#after a kiss with a girl she was super into she accidentally went 'ive had better Huehduehx' SO CUUUUTEEEE SHES SO MY TYPE I LOVE HERRRRRR I
gorillaxyz · 5 months
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shes so beautiful... and the way she acts... shes my type shes so my type
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caramelcal · 4 years
heartbreak girl
Word Count: 2.7k
a/n: ik i have requests to write (i am writing them don’t worry !) but i got super inspired when i was listening to my bbys 5sos
the luke hemmings / luke patterson comparison videos ive seen are my favourites, love it when two fandoms collide lollll
disclaimer: i do not condone plagiarism on my work at all, this has not been posted on any other platforms, or on tumblr anywhere else but my account (rosemoonmist) if you see anyone plagiarizing mine (or anyone else’s work for that matter) please inform the rightful author ! thank you lovelies x 
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You call me up It's like a broken record Saying that your heart hurts That you'll never get over him getting over you And you end up crying And I end up lying 'Cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do
You couldn’t stop playing the video. Ever since it was sent you from a random number, you couldn’t stop crying. The video was barely ten seconds long, but it was ten seconds that broke your heart. There your boyfriend was, clear as day, kissing a girl that wasn’t you.
It isn’t long before you heard the front door open and slam behind someone, reminding you of who you told to come over. Luke, your best friend since you guys met in the sandpit at six years old. When he accidentally pushed you in, so you kicked him in the nuts. You guys had been inseparable ever since.
Luke was your best friend, and you were his. You guys had been through everything together. When he first learned guitar, when you did gymnastics, when he joined a band, when you guys first went to high school, and now, your first heartbreak.
“y/n?” He calls from downstairs, looking around the dark room. He had learned from a young age to just come into your house without knocking, your house was his second home after all.
Of course, you do have a few female friends that you could have called but none of them knew you as well as Luke did and you knew Luke would be there with you through everything. He would understand. He would comfort you better than any girl ever could. You walked down the stairs, trying to keep your sobs in but once you caught eyes with Luke, the tears started to fall.
“Luke,” You let out, looking at the boy barely keeping yourself together.
“y/n/n, what’s wrong?” Luke questions, eyes wracking over your defeated posture before looking up at your puffy red eyes. It was clear you had been crying, but why?
“He- he-,” You cut yourself short, letting back a choked sob as you land at the bottom of the stairs, Luke walking closer to you, his face looking at you with concern, “Luke he was with another girl, he cheated-”
Mind wracking back over the video, you broke down into tears, falling into Luke’s now open arms. Suddenly, once you're in the arms of your best friend all of your walls come crashing down and you start to cry louder, letting out every emotion you felt that night. The sadness, betrayal, and overall heartbreak.
Luke holds the back of your head soothingly as you cry into his chest, playing softly with the hair on your head. By this point, he is supporting all of your weight but he doesn’t mind as he lifts you over to the couch, allowing you to continue crying in a more comfortable position than the awkward standing position you were in moments before.
Whilst Luke was sad hearing you cry, he was overcome with anger.  The fact that the scum would cheat, on you of all people. You were amazing, perfect even, so why would someone ever give away the chance of being with you? He knew he wouldn’t. Luke knew how much you loved and cared for the boy, Jack, and to see him cheat on you, he couldn’t help but be furious.
If he was being honest, the thing he wanted more than anything right now was to hook him right in the face. Punch him right where he stood, busting open his face so that no other girl would ever want to kiss him again. It’s what he deserves. Luke knew he was probably being a bit overprotective, but that didn’t matter to him, what mattered was that you were okay right now.
The last thing you needed in your state of fragility was Luke leaving you by yourself to set into the dickhead. Oh no, that could be done another time when you weren’t crying. What you truly needed right now was his comfort, so that’s what he gave you. He held you close, not even saying anything but hugging you closely, silently reminding you that he was here for you and always would be as you softly lulled into a sleep.
And when then phone call finally ends You say "Thanks for being a friend" And I'm going in circles again and again
I dedicate this song to you The one who never sees the truth That I can take away you hurt Heartbreak girl Hold you tight straight through the daylight I'm right here, when you gonna realise That I'm your cure? Heartbreak girl
Walking down the hall, Luke’s eyes catch onto you. Even though he’s been with you all weekend, comforting you after the video you saw on Friday, just looking at you is a sad reminder of how you are doing. A frown has fallen onto your face whilst you look over at something. Following your gaze, Luke finds him, Jack, with his arm wrapped around the girl in the video.
He wants to punch that stupid smirk off Jack’s face, then they’ll see who’s truly laughing. When Luke’s eyes drift back over to you, he feels his stomach dropping slightly. The look in your gaze makes you look broken, eyes conveying a sense of vulnerability that Luke didn’t think was possible. Maybe it’s just because Luke knows you better and knows how to read you better than everyone else, but he notices all of the changes in you. He sees how your eyes lacked the sparkle they usually had, your usual smile not present, even your outfit seemed a little dull. Nonetheless, you’re still gorgeous, Luke thinks so, but you look different; less lively.
All of this heartbreak just because of a stupid boy. One stupid hard-headed jock that doesn’t know how to truly value the important things in his life. The stupid jock that didn’t know how much you were truly worth.
Luke knows he could treat you so much better if you just gave him the chance to. If you looked his way instead of Jack’s. He would hold you close and never let you go, let you know just how much you meant to him and those truly important around you. He would watch you like the only person in the world because you were the only one that mattered. 
He doesn’t even realize he was staring at you until he hears a cough sound from behind him as Reggie puts an arm over his shoulder, smirking, “You’re staring, pal.”
Luke, who’s eyes briefly glanced over towards Reggie when the bassist spoke, glanced back at you quickly, sighing lightly in relief when he realizes you didn’t notice him staring at you. He shrugs half-heartedly, not noticing the knowing look that Reggie gives him as he speaks, “I can’t, Reg. I’m not supposed to like her like this, she’s my best friend.”
“Best friend or not, I see the way you look at her, everyone does but her,” Reggie says before patting his friend on the back.
“She still likes him Reg, and I’ve known her since we were six. She’s been in so many relationships yet she fell for the stupid jock,” Luke says, shaking his head as his fists clench at his sides. He doesn’t realize but his face contorts into anger, making Reggie smirk, “she deserves so much better. She deserves someone who’s going to appreciate her. Someone who will show her how much she means to them-”
“Someone like you?” Reggie asks, making Luke glance at him with an annoyed expression, huffing. Reggie shrugs his shoulders, “Just saying man if anyone knows y/n it’s you. You just gotta be there for her and she’ll realize how much you mean to her. I mean, everyone thinks you guys are meant for each other, soon she’ll see that too.”
I bite my tongue But I wanna scream out You could be with me now But I end up telling you what you wanna hear But you're not ready And it's so frustrating He treats you so bad and I'm so good to you, it's not fair
And when the phone call finally ends You say "I'll call you tomorrow at 10" And I'm stuck in the friendzone again and again
Luke is frustrated. It has been two weeks since his conversation with Reggie, and the hope Reggie had given him for pursuing a relationship was surely fizzling out. Reggie was wrong, that’s what Luke thought anyway. Not only had you not realized how much Luke was bending his back for you, going out of his way to comfort you, being there for you 24/7, you had been so utterly stupid. Jack had given you the most insincere apology known to man, and you were meeting up with him for a date.
It had been forty-seven minutes since you had left, not that Luke was counting or anything and he still hadn’t heard a word from you. No text, no call, nothing. Jack was probably taking up all of your attention with his boring jock stories or his lame jokes. He probably didn’t even compliment you when you arrived and that was practically criminal.
You had been all dressed up when you left, not that Jack would have even noticed, but Luke did. He noticed the way the outfit you wore looked perfect on you, complimenting everything about you and most importantly, how confident you felt in it. You deserved more than a boy that wouldn’t even tell you that you were pretty, Luke knew that, he just wished you did too. 
He paces around his room, feet aggressively hitting the ground. He wanted to punch something, to let out all of the anger and frustration that was itching, begging to be released. Yet, his anger was cut short when he heard his phone start to ring.
“Lu?” Your voice sounded through his phone, ringing in his ears.
“Y/n?” Luke said in confusion, eyes glancing up at the time, “Aren’t you supposed to be on your date?”
You hesitate to answer, a complete silence hanging in the air until your light sniffles sound through the phone, “He didn’t show, Lu. M-My mom dropped me off, I don’t have my car. Can you come pick me up?”
“I’ll be there in 10, stay there y/n/n.”
Luke ran out of the house.
I dedicate this song to you The one who never sees the truth That I can take away you hurt Heartbreak girl Hold you tight straight through the daylight I'm right here, when you gonna realise That I'm your cure? Heartbreak girl
I know someday it's gonna happen And you'll finally forget the day you met him Sometimes I'm so close to confession I gotta get it through your head That you belong with me instead
Luke couldn’t help but smile at you, hazel eyes meeting your e/c eyes as he strung his guitar expertly. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for you to be at band practices, actually, you were at a large amount of them. It was normal for you to watch the band, well that’s what you said you were doing, but you were only really looking at Luke.
You didn’t play any musical instruments properly, but you could play a little guitar from what Luke had taught you. You remembered his teaching you, arms wrapped around you, hands guiding your fingers onto the different frets, playing different cords. He didn’t give up when you messed up, and instead, he smiles and shows you again, your back flushed against his chest.
It was no secret that you always enjoyed watching their band practice and perform, but it was different this time because they had gotten you to stop thinking about Jack. This was the first day that you didn’t feel miserable and instead felt happy in their presence. It was the first day that your gleaming smile returned, one that all members of the band had missed.
Soon enough, they were finished, congratulating each other on how well they played with large smiles.
“We’re gonna sound great at the rally!” Reggie says, flipping his bass down to his side so he didn’t have to hold it as he gave Luke a high five before turning to Alex, all of them breathing heavily with huge smiles.
“Of course, we’re still finishing with the other song, right?” Alex asked, eyes looking over at Luke for approval. He nodded his head, making you look at them in confusion.
“What other song?”
Luke glanced over to you, walking closer before kneeling beside you, guitar still in his hand, smirking “Can’t tell you, it’s a surprise.”
You groaned lightly, flinging your head back before giving the boy your puppy eyes, “Please? I won’t tell.”
He laughed lightly, shaking his head at you. Over the years, he had often been the victim to your puppy eyes, and whilst he often found them irresistible, he knew he couldn’t tell you this secret. He playfully slapped you on the arm, “Get those puppy eyes away, they’re not gonna work today.”
“Fine,” you grumbled, standing up before you stood up alongside Luke, who slung an arm over your shoulder. You guys shared a look, almost communicating through your eyes, something that you guys had gotten freakishly good at since you were kids.
“So, who wants to go grab a smoothie?” Luke said, turning his attention towards the rest of the band as you jumped on his back, ready to leave practice for smoothies.
I dedicate this song to you The one who never sees the truth That I can take away you hurt Heartbreak girl Hold you tight straight through the daylight I'm right here, when you gonna realise That I'm your cure Heartbreak girl
Soon enough, the rally at school came and the students surround the stage that the band was playing on. You stood at the back, proudly watching them as they played. Their most recent song blasts through the halls, exciting the students more than you had seen for the previous people on stage, even Dirty Candy. Sweat drips off of them, lights blazing down on them with intensity.
Eyes looking at Luke, you see him jump around when he sings and it brings a smile to your face. You knew this was their surprise song, the song that they were ending with because it was an unfamiliar tune, but one that Luke was pouring every feeling into as he sang the lyrics.
Suddenly, he’s no longer playing his guitar and it’s hanging on the strap by his side, mic detached from the stand and he’s making his way off of the stage and running through the crowd. You’re astonished, not only because Luke is running off stage, but that it somehow isn’t affecting his vocals.
Everyone seems to knowingly make a path for him to run through, almost as if they know where he is going to. Your eyes stay on him as he comes through the crowd, slowing down to a walk as he begins to sing again,
“I dedicate this song to you The one who never sees the truth That I can take away you hurt Heartbreak girl
Hold you tight straight through the daylight I'm right here, when you gonna realise That I'm your cure? Heartbreak girl.”
His eyes meet yours when he is standing barely feet away from you. His hair is messed up, dripping with sweat but you barely notice. When he stops singing, he lifts the mic away from his face and holds it down away from both of your faces so that it can’t pick up what you’re saying.
People start to talk between themselves, all of them staring at you and Luke standing barely a foot apart, eyes gazing into one another but you don’t notice because you’re too busy looking at Luke. You’re speechless, heart racing faster than you thought humanly possible, with lips slightly apart before he whispers to you, “This is for you, my heartbreak girl.”
Then, his free hand makes its way up and cups your cheek, and his lips connect with yours.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3 episodes 3-6 thoughts!
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-johnny was actually pretty civil with danny and left when he asked! thats nice. also, SKULKER?? HAD A FRAMED PICTURE OF EMBER?? oooo fuck wait had they established they were a Thing Before?? I dont think so. thats weird. its like that country boy/goth girl meme lmfao. I think i am going to choose to ignore this new info and pretend I didnt hear it. 100% unrelated to the jazz/ember fanart I already drew and posted....😳
-LADIES NIGHT EPISODE THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. wish it didnt really center around the guys or them being pissed at them, but. willing to bet this was written by men lol
-THEY ERASED ALL THE MEN??? meanwhile, jack and danny are fishing at. silent hill or something. im glad jack is trying to read a parenting book and making an Attempt. (theyre at lake erie, but, they made it actually eerie...thats fun)
-the girls alt outfits...cute. EMBER MADE A NEW SONG TOO!!! kinda. jazz being one of the backup singers and being AWFUL. NOOOO
-'how are we going to get kitty to blow a kiss?' 'she'll have to think there are still some males in town!' ...i dont know how to break it to you, but I dont know that a 100% het girl would wish for all men to Begone. I think. I mean im not a het or a girl so I dont really know for sure. she Is probably Bi tho. esp having the other ladies in town chanting NO MEN!!! excitedly............(then again, the kiss is to get Rid of men, so, she probably would have blown it at the ladies only if they were actively trying to attack/stop them, so...I MEAN. THE DRESSING LIKE DANNY BIT WAS SO EXTRA)
-I feel like an all female cast ep couldve been way way way way cooler than that was. like. why was it still somehow all about Men. ...anyway. (where was valerie...)
-next ep opens with the observants, and, way way more of them than I expected...existed? I mean I guess them being a council/jury of some kind is what I expected from their first appearance (bc at that time they were basically TELLING clockwork to kill danny, not asking,, so I figured they had SOME kind of authority) but. there were so many. anyway, here goes vlad! letting his own hubris go brrrr. releasing a weather ghost for political gain! #justvladthings
-okay say what you will about him (he IS an asshole) but having an umbrella with his own face on it and more prepared to share is SUPER FUNNY. and him being fanned by huge wads of money by his bodyguards. SO ineffective but so Dramatic. He UNDERSTANDS that if youre rich you need to be. you know. obnoxious and kinda eccentric about it! fuckign hate when rich people are boring about it. I would trust vlad with nothing except to not be a boring rich asshole who wears...fucking khaki or some shit. man knows his Presentation Skills. and that 'V' chair in his mayoral office. is that fucking embroidered?
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-maddie get your MAN PLEEEEASSSE. IM SO EMBARRASSED FOR HER. the way jack stays simping for this man. in FRONT OF HIS WIFE!!!! ...my god its like a love triangle. jack clearly loves vlad, who loves maddie, who loves jack. jack fenton is at the very least bi, right................. this is an OBSESSION . 'THE V MAN COMETH'???? i...my god. (also, on a serious note, to have a friend THIS SUPPORTIVE...and still be SUCH A DICK TO HIM (TRYING TO KILL HIM AND STEAL HIS WIFE??) NOT COOL VLAD. JACK IS YOUR 1 AND /ONLY/ HYPE MAN. if someone loved and supported me THIS HARD...LIKE. CMON DUDE.
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-STOMP the fucking GAS, JACK
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-this would make a great shirt design, looks like a metal band design! we love The Maelstrom
-oh, so vlad did in fact get a mansion in amity park. and its purple! good color choice! not as flashy as a CASTLE or MURDER CABIN, but still pretty eccentric, which I appreciate.
-...vlad knows the difference between picasso and da vinci? in the ep last post where we were watching him fail at conquering every historical time ever he didnt seem to know history well enough to like. be effective...was vlad taking art history at college?? (was he an art MAJOR??? we never DID KNOW WHAT HE WENT TO SCHOOL FOR. I kinda assumed business because in the masters of time ep he was still rich without ghost powers so he had to have..known something about business or something, right...but also, art and or theater FITS HIS PERSONALITY. possibly also something science-y, I guess, but I always felt like he got roped into that, esp how pessimistic he was about the ghost portal in the flashbacks to college, like, i felt like he was just there for maddie and was uninterested/un-invested at the time...)
-the way this random man with a camera sees the mayor laying in an alley covered in TRASH AND DECIDES TO TAKE A PICTURE HAHAH
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*snap* this ones going in my cringe compilation!
-vlad 'if we're going to defeat vortex, we're going to have to do it together!' *immediately dips after dropping danny off in front of vortex* JKASDFHKJHJKN
-DANNY CAN DUPLICATE!!! ...he couldnt even attack with it, but he DID IT!!! INTO (4) OF HIMSELF!!! SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!
-'THE ROLLER COASTER EMOTIONS OF A TEENAGER THREATEN MY PLANS!' ...0 self awareness of his own dramatic moodiness. incredible, how dumb this man is. its very close to circling around to endearing, if he was less of an asshole. at least its very very funny to see danny shooting him with tiny lightning bolts anytime he's even slightly irritated! vlad you should be nice to danny anyway. this is what you GET
-...making sandwiches and ice cream and playing video games with your nephew is a totally normal thing. WHY is vlad acting like this is the end of the world. if you were a GOOD UNCLE YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DOING THESE THINGS!!! bitch I make my nephew food all the time and dont forget what he does and doesnt like. if u didnt know danny didnt want tomatoes, thats on u. if u, a grown adult, are gonna piss of the 14 yr old by not letting him win, u deserve to have to pay for the arcade machines he ruins because he now has uncontrollable storm powers because YOU THREW HIM INTO A FIGHT WITH THE STORM GHOST. fuck u vlad. paypal me $400,000 while ur at it tho. (also, gamer vlad confirmed)
-VLAD CAN COOK THOUGH???! I assumed he had...people working for him that did that. I mean. billionaires usually dont do that. then again, we've only seen those vultures working for him (and I guess the dairy king was AT his old mansion, but it was never really clarified if he worked there...I think he probably just Hung Out and they Enjoyed Cheeses Together. thats what I think, I dont think a KING would be working for anyone and also the dairy king was nice <3) but then again he would be a private person and we cant have anyone accidentally finding Ghostly Things, so...still, that's hilarious. pour one out for that really cute banana split that got ruined 2 seconds later
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-danny seeing those animal commercials and feeling sad is the biggest 2000s throwback so far. i legitimately had to change the channel or walk out of the room when those came on bc id CRY AND BE SAD ABOUT THEM FOR DAYS AFTER. fuck those commercials and fuck that IN THE ARMMMS OF AN ANGELLLL song 😭
-'vlads ego almost got the town destroyed!' yes danny thats the entire episode. the entire series anytime vlad shows up honestly. this episode was just him being really embarrassing the entire time, and, me laughing about it. 10/10 would laugh at him again
-NEXT EP WE HAVE A SHAPESHIFTING GHOST?? I've said it before but shapeshifting is the power I would want when asked those 'what superpower do you want' questions...its the Best power! this guy looks like a homestuck character. ive never read homestuck but thats the vibe
-I love every time we see tuckers family, they are by far the most functional family. and dash has a lil chihuahua!!! named pookie!!! i am crying (I've had 3 chihuahuas, so I am very biased, but...) AND HE WATCHES THE ROMANCE CHANNEL WITH POOKIE. POOKIE I WILL DIE FOR YOU YOU SWEET LITTLE BABY.
-danny can lift a bus! I shouldn't be surprised, but i am proud of my son. hes got lil kid fans. i am going to cry about this
-JAZZ KEEPS A SCRAPBOOK WITH DANNY'S LIL HEROICS AND NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS!!! we've actually seen it on her floor before, but I didnt realize it was a scrapbook!! thats sooo cute.
-...and danny has to stand there listening to his parents saying danny phantom sucks and is a 'filthy ghost' and calling him egotistical...i am once again stealing their kids!
-yes, maddie, the one with red eyes is For Sure Actually Your Son. ignore the, red eyes... (CLEARLY she hasnt watched the other 2 eps where danny has been evil, she doesnt know red eyes= evil!!!)
-'billy fenton'.......................
-danny being stuck as phantom in his own house, no way out is a fucking NIGHTMARE. his parents pointing giant weapons against him and SHOOTING AT HIM. THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE.
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-this is the most screenshot of all time
-amorpho turning into mr. lancer because hes 'someone no one will want to be around' BUT HES WRONG, I WOULD BEFRIEND AND HANG OUT WITH MR LANCER SO FAST.
-tucker dressing as danny, now I have the full Tucker set of him being sam and also being danny. also saying 'the ghost...uh...RIPPED MY FACE OFF.' and then running. SMOOTH. NOT AT ALL CONCERNING TO ANY PARENTS.
-sam accepts the toast from jack. and then 2 seconds later is like 'why am i eating this.' THIS SHOWS HUMOR IS SO UNEXPECTED SOMETIMES ITS REALLY GOOD. and then the scene after, mr lancer running into his ghost doppelganger and being like 'YOURE GORGOUS' THEN FAINTING. I AM CRYING. AND DASH FAINTING TOO.
-sam disguising herself as danny again to help tucker run from the fentons. but leaving him shirtless in the streets. incredible. 'plEASE DOnt NOTice MY FACELessNESS I MUST LIVE IN EXILE' this episode is destroying me the humor in this show is exactly my brand of corny and cheesy
-the impromtu story made up by danny and amorpho to explain stuff to the fentons. my god they are both such bad liars. but amorpho is a good egg. wish danny wouldnt have said he didnt wanna see him in town again!! I want him to be reoccurring. not that thats gonna matter since I'm almost done with the series, but the idea of this being the Only Time We See him is :(
-NEXT EP SAYS STARRING MARK HAMILL??????!!! hello ! mr . joker....mr. star wars.... I feel like I should be. idk. taking off a hat im not wearing in respect. I shouldnt be surprised tho bc hes in a lot of cartoons as a very good voice actor, and dp has already had a lot of talented ones so I've been looking out for ones I might know, but....mr. hamill....
-sam has her own greenhouse, names all the plants, and says thank you to them (in the languages from where the plants are from) whenever she harvests from them. thats SO cute. and her lil gothy lunch box...
-and danny's lil red fuzzy lined jacket!!! ive said it before but every time the characters get alt outfits im like :D
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-danny's lil 'holy hibiscus!' first off the 50s batman swearing is hilarious. 2nd. my username is from the flower sanchoyo hibiscus, so, shoutout to ME this ep. hi :)
-EURGH UNDERGROWTH MAKING EVERYONE PLANT ZOMBIES. HIVEMIND PLOTS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. and this dude made the city SO overtaken so quickly like how long was danny asleep?? oh god
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-evil fucked up sam! now the whole trio has gone evil at some point! the voice actress did a really, really good job with making her sound like a zombie...
-frostbite's paws are so so so big compared to danny. oh my god. i want to hug the snow dog...
-the far frozen has an advanced medical stuff!!! very cool. very smart snow dogs
-im so glad danny has a friendly ghost snow dad to explain this new power and teach him!!! this is so sweet. DANNY'S GHOST SENSE WAS A PART OF HIS ICE POWER?? OOOH. COOL. we love a training montage!!!
-danny saying if he cant defeat overgrowth, that he'd want to stay with frostbite...oh my god...do you think this is the first real supportive adult figure in his life (I am NOT counting his parents because they threaten him on the daily even if they dont realize it.) I mean mr lancer is a Teacher, but he was also nice but this is different, but this is a GHOST WHO IS WILLING TO HELP HIM with his powers and also will help him when hes injured and is so so nice and comparatively so much more mature than 90% of the adults in this show!!!! god. dad frostbite is my everything.
-the framing and lighting this episode, and all the angles...they went all OUT and it looks really really good. this is my nightmare scenario, tho. like, FUCK zombies and dead city zones and hivemind shit. and using the humans as 'nutrients for the children' i am going to THROW UP.
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-MALEFICENT VIBES WITH THE HORNS AND GREEN EYES! this costume kicks so much ass. sam is now mark hamills daughter, I guess.
-danny's ice powers making his eyes blue!!! thats neat. and him going for the roots underground was SO SMART. i will not stand for danny ever thinking hes stupid, hes SO smart.
almost done with the show... :"( thats a sad thought!!!
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gifms · 4 years
                                        hi  pals  !  this  is  super  late  per  usual  because  i’m  a  #hotmess  ,  but  i  can’t  wait  to  interact  with  you  all  !  i’m  leia  (  she/her  )  &  i’ve  pretty  much  had  the  weeknd’s  new  album  on  repeat  .  i’ve  never  played  isabella  before  ,  but  she  fits  georgia’s  vibe  perfectly  !  under  the  cut  is  everything  you  need  to  know  about  my  lil’  southern  belle  .  pls  smash  that  ❤️ if  you’d  like  to  plot  --  either  on  ims  or  discord  ,  i’m  not  picky  !  
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#triggers  :  drinking  /  infedelity
hey  GEORGIA  BUCHANAN  ,  welcome  to  dillon  university  .  has  anyone  ever  told  you  you’re  ISABELLA  JONE ’s  twin  ?  no  ?  well  okay  ,  i  heard  you  are  TWENTY-ONE  &  a  JUNIOR  at  the  university  .  we  hope  PHOTOGRAPHY  isn’t  kicking  your  ass  too  much  ,  especially  since  you’re  the  COACH’S DAUGHTER  .  see  you  at  the  next  game  ,  GI  & cis  female  +  she/her  .
i.         a  halo  of  blonde  tresses  framing  an  angelic  face  ,  georgia  may  buchanan  looked  like  the  doll  her  parents  wished  for  every  day  until  her  arrival  .    her  father  ,  the   current  football  coach  at  dillon  university  ,  doted  on  her  affectionately  –  daddy’s  little  girl  always  nabbing  the  top  spot  in  his  heart  .  her  mother  ,  a  former  pageant  queen  obsessed  with  the  ideal  of  skin  deep  beauty  ,  taught  her  the  isms  of  being  a  buchanan  girl  .
ii.        like  mother  like  daughter  ,  georgia  became  a  beauty  queen  –  working  her  way  through  child  pageants  to  state  until  the  age  of  sixteen  .  her  dreams  of  winning  on  the  basis  of  adoration  alone  ,  a  poison  fed  to  her  from  a  silver  spoon  .  her  mother  lived  vicariously  through  her  ,  determined  to  improve  her  past  through  georgia  ,  her  future  .  &  for  a  time  ,  charlotte  found  herself  desiring  just  that  –  the  planted  seed  of  envy  watered  whenever  a  loss  took  a  stab  at  her  ego  .
iii.          her  mother’s  unholiness  :  lust  ,  unable  to  contain  the  proper  southern  charm  that  oozed  from  her  with  every  sickly  sweet  smile  .  the  hook  up  merely  beginning  as  a  means  to  bribe  a  judge  ,  to  ensure  that  georgia  won  .  it  never  ended  ,  their  tryst  turning  into  a  full  blown  affair  –  kept  under  wraps  as  cherilyn  buchanan  found  the  one  thing  she  desired  the  most  :  to  feel  young  again  .
iv.         her  father’s  unholiness  :  pride  ,  eager  hands  unwrapping  his  wife’s  affair  like  a  present  he  never  wanted  .  the  decision  to  remain  together  born  out  of  their  love  for   georgia  ,  the  two  hiding  their  fights  behind  closed  doors  as  the  spark  between  them  fizzled  out  .  kisses  were  reserved  for  the  public  only  ,  the  marriage  merely  proven  by  a  piece  of  paper  .
v.         slowly  ,  her  life  begins  to  unravel  from  perfection  to  tatters  .  for  a  couple  years  after  ,  georgia  never  understood  why  her  father  traded  quality  time  with  her  for   coaching  .  he  always  had  an  excuse  ,  work  his  top  priority  .  her  mother  played  it  off  ,  he  was  a  busy  man  &  georgia  had  other  prospects  to  look  forward  to  –  worry  creates  frown  lines  .
vi.       one  night  ,  georgia  accidentally  stumbled  upon  the  truth  –  her  mother’s  transgressions  the  reason  for  the  sudden  change  that  occurred  between  her  &  her  father  .  it  was  too  much  for  him  ,  a  heartache  each  time  he  looked  at  her  :  the  spitting  image  of  her  mother  in  almost  every  way  .  georgia  internalized  her  resentment  ,  unable  to  change  &  envious  for  what  she  could  no  longer  have  .
vii.        after  the  revelation  ,  all  georgia  wanted  was  to  find  a  way  to  steal  her  father’s  affection  back  .  it  started  innocent  ,  dying  her  golden  locks  to  brunette  .  much  to  her  mother’s  protest  ,  georgia  quit  pageants  &  traded  in  her  new  found  free  time  for  late  night  escapades  .  when  shedding  her  babydoll  persona  for  one  more  perverse  didn’t  work  ,  georgia  tried  harder  as  she  went  from  stumbling  home  tipsy  to  being  drunk   more  often  than  sober  .
viii.        at  eighteen  ,   georgia   found   success  as  her  father  took  on  a  new  coaching  position  at  dillon  university  .  he  insisted  she  attended  as  a  means  to  keep  an  eye  on  her  ,  her  behavior  ,  as  of  late  ,  unacceptable  .  with  the  separation  from  her  mother  ,  georgia  thought  their  relationship  would  improve  --  always  showing  up  to  games  &  refusing  to  join  the  cheerleading  squad  as  a  sign  that  she  was  different  from  her  mother  .  yet  ,  vying  for  her  father’s  attention  seemed  to  be  the  new  norm  . 
ix.        the  world  blurred  ,  georgia  finding  herself  as  dependent  on  liquor  as  she  was  on  becoming  daddy’s  little  girl  again  .  it  got  old  keeping  up  with  her  charade  –  her  mother’s  isms  still  engrained  &  her  efforts  to  break  from  the  mold  futile  .  the  bottles  of  vodka  hidden  beneath  old  pageant  dresses  the  only  escape  ,  a  way  for  her  to  feel  nothing  at  all  .
i  apologize  for  that  mess  ,  but  i’ve  got  a  lil’  list  of  wanted  connections  here  to  kinda  get  the  ball  rolling  ! 
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
Justice League #3 (1987)
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Much respect to Doctor Light who dresses for the weather.
The advert on the back of the comic book is for Oreo which might be the greatest corporate cookie ever created. I simply don't trust people who don't like Oreo cookies. "Don't trust" is my kind way of saying I despise them and they disgust me and if I could end the death penalty in America, I absolutely would except for people who dislike Oreo cookies.
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I would absolutely elbow Mickey Mouse in the face if he tried to eat my Oreo cookies.
In this issue, we meet the Rocket Reds, voted by me as the worst characters in the history of comic books. They're just so "Russian through the eyes of an American who has only passing knowledge of Russian life." I'm not saying I knew much about the Russian people in 1987. If me in 1987 had to design the Rocket Reds, I would have made their suits out of concrete and had them say "Capitalist Pig! *ptui*" after every third sentence. But if the current me were in 1987 designing the Rocket Reds, they would not have been men in rocket suits. They would have been straight up super heroes created by some fucked up cosmic isotope brought back to Russia by a vengeful Laika who had miraculously survived her Sputnik 2 orbit and gained sentience, realizing that her masters knew she would die and sent her into space anyway. Also they would be dogs. And it would be revealed that sentient dogs had taken over Russia in 1959. No, forget all that. That's more of a Planetary story. I never thought the Russians were real people until I heard Billy Joel's "Leningrad" and I was all, "Wait. Russians have clowns?!"
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Blue Jay and Friends continue to work with Bialya but to expedite their anti-nuclear-holocaust mission.
While Blue Jay and friends make plans, the Justice League hang out in Blue Beetle's Bug Ship just outside Bialyan airspace. During that time, we learn that Batman doesn't appreciate jokes.
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You can't make jokes like Beetle and you can't act like a sexist, arrogant, violent asshole like Gardner; what the fuck does Batman want?!
Don't answer that question! It practically answers itself! Batman didn't like Dick Grayson because he joked too much and then he didn't like Jason Todd because he was that arrogant violent asshole. So he finally settled on Tim Drake! What Batman wants is lukewarm oatmeal! How many times per day do you think Batman says, "I don't like your attitude, mister"? Page 3 of Issue 3 and Batman is already to the breaking point with Guy Gardner. He threatens to punch him in the mouth but gets distracted by Blue Jay and Friends finally leaving Bialya. Batman will have to wait at least two more issues before the money shot to Gardner's face. Beetle doesn't follow them far before they fly into Soviet airspace and he has to stop the Bug short.
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Ultimately it probably would have been more satisfying if Black Canary had gotten to punch Guy in the nose.
I never "accidentally" fell on a girl with my hands growing up but thankfully a number of girls "accidentally" rubbed their boobs on me. It was always appreciated! Like that time I was playing Donkey Kong Jr. at the bowling alley and Michelle Preble was watching me with her hands on my shoulder and her boobs against my arm. Or that time at the ice rink when that girl I'd just met kept laying across my back whenever she got the chance (although I was in sweats that day so she kept forcing me to stay seated longer than I'd planned). Or that New Year's Eve (again at the bowling alley!) where Angela from the next lane over kept coming over and sitting on my lap. Or at that weird young teenage party in some garage where Dessa kept lying across my lap and then leaning against me. I can't even remember whose house that was or why I was there! I don't think I ever even spoke to Dessa before or after that! But I probably loved her forever after! So those are probably some of my strongest memories growing up. The only way they could remain as powerful or have stuck in my head better is if they'd been attached to a catchy song like those Church of Latter Day Saints commercials or Schoolhouse Rock.
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Look at these dumb commies spouting state propaganda! Idiots! Good thing Americans are immune to that!
Of course the Justice League clashes with the Rocket Reds while Blue Jay and Friends fly unhindered into Russia. Gardner, of course, can't wait. It was just a few years earlier when Stallone kicked that Russian guy's ass in the ring and everybody in every theater across America was chanting, "U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!" Although some of the bigger wusses were weeping over Apollo's death. I totally wasn't one of those guys because I didn't see Rocky IV in the theater having missed Rocky III because I went to see Annie instead. Okay, that was a lie. I did see both of those movies in the theater. But I did skip going to see Rocky III with my guy friends to go see Annie with my girl friends because I'd already seen Rocky III once. Also, Annie was better. Yes, better than Rocky fighting Klubber Lang. Gorbachev gets word of what's happening from Maxwell Lord because Giffen and DeMatteis are establishing just how powerful Maxwell Lord is.
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This is actually a pretty good portrayal of Gorbachev. Thank the stars for his calm head and clear sight back in the 80s! Fuck Reagan.
Normally advertisements don't really do much for me but since Oreo cookies are my heroin, I'm desperately craving them now. Especially the Carrot Cake flavored cookies! The Justice League battle the Rocket Reds for the exact number of pages to make it exciting before the Rocket Reds get the order to stand down and team up with the Justice League to help stop an imminent meltdown at a Russian nuclear power plant. Once Blue Jay and Friends realize the power plant is about to go critical, they join in to help stop a nuclear disaster. Its hugs and kisses all the way down now! Bald Thor manages to stop the power plant from going critical but collapses afterward. The Russians wrap him up and cart him off to help him and probably experiment on him if he survives. Blue Jay and the Silvery Brown Sorceress remain with Bald Thor while the Justice League is once again kicked out of a country where they were trying to help. They can't get United Nations backing soon enough! When they head back to their headquarters, they find Maxwell Lord and Booster Gold waiting for them. It's time to find out who their real leader is! Justice League #3 Rating: B+. Giffen and DeMatteis are steering the team nicely in the direction of needing to become international. As the Justice League of America, they were severely limited in their ability to save the world unless the danger came from Texas or Space. Now after two missions where they needed other nation's permission to do their job, they're ready to hear what Maxwell Lord has to say. Although nobody is ready to hear what Booster Gold has to say. It will invariably be dumb and full of future references that nobody understands.
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teenwolfhot · 5 years
Into the unknown scott McCall imagine part 1
" scott .... scott ..... Scott .... SCOTT .... SCOTT ...SCOTT " a voice was pulling McCall back to reality when he felt pain in his shoulder it registered to him that his girlfriend (y/n) looked angery and was turning red while looking at him " hello... aren't you listening i said what are we going to do about the party ?" Scott just blinked " fantastic you weren't listening .... im guessing im talking to a wall better yet I'll get a boyfriend who does ... maybe issac or ... or theo " grabbing gour things scott was about to say something " hey guys " it was liam and mason you rolled your eyes getting up and away from scott and the younger ones
" what's up with (y/l/n) ?" Liam asked scott he zoned out again "uh what ?" mason and liam sighed " you've been distracted lately McCall " Jackson sitting opposite sides to him " hey i ran into (y/n) she seems upset about you " stiles sitting next to scott while lydia and malia was behind " that girl loves to rant especially on you Scott "
" literary what have been on your mind recently that kept you completely occupied with that nonsense?" lydia the strawberry blond asked " its peter " stiles cringed while Jackson gagged " noway McCall its a folklore " kira and malia looked at each other " scott ... scott ?" Jackson sighed " the thing is lydia McCall here got bitten by something while doing a job with me and argent in a small town ... and well he got bitten and well " stiles looked shocked " you said the job was intel on new werewolves not trying to get killed " Jackson laughed "yeah well McCall went pale for a couple of days then .... his eyes changed " stiles eyes squinted " scott what colour are your eyes ?"
Scott turned away but malia shoved his face backed " show us McCall " his eyes didn't turn alpha colours " scott what happened on the job ?" scott didn't say a word " McCall they need to know or else i will " before Jackson could finish theo comea running in " we have company and it ain't werewolves " heavy breathing and slowly sitting down
The door flew opened and three men walked in one muscular in a suit one rugged with a leathet jacket with a smirk on his face , the other his eyes are different and have blood stained dripping down both side of his lips "shit ...shit ...shit " stiles keeps saying while malia was ready with her claws and kira out with her sword
McCall didn't move " LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WOULD YOU PLEASE KINDLY LEAVE THESE PROMISES.... BEFORE IT GETS UGLY " the one in the suit kindly smiled as everyone hurried to leave squirming out of the buliding " so little group of supernatural with a well .... a banshee " the one with the blood came closer to lydia " banshee that can pridict death with a werewolf.. or a turning hybrid werewolf " the man looking at scott " let me introduce ourselves I'm klaus mikaelson I'm the first hybrid werewolf vampire " he sit opposite sides of the gang while " im Elijah mikaelson and this is my younger brother kol mikaelson we're not like my other bother klaus " sitting down beside klaus " we came to negotiate a peace treated on the basis of scott McCall "
" so do we have a deal McCall?" Stiles and liam sitting during the negotiations while the ladies leave for other issues " scott you can't take this deal ... your walking in blind... we do not know them ... trust me ... we do not deal with this kind especially when we don't know their strengths " stiles whsipering " human whispering to your boy isnt working we have super hearing our power our amplified " drinking a soda then crushing it stiles gulped while liam was trying to control his anger " hey beta you dont need to draw your crawls you know... we know you have anger issues but .... we know all your strengths and weaknesses but we won't use it against you because we know a void person who's ready to kill us all gerard argent ring bell " Elijah fixing his cufflinks " so McCall the deal is set ... argent crossed our path and well he killed half a dozen of people in our town ... plus a few members of my family " klaus eyes turned a different shade
" you got a deal ... mikaelson on one condition (y/l) (l/n) a girl im dating stay out of the agreement no one hurts or use her .... especially in a different situation understand " scott flashing his eyes but Elijah and kol sit back when klaus moves forward " i see you embracing your new powers then McCall " as the three stood up " see you at your house then McCall " as the three walked away " text lydia get intel on each of them ... especially the klaus guy i want to know everything understand " scott brushing passed Isaac and mason towards his bike
" what's the deal then stiles ?" Isaac whispering " a new kind of supernatural just popped up and the deal that scott have with klaus guy a whole new shit ..... plus we have more issues do you know what happened to scott "
Isaac signed " i do but i can't tell you here ... not with the girls here it will only hurt (y/n) in this situation " stiles didn't understand what isaac saying till " hey guys you seen scott ?" As all three of you hear scott engine roared you didn't say a word but gaped " so is the deal done or what ?" Isaac said ignoring you are there " what deal ?" Frowning " are you going to tell me what's up with my boyfriend orbdo i have tk demand like a whiney bitch " starring at isaac and stiles " she's your problem... see you at McCall " brushing pass going towards alison and lydia whos already in the car
You waiting for an answer " look (y/n) scott ... his ..his ..his going through changes ... and .. and you need to back off a little and let him breath ... soooo that's all i have to say cause other than that I've got nothing " running to his jeep while malia and liam are in the back seat leaving you with a jackson whittmore " don't look at me sugar his your boyfriend... all i know i would dump McCall ass and move on " jackson walking away
You were confused and angry that you didn't get the answers you're looking for especially when everyone is ignoring you and well giving you short answers " fine I'll find out myself if j have to " stomping on the floor
Meanwhile back at beacon hills memorial hospital things are weird bodies being dropped off unexplained death toll " okay ... okay .... okay " frantic sheriff slams his phone down while a deputy parrish " soo what are we going to do now FBI is here especially we got ATF who are they anyways " looking at the people in blue jackets questioning doctors and local people around " this is great I've got ATF and FBI on our backs " slaunting on a chair " sheriff please tell me what's going on ?" Melissa McCall was seeing people all round her question after questions and a swat team outside the hospital
Deputy parrish sighed " we've been getting calls of dead bodies everywhere especially drained of blood considering a sycophant or a maniac with a tendency of draining his or her victims " parrish whispering while melissa went pale " you think this is super...supernatural " even in a lower voice " we aren't sure because its all in shambles and we're figuring it out but for now we have to release a statement to the public immediately "
Right on cue derek hale and chris argent walks through the door with a girl in dereks arms " anyone ...anyone ....anyone ... please help her " melissa hurrided to help " whats her condition?" Checking her eyes and pulse " fetch the bed and get her a room now " as the porter removes the girl from derek the group moves outside the room while the others worked on the girl
" explain hale ?" Sheriff standing ready for questions " we were driving back to beacon hills when a black SUV was smashed by a white Sudan van and multiple officers gun down plus two victims dead on the spot except her ... we found her on a fence wounded and terrified " braeden looked round " she kept mumbling and mumbling we weren't sure what she's saying till argent explained " chris was hiding his gun " she said the word vampire " chris didnt even blink while saying it " ive sedated her before we got here she was frantic and didn't calm down only now she's like this but we didn't see any other wounds "
" anything else you found out there ?" Parrish asked " no ... alot of blood on the pavement and the car looked to be an accidental blow but other than that no suspicion " thats when ATF and FBI agent came popping up " look sheriff we get it ... you're new to this but me and my team are here to stay ... unexplained body count plus a whole lot of missing people so ... expect more from us rather than leaving " the blond woman walked away with her assistant while " ATF agent " are you aware of any gun crimes in beacon hills or illegal selling or gun in the last few months sheriff?" Two men ready to write down anything " not that i know of why ?" The man in the blue jacket sighed " did you know in the last 3 months a couple of your police warehouse were targeted for supply of guns and other units " the man was eyeing argent " im legal to have these especially they are licensed officer " argent wasn't to pleasant with the officer " we will be in touch " handing over a little card
" what the hell was that ?" Chris sighed " i dont see ATF or FBI agents here .... if its the body bag and counting thats okay but illegal drugs and weaponry dealing isnt beacon hills " chris sighing " i need to have a look into what Gerrard is doing maybe he has something to do with it " kissing melissa on the forehead before leaving
Derek looking round " anyone heard from scott ?" melissa shakes her head " thought so "
" so .... aren't we going to talk about the elephant in the room ..." silence is showing more often " look scott i don't care about the issue you have with (y/n) right now but isaac and theo even liam told you had a deal with three grown up men who .... stiles says know us ... i dont care if you're not ready to talk but we had enough of your pathetic waiting games alright " stiles looking anywhere but at the table
" Jackson knows even derek but we your best friend dont know and you're pushing us away ... we need to if its a threat we can deal but if its your issues than thats find but keeping us in the dark is not okay" kira sounding frustrated " they need to know scott especially alison shes digging on the mikaelson as we speak " isaac grabbing a drink in the fridge
" fine I'll tell you but you might all want to sit down especially you stiles "
( event leading up scott pov
Two weeks ago argent got a intel on this supernatural about werewolves turning into something else more ... powerful
I wanted to check it out so i took the opportunity to call Jackson while he was in london about a group he suggested it was wise to go down to London . So me and derek including isaac went without stiles because i told him to wait here to protect you guys if anything happened he will be there like a heads up . I was calm with it so it wouldn't be a problem ... the plan was we go to london check this intel argent talked about and this group of supernatural . Leading up to the day i had to come up with a excuse to go to london because my mom wouldn't let me go so i had derek come up with an idea that he found something that could help me improve my skills as werewolf in london .
At first my mom had her suspicions but she agreed only and only if i take isaac with me and i agreed the only other person who knows what and where is alison because she was the eyes ans ears of the warehouse
The day before we were about to head to London i had the feeling that something sketchy will happen , i didn't trust this intel that argent had i told isaac he said its fine but yet he too was wary of the information argent got
" youre telling me that you guys went to london and something bad happened.... what happened that was so bad that neither one of you can talk other than Jackson " lydia slamming her hands down " I'm getting there "
( continue on
The information of a gang outside of London near Lincolnshire of a warehouse an experiment on supernatural.... werewolves to worked on their strengths and skills . We all thought it was that but it wasnt
So when we landed in London it was the evening isaac and i were already wanting to check the intel but alison told us to wait three days then we check it out . Jackson told us of a small group who being turned into more supernatural and that its beginning to be a threat in england and he was ome of the werewolves helping out .
Jackson told us he doesn't know who runs the place nor where argent got the intel from but when argent and alison went to meet his special firend where he got the intel he was murdered
" hold up ... you're telling us that the person who gave argent intel on this was murdered and you didn't come home after that warning " isaac and scott looked at each other " we wanted to know this information if it will help other werewolves and supernatural " isaac simple said
" fine carry on "
( we were supposed to only be in London for 5 days and my mum was being suspicious and i got tongued tied and told her ... she freaked out but she knew argent was with us so she was calmer . The night before the accident we managed to pull surveillance on the warehouse we saw the same people you saw today the three men
One in a suit the other raging blood addiction the other not so much , we thought their not the threat when one of them klaus i belive said the word I'm immortal invincible because not only I'm i a werewolf im a living breathing vampire
We were shocked at the information but at how old he was 1,000 years old walking and breathing in the daylight especially with fangs and werewolves eyes . Beyond that we didn't know what to do with the information but it lead to me getting something argent didnt tell us of his personal plan .
He busted into the warehouse with armed force guns along with alison we didn't know what to do derek was furious on this and couldn't stay put so he tried to rescue argent and alison but it all break loose
Fighting here there blood was spilling they were invincible we trying staking them sliver bulltes wolfband eveything nothing can penetrate him not a scratch we definitely outnumbered until the guy came from behind and bit me on the left arm his companion laughed " no way to treat unwanted guest klaus " the pain from my arm was excruciating it didnt heal either his eyes were different no glowing nothing
He barely left us alive all he said was i like him lets keep him alive
Nobody said a word after scott recanted the story of the night he got bitten lydia was lost for words " how ... how ... how ... how ?" Lydia expression says alot
" so thats why those men were familiar with you scott because he bite you " liam was shocked stiles didn't know what to say " how can you keep this from me how ?"
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fearsbellsarchived · 5 years
[me? Thinking about a gf fairytales au instead of being productive? More likely than u think!!! think ou.at buT BETTER and w/o the real world dimension hopping part. under the cut bc i just copy/pasted my tags from forever ago to put them in one place
mabel and dipper are hansel and gretal
paz is sleeping beauty 
bill is maleficient 
if we’re gonna get disney about it wendy as merida 
i LOVE the idea of tambry as rapunzel??? 
mabel can also be like...eric from the little mermaid 
so mermando can be ariel 
bill is also rumplestilskin 
stan can be the huntsman (idk from which story cause theres a fEW BUT)
ford is the sorcerer from fanstasia 
ford is teaching dipper magic....and instead of a true love’s kiss that’s how he wakes paz (maybe?)
the northwests made a deal w bill like in the most famous version of rumplestilskin but instead of wanting paz for himself he just wanted to steal her body at 16
so when they lose the deal they ask for help from ford and ford’s like “yo i can maybe change the deal??? a little bit???” so instead of bill taking her over when he goes to she falls asleep ​
so dipper wasnt supposed to wake her up but he found her and fords notes and he and mabel went on an adventure
bill is all the villains 
so stan has to leave mabel and dipper in the woods (idk y it wasnt for long the twins are just impatient) so stan disappears and the twins are like “lETS EXPLORE THE WOODS”
they come across some creepy old house w a lot of spiderwebs (can u guess the villain yet?)
an older woman comes out and is like “why are you guys lost in the forest?”
mabel points to the glitter trail “we’re not lost”
dipper looks behind them ‘mabel!!! where’s all the glitter?!”
so they lose the trail 
meanwhile stan is losing his fucking mind
he follows the stray glitter but it’s blown all over
so the old lady offers for them to stay the night bc its getting late
dipper is SUPER sus but he plays it cool surprisingly
mabel is So In!
long short...stan eventually saves them from darlene’s trap
usually shes just a maneater but look
when u live in the woods u do what u can
so stan hauls them back to their cottage
dipper knew there was weird shit out there but he wants MORE
he starts going through his great-uncle’s journals (*cue the dipper squee*)
he reads about bill and his deal w paz’s parents
he’s like....’maybe we should rescue her?’
ford wont tell him why they cant
so dipper and mabel sneak out
they steal the grunkles’ boat
mabel falls over board???
dipper tries like HELL to save her
but then he sees mermando save her
gideon (who had long-loved mabel from afar) finds out
he visits the merman to trick him
all mabel remembers is his voice
so YES mermando trades his voice for legs just like the movie
sue me okay w his distinct accent it makes sense!!!
so the twins get sidetracked bc mermando shows up out of nowhere
they dock on a small island for a pit stop and thats when ‘kiss the girl’ happens
they dont kiss so they move on
they dock on another stretch of land the next day
the twins have only heard about him from their grunkles so mabel hears his voice and goes *heart eyes*
mermando is Distressed
dipper is Focused on getting to this sleeping princess
mabel makes fun of him for liking her
at one point dipper catches him w/o the amulet that makes him sound like mermando
and he tells mabel and its kinda like “the hand that rocks the mabel” or whatever the ep was called
it takes dipper and mermando being threatened (and gideons voice slipping) for her to catch on and she breaks up w him
dipper wants to throw him overboard
they just leave him on the next inhabited island they find
mermando got his kiss but decides to go back to the ocean anyway
he promises to write
mabel is Sad
the twins come across a land near the one paz is on and decide to stop for food and to stretch their legs and other hygiene things
they find out there’s some archery thing going on and mabel is like ’ooooh can we try?!’
turns out its for neighboring kingdoms’ princes to win a princess
mabel and dipper think this is RIDICULOUS so they crash it
mabel steps up to shoot and everyone’s like ‘wHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?’
then dipper steps up beside her. neither of them have shot a bow before
they shoot at the same time. mabel’s like thisclose to the bullseye. dippers too far right
but wendy is like ‘ACTUALLY ILL SHOOT FOR MYSELF THANKS’ and splits like three arrows down the middle w her accuracy
she looks at mabel and dipper and is like ‘u dudes look fun! ive never seen u before who are u???’
and they’re like ‘WELL!’ and launch into detail about their adventure w overlapping voices and sound affects and VAST description
anyways. i cant decide how old people are rn okay 
so wendy is like “hey dad??? im going on an adventure w these guys!” and her dad is like “unusual but u DID just win ur own hand. so ill allow it”
“YES! can i take soos too?!” 
sO THEYRE OFF AGAIN!!! lemme tell u the ship is filling faST!!!
they get to paz’s land. and the first thing they find is a girl in a tower with long purple hair.
everyone is pretty much just making ‘wtf’ faces for like....ten minutes.
finally wendy calls up the tower like “YO! WHATS W ALL THE HAIR?!”
tambry leans out the window w a bored expression and goes “its mine. im tambry. who r u?”
they introduce themselves and are like “u wanna come on our adventure?”
and he knows where the princess is!!!
”oh yeah. her. shes also in a tower. its got a door but its guarded by gnomes.”
then robbie climbs tambrys hair pecks her cheek and ducks in the tower
they decide to head for the tower robbie directed them to. but they have to pass the castle. Northwest Castle
robbie warned them about the northwests. said that the princess was one and before she disappeared she was the snottiest brat hed ever met
so they became friends despite the fact that he plays music for a living (and not very well either)
her parents told her of the spell when she was twelve
so robbie’s like “they are not nice people and neither was she??? most of the townsfolk are glad shes asleep tbh”
but dammit! dipper came here for an adventure!!! he wasnt going to stop just bc the princess wasnt what he expected!
so they continue on!
mabel is like “maybe she doesnt KNOW how to be nice!”
and soos is just excited to be there!
and wendy is just...u kno...chill
they start to get close to the castle and they feel like they’re being watched
and then soos notices the PEACOCKS!
they assume theyre spies for the king and queen. which is half true?
they can also warn bill if someone is near pacifica
oh damn imagine that
being stuck asleep w a DREAM DEMON in ur head
sorry for the accidental psychological torture paz
i think to make up for risking her life as a baby ther parents were like “we’re just gonna spoil u rotten and PRETEND u do no wrong eVERYTHING IS FINE”
so dipper is reading the journal and he FINALLY gets to the true loves kiss part of the deal
and he looks around at the party like “oh shit true love what do we do???”
mabel suggests he at least try and everyone agrees that yeah okay thats the back up plan
but dipper wants to use a SPELL!!!
so the king and queen see him w the journal and remember ford having the same one
so everyone is brought to the king and queen
theyre like “pRINCESS GWENDOLYN?!”
bc this is MY STORY and if i wanna give wendy a more princess-y name thEN I WILL
i say as i continue to refer to mason as DIPPER!!!
wendys like “yes that is me the princess” and then everyone else introduces themselves...w dipper introducing himself as mason bc it just sounds more fairytale-y
soos is jesus (hey zeus! not jee sus)
soos is like....wendys bff/personal servant but mostly bff
so they explain their adventure to the northwests as quickly as possible
preston is no patient man and he’s is like “tbh its probably important she be here for her 18th bday soooo??? as long as she wakes up by next year why not???”
but only bc dipper was like “i wANNA USE MAGIC I DONT WANNA KISS HER THATS PLAN B!!!”
plus u kno...even if he DOES whats the guarantee itll work???
the guarantee is me being a filthy shipper tHATS WHAT!!!
so they continue to the tower!
there is probably a sidequest thingy with giffany bc i liked that episode
also soos needs more screentime im sorry
also theres a manotaur/multi-bear sidequest i just thought of bc i like THAT episode!!!
is this gf, a fairytale, sk.yrim, or a d.n.d campaign now??? WHO KNOWS!!! ITS NOT ME!!!
first they offer safe passage in exchange for mabel as their queen
after thats declined theyre like “or the redhead. well take her!”
this is also declined
finally jeff tells them to attack
at first the party tries to fight them off and they do okay
finally mabel just pulls out her trusty crosSbow (aka “GRAPPLING HOOK!”) and they just make a tightrope to the window above the door
wendy goes first and NAILS it
then everyone else follows
soos almost falls and gets left to the gnomes but everyone helps him balance and they all make it through the window
coincidentally. the window leads to the princess’s room
oh well. anyways.
everyone is looking around the room and like...taking it all in
dipper takes a moment...then walks over to the princess
he isnt sure if waking her will also wake the demon
crossover even more w my old paciphera au??? idk probably not
so dipper tries the spells he narrowed it down to
none of them work
all his friends have returned to the princess’s room and mabel is like “u gotta kiss her brobro!”
so dipper...poor poor dipper...just leans forward and kisses her
paz pretty much snaps her eyes open when dipper is a half inch from her face while he’s pulling back 
and even tho she was forewarned she wasnt expecting DIPPER so she SCREAMS
dippers ears are ringing
she shuts her eyes and stills her breathing and sits up.
so once shes a little more calm they explain the whole adventure to her
paz feels a little honored they came all this way just for her
also since True Love beats everything bill is like.....back in his home dimension. also paz has been fighting him for like....over a year.
so paz is like....ready to Go. u kno. just wants to go HOME.
they get pazs shit together and exit the tower through the door
she says goodbye to the gnomes. all by name.
“oh yeah mom and dad made them my personal guard when i was like...eight. theyve been prepping for this my whole life. they’ll meet me back at the castle.” so then she starts telling them about herself and her last like 
two years of being asleep w a DREAM DEMON
“sometimes i got the weirdest nightmares??? and they never ended. but when i woke up i couldnt remember anything specific.”
she and dipper talk away from the group. he tells her about how hes her true love and everything “okay well. we’ll have to lie to my parents and say it was a spell. bc they will NOT approve of us being true loves and if they hurt you...”
“then they hurt *you* too!” dipper finishes (idk maybe a combo w a soulmate au thing?)
meanwhile mabel is like...whining about boy problems??? and wendy is like “this is y boys r dumb.”
soos is like...wandering off. I WANNA INCORPORATE MELODY BUT WHO SHOULD SHE BE?!
paz and dipper start like....arguing about how to deal w her parents
apparently they actually ARENT that nice. if she doesnt marry a prince they’ll give her over to bill completely...or something idk
SO theyre nearing the castle!!!
theyve written theyre grunkles okay no worries. also mermando.
thats y mabels complaing about boys.
mermando and that manatee wife of his!!!
paz is not exactly ready to face her parents so she convinces the party (roll for charisma) to go the long way
which is actually just circles
we run back in to melody and soos and the party is like ‘wHOOPS WE DIDNT EVEN NOTICE GLAD U DIDNT GET EATEN BY A SPIDER LADY!
maybe melody is like....a fairy???
something light and ‘childish’ bc thatd fit her personality
soos is like “ive BEEN here. u dudes have been going in circles.” and everyone glares at paz.
“im sorry!!! i just dont want to go back!!!”
“ur dad made us promise to have u back for ur 18th bday.” says dipper while he tries to stay mad at his future wife
idk why paz and dips are being better at being soulmates here okay i was like....sleep-drunk when i first wrote this
so the party has a choice to make.
take paz back home where she wont be able to be w her TL (which in some cases has probably led to death) OR!!!
sneak her out and take her home w them?!
wendys probably gotta go back to her own kingdom tho.
and soos wants to stay w melody
so anyways
mabel and dipper decide to help her sneak out
luckily she knows all the blindspots
it takes longer but they finally make it back to their ship
they say theyre goodbyes to soos and melody and paz wishes them well in her kingdom. she promises to return when shes ready to rule
they load the ship and sail to wendys kingdom next
they stay a few days to recuperate
paz has trouble sleeping bc when she does the nightmares come back.
cue a kat.niss/pee.ta thing where paz sleeps next to dips bc it keeps the nightmares away
wendy has to explain why soos isnt w them to her dad who kinda shrugs it off?
“u proved u can protect urself.” or something.
after like.....a whole fucking year the twins are heading home.
paz and dipper sleep together on the ship too bc its just fucking easier
paz is nervous to meet the grunks
she and dipper arent exactly....dating??? its def more like soulmate au
where theyre AWARE theyre supposed to be together but they dont even rly know if they WANT to be together.
paz is p much “i dont rly wanna be w anyone else. ill let u kno if that changes.” and dips is like “tbh same.”
mabel is already planning a big royal wedding.
iDK Y BUT I WANT THEM TO FIND OUT THEYVE BEEN ROYALTY ALL THIS TIME??? probably just bc i LOVE that trope!!! but theyre not so its whateves.
so they FINALLY get home. mabel has been writing letters this whole time. to mermanso. to soos and melody. to wendy.
shes the captain of the dip.ifica ship and shes gotta keep her crewmembers in the know!!!
the twins also wrote to the grunks the whole time so!!!! no worries!!!
paz tries writing to her parents...but she can never find the right words.
meeting the grunks isnt as bad as she thought???
stan loves her off the bat. partially bc shes rich and bc she doesnt take shit
ford is pleased to meet the girl he saved and shes v v thankful to him for saving her life as best he could.
it takes her like a YEAR to write the letter.
she promises her parents she’ll return. AFTER shes married.
at this point she and dipper ARE together. they figured all theyre confusion out and are just living the good life!
mabel and wendy are doing the long distance thing. shes still friends w mermando.
robbie and tambry found paz and they write back and forth.
everything is as happily ever after as it can get.
and then dipper proposes despite knowing what it means.
*end credits roll. an epic theme song starts playing*
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zanykingmentality · 5 years
title: the ways we say i love you chapter: 1/1 fandom: avatar pairing: zutara notes: for @goldenclasp and @zutaraexchange summary:
but this is wartime, dearest. only a few make it out alive. 
[ in which katara and zuko mend the breaks. ]
zuko knows a number of things, like the smell of early-morning dewdrops dripping from leaves, the crimson glow of a fire fueled by rage, and that he is irrevocably in love with a girl who wants nothing to do with him.
he’s learned to track animal prints, and how to distinguish them; he’s learned tears don’t always mean sadness, and eyes full of affection can turn into something so twisted, so brutal, so vicious.
his mother told him, once, that love is a choice. love is being together after quarreling and spitting angry words, and love is dangerous dance that neither ever learned the steps to. improvise, zuko, and you’ll make it. he’s not sure when it became less about love and more about heartbreak, or survival, but his mother has always had a way of making things fit.
when he was too selfish to listen or understand, his uncle told him love isn’t anything. pure love is unconditional and selfless; that’s all. he said love is something we define for ourselves.
zuko has never thought much of love. and, even if he had, he would have thought love was a distraction, or something he couldn’t ever achieve.
he never thought about the way it could feel to imagine someone’s fingers intertwined in his, someone’s life intertwined in his. until he does, dreaming beside a crackling fire, and the reality of it is like a slap in the face.
to a scarred boy with nothing to call his own, love is a daydream. love is a fantasy. it is not, was not, a reality.
love has no place in war.
(still, he remembers kindness and the feel of her cool fingers against his scar. he doesn’t let anyone touch it. but she did.
somehow it feels right, that it should be her. even though he knows it’s not.)
he shifts in the dark and stares at twinkling lights centuries above him. they sparkle despite everything; they are a constant in a world that has known only injustice for far too long.
and he starts to think, no, love isn't for him. maybe what he's mistaken as love is a reaction, a normal emotion stemming from a super-charged moment surrounded by crystals and loneliness. until he sees her again the next morning, and the glare she shoots him makes his heart unexpectedly pound in his chest.
he knows her narrowed eyes and piercing gaze like the back of his hand, by now. he knows her mistrust and doesn't blame her for it.
but he also knows her soft smile when she cares, the fluid movements of her arms when she waterbends, the way she sleeps without moving, like she's ready to spring into battle at the slightest noise. he knows the ever-present fear in the back of her eyes, and how her expression is almost always guarded and unreadable.
this is wartime, and she was not born a soldier, but she was forced to be one. he knows he had a hand in that.
he has many regrets. but he will make them right again.
katara doesn’t expect zuko to understand. it was his people that took her mother away; how would he know that any kindness she offered him was like disrespecting the circumstances of her mother’s death? she extended to him an olive branch, once, and it turned out to be the worst mistake she’s made. to put trust in someone who rips it apart. to try to help someone who tears her apart.
she ignores his eyes over the fire. the temple is cold and drafty, and she knows zuko is warm, but she’s entirely unwilling to meet him with anything but scorn.
deep within her, she still feels some kind of call to him, some kind of siren song that pulls her toward him. it makes her body tingle with rage and something she doesn’t want to name, something that makes the anger in her even greater. katara tries her best to be a calm and parenting figure, but zuko… zuko.
so she’s surprised when he comes back with suki in tow. she’s surprised he didn’t sell her brother over to the highest bidder at the first possible chance. it’s not enough to trust him yet, but enough to make her think. she’s even more surprised when he helps sneak her out to the general who’d had her mom killed.
even more so when zuko stands back and lets her decide if she should kill. if blood should be on her hands, too. she drops the water around her and turns back to zuko, ready for the day-long flight ahead of them.
this is when she begins trusting him again.
she lets him help her collect food and water and overlooks the way his hand accidentally brushes hers as they walk. she’s not ready for the idea of it being intentional yet.
if zuko is a star she is the rest of night: inky darkness and silvery moonlight. she decides she doesn’t mind it so much.
being friends with katara is nothing like zuko imagined it would be. then again, he wouldn't let himself indulge in those kinds of fantasies much before he actually re-earned her trust; no point in entertaining thoughts that went straight to the pangs in his heart, anyway. they both wake early and sleep late, careful of the rise and fall of moonshine and sunlight, like a dance they tiptoe around together. they spar sometimes at night and in the morning, and they're evenly matched, depending on the time of day.
she opens up to him slowly. first it's a thank-you for helping her find closure. then it's the feel of her hand in his on appa’s back. as romantic as it feels to zuko, it's not meant like that; he knows it's katara’s way of being supportive, of understanding that he's left everything behind for their motley crew of teenagers and a cause to destroy the father he once wished could love. he doesn’t try to read between the lines of her palm.
he could, though. he could torture himself like that. he could let his dreams run away from him and imagine too much too early. she’s not obligated to like him at all, zuko feels lucky every time she doesn’t forcibly oust him from camp ━
then he jolts awake with the ghost of lips on his. his traitorous subconscious shows him scenes he can only wish become real.
by the time they’re safely on ember island, zuko’s hope has been only slightly rekindled. the girl-turned-warrior he’s fallen in love with still has a soft streak to her, like low tide, such a contrast from her sharp ice-rain. that morning after he’s tossed and turned for hours, he finally sits up. katara looks over at him.
“feeling alright?” she asks.
zuko rubs his head. “yeah, i think.”
she’s already finished making breakfast, is sharpening knives of ice using a rigid stone. the small smile on her fast juxtaposes the violent scraping of rock on ice.
“you look like you haven’t slept,” katara observes.
“i was thinking,” zuko says.
“penny for your thoughts?”
zuko stands and sits next to her on the steps, resting his elbows on his knees. “i just… i have my doubts. who knows how all this is going to end.”
katara nods but says nothing, pausing mid-scrape. she drops her tools and takes zuko’s hand, reassuring in her calm, steady grip. nothing like his hands that tremble as he combs them through his short hair. they sit for a while, resting, until the others wake up.
the ember island players are arguably the best part of their time on the island, but that’s not saying much. there was only one thing that the play got right: growing feelings, at least on zuko’s part. as they trudge back to camp, he can’t help but notice more acutely the slope of katara’s shoulders, the way she ushers them all along, the mother hen of the group.
he notices, over the next few days, the soft smiles that come to her face when she’s content, the stressed furrow of her brows, the slight downturn of her unimpressed mouth. he notices her mouth a lot.
but they are warriors, bred to hurt and kill, taught by powers beyond their control to hate and fight and never surrender. zuko only learns the true meaning of surrender when she stares into his eyes for a brief moment, affection in the undertones of her stunning blue eyes.
they’re alone one night when zuko finally begins to break. he looks at her lips for a beat too long, and katara notices. he’s afraid she’ll pull away from him immediately, terminate the friendship they’ve been growing ever since the abandoned air temple ━ but she doesn’t. katara’s eyes flit down over his mouth, his chest, back up to his eyes. she smirks like a challenge.
“is it okay,” zuko asks, “if i kiss you?”
“i was starting to think you’d never ask,” katara murmurs.
for once, zuko does not hesitate. he presses his mouth to hers quickly; heat overcomes the simmering fire in his veins, and he feels the cool touch of her water when she reaches up and splays her fingers along his cheek. he pulls her toward him with an arm around her waist, reveling in this, the intoxicating, beautiful feel of katara and zuko.
when all is said and done, they move to the fire nation. katara wanders with wide eyes around peacetime festivals, no longer trying to reconcile the three versions of the fire nation she now knows: a band of cruel murders, a desolate people in search of hope, and a rowdy crowd filled to the brim with enthusiasm.
zuko links his arm through hers and pulls her toward a stand selling strange, blue drinks for a coin a cup. in the time that comes, he will be passing laws and treaties and orders to get the fire nation back on his feet. but zuko knows, he will not be alone. he takes a sip of sparkling blue magic and looks at the girl at his side, dressed now in red with the stab of her blue eyes. he sees katara and she sees him.
some say the love between them could only have lasted during the war. when they were both soldiers, fighting for the same cause. but zuko and katara both agree ━ the real story starts here.
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liv324 · 6 years
Waking up in my Dream Life
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I woke up with a dreadful calling of mom saying “GIRLSS TIME TO WAKE UP ITS 9″ Oh how i hated those words, i was so tired. All I wanted to do is go back to my amazing dream! My dream life to be exact ! So I fell right back to sleep not caring about my "real life"... next you know I'm woken up again but with a satisfying smell.. it smelt like pancakes and bacon !! I wondered to myself did my mom make some good breakfast for once or is it all in my head.. suddenly I hear my annoying alarm go off , I snoozed it. I noticed i had a different phone. I was confused because the rest of my room was the same. I had my cheer accomplishments on one wall and my collection of my ceramics crafts on my dresser. So when I got up I put on my pink Nike slides and headed toward my door cuz boy was I hungry! Tht smell really got me up. When I opened the door I gasped! "Wtf where am I?" I questioned to myself. I looked around the hallway which was sooo different like I mean DIFFERENT. The mirror on the wall was gone. Lulus crate was not existent. And The bathroom was 2 doors down from my room instead of across my room. I lowkey got scared so I quickly went back to room with my eyes closed to hopefully go back to where I from. But when I opened my eyes my room was totally different! It was my dream room ! It was beautiful!
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I spinned around my room so happily and on my door there was a mirror it showed me and screamed in happiness when I looked at myself.. I was beautiful and perfect in my eyes. I was still wearing the same thing from when I got up but my body was totally different.. I was literally slim thick my stomach was flat my boobs were perky and my ass was toned. My hair was straight and a nice brown color instead of streaky blonde highlights. I was so happy. I opened my closet to see what I had and I hate such cute clothes! I grabbed a cute floral dress and some cute sandals and went out the door to find a bathroom. When I saw an opened door I looked in and it was a bathroom so I stepped in then I got pushed out from some boy. "To slow hun" said the Mike and he slammed the door in your face. You were shocked on who you saw but lowkey mad at what he did. Aria came behind you and said "Why aren't you using your own bathroom Eve?" You turned around and looked at her happily "Oh I umm I don't know actually I'll be right back" you said while you go back to your room and try to find the door to your bathroom which was in the corner of your room. When you went inside the bathroom you took off what you had on and examined your new improved body . Your skin was flawless and tan no dark areas just one color. You took a quick rinse off and you didn't have to shave anything was already shaved for you from a previous time. So once you got out of the shower you fixed yourself up and put some light makeup and brushed out your hair and put on your cute outfit . You noticed your stomach was growling so you grabbed your phone and headed downstairs for breakfast. When you checked your phone it's said you had 2 missed calls and 15 missed messages. I didn't know who they were from but shortly I found who the 2 missed calls were from. So I headed downstairs to be greeted with a great smell of food and my parents and my siblings and ZACH DEMPSEY!! I didn't know why he was there but hopefully it's what I think it is.
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When you looked into Demseys eyes you couldn't help but smile. You loved the kid from his daring eyes to his toned ass. "Hey babe I called you a couple of times to let you know that ur mom invited me for breakfast I hope Thts fine" said MY MF BABE!! "Of course honey it's fine" said my mom.. "yah of course Zach" I said smiling. I sat right next to Zach and grabbed some pancakes and a sausage. We ate all together which was super nice. We all talked and laughed. Zach grabbed my inner thigh which caught me off guard. He was watching me suck on my sausage before biting into it and zach whispered in my ear saying " you know what else you can suck if we leave rn?" He looked at me seductively and I looked at him smiling and I nodded my head and told my parents "we have to go because we are gonna be late for school". I stood up and grabbed my babes hand and he dragged him off his chair and we headed to the door. "Okay be careful now" my dad said and then mike stopped us at the door to give my backpack. "Hey where are you going so speedy fast" he asked all nosy and shi .. " to school now beat it mike" I clapped back. When we headed out I saw Zach's BMW waiting for us.. he opened the door for me like a gentleman.. I was soo excited for what was gonna happen next.. Dempsey speeded away and I was holding his hand on the way to school. I was lowkey getting impatient because cmon it's zach and all I could think about was pulling his damn pants down and sucking the life out of him. Zach saw how impatient I grew and he grabbed my thigh and kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear "we are almost at our spot" those words killed me. "OUR SPOT!" We had a spot!! I was so excited! When I looked out the window I noticed a lot of trees and a nice big lake. This must be our spot I thought to myself. He stopped the car in front of the lake. I was getting nervous cuz this would be my first time giving head tht Ik and I didn't know what he was gonna do to me.
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Zach grabbed my neck and pulled me into a deep kiss and then I got up and straddled him on the car seat.. he kissed down my neck and took off my dress revealing my bralete he removed tht too and started sucking on my nipples the sensation was amazing i literally rolled my head back.. it feels like iv done this before but in this life. It was great. He gave me a hickey on my neck and whispered in my ear saying " You are so hot babe.. please suck my dick" you giggled at tht and you pulled the seat further so you had room to go down on him. You accidentally put ur hand on the wheel to get steady and a loud honk came on. We both got scared and jumped he grabbed me and I looked out the window and I was pretty sure i saw someone out there I saw a blue jacket in the distance but zach started laughing and i looked back at zach and started to laught still curious who tht was out there . He kissed me again and then I got back into the mood. I went down on the car floor and pulled down is pants and his huge cock flew out and my eyes grew wide I was surprised how big he was I was lowkey scared I couldn't handle it but idk how but myself just started going at it and I  did it really good cuz zach was definitely pleased and I heard his cute ass moans. And it made me smile but I was shocked on how good I was doing .. he busted in my mouth but I didn't mind cuz he tasted so good. After tht session was over I put back my clothes on. And I  kissed zach and left a little mark on him as well. After We headed to school.
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When we got out of the car he held my hand. I felt secure and happy with him. And everyone was looking at us. When zach opened the doors to liberty hs he yelled " what's up my boys !!!" Looking over to Justin,Bryce,Jeff,Monty,and Steve mf Harrington! I couldn't believe he was friends with them but I mean look at Steve he is so hot with his hair and tht blue liberty high varsity jacket on.. I would fall for him in a heart beat but I snapped out of it and remembered I had a great boyfriend. And then I looked back at Steve and he gave me a wink. I was surprised he would do tht especially in front of ppl. And I heard a few familiar voices from a far calling my name. I turned to see who it was and it was my best friends. Spencer,Emily,Hannah,Aria,and Ali... I walked to them and they grabbed me in a huddle "hey eve are you okay ?!" "Is everything okay?" They asked.. I was super confused on why they were saying tht .. "yah ofc why ?!" I asked super curious but nervous as heck. "Oh no she doesn't know yet" said aria .. "wtf is going on!" I asked "ummm so there is pictures going around with you and Steve at a party hooking up" said Emily "I don't think zach saw yet cuz someone just uploaded them like 20 mins ago" said spencer.. I was so scared at what zach would think cuz I honestly don't remember anything tht happened tht night.. they showed me the photos and they were crazy bad.. I looked over and saw Bryce showing zach the photos.. zach looked at me disgusted.. I tried to go to him but he walked Away. I was no confused and hurt.. I went to class and he was in the same class. I saw him and he looked down mad and hurt. Ppl were looking at me disgusted and some jealous looks tht I got both super hot guys. I sat down and I kept looking at zach to think of what I should say after class.
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When the first period bell rang I watched him pack his stuff up and I quickly got up and grabbed his arm letting him tht I had to talk to him. "Zach please listen.. let me talk" I said . "Evelyn you fuxking lied and cheated on me there isn't much you can say" he said. "No the thing is i don't even remember doing those things with Steve like at all.. i would never want to hurt you Zach" I told him. "The thing is you still hurt me and Idk if I can forgive you for this" he said. " No babe please ! I honestly don't even like him and I don't remember a damn thing!" I explained. "Well it doesn't look like tht on those photos" he said walking away. I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't and I ran to the bathrooms and went into a stall and wiped my tears away. When i was doing so I heard girls giggling and talking. I ended up listening to what they were saying. "I can't believe that Evelyn girl got caught cheating on her hot ass boyfriend" said one girl. "She is so dumb to think that she wouldn't get caught!" Said another girl. "Well let's hope Steve Harrington knows what he's doing to stay out of this drama.. he is so hot and shouldn't be with a girl like Evelyn.. it's literally not fair I mean like almost all the guys at liberty try to freaking hook up with her.. I guess she made that mistake with Harrington" both girls giggled and walked away. You heard everything and that made u cry even more but then you realized tht your the hot shot at the school and shouldn't care what ppl think. All I cared about was getting zach back !
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After school I tried to find Steve cuz I had to talk to him and get some answers .. I figured he would be up at the field practicing so I went up and there and I saw him along with many other guys I even saw zach and his face said it all .. he look bummed as ever and it hurt me to see him like .. so as I waited for the practice to be over I grabbed steves attention and I called him over. He saw me and got super happy to see me and ran to me.
"Hey beautiful wanna finish where we left off last Friday ?" Steve said
"Steve what are u talking about and why is all this happening?!" I told him
"Wdym I thought this is what you wanted..clearly you wanted me tht night. And I honestly don't know who took those pics and posted it. But all Ik is tht I want you with me" Steve said as he got super close to my face and tried to kiss me. I pushed him off
"Steve I'm sorry but we can't do this, I can't do this! I love zach and I don't want to hurt him anymore" I said to Steve
"Fine whatever do what you want be with him but Ik deep down you want me." Steve said and running back to the locker rooms. I stood there thinking to myself. After I gathered my thoughts and my belongings I headed to Zach's car to wait for him.
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When I saw zach heading to the car my stomach started to hurt cuz i was soo nervous on what was gonna go down .
"You ready to go" he said bluntly and got in the car
"Uh yeah but zach can I please talk to you" I said
"What about ? I told you there isn't much to say" zach said
"ZACH I LOVE YOU AND I DONT WANT TO EVER HURT YOU AGAIN!" I yelled to get in his head.
"Eve Ik you do. And Ik you were beyond drunk and I forgive you.. just make sure it doesn't happen EVER again !" He said . I was so happy he said tht .. I gave him a kiss and closed my eyes to rest.
When we got to my house he asked me if I wanted to go to a party.
"Hey babe before you go there's this party tonight at Bryces. Do you wanna go ?" He asked
"No thanks babe I rather spend it with you. If your down. I checked the movies that are playing at the crestmount and there's a good one i think you'll like" I told him
"That sounds way better babe! I'll pick u up 7" he said . I agreed and kissed him goodbye.
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marvelous-imagining · 7 years
Lost Years
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Epilogue
A/N: I almost ended this one in a cliffhanger too but didn’t. I mean... I guess it’s a little cliffhanger-ish but not quite. Hope you like this part!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Words: 3,296
Warning: mentions of blood and wounds, fighting, angst
Rushing past the security with Ava in your arms, asking for the directions to the hospital wing, you went up the elevator, waiting impatiently for the doors to open. You ran out after the they opened and sprinted through the halls, meeting Sam in front of the room Bucky was in. You saw the sad look on his face and tears started forming in your eyes. Sam noticed you and turned his head away from the door, looking at you instead.
"Hey, Y/N—"
"How bad is it?" You asked, interrupting him.
He shook his head, shrugging. "They're still running tests on him. He got hit. Hard."
"What happened?" You asked with a shaky voice.
"It all happened so fast... One second he's making his way to the quinjet because he was wounded, the other he's running back to save civilians who were under fire."
You took a few steps towards the door and turned to look through the little window. He was there, lying on the bed, looking peaceful but as if he had went through hell. You raised your hand to cover your mouth as you gasped silently.
"Can I go in?" You asked quietly.
"Go ahead," Sam said gently and you opened the door, stepping inside the room.
You heard the faint beeping of the heart monitor the second you stepped inside the room. You looked at Bucky again, seeing him lying still with wounds and bruises all over his body or at least the parts you could see.
There was a cut on his cheek, a dark bruise forming on his right eye. His arm had scrapes on it and you could see blood peeking through the gown, telling you he had a deep wound on his stomach.
You held Ava close and turned to her, seeing her eyelids closing. She was drifting off. You looked to Sam who was still outside. You signaled him to come in and he did, asking you what was wrong.
"Is there a place for Ava to sleep?" You asked. "She's drifting off and I don't—"
"I'll take her to her room," Sam said and walked up to you, taking Ava.
"She has her own room here?" You asked, surprised.
"Of course," Sam said, nodding. "Anything else?"
You shook your head. "No, thank you. Just... Let me know when she wakes up."
Sam nodded, glancing down at Ava before exiting the room.
You were left alone with Bucky's damaged, unconscious form on the hospital bed. You moved a chair right next to the bed and sat down, looking down at him. You moved some fallen strands away from his face, a couple of tears escaping your eyes as you looked down at him.
Your gaze wandered to his human hand, seeing the IV on his wrist. You were careful not to touch it as your hand reached out to his. You placed your palm on his, squeezing his hand lightly while biting back sobs.
Seeing him looking so fragile scared you. You had seen him in a fragile state before but back then he was more mentally fragile. Now he looked physically weak which you hadn't seen before and that scared the hell out of you.
Maybe you had always thought he'd stay safe, even if he was being hunt down by the whole world, you just thought he'd be alright. You never thought of the possibility of him actually getting close to dying, especially when he was fighting the good fight. You should have known the good guys don't always walk out absolutely fine. Even the good people get hurt, die even.
As you stared at your hand that was holding his, you let out a shaky breath once again. Gaze traveling back to his face, more tears descended down your cheeks. You squeezed his hand a little tighter with both of yours and shook your head. "You're going to be fine," you said, not letting your gaze waver from his face. "You're going to be fine."
Of course he just stayed silent, unconscious.
"You're going to be fine," you repeated. "You have to. Please do it for Ava," you whispered, voice cracking at the mention of your daughter's name. "She can't lose you... I can't lose you."
You raised his hand up, careful not to accidentally rip off the IV and placed a small kiss to his knuckles.
"You're going to be fine."
You and Ava had stayed the night at the Avengers headquarters. You wanted to be there if Bucky happened to wake up. You had been told that the tests they had run on him didn't show any fatal consequences and it seemed like he was going to be fine. Still, he had been hit hard, nobody knew exactly how long he was going to stay knocked out. The head trauma he had gotten was somewhat serious, but not something that would change his life forever.
You were currently sitting on a chair in the far corner of the room with a cup of coffee in your hand, hoping it would wake you up. Once again, you hadn't gotten much sleep. So you sipped on your coffee while Ava was playing with her toys on the floor.
You glanced at the clock high up above the door and sighed. It was nine in the morning. You had made sure Ava had eaten breakfast, not really eaten any yourself. You weren't hungry. You were too busy worrying over Bucky.
There was a knock on the door that woke you up from your thoughts. You saw Steve at the doorway, opening the door before stepping inside. He gestured to the seat next to yours and gave you a questioning look. "Can I?"
You nodded. "Sure."
Steve looked down at Ava who walked over to him. "Hey, Ava," he said with a smile, looking at the little rattle in her hand. She waved it at him before sitting on the floor and playing with the toy. Steve continued making his way towards you and sat down beside you.
He glanced at Bucky with a sigh. "How are you doing?" He asked, turning to you.
You shrugged, eyes wandering to Ava. "Well, he's going to be fine so... I feel relieved, kind of."
Steve nodded. "Yes, he's going to be fine. Everything is going to be alright," he said, looking you straight in the eye. As you gave him no response, his eyes wandered to Ava, his best friend's first born and he sighed once more. "I think you two should go home," he said.
Your head shot in his direction. You were quick to shake your head. "No, we can stay here. Ava has her own room, she has clothes here. There's food suitable to her, she has lots of toys, too," you said while gesturing to the floor.
"What about you?"
"I don't want to leave him," you said quietly, looking back at Bucky again. "I can't leave him. I don't see him for a day after we had a fight and suddenly he gets into an accident and gets hospitalized, I... I'm just afraid of losing him again. I can't lose him again!" You exclaimed, earning Ava's attention. She looked at you, completely forgetting about the toy she was playing with.
"You're not going to lose him," Steve said calmly. "You said it yourself, he's going to be fine."
You saw Ava walking over to you and you lifted her up, placing her on your lap. You bounced her up and down on your lap, avoiding looking Steve in the eye.
"I really think you two should go home. This environment is just building up to all that stress and you're clearly tired."
"No," you said, shaking your head. "We're good here."
"Fine. But if you need anything, let me know."
You watched him stand up and near the door. Just as he was about to exit the door, you called out to him. "Steve?" He turned around, facing you. "Before you go, I need to know what happened on that mission exactly."
Steve sighed but made his way back to you, telling you how it all happened.
A painful groan was heard from where Bucky hid behind a building being fired at. He hadn't even realized someone had sneaked up on him. He fought off the aliens Thanos had sent their way before he could hide and check the wounds on his stomach. Surprisingly, even thought the aliens were using guns with alien technology, the wound didn't seem any different from what he'd gotten from normal guns. Still, he knew some check ups would do no harm.
"Buck?" Steve's concerned voice rang through the comm.
"Got hit," the brunette super soldier answered the question he knew Steve was going to ask.
"Get back to the jet, let someone check the wounds."
"I'm fine," Bucky growled only to have someone shove a spear at his face. It was stopped quickly, though and suddenly the alien holding the spear went flying. Bucky turned his head to the right to see Wanda looking at him with a shake of her head.
"Go to the jet," she said before running off somewhere.
Bucky shook his head, standing up and peeking his head from around the corner of the building, seeing that so far, the cost was clear. He held his stomach, adding pressure to his bleeding wound.
The truth was, he had been distracted the whole day. He couldn't stop thinking about the fight you two had had the previous day. He couldn't stop thinking about what he could have said or done differently. He acted like a total ass to you and that bothered him more than anything.
He decided to go to the quinjet, knowing he was too distraught to fight. He looked around, seeing that the coast was clear. He quickly ran up to the jet only to hear a small, squeaky, "Help!" from behind him.
His head turned, as did the rest of his body. He saw a small girl, probably about four years old screaming for help as a creature from outer space made eye contact with her, clearly scaring the poor girl.
Bucky stared in horror as the alien started advancing at the girl. He took off running, ignoring the pain he felt in his stomach. Passing by Steve, he decided to borrow his friend's shield as he realized the alien was carrying a gun something similar to a bazooka.
Bucky picked up his pace, seeing that the alien stood still far away, ready to shoot at the building behind the small girl.
He held the shield up, running faster than he had ever run. He heard the gun go off and got to the girl just in time, swooping her up in his arms and protecting both of them with the shield. The gun fired, hit the shield which sent both Bucky and the small girl flying through the building. Bucky held the shield over the girl's body, taking the hits himself. As they flew through the building and got back outside again, he hit his head on the ground, hard.
While crashing through the building, he had gotten more scrapes and scratches from the harsh materials. Even a metal pipe had impaled his leg. For some reason, though, he couldn't really feel all that pain. His vision was foggy, his eyes barely stayed open.
He looked underneath the shield, sighing in relief when he realized the girl was alive and well. His eyes closed and he rested his head back against the ground. He was glad the girl hadn't died, she was going to be alright, taken home to her parents as long as they were alive. He was happy that the parents were not going to lose their daughter because if they did, they'd sure be devastated.
Bucky knew for sure that he would be.
The little girl crawled from underneath the shield as she realized she was safe, not a scratch on her body. She turned to Bucky to thank him, placing her small hands on his chest and waiting for him to open his eyes. That didn't happen.
She shook his shoulders, practically jumping on him to wake him up. She placed his hands to his head only to discover he was bleeding. Her small hands were stained with his blood and she screamed.
Steve was already making his way to where Bucky and the girl were. After staring at his friend in horror, he had sped off to where he suspected him to be. When he turned around the corner, his eyes widened. He ran to the two and knelt down on the ground. He checked Bucky's pulse, sighing in relief when he felt it.
"Are you hurt?" Steve asked, turning to the girl who had tears streaming down her cheeks.
She shook her head. "Is he gonna die?" She asked with her bottom lip trembling.
Steve gulped. "No," he answered rather confidently. "Where are your parents?"
"Hannah!" A voice belonging to a woman was heard.
"Mommy?" The little girl stood up and ran off to her mother.
Steve placed his finger on hus comm. "Bucky's down. There are civilians that need to be taken somewhere safe."
"On it," Sam's voice came from above the blonde super soldier. Sam lowered down onto the ground and told the woman and her child that he'd take them to safety.
Steve stood up, scooping his unconscious friend in his arms, placing his shield on his back and he started running to the quinjet. As he got back safely, he placed his finger on his comm again. "I need someone to check up on Bucky."
He got an answer from someone, not really registering who.
"Come on, pal," he whispered, wiping some blood away from Bucky's forehead. "You've got people waiting for you at home. You need to fight through this."
"He saved a child?"
Steve nodded, glancing at Ava who placed her hands on the armrests between you and Steve, looking up into his eyes. "Yes, he did."
You took a deep breath, letting it out with a shaky sigh. "How old was she?"
"Four or five, I'd say."
You nodded, placing your fingers around one of Ava's chubby hands, gently running your thumb over her soft skin. "And she's fine?"
"Got back home safely. Both of her parents were unharmed as well."
"I'm glad she has both of her parents," you said with a tear escaping your eye as your gaze fell on Bucky again. You were quick to wipe it away before looking up at Steve.
"So will Ava," Steve stated.
"What if she won't?" You asked, voice sounding quiet and frail. "I know he's going to be fine but what if... What if he won't remember her? What if the hit damaged his memory and he—"
"Then he'll start remembering again." Steve smiled. "You were there with him when he started getting most of his memories back. What's with the doubting? Why are you so scared?"
"I'm just scared of losing him..."
"I know," you said with an annoyed sigh. "I know I wont. I just wish I'd believe it."
Ava turned over to her stomach on your lap and started slowly sliding down to the floor. You helped her down and she ran off to where Bucky was sleeping soundly on the bed.
"Maybe I'm preparing for the worst," you continued, looking back to Steve as Ava disappeared behind the bed. "I know he's going to be fine but a part of me is thinking 'What if?'"
While you were pouring your heart out to Steve, Ava looked up at the bed, seeing Bucky's sleeping form.
"Dada," she said quietly while placing her palms flat on the cushion, looking up at him. "Dada," she repeated but a bit louder and bounced while holding onto the bed.
She noticed Bucky's eyes fluttering open and she smiled in excitement. Bucky turned his head to the side, seeing Ava and his brows furrowed. "Ava?" He asked groggily, barely any sound coming from his mouth.
"Dada!" She yelled out, clapping her hands together.
Bucky couldn't help but smile as he finally heard his daughter call him what he had wanted for a while now. He reached out to her, petting her cheek with his cold metal knuckles gently to have her wrap her hands around his prosthetic one. "Hey, sweetheart," he said, tears forming in his eyes.
Ava ran up to you, banging her hands on your lap to gain your attention. You were sill continuing with your confessions to Steve, voice rising as Ava continued chanting the word 'dada' while desperately trying to draw in your attention.
"Ava, not now," you said, looking down at your daughter. You turned back to Steve, completely oblivious to the fact that Bucky was now looking at you, seeing you distressed.
"I just can't shake this feeling that something awful is going to happen. I just want him to be alright. I want the father of my child, the love of my life to just be fine and—"
Ava let out a scream, enough of being ignored. This made you turn to her while letting out a groan.
"What?" You asked as calmly as you you could.
"Dada!" Ava repeated and ran up to the bed again. This time you followed her with your eyes. You saw her trying to climb on the bed and suddenly, Bucky's hand moved. You sucked in a breath as you saw him help her up on the bed. She climbed on his chest and lay down on her stomach, fingers playing with the strands of his hair while his hand was securely under her bottom, holding her to his chest.
You let your gaze wander up to his face to see his eyes trained on you. By the gaze he held in them, you knew he had heard you before Ava interrupted you for the last time.
You let out a breath you hadn't even realized you were holding, knowing you two needed to talk but for now, that could wait. You stood up, walking over to him, eyes locked with each step you took. You gulped as you stood before him, seeing his confused gaze as you looked down at him.
He reached his hand to you, nudging yours. You then leaned down, throwing your arms around him, careful not to hurt him. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, tears fell down your cheeks. You felt Bucky's arm wrap around your back and grasp onto the sweater you were wearing.
"I'm so glad you're okay," you sobbed, pulling back only for him to pull you in again. You stayed still for a second, not expecting him to hug you back as tightly as he did. You then wrapped your arms around him again, easing into his embrace before tilting your head to look down at Ava who was clinging onto her dada.
Bucky kissed the side of your head, ignoring the voice inside his mind that was contemplating whether to do it or not. It came automatically to him, he just wanted to give you a soothing kiss on your temple, he sure did it. He hugged you to his body as he made sure Ava was close to him as well.
Staring down at you two, the realization finally hit him. Something bad could have happened to him. The outcome could have been much worse. If things had not gone his way, worst case scenario was that he couldn't be there with you right then and there.
"Me too," he said with his voice shaking as his pulled both you and Ava even closer to him. "Really glad."
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thejonlife · 7 years
1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 25, 26, 32, 33, 36, 42, 47, 49, 56, 57, 59, 62, 63, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 78, 81, 83, 85 (Wanted to pick them all but I picked the ones that are better....... no pressure!)
vaguely nsfw asks
1. Are looks important in a relationship? To an extent of course but theres way more important stuff :]
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
3. Are you a virgin?
4. Are you in a relationship? i am not.
5. Are you in love?
6. Are you single this year?
7. Can you commit to one person? As much as i joke about wanting to be a hoe i dont think i can?
8. Describe your crush Shes an old co worker shes blonde nerdy and sweet to me.
9. Describe your perfect mate :oh i have no idea but i hope shes nice cool thinks im cute and is a nerd in her own way.
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
11. Do you ever want to get married? Honestly i dont know i dont love marriage as an expensive social construct but i always imagined dying with someone you know?
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
13. Do you get jealous easily? Sometimes if her friend is taking up my attention ha but im understanding. 
14. Do you have a crush on anyone? Yes an old work buddy and a couple tumblr crushes :]
15. Do you have any piercings? Stretched ear lobes but i lost my left one in SF
16. Do you have any tattoos? No but im trying to set up an appointment today actually 
17. Do you like kissing in public? Definitely as long as its not intense PDA but im affectionate for sure. 
20. Do you shower every day?
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Of course im not a cheater.
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year? This year compared to last year i would like to put myself out there but i believe in things happening organically.
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Yes but im not sure how serious those words were and or they were back then.
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? I was so in love in my last relationship that i couldnt tell she wasnt on my level so yes but thats life and that happens. 
33. Have you ever had sex with a man? I havent and i dont think i could but i know tons of great looking guys.
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends? No actually and im lucky for that but i had a crush on a middle school friend because she always went out of her way to give me a hug :]
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? Less than a minute if we know each other already but i am restrained if weve just met.
43. How long was your longest relationship?
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
47. How old are you? My birthday was this last wednesday and i turned 31 but ive been told i look younger than i am so thats great.
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? im single AF
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
55. Share a relationship story.
56. State 8 facts about your body I have a beard i wear glasses I am 5′7 i have brown eyes i have been told i have a nice nose i like my legs/thighs weird but theyre muscular kind of my ears are stretched and i wish i had bigger hands?
57. Things you want to say to an ex: I hope youre well.
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!) I will do this later but bear with me im terrible at selfies :[
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Im a sucker for just touching period especially any that makes me feel manly.
63. What is your definition of “having sex”? Insertion?
64. What is your definition of cheating?
65. What is your favorite foreplay routine?
66. What is your favorite roleplay? I have never lol but itd be cool to pretend to be a sick patient and have them be a nurse.
67. What is your idea of the perfect date? Brewery trip or a museum after we grab food and we go for a drive or a walk and we talk :]
68. What is your sexual orientation?
69. What turns you off? Mean or pessimistic or dirty people.
70. What turns you on? Nice legs and a sense of humor or a great smile
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream? I wish i could remember ha ha ha ha but god those were awkward ill say if i remember eventually.
72. What words do you like to hear during sex? Moaning and i was called daddy once and i didnt think id like that but i do also being called papi. If you just exclaim fuck thats super hot too.
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? Fill out this form and or just text me to say hi or invite me out to drink or have dinner.
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? A friend of mine just recently bought me one of those SNES classics :] my birthday sucked but my friend bough that for me months ago and i had no idea :0
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
78. What’s your dirtiest secret? Im almost certain i might be depressed or have some mental ailment because im always going through sadness but im okay right now oh and i ghosted somebody once and i felt terrible about that. Oh i also once accidentally broke somebodys drivers side mirror but karma got me last year. 
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
81. Who are five people you find attractive? Famous people? Gal Gadot Chrissy Teigen ashley graham and tons of other awesome people.
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
83. Who was your first kiss with? Ha ha ha im lame but my first kiss was my prom date senior year.
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? I have a crush on some people i follow on tumblr so of course :D ;]
Send me asks pls I'm bored : )
Why not?
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Journal of Impossible Things Unbound:
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Fandomless OC Versions:
Prince Jonas – #WerePrince – Nick Jonas – Werewolf Dream Prince Universe
Jonas is a prince who is secretly a werewolf and in love with a mermaid he found in a lake in the woods near his castle. This verse is based on a dream Anna had one time.
John Smith – Damien McGinty – AU
Under Construction
John Smith – James Veitch – AU
Under Construction
Fandom-verses - OC Versions:
John Smith – #Being-Husband – Eddie Redmayne – Being Human AU
John Smith was a history teacher and was married to a woman named Anna Smith (originally Anna Winden, @manenimittliv). When John died, his soul stayed tethered to his house, although his wife did not know that since he did not manifest until a while after his death, so his wife sold the house without knowing her husband would become a ghost. The new owner of the house started renting it out, with it eventually going to two men named Vlad and Quincey, and Vlad's younger brother Barry. It turns out, Vlad (@chosenonedracula) is a vampire, Quincey (@quinceymorris-southerngentleman) is a werewolf, and Barry, called "Wolfie", is half-vampire/half-werewolf, who've also been married to John's reincarnating fae widow Anna.
Some Fandoms I can see John having a Verse in - OC Versions (Mostly)
- Dollhouse - Charlie (an Active/Doll)
- Kyle XY - 781231 XY (a clone like Kyle and Jessi)
- Terminator / Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - A good Terminator
- Once Upon a Time - I mean, my Disney verses are Milo from Journey to Atlantis and Giselle from Enchanted and neither of those ever showed up on OUaT, but I mean, they could...
- Battlestar Galactica - A Cylon - Mostly the Reboot because I don't know the original that well
- Jurassic Park - A scientist working with the dinosaurs
- Sliders - Just because
- Quantum Leap - Okay but like a Quantum Leap thing would be so fun
- WestWorld - A Host
- Blade Runner / Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - A Replicant/An Android
I think you can get the theme here. Most Sci-Fi (and Fantasy, for that matter) things can work but especially if they have robots/AIs, clones, personality "imprints", or things like that. Also symbiotic relationships. I love those.
Fandom-verses - Canon Character AU Versions:
Worm John – #I’m-Just-A-Worm – Worm – Labyrinth
The Worm loves his Queen (@manenimittliv). The King (@youreyesxcanbesocruel) scares him a bit but the King has been friendlier to him for a while now. He's not entirely sure why.
He also exists in the verse with Anna's Jareth (@itscnlyfcrever), where John IV (WereJohn Synth) accidentally fell into Jareth's labyrinth.
Spider-Ham/Peter Porker – John Mulaney – Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Peter Porker was originally a spider just named Peter until he was bitten by a radioactive pig, which resulted in him transforming into a pig but retaining his spider abilities.
Giselle – #True-Love's-Kiss – Amy Adams – Enchanted
Giselle is a typical Disney not-quite-princess. She sings, animals love her, and she believes in Happily Ever After and the power of True Love's Kiss. She learns about harsher realities when she gets thrown out of Andalasia, her fairytale land, and into our New York City. Despite troubles she faces in the harsh land of New York, she remains optimistic and curious, although she does do quite a bit of growing and never quite marries her prince she had been engaged to in Andalasia (I'll also just reblog and use pictures and gifs of Amy Adams in general, and specifically of her as Amelia Earhart from Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian because she's super cute in that).
Cam Harrison – William Moseley – The Little Mermaid (2018)
Cam Harrison is a young reporter who, while looking for a good story, goes to a circus with his niece where he meets a mermaid (@manenimittliv) who he later rescues and falls in love with.
Dawn Smith – Dawn Summers – Michelle Trachtenberg – Buffyverse AU
Really just Dawn Summers, Buffy's little sister from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Dawn was originally a glowing ball of energy that served as a key between dimensions. Monks made the key into a human girl, making her the little sister of the Slayer (Chosen One female super vampire slayer/demon hunter, originally one every generation, the next one is called when the last one is killed, who protects innocents against "vampires, demons, and the forces of darkness"), Buffy Summers, so she would be protected from the angry goddess Glorificus (often just called "Glory"), who wanted to use the key to get back to her home dimension, where she was kicked out of, but doing so would result in the walls of all dimensions collapsing and causing choas and destruction to all dimensions. Dawn was given false memories of living an entire life being Dawn Summers, and anyone who should know who Dawn is would get the fake memories of her having always been there when they see her for the first time.
Frank Wishbone – John Smith? – #Monster-Family – Eddie Redmayne? (Nick Frost was the voice) – Monster Family
Frank Wishbone is awkward, non-confrontational (originally to a fault, being something he had to overcome a bit), and over-worked. He is the father of Fay and Max and husband of Emma. Count Dracula becomes infatuated with Emma and attempts to court her, and in the process causes the entire family to become their costumes when they went to a costume party, when he was only trying to get Emma (dressed as a vampiress Bride of Dracula) to become her costume. Frank was turned into Frankenstein's Monster, Max was turned into a (very cute) Wolf Man/werewolf and Fay was turned into a mummy. Fay was briefly courted by Imhotep until Frank chased him away after it was clear she did not want him. Fay dates a guy named Jayden from her school.
We have an AU of this that has John as Frank, Anna (@manenimittliv) as Emma, Fay as a daughter of Jareth (@youreyesxcanbesocruel) and Anna who gets stuck in a different reality and lives with that universe's version of her mother and her stepfather, John, and TB (@tavinwho) as Max, with Erik (@princeofconjurers / @theabandonedroo) as Dracula.
Amber Smith – #Christmas-Prince – Rose McIver? Melissa Benoist? – A Christmas Prince AU
Amber Moore, a young journalist, is sent to Aldovia to cover a press conference with the crown prince Richard. She accidentally gets mistaken for the tutor of Princess Emily, the prince's younger sister. She uses this mistake to her advantage, posing as Emily's tutor to get a good story on the prince, who she eventually falls in love with.
(In our version, @manenimittliv plays Richard. We might have Melissa Benoist (my most common female version of John called Kara, or maybe Amy Adams or another female FC I use) as Amber and one of Anna's male versions of Anna called Sean (either Ed Sheeran or David Bowie) as Prince Richard.
Cornelius "Lewis" Robinson – #Keep-Moving-Forward – Meet the Robinsons Universe
John is Lewis/Cornelius, Anna (@manenimittliv) is Franny and TB (@tavinwho) is Wilbur. Bud and his wife Lucille adopted Lewis, who changed his name to Cornelius. Bud's brother Fritz, his sister-in-law Petunia, their kids Tallulah and Laszlo, and his other brother and sister-in-law Joe and Billie live with them, as well as Cornelius's wife Franny, their son Wilbur, and Franny's brothers Gaston and Art, and twin brothers Spike and Dimitri (no one knows who they're related to), their butler Lefty and their robot Carl, made by Cornelius, as well as many of Cornelius's inventions, Franny's jazz-singing frogs, and their new pet T-Rex.
0 notes
mystic-head-canons · 8 years
MC finds out she's pregnant right around when RFA++ leaves the country for about a year
Yoosung gets a scholarship to go overseas and learn
If it wasn’t for MC’s two jobs (she works in an office and as the RFA party planner), he would have brought her along
He made sure to propose and get her a ring before he left so that no guys would try to horn in on his territory
Once MC found out she was pregnant, she had to hide it to make sure Yoosung would focus on his studies
Of course, the RFA gradually found out, but MC convinced them to keep it a secret to make sure he didn’t get too distracted
Except, Yoosung came home on a holiday break and found her pregnant and flipped
On the way hand, yay! Baby!
On the other hand… well the emoji explains it best 😱
Of course MC explains, and he just…
He states then and there that he is going to go back, finish school ahead of time, and they are going to get married ASAP 
He loves her too much and wants to be with her and their child as soon as he can
Sure enough, in three months, Yoosung finished his program, gets home, marries MC (on paper, they plan an actual ceremony for when the baby is born) and MC has the baby
A few months later, they have an official ceremony (his little sister has been paid to take care of the baby during the ceremony)
It’s all very sweet 
After their coffee shop got popular, Jaehee wanted to go to Italy and learn more about coffee there
MC and Jaehee had been trying IV treatments with little success, so Jaehee figured it was a good, safe time to leave
But MC found out she was pregnant not too long after
She was going to tell Jaehee, except when Jaehee called and started raving about all the fun she was having, MC couldn’t bring herself to take it away by telling her
Of course, it accidentally came out when MC was around seven months along because Yoosung, well….
He was in a convo with Jaehee in the Messenger, and she was scolding him for gaming too much
“You’re going to make a great mom, Jaehee”
“;;;; why are you saying that now?”
“Well, you’ve seen how big MC is getting! She’s swelling up like a balloon!”
Zen pops into the convo, “Yoosung! Don’t say that about women! They’re feelings are delicate!”
MC pops in, “hey guys, what’s going on?”
“Are you gaining weight, MC?” Jaehee asks “are you okay? Are you eating right?”
“Wait, does she not know?” Zen asks
“Of course she’s gaining weight! She’s having baby!” Yoosung tacks on before anyone can stop him
“;;;;;; Yoosung……”
Yoosung is properly scolded by Zen and MC, but Jaehee comes back within a week
Jaehee ends up saying that she will only return to Italy to complete her research once their daughter is six months old
Which she does, but as soon as she’s done, she comes home and is the best mom ever
Zen got his big break
He was going to act in a movie overseas
But he was going to be gone for a year
MC found out she was pregnant three days before he had to leave, so she told him nothing
She knew him
Knew that he would stay and give up this opportunity, so she decided not to tell him because she didn’t want him to give this role up
She promised to video chat with him everyday, and talk on the Messenger as much as possible
The only problem was the other RFA members
As the pregnancy progressed, she had to tell the other members about the pregnancy and swear them to secrecy
Zen remained ignorant of it for six months, the whole time, the rest of the RFA feeling super guilty about keeping this from him
More than once, Yoosung almost spills the beans
Meanwhile, MC takes a picture of herself everyday that she’s pregnant so that Zen will be able to see it when he gets back
She hangs every ultrasound on the fridge
A few times, Zen asks if she’s gaining weight, at first she claims just not to be motivated to work out without her hubby around, but then she starts pretending to be offended
She lowers the chair of her desk so he can’t see her expanding tummy
He also notices her boobs get bigger (he likes)
After six months, Zen gets a few weeks off work because shooting is ahead of schedule, so he flies home
When he arrives, it’s night, and he didn’t tell her because he wants things to be a surprise
He gets home, sneaks through the apartment, and gets into their bedroom…. and is shocked when he sees her
Immediately he wakes her up and asks what the hell is going on
She’s frantic and embarrassed and has no idea how to explain, but she does
They argue
He confirms that he would have stayed if she had just told him, but she says that exactly why she didn’t
She didn’t want him to pass up this opportunity he was so excited about
And it’s too late for him to back out now
MC also admits that the RFA knew
He’s furious, but Yoosung acting weird and avoiding him suddenly makes sense
Zen, of course, spends the next two weeks catching up on everything, feeling the baby, and doting on his beloved wife
He’s angry that there’s a high chance of him not being around for the birth, though, given the due date
He doesn’t post anything on social media, either, because he doesn’t want to anyone to notice how sudden this is
He says he’ll post updates only after the baby is born
When Zen finally has to leave, he’s super unhappy, but MC assures him that she’ll hold down the fort and let him know if anything else happens
Once Zen is back on set, he talks to his bosses and works out with them being able to go home for the week that the baby is due
Of course, MC goes into labor just hours before his flight lands - He meets her at the hospital, and once the baby is born, he takes a picture of MC holding the baby and posts it
His fans explode, but like, 75% are happy for him (the other 25% are just envious of MC and wish they were in her place)
And while he has to go back on set only a week later, she constantly sends him pictures, which he then posts and/or shows off to all his cast mates
When he finally gets home, he just dotes on their little boy, the pictures online increase, and he just shows him off whenever he can
Although the little one turns out to be remarkably shy ☺️
Like, Zen brings him to a meet and greet with his fans, and the one to two year old whines and buries his face into his daddy’s chest because all these women are big, scary, and unfamiliar to him  
Within a year of being married, Chairman Han needs Jumin to go overseas and oversee the opening of a new branch office
He doesn’t like leaving his bride and beloved cat at home, but he does so because he must
Besides that, he trusts MC to take his place and run his division until she gets back
Of course, MC finds out days after Jumin left that she’s carrying his baby
She arranges to stay in the apartment as much as possible in her later pregnancy, not telling the RFA and definitely making sure that the media doesn’t find out
Of course, MC gets hella antsy by herself, so she tries to stay active, she has staff that know, and they have all signed a contract to keep it a secret (breach of said contract would result in immediate termination and legal action)
She arranges for doctors to come to her, and the Chairman only finds out because he comes to visit her one day and she’s starting to show
After she explains things, including how she didn’t want Jumin to worry or not focus on his job, Mr. Chairman apologizes to her for putting her in this position, but thanks her for being so considerate
He also agrees to keep the secret
When Jumin returns to Korea at long last, Mr. Chairman and MC are waiting for him at the airport… with his three month old son
He’s shocked and confused, and of course they apologize for keeping this from him, but he immediately hugs MC and takes the baby in his arms
He also promises to “punish” MC a little for keeping this from him
When the RFA find out, they flip they’re collective shit
It’s amazing
Saeyoung’s is the hardest
He had to leave on a mission, he had no idea how long he’d be gone
All he could do was promise to come home to her as fast as possible - MC merely kissed him goodbye
Two weeks later, MC found out
She was very open about the whole thing, but there was no word from Saeyoung
He had no idea because he was so deep into work he couldn’t even get on his phone and contact her
In the Messenger, MC posted pictures of the ultrasounds, some of the maternity clothes she bought
Jumin helped her find the best doctors
Jaehee would take her shopping and make sure she was eating right
Yoosung helped her learn more about babies by studying baby books with her (and also being subsequently horrified and disgusted by some of the things that would happen during the pregnancy)
Zen… well, Zen was pretty useless, but at least he made her laugh while she was lonely (and after they hung out over lunch, they almost started a scandal by accident)
When the baby was three or four months old, MC went to the park with the baby, just for a walk and some fresh air
“As much as I love you’re daddy, you can’t be too much like him, okay? You need sunshine! ^^”
When she gets home, MC finds Saeyoung sitting on the floor, surrounded by the baby’s things, crying
She immediately pulls him into a hug and he begs her forgiveness for leaving her when she was pregnant
MC forgives him easily, holds him as he cries, and introduces him to his little girl
First thing their daughter does upon seeing Saeyoung is grab his hair (which hasn’t been cut since MC last saw him) and pulls while giggling
When he realizes the baby has his hair, he starts blubbering and laughing and the same time
That night, he stays up the whole time, reading all the messages from the last year and watching over their daughter in her crib
After that, he holds their baby as much as possible, cuddles her, and coos
He even suggests they do a ton of family outings (i.e. park, amusement park, waterpark), some of which MC vetoes because the baby is too young
After getting his sight back, V wanted to go travel the world for a little while and create his next exhibit
MC sends him off with her blessing
He promises to keep in touch, and kisses her goodbye
When she finds out, she just carries on
She doesn’t really tell anyone or make a fuss, and since she only talks with V over the phone, he doesn’t see her growing
When he finally returns home, an engagement ring in his pocket for her, he discovers her holding a child
Immediately he’s wracked with guilt, but she assures him that it’s fine 
She just hands him the baby and tells him as long as he’s there for their children, everything is fine
When he realizes she said children, she goes into the other room and pulls out their other baby
Now he feels twice as bad, because she had twins alone, but their son and daughter are happy and healthy, so she tells him it’s fine
V proposes to her a few days later, showing her the ring he bought overseas
She, of course, accepts
The next two exhibitions he makes are focusing on her and their children respectively
Actually…. I lied Saeran’s is the hardest
MC told him she was pregnant
He didn’t take it well
He didn’t take as badly as she thought, but he was super terrified and didn’t think he was up to the task
So he ran away
Yeah, he left MC alone to give birth to and raise their child
He didn’t say anything before he left, just disappeared into the night the day he found out and… she didn’t hear from him again
Truth be told, he left because he wanted to insure their child’s future and safety, and the best way to do that was to remove any major threats against them
Also, he left because he needed to get better and be in a place where he could be a father to this child
Of course, when he returned things weren’t exactly… easy.
He wasn’t welcomed back with open arms.
His brother and the RFA all but shunned him, and MC refused to talk to him or let him see the baby
The only reason Saeran got to see the baby and prove he was ready to be there and be a father and make up for leaving was MC had to go to work and Saeyoung was her emergency baby sitter
And Saeran was staying with Saeyoung at the time, and Saeyoung had an emergency he suddenly had to take care of, so he ended up leaving the baby alone with him
Saeran did his best, got out the teething toys when the baby started crying, and kept the baby as calm as possible until Saeyoung could come back
Truth be told, Saeyoung recorded the whole thing so that when MC showed up to pick up the baby, he could show that Saeran deserved a chance to make it up to her
A few emergency babysitting sessions later and MC allowed Saeran into their babies life
Eventually, he wins MC back
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bioniiic · 7 years
all of the asks
1: Full nameidk man. not too fond w putting my full name on the tumbsz but wassup im sam2: Age163: 3 Fearsflyingthe darkmen4: 3 things I lovemy gfmy friendsmy DOG5: 4 turns on good smellgood,,asshumorgirl6: 4 turns offBAD SMELLTHATS IT ALSO MEN7: My best friendhek sarah and josefine. also lys8: Sexual orientationpansexual ???? idk mostly i just like girls 9: My best first datedo nothing. eat and watch shows and nap10: How tall am I6'4 i know11: What do I misshek :/(12: What time were I born12:15 am I was almost a march 9th kiddo13: Favourite coloryello 14: Do I have a crushyes my gf my love 15: Favourite quotedie16: Favourite placecopenhagen and paris. both very different cities and equally important 2 me17: Favourite foodTARTLET 18: Do I use sarcasmall. the time 19: What am I listening to right nowthis old dog by mac demarco ok20: First thing I notice in new personidk if theyre funny i think21: Shoe size 7 !!! small22: Eye colorone is green n one is brown 23: Hair colorcurrently very black 24: Favourite style of clothingblack jeans and some sort of fuckin hoodie im boring 25: Ever done a prank call?i used to do them all the time w my friends in the choir HDKVNSMCN yes i was in a choir but only for the cake 27: Meaning behind my URLidk its a placebo song fskkcsjskdks28: Favourite moviemr nobody leave me alone 29: Favourite songSCSRED OF GIRLS BY PLACEBO FUCK ME30: Favourite bandPLACEBOSJDKSKKD31: How I feel right nowim tired and i want lys to wake up 32: Someone I lovelys my beeeeb33: My current relationship statusim dating my BEAUTIFUL angel gf 34: My relationship with my parentshmmmm. below average 35: Favourite holidayCHRISTMAS 36: Tattoos and piercing i havenoone 37: Tattoos and piercing i wanti want a septum piercing and all the tattoos38: The reason I joined Tumblri had a crush on a girl and i was obsessed with her and she had tumblr so i got tumblr and only reblogged things she liked and she never noticed me JDKSJDJSK39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?NO we just don't talk 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?lys41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?its lys i wish i had :-(42: When did I last hold hands?it was with josefines girlfriend while she was tweezing her eyebrows and she needed to hold my hand for support 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?like. 5 seconds 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?HAHAHA NO45: Where am I right now?in my bed 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?idk i dont drink that much but probably josefine47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?reasonable in like. headphones but anywhere else it's LOUD48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?no. well like. every 2 weeks i shift between them #divorce am i right ladiez 49: Am I excited for anything?summer 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?my DOG 51: How often do I wear a fake smile?a lot ha ha ha 52: When was the last time I hugged someone?my adult friend yesterday JSJSJK53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?the last person i kissed was my friend ,,,and she has a gf so id probably say can yall like do that somewhere else JDJAHSH54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?no i only trust a few very good people 55: What is something I disliked about today?i just woke up. also that56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?lys :-(57: What do I think about most?lys LoL 58: What’s my strangest talent?idk ???? 59: Do I have any strange phobias?PUKE60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?behind 61: What was the last lie I told?"im gonna wake up soon" lol62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?video 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?both are real and valid 64: Do I believe in magic?no hoe65: Do I believe in luck?no. hoe66: What’s the weather like right now?grey67: What was the last book I’ve read?sushi for beginners haha68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?nnO69: Do I have any nicknames?sammy but only lys gets to call me that also hek calls me sami I do not know why 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?i broke my tailbone once that was pretty bad71: Do I spend money or save it?SAVE IT IM SO BAD AT SOENDING MONEY72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?noooooo ma'am 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?a marker 74: Favourite animal?dogggggggGGGGG75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?talking to lys but then she disappeared for 3 hours and im mad76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?roberts77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?you had me at hello GAYYSYYAYSY78: How can you win my heart?be lys. also food 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?gay 80: What is my favorite word?gay81: My top 5 blogs on tumblrgay82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?gay83: Do I have any relatives in jail?i dont think so ???84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?FLYING. TELEPORTING 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?idk mannn86: What is my current desktop picture?the default one cause im lazy and its a school computer 87: Had sex?NOO 88: Bought condoms?no 89: Gotten pregnant?no90: Failed a class?noooOoo maam 91: Kissed a boy?nooooOOOO MAAM 92: Kissed a girl?yes,93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?no94: Had job?nonoooo MAAM 95: Left the house without my wallet?yes96: Bullied someone on the internet?HAHHAHAA97: Had sex in public?no98: Played on a sports team?yes but like. not really 99: Smoked weed?NOO MAAM 100: Did drugs?no101: Smoked cigarettes?noooo102: Drank alcohol?yes 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?fuck NO104: Been overweight?yes105: Been underweight?no 106: Been to a wedding?yes 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?LOL108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?LOL109: Been outside my home country?yes 110: Gotten my heart broken?yes oopsie111: Been to a professional sports game?yes but at half time me and my dad left and got mcdonalds and then we went home112: Broken a bone? yes 113: Cut myself?no more 114: Been to prom?no im foreign 115: Been in airplane?yes116: Fly by helicopter?i haven't but i NEVER WILL. NEVER 117: What concerts have I been to?one direction, the 1975, gerard way, the front bottoms and twenty one pilots 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?yes. exclusively 119: Learned another language?yes120: Wore make up?yes no h0mo bro121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?no122: Had oral sex?nnnno123: Dyed my hair?yes its dead now 124: Voted in a presidential election?noooo maam im still foreign 125: Rode in an ambulance?no126: Had a surgery?im so boring ive never tried anything 127: Met someone famous?no i was rlly close to meeting bry after twenty one pilots once but NAH128: Stalked someone on a social network?always129: Peed outside?mo 130: Been fishing?fuck no 131: Helped with charity?yes132: Been rejected by a crush?well. kinda133: Broken a mirror?no134: What do I want for birthday?idk i just had my birthday man 135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?IF. I HAD A KID. IF. it would be a girl and her name would be leah 136: Was I named after anyone?no137: Do I like my handwriting?fuck no its so bad138: What was my favourite toy as a child?probably that doll that pisses by itself. u know what im talking about 139: Favourite Tv Show?idk oh fuck probably new girl 140: Where do I want to live when older?copenhagen or the us for a bit 141: Play any musical instrument?guitar ukulele and bass cause im basic142: One of my scars, how did I get it?my dog scratches me a lot 143: Favourite pizza toping?ham. cheese144: Am I afraid of the dark?y e s 145: Am I afraid of heights?Y E S146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?yes but i wasn't sneaking out really,,147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?every day hoe !148: What I’m really bad atlife 149: What my greatest achievments arefuck idk150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to methat i was a trump supporter. u know who u are 151: What I’d do if I won in a lotterylive on a bigass farm and have all the animals 152: What do I like about myselfmy eyes ?? my cheekbones 153: My closest Tumblr friendnone i hate yall 154: Something I fantasise about😉😉😉😉😉😉
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madnchina · 8 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
A Critique Letter to The Film and Music Industry, A Love Letter to The Foolish Who Dreams
By Hanief Bagus Pratama, Cibubur, 18 January 2017
Going into the theater about to watch this movie I had no really THAT high expectations about it. I watched the trailer and it was good, heard people talking about it being one of the best films of the year, schomes knows and chris stuckmann really loved it. (man I watch a lot of movie review, I just realize that). But there were never been a really high expectations, although I know the guy that did whiplash did this.
But then,
BAM! That opening musical number hits you so hard like reality hits life but this opening musical number is a good thing unlike reality. Ive heard one time that this film’s opening was really great, but I didn’t get too much attention to it when I heard. To be honest thou the first time I watch it, I cant stop smiling watching just that opening musical number, with the broadway music and the dancing and the in-the-middle-of-a-highroad situation, but I actually thought it was just GREAT! and not THAT GREAT. But I just realized that it was THAT GREAT the second time I watched it. The way they started with showing cars in the traffic jam and their radio on with various genres of musics. This scene shows that music connect people and unite people because almost everyone listens to music. And then it goes to this one lady and she started to sing and then everyone sing!!! And then it turned into a goddamn fricking awesome musical number. I never thought id love musical film like this, I mean I like Frozen but not so much for the musical. Every second in this scene alone I smile and I smile and I smile. Just positive energy. And, of course, with the great cinematography with the one long shot and no cuts, super great!
And then
LA LA LAND, the title, hits you in the face as the music stops, then it goes into story mode showing Sebastian(Ryan Gosling) first, the lead male, and then it crabbed to Mia(Emma Stone), the lead female. I always love the way American film tells us something through their film in the way of not telling it. Like in this scene, the first time we see Emma’s character talking to the phone like a normal person, then forgot a word, and she was actually reading a script. This moment showes us that she is an actress trying to get an actress job, which we will later find out about in this film. To sum it all up, the Mia scenes was great setting up Mia’s world, what she has been, what she is doing currently in her life, how she is suck in auditions. It just a great indtroduction to the character, and then brilliant transition to Sebastian’s part by putting the horn that Sebastian honk at me to Mia just spaced out looking at Sebastian’s piano playing. And then we got to Sebastian scenes, which is also great. It introduce us, just like Mia’s scenes, to Sebastian’s world, what he has been up to, what he is currently doing, what has he done. And at the end of Seb’s part he played the Mia and Seb’s piano theme and then, again, the cinematography was really great. They dimmed the light slowly until the key lights focuses only on Sebastian (this after Seb’s got bored playing common and boring christmas songs at this restaurant). This scene showed us how Seb loved jazz (which was also shown in the second scene of Seb’s part where her sister got into his apartment and the film started to tell us that Seb loves jazz by showing his apartment and the piano of course. It was great.).
Okay back to Seb’s scenes.
And then Seb just played that motherrackin piano and he went at it. The owner of the restaurant (J K Simmons. I love his cameo) didn’t like it of course. He got fired. He’s sad then that’s when he saw Mia for the first time.
This is one of the great moments in this film. They met for the first time in their bottom rock point.
The first act of the film, really build up the tone moving forward and did a great job setting up the entire movie with the opening scene (duh), the someone in the crowd musical number telling what Mia’s been up to and showing how hard it is to maintain social life and work and her dreams, Sebs scenes showing his love for jazz and how he got a crappy job. Bottom line, first act=great.
In the second act we got a much more beautiful scenes, telling the story of how they encountered each other, building up the chemistry between Stone and Gosling, their first kiss, they’re dating and of course two amazing musical number, which are the What a Lovely Night and the Griffith Planetarium number. Classic scenes right there in one movie. Although, I have a little bit problem with the planetarium one because they used green screen and smoke animations instead of doing it in practical way and I’m pretty sure the two silhouette of a couple dancing in space was not Gosling and Stone, I don’t know though, I could be wrong, BUT great scene anyway. Then we cut to the summer part of the film (I like damien’s way of telling this story in seasons but I havent really find the necessary of it tbh). The Summer part was a montage, at first, about their amazing couple life talking about their dreams and passions, but thing started to fall for their life when Seb signed to John Legend’s i-forgot-his-name character. I love this part particularly because it shows us that in life there will always be ups and downs. I really love this part because of how contrast it is to the first part. The second act ends with with an emotional musical musical performance by Emma Stone where she sang The Foolish Who Dreams. I read that Damien let Emma control the scene by herself by not record th song before the scene waqs filmed. So what happened is Emma singing live in that room with Justin (the composer) playing the piano in the background. The seocnd act ends with Seb and Mia sitting on a bench in Griffith Park talking about where they are after the fight and them saying that they will always love each other.
Then we got to the Amazing, so fulfilling, Third Act. Again, Damien Chazelle nailed the third act just like he did with Whiplash. The third act jump time to 5 years later after Mia’s emotional audition and now Mia is a succesful actress shown by how everyone looked at her mesmerisly when she got to the coffehouse she used to work for. Then she went home, and this here is maybe a pretty big reveal or dissapoinment for some people (not to be sexist, but some of them that I know are girls), and it showed us that she had a daughter, not with the energetic jazz-loving Sebastian. Mia had a kid with someone else (at this point I was trying to figure out whether her husband was Greg, her current boyfriend at the start of the film, or someone else, I’m not sure tho). So that left us asking, where the hell is Sebastian?
Sebastian finally made his own bar, Seb’s, which was named by Mia, and of course it was filled with jazz music. I’m not sure also whether the place he bought for his own bar was Van Beek, the bar that Seb always haunt because some people turned it a tapas restaurant, or was it another place.
Mia and his husband accidentally found this bar after deciding not going to go to their appointment and got in it. Mia saw the logo and got shocked because the bar’s name was Seb’s. Then the shocking still couldn’t get out of Mia’s system and then the staring…………
They stare at each other and then Sebastian started playing their theme song and….
It got full speed with awesomeness, amazingness, greatness, superness musical number (or scenes, actually). It was a what-if scenes, but the red line of this near-the-ending scenes was actually, and I’ve watch it twice, was what if Sebastian didn’t take John Legend’s character’s offer to play at his band. Yeah, I said it. If Sebastian didn’t take the job, they would still achieve their dreams and happy but they would be together
The cinematography in this film was great, very fast editing, it really build up the emotions the movie had. The editing was great, fast pace cut. The music, duh. The direction this film had, need I say more?. I just want to give a standing ovation to Damien Chazelle, not just La La Land, Damien Chazelle. To sums it up all I can say about the filmmaking of this movie was just top notch. I don’t need to say more about it. It was just there. The beautiful scenery of LA. The beautiful shots and framing. It’s just straight up beautiful
This movie also succesfully deliver the message that it wanted to deliver. Go get your frickin dream! No matter what, you have to go out and get that dream out there and never give up on the process unless you already get it. It being the dream. Sebastian didn’t give up on his dream of having a jazz club although he turned a little. Mia never didn’t give up on her dream starring in a movie, or tv series, or anything she where she can act in it. Mia and Sebastian never give up on each other’s dream while helping the other’s. Mia always try to keep Sebastian on his track to his goal and Sebastian pushed Mia over the edge to achieve her goal. They were both crazy dreamers and they got what they wanted, but they were never meant to be with each other. Bottom line: cinematography great, music great, acting on point by Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling, story great, editing great, art direction great, direction great. Guaranteed to be a classic for years to come.
My rating for this film is 9.99999999999/10
Because it still has it little flaws but it’s okay because I’m seeing the biggest picture here.
To quote needledrop, “Ya’ll know this is just my opinion right?”
PS: as I was watching this film, I stumbled upon a thought, which I think it’s pretty interesting, not really a new thought. That thought was, wow it was so great how hollywood can tell a story about their own culture. It was either because hollywood was so big or they actually run out of ideas. Cases like this has happened before with The Artist, Hail, Caesar, and the likes of it of course. But really, it was just great. 
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luc4ri0 · 6 years
So,in a stroke of good mood i decided to sit down and type some sort of year review/objectives for next year,just to have it documented here.
this year was definitely a wild ride,a year of some definite solid improvement in my mental health.
starting with a short but important “relationship” with a younger girl who set the train in motion.
for the first time someone was madly in love with me,i couldnt possibly compreend, after several failed attempts my whole life to win the heart of people i met throughout my life,i finally did it,i met someone amazing who felt so much affection for me that i actually didnt know how to respond,even though i had the intention to have a relationship in the first place.
that was an incredible experience,it felt like after so much suffering,the “rainbow after the storm” finally happened, i was in absolute bliss, she liked anime,she liked games,she was adorable,she was caring,she was lewd just like me,there was nothing to complain...
with that newfound strenght i set out to show my age by becoming a good example for her to follow,i did the best i could to make her understand how incredible she was,and how confused i was about her actually liking me.
i was roped by my mom to enter highschool again,after 3 years without going to school,in a newfound happiness that felt like the perfect oportunity,i was a 21 year old boy being looked at like i was amazing,so i started highschool again.
and it was incredible,i felt like i was regaining my lost teen years,i felt incredibly powerful,like the world was mine to do as i please...but as time went by,i felt scared,i regret giving up on that girl,but she was 16,and i panicked because i thought i could never live up to the expectations of her parents,specially after her father saw her giving me a goodbye kiss..
but in a way,she was incredibly infatuated,it was like each of us were fueling a really lonesome part of our personalities,we were both incredibly needy,and the more i fueled her neediness,the more she fueled mine.
but it didnt cancel it out,on the contrary,it just made things even harder,because now her dad had an incredibly wrong image of me,because he was very overprotective (also used to be a trucker,so that scared me)
dialing back a bit,i was surprised by how i actually managed to join a social group in my class on day one,and there was this really cute gay guy who i kept flirting back and forth for about a couple of months of school time.
it even led to a successful trip to his house for my first ever netflix and chill session,it was incredible,me,the shy guy who couldnt even say lewd words next to girls,suddenly managed to flirt my way into a netflix and chill session!
we watched lucifer,it was really good (although later on it started getting predictable),and he actually said he liked my body hair!? it was a really weird situation where the thing i hated the most about my body was called sexy by another person,we cuddled a lot,and he gave me a few kisses,but no tongue (later on he mentioned he wanted to kiss me more intensely)
with a few months passing by in school,there was a class president election,and suddenly i thought “i never once tried to do anything that actively tries to help a class i was in...maybe this could be fun for a change?”
so me and this cute guy who i had a nice time with (which didnt lead to anything more than just kisses that one time i might add) volunteered to it,he ended up winning and i got vice-president (because we were literally the only ones who volunteered)
i was a bit bummed out at first because i REALLY wanted to be class president,but at least i would be vice together with this cute boy i was getting super attached to.
but thats where things started to go downhill.
or at least thats where people SAY things went downhill.
around the time the election happened,i finally mustered up the courage to go back to therapy,after 3 or 4 years of wallowing in my own thoughts i did what i promised my best friend i would do,and started treatment,and god damn,was it a relief,i noticed instantly how much i missed having a therapist (as i had one for 3 years straight when i was growing up)
but as sessions went by,and i started touching more sensitive topics,my mood started to waver a lot according to the session
i started overthinking everything,as it usually is with analizing yourself in therapy
but that started getting the best of me,and thats when i finally started the oficial treatment with actual medication. and as youre probably aware of,starting to take anxiety/depression meds can do a lot of weird things on how you act
specially now that i was taking it for an indefinite time,as opposed to only taking it for a week once when i was very young
and,although i acted out of my best intentions,telling everybody in our class group in whatsapp about all the tests and posting pictures of each day’s material for people who couldnt come,somewhere along the way,people started getting annoyed with me,allegedly being “too pushy with the good responsible student act”
later on a weird occurance happened where a new classmate who’d just transfered accidentally posted a selfie to our whatsapp group (we had one for informative class stuff exclusively and another one for social chatting and doing basically whatever the fuck)
at the time,my phone was having a lot of charging problems,leaving my only option to charge its battery directly,meaning i had to charge my battery all afternoon with my phone turned off,and turning on my phone before leaving for school
so i turn on my phone as im one step away from leaving my house (and i didnt have a data plan,so i only had internet while i was at home),and see a simple selfie in the wrong group,with no comment added by anyone or an “oops wrong chat” message,just a message from two hours earlier with a selfie,so,as vice-president what do i do? i ask “why is there a selfie in this group?” because the only rule of the group was informative class stuff only,no memes or chatting.
thats literally it,word by word,what i said,so,after an honest question with simple curiosity,i leave home,not too worried,expecting that “she probably will say sorry and delete it,no big deal”,i arrive at the school and theres an uproar
the class president says hes having to deal with the mess ive made,and im completely confused,it was such a simple message that it didnt even cross my mind that it could be the reason,so there i am absolutely lost on what i couldve done (and if you struggle with anxiety you can guess i was in absolute panic)
so he shows me the chat log,and theres a huge wall of messages in the informative group talking shit about me,calling me names and complaining about how rude i was,and how i attacked the poor new classmate who just didnt know about the rules of the chat group
and there i am,more lost than i was before knowing the reason for the uproar,obviously feeling like shit because i had absolutely zero intention to hurt anyone,and honestly couldnt understand how i offended someone with literally one message
and mind you,the girl in question wasnt even offended,in one of the voice messages in the group she was laughing her ass off at the whole situation (so in a way there was a lot of white knighting from the class),but as i should,i go to the girl anyway and ask her if she was offended,and apologize for any misunderstandings
but like i said before,this was the start of the downfall,from that point on there were several classmates who set out their goal to hate my guts,one in particular looked at me with incredible hatred every time she passed by me,like,the type of person who you feel intimidated just by their stare alone
she would always be rude for no reason with me,talking shit about me at any given time she saw me in the vicinity (mind you,behind my back,but in clear sight,like i couldnt obviously hear)
and after some trouble trying to understand the whole situation and process why i was being hated by a bunch of people for not only something that wasnt offensive,but very strongly so
but i move on,more or less,time passes by and people end up not mentioning it anymore,but later on,as i had already burried the subject in the back of my mind,a class council happens and the teacher asks us to bring up anything troubling us that she could mention to each teacher,you know,normal school stuff
the teacher then asks if the whole selfie situation was handled and finished,because apparently some people went to the principal complain about me and the whole situation and it was archived as a problem
and some of the classmates that hated me bring up the whole argument again about how ignorant and rude i was,and god,i tried so hard to block out the situation in my memory,but my anxiety came waving back with full force
after that point the whole situation kept nagging me at the back of my mind,trying to compreend where i went wrong,and how what i said couldve possibly have been all that people were claiming it to be
and as months passed by,it started eating me up,and around the middle of the year (at winter break,which is the equivalent to the 2 weeks of summer break people get in the us,but our seasons switched) im looking at the chat group and something comes from deep bellow in my mind and comes out completely unfiltered
i post a photo of my school grades with the message,word by word: “post a photo of your grades so i can boost my ego”,as my grades were excellent and i was fed up with all the passive agressiveness half of the class was giving me.
granted,that was an incredibly dick move on my part,but i have this really bad habit where once im at my limit with someone talking shit about me for an absurdly stupid reason that makes no sense,i just sorta play into it,to “see if they like it if i really become the evil they so claim to see in me”
i could hide behind the fact that it is a coping mechanism to feel empowered for a short period of time,since i spent my entire life being abused mentally and physically by my mom,but honestly,it was just me having a breakdown
obviously the message caused a huge uproar and people were rightfuly mad this time around,but i just laughed it off,because they reacted exactly how i expected them to react,claiming having definite proof of how much of an arrogant asshole i am
but i was still having a breakdown nonetheless,so it didnt take long for me to feel incredible regret for fueling the exact opposite image of myself
and,right after we come back to school from that short 2 week break,im leaving school like normal and i overhear a conversation between the people who dont like me,saying “now hes gonna feel it,im want a certain someone to quit being the vice president” (obviously talking about me),and the other girl says “quit being vice class president? i want him to quit living”,literally right as im walking by them
and at that single moment when i heard those last words so many emotions passed through my mind in a flash,i wanted to explode,i wanted to yell,i wanted to cry,but i just passed by silently,and as soon as i got home,those words kept echoing in my head,ive never heard anyone say anything so mean to me before,ive always been everybody’s friend in every class ive been to,at the most ive had some annoying pricks trying to flex on me for not having a girlfriend or being a shut-in
and that fucking destroys me,it was on a friday too,so i had a whole 3 nights with that shaking around inside my head,so i set out for first thing on monday to complain about bullying,prepared to tell the whole story behind it and how unfair it was but then,something beats me to the punch...
im called to the supervisors office,she wants to talk to me,i can already guess the reason,the girls probably schemed to complain about me,but it was worse than i imagined,they actually shared around the class on that friday a petition to remove my position as the vice class president
and im absolutely distraught as i look at the list of names,there were so fucking many,granted my class doesnt even have that many students that attend to class regularly,so about 8 or more of the 15 or so students of my class that frequently go to school sign it
and there i am,i received an “impeachment”,de-throned,the person who did their very best to help everyone in the class with absolutely everything,claimed to be arrogant.
but moving on,the situation is solved,people set out to hate me,i go through the year like normal,talking mainly to my two friends in class.
and here i am,in my summer break,passing with flying colors and excellent grades
in fact,at no point i had to re-take a test,the only ones i did were because one teacher in particular forces everyone to re-take them
when finals came around,no matter what happened in them i would still be fine,i didnt even NEED the finals,thats how good my grades were
overall,this year had its ups and downs,but as my therapist described it,this year was really hard for me because this was the year i rose from the ashes like a phoenix,in the social sense,and im very proud,but that aint ending there!
next year i have at least 3 things i plan to do (aside from obviously getting my official highschool certificate): im going to do a profficiency test in english to make it official that i am fluent in english as my second language (which can be used for tons of things,specially making your curriculum fancier),im going to work all year arround to gather a ton of money with the intention to be ready to move out on my own by the end of next year (or the beginning of the next next year) and last but not least:
i will turn on fuck it mode,i will help 0 people in my class,i will do all essays and group projects alone,and my notebooks wont leave my posession a single time.
this year i did my fucking best to help absolutely everyone,even the people who hated me,to give everyone a chance to succeed this school year,and all i got back was being shafted by almost the entire class for no reason,so yea,if they really hate me so much,they will fucking miss how helpful i am next year
i want 2k19 to be MY year,i finally feel like im myself after so long,so i want to do stuff I WANT,this year i already got my first tattoo,next year im getting another,and i will use the money i earn to buy stuff exclusively for me,im not gonna help with bills of whatever,its my money and my mom cannot make me give it to her,and if she complains i will literally use my own money to buy a router that only i can use.
so yea,bring on 2019,im fucking ready to rumble!
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