#after that any time erika wants to watch a movie with him he looks up if its sad or not
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selfspinninglies · 7 months ago
do NOT let alex watch the titanic
— t9
He would die .[ It's okay cause he already doesthat ]
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skylerskyhigh · 8 months ago
So I was watching Hotel Transylvania 3, then took a shower, and I had an idea for the sequel (a better one).
It starts with Johnny goofing around with Dennis, as they usually do. But then he gets into an accident and it is actually bad. Like, he broke an arm and nearly died if he didn't land on a tree or something to break his fall. The doctor said he was really lucky and he could have lost his life.
Mavis suddenly realized that she could have lost Johnny and that Johnny is a human. He won't live as long as her. Most likely, he won't live long enough to see Dennis grow up or reach his teenage years, since vampires seem to age slowly. She gets hit with the reality that Johhny could die, either by accident or old age, and she could lose her husband.
This sets her on the path to protect Johnny from harm, making her look like Drac in the first movie. She is desperate to keep him safe, even childproofed the hotel, which confused everyone.
Johnny is chill with this but he is worried about his wife. So he asks Drac to talk to her, saying that she must feel a little freaked out after realising that Johnny could have died.
Drac talks to her and she says that she's very scared and worried that Johnny would not live for very long. That she'll lose him.
"I was young when mom died so I barely remember her. I've always had you by my side, dad. You've always been there for me. But Johnny won't be. He's human, he won't live long enough to see Dennis grow up. He could die any time and it... it scares me. I'll lose my husband. My Zing. And Dennis would be devastated to lose his father."
Drac understands her worries. Losing his wife, Martha hurt him. He lost her so suddenly, so while it hurt, it isn't the same as watching someone die of old age and knowing they (monsters) won't age at all.
He starts to feel scared too. Because he has Erika, a human. If he doesn't lose her like Martha, he would lose her due to old age. Then he'll be lonely again.
They start to plan to find a way to make sure their spouses won't die.
Their research led them to a solution. (A cliché one). The Fountain of Youth.
The two vampires decide to go together under the guise of "Father-Daughter Trip" and they head off to find the fountain.
Middle of the movie, they traveled around, they bonded, talked about their life together and how they feel about their current life. A lot of bonding. They find the fountain and it's dried up. They realize that it isn't as simple as it is.
The fountain of youth isn't a normal spring. To give life, it needs to take a life. So to make someone young, someone else must die to give their life-force. They can't take any spring water back with them. It is instantaneous.
So the vampries return to the hotel, debating whether they would willingly sacrifice someone to keep their Zings alive for eternity with them.
Yada yada yada.
There's an idea that Mavis almost went through with it before Johnny finds her attempting to sacrifice someone for him. She was so ashamed that she ran and Johnny chased after her.
They have a sit down and a talk.
"Aren't you worried that you'll die?"
"I'm not."
"Why would I be? Everyone dies. Well, probably not vampires. Unless someone kills you, of course. But for me, I've always known I'd die one day. So when I grew up, I planned to live my life to the fullest. I had my fun travelling. And then I found you. My life is full and I couldn't be happier."
"But- but you'll never see Dennis grow up. You'll never see him be a teen or- or find his own Zing. He'll grow up without his dad and- and-"
"Honey... it's alright. I know you're scared. But... you and Dennis will be fine. You have Drac with you."
"It's not the same, Johnny."
"Sure it is. Even if Dennis looks like me, I know he's a vampire's son. He'll be fine. You'll be fine."
"No, I won't! I won't be happy without you! Dennis won't be happy without you! I can't... I can't lose you! I don't want to be alone!"
"...Honey, you won't be alone. You have so many people who are there for you. You have Drac. Mummy, Frank, even the invisible man. They'll be with you. Even if it hurts for a long while, you won't be alone."
"I don't want to lose you...
"Me neither. But things aren't always so happy. Everything has to end some day. But that doesn't mean it's the end of everything."
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orphanlavinia · 7 months ago
All this anger was once love.
I read today somewhere on Facebook or someplace or another.
All this anger was once love.
My algorithms knows my soul.
Sylvia Plath, Alejandra pizarnik
But that’s the thing you see, im grieving.
I’m grieving the songs in the car and the laughter cuz my mom was dynamite and anything could set her into trying to get us into a wreck or start yelling and hitting me.
Laughter with my dad was always bullying, of her, of me, but f others.
It’s not something I looked back in a set of grays and its blurred lines.
When wasn’t it vile, when did it start. Thiis supposed to be a hate letter for you.
I hate this is going to take me a while and since I am autistic and shit let’s do tI chronologically
Day two at attempting to write a hate letter to my mother.
I remember my cousin Erika and you making shadows by my crib and laughing your asses off at my terror. Who does that?
I remember having insistent vaginal infections t. You told me It was because I was filthy, not because of your husband’s dirty hands. At best.
I don’t know who holds those memories.
Not me. I just have the aftermath. But this is not for him. It’s for you.
After that I started talking about that little boy that lives in The shadows of my head.
For you that so many times left me screaming in pain telling me I was just wanting attention. Until other people told you it was serious enough you’d take me to a doctor. Polyps. Ulcers. Cysts. Amoebas. Helibacter. Pylori.Of what I remember. I had permanent damage. I deal with a lot of things in adulthood that could have been prevented. I was fucking 16.
Like that time my nanny left for the weekend and the princess couldn’t bother changing my diaper at a timely manner. Mind you I have gi issues since I was born.
Well I had the worse diaper rash and lived inside a bucket of water like for a week. I became phobic of water and food I think I was two or three.
She was sweet when she felt guilty, at least in-front of people she was a mother I could have wanted. Sometimes. I don’t think you had the maturity or emotional regulation to not start shit everywhere for everything.
My everyday in my childhood of what I remember doesn’t include you, it includes mamaly, Isabel, my father saying hi before his daily nap and the tv and the stupid amount of toys that embodied your guilt. You were an occasional nightmare, him too but this is for you. I had each and everyone of the Barbie’s there was tho.
You were always napping, I couldn’t make any noise or your anger would be titanic. I talked on the phone with Irene for hours.
I never got you, unless it was a social function or something you would have to do.
I’m supposed to give angel the two blisters I have of clonazepam. I don’t because I don’t want him to know how many I’ve taken already. (Spoiler: I did and he was amazing about it )
Remember? It’s what you got me hooked up on since god knows when because you hid meds and sedatives in my food. Or when you would give me cough syrup to sleep.
It’s day 3 of doing this shit.
My mother started me con clonazepam since I was 15 years old. I’m 37 and cannot be trusted with it. Such is trauma such is life.
I can’t be trusted with anything really because I just inhaled like six joints and not even noon
My mother you, whatever you used to hit me to slap me across the face in public places. Until I learned not to cry. You stopped when I got the guts to really hit you back.it was all very telenovela mexicana. You’d do it in private and I front of family members. Then you’d put cold water on my face.
This is day 4 of writing this.
I remember when you showed me poetry, songs, most of them too mature for me to understand. Which leads me to what in the fuck was I doing at 8 watching an Almodóvar movie mom???
You bragged about bringing me up wild, you neglected me. I’m glad cuz I am mostly not like you.
Day 5 of recounting sins?
I got raped, you called me whore. Your partner rapes me, you called me a whore and broke up with him for something else, me taking the phone as always.
You celebrated me being groomed, so proud of your 17 yo dating a 33yo.
That, the amebas, the illnesses, the screaming the crying. I was always alone. The being ignored. Abandoned in a huge house that wasnt empty.
I was always wanting attention right? You just wanted to be the main character. Until someone outside saw me and urged you to take me to the doctor.
You would so mad at me, I could tell everything by the way you put down your purse.
And it was usually bad, a huge cyst in my ovaries a bad heliobacter, terrible ibs, a very bad stomach infection, very bad gastritis, full of ulcers, terrible colitis.
And the. You’d feel so guilty and I would be so offended. You always had to be sicker than me and you would be somehow always.
And demand that I serve you, I’ve lost counts of the cutlets of chicken being thrown my way, two pots tho I think you were fine. We threw pots to each other and then laughed our asses off, you know like a normal functional family.
But still you seem to pretend to be sick and sicker than me if I was actually sick. I inherited your co diction but we don’t know exactly what is it it seems like some sort of eds and fibromyalgia.
Which brings me to my guilt. Living hurts. I’m so sorry.
But most of it I cannot conceive that you were not acting, you were so good, that’s why I am so good too.and also the sicker than me thing was always weird.
I suppose because Mamaly would go to take care of me and you wanted her attention.
Very on brand
I repeat
This anger, this rage, was once love
I am grieving, learning to be angry at you to hate you hurts as if I was killing you. Cuz the tragic thing is you abused me and let people abuse me in every way possible until i was broken and I miss YOU I want YOU to comfort me.
And even if you did it would be as always, it would feel overbearing or empty. Cuz like in OITNB as Nikki said, I miss you till I see you cuz then I remember I made a mother in my head and it’s definitely not you. It’s really not you, I wish it was you. But that mother I made it up does not exist.
I haven’t even finished the horrors of my childhood, that my problem now, it’s like a flood of literal shit drowning me. We went to McDonald’s usually after you did something to me so there goes that “good” memory ,
Eight cans of jack Daniel’s honey, many joints a box of Marlboro reds. I had a coffee too and I’m carrying the big bottle of water with me
I had rsl yesterday.
You hated taking me to get medical attention but put up an act of a worried mother for The doctors office, it weirded me out. I hated when you were fake. When we had to be fake. Then Three days later exactly mimic my symptoms and deny medical attention. But my grandma would come and I could not make noise and my nanny would do her traditional medicine on you. And when you got bored you got better.
This was always.
You put me on a diet at 7 and gave me diet pills at 13. When I told you I wasn’t eating you were so pleased. I was finally being pretty you’d say, now that I was older and well,, thin. But I felt it for the first time you were so proud of how pretty I was becoming.
It. Became the only thing I gave myself any credit for. Too many after you made me believe it was the only worthy thing of me.
This is day5 or 6
How am I supposed to know I am doing the equivalent of ayahuasca puke in a tumblr post.
It’s day 6, I went to check to make sure I’m not repeating myself much.
When I was a baby, a kid, you were cruel, manic,you mocked cutting your veins infront of me when I was like six telling me I was making you do it. I yelled for my father and you cut the crap. I guess I was a bit traumatized tho.
I remember I always got very anxious when it was Christmas time, I guess your family triggered you. But once we got ready, Mamaly was there and you were acting like a brat and I suppose I was too, we were trying to pose for a picture infront of the tree. You yanked me into the tree, I remember being drenched in blood because all the ornaments were glass. The tree was down and my grandma was the only one that tended to my wounds and changed me from my blood drained clothes. You acted offended and as if I deserved it. I don’t remember you speaking to me that night at all. Anyway, you were volitile. I probably got all the toys I wanted. That’s all I had, toys, books and tv and a friend. I suppose that’s how I survived and navigated all of that.
I’d change my name at functions and vacations, you thought it was quirky. I was a very quirky kid no matter what you did so yeah why not find one or two of those endearing.
I wanted to be someone else, ends up I needed to be someone else.
I said I’d do this chronologically, but who really remembers things that way? Is it like a syndrome?
I have some of those.
I’m trying to be funny, I’m quirky see?
If I am to rate things that sucked but like they were very meh in the suck escalé of whatever this relationship we had was. I’d say you never helped me with my homework or proyect so they always sucked, you scolded my bad grades regardless, you got me into so many therapies in preschool because schools had to tell you to do it or else u couldn’t be in that fancy preschool. I think that included abba therapy, idk, I don’t remember that, any of them really, just glimpses.
And again o e thing gets to another and I am very tired. At least I keep on writing.
But I’m endings this here cuz I don’t even
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mccallsmemaybe · 1 year ago
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❝Of course, you would've,❞ Scott rolled his eyes and leaned against the jeep. After so many years of his best friend trying to get him to watch the space show ( and then Allison joining in later on ), Scott finally bit the bullet. All the movies and shows between work, studying, and training since last summer. Honestly, it was anything to keep his mind occupied when he couldn’t sleep or had any kind of down time and didn’t want to think. They were okay, he could see why people liked them. At least now he could understand what Stiles was talking about when he referenced them.
He squinted at the photo until it was close enough for him to look at. ❝Maybe that’s the same thing that took out Erika,❞ while he wasn’t a big fan of the Hales— they had been teaching him a few things. He heard Derek mention something was coming to Isaac but when Scott asked about it he said he didn’t know. ❝Derek might know more, too. He said something was coming—❞ he scanned the woods. A strange sense of deja vu washing over him. ❝Let’s go look, I guess. But no splitting up this time.❞ Last thing he wanted was for Stiles to get hurt, too. With Peter Hale still on the loose there was no saying what could happen. At least he was fairly positive Derek would chew off his own arm before biting his best friend. He started walking toward the wooded area. ❝How’s things with you and Lydia going?❞
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If asked, Stiles would tell you that being raised by a cop and his natural intuitive nature just made pursuing a career in law enforcement inevitable to him. But after his best friend turned into a werewolf and the weird shit that happened in his hometown started actually making sense, he figured having eyes on other “unexplainable” shit, maybe they could get ahead of it. Which is why, when at work that day, a file came across Stiles’ desk about an unidentified body with animal-like scratches along their back found in a nature preserve not too far from Beacon Hills. So he did what he always does. He took a picture of the file — probably against the rules — and called Scott. 
He told his best friend to meet him at the entrance. The Jeep could get through the preserve, but he figured they should debrief before enacting the plan. “Okay first of all,” Stiles said, kicking the inside of his door to get it open before jumping out of the car. “If there was a new Star Wars out I’d tell you to meet me at the movie theater. As for if this was part of the case…maybe.” Pulling up the photo he took earlier that day, he nodded toward the trees he parked in front of. “Got this at work. The body was found in the next down, but since we live in the capital of Supernatural Situations Town, whatever did this is probably on it’s way here, right? Might as well go take a look…”
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i-donot-forget · 3 years ago
ep 12
Ufffff since ep 7 I haven't written an opinion and it's not hard to explain why, there was just nothing worth talking about, until now, ep 12... ehhh I felt like the plot of the episode was like a truck driving over me, I mean was I the only one who felt they crammed the plot of 12 episodes into one? Can you believe we had to endure Koori's stupid dance in order to get this far?
There were too many emotions... starting with Erika's father, I have my daddy issues... to say that I start crying like a baby watching Taken (because I think my father would never rescue me) Idk where to start with Charles... everything that happened since from one second to another nobody remembers his daughter, until now that I get the impression that Charles doesn't care much about Erika anymore (even more after noticing how indoctrinated the eldaryans have her) is this woman still his little daughter? I feel he might doubt it
I feel Erika is in denial in many ways or straight up blind... they talk about "stopping a war" but the truth is the war started long ago, just like in TO, Erika just showed up in the middle of the conflict, that is humans dying in Eldarya and Faeries dying on earth, spies and soldiers being sent from one world to the other, at least for me that's a war. I think the time will come when Erika will have to assume that her father will probably die (maybe she will have to do something about it herself) because Charles knows too much and he’s also brilliant (which makes him very dangerous), I almost died when he makes her notice Nevra and Lance's attitudes, when he tells her that they are always between her and the others, I feel that is Charles saying that this girl is not his little girl anymore. The whole two world girl thing got way out of hand...I mean when it all blows up what is Erika's place? Will the faeries want her when they find out her own father is the big villain? Will the humans want her after she sided with their enemies? Things as always look very bad for Erika, I feel she’s going straight to the gallows, I also think Charles will have no scruples or limits regarding what he may be willing to do for Erika, I think he is capable of locking her up and telling her he will leave her there until everything passes.
But well... enough daddy issues... let's move on to the guys, for those who don't know I'm Leiftan's simp, I love him with all my heart and the scene where they take him away (I missed a bit in the writing.... but it was great) I loved the image and the effectiveness of the templar agents, the guys don't mess around, they know that the faeries can have powers and strength above anything known to humans, so boom no risk, at the first time they fill them with sedatives (I think this is absolutely brilliant) with that strategy it doesn't matter if you are a vampire, a dragon or an aengel.
And it is at the moment of the kidnapping when again I remember Charles' words regarding Nevra and Lance, they are there to get answers and it is too noticeable that Erika is their second mission, they could have protected Huang Chu, since she is the one who must make the portal, but no, the two stronger ones grab Erika to keep her safe (I can't help thinking of Boromir holding Frodo so he doesn't try to save Gandalf), at Erika's house again her father gets all the applause, with his DiCaprio-worthy acting skills he feigns surprise and offers them his "help", we get to my favorite scene, bedtime and Erika tells her father that the 3 of them will occupy her room, which seems right to me if they are on a dangerous mission in another world or in any kind of emergency, if there is a tornado, a hurricane, a zombie or alien invasion, STAY IN THE SAME ROOM AS YOUR FAMILY, it's basic survival in disaster and horror movies, whoever is left alone, dies. It is at this impromptu sleepover that my heart once again cringed. One of the things I enjoyed most in TO was that even though Leiftan is the love of my life, Nevra, Valky and Ez were my family... I was a poor little orphan in an unknown world and those 3 made a niche for me, Nevra took care of me like a sister, the same Valkyon and even Ezarel who I am not particularly fond of, became my friend, it hurt me deeply to lose them because they were my family.... in the Guard of Eel there was a companionship that made me want to be part of them, when I woke up years later in ANE it was obvious to me that the love and affection that all the members of the Guard had for each other had disappeared, I did not see the team as before, I did not see that concern and that harmony that in the first season made me fall in love, I mean, Nevra and Lance always seem to agree, but it is not Nevra and Ezarel or Nevra and Valkyon, they are just two work colleagues... It was only in my room on earth, alone and scared that I felt that companionship again, that genuine love/friendship, I love the option of being able to sleep between the two because not only is it a perfect strategy in case of unforeseen events, but I feel that kind of relationship is being forged again, during ANE I lost all group illus because I have no good Lov with Lance, I had no intention to talk to him and the forced interactions between the two don't help to surface friendship.... until now, because even if I don't like him I couldn't just stay with Nevra and send Lance to another room, because it's dangerous, even though I probably would have slept glued to Nevra and not to him.
Erika telling them that she is with Leiftan, at first it seemed weird to me, like out of place, but then I understood that what she really meant was, I care about Huang Chu and Mathieu, but I am dying inside thinking about Leiftan.... actually I would have had a panic attack because I've been through similar situations (of not knowing what's going on with someone you care about) and I collapse very quickly, that anguish for Leiftan was very palpable during the episode, I could feel it in my stomach (which I really liked), I just hope nobody did anything to my baby Lei because for him I burned the whole place down.
Regarding the ending, from the first moment it was evident that Charles will not allow us to leave, in fact when he talks to Erika I felt in Avatar when Jake Sully almost unintentionally gives the information to the general so they can exterminate the Na'vi, both Charles and Huang Hua are already fighting a war only that our favorite goofball has not realized it, everyone knows she knows nothing that's why they manipulate her, because she is goofy and why scare the goofball, better make her think she has everything under control. Erika has to open her eyes, it will be painful but she can't continue being the dumb girl of two worlds, it's not funny anymore, it's pathetic. I hope the torture basement was enough to make her react.
I don't want to speculate into the future.... but since everyone is throwing their theories about who is in the cage I don't want to stay behind, I rule out Miiko from the beginning because it would infuriate me to know that a princess disappeared and no one knew or did anything, I also don't think it's Ezarel because I have a feeling that this cage character won't have a happy ending (and I would hate it if it was Ezarel), so there's nothing left but Kero (even though there are a lot of TO characters that could be) I believe it because they named unicorns several times (along with vampires and brownies, but what other vampires and brownies do we know? ), the fact that Kero "never communicated with the Guard again" and that it was Kero who told us about the templars in TO, I feel like that's a lot of hints in that direction.
About the illustrations... I have nothing positive, the Leiftan one is dramatic but I can't stand to see their bodies and faces... in the others it's even worse ugh I really find them very ugly, episodes 10 and 11 had beautiful illustrations, even the Valentine's Day event (I skip Easter because I didn't like it) so... Were 10 and 11 the exception? Or will 13 confirm that they improved with the illustrations?
Oh one last detail, I like when the routes go different ways, that Leiftan and Mathieu have been kidnapped while Nevra and Lance have not, it gives for many different scenarios and I like that a lot, although I know very well that means more work when making the episode, what I try to say is that not everything is complaints, I appreciate a lot the development of this episode, we had a lot of plot, a lot of drama, new scenarios, moments attempts in many ways, for me at least is the best episode of ANE (that's why the *too much text intensified*).
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marathoning-barbie · 3 years ago
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper (2004)
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If you’ve spent any time in the online Barbie fandom, you’ll know that this movie is generally regarded as the best one, and that’s for a good reason. It’s not my personal favorite (another movie wins out because of sheer nostalgia), but it’s genuinely great, and I’d almost recommend you just (re)watch it now before reading this.
This movie is an adaptation of Mark Twain’s The Prince and the Pauper (which I was absolutely tickled to find out in my research was basically historical real-person fanfiction about Edward VI). I’ve never read the original story, but if Wikipedia is to be believed, it’s probably the loosest adaptation yet and mostly uses the concept of “royalty and poor person switch places because they look identical” and a tiny bit of the class commentary. Maybe I’d complain more similarly to my Rapunzel review if I’d read the original story, but for now I’m not planning to.
The two main characters are Princess Anneliese and the seamstress Erika, who look identical apart from their hair colors and a crown-shaped birthmark on Anneliese’s shoulder. While Anneliese struggles with her royal duties and lack of freedom, Erika has to fight against poverty and her cruel employer, and the two bond when they meet one day in the village. However, Princess Anneliese is kidnapped by the royal advisor Preminger’s henchmen, who has been siphoning the kingdom off of its money, and who is afraid that her engagement to King Dominick means that he won’t be able to take over the throne. He hopes that “rescuing” Anneliese sometime after her disappearance will make the Queen give him her hand in marriage, making him the next king. The Princess’s tutor, Julian, suspects foul play, and asks Erika to pretend to be the Princess while he investigates her disappearance. It seems to work fine, King Dominick and the disguised Erika are falling for each other and Anneliese manages to escape from her captors. However, the latter is found again and imprisoned in the mines, together with Julian, and Preminger exposes Erika. He manages to convince the Queen that the Princess must have been killed, and that they should get married at this moment to ensure the kingdom’s future. All is well, however, when Erika flees the dungeon with Dominick’s help and Anneliese and Julian manage to escape and prove that Preminger was the mastermind behind everything. Erika can pursue her career as a singer, the kingdom is saved from bankruptcy through gems Anneliese found in the mines and the movie ends with a double wedding between Anneliese and Julian as well as Erika and Dominick.
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She really just found this thing and went “Damn… I can make a metaphor out of this.”
This movie is all-around great. It’s the first musical in the franchise and you can tell they went all-out. If you hold a gun to my head I might choose How Could I Refuse as my favorite song, but really, they’re all bops. Both of the Barbie stand-ins and their love interests get to have personalities this time around, and I like that all of their passions help out in some way or another during the movie, even if the one for King Dominick was a little weak. I even like the animal sidekicks! Midas could get a little exhausting at times, but Wolfy is probably in my Top 3 of Barbie animal sidekicks, and Serafina is certainly tolerable. I probably don’t even have to mention it anymore, but the animation has also improved again from the last movie. Frankly, I almost feel like I don’t actually have to talk about this movie for so long. Everyone knows it’s one of the best.
One of the common complaints I see pop up about this movie is that Anneliese’s problems and Erika’s problems really can’t be compared, and before rewatching this movie for the post, I actually wanted to join in on that as well. I mean, a princess is objectively much better off than an indentured servant. That being said, I actually kinda have to defend this movie in this regard, since I think it’s much more self-aware about it than people give it credit for. It’s pretty clearly shown that Anneliese is somewhat removed from the plights of the common people; she’s distraught to see how people seem to be suffering when she visits the village, and she doesn’t even know what “indentured servant” means before Erika tells her. When I Am a Girl Like You starts, Erika is the first one to claim that they’re alike, and Anneliese actually first rejects that notion before she joins in after Erika insists.
Additionally, we shouldn’t forget that even though Anneliese is better off than Erika, her situation still really sucks. She’s still being traded off to a complete stranger for money, essentially being stripped of her personhood, but is willing to do it without many complaints because of her responsibilities. And while we know that King Dominik is a good guy, she didn’t at the time. For all she knows, he could’ve been some kind of abusive asshole and she would’ve been forced to do nothing except shut up, look pretty and occasionally have a child for the rest of her life.
I generally don’t like the concept of first-world problems, and telling a person that their problems don’t matter because someone somewhere has it worse, even if that’s the truth, is basically the least productive thing in the world. So while there is a leftist in me that wants to cynically talk about the inherent problems with the concept of royalty and how the workers in the mines at the end were probably exploited, I also have to acknowledge that this is, you know, a kids’ movie, not political commentary.
That being said, it does seem like the prince discovering the suffering of the common people seems to be the main theme of The Prince and the Pauper, and I definitely would have appreciated if this movie went a bit more in on it, but considering how weird some of this royalty stuff is gonna get in these movies, I’m not gonna complain about some of the most class consciousness this franchise is going to show in a movie.
I guess we could also discuss the fact that Preminger, fan favorite villain and genuinely very campy fun, made a plan that includes marrying a girl he’s probably known since she was a child, but, uh… let’s not. I’m pretty sure he had the hots for money and power rather than her anyway.
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Can’t deny that he’s fun to watch.
What else is there even left to say? I know a lot of people ship Anneliese and Erika, and they do have great chemistry, even if they don’t interact all that much, but to be honest I always felt a little weird about romance when the story revolves around them looking identical. I don’t think it’s problematic or anything, because how would you even argue that, I just personally find it a little strange; I couldn’t date a blonde copy of me. Plus I actually like the love interests this time around. I’ve seen the concept of an OT4 thrown around, which is certainly intriguing, but for now I don’t plan on entering the shipping part of the fandom anyway.
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There definitely were some little kids who completely accidentally read this as the girls getting married though.
Sorry that this review is so short in comparison to the first two, especially after we’ve just had the extra short Swan Lake one, but there’s nothing I can say that hasn’t really been said yet. Watch this movie! Or wait for my next review, in which we’ll tackle the first franchise-inside-the-franchise attempt of Fairytopia.
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aestheticallyholland · 4 years ago
❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 1.5k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"It's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn't even speak to each other if they met at a party." — Nick Hornby, High Fidelity
THE NEXT DAY, Y/N COULD STILL NOT BELIEVE that they were doing this.
Everything felt like slow motion the moment she and Tom went inside the cafeteria of the school. His hand was in her back pocket and both of them walked together.
Just like in the Sixteen Candles. Y/N thought.
People were looking at them with trays on their hands and all you had to do was smile. It was definitely working. As they got into the middle of the cafeteria, he spun her around while his hand was still in her pocket until her body faced his.
Y/N giggled at his action and Tom looked down at her, their foreheads almost touching and their body close to each other.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked while giggling.
Tom reached out to his pocket and got the small note he wrote for Y/N and gave it to her.
"This one is for you," Tom said and Y/N could just smile and received the handwritten note. Even though they were just pretending, she could feel her stomach flutter as she received the note.
"Thank you."
Tom smiled at Y/N but he could see a glimpse of his ex-girlfriend, Camille across where they are and he saw her face stern the moment he gave the note to Y/N.
It's working.
Tom tucked a strand of hair to Y/N 's ear and whispered to it. "Good job."
Y/N looked up to him with a smile on her face.
"I'll see you in a bit, okay?" Tom said.
"Okay," Y/N answer and pecked on his cheek before walking away from the center of the cafeteria. She could see the look on people's faces but she couldn't care less about their reaction.
After all, this is all just pretend.
"Hey, Y/N!" An arm suddenly wrapped around her shoulders and Y/N jumped a little.
"Why didn't you tell me that you and Holland are a thing now? How long have you been keeping this from me?" Erika asked as they went out of the cafeteria.
"You should've seen the look on my cousin's face. I could just imagine it all day and make fun of it." Erika said and Y/N slapped her arm playfully. "Hey! What's that for?"
"Still can't believe you say such things to your cousin like that," Y/N said and chuckled.
"Couldn't care more," Erika said. "So tell me. How did things between you and Holland go? How? When? Why? Where—"
"Okay, you gotta stop asking a lot of questions. I am going to answer them." Y/N said.
"So you guys are not official yet?" Erika asked as she munched onto her burger.
"Nope. Hopefully, we will be." Y/N answered.
"Weird enough that he could move on from Camille because they have been together for a long time now," Erika said.
"I know. He even promised me that he will give me small notes every day and he never did that to her." Y/N said.
Keep acting. You can do this.
"Is this like a competition now?" Erika chuckled.
"I mean, she's the one who broke up with him," Y/N said.
"What about Aiden?" Erika suddenly asked and that made Y/N almost stop moving.
"W-what about him?" Y/N tried her best to not crack her voice. She could still feel her heart beating fast.
"Weren't you all over him days ago?" Erika asked.
Y/N sighed and placed down her soda on the table before speaking. "I just realized that he was just that typical crush that we all have."
Erika just raised one of her brows before she replied. That judgmental look she gives you.
"Well, you seemed happy with Holland. Just hoping that he won't break your heart or else." She stopped to drink her soda. "Or else he'll have a taste of my fist." Erika formed a fist with her free hand and Y/N just laughed.
"He won't. He promised." Y/N said, trying not to cringe at what she said.
Y/N was, as usual, walking towards her locker and placed her things inside. It was a Friday and thank God she could have rest.
As soon as she closed her locker and turned away from it, Aiden suddenly walked towards her. She could feel her heart beating fast as he was approaching her.
No. No. No.
"Hey Y/N," Aiden said.
"Hey, Aiden," Y/N replied with a small smile on her lips.
"So, you and Tom? You finally had the courage to confess to him ever since you had a crush on him during middle school." Aiden said.
"I-it stopped for a while but then it came back after a while. We aren't officially together—" Y/N was interrupted by a familiar British voice. An arm was wrapped around her shoulders that made her startle.
"Yet," Tom said. He turned to her and gave kissed her head. She giggled and playfully slapped Tom on his chest. She wrapped a hand to his and looked at him. "I'll walk you home?" He asked.
Y/N nodded and looked at Aiden again. "I'm going to walk with Tom now. I'm sorry, Aiden."
"Oh, I-I don't mind, Y/N. I have song practice anyway." Aiden said and scratched the back of his neck. "Take care." He said.
Y/N gave a smile. "You too." Tom and she walked away towards the crowd. A lot of people were still staring at them and she could hear people murmuring but she didn't mind that.
Several minutes later, both she and Tom walked together on the sidewalk. His hands were on the pocket of his jacket and his eyes just looking everywhere. They were already in Y/N's neighborhood and he wanted to be familiar with the place. If he would always walk her home then might as well be familiar with the place.
"Your place is peaceful." Tom suddenly spoke up and broke the silence.
"One of the reasons why I love to live here," Y/N answered.
"At least it's close to school. I don't have to drive you anymore." Tom said.
"You're lucky it's just near. I know you're not that walking-your-girlfriend-home type of a guy." Y/N said and she could just hear him chuckle.
They finally reached her house and they stopped at the doorstep.
"Thank you for walking with me," Y/N said.
"Great job today," Tom said and Y/N could just roll her eyes.
"I tried not to cringe for the whole time. It worked though." Y/N said.
"How about a kiss?" Tom joked and she punched his arm. "Ow!"
"No kissing, you dork," Y/N said. "We're alone now, we don't have to pretend."
The door suddenly opened revealing Y/N's dad with an apron around his waist.
"Thought I heard talking." He said. "Your home, sweetheart." Her dad gave Y/N a peck on her head and turned his head to Tom. "Who is this young man?"
"He's Tom. Tom Holland, dad. My-"
"Her boyfriend, Sir." Tom blurted out and shook hands with her dad. Y/N glared at Tom for what he said.
"How come you never told me about him, Y/N? I could've made more pasta." Her dad said.
"No. It's okay, Sir. I'm just here to drop Y/N. Didn't want her to be alone." Tom said with a smile.
"He's a good kid" Her dad whispered to Y/N and she just looked at him. "Dad." She heard Tom chuckle at her dad's actions.
"I'll get going now, Sir," Tom said.
"I'll leave you two love birds alone for a while." Her dad said. "It's nice to see you, Tom. Don't go breaking my girl's heart, okay?" Her dad said.
"I won't, Sir," Tom assured with a smile and that made her dad finally go back to the kitchen.
"I'm sorry about my dad. He's just like that." Y/N said.
"He seemed chill," Tom said.
"He is. Very." Y/N answered. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Of course. I don't wanna miss my girlfriend at school." Tom said before walking away to go home.
"Take care, Holland," Y/N said and Tom looked back at her with a smile and his hands on his pockets again and walked away.
Y/N leaned against the wall and watch him walk away until he couldn't be seen anymore. She remembered the note that Tom gave her in the morning and got it out of her pocket. She opened it and read it:
thank you for accepting this, y/n. can't wait to be your boyfriend. - T.H
A smile formed on her lips as she read the note and at the thought of Tom and the pretend they just did.
That wasn't so bad after all.
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires
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locktobre · 4 years ago
bcbd thoughts
right away I see that this is only an hour long, so... it’s not a movie, then. it’s a one hour special, again. I feel like I’m already gonna miss the extra 20 minutes just like dolphin magic but we’ll see I guess. maybe it’ll be a mercy that it’s shorter.
the opening credits/dream sequence was nice. the animation on the city is decent, and the monochrome thing was kind of cool.
her being on stage reminded me a little of Eden, and then immediately I missed Eden so much. they would never let a version of Babs be a bitch now and that’s such a shame.
so now we’re joking about George tracking Barbie’s cell phone? bc that’s fine and not at all an invasion of privacy or anything. also, you can check flight statuses on the internet so that’s really not necessary. also, why the fuck didn’t Barbie call them once she got off the plane? or at least text? I always text or call my mom when I land, and frankly I’m not even as close to my mom as Barbie claims to be to her parents. and I did that when I was 17 traveling alone, too, so it’s not just something I do as an adult. it’s part of the responsibility of traveling to let ppl know that you got somewhere safe so they don’t worry about you. what the fuck Babs.
was that honking supposed to be like censoring the cabbie swearing bc I would love that. let the cabbie say fuck.
I still maintain that this “summer program” thing is bullshit and Babs should have been going off to college. I know they won’t let her grow up but it makes more sense than this does. also, you’re telling me there’s no summer programs for acting/whatever in LA? seriously? she HAD to go across the country for this? and her parents let her? they don’t even trust her! they said that 2 seconds ago! or is tracking her cell phone the reason she’s allowed to travel across the country (to Willows and Florida and Hawaii) by herself in the first place? I hate this I hate it so much already
The Handler Arts Academy... oh I’m feeling emotions
“luck’s got nothing to do with it. you worked your tail off for this” SHOW ME FOR WHEN, PLEASE. this could have been an actual arc of the show, a goal Barbie was working towards that could thread thru multiple episodes... but no. this came out of nowhere. I’m STILL saying that Amelia bought Barbie’s place here bc FUCK YOU SHOW
“I hope I’m good enough” you’re a mediocre rich white woman, you can do literally anything you want.
why is her guitar shoved in a cardboard box and not, idk, in a guitar case? that’s stupid. also, that’s an open cardboard box, so how did that travel on the plane? a closed cardboard box, fine. should be a suitcase, but fine. but this just makes no sense and I am not going to let it slide bc I hate this continuity and everything about it.
however, I will give Brooklyn a pass for the open cardboard box bc she literally lives in NYC and didn’t have to take a fucking plane to get here. she can carry it like that if she wants.
“as long as you don’t break [my leg], we’re good” I’ve already seen Brooklyn in a cast, so... does Malibu literally break her leg later on? even on accident... jesus christ.
is this Russian(?) custodian lady gonna be the antagonist/villain? bc I’m already not vibing with that. not at fucking all.
how the FUCK could they show up a day early? why would they not show up on the day they’re supposed to? that doesn’t make any sense! and if they’re NOT supposed to be there yet, then there would be no staff there to watch them, so they should have to come back tomorrow! they shouldn’t be allowed to be by themselves in a school like this! I’m assuming this is to facilitate a day of bonding without stupid things like classes in the way, but they could have written an orientation day or something in that would have made more sense, and as I said, I am not inclined to give them a pass on anything these days. fuck you all.
so, room assignments are alphabetical... I guess that kind of explains them being in the same room, altho it does feel coincidental that they wouldn’t be, like, in neighboring rooms. also they didn’t animate little signs on the other doors, even with nonsense text if they didn’t want to put other names up, so their door really sticks out for no reason. also, shouldn’t it say “Barbie Roberts & Barbie Roberts” or some other way of having both names on the door? also, if the school knows they have the same name, couldn’t they put middle initials or something? we know Malibu is Barbie M. Roberts, and I will generously assume that Brooklyn’s middle name is something else, so that would have been fine. this really feels like the administrators don’t give a fuck, and in a supposedly prestigious school, I don’t buy that.
so, Brooklyn has been training every summer in different programs, very intensely, to get in here... and Malibu trained on the internet. what have I been saying about Malibu’s white mediocrity? hmm?
even after that (lackluster) montage, it feels way too soon for “Before Us.” I don’t believe they’re best friends who warrant a song about their friendship. I don’t believe that at all.
I like the bald fashionista being on the billboard, that’s a nice touch.
Malibu bringing up her vlog like that gives me hives. she has already stated multiple times that she does that to help ppl, not for clout, and yet. here she is. being a fake ass bitch once again.
Brooklyn and Emmie’s story is already way more interesting than this and I’m pissed that’s just backstory.
LOVE that green-haired dude. idk where you’re going with that drum but godspeed my dude.
I’m assuming that’s Emmie incognito in the back, but... what’s she doing here if she’s already famous? pulling an Erika Juno?
Dean Morrison seems cool
(is it too early to ship Brooklyn x Emmie?)
if pets are allowed in this school, I’m SHOCKED Malibu didn’t bring Taffy. truly fucking shocked.
Rafa reminds me so much of Jacques Rousseau
“the only labels we believe in are designer” so Rafa’s gay, right? Barbie’s first gay character? I can only assume
the ballet thing still doesn’t make sense to me, if their goal is to be on Broadway. ballet is an entire art and discipline in itself.
fencing makes more sense, bc stage fighting is a thing.
‘work it’ is even funnier than I imagined. Malibu you’re such a fuck up. and I can’t even cut you some slack bc earlier you said your training was “internet.” you didn’t work for this and you don’t belong here. die.
if this was PCS, Malibu would have been kicked out already. YOU WERE NOT PREPARED FOR THIS. WHAT HAVE I BEEN SAYING FOR MONTHS.
so, the ‘work it’ montage clearly showed the passage of time, it’s been at least a week, and... Malibu hasn’t talked to Ken at all during that time? this is the first time she’s telling him about Brooklyn?
ok, confirmed to be a week. and she hasn’t talked to Ken. of course. they are so close of course she hasn’t talked to him in a week, especially when she’s been struggling so much and would need to vent to a friend about it. of course.
so, Emmie is pulling an Erika Juno. at least she’s in disguise.
jesus christ, they’re really having Emmie be exploited by her own father??? JESUS.
ok Brooklyn x Emmie is sailing.
Brooklyn’s mom is an airline pilot, that sounds cool.
so the dresses are powered by the magic of friendship? cool. that’s stupid.
of COURSE Emmie’s dad is the board member. jesus christ I hate this dude.
okay, so she DIDN’T break her leg, it’s only a sprain. thank god. poor green-haired drum dude.
saying “epic fail” in 2021 unironically is not cool, mattel. unless I’m even more out of touch with the youth than I thought, but I’m pretty sure about that.
wait, so Brooklyn was dancing... and now she’s on crutches again? what is this montage? they fucked up here.
of all things to kick Malibu out for, they’re saying she pushed Brooklyn? why not all the fuck ups in her first week?
also, Rafa was taping that class so how do they not bring that up immediately? that’s the whole reason they were dancing over there in the first place! (so he might not have caught anything, but still, I have to assume that’s going to fix this bc that’s what these movies do.)
I really like Malibu’s leather jacket look, but she does look a little bit old I think. Brooklyn’s leggings look is nice, too.
okay, so Brooklyn suddenly believes the unnamed witness over the girl she sang ‘before us’ with? okay. I told you this friendship was a crock of shit. they don’t trust each other at all! Brooklyn should have been angry when she first fell, and it builds to thinking that she was sabotaged, but she brushed it off... and now she’s pissed. that makes no sense.
this friendship breakup song also means nothing to me bc their friendship fell apart for such a stupid reason. fate didn’t tear you apart, you tore yourselves apart by not trusting each other. stupid little children.
if Brooklyn’s ankle isn’t completely healed aka still painful, she should not be dancing on it, she could injure herself more or at least prolong the healing process.
ok, so NOW, after Malibu has already been expelled and sent back home, they remembered the video. these kids are so fucking stupid. and of COURSE the unnamed witness is Mr Miller! Emmie, you ALREADY KNOW that your dad is shady as shit and wants you to get the Spotlight Solo! HOW DID YOU NOT PUT THIS TOGETHER IN 5 SECONDS? I DID
so, Mr Miller thought Malibu was Emmie’s biggest competition for the solo? Malibu, the spectacular fuck up? not Brooklyn? or any of the background extras? I refuse to fucking believe that. I REFUSE.
how did George and Margaret just let Malibu get expelled without flying out there to fight the charge? seriously?
how is is Brooklyn singing ‘before us’ in-universe such that Malibu recognizes it? you’re breaking the conventions of musicals! I don’t get this!
I like Brooklyn’s mom being a pilot less after it’s been used to facilitate this bullshit part of the plot.
again, just “Barbie Roberts” makes no sense. where’s a middle initial to differentiate them! SOMETHING! I know they’re doing the finale together, but still, it’s STUPID.
shipping Rafa x green-haired drummer dude bc I can
where’s the Emmie doll for this movie?????? I’m so disappointed. also the other outfits, the leather jacket and leggings ones, I swear those weren’t dolls either. what the fuck
I see more fashionistas on billboards at the end! I really like that
so the custodian wasn’t a villain... then why that introduction for her? that went nowhere
is “Big City Big Dreams” supposed to be Emmie’s song? that Malibu lips-synced to on her vlog (apparently)? I can’t tell by the voice and they don’t list the voices for the songs in the credits
overall, once again it largely made no sense. idk if it would have benefitted from 20 extra minutes of screentime bc nothing really happened.
also, what the fuck happened to Mr Miller? he just keeps on exploiting his daughter? and for that matter, what happened to Emmie’s mom? bc she lived with her, and then all of the sudden her dad was in her life again and exploiting her, so... what did mom die? did he kill her? what am I supposed to think? and Emmie’s STILL stuck in that situation? girl. what the fuck
also of course they were too cowardly to confirm anything about Rafa. of course.
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romance-me-up · 3 years ago
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⭐️NEW REVIEW⭐️ Corrupt by Penelope Douglas Published Nov 2015 KindleUnlimited RATING 4/5 REREAD? Just did! Lol I used to like really fucked up books, and I think I’ve mellowed out a little. I’m in middle of Hideaway and I know I love Damon but I can’t remember why after this one. Can’t wait to read Kill Switch again! I will still never get over the Rika x Michael x Kai scene. Never ever. Lol read this if you’re in the mood for something dark and twisted :) Blurb: Erika I was told that dreams were our heart’s desires. My nightmares, however, became my obsession. His name is Michael Crist. My boyfriend’s older brother is like that scary movie that you peek through your hand to watch. He's handsome, strong, and completely terrifying. The star of his college’s basketball team and now gone pro, he’s more concerned with the dirt on his shoe than me. But I noticed him. I saw him. I heard him. The things that he did, and the deeds that he hid…For years, I bit my nails, unable to look away. Now, I’ve graduated high school and moved on to college, but I haven’t stopped watching Michael. He’s bad, and the dirt I’ve seen isn’t content to stay in my head anymore. Because he’s finally noticed me. Michael Her name is Erika Fane, but everyone calls her Rika. My brother’s girlfriend grew up hanging around my house and is always at our dinner table. She looks down when I enter a room and stills when I am close. I can always feel the fear rolling off of her, and while I haven’t had her body, I know that I have her mind. That’s all I really want anyway. Until my brother leaves for the military, and I find Rika alone at college. In my city. Unprotected. The opportunity is too good to be true, as well as the timing. Because you see, three years ago she put a few of my high school friends in prison, and now they’re out. We’ve waited. We’ve been patient. And now every last one of her nightmares will come true. I don’t any of the photos on my edit. ________________________ #erikajames #michaelcrist #corrupt #devilsnight #devilsnightseries #penelopedouglas #darkromance #darkromancebooks #smut #smutbooks #smuttybooks #bookrecommendations #bookstagrammer #bookedit https://www.instagram.com/p/CXmeV42rQpo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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darkheartstarlight · 4 years ago
Chapter 5 - Wise Advice
The young woman blinked a few times, looking from the hand that she was holding to the face of the person she had just bumped into, until her brain processed what was happening. In front of her, looking back at her, with an absolutely indecipherable expression, was the one who had been responsible for all the pain she had been feeling since her awakening.
- Are you blessing me with your sacred energy that don't want to let go of my hand? - The man finally spoke.
That was when the girl's eye went back to her hand and recorded the information that she was holding hands with her biggest enemy for a few minutes now, which made her withdraw the hand abruptly as if it had been burned.
- I know I'm hot, but I don't burns - The man replied in a teasing tone.
Lance… The same Lance the greatest enemy of the guard, the one who had brought so much suffering to that land, who had killed so many people, broken the crystal, murdered his own brother Valkyon, made her and Leiftan have to sacrifice themselves, which impacted the life of so many people. The man who had made her lose Ezarel was in front of her, looking at her as if they were just old acquaintances and not as if he had destroyed the lives of so many people.
- Well, this conversation is great - said the dragon with a voice full of sarcasm - But I need to deliver a mission report. See you around, little aengel.
What happened looked like a movie in the girl's mind, as if she was watching the scene of her attacking Lance through the eyes of a spectator, not as she was the person who had screamed and jumped at the man, who caught by surprise fell in to the ground. But when Erika came to her senses, she was on top of Lance, sitting on his waist with one leg on either side of his body, with her sword firmly placed over his neck, with him looking at her with an air of defiance. Before either of them could make any move, she heard Huang's voice beside her.
- Erika, please let me explain ...
- YOU THIS MURDEROUS SNAKE, THIS TRAITOR LIVE HERE - replied the young woman looking at the fenghuang with hatred in her eyes.
- Dragon - Lance said - I am a dragon and not a snake.
- Lance ... - Huang Hua said looking from Erika to Lance with a look that said be quiet.  
- I think it's important to clarify these things, boss ...
- Genocidal as your human race?
- Erika - the young woman heard Leiftan's voice – Don’t do anything rush, he is not worth it…
- If I had done something that day, when he fell, Valkyon would be alive ...
- Killing Lance won't bring Valkyon back -  Nevra said softly - Erika, please.
- YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!!!! - She replies with tears streaming from her eyes while looking at Huang.
The girl's mind could not understand how Lance was there, among them, being protected by people she considered her friends, what could have happened in those seven years that could justify such behavior? Inundated with doubts, her breathing began to accelerate as her mind swayed, in what seemed to her like a panic attack. That was when she felt a soft touch on the rist of the hand that held her sword and turned her gaze to the owner of the hand.
- Little Aengel, you do not want to kill me, you are not like me. So let's put that sword in here - Lance said calmly as he moved Erika's arm to the side, freeing his neck - you can let go, no one is gonna hurt you.
Hearing the sound of the object falling on floor, Erika felt the dragon quickly lift its body, sitting upright with its face just inches from hers. But before either of them could say anything, the girl felt her body being lifted by Nevra, who led her to her room.
- Erika - the vampire started while closing the door after putting the girl in the bed - I wish I had told you something earlier, he wasn't supposed to be back today. We wanted to tell you when you were more adapted
- He said he was on a Nevra mission! How do you allow him to join a guard!?
- Well ... There is no use hiding anything anymore - said the man sighing as he went to sit next to the girl - Lance is the new chief of the Obsidian Guard.
- GET OUT OF HERE – that was too much for her to handle.
- Erika be rational, I want to explain…
- GET OUT OF HERE NEVRA! He killed his brother, one of your best friends! And now he is a guard chief?! That is too low even for the persons that ruin my family.
When the door closed, the young woman collapsed on the bed consumed by various feelings, still unable to believe that the people of Eldarya had forgiven Lance and, on top of that, had given him the guard that belonged to his brother, the brother he killed, she had to do something about that. She didn’t how many time had passed, but when she decided to get up to take a breath, she realized that she hadn’t slept all night because the sun was beginning to rise.
In order to clear her thoughts, she found herself unconsciously going to Valkyon’s grave, where she sat down to watch the sunrise. With her back against the headstone, looking at the horizon, she realized too late the approach of the last person he would like to meet.
- It seems that fate is trying to unite us - Lance said, sitting beside her uninvited.
- I really don't have the energy to talk to you right now Lance ...
- The problem is yours then, because you are in the place I want to be, or did you happen to think I was looking for you? I'm not Leiftan who would die for you, we just had the misfortune to choose the same place to be.
- You often come here to alleviate your guilt? - The girl asked acidly looking at the man.
- Erika, if you're expecting a formal apology, forget it. If you think I'm going to ask for your forgiveness and say that I'm a changed man, don't waste your time. I just told you, I'm not Leiftan - He replied, with the same acidity and with an empty look.
There was a silence in the air until the first rays of sunlight began to illuminate the lawn where they were sitting.
- Speaking of Leiftan - the dragon started - Huang told me that he is not very inclined to train you but that it would be very good for you to develop your powers. And I think this is important too, you have potential little aengel ... So what I can do for you, is offer to be your master.
After Erika looked at Lance with an expression of utter shock, a new silence fell between then.
- You don't have to answer me now - said the man, rising - I imagine you need to think.
- No, I don't need to think – Erika said getting up too - I need training and maybe an unscrupulous mass murderer will teach things that no one else would teach me.
Smiling, the girl shook the man's hand, as if to seal the deal, while something she had learned from her father resonated in her mind: keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
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cristalknife · 4 years ago
Kadam Week 2021 Day 1 ~ Do You Want To Be A Pirate?
So this is me trying to not start something on a platform only to post solely somewhere else aka AO3 and ff.net  you can find the complete list of Kadam Week 2021 prompts and you might find more stories on the Kadam Week 2021 AO3 collection
That said, the fist prompt was Puzzles and Games. And what represents better both than a treasure hunt? So here we go, I present to you Do You Want To Be A Pirate?
All the student body was abuzz, the annual treasure hunt was to be announced soon, it was always a great event. Mainly because the winner of the event earned a full booklet of backstage passes. Sixteen of them, completely blank to be used at the winner discretion during the current theatre season.
No limits were imposed on how the passes were to be used, be in a single show with a large group or even touring all the shows solo. The catch was that if multiple shows were to be watched by a group of two people up, the winner had to be there for each show.
Those booklets were the courtesy of Alumni working in the field. And to be honest it was a fun event for the faculty as well to create the set of riddles and clues needed to reach the destination.
It was supposed to be a moment of fun,  but at the same time given the kind of prize, it was not meant to be effortless.
However to the faculty disappointment, the individuals only rule with no cooperation allowed present in the previous editions, resulted in no winners for the past couple of years.
After consulting the sponsor, it was decided that for this year students could sign up as pairs.
But if the students decided to sign up as pair, then both the winners would have to be present each time they were to use the passes.
And apparently that wasn’t a condition that some were comfortable with, while others like Kurt were actually overjoyed.
Once he heard of the treasure hunt, he went out searching for Adam, barely containing his elation and desire to share the news.
Upon finding his boyfriend, Kurt was barely able to contain his excitement and he launched himself into Adam's arm sure he'd be caught.
Adam grinned and kissed Kurt back, holding him securely before saying "Hellu Love, what got you so excited?"
Kurt chuckled and as soon as his feet touched the floor once more he raised the flier and pointed to the fine prints "They mentioned a change in the rules and on this year’s event people can sign up as pairs. The catch is that both need to be present when using the passes, so you're game signing up with me?"
Adam raised an eyebrow curious before reading the flier aloud "The Annual Treasure Hunt? Is that what got you so excited? Except for my freshman year, I don't recall any of those events actually ever having winners"
Erika came up from the side and quipped "Three years ago was the last time someone won, but it was again one of the last seniors graduating. After that batch left, no one ever figured out the clues, I'm surprised the faculty still does it"
Kurt shrugged "Well the prize makes very much sense for the school, I mean blank passes for the backstage of current productions? That sounds interesting, and sixteen of them would actually mean we could all go together as a group and still have two spares for the winning team to get another show, or split between two productions..."
Kurt speech had most of the Apples smiling and send to their favourite freshie an adoring look.
Adam still amazed by his boyfriend asked softly "So you suggest a common effort and register more than one team, and then Apples parties at my place, where we could all chill out and talk about our days?"
JJ quipped up "Only if that involved baked goods from both our favourite bakers, because Adam ma man, I love your cookies but gimme Kurt's  casserole and salty cupcakes any time, and I could even fight you off and offer my hand in marriage for having those every day"
Kurt snorted and swatted away playfully JJ's offered hand "You are not even remotely bi-curious, If I wanted to live with an overgrown kid who'd stay with me for my cooking I'd simply invite my brother to move in with me"
Everyone around chuckled at that and JJ pouted mockingly offended "Are you insinuating I'm not man enough for you?"
Adam then stepped in smirking "More like implying that all the main male leads in his life are already cast, and you dear friend can only be the occasional torn in our butt, one that comes every now and then to offer his company in exchange for delicious food..."
Grinning like a cheshire cat JJ quipped back "Well we all know that the good ones are all gay, unavailable or happily being both together"
Everyone broke down in giggles and with resolute nods each claimed a partner. The divide and conquer idea Kurt had was very intriguing, and the thought of getting the upper hand on an event that even the Perks couldn't get their way by popularity alone, or that no one else won for the past couple of years had its allure…
Especially given the mixed composition of techies and performers in their group.
Seeing Kurt smiling radiantly was something each member of the Apples enjoyed and cherished.
Especially since the big fallout, or as it was known amongst them, the great purge of the toxic influx in Kurt's life.
Also known as the day when Miss fallen out Diva Berry left the loft in a huff and Kurt and his roommate Santana took the storming out literally and changed the key of the padlock.
Sending all of Berry’s stuff back to the temporary storage place two blocks away from bushwick, with a 3 days grace period and a week paid with Berry's part of the deposit.
Kurt himself was just very happy to be surrounded by friends who supported him as much as he supported them.
Being with Adam and being friends with all the members of the Adam's Apples, had given him a perspective he never knew he desperately needed, and it also lowered his tolerance for taking crap by those who were supposed to be on his side.
Kurt was not secretly very excited by the prospect of looking forward to something in his life that could be just fun and despite being officially a competition. He was still able to live it as an adventure, to be shared with his boyfriend and all their friends as well.
As they walked away from the registration boot and reading the first clue ‘Every adventure needs a captain to sail for the treasure island’
Kurt giggle when Adam playfully whispered in his ear "Aye aye captain let's get our sea legs on"
Kurt nodded and they made it to the costume department through the back corridors, not wanting to tip off the other not Apples participants, while their friends instead received simply a gentle reminded in their text chat, that all hearties were to meet at rehearsal later in the week same place same time.
Indeed their guess was correct when they found the next clue stating ‘Never forget those who came before you’
Kurt and Adam took the chance to grab a quick lunch as they discussed the clue. Adam was the first one to attempt to solve it "If we are thinking about the school that would send us to the hall of fame"
Kurt nodded slowly but tapped his finger against his lips "But what if it's a more general outlook? We are learning to get into an industry that broadens beyond the limits of the school and its social circles, even if those are still important"
Adam hummed softly mulling over it "So you're suggesting more like the library?"
Kurt nodded "I'm just unsure whether we are supposed to search in the history section itself or go more for the history of Broadway and theatre section"
Adam nodded slowly "there's no rule about not searching blindly both"
Kurt chuckled and nodded as well, after finishing his cup he raised an eyebrow in silent question and received a simple nod in response.
Once in the library, Adam was the one to take over the history of Broadway and the theatre section while Kurt went through the History books.
It took a while but finally Adam was successful and found a piece of plasticised parchment with what appeared half of the final clue.
The mention of a second half made him frown, but with nothing else to be found there, he simply took a picture of it with his phone.
He then placed the clue back inside the book and the book back on the shelf before going to find Kurt, hoping his got lucky and found the second half.
"Did you get anything?"
Kurt shook his head a little put off "No absolutely nothing, you?"
Adam nodded "Yeah I found something but it's only half of the final clue"
Kurt frowned confused "Guess it's time to start some baking then hmmm?"
Adam smiled and leaned forward to give Kurt a small peck on his cheek trying to stop the frowning "We could do directly at my place and then make an evening out of it"
The offer, as Adam hoped, brought a smile on Kurt's face as he replied coyly "I'd love that, are you offering just the evening or it could turn into a sleepover"
Adam grinned and moved so that he could kiss those cheeky lips, when he was almost where he wanted to be, he breathed quickly "We'll swing by the loft if there's something you absolutely need for tomorrow classes"
He then proceeded to thoroughly kiss his boyfriend.
After classes ended for the day, Kurt sent a message to their chat group informing everyone that it was baking time in the afternoon
Adam raised an eyebrow curiously at the message and Kurt shrugged stating simply "That way we can be sure basically everyone will show up with something to contribute, just before or around dinner time, and then the meeting will become a movie night"
Adam snorted because indeed knowing their friends that was what would most likely happen, "It wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I offered to make an evening out of it darling"
Kurt grinned, mischief gleaming clearly in his eyes "That's why I raised your offer to a sleepover instead..."
And true to Kurt's expectations, that evening all the Apples who didn't have to work, appeared at Adam's doorstep with offerings for the shared evening meal.
Of course those who had worked demanded a do-over with double baked goodies of their faves as personal share...
Once everyone was seated around, Paul, who paired up with JJ for the treasure hunt, asked "How was your hunt we've only found half of the final clue"
Kurt wrinkled his nose "we reached only half of the final clue as well care to see if we've all found the same half or if we lucked out?"
Adam took off his phone and started to read aloud "Congratulation adventurers, you're holding half of the treasure map holding the clue for the final answer you will have to give to someone to receive your treasure, think back on the steps you took to find this and then go and find the last missing piece"
JJ jumped up from his seat exclaiming excitedly "Yes we've got both!"
Paul shook his head smiling and took off his own phone reading "Congratulation adventurers, you're holding half of the treasure map holding the clue to figure out who is the officer that you'll need to impress with the answer that you still need to find to receive your treasure, think back on the steps you took to find this and then go and find the last missing piece"
Everyone was suddenly buzzing with unrestrained excitement when Kurt asked pragmatically "So how are we going to tackle this? Reading both clues together and then split between them or focusing the attention on a single one?"
Adam suggested swiftly "We could actually read them both and then see how to tackle the easier one first"
When everyone nodded Paul continued reading their clue "You might go to Central Park Or catch a show on Broadway...  Where in the world would you be to get to these by subway? Twice... I mean the answer is New York clearly but how does that help us identify who to give our final answer to?"
General groaning raised from around the room when Erika cut in "Adam what is your clue?"
Adam complied and read it for everyone perusal "What show is next in this pattern: A Chorus Line, Into the Woods, Bat Boy, Pacific Overtures, Little Women, Damn Yankees, Camelot, The Pajama Game, Children of Eden. As a hint, there is more than one show that correctly works, but one show fits more ‘perfectly’ than any others.”
Adam raised his phone to let everyone seeing the picture and commented
“As a side note there's only one blank line but its length doesn't seem indicative as it was formatted to look good rather than give a hint on the last name, or at least that’s what it looks like to me"
And everyone had to nod at that consideration at that point Chris' groan was the loudest "I don't get yall, neither of those is any more clear than mat moss paint..."
Kurt sniggered but offered a plate with Chris' favourite cookies on it "It's ok, we can work it out together so any ideas?"
Matt who had been quiet this far asked Kurt speculatively "You already have an idea for at least one of them don't you?"
Kurt looked taken aback and blushed getting himself busy with the food "Nothing solid.."
At that point Adam walked behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist as he pressed himself against his boyfriend "It's ok Love, you don't have to be right to speak your mind, we are here brainstorming there's no judging with us"
JJ quipped teasingly "I mean we'll obviously judge and tease you till the end of times for getting flustered the first time we took you out for blow jobs, but for this… I mean you're all going to hearing the suggestion my gorilla brain comes up with"
Chris snorted and quipped teasingly "Given what gets spawned out of your mouth I thought you would have said instead that yours is like a pig’s brain."
Matt joined in to the teasing, shaking his head as he grinned salaciously and wiggling his eyebrows "Nah a pig's brain is too big we are talking mouse if everything is in proportion."
Kurt coughed at the double meaning implied in that sentence, he feared JJ would take it badly. But he was once again surprised when JJ put theatrically one hand on his cheek, the other on his chest clearly mimicking a delightful surprise "Oh Matt, my darling why didn't you said that before… All this time you were checking me out  because you wanted some of my sweet sweet love, comma hear lemme give ya some sugar baby"
Everyone erupted in laugher and Matt maturely threw his napkin aiming for JJ's face "You wish man, you wish"
JJ pouted "Harsh dude, harsh, you could have at least throw your cupcake with the napkin"
Kurt sent a levelled glare to both boys "If anyone dares to throw our delicious baked food not only they will stay for the cleanup, but they will be banned to get more baked goodies for the next month"
A single "Ouch" escaped Matt's lips before he silenced himself and raised his arms in surrender.
Paul swatted the back of JJ's head "Don't upset daddy, or I'm so going to gag you next time we are all in the same room to prevent that from happening, I rather enjoy our baked goodies"
Erika quipped at Paul "Which is why you shouldn't save JJ from himself, let him dig his own grave, more goodies for us... Kurt had not said anything about lowering the amount of baked goodies, only put a ban on who can access them"
Chris chuckled and offered their fist to Erika, as they said grinning "Well said girl well said"
Erika smiled brilliantly and bumped the fist and then both made an explosion motion as they both retreated their arms.
Kurt raised an eyebrow at being addressed as daddy, but  Adam just held him a little closer and mouthed later.
So Kurt took the handle of the situation and started sharing his idea hoping for the current teasing to come to a natural rest "well I was thinking on Paul and JJ's clue... What if we need to take that final twice literally? As in the correct answer is New York, New York"
Erika's eyes shone brighter "Like the Scorsese's movie?"
Kurt nodded "Yes that's also the name of the most known song from that movie, so New York New York could be the solution"
Paul pondered and then said "Well if we are talking about a movie would that mean that we are to talk with the dean of the drama department?"
Kurt bit his lips and then he continued explaining his thoughts "I was thinking more about the fact it might refer to the song, which then in turn would make Madam T be the one to speak with, given that she's the dean of vocal performance. And with the movie being also a musical maybe the singing component is more pronounced and would lead to her instead of Mr Keller?"
Adam then said serenely "Once we figure out the answer we could even decide to split and each team going to both of them with the solution."
Murmurs of agreement run through the room until Matt stated "So now we just have to figure out what that list of musicals have in common?"
JJ scratched his head before raising and grabbing few more cupcakes to munch on "Do you think that the fact they cross two centuries means anything?"
Chris promptly opened Adam's computer and pulled up the wikipedia pages of all the listed musicals before shaking their head "Nope they are not in chronological order so it’s not that"
Paul then quipped "And that wouldn't make any sense, the additional hint says that there's only one answer that would fit perfectly... it's not like there's only one new musical coming out every single year"
Erika asked then "I am not familiar with all the titles but are they really all musicals?"
Adam answered "Yeah all of those listed are musicals, so maybe we need to check on the songs?"
Matt then wondered aloud "What if it's something all the songs have? Maybe there's a matching title or a recurring theme?"
Kurt took out his phone and looked around and said "well there's seven of us and nine titles maybe we could each open the list and check them side by side?"
JJ grinned and took out his phone as well "That's a great idea"
Kurt started listing all the songs of chorus line, Matt went on with the ones from into the woods,  JJ giggled like a maniac as he read the bat boy's list. Paul read on the Pacific Overtures and Erika listed the ones from Little Women.
When Adam, who was reading from the Damn Yankees, reached the song titled Six months, Chris exclaimed excited while raising a finger silently asking for a moment "Holy moley I think we got something going here"
Everyone turned, waiting for more explanation that Chris promptly provided "Each of those musicals has a song with a number in their titles" and then they pointed to Kurt who quickly caught up and said "One" and then each proceeded in order Matt said "It takes two", JJ said excited "Three Bedroom House "
Paul grinned starting to see the path as he said "Four Black Dragons"
Erika was grinning madly as she said "Five forever"
Then JJ still super hyped by having discovered the key to decode the clue he asked Chris "So what are the others?"
Chris smirked and started prattling "In Camelot we have ‘The Seven Deadly Virtues’, The Pajama Game has a song called  ‘7½ Cents’ while the Children of Eden has ‘A Piece of Eight’”
Kurt hummed softly and considered aloud "So we have nine musicals mentioned but the last number is eight... What if they had already given us the answer and it's literally Nine?"
Adam whistled impressed "That actually makes so much sense..."
Paul groaned "And if you explain it like that it seems so obvious too"
Erika shrugged "All riddles once explained make so much sense that you usually feel stupid for not reasoning it out before... That's why they are considered brain teasers"
Chris who in the meantime checked out Kurt's suggestion finally quipped triumphantly "That's it guys, we have a winner the answer is indeed Nine, which has a song called guess what?”
Chuckling everyone said at once “Nine"
JJ then scratched his head and then asked "So now we are only unsure on who we need to tell our answer to?"
Paul quipped happily “Me says Adam and Kurt follow Kurt’s reasoning, we follow ours, that way if our suspicion is correct and Kurt is right it’ll be them and not us having a private date… No offence man but I’d really prefer not having my girlfriend gutting me for going out on a date with you”
JJ snorted before sounding almost genuinely upset “Harsh man, harsh”
Paul patted JJ shoulder when Kurt asked confused “But what about the others?”
Matt answered smiling “Kurt you four are the only ones who got to the final clue, I personally wouldn’t like to try to get the prize knowing I barely got to the second one.”
Chris and Erika nodded as well confirming they felt the same way.
Kurt felt relieved that he wasn’t taking advantage of his friends. With everything sorted out, everyone else left leaving just Kurt and Adam alone.
After they settled down Kurt turned to Adam, with a questioning look on his face before asking “Is now later? Do I get to know what the daddy comment was about?”
Adam chuckled softly “Nothing bad Love, I can assure you that, you know that I’m considered the mother hen of the group right?”
Kurt hummed softly nodding as he snuggled closer to Adam who then continued “And well you’re too sweet and kind to all the Apples to be considered a father, but still we are together and we both tend to take care of them so…”
Kurt chuckled and finished shaking his head “So I’m daddy… Not sure how to feel about having so many kids that are all older than me”
They both sniggered at that.
The next day, when they went talking with Madam Tibideaux, they discovered that indeed Kurt’s reasoning was correct, and they got out of her office with the prize and matching grins. ~The End~
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siancore · 5 years ago
Go to Your Room
Summary: The one in which people think Bucky has a problem with his roommate Sam’s dates because they’re guys...
A/N: Based on a prompt that this silly tagging feature has lost about Sambucky roommates AU
Word Count: 2,737
Living with Steve and their roommate was a little awkward for Bucky. He felt like a third wheel most of the time. Sure, he and Steve had grown up together, but they weren’t the same kids from Brooklyn that they had been. Bucky was a returned serviceperson and was not the most outgoing guy anymore. Steve, it turned out, was more outgoing in adulthood; he was a social butterfly of sorts, and so was his new best friend, Sam Wilson.
They were a lot alike, Bucky noticed. Both the center of attention. Each had a bunch of other friends and went on dates regularly. Steve did not usually bring girls home, but when he did, he made sure to go to his bedroom where he was afforded privacy. Sam, however, was quite content to be laid up on the sofa, or eating in the kitchen, or sharing the shower with his dates. And it was always some ridiculously good-looking dumbass who was younger than Sam was, and who stared at Sam like the sun rose and set on him.
And Bucky wasn’t a prude or a bigot, no way, but for some reason seeing Sam making out on the sofa on a Saturday afternoon annoyed him to no end.
“You got a room, Wilson,” he would say in passing, while giving his best stern expression.
“So do you, Barnes, so why don’t you go to it,” Sam would reply, and Bucky would roll his eyes and walk off in a huff.  
It wasn’t that Bucky didn’t like Sam. He really, truly did. Sam was a great guy. Real sweet and kind and generous. Would give you the shirt off his back. Was so smart and witty. And he was funny, too. Had the best laugh and the biggest, brightest smile. He always went out of his way to make people feel safe and welcome. It was no wonder he was so popular and had guys lining up around the corner to date him.
He and Bucky got on really well. Their playful banter was part of how they related to one another. They could each dish it out and take it, and Bucky was never genuinely annoyed with Sam because of it. Yet, increasingly, he was finding himself growing irritated the more Sam brought dates home. It was always some dumbass who was all hands, muscle, and little substance. Some guy who was always trying to kiss and touch Sam.
Bucky couldn’t blame them, though; Sam was an attractive man. He had the most beautiful brown eyes Bucky had ever seen, framed by lashes so long that they touched his incredible cheeks when he laughed wholeheartedly. His lips looked so soft and inviting, and even the gap in his teeth was beyond adorable. So, yes; Bucky understood the appeal. He just didn’t like to be around when these other men were falling over themselves to get to Sam. It was fuckin’ annoying.
The new guy Sam was seeing was almost too good-looking, and he was all over Sam all the fucking time. One day, upon returning home from the gym, Bucky walked into the living room to find Steve and Sam watching a football game. Steve was on the armchair yelling at the screen, and Sam was on the sofa sprawled out like a fashion model doing a photoshoot: Looking bored and beautiful. Bucky dropped his bag to the floor, and sat next to Sam. He felt the other man’s deep brown eyes on him immediately.
“You’re bulkin’ up there, Barnes,” Sam commented, dragging his gaze over Bucky’s form. “Lookin’ good, dude.”
For some reason, Bucky felt a blush creep up his neck and settle on his face.
“Thanks, man,” Bucky replied as he gave Sam a coy smile, which Sam returned. They sat staring at one another for a beat longer than was necessary.
Just then, the sound of another voice drew them from their reverie as Erik Stevens asked, “What’d I miss?”
“Nothin’, man,” said Steve, annoyed that their team was behind on the scoreboard. “I’m about ready to turn the TV off and toss it out the window.”
“Dramatic ass,” said Erik.
“He really is,” Sam added.
Bucky sat back and said nothing as the aggravation washed over him.
“Want another beer, babe?” Erik asked Sam as he placed his hands to Sam’s shoulders and rubbed them. The small gesture really got on Bucky’s nerves.
Sam turned to him, as if he could feel the irritation radiating from him and said, “Yeah, thanks. You want one, too, Buck?”
“Nah, I’m gonna hit the shower,” said Bucky as he stood and walked away, not offering a greeting to Sam’s beau as he walked by.
“What’s his deal?” asked Erik as he flopped down beside Sam and handed him the beer bottle. “Every time I come over, it’s like dude is in a bad mood.”
“He’s just shy, right Steve?” Sam said in Bucky’s defence.
“Yeah, yeah,” said Steve, not paying too much attention as he was too engrossed in the football game.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he had a problem with the two of us,” said Erik.
“Bucky’s not a racist,” said Sam.
“Not that,” Erik replied. “I meant with us bein’ two dudes.”
“No way,” said Sam, shaking his head. “He’s not a homophobe. He’s a great guy. You just gotta get to know him.”
“I’m tryin’,” Erik proffered. “But whenever I’m here, it’s like he doesn’t want me here.”
“You’re wrong, Erik,” said Sam. “He’s a good guy. You’ll see.”
Later that night, after Erik had gone home and Steve had gone to bed, Sam found Bucky sitting up watching an old movie in the dimly lit living rom. He often did that when he was unable to sleep; plus, it was actually nice to get time to enjoy their living room without Steve yelling at the television and some guy all over Sam.
Sam eyed Bucky a moment, before he sat down beside him and reached over to take some popcorn from his bowl; Bucky held the bowl out so that Sam could take as much as he wanted.
“What’re you watchin’?” asked Sam.
“I dunno,” said Bucky. “Some old romance shit. Boy meets girl, boy loses girl because boy is a dumbass, boy tries to win girl back. Sappy shit. You’d like it.”
Sam nudged Bucky’s shoulder with his before saying, “True, but I’d much rather watch boy meets boy and they live happily ever after.”
Bucky let out a discreet sigh and nodded his head. Sam must have been smitten with Erik. It’s all he ever wanted to talk about even when he wasn’t talking about him. It was exasperating. Bucky didn’t like it.
Sam noticed the lull in their short-lived conversation, and then he began to wonder if Erik wasn’t wrong about his assumptions regarding Bucky.
“Can I ask you somethin’?”
“What d’ya think about Erik?”
Bucky turned to look at him and said, “I don’t think about him.”
“Okay, but that’s not what I asked,” said Sam. “I’m askin’ your opinion of him. I’ve been seein’ him for almost a month now, and I feel like the two of you haven’t really hung out together or clicked.”
“I don’t need to click with him, Wilson,” Bucky replied flatly. “You’re the one screwin’ him, not me.”
Sam was a little taken aback by his friend’s snappy retort.
“Jesus, Barnes, what the hell is your problem?” asked Sam.
“I don’t have a problem.”
“You sure about that?” Sam accused.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Let’s see: Every damn time Erik is here, you either run off to your room, or ignore him, or be downright rude to him,” said Sam. “So what’s your problem?”
“Do the two of you really need to be here with your hands all over one another like horny fuckin’ teenagers?” asked Bucky, raising his voice a little. “This is a common area, Sam. Can’t you take that shit to the bedroom?”
“That shit?” asked Sam, raising his voice, too. “You mean the gay shit?”
“I mean the dry-humping-on-the-couch-shit,” Bucky replied. “The shit with the dumbass twenty-somethings who’ve always got their hands in your pants. That shit. No one wants to see that.”
“Tell me, if Erik was a woman, would you even care so much?”
“If Erik was Erika and was a chick, would this even be an issue right now?”
“You think I’m annoyed with it because you’re gay?”
“What the hell am I supposed to think, uh? You think I didn’t notice that you’re always in a shitty mood when I bring guys home? But when Steve brings girls home, you’re here drinkin’ coffee with them and bein’ extra nice and shit. When it’s one of Steve’s little girlfriends, you remember that you’re actually a charming guy; you remember that you’ve got manners and social skills. Why is that?”
“I’m not gonna sit here and be interrogated,” said Bucky as he placed the popcorn down on the coffee table and tried to walk away.
Sam stood quickly and took hold of Bucky’s arm, stopping him in his tracks.
“Answer me, damn it,” said Sam, as he stared into Bucky’s eyes. “Why don’t you care when Steve has dates over, but you’re in a foul ass mood when I do?”
“Whatever, man.”
“No, tell me why. Why are you always actin’ like someone pissed in your cereal when I have guys here, but you don’t give a good goddamn who Steve has over?”
“Because I don’t care who Steve brings back here,” said Bucky, stridently. “I don’t care about who he fucks. I care about who you fuck.”
“Why?” said Sam, just as loudly. “Why do you care?”
“Because I fuckin’ want you. I want you. And it makes me crazy, Sam, seein’ you with other guys who aren’t fuckin’ good enough for you. It makes me crazy ‘cause it should be me, okay. I should be the one kissin’ on you and makin’ you laugh. I want you, alright. I want you, Wilson, and seein’ you with some guy that ain’t me it just, it –”
Before Bucky could finish his rant-turned-confession, Sam had pulled him close and pressed a passionate kiss to his mouth. Bucky deepened it immediately and pushed Sam up against the wall as their lips, tongues and hands explored one another. Sam let out a small moan as Bucky palmed his ass and then brought their bodies closer. He was just about to hook Sam’s leg and lift him, when the sound of Steve trudging out of his room caused the pair to break the kiss and pull apart.
“Seriously, guys,” said Steve as he rounded the corner and placed his hands on his hips. “Can you argue a little quieter, please? Some of us are tryin’ to sleep.”
“Sorry,” said Sam, as he rushed past Steve, leaving Bucky standing there with his lips, among other things, swollen and pulsing from the kiss. He grabbed his keys and headed in the direction of the front door.
“Sammy, where’re you goin’?” asked a confused Steve.
Sam turned around, but avoided Bucky’s gaze, before saying, “To Erik’s place.”
Bucky lay in his dark bedroom staring up at the barely visible ceiling. He replayed their argument and kiss over and over in his mind. It made sense, now, why he was so irritable whenever he saw Sam with another man: He was jealous because he had feelings for Sam himself. That whole time he had wanted to kiss Sam and be with him, but he didn’t even realize. Not that it mattered now. His ill-timed admission, and subsequent brief make-out session with Sam didn’t matter because Sam had run off to Erik.
“Goddamn it,” said Bucky, as he let out a loud sigh and rolled to his side.
Things were going to be even more awkward the next time Erik came over. Bucky silently chided himself for getting carried away by their kiss; for not realizing sooner that he had feelings for Sam. And then he felt sorry for himself because Sam was with Erik, and there was no way Sam would choose Bucky over a nice, funny, handsome guy like Erik. No. Fucking. Way.
He was so confused and upset that he almost missed the sound of the soft rapping at his door. He let out a sigh, rolled out of bed, and then went to answer it. He was expecting to see Steve, who was now wide awake and finishing off the popcorn, but was surprised to see Sam instead.
“Hey,” said Bucky, gently.
“Hey,” Sam replied. “Can we talk?”
Bucky nodded his head, switched on his light, and then let Sam enter his bedroom. Bucky took up a seat on the bed, and Sam followed suit. He mentally prepared himself for the that-was-all-a-mistake talk. He fidgeted with the hem of his sleep-shirt and avoided Sam’s gaze.
“Look, about before –”
“I’m sorry,” said Bucky, as he looked up at Sam. “I shouldn’t have said or done anything. You’ve got a boyfriend. I was wrong for that.”
“I kissed you first,” said Sam. “I shouldn’t have, but I did. It’s not your fault.”
“I didn’t have to kiss you back,” said Bucky as his gaze fell to Sam’s lips.
Sam mirrored the action and marvelled at just how pink Bucky’s lips actually were.
“We were both wrong,” said Sam as Bucky nodded.
“What did Erik say?” said Bucky. “I assume you went to tell him what happened. Guess he wants to kick my ass now. Let him know I’ve been workin’ out lately.”
He tried to make it sound like he was joking, but his heart was clenching inside of his chest.
“I broke up with Erik,” said Sam.
“What? Why?”
“Because I realized I didn’t want him,” said Sam quietly. “Not really. Not properly. And what happened tonight between us was proof of that. I chose to kiss you, Buck. Not because I got caught up in the moment, but because I wanted to kiss you. I’ve honestly wanted to for a while now. I didn’t’ realize you were into guys, so I never said or did anything.”
“I didn’t even know I was into guys until I met you,” Bucky admitted. “I still don’t know what’s goin’ on with me. Maybe I’m only into you and that’s it.”
Bucky let out a little nervous laugh and ran his fingers through his hair.
“You’re amazing, Sammy,” he added. “You’re the most amazing guy I’ve ever met.”
Sam gave him a sweet smile and said, “So are you.”
They then sat staring at one another for a brief moment before Bucky decided to speak.
“So, what’re we gonna do about this?” said Bucky gesturing between them.
“How about in a few weeks, after you figure some things out, you ask me out on a date?” asked Sam with a coy yet hopeful look on his face.
“Will you say yes?” asked Bucky.
Sam’s smile grew wider before he said, “Yeah, I think I might.”
A few weeks later…
Life with his roommates was better than ever, Bucky realized. Steve was still yelling at the TV and Sam was still making out with a dumbass on the sofa. Only this time, the dumbass was Bucky and he was so completely happy; happier than he had ever been before. Life was great. His new favorite thing to do was to be sprawled out on the couch while Sam slept on top of him. Or to be sitting there with a reclining Sam’s feet in his lap. Or to have Sam, all playful and pretty, straddling him while he peppered kisses to his neck and collarbone; kisses to his lips; kisses down his chest; kisses, kisses, more and more kisses.
“Come on, guys,” Steve would say, when he would find them a tangled, heavy-breathing mess on the sofa. “You’ve got a room and the game’s almost on. So, move your asses and go to your room.”
Bucky would smile at his boyfriend, peck his lips once more, and say, “Oh yeah, we do have a room, don’t we?”
“We do,” Sam would reply, smiling and beautiful. “Let’s go to it.”
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argumentl · 4 years ago
The Freedom of Expression Ep 8 - About Sawajiri Erika's early comeback. (*Treatment of drug addicts*)
K: Hi, This is Dir en grey's Kaoru. Joe san, Tasai san, once again.
J, T: Please. Thank you very much.
Kami: Me too.
J: Oh, kami too, right?
K: Unlike on the radio show, he's always around now, isnt he? There were times when he wasn't around before.
J: I think he descended to us about once a month on the radio show.
T: *laughs*
K: In that show, he just flitted in sometimes, and that was it.
J: Yes, yes, yes.
K: Now he's everywhere.
J: He's a regular commentator now.
K: *laughs*
T: This time we have some news from Tokyo Sports.
J: Ah! From the celebrity world
T: Lets start.... Do you know the Japanese comedy duo 'Nihon Elekitel Rengo', famous for the 'Dameyo, damedame' sketch?
J: I didn't, but I learned about them from Tokyo Sports.
T: What about you, Kaoru?
K: I know them.
T: They are a female duo, but one of them, Nakano san, got married to an older man working at the same agency, but it was a marriage with zero prior social interaction.
J: What does that mean? They got married on the same day they met?
T: Well, she was approched by the man, Matsuo Atom san, but she continuously turned him down. Then she suddenly decided last year to marry him. So, its kinda being debated online whether it is or it isn't *1. I really want to ask them.
J: Ahh, surely it is.
K: You can't say it isn't.
J: You can't.. But if you think its isn't...what isn't?!
T: People who think that it isn't, say that because they've never dated, they don't know each other well, and they might divorce quickly.
K: Oh, thats about afterwards.
T: Some concern was raised about that.
J: But I dated my wife for twenty years before marriage, and ended up getting divorced after two years. So just because you've been together for a while, it doesn't mean you won't get divorced.
T: Ahh, I see.
J: This type of thing can't be helped.
K: But thats normal, dating for a long time, getting married, and then ending up separating. It happens to a lot of people, right?
J: Yes.
T: But this Nakano san says, they've never held hands, they don't know each other's address, they don't live together..
J: But they got married?
T: Yes
K: The possibility of them separating seems high, but...
J: Right?
T: Yeah
K:..but, they can do what they want.
J: Yes, i think so. It sounds weird, but this also works as publicity.
T: Yeah
J: Almost like a risky stunt. Personally, I think its possible. But if one of them had the idea, and the other agreed to it, isnt it something to be thankful for?
T: Yeah, but apparently thier boss was really worried about it, he said they should have told him first. He booked a hotel suit room and shoved the two of them in there, but apparently nothing ended up happening.
J: Nothing happened?! People hearing this will want to know if they love each other.
Kami: I want to meet thier boss.
J: Oh, that? *laughs* A suite room is expensive right?
Kami: Yeh, I want to stay in a suite room.
*everyone laughs*
K: What would you do if you did stay in one?
Kami: If I did? Hmm, use the internet.
J: You can do that anyway! What about something more extravagant?
K: Like ordering room service or something.
Kami: I would order room service.
K: What would you order?
J: What would you eat, Kami?
Kami: Ramen
J: I don't think there are many people who would order ramen in a suite room.
K: It might actually be good though. Eating that kind of common food in that kind of place.
J: Eating something...
K: and just looking at the internet.
J: Just looking at the internet *laughs*
K: Its luxurious, right?
J: Exactly. Isn't it wasting the suite though?
T: Okay, lets look at another story. Its this story, it caused quite a stir. Sawajiri Erika...she was found to be in possession of drugs and had her first court appearance at the end of January. The entertainment world is in uproar concerning her early comeback, should she, shouldn't she?
Kami: She should.
J: I think so too.
T: Why? I'll ask you first, Joe.
J: Well, this is her first crime, so she probably won't get a prison sentence. I think it will be a suspended sentence. So, the idea behind a suspended sentence is to give you preparation time to get back to your normal life. Its important get back to your original life as much as possible.
T: I see
J: So, with a suspended sentence she will lose all of her tv sponsers and stuff, but its important for her to gain a platform back, for example, online or such. Now, if we talk about the situation in America, drug addicts are seen as ill people, not criminals, so they embark on a process of revovery, in order to quickly return to regular life. There's a feeling of, 'you're ill, so lets get you better'. Its felt that the worst thing to do, is to be alone with it. Leaving people in these situations is seen as bad. Getting people re-immersed in the community, and returned to normality as much as possible through social interaction, is how America deals with this. As to why America does this, its mainly cost, it costs money to treat people. They want to get people back out into the world quickly. Unlike the idea of severe punishments in Japan, America generally thinks in that way. My own view is very similar to that... We'll have to wait for the verdict. If she gets prison, theres nothing to be done, but if she gets a suspended sentence, she should try to return to her normal life as much as possible. On the other hand, once you've used drugs, you must be able to continue in a clean state, so you must also have the support around you to be able to stay clean.
T: I see, I see.
J: I think thats important.
T: Kami, what are your thoughts?
Kami: The same as Joe. There were no victims.
J: Yes, thats right. No one else was hurt by this.
T: An opposing opinion might be that, as a tv star, she might have a bad influence on young people. What would you say to that?
J: In that case,..well, i don't watch tv much, so I don't really know, but there are loads of scenes of people injecting stuff on talk shows or such, aren't there? Thats got to be more of a bad influence. I think people need to consider that more. Just because she appears on tv, it doesn't mean people are gonna start doing drugs.
K: Yeh, she isn't gonna do drugs on screen.
J: Yeah, rather, those scenes of syringes and stuff..
K: Yeh, the stuff on talk shows is more of a bad influence.
J: I think so.
T: So, in connection with this, what do you think about stopping the screening of movies etc which the person has starred in, which tends to happen at lot in the entertainment world..Joe san?
J: I can only describe it as nonsense. In the music world, it would be the withdrawal of records..., there is no meaning to it. Its totally separate from what they are expressing. As for music, no one ever talks about The Beatles' or The Rolling Stones' drug use. Thats a totally different issue...In relation to drugs, I think eradicating them is important, so for example, we could have a portion of that artist's sales being donated to organisations like DARC  (Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Center) in Japan, for example, which would be a good way to use them. I can't see any merit in just withdrawing thier works. If an artist returns to thier life, but is unable to be musically active, well, Tashio san is a good example of this *2, the places they can exist disappear gradually, and they become isolated. This is really sad. There's a possibility that leaving people in that isolated state can have a further negative influence, so there is no point in limiting the places people can work, or withdrawing thier works. I think Japan's management of this issue is problematic. In America, they don't arrest people for using drugs, they arrest the buyers and such, and thats what makes the news. But in Japan, you can see who's using drugs just by checking your phone. In particluar, famous people who use drugs are made into targets, to scare people, and to show how much your life will be ruined if you use drugs. It seems like its a kind of boosting of the zero tolerance policy which the Ministry of Health and Welfare introduced in the 1990s. It seems like that to me anyway.
Kami: Couldn't they make some kind of isolated place available, where its ok to do drugs?
T: Thats new.
J: Another novel idea from Kami.
K: Well, but yeah.
Kami: Because people who like drugs, will just like them.
J: I think so.
Kami: Yeh, so if you do that...because there are people who feel happier after taking medicine right?
J, T: Yeh.
Kami: Couldn't those type of people go to some place and be allowed to do it?
K: Without any crime occurring, right?
J: Right
T: Yeh, thats it.
Kami: No crime.
J: Well, i don't know if this is the appropriate way to express this, but in the case of drug dependence, its clear that the number one drug which causes mental and physical dependence is alcohol, rather than 'drugs'. You won't get arrested for alchol dependence, and the reason for that is because alcohol is legal. But incidents or fatal accidents cause by alcohol are ceaseless. There are a few incidents annually where someone murders after using drugs but, for example, as for people at the station falling onto to train lines, sixty percent of those are drunk, and many more people are killed by drunk drivers than drug addicts.
K: Well, its because there are many more people who drink alcohol.
J: Yes, the proportion is bigger. So if you consider these incidents in this way, they are certainly happening. In relation to drugs, there isn't really any logical explanation for them being illegal, but they are still strictly controled. Its a bit strange, but in America...well, it might be strange to always talk only about America, but the ban on cannabis, or medical cannabis has been lifted in America. In Japan, we have a situation where we can't even discuss such a thing, so I feel like it may be a bit of Galapagos syndrome....What do you think, Tasai san, about (Sawajiri's return)?
T: Well, she won't be able to eat, if she can't do tv work. From the viewers perspective, as long as its done appropriately..
K: Don't you need sponsers for tv though? So its not something she can really decide herself. But..on the stage or theater, if there are people who want to see her, I don't think it should be a problem.
T: Yeah
K: If there are people who say they don't want to see her on the airwaves, well, they are going to say that.
J: What do you think about her comeback, Kaoru?
K: Its completey fine to do it. Well, I mean she was doing a bad thing, but she has to carry on living. She could also find a different job, thats fine too.  As for returning to the entertainment world, well, i dont really know, but she should return to some kind of work as soon as she can.
J: Yes, thats it...It might be difficult in the entertainment world.
T: Right..Especially with sponsers.
Kami: Isn't that ok though?
K: Yeah, they'll use who they want.
Kami: Its only whether the sponser will use her or not, right? On tv?
J: On tv, yes.
Kami: If they have a reason to use her, they will.
J: But as Kaoru said, she might have more freedom on the stage or something. There must be something that only she can do, so it seems at waste to just kill off her talent.
Kami: If she herself decides to lay low for a while and self reflect on what she did, thats ok too. No one needs to tell her to. Now, i mention it, its the same with alcohol. If you drink too much and end up being late, you can self reflect and show remorse. If it was me i would deduct it from thier salary though.
J: *laughs* How fresh.
Kami: Its just a problem of whether or not they self reflect on it.
T: I see
K: Well, it depends on the circumstances of the person.
Kami: Yeh, in the end. Of course, drugs, but alcohol and cigarettes etc are all bad too, right? I really want to emphasise that. But at the same time, there are people who like them, who will use them anyway. As a result they will be punished by the law, and that will be enough. I think that should be a salary deduction, and then be finished with it. But your boss or someone might be mad at you *3
T: I see
J: Its like, I've had a deduction, so forget about it already.
T: So, that was Tokyo Sports' news.
J: Ahh, Oh! I wanted to ask you, who is it? Celebrity 'X', who is about to be arrested?
K: *laughs*
T: We'll put the news out to the whole world, so..
J: You'll find this if you search for Tokyo sports news, 'X'.
T: Oh, i can't tell you.
J: You can't? Damn
K: Kami might know.
J: He might.
K: But he's only a god for us three.
K: Maybe he doesn't know.
J: He's not a worldly god.
Kami: I know who it is.
J: Oh, you know?
Kami: I know.
J: Kami, who is it?
T: Joe, don't ask that!
J, K: *laugh*
T: It'll be announced to the world...my account will be banned.
K: We need people to subscribe, right.
J: Yes yes yes yes.
K: Thank you very much, see you next time. Thank you.
J, T: Thank you
*1 It is or it isn't/they are or they aren't, or that type of thing.
*2 No idea who this is.
*3 Not 100% about what he means here.
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stardancerluv · 5 years ago
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Alex Sees and Cares
Summary: Alex knows...
Warning: Alex fingers reader, and lots of fluff
For @guns-n-marvel ... hope you like it! I love...love writing Alex! Italtics is the opened portion of Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. And I just had to make a silly references to Ewan!
You had been feeling particularly blah. You woke, you showered, you ate, you went to work, you spent time with your wonderful boyfriend who was the best and then you go to bed and repeat. Life had become horribly routine.
Alex, was truly wonderful. His friends well they were not the best. At the moment, you were feeling so horrible down. You were on the cusp of full on tears. You swallowed them down.
“Baby, you want me to get you another drink ?” You felt a reassuring hand on your back.
You jumped, slightly. “Oh yes, Alex?”
“I wanted to know, if you wanted another drink?”
“Oh! Yes, please.”
“You ok?” He you could see concern warming his blue eyes.”
You smiled. “Of course. I am.”
“Ok, baby.”
As you sat there, you nervously played with your bracelets. Thankfully, it was the weekend. You really didn’t want to go to work. Maybe you’d sleep in and shake off this gray cloud of feeling blah.
You smiled back at Alex, as winked at you from the bar. Seeing him, leaning against it. Those jeans, that t-shirt and that flannel shirt, you have stolen several times to sleep with when you couldn’t be together. . He still made your heart flutter even after dating for three months.
Turning, your attention to your purse, you decided to turn your phone off. You didn’t want any stupid calls or texts.
When you, looked back at your boyfriend. Your heart cracked. Some girl in a tight skirt and and sloppy yet cute shirt was. Leaning on the bar very, close to your Alex.
He was smiling and laughing as he looked down at her. A sharp pang went through you. They looked really good together as they chatted. You looked at you torn jeans and slouchy maroon shirt. Suddenly, you felt really self conscious.
Alex, grabbed your drinks and motioned for you to come over. Your heart began to race. Why would he did do that? Did he find her that amusing? She looked so much cuter then you.
Alex slid onto his stool next you, his one foot resting on yours. He put the drinks in front of the two of you.
Where your midriff, peaked a place, Alex said was always his weakness, he slid his arm around. “Erika, meet my girlfriend, Y/N.” He gave your hip a squeeze.
She grimaced and offered a hand. You shook it. “So you are the girl that stole our Alex’s heart?”
You glanced at him and then back at her and shrugged. “Yes?!”
He nuzzled your cheek with his nose and gave you a quick kiss. “You did.” He whispered.
“All of us office girls were crying the day that happened.” She chuckled.
You heard Alex sigh. “Yes, but look at you. You are all set to get married in the fall and Jenna just dating Derek.” He took a sip of his scotch.
“True. Though we missed you.”
You wondered what she could have possibly meant by that. It formed a knot in your stomach.
Walking out of the bedroom you put your hair up into a a messy pony, and your pajamas, you were going to veer to the kitchen. Maybe grab some chips or something. Finding, Alex’s side of the bed did not help the knot that was still in your stomach. What could she possibly mean that they all missed your boyfriend.
“Come here baby.” Alex, stuck his head and gave you one of those smiles that made everything disappear but right, you felt like you were on the cusp of tears all over again.
“Ok.” You replied, softly. Your eyes widened when you saw the coffee table. All your favorite snacks and drinks. “Alex?” You spotted your favorite book, A Tale of Two Cities. But you also , saw one of your favorite movies, Scarlet & Black.
He patted a spot in front of him, it was your spot. You’d sit there watching, movies or game shows. You’d also sit there reading, while he would work on his latest news article. Though all that was there were things you enjoyed. You sat down, and he immediately wrapped his arms around you and gave your should a kiss.
“Did you, sleep well baby?”
“I guess but I didn’t like not waking up to you.”
“I’m sorry baby. Had to get this all spread out for you.” With that, you felt as he gently pulled your hair from the hair tie. “Much, better!” he breathed into your hair. He ran his fingers through your hair. “So soft.”
“Thank you.”
He made a sound. “No thank yous. You’re my girl. I don’t spoil you enough.” He kissed your cheek.”
You turned to him. The tears were there bubbling, threatening to flow.
He cupped your chin, his thumb caressing your cheek. “Look, I noticed you had been a little down, blah even.” He gave you another soft kiss. “My new article stole me away but I’m back. And I am taking care of you today.” He kissed you again.
Oh, Alex.” You shook a little.
“No tears. Ok.” He rose his eyes the way, he knew made you melt.
“Ok.” You said softly.
He leaned over and grabbed the book. Before settling. “I want to read some of it to you. I was just rereading it. I remembered how much, Iiked it.”
“Really, Alex?”
“Yup, giving it a second chance.” He kissed your shoulder again. “Then after maybe the first chapter or two we’re gonna watch half of Scarlet and Black. I know how much you love that Ewan McGregor.” He chuckled. “I like him when he played that villian with the great suits..”
“Roman Sionis?”
“Yes. He was awesome there but I know you like some of his more romantic roles. And well today is your day...so I will suffer through it. Maybe I can learn some of his moves. “ he chuckled.
You nudged him, already beginning to feel better. “Alex Law, you are perfect the way you are.”
“I better be, ok. Get comfy.” He opened the book. “A Tale o Two Cities, by Charles Dickens.” He cleared his throat.
You got comfy, sighing as he began to read. Only thing that distracted, was his hand that, rested on your hip.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,”
His hand slipped under your t-shirt. He gently traced the band of your shorts. “Alex,” You breathed.
“Baby, I’m reading focus.” He paused, then he began again. “it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us,”
You felt as his fingers slip down your panties. He cupped you. You squirmed under his touch, your heart began to beat harder. You were growing incredibly wet under his touch. He stopped his fingers, to sigh. Before he began reading again. “we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way–“
He found your, soft opening, he rubbed you there teasing you. You knew and the knew you loved how was touching you. You tried to bit back a moan but you couldn’t. He slowly slid a finger in. He stopped to turn then page.
The whimper that came from you brought a kiss from him on your shoulder. You were certain he was smirking as he slipped another finger into you, moving them slowly as he began to read once again.
“In be short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil,.”
He tossed the book to the side as he increased the pace of his fingers. “Feel good baby?” He asked softly by your ear.
“Yes.” You finally said. “I am so close.” You whimpered again.”
“Cum then baby, I want to make you cum.” He whispered.
He caressed and held with his other hand so you wouldn’t fall. Feeling you, press against him. He knew you were close. “Cum baby, cum for me,” he urged.
He up the sounds as you shook and came hard against him. Slowly, he dragged his fingers away from you. He licked them clean, smirking at you as you turned to look at him dazed.
“Cuddle in sweetheart. I’ll read a little more then we can start the movie.” You cuddled in and relaxed. Your gray cloud of blah was finally gone. He brushed some hair from your face. Giving you another quick kiss, as your heart and breathing began to even out. As the words came from him again.
@mac-n-cheesie @obiwankenobiness
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bewaretheundead91 · 5 years ago
Devenford Prep Part 35
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A/N: Back by somewhat popular demand I give you an update for my Brett Talbot Devenford Prep series. I will say that depending on the amount of people who read this will potentially determine if I update again. Like I have said before I’m trying to close this fic up. Is this a perfect update? By all means no! Are there errors? Probably a lot of them. Are the tenses everywhere...you betcha. Was it fun to dive back into this world? Hell yeah! Please send me messages about what you think!
Parts 1-34
Face claims for characters other than Y/N
“A dead pool?” Erika practically shouts as she sits down at her desk. “Like an actual list someone threw together and is willing to give money to assassins to kill you and other freaky people?” 
“Freaky people?” You scratch your head.
“And you’re worth how much?” She bolts her head up making her curls shake. Her eyes go wide.
“I already told you, $900,000,” You whisper through your teeth and close your eyes. “This really was a bad time to tell you, we’re about to take a test and all you’ll be thinking about is what I’ve been thinking about since last night.”
“I’m sure you were thinking about something else last night.”
“Excuse me?” You glare at her.
“But now I have to worry about you and Liam being potentially killed!” She raises her voice.
“What was that Erika?” The teacher asks walking to the front of the classroom with a stack of freshly printed tests. You could still smell the ink and heat of the paper.
“Nothing, it’s apart of this thing,” She starts to improv. “This thing…”
“This thing?” The teacher asks. “Does it have anything relevance to the test the class is about to take?”
“Halloween!” You shout. “It’s about Halloween, this thing…sorry for talking so loudly.”
“Y/N,” The teacher starts. “These conversations are for before or after class.”
“You’re completely right.” You nod.
The teacher passes the tests out and you stare blankly at the first page. Your eyes skim over the questions and start filling in answers as best as possible. You glance over at your finger tips every few seconds feeling the anxiety at the base of your wrist waiting to spring out your claws.
This made you curious about how Brett of all people had the time to study during the life he was living. Brett was able to maintain his muscly physique, be the captain of the lacrosse team, make out with Samatha, while flirting with all the girl in school and also had the time to pester you. Most of all he was a werewolf with werewolf parents and pack meetings. And now there was you. Had his grades fallen because of you?
We’ve got this, you hear Brett’s voice in your head, You’ll always have me. A smile spreads across your lips and you catch Erika shaking her head at you in your peripherals.
After class you rush out into the hallway. 
“Oh no you don’t,” Erika shouts shoving through people in the hallway. “You’re going to admit this and you’re going to admit this now. I need to know everything.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You says turning around. Erika stops beside you and breaths in deeply.
“I’m your best friend, I’m supposed to be the first person to know,” She says. “Who knows who you like and I’m not stupid Y/N, and me and Liam need a double date to this damn dance.”
“What?” You shout. 
“I saw you in class, you were thinking about him,” Erika says and winks. “That smile in class wasn't just a I’m happy smile, it was a I’m in love smile. It was an I’m in love with…smile.”
“I was just smiling,” You says griping the strap of your backpack. “I’m really sure Liam would love to double date with us…with Brett and who ever he takes.”
“You, he’s taking you,” Erika says. “Like who the hell else would he take Samantha is with his cousin now right?”
“That’s not Brett’s cousin,” You inform and chuckle. “Killian, the dark hair guy is in Brett’s pack.”
“Oh I should have connected the dots.”
“Who are you in love with Y/N?” Brett walks past a few peers with a furrowed brows.
“Both of you guys frustrate me,” Erika turns to Brett. “Brett it’s more than when you used to annoy the hell out of her and I would have to listen to her complain about it.”
Brett cranks his head back in confusion.
“I didn’t even realize how much you actually talk until last week,” Brett blurts out. “Erika you talk a lot and you’re really loud. And confusing.”
“Brett!” You turn your head and flash your wolf eyes at him. He rolls his eyes.
“You did not just…” He flashes his eyes at you and playfully shoves you.
“I saw that!” Erika shouts.
“You’ve got be quiet.” Brett says dropping his happy expression. He pinches the bride of his nose.
“And you’ve got to be a bit nicer,” You start to walk away from Brett and Erika. Erika trails behind you and makes it to your side. “Come on defend yourself against tall stuff over there because if you’re so keen with whatever you want us to do or become, you’re going to have to get used to that over there.”
“I’m used to him.”
“You’re used to one side of him, Talbot is a very confusing guy.”
“Get used to what?” Brett asks draping an arm across your shoulders. “Also I’m right here, not over there.”
“Yes you are.” You say taking in a deep breath, taking in the scent of his skin. He wasn’t wearing any cologne only a lightly scented deodorant. You take a quick glance as his neck with an urge to press your lips and nose against the delicate skin. Brett meets your eyes as you were turning your head back to the hallway.  
“900,000 huh? Over heard some people talking about a strange conversation you had in class today Y/N,” Brett pauses and shoots a glare at your best friend. “And Erika!”
“Oh yeah,” Erika perks up. “That’s a lot. I’m sorry.”
“Can we not discuss dead pool information at school?” Brett asks. “Who knows who the hell is working for this benefactor guy. I mean a kid from the beacon hills lacrosse team tried to kill you and Liam. His girlfriend also got me good and damn you almost died.”
“Brett!” You elbow him in the side he jumps slightly. “I haven’t even talked to Erika about that yet!”
“Wait you and Liam almost died?” Erika asks stoping her slow pace walk. You can see her face searching for an emotion to portray. Her backpack falls to the floor with her heavy text books producing a loud thud. “When?”
“Several times.” Brett says, like it was casual.
“No wonder you were being so weird around me,” Erika places her hand over her mouth. “And I was such a..”
“I haven’t even told her the amount of time Brett! I don’t want her to freak out.”
“Well babe, it’s time to rip that bandaid off if she’s going to be stuck in this mess with us. And with Liam.”
“Well babe,” You say sliding out from beneath his shoulder. “We aren’t supposed to be discussing these things on campus aren’t we.”
“Aww you called him babe.” Erika says retrieving her smile.
“I’m leaving you both and Brett you can drive yourself to Scott’s tonight after the game! I need some space from you.”
“Hey now!” He shouts down the hallway. “You’ll wear my jersey wont you?”
“What?” You shout with confusion and look at Erika. She was raising her brows up and down over and over again. 
“It’s the last game before the dance,” Brett pulls something out of his backpack and chucks it across the hall. You instantly catch it and hold it up. It was a dark green jersey with Brett’s Lacrosse number on the back of it. You could smell him on it which made your stomach flip. You wanted to press the fabric to your nose and even rub it all over your skin, but of course didn’t. What was about his scent that brought you comfort and made you so nervous at the same time? “You’ll wear it right?”
“Do I have a choice Talbot?” 
“No,” He shouts laughing. Everyone in the hallway was staring. “No choice at all.”
Brett turns around and walks off. Erika snatches the jersey from your hands.
“You know what this means right?” Erika asks examining the fabric.
“It means two friends are going to a lacrosse game tonight?”
“It means two friends are going to a lacrosse game and one of those friends will be cheering on her boyfriend wearing his jersey. It’s like one of those teen movies you always watch.”
“Erika I’m completely confused about how you are supporting something like Brett and I dating.” You grab the jersey back before she held it for too long. You didn’t want her scent on it.
“So you are you two?” She asks.
“No, you would already know. Werewolves don’t date.”
“That’s a lie.”
“Well they aren’t right now. Since someone wants them all dead.”
“That’s not even funny!”
After school you walk upstairs and plop yourself onto your bed. Erika was sensing that you and Brett were something more than just strangers turned friends. But was it true? Did Brett think that way? You could smell the jersey Brett had given to you through the nasty sweaty clothes in your gym bag. You had tossed the jersey into the gym bag in hopes that it wouldn’t distract you for the remainder of the school day. Was your scent affecting Brett like his was affecting you?
You hop off of your bed and pull out the green top. You quickly glance at your bedroom door to make sure it was closed, it was. The fabric was pressed to your nose instantly and you fall down on your bed with a small bounce. You close your eyes and the familiar feeling that you woke up with that night you and Brett had found each other in the woods slithered across your stomach and over your core. You scrunch your body around the jersey and feel your body start to sweat and overheat. 
“Maybe what I am feeling is more than I thought,” You say and stand up. You toss the shirt to your bed. “He wouldn’t ask me to wear his jersey just because we are friends right?”
Your phone buzzes and you pull it out of your bag. My parents will be at the game tonight along with my sister, Brett had text, they are excited to see you. You feel your body shiver and now your eyes were wolfing out. See them there, you respond then toss the phone next to the jersey.
“A cold shower it is,” You walk into your bathroom and turn the water on and step in with your clothes on. You let the cold water run over your hair and down your blazer. The clothes suction to your body. “What the hell?”
You and Erika arrive at the game and approach the bleachers. You could smell the Talbots in the crowd and it made your blood boil and nervous. Erika was looking at her phone texting Liam that she would see him after the game. You stretch your neck out looking for Brett in the crowd on the field and didn’t see him anywhere. You take a deep breath in taking his scent that lingered on the jersey in with it.
“This is such a bad idea,” You say after she presses send. “We shouldn’t even be out here, we should all be inside hiding or making sure we aren’t seen until we find a way to…kill those things.”
“There is no way anything will happen tonight in front of everyone. In fact this is probably the safest place to be,” Erika says and picks the green material of Brett’s Jersey you had layered over a long sleeve black shirt. “You look hot in his jersey. I mean no one at Devenford prep will ever mess with you ever again. He’s claimed you.”
“Ew, if you only knew how even more messed up that sounds with us being werewolves. This isn't some YA novel with a focus of werewolf mates. It doesn’t even work like that. I think.”
“I wasn’t even trying to go there,” Erika makes a disgusted face. “I was just saying that since he likes you no one will be able to make fun of you without answering to Brett.”
“No one will make fun of me without answering to this.” You fling out your claws.
“My boy better be keeping an eye on you.” A man say behind you and Erika interrupting your conversation.
“Mr. Talbot,” You say making an embarrassed expression as you turn around to meet the very tall parents of Brett Talbot. “Mrs. Talbot and Lori. Always nice to see you all again.”
“I hope you’ve been doing a bit better, Y/N,” Mrs. Talbot says with a warm smile. “You’ll have to come by for dinner again. Brett keeps us very informed about everything.”
“And this must be Erika?” Lori asks. “My brother told me all about how you freaked out the other night and how you’re dating one of us.”
“It was very much warranted,” Erika says. “Trust me. I’m not even ashamed about it. In fact I’m sort freaked out that well Brett and Y/N and you guys…”
“When Erika gets nervous,” You begin to say. “She-”
“She talks a lot,” Brett pops out in front of bleachers in only his lower half of his lacrosse uniform. You swallow hard and mouth goes dry after giving him a glance up and down. “Isn’t that right Erika? It’s only fitting that I tell my parents about it.”
“I guess?” Erika asks. “I’m still taking it all in.”
“My son better be keeping an eye on you too, Erika,” Brett’s dad says. You watch as he looks over toward your friend. “I told him anyone that is important to you, Y/N, should be looked after.”
“I…ugh…” Erika was speechless. 
“Brett’s jersey sure looks better on you than on him,” Lorie says lifting her brows. “He also smells so strange right now. Go put a shirt on it’s gross!”
“I have to agree,” Brett says. He approaches you and pulls at the fabric. “Really it does and I like it when you smell like me.”
“Brett!” Mrs. Talbot practically scolds. “Son, don’t.”
“That’s gross.” Lori says again.
“Oh come on Lorie!” Brett shouts. “One day you’ll understand.”
“Well I think Erika and I are going to go find a seat. Good luck with the game Brett,” You awkwardly and playfully punch the tall boy’s bare arm. “I’m sure you’re going to crush it. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot nice talking to you guys and again I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”
You push Erika forward toward a section of bleachers that were far away from the Talbots. She looks back at you and you gently pushed her towards a spot. 
“Shouldn’t we sit with the Talbots?” Erika asks. 
“No I can’t I’m honestly losing it in this jersey right now,” You say grabbing a fist full of shirt. “I would be so uncomfortable.”
“What do you mean? It can’t be uncomfortable, it’s a loose fit on you.”
“His scent is driving me crazy,” You finally admit to Erika. “It’s like he’s slept in this shirt everyday for a week or a month. It’s so strong. And I’m burning up. I want to rip it off.”
“He did say he likes you smelling like him,” Erika leans in and takes a sniff. “It’s just weird because I can’t smell anything, but the perfume you’re wearing.”
“I had to take a 30 minute cold shower before I picked you up this afternoon. I practically bathed in perfume hoping it would distract me. Today I shoved it into my gym bag hoping my sweaty clothes would cover it up.”
“You did seem a little on edge today, but I thought it was because of the dead pool.”
“The dead pool isn’t helping. And all I want is to…” Brett meets your eyes across the field. “I just want press my face up against his neck and wrap my arms and legs around him. It’s like I practically want to eat him right now.”
“Whoah, um that’s a lot and very out of character for you,” Erika says cranking her head back. “I didn’t even know you were capable of feelings like that.”
“I’m a teenager!”
“Liam constantly wants to curl up with me and just lay there. He always wants to fall asleep on top of me..”
Brett’s eyes flash bright yellow.
“Oh god he heard me say that and I’m sure his parent’s did too,” You bring your knees up on the seat and you wrap your arms around her legs. “I should just go home. I need a distraction. This night can’t get any worse. The last person in this world who would ever want me is Brett and the last person I should want is Brett.”
“Wolf things,” Erika says grabbing your shoulders. “It’s just a wolf thing. It has to be. It’s making you feel these things.”
“I mean it could be, it’s never been this bad,” You turn your body towards Erika. “I’m finally admitting to you and only you Erika.”
“What exactly are you admitting?”
“I don’t know, but I think what I feel for Brett is more than just friends.”
Before the game starts Brett jogs over towards a bench and pulls on his lacrosse pads and Jersey. He walks over toward the bleachers where you were sitting and ascends up the steps.
“I’m happy you’re wearing my jersey,” He says with a warm smile. “I’m glad about what we have. Regardless of what we want to call it. We don’t have to question what it is.”
Brett approaches you and you start to feel dizzy. He tilts his head and extends a hand to a section of hair that had fallen over your eyes. Gently he places it behind your ear. He really shouldn’t have done that.
“Do you recall when you told me I might be bad luck for your games?” You ask as you stand. “I hope that me wearing your jersey doesn’t give you bad luck tonight.”
“I just said that to you to get you all riled up. You’ll never be bad luck for me,” He says with a wink. “But I need you cheer me on as loudly as you can, scream my name for me babe.”
“Don’t call me babe!” You snapped. “I’ve told you that.”
Brett winks at you and jogs down the steps towards the field.
“I’m going to pass out.” You say. Your legs go weak and you fall back down to your seat.
“Scream his name for him?” Erika says fanning her face with her hand. “This is getting out of hand.”
“The game needs to start and I need to go for a run.”
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aestheticallyholland · 4 years ago
❃ PAIRING tom holland x fem!reader
❃ DISCLAIMER i do not own the artists (and the reader) that are going to portray the characters, but i do own some of the their names. the plot of the story is inspired to the book and movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' but with changes. the gifs and photos used in this series are edited by me but i get credits to the originals. also, this series is first posted in wattpad by me. PLEASE DO NOT REPOST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE !
❃ WORD COUNT 2.2k words
WANNA BE ON THE TAGLIST? feel free to comment on this post if you wanna be added to this series' taglist to get notified for updates !
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"Life doesn't have to be so planned. Just roll with it and let it happen." — Jenny Han, To All the Boys I've Loved Before
[ late october of 2015 . . . ]
HIGH SCHOOL was not the life that Y/N imagined it to be.
She always thought high school would be the best years of her life rather than studying for upcoming exams and instead of going to parties with a bunch of people she would go along with.
But that was the opposite of what she thought.
High school was more demanding than it was when she was in middle school. When it comes to school, projects are piling up making her mind going crazy. When it comes to relationships with people, they wouldn't get along with her.
Especially when her long-time enemy came into the picture.
"You really had the guts to walk past by my locker, Y/L/N." Camille started and crossed her arms as she saw Y/N walking in the hallway. Y/N would just roll her eyes and shrug off what she said.
"It's not just me who walks near your locker, Camille. I hope you put that in mind." Y/N said and gave her a fake smile.
Camille clenched her hands and she wanted to pull Y/N's hair but was stopped when her boyfriend hugged her from behind. Camille's face suddenly softened and gave a smile to him.
"What are you up to, babe?" He asked and let go of Camille and stood beside her.
"I was just telling Y/N how her boots go with her outfit today, babe," Camille said and looked at Y/N who just chuckled at what she said.
"And I think she has the best outfit of the day than you, Camille." Erika showed up and said that to her cousin while chewing on her gum and grinned.
Camille became furious again until her boyfriend placed an arm around her shoulders before anything happens and he spoke.
"We should go before it starts to bell." He said and gave a smile to her and Camille nodded in agreement and gave Y/N and Erika one last glare before walking away. Tom looked back at Y/N for a while and turned back to walk away. Y/N swore she saw this but shrugged it off.
Y/N looked at Erika who was still chewing on her gum and smiled. "You always show up when Camille would talk to me. Such a best friend." Y/N said and that made Erika chuckle. "I can't believe you would say things like that to your cousin."
"She isn't the best cousin, you know. Besides, she fights you so might as well fight her back." Erika said.
Erika was always the one who would stand by Y/N ever since Camille started fighting her. But before Erika, Camille and Y/N were actually best friends until a spin-the-bottle game would ruin it.
Y/N knew how Camille had a crush on the one and only Tom Holland, who is now her current boyfriend. She invited her friends and including Y/N and Tom and they played the game, spin the bottle.
Camille would always wish that it would land on Tom so that she would get a kiss from him and it so happened that when it was Y/N's turn, it landed on him. They had no choice since it was the rule of the game and when Y/N's and Tom's lips touched, Camille became so angry and that was the start of them being enemies.
After that incident, Camille fought Y/N and Erika saw this and eventually rescued Y/N from her evil cousin. From that day on, Y/N and Erika became best friends until now. Y/N didn't even know how and why Camille and Tom got together.
"Do you want to watch movies tonight? I've got Marvel ones." Y/N heard Erika spoke while they were walking.
"I think I should just stay at home tonight. My dad is cooking for us tonight." Y/N said and she saw Erika pouted. "Come on, we had a movie marathon last night and you slept, Erika." Y/N continued and that made Erika chuckle.
"Forget about the movie. Just look at who's in front of us." Erika elbowed her and Y/N looked in the direction where she was looking and stopped walking. You felt everything was in stop motion.
He sat there with a guitar pressed to his chest and his veins popping from his neck as he was singing. He was your current crush and at the same time one of your friends in school. In fact, he was also your neighbor. Every time you would be around him, butterflies inside your stomach would flatter and your heart would beat fast.
Y/N felt herself blush and she wanted to get away from him. She grabbed Erika's hand and quickly ran the opposite way.
"Hey!" Erika squealed as she pulled her and ran.
They didn't know that Aiden noticed Y/N's actions and just chuckled and smiled. He continued to pluck his fingers on the strings and sang again.
Y/N stopped running when she reached the hallway where there were fewer people around and tried to catch her breath.
"You act so weirdly when Aiden is around. You're giving him signs, girl." Erika said, who tried to catch her breath.
It was true. Ever since Y/N and Aiden became friends, she had started to have feelings for him and you never knew why. Maybe it was the way he sings? Maybe it was the way he is when he's with her? It just came to her.
"Just go tell him, Y/N," Erika said and that made Y/N jolt her head up.
"No way. I don't want our friendship to get ruined because of this feeling I have for him. Plus, it's just a crush. Nothing else." Y/N said.
Erika shook her head. "Whatever you say, Y/N." That was all she can say.
The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Going to different kinds of classrooms for each subject every hour. Y/N had no one to talk to since Erika would be indifferent to classes too. There was also one class where she had to be classmates with Camille. She would glare at her every time she looked back and she wouldn't mind it.
Y/N walked in the hallway with people scattered all over the place. She walked towards her locker and hoping that Camille appears and have another talk again.
A vibrate came from her phone and she got her phone from the pocket and saw a message from Erika:
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Y/N rolled her eyes after she read the message and turned off her phone and placed it back in her pocket. She was about to walk away when someone stood in front of her and leaned on her locker. She looked up to see who it is and suddenly her heart started beating fast.
"Aiden." She mumbled and he just smiled at her.
"I'll take you home, Y/N." He said.
"So you're telling me, that you saw Erika with Harrison Osterfield. Harrison as in Tom Holland's best friend?" You asked Aiden as you were walking on the sidewalk.
"Yep, definitely him," Aiden answered and you were still in shock.
"That girl really has some explaining to do." You said and Aiden can only laugh at you.
Then silence came in but you still walked together.
"It's been a month since we last talked. How was your summer, by the way?" Aiden suddenly spoke up and that made you jump a little.
"It's alright. I had to be stuck with dad in a road trip camp while Aria was away. But at least we had s' mores there." You said.
"Well, Aria just came back actually—" Aiden said, but realized what he said and stopped talking. You looked at him in confusion when you heard what he said.
"Aria is here?" You asked then suddenly someone familiar called you from afar.
"Y/N!" You looked at the side and saw your sister running towards you. A big smile appeared on your lips and you ran towards her.
You gave each other a hug then both of you fell to the ground but you were still laughing.
"It's been a month!" Aria said while clinging on to Y/N.
"I know!" Y/N answered.
"Okay, you kids. Don't do that outside. Go in now." They heard their dad's voice from the door and walked down towards them.
Y/N and her sister stood up and dusted off the grass from her clothes.
When Y/N looked back, she saw her sister hugging Aiden and she also saw the action that would make her heart drop. It was her sister and Aiden kissing.
They let go of each other and saw Y/N just standing there in front of them.
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, Y/N," Aria said. Y/N never told her sister about her feelings for Aiden or any crush she has.
Y/N could still feel the pain that she was feeling right now but she didn't want to show her sister.
"I-I don't mind." She let out a small smile and asked. "Since when?"
Aria and Aiden looked at each other then looked at Y/N again.
"Since I was out. We were calling and talking with each other throughout the summer." Aria said and Aiden could only nod in agreement.
You were too late. A voice in Y/N's head said but that didn't stop you from giving both of them hugs to let her sister see that she was okay with it.
"I'm happy for you, guys."
"Your sister came and then did what with Aiden?!"
Y/N held the phone away from her ear when Erika shouted through the call. She placed it back to her ear and sighed.
"They are together, Erika. There's nothing I could do about it." Y/N answered.
"Well, you did have the chance to tell him. They kept this a secret for like a month and you never knew about it." Erika said.
"Still hurts but I'll be fine. I'll just have to get used to seeing them together as a couple." Y/N's voice broke and felt a small tear in her eyes.
Erika wanted to go to Y/N's house and give her a hug. She didn't want her best friend to be heartbroken. "You'll find someone better, babe." That was all she can say to Y/N.
"Thank, I guess," Y/N said. She knew she should just stop crying and accept the fact that they could never be together. She stopped her tears and asked Erika something out of her curiosity.
"How was the date with Osterfield, Erika?"
Y/N heard a thing dropped from the call before Erika could answer.
"How did you know it was him?" Erika asked nervously.
"Aiden told me. Apparently, he saw you guys together going out of the campus. You can't hide this from me, Erika." Y/N chuckled after she said this and did a fake gasp. "Are you two also secretly dating each other and didn't tell me?"
"What? No! Of course not. He just asked me out today and we went to dinner together. There was really nothing between us. I didn't wanna say no. Plus, it was burgers and fries!" Erika defended herself and that just made Y/N laugh.
"Alright, alright, babe. I won't bother you with your love life." Y/N said.
"Y/N? Pasta is ready!" Y/N heard her dad say from downstairs.
"I have to go now, Erika," Y/N said.
"Don't cry anymore, okay? It's not worth it." Erika said and Y/N smiled.
"I know." She said and ended the phone. Y/N placed her phone down and gave a heavy sigh.
This was just another long day.
Another day, another school day. Y/N achieved to not cry so much after dinner last night. Now, she was just walking in the same hallway.
As she was walking with her things pressed to her chest, she suddenly bumped into a person and her things dropped to the ground and herself as well.
"Hey!" Y/N shouted and looked up to see who she bumped to. Her eyes widen to see who it was.
It was the one and only, Tom Holland.
"You really should watch where you're going, Y/L/N." Y/N heard him say and his face was stern.
"You should watch where you're going, Holland," Y/N said and got all the things that fell to the ground. Y/N could hear murmuring from the people but she didn't mind them.
Y/N gave a glare to Tom and walked away from him. She had a feeling that he was going through something right now but that didn't stop her from being mad at him.
Can this day get any better?
❃ TAGLIST @allthisfortommy @kait4073 @lovebittenbyevans @l0ve-0f-my-life @spiitfiires
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