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The quality sucks but in case anyone was wondering what Mulcahy looked like mostly naked with his tits fully out here you go!
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paulgadzikowski · 2 months
AfterM*A*S*HSeasn3 tweets part 5
part 4
11/01/12 20:44 Klinger becomes alarmed at how short the skirts Soon Lee wears are. 11/04/12 21:13 The Hunnicutts get a dog. 11/05/12 21:56 Hawkeye attempts to break the world sleeping record. 11/06/12 21:18 A patient with psychic ability badgers Henry to become his spirit guide. 11/07/12 20:51 Boyer is frustrated with having to be driven everywhere until he buys a car with an "automatic" transmission. 11/08/12 22:20 Father Mulcahy starts putting on a weekly kids' puppet show. 11/09/12 21:41 Potter's favorite restaurant closes from health violations. The manager turns out to be a vet with an undiagnosed chronic health condition. 11/10/12 21:02 Charles accidentally persuades Frank to read the classics. 07/13/24 21:01 Gene Pfeiffer has still been an intern at General General all this time, just offscreen. 11/12/12 21:00 The gang makes an evening of the latest spy picture. 11/13/12 20:57 B.J. and Boyer clash over a diagnosis. Then the breeding club sets their dogs up. 11/14/12 21:00 A patient dies from complications of treatment from burns suffered from restaurant coffee. 11/15/12 22:07 Hawkeye learrns his old flame Carlye Breslin Walton has died. 11/16/12 21:29 Potter and Alma run a charity event together. 11/18/12 20:59 Hot Lips goes on a date with a writer. Alma goes on a date with a fireman. 11/20/12 21:19 Charles loses the last of his hair. 11/21/12 21:03 Potter learns that General General has other ghosts in residence when Henry tells him one of them was a murder victim in 1943. 11/23/12 21:17 Holiday rerun: Trapper John and B.J. become good friends. So do Charles and Oliver*. Hawkeye plays bridge with Soon Lee and the Potters. 11/24/12 21:04 Mrs. Potter, Hot Lips and Soon Lee go fishing. 11/25/12 20:47 Boyer loses a patient during a routine amputation. 11/27/12 21:23 After a protracted discussion over the course of a week, Father Mulcahy accidentally converts Hot Lips. 11/28/12 20:55 Frank resolves to go 24 hours without making anyone angry. 11/29/12 22:07 Dudziak tries to help out an ex-WAC who has become a prostitute. 11/30/12 21:50 B.J. tries to repaint the den. 12/02/12 21:14 Potter and Boyer must collaborate on a paper. 12/03/12 21:03 Alma Cox receives a chain letter. 12/05/12 22:24 The Potter home phone goes dead. Mrs Potter feels cut off and behaves oddly. 12/09/12 17:24 Freedman and Dudziak compare notes and fix everyone. Series finale.
*It has recently come to my attention that Oliver Wendell Jones' nickname is a racial slur. I've attempted to edit it out of this blog and my archived blog.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Legally, it is considered a Spin-Off of the film M*A*S*H (as opposed to the series of the same name), set in what was then the present day.
This is such a funny sentence. Legally.
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heroofthreefaces · 2 years
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Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked at 10:00 Central US are new and are pinned to the top of the blog. Cartoons at 22:00 are from the archive and are only pinned during annual summer hiatus of new cartoons. Thanks for reading.
[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link. Colonel Potter and Mrs. Potter of AfterM*A*S*H and Peri and the Doctor, sixth incarnation, of Doctor Who are sitting around a card table between rounds of whatever they’re playing. The Doctor is saying, “Well you know, the Horseshoe Nebula has an EM field with properties which heighten the telempathic nature of sentients who are born and mature there.” Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.]
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bipedalembarrassment · 2 months
Any1 know where a fella could subject themselves to afterM*A*S*H?
I know it's not going to be good at all but I just so happen to be a bit of an enthusiast of tacky, badly done vintage media. Especially spin-offs or poor copies of beloved media.
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redhatmeg · 8 months
So Goodbye, Radar two-parter...
Now, unlike with Trapper, Blake or Burns, Radar was one of my two favorite characters. In fact I liked him way before father Mulcahy, because when I was a kindergartener and my parents watched M*A*S*H, I remembered him the most.
This two-parter certainly hammers home how much Radar is needed in 4077th. The whole first part is about the hospital being left without a key piece of equipment that makes not only work, but living in M*A*S*H harder. Klinger tries his best to get the generator, but he's nowhere near as savvy as Radar, so when the man himself comes back, everybody is relieved and expects him to take care of the generator right away. And in part two, Radar gets a brilliant idea to use car lights as improvised lighting for the operation, once again showing how invaluable he is.
We spent almost eight seasons with this guy and one thing was repeated about him throughout all those years - Radar, as a clerk, is, de facto, running the 4077th and without his administrative skills, it would not be as effective as it is.
So it's no wonder that when Radar sees struggling M*A*S*H personnel, he decides to decline his discharge and stay as clerk. He feels like he has duties to the hospital - duties that outwegh the duties to his home farm. Everybody wants Radar to finally go home; to help his mother and start his own life, because - to them - he fullfilled his duties. It is only when Klinger manages to get the generator that Radar finally let it go.
As with almost everything in M*A*S*H, Radar's farewell party gets interrupted before it even starts because the choppers are coming (and weirdly enough, this time we hear them at the same time as him). As everybody is taking care of the wounded, every major character that stays gets to say goodbye to Radar standing in the middle of the commotion. It's actually bittersweet, because they don't have much time between helping the soldiers and Radar's ride home, but with little gestures (Charles shaking his hand and calling him by his name, Mulcahy blessing him, Hawkeye saluting him during the operation) and short goodbyes they show they care and they will miss him.
I remember that I was a bit sad that Radar left. Over time I got used to Klinger as clerk and later I've got to watch some episodes of AfterM*A*S*H series where he shows up for, like, one ep.
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thedupshadove · 2 months
Recap of a thought/research journey I went on recently:
It all started with a Tumblr post (which alas I now can't find) where someone was asked about the possibility of a M*A*S*H AU set in the Iraq or Afghanistan conflicts. And the person responded that it wouldn't work because "M*A*S*H needs the draft"--that if you set it in an era when the US isn't practicing military conscription, you fundamentally alter the story and most of the characters.
And that got me wondering, if we can't bring M*A*S*H forward in time, can we instead bring it back? My immediate thought was "Mexican-American Surgical Hospital"
But then I did a little digging, and discovered that my initial assumption--that the draft was something the U.S. just Had until it Didn't--was wrong. We didn't have a peacetime draft until the 20th century, and we've only used conscription during 6 conflicts, and the Mexican-American War wasn't one of them. Instead, our choices are: The Revolutionary War, The Civil War, The Two World Wars, Korea, and Vietnam.
I discarded Vietnam right away because a.) too obvious and b.) doesn't fit the goal of moving the story farther into the past. And the American Revolution, Civil War, and WWII all feel like bad fits because, even as we acknowledge that they were deep repositories of human suffering (as even the most just war must be), and that the "good guys" weren't angels, and that the high generals were all too willing to make "acceptable losses" out of their own men, we still feel that there was the germ of something that legitimately needed to be fought for. (and besides, WWII is too close to Korea temporarly).
Now, WWI, by contrast, has been writ into the history books as a gigantic political clusterfuck that killed 40 million people for not a single goddamn reason, so maybe a M*A*S*H WWI AU has potential? Well, maybe, but I'm not entirely convinced, for one important reason.
See, one of the most legitimately moving parts of AfterM*A*S*H was the speech Klinger gives in court, where he talks about how, in mainstream American society, it's as if the Korean war never even happened. And the same can very much not be said for WWI. That's part of what gives M*A*S*H its power, to me; that it sets itself in a place and time of American misbehavior that doesn't get the kind of light shined on it that Vietnam does.
So, if you're going to preserve M*A*S*H's status as a story about war... maybe it actually does have to be a story about the Korean war. Which is somewhat at odds with both the recieved wisdom that it was "really" about Vietnam, and the take that it's about war as a whole.
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dianaraven · 1 year
Since i've apparently started convincing people to watch this show, here are some things about M*A*S*H.
For who don't know, M*A*S*H is technically a sitcom. At least, that was how it was marketed. Therefore, the network wanted a laugh track (as per standard in the 70s) on it. The cast and crew fought this because the point of the show is about appropriate reactions to war, and they thought that the laugh track would undermine their message. They ended up compromising with a lack of laugh track in only the hospital scenes. But there are versions downloadable out there without the laugh track. This is the version I watched and enjoyed, and the one I recommend.
I recommend this because to me the one with the laugh track is extremely jarring and I agree that it undermines the message of the show.
So, yk, it's got some sexism and racism and homophobia and also tries to fight these things as best it can but in a 70s way. So. You know. That's a thing. For anything specific, feel free to ask. I'm not going to outline everything in the show right now.
3) AfterM*A*S*H and Trapper John, MD
I have never seen either of these spinoff shows nor the original M*A*S*H movie. They're just not my thing. Wayne Rodgers (Trapper in the show) is not in Trapper John, MD. AfterM*A*S*H focuses on Father Mulcahy, Klinger, and Colonel Potter after... M*A*S*H. Obviously.
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robkellycreative · 3 years
Sometimes I think the CBS Marketing Dept. had it out for AfterM*A*S*H.
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dynared · 7 years
You know what I find weird? When kl/nce fans say that because the studio who animated LoK is animating Voltron it's going to pull a korrasami. Uhhh no, animators don't write the story they animate it. The only thing in common is if someone watches Lok and Voltron notice the art style is similar. And korrasasmi was poorly done anyway why would they want to go down that road?
It’s guilt by association at this point. The two head writers for Korra have nothing to do with Voltron (and to this day I contend Korrasami was a cheap publicity stunt meant to leave a more positive impression than “The AfterM*A*S*H to Last Airbender’s M*A*S*H”), yet anything they do from now to the end of time will be judged by being “woke” by a minority that doesn’t wield 1/100000000000000th of the influence they think they do.
It’s always been an apples and oranges comparison.
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paulgadzikowski · 2 months
AfterM*A*S*HSeasn3 tweets part 4
part 3
10/01/12 08:29 After reading a paper by a doctor named Kinsey, the McIntyres don't speak for a week. The Hunnicutts disappear for a week. 10/01/12 22:08 Dudziak and Boyer accidentally spend a pleasant evening together. 10/02/12 21:58 When Hawkeye reads that Radar's teddy bear is a valuable collector's item, he offers it back. 10/04/12 21:36 When Potter and Ma O'Reilly have a secret, everyone but Mrs Potter thinks they're having an affair. 10/05/12 21:24 Hot Lips and Mrs Potter take Soon Lee on a girls' night out. 10/06/12 21:33 Father Mulcahy dreams of 1984. Christopher Lloyd guest stars. 10/07/12 21:50 Boyer gets a dog. He names it Wally. 10/08/12 21:08 Soon Lee walks in on the Potters in bed. 10/09/12 20:58 In a fit of nostalgia for the MASH, Hawkeye, Trapper John, B.J., Charles and Oliver play poker all night. 10/11/12 22:02 Frank and his opponent in the municipal election appear in a debate. The other guy is even worse than Frank. 10/12/12 21:02 Hot Lips bakes pies. 10/13/12 20:40 Hawkeye hosts a Double Cranko tournament. 10/15/12 21:56 On the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, General General treats a USS Indianapolis survivor. 10/17/12 21:18 Frank's opponent in the municipal election dies. Frank still loses. 10/18/12 21:56 When Potter actually gets a few commissions for paintings, he no longer enjoys the painting. 10/19/12 19:31 Charles has a sex dream about Alma. 10/21/12 21:30 Radar and Ma O'Reilly have a telephone installed at the farm. 10/22/12 21:33 Hawkeye is writing a book about the war. 10/24/12 20:40 Colonel Flagg shows up in Hannibal looking for communists. He finds them. 10/26/12 21:24 The Potters' son-in-law's laundromat business is successful enough that he returns the loan they gave him with interest. 10/27/12 19:16 Though Klinger still works at the farm on parole from the General General mental ward, Soon Lee and the baby move in with the O'Reillys. 10/29/12 23:18 Hawkeye and Potter have to perform surgery in a stalled elevator. 10/30/12 21:50 The Hunnicutts, the McIntyres and the Freedmans discover Hot Lips moonlighting as a nightclub singer.
part 5
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Weirdest fucking thing about AfterM*A*S*H is there are writers who wrote genuinely great episodes of M*A*S*H just writing atrocious episodes of AfterM*A*S*H.
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heroofthreefaces · 2 years
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Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked at 10:00 Central US are new and are pinned to the top of the blog. Cartoons at 22:00 are from the archive and are only pinned during annual summer hiatus of new cartoons. Thanks for reading.
[Image description: Preview panel for the cartoon at the link. Radar of AfterM*A*S*H and the Doctor, fifth incarnation, of Doctor Who stand talking. Radar is regarding an object in his hand and saying, “A bus ticket to Saint Louis?” The Doctor is saying, “Congratulations on your nuptials.” Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero of Three Faces site.]
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greeneyetrader-blog · 5 years
Watchlist for 01/03/2020
SES - M7.8 F0.95 stock has a positive news afterM. Daily chart shows buying pressure. stock touched $13 and dropped 2 points afterM. I think stock will make H&S pattern and then drop test yesterdays support and then will move up.
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redhatmeg · 7 months
And so I've got to the last episode of M*A*S*H.
I don't remember if I've watched it. I only know that father Mulcahy goes deaf there.
(And then, in AfterM*A*S*H, he gets an operation.)
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witchyxxjazzy · 7 years
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-- goodbye, farewell and amen by natasha-maree13 featuring a post card ❤ liked on Polyvore
Post card / Episode home decor / Frame / The Wasted Youth (credit to photographer) / Restart My Heart... / Tumblr / School Days We Heart It / Tumblr / Alexandra Daddario / M*A*S*H (1972-1983) / M*A*S*H Finale’s 30th Anniversary Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen Theme... / M*A*S*H Finale’s 30th Anniversary Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen Theme... / patterned paper edited by salvsnena / 360 Doodle Coastermatic / DOLLYCHOPS | frame edit / AfterM*A*S*H
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