
. He opens his phone again, back to the youtube video he was watching and presses play.
. It doesn't take him long to nuzzle into the top of your head, humming contently. "You make rainy days even better."
. Rainy days have an odd way of making Sero productive.
. His entire room would suddenly be spotless, laundry clean and folded AND put away. He even goes around the common area and picks up any small messes. He doesn't just clean either, his school projects would be done, and he'd be all caught up on any reading too.
. But, when there is nothing else to clean and no more school work. He'd come to find you. "Think you could, uh, slip away to the roof with me, love?
. Under a small overhang, shielded from the rain, Sero would light the blunt he had tucked behind his ear. He'd obviously offer to share if that was something you were in to but if not he'd finish it off by himself.
. It wouldn't take long for your backs to slide down the wall, sitting on the cold roof pressed shoulder to shoulder.
. Your eyes fall shut when Sero's cheek pressed against the top of your head when you rest yours on his shoulder. Closing your eyes, letting the sound of the rain consume you.
. "I could fall asleep up here like this. 'S'nice, Y/N."
. You remind him falling asleep in the cold rain probably wasn't the best idea but you weren't against falling asleep in his bed with the window open...
. "You've got the best ideas."
A/N: I hope you enjoy this maple syrup level fluff. It's been raining here all day and I just wanted to cute headcanons. I also didn't proof before posting so sorry about that. Have a good day, night, afternoon, whatever it might be! :)
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The Van der Linde Gang - Winter Headcanons (Modern[ish] AU)
Arthur rolling you a cigarette on the front porch early in the morning, sitting on the steps in your pyjamas just to feel the cold.
Peppermint tea in reusable cups, the steam warming your face as you take a stroll with Tilly in the local park.
Building a bonfire with Javier and Charles and staying up until midnight wrapped in thick blankets, watching the embers. Your head on Javier's shoulder, Charles on yours.
Baking with Pearson - blackberry pie and cinnamon swirls and yule log.
Chasing John through the house because he's stolen half the pie, hearing him wheezing with laughter and suddenly choking.
A warm fire, a mug of hot chocolate, listening Swanson reading Dickens as the first snow falls.
Hosea's Christmas slippers, and convincing him to get a matching pair for Dutch this year.
Mulled wine with Molly that sees the night slip into whispered secrets and shy kisses.
Late night walks with Strauss because neither of you can sleep. You don't really talk, but it's okay.
Sledging with Sean and Lenny, retreating hours later, rosy cheeked, to a bustling pub where Sean has to clamber over tables to get to the bar and carries your pints back as if they're his trophies.
Wrapping gifts in brown paper, Susan's hand over yours, making sure you get the measurements right.
Frost covered grass and cobbled streets, the clack of your boots as you walk through town with Trelawny, your arm in his, cackling at one of his anecdotes.
Hot toddies and playing cards with Micah by candlelight , learning what every one of his facial expressions mean so you can call his bluffs.
Sofa cuddles with Rufus and Abigail, eating chocolate truffles as you chat sleepily, the room smelling of spiced apples and cinnamon.
Sadie cupping your fingers in her hands and breathing on them to warm you up.
Continuously walking in on Dutch trying to find his Christmas presents, the hiding place evading him year after year. Yesterday he trapped himself in his own wardrobe and you had to call Hosea to calm him down.
Snowball fights with Bill that last for days, sometimes weeks. The fun part is never telling him that the flight's over, leaving him constantly on edge.
Lounging around in onesies with Karen and Mary-Beth.
Taking it turns with Kieran to bring the other a hot water bottle every night. Spooning together in the late afternoon on Sundays, your frozen toes making him squeal.
Gathering the girls and playing a real-life game of Buckaroo with Uncle, waiting until he's asleep in his favourite (broken) chair and seeing how many objects you can arrange on him before he suddenly jolts awake. Your personal record included a lampshade, a houseplant, a tablecloth, and Kieran.
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hellsgreatestshow · 4 months
Important info on Cannibal Town;
This is continuing to expand on my previous lore and theories for Hazbin Hotel. These are mine and not to be used without permission. @hellsgreatestgame is credited for helping me flesh these out better. This lore is shared with @hellsgreatestgame and @poisonedxbeauty with permission.
This post will delve more into the lore and wonder of Cannibal Town:
Cannibal Town is the home to many cannibals from those of Roanoke to many others that join over the years. The population is always growing and expanding.
Rosie takes on this souls gifting them with everything they need. Each soul signs a contract with her allowing them comfort, food and a peaceful life in her town.
Since she has so many mouths to feed, Rosie started a flesh garden. This place is very much like the garden in Alice in Wonderland but instead of the painted flowers there are large fleshy twitching bodies that resemble the flesh monsters for silent hill that twitch and move facing you. These monsters of flesh have no soul or feelings and are kept barely living to supply the town with fresh supplies.
Certain bodies from this garden have unique flavors and tastes making it the best meat in hell.
In the center of this endless maze is a fountain of blood with a statue of Rosie there. It is often used as a wishing well for residents and guest willing to venture this far into the garden.
Another key location is Galahad's shop, this shop is a mix of modern meets classic. This shop is only open to people who received a referral. He is the best tailor in hell.
Cannibal town gives a Victorian Wonderland vibe. There are lots of pure wonder and madness. Don't worry everyone is mad there.
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writingandmore · 3 years
Hello! May I request headcanons for Blitzo from Helluva Boss, where his S/O is a former assassin turned highly valued bodyguard for Rosie (one of Hell’s Overlords) but stops by IMP one afternoon, asking Blitzo if they could please take a nap in his office and get a big to ‘recharge’ before going back to work? Thank you so much!
- While he has no love for the Overlords (that we've seen so far), he would be proud of his s/o for scoring such an esteemed job! He'd probably be a bit sad that they stopped being an assassin to take it, as sharing a job with them would definitely make him feel closer to them, but still!
- He'd have no problem with them staying at the office if they need a short break or a nap during their day! The office isn't really that busy most of the time, so it would be a pretty nice place to get some rest in if needed (unless everyone is having some sort of argument, which can also be common).
-If he's feeling particularly sweet that day, or if he doesn't have much to do, he'd like to surprise his partner when they wake up by leaving them a coffee or tea, or some other small snack for them to take with them when they leave to keep working. (He might have made one of the other employees actually go out and get it, but he'd never tell).
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 3 years
StarlingChild4's Fic Masterlist!
This is about comprehensive as I could get, so here it is! Pinning it for reference; I will try to update it whenever I can!
Note: some fics I ended up deleting in January 2021 from ff.net and AO3, and while some are still on here, they all remain in my docs, some under construction. I'll slash all deleted fics, in case people want to know which ones are now missing. Most of the linked titles go to my Tumblr tag of said fic; please check the parentheses for ff.net & AO3 links!
Inuyasha: 17
Oneshots & Collections:
Two Worlds and Memories, my VERY FIRST fanfiction!
Two Souls, One Heart, an InuKag reunion oneshot (ff.net; AO3)
Tied Together, an InuKag ficlet and oneshot collection (ff.net; AO3)
Bonds Across Time, an archive of 76 oneshots and ficlets (ff.net; AO3)
- Inuvember 2018 (7)
- Inuvember 2017 (24)
- Alphabet Drabbles (26)
- Previously Tumblr-only requests (5)
- Headcanon lists (8)
- "Winter Gifts"
- "Two Worlds and Memories", my VERY FIRST fanfiction!
Color My World, an InuKag soulmate AU (ff.net; AO3)
Fantasia, an Inuyasha fairy!AU collection (ff.net; AO3)
Multi-Chaptered Stories (aka WIPs):
An Unexpected Encounter, an InuKag modern/delinquent AU (ff.net; AO3)
Inuyasha: Prince of Thieves, an InuKag Robin Hood AU (ff.net; AO3)
Shards of the Sea, an InuKag Pirate AU (ff.net; AO3)
Smut (all InuKag):
Inuyasha's Craving, a post-canon oneshot (ff.net; AO3)*
Claiming What is Mine, a post-canon oneshot (ff.net; AO3)*
The Lady and the Rogue, a historical AU three-shot (ff.net; AO3)
Demonic Lust, a supernatural AU oneshot (ff.net; AO3)
A Little Risqué, a college AU oneshot (ff.net; AO3)
Passions Unleashed, a modern AU oneshot (ff.net; AO3)
Love and War, a college/childhood friends AU oneshot (ff.net; AO3)
Shameless, a college AU two-shot (ff.net; AO3)
Sinful Symphonies, a neighbors AU oneshot (ff.net; AO3)
(*: keep in mind, these were written in 2018, before Yashahime, so that is not accounted for!)
Harry Potter: 9
Moments of Harmony, a Harmony ficlet/oneshot collection (ff.net; AO3)
The Magic Kingdom, a Harmony post-canon oneshot (ff.net; AO3)
The Perfect Brew, a Harmony tea shop AU oneshot (ff.net; AO3)
Silent Ecstasies, a Harmony post-canon smut (ff.net; AO3)
Loony Love, a Ron/Luna 6th year canon divergence oneshot (ff.net; AO3)
Lust in the Woods, a Scabior/Hermione trash smut oneshot (ff.net; AO3)
Consume Me, a Drapple trash ficlet (ff.net; AO3)
House-Elf Aftercare, a Dobby/Winky fluffyy ficlet (ff.net; AO3)
Percy Jackson: 3
Aphrodite's High-Class Entertainment, a Percabeth smut oneshot (ff.net; AO3)
Piper's Reward, a Piper/Jason smut (ff.net; AO3)
Calypso's Musings (under construction)
How to Surprise a Daughter of Athena, a Percabeth fluffy ficlet (ff.net; AO3)
Red River: 3
His Queen, a Rusafa-centric ficlet (ff.net; AO3)
Her Queen, a Hadi-centric ficlet
beloved, you are mine (at last), a Yuri/Kail smut
Vampire Knight: 3
His Sanctuary, a Zero-centric oneshot, with background Zeki feels (ff.net; AO3)
My Heart Torn Asunder
Blood & Thorns
Sailor Moon: 2
Eden, a Serenity/Endymion & Usagi/Mamoru smutty oneshot (ff.net; AO3)
A Much-Needed Conversation
Alice in Wonderland: 1
Muchness and Impossible Things
Alice in the Country of Hearts: 1
Beyond the Dream
The Ancient Magus Bride: 1
Mortal Love, a short fic about the Leannan Sidhe's feelings for Joel (ff.net; AO3)
Morning Pleasures, a Dee/Ryo smut (ff.net; AO3)
Hetalia: 1
To Blow or To Be Blown, a crack chat-room fic featuring the majority of Hetalia's nations (AO3 only; collab with @risingfire17-the-weeb-trash!!!)
Lord of the Rings: 1
Rosie Cotton's Story, a three-shot fluffy fic (ff.net; AO3)
Shugo Chara!: 1
Of Kisses and Treasures
Snow White with the Red Hair: 1
An Afternoon of Tea and Roses
Tinker Bell: 1
Sun and Moon, a Milarion romance fic (ff.net; AO3)
Completed Deleted (for now):
Yu Yu Hakusho:
Marry Me, Keiko! (under construction)
Dirty Little Secret (under construction)
Alphabet Soup (under construction)
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celosiaa · 4 years
Hi Connor, I hope you’re doing okay!!!!! 💖Thank you for letting me write this lil fic for your post about leaf pile shenanigans!!!!!! Everything you write, draw and headcanon for the Emmaverse is so perfect and I am so excited to write something within this beautiful AU. This got away from me a bit, but I hope it brings you some joy and you can vicariously enjoy the great outdoors through Jon, Tim, Martin and Emma’s mischief 🍁
From the front window of their new house, Martin has watched the tree turn from a bare-boned thing to blossom to vivid leaves firm even against summer storms. The tree has grounded him through sleepless nights with Emma since her arrival last year, through Tim and Sasha’s return to their lives, through Jon’s nightmares. A lighthouse against the Lonely. The house surveyor had told them to cut it down, unsure of how deeply its roots might reach, but Martin couldn’t bring himself to make the arrangements. He feels that he should give it something back, a repayment for its solidity, and so he has tended to it through the seasons with gentle dedication.
Alas, the leaves are a hazard now that they’ve turned orange and fallen. The rain turns them slippery, and Martin doesn’t want Emma to trip on them when she bundles him out of the door on the mornings he gets to take her to nursery, excited to have her Dad there after a long stint of nightshifts. Nor does he want them to disrupt Jon’s journey to the car on the days that his joints are stiff and he needs his cane. So he sees raking the leaves as part of his duty both to the tree and his family.
Martin falls into a happy and methodical reverie, until Tim interrupts: “You missed a spot.”
Tim is sitting with Jon on two rickety camping chairs they’d dragged out of the garage, ostensibly so they can watch Emma and an off-duty Iris play on the lawn. They’re both holding cups of tea, steaming in the cool, clear autumn air, and they have—until now—been catching up about work. It’s a busy time for them both: Jon is welcoming the new students, and the fire department are running their usual campaigns about safety with Halloween decorations and fireworks. Recently, Tim’s team even payed a visit to Emma’s nursery school to give a presentation, which she had gushed about for weeks afterwards.
Now, though, they seem to be up to something. As glad as Martin is to see them getting along, after so much and so long, he’s not sure he likes the matching mischievous looks on their face.
Martin pauses, leaning on the rake. He’ll humour them, just this once. (It will happen again, of course, but Martin always likes to pretend it’s a one-off.) “What do you mean, I’ve missed a spot?”
“He’s right,” Jon says, schooling his expression into one of seriousness, although the roguish glint lingers in his eyes, “By the drain.”
Martin doesn’t look, still playing along with his most petulant expression. “I started by the drain. It’s spotless.”
“We would never criticise your immaculate raking technique, Martin,” Tim promises, as if offended by the implication.
“We just wouldn’t want Mrs Jenkins complaining about her driveway flooding again,” Jon adds solemnly, placing down his tea, “Are you sure there are no leaves by the drain?”
“I’m one hundred percent sure,” Martin insists, trying not to smile and let on that he’s onto them.
“Because I can count at least seven from here,” Tim says, also balancing his tea on the concrete by his feet.
Jon tilts his head. “I would say eight.”
Tim nods exaggeratedly. “Jon says eight. And he remembered to wear his glasses today, so I trust his judgement.”
Only because Martin physically put the glasses on Jon’s face this morning, while Jon was going through the process of making cinnamon porridge half-asleep and on muscle memory alone. But Martin doesn’t mention this to Tim. Not that Tim isn’t well aware of Martin’s fussing, having—along with Jon—been bundled into a coat and scarf and gloves before being allowed to sit outside, justified by worried mentions of asthma flare-ups and ear infections and setting a good example for Emma.
Martin places a hand on his hip, still leaning on the rake. “Eight, you say?”
Tim and Jon nod in unison.
“That does sound like quite a lot of leaves,” Martin continues.
“You can never be too careful,” Jon says.
“Sometimes, the worst hazards start off small,” Tim tells them, “I would know.”
Martin quirks his eyebrows. “Perhaps I should check the drain, then.”
Jon nods, just once, managing to still look very serious. “Perhaps you should.”
“Well, then,” Martin sighs, taking his weight off the rake and beginning to turn towards the drain at the end of the driveway they share with their neighbours. He makes sure to speak loudly with his back turned. “Where on earth are these eight stray leaves?”
There’s the sound of a scuffle behind him, the camping chairs creaking and skittering on the concrete driveway, and a breathless laugh as Tim and Jon’s feet hit the ground in unison. There’s not much space between the camping chairs and the leaf pile, so Tim and Jon’s run-up is short but effective.
Martin turns just in time to see them launch themselves into the leaf pile, and he’s glad he constructed it on the grass rather than the concrete, because Tim and Jon don’t always think things through when they’re being competitive. Their landing is significantly cushioned, at least, and they end up on their backs, pillowed by red and orange leaves. Jon blows one out of his face and Tim laughs, loud and carefree, the sound echoing against the house.
“I won,” Tim declares.
“You did not,” Jon protests.
“Oh, I very much did.”
“Tim, if you are suggesting that—”
“If I’m suggesting what? That I was the county best at long jump between the ages of eight and eleven, and that gave me a natural advantage in this particular competition?”
Jon props himself up on his elbows on the leaf pile and looks imploringly at Martin, his glasses askew and a leaf stuck by its stem in the left hinge. “Martin.”
“I couldn’t possibly have seen who won,” Martin says, “I was busy inspecting the drain, which—like I said—is spotless.”
It’s at this moment that Iris lets out a slightly confused woof, as Emma abandons the mudpies they’ve been making together to copy her Baba and Uncle. She squeals, her little legs moving at full speed as she waddle-runs towards the leaf pile.
Martin’s too far away. He drops the rake, shouting, “Emma, no!”
But, of course, she doesn’t listen. She has a very specific mindset when it comes to times like this, an unshakable determination: Emma, yes. She runs to the leaf pile, stops clumsily in front of it, and then promptly jumps into its depths. Or, more accurately, she falls face-first into the pile, arms outstretched, her red wellies only just leaving the ground, and disappears through an Emma-shaped hole between where Tim and Jon are lying, looking somewhat dazed by the turn of events.
There’s a breathless moment, a frozen snapshot when the chilly late-afternoon turns momentarily sinister, all long shadows and suspended breezes. Martin doesn’t move, doesn’t hear the echoing clatter of the rake, until there’s a flurry within the leaf pile and then Emma emerges with a raucous giggle.
Everything rushes back into motion, the autumn colours warm and the moment welcoming again. Emma has popped up from the leaf pile like a meerkat from the ground, inspecting her surroundings, an image that is reinforced by her knitted hat with the attached bear-shaped ears. There’s a bright grin on her face, and a lyrical quality to her laugh that tells Martin she’s excited rather than hurt or afraid. Iris is circling and snuffling around the leaf pile, somewhat confused but not overtly concerned, and Jon smiles fondly as he picks leaves from the wool of Emma’s hat while Tim shakes with the force of his own laughter.
Martin’s breath whooshes out of him in relief and he finds himself laughing too, a little breathless. “God, Emma, you—please be careful, sweetheart.”
“I win, I win,” Emma says, clapping her hands together. Her mittens make her applause sound padded and soft.
Martin gives Jon a long-suffering look. Jon looks back, half-apologetic, half-look how happy she is, habibi. And it is true, Emma looks happy, rosy-cheeked and still laughing as Iris now makes her way into the leaf pile, too. It’s adorable. Martin’s losing sight of the possible dangers in favour of the cuteness, the fact that everyone is just fine. Better than fine. They’re happy, all of them.
“Alright, I concede defeat,” Tim announces, “Emma gets the title of Ultimate Leaf Leaper.”
Emma squeals in delight again. Jon pulls her further out of the leaves so she can sit on his lap, giving her a kiss on the cheek before he goes back to picking leaves out of her hat. Tim lifts his hand and Emma reaches across to give him an enthusiastic high five. Martin thinks he is going to melt into a puddle from the joy of it all.
“Stay right there,” Martin says to them, all thoughts of raking abandoned now, “I’m getting the camera.”
Later that night, they’re propped up in bed—Jon reading a battered library book about syntax in 19th century literature, and Martin clicking through the photos he’s uploaded from the camera to his laptop. Emma is fast asleep in her bedroom, after a bedtime story about a hedgehog making a home from leaves that Martin hopes will dissuade her from jumping into any random leaf piles she sees out and about, although he promised she can still play in the ones they make outside together.
“I’m definitely emailing this one to Sasha,” Martin says, angling the laptop towards Jon.
Jon folds the book carefully closed and looks at the photo. Tim and Jon are both half-engulfed by the leaf pile, with Emma sitting in Jon’s lap and Iris doing her best to likewise perch on Tim. They’re all grinning at the camera, bundled up in their coats and scarves and hats. It’s adorable.
“She’ll love it,” Jon agrees.
“It’s a shame she couldn’t come today.” Martin chews his bottom lip, shutting the laptop. “I don’t think we have any recent photos of her.”
“You’re not in it either,” Jon murmurs.
“Oh, well, I—someone had to take the photo.”
“Remind me, then,” Jon says, leaning over and kissing Martin’s hair, “To ask someone to take our picture when we go pumpkin picking.”
“Since when are we going pumpkin picking?”
“Since Emma told me she wanted to and I spent two hours Googling places nearby.”
“Not spooky—?”
Jon gives him a withering look. “Not spooky Google, no.”
“Good.” Martin smiles, a little shy. “We’ll get a family photo, then. At the pumpkin place. And we can frame it. And put it on the wall next to this one, and the one I’m going to take of Sasha and Tim next time they come over, and—oh, and that one of Emma on her first day at nursery I keep meaning to get printed!”
Jon smiles softly. “Our family.”
“Our family,” Martin agrees, “I’m really happy, Jon.”
He’s so happy he’s not sure what to do with it. He’s scared it will disappear, like fog through his fingers. He’s scared he doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t tell Jon any of this, but Jon seems to understand, to feel it too.
“So am I, Martin,” Jon says, “So am I.”
Martin thinks of the tree, of its changing leaves, its vulnerability to the seasons, the way it antagonised the previous tenants of the house. And yet it’s still there. Martin thinks of his contentment in the same way, as he falls asleep next to Jon: a thing that might change, might grow, might retreat sometimes while blossoming at others, but it has deep roots, and he has no plans to cut it down any time soon, not anymore.
There we go!!!! I played Emmaverse bingo with myself with how many headcanons I could remember and get in here, but I’m sorry if I forgot anything or if the ages/order of events are a bit muddled!!!!! Thank you again for letting me write this, I had so much fun!!!!💖💖💖
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babysizedfics · 4 years
I need to know about doctor mama lo taking care of a sick baby Virgil if you would like pretty please. I dont wanna ask on the in character blog cuz I feel like it would be weird to ask for details and lo seems kinda busy anyway lol.
hey tumblebee!! yeah yeah lets do this, Im gonna write it so that ppl who dont follow the other blog can understand too
also this is a VERY long headcanon!!
so last night vee got ill, he had been regressed in the afternoon with patton and he was acting much more fussy than usual - not being entertained by his cartoons, not having the energy to play with his rattle, pretty much constantly whining and pouting and he gets very wriggly when he's fussy
patton assumed it was because vee had been upset earlier that day. at one point vee started gripping his stomach, and patton assumed its because he was hungry and could smell the food roman was cooking
but when dinner came around no matter how hard patton tried he couldnt get vee to eat a morsel - he kept turning his head away from the food and whining. at one point patton and logan both managed to convince him to eat a spoonful but his face crumpled with a wince and it looked almost painful for him to swallow it. it was at this point logan noticed he had a faint sheen of sweat on his forehead
things fell into place quickly after that - logan checked his temperature and it was indeed slightly higher than was healthy, they noticed vee's hands were trembling and he was constantly on the verge of tears :(
while patton cleared away dinner and excused roman who wanted to go and craft in his room, logan took vee to his bedroom and tried to check for more symptoms, since vee was non verbal and unresponsive totheir questions. he tested his tummy by pushing it a little to see if the pain got worse when he released it (this is a test for appendicitis) but there was no reaction thankfully except vee being upset by logan not cuddling him. he checked his throat for any redness or infection, nothing.
vee's crying became more pronounced and eventually he was in constant tears, occassionally pleading 'mama mama' through sniffles and hiccups and whines of pain :(( Patton brought him a baby bottle of cooled tea made with fresh mint leaves since that is supposed to help stomach pains. though he left the room again since logan thought it was best not to crowd virgil. Vee's crying had dissipated but he was strangely silent and seemed almost loopy now. he only drank a little of the tea before he pushed it away with a gag.
logan immediately took him to the bathroom knowing what was coming, and sure enough vee threw up into the toilet, crying between gags. logan dutifully managed to keep vee in his lap the whole time and held his hair and rubbed his back, telling him he was such a good boy the whole time
Thankfully it didnt last long as there wasnt much in vees stomach to be emptied. he was shivering and sweating and flushed and had lost all energy. he wasnt even crying anymore, just whimpering under his breath. with a bit of a struggle logan managed to show him how to rinse his mouth out with mouthwash - though he had to hold vee over the sink and pat his back to make sure he didnt swallow it
during all of this patton wasnt able to help because of his heightened empathy, if he sees someone throwing up the likeihood is he will too and that wiuldnt be very helpful! so instead he drives to the store to pick up some medicine and ice pops - and comes back with half the store including some actual baby medicine smh - ((im actually begging u to read that linked post i think its so funny))
it was originallly meant to be logans night to put roman to bed but understandably patton took on that task instead. after roman was drifting off patton pokes his head into vee's room. he had hoped to find lo and vee asleep but they werent. they were lying in the dark with an in the night garden audio story playing on a portable speaker and with vees salt lamp and star night light lighting up the room in a soft glow.
logan offered a strained little smile and nod to patton as he stroked vee's hair and cuddled him close. vee was completely out of it honestly. his body was wholly lax against his mama, his lips were in a permanent pout and his eyes were puffy and wet. he barely even acknowledged his papa coming in, his teary eyes just settled on him for a moment then dropped back to the bedsheets without a reaction. he kept lifting his thumb up to suck on it but logan kept capturing it and apologising as he brought it away. Vee shouldnt suck on his thumb and logan doesnt want to give him a paci while he's ill. understandably, baby vee was completely miserable.
patton asks if logan thinks vee could handle a popsicle or plain crackers at the moment but logan disagrees. he doesnt expect either of them to get much sleep so he will make sure vee eats something in a few hours. with a gentle kiss on vee's forehead patton goes off to bed, confident that logan will be able to look after vee and will come get him if theres any issues
logan and vee really dont sleep much at all. Vee drifts off for a few minutes at a time then gasps awake from vivid fever dreams. logan keeps ice cubes in a bowl by the bed for vee to suck on if he needs to cool down and wraps a couple in a flannel to press to vee's head when his fever rises in the middle of the night.
around 3am logan jolts awake and realises he had drifted off. and vee isnt anywhere in the room. he panics momentarily, bolting up from the bed and dashing to the closet to see if virgil is in there - which he tends to do when he is overwhelmed - but then he hears sniffling from the bathroom.
he finds vee, no longer regressed, curled up against the side of the bathtub with his bangs clinging to his sweaty head. vee is the palest person logan knows but he looks positively grey at the moment
'can i help in any way?' he asks, aware that he doesnt need to baby talk at the moment but still eager to look after this bundle of miserableness
virgil just groans under his breath and clutches his knees to his chest. 'i.. i didnt know what to do with the..' he gestures vaguely to something on the floor
logan notices virgil, being not regressed anymore, had obviously wrestled off the diaper he had been changed into the night before and not known how to dispose of it
'its ok, ive got it' logan wraps it up in a bag and puts it in the trash can they have in the room for just this purpose
'sorry.. m stupid' virgil croaks
'You're not stupid.' logan says firmly as he washes his hands 'You're ill and probably delirious from the fever. it's alright virgil'
theres quiet for a bit longer, virge's head pressed against the porcelain edge of the bathtub likely in an attempt to cool his fever. logan stays there with him for a while just waiting. then suddenly virgil starts sobbing and buries his face in his hands.
'sweetheart, tell me whats wrong please' logan hurries to kneel beside him, lifting his hands away from his face. that wouldnt help the fever
'i dont feel well' virgil cries pathetically, tears rolling down his face.
logans heart breaks 'no, you dont. i'm sorry little one, i know its not nice'
at the nickname virgils thumb raises to his lips again, which logan hurriedly intercepts. 'i'll make you a deal, okay? you're allowed to use a pacifier, but you have to use the same one everyday until you are better. we will need to sterilise it every night too.'
vee sniffles and nods, then chokes 'm not a baby right now though'
'that doesnt matter. you dont need to be regressed to want one of your pacis, vee'
vee is unresponsive and starts scratching at his pyjama pants. logan gets a feeling he isnt saying something. then he notices virgil's pout is much more infantile than his adult ones. 'are you feeling little, baby?'
with a harsh shake of his head vee starts crying again. he whispers 'dont wanna be a b...' then cuts himself off and whimpers
logan cards his fingers through virgils damp bangs. he knows what virgils mind has jumped to. 'were you going to say you dont want to be a baby?' he lifts virgils chin up to look at him 'or that you dont want to be a burden?'
virgils pale lip wobbles 'same fing'
'no sweetheart, no no no,' logan sits on the tiles beside vee and pulls him into his lap. virgil goes willingly. logan rocks his baby as he says 'youre always always allowed to be a baby and its never ever going to upset your family. even if you're an adorable wonderful brave baby boy alllll of the time' he scribbles his finger on virgils rosy cheek and delights at the tiny smile it earns him. 'but especially when you're feeling yucky. you feel a bit yucky today dont you, little one?'
vee nods with a pout
'but yknow whats not yucky? softies and pacis and diapers and lots and lots of cuddles with mama' he holds virgil tighter to prove his point. vee sighs and drops his head to nuzzle against his mama's neck. logan feels he still has a slight fever. 'i know what might help you feel less yucky. does my sweet baby want a sweet ice pop?'
thankfully vee nods against his shoulder and grips tight onto his pyjama shirt, preparing for when logan lifts him up
he first makes sure to change vee into another diaper and even decides that he should wear one of mama's t-shirts as a light dress so he doesnt get as overheated by his pyjamas. at this point vee actually giggles for the first time pretty much all day as he feels the tshirt swish lazily around his legs. logan makes a mental note to observe whether little vee might want to try wearing dresses if the feeling sparks this much joy (at this point logan is unaware that vee has secretly been trying skirts and dresses in his room for months, and roman found out a few weeks ago, but vee isnt ready to tell the cgs yet)
by the time vee is in his diaper and mamas tshirt dress and has a paci and jiji clutched to his chest he is a lot calmer and happier. he's still very ill and exhausted and teary, but theres a tiny smile on his face instead of a pout. in the kitchen he picks a strawberry ice pop and it goes down well, logan convinces him to have a cracker too though vee is in such a young headspace by then that he is just sucking on it, which logan supposes is fine too
by the (real) morning vee is still regressed and has managed to have a couple hours undisturbed sleep. its not much but its better than nothing. logan didnt fare much better. by then vee misses his papa and asks for him and logan hands the responsibility over to papa patton, trustinf the other caregiver enough to catch up on a quick power nap himself
but yes, the main thing is vee thought being ill was a burden enough that he shouldnt be regressed too, but logan makes him see that its okay. vee is regressed pretty much the whole time he is ill over the next few days because its stressful and painful and its a lot easier to feel comforted when ur a baby
yeah! gosh that was long, theres probably a billion spelling mistakes! feel free to ask follow up Qs if i missed anything u wanted to know abt this event
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insfiringyou · 5 years
BTS - Beginning (Suga x Jeong-sun)
Set shortly after the events of ‘Becoming Exclusive’, Jeong-sun asks Yoongi to stay the night. 
This is part of our ongoing storyline in our headcanon universe & mentions several key events from Yoongi and Jeong-sun’s past relationship together which you may wish to read first.
To read each member & their girlfriend’s headcanon universe fics in order, follow the links here: RM   /   Jin  /   Suga  /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook 
& Our full masterlist can be found here
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Rated content below the cut
The night was cold and Jeong-sun, returning from an evening shift at work, gave in and switched on her central heating. The boiler rattled to life as she shed her uniform and turned on the hot water tap in the shower, closing her eyes beneath the steady stream which cascaded over her body comfortingly; a pleasant contrast to the nippy wind chill which had reddened her cheeks and bit into her hands on the short walk home. She mentally reminded herself to purchase some warm gloves the next time she went shopping. She had her car, of course, but it guzzled gas like there was no tomorrow and the twenty minute walk to the pharmacy was not worth it. Besides, if she was going to need her heating on for the next few weeks while the worst of the season passed, she would need to save every penny.
Her skin was soft to the touch as she dried herself off and smelt of the comforting, powdery shower gel she had lathered in the shower. She closed the curtains in her bedroom, vaguely cautious of the neighbouring apartments seeing her in nothing but a towel in the dim, but warm glow of her bedside lamp and perched on the edge of her bed to towel the ends of her wet hair. It took her a moment to realise why this felt strange to her; the shoulder length cut she had opted for at the hairdresser two days before the shortest it had been in almost a decade and she couldn’t help but wonder what Yoongi would think when he saw it. Her chest grew warm at the thought of him. They had texted each other almost daily over the past two weeks, but she had not seen him since the morning after their bath. She had not been in a hurry to leave his apartment, but left early nonetheless, knowing if she spent any longer cuddled up to him in bed, she would be unable to drag herself away for her afternoon shift at work. While he was often cold at night, by the morning Yoongi’s body under his thick duvets was always warm enough to snuggle to and he would purr and murmur lovingly as he tucked her closer, nestling closely against her back. That was one thing she had never forgotten about their time together before and having him back made her realise how much she missed being held by him in bed at night.
Twisting around and reaching for her cell on the bedcovers, her gaze dropped to her bedside table and she remembered the impulsive purchase she had made in a chemist the week before when she had picked up her elderly patient’s prescription. Hae-won used a different branch to the one Jeong-sun worked at, claiming that the medication they sold there was of a much higher quality, but for perhaps the first time, Jeong-sun was glad to have been in a store where the members of staff did not know her by name. Her fingers had trembled slightly as she tucked the item in the depths of her purse, her cheeks stained a rosy pink as she removed her card from the reader. Her heart fluttered as she turned back to her cell, swiped the screen, and pulled up Yoongi’s name.
‘Are you busy? X’  She typed. The symbolic kiss on the end had been an automatic gesture, yet still, she hoped that Yoongi would sense the softness and longing in it. She got to her feet and slowly got dressed in a comfy pair of black leggings and a casual t-shirt, leaving her feet bare against the balding carpet. Her phone pinged a few moments later as she draped her towel over the radiator below the window.
Her stomach lurched pleasantly. ‘Do you want to come over?’ She typed hopefully, smiling to herself as the reply came back almost instantly.
‘I’ll be there soon.’’
She had anticipated his arrival and had taken the liberty to make him a cup of coffee which sat steaming on the countertop. The TV blared a little pointlessly as she tuned in and out of the conversation on screen, realising after a while she hadn’t been following the dialogue at all. Eventually her phone vibrated softly on the arm of her sofa, and she pushed pause on the remote, finishing the last of her chamomile tea with a gulp. She knew automatically that he would be waiting downstairs for her, and she shuffled into a pair of slipper boots to greet him. 
“Hi…” Yoongi muttered breathlessly; the cold air having winded him a little in the short dash from his parked car around the corner. His cheeks were flushed above his thick, navy sweater and his hands were tucked deep into the pockets of his jeans. 
“Hi.” Jeong-sun replied. She felt her heart rate increase as she stepped forward and slipped the leather side-bag he carried from his shoulder, transferring it to her own as he leaned over and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her softly.
“Did you have the day off?” He asked with curiosity as he pulled away. He knew her shifts had been getting longer in recent weeks. The pharmacy was once again under the threat of entering administration and Hae-won’s increasing frailty meant that Jeong-sun had to spend longer accompanying her with her daily tasks. 
“Tomorrow.” She said, meeting his gaze purposely. 
Yoongi nodded gently. “Good.” He murmured. 
Jeong-sun stepped aside to allow him into the hallway. “Shall we go up?”
They were silent on the stairs, ignoring the chipped emulsion on the walls and the few etchings of graffiti as they reached her first floor apartment which she had left unlatched. She led him towards the counter where she had left his coffee and gestured. “I hope it’s not too cold.” She said, setting his bag onto a chair.
He thanked her quietly and took a sip, looking at her from underneath his damp bangs with dark eyes. She was hovering, a little awkwardly, by the mock-marble island which she used as a table. 
“You cut your hair…” He commented. 
Her hands moved automatically to the ends of her strands, running them through her fingers gingerly; she couldn’t work out from his tone what he thought of the change. “Do you like it?” She asked, knowing it wouldn’t matter in the long run if he didn’t but, despite this, wanting him to.
He nodded confirmingly. While he had never particularly thought of her as looking overly young for her age, the cut gave her a pleasantly mature quality; it framed her wide-set cheekbones and defined jawline in a way that drew out her best features. “It suits you.�� He said, making her smile softly. 
Her eyes darted to his damp hair and clothes. “Do you want me to put your sweater on the radiator?” She offered as he set his mug down, walking towards him. 
“It wasn’t raining when I set off.” He murmured in explanation and hesitated for a moment, before sliding the navy material over his head. He wore a black T-Shirt underneath which seemed equally damp by the way it clung to his skin. 
She took the garment and slipped it over the metal frame which hung from the edge of the radiator. She had to move a few pairs of socks and underwear which she had draped over the drying rack to make room, dumping them messily onto the sofa before walking around the counter to his side. 
 Yoongi eyed the pile of discarded clothes from over the island with a curious smirk. “Did your drier break?”
“No.” She shrugged, smiling. “It just keeps shrinking my clothes.”
“Oh...” He thought for a moment. “I’m not sure I could fix that.”
She shook her head gently in reply. “I wasn’t asking you to.” She said softly. “I’ve had enough free labour from you to last a few years…”
“I could open a tab?” He quipped dryly, causing her grin to widen.
“Well, if you ever need a discount at the pharmacy, you know who to ask...” She joked in reply, her voice straight. She paused for a moment. “It’s supposed to just be used by family.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He said. A moment passed before a shy grin crept onto his lips, his eyes briefly flickering to the floor. The air between them was comfortably tense; both of them quietly nervous.
“Do you want to watch T.V?” Jeong-sun asked, a little awkwardly. “I’m in the middle of Orange is the New Black.”
“What’s it about?” Yoongi asked, following her through the small living room and over to the sofa. Now he was facing the other way, he could see the T.V had been paused in the middle of a scene; two women were on screen in recognisable jumpsuits. 
Her lips raised at the corner as she bent down to shift the array of clothes she had piled there minutes before, dropping a few odd socks and pairs of knickers as she moved them onto the bookshelf which sat on the opposite wall, adjacent to the television. “Lesbians in prison.” She muttered. 
“The plot sounds familiar…” Yoongi joked drolly, watching as she turned back on herself to pick up the items she had dropped. Her underwear was plain and unfussy but looking at them made him feel strange. Trying to distract himself, he sat down on the sofa and flinched when he felt his backside come into contact with something hard. Jeong-sun was busy trying to arrange the mismatching jumble of underwear and socks on top of the furniture in a way that they wouldn’t slip off the edge, while Yoongi shifted beneath the cushion he was sat on and pulled out a thick, crumpled paperback. The book was open and the edge of the cover was bent. The illustration depicted a polar bear wearing armour against an arctic backdrop. Jeong-sun turned to join him, seating herself next to him as he picked up an empty envelope from the coffee table in front of them and slipped it into the book, saving her place. Her eyes followed his naturally delicate movements as he placed it gently onto the wooden table.
“You could do with a bookmark.” He murmured as she pressed the play button on the remote. The sound was turned low and didn’t distract their conversation. His eyes briefly moved to the screen and observed the two women, one with blonde hair, the other red and with a freckled complexion, arguing. 
Jeong-sun shrugged as she settled against him. Despite their closeness, she hesitated for a second before placing her hand on his thigh. It felt good to be able to touch him again. “I always lose them…” 
“Are you enjoying it?” He asked, turning his head towards her. She rested her cheek against his shoulder, trying her best to relax.
“Yeah. Yu-jin lent it to me.” She muttered as his cheek touched her forehead gently. “I can see why she likes it, she knows it cover to cover.”
“Was it in this condition when she gave it to you?” Yoongi teased.
Jeong-sun looked up, meeting his eyes with a smile. “I doubt she’ll make me pay a fine…” 
He smiled back as she nestled against him once more, enjoying their proximity and the low vibration of his voice through their bodies. “How’s she finding teaching?” He asked.
“It’s freed up her schedule a lot...we had lunch together last week.” She paused. “I told her you were back.”
He seemed surprised. “Does she remember me? From Angel’s party?” 
Jeong-sun grinned, though he couldn’t see it from his position, suddenly recalling the conversation they had shared afterward and how Yu-jin, who was on the spectrum and could be obsessively observant, still brought it up to this day. “She said she remembered one of your shoes were untied. She couldn’t stop staring at it.”
He laughed gently. “I didn’t realise…” He glanced at the television, sensing the credits had finished rolling. A notice on the screen asked whether they wanted to continue watching. “Is it over?” He asked absently, aware that he too had not been paying it much attention.
Jeong-sun, sensing this, reached for the remote control and clicked the NO icon before settling back down. “Do you want another drink?” She asked. Her voice was momentarily airy and light, but he could sense her restlessness as she ran her finger-tips through her fresh cut.
“I’m fine.”
“I might have a whisky.” She said quickly, subconsciously glancing at the cupboard above the sink as she did so.
Yoongi realised why she told him this and felt his chest ache. He too felt jittery. With a racing heart, he reached for her hand, slipping his fingers through hers and facing her. “Do you need it?” He asked tenderly. 
She looked up at him, their brown eyes connecting as he touched a finger to her temple, sliding a strand of hair gently away from her face. His touch was impossibly soft as he hooked the lock behind her ear, stroking the delicate skin there. “No…” She admitted. 
“Is it too soon?” He whispered. 
She shook her head quietly and their eyes locked for another moment before they pressed their lips together. The kiss was brief and a little timid, but strangely reassuring. The bitter taste of black coffee and burnt sugar lingered on their shared breath, and when they pulled apart, their hearts were racing equally hard.
“Did you bring a spare change of clothes?” Jeong-sun asked softly, remembering his bag on the chair in the kitchen.
His nod was slight, not wanting to be presumptuous. “I didn’t know if you wanted me to stay.” He answered.
She shifted off him and got to her feet slowly, reaching out to take his hand. “I do…” 
He followed her down the short hallway and into the single bedroom at the end of the corridor. The room was cast in darkness; only the warm light from the living room at the end of the hall streaming into the space as she bridged the gap between them. He trailed his hand lightly along her upper arm, pulling her closer as their kisses quickened and deepened, sinking into each other as their tongues brushed with a mutual moan. It was too much and they withdrew in unison, sticking to a couple of massaging, sensual pecks to the lips before moving back in. The kiss lasted a long time, with neither of them wanting to break the unrushed pace and closeness of their bodies as they pressed together in the middle of the dark room, feeling safe and warm in each other’s arms. Jeong-sun felt she could kiss him like this forever; until her lips grew numb and stopped working, but regardless, she broke away from him first, moving away slowly and reluctantly to flick the switch on the bedside lamp. 
Yoongi blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the dim light as he watched her slide off her slippers and crawl onto the double bed. She shifted against the duvet and rolled onto her side, looking at him. He hesitated before taking off his shoes and socks and joined her. Their lips met again as they faced one another, their covered bodies moving together as he wrapped his spare arm around her waist. Her bare feet brushed his own, their toes slipping against each other comfortingly as their legs became intertwined. 
Despite their passion and her desire for him, her body was not responding in the way she had expected; her pleasure surprisingly dulled in her anticipation. Pulling away, she raised herself on the bedcovers, straddling his hips gently as he moved onto his back to support her. 
“Here…” He whispered, moving his hands to her hips to steady her against him. She bent down and kissed him gently. 
“Am I too heavy?” She murmured against his lips. 
“No…” He whispered as she straightened up her back. “You feel nice…”
With a soft smile, she touched the hem of her shirt and slid it off. His palms moved to her skin as she did this, moving upwards with the fabric; starting at the soft bulge of her hips before moving over her stomach and torso, coming to a rest at her shoulders as she squeezed her head through the gap and threw the material to the floor. He ran his hand gently over a narrow bra strap as her lips moved back to his, kissing him fervidly. He moved his palms down to grasp her hips, encouraging her to move her backside from him so he could sit himself up against the headboard. She complied without hesitation, helping him shuffle up until their faces were inches from each other, their height almost equal. They came together again and, with a gasp, he grasped her bottom through her leggings, resting his palms against the roundness of her flesh and squeezing her in kneady motions as their kiss grew more intense.
“Is this okay?” He asked breathlessly against her lips.
She let out a small moan, sneaking her hands around the back of his body and feeling beneath his T-Shirt. She caressed the soft skin, her fingers naturally drawn to the delicate dimples in his lower back, appreciating his narrow waist and the fine, wispy hairs which stood out on his goose-pimpled skin. She began to move the fabric up his body.
“Should I take it off?” He asked, sensing that was what she was trying to do. 
She smirked toylingly. “It’s only fair…”
Pecking her once more, he lifted the shirt the remainder of the way, sliding it over his head and pulling her closer. His lips moved to the fleshy part of her breast which he pecked gently, following the edge of her plain bra until he reached her sternum. Her mouth parted at the feel of his lips, warm and soft, opening against the sensitive space between her breasts, just above the band of her bra, and pressing a lingering kiss to her chest. The gesture felt incredibly intimate and tender. 
“You can take it off...” She whispered against his hair which was still slightly damp and wavy from the rain earlier that evening and his fingers hesitated against her skin before reaching around her back to unclasp it. He kissed her chest chastely as he successfully unfastened the strap, leaving it open below her shoulder blades and returning his hands to her waist. He was in no rush to uncover her, instead caressing his thumbs over the gentle curves of her hips which protruded slightly above her elasticated leggings, and she appreciated this; cupping her palms against his warm cheeks as she kissed him. 
She slid down the straps of her bra as she moved down his body, pressing her lips to his collarbone and chest before opening her lips slightly against his nipple, appreciating the soft cooing sound which escaped his parted lips as she touched it gently with her tongue. She easily discarded her bra on the floor before sliding lower, pecking his soft stomach a couple of times. She pulled away, resting on her knees and straightening. Yoongi’s eyes roamed over her bare breasts; his irises dark and beautiful as his lips parted delicately at the sight. Jeong-sun could do nothing but meet his gaze. She was short of breath and her heart thundered in her chest, but she allowed him to look. 
“What is it?” She asked soberly, breaking the long stretch of silence and dropping her eyes briefly to look at her chest, a little self-consciously. 
He shook his head, jaw tense as he looked at her longingly. “It’s just…” He ran his tongue over his dry lips, moistening them. “If I hadn’t seen you that day...we might not have…” His voice cracked but he didn’t need to continue. Jeong-sun did not know whether he was referring to their meeting in the pharmacy the month before or to the closet they had shared so long ago, but it did not matter. She caught the edge of panic in his voice and felt it briefly echoed in her own chest. She moved over him, straddling his hips and welcoming his touch as he brushed her cheekbone a little desperately with his thumb. Leaning forward, she pressed her nose to his. 
“But we did…” She whispered reassuringly, feeling the weight of her own words take hold as his hands moved down to her forearms, holding her against him, as though proving to himself that she was really there with him. He nodded in agreement or relief, she wasn’t sure which, before pecking her lips once, tenderly. She gasped almost silently, closing her eyes in pleasure as he took one of her nipples into his warm mouth, sucking the pink bud gently. She held him to her as he worshiped her flesh, allowing the moment to last; pulling away prematurely would have been almost sacrilegious. When he let her go, she pressed her lips to the top of his head, inhaling the woody, fragrant scent of his hair before she moved back down his body, hesitating above the waistband of his jeans. 
She kissed the gentle, wispy line of dark hair which trailed above the fabric and moved her hands to the button. “Can I?” She asked, meeting his gaze. 
“Yes.” He confirmed under his breath, allowing her to unbutton his jeans and pull them along with the top of his underwear slightly down his hips, revealing the delicate black matt of his pubic hair. She hesitated a little nervously above him, contemplating how to best handle him. He watched patiently as she brushed the elasticated waistband of his shorts before thinking better of it and instead opting to touch him through the material, her fingers a little tentative as they wrapped around his length, feeling him tenderly. He was slightly hard and, hearing him sigh fervently, she pressed her lips to the material, kissing him gently through his underwear. He watched her achingly beneath thick eyelashes, his chest warm with emotion as she pulled away and slowly slipped her hand into the pouch of his fly to hold him. 
He remained still, watching as she closed her hand tenderly around his girth. She squeezed him gently, massaging his cock in slow, lulling motions. He let out a whimper at her touch, his throaty moans comfortingly familiar and filling her with reminiscence. Slowly, she untucked herself from his underwear, slipping her hand out of the gap to reach beneath the elasticated waistband which she slowly pulled down, uncovering him.
She unhurriedly moved her hand up him once, her thumb brushing over the soft skin and slightly protruding veins, as though committing him to memory. His tip was flushed with arousal and she licked her lips absently; she had forgotten how beautiful he was nude. He assisted her in pulling his underwear down to his knees, lifting his waist from the bed as she tugged them down. Her lips met his inner thigh, her mouth opening wetly and adoringly against the flesh; his muscles slightly more pronounced than she remembered. She moved upwards.
“Do you want me to…?” She asked, looking up at him. Her hand was still wrapped tightly around him, and her intention was obvious. 
He hesitated, his heart skipping at the sight of her between his thighs; the light cluster of freckles on the bridge of her nose visible in the soft glow of the lamp and the sheen of perspiration on her cheeks. “No…” He murmured, shaking his head slightly with parted lips. “You’re enough…”
She paused for a moment, before nodding softly. “Okay…” She agreed, drawing away to shift position.
“In my bag…” Yoongi swallowed, his throat dry. “I thought we should be safe.” 
It took her a moment to realise what he was referring to, her mind hazy with emotion. Clocking on, her lips turned up at the corners. “Yeah…” She agreed, turning sideways to slide from the bedcovers. “I thought so too.” 
He took the opportunity to remove his jeans and underwear completely as she bent down, reaching into the bedside cabinet and pulling out a small cardboard box. The cellophane was still on. “Paid full price for them.” She quipped, trying to sound calm but unable to help her voice from fluttering a bit as she undid the plastic.
“Do I have to reimburse you?” Yoongi asked with a small smile.
She placed tugged open the cardboard lid before placing the full box on top of the bedside table, within reach. “It’s a shared responsibility.” Her grave tone made him grin widely, his pink gums momentarily visible.
He reached for her as he climbed on the duvet and gently turned her onto her back, kissing her passionately into the covers. His bare chest pressed against her breasts and she groaned into his mouth, her nipples hard and sensitive against him. In turn, she could feel him stiffening against her upper thigh through the thin layer of her leggings. He didn’t draw attention to himself, instead moving his hand slowly against her crotch and rubbing her tentatively through the fabric with his palm. She moaned gently in reply, letting him know it was okay and he reached under her waistband, moving his fingers down. She shifted on the bed, wriggling her arse a little to adjust her position, making it easier for him to slip his fingers under the gusset of her panties. She continued to kiss him as he ran two fingers smoothly along her outer lips. 
Trying to relax, she appreciated his soft touch as he caressed her a few times before pushing through her folds, his palm pressing flat against her pubic hair. He realised, as he stroked her clitoris, that despite her soothing moans, she was not incredibly wet. Experimentally, he dipped his index and middle fingers lower and pressed against her opening, sinking in his fingertips. Jeong-sun gasped and he broke their kiss to look at her, keeping his face close to watch her expression carefully. He didn’t want to hurt her and, realising she was too tight to accommodate him, he returned to her clit, circling the bud lightly as he pressed gentle kisses to her face; his lips skimming her forehead, cheeks, mouth, stroking her hair with his spare hand as he attempted to get her worked up. She locked eyes with him, cursing her nerves but he shook his head and huddled against her to kiss her neck sensually, moving his lips upwards until he reached the edge of her ear. She moaned as he purred against her, skimming his mouth along the sensitive flesh of her helix as he explored lower with his fingers, pushing into her slowly with only his middle digit until he felt she could take two. She kissed him passionately as he fingered her; keeping his caresses shallow as her body gradually softened beneath him. Despite this, she was disappointed to see how dry his fingers were when he pulled away to remove the remainder of her clothes; feeling betrayed by her own body. He paused as he hooked his digits beneath her waistband, waiting for a reaction. She nodded gently and he slipped her leggings and panties down in one smooth motion, abandoning the garments over the edge of the bed. 
She parted her thighs for him as he rubbed along her slit with his entire hand, trailing his fingers through her pink folds and brushing her clit with his palm. He realised how frustrated she was with herself when she pushed his hand aside gently to rub her clit a little frantically in concentrated, circular motions. Breathlessly, he moved from her, sliding further down the bed to nestle between her thighs. She pulled away and he held her open with his fingers, pressing his lips to her clit twice, the sound of his pecks echoing around the room as he pulled back to rub the little nub with his index finger, feeling it swell gently beneath his finger, before he moved back in. He sucked it very lightly, taking the delicate bud between his soft lips and feeling his heart race at the sound of her moans above him. Her taste was, like everything else, achingly familiar and he savoured it, wondering if he would ever take it for granted again. 
Pulling away, he moved up her body, keeping close as he kissed her bare chest. She entwined her fingers with his and moved them against her, guiding his digits against her clit before dipping lower, encouraging him to try again. He entered her more easily this time, using his thumb to brush her clit and, satisfied, she pulled away to stroke his cock, coaxing it against her lower stomach. They kissed longingly, their bodies close as Jeong-sun blindly reached for the pack of condoms on the table, her fingertips skimming the box unsuccessfully a few times before managing to grasp the edge. Yoongi pulled back as she handed him a square foil, her other hand holding him firmly to keep him hard. 
“Do you want to put it on?” She whispered, reluctantly uncurling her fingers from his erection.
He nodded, pressing his lips against her forehead before sitting back to perch on the edge of the bed. Jeong-sun watched closely as he fiddled with the packet and kissed his bare shoulder lovingly as he tore the edge open a little clumsily. His fingers trembled. 
“Here…” She offered breathlessly, unable to help the fierce yearning feeling in her chest as she brushed her hand over his. She had never seen him so affected before, his own nerves finally rising to the surface. She managed to open the foil packet without dropping it and rolled it down him slowly, pinching the end and making sure it fit snug. With a racing heart, she lay back against the covers and he moved with her, covering her body with his own. He brushed against her lightly, holding himself by the base.
“Go slow…” She requested, her voice whispery as she hooked her arms loosely around his neck, keeping her gaze locked with his in anticipation. 
“I will.” He promised, keeping himself still for another few moments before guiding into her. She parted her lips as he huddled against her and buried as deep as he could in an embrace. She tightened her hold on him, pressing him against her as he clung to her in return. They laid still for a moment, their bodies feeling oddly heavy together as they accommodated to the sensation of one another. Yoongi’s lips parted against her lobe at the warmth and comfort that her body gave him. His hips moved snuggly against her, the pace achingly slow, wanting to feel every inch of her wrapping around him. Sweetly, he pressed his mouth against the space below her ear. Her pulse was fluttery and strong against the bud of his lips, the pounding of her heartbeat echoing deep within her. He shivered slightly at the realisation, and mistaking it for the chill of her apartment, Jeong-sun held him tighter; cradling him, sharing her heat. The emotion that overcame him as her fingertips trailed lovingly over his naked back, warming him, took his breath. A lump rose in his throat as he gazed at the mixture of soft concern and affection in her expression. At that moment, he was certain that he would never feel this way about anyone else.
 Delicately, he adjusted himself, the head of his penis slipping out of her despite the painstaking carefulness at which he did so. Yoongi heard her almost panicked intake of breath as the sensation of fullness left her, his swollen tip pressing awkwardly against her flushed labia. She slipped her fingertips between their bodies, delicately through his pubic hair and took hold of him, angling herself against it. Her chest tightened at the purr of pleasure which escaped him as he pushed gently back inside her, his head snapping back a little at the stimulation. “Jeong-sun…” 
The sound of her name brought a smile to her lips and tenderly, as he began to move against her, she kissed his bare arms and shoulders between his unhurried thrusts. His dark fringe of hair tickled her forehead, and reaching forward she brushed it lightly away from his brow and appreciated him in the dim glow of the lamp. He met her gaze with a slightly dreamy expression as she brushed his burning cheek with her thumb. Jeong-sun could tell from the slightly glazed look in his eyes that he was lost in her, and her heart thudded madly as he peered back at her through a rim of thick lashes. He seemed perpetually on the edge of speech, but she sensed that like herself, could not locate the words enough to tell her how he felt. But, as she looked at him, she thought she could understand. There was so much she wanted to say to him, yet she had never felt more incapable of speech in her life. Having him so close, feeling every inch of him, meant more than she could ever express. They made love gently, her hands curved over his backside as they rocked against one another, not in the pursuit of orgasm but recognising everything it represented. 
“Can I try?” She asked, her voice cracking a  little with dryness as he paused to adjust the condom. Yoongi’s dark eyes flickered to hers for a moment, sensing the nervousness in her question. He blinked, nodding in agreement, his expression calm despite the way which his heart hammered against his ribcage. He shifted, propping himself up against the headboard, supporting her by the hips as she straddled his lap clumsily and slipped him inside. Her chest was flush against his own, arms locked around his neck as she tried to establish a rhythm. Instinctively, he pressed his lips warmly to the crevice of her breasts, caressing them, feeling them undulate slightly as she moved up and down his length. The sweet, oaty fragrance of her skin and the pressure of her thighs on either side of him was exciting, a familiar tingling sensation spreading through his lower region. They pinned against him firmly as she gave up on trying to ride him, needing a different angle, and instead began to grind against his pubic bone. Slowly, Jeong-sun’s body began to respond, his slight moans and purrs making her stomach feel warm.
She sighed, a frail whine breaking out between laboured breaths. The sound of it made Yoongi’s heart flutter, and when he met her eyes he thought he had never seen a person look so relieved and exhausted.
Her orgasm had not been mind-blowing, but the depth at which she held felt him inside of her had brought her to it regardless. The sensation had already begun to dissipate as he kissed her tenderly, patiently, as her body weakly rode out the last few waves. Jeong-sun pressed her lips back firmly against his, encouraging him to follow as he squeezed her backside, his own hips jutting close against her. Lovingly, she watched his expression change as a small crease formed on his brow and he drew in breath through slightly gritted teeth. His own release seemed to come a little unevenly too, but he purred gently as she helped him through it, feeling his length grow soft and pliant beneath her. 
 “Be careful…” He pleaded, voice equally as hoarse and fragile as hers had been. She felt his bony knuckles brush her clitoris briefly as his hand crept between their bodies. Cautiously, and sure that he was securely holding the latex, she raised her hips until he was no longer inside of her. Yoongi breathed in deeply, clearly still sensitive as his cock fell limply against his stomach, held between his thumb and forefinger at the base. 
Apologetically, she pressed her lips against his warm cheek, their exhausted breaths mingling as he turned to capture them against his own. They were impossibly soft, the movements minuscule but incredibly expressive, as though desperate to convey some silent emotion that he was experiencing. But Jeong-sun understood it completely, needing no words, tasting his promise to her. The realisation sank in upon her that she could not bear to be apart from him again. She felt whole in a way that, even all those years ago, she had never experienced so entirely. It seemed impossible that she hadn’t noticed what she had been lacking in all of that time, that she had never found what she had needed. The intimacy of their embrace, as their lips moved tenderly against one another, was so tangible...
“Are you okay?” He asked, his tone impossibly gentle, as her lips quivered for a second against his.
Trying to overcome the sudden, unexpected urge to cry, she took a deep breath to steady herself.  “I don’t know…” She wasn’t sure how to answer, to explain the overwhelming emotion surging through her. Jeong-sun continued, brushing her hair away from her face, once more surprised by how little of it there was. “Are you?”
They held each other’s gaze steadily for a moment, their hearts pounding hard as they examined each other’s post-coital, slightly disoriented appearance. 
“I don’t know.” Yoongi echoed, and the tension dissipated as they laughed softly together. The bedsheets rustled and moved as Jeong-sun adjusted herself, and with extraordinary care she rolled the condom from his length, tying it off and disposing of it. He had watched her do it, eyes full of affection as she handled him as though he might break. As she crawled into the space beside him, he wrapped his arms snuggly around her. Contently, she shuffled against him, working the covers over their bare legs. He pressed his lips against the nape of her neck, dragging the sheets up to cover their naked bodies. She was warm, one arm resting between her breasts. Eventually, they drifted off to sleep together. It would have been hard to tell who had fallen asleep first; however, Yoongi had quickly stilled against Jeong-sun, his breathing slow and regular and hot against her skin. She followed soon after, her cheek resting peacefully against his palm.
A thin beam of sunlight streamed through the crack in the curtains and Yoongi, awakened by the slight movement from beside him as Jeong-sun turned over under the duvet, had no real sense of time or how long they had been lying there, side by side. At some point in the early hours of the morning, they had awoken and made love again, spooning closely. Looking down, he realised he was still wearing a condom though he was no longer hard. He did not remember whether he had finished and had only the vaguest memory of putting it on as the golden rays of dawn had touched her cheek as they moved together; their soft moans and whispers echoing through the room as though they were sharing secrets. He no longer remembered what was said between them; only the sweet, warm sensation he had felt in his chest and the feeling of a weight being lifted. The evening before had been emotionally exhausting; the gravitas of what they were trying to say to each other weighing on them both, but this morning had been different. He didn’t think he had ever felt so content as sleep once more took him, pulling him into a comfortable and warm embrace. Now, as his eyes adjusted to the bright streak of light, the room coming into focus, the second time had felt like a dream and he suspected when she woke, Jeong-sun would likewise be unable to recall whether it had really happened. 
“I need a shower…” The sound of her voice beside him alerted him to fact she was also awake and, a little sheepishly, he removed the condom. 
“You don’t have to be anywhere.” He mumbled, gently moving the bed sheets aside to use the bathroom. Drying his hands in the small basin, he realised how thirsty he was and plodded, bare-foot, into the kitchen to get them both a glass of water. The familiar scent of the living space and, beneath that, the sweet odour of the woman who inhabited it was welcome and comforting as he moved through the small room and returned to the bedroom at the end of the hall. 
Her soft snores indicated that she had fallen back to sleep and he tried not to wake her as he placed the glasses on the bed stand and slipped beside her under the covers.  
“Do you really have to go?” She mumbled in her sleep as the springs beside her moved with his weight and he felt his heart sink at the memory of all the times he had been forced to do so; of getting up early to go to dance practice or to catch an early flight. 
He felt his eyes sting as he brushed a curl of hair from her face and pressed his lips against her cheek. “No…”
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the next chapter in their headcanon coming soon!
You can find all of the member’s headcanon fics in order here:  RM   /   Jin /   Suga /   J-Hope   /   Jimin   /   V   /   Jungkook
& our full masterlist can be found here
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Can You Do “Your hair is beautiful.” With Genderbent!Romas Where Fem!Character!Thomas Is Putting Flowers In Fem!Romans Hair?
Rose had always been a little self-conscious about her hair. She knew having long hair was fine for women, but was it long enough? Was it pretty enough? Was it soft enough? Was she even supposed to have long hair as a lesbian? Tiffany certainly didnt have long hair, but Tiffany wasnt Rose.
Rose spent nearly all of her time in the shower devoted to her hair, cleaning it, using product and curling and brushing and blow drying it. Putting it in neat little braids or ponytails and anything that made it look nice.
She asked Tiffany to cut it once, she didnt like how it looked when it was cut, so she grew it out again.
"Rosie?" Tiffany sat up next to Rose, rubbing her eyes slightly.
"Yes darling?" Rose responded with a slight smile.
"Can I braid flowers in your hair now that it's long again?" Tiffany said, running her hands through the strands.
"If you want to dear," Rose responded, sitting up as well.
She made some tea to drink while Tiffany worked her fingers through the long strands of dark crimson hair. It was late afternoon, the sun was reflecting on the teacup, casting an odd sort of shadow on the table.
"Your hair is beautiful," Tiffany said, giggling slightly as she braided the first flower into Rose' hair.
"Thank you my darling," Rose said, grinning.
Tiffany was very dedicated to her craft, it took nearly two hours to get all the flowers braided in, not that Rose minded, it felt nice. She liked having someone else mess with the hair she spent so much time on, it was much less of a hassle that way.
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