#after hwanwoong keonhee was the one who spoke the most
candescentkpop · 10 months
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Oneus: Valkyrie
Oneus Part 84 / ∞
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
ONEUS Reacting to Their S/O Falling Asleep on their Lap
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Summary: How would ONEUS react to their S/O falling asleep on their lap in a public setting?
Word Count: 1,466 words
Pairing: Reader x Members / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Kim Youngjo (Ravn); Lee Seoho (Seoho); Kim Geonhak (Leedo); Lee Keonhee (Keonhee); Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong); Son Dongju (Xion);
Rated: E / Warnings: None / Genre: Fluff;
《 ONEUS Masterlist 》
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Kim Youngjo (Ravn)
Youngjo would find it so cute that you've fallen asleep on him. He wouldn't want to disturb you, so he would try to make sure no one around you is loud and would try to keep you asleep.
Youngjo stares down at you, a soft smile on his lips. His fingers are absentmindedly, gently tracing the outline of your face.
You're lying on you back, your head on his lap. You came to visit him at practice after a long day of work. But you had worked extra hours, and were extremely tired. As soon as Youngjo sat down with you after his practice ended, you curled up against his shoulder, and at some point, you fell asleep and curled up with your head on his lap.
"Aww," Keonhee says, walking over. Youngjo shoots him a hard stare and presses a shushing finger to his lips. Most of the other members are already at the dorm, but Youngjo couldn't bear to stand up and wake you up.
"They're sleeping,"  he mutters with a frown.
"Oh, sorry," Keonhee whispers. "You two are adorable."
Youngjo smiles and cups your cheeks a bit, which makes you groan and nuzzle into the palm of his hand. He swears his heart melts at the sight of you.
Lee Seoho (Seoho)
Seoho wouldn't feel a lot about you sleeping on him. Sure, he'd find it a bit cute, but he'd be more concerned about making sure you're not disturbed and making sure you remain sleeping.
You fell asleep on Seoho's lap only minutes after you got in the van to take the members--and yourself--back to the hotel where you were all staying during the tour. It's late at night, and the blinding lights and fans cheering was exhausting, both for him on stage and you backstage.
Seoho doesn't mind that you've fallen asleep on him in front of the members. Performance days like today were always exhausting for the both of you, so it isn't the first time this tour you'd fallen asleep in the van. Still, the members tease him about how cute the two of you are together.
The car hits a bump in the road, and you mumble something in your sleep. He quickly runs his hand over your head, trying to calm you and help you remain asleep, and mutters something to help soothe you.
Geonhak, who is sitting in the seat across from you two, snickers, and Seoho shoots him a glare.
"You're babying them," Geonhak says. "You're gonna have to wake them up so they can walk to the room with you. Unless you're planning to carry them to the room?"
"I could carry them," Seoho says, a bit too loud. "I've done it before."
You grumble something again, and Seoho resumes whispering softly to you to soothe you and keep you asleep, glaring at Geonhak a bit. Seoho swears to himself that, if you're still asleep by the time you arrive at the hotel, he'll carry you up to the hotel room on his back.
Kim Geonhak (Leedo)
Geonhak would find you so adorable while sleeping on him. He loves watching you sleep--consensually, not in a creepy way. But if you were to fall asleep on his lap in public, he'd feel a bit distressed, worried about waking you up.
Geonhak has his arms wrapped tightly around you. Your legs on one side of his lap, head against his shoulder, your hands grasping one of his while the other is supporting your back to make sure you don't fall over. You'd fallen asleep while on his lap about five minutes ago, but he's been staring at you so fondly for what feels like eternity, and yet, not long enough.
He's been watching you, listening to your soft snores. Not in a creepy way. In a boyfriend who loves his S/O to death.
Yes, he's fully aware that most of his members, and even staff members, have been walking around the room, conversing as quietly as they can about upcoming schedules. He's already shot them death stares every time they spoke a bit too loud, and they've learned to stay quiet when you're sleeping, to ensure that you are undisturbed.
Suddenly, the door nearby swings open, and Lee Seoho enters. Geonhak looks up abruptly, as you groan in your sleep, shifting a bit on Geonhak's lap.
Seoho's eyes met Geonhak's, and he knows that he is so close to death.
Lee Keonhee (Keonhee)
Keonhee would either stare at you dreamily, hands to himself, or he would try--and fail--to resist the urge to touch, poke or squish your cheeks. Keonhee, ever so whipped for you, and you know how he deals with finding you so adorable? He'd most likely be poking or squishing your cheeks gently. He might accidentally wake you up. 
Keonhee watches as Dongju goes into the recording studio. His arms are around your waist, holding you against him to make sure you don't fall over.
You had offered to join your boyfriend and the two other maknaes as they recorded vocals for an upcoming song. Keonhee had finished recording his part long ago, but he wanted to stay and wait for his younger members to finish. But the recording had taken much longer than expected, and you fell asleep halfway through what Hwanwoong was recording. Thankfully, this was a slower song, so it was less disruptive to your sleep.
He looks at you. Your cheek looks so pokable. He just has to poke.
He can't resist, and finds himself gently poking your cheek. His attention should be on Dongju, but honestly he's busy admiring and squishing you.
You groan a bit, lifting your head a bit, and he realizes that he's the reason you've awaken.
"Oh, sorry love," he whispers. "I didn't mean to wake you."
"Liar," Hwanwoong hisses. "He's been squishing and poking you for the past five minutes."
You smile at Keonhee, and turn to get more comfortable on his lap. "Mmkay. Going back to sleep."
Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong)
Hwanwoong would find you adorable. He'd probably start feeling sleepy as well, just watching how peaceful you look sleeping. He'd be admiring you so much, he'd be distracted by whatever is happening and would want to join you in relaxing. is happening.
Hwanwoong couldn't be any happier than he is right now. He looks down at you, sleeping with your head in his lap as you both sit on a bench in the dressing room after a big award show.
His fingers run through your hair gently, watching you gently snore. He knows you're tired. After watching several performances--including his own--and listening to several award speeches, he'd expect you to be exhausted. He isn't surprised even in the slightest that you've fallen asleep. What he does love is that you've fallen asleep on him.
As he stares down at you, a smile on his face.
You curl closer to him, and as he watches you get comfortable on him, he lets slip a yawn from his mouth.
Huh, he thinks, chuckling to himself. Now, looking down at them, I'm the one getting tired.
Before he even realizes it, he's fast asleep. His hand absentmindedly stroking your hair as he snores, leaning his head and back against the wall.
His members walk past, snickering to each other as they walk past, making sure to keep quiet. Youngjo and Geonhak even agree to take pictures of you sleeping with your head on his lap, to tease Hwanwoong with later.
Son Dongju (Dongju)
Dongju would find you so cute, and would be so happy knowing that you're comfortable enough to fall asleep on him in public. He'd be absolutely overjoyed and would want to protect you from anything that might wake you.
Dongju looks down at your sleeping self, head on his lap, your hand between your head and his legs as a cushion. You look so peaceful and calm, and genuinely, Dongju is so happy that you're sleeping on him in public, backstage in the dressing room, before the show starts. He promised to wake you up as soon as he has to 
His older members are aware of your relationship, and have been for a while, but even after you told them, you two were shy to be too physically affectionate with each other except for maybe holding hands.
So you willingly falling asleep on him for his members and members of the staff to see makes him overwhelmed with joy and satisfaction.
It means a lot to him, even though it's just his S/O falling asleep on him innocently in public as the makeup artists walk around as quietly as they can, smiling fondly at Dongju as he stares at you and only you, clearly so captivated by you.
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sm-entertain-me · 4 years
Come Back Home (M)
Contains: Kim Youngjo (RAVN) x (f) reader, adult language, explicit depictions of unprotected sex, featuring ONEUS, fingering, biting, marking kink, choking, creampie, supernatural!au, supernatural!ONEUS.
Synopsis: All you remembered was waking up in a cloud of darkness, surrounded by six men, each of them looking painfully familiar to you but you couldn’t remember why. For some reason, you trusted them, especially their leader Youngjo.
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Darkness surrounded you as you awoke from what felt like a fever dream, your body trembling from the cold despite the room feeling a lot hotter than normal. You wanted to cry out for someone to help or at least tell you where you were, but you couldn’t find your voice. You didn’t understand what was going on or what you had done in your life to be in such a terrifying place, but for some reason, it felt familiar to you.
As you were in your own thoughts, you could hear footsteps to the side of you, causing your body to stiffen at the sound. The darkness never faltered and the sound of the footsteps kept getting louder, immediately forcing your heart rate to skyrocket from the fear of the unknown. Listening carefully to try and get a sense of what was going on around you, it sounded like the footsteps belonged to multiple people instead of a singular being. That certainly didn’t help your nerves as you could feel eyes on you, studying your every move.
“Wh-Who’s there?” You squeaked, finally being able to find your voice after what seemed like an eternity of laying there. Of course, the subjects that were now surrounding you never spoke a word, choosing to only watch the way your body shook and observing you quietly. When you realized you weren’t getting a response, you resulted to demands even though you were certainly not in a position to be making such a scene, “I said who’s there? Answer me!” The only answer you received after your demands was not something you were expecting as a soothing voice responded, “Do you really not remember us, jagiya?”
Although you couldn’t place a name to a face, you had definitely heard the voice before. You couldn’t remember if it was from a dream or from reality, but you had heard the man’s voice before winding up wherever you are now. In fact, you’re having quite a hard time differentiating between reality and your dreams at this point because the longer you stay in this room, you can feel yourself teetering between the two. 
A deeper voice, the deepest voice you had ever heard, could be heard nearest to you as he interrupted your conscience, “Of course she remembers you, hyung. Look at the way her face lit up from your voice. She must’ve missed you the most.” You soon felt a hand on the side of your face, soft fingers caressing your cheek as you were forced to turn to your right. As the person’s fingers lingered on your face, you could feel a slight warming sensation spread through your face and start to trickle to your neck and shoulders. Confused, you pulled your head away from their grasp only to be met with another chill running down your spine from the cold. What is going on with you?
“Don’t worry darling, I’ll take care of you,” The first man’s voice whispered in your left ear this time, feeling his pillowy lips cascade along your ear. Goosebumps began to form over your body after realizing how close the mystery man was to you, the anticipation in your gut building with every passing second. Suddenly you felt the odd weight on your eyelids weaken, allowing you to open your eyes to reveal the mystery men to you.
There were six in total, each of them varying in height and hair color but each of them wore the same devilish grin as they watched your pupils dilate at the sight of them. The six men were dressed in black velour suits, looking agonizingly handsome as their eyes fell on various parts of your body. This made you look down since you couldn’t feel much fabric on you, seeing that you were dressed in black as well, but your outfit was much more revealing than that of the men. You were dressed in a simple black lace set, the bra made out of a beautiful onyx eyelash lace while the skimpy undergarments were a solid black lace, and your legs were adorned with delicate knee high stockings held up by the matching garter belt. You looked insatiable.
However, when you were admiring how you looked in the lace, you couldn’t help but notice a faint black mark forming on the inside of your right arm. You couldn’t make out the shape just yet as it looked fairly new, but you certainly don’t remember getting a tattoo of any sorts. After studying the mark, you looked back up at the men and waited for them to explain themselves since you are having a really hard time understanding the world at the moment.
“It’s common to forget, especially at your age. But let us explain ourselves,” The shortest member spoke up next, understanding your confusion. He then took a step forward and took your hand in his, stroking your hand with his thumb as he looked into your eyes, “I’m Hwanwoong, and these are my colleagues Dongju, Keonhee, Gunhak, Seoho and, the man who you’ll be getting very acquainted with tonight-” Hwanwoong was about to continue when you felt the familiar voiced man at your left side again, his hand resting softly on your shoulder, “Youngjo.”
Again, a steady stream of warmth could be felt from the man’s hand, traveling down your body to rest at your stomach but certainly wanted to go lower. Unknowingly, you tilted your head back and held your lips open to release a sigh that you never knew was approaching, your eyes becoming hooded as you began to relax into Youngjo’s grip. You couldn’t understand why you felt such a connection with him or why he made you feel so warm, but you honestly didn’t mind at this point. Something about him told you to trust him.
Even though you were promised an explanation from Hwanwoong, you never got one. Instead, Youngjo got impatient and ordered all of them to leave the room at once, but not before everyone of them got to send their farewells to you. Seoho was first, placing a gentle kiss on your hand. Next came Gunhak who was a little more straightforward by reaching out and placing a strand of hair behind your ear, kissing you on your cheek. Keonhee was next, kissing your hand like Seoho had done, but then bowed graciously to you. Then came Hwanwoong who opted to give you a hug first, wrapping his arms around you and then kissing the top of your head. Lastly was Dongju, who simply placed his finger under your chin and winked at you. It was at that moment that you became very aware that you were completely at the mercy of Youngjo.
Once Youngjo was certain you two wouldn’t be disturbed, he finally turned to you and smirked at you, “We’ve been waiting to see when you would come back home.” Home? “Of course, darling. This is your home after all. Surely you’ve noticed the mark on your arm?” Youngjo asked curiously, already knowing your answer since he watched you acknowledge it minutes earlier. Also, you were fairly certain you never spoke a word to Youngjo yet, so how did he know what you were thinking? Youngjo took this opportunity to unbutton the button keeping his blazer together, removing the fabric from his body to reveal his honeyed skin to you, noticing the familiar mark on his arm except that it was far darker on his skin than yours.
You couldn’t help but admire Youngjo’s body, feeling your mouth beginning to water at the sight of his abs flexing with every step he took towards you until he was crawling on the bed with you, stopping only when his lips were centimeters from yours. “You look absolutely divine,” Youngjo whispered, leaning forward to connect his lips with yours, you immediately becoming breathless in his embrace. Youngjo smirked against your lips as he leaned into your frame, laying you down completely beneath him as he began to deepen the kiss. His tongue swiped against your bottom lip to indicate his desire and you kindly obliged, allowing his tongue to explore your mouth. 
Youngjo’s lips were intoxicating as he continued to steal both your breath and sanity away, barely paying attention to where his hands were going until you felt his fingers slip into your panties and prod at your soaked hole. When Youngjo felt how wet you were, you felt him groan into your mouth as he pressed not one, but two slender fingers into you. The relaxing warmth from earlier soon became a searing heat as Youngjo pushed deeper into you, pressing his lips harshly against yours to swallow the moans that spilled from your lips. 
“Fu-fuck Youngjo,” you groaned against his lips, arching your back off of the mattress to feel as much as you could of his fingers as his thumb began to work at your clit, drawing sinful shapes into the bundle of nerves. Youngjo finally tore his lips from yours and smirked at the string of spit that connected the both of you, taking his tongue and licking his lips to break it while his gaze never broke from yours. You swore you could’ve cum from that face alone. But just as your high was building, it was quickly taken away as the feeling of Youngjo’s fingers spreading you open were quickly replaced by... well, nothing.
Wondering why Youngjo would deny you an orgasm like that, you propped yourself up to see Youngjo removing the slacks of his suit to reveal his thick cock resting in his hand. As your eyes widened from the sight, Youngjo chuckled at you while he continued to pump himself to his full length, “I didn’t want you to cum from just my fingers.” Once Youngjo was satisfied with the length of his cock, he grabbed your panties and ripped them from your body, smirking as he held the shreds of fabric in front of your face, “Oops.” You didn’t have time to scold him for ripping such a beautiful set because Youngjo managed to shut you up by sliding his cock deep inside of you.
The stretch Youngjo gave you had you arching so far off the bed that you were sure you almost broke your back, a staggered moan falling from Youngjo’s lips as he felt every ripple of your pussy. “Oh fuck, baby. You’re t-taking me so well,” Youngjo praised as he stilled against you, trying to get his bearings together before he came from just entering you. You were that addictive to him, and he was the same for you. 
Youngjo finally got it together as he kept one hand on your hip to pin you to the mattress, taking the other one to place right next to your head to keep himself upright in order to fuck you as deep as possible. Youngjo then drew his hips back, groaning out from the wetness coating his cock and the tightness of your pussy, and then slammed back into you slowly and precisely to make sure he could hit your spot the first time. He could tell that he did by the way your eyes rolled in the back of your head, earning a smirk from him as he quickened his pace on you.
You couldn’t believe the depths that Youngjo could achieve as he fucked you with so much force that you honestly thought the bed was going to break as it slammed against the wall behind you. As you were being fucked senseless, your hands struggled to find purchase on Youngjo’s shoulders, so you opted for digging your nails into his back and leaving red marks in his skin. Youngjo threw his head back from the sensation as he looked down at you with all black eyes, moaning out, “Goddamn, please do that again.” And so you dug your nails deep into Youngjo’s skin, raking your nails down his back yet again, seemingly fueling the fire burning between you two as Youngjo slammed his hips against yours even harder than before.
It didn’t take long for you to become a hiccupping mess underneath Youngjo as you screamed his name from the top of your lungs, cumming extremely hard around his cock. Your nails were dug so deep into his skin that you were sure you drew blood at this point as you continued to lose your mind around Youngjo, sobbing from the pleasure. The warmth in your body burned the hottest it had all night and you could feel yourself becoming undone the longer Youngjo pounded into you. A part of you wanted Youngjo to stop because you were feeling so good, but the other part of you wanted him to keep going because it felt so good.
“Mmm god, babygirl,” Youngjo moaned in your ear, burying his face into your neck as his grip on your hips tightened to keep you in place to take all of his thrusts the way he intended. You could feel Youngjo’s hips begin to falter, indicating that he was extremely close to cumming. As a last ditch effort, Youngjo wrapped his hand around your throat while he sunk his teeth into the other side, drawing out beautiful red flowers to mark you as his and only his. Youngjo delivered one last thrust into you and moaned out your name as he came deep inside of you, biting down again on your neck, but this time feeling him break the skin from not being able to control his hormones. 
Oddly enough, the area where Youngjo bit started to burn with the same heat you had felt when you two were having sex, immediately causing your eyes to open to see Youngjo smirking above you as he was still inside of you. He saw the look of panic on your face but simply shook his head, dismissing your silent question and wiping the sweat off of his forehead with the back of his hand, “I’ll explain later darling. Right now you need some rest.” Youngjo slowly slipped himself out of you and pushed his slender fingers inside your dripping hole, pushing all of his cum back to where it belonged before kissing you on the forehead, sleep immediately claiming you for the night.
What felt like hours had passed until you awoke again, opening your eyes to see that you were alone yet again, but you were in the same room as before. You slowly picked your torso off of the mattress and leaned against the headboard, trying to get out of bed but where quickly reminded that you received the hardest fucking of your life last night so walking wasn’t exactly the best idea. Instead you sat there and sighed, hoping that someone would come and check on you. 
Soon you heard the door open, revealing all six boys from last night, all dressed in their signature black velour suits. All of them looked ravishing as always as they all smiled at you, Youngjo’s smile being a lot bigger than the others as he shot you a quick wink. Expecting him to come forward, you were pretty surprised to see Gunhak walking over to you and grabbing your hand, turning it over to examine your wrist. Much to your surprise, the faded mark had darkened into what seemed to be a sword with two half circles surrounding it, the exact same mark you had seen on Youngjo the night before.
“Welcome Home.”
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shijakbuteoda · 4 years
oneus reacts to you initiating skinship in front of to moons !!
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genre: fluff
pairing(s): selected oneus member x gender neutral reader
warning(s): none, unless you have something against pda ??-?/!!/
a/n: i started ulting oneus recently and thought to write this to signify it :D it’s a little rushed but i hope you enjoy !!
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the thought of skinship didn’t come as a shock to either of you - it had been 4 months and the pair of you were comfortable enough to initiate it pretty much anywhere which allowed it.
rbw had only recently revealed that youngjo was dating someone, but didn’t let on as to who you were. youngjo had snuck you backstage at one of their fansigns, giggling whenever he made eye contact with you from where you were standing towards the side of the stage.
he then began to find it hard to focus when you decided you were going to act as staff, and walk closer to ‘monitor’ the boys’ interactions with to moons. youngjo stood up to quickly fetch a water bottle and as he turned he came face to face with you, standing there holding a new bottle of water for him. this shocked him a little but amused him more than anything.
then, as if on instinct, you quickly pecked him on the lips. upon pulling away you realised the setting and the amount of people who had just witnessed your interaction. while you pulled away mildly shocked at yourself for your actions, youngjo had that of a smirk lingering on his face. he was amused, and proud at your confidence to initiate skinship in such a place. you quickly pecked him on the lips once more, placed the bottle in his hands and rushed off stage to shelter your identity from anyone who bore witness to your public display of affection. the members wouldn’t let you hear the end of it after the fansign, mimicking kissing sounds wherever they saw fit.
it was no secret that k-fans weren’t as accepting with idols’ relationships as others would be, so there was definitely minor backlash at your actions. but, you didn’t regret it... and neither did youngjo, if anything he was ecstatic to be able to have dates with you in public more wherein you wouldn’t have to be as cautious of cameras or lingering stares.
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seoho had invited you to one of oneus’ concerts, taking precautions to ensure your identity was hidden from any lingering stares. the tickets were some that he snagged for some ‘friends.’ considering the relatively fresh debut that oneus had made, he wasn’t sure of whether rbw would approve of your relationship - so not only was he trying to keep your rendezvous under wraps from the to moons, but also the company and his members.
you knew it was for the best and that seoho only wanted to protect you from the inevitable hate that you were to face, but in all honesty, you didn’t care for the backlash. all you wanted was to be able to freely express your love for seoho with no restraints, but you knew that he wished for no ‘negative’ attention on himself, nor his members.
where an event such as this would only reveal their true fans, you knew that it showcased too much of a risk. you were backstage, waiting for seoho to rush off of stage to quickly prepare for the encore. when he saw you, his smile brightened but then faltered upon realising the setting. where he restrained himself, you did not and leaped up, hugging him tightly out of habit, not noticing the staff that was broadcasting the behind the scenes, live.
seoho was a little flustered, but melted into you instinctively, leaning down to peck your forehead. you gave him a quick kiss on the lips before pushing him to get changed. it was then that you noted what happened, the staff and members looking on at you incredulously. the rumours surfaced, and surprisingly rbw revealed your relationship to the public on the preface that it would ‘bring more popularity’ to oneus as a whole. while the circumstances were not ideal, you were glad to finally be able to express your affection for seoho publicly.
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your group and oneus’ schedules almost always lined up, which proved to be difficult in keeping you and gunhak’s relationship under wraps. you would watch his performances with a blinding smile on your face, proud of how well he was doing - and him, you. it even came to the point where when the two of you stood on stage together at music shows fans began to notice the longing stares that you would exchange - or the lingering glances that the pair of you would give one another as you spoke about your performances into the microphone.
this week your group were promoting their newest single whilst oneus were promoting ‘a song written easily,’ on the show. your group had made a debut not long before oneus had, meaning the two of you were pretty close to the other on stage. this was changed when the host, lee jeno of nct, gestured for you to move closer to the front alongside nct dream due to your connections - being from the same company. it was a close call between your group’s new single and nct dream’s single ‘ridin’ but your group evidently ended up winning.
your eyes glimmered with unshed tears as the mic was passed to you for you to give your ment, as you tried to talk your voice failed you and you found yourself crouching to try and prevent the sobs that wished to come out. chenle reached over and rubbed your shoulder to comfort you as you gave your speech about your group’s 5th consecutive win. gunhak watched this interaction with envy, if only he was able to publicly comfort you. however, he was glad that you had such supportive artists at your company.
it was then that your song came on over the speakers, signalling the other artists off of the stage. your group pulled nct dream to stay on stage and you glanced over to see oneus leaving as well. you quickened your speed and grabbed gunhak’s hand, interlacing your fingers and urging oneus to join you on stage. the boys happily obliged, gunhak blushing at the fact that you remained holding his hand. upon noticing this you squished his cheeks together, kissing him and giggling as he leaned into you again after you began to pull away, coercing you into another kiss. let’s just say, both of your fandoms took to social media to freak out about the new relationship - many people shipping it from months prior due to how SuBtLe the pair of you were.
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you had met keonhee through your brother, where you tagged along during his promotions to help as a makeup artist for his group. your brother, yunho of ateez, was to appear on weekly idol alongside another group - oneus. this is evidently where the relationship between you and keonhee bloomed.
so, when the pair of you started dating it was almost unseen to anyone’s eyes. your job as a makeup artist kept your actions inconspicuous to others, dodging in and out of dressing rooms was not unusual of any idol’s staff so no one ever spared you and keonhee a glance when you snuck into his dressing room to help him get ready. it was also a big help that ateez and oneus’ schedules lined up quite often, meaning that you were alongside keonhee not only at work, but also when the pair of you had dates, or where he’d occasionally sleep over at your apartment with the excuse that he was visiting ‘a friend.’
on this particular day you were helping touch up keonhee’s makeup at a pre-recording. oneus’ staff had basically welcomed you as their own, and yunho grew almost.. jealous at the little time you spent with ateez in favour of oneus. so whilst you touched up keonhee’s makeup, yunho stood by the side of the stage, pouting at how long you were taking as he needed his makeup done too. as if out of habit, you gripped keonhee’s face in your hands and pressed a kiss to his lips after applying too much lip tint. “there!” you exclaimed, “now there’s not an overload of tint.”
keonhee was surprised at your newfound confidence and public display of affection. it was then that your conscious kicked in, you were standing in front of to moons, staff, all of oneus and your brother. keonhee giggled at the look on your face, it was almost as if you were contemplating all of your life’s decisions that led you to that moment. he leaned forward and pecked your lips quickly, then ushered you off of stage and out of the view of the public eye. it was then that he noticed yunho, who was now putting on an act of mock frustration, “you hurt my sibling, i hurt you,” wow.. how cheesy could one be? keonhee froze in his spot before yunho broke out in laughter, patting keonhee’s back and assuring him that it was alright. he then grabbed you by the wrist to drag you away, “we have a lot of talking to do, you idiot.” you looked back at keonhee pleadingly, only met with him blowing you a kiss in return. you waved at him and turned to face the ‘wrath’ of your brother.
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honestly it was more hwanwoong than you initiating skinship in front of to moons. the pair of you had made it a plan to visit one of the cupsleeve events that to moons were hosting at a cafe, decked out in clothes that would look inconspicuous to the public eye. which, in hindsight, those clothes were most definitely eye catching seeing as hwanwoong is an idol and mainly owns high class branded clothes, which you were also wearing due to your habit of stealing his clothes.
whilst the two of you waited in line, you let your eyes drift across the menu and decorations put up by the to moons who organised the event. you decided on your favourite bubble tea and let hwanwoong pick his one out himself. once it came to paying the pair of you bickered about who was paying before you pushed him out of the way and thrust your credit card into the cashier’s hand. while this gained unnecessary attention, many people found it adorable. but, of course a few fans paid more attention to the pair of you after this as you sat down to drink your teas, conversing over the cute cupsleeves and extras.
hwanwoong was sitting across from you, whining adorably at the fact that you wouldn’t let him pay. you just pulled down his facemask and leaned in, kissing him to shut him up. you didn’t think to look around to check for any stares before you kissed him so when you pulled away you blushed a little, letting your head fall to the table with a thump. hwanwoong looked on with adoring eyes, cheeks just as red as yours.
the person hosting the event couldn’t help but come over and tell you how cute she found the pair of you, asking for a quick signature from hwanwoong before she was on her way. the pair of you blushed deeper at her comment, linking your hands together and grabbing your teas to escape from the stares that you were receiving. hwanwoong couldn’t help but giggle at what happened, teasing you as the two of you walked back to his dorm to participate in a movie night with the other members of oneus. “well, that was one way to shut me up,” he’d say, nudging you to the side with his hip. you, upon almost losing your balance, glared at him as he gripped onto your waist to not let you fall. he gave you a cheeky grin and leaned in to peck your lips once more, “cutie!”
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you and dongju had only recently started dating on the downlow when he decided to invite you along on one of oneus’ trips for you to get to know his members better. the seven of you piled into a van, dongju and yourself sitting in the backseat together [which keonhee enforced to be ‘free from the pda’ and ‘to see the softie that dongju was’].
hwanwoong whipped out his phone to do a vlive to broadcast to the to moons what was on the books for oneus in the coming days, to tell them the reason for their inactivity recently. unbeknownst to them, yourself and dongju were caught in the shot. no one had noticed this yet so you freely expressed your love for dongju, resting your head on his shoulder and tilting yourself up to peck him on the cheek occasionally to get a reaction out of him.
dongju maintained a straight face despite his flustered body language. you giggled, quite loudly for that matter, and continued doing so, yelling at him that “he was blushing, how cute~,” only for him to push you away, denying any of this. seoho turned to tease dongju alongside you, the three of you being loud enough as to be heard on the livestream.
hwanwoong noticed that you had been visible in the shot at that point, his eyes widening as he tilted the camera another way to ensure your privacy. soon after this he ended the vlive upon viewing the number of comments requesting that he addressed what had happened. leedo, keonhee, ravn and himself all looked at each other with wide eyes before turning off the phone entirely. who cares, their main focus was the trip as of that moment so they were to formally announce dongju’s relationship status after it. the pair of you were made aware of this, alongside seoho, and braced yourselves for the backlash but were faced with mainly positive reactions. hm.. maybe that wasn’t so bad after all.
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
Along the Red Thread | Chapter 3
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🧣 Summary: It is said that a red thread connects people who are soulmates and destined to be lovers, regardless of place and circumstances. What makes this difficult is that you stopped believing in love a long time ago. OR. You go to Korea to visit your father after several years. There, a mysterious red thread that seemingly only you can see shows up when you least expect it, and you meet a childhood friend you’d never thought you would see again.
🧣 Chapter 3: 4,342 words
🧣 Pairing: Reader x Kim Geonhak (Leedo) / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Kim Geonhak (Leedo); Kim Youngjo (Ravn); Lee Seoho (Seoho); Lee Keonhee (Keonhee); Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong); Son Dongju/Xion; a couple of OCs;
🧣 Rated: T / Warnings: Mentions of divorce (Y/N’s parents); Mentions of abuse (physical); Instances of abuse (non-physical); Mentions of child abuse; Swearing / Genre: Angst; Fluff; Soulmate!AU (Red Thread of Fate); ChildhoodBestFriends!AU; Happy Ending;
《 Boy Group Masterlist // ONEUS Masterlist // Series Masterlist 》
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“Sunho, let’s go to school, alright?” you call out. Sunho runs out of his room, all dressed for school with his bag ready, and he grabs onto your hand. “Ready to go?” you ask. He nods aggressively.
It’s been just over two weeks since you arrived in Korea, and you’ve been adapting quite well to it here. You’ve spent most of your time reading to Sunho, who loves spending time with you. You’ve read him ‘The Kissing Hand’ about once a night as a bedtime story, and several other books throughout the week, and you have been taking him to school for the past week, while his mom and your shared father go to work. It’s easier for them, plus you feel helpful and you get to know your little half brother.
You and Sooyeon haven’t gotten along much since she yelled at you two weeks ago. Ever since she talked about and criticized your upbringing by your mother like that …
You’ve felt the tension between you and her ever since then. Your anger has gone down, but it’s difficult to see Sooyeon and not rehear those words she spoke. She hasn’t apologized, hasn’t even suggested that she feels bad for insulting you or your mother. You and Sooyeon have had quite a few disagreements like that since then, about stupid things like your screen time–you’re a college student on vacation and she isn’t your mother–and eating habits. Sooyeon started staring and watching you as you simply exist. It’s really as if she’s looking for something to yell at you.
You walk with Sunho to the bus stop you take to get to his school. The stop isn’t too far from your father’s apartment, so you hold his hand as you lead him onto the bus, and hold his hand throughout the ride.
After you wave Sunho off, and he waves goodbye back before joining some friends his age and disappearing into the school building. You  hum as you head back to your dad’s apartment, hands in the pockets of your pants as you listen to music through your earbuds. As you walk back toward the apartment, something on the ground catches your eye.
You frown and move off to the side of the sidewalk, kneeling down as if to tie your shoelaces, and you reach over to pluck up the end of the red thread, lying on the sidewalk.
You stand up again, clutching the thread tightly in your hand. It’s been just over a week since you last saw the red thread. It’s a different day, different place, but it almost certainly is the same red thread. You look up, and watch as the thread, a bright red, runs down the sidewalk ahead of you and turns left ahead, disappearing around the block.
You frown. No one else seems to notice or see the string. No one did the last time you saw it, either. They continue about their days, stepping over and around it without even sparing it a glance.
You follow the red thread, coiling it up in your hand and rolling it into a ball as you walk along the path. Miss Sooyeon would probably be appalled by the fact that you’re picking up a random string on the ground. To be fair, you have no idea what this string is, where it leads and where it’s been. You have no idea how dirty it is. But at the same time, this is the second time you’ve seen this thread since you arrived here in Korea. Last time you saw it, it vanished mysteriously after you ran into someone at the store. How can you not be curious about this mysterious red thread?
You follow the string down the street, making sure to be much more mindful of your surroundings so that you don’t run into anyone on the sidewalk, and don’t get run over by a car or bike. You continue walking, and you see ahead that the string leads to a bus stop on the sidewalk, several people waiting in its shade. As you walk closer to the stop, you can see the string wound around the poles holding up the roof, and hanging from the ceiling. You stare up at the string, intrigued, and come to a stop beside the structure, observing how the thread is wrapped around the black pillar.
“What are you looking at?”
You almost jump at the deep voice beside you, and clutch your heart. You see a man next to you, around your age, black hair, eerily familiar. He’s looking between you and the bus stop structure curiously.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says. He frowns, tilting his head to you. “Wait, you’re the person from the store the other week.”
Oh, that’s where you’ve seen him! He’s the man you ran into at the store when you followed the red thread two weeks ago!
Oh. Oh!
That’s embarrassing.
“Oh, yes, that was me,” you say. You can feel your cheeks heating up in embarrassment. “Sorry, again, about bumping into you.”
“No worries,” he says. “So how has your second week here been? Two weeks, right?”
“Yep. It’s been fine,” you say. “The city is beautiful.” There really is no other way to describe it. You’ve enjoyed reading to Sunho. You’ve enjoyed the small amount of sightseeing you’ve done.
“Excellent,” he says. “By the way, I’m Geonhak.”
He holds out his hand to shake, and you shake it.
“I’m Y/N,” you say. He tilts his head curiously.
“When I lived internationally, I had a friend by that name. Where did you say you were visiting from, again?” he asks. You tell him what city you come from, and his eyes widen.
“Your last name wouldn’t happen to be … Y/L/N, would it?” he asks. You nod.
“It is. How did you know?”
He laughs. “I lived there during middle school. If I’m not mistaken, we went to school together, and we were friends,” he says.
You frown, thinking back. There’s no way this man could be the Korean kid you were friends with, all those years ago. But now that you think of it, his name was Geonhak …
“Geonhak Kim?” you guess. He nods and beams at you.
“Yes, that was me!”
“Oh, that’s so … amazing that we’ve met again! It’s been so long,” you say, nervously rubbing the back of your neck. “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you.”
“No worries,” he says. “It took me two weeks to recognize you. It’s been many, many years since we’ve seen each other, so it’s understandable. How have you been, Y/Nie?”
You smile at the name Y/Nie. You can almost hear it in his much younger voice, from when you were kids. His voice certainly has gotten deeper since you were thirteen.
“Not much. I just finished my freshman year of college, but as I told you, I’m here visiting my father,” you say. “How about you? How have you been?”
“I, uh …” He glances around before leaning toward you. “I’m an idol,” he says, his voice somewhat lowered.
“An idol? A K-Pop idol? A celebrity?”
He nods. “Yeah,” he says. He’s smiling almost confidently, but his rosy, blushy cheeks are telling you he’s a bit shy. “I’m part of the Korean idol group ONEUS.”
“Oh, that name sounds familiar,” you say, thinking back to where you recognize the name from. “Was it 'Valkyrie’?”
“Yes, that was our debut title track,” he says laughing. “Oh, have you heard of us?”
“Yeah, I listened to 'Valkyrie’. I liked it, it was nice,” you say. “So since we went to school together, you became a celebrity. If memory serves, you were into dance and used to sing. Nice to know it went to good use.”
He chuckles. “Yeah.”
A screech sounds as the bus pulls up to the bus stop. People line up at the now-open door and start entering, scanning their cards and finding a seat.
“Ah, that’s me,” Geonhak says. “Here, let’s quickly exchange numbers. Here’s my phone, just put in your name, and I can put my number on yours.”
You give him your phone and type in your own phone number, putting 'Y/Nie Y/L/N’ as the contact name. You give Geonhak his phone back, and he gives you yours back.
“Bye, Y/N,” he says, smiling brightly. “We should talk soon!” He waves before joining the line for the bus. You wave goodbye again as the bus departs before frowning to yourself. You came to this bus stop for a reason, didn’t you? What was it?
Oh. Right.
You look back up at the roof of the structure, but the red thread is nowhere to be seen. Not dangling from the ceiling, nor wrapped around the supports like before. You look down at your hand, but, once again, the thread has vanished. You glance around, but there is no red thread to be found.
“What … ?”
After glancing around for a moment, you settle with the fact that the red thread has, once again, completely vanished. Slightly disappointed by not figuring out the mystery of the red thread, you head back to the apartment.
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You sit in your room, on your bed, working on your computer. You have a bit of summer reading to do for school, and so you’re getting a bit of a head start now.
You have your earbuds in both of your ears, playing all of ONEUS’ music on shuffle. After learning that your childhood friend is now famous and a member of a popular music group three days ago, you wanted to check out their songs. And you really like their music, their first album especially.
Bored with the reading, you take out your phone and open contacts. Geonhak hpad named himself in your phone as 'Geonhak 🐥’ when you gave him your phone three days ago, which you found extremely cute.
You and Geonhak have been texting back and forth since you exchanged numbers. Mostly just talking about school, life. You talk about hobbies and how you both have been since middle school. Once or twice, you mentioned living with your mother and without your father, but it was never a main topic of conversation.
It’s nice to think about meeting your childhood friend. Especially now that you think of how he was always so kind to you when you would come to school and tell him about what your dad did to you or your mom. He would comfort you, he would listen to you. And, from what you remember, he was generally just a fun friend.
You look up in surprise. Sunho stands in the doorway, carrying his favorite book 'The Kissing Hand,’ in his arms.
“Hi, Sunho,” you say. “Do you want me to read to you before dinner?”
“Yes please,” he says. You pat the spot on the bed next to you, and he comes and sits down there. He places the book down and smiles widely. You reach over to open the book when you hear the front door open. You swear your heart stops at the sound of the door slamming shut.
“Ah, sorry! I didn’t mean to slam the door!” Your father’s voice is loud, and you let out the breath that you didn’t realize you were holding.
You can hear Sooyeon respond in Korean from the kitchen. With your limited knowledge or Korean, she says something along the lines of, “It’s okay! I just made dinner! I was about to get the kids.”
A couple minutes pass, and then suddenly the door opens to your bedroom and Sooyeon pokes her head in.
“Hello you two,” Sooyeon says. “Dinner is ready.” She repeats it again in Korean for Sunho.
“Okay-yee!” Sunho jumps off the bed. “Let’s go!” he says in Korean. You follow him to the dining room, his loud footsteps echoing through the hallway as he runs to his usual spot.
The four of you take your seats at the table. You sit to the right of your father and across from Sunho, Sooyeon sitting diagonally from you.
Dinner passes by in a flash, and after you finish washing your dishes, your father pulls you aside. Sooyeon is washing her and Sunho’s dishes.
“Y/N,” your father says. You feel yourself stiffen a bit. “I heard from your Eomma that you’ve been being disrespectful these past two weeks.”
You frown. “Disrespectful?” You look over at Sooyeon, who was watching over her shoulder. She quickly looks back at the spoon she’s washing, and you look back at your father.
“She told me that you’ve been arguing with her,” he says. “You’ve been talking back to her.”
“She was talking about mom!” you exclaim.
Your father slams his hand down on the table, and you jump back, hands around yourself like a shield between yourself and him, your head down so that you’re looking down at his shoes.
A moment passes.
“Did I ask what she was talking about?” your father asks, his voice loud and booming. You don’t know if it’s real or in your head, but it feels like his voice is echoing off of all of the walls, both in your house and in your head.
“No,” you say. Your voice is so quiet. “You didn’t.”
“Right. Now, I don’t know what you’ve been arguing with your Eomma about. But I want you to apologize to her,” your father says.
You chew at your lip and turn toward Sooyeon, who is leaning against the kitchen counter. Sunho is nowhere to be seen. Your brain has gone fuzzy, and not in a good way like when you have your favorite food after many years. Instead, it’s like when your mind has gone blank in fear.
You stare at the floor, and watch as a single tear  falls from your eyes.
Without even thinking about it, you rush to the doorway, shove your feet into your shoes as fast as you can, and run out the door, down the stairs, and out of the building.
You have no destination in mind. You’ve never been to Korea before. So you run down the only street you’ve run down before. Your arms are wrapped around yourself, protecting you from everything else. Once you feel safer and far away from the danger as possible, you stop and take a deep breath.
It’s dark out. The sun must have set only an hour or so ago. It’s also cold, because it’s night time. Not frightfully cold, but cold enough that a small gust of wind of wind makes you shiver. You look up at the moon in the sky, shining brightly. It’s awfully calming.
After inhaling the fresh air deeply, you look down. Lying there, you see–for the third time, a red string. One end lying at your feet as if placed there deliberately. You frown and pick it up.
It’s the same shade of rest as the last two times you found a red thread on the sidewalk. As you examine it closer, you can see bits of glitter between the strands that are twisted together to build the string.
You look up and follow the string. As you turn the corner, you see that the string leads to the bust stop right ahead. As you approach, you realize that this is the same bus stop you’d followed the red thread to two weeks ago.
The thread is strewn wildly about the bus stop. Coiling around the poles that support the rest of the structure, thrown over the roof and dangling over the edges. You can see the glitter on the string twinkling from the streetlight next to the stop. It’s pretty. It’s beautiful. But you’re still confused as to why this thread is here, why it was there before–twice–and why the thread keeps vanishing.
With one end of the thread still in your hand, you walk over to sit down on the bench within the bus stop. You look around you at the thread dangling around the exterior Of the structure. The glittering string is really pretty.
You hear footsteps nearing and look over to the side. Someone is approaching from down the sidewalk. You squint as they walk beneath the streetlight, until you recognize their face.
The man in question is wearing a white shirt and a jean jacket. It is indeed Geonhak, and as you continue looking at him, you see that he too is holding an end of the string in his hand. He squints at you for a moment, then the bus stop covered in red string, then back at you.
“Y/N?” He walks closer, until he’s standing right next to the bus stop, and you can see he’s frowning. “What are you doing out alone so late?”
“Nothing,” you say.
“What–have you been crying?” he asks. You touch your cheeks and realize they’re wet from when you ran out of your father’s apartment only minutes ago. You quickly wipe away at the tears.
“Oh, no. I mean, yes I have. But don’t worry about it.”
“Are you alright?” He sits down on the bench next to you.
“Yeah. I just got in an argument with my father.”
“I’m sorry. Do you need anything? Can I give you a hug?”
You sniff. “That would be nice.”
He leans over and hugs you. You hum, and thank him after he pulls away.
“So what brought you out here?” you ask. “So late.”
He opens his mouth, then pauses. “You know, I’m not entirely sure. I went outside to get some air, and I followed this red thread … here?”
You look up at the string still dangling from the roof.
“Yeah,” you say. “I, uh … Is there a hotel that would possibly be open about now? I don’t feel safe going back to my dad’s apartment tonight.”
“I don’t think there’s anywhere you can go this late. However, you could come to our dorm,” he says. “We share a bedroom, but I could get you covers and you could sleep on the couch. I promise it’s comfortable. And I can help you get a hotel room tomorrow.”
“Oh, I don’t want to be a bother to you and your members,” you say.
“Really, I don’t mind,” he says. “Please. I don’t want you staying out here in the dark.”
“Would your management be okay with that?” you ask. The last thing you want is to get him in trouble with his superiors.
“I could tell them in the morning that you’re a friend and you needed a place to sleep,” he says.
“Oh. I’d really appreciate that.”
He stands up and stretches his hand out for you to take. You allow him to pull you out of your chair, and follow him down the sidewalk from the direction he came.
“My members might be shocked to meet you, but I’ll explain to them that you just needed a place to stay for the night and that you’re a friend,” he says. You follow him, your hand in his.
“Okay,” you say. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”
“No problem. Remember when you and I would have sleepovers when your parents got into fights?” he asks.
You nod. You remember you would go to his house, or less often, he would come to yours. Your dad never wanted any of your friends to come over to your house–you didn’t know why–but your mom insisted on letting Geonhak visit. You can vividly remember when he and you would try to play games and talk over the sound of your father yelling at your mother for things out of her control.
“Just like old times.” Geonhak chuckles.
You follow him to his dorm building. He takes you up using the elevator, and opens the door to his dorm. Your hand still in his, you follow him inside. You can hear chatter inside, and as Geonhak leads you further into the dorm, you can see the source of the voices.
One of the two people in the room is staring intently at his phone, a boy with wavy hair who looks quite a bit younger than yourself and Geonhak. The other person in the living room, a brown haired man, looks up as Geonhak closes the door behind you.
“Geonhak, how was your walk?” The man looks at you. “Oh! Who’s … who’s this?”
“This is my childhood friend, Y/Nie,” Geonhak says. “From back when I lived internationally.”
“Y/N? The friend you’ve been talking about?” The wavy haired boy looks at you and waves cutely. “Hi. I’m Dongju, Xion.”
You wave back, smiling widely. This boy’s smile is contagious, you can’t help but smile when he smiles. “Hi.”
“I’m Kim Youngjo, Ravn,” the brown haired man says. He smiles a warm smile, and you would be lying if you said your heart didn’t flutter a bit at his smile.
“Yeah, this is my friend Y/Nie,” Geonhak says. “Y/N needed a place to stay tonight, so I offered. If that’s okay, Youngjo.”
“Sure,” Youngjo says. “Y/N, if you need anything, feel free to let us know.”
“Thank you,” you reply. “I don’t want to be too much of a bother. Hopefully I can get my staying conditions sorted out after tonight. I’ll get a hotel tomorrow or something.”
“No worries,” he says, standing up. He walks over and shakes your hand. “Our other members are out right now, still at the studio I believe, but they should be here any time soon.”
“Alright, I’ll get you some bed covers and pillows from the next room,” Geonhak says. “Youngjo, can you show Y/N around a bit?” He disappears into the next room, leaving you with Youngjo and Dongju.
“So that over there is the kitchen,” Youngjo says, gesturing to the area that is so very obviously the kitchen. “And that room is the bedroom that we all share. You can come in if you need anything, though you might not want to disturb Geonhak when he sleeps.”
You frown. “Why?”
Dongju cups his hand next to his mouth.
“He sleeps without his shirt on,” he whispers loudly. “You might not want to see that.”
You laugh a bit.
“So you knew each other as kids?” Youngjo asks. You nod, and he smiles softly. “That’s sweet. And you two didn’t plan on meeting here?”
“Not at all,” you say. “I’m here visiting my father. I actually ran into him–literally–at the store just after I arrived back here.”
“Oh? That’s quite a miracle that you ran into each other accidentally,” Youngjo says, laughing. He has a genuine, happy laugh. “Are you not staying with your father?”
You shake your head. “No. He and I … don’t really have the healthiest relationship,” you say. Usually you wouldn’t want to tell a stranger about this. But Youngjo and Dongju–who is sitting on the couch nearby–both seem friendly, and for some reason, it slips out.
“I’m sorry,” Youngjo says softly. “I know we’ve only just met, but I am her for you and am willing to support you. I’m sure Geonhak is too, as your friend.”
“If you need to stay here another night,” Dongju says from the couch, “feel free to do so.”
The door to the next room opens, and Geonhak walks in. He’s changed into a new white T-shirt and black sweatpants, and he’s carrying two large blankets and a pillow, stacked on top of each other.
“Alright,” he says. “I have two blankets and a pillow. I promise they’ll be comfortable, but if you need anything, you can wake me up at any time to ask.”
You nod. “Thank you so much. It should be enough for the night.”
Suddenly, the door opens behind you, and you nearly jump in surprise to turn to him. A very tall man enters, and freezes at the sight of you.
“Keonhee! This is my friend, Y/N,” Geonhak says quickly. “They need to stay here for the night.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” the tall man, Keonhee, says, sighing and placing his hand over his chest. “I thought you were a burglar for a second.”
Keonhee walks in further, and two other men follow, one much shorter than Keonhee with blond hair, and one with a much more normal height. They seem much less shocked at the sight of you, probably because they heard Geonhak’s explanation to Keonhee.
They all introduce themselves to you. The shortest one with light hair is named Hwanwoong, and the other man is named Seoho. They’re all kind and sweet and welcoming and friendly. You spend a bit of time getting to know them, exchanging numbers and talking about your time in Korea.
With it getting so late, they all eventually head to bed. Geonhak stays with you as they go. Once the lights in their bedroom have gone out, and the blankets have been set up on the couch, Geonhak smiles at you.
“If you need sleeping clothes, you can have this,” he says, holding out a large white T-shirt. You thank him, and hurry to the restroom to change. As you exit, you can see Geonhak leaning against the wall next to the couch.
“I hope this is comfortable enough for you,” he says smiling widely.
“It is, I promise,” you say. “Thank you, Geonhak. You didn’t have to do this. Your members didn’t have to do this. So thank you.”
He hums. “I sleep on the top bunk of the bed right across from the bedroom door. So if you need anything, please wake me.”
“I will.”
“Alright. Well, good night,” he says.
“Good night, Geonhak. Thank you for helping me.”
He heads to bed, and you watch him disappear into the bedroom. You settle beneath the blankets, and feel yourself falling asleep. You’ve had a long day, so it’s reasonable that you’re tired. Your eyelids are heavy, and you fall asleep in Geonhak’s T-shirt almost as soon as your head hits the pillow.
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