#after l!fe ell
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haticesultanas · 6 months ago
Hi! Previously in Ottomanladies you answered an ask about marriages of Burnaz Atike, Gevherhan and little Atike. So, some historians confused Burnaz Atike with one of Ibrahim's daughters when they claim she married Musahib Cafer Pasha (d.1647) in 1630, as according to Giorgio Giustinian in 1627, Koca Kenan (d. 1652) was already married to Murad IV's sister (Pedani, p.596). And some historians say Gevherhan was the one who married Cafer in November 1646, like Sakaoglu.
And according to Joseph von Hammer, the youngest daughter of Ibrahim betrothed to Cafer was married to the other Kenan, Sari Kenan (d. 1659). But some historians separate the wives of these pashas as Gevherhan marrying Cafer and her sister Atike marrying Sari Kenan, with Atike going on to marry Ismail Pasha.
However, in "Dubrovacka akta i povelje", a report of 1650s refers to "Ghiusciahato sultana moglie di Chieman passa", so it seems to me she married Sari Kenan after Cafer died. And the "Mémoires du Sieur de la Croix" in 1670s, pages 368, 369, 370 and 371 says: "Les soeurs du Grand Seigneur (...) la premiere fut mariée à trois ans, & eftoit à dix avec fon second mary Affaki Mehemet Pasha, Gouverneur dAlep, il fuit étranglé fous pretexte de fauffe monnoye, & elle fe maria pour la troisiéme fois avec Ibrahim Pacha Tefterdar, du depuis Pacha du Kaire, dAlep, & enfin Capitan Pacha, aprés la mort duquel Jemblat Oglou Gouverneur du Kaire la épousée en quatriéme nopces. La seconde mariée auffi jeune que sa soeur, a eu cinq maris, dont le dernier la prit vierge, à cause dun défaut de nature (...) Je ne fcay pas le nom des deux premiers, le troisiéme fut Sinan Pacha, lequel estant Capitan Pacha, perdit la Bataille des Dardanelles (...) Le quetriéme eftoit Ismael Pacha, ce grand Seigneur l ayant choifi pour und es Lieutenans generaux de l armée dHongrie (...) Le cinquiéme sappelle Kassum Pacha, il est Chirurgien de profession"
The quote says Mehmed IV had 2 sisters in 1670s. The 1st married Haseki Cavuszade Mehmed Pasha, then Defterdar Ibrahim Pasha and then a Canpulatoglu (son of Kosems Fatma?). The other, younger than the first, was married to "Sinan" who was Kaptaniderya, so it should be Sari Kenan. After him she married Ismail Pasha and then Cerrah Kasim Pasha, and also had 2 husbands before the first.
(All in all, I believe the first sister who married Haseki Cavuszade could be Beyhan instead, as in 1653, according to "Dubrovacka akta i povelje" she is called "Behar sultana, moglie di passa di Cairo", and in 1563 this was Haseki Cavuszade Mehmed; but interestingly historians believe he was Gevherhans second husband instead...)
In "Per favore della Soltana", several lists give us marriages of Gevherhan. In 1648, she is called widow of Cafer, in 1662 she is wife of Ismail Pasha, and in 1670 she is called wife of Casciu Pascia who is probably Cerrah Kasim Pasha. And in 1676 and 1680, she is called wife of a Canpolatoglu and not another Sultana as Croix claimed.
Paul Rycaut in "The Present State of the Ottoman Empire" also says Gevherhan married Ismail Pasha (and then remarried to Gurcu Mehmed Pasha): "At this tenderness of age, Sultan Ibrahim, father of the present Grand Signior, married three of his daughters, one of which was called Gheaher Han Sultan, hath had already five husbands, and yet as is reported by the world, remains a virgin; the last husband deceased was Ishmael Pasha, who was slain in the passage of the River Raab; and is now again married to Guirgi Mehemet Pasha of Buda".
So it seems to me that Gevherhan married the following: Musahib Cafer in 1646, Sari Kenan in 1647, Ismail Pasha after him, then Gurcu Mehmed, then Cerrah Kasim Pasha, and then maybe a Canpulatoglu (unless that was the other sister like Croix claimed, maybe Beyhan?), before finally marrying Palabiyik Yusuf later in life.
But after all this, I want to ask whether its possible that this sister of Mehmed IV called Atike existed at all? Because it seems quite certain that Gevherhan married Kenan Pasha and Ismail Pasha, not one named Atike, and historians did make a confusion with Burnaz Atikes marriages. And if little Atike didnt exist, was Gevherhan the full-sister of Mehmed IV instead? I know Gevherhan is believed to be born in 1642, and with Mehmed and Fatma it gets too much for Turhan, but Hammer describes her as the youngest daughter in 1647, and if the sister who married Haseki Mehmed was Beyhan, and she was reportedly married for the first time to another at the age of 3 as Croix claims, and the sister who married Sari Kenan and the others was younger than her, then Beyhan could still be born in 1645 as she married Hezarpare in 1648, and Gevherhan was born after her...
Hi! Please be patient with me because these asks take time to unwrap and I’m only doing this in my free time.
I think you’re talking about this ask. About the confusion, it’s something that Uluçay too believes:
Alderson confused the daughters of Ahmed I, Murad IV and Sultan Ibrahim, so he made mistakes.
Alderson confused the daughters of Ibrahim with the daughters of Ahmed I and Mehmed IV, and therefore made some mistakes.
and he’s right because the rapid successions plus the practice of marrying princesses as children created so much confusion.
(it’s so funny that he says that twice lmao)
Okay, so your theory is that Atike Sultan binti Ibrahim doesn’t exist and that some historians seem to have mistaken Burnaz Atike with a daughter of Ibrahim? I hope I understood well.
Everything under the read more (it's very... heavy, sorry lol)
I read Giustiniani’s relazione and the math is not really mathing because he says Murad IV put his four brothers-in-law at the highest posts of government but then mentions five brothers-in-law:
Çatalcalı Haşan Pasha: he’s Fatma’s husband
Hafiz Ahmed Pasha: he’s Ayşe’s husband
Bayram Pasha: he’s Hanzade’s husband
(Recep Pasha: he’s Gevherhan’s husband) > Giustiniani only mentions her as Osman II's elder sister
“Chinan” who, you believe, was Koca Sofu Kenan Pasha
“Mustaffà” ?? who is he??
Sicill-i Osmani says that Kenan Pasha married Burnaz Atike in 1633-34, but Giustinian’s last dispatch from Istanbul was dated 4 July 1627 so… did he foresee the future? Were there more Kenan Pashas?
(Also, who is that Mustafa??)
Now, onto Ibrahim's daughters.
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So, I made this table to semplify things because I was going insane with all the information.
I think there is some confusion between Haseki Mehmed Pasha, who was strangled in Aleppo in June 1661 (like de la Croix says), and Çavuşzade/Çavuşoğlu Mehmed Paşa, who lived until 1681. Sicill-i Osmani doesn’t call the latter “Haseki” but he’s identified as Gevherhan Sultan’s husband. Now, the princess who married Haseki Mehmed Pasha could have remarried after 1661, but the one who married Çavuşzade/Çavuşoğlu Mehmed had to wait until 1681.
Beyhan is admittedly a mistery because she was married for less then a year to Hezâr-pâre Ahmed Pasha when she was little but afterwards didn’t have a husband for 11 years? It seems strange. If the Ragusian diplomats called her “wife of the pasha of Cairo” and if Haseki Mehmed Pasha was beylerbey of Egypt in 1653 (as Oztuna confirms in Devletler ve Hanedanlar), then Haseki Mehmed Pasha was married to Beyhan binti Ibrahim. Unfortunately my only Ragusian sources come from the essay Per Favore Della Soltana, and in it there’s a gap between a letter dated 1648 and one dated 1662.
About the Canpulatoğlu Pasha, I would like to add that Canbulad-zâde Mustafa Paşa had two sons with Fatma: Sultânzâde Hüseyn Paşa, who was governor of Budin and of Egypt, and Sultânzâde Süleymân Bey. Both lived to adulthood. Moreover, he had a daughter from his previous marriage: Ayşe Hâtûn. Maybe he had other sons too. It is interesting, though, that de la Croix says Canpulatoğlu is Governor of Egypt, because Sultânzâde Hüseyn Paşa was indeed governor of Egypt at some point.
About Atike binti Ibrahim:
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(Uluçay doesn't believe she existed)
As we can see, Oztuna and Sakaoğlu use the same source. Oztuna, though, says that Atike binti Ibrahim was buried in Ibrahim’s mausoleum, while Sakaoğlu says that her burial place is unknown. Curiously, Atike binti Ahmed I is buried in Ibrahim’s mausoleum too.
Since Alderson gave his sources, I went to check. This is a passage from Histoire de l’Empire Ottoman, volume 12, pp. 49-50:
L'ainée, Aïsché, fiancée dès l'age de trois ans à Ipschir-Pascha, épousa à dix Mohammed-Pascha, gouverneur de Haleb; ce dernier ayant été décapité comme faux monnoyeur, elle devint la femme du defterdar Ibrahim, gouverneur du Kaire, puis de Haleb, et alors kapitan-pascha; à sa mort, elle fut mariée à Djanbouladzadé, ancien gouverneur d’Ofen, qui depuis remplit les mêmes fonctions au Kaire. La seconde, nommée Aatika, épousa d'abord le vizir Kenaan-Pascha, puis le vizir Yousouf-Pascha, et en troisième lieu le kapitan Sinan-Pascha, qui avait perdu la bataille des Dardanelles contre les Vénitiens; elle eut pour quatrième époux Ismail-Pascha, grand-inquisiteur en Asie, qui fut tué à la bataille de Saint-Gotthardt; enfin elle contracta une cinquième union avec KasimPascha, l'un des pages de la chambre intérieure, et chirurgien de profession, qui, lors de la circoncision du sultan Mohammed , sut arrêter, au moyen d'une poudre astringente, une hémorrhagie qui avait fait tomber le prince-en défaillance, service que ce dernier récompensa plus tard en donnant à Kasim le gouvernement de Temeswar. […] le Sultan, en reconnaissance du sang qu'il lui avait conservé, refusa de répandre le sien, et, pour le sauver, lui donna la main de sa sœur, qu’un vice de conformation avait empêchée d'appartenir à ses premiers maris, et qui, après dix-neuf ans de mariage, entra vierge dans le harem de Kasim. Celui-ci la délivra de son infirmité au moyen d'ine opération qu’il pratiqua pendant le sommeil d'Aatika, assoupie par un narcotique. Ce fut ainsi qu'il acquit des titres puissans aux bonnes grâces de la princesse, comme précédemment il avait mérité la faveur particulière de Mohammed IV.
Doesn’t it kind of sound like de la Croix (below)? I think Hammer’s source is him.
"La premiere fut mariée à trois ans, & estoit à dix avec son second mary Assaki Mehemet Pasha, Gouverneur d’Alep, il fut étranglé sous pretexte de fausse monnoye, & elle se maria pour la troisiéme fois avec Ibrahim Pacha Tefterdar, du depuis Pacha du Kaire, d’Alep, & enfin Capitan Pacha, aprés la mort duquel Jemblat Oglou Gouverneur du Kaire l’a épousée en quatriéme nopces. La seconde mariée aussi jeune que sa soeur, a eu cinq maris, dont le dernier la prit vierge, à cause d’un défaut de nature (...) Je ne sçay pas le nom des deux premiers, le troisiéme fut Sinan Pacha, lequel estant Capitan Pacha, perdit la Bataille des Dardanelles (...) Le quetriéme estoit Ismael Pacha, ce grand Seigneur l’ayant choisi pour un des Lieutenans generaux de l’armée d’Hongrie (...) Le cinquiéme s’appelle Kassum Pacha, il est Chirurgien de profession”
Now, I think Hammer starts with a mistake because Ibsir Mustafa Pasha was one of Ayşe binti Ahmed I’s husbands. Also, it’s impossible to say where he found that Mehmed IV’s eldest sister was named Ayşe. After these mistakes, though, he repeats what de la Croix said: Haseki Mehmed Pasha, Defterdar Ibrahim Pasha, Canbuladzâde Pasha. The second sister is named Atike (so he says) and stayed a virgin until her last husband, Cerrah Kasim Pasha, operated on her to solve some kind of physical problem she had. This story is similar to the one reported by Rycaut, but he named her Gevherhan instead:
At this tenderness of Age, Sultan Ibrahim, Father of the present Grand Signior, married three of his Daughters; one of which called Gheaher Han Sultan, hath had already five Husbands, and yet, as is reported by the World, remains a Virgin; the last Husband deceased was Ishmael Pasha, who was slain in the passage of the River Raab; and is now again married to Gurgi Mahomet Pasha of Buda, a Man of 90 Years of Age, but rich and able to maintain the greatness of her Court, though not to comply with the youthfulness of her Bed, to which he is a stranger like the rest of her preceding Husbands. — p. 40.
It’s possible that Rycaut had already left the Ottoman Empire when this princess married Cerrah Kasim Pasha. He’s the only one talking about Gurci Mehmed Pasha, though… Interestingly, Sakaoğlu corrects Rycaut’s Gürcü into “(Çavuşzade, Haseki)” but, admittedly, his quote is quite different from Rycaut’s original. In Sakaoğlu’s it is said that the pasha is 30, while Rycaut says he’s 90. Moreover, as far as I know, Çavuşzade Mehmed Pasha was never governor of Buda.
In conclusion, I’m more confused than before lol
As for Mehmed IV’s full sister, I really have no opinion on this. Usually, it’s Beyhan who is given as Turhan Hatice’s daughter but with no hard evidence.
You (and other people) can send me asks on ottomanladies now, I have re-opened my ask box. As I have already said, please be patient with me because I don't have much free time and these things need to be analyzed properly :D
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year ago
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Team Mane ➳
Ghilley ➳
Ell ➳
Jamie ➳
Licht ➳
Team Die ➳
Theo ➳
Louis ➳
Ethan ➳
June ➳
Team Hesperide ➳
Cyrille ➳
Noah ➳
Sian ➳
Kati ➳
Team Noctu ➳
Aitachi ➳
Kirr ➳
Nine ➳
Day ➳ (20yrs)
Calm & Supportive Boyfriend (hc) ♂️❔
Team Diluculo ➳
Verine ➳
Quincy ➳
Mori ➳
Youseff ➳
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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welcome-to-afterlife · 5 years ago
YES I WANNA SEE HEADCANONS FOR AM OBEY ME AND AFTERL1FE CROSSOVER THAT SOUNDS AMAZING but also like can you imagine Ells reaction to mc knowing a high ranking angel and Luke???
Oh boy, that post would be a long one! Keep a lookout because I'll probably have that up soon. If you have any other specific crossover requests, send them my way!
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😇 When Ell finds out that the manager is friends with Luke and met archangel Micheal, his mouth drops wide open and stars appear in his eyes. It's his dream to meet such high-ranking angels, but he doesn't think it's possible for a low-rank like him. The fact that he knows someone that knows these angels is enough for him.
😇 Although it lingers on the back of his mind, Ell doesn't bring it up (unless the manager starts it first). Once they do, he gobbles all of their stories. Ell listens with intense concentration, asking the manager an additional 10 questions for every detail they mention. Half of him lives vicariously through the manager while the other half creates scenarios in his head about his own interactions with the angels, emitting light rays from his body.
😇 Is it possible for Ell to admire the manager more than he currently does? Apparently so. If the manager was able to go to the Celestial Realm and meet such amazing angels, then that speaks volume about their character-- right? After all, they wouldn't let just anyone meet with the archangel Micheal. The manager must be some special, godly human that is the epitome of good character.
😇 If the manager offers Ell the chance to meet Luke, the soul reaper is going to be at a loss for words. At first he'll deny the opportunity as he doesn't want to take up Luke's time. After all, Luke is an important angel that is probably busy with higher-rank angel things that Ell couldn't even fathom. But as the manager insists on having Ell meet Luke, the young soul reaper cannot hide his excitement. The very thought of him being in the same room as Luke makes him giddy, emitting more blinding lights.
😇 All is well until the day before their meeting. Ell would be beyond nervous, sneezing left and right. What if he says something stupid? Luke is going to think that he's a total idiot. What if Luke asks Ell to show off his angelic abilities? The only thing he was good at was making some light-- and he hadn't even fully mastered that! Luke would laugh at him, tell all his angel friends, and Ell would be the laughing stock of the Celestial Realm. Maybe he shouldn't have agreed to this meeting. He let's another round of sneezes.
😇 But it's too late as the manager has already brought the two angels face-to-face. Ell fiddles with his fingers before giving a nervous, but bright introduction. He offers his hand, rambling that the manager always takes about the angels. His heart is pounding and another sneeze is tickling his nose. All he can do is hope that Luke, a super high-ranking angel, likes him. No pressure, right?
I wanted to include a formal meeting between Ell and Luke, but I thought that would be too long. Let me know if you all want to see that interaction!
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windows0zerosblog · 4 years ago
After L!fe Crack Headcanons
By (shadow-)windows
*Cyrille writes plays in his free time
*Cyrille has a secret laboratory in the department
*Theo found said lab and has made bombs in it, which he has put all around the department and has the detonator on hand 24/7
*Quincy is a brony
*Louis has done crack more than once
*The Manager is 6'2
*Sian has cosplayed as Miku Hatsune once
*Ell tried to do cocaine once, but he sneezed it away
*Kati has tanned with a bikini on so he would have a bikini mark on him
*Youssef is on drugs 24/7
*Noah is an otaku
*Quincy has tried to take over Walmart once
*Ethan has worked at McDonald's once, but never ate there
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a-day-in-the-afterlife · 4 years ago
14th Department Outdoor Survival Competition: Mane
This has been in my head for 1344657856 years, so I’m going to post it on Tumblr, even though I had planned to write it in prose and post it on AO3 and link it here (which I will do, eventually!).  
The basic premise is that the Manager takes the entire 14th Department on a camping trip and challenges them to survive on their own in the wilderness for a week.  Whichever team wins (survives the best???) will get some kind of prize involving patrol/cleaning/farm-care exemption!
I think we all know which team will win (... Noctu literally has the most survival-obsessed characters in Aitachi and Kirr), but it’s fun to see all the shenanigans of all the other teams, too!
First we start with Mane!
Tries his best, really, but as per the usual, makes so many mistakes.
When trying to put up the tent made from some kind of tarp that Ghilley procured from somewhere, he cheerfully hammers all the stakes and his teammates fingers into the ground on accident.
Does not know how they are going to survive for a week in a random tarp, but sneezingly assures Ghilley that they most certainly will succeed.
Attempted to fish for food in a nearby stream!  Caught three itty-bitty minnows and will not be attempting that again as he fell into the water more than once.
So, he was right and the tarp Ghilley found did not last them more than a day due to heavy rainfall and wind, but he kind of liked sleeping under the stars and staring up into the heavenly hosts until Ghilley and Licht constructed a mini lodge of sorts.
(He could do without Licht’s snoring and on more than one occasion went for a walk in the middle of the night to “clear his mind, achoo!”)
Was congratulated by his team for realizing that the stream that he (and some of the others) fished in was indeed freshwater and they didn’t have to scope out any other source.
The rest of the Morning Team sent him out to hunt, since in typical Disney Princess style, animals flock to him, but after spending four hours in the forest, he came back with nothing, because “why in the world would y’all think that I’d wanna hurt any of those cute lil’ critters!”
Mane forgot to tie up their food and put in a tree in case a hungry bear came along—which it did—but everything turned out all right, because Jamie apparently is a bear-whisperer and gently coaxed it to find food elsewhere and not disturb them.
Tried to plant some fruit seeds that they had leftover (since they couldn’t hunt under Jamie’s orders and had to survive on fruit and fish—the latter of which he was not happy about, but conceded to, anyway), and Ell didn’t have the heart to tell him that there’s (hopefully) no way that they’d still be there when they sprouted.
Is the only one on the team that is able to discern which plants are edible and which ones are not, which is great, because Licht almost ate a bough of poison ivy.
When cooking the team’s fish, he managed to make a nice salad to go along with it with all the greenery he’d picked from the forest.
Discovered an immense talent for comparing the clouds in the sky to various foodstuffs and the Manager.
Ghilley told him to scout the forest for edible plants, and he obeyed with great alacrity, valiantly coming home with several branches of poisonous plants and berries.  “But darling~they look too pretty to be poisonous!”
Went fishing with Ell and caught a decent-sized fish.  He was incredibly distraught when he watched Ghilley descale it, for it looked ugly after losing its glamorous silver scale coat.
Tried to fight the bear that tried to steal the Morning Team’s food and ended up fighting Jamie, who wouldn’t let him lay a finger on it, instead. (Jamie is weirdly strong and left him lying in the ground; Ghilley had to peel him off the grass.)
He and Jamie reconciled when he let Jamie sleep in the best place in the tent, which he had previously declared for himself.
Ghilley and him together built an amazing (read: really, really, really mediocre) log cabin when their tarp tent gave out and they decided that they needed new housing in case another storm blew past.  It was four feet by three feet and could barely hold the four of them.
Thought he looked very handsome picking berries and longed for the Manager to watch him doing so.
Flirted with a twisted tree, thinking it was a curvaceous girl.
Do not ask him where he got the tarp the team had originally used as a tent, because he will just smile and say, “Ufufufu, that is for me to know, and for you to find out.”
Would’ve made a great stealth hunter in the woods, but Jamie refused to let him kill a single animal.  
Was kind of disheartened by the failure of his tent, so he worked extra hard with Licht to build a sturdier lodge for Mane.
Very attached to his team and in general, worked his ass off to make things somewhat easier for them, even though no one noticed or realized.
Wondered why the hell Licht was picking berries so provocatively. 
Watered Jamie’s plants diligently.
Went fishing with Ell too and actually caught several fish.  It turns out he’s extremely good at sneaking up on aquatic creatures, too!
Used up half the water in the stream when washing his hair.
Was going to go sneak up on the other teams and see how they were faring, but Jamie and Ell reminded him constantly that that was strictly against the rules.
Encouraged the rest of the team to go cloud-watching with him.  Found out that all the clouds for some reason looked like clouds.  
I’m going to forget to update this with all the other parts, so please take a look at my masterlist for the other teams’ posts!
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after-l1fe · 5 years ago
All the characters as cats
The sweetest cat ever (perhaps a bit too much, won’t even kill a fly), he will bring you his favorite toys when you are sad to see if that makes you feel better and if you let him out not only will he definitely come back he will bring with him a flower or a cool thing he found.
Will never scratch you or your couch, also will always use his bathroom. When he’s hungry hell just place his paw on your hand and look at you.
He seems like a lazy cat but he’s actually just slow and takes his time with things, he doesn’t do much, but he seems to always be watching the backyard and the plants that grow in there as if meditating.
Loves catnip, please give him some…
You could swear he’s asleep in your bed when you walk out of your room but just as you look outside and into the hallway there he is looking directly at you. The times you’ve gotten scared due to suddenly hearing a really loud ‘MEOOOWWWW’ behind you are countless.
You tried placing a collar with a little bell on it on his neck, he hated it and was able to take it off no matter how much you secured it.
He doesn’t ask you for food at all and most of the times he waits a longggg time till he eats.
Likes to hide his toys and he’s sometimes appeared at the top of really high places, how he got there you have no idea…
OMG don’t let this cat out, he goes running to every female cat he sees luckily he’s sterilized
He brings you lots of stuff from when you do let him out as a present.
He can’t be away from you for too long, he’ll start crying if you leave the house and you’ve gotten complains about the ‘dying cat’ when its actually him just really needy and in NEED cuddles and the only way he knows how to get them is by screaming.
Hates when you invite people to the house and will scratch them when you aren’t looking. If he sees you with a lot of people he’ll start scratching the couch and curtains, so you HAVE to go to him and stop his bad behavior.
Always sits on your lap to ‘stop’ you from going anywhere and staying with him. He follows you around all the time and panics (by throwing stuff from the shelves) if you don’t arrive at the time you always do.
Can’t stop cleaning himself and does so more than once a day, LOVES baths and if you leave the door open he’ll just get in the shower with you.
ALWAYS running around, he seems to never get tired…
Loves going outside and exploring every little thing he finds, if its cool he’ll bring it to you, and you MUST take it home and secretly throw it away or he will cry all night because he lost his cool looking rock ☹
Loves to sit down and watch movies with you.
Another cat that can’t help but clean himself daily, he likes to take baths and when you comb his fur.
Cries when you take his little toy mirror away, you got it in a cereal box and forgot to throw it out and now it seems like you cant or at least you shouldn’t if you don’t wanna make him cry.
Sits on top of whatever you are using so that you put attention to him.
Super serious cat that never leaves your side, he once protected you from the attack of a butterfly, he was fearless and fought with great courage.
Great memory, he never gets lost outside.
Acts more like a dog sometimes, he stands by you like he’s ready to jump at any enemy that may appear like another butterfly or worse a MOTH
He seems to like meowing randomly but if you REALLY put attention to it, it kinda sounds like a song
He looks like a miniature grumpy cat 24/7 but is actually always wanting to cuddle you, careful tho if you pet him too much he’ll try to bite you, if he does it not even hard like its more of a way of telling you he’s had enough (if you look at him tho it looks like he’s lonely and wants more but he’ll never ask for it).
Super fast runner!
Really lazy cat he seems to be awful at sports and you’ve never seen him run.
Really curious cat, everything you bring in from outside MUST be inspected by him AT LEAST once, if he goes outside it’ll be a trouble to get him back in because he just can’t stop touching and sniffing stuff.
He NEEDS attention, if you don’t give it to him prepare for a screaming cat, stuff on the floor and an awful looking couch and curtains. If you try to catch him hell just run away for you to play with him even if just for a bit of time.
Runs super fast when he gets scared and he WILL bite you hard if you pull (or even touch) his tail, don’t do it you’ll regret it, even if you get to see his angry cute face… seriously… don’t… even if he looks so cute when mad…
Super terrified of dogs, even just hearing their barks from far away makes him jump a Little.
Pretty calm cat if you didn’t know the date he was born you’d say he’s a very old cat and you could count the times he’s meowed.
The most beautiful cat you’ve EVER seen, yet he hates to get pet too much and to stop you he’ll place his paw on top of your hand.
Is calm most of the time and doesn’t seem to like using too much strength.
Cries when the lights are all off, storms also make him scared because most of the time they mean no light for a while…☹
Very active during the day, he can’t stop running around, when night comes he just likes to lay down next to you and finally sleep.
He couldn’t live without you; he loves you too much.
Loves to hunt butterflies and sometimes bigger more scary things like grasshoppers :o
He’s a very serious cat and he seems to always be there for you, once you screamed due to a spider, he was there instantly and killed it, to make you even happier he was sure to show you his success by bringing the spiders dead body to your bed, such a sweetheart right?!!
Loves eating! Even more if meat is in the menu.
Another meat lover, but this one is way cuter and more playful even if he seems to try to act serious all the time.
Hates water, don’t try to make him take a bath… YOU.WILL. REGRET.IT.
He loves to just sit by the window and watch as the people go by, kinda like meditating.
He is always there for you and if you feel sad he seems to know even before you do and starts cuddling up to you.
Shhhh you didn’t hear this from me but, normally he tries to keep his distance just a bit BUT give him catnip and he will be stuck to you like magic, he wont leave you alone or stop purring when you pet him.
You found out he had a routine of asking you for food, leaving the house, and then going house by house to get some food always acting like a stray cat so people had pity on him and they fed him…
He hates cold climate and he loves to get under the covers of your bed with you before going to sleep.
He can be super mean to the strangers (strangers to him) you bring to your house, most of the times this means trying to trip them by walking between their legs meanwhile they’re walking.
He hates any sort of insect or reptile so every time he sees one he just freaks out and runs to you for help in killing the scary fluffy moth, you shouldn’t count on him to kill any spiders or flies that are in the house.
This cat always seems to be sneezing, you thought maybe the house was too cold, so you tried heating it up a bit… it didn’t work, perhaps too hot?... that has been going on for a while now and you honestly don’t know what it is, you’ve just given up at this point…
You once got ‘attacked’ by a fly in the house, he was brave and killed the fly for you only for him to faint shortly afterwards.
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merakiui · 4 years ago
Morning and Day Teams Playing Among Us HCs
The 14th Department decides to play Among Us. (Part 2 can be found here.)
Morning Team (Mane)
🧩 Ghilley 🧩
Ghilley’s good at sneaking around in real life, so you better believe he’s a pro at using the vents. 
Whenever he’s the impostor, his main tactic is to kill someone while they’re doing a task. He normally goes for Jamie because he can’t get used to the controls. Anyone who’s in Admin swiping the keycard better watch out if they can’t get it on the first try.
He’s only played a few times with the others and the manager, but he’s able to memorize the map as he goes along. Sneaking around all the time, even in the game, helps a lot.
He moves fast after he’s killed someone, so whenever there’s a body report no one ever suspects him. Somehow he finds a way to make it as far from the body as possible. 
He’s always trying to trick everyone during the debate so they never really know if he’s the impostor or not. 
Whenever the Reapers suspect him, he’ll just do that famous laugh of his. 
“Am I the impostor? I don’t know. Maybe I am, and maybe I’m not. Ufufufu!”
It’s really hard to determine if he’s guilty or not because of how casual he is when playing. 
Sometimes he’ll throw out small hints so that the others will falsely accuse an innocent crew mate. He’ll say the most misleading things, which ends in an incorrect ejection. 
 His go-to color is black with the machete hat because it matches the sneaky vibe he always emits. 
☀️ Ell ☀️
Poor Ell. He’s so bad at Among Us. It’s not even funny.
For one, he can’t lie, so whenever he’s the impostor everyone knows right away. 
“It’s not me, guys!” And then he proceeds to sneeze and everyone votes him out.
Him and Jamie stick together because they don’t know what else to do. When he’s a crew mate, he’s one of the first killed because he spends so much time trying to find his way around the map.
Ell does his best to get all of his tasks done so that the others will have a chance at winning. 
Him and Jamie vibe in the dead chat. While everyone’s accusing one another, they’re just chilling. It’s honestly kind of fun.
Sometimes he’ll follow Youssef around when the two of them are in the same game. He’s learning so much from his older peers. If only he could actually get better at his gameplay. 
Youssef is really nice about it, too. He’s more than willing to help Ell in finding his tasks. That makes Ell very happy.
He tried to use the vents once and Licht caught him. 
His go-to color is cyan because it reminds him of a clear sky, and he wears the halo hat.
🐴 Jamie 🐴
Just like Ell, he’s also not good at the game. 
Jamie can’t wrap his head around all of the tasks and locations. He was downloading files and someone killed him. Now he’s stuck floating around the map as a ghost. 
“What just happened? Am I dead?”
He’s so confused.
Jamie stops and checks the map religiously so he can make it to his tasks. He’s always passing electrical trying to find the wires. 
When he was the impostor, he didn’t understand anything other than kill the crew mates. So he did just that and it failed miserably.
“What’s venting? What am I supposed to do with these fake tasks? I need the real tasks, right?”
Everyone votes him out as soon as they hear him say that during the meeting. They don’t even need to debate the location of the dead body.
It’s not his fault he can’t adapt to how fast the game moves. One minute he’s trying to swipe the keycard and the next thing he sees is Ethan twisting his avatar’s neck. He’s doing his best, though.
His go-to color is yellow, and he wears the bird nest hat.
💋 Licht 💋
He’s definitely flirting with the manager through voice chat. It doesn’t matter if the game’s ongoing; he’s going to make a few sly remarks regardless.
“If we win, we should go out to celebrate. Just you and me, darling.”
Licht just doesn’t shut up when he’s playing. Even when everyone’s supposed to silently work on their tasks, he’s busy starting a conversation with the air. No one ever replies, though the manager has begun to humor him.
He’s so upbeat and encouraging—usually just flirty half of the time—that the others have trouble figuring out whether he’s the impostor or not.
Licht’s actually pretty good at keeping his role a secret. That is, until the manager makes a comment.
“Wow! Who’s the imposter this time? They’re really good!” To which, Licht responds with, “Thank you, darling. You’re not so bad yourself.”
Kind of sus of him to say that, and nearly everyone votes for him. Even if he’s not the impostor, he still responds to the manager’s compliments.
He’ll follow the manager around when he’s a ghost, internally hoping they won’t get killed. It’s better to watch and listen as they try to work through the evidence they’ve found.
When they are killed, he tries to make their ghosts kiss. Licht seems to be playing a different type of game.
His go-to color is purple, and he wears the cherry hat.
Day Team (Die)
🎹 Theo 🎹
He’s glued to June so much throughout the game that everyone suspects he’s the impostor. But he’s just trying to protect June. He wants to be able to vouch for his friend in case the others plan on voting him out.
Theo’s actually decent at Among Us. He’s able to study the map and then follow it to his destination. He’s one of the first to finish his tasks so that he can help lead June to his.
When he’s an impostor, he won’t kill June or the manager. The rest of the Reapers are fair game, though. 
He’s surprisingly good at being the impostor. One time he and Nine were the impostors and he sabotaged the entire game. He made everyone vote out Nine so that he could win and impress the manager with his gaming skills.
He’s kind of scary when he plays. There’s a cold calculation in that warm expression of his, and it’s rather deceptive.
He goes after Nine the most. R.I.P. to Nine if he ever finds himself in the same lobby as Theo.
Theo has no problems defending himself, June, or the manager during the discussions. He always seems to have a solid alibi. If he’s put on the spot, he’s calm and collected about it, listing out his tasks and everything else that makes him innocent.
He’ll use the vents only when he needs to. Theo likes to sabotage the oxygen and the lights because it’s convenient. 
He once mistook June for someone else and killed him. That made Theo incredibly sad. :(
His go-to color is blue, and he wears the chef hat.
🌹 Louis 🌹
He’s not against playing video games if it’s with his friends. But too much screen time can be bad for the eyes and complexion. Besides, why look at a bright screen when he can ogle at his reflection all day? Truly, the latter is far prettier.
He’s not good at the game, but he’s also not bad either. Louis can do his tasks, vouch for those who were with him, and explain where he was when the body was found—albeit with his usual dramatic flair. 
“Ethan, why are our names red, but the others aren’t? Perhaps we’re special? Well, I wouldn’t expect anything less than perfect for someone such as myself!”
Ethan’s about ready to strangle him when Louis pulls mindless stuff like that.
Unlike the others, who play to win or to impress the manager, Louis plays for fun. He doesn’t care much about winning or losing. It’s the enjoyment that matters the most, right?
Louis tends to get distracted when he’s playing. The reason for that, you may ask? He noticed himself in the mirror and is now dedicating his time to admiring his features.
When this happens and he goes AFK, he’s killed. When he’s the impostor and he gets sidetracked, he completely forgets about killing.
He’s also vibing in the dead chat, spreading words of encouragement to himself. No one understands what he’s complimenting himself on, but at least Louis seems content.
Louis might not play as often as the others, but he still sets aside time for it. Though that time may get interrupted by his endless self-love.
His go-to color is white, and he wears the crown hat.
♞ Ethan ♞
He plays with intense strategy. 
Ethan likes to cut to the chase during the meetings in order to weed out the impostors. 
“I’ll keep it simple. Name your tasks and your exact location before the body was reported.” He takes the lead in most of the meetings.
He’s very diligent with his tasks. Those who don’t complete their tasks are on his radar. 
When he’s the impostor, he goes for those who are the easiest to kill off. Either that, or they’re just useless. Louis almost always finds his character dead at the hands of Ethan. 
He’s not too shabby for an impostor. Ethan knows how to use the vents to his advantage, and he never seems bothered when the others accuse him. He keeps his tone in check, so no one knows if he’s telling the truth or not.
Video games may not be a hobby of his, but he doesn’t mind playing them with the manager if that’s what they want.
When he and the manager are the impostors, they’re an unstoppable force.
He can’t believe he actually enjoyed even a second of Among Us, yet here he is. 
His go-to color is red, and he doesn’t bother with wearing a hat.
💥 June 💥
June loves playing Among Us! Not only is it fun, it also reminds him of some elements in those noir films he likes so much. A mystery is more fun when it’s played out amongst your friends.
In the beginning, he was a tad clumsy with his tasks and his role as either a crew mate or an impostor. He’s just trying to get the hang of things, but it didn’t necessarily work out in his favor.
He prefers being a crew mate over the impostor because he likes trying to figure out who’s guilty. It makes him feel like the main character of a mystery-action film.
Sometimes he’ll say the wrong things when he’s the impostor. But in the heat of the moment, he’s just excited to play more.
“It couldn’t have been me! I was hiding in the vents! Haha!”
June once received lots of baked goods from Theo a day after they all played. Theo claimed he had wrongfully killed his friend and wanted to make up for it, but June had already forgotten about that incident.
June doesn’t really suspect anyone whenever he plays. He’ll just go along with what the others say, working off of their evidence to create a conclusion of his own.
He enjoys it when the manager is in the lobby because it means they’ll be able to play together.
When June and Louis are dead, they’re typing to each other through the chat, bonding and having a grand time. They seem to forget about the game and just talk about whatever until one side wins.
His go-to color is orange, and he wears the sheriff hat.
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juncebox · 5 years ago
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One of these things is not like the other
Chibi of Ell cause he reminds me of a baby chick ahaisnanab
Art©️ @juniipoo
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tokiyaichi · 5 years ago
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• mane icons (500x500)
— like or reblog if you save
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afterlife-butterflies · 4 years ago
omg omg can we have general boyfriend headcanons for Ell??? maybe, like, dates he prefers, how he kisses, how he cuddles?? a playful gender neutral s/o would be nice :))
Really any form of quality time with you would make his day - especially if he's gifted with your smiles and laughter
But if he had to choose, something in nature is always nice! It could just be a stroll or picnic, but Ell always appreciates the relaxing quality of the outdoors
His kisses are sweet and not too long, when Ell pulls away his cheeks are always dusted with a happy blush as he checks if you're content yourself. It did take a while for him to get used to this kind of intimacy, but he can't say he doesn't like how it brings butterflies in his stomach and warms his heart
Cuddling however, is something he picks up rather quickly! Doesn't mind being the big or little spoon, since there are pros to both. Mostly just cares for comfort on both parts
Your playfulness always lights up the room~ Ell likes how it can liven up the air (but gets yelled at by a certain devil because his halo has appeared and it's bright)
Is protective of you when faced with destructive spirits and other hazards, and may forget at times that you could've dodged or handled something on your own (Ell can't help but get caught in the moment, one second later and he's suddenly finds himself by your side)
Very thoughtful and thus gives really good gifts, be it casual ones where he thought of you while he was out or event-based like birthdays. It helps that Ell is a good listener, and he always does his best to help you with your work (which brings in your own role of making sure he doesn't spread himself thin! It's a nice balance where the both of you look out for each other)
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haii2u · 5 years ago
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have you seen them? now you have:)
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welcome-to-afterlife · 4 years ago
do you still write? if so please write something for ell🥺👉🏻👈🏻 maybe a confession or something just really fluffy, i want flustered ell
Hey, im gonna try something different here- a letter. I’m so sorry because I’m pretty sure this isn’t fluffy, but I can’t pull myself to write normally! I tried my best to keep it happy as possible, but the shutdown just makes everything 10x harder. **Note: ik the manager is from the Otherworld, but I’m writing this for the people that want to hear from Ell one last time (and u all live in the human world lol).
Many Years Later: A Letter From Ell
Dear Manager,
Ahhh, I’m not sure what to say. There’s so much that I want to tell you, but I don’t think there’s enough space on this paper. Well, I’ll start with what I can-- we miss you. I’m not sure how long it's been in the human world, but several years have passed here in the 14th Department. Many of us have grown closer to achieving our goals, but no one has made it to the other side yet. To be honest, none of us are sure what to expect. Nyang Lead Manager won’t tell us whether we’ll be reincarnated or send back to our original life, but Housemaster Sei gave me a few hints (so I think we’ll be sent to our original lives)! 
Sometimes, I think about what I’m going to do after I fill up my kaleidoscope. It’s a little silly, but I think about the next we meet. Although Quincy says I’ll always be small and childish, I imagine myself as a strong and handsome angel that will sweep you off your feet. You’ll be so impressed and maybe your heart will flutter just as fast as mine did when you used to walk into my room. But that is your type, right Manager? I’m not too sure since I never got to ask you about it-- it’s one of the things I regret. Although everyone yells at me for hogging you during your time at the 14th Department, I always felt like it wasn’t enough. There were so many questions I didn’t ask, stories I didn’t hear, and words that I never said. But my biggest regret is that I never told you how I truly felt about you. 
Oh no, this is getting too sad isn’t it? I think so since I’m sneezing a lot (sorry if my writing looks messy, my eyes are watering from all the sneezing and it’s getting harder to see). Anyway, let’s go back to all the positive things because there a lot of them. First, I’m no longer that small boy that you remember. My hair is a little longer and I think I’ve actually grown an inch. I was super surprised because I didn’t think I would grow after I’m dead, but I guess I was wrong the whole time! Noah also says that I’ve matured and have grown more confident as the Class Leader. I don’t think that’s true, but I really appreciate his kind words! Also, the 14th Department has been doing a great job at purifying souls thanks to everything you’ve taught us! We aren’t the worst department anymore (that’s the 10th Department now) and people respect us a little more. 
As for the others, not a lot has changed. Nyang Lead Manager is still demanding, but we’ve learned a secret: give him a platter of assorted ancient fish and he’ll stop yelling at you! While it doesn’t always work, Mori claims it has a 98% success rate-- so I always buy his fish. Ghilley laughs at me because he thinks Mori is tricking me, but Licht has been helping me make these fish platters to keep the Nyang Lead Manager happy. Sometimes Jamie decorates our plates with cute little tangerine and strawberry slices. While the combination is a little weird, it looks like something from a fancy restaurant!
I think Housemaster Sei is a little stressed since he acts sort of like a manager now. He seems to pick on Louis and Cyrille for having the lowest purification rates, but it always ends with Ethan and Sian making fun of them (and then insulting each other). Then June jumps in the prove his manliness, which inspires Ataichi to challenge Kirr to a battle to see the better warrior. Kati ends up biting random people while Verine crawls under his table for protection. It doesn’t stop until Housemaster Sei threatens everyone with eternal punishment, but I enjoy the lively energy.
But things aren’t always smooth. Whenever we have problems, I always ask Youssef. He always tells me that I’m doing great on my own, but I think he’s just saying that because he’s nice. He’s so smart and I really appreciate his advice. But do you want to know the truth, Manager? I don’t admire him the way that I used to before. I think it’s because I miss you more and it's all I can think about when I go to him for help. I wish I could ask you instead, but I can’t. I miss all the times where you had the answers for me with a big smile on your face because it made me super happy too. It gave me hope that I could be the Class Leader that you always wanted me to be.
Sorry Manager, but I think I’m going to have to end it here. I’m running out of space on this paper and Nyang Lead Manager is only letting me use one paper. But I’d like to say one last thing: wherever you are, just know that I’ll be watching from afar. As your guardian angel, I promise I won’t let harm get in your way. So live the rest of year days with the brightest smile on your face because that will make me happy too. Lastly please wait for me, so that one day I tell you in person just how much I love you.
With lots of love,
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haru-luo · 4 years ago
Youssef : Alright, I got a box, we’re gonna put everything we love in the box.
Theo : Can I put Manager in the box?
Youssef : No.
Licht : Can I put my darling in the box?~
Youssef : NO.
Ell : Can I put manager in the box?
Youssef : I said-
Noah : Can I-
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windows0zerosblog · 4 years ago
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after-l1fe · 5 years ago
All the character’s reaction to a GN!MC that snorts when laughing
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merakiui · 5 years ago
Ell: Mr. Jamie has been smiling at his phone for a while now! I wonder why he’s so happy.
Licht: Maybe he’s looking at pictures of the Manager.
Jamie: Pufferfish Eating A Carrot [Good Ending]
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