#afterlife licht
dushar · 4 months
AfterL!fe charm preorder!
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Want your favourite reaper to accompany you in your daily life? I gotchu!!!
Preorder your charm with this form ☆
Preorders close on June 16th
Charm price is 5€, plus 2€ shipping (i ship internationally)
More info in the form, make sure to read everything please!
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bakersgrief · 2 months
The former king: *dies*
*in the afterlife*
Jin's mom: 😁🔪
Lady Michel: 😁🔪
Leticia: 😁🔪
Lady Dompteur: 😁🔪
Yves' mom: 😁🔪
Licht and Nokto's mom: 😁🔪
Luke's mom: 😁🔪
Her husband: 😁🔪
Leyla: 😁🔪
Some other women he assaulted that no one cared about: 😁🔪😁🔪
Soldiers that died while he was king and did not like his ass: 😁🔪😁🔪
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merakiui · 1 year
What's afterl!fe? The characters look so cute and the artstyle is so pleasant to look at! I know you said it shut down, but I have to wonder, what it's about? Something to do with reapers? (I mean, I wouldn't mind if you started posting fic about the game because honestly, I'll read anything you write).
It was an otome game in which you play as the new manager for the 14th branch of Soul Reapers, all of them ranging in backgrounds, ages, and even species (Ell is an angel, and Quincy is a devil for example). There are different dorms, each housing four Soul Reapers. Mane (the Morning Team) consists of Ell, Jamie, Ghilley, and Licht. Die (the Day Team) consists of Theo, June, Louis, and Ethan. Hesperide (the Twilight Team) consists of Sian, Cyrille, Kati, and Noah. Noctu (the Night Team) consists of Nine, Day, Kirr, and Aitachi. Diluculo (the Dawn Team) consists of Youssef, Mori, Quincy, and Verine. As each team name suggests, it is the time at which they work!
Essentially, as the manager you're in charge of training and managing the Soul Reapers as they go about their daily work lives. All of them are dead and have past lives, and if I remember correctly they work to help guide vengeful spirits to the afterlife by sealing and purifying them within a kaleidoscope, hence The Sacred Kaleidoscope part of the game's title! :D I think they were also working towards reincarnation??? Although I might be wrong about that. I do know that when they came to the Reapers Department they all had a certain number of karma points which they had accumulated in their past life from various good and bad deeds.
You could send the Soul Reapers on cleaning shifts, read SNS posts, collect cards in the gacha, participate in limited time events, and read the card stories about various characters. There was also a feature where there were chat rooms for each dormitory and for each individual character, so you could chat with other players about your favorite dorm or characters! And aside from side stories and events, there was a main story!
It was a really fun game with lots of potential and many unique characters!!! Hopefully one day it will return, but until then I will hold the memory close in my heart. (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
(And thank you for saying you would be willing to read stories about it!!! I'm honored you would want to read anything I'll write. T_T thank you so much!!! That is a relief to know because lately I have been wanting to write for Hetalia. ^^;;;;; but for now I'm glad others can be interested in Afterl!fe!!!!!)
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Die Robarts Library in Toronto sieht nicht einladend ein. Eher abschreckend. Ein Betonklotz.
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Hollywood hat angerufen, sie möchten ihr Filmset für das Bösewichten-Hauptquartier zurück. In Resident Evil: Afterlife dient es übrigens als Außenaufnahme eines Gefängnisses.
Die ersten beiden Stockwerke verfügen lediglich über Lichtschächte und sehr schmale Fenster, der wer möchte in einer Bibliothek schon ohne künstliches Licht lesen können? Zitat Wikipedia: Das dominante Bauwerk ist nicht unumstritten und der für manche als massiv wirkende Betonklotz stößt nach einer Umfrage sogar bei einem Drittel der Architekturstudenten auf Ablehnung. Der kanadische Architekt Ronald Thom bezeichnete das Bauwerk gar als „arrogant und falsch“. Der wuchtige, fast festungsartige Bau brachte der Bibliothek daher auch den Spitznamen „Fort Book“ ein.
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writerleo86 · 5 months
Terravenger Season 6 - The Twilight Arc - Episode 519 (Do Not COPY) - 02.23.2024
During the year of 1958, the officer named Thomas Faust sat on a chair which was by the right side of his ailing wife as he had worn his gray uniform.
He told the right hand of Amber using both hands as a worried Thomas looked down at her as she laid in her bed at an old hospital.
The tired Amber informed her loving husband "The doctor says that there is nothing he can do for me. It is now in the hands of the Lord."
"There must be something they can do," implied Thomas in his German accent. "There must be a droge you have not tried."
The peaceful Amber laid her head on her pillow and told him "The doctor only said to make myself as comfortable as possible."
A few minutes later, the weakened Amber turned her head to the left side as her eyes slowly closed.
"Frauchen?" cried Thomas.
His hands remained on the right hand of his beloved wife until he heard a male voice reported "She has wavered."
Suddenly, Thomas turned his head and spotted someone standing before him.
This was a young man with light skin, a well-built body, and short brown hair slanting to his left side. And his right eye was colored blue while the left one was yellow. He wore a black-lined meshed shirt along with an outfit consisting of a white vest on the right side that had a long blue sleeve covering that arm. The other side was a camouflage coat which was worn by a soldier from the United States Army. He also had on a pair of baggy white pants with a thick black belt wrapped around the waist. And he wore a pair of long black combat-boots.
The man responded "The girl has finally passed on. Now it is only the dead that can judge her."
Thomas yelled "Wie kannst du es wagen?"
The grieving man completely turned around and cried "How dare you! You do not belong her, Fiemde! Leave us at once!"
"But it is the truth," The man informed him. "Your beloved has now joined the spirits in the Afterlife."
The distraught Thomas tried to attack using his Right Fist. But the stranger appeared behind him. He soon placed his left hand into Thomas's back as if it was a hologram.
Thomas yelled in pain "Was zum Teufel?"
A blue light shined from them until the mysterious man slowly took out his hand from his opponent's back.
Then a weakened Thomas fell to his knees as he cried "Was ist das?"
As Thomas laid his hands on the ground, the crafty stranger stood behind while he held a medium ball of blue light with his left hand.
The stranger asked "Perhaps you are a lot calmer now?"
The ailing Thomas asked "What did you do to me?"
"I have only taken a large amount of your ki," answered the man. "You are no longer able to move for a while."
The ball of light vanished from the man's hand as Thomas asked "Who are you?"
And the stranger introduced himself.
"You can call me Lua. I am one of those who serve Him -- the Bearer of Light."
Terravenger -- Season 6
Episode 519:  Thomas Leon Faust
"Der trager des Lichts?" questioned Thomas. "You say you serve He Who Brings Chaos to Those Deserving?"
"Indeed," answered Lua. "He has asked me to bring you to him."
Thomas slowly lowered his head and asked "And what does der trager des Lichts want with me?"
Lua gave a soft smile as he placed his right hand on his waist.
And he told the soldier "He only wishes to have a word with you."
"But for what reason?" cried Thomas. "I have nothing of value for him!"
"Maybe he has something..." implied Lua. "...that can help you to reunite with your beloved one. Something which can make her whole again."
"Was meinen Sie?" questioned Thomas. "You claim that He wants to reunite me with my love?"
"He may," implied Lua. "You never know. You may be able to feel the touch from your dear wife by the end of the night."
Thomas soon thought to himself as Lua claimed "Your wife is probably the only thing that brings value to your life."
The soldier continued to think as Lua asked "What do you have to lose once you hear what my master has to offer?"
The grieving husband finally lifted his head and responded "Sehr gut. I will do one last thing for Meine Frau."
Inside a dark room, the mysterious Lua presented the eager guest Thomas.
A deep male voice said "Thomas Leon Faust. It is time that you and I had met."
The soldier Thomas stared forward as the voice continued.
"Yes... I know who you are. I know everything about you. I also know that you would do anything to bring the person you loved back into this world."
"I was told..." Thomas implied. "...that you may have a way to return Meine Frau to the world of die Lebendon."
"I may, yes," The voice told him. "But at a high price, I may be able to bring Amber Faust back among the living."
"Then..." Thomas cried. "Are you able to release Meine Frau from the world of das Jenseits?"
"Yes," The voice answered. "However, there is but one price that must be paid. And you are the one that must pay... within my terms of course."
"Irgend was!" Thomas begged. "I will do anything! I will do anything if it helps Meine Frau!"
Then the voice told him "The price that must be paid is to serve me. You will serve me as one of my loyal disciples. Then when the time comes, I will release your wife from the Afterlife."
"Think of it," Lua told Thomas. "You will have power that is unlimited and a mystery to those with a one-tracked mind."
Thomas lowered his head and thought for a moment. After that, he lifted his head and faced the unseen being.
"Sehr gut!" Thomas answered. "I shall be with you. You will have my soul and my body for as long as you choose. I shall be one of deine Diener."
Suddenly, his clothing glowed a bright green light and changed.
After the light faded, Thomas had worn a black robe with long maroon sleeves and a white collar around his neck. He also had on a pair of black boots and black gloves. And a large clear gem was placed on the left side of his chest.
Thomas looked at his new outfit and the male voice replied "You shall do every bidding I ask. You shall perform every task with greatness. If you obey my terms, I shall bring your wife back from the Dead into the world of the Living."
And Thomas looked up at the being as his eyes changed from brown to a clear green.
Thomas finally gave out a wicked smile and said in an English accent "I shall be yours to command. Yours and yours alone..."
Something soon appeared at the left eye of the enslaved Thomas. It was a beastly figure with long white hair, a pointy beard and two large horns on the top of his head. And the being had shining green eyes with black pupils.
The being announced "I now appoint you -- Thomas Leon Faust -- as one of my faithful disciples. You will serve as my eyes and my ears as you return to the land of the living."
"Yes," said Thomas. "I shall make you proud, my master... My great lord... My bringer of light... Mephistopheles!"
A few weeks later, Thomas had followed the smiling Lua through a long hallway with lit candles held at the top of the walls.
Thomas now wore a sleeveless black shirt, baggy black pants with a thick black belt, and short black boots. And he had on an opened black coat that fell to his ankles.
The pair soon met with two more people who walked from the other side.
The person standing at the right side was the pleasant man called Goran. He appeared as a young man with fair skin and cold purple eyes. He had a well-built body and a strong face. And he had short dark-brown hair that was combed back. He had on a buttoned black shirt with a fine collar and a pair of long sleeves. He also wore a pair of black dress-pants, black socks, and brown dress-shoes. And he wore an opened black coat that lowered to his knees.
The other who was at the other side was a slender young woman with purple eyes, purple skin, and long dirty-blond hair that lowered from her shoulders. She wore a long-sleeved pale-brown shirt along with a pair of tight black pants and short black boots. And she didn't wear any type of makeup.
Goran stared at Lua with a playful smile and implied "Ah, if it isn't the Moon Hermit making his rounds."
He spotted the newcomer standing by Lua's left side and added "And it appears he has brought in a new soldier."
Lua shook his head and asked "How did you know this man came from the military?"
The calm Goran gave a short laugh and responded "I can tell by a certain scent they have. That, and you always bring in those from any sort of military background."
Then he asked the newcomer "What military tribe do you hail from?"
And Lua informed the gentleman "This is Thomas Leon Faust from the German military."
Thomas soon told the man "Lord Mephistopheles has christened me with the name Aker."
"Aker huh?" repeated Lua.
Goran shook his head with a soft smile and said "Lua, you remember my student."
Lua faced the quiet girl and answered "Indeed. The master calls her Alexia... Alexia Palatinate. She was rumored to come from somewhere deep in Space."
Alexia lowered her head as Thomas now named Aker shook his head.
During the year 1960, two men stood behind tell platforms and gave out their speeches in front of many citizens that remained outside of the large stage.
Standing behind the citizens was a slender young woman with peach skin, clear purple eyes, and long dirty-blond hair. She wore only a short white gown with long sleeves, white leggings, and black slippers.
The woman continued to watch for the campaign which was between two candidates for the presidential position for the United States.
An hour later, she walked toward an empty forest as her arms were folded in front of her.
She suddenly heard a calm male voice imply "You have transported yourself here?"
The woman quickly turned around and spotted another person walking toward her from a large purple cloud which faded away.
The person appeared as the former soldier from Germany called Aker. He had long dark hall with a full beard and mustache. And he had on black eyeliner. He wore a sleeveless black shirt with light-purple at the bottom. He had on tight black jeans with a thick black belt, long and fingerless light-purple gloves, and long black boots. He also had a necklace with a circular silver pendant which lowered from the center. And he wore an opened black coat that lowered to his ankles.
Aker wrapped his right arm around his front as his left backhand was on the bottom of his chin.
He soon gave a wicked smile and responded in an English accent "Why not you reveal yourself? There is no one here to see."
First, the worried woman waved her right hand over her face twice. The color of her skin had changed from peach to purple as the top of her ears grew longer.
"I finally found you," replied Aker. "You truly believe you can hide from our great lord? You may have cloaked yourself. You may have also transported to another year. But you should have known that our master would find you, Alexia Palatinate."
The woman now revealed as Alexia asked in a childish voice "So He has sent a lowly agent after me?"
Aker informed her "He had sent others to retrieve you. But I... I only decided to investigate further."
And Alexia said "I see."
Then Aker commented "You were not easy to find after all. I searched through every planet, and every system. Then I decided to look through every timeline until I finally found you. You made quite a home in the years when Dwight Eisenhower was the president of the United States."
"So?" asked Alexia. "What will you do? Capture me? Will you bring me back to his court?"
Aker leaned his head to the right side and claimed "You know, I have not decided what I would do if I were to see you again."
Alexia shook her head and questioned "You enjoy chasing after me, don't you?"
Aker gave a soft chuckle and implied "This is a pass time I suppose."
Alexia lowered her head and told him "We have known each other nearly three decades. And I have not known your true goal -- your endgame."
"Uh?" reacted Leo.
And Alexia implied "I have foresaw your future after we have spent time with one another the first time. I have seen you and two others confronting Him."
"Him?" asked the startled Aker.
"Your one and only master," answered Alexia.
After thinking for a few minutes, the wicked Aker spread his left arm out as his right wrist remained before him.
He soon took a gentle bow and told the woman "You can just call me Leo. Yes. Leo... Leo is my name. I am nothing but what you say."
He rose his head as he gave a sinister smile.
And Aker answered "I am a lowly servant that wishes to please his master."
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heinzzysset · 5 months
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Afterlife - eine wahre Geschichte Zu diesem Bild erzähle ich euch eine wahre Geschichte aus meinem Leben die sich genauso zugetragen hat. Als ich mir bei einem Sturz die Wirbelsäule gebrochen habe wurde ich im Insel-Hospital Bern sechs Stunden lang operiert. Da wurde meine Wirbelsäule gerade aufgerichtet und die beiden Bruchteile mit einem Implantat verbunden. Darüber wurde eine Schiene geschraubt zur Versteifung. Dabei hatte ich viel Blut verloren und mein Körper wurde erheblich geschwächt. In der darauf folgenden Nacht hatte ich das was man unter einem Nahtod Erlebnis versteht. Ich sah wie meine Seele den Körper verlies und als ein Licht unter unzähligen Lichtern in einem farbigen Nebel eintauchte. Meine Erscheinung war nichts als ein helles, leuchtendes Licht. Je mehr ich eintauchte umso weniger war ich von meiner irdischen Form gefangen in einem verletzlichen Körper und vergas alles was meine Persönlichkeit ausmachte. Es war ein sehr schönes Gefühl davon befreit zu sein und eine totale Zufriedenheit. Mir war angenehm warm und rings um mich waren unzählige, farbige Lichter und ich war eines davon. Ich fühlte mich so leicht und frei wie ein Vogel. Da tauchte ein blendend helles Licht auf das immer grösser wurde und es zog mich fast hinein. Just in diesem Moment hörte ich wie Menschen aufgeregt miteinander sprachen und ein Piepsen so wie von einem medizinischen Überwachungsgerät. Da sah ich meinen Körper der auf dem Operationstisch vom Spital lag und darum arbeiteten fünf grün gekleidete Ärzte und Helfer. Ein Ruck durchfuhr mich. Ich riss meine Augen auf und realisierte dass ich wieder in meinem Körper war. Danach wurde alles schwarz. Als ich dann ein Tag später im Krankenzimmer aufwachte kamen mir die Tränen und ich war sehr traurig. Nur allzu gern wäre ich in dem Meer aus farbigen Lichtern geblieben. Von diesem Tag an hatte ich keine Angst mehr vor dem Tode, denn das was danach kommt ist unbeschreiblich schön. Euer Heinz7777 😊
Anmerkung: Für dieses Bild habe ich ein Foto von mir verwendet für die Berechnung mit der generativen KI. Ich bin es selbst der da im Krankenbett liegt. 🙃 An dieser Bildgeschichte habe ich sehr viele Stunden, ja Tage/Nächte gearbeitet bis alles stimmte. Weit über hundert Berechnungsläufe waren dazu nötig. Nun ist es perfekt geworden für mich und ich hoffe es gefällt euch auch.
Dies und mehr: https://www.deviantart.com/heinz7777
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chibi-jinchou · 4 years
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take this man away from me pls
he bad for my heart 😫 💕
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soileh-edts · 4 years
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• Afterl!fe - Mane/Morning Teams’s icons.
“Soul reapers embracing the morning sunlight."
Likes and reblogs will be really appreciated and reposting isn’t allowed.
 empty. The game was a huge source of comfort and especially Theo. In my opinion, nhn didn’t handle this well and after going quiet for months, they announce that the game is going to end and on the first anniversary? God, I really liked them and reading this letters made me really sad. I fell in love with them to find this out? And they’re deleting the game on the 31st of December. The year will end in a really poor note god, I hate this. I feel bad for nhn but at the same time this could have been handled better because the game had great potential and I mean it. The characters, plot along with their pasts were all amazing. They were relatable and realistic and huge comfort for many so yeah.. But anyway, I’m really upset but I’m glad I downloaded the game during the days it was released and I’m happy i met them all. They-all of them will occupy a special place in my heart but ahhh knowing I’ll have no new story or anything of them again is really...sad. I can’t say anything else but say this is sad. Sorry for the long rant.
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afterlifeimagines · 4 years
👀 w/ noah, licht & youssef
👀 Are they protective?
Licht openly worries about and cares for you, unable to contain himself if he hears someone talking poorly about you or if he sees you’re under attack. He always leaps before he looks when it comes to you and it can end with some awkward situations but you at least know you can rely on him in your times of need. Licht openly refers to himself as your protector and tells you that you should learn to lean on him when you need it, making some dramatic display of his love to show how serious he is. 
👀 Are they protective?
Noah is the silent watcher type, always seeming to pop up at the moments you’re in the most trouble to sweep you off your feet like some sort of prince charming type. He just has a natural sense for when you’re in danger and since it’s a feeling he can’t shake until he checks on you, it’s why he appears to show up just when you need him. He can get quite agitated if someone is being too pushy or aggressive towards you and he lets out a ‘back off’ aura inadvertently during any confrontations which is enough to chase even the bravest of souls away. 
👀 Are they protective?
Youssef is more a ‘protect from afar’ type lover, one who’s always watching over you like a guardian angel but who rarely interferes unless the situation calls for it. He trusts in your ability to defend yourself but he makes it known that he’s always there for you should you need him, and he works behind the scenes (once again, only if he needs to) to assure that you’re being treated with the proper respect. He’ll pretend like he has nothing to do with it but Youssef is truly always looking out for you with no need to tell you all that he does for you. 
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Trolling successful!
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xiulido · 4 years
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Miss Manager killed it 💅💅
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Hello! Could I request headcanons about what kind of date Licht and Sian would take the manager? Thanks 💞
Hi! Sorry if this was short, I'm going through some personal issues, but I'm trying my best! Also, if you want a specific Licht date, check out this headcanon post (it has a lot more details for Licht on a date at an amusement park)!
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💋 Although Licht is may seem like a flirty airhead, he's quite perceptive. Whenever he heards the manager talking about something that they enjoy, he's mental notes. He'll press on the topic a little more, until he gets the information that he needs. To prevent the manager from getting suspicious, he'll end it with a silly, flirty remark that leaves them as a blushy mess.
💋 For their earlier dates, he bases them entirely based on the manager's tastes. He wants to show how much he cares about them, so he's willing to put some of his smaller preferences aside. These dates are often elaborate and expensive as Licht tries to go all out in impressing the manager. If it's in a location that he can decorate, there's going to be a heavy emphasis on aesthetics.
💋 As more time passes in the relationship, Licht shifts his attention towards the serious aspects. This is mirrored in his dates as they still have flair, but they're less over-the-top. For example, he'll invite the manager for a movie date in his room. He's got a projector to mirror that old-movie theater vibe while decorating the room with fairy lights to contribute to the romantic atmosphere. It's a simple concept with a Licht twist.
💋 Licht loves bringing the manager to surprise dates! He'll being the manager out of their room, insisting that he has a special something for them. He'll take their hand as they stroll through the 14th Department's garden, guiding them to the special location. They arrive at a secluded flower patch next to a waterfall. In the center of the patch, there's a red picnic tablecloth with an some sandwhiches, beverages, and an assortment of desserts.
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🎤 Although Sian never admits it, he's a romantic at heart. Since he was too focused on being an idol, he never had a lot of time for anything else. That's why he takes these dates rather seriously, even if he tries to act like he doesn't care. He's always internally panicking when planning dates, trying to get solid advice from others, to ensure that his date goes smoothly.
🎤 His dates are ones with hidden meanings. From the location to the food, there's usually a heartfelt reason behind each of his choices. He would have a date at the garden of the Reaper's department because that's the first place that he and the manager had met. Although he wasn't the nicest person during that encounter, it was that moment that began a romance of infinite lifetimes. He'll treasure it forever in his heart.
🎤 His specialty lies in typical types of dates. This includes things like going out to the mall, watching a movie at the movie theater, going to a karaoke place, and so on. He doesn't want it be overdone or tacky (nor does he want Kati and Cyrille to get up all in his business about all the decor). It's just him and his lover spending some quality time together. As long as the two are having a good time together, then that's all he really needs.
🎤 Sian sings some of his written songs on his date! It all began during one of their earlier dates where his lover asked to hear his voice. Although Sian was embarassed, his lover couldn't get enough of it. So now when they're alone on a date, the reaper will take the opportunity to show them some of his latest songs. he'll grab a small guitar, play a tune, and serenade them with a beautiful love song.
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jasdiary · 4 years
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not me choosing Licht just so i could get validation from someone who also needs validation-
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jubilantgamer27 · 4 years
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“Just give up...”😂 😂
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yuelily · 4 years
i humbly present: ghilley and licht aka team mane's resident telepathic crackheads troublemakers
Exhibit A: Cheating
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Exhibit B: Stealing
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Exhibit C (my personal favorite): Bullying Non-Non
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peerlesscukyeomber · 4 years
If you're a mysme fan (or not) and want to hear more of their voices, there's an otome game where you can find characters who share the same va with some of the rfa members!
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The game's name is AFTERL!FE btw
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