#Afterl!fe Youssef
rynea94924 · 2 years
Petition to Bring Afterl!fe Back
@ReviveAfterLife on Twitter (Bring AfterL!fe back) has started a petition to at least try and get our voices heard. The link to the petition is below, as is the Twitter account.
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I couldn't get to correct this drawing properly for uncounted attempts and then I suddenly did it right after months of not touching the drawing.
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merakiui · 1 year
What's afterl!fe? The characters look so cute and the artstyle is so pleasant to look at! I know you said it shut down, but I have to wonder, what it's about? Something to do with reapers? (I mean, I wouldn't mind if you started posting fic about the game because honestly, I'll read anything you write).
It was an otome game in which you play as the new manager for the 14th branch of Soul Reapers, all of them ranging in backgrounds, ages, and even species (Ell is an angel, and Quincy is a devil for example). There are different dorms, each housing four Soul Reapers. Mane (the Morning Team) consists of Ell, Jamie, Ghilley, and Licht. Die (the Day Team) consists of Theo, June, Louis, and Ethan. Hesperide (the Twilight Team) consists of Sian, Cyrille, Kati, and Noah. Noctu (the Night Team) consists of Nine, Day, Kirr, and Aitachi. Diluculo (the Dawn Team) consists of Youssef, Mori, Quincy, and Verine. As each team name suggests, it is the time at which they work!
Essentially, as the manager you're in charge of training and managing the Soul Reapers as they go about their daily work lives. All of them are dead and have past lives, and if I remember correctly they work to help guide vengeful spirits to the afterlife by sealing and purifying them within a kaleidoscope, hence The Sacred Kaleidoscope part of the game's title! :D I think they were also working towards reincarnation??? Although I might be wrong about that. I do know that when they came to the Reapers Department they all had a certain number of karma points which they had accumulated in their past life from various good and bad deeds.
You could send the Soul Reapers on cleaning shifts, read SNS posts, collect cards in the gacha, participate in limited time events, and read the card stories about various characters. There was also a feature where there were chat rooms for each dormitory and for each individual character, so you could chat with other players about your favorite dorm or characters! And aside from side stories and events, there was a main story!
It was a really fun game with lots of potential and many unique characters!!! Hopefully one day it will return, but until then I will hold the memory close in my heart. (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
(And thank you for saying you would be willing to read stories about it!!! I'm honored you would want to read anything I'll write. T_T thank you so much!!! That is a relief to know because lately I have been wanting to write for Hetalia. ^^;;;;; but for now I'm glad others can be interested in Afterl!fe!!!!!)
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moonetica · 4 years
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POV: this group comes knockin’ at your door. WYD??
Edit: RIP Yousseff and AfterL!fe :(
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dushar · 3 years
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Day 22
Youssef - Werewolf
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hyacinth-04 · 3 years
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Afterl!fe x PsychoPass AU
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afterl1fe · 3 years
Quincy: There’s no i in team but there’s one in pizza.
Youssef: So you’re not going to share.
Quincy: I’m not going to share. 
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soileh-edts · 4 years
Anon’s request: Hey, can I have some afterlife layouts? Thx.
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• Afterl!fe - icons.
Likes and reblogs will be appreciated if you use any of these.
Reposting isn’t allowed.
My apologies anon, I accidentally ended up deleting your request. Since you didn’t mention any characters I did one from each team. I hope you’re satisfied with the result and request again. Have a nice day!
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afterlifeimagines · 4 years
👀 w/ noah, licht & youssef
👀 Are they protective?
Licht openly worries about and cares for you, unable to contain himself if he hears someone talking poorly about you or if he sees you’re under attack. He always leaps before he looks when it comes to you and it can end with some awkward situations but you at least know you can rely on him in your times of need. Licht openly refers to himself as your protector and tells you that you should learn to lean on him when you need it, making some dramatic display of his love to show how serious he is. 
👀 Are they protective?
Noah is the silent watcher type, always seeming to pop up at the moments you’re in the most trouble to sweep you off your feet like some sort of prince charming type. He just has a natural sense for when you’re in danger and since it’s a feeling he can’t shake until he checks on you, it’s why he appears to show up just when you need him. He can get quite agitated if someone is being too pushy or aggressive towards you and he lets out a ‘back off’ aura inadvertently during any confrontations which is enough to chase even the bravest of souls away. 
👀 Are they protective?
Youssef is more a ‘protect from afar’ type lover, one who’s always watching over you like a guardian angel but who rarely interferes unless the situation calls for it. He trusts in your ability to defend yourself but he makes it known that he’s always there for you should you need him, and he works behind the scenes (once again, only if he needs to) to assure that you’re being treated with the proper respect. He’ll pretend like he has nothing to do with it but Youssef is truly always looking out for you with no need to tell you all that he does for you. 
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leviadraws · 4 years
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Local idiot adopts 20 overgrown children, chaos ensues.
(I know the manager has a canon design but I was too lazy to look it up, so take a shameless self insert)
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ahaha yes more after l!fe blogs!! can I request some headcanons for noah, youseff, and june crushing on a flirty/playful manager? thank you! also ps anon is turned off so that might be why you don’t got any asks yet ;)
Thank you so much! And yeah, I didn’t realize that until after you sent this ask so thank you for the tip as well.
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📚  Youssef finds himself smiling when he sees the manager. He’ll take a quick pause from his tasks and greet them. His conversation always starts by asking about their day, offering to help with any tasks, and reminding them that he’s available if they need to talk. if the manager is busy, he’ll leave them to their duties. if not, he might sit around and chat with them for a while.
📚  He likes to daydream about the manager. Some might say he’s a little too old for that stuff, but Youssef likes to be the romantic hero in his imagination. Sometimes it inspires him to create stories, although he’ll never relate them to himself or the manager. It’s his little secret that’s buried in his heart.
📚  There is something about this playful manager that really makes Youssef root for them. He’s not sure whether it comes from their silly grin, in-your-face energy, or mind-blowing charisma -- but he does know that he will go to great lengths to make sure things stay that way.
📚 Because of this mentality, he winds up being beside them during most of their ordeals. Whenever the manager is feeling less playful than usual, Youssef is always there with some words of wisdom. Sometimes he becomes worried that he’s interfering too much, but there’s no better feeling than the massive hug that manager gives him after their talks.
📚 When it comes to the manager’s flirty side, Youssef likes to respond back in a subtle fashion. He might sprinkle a teasing comment or a nice compliment. Although it sounds friendly to everyone else, the manager catches the hidden message. If he’s alone with the manager, the romantic undertones a bit stronger. 
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📸  Noah likes to watch the manager from afar. He enjoys watching their radiant smile light up the room, but he’s afraid to get too close. After losing his father and grandmother, Noah can’t bear to stand the thought of losing the manager too. It’s better to admire from a distance than to ruin his chances up close.
📸  However, he finds it more difficult to uphold as time passes. The manager constantly initiates conversations with him, throwing a bunch of jokes and laughs. He finds it sweet that manager feels so comfortable around him. Although he might not be the loudest responder, he’s always listening and willing to lend a hand. The more they talk, the more he’s drawn to them. 
📸  Noah is not a man of much words, but he absorbs their playful energy like a sponge. He always responds to the manager’s hearty laugh with a tinkering chuckle. His chin rests on his hand as he cocks his head to the side, admiring the manager’s radiance as they continue to speak. Whenever he catches himself staring, he has to pry himself from going any further. 
📸  Whenever the manager talks about Noah’s seemingly-perfect character, he responds with a soft smile and notes that he’s not as great as he seems. However, he’s more than happy to play the part if it makes the manager happy. Of course the manager doesn’t believe him and spews an entire list of him being an absolute gem.
📸 However, the manager is in for a surprise. Whenever they flirt with Noah, this man flirts back without batting an eye. Although his response isn’t anything too crazy, he’s just so smooth about it. (it doesn’t help that his voice is as smooth as butter). He enjoys watching the manager’s reactions, especially when they are shocked. It fuels more of his flirty jokes, allowing the two to engage in flirty banter. 
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👟  He absolutely loves the manager’s playful attitude! Their energy puts him in such a good mood that he’s always smiling around them. It also keeps him motivated throughout the day. If the manager can have such energy, then he should too. In fact, he should double his energy just to match someone as amazing as the manager!
👟  Somehow, June manages to grow even louder around the manager. But you can’t blame him; he’s so excited. His blood is rushing as fast as a bullet train and his heart is pounding as loud as sledgehammer. It takes him a while before he realizes he truly understands the reason behind that adrenaline rush when he sees the manager.
👟  He’s not the type to get super flustered. The manager needs to be very forward if they want to see June blush. Most flirty remarks fly right over his head as he mistakes them for a super-friendly compliments. If that’s the case, June will respond with a large fist in the air and shower the manager with his highest praise. 
👟  Oh man, June is totally going to try to impress the manager. He’ll try breaking every record, lifting every dumbbell, and running 100 miles just to capture their attention. If the manager doesn’t step in soon, he might crush all the bones in his body by accident.
👟  June will also ask the manager to workout with him at least once. Although that sounds like a recipe for disaster, June has a decent idea of the manager’s physical levels. He’ll modify his workout (or make a simplified version) to make sure that the manager doesn’t pass out immediately. 
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gaetoeinhaler · 4 years
includes ; female reader, youssef, mori, quincy, verine
scenario :
        you had just woken up from the night's sleep, feeling refreshed. doing your usual morning routine, you get up. though, something feels off this time. something felt wet. turning around, you noticed the red splotch and marks on the bed sheets. not long after, pain comes crashing into just below your stomach.
        putting two and two together, you could make out what was happening. what you thought you had escaped from in your life as a human, has followed you over into your after life.
        soon, there's a knock at your door. trying to at least change into a new set of underwear and pants, the door opens and reveals the person from the other side.
Youssef :
• actually knows what's going on from the red marks on the bed sheets
• will offer to take you to the human world to get pads/tampons. as well as any medication (ibuprofen, tylenol)
• if you have mood swings, he will remain calm during them. if you become angry, and you need to rant out your anger, he will be there to listen to you.
• will offer a hug if you need it. maybe a kiss. depends on how needy you're feeling.
• helps with keeping the rest of the reapers in line. if you have a headache, he'll make sure the reapers aren't being too loud and will bring you some medication for your headache as well as a warm drink.
• makes sure your needs are met, to an extent though. he will make you a warm drink, help with work that nyang leader manager has given you, and give tummy rubs if needed.
• offers to clean your blood stained clothes, and sheets.
Mori :
• probably into something sexual when it comes to periods, we may never know
• besides that, he'll point it out, to make sure yes in fact you are on your period
• offers the help for going to the human world, but don't trust him with pads/tampons.
• its not as if he's going to do something bad with them, its just how confused he'd be when it comes to size and brand.
• he may be a man of many (secret) talents but man is he lost when it comes to pads.
• medication? he'll try to find the ones you mentioned, may end up going to verine for the medication seeing as the reaper takes them all the time and might have the medicine you asked him to get.
• he's not big with sweet food/desserts, but will try to find something that he thinks would help your cravings
Quincy :
• hes got no idea what in the hell a period is.
• will think you're injured or killed someone in your sleep.
• have to explain what a period is.
• cue the shocked face he gets.
• "you go through that? why? doesn't it hurt?"
• good luck escaping his questions. he'll witch hunt you for you to answer his questions.
• insists he comes with you to the human world. and when he sees what the tampons/pads look like, he has more questions.
• "why does it look like that?" "does it hurt to put it in?" "how do you take it off?" "does it really absorb the blood?"
• will hug you if you need a hug, but he isn't your doll (his words) so be careful on how much touching you do with him.
Verine :
• cue the mass coughing as his words get stuck in his throat, staring at the splotch
• he knows what it is, he isn't oblivious. he'd learn about it in school, since everyone does no matter what.
• offers to help change the sheets, or at least take them down to the washer so he could put them in it.
• is polite and patient, might not survive your mood swings though. however, he will be kind about it.
• he's used to being insulted by quincy as well as being yelled at by him, so he won't flinch much when you yell at him when one of those moods come
• has medicine ready for when you have cramps. as well as a drink on hand.
• he may not be good with sweets, but he'll try to talk to nine about making some of his chocolate chip cookies, because lets face it. nine's cookies would be *insert chef's kiss*
• a good person to go to when you need to rant about whatever is stressing, angering, or just bothering you in general.
• not the best with physical affection, but will give a hug or two if needed.
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merakiui · 4 years
Hey there! I hope you're having a great day, may I request some fluff headcanons of any 4 characters of your choice with an tactile and unknowingly affectionate s/o or crush! for example,,; they just absentmindedly play with their hands or hair to relax and drawing patterns on their skin, resting a hand on their hand-- those kind of things ! Not sure how else to explain- maybe because it reduces their anxiety if you're comfortable with that :0?
Anxious!S/O HCs (Youssef, Ell, Louis, and Kirr)
📚 Youssef 📚
Youssef is your go-to guy for therapy! He will listen to everything you say and give you proper advice that isn’t sugar-coated.
He’s got such a peaceful aura around him, so you’re always relaxed when you hold a conversation with him.
Compared to some of the other Reapers, he’s not overly affectionate or loud. Youssef’s got a mature and wise presence, so most of the PDA in the relationship comes from you.
Youssef doesn’t mind it. He likes every ounce of adoration you give him.
He’s aware of the pressure that comes with being a manager to twenty individuals, especially when one of your superiors is Nyang. It can get troublesome when you’re trying to get as much work done as possible.
You’re more than welcome to rant to Youssef about all of your worries. He knows a thing or two about consolation and how to calm someone down when they’re overworked.
“I understand. You’re rather troubled because of that, right? For now, why don’t you take a moment to relax and I’ll get you something to drink? You won’t be able to function if you’re dehydrated.”
He’s always so gentle when he speaks to you, and that eases your worries to a great extent.
Youssef will whisper certain phrases in different languages or read to you. Anything to help you de-stress.
He seems to have a solution for nearly everything, and that’s always reassuring.
He’s happy when you make him his favorite foods. After all, nothing can beat the cooking of the one he loves most.
If your stress prevents you from sleeping, Youssef will recommend healthy remedies to help you get back on track.
Youssef’s diligent when it comes to your well-being. He’ll make sure you’re eating your meals, resting well, and drinking water.
Sometimes he feels more like a butler than your significant other, but he means well either way.
At the end of the day, you know Youssef cares for you—even if he doesn’t show it as boldly as the others do.
☀️ Ell ☀️
Ell is over the moon whenever you show him your affectionate side.
His halo glows brighter, and he feels weightless when you hug him.
It’s hard to feel upset when you’re with him. He’s just so positive, always smiling and encouraging you.
You’ve got to match his energy! Sometimes you’ll hug him randomly or kiss his cheek, and he loves it.
Ell always claims he’s got butterflies in his stomach when you do that. It may catch him off guard, but he doesn’t mind. Your affection is what boosts his mood and prevents him from thinking negatively.
Despite your loving gestures, Ell’s aware that things can get stressful to an overwhelming amount.
He can tell when you’re overworking yourself, which makes him feel sad because his manager shouldn’t stress so much.
He’ll offer to take on any work you can’t finish. It might not turn out perfect, but at least his heart is in the right place.
“You can’t shoulder all of that work yourself, Manager. Let me help. I promise you’ll feel better if we work on this together!”
Teamwork makes the dream work, and despite his occasional clumsiness Ell’s a great partner to work with.
When you get anxious, he’ll sit you down and play the lyre, or he’ll tell you some stories from when he was an angel. He likes your smiling expression when he reminisces all of the silly moments he’s spent with his friends.
He’s like your personal cheerleader, always motivating you to do your best.
Ell has an affectionate side, too! He’ll show his affection in many ways, all of which give you a reason to keep pushing ahead.
You’re always helping each out. It’s an ideal relationship!
Ell likes it when you pat his head and play with his hair. It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy.
🌹 Louis 🌹
Louis is here for you! He knows it can get stressful managing so many Soul Reapers, and stress is simply not good for your complexion.
Contrary to what others see, Louis genuinely cares for people other than himself. He’s got such a carefree personality, so it’s easy for him to know when anyone’s troubled.
He’ll do anything he can to make sure you’re not stressed. Sometimes it helps to just take a moment and relax. He’ll suggest various methods of relaxation, such as a warm bath, a long nap, and even watching funny cat videos.
He’s an affectionate person, so naturally you end up adopting some of his habits the longer you spend time with him. There are times when you’ll absentmindedly stroke his arm or squeeze his hand.
Being near him is calming enough, and Louis doesn’t mind it one bit. In fact, he quite enjoys it when you hold his hand.
Louis will put everything aside in favor of helping you, even if it means sacrificing some time in front of the mirror. You’re his number one priority, and he won’t let you succumb to your stress.
You’ll cuddle with him when you’re exhausted from a long day of work. Simply listening to Louis rant about his appearance is more than enough to ease your nerves.
If resting your hand upon his or toying with his sleeve calms you, Louis will gladly let you do those things.
He wants you to feel comfortable and relaxed, not continuously on edge or worried.
He’s there to calm you down if you’ve had or are experiencing an anxiety attack. Louis is very gentle and surprisingly peaceful as he talks you through it, asking if you need medication (if it’s prescribed) and breathing with you.
“Take a deep breath in, hold it, and now breathe out. That’s it. You’re doing simply marvelous.”
Once you’ve managed to overcome it, he’ll be there to get you whatever it is you need. Louis values self-care days, so he’ll make sure you take as many self-care days as you need. You may be the manager, but that doesn’t mean you should give into the stress of it all!
When you’re feeling anxious about something, he gets even more affectionate, giving out sincere compliments that might not make the most sense.
Still, it puts a smile on your face.
🏹 Kirr 🏹
Kirr will protect you from anything. Vengeful spirits, harmful weather—you name it. That’s why you feel especially content whenever you’re with him.
Kirr might not seem like the overly affectionate type, but he cares deeply for you. He’ll show it in different ways, much like how you show your own affection.
He might not understand what you’re doing when you grab his hand and give it a firm squeeze. His first assumption is that you just want to hold hands, and he doesn’t have a problem with that.
But if he senses that you’re feeling or expressing any signs of anxiety, he’s quick to become protective.
He’ll ask if you need a moment or if you’d like to lie down somewhere. Kirr wants you to feel comfortable and safe, so your well-being is always important to him.
Kirr doesn’t mind it when you’re lounging with him, idly stroking his hair. If it calms you down when you’re feeling any sort of negative emotion, then he’ll let you do it for as long as you want.
You can talk to him about anything and everything; he’ll be there to listen.
Sometimes you’ll trace patterns into his arms when the two of you are cuddling, and the sensation is oddly soothing.
He likes to hold you in his arms in a protective manner, vowing that no harm shall ever come to his precious manager.
If you’re feeling particularly down or anxious, he’ll try to take your mind off of it by suggesting different activities. You could meditate or go on a walk to clear your head. Perhaps you’d like to stay inside and nap instead? 
Kirr is a tall Reaper, so he finds it cute when you have to stand on the points of your feet to reach him. If you happen to be taller than him or at his height, he doesn’t mind it. After all, he has no preference on height! You’re perfect the way you are.
He definitely wants to teach you how to make traps at some point.
If you aren’t opposed to it, he’d also like to take you camping for a day or two.
Nothing's more soothing than the sounds of nature, so he prefers to be in the outdoors with you. But if that triggers your anxiety, then he’s completely fine with remaining indoors.
Regardless of the method, your incredible smile and caring heart never fail to make him fall a little more in love with you each day.
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• How They Kiss•
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Characters: Ell, Youssuf, & Verine
Genre: Fluff
Type: Scenario
Warnings: None
Description: How AfterL!fe boys kiss
Check Pinned Post for Request Info!
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Ell's kisses are hesitant and soft, usually landing on the cheek or forehead. Loves cupping your cheeks in his hands as he gently kisses your lips. You might be the one initiating kisses most of the time though as he's a bit shy. Surprise kisses are one of his favorites, either you or him doing it. Eskimo kisses are frequent as you share them with each other when you tease him. I don't blame you, his expression is adorable.
"H-hey, um.. can you do that again?"
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Youssuf's kisses are always slow, his lips lingering after parting from your own. They're either firm or so soft that his lips are barely there. Every kiss takes your breath away, even if it's short. He loves to tease so he'll try and make you kiss him instead, remarking on how cute it is to see you tiptoe; tease him back and he's a tomato. His favorite kisses are the ones you share whenever you part ways as they're always the sweetest.
"So precious."
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Verine isn't openly affectionate in public so kisses from him are a tad rare. He won't stop you from kissing him though. He melts any time you hold him, usually placing a kiss to your shoulder. Whenever the two of you are alone, he's more cuddly and ends up pulling you to him to snuggle. Lots of kiss are often given and received during those times. Verine's favorite kisses are the ones before a battle as they're filled with "passionate luck", at least that's why he says.
"I'll be careful.. for you."
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peerlesscukyeomber · 4 years
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Department 14's dads 💖💖
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21 with youssef? thank u!!
This boy can be so sneaky sometimes... (21: You hate when I'm right)
“No way…” You stare at the screen in disbelief. “Why would he do that?! By giving it up he’s losing everything!”
“He must have his reasons.” Youseff’s lips tip upward, secretive and victorious. Usually you’d find the expression charming, but in light of the bet you’d just lost you were unaffected by it. “I believe you now owe me a favor?”
You sigh, but accept your defeat. The bet was to predict the plot progression of the show you were watching. It wasn’t until recently when you both started meeting up to catch the weekly releases, taking turns hosting food and drinks.
Hopefully his request won’t be too embarrassing or troublesome to keep up with. The last few rounds had ended with a tie in total, so now he was in the lead with 3 points. “Fine, fine… What will you have me do?”
“Hmm…” Youseff ponders aloud. “Take over my chores for the next session… Helping me monitor Quincy, cooking dinner…”
Finally, he turns to face you with a pleasant smile. “I’ll choose later.”
The cheeky tone behind his words doesn’t go unnoticed. “Hmpf… Torturing me like this... What happened to your usual gentlemanly behavior? I wonder if Cyrille was right in guessing you had a hidden side.”
“Such words won’t sway me.” His dark eyes glint amusedly. “You just hate when I’m right.”
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