#after the first two I got out my old ass tablet from the basement
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shitty placeholder backgrounds for a game I'm making except they get progressively less shitty
#psii.txt#my art#after the first two I got out my old ass tablet from the basement#yes I was drawing these with mouse at first
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A Chronicle of my Hexxit II World
You know what's less expensive than therapy? Watching Captainsparklez vods on one screen and playing modded minecraft on the other. (I say less expensive because the youtube monitor is a 14 year old art tablet and the minecraft monitor is a shitty dell from 2009. But even otherwise it'd probably still be true)
My modpack of choice this round is Hexxit II because it was there and i saw it and clicked it. I love exploration-based modpacks-- they itch my hunter gatherer brain just right and give me way too much dopamine leaving me a husk of myself for whatever scant hours I'm off the game before clawing my way back in for more like the digital drug fiend i am
Loading into the game was a bit of a nightmare the first time-- as a dirty filthy stinking left-hander, I always switch around all my keybinds like an absolute animal. It's disgusting. One such keybind seemed to initiate a crash that hit every time I pressed any button at all whatsoever, so I had to reevaluate my life a bit, but it all ended up working out after a keybind reset and cautiously testing each one as I rebinded them afterwards.
I generated up a random world with zero custom settings just to test, then wound up going with it for the playthrough. Rip any chance of cheats or gamerule tweaks. This is probably good for my wimp ass, honestly. Almost immediately, I got diamonds, thanks to big-dig-style ore generation. I got them before coal. Ridiculous.
With Jardon's sweet voice ringing in my ears, I set off on my adventure. I holed up in the tiny cave where I found those first diamonds. It wasn't aesthetically pleasing, but it was a good start. First couple nights were bedless as I desperately farmed cotton to craft myself some wool, only to find a sheep on the 3rd-or-so day right when my cotton efforts had nearly paid off. Fuck.
My minimap was showing me that I'd settled on a peninsula, and further inland there was a desert village. To get here I'd have to brave the desert-- a veritable mosh pit of mo'creatures beasts and these little flying shits called Pteras. I'd grow to despise these as my mortal enemies in this pack. I ran across and activated my first waystone-- Mjolnisjsjkfrmf or whatever.
I ran around, crafted a backpack, bred some chocobos, found a couple more villages, looted some shit in my basement, which contained spiders, it's all a blur, honestly. At this point I had a Monking Dagger, a nifty little weapon which boosted my speed and allowed me to zip forward every couple seconds. I'd also acquired a magic essence, which I crafted into an Electric Staff, which, contrary to what its name would suggest, allowed me to fly a short distance into the air by right clicking. I decided this would be a good time to craft an OpenBlocks hangglider with the leftover backpack leather. These two had a pretty good synergy, but low durability on the staff, so I used up some of my allotted mid-air hop allowance on getting myself up to a floating slime island. I trimmed it bald and used the slime to craft slime boots and a slimesling, which, may I say, oohoohoohoo. Travel was REVOLUTIONIZED.
The Slimesling is used by aiming low at the ground and charging up a shot which flings you far into the air in the opposite direction. The Slime Boots are an, in my opinion, early game OP item which negates fall damage in lieu of bouncing off the ground and picking up ridiculous momentum in whatever direction you're flung. These work together like a clown in a bouncy house. I was soon launching and bounding across the landscape at mach speeds, deploying my glider in midair to soar over treetops and valleys, then coming back down and smacking painlessly against the ground before bouncing up again.
I decided to take it a step farther and as soon as I was able to craft my first hexical diamond, I made it into a pair of cloud boots which took the fall damage negation from the slime boots and paired it with a stupid high jump boost and speed. This took my travelmaxxing to a whole other level. I was unstoppable. I feel like I've already won the game at this point, nothing could beat this, right?
Well, then I made the superb choice to fling myself into a Pirate Island. My LAWWRD this was the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. I died an embarrassing number of times, after each of which I had to craft another pair of slime boots to make the long trek back before being killed again on sight. It was hell on cube earth. Eventually I learned my lesson and bounced out of there, literally. I returned to take out Mr Pirate Captain later, which was worth it only for revenge's sake.
At this point I was looking for another place to settle where there was space enough to expand storage and set up a Tinker's Construct forge, as well as tall terrain for my launching and gliding habits. I found a nice place, a little lake surrounded on all sides by tall cliffs which I could launch off of to my heart's content.
So now here I am, deciding what kind of settlement to go for. It's funny how fast the playstyle can switch from roguelike to animal crossing in this game.
#captainsparklez mention#writing practice i guess?#minecraft journal#hexxit ii#minecraft modpack#yapping#hexxit ii log
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Stark Spangled Forever

I Don’t Like Bullies
Intro: Emmy encounters someone from her past, and is left shaken after they threaten her. Steve and Bucky decided to pay them a little visit…
Warnings: Some violence, a slightly dark Steve and Bucky…some bad language. SMUT (NSFW, No UNDER 18s!!!)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
** If you haven’t read SSB in it’s entirety, this contains MAJOR spoilers**
August 2024
“Again!” Jamie giggled, splashing his way over to Steve who laughed and waited for Jamie to reach him.
“Ok ,one…two…three…” hooking his hands under Jamie’s armpits he gently launched him into the air and the 4 year old laughed hysterically before he hit the water with a splash in the deeper end of the pool before emerging, from the surface.
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack…” Katie sighed from where she was sat on the steps to the pool, submerged to her shoulders. Rori was suspended in the little inflatable baby support, her legs kicking out behind her as Katie gently pushed her away then pulled her back, the baby smiling and thrashing with her arms.
“He’s fine ain’t you son?” Steve asked as Jamie doggie paddled over to him, grinning.
“It’s like flying Momma!”
“Hmmm.” she said, as Jamie jumped on his dad’s back and he pulled at Steve’s neck. Steve, playing along threw himself backwards taking them both under the surface before he stood up, shaking his head like a dog as Jamie’s laugh hit his ears.
“You’re getting strong pal.” he said, turning his head over his shoulder so he could look at Jamie. Jamie grinned.
“How’s my little water baby doing?” Steve asked as he carried Jamie on his back to where his wife and daughter were, Jamie scrabbling out of the pool and heading to the lounger for a drink.
“She’s fine.” Katie smiled, as Steve turned his attention to Aurora, a huge grin on his face as she looked at him and beamed, waving her legs and arms as fast as she could.
“Look at you princess!” he said as Katie pulled her back towards them. He dropped down so his shoulders were under the water and Rori was at eye level. “Think she’s enjoying it.”
Katie smiled as the two of them watched the baby for a moment before Katie looked up at Jamie who was sat now with Lucky between his legs, gently talking to the dog. “Do you know what time it is?”
Steve glanced at his watch “Almost 4.”
“I should really think about starting dinner.”
“Leave it….” he said, turning to her, pressing his lips to hers. “Come on, when was the last time we got an afternoon like this?”
She smiled, “Feels like a while that’s for sure…”
“So…we can chuck a frozen pizza in for Jamie and we can get a take-out…” he said, moving so he was behind her, his arms curling around her waist, pulling her back so she was perched on his bent legs, his chin resting on her shoulder “Eat by the pool…” he placed a kiss to the crook of her neck, “And then later when he’s in bed and she’s settled we can hit the hot-tub…” another kiss “maybe a bottle of wine…”
“You feeling amorous Soldier?” Katie grinned, tipping her head round to face him.
“Always when you’re concerned…” he winked, his lips again meeting hers, only this time the kiss slightly deeper until they broke apart after a loud splash, followed by a smaller splash drew their attention.
Jamie had launched himself back into the pool, followed by Lucky who had clearly decided he too needed to get in the action.
They stayed in the water for another 15 minutes or so until Rori started to get a bit grouchy, and Katie took her out, wrapping them both in a towel and sitting in the quiet for a while to feed her. Steve and Jamie followed her out a little while later, both drying themselves off before Steve took Jamie inside to get him a juice box and throw his pizza in the oven. Jamie then insisted he wouldn’t make it until his pizza was done as he as starving, so Steve got him quick snack of breadsticks and hummus and sent him back out onto the garden where he made his way over to the side of the pool, flopping down on the lounger next to his Momma.
Deciding that a snack was actually a pretty good idea really, Steve grabbed a few things from the fridge, namely olives, more breadsticks, dips, cheeses and was about to carry it down to the pool area when the security system sounded to tell him that Emmy had come home.
“It’s ok…you’re ok…” his ears picked up Brooke’s voice from the hall and instantly he frowned as he heard Emmy’s deep breathing too. He strode into the hallway just in time to see Emmy slide down to the floor, her back pressed to the door as she tugged her knees to her chest.
“Emmy?” Steve asked, quickly dropping down in front of her. “Hey…look at me…”
She looked up and he gently reached out, his hand smoothing back her hair “Use your numbers ok, like we used too, remember?”
She gripped his hand tight and her eyes screwed shut as she desperately tried to regulate her breathing and Steve, not once taking his eyes off his daughter issued Brooke with an instruction to go and get Katie. Less than 2 minutes later she was also on her knees next to Emmy having left Brooke to watch the younger two and it was a minute or so later before the 16 year old began to breathe normally, her eyes slowly blinking as they returned to their usual size instead of being blown wide open.
“You ok?” Katie asked gently, looking at Emmy. She nodded.
“Don’t…” Steve looked at her as she fell into his arms, pressing her face against his bare chest as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head “Don’t every apologise for that, we told you.” The amount of panic attacks their daughter had had when she first came to live with them meant they’d been fairly used to them, but she hadn’t had one in a VERY long time, not since the events of the Final battle with Thanos had hit her and she’d broken down about losing her Uncle Tony, Auntie Nat and then how close she had to losing her parents. Emmy was a strong, independent teenager who for the most part simply got on with things, letting a lot of stuff that would bother other people wash right over her head. But clearly something had triggered her today.
“You need a drink sweetheart?” Katie asked and Emmy nodded.
“Ok. Think you can stand?” Steve asked.
“You’re not carrying me.” Emmy looked at Steve and he raised an eyebrow.
“You used to love me doing that.” Steve quipped and she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah at the Parties at the Kids home.” she grumbled “I’m not 7 anymore.”
“Never too old for your Pa to carry you.” Steve teased, standing up and offering him her hand. She took it and he pulled her to her feet, and despite her protestations at her age she kept her fingers tightly wound around his as they headed to the kitchen.
“Emmy!” Jamie shot off his seat and threw himself at his older sister. She smiled and bent to give him a hug.
“Hey Jay…” she smiled, “You been swimming?”
“Daddy was throwing me.” he grinned. “I bet he could do it for you too.”
“Sure he could” Emmy smiled as she shakily took a seat, glancing at Rori who was in Brooke’s arms, her little hands tangling in the girl’s long, red hair.
“Jamie, why don’t you go in the den for a moment, watch some TV.” Katie looked at him, adjusting the crochet slip she had thrown on over her bathing suit “Momma and Daddy need to talk to Emmy for a second.”
“But I don’t wanna.” he frowned.
“Hey, why don’t you show me your legos?” Brooke said quickly. Steve could see the cogs in his son’s head whirring as he considered this for a second before he nodded.
“Thanks Brooke.” Katie said to her as she handed Rori back over.
“No problem Mrs R.” she said, allowing Jamie to tug her by the hand out of the room.
Once they were gone Katie adjusted Rori in her arms so that her head was tucked against her shoulder, mouth resting on her collar bone and Steve took a seat next to Emmy after pouring her a glass of water.
“Wanna tell us what happened Em?” he asked gently.
“We’d just been in The Hub.” she said, “You know the Computer shop because Brooke needed a new charger for her tablet.” Emmy swallowed and took a sip of her drink “We were walking down towards the bus stop so we could head home and we’d just passed that bar on the corner, you know the Irish Pub place?”
“Mc Mahons, yeah we know it…” Steve nodded
“And then he came out.”
“Who?” Katie asked, her eyes not leaving her daughter.
“Him…my old foster father. The one that used to hit me.”
Steve took a deep breath and breathed out through his nose “Did he hurt you?”
“No, not really…he erm, he didn’t recognise me at first and I kept walking but Brook had stopped and when she shouted my name he realised it was me and he grabbed my arm and…”
“Ok…ok…” Katie said gently, as Steve gently laid a hand on their daughter’s shoulder.
“Did he do anything else?” he asked. Emmy shook her head.
“He just started shouting stuff, saying he knew that I’d landed on my feet and that I was nothing but a worthless brat and that he would come and pay you a visit one day, tell you all about what I used to do and how bad I was and then you’d throw me out and…”
“Em, he’s an ass hole.” Katie said gently “You were never a bad kid. You’d been treated appallingly, what that man did do you…” she shook her head “It was cruel and abusive and…”
Steve’s hand fell to Katie’s knee under the table as she looked away, blinking back the tears.
“Emmy, me and your mom love you.” Steve looked at her, “We love all you kids more than anything, and nothing this dick says or does will change the way we feel. You know that right?” “I know, I just didn’t like seeing him that’s all.” she said gently “I just had all these flashbacks to the basement he locked me in and the belt…”
She swallowed and looked down. Steve looked at Katie, the jaw in his nerve twitching with anger as he took a deep breath and ran his hand up Emmy’s back.
“Well I hope he makes good on his promise and does pay us a visit.” he said his eyes flashing “I’d be very happy to exchange a few words with him, maybe a few fists too.”
Emmy smiled softly as Katie shook her head.
“Pretty sure your Uncle Buck would have a something to say too. And between you and me, his Murder Strut is frightening.” “Murder Strut?” Emmy looked up, the corners of her mouth twitching. Katie nodded.
“Trust me, I saw it a few times. Scared the shit out of me.”
“Woah, you saying I’m not scary?” Steve scoffed, folding his arms.
“Bucky’s a Rottweiler, you’re more of an angry retriever.” Katie shrugged and at that point Emmy laughed, which was exactly what her parents had been hoping to achieve. Steve flashed a wink at his wife before he turned back to Emmy.
“You know he won’t ever hurt you again, not now you’re with us.”
“I know. I love you guys.” she smiled and Steve dropped a kiss to her cheek. She looked up, wiped her eyes and then glanced at her mom. “Can Brooke stay tonight?”
“Course she can, I’ll call Jen”
“It’s ok she can message…”
“I’ll call her.” Katie said firmly, “Brooke was there today so Jen has a right to know what happened. Don’t worry, she won’t be mad at you.” “Kay…” Emmy nodded “What’s for dinner?”
“Your dad threw a pizza in for Jamie, we’re gonna get take out and hang by the pool.” Katie said.
“Anything you fancy?” Steve asked.
“Can we try the Greek place?”
“Sure.” Steve nodded “Hey, do they do Shwarma?”
“Gyros.” Katie said, “Same thing almost.”
“I’m in.” Steve said.
“I’m gonna go watch TV for a bit, that ok?”
“Course.” Katie smiled.
Emmy stood up and moved behind her dad, hugging him from behind, her arms round his shoulders. He tilted his head so she could kiss his cheek before she moved to do the same to her mom, giving Rori a peck.
“Love you both.” she smiled at them, before she left the room.
As soon as she was gone Steve stood up, his calm demeanour ebbing away as Katie looked up at him, shaking her head.
“I wanna kill him Steve.”
“You and me both doll.” he paced.
“Think we should call the police?” Katie asked, gently rocking Rori to and fro as she had started to grumble.
Steve contemplated what she had said before he paused, folded his arms and looked at the door, then back to Katie “I got a better idea.”
“Do you trust me?” he asked.
“You know I do”
“Then leave it with me.” he said simply
“Steve…” she stated, instantly understanding what he was implying “You can’t.” “Why not?”
“Well, for starters we have no idea where he lives.”
Steve snorted “Sweetheart, you’re forgetting who we know.”
“Oh, no…you can’t drag Sam into this.” Katie shook her head “Ross is being an asshole with him as it is without you giving him ammo by getting Sammy into trouble.”
“I’m not” Steve smiled, raising his eyebrow “I’m gonna drag Bucky into it instead.“
****** Bucky sat at the bar, baseball cap tugged down over his eyes. He’d been reliably informed his target drank in this run-down back dive every Wednesday and Thursday evening. He liked the happy hour, apparently.
Aint gonna be happy for much longer, buddy.
Despite the fact that he was trying to live a normal life now (ok, maybe helping Sam out every now and then) when Steve had asked him to help him with this particular mission he’d immediately said yes. Not simply because Steve was his best friend, but because it involved Emmy. As far as Buck was concerned, the Rogers kids might as well be his own in that respect because he’d give his life to protect any of them.
And then there was Brooke. Bucky had been dating Brooke’s mom, Jennifer now for a few weeks after they’d hit it off at Steve’s birthday party. It was great, slow moving but that’s what he wanted, and when he’d heard that her daughter had been caught up in all this business as well, it was another reason for him to slip back into his old assassin mode.
Only this time his instructions were clear. Apprehend alive.
At first when Steve had told him this he had been about to tease him, wind him up, surely after all these years the Captain had finally found that trigger to flip him over to the dark side, but then he had seen something stir in his best pal’s eyes. He’d told him then about an incident in a HYDRA base, where he had killed on of Katie’s captors and Bucky knew, it was there alright, and he had a feeling he was going to see it whenever they caught this punk.
He ordered another drink, his eyes re-reading the paper he’d brought with him for the 15th time. To most people stake-out work like this would get them bored, antsy, but not Bucky. He’d waited much longer before and he knew that if you got like that you lost concentration which made things 100 times harder in the long run. His eyes scanned back to the entrance to the bar, flicking back round the pub, and he observed the people to make sure he hadn’t missed the man sneaking in, even though he knew that was basically impossible. Satisfied he hadn’t, he took the drink off the bar tender, paid him (another rule of spy work- never set up tabs, you run without paying and your face is recognised all over the damned scene). He took a sip of his beer before he heard the door open and he looked round, fighting the smirk on his face as finally his target walked in and straight to the bar to Bucky’s right.
The man ordered his drink, a straight black label whiskey and when it was served he paid with a bunch of crumpled ones and picked the glass up, heading to a table.
Bucky had to hand it to the guy, in the half an hour he spent in the bar he knocked back a good 5 helpings of scotch before he stood up, and rather unsteadily made his way to the door. Giving him enough time to get out of the door, Bucky then rose and followed him. He tailed him into another bar, then another, before after the 3rd the man headed home.
Bucky watched him unlock the door to the rundown apartment block, before he staggered inside. Quick as a flash Bucky shot over the road, sticking his foot in the door to stop it from shutting. Slipping inside he pressed himself up against the dark wall, just to the side of the post boxes, as the man turned around. After a second or so Bucky heard him heading up the stairs. He walked to the bottom of the steps, and keeping his footsteps light he headed after him and emerged onto the second landing, peering round the wall to watch as the man stopped outside a door, pulling out his keys.
Bucky waited until the door was closed before he headed back down to the ground floor, pulling out his phone.
“I got him.”
***** Steve climbed out of his car, looking up at the ramshackle building before he crossed the road. Bucky was waiting for him and opened the door to the apartment block from the inside.
“What you come dressed as?” Bucky arched an eyebrow, scanning Steve up and down. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans, a dark navy t-shirt and black boots, with a cap pulled down over his face.
“You.” Steve said simply, and Bucky snorted.
“He’s on the Second floor.” he said simply “Number 202. Still think you should just let me shoot him.”
“No.” Steve said “We’re not killing him…”
Bucky rolled his eyes “Why?”
“Because I want him as scared as he made Emmy.” Steve said simply. “He can spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.”
Bucky shrugged, “Your call…”
Steve headed to the stairs and started to climb them, stopping as he heard his foot crunch on something.
“Nice place…” he mumbled as he looked down to see he had stood on a cockroach.
“Don’t be a snob Stevie…” Bucky looked at him, and Steve rolled his eyes.
“Even my place in the 40s wasn’t this grim.” he turned to look at his friend before he continued up the flight of steps.
“It wasn’t the ritz either.” Bucky shrugged as they emerged onto the landing. They stopped outside the door and Steve took a breath before he looked at Bucky.
“Looks like we need a key….” he quipped. Bucky gave a smirk, before he drew his left hand back and punched straight through the door, grabbing the handle and turning it to undo the lock from the inside. He threw it open and strode inside, Steve casting a look around before he followed and pulled the door shut behind them. Hearing the noise the man flew out of the kitchen, a knife in his hand, stopping dead when he saw Bucky.
“Who the fuck are you?” he demanded.
Bucky simply raised his eyebrows.
“Look, if Mario sent you…I told him, he’ll get his money…”
“I don’t know any Mario…” Bucky shook his head, “Well, not unless you count the one that rides on the karts in that game my nephew enjoys kicking my ass at. Now put the knife down Jack before someone gets hurt.”
“How do you know my name?” Jack asked, his eyes not once leaving Bucky, missing the Captain who was stood in the darkness of the room behind him. “What the fuck do you want?”
“I don’t want anything…” Bucky said, shrugging, “But he does…”
At that point Steve stepped forwards, drawing up besides his friend, getting a good look at the man in front of him. He was quite tall, but lanky, with a pointed noise and sharp features, reminding Steve of an overgrown rat. Which fitted him perfectly, out and out vermin. Jack frowned and squinted slightly as he looked straight at Steve, suddenly paling even further. Whilst Steve looked a lot different from the once blue-eyed All American hero the world recognised him to be, there was no mistaking who he was, especially to the man in question. Steve stood stock still, his hands falling to the buckle which was round the waist of his black jeans, his chest flexing under his navy t-shirt as he glared at the man.
“Woah…look…I don’t want any trouble…” Jack began to press.
“You should have thought about that before you touched and threatened my daughter.” Steve’s voice was icy.
Jack’s hand clenched around the knife and Bucky rolled his eyes, before he whipped off the glove on his left hand, holding it up, the metal glinting in the dim light of the lamp that stood in the corner of the grubby apartment.
“This can do far more damage than that blade can.” he said simply, looking at his hand before he turned to Jack “Go ahead, I’ll even give you one free swing. But it better be fast.”
Steve expected the man to drop the knife, but instead he lunged forwards. Bucky sighed, and almost lazily dodged to the right before he knocked the knife out of the man’s hand with a single swipe and gripped him around the neck with his hand, slamming him hard into the wall.
“That was really fucking stupid.” he said, tightening his fingers around the man’s windpipe, lifting him off the floor. The man grabbed at Bucky’s arm, desperately trying to prise his fingers from around his neck.
“Buck…” Steve said, and Bucky let go, Jack slumping to the floor. Steve reached down, grabbed his shirt and hauled him to his feet slamming him against the wall.
“Now…” Steve said, his hands tightening. “I don’t like bullies. And that’s what you are. I know exactly what you did to Emmy, all the times you beat her, hurt her, whipped her with a belt until her back split and bled. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t rip you in half right now.”
“Captain America…nah…you wouldn’t…” Jack stuttered, shaking his head “You’re a good guy…”
“Well, here’s the thing.” Bucky said, picking up the knife that Jack had dropped, leaning on the wall, lazily twirling the blade in his hand. “He’s not Captain America anymore. Just some guy whose daughter you threatened.”
“Which makes me a hundred times more dangerous…” Steve said.
“And I, well, I just don’t give a shit.” Bucky shrugged “Killed a lot of people one way or another…what’s one more piece of shit like you gonna mean?”
Jack looked at Steve, shaking his head “No, you wouldn’t…”
“I snapped the neck of the man who raped my wife.” Steve said, his gaze not once leaving the man’s in front of him “Trust me, you have no idea what I would do to keep my family safe.”
He paused for a second, letting it sink in as Jack swallowed.
“But I’m a fair man.” Steve said, letting go of Jack who dropped a few inches before he pulled himself back up full height. Steve smoothed down the man’s dirty t-shirt before he smiled at him. “So I’m gonna give you a chance to play ball. You got 48 hours to leave New York.” “By that we mean the state.” Bucky clarified.
“And if I ever get a sniff that you’re back in town…” Steve continued.
“And trust us, we’ll know…” Bucky mused, still looking at the knife before he grinned at Jack “We got friends in high places, eyes and ears everywhere…” “….then you’ll lose more than your teeth.” Steve concluded, matter of factly.
“My teeth? What do-“
Steve cut him off with a sharp jab straight into his mouth and Jack dropped to the floor howling in pain as the blood poured from between his fingers which clamped over the lower part of his face.
“Got the message?” Steve asked, standing over him as Jack rolled around, screaming. He mumbled something, his head nodding furiously.
“Can I shoot him now?” Bucky asked.
“No.” Steve shook his head.
“Just once in the knee?”
“No.” Steve snorted “Come on…let’s get out of here, the amount of noise he’s making someone’s bound to hear. He turned to go, and then heard another loud scream. Spinning around he saw that Jack’s hand was now pinned to the floor by the knife Bucky had been holding.
“What?” Bucky asked, shrugging as Steve shot him a look “You said I couldn’t shoot him, didn’t say anything about stabbing him.”
***** The two friends sat at a bar, not far from Steve’s house, each with a beer in hand.
“So, run that by me again…” Bucky said.
“I told Katie I was meeting you for a drink.” Steve shrugged, nodding at the bottle “Technically now I’m not lying.”
“You’re a punk.” Bucky snorted.
“She’ll know full well where I’ve been.” Steve shrugged “She ain’t stupid…”
“Good luck to you pal.” Bucky said, taking a drink “She’s scary when she’s angry.”
Steve snorted “Nah, she won’t be mad…she knew full well I was planning on giving him a warning so…”
“Then why not just tell her?” “Because she’d worry.” Steve said simply.
“Think he’ll heed it?” Bucky asked after a little pause and Steve pondered the question for a moment before he nodded.
“Like I said he’s a bully.” he took a swig of his beer before he looked at Bucky “You know as well as I do that the minute someone bigger stands up to them they back off.”
“Gotta hand it to you pal…” Bucky said, sitting back “You come a long way since you were defending yourself with a trash can lid behind the movie theatre down town…”
“So everyone says.” Steve shrugged “Still don’t feel any different.”
“Remember when Howard’s flying car was the strangest thing we had ever seen?” Bucky sighed “I almost miss those days.” “Would you go back?” Steve asked, “Given the chance?”
Bucky took a deep breath and wrinkled his nose “Nah, I’m too different…too much has happened you know. I don’t think I’d settle. Plus this would probably attract a little more attention than it does now.” he said, flexing his left hand.
Steve smiled “I know what you mean. If you’d asked me when I first came round…I’d have jumped at the chance but after Katie…” he took another drink before he let out a soft huff. “I crossed oceans of time to find her.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Dracula…romantic.” he said and Steve let out a laugh.
“Speaking of romantic…” Steve looked at his friend “How’s it going with Jen?”
“Just ok?”
“I’m taking it slow.” Bucky shrugged “We’ve been on a few dates and…yeah I like her Steve and she likes me so…”
“Well if you ever want any advice on modern day dating…”
“The day I ask you for dating advice is the day I quit.” Bucky snorted
“I did ok.” Steve grinned “Well, more than ok actually. I lucked out.”
“No, you got what you deserved.” Bucky shook his head “A woman that loves you for who you are, not what you are.” Steve felt his cheeks flush a little as he shrugged “Not quite sure what I did to deserve her but…”
“You’re a good man.” Bucky said “You always were and always have been. A pain in my ass like, but…” he drained his beer and shook his head “Anyway, enough sentimental crap. You want another?”
Steve contemplated that before he shrugged “Sure, why not?”
One more turned into 5 more, and it was a good 2 hours later and approaching midnight when the men left. It wasn’t the first time they’d been out for drinks since being re-united, but to Steve it was the first time that it felt like the old days. They’d talked about so many memories, he’d laughed until he had cried as they both recalled some of their antics, and he felt completely at peace when he walked into the hallway of his house.
Removing his cap he ran a hand through his hair before he hung it on the coat rack on the wall. Then he dropped his keys into that infernal golden pineapple bowl that Katie had bought him all those years ago and headed into the lounge where Katie was sat in her pyjamas, Rori clutched to her breast as she fed.
“Hey…” he smiled, crossing the floor and dropping a kiss to her lips before he turned his attention to his daughter, his finger gently running along her hardworking cheek.
“You have a good time?” she asked, giving a little yawn.
“Yeah.” Steve nodded. “It was nice. When did she wake up?”
“About half an hour ago.” Katie shrugged “With a bit of luck she’ll go down again soon and sleep for a couple of hours.”
“I’ll do the next feed.” Steve said “You can get some rest.”
“Ok.” Katie agreed, yawning again and as she did so Rori mimicked her, her eyes which were now carrying a slight greenish hue fluttering. Steve gestured for Katie to hand her over, and she did so as Steve held her up over her shoulder, hands that had hours ago been so violent were now ever so gentle, rubbing his daughter’s back to wind her as Katie adjusted her top. They sat there in silence for a little while before Katie finally spoke.
“So how badly did you hurt him?”
“Jack?” She turned her head to Steve who looked at her “I know full well what you were up to.”
“I knew you would.” Steve huffed a laugh “And not too badly. Knocked a few of his teeth out…oh, and Bucky nailed his hand to the floor with a knife. He won’t be bothering Emmy again, or any of us for that matter.”
Katie looked at him for a moment before Rori gave a light burp and Steve gently turned his face, pressing his lips to the baby’s head.
“Here…” Katie said, and Steve handed her over “I’ll go put her down.”
She gathered the baby in her arms before she dropped a kiss to Steve’s mouth “Don’t be too long…”
He arched an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“Well, you know what you getting all dark and protective does to me…” she grinned, looking down at Rori “That’s what made her in the first place.”
Steve’s eyes darkened at the memory of that particular day in the HYDRA base which he was recalling for the second time in the space of a few hours, albeit for very different reasons. “How could I forget?”
Standing up she walked to the door, Steve watching her go, before she shot him a coy look over her shoulder his pants became a lot tighter than they should have been. He gave a soft groan, before his head fell back against the cushion of the sofa. After a moment or two he stood up and turned off the lights, before heading up the stairs after his wife.
He stood in the doorway, watching as she placed Rori in the crib at the end of the bed before he strode over to her, his hands falling to her waist as he spun her round, his lips crashing to hers. She took the kiss eagerly, her tongue sliding against his as he backed her towards the bed, her hands fumbling with his belt as they went. Neither were wasting any time, and after a quick wrestle with their clothing they both collapsed onto the bed, Steve caging his wife underneath him with his arms and legs.
Their eyes locked for a second before he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her again, slow and hard, both his hands cupping her face, thumbs gently skating her cheeks as she let out a soft groan and he felt his cock twitch. His lips not once leaving hers his right hand gently slid down to her thigh, and his fingers gently gave her hip a squeeze causing her to sigh into his mouth again. Using his hand he hooked her leg round his waist, and ground his erection against her spot causing her to moan as she pulled away from the kiss, her head laying further back against the pillow, her eyes fluttering shut as his mouth dropped, swirling softly around her pebbled nipples, carefully lavishing affection on them in turn, and in moments she was quivering to his touch, her breathing ragged.
“Look at me…” he said, voice low, almost a growl and her eyes sprang open obediently, those sparkling emeralds glinting in the dim light as he held her gaze as he pushed into her, her breath catching in her throat. He stilled for a moment, enjoying her warmth as it gripped him before he moved his hips back, thrusting into her again. His pace was hard, deep and he continually dragged in and out of her, dropping his head to kiss and lick and suck all along her collar bone, knowing full well he would leave marks there for the morning but neither of them cared as their moans grew louder as his thrusts grew more desperate.
"Fuck.” he groaned, both hands now on her hips as he continued his movements and Katie’s hands moved to brace herself against the headboard, her body moving with every slam he made into her. One hand moved to the back of her head and he used it to make her look up, her eyes locking onto his as he felt her body start to quiver.
“I love you…” he said, his pace not slowing in the slightest.
“Love you too Soldier…” her words stuttered as he thrust up hard, stilling slightly, grinding up against her, as she writhed underneath him, a desperate, filthy noise escaping her mouth as her back arched and her hands flew to his back, nails scratching at his skin. God he loved the feel of her doing that, the stinging pain mixed with the pleasure was a heady mix and he took in a sharp breath, dropping his mouth to capture hers as she moaned again, this moan broken as she bucked upwards and clutched at him desperately.
“Stevie…” she moaned and her walls tightened on him as she came, her entire body trembling underneath him and he pulled back so he could watch her, lips swollen from his desperate kisses, cheeks flushed, eyelids fluttering against her cheeks. He continued his pace, her eyes opening moments late to lock onto his as the spring that had been coiled so tightly suddenly released and he spilled himself insider her with a low, rough grunt of her name and he tipped forwards, his hips slowing to a stop as he buried his face in her neck.
The pair of them lay still, the only sounds in the bedroom now were the deep, ragged drawings of breath. Katie gently ran her hands through his hair, as she always did, Steve’s body on top of hers rising and falling through the movements of her deep breathing. Eventually he raised his head gently and pressed their foreheads together, his nose sliding up and down hers. She smiled at him, and pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss before he rolled over onto his back, and she snuggled into him, her head on his chest. He reached for her left hand which was laying flat against his abs and raised it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her knuckles, just underneath where her wedding band sat.
“I love you, I love you all so much.” he said gently. She raised her head to look at him, smiling as she kissed him softly.
“I know, I love you. We all do.”
She was asleep before him, Steve lay awake for a little while longer contemplating everything that had gone down that evening. He’d crossed that line again, the darkness that had awoken all those years ago had bubbled inside of him and he wasn’t going to lie, it had been satisfying, and despite what he had said to Bucky, he would have happily killed the snivelling bastard with his bare hands and not even blinked twice about doing so. But something had stopped him short this time, and he knew now what it was.
His kids.
Back then they hadn’t been in the picture, and he wanted to be able to look them in the eye and tell them right from wrong without feeling like a hypocrite. Steve Rogers was a good man, a loyal husband, doting father, and he wanted to be worthy of the love that surrounded him on a daily basis.
He looked down at his sleeping wife before he shifted slightly, dropping a kiss to her head before he closed his eyes and fell into a trouble free sleep.
#stark spangled forever#steve rogers#Katie Stark#steve rogers x ofc#steve rogers x original female character#steve rogers fanfiction#steve rogers fic#chris evans#chris evans characters
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Stark Spangled Forever: I Don’t Like Bullies

Intro: Emmy encounters someone from her past, and is left shaken after they threaten her. Steve and Bucky decided to pay them a little visit…
Warnings: Some violence, a slightly dark Steve and Bucky…some bad language. SMUT (NSFW, No UNDER 18s!!!)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Had this one in my head for a while, finally got round to penning it down. Hope you enjoy.
SSF Masterlist // WIYPT Masterlist
August 2024
“Again!” Jamie giggled, splashing his way over to Steve who laughed and waited for Jamie to reach him.
“Ok ,one…two…three…” hooking his hands under Jamie’s armpits he gently launched him into the air and the 4 year old laughed hysterically before he hit the water with a splash in the deeper end of the pool before emerging, from the surface.
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack…” Katie sighed from where she was sat on the steps to the pool, submerged to her shoulders. Rori was suspended in the little inflatable baby support, her legs kicking out behind her as Katie gently pushed her away then pulled her back, the baby smiling and thrashing with her arms.
“He’s fine ain’t you son?” Steve asked as Jamie doggie paddled over to him, grinning.
“It’s like flying Momma!”
“Hmmm.” she said, as Jamie jumped on his dad’s back and he pulled at Steve’s neck. Steve, playing along threw himself backwards taking them both under the surface before he stood up, shaking his head like a dog as Jamie’s laugh hit his ears.
“You’re getting strong pal.” he said, turning his head over his shoulder so he could look at Jamie. Jamie grinned.
“How’s my little water baby doing?” Steve asked as he carried Jamie on his back to where his wife and daughter were, Jamie scrabbling out of the pool and heading to the lounger for a drink.
“She’s fine.” Katie smiled, as Steve turned his attention to Aurora, a huge grin on his face as she looked at him and beamed, waving her legs and arms as fast as she could.
“Look at you princess!” he said as Katie pulled her back towards them. He dropped down so his shoulders were under the water and Rori was at eye level. “Think she’s enjoying it.”
Katie smiled as the two of them watched the baby for a moment before Katie looked up at Jamie who was sat now with Lucky between his legs, gently talking to the dog. “Do you know what time it is?”
Steve glanced at his watch “Almost 4.”
“I should really think about starting dinner.”
“Leave it….” he said, turning to her, pressing his lips to hers. “Come on, when was the last time we got an afternoon like this?”
She smiled, “Feels like a while that’s for sure…”
“So…we can chuck a frozen pizza in for Jamie and we can get a take-out…” he said, moving so he was behind her, his arms curling around her waist, pulling her back so she was perched on his bent legs, his chin resting on her shoulder “Eat by the pool…” he placed a kiss to the crook of her neck, “And then later when he’s in bed and she’s settled we can hit the hot-tub…” another kiss “maybe a bottle of wine…”
“You feeling amorous Soldier?” Katie grinned, tipping her head round to face him.
“Always when you’re concerned…” he winked, his lips again meeting hers, only this time the kiss slightly deeper until they broke apart after a loud splash, followed by a smaller splash drew their attention.
Jamie had launched himself back into the pool, followed by Lucky who had clearly decided he too needed to get in the action.
They stayed in the water for another 15 minutes or so until Rori started to get a bit grouchy, and Katie took her out, wrapping them both in a towel and sitting in the quiet for a while to feed her. Steve and Jamie followed her out a little while later, both drying themselves off before Steve took Jamie inside to get him a juice box and throw his pizza in the oven. Jamie then insisted he wouldn’t make it until his pizza was done as he as starving, so Steve got him quick snack of breadsticks and hummus and sent him back out onto the garden where he made his way over to the side of the pool, flopping down on the lounger next to his Momma.
Deciding that a snack was actually a pretty good idea really, Steve grabbed a few things from the fridge, namely olives, more breadsticks, dips, cheeses and was about to carry it down to the pool area when the security system sounded to tell him that Emmy had come home.
“It’s ok…you’re ok…” his ears picked up Brooke’s voice from the hall and instantly he frowned as he heard Emmy’s deep breathing too. He strode into the hallway just in time to see Emmy slide down to the floor, her back pressed to the door as she tugged her knees to her chest.
“Emmy?” Steve asked, quickly dropping down in front of her. “Hey…look at me…”
She looked up and he gently reached out, his hand smoothing back her hair “Use your numbers ok, like we used too, remember?”
She gripped his hand tight and her eyes screwed shut as she desperately tried to regulate her breathing and Steve, not once taking his eyes off his daughter issued Brooke with an instruction to go and get Katie. Less than 2 minutes later she was also on her knees next to Emmy having left Brooke to watch the younger two and it was a minute or so later before the 16 year old began to breathe normally, her eyes slowly blinking as they returned to their usual size instead of being blown wide open.
“You ok?” Katie asked gently, looking at Emmy. She nodded.
“Don’t…” Steve looked at her as she fell into his arms, pressing her face against his bare chest as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head “Don’t every apologise for that, we told you.” The amount of panic attacks their daughter had had when she first came to live with them meant they’d been fairly used to them, but she hadn’t had one in a VERY long time, not since the events of the Final battle with Thanos had hit her and she’d broken down about losing her Uncle Tony, Auntie Nat and then how close she had to losing her parents. Emmy was a strong, independent teenager who for the most part simply got on with things, letting a lot of stuff that would bother other people wash right over her head. But clearly something had triggered her today.
“You need a drink sweetheart?” Katie asked and Emmy nodded.
“Ok. Think you can stand?” Steve asked.
“You’re not carrying me.” Emmy looked at Steve and he raised an eyebrow.
“You used to love me doing that.” Steve quipped and she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah at the Parties at the Kids home.” she grumbled “I’m not 7 anymore.”
“Never too old for your Pa to carry you.” Steve teased, standing up and offering him her hand. She took it and he pulled her to her feet, and despite her protestations at her age she kept her fingers tightly wound around his as they headed to the kitchen.
“Emmy!” Jamie shot off his seat and threw himself at his older sister. She smiled and bent to give him a hug.
“Hey Jay…” she smiled, “You been swimming?”
“Daddy was throwing me.” he grinned. “I bet he could do it for you too.”
“Sure he could” Emmy smiled as she shakily took a seat, glancing at Rori who was in Brooke’s arms, her little hands tangling in the girl’s long, red hair.
“Jamie, why don’t you go in the den for a moment, watch some TV.” Katie looked at him, adjusting the crochet slip she had thrown on over her bathing suit “Momma and Daddy need to talk to Emmy for a second.”
“But I don’t wanna.” he frowned.
“Hey, why don’t you show me your legos?” Brooke said quickly. Steve could see the cogs in his son’s head whirring as he considered this for a second before he nodded.
“Thanks Brooke.” Katie said to her as she handed Rori back over.
“No problem Mrs R.” she said, allowing Jamie to tug her by the hand out of the room.
Once they were gone Katie adjusted Rori in her arms so that her head was tucked against her shoulder, mouth resting on her collar bone and Steve took a seat next to Emmy after pouring her a glass of water.
“Wanna tell us what happened Em?” he asked gently.
“We’d just been in The Hub.” she said, “You know the Computer shop because Brooke needed a new charger for her tablet.” Emmy swallowed and took a sip of her drink “We were walking down towards the bus stop so we could head home and we’d just passed that bar on the corner, you know the Irish Pub place?”
“Mc Mahons, yeah we know it…” Steve nodded
“And then he came out.”
“Who?” Katie asked, her eyes not leaving her daughter.
“Him…my old foster father. The one that used to hit me.”
Steve took a deep breath and breathed out through his nose “Did he hurt you?”
“No, not really…he erm, he didn’t recognise me at first and I kept walking but Brook had stopped and when she shouted my name he realised it was me and he grabbed my arm and…”
“Ok…ok…” Katie said gently, as Steve gently laid a hand on their daughter’s shoulder.
“Did he do anything else?” he asked. Emmy shook her head.
“He just started shouting stuff, saying he knew that I’d landed on my feet and that I was nothing but a worthless brat and that he would come and pay you a visit one day, tell you all about what I used to do and how bad I was and then you’d throw me out and…”
“Em, he’s an ass hole.” Katie said gently “You were never a bad kid. You’d been treated appallingly, what that man did do you…” she shook her head “It was cruel and abusive and…”
Steve’s hand fell to Katie’s knee under the table as she looked away, blinking back the tears.
“Emmy, me and your mom love you.” Steve looked at her, “We love all you kids more than anything, and nothing this dick says or does will change the way we feel. You know that right?” “I know, I just didn’t like seeing him that’s all.” she said gently “I just had all these flashbacks to the basement he locked me in and the belt…”
She swallowed and looked down. Steve looked at Katie, the jaw in his nerve twitching with anger as he took a deep breath and ran his hand up Emmy’s back.
“Well I hope he makes good on his promise and does pay us a visit.” he said his eyes flashing “I’d be very happy to exchange a few words with him, maybe a few fists too.”
Emmy smiled softly as Katie shook her head.
“Pretty sure your Uncle Buck would have a something to say too. And between you and me, his Murder Strut is frightening.” “Murder Strut?” Emmy looked up, the corners of her mouth twitching. Katie nodded.
“Trust me, I saw it a few times. Scared the shit out of me.”
“Woah, you saying I’m not scary?” Steve scoffed, folding his arms.
“Bucky’s a Rottweiler, you’re more of an angry retriever.” Katie shrugged and at that point Emmy laughed, which was exactly what her parents had been hoping to achieve. Steve flashed a wink at his wife before he turned back to Emmy.
“You know he won’t ever hurt you again, not now you’re with us.”
“I know. I love you guys.” she smiled and Steve dropped a kiss to her cheek. She looked up, wiped her eyes and then glanced at her mom. “Can Brooke stay tonight?”
“Course she can, I'll call Jen”
“It's ok she can message…”
“I'll call her.” Katie said firmly, “Brooke was there today so Jen has a right to know what happened. Don’t worry, she won’t be mad at you.” “Kay…” Emmy nodded “What's for dinner?”
“Your dad threw a pizza in for Jamie, we're gonna get take out and hang by the pool.” Katie said.
“Anything you fancy?” Steve asked.
“Can we try the Greek place?”
“Sure.” Steve nodded “Hey, do they do Shwarma?”
“Gyros.” Katie said, “Same thing almost.”
“I’m in.” Steve said.
“I'm gonna go watch TV for a bit, that ok?”
“Course.” Katie smiled.
Emmy stood up and moved behind her dad, hugging him from behind, her arms round his shoulders. He tilted his head so she could kiss his cheek before she moved to do the same to her mom, giving Rori a peck.
“Love you both.” she smiled at them, before she left the room.
As soon as she was gone Steve stood up, his calm demeanour ebbing away as Katie looked up at him, shaking her head.
“I wanna kill him Steve.”
“You and me both doll.” he paced.
“Think we should call the police?” Katie asked, gently rocking Rori to and fro as she had started to grumble.
Steve contemplated what she had said before he paused, folded his arms and looked at the door, then back to Katie “I got a better idea.”
“Do you trust me?” he asked.
“You know I do”
“Then leave it with me.” he said simply
“Steve...” she stated, instantly understanding what he was implying “You can’t.” “Why not?”
“Well, for starters we have no idea where he lives.”
Steve snorted "Sweetheart, you're forgetting who we know."
"Oh, no...you can't drag Sam into this." Katie shook her head "Ross is being an asshole with him as it is without you giving him ammo by getting Sammy into trouble."
"I'm not" Steve smiled, raising his eyebrow “I'm gonna drag Bucky into it instead."
****** Bucky sat at the bar, baseball cap tugged down over his eyes. He’d been reliably informed his target drank in this run-down back dive every Wednesday and Thursday evening. He liked the happy hour, apparently.
Aint gonna be happy for much longer, buddy.
Despite the fact that he was trying to live a normal life now (ok, maybe helping Sam out every now and then) when Steve had asked him to help him with this particular mission he’d immediately said yes. Not simply because Steve was his best friend, but because it involved Emmy. As far as Buck was concerned, the Rogers kids might as well be his own in that respect because he’d give his life to protect any of them.
And then there was Brooke. Bucky had been dating Brooke’s mom, Jennifer now for a few weeks after they’d hit it off at Steve’s birthday party. It was great, slow moving but that’s what he wanted, and when he’d heard that her daughter had been caught up in all this business as well, it was another reason for him to slip back into his old assassin mode.
Only this time his instructions were clear. Apprehend alive.
At first when Steve had told him this he had been about to tease him, wind him up, surely after all these years the Captain had finally found that trigger to flip him over to the dark side, but then he had seen something stir in his best pal’s eyes. He’d told him then about an incident in a HYDRA base, where he had killed on of Katie’s captors and Bucky knew, it was there alright, and he had a feeling he was going to see it whenever they caught this punk.
He ordered another drink, his eyes re-reading the paper he’d brought with him for the 15th time. To most people stake-out work like this would get them bored, antsy, but not Bucky. He’d waited much longer before and he knew that if you got like that you lost concentration which made things 100 times harder in the long run. His eyes scanned back to the entrance to the bar, flicking back round the pub, and he observed the people to make sure he hadn’t missed the man sneaking in, even though he knew that was basically impossible. Satisfied he hadn’t, he took the drink off the bar tender, paid him (another rule of spy work- never set up tabs, you run without paying and your face is recognised all over the damned scene). He took a sip of his beer before he heard the door open and he looked round, fighting the smirk on his face as finally his target walked in and straight to the bar to Bucky’s right.
The man ordered his drink, a straight black label whiskey and when it was served he paid with a bunch of crumpled ones and picked the glass up, heading to a table.
Bucky had to hand it to the guy, in the half an hour he spent in the bar he knocked back a good 5 helpings of scotch before he stood up, and rather unsteadily made his way to the door. Giving him enough time to get out of the door, Bucky then rose and followed him. He tailed him into another bar, then another, before after the 3rd the man headed home.
Bucky watched him unlock the door to the rundown apartment block, before he staggered inside. Quick as a flash Bucky shot over the road, sticking his foot in the door to stop it from shutting. Slipping inside he pressed himself up against the dark wall, just to the side of the post boxes, as the man turned around. After a second or so Bucky heard him heading up the stairs. He walked to the bottom of the steps, and keeping his footsteps light he headed after him and emerged onto the second landing, peering round the wall to watch as the man stopped outside a door, pulling out his keys.
Bucky waited until the door was closed before he headed back down to the ground floor, pulling out his phone.
“I got him.”
***** Steve climbed out of his car, looking up at the ramshackle building before he crossed the road. Bucky was waiting for him and opened the door to the apartment block from the inside.
“What you come dressed as?” Bucky arched an eyebrow, scanning Steve up and down. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans, a dark navy t-shirt and black boots, with a cap pulled down over his face.
“You.” Steve said simply, and Bucky snorted.
“He’s on the Second floor.” he said simply “Number 202. Still think you should just let me shoot him.”
“No.” Steve said “We’re not killing him…”
Bucky rolled his eyes “Why?”
“Because I want him as scared as he made Emmy.” Steve said simply. “He can spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.”
Bucky shrugged, “Your call…”
Steve headed to the stairs and started to climb them, stopping as he heard his foot crunch on something.
“Nice place…” he mumbled as he looked down to see he had stood on a cockroach.
“Don’t be a snob Stevie…” Bucky looked at him, and Steve rolled his eyes.
“Even my place in the 40s wasn’t this grim.” he turned to look at his friend before he continued up the flight of steps.
“It wasn’t the ritz either.” Bucky shrugged as they emerged onto the landing. They stopped outside the door and Steve took a breath before he looked at Bucky.
“Looks like we need a key….” he quipped. Bucky gave a smirk, before he drew his left hand back and punched straight through the door, grabbing the handle and turning it to undo the lock from the inside. He threw it open and strode inside, Steve casting a look around before he followed and pulled the door shut behind them. Hearing the noise the man flew out of the kitchen, a knife in his hand, stopping dead when he saw Bucky.
“Who the fuck are you?” he demanded.
Bucky simply raised his eyebrows.
“Look, if Mario sent you…I told him, he’ll get his money…”
“I don’t know any Mario…” Bucky shook his head, “Well, not unless you count the one that rides on the karts in that game my nephew enjoys kicking my ass at. Now put the knife down Jack before someone gets hurt.”
“How do you know my name?” Jack asked, his eyes not once leaving Bucky, missing the Captain who was stood in the darkness of the room behind him. “What the fuck do you want?”
“I don’t want anything…” Bucky said, shrugging, “But he does…”
At that point Steve stepped forwards, drawing up besides his friend, getting a good look at the man in front of him. He was quite tall, but lanky, with a pointed noise and sharp features, reminding Steve of an overgrown rat. Which fitted him perfectly, out and out vermin. Jack frowned and squinted slightly as he looked straight at Steve, suddenly paling even further. Whilst Steve looked a lot different from the once blue-eyed All American hero the world recognised him to be, there was no mistaking who he was, especially to the man in question. Steve stood stock still, his hands falling to the buckle which was round the waist of his black jeans, his chest flexing under his navy t-shirt as he glared at the man.
“Woah…look…I don’t want any trouble…” Jack began to press.
“You should have thought about that before you touched and threatened my daughter.” Steve’s voice was icy.
Jack’s hand clenched around the knife and Bucky rolled his eyes, before he whipped off the glove on his left hand, holding it up, the metal glinting in the dim light of the lamp that stood in the corner of the grubby apartment.
“This can do far more damage than that blade can.” he said simply, looking at his hand before he turned to Jack “Go ahead, I’ll even give you one free swing. But it better be fast.”
Steve expected the man to drop the knife, but instead he lunged forwards. Bucky sighed, and almost lazily dodged to the right before he knocked the knife out of the man’s hand with a single swipe and gripped him around the neck with his hand, slamming him hard into the wall.
“That was really fucking stupid.” he said, tightening his fingers around the man’s windpipe, lifting him off the floor. The man grabbed at Bucky’s arm, desperately trying to prise his fingers from around his neck.
“Buck…” Steve said, and Bucky let go, Jack slumping to the floor. Steve reached down, grabbed his shirt and hauled him to his feet slamming him against the wall.
“Now…” Steve said, his hands tightening. “I don’t like bullies. And that’s what you are. I know exactly what you did to Emmy, all the times you beat her, hurt her, whipped her with a belt until her back split and bled. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t rip you in half right now.”
“Captain America…nah…you wouldn’t…” Jack stuttered, shaking his head “You’re a good guy…”
“Well, here’s the thing.” Bucky said, picking up the knife that Jack had dropped, leaning on the wall, lazily twirling the blade in his hand. “He’s not Captain America anymore. Just some guy whose daughter you threatened.”
“Which makes me a hundred times more dangerous…” Steve said.
“And I, well, I just don’t give a shit.” Bucky shrugged “Killed a lot of people one way or another…what’s one more piece of shit like you gonna mean?”
Jack looked at Steve, shaking his head “No, you wouldn’t…”
“I snapped the neck of the man who raped my wife.” Steve said, his gaze not once leaving the man’s in front of him “Trust me, you have no idea what I would do to keep my family safe.”
He paused for a second, letting it sink in as Jack swallowed.
“But I’m a fair man.” Steve said, letting go of Jack who dropped a few inches before he pulled himself back up full height. Steve smoothed down the man’s dirty t-shirt before he smiled at him. “So I’m gonna give you a chance to play ball. You got 48 hours to leave New York.” “By that we mean the state.” Bucky clarified.
“And if I ever get a sniff that you’re back in town…” Steve continued.
“And trust us, we’ll know…” Bucky mused, still looking at the knife before he grinned at Jack “We got friends in high places, eyes and ears everywhere…” “….then you’ll lose more than your teeth.” Steve concluded, matter of factly.
“My teeth? What do-“
Steve cut him off with a sharp jab straight into his mouth and Jack dropped to the floor howling in pain as the blood poured from between his fingers which clamped over the lower part of his face.
“Got the message?” Steve asked, standing over him as Jack rolled around, screaming. He mumbled something, his head nodding furiously.
“Can I shoot him now?” Bucky asked.
“No.” Steve shook his head.
“Just once in the knee?”
“No.” Steve snorted “Come on…let’s get out of here, the amount of noise he’s making someone’s bound to hear. He turned to go, and then heard another loud scream. Spinning around he saw that Jack’s hand was now pinned to the floor by the knife Bucky had been holding.
“What?” Bucky asked, shrugging as Steve shot him a look “You said I couldn’t shoot him, didn’t say anything about stabbing him.”
***** The two friends sat at a bar, not far from Steve’s house, each with a beer in hand.
“So, run that by me again…” Bucky said.
“I told Katie I was meeting you for a drink.” Steve shrugged, nodding at the bottle “Technically now I’m not lying.”
“You’re a punk.” Bucky snorted.
“She’ll know full well where I’ve been.” Steve shrugged “She ain’t stupid…”
“Good luck to you pal.” Bucky said, taking a drink “She’s scary when she’s angry.”
Steve snorted “Nah, she won’t be mad...she knew full well I was planning on giving him a warning so…”
“Then why not just tell her?” “Because she’d worry.” Steve said simply.
“Think he’ll heed it?” Bucky asked after a little pause and Steve pondered the question for a moment before he nodded.
“Like I said he’s a bully.” he took a swig of his beer before he looked at Bucky “You know as well as I do that the minute someone bigger stands up to them they back off.”
“Gotta hand it to you pal…” Bucky said, sitting back “You come a long way since you were defending yourself with a trash can lid behind the movie theatre down town…”
“So everyone says.” Steve shrugged “Still don’t feel any different.”
“Remember when Howard’s flying car was the strangest thing we had ever seen?” Bucky sighed “I almost miss those days.” “Would you go back?” Steve asked, “Given the chance?”
Bucky took a deep breath and wrinkled his nose “Nah, I’m too different…too much has happened you know. I don’t think I’d settle. Plus this would probably attract a little more attention than it does now.” he said, flexing his left hand.
Steve smiled “I know what you mean. If you’d asked me when I first came round…I’d have jumped at the chance but after Katie…” he took another drink before he let out a soft huff. “I crossed oceans of time to find her.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Dracula…romantic.” he said and Steve let out a laugh.
“Speaking of romantic…” Steve looked at his friend “How’s it going with Jen?”
“Just ok?”
“I’m taking it slow.” Bucky shrugged “We’ve been on a few dates and…yeah I like her Steve and she likes me so…”
“Well if you ever want any advice on modern day dating…”
“The day I ask you for dating advice is the day I quit.” Bucky snorted
“I did ok.” Steve grinned “Well, more than ok actually. I lucked out.”
“No, you got what you deserved.” Bucky shook his head “A woman that loves you for who you are, not what you are.” Steve felt his cheeks flush a little as he shrugged “Not quite sure what I did to deserve her but…”
“You’re a good man.” Bucky said “You always were and always have been. A pain in my ass like, but…” he drained his beer and shook his head “Anyway, enough sentimental crap. You want another?”
Steve contemplated that before he shrugged “Sure, why not?”
One more turned into 5 more, and it was a good 2 hours later and approaching midnight when the men left. It wasn’t the first time they’d been out for drinks since being re-united, but to Steve it was the first time that it felt like the old days. They’d talked about so many memories, he’d laughed until he had cried as they both recalled some of their antics, and he felt completely at peace when he walked into the hallway of his house.
Removing his cap he ran a hand through his hair before he hung it on the coat rack on the wall. Then he dropped his keys into that infernal golden pineapple bowl that Katie had bought him all those years ago and headed into the lounge where Katie was sat in her pyjamas, Rori clutched to her breast as she fed.
“Hey…” he smiled, crossing the floor and dropping a kiss to her lips before he turned his attention to his daughter, his finger gently running along her hardworking cheek.
“You have a good time?” she asked, giving a little yawn.
“Yeah.” Steve nodded. “It was nice. When did she wake up?”
“About half an hour ago.” Katie shrugged “With a bit of luck she’ll go down again soon and sleep for a couple of hours.”
“I’ll do the next feed.” Steve said “You can get some rest.”
“Ok.” Katie agreed, yawning again and as she did so Rori mimicked her, her eyes which were now carrying a slight greenish hue fluttering. Steve gestured for Katie to hand her over, and she did so as Steve held her up over her shoulder, hands that had hours ago been so violent were now ever so gentle, rubbing his daughter’s back to wind her as Katie adjusted her top. They sat there in silence for a little while before Katie finally spoke.
“So how badly did you hurt him?”
“Jack?” She turned her head to Steve who looked at her “I know full well what you were up to.”
“I knew you would.” Steve huffed a laugh “And not too badly. Knocked a few of his teeth out…oh, and Bucky nailed his hand to the floor with a knife. He won’t be bothering Emmy again, or any of us for that matter.”
Katie looked at him for a moment before Rori gave a light burp and Steve gently turned his face, pressing his lips to the baby’s head.
“Here…” Katie said, and Steve handed her over “I’ll go put her down.”
She gathered the baby in her arms before she dropped a kiss to Steve’s mouth “Don’t be too long…”
He arched an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“Well, you know what you getting all dark and protective does to me…” she grinned, looking down at Rori “That’s what made her in the first place.”
Steve’s eyes darkened at the memory of that particular day in the HYDRA base which he was recalling for the second time in the space of a few hours, albeit for very different reasons. “How could I forget?”
Standing up she walked to the door, Steve watching her go, before she shot him a coy look over her shoulder his pants became a lot tighter than they should have been. He gave a soft groan, before his head fell back against the cushion of the sofa. After a moment or two he stood up and turned off the lights, before heading up the stairs after his wife.
He stood in the doorway, watching as she placed Rori in the crib at the end of the bed before he strode over to her, his hands falling to her waist as he spun her round, his lips crashing to hers. She took the kiss eagerly, her tongue sliding against his as he backed her towards the bed, her hands fumbling with his belt as they went. Neither were wasting any time, and after a quick wrestle with their clothing they both collapsed onto the bed, Steve caging his wife underneath him with his arms and legs.
Their eyes locked for a second before he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her again, slow and hard, both his hands cupping her face, thumbs gently skating her cheeks as she let out a soft groan and he felt his cock twitch. His lips not once leaving hers his right hand gently slid down to her thigh, and his fingers gently gave her hip a squeeze causing her to sigh into his mouth again. Using his hand he hooked her leg round his waist, and ground his erection against her spot causing her to moan as she pulled away from the kiss, her head laying further back against the pillow, her eyes fluttering shut as his mouth dropped, swirling softly around her pebbled nipples, carefully lavishing affection on them in turn, and in moments she was quivering to his touch, her breathing ragged.
“Look at me…” he said, voice low, almost a growl and her eyes sprang open obediently, those sparkling emeralds glinting in the dim light as he held her gaze as he pushed into her, her breath catching in her throat. He stilled for a moment, enjoying her warmth as it gripped him before he moved his hips back, thrusting into her again. His pace was hard, deep and he continually dragged in and out of her, dropping his head to kiss and lick and suck all along her collar bone, knowing full well he would leave marks there for the morning but neither of them cared as their moans grew louder as his thrusts grew more desperate.
"Fuck." he groaned, both hands now on her hips as he continued his movements and Katie’s hands moved to brace herself against the headboard, her body moving with every slam he made into her. One hand moved to the back of her head and he used it to make her look up, her eyes locking onto his as he felt her body start to quiver.
“I love you…” he said, his pace not slowing in the slightest.
“Love you too Soldier…” her words stuttered as he thrust up hard, stilling slightly, grinding up against her, as she writhed underneath him, a desperate, filthy noise escaping her mouth as her back arched and her hands flew to his back, nails scratching at his skin. God he loved the feel of her doing that, the stinging pain mixed with the pleasure was a heady mix and he took in a sharp breath, dropping his mouth to capture hers as she moaned again, this moan broken as she bucked upwards and clutched at him desperately.
“Stevie…” she moaned and her walls tightened on him as she came, her entire body trembling underneath him and he pulled back so he could watch her, lips swollen from his desperate kisses, cheeks flushed, eyelids fluttering against her cheeks. He continued his pace, her eyes opening moments late to lock onto his as the spring that had been coiled so tightly suddenly released and he spilled himself insider her with a low, rough grunt of her name and he tipped forwards, his hips slowing to a stop as he buried his face in her neck.
The pair of them lay still, the only sounds in the bedroom now were the deep, ragged drawings of breath. Katie gently ran her hands through his hair, as she always did, Steve’s body on top of hers rising and falling through the movements of her deep breathing. Eventually he raised his head gently and pressed their foreheads together, his nose sliding up and down hers. She smiled at him, and pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss before he rolled over onto his back, and she snuggled into him, her head on his chest. He reached for her left hand which was laying flat against his abs and raised it to his mouth, pressing a kiss to her knuckles, just underneath where her wedding band sat.
“I love you, I love you all so much.” he said gently. She raised her head to look at him, smiling as she kissed him softly.
“I know, I love you. We all do.”
She was asleep before him, Steve lay awake for a little while longer contemplating everything that had gone down that evening. He’d crossed that line again, the darkness that had awoken all those years ago had bubbled inside of him and he wasn’t going to lie, it had been satisfying, and despite what he had said to Bucky, he would have happily killed the snivelling bastard with his bare hands and not even blinked twice about doing so. But something had stopped him short this time, and he knew now what it was.
His kids.
Back then they hadn’t been in the picture, and he wanted to be able to look them in the eye and tell them right from wrong without feeling like a hypocrite. Steve Rogers was a good man, a loyal husband, doting father, and he wanted to be worthy of the love that surrounded him on a daily basis.
He looked down at his sleeping wife before he shifted slightly, dropping a kiss to her head before he closed his eyes and fell into a trouble free sleep.
#stark spangled banner#steve rogers#steve rogers x original female character#steve rogers x oc#katie stark#bucky barnes#marvel fanfiction#mcu fanfiction#stark spangled forever
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Love and Marriage - Chapter 11 (Mature, Minors DNI)
After a loss in the family uncovers a family secret, Jaleia and her husband Jesse are forced to balance one family crisis after another along with their budding careers and their plans to expand their family. Will the pressure to keep everyone else together ruin their own relationship? Can ruined relationships be fixed before it’s too late?
tw: brief mention of domestic violence
Chapter 11:
Jaleia's POV
I hung up the phone and sighed. I missed Jesse so much. The house was so quiet and felt so empty with just me. All week long I had been driving myself crazy trying to find things to do. Everybody seemed like they were busy and I was bored out of my mind. I tore the house apart looking for the gifts Jesse said he left me. Just to find one of them in our bedside table. I had reorganized closets and our pantry and basement. I was truly losing it.
Tonight however, I had planned a girl's night at my house. Just a nice sleepover. I hadn't seen most of my friends in a long time. It was SO hard to find a night that we could all meet up but luckily this Friday worked for everyone.
I went into the kitchen to make sure we had enough snacks. I didn't cook anything because we decided to order out. I made sure the wine was chilling and movies were out. Since I was trying to get pregnant, I wasn't drinking and went with the fake sparkling juices. It was going to be such a relaxing night. I pulled out my spa kit. It was really just a big container where I kept all my nail, hair, facial stuff for this kind of thing.
I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at our tablet and Saw Kiara at the door with a bag. I ran to the door.
"Hey, how ya doin?" I said, wrapping her in a hug.
"Hey, Sis. I brought some snacks and wine."
"Aww thanks, you didn't have to, trust me I didn't have anything better to do. I told you I was gonna get you to do a sleepover. "
"Yeah, yeah. You're lucky. So what we doing?" She said ad we walked to the kitchen.
"I'm putting everything downstairs in the basement so we'll have more room. Our couch could only fit like four people but the basement should be good."
"You want help?"
"If you don't mind. I knew you would be first to get here."
"I think it's about time one of us is on time. Who's coming?" She said as we grabbed some trays of snacks and wine and brought it downstairs.
"The squad. You, Mariah, Monique, and Daija. Y'all do not understand how much I needed this, I was losing my shit." I said putting down all the stuff on the table in the basement.
"Aww, you missing your boo?"
"Hell yeah! We haven't been apart this long for like a year."
"Y'all so cute!"
"I love your bracelet, Jay! Where did you get it?" Mariah said.
We all were sitting on the sofa talking and snacking through our first movie Beauty Shop. We had just ordered food and of course we all couldn't agree on the same thing so we ordered from three different places.
"Thanks, My hubby got it for me." I said. I was wearing the tennis bracelet Jesse had bought for me. I was in love with it.
"Girl, let me see that. Damn that is SEVERAL karats of sparkle." Monique said as I held my wrist out.
"He knows I got expensive tastes." I said.
"No kidding, girl." Daija said.
"It's gorgeous!" Mariah said
"Now let me ask something, how the hell is it that you and Mariah hated each other?" Monique said.
"I was a bitch back then. A huge bitch. I used to do all sorts of crazy shit back then. I'm the reason why her husband and my baby daddy don't speak to this day. I was horrible." Mariah said. While we were in school Mariah caused a fight between Jesse and my old best friend Tyler. Even after the fight when they made up she did everything she could to keep them apart. Then Jess caught Tyler talking trash about him, which Mariah wanted. They were never cool after that.
"To be fair, we didn't know you were going through all that you were at the time. Tou were going through a lot of shit back then and I'm glad you told us. Because I'm not gonna lie I just thought you were an evil bitch for no reason." I said.
"Yeah, a lot of people did but I just didn't know how to deal with that shit." She said. She looked at Monique and Daija's confused expressions and explained.
"My parents had divorced when I was in middle school. My freshman year my mom married some fucking bastard. He used to beat her, they fought a lot. He didn't care about me, barely acknowledged my existence. My mom made me not tell my dad when I would visit him. It was horrible. When I had Eli, I moved in with my dad. I was so much better."
"I'm so sorry about that. " Mo said.
"It fucked me up for a while, but now, after a shit ton of therapy. I'm okay talking about it. Now to lighten the heavy ass mood, who wants some wine?" Mariah said, getting up and getting a glass.
"Me!" Everyone but me said.
"Jaleia, you don't want wine? That shit is your favorite?" Daija said. I laughed because they all looked shocked.
"Why y'all looking at me like I'm some sort of damn alcoholic? I'm not gonna drink tonight. "
"Are you on another one of those cleanses?" Mo asked.
"Then spill." Kiara said.
"Well, we haven't exactly told anyone yet, but me and Jesse are trying for a baby. I'm not supposed to drink while we're trying." I said. They all hugged me.
"Congrats in advance!" Mariah said. I laughed.
"I'm going to be an Aunt!" Kiara said.
"Well I'm not pregnant yet."
"But you will be. I know y'all be getting it in!" Daija said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I said, grabbing a glass of the sparkling juice.
"It means, we know why you miss your man so much." Mo said. My mouth dropped as I looked at all of them.
"You know what I deserve an amazing sex life! The first couple years were not great."
"We were always so busy. I was still in my residency, he was flying out to L.A every other weekend. We had sex maybe once or twice a month. Trust, it's come a long way from then."
They all gasped. And then started laughing.
"Damn, you suffered." Mo said.
"Its not funny. It's much better now. We're less busy now. It feels like we're in our first year again. Seriously! Oh like yours is so great!" I said.
"I don't need mine to be that good. I have enough kids by men I ain't married to." Mariah said. She had a ten year old son, Elijah with Tyler in high school. She had a five year old girl, Avani with her current boyfriend.
"Girl, it's okay. Them babies are adorable."
"Look my man had my back all the way blown out, I mean-" Monique said.
"Okay, okay enough! He gives it to you great."
"What? I'm not ashamed. He's great. At least I didn't scar his little sister for life." Mo said. They all started laughing.
"That is the LAST time I tell you heifers anything. I thought he locked the door!" I said as they laughed harder. I crossed my arms.
"Aw honey, it's not that embarrassing."
"Yeah one time, the guy I was dating. His mom almost walked in on us. I don't know what made her change her mind but she should be glad she did cause we, we were doing some wild shit." Daija said.
"I knew you were the freaky one."
We had ate, blown up the air mattresses, and were just sitting around. As I sat there it suddenly occurred to me that maybe I didn't think the one shower, five women thing through. But tomorrow was Saturday so it wasn't like anyone would be in a hurry to get up in the morning. Having all the girls here really felt good. We haven't been together, like all of us for a while. It was nice to just be able to chill with each other.
We played music and danced. We pretty much made complete asses of ourselves because most of us were tipsy. There were a couple of questionable things uploaded to social media that night.
We all were laying down at this point either on the couch or the two air mattresses. Mariah and Daija had fallen asleep a while ago.
"I love you guys." I said before turning over to sleep.
"Love you too sis." Several tired voices responded.
#love and marriage#original story#original writing#writer on tumblr#black writers#black characters#tw dv
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Breathe Again Beneath the Flames: Chapter Twenty-Eight
Summary: Things don't go quite as planned when Tom and the others make a move for the bones.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
It was strange, in a way, how easily Tom fell into step with Gina and vice versa. For all that had happened between them, all the threats and the damage and the years, they still worked well together. They always had. Just as promised, she had everything set up. Diaz laid out a map for the newcomers and Estevez walked them through the relationship that he already had with Sutton Ross. Garvey wasn't the only one that had asked Ross to hold valuables in his hideaway there in Costa Rica, and with the responsibility came a certain level of respect and fear. He stored things away for people and kept them secure, and in turn he received tips and ran the jobs he chose to. The man enjoyed what he did and with Garvey's help had never had to give it up.
The plan was simple enough. Estevez would act as the distraction, approaching Ross in his home with a potential client. He had already dropped the idea onto the table and had indicated that if and when the would-be client came made the decision to utilize Ross' services that things would need to happen quickly. Ressler was Tom's first choice to go in with Estevez, but the other man was firm on bringing Diaz in. He'd worked with her for years and they could read each other's movements and tells without hesitation. If things went sideways, they needed not only to be able to trust the people they were with, but to communicate effectively. Like he and Gina would. Tom had caught the drift and given to the request, almost hearing the smirk from Gina behind him.
Tom, Gina, Ressler, and Aram would infiltrate. The idea of Aram Mojtabai in the field still made Tom pause, but Ressler assured him that he'd seen the other man in action and he had passed all of his field training with flying colours. Aram would be key to disabling the security system once they got inside. He had the layout of the property already uploaded to his tablet and he'd be able to use it to hack into the system once they got to it.
In and out. Twenty minutes from the point of entry. That was their limit. It was tight, but they could do it.
Tom wrapped his long fingers around the gun, pulling in a breath and squeezing his eyes closed briefly as they paused at the outskirts of the property. They were entering through the side entrance. There were fewer immediate guards there, but more security cameras. Aram was already taking care of that for them, and as soon as he gave the go ahead the four of them would slip in, split up to work their way between the rounds, and make their way to the structure that Ross used to store what he needed. It was small, barely more than a shed, so finding the duffel bag shouldn't be too hard. In and out. Maybe not easy, but certainly doable.
"You'd have told me if you weren't good for this." Gina's voice drew his attention and he turned, finding her intense gaze fixed on him.
"When we have the time you'll have to tell me the story."
"Right now I just need to focus on moving forward," Tom said lowly. He glanced to Aram. "Where are we?"
"Almost there…. Just a little bit of patience," he mumbled, working on the small device he carried that was allowing him to hack into Ross' security systems. "Gotcha. We're in. Feeds are looped, but with the sun dropping like it is, they're going to notice something is up."
"I know," Tom assured him and motioned.
The four of them moved, guns in hand, and slipped into the compound. Tom saw them split out of his peripheral vision but kept his own focus ahead. If they timed it just right, all four of them would be able to slip between guards. If not, the suppressors on their weapons should keep the noise to a minimum. As long as they did their job right they would be in and out without anyone knowing they were there. They might even be able to keep Estevez's relationship with Ross intact.
His own path took him across an open space that was in line with the security cameras and in the path of a guard, but his path allowed for him to slip around him and out of the range of the next guard down, much like the others. A small sound behind him drew Tom's attention and he dove for cover just in time, ducking behind some equipment that was set out as one of the guards passed by him. They were off. Not by much, but they were off. He grit his teeth, shifted, and moved around the other side to dart behind the guard. If he moved quickly enough-
A shout came from the other side of the shed, followed by the softer sound of a gunshot. His guard looked over and a much louder shot - one not muffled by a suppressor - went off. So much for quick and relatively easy.
Tom spun and his first shot went wide. He could see the tremble that remained with him despite the medication he took and he tried to steady his hands for another shot. He fired off two rounds back to back, at least one of the bullets hitting its target. He cursed lowly as the man went down and moved to pull him behind the pile of equipment and out of the open, reaching up to the comms as he did. "We're moving faster now."
"Heard the shot. What happened?" Ressler demanded.
"Two fewer guards," Gina's voice rang through. "It's fine. We pick up the pace and we'll be out of here in no time."
Well, that answered the question on who else had been spotted. Tom crushed the immediate suspicion that flooded through his mind as the others met him at the shed. They didn't have time for that now. They needed to get this finished.
The shed was clear. Of everything. Tom found himself staring for half a beat, dread setting in at the idea that all of this had been for nothing and he heard Ressler growl a curse behind him, turning on Gina. "If you set us up, Zanetakos-"
"It's my ass on the line too, fed," she snapped back.
"This doesn't make sense," Aram grumbled, pulling his tablet back out to search the layout that he had stored there. "There should be more. This is the best place to… This has to be it."
Tom sucked in a sharp breath, focusing himself as he moved forward, exploring the small space. His boots hit the old wood and it felt hollow under them. He looked around, his mind running through dozens of possibilities all at once, and finally he spotted what he was looking for. "There," he motioned and Aram stepped over with him to a set of crates.
"They've been moved recently," he murmured.
Tom hoped he was right, because if not they were wasting valuable time they'd need to get out. He and Aram took a side each, shifting the large boxes from their place, and below them was a door in the floor. "Okay," he breathed and jerked it open. There was a set of stairs leading down to a hidden underground basement of sorts. A storehouse. This was what they were looking for.
"Someone needs to stay up top."
"Well it's not going to be you," Ressler told Gina firmly.
"I will," Aram offered. "I can patch into the feeds from my end and get a good view on where they are."
Tom nodded. "Do it. We'll be back up as soon as we have the bag."
They descended the stairs, footsteps quick but careful of any waiting security measures they might find down below. They hit the bottom and a light switched on, revealing Gina to his right. Ressler moved around to his left, a low whistle echoing through the room. "Son of a bitch."
The shed had been deceptive enough. Below were rows and rows of hidden treasures, likely illegal gained. "You gonna be okay there, Ress?" Tom asked with the barest of smiles.
"We're leaving a tip with the local law enforcement on our way out."
"Just keep our name out of it," Gina snapped, moving forward. "There's a lot of space to cover."
"Good thing there's three of us. Split up," Tom instructed and he started for the far end and making his way down. While there was likely a method to the madness, they didn't have time to crack Ross' organizational code. They needed to find the bag and get out.
"What's so important about this bag anyway?" Gina called out from a few rows down. "You said it had bones in it. Whose bones?"
"I can't tell you that," Tom answered automatically.
"I heard you mention Reddington. I take it it has to do with him?"
Tom paused for half a beat, a low growl of frustration escaping him. "Drop it, Gina."
She came around the other end of the row and stopped, leaning against it. "My sources were clear, Jacob. You died at a public hospital after a home invasion. I've seen you take some hard hits, but people don't just pop back from the dead."
"No they don't."
"Okay, so you had a closer encounter than you ever have and you're still running straight into it. Something's here that's got you focused in on it. What?"
Tom turned from his search and she was suddenly right there, in his face and stubborn, and he rolled his eyes. "I'm protecting my family, that's all you need to know. If this falls through because you wasted limited time trying to find out what happened to me, you're not getting paid."
"Limited trust, hmm?"
"That's how we work best."
"Not always."
"Drop it and find the bag, huh?"
"Already did. It's two rows over."
Tom wasn't sure if he was thrilled or pissed at that and darted around her to the row she'd indicated. There it was, set into the shelf halfway through and he all but ripped it open. The bones and the DNA report were stored away and for just a moment he couldn't tear his eyes away. Finally, he drew a sharp breath in. "Ressler, we got it!"
"Guys, we have incoming," Aram's voice sounded over the comm.
Ressler rounded the corner as Tom was zipping the bag back up. "C'mon," he managed, starting for the stairs. He climbed them two at a time and Aram met him at the top, Gina and Ressler at his heels.
"Okay…. Okay they're closing in. Someone must have heard the shots."
"Then let's go," Tom snapped, but the door to the shed opened and they found themselves staring at weapons aimed at them.
Sutton Ross moved through his guards, a lazy sort of look fixing on Tom and the bag in his hand. "That's not yours."
"Not yours either."
A smile stretched the other man's face and he motioned, his people moving in and pulling guns away from Ressler, Aram, and Gina. Ross kept his own gaze fixed on Tom and reached out. "Unless you want my boys to put you down here and now, hand it over."
They were surrounded, and the likelihood of getting out from their position in that shed was too small to bet on. Tom loosed a shaky breath, holding the bag out and he thought he saw Ross's smirk grow just before everything went black, the butt of a gun slamming into the side of his head.
He came back around to the sound of voices. They were muddled at first, difficult to understand, but as he drifted closer to the surface he thought he heard someone saying his name. A sharp blow to the face jerked him fully back awake and he found himself staring at Sutton Ross. "Good morning, sunshine."
Tom swallowed hard, his throat dry. How long had he been out? He tried to look past the man bent down in his face, but he couldn't find the others. Ross tapped his cheek. "Right here," he instructed. "Your friends are safe for now. The ginger called you Tom. That right?" He waited a moment, but Tom held his gaze steady. "So, Tom, what is it that you want with that duffel bag? Reddington send you for it?"
Ross chuckled. "See, now I don't believe you there. I reached out to Ian and his cell is dead. I think Reddington's making a play for it and sent you."
Tom shifted, feeling the zip ties that secured his wrists to the chair he was sitting in. His ankles were loose though, and if worse came to worse he could always break a thumb and get out of the bindings. The problem was that he'd need a distraction for that and he wasn't sure he was going to get it.
"Nothing to say about that? Reddington does put the fear into people."
"I don't work for Reddington," Tom said firmly, wincing a little at the jolt of pain from where he'd been knocked in the head. "You owe Garvey, right? For getting you away from the feds in America? For setting you up here? That's why you're taking a risk for him by keeping something Reddington wants. To help Garvey protect the person he's trying to protect." He watched Ross' eyes narrow just a little and he knew he was on the right track. "I'm doing to the same thing. I'm protecting someone I care about from Reddington. Those bones, that test, that's going to protect my family from him. It'll protect Jennifer Reddington too."
Ross studied him for a long moment. "Who the hell are you?"
"That doesn't matter," Tom said, shaking his head just a little. "What matters is that, right now, we have the same goal."
The door opened behind Ross and he turned towards it, one of his employees - this one, surprisingly enough, wasn't armed, and was dressed more like a businessman than a guard employed for safety - making their way in. Ross stepped over, both speaking in hushed tones and Tom could only catch every few words. There was something about the FBI and he thought he heard Gina's name followed by something about their clients getting anxious. The man looked over to Tom and Ross followed his gaze, a frown tugging at his lips. "So he does have a name," Ross said easily. "Tom Keen, but he's supposed to be dead."
"I've been dead on paper a few times in my life," Tom acknowledged.
"Tell me, what's a dead man doing running with two FBI agents and the head of St Regis?"
Well that was interesting. Bud had been known in certain circles, but Tom wouldn't have thought that Gina would have put herself out there like that, especially not so quickly. Not easily enough for the likes of Sutton Ross to find. "I told you," Tom bit out, "I'm just trying to protect my family."
"And how are you doing that with this… collection of people?"
Any answer he might have given was cut short my a loud crash in the room next to them. Ross looked back, a gunshot causing him to reach for his own weapon. He motioned to the guard that appeared at the door and told him to make sure Tom stayed where he was.
Tom looked him up and down as he moved closer to verify that his wrists were secured by the zip ties. His mind was working on overdrive to take in every useful piece of information. He wore light body armour, carried an assault rifle rather than a handgun, and he looked like he would much rather be with his boss rather than babysitting the man tied to a chair. Another shout sounded from the hall, tugging at the man's attention, and Tom shifted his weight forward.
He was on his feet in an instant, using the chair as a weapon as he swung it around, knocking the long gun off to the side even as a shot went off. The guard was off balance and Tom took another swing, hearing the gun clatter to the floor before he leaned into it, shoving the other man hard into the wall. He hit hard, dazed, and Tom grimaced as the momentum sent him stumbling into the wall, the impact loosening one of the arms on the cheap chair. He half fell back into it as the four feet slammed to the floor. He blinked hard, wrists aching from where they were tied, but he didn't give the guard the chance to regain his bearings as he slammed his boot into his face, knocking him out cold.
Tom sat there for just half a moment, wiggling his arm hard against the damaged chair until he felt the thin metal give and at least one wrist was more or less free, even if it was still tied to the broken arm of the chair. He reached down with his new mobility and searched the guard's uniform until he found a switchblade. It took a moment, but Tom got it open and cut the zip ties, fully freeing himself from the chair.
Shouts sounded from the hall and Tom knelt to take the unconscious guard's sidearm. He checked it, found it fully loaded, and picked up the second gun before starting for the door.
He rounded carefully into the hallway, finding it clear of anyone that would still be shooting at him. Several guards were laid out along the way and he saw Gina free down the way. "Okay, maybe a little longer than I predicted?" he called out, raising a hand as Gina turned to aim at him. She shot him an exasperated look. "Where're Ressler and Aram?"
"They weren't held with me," she answered, lowering her weapon and Tom cursed as he started past her and down the hall.
He nearly ran into Sutton Ross head on as the man rounded out of a room and into the hall. He stopped, holding his hands up in surrender as shots sounded off downstairs.
"Should have taken the deal, " Gina said as she moved to make sure that he wasn't hiding any weapons on him. Tom kept his own attention on Ross, refusing to make the same mistake that his own captor had made with him.
"How about we honour that now?" Ross asked with a sly smile as she found a gun tucked away in the band of his slacks. She didn't bother to answer as Ressler and Aram appeared at the top of the stairs, Diaz with them, her expression carefully schooled and Gina made a beeline for her. The two women disappeared down the stairs without a spoken word between them.
"The bones," Tom demanded lowly, pulling Ross' attention back to him.
"The room just by the stairs. I can take you to them."
"Slowly, and keep your hands where I can see them."
"Sure," the older man answered and started to turn. There was something in his voice that caused Tom to pause and Ross stopped and shifted halfway through his turn, knocking the gun in Tom's hand up so that the bullet hit the ceiling rather than his face. He lashed out and Tom blocked the blow, swinging the gun around and the second shot went off.
Silence followed and his eyes met Ross'. There was a slow recognition there that the desperate move hadn't panned out quite like the other man had hoped and his knees folded under him so that he dropped to Tom's feet. Tom stood there for a long moment, his vision blurring a little as he stared, and suddenly he felt very drained. This was supposed to be a quick in and out and it had turned into a bloodbath far too quickly.
"Tom?" Aram called out and he looked up, seeing both of the federal agents hanging halfway between the top of the stairs and where Tom stood over the bleeding Sutton Ross.
"Yeah," he huffed, watching the light slowly fading from the man's eyes. "I'm good. Bones are in the room by the stairs."
Ressler ducked into the room and Tom blinked hard, trying to bring himself back around and out of the sudden haze he'd plunged into. He heard the sound of Gina making her way back up the stairs from the other end of the hallway and she rounded the landing, her expression dark. "You took care of Ross. Good. He killed Estevez."
He felt his shoulders slouch a little more at that. "I liked him."
Gina made a small sound of acknowledgement as she moved past Aram, shooting him a brief look as she did. "He was good. He learned from one of the best."
Tom couldn't muster a smile at that and as she approached, stopping just next to him to examine the dead man. After a moment she leaned into him, her shoulder hitting his, and it was an old gesture he hadn't seen from her since they were kids. Somehow, though, it was almost comforting. "Got what we need?"
"Take a look and make sure it's not a decoy," Ressler called as he exited the room, bag in hand, and Tom ghosted towards him. He was already starting to ache and that plane ride home was going to be hellish. "You okay?"
He didn't bother to look at Ressler, aiming for the bag. "I will be," he said honestly and nodded. "Bones and test. We're good."
"I, uh…. what do we do about…. this?" Aram asked hesitantly, motioning to the dead guards and their dead boss. There was likely more downstairs.
"We'll handle it," Gina promised. "Go home to the wife and kid, family man. Just know if you forget to pay me the rest of what you owe I'll find where you live."
"I don't doubt it for a second," Tom chuckled, reaching into his pocket and surprised to find that they hadn't taken his phone from him. Well, it wasn't like they had thought he was calling anyone tied to a chair. Once he finished the transfer he held it up, showing her. "Thank you."
"It's what you paid me for," his former partner grumbled.
"Take care of yourself." His smile was tired but real. There was no use pushing it. Neither of them had ever bothered with goodbyes. He motioned and he saw Ressler risked one more glance back over everything before moving with him, Aram right behind them. They needed to get back to the airport and get home. Liz could only hold Reddington at bay for so long.
"Jacob." He stopped, turning just a little and Gina wore an expression he couldn't quite place. It was strange, and he found himself wondering just how taking on St Regis had affected her. "Don't let him get you killed."
He flashed a grin at that. "You're the one that said I'd survive a nuclear holocaust, remember?" And with that he started down the stairs.
Liz had known the ruse wouldn't last forever, but as the hours without word from Tom or the others ticked on she felt the weight of urgency pressing down on her. It was in the way that Reddington's clever eyes flickered from one person to the next, looking for a sign of weakness or truth that he knew was hidden there, even if he didn't know what that truth was. Or in the way that Katarina Rostova became less and less interested in getting to know her daughter and had finally left the conversation entirely when she saw a skip in the feeds of the interrogation. It wasn't Dumont's fault. The man had already worked his magic longer than Liz really had expected.
They hadn't said anything right away. Instead Solomon had slunk around and overheard the end of a phone call that Reddington had made to try to track down the jet that Tom had taken and find out where he had gone. If he had that information yet or not, Liz wasn't sure, but it was time to face this. She pulled in a deep breath and told Dumont as she passed that it was up.
Reddington returned to find her staring at him and she thought he knew by his tone. "Clever."
"What is?" Liz asked, her face a blank mask of indifference to Reddington's odd mix of disappointment and pride that he wore.
He motioned over to the computers and to where Solomon and Nez were watching the conversation carefully like they were waiting for any chance to jump in. Reddington shook his head. "You and Tom are…. Stubborn. I'd hoped that I had made the consequences of crossing me on this clear."
"Crystal clear," Liz said tightly.
"Then why would you risk your husband's life, Masha?" Katarina asked from behind her and Liz felt her temper flare.
"It's Elizabeth, and I'm not risking his life. Reddington is if he goes through with his threat. You are if you back him on it."
"There's a great deal I'll do for you, Elizabeth, but giving here when we're so close isn't one of those things."
"You will," she promised, her head tilted up just a little. "I'm not losing him again."
"No," Reddington answered, a short and mirthless laugh riding out on a breath, "but he won't be able to help you undermine me either. The last call I made was to Whitehall. I don't make idle threats. If you'll excuse me, I think I've wasted enough time here." He stepped forward, but Nez blocked his pathway out. "Move, dear."
"I don't think so," Scottie said easily from her place. Liz had almost forgotten she was there with the way she'd all but faded back into the shadows. "Sit down, Red. You get to wait for this."
"Don't push me, Scottie."
"Sit. Down." The words left her with authority to rival his and Katarina glanced between the two, a curious expression flittering across her face as she did. "You lost your leverage when they called your bluff. That doesn't mean this is over."
"It is. I was willing to work with you and your husband and even Tom Keen to handle this situation, but not in these circumstances. If I can't trust-"
"Trust?" Liz bit out. "You want to talk about trust?"
A loud clang of the door to the warehouse drew everyone's attention, and half a moment later three very tired looking men made their way in. Ressler was in the lead and Aram came after him. Tom was moving a little slower, a little stiffer than the others. His hair was standing on end like he'd tried to catch as much sleep as he could on the plane and as he moved further into the lit room Liz could see blood on the collar of his jacket and the way the bruises had already begun to form along the side of his face. He looked whole, though, at least for the most part. She saw his gaze darken as it fixed on on Reddington and lifted the duffel bag in his hand up to make sure that the older man saw it. "Time to renegotiate."
Notes: My notes were pretty vague about how Tom and the others were going to go in and get the bones, so them getting caught was kind of a surprise lol. Everything was going along nicely until it wasn't and that's just how it goes for Tom, but he got out, got the bag, and I have such a clear picture in my head of that final scene with him walking in. One of Red's major flaws is that he underestimates them. In many ways, I think he still sees them as children.
Next Time: Liz lays down their deal's new terms to Red, Scottie reveals some truths to Tom, and the Keens move to hand Garvey into FBI custody.
#the blacklist#au fanfiction#Tom Keen#Donald Ressler#Aram Mojtabai#Gina Zanetakos#Sutton Ross#Elizabeth Keen#Raymond Reddington#Katarina Rostova
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A Supernatural x Reader Story Chapter Thirty-Six: Sharp Teeth
Word count: 4552
ASxRS Masterlist
A/N: Some of these characters are from 12.06 and 12.20, but if you haven’t watched those episodes yet, it’ll still make sense, and there are NO SPOILERS in here for season twelve! Basically, Tasha Banes is a witch, and Max and Alicia are her twins (their age is never said, but I’m assuming early to mid twenties at this point). Max also practices magic, and Tasha raised them to hunt “bad witches.”
Speaking of which, I don’t actually know where the Baneses lived or if they lived together or if they even lived anywhere at this point in the show, so if they reveal something entirely different, please overlook it.
Max and Alicia burst through the front door of the Banes house, with you following close behind, all of you roaring with laughter at something Alicia said moments earlier.
A warm yellow glow, cutting through the grey light of the rising sun, emanates from the kitchen down the hall where the three of you pile in to see a tall, leather-jacketed woman standing at the counter.
“Mom, you’re home!”
Alicia charges toward her first, nearly knocking her over as she wraps her in a hug while Tasha laughs lightly.
“I just got back myself,” she says, embracing Max as well.
“Well, so much for those few minutes of peace, then,” you joke as she pulls you in.
She shakes her head. “How did the hunt go?”
“Couldn’t have gone better,” you say.
“You should have been there!” Alicia tells her. “(Y/N) zapped him –”
“And then we trapped him in the basement –” Max interjects.
“And Max finished him off,” you finish. “It was great. Hell, I’m keeping these guys.”
Alicia scoffs. “Yeah, like you have a choice after two months of saving our asses.”
You brush her off, but the buzzing of your phone cuts you off. “Duty calls,” you shrug as you turn into the darkened living room and answer.
“(Y/N), it’s Toby,” the deep, rough voice resonates from the speaker.
“Hey, long time,” you greet.
“Yeah, it has been a while. You should come by for a cold one someday,” he says. “Meantime, listen – I picked up Garth’s description on the police wire. Been missing for a few months now, hasn’t he?”
“Few more than a few. Where is he?”
“Grantsburg Memorial, up in Wisconsin. You anywhere near there?”
You don’t need to calculate the miles and hours to answer. “Very.”
As you thank Toby for the information, the muffled voices and giggles from the kitchen send a pang of guilt through you. Dread, too.
But you all know this was never meant to be permanent. They knew when you showed up on their doorstep they would have to say goodbye, and you knew you would have to face the boys someday, flying broom and all.
You tiptoe back into the kitchen, where Max shoves a beer bottle into your hands. “She’s back!” he says, clinking the glass with the bottle in his own hand. “Here’s to another successful witch hunt.”
You clear your throat and set the yours on the counter. “Actually, I’d better not. I’ve got to hit the road.”
“You caught a case? We’ll go with,” Alicia offers.
“It’s not a hunt,” you say. “Or maybe it is. I don’t know.”
“Whatever it is, we can help. We owe you that much,” Max suggests.
You shake your head. “You don’t owe me anything. Besides, I need to do this one on my own.”
The room deflates, silent.
“I get the feeling this might be it for a while,” you say, finally. “I want to thank you – all of you – for everything.”
Tasha steps forward and wraps her arms around you. “It was our pleasure.”
You laugh as she pulls away. “I ate your food and commandeered your couch.”
“You’re still the best hunter we’ve ever worked with. Far as I’m concerned, couch is a small price to pay,” Max says, pulling you into a hug. “If you ever need anything…”
“Call us,” Alicia finishes, embracing you as well.
You nod. “Same goes for you.”
The morning sun brightens the sky by the time you make it to Wisconsin. A wave of fatigue hits you as you trudge across the parking lot and into the hospital.
“Agent Kramer,” you introduce, flashing your badge to the receptionist. “I’m looking for a John Doe. Would have been here a few days – kind of wiry, looks like he could use some sun.”
She chuckles. “Room one-one-three. Though, you might want to consult with your colleague.”
As she nods the space behind you, someone clears their throat. You’d recognize even the short burst of air anywhere.
“Agent,” he greets.
You turn to him, slowly, the breath still gone from your lungs.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
You follow him to the opposite corner of the lobby, away from prying ears. Crossing your arms over your chest, you keep a safe distance away from him, remembering the reason you left in the first place.
“The angel’s gone,” he says, as if reading your mind. “It’s all me in here.”
A sigh of relief leaves your lips before you can stop it. You want to hug him and talk for ages and make up for two month’s worth of lost time, but you can only manage to choke out a few words.
“Sam, I’m sorry.”
He nods. “Thanks.”
You feel your heart deflate at the not-quite-forgiveness, though you expected much worse. You deserve much worse for lying to him all those weeks, and for leaving.
“Have you seen him yet?” you ask, nodding in the direction the receptionist pointed.
“No, I got here a few seconds before you did,” he explains.
“Where's Dean?”
You see the muscles in his jaw clench, his eyes darken.
“I'm not sure. We're taking separate vacations,” he says. “His idea. Something about needing space.”
You wrack your brain for better words to say, but turn up empty.
He clears his throat and gestures to the door with 113 stuck on the glass. “Shall we?”
A green-jacketed figure looms over Garth’s bed as you step through the door, Sam following.
“Well, solved that mystery,” you tell him before turning to the other visitor. “Hey, Dean.”
“(Y/N), Sam,” he greets in a cold tone.
You busy yourself with examining Garth’s unconscious figure, the numbers on the monitor beside his bed.
Sam sighs. “Saw Garth’s John Doe on the police wire. You?”
“Yeah,” Dean says. “Where you two coming from?”
“New Mexico.”
Dean furrows his brow at you. “Duluth? That’s an hour away and you just got here? What, do they send police alerts by carrier pigeons out there?”
“Guess I’ve been out of the loop lately.” You don’t mean it as a shot at him, but he averts his eyes downward, guilty.
“I called,” he says.
“Well, ringing twice then hanging up isn’t calling,” you retort. “But it’s okay. I mean, I left, didn’t I?”
He raises his eyes to you, unconvinced. “Right.”
“You spoken to him yet?” Sam asks.
“No,” he admits. “Assload of painkillers. He’s been out since I got here.”
Your eyes land on the pair of handcuffs tethering Garth’s wrist to the rail of the bed. “How’d he end up in those?”
“Killed a cow,” Dean answers.
“That’s what I’m about to find out,” he says, uncapping a syringe of clear liquid.
“Whoa, hey,” Sam exclaims, holding out a hand to stop him. “What is that – adrenaline?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You trying to jump-start him or kill him?” he questions.
“I want some answers,” Dean says. “He walked out on Kevin. He walked out on us. So, if you got a better idea…”
Sam frowns at him before raising his arm and striking Garth across the cheek.
He shoots up, screaming. “Dean?” he gasps. “Sam? (Y/N)? What is this? A hospital? Wait… am I in heaven?”
“All right, take it easy, Garth,” Dean says. “You’re in Wisconsin.”
“And you’re here because you were hit by a car,” you add.
“Do you remember anything?” Sam asks.
“Vaguely.” Garth lifts his hand toward his head, but the cuffs clink against the rail. “What’s with the hardware?”
“You tell us,” Dean says. “And while you’re at it, why don’t you give us the lowdown on where you went AWOL for the past six months? Only way we tracked you down is that you offed a cow.”
Garth seems to barely register Sam picking the lock of the handcuffs. “Offed a… what? I was on a hunt.”
“Hunt for what?”
He makes it through one unintelligible syllable before turning a pale shade of green. “Oh, no,” he says, pushing off the covers and staggering off the bed. “Oh, get back.”
You, Sam, and Dean watch him as he gags, making a beeline for the bathroom.
“Good thing I didn’t give him the adrenaline,” Dean comments.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
You and Sam settle into each of the chairs while Dean takes a seat on the edge of the unoccupied bed.
“Anything on Gadreel?” he asks.
Sam nods. “Turns out he left some grace in me before he bolted.”
“Wait a second – ‘Gadreel’?” you repeat. “What happened to Ezekiel?”
Dean glances across at his brother again before turning back to you. “He, uh, wasn’t who he said he was.”
You pause. “So, the only desperate fallen angel who answered your call for help had his own agenda?” you say, your tone biting. “Go figure.”
Coughing, retching sounds continue to echo from the bathroom.
“Just breathe, Garth,” Dean calls, halfheartedly.
As he leans forward on his elbows, his sleeve rides up to reveal a mark, almost like a branding.
“What happened to your arm?” Sam asks before you can say anything.
“It’s a gift from Cain,” Dean sighs, frowning at it.
You step toward him now, examining the symbol you recognize from a book.
“Like… the wrestler?” Sam says.
Dean chuckles, though his words sound heavy. “I wish. That would be awesome.”
“Cain,” you repeat. “As in Cain and Abel. As in Old Testament. Tell me this isn’t the literal freaking Mark of Cain.”
You glance up at him, but he only turns his head down, giving you your answer. “Dean, what the hell did you do?”
“He gave me a way to eighty-six Abaddon once and for all,” he argues. “What was I supposed to do?”
“You run it by us! You do some research, you wait for Kevin to come up with something from the demon tablet. You don’t take on the… What?”
He slumps his shoulders and studies his shoes under your gaze. You look to Sam for an explanation, but he doesn’t meet your eyes either.
You recall your words. Were they too harsh? Did you hit a sore spot without knowing it?
It takes you longer to realize than it should. You don’t want to believe it.
“Kevin?” you murmur, though you don’t need an answer.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry,” Dean chokes.
You open your mouth to answer him, but your lungs feel empty. You bite down on your lip to keep it from trembling as you force stinging tears away from your eyes.
You swallow back the tightness in your throat, but your voice still cracks. “How?”
You almost feel relieved not knowing before Dean speaks. “Gadreel…”
He doesn’t continue. He doesn’t need to.
You barely remember leaving the room. Only stumbling to find air as your mind struggles to wrap around Kevin being… gone? It can’t really be true, can it? He’s just a kid.
Was a kid.
No, when you get back to the bunker, he’ll be in the shooting range, flashing you that proud smile he gets when he hits the very center of the target. Because you told him target practice would keep him safe. You promised him you would get him out of this life. You were supposed to…
You lean against a red brick pillar outside the hospital’s entrance. At first, you think nothing of the gowned figure dashing across the parking lot.
When you see Garth’s face, though, as he loses the gown and turns to slip into the passenger seat of a station wagon, you snap out of the daze and back to your job.
He doesn’t seem to spot you as the blonde woman driving the car pulls out of the driveway and you switch the ignition of your own car. You consider following them until they reach their destination, but Garth is still a hunter. He would catch you before you got that far.
Instead, you floor the gas pedal as you approach their car, waiting for a shoulder lane before you pull in front of them, your tires squealing.
The woman stops just in time to keep from hitting you, her eyes wide.
You climb out into the grassy area as Garth does.
“Going somewhere?”
• • • • • • • • • • • •
They lead you to their apartment in the next town over, where Garth convinced you would be more private.
You barely wait until the door closes behind you to turn on him.
“You want to tell me what the hell’s going on with you?” you yell.
“Of course I do,” he says, his tone soft. “Let’s all just calm down and talk about this.”
Though you don’t address her, the woman who drove flinches at your words, hiding behind Garth as a child would hide behind a parent.
“Bess? It’s okay, baby,” he murmurs to her. “(Y/N)’s not going to hurt you.”
You begin to ask why she thinks you would hurt her, but your mind catches on something else. The murdered cow, his disappearance, why he would run from you in the first place.
Without warning, you pull an object out of your pocket and toss it in his direction. By reflex, his hand darts out to catch it, and he yelps at the sound of searing flesh, the silver bullet dropping to the ground with a plink.
By the time you turn back to the woman, her eyes glow yellow and pointed teeth protrude from her mouth with a roar.
You pull your gun from its holster and aim it at her, but she doesn’t charge. Instead, Garth jumps in front of her.
“Please,” he gasps. “Don’t hurt her.”
You take your finger off the trigger, piecing together the story.
“You were bitten,” you try.
He nods. “Bess – she found me. She saved me, and her family took me in as one of their pack.”
As you lower your gun, he pulls her – now human-featured – around to his side, wrapping an arm around her.
“That’s why I went after that cow,” he continues. “Anything to keep away from human hearts.”
Maybe it’s the fear in her eyes, maybe the familiar desperation in his, that convinces you to tuck your gun back in its holster.
He breathes a sigh of relief. “I checked it all out – everything’s kosher. If you don’t believe me–”
“I believe you, Garth,” you concede. “It’s just… you get bitten, you call me, and I’ll help you. You don’t just take off. We thought you were–”
Your voice breaks off at the thought of losing someone else today.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I really am,” he says.
“I know. And I get it. Believe me, I do,” you add when you see the disbelief in his expression. “And I’m glad you’re okay, relatively.”
You look around at the cozy apartment, at the new life your friend has built. So what if it’s with werewolves? Who are you to judge after spending the last two months practicing magic?
“Um, it’s Bess, right?” you ask, holding out a hand to her. “I’m (Y/N).”
She only hesitates a moment before shaking your hand. “It’s nice to meet you, (Y/N). I’m sorry for the… circumstances.”
“Me, too,” you admit. “Look, I’m not going to hurt you, but–”
Almost as if on cue, Garth holds out a hand to stop you as he sniffs the air.
“The boys?” you say.
He nods.
When they break through the door, you defend the couple, which is how you end up at the barrel of Dean’s gun.
You think he might shoot. When he doesn’t, you think of how easily he could, and you reconsider ever revealing your own secret.
He moves around you to aim at Bess, but you block his shot again. “Just hear him out.”
• • • • • • • • • • • •
“What am I doing here?” Dean gestures to his spot in the passenger seat of your car.
“You want to drive, next time play something other than scissors,” you say.
He rolls his eyes. “I mean, why are we going to bible group with a pack of werewolves?”
“Because it’s Garth’s pack. You know better than anyone, not all monsters are killers.”
“But all monsters are monsters,” he mutters.
You focus your eyes on the road, trying not to let your face show that each of his words crushes your heart a little more.
“Why do you care so much anyway?” he questions.
Maybe because I am a monster.
“It’s Garth, man,” you shrug. “If it came down to it, could you really kill him? I mean, he's–”
“Don't– don't say he's family. He didn't call, he didn't write. He left us in the dark for months and became a werewolf. That sound like family to you?”
You don’t answer as you turn off the dirt road and into the driveway of a classic house, its white paint aged to a light tan, in the shadow of several tall trees.
You and Dean walk across the freshly cut grass, along tall, manicured bushes when you hear a piano and a… choir?
He has already turned to you, brows furrowed, when you shrug at him, gesturing to the porch.
A woman in a floral-printed blouse opens the door, greeting you both with a wide smile. “You must be (Y/N) and Dean. I’m Joy, Garth’s mother-in-law,” she says. “Well, stepmother-in-law, which I always thought sounded so silly. Please, come in. We’re just finishing up.”
Dean begins to take a step backward, but you nudge him forward with a hand on his back, giving the lady a warm smile. “That’d be great.”
As she leads you inside, the singing becomes headache-inducingly loud. Dean raises his eyebrows at you, as if to say, Really?, but you roll your eyes and prod him further into the house.
In the living room, a dozen people or so gather around a piano, where Garth sits and plays off-key, each holding a songbook.
“Bringing in the sheaves,” they sing. “Bringing in the sheaves. We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.”
As they finish the song, an older man in a grey wool sweater who seems to lead the congregation dismisses the group with the promise of church service on Sunday. Children rush past you, while the adults shuffle to follow them out the door, each with a pleasant smile on their face.
Garth spots you and Dean and slides off the piano bench to meet you at the doorway. “So, what’d I tell you? It’s all good right?”
You watch two children straggling behind the others on their way out.
“Everyone here’s a wolf?” Dean asks, following your gaze.
Garth shrugs. “Yeah.”
“Yeah, not all good.”
Bess finds Garth’s side from where she stood at the piano. You give her a friendly smile, and she offers you a shy one in return.
“Come on, Dean. You’ve just gotta meet them,” Garth says, and points to two men in the opposite corner of the room, who nod at you both. “That’s Russ and Joba, Bess’s first cousins on Sister Joy’s side. And that’s Pastor Jim–” he points to the leader of the group – “Bess’s dad. Leader of the pack and a good man.”
The pastor makes his way to you. “‘(Y/N),’ is it? And ‘Dean’?”
You nod, and shake his hand. “Welcome,” he says. “Jim Meyers. Folks around here usually call me–”
“Reverend Jim. Yeah, I got it,” Dean interrupts. He doesn’t take the extended hand.
“Oh, uh, my bad,” Garth chuckles. “Dean’s got this crazy fear of germs.”
The reverend doesn’t acknowledge the excuse. “I understand your apprehension, Dean. Hunters and our kind don’t have the best history together.”
“But I think you’ll find we’re not much different from you,” Joy adds.
“Oh, sister, I highly doubt it,” Dean remarks.
The reverend continues. “Why don’t we break bread and see?”
As the reverend and his wife leave the room, you fix your glare on Dean with a hushed shout. “What the hell was that?”
“What?” he says.
“Will you just… try to be civil?”
He shrugs. “Why?”
• • • • • • • • • • • •
While the werewolves – no, lycanthropes – ate from their plates of bloody, chewy-looking hearts, you and Dean were both served what you hoped was steak. It was dry and bitter, and the smell of blood in the dining room made your stomach turn, but you picked at it politely, more concerned with giving Dean warning glances and nudges when his comments came close to stepping out of line.
With every one of his remarks, you feel a twinge in your chest. Maybe you’ve been using today to warm him up to the idea of befriending the supernatural, but as the day wears on, it proves to be a failed attempt.
“I don’t know what else you want to hear, Dean,” you tell him on the drive to meet Sam on the other side of the farm.
“Come on, the singing, the flowery placemats – none of that seems off to you?” he asks.
“Maybe,” you shrug. “Or maybe it’s just been that long since either of us have had a family dinner.”
He huffs out a sigh.
You don’t trust them, not completely, but you can’t let him know that. You chalk it up to your years of hunting, years of constantly looking over your shoulder for creatures like them. Besides, you trust Garth.
“(Y/N),” Dean breaks the silence. “Look, I’m sorry.”
You pry your eyes away from the road to glance at him, brows furrowed.
“I should’ve been there for him,” he says.
Kevin. You tried to keep the thought away from your mind the whole day, tried to keep the sinking feeling from your stomach.
Dean holds the weight in his eyes, though, as they peer at you.
“No, you were right before. I should have stayed,” you say. “Hell, I should’ve been there to talk you out of it in the first place.”
“Hey, everything that went down with Kevin – that’s on me,” he insists.
“I’m not saying it’s not,” you sigh. “I’m saying he was our responsibility. We let him down.”
Though you don’t seem to have convinced him, he doesn’t argue.
You should tell him now, you think. If you were honest with yourself, of both the boys, you feel the most nervous about telling Dean you’ve taken up witchcraft. Telling him here, with no one around to witness the explosion, seems like the way to go.
You swallow against your dry throat, your mouth filling with cotton, and you can barely hear your own voice. “Dean, I need to tell you–”
“I don’t care how clean it looks. Something fishy’s going on,” he says.
You snap your head in his direction, sure you must have accidentally let it slip without meaning to. “What?”
“Garth’s pack of do-gooder werewolves back there,” he comments.
“Oh,” you sigh.
Despite your efforts to convince him not all monsters are bad, he still suspects them. But now, you realize, you were so preoccupied that you didn’t notice the bad feeling you got about the place.
“Yeah, you’re right,” you mumble. “Maybe we should check it out.”
The next morning leaves four werewolves dead. Dean was right, but he says nothing on the drive back to Bess’s family’s house.
Only she, Garth, and Reverend Jim remain.
“I’m sorry this happened,” you tell her. “How’s your dad holding up?”
She glances over to where her father sits at the dining table, staring at the air in front of him.
“He’s in shock. We all are,” she says.
“Is there anything I can do?”
“You’ve done more than enough,” she answers. “You all have. We never would have known about my mother’s… stepmother’s plan until it was too late.”
You nod. “Are you going to be all right?”
“I have Garth,” she says. “And I have my faith. I can’t ask for more than that.”
You smile at the thought of this family, clawed and sharp-toothed as it may be. It gives you hope.
As you walk toward the front door, Garth releases Dean from a hug, and Dean follows Sam outside.
“Well –” you clap Garth on the shoulder – “take care of yourself.”
“You, too, (Y/N),” he says, then lowers his voice. “For what it’s worth, I think you make a good witch.”
You shift your weight from one foot to another with a sigh. You’d held onto the irrational hope no one noticed you flinging Joy halfway across the barn with a few words of Latin last night, giving Dean enough time to shoot her.
“Hey, I'm not here to judge,” he says. “You caught me off guard is all.”
“Yeah. Sorry about that,” you mumble, rubbing the back of your neck.
“No worries so long as you, you know, be good.” He doesn't give you time to respond before pulling you in for a hug.
“You, too,” you chuckle. “If you need anything… you know the drill.”
You meet the boys in the motel parking lot, where they stand across the Impala from each other, Sam half-turned to Dean, half-turned to his blue Dodge Dart.
“…I’m saying, if you want to work, let’s work,” he tells Dean as you climb out of your car. “If you want to be brothers… well, those are my terms.”
Dean studies him, checking for any hint of a waver in his hard stare, but Sam’s gaze remains steady. Dean nods.
They turn to you as you approach.
“So, the boys are back in town?” you comment.
“Kind of,” Dean shrugs.
“Right,” you say. “Well, we have to talk.”
Sam takes a step closer, gesturing to Dean, then to himself. “Look, I know you hate this, but it’s better this way.”
“Believe me, if there’s anyone who wants to see you two back in the groove, it’s me,” you say. “But I think taking a breather might be best for everybody. So, if you don’t mind?”
They nod for you to continue.
You train your eyes on the pavement, your hands shaking. You can hear your heart thudding in your ears, even over the breeze, and you know it shakes your voice as you recite the speech you’ve been rehearsing.
“These last couple months, I’ve been staying with a hunter friend of mine–” you clear your dry throat– “who’s also a natural witch.”
You raise your eyes to Sam’s widened ones. He seems to understand what you mean, but you can’t read his expression.
“And I’ve been studying under her,” you continue. “She uses magic to hunt witches, and so do her kids. It’s completely kosher.”
You glance across at Dean, who creases his brows. “You know who else thought everything was kosher?” he says. “Garth. And look how that turned out.”
“You mean how he’s dealing with turning into something we hunt? How he’s not hurting anyone, and how he’s found love and a family?”
“He found a cult,” Sam says. “A cult that wanted to start an apocalypse and take over the world, right under his nose, and he had no idea.”
His remark catches you off guard. Of them both, you thought Sam would, if not support you, understand why you went down this path.
Dean narrows his questioning eyes at his brother, taken aback as you are, before turning back to you. “(Y/N), we just want you to be careful.”
Sam scoffs and shakes his head, ignoring the puzzled glance his brother shoots him.
“Look, I don’t know why, but it feels right,” you admit. “It feels like I’m helping people. Like maybe whatever’s in me doesn’t have to be this awful thing.”
Dean crosses his arms over his chest. You know every instinct he has splits between defending his family and sending a bullet through your brain. To your surprising relief, his fingers don’t even twitch toward his gun.
Sam still won’t meet your eyes.
“If you want me out of your hair, I’m gone,” you say. “But I would never risk putting you two in that kind of danger, and I think you know that.”
Dean’s face softens, and even through the hardened gaze, you think you glimpse contemplation in Sam’s eyes.
You use them both to go on. “So, I’m asking you. Give me a chance?”
Fair warning: chapters may be published a bit more sporadically from now on. Sorry.
#Supernatural#Supernatural x reader#Spn x reader#Spn#Spn 9x12#Sharp Teeth#Tasha Banes#Alicia Banes#Max Banes#Sam Winchester#Dean Winchester#Garth Fitzgerald IV#A Supernatural x Reader Story#series#writing is hard
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red sun summary 7/9/2020
jumping right back into combat at the mine entrance. one of the wisps got a crit on zoroe, and calypso ran up to punch it right back. davke, dealing with the now-weakened wraith, was like “i’m gonna smack its ass!!!” then got a nat 1, so really she smacked her own ass. then the wraith crit on her and nearly took her out. calypso took down the wisp engaged with zoroe, after repeatedly telling it to get fucked. the wraith narrowly missed zoroe, and probably would’ve taken her down if the attack had connected. phosphorra brought out her Spiritual Wiggle, and zoroe finished off a wish and healed up cluk.
after taking out another wisp, the remaining one used some sort of breath of rot and decay on the whole party, and calypso was the only one to fail the save. cluk, not appreciating the halitosis, ran up and attacked it, getting a crit (get used to reading that). phosphorra went to the entrance of the next room and immediately started taking fire from the pile of cultists waiting inside. somehow she hadn’t expected that even though calypso had mentioned earlier there were lots of people in the room. phosphorra cast Fire Ball on nearly everyone in the room, dealing serious damage and destroying the totem powering another wraith. her Sanctuary spell then dropped as a result. calypso took out the final wisp then ran up to join phosphorra with a “hey.” “i’m not dead!” “nice fireball, cake pop” (then a wink). phosphorra then got hit with more sling stones, despite davke stepping in front of her.
cluk, upon learning that many of the cultists were grouped together, cast Shatter. at this point i accidentally typed “thursday” as if i were speaking as calypso, so we treated it as canon and phosphorra also said “thursday” despite currently losing a lot of blood. also, re: the cultist with a cold: “you ever just have a day where you wake up with a cold and then someone sets you on fire?” despite zoroe’s insistence that phosphorra come back, phosphorra cast Fire Ball again, killing three cultists, and then finally stepped behind a wall to rest. “i’m... gonna be somewhere else now.” calypso said that she earned it. zoroe asked if phosphorra had a healing potion, and that she should drink it if she did. after a powerful hit of Sacred Flame, calypso rushed up to the wraith and failed spectacularly at hitting it, missing FOUR times. she wasn’t happy about that. cluk flew over to another cultist, kissed her on the cheek, then killed her with a critical rapier stab. (the cultist lightly touched her cheek before she dropped.)
the wraith noticed that calypso appeared to be full of life and vitality, and gouged into her soul. calypso failed to resist this attack, and fell unconscious as the wraith seemed to heal itself significantly. phosphorra ignored zoroe’s suggestion and used Cure Wounds on herself instead of taking a potion. zoroe healed calypso and instructed for her to disengage from the wraith and fight a cultist. back to consciousness, calypso bounced back onto her feet and went to the cultist. upon taking a hit, she used Hellish Rebuke on the cultist, dealing serious damage. calypso also noticed she did not feel well, like weird and light after the wraith’s attack. cluk got another crit on the cultist, who did not return the bard’s wink because her face was kinda fried. phosphorra hurt the wraith badly with Fire Bolt and her Spiritual Wiggle, and zoroe finished it off with Sacred Flame. davke, in a very “she confused but she got the spirit” fashion, swung her weapon before moving up the cultist, but did connect, and then cluk finished the cultist off while holding davke’s hand. cluk is just... yeah. (she and calypso shared a high five, which was not 100% since calypso wasn’t well).
finally, with a chance to relax for a moment, zoroe checked in with calypso, who declared that she felt like shit. zoroe suggested the party go outside and rest. calypso insisted that someone make phosphorra not be bleeding anymore. phosphorra was a little concerned, but agreed to go, after zoroe said that they could camp by the door and stop anyone that tried to leave the mine. settling outside, phosphorra approached zoroe, asking about how prayer is supposed to work. zoroe said that praying to Hvare is like a conversation, and that what she does to pray is find a quiet, comfortable space as if she were talking to a friend. sometimes she talks aloud, other times she just keeps her words in her head, and she knows her goddess will hear her. phosphorra said she wanted to try praying, since she had just come pretty close to death. though, before she finished her sentence, zoroe excitedly told her she had a good place for them to sit and pray together. calypso shouted that she was a nerd, from where she was sprawled out on the ground. phosphorra quietly mumbled her way through a prayer to Rasantat, saying she wasn’t sure if she was doing it right, and that she was thankful that she helped keep her friends alive. this was the first time she had felt she had her powers for a reason, and felt a sense of happiness and comfort.
zoroe asked her how she felt, and phosphorra said that it felt a little silly, but that it wasn’t the wrong thing to do by any means. zoroe said that praying brought her peace, since she knew someone was there to help her. “i hope it does the same for you.” phosphorra said that she thought that Rasantat needed her help too. troubled, zoroe changed the subject to ask how phosphorra seemed to know the King was a dragon when they entered Amata’s scrying room. caught off-guard by the question, phosphorra explained that she felt a connection to Amata’s magic in there and that she saw something. she could recall a similar feeling to that of Rasantat’s presence, and suggested it was the first secret she had shared with her. zoroe admitted that she doesn’t trust Rasantat, but she does trust phosphorra, so she would follow her and look out for her best interest. “what else did you see in that room?” phosphorra recalled seeing visions of a large eye on a scaly face, the feeling of corrosive poison within her body, and the visual of vines choking an entire city (like what the druid in the aqueduct had mentioned), and the general memory of something extremely powerful. she insisted that Rasantat is trying to help her, and that she believes in her. zoroe asked phosphorra why she followed Rasantat so blindly. “it’s not blindly. years ago she set me on this path and i didn’t know why, but now i have answers.” she explained that in the past, she had suddenly been able to use magic, and she knew now that that was because of Rasantat. “i’m no cleric, but i have divine magic and healing. i finally felt like i belonged somewhere.” zoroe still seemed conflicted, but was glad to have shared prayer with the tiefling. phosphorra thanked her for listening, and said that it must be weird for the others, but she wants to help them. zoroe told her she had just been worried for phosphorra, since she had been in unfamiliar land and enveloped in darkness, but that she would support her. phosphorra countered that darkness isn’t bad, and that she had felt that way since before Rasantat’s presence.
meanwhile, calypso had requested that cluk play some music for her since he felt like shit. cluk seemed off her game, giving two lackluster performances. calypso said it was better than nothing, and took to drowsily staring at zoroe and phosphorra during their conversation. finally everyone took a long rest. zoroe touched a hand to calypso’s forehead, to check on her condition. calypso shouted that her hands were cold, and zoroe said calypso was just hotheaded. after some banter, zoroe was like “well, if you can banter with me, then you’re fine.” “pfft, i could banter in my sleep.” “uh-huh. do you think you could punch some more lights out?” “again, could do that in my sleep.” “you’re fine.” heading back into the mine, the party unlocked the door and headed further into the tunnel under the mountain. the tunnel seemed to merge with a large natural cavern, where perhaps against better judgement calypso yelled for an echo. the party proceeded into a basement with many shelves of very old tablets.
calypso, being extra, climbed over a shelf, and zoroe and phosphorra found a secret door. in the hidden room was a table with unreadable tablets, and a rusty chest that calypso opened. in this chest was a Scroll of Bane and a pearl of some sort, which calypso did not recognize since she grew up in a desert, far away from any oceans. “what’s this weird... rock?” phosphorra explained that it’s not exactly a rock, but it comes from the ocean. cluk Identified it to be a Pearl of Power, and zoroe took it after some discussion. davke said this room was like her mom’s “quiet room,” which is apparently a place where one goes when she doesn’t anyone to hear her. the party then went downstairs, into a very large central chamber. there was a large sigil painted(?) on the floor, and a big raised platform at the back of the room. on this platform were some cultists, but also a very large, fully armored woman with a very large maul.
making no attempt to sneak in or anything, the party walked into the chamber. zoroe said that she was a fan of the artwork on the floor. “ah, we have company! are you the troublemakers?” the party vaguely made like they weren’t, and the woman said that she saw the party’s performance outside. cluk pointed out that she is a bard. the woman introduced herself as Sapphira, She Who Eclipses the Light, the Left hand of the King, a Devotee of the Order of the Tainted Sun and that basically she was gonna kick the party’s ass. COMBAT
cluk acted first, running up and cast Blink, though she didn’t actually blink away at that point. more cultists ran out from an upper room. calypso threw her javelin of lightning, bloodying a cultist and dealing some damage to Sapphira. then she took a defensive stance. a couple of cultists tried and failed to grapple cluk, and zoroe cast Beacon of Hope, only missing cluk with its radius. Sapphira hit cluk twice with her maul, dealing serious fucking damage, what the fuck is this woman’s deal. additionally, cluk’s armor began to rot and her AC dropped??? at this point we entertained the idea of running away, thinking this was too risky of an encounter. even more cultists emerged from a lower room. phosphorra was like “this is the king's left hand? he's powerful? and she is too? so we should leave? right now? this is not gonna happen? look at her? and everyone else? maybe without her, but... we should leave." cluk, bleeding, agreed with her. we bargained that we got some information and some items from this place, so it wouldn’t be a total loss if we ran. calypso, using Step of the Wind, ran to grab her javelin and started running for the exit. based off of a majority vote, we settled on running away.
zoroe threw a Fire Ball at the group in the center of the room, trying to thin the ranks before starting for the door as well. phosphorra threw another Fire Ball as well, and Sapphira seemed not too fazed by this damage. we then stopped to more fully discuss what our plan was, as one of our players felt that we shouldn’t run, that we could manage this combat if we were smart about it. we decided as a group to stay and fight, planning on a strategy where we do not engage in melee combat with Sapphira, and we take out the other cultists at range.
and that’s where we’re picking up next tiiiime
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bloop heres a post abt my 3-day trip to san diego B)
this was just gonna be a list of highlights but i ended up talking about a lot so it’s more like a Kind Of The Highlights But I Got A Little Carried Away list
it was a 2 hr drive so i put on some tunes & forced everyone in the car to listen to my thousands of anime ops and piano covers it was *fire emoji* (im not on mobile)
at the end jaelin said she couldn’t hear it the whole time rip
made myself carsick looking at mob psycho memes while we looked for a parking spot at the museum for 20 minutes (it was worth it they were good memes)
the museum we went to had a whole gaming thing going on where they just had a shitload of games out for ppl to play & one of them was just dance projected onto like an entire wall basically & i mean i didnt play but it was fun watching my mom try her best
she played against two of my sisters who both beat her by more than double her score hgdhgksd bye mom
got a nauseating headache in the science museum & took the opportunity to sit down & look at more mob psycho memes for 35 minutes while the advil kicked in
felt better by the time we went to see this fuckin movie about national parks in the us but idk it was like. the whole reason my mom wanted to go to san diego was to see this movie bc they were getting rid of it soon & after seeing it i can see why they’re taking it out kjgkdjgksd like!!! it would’ve been cool if it told u shit about the parks like fauna and flora shit but it had this dumb little narrative abt these three campers traveling to each park & fucking around & i looked over at jaelin at one point & she was asleep & i was like same
im being too hard on it, it was kind of interesting to watch and had some cool visuals but the acting was pretty embarrassing & unnecessary, i wish it would’ve tried to be a documentary instead of entertaining. that’s my Professional Review of this random movie they’re removing forever soon, hope u enjoyed
realized i had more free time at the hotel than i thought i would & v heavily regretted not bringing my tablet to draw aaaaaahhhhh it was ok tho bc i brought my big sketchbook so i just drew in there B)
i’ve been drawing a lot of terukis i think i accidentally discovered a hidden love for him on the midnight shores of the san diego bay
(what i actually discovered is that he’s v easy to project a rly specific part of myself onto hgkdgksdjkgjsdk)
rented bikes to ride by the bay & it was super fun bc i havent ridden a bike in a long time but like. the second half started getting really hard for me & i thought i was just weak shit bc i literally never exercise but then i realized my back tire had gone flat hfdjghsd my legs were..... so sore
also the seat was shaped weird so my ass was sore for the rest of the trip. it’s still sore tbh. i have a bruised ass
went to a model train museum which was pretty cool bc the little towns had little people & jaelin and i were making up stories for them (my favorite recurring joke was pointing out ppl that had fallen over & calling them dead)
after the trains we made a spur-of-the-moment decision to stay a third day to see more museum shit bc why not so we managed to grab a room at a new hotel and #Locked In our decision
on the way to the second hotel we got a flat tire so i was like convinced i was cursed bc wtf it was literally on the same day???
while we waited for the tire repair i got a pink lemonade from taco bell and it was amazing i can’t believe i ever thought piece of shit sprite was worth even looking at over this
ok so i need to talk about the second hotel we stayed at because it was... literally the fanciest hotel i have ever stayed at in my entire 22 year old life
it was a mariott?? but a fuckin Fancy Mariott ok first of all we were on the 19th floor which just..... what the fuck
floor level was the 6th floor, this bitch went underground (though that might have just been the parking garage idk)
the lobby bathroom was like. jesus christ. to flush the toilet u wave ur hand over a sensor??? what’s wrong with just automatic toilets???? why are these toilets so extra????? i couldn’t even get it to work for so long jgkjdkgsd i hate technology
also there were moist towelettes sitting in a neatly folded pile by the sinks like what even. i thought it was paper towels but then it was wet
the lobby also had this fancy-ass bar/lounge where they served starbucks but u had to have a room key to get in i think
in the elevators to get to the rooms you can’t even enter the floor level until you hold your key card against a sensor like what the fuck..... we had to get some strangers to tell us how to do it gjdks i bet if we hadn’t been able to figure it out the elevator wouldve just dropped us 12 floors to our death like Access Denied, Assholes
the room itself was super fucking cramped tho which makes sense like if im gonna be able to afford anything at a place like this u better believe it’s gonna be the size of a damn peanut. it was the fanciest peanut ive ever seen in my life tho
the view was uhh we were directly across from some tall office building so at night u could like see into all the rooms it was kinda cool but also weird
there was a jar of hershey’s kisses on the coffee table when we got there but it was dark chocolate so like get the fuck outta here with that shit how dare you assault Mine Eyes (i ate like 4)
it rly was a tiny room tho and it didnt help that there were 5 of us rip... like there was a main room and a bedroom and a bathroom and already that’s making it sound bigger than it was hgkdjgskd
but even tho it was small it had a lot like.. there was a kitchenette that was big enough for like 1 person to stand there but it had a fridge/freezer, sink, dishwasher, toaster, microwave, cupboards & coffeemaker like there was so much shit crammed in there, this wasn’t no minimalist living space it was just. a lot crammed into one tiny floor plan
anyway yeah it was really bizarre for me to be in a place like that & i just constantly felt like i didn’t belong there but that was mostly my anxiety lol i really dont like being in fancy places in general idk. it was still kinda fun tho
the natural history museum was cool, they had a bunch of animal skulls & taxidermy which i thought was pretty neat. all their dinosaur stuff was in the basement tho which u had to pay extra to see which like. bye
they did have some cool movies tho, they were like nature documentaries, one on marine biology around baja california and the other on animals of the galapagos & those were pretty neat, way better than that national parks shit we saw at the science center jgkdjkskdkdjg
ok so this one’s more of a buildup over the 3 days so im gonna give a lil 3-part summary
day 1: we went to panda express for dinner & i had leftovers so i was like “sweet im saving these for when we get home” (bc the hotel had a fridge right)
day 2: got a rly good burger from a vegan place, my brother got the same one but didnt want his second half so i was like “cool more leftovers im gonna have so much good food when we get home this is perfect”
day 3: fucKIGN LEFT BOTH CONTAINERS IN THE FRIDGE ACCIDENTALLY WHEN WE CHECKED OUT HKDJFLSKDG i was literally so good about it the first two days like when we switched hotels i made sure not to forget them and i held onto them & everything & then halfway through the third day i was like “SHIT”
it’s ok tho bc for dinner that 3rd day we did panda again & i got the same thing so i have the same leftovers again hehehehehe
ok i think that’s basically everything & im not just saying that bc it’s 1:45 am and ive been working on this for like an hour and a half at this point.,.,. overall it was pretty fun, i think i liked the bikes & those animal movies the best... also the drive out bc i got to play my music lmfao (i love sharing my music ok)
anyway the end thank u
#retag later#today posts#oops this is rly long but uhh it was all over the course of 3 days so its fine
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