#after The Incident im a lot more paranoid about stuff like this
selenealwayscries · 1 year
what's your opinion on people (with credit) using your art in stuff like edit or stimboards?
im fine as long as the credit (with an @) is there . also id Really appreciate if they ask me in either comments or dms about the pieces theyd like to use
i dont know who would want to use my art in the first place anyways tho so
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lo-fi-charming · 1 year
suddenly tormented with Thoughts about jon... im currently listening to someone else talk about how, when jon realized martin getting caught by prentiss was at least partially his fault, his way of dealing with his guilt was to become very diligent in doing what he could to keep martin safe. offers him the cot, starts trying to encourage everyone in the archives to be more careful in their investigating, bothers elias about safety measures, etc.
and i was just thinking that how this is about him feeling guilty, yeah, but i think it's also another way jon's childhood trauma manifests...? i feel like maybe it is, to some amount, projection?
the stuff with mr. spider and the web obviously influenced him a lot in terms of why he tends to get severely paranoid and questions others' motivations and his own agency in things. but in a more mundane way, i wonder if it also influenced how he reacts to not just his own 'helplessness', but others'? like, jon recognizes that martin was not given enough attention and consideration and care; jon texts him and takes prentiss' response as martin, accepts it at face value, but still... two weeks is a long time? no one even considered checking in on martin after barely hearing from him
i guess im trying to say is like... jon responds very immediately and intensely to this because he is attempting to do for martin what was not done for him. jon almost got eaten by a big, scary spider; his guardian, who up to then had been somewhat neglectful and/or dismissive of his needs, does not believe him about the incident. jon grows up feeling unsafe because the only person he really had around to protect him failed to make him feel like he could rely on her for help or support
imo this is a big thing with jon in general... his lack of a support system. up for debate on how much of that is his own 'fault' - he's not exactly a super sociable person, he's never been good at making friends, but- i dunno, being a bit abrasive doesn't mean you deserve to never have anyone to rely on. and he certainly didn't deserve to be ignored, resented, bullied, and hunted as a young child
but yeah... im thinking about how maybe a desire to offer support, even if it doesn't seem like he can really do much, is a very Jon Thing, and we see it very early, and it's just now occurring to me it might be tied to all this. how his fear was born and how it was cultivated by a lack of love and attention, how he was left to develop his own coping mechanisms, most of which (arguably) only exacerbated his problems in the long run... this is a personality trait we see in jon throughout the entire show's run, too - starts with martin, but we see how guilty and hurt he is over what happens with sasha, and then over time we see as he tries his best to become more trusting and open to others in an attempt to demonstrate his interest in their safety and offer his support
just think it's really like... both cute and charming but really sad and telling, that the first major glimpse we see of the 'real' jon behind his stuffy, skeptical facade is him recognizing that someone else has been neglected and nearly lost to something horrible, and his immediate response is to do as much as he can to verbalize belief in their experience, offer up what he can to help them feel safe, and do everything in his limited power to make sure they aren't harmed by the threat again
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nutal · 1 month
Okay, before i start to explain on what the HEIGH is going on inside my tiny little cranium of mine, the Adam angst (my headcanons) I invented is pretty much inspired by multiple stuff on tumblr, so it may not really be original + it may age as bad as milk (tho idk if it really matters, the angst was just made for fun and nothing else, im just here to share my imaginary scenarios with u + i started typing this whole ass paragraph essay at school + it may prob go against canon but these are just theories for fun soooo ye here we go)
T W: intense angst, may delve in some serious topics
Lemme start off my storytelling with the magical, splendid place that is so-called “The Garden of Eden” This is the place where Adam and Lilith were born from the very specks of dust (a very splendid way of saying that they just *POOF*, appeared out of nowhere).
Now since Adam and Lilith were God’s creation, it’s pretty obvious that the both of them would be prideful and childish, even if Adam and Lilith were created as adults (not really their fault, they were barely just created and are just babies in adult bodies about to be traumatized later on in life + they’re kinda in a forced marriage when u think about it)
While Adam (the dumbass) was like: “I do what I want UvU” in a dumbass, but funny way, Lilith was like: “I do what I want UnU” in a more subtle and feminine way.
I can just imagine Adam being like: “Yo, Lilith, I’m gonna climb up that tree bc i want to!” and Lilith being like: “Bro, no, you will literally fall off of it, because you don’t even know how to climb, you fucking dumbass.”
Adam climbs up the tree anyway and falls flat on his face and Lilith just face slaps herself bc Adam is a dummy.
One day, Adam and Lilith would meet the angel “Lucifer”, basically Luci wanted to visit the humans bc he was curious. Of course, the 2 would be really excited to meet Luci, and they would have a lot of fun together, playing games and such, especially Lilith, who basically all of her attention to Lucifer, ignoring Adam’s existence completely. Even to the point of ghosting Adam for days just to hang out with Lucifer. Adam would notice this, and decides to confront Lilith about this.
Adam keeps asking her why she has been so distant with him, but Lilith keeps denying, being like: “Dude, stop being so controlling! Mind your own business, and stop being so paranoid!”
In a moment of absolute annoyance and fury, she snapped: “WELL, MAYBE I AM! HE’S SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU AND I LIKE HIM WAY MORE THAN I EVER LIKED YOU!”
At that moment, Adam was just… stunned. Those words coming from Lilith hurt deeply.. and i mean, REALLY deeply, not only because it hurt his ego, but he actually really liked Lilith, so hearing this, it really just, destroyed him.
Lilith: “I NEVER NEEDED YOU ANYWAY!” As Lilith fled from The Garden, Adam yelled at her in the distance, trying to hold back his tears: “I NEVER NEEDED YOU EITHER!”, turning his back to the opposite direction and crying silently.
After the incident, God decided to give Adam a second chance, in exchange for a rib (Adam’s rib), and created Eve. His second wife. Now Eve, Eve was a little more special. While Lilith was more upfront and independent, Eve was the opposite, being dependent and really sweet. At first, Adam would be cautious at first, but eventually, starts to fall in love again, in fact, he fell harder for Eve than Lilith.
Lilith’s abandonment pretty much caused him to not only be really protective towards Eve, but also more affectionate and caring. Cherishing her more than his first wife. He was happy again.. at least for a while.
You see, in The Garden of Eden, there was a mysterious tree, to which there was something whom God warned Adam and Eve not to taste from: “The Fruit of Knowledge”. Not only did it grant free will to whoever takes a bite from the apple itself, but also show them the difference between right and wrong.
Eve, being as sweet as she was, was also very curious about the apple, but Adam would always warn her NOT to eat the apple. Ever. Eve would beg him to let her take at least take one bite from it, and maybe even Adam taking a bite too, to which Adam always said: “No.”
Eve: “Please?”
Adam: “No.”
Eve: “Pleeaassee?”
Adam: “No.”
Eve: “Plllleeeeeaaaasseee?”
Adam: “No.”
Adam: “No.”
Adam: “No.”
Adam: “NO.”
Eventually, one day, Adam would wake up to see that Eve was not next to him. He starts having a panic attack and tries desperately to look for her. Meanwhile, Eve just decided to stay next to a tree, being pretty upset that Adam wouldn’t let her taste the apple.
Then, Lucifer and Lilith see Eve. In Lilith’s mind, Eve is another victim of Adam’s controlling behavior, like her. So, to help her out, she tells Lucifer to give Eve The Fruit of Knowledge. Luci agrees, and shows Eve the apple.
Eve gets really enthusiastic, and despite Adam’s warnings, her curiosity got the best of her, and eats the Apple.
When Adam finds her, it’s already too late, Eve already ate the apple. Adam would be mortified to not only seeing Eve eating the apple, but also seeing his first wife, Lilith, and Lucifer. Eve immediately realized her grave mistake, but then basically, the roots of sin would reach earth and humanity as a whole, and from there, God would tell her that she’s banished from Eden and she falls down to earth… but then realizes.. that Adam fell with her.. even is he hasn’t ate the apple, he still decided to fall with her.
After Adam and Eve have fallen from Eden, they pretty much had to struggle to survive and it wasn’t easy. They had to actually hunt down for food, even killing some animals in the process unwillingly. Eve would start to become really bitter and cold with him. Adam also noticed this, but not wanting to lose Eve like he lost Lilith, he wouldn’t confront her like he did with her. But eventually, she leaves him aswell. Adam would desperately try to find her to no avail. He would start breaking down, his world would start spinning. Feeling as if.. as if he wasn’t good enough for anything… for ANYBODY… that he’s worthless… and has no purpose. Eventually he would die because of starvation and grief…
Then.. he wakes up to see that he’s… in the middle of nowhere. He notices that now, he has golden-like wings and a halo on top of his head. A tall silhouette would appear, revealing to be none other than “Sera”.
Obviously, Adam would be cautious at first, but the Seraphim would tell him: “Greetings, The First Man. I’m Sera, the High Seraphim. Congratulations for being the first human soul to arrive up in heaven!”
Adam would be surprised, but then ask: “Huh?.. wha?..But, what I am doing here..?”
Sera: “I’ll show you, follow me.”
Adam still being gullible as.. heaven? (PUN) would follow Sera, all the way to a… room. Then, Sera would show him his robes and his, uh, exorcist army (that just *POOF*, appeared just for his role), but.. most importantly.. his LED mask.
Sera: “You are now promoted as the Leader of the Exorcists, Adam.”
Adam would put on the robes, still not really knowing what’s going on, but he just accepted it. Then, Sera would explain to him in more details about what he’s supposed to do in his specific role (basically saying that he has a harem army of killing machines, that kill Lucifer’s and Lilith’s citizens [sinners] every year to quote on quote ‘protect heaven’, but saying it in a splendid way)
And.. this made Adam feel.. absolutely empowered, being able to take revenge on Lilith and Lucifer by exterminating sinners in hell every year, …and.. in his own twisted sense of mind.. he was able to have a purpose again…right? He eagerly puts the mask on, without even questioning whether this was even right or not, for he doesn’t even know the difference between right and wrong. (Nightmare moon phase coming up rq)
And because he felt.. like he had a purpose again, thinking that.. maybe he still had importance to someone or something, he truly respected Sera, and never even DARED to question Heaven.. bc thats basically his purpose.. and if he questioned it, its kinda game over.
The kinda disturbing part about this is that, if he didn’t eat the apple, that would mean he doesn’t have free will. Which basically, he didn’t even choose to do this kind of thing, he just went to heaven by default and becomes the leader bc ‘he dah first man’ without him actually having any kind of saying to this. Kinda like a puppet on strings, if you think about it. (but it’s a game theory so i digress)
Also like, considering that angels and winners probably just showered him with blind praise, not even really addressing his actual issues, so basically, his deep emotional wounds barely got any kind of healing (if not even more), and his narcissism (being his possible coping mechanism after just drowning in negative emotions for so long bc heaven doesn’t even really care for him that much) continued to grow stronger and stronger, until it was basically his other identity. Basically kinda like Nightmare moon, where Luna basically drowned in resentment and became Nightmare moon, Adam drowns in the negative emotions of “not being good enough”, so he creates some kind of ‘shield’ to protect himself from ever getting hurt deeply again.
I remember when I watched JaidenAnimations video: Why I don’t have a “face reveal”. That video alone.. it basically made me realize that people could be struggling without even having the slightest realization of what’s going on. This also reminded me of Adam, then I thought that.. maybe,.. maybe Adam also feels kinda the same way as Jaiden, lemme explain further:
So, in JaidenAnimations video, she basically explains on how her standards became so high that she was TERRIFIED of ever having a face reveal bc she had a deep fear of disappointing everyone around her. (I still thank u Jaiden, hope u doin well bro, i love ya 👍👍)
There could be a possibility that, Adam may have had such high standards for how he needed to look, since he didn’t really looked like other angels, he just looked like a normal guy, that it became an insecurity for him and he basically just hides his face with his LED mask, terrified of what others may think of his actual face.
god, this took a whole DAY to write this and i may have still not executed my ideas well, or may have missed some ideas cause i forgot, but hey i tried, im gonna take a breath bro- *inhales oxigen tank intensely*
OH MY GOD THIS IS CRAZYYY YOO HOLD ON??? Dude omg yes yes i def agree he would fall WAYYYY harder for Eve than Lilith and I absolutely see what you mean that Adam and Lilith were like a forced marriage type situation cuz i mean yeah they literally did LOL. Adam for sure genuinely cared for Eve though, they had something a lot more special and I can only imagine how badly that must’ve hurt for Adam when she ate the apple and left after him begging her to NOT do that!
And yes yes YES him feeling empowered after becoming head of the exorcists being able to take revenge in that way like RAAAGHGHGEHH HELL YEAH!!
And I have ALWAYS been a huge believer in Adam using his narcissism as a coping mechanism from the very start. Like that just seems very on point and canon to me. Because this man is very clearly insecure, you can just tell. Especially with the whole mask thing, which I’ve actually brought up in the past. But yeah, this dude does not like people seeing his face. He def def DEF feels very average or even below that so he covers up for it through constantly flaunting about how great he is n shit so that nobody’ll suspect a thing.
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surveillance-0011 · 4 months
I am over here cracking up over Mux and Giblets and whatever their deal is... I'd love to hear more if u wanna share
ah thank you... it is a very tentative undeveloped idea so i don't have too much but here's what i have + brainstorming in real time
I think it's funny bc it's like. There's the musk-grimes similarities of weird dysfunctional silicon valley romance just without the music making but there's also kind of a jessica-roger rabbit component. Kind of. ever so slightly, probably the closest you can get with the most esoteric of space biology.
Idk where this happens on the timeline. Certainly before HOL but it has to be after Giblets starts to do the Sort of Stuff He Does but before it gets to its worst + he starts getting as paranoid as he is when we see him.
Also I am assuming Giblets had a wife before hand? Something something timeline I think Giblets had Krimothy before Mux but maybe not?? And idk where the Krubis incident fits in w/ this either.
Unless they met + dated way way back as a little fling at the start of their careers or in college or something. but then it's not as funny. There'd be the awkward ex situation then but what really intrigues me is the G3 and every Muxxalon employee looking on in horror as these two start holdin hands and being mushy as all hell
totally infatuated with each other the sort of couple that's sickeningly sweet they give off the vibes of high school sweethearts who have to be held back from making out in the hallways.
Mux is attracted to the mystique of it all. A super genius scientist AND a gang member? She is living the booktok plot of her dreams!
Meanwhile Giblets appreciates her power/status but is also just very infatuated like in general. And he loves how much she loves him. Pretty woman... thinks he's handsome... and he gets to show off how smart he is yay!!
So he shows off and waxes poetic and she swoons and meanwhile she goes and Girlbosses and dotes on him and he's over the moon about it. They love coming up with awful "genius" ideas together and dreaming of the day they rule the galaxy together
And they like seeing the other obliterate merks/muxxalon employees
And... yeah that's the positives, mostly just the novelty and the wow factor.
Between the both of them being... the sort of people they are... corrupt controlling selfish cruel and out of touch... etc etc etc... they do clash a lot. A lot of fighting then kiss and make up sort of situations...
Im just imagining that "pronouns suck" "nooo baby this isn't your heart!!" tweet but Mux is complaining about translator microbes or something and Gibs starts crytyping abt it
Gibs was totally ok with her screwing Gurgula's packages over tho
Far enough into their relationship there's another major fallout on twitter every other week because Mux and Giblets are at it again everyone!!! Grab yer popcorn!!!
The logic these two run on is almost on the same level but everyone else is fucking flabbergasted.
Everyone watching is like. Please break up. divorce. now. Or maybe it is better if you stay and keep each other in this situation.
Krubis has GOT to be their biggest fucking hater or maybe he is just. Trying to not acknowledge that this is happening bc it rises his blood pressure to concerning levels. Or so that he wouldn't say something dumb and end up in Gurgula's situation. Assuming this is before the whole. Sleeping with his wife convincing her to divorce him marrying her then killing her in an experiment thing.
Douglas thinks the whole thing is funny as fuck totally reading twitter over like the morning paper laughing his ass off.
Totally had a kid or pet or robot/lab grown creation with a stupid fucking name. I mean if Krimothy is their kid then maybe Krimothy is a stupid alien name but I love the idea of him being like. A kid and already aware of how fucked this whole situation is
Actually that's sad. That's not funny I don't love that at all. Krim honey I'm so sorry. His mom probably got custody so at least he's watching from afar.
And I think even in their worst moments they do actually. Get each other. In the end I think they understand each other's way of thinking more than others do. In their better moments they might be able to reel each other in...
Like to get a bit serious both seem like the sort of people who Cannot Help But Fuck Up. Mostly bc they don't care about most others but themselves and their pride. But while Mux is very enthralled by the glamor of living wealthily and all her nice ideas Giblets obsesses over science and how he can maintain safety and some semblance of happiness by sabotaging that of others... and I feel there'd have some moment where it. Clicks that they have this in common.
And they do appreciate each others lil quirks! He likes her Elden Ring builds... she likes the way he talks...
I'm assuming the breaking point would be Mux trying to take credit for something Giblets did or Giblets overstepping in his... Gibletness. Somehow. And then she'd feel disrespected by it. Or maybe their horoscopes said they'd break up.
Giblets is a whole can of worms. Because he's smart academically but near socially incapable and prone to spiraling into these. Fucked up self serving actions that ruin lives and shit. He has the mentality of a fucking Fargo character. So I feel it'd probably be his fault the most in the end
ig if there's anything heartwarming about this it would be that since Giblets doesn't mention Mux during that little speech they ended on good enough terms or were able to reconcile down the line to some extent? At the very least he felt sure she would not try to kill him.
I think it was messy for a while though. Custody over Goimpy Schoimpy Peanut Rendezvous 2000 was a bitch. Everyone was relieved when they actually started being cool w/ each other again or at least decided to leave each other alone.
I should make a little list of every like. Mux-Giblets situation but I will have to brainstorm all the new lows they'd be able 2 reach...
oh my god remember the whole thing with azealia banks. what was that. there's totally like. some adjacent shebang that went down with mux gib and. idk someone else.
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Mortys own book! Detailing aspects of his early history! I am both excited and somewhat nervous since this never seems to go well for the guy!
namely its going to be a depiction of mortarions destruction of the galaspar system/the order of galaspar, one of his earliest campaigns working for his father and one that got his siblings and people in general in the imperium to sour on him for being excessive. its been around in the horus heresy series for a while [the event] so getting details on it should be interesting.
Whats more interesting to me is david annandale being the writer. hes not one of morts regulars, and he mostly writes imperium/loyalist related works including entries into the beast arises series and a loooot of yarrick stuff. however, he has atleast written one short story for mort: the verdict of the scythe. its an interesting one shot that leans a bit more into the well intentioned but horribly insecure and paranoid monster mortatrion angle, and its a short story set relatively close after the galaspar incident where mort tries that whole restraint thing his brothers badgered him about after his opponents call for a cease fire. but after a night of wandering around in the slums to get a feel for things he stumbles on a chaos cult [probably tzeentch] that bears an awful lot of resemblance to the ruling cult of the planets authority that convinces him cyclonic torpedoes are the way for him and that his 'purpose' lies elsewhere.
so some notes/guesses on whats gonna take shape based on that:
- the verdict of the scythe makes a point of mentioning how there was a lot of chaos sorcery shit going down on galaspar which inspired mortys particularly brutal response. however, parallels are also drawn in how morty finds the deference of people to authority uncomfortable in general, especially as his opinion on the people of the planet hes just conquered begins to shift and change from 'a ruler caring for her regular people by choosing to give up defiance' to 'slaves to a dark god with no will or drive of their own'. the delicious irony that i more so appreciate then trying desperately to retcon morty into a competent schemer who chose to fall to chaos [cough warhawk cough].
- the fourth horseman well a bit on the nose for the story is still one of the more baller names for a warship among mortys fleet.
- david annandale has also written for typhon/typhus before and he does include the first captain in verdict of the scythe as well so i imagine he'll likely be making an appearance here. that said in verdict of the scythe typhons mostly just the generic first captain type and the short story david did for typhus leans hard into the nurgle zealot angle so im... intrigued if david will take the chance to delve deeper into mort and typhons actual friendship they were suppose to have with a book set in the early days of the death guard.
- david seems to play more to this idea of mort having insecurities over regard from his father/the emperor as part of mortarions 'doubt' over his path involves a lot of rumination over, atleast from his perspective, doubt/disappointment from the emperor. im not the biggest fan of that idea, but i am interested in seeing where it goes.
- i think verdict of the scythe mentions rogal as one of the primarchs who expressed disapproval of morts handling of galaspar but i could be wrong there. either way verdict of the scythe notes two of the other primarchs getting on morts case in particular and im interested in seeing some of that cause its sadly not very often mort gets to interact with primarchs outside of... horus and jagahtai.
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violetnotez · 3 years
Haaaaiiii! I don't know if you've done this before, but can you do a headcanon with Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kaminari (separately) dating a slim thicc reader who's waaaaay to kind to everyone for her own good? Sorry if that was specific lol. It just suits my life.
HC: Slim Thicc + Overly Nice Reader | BNHA
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Music Genre: Pop | BNHA
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki
Warnings: cursing, suggestive content
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
Shop Owner Note: The fuq how did you describe me in four words lmaoooo-I really liked this idea alot!!!!! Also I only did Bakugo, Izuku and Shoto caus emy brain got fried, so hope thats okay!
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Midoriya most definitely drink his respect women juice
He was raised by his mother after all
doesnt mean the boy cant be a little perverted-
He just loves your body!!!!!
How can he NOT love everything about it, from the way your school tights slightly squeeze your thighs to the point where he feel like he cant breath
Or when you wear his shirts and its tighter around the chest and flowy around you waist
Mmmmmm lets not forget your hero suit- this man would probably kiss the shoes of the person who made your suit
Cause DAMN they really made it as tight as possible and he just loves it sm
Lets be real this dude has probably popped a boner by accident just thinking about your hero suit 😶
He is very much respectful about you and keeps his raging hormones horniness to himself
He is ALWAYS making sure you feel comfortable in your relationship, whether its from holding hands to cuddling, he will always make sure you give your consent
Now, when it comes to your kindness, this is something Midoriya probably loves the most about you
But he does find it really concerning when he notices you say “yes” to everything somebody asks you to do for them
And running yourself down, not looking as energetic as yourself
He is very observant, so he notices little things that signal you are little overwhelmed 
Like your clothes arent as perfectly ironed as they used to be, you seem to be forgetting your own things while remembering to bring everybody else’s, your smile seems strained, and you just look stressed
He is so incredibly empathetic- it pains him to his s/o look so distraught 
It does anger him a bit that these people can so easily take advantage of you, and not even care that you arent feeling your best because of what they asked of you
But he swallows down the anger, offering to help you with whatever you need at your dorm room
He tries to make it as stress free as he possibly can, bringing your favorite snacks and playlist of music to calm your mind
But at some point hed give you a very gentle talk,,,,
He knows you havent been feeling too great, whether you deny it or not, and he wants you to know that its perfectly okay to not say “yes” to every person
He knows you mean well and you want to help everyone out of the generosity of your heart, and he loves that about you
But you as a person are important, and you come first over anyone
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚
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Like Midoriya, just LOVES your body
Like cmon, how can he NOT
Dude is a ass+boob man change ma mind 
At first he deifnitely denies it-
Him??? Stare at your ass??? Pshh he was looking at the oven baka, if anything your ass was blocking his view-
You would know you caught him red handed cause he face would get redder than Momo’s hero suit and he would actually stutter—-
Which would make him extrmeely annoyed and he’d be cussing a storm+be in a grumpy mood for an hour or two
But once you two get more comfortable in your relationship-
He will have use every opportunity to just be meannnn
And by mean
I mean turn slapping your ass into some sick game
Like if you dont yelp and cuss him out whats the point?
Once he slapped you so hard he legit left his big ass hand print on your butt cheek and you were about to slap his smug ass back....
But off a 50ft building  🙃
Also a big softie too
Like when you to cuddle he loves cuddling into your chest 🥺🥺
To him it’s just so comfyyyyyyyyyy
Honestly, Bakugo can’t understand at all how you can be so nice to people
It confuses him???? But he finds it really....nice???
Like half the stuff you do for people Bakugo wouldn’t ever dream of doing
He knows he’d either give that person an intimidating, dirty look or just laugh at them, cause yeah right he’d waste his time with their stupid problems
But you are totally different than him-you had a lot more patience and sympathy than he had, always coming to everyone’s rescue it seemed like
He finds it attractive and to him, it confuses the hell out of him how he does
But what bothers him is how much time you spend away from him
He won’t ever admit it, but he feels lonely when you’re not around
And what’s even worse-is by the time you do hang out with him, your too tired to even properly pay attention to him after running around and doing everything for everyone else
Bakugo the Attention Whore
One day this dude would have enough, as he’s been getting the bad end of the stick for a good couple of weeks——
He just barges into were ever your at, and doesn’t give to shits what so everrrrr
Bakugo has one mission in mind: getting his s/o back
Wouldn’t acknowledge anyone but you, grabbing your wrist and yanking you out of the room even if your protesting with him
“The hell are you doing Bakugo, let go-“
“No 😠”
“Pleaseeeeeee I was in the middle of working on something-“
“I said NO 😠😠😠”
Angry Pomeranian Activated
Once stop dragging you until he locks you in his room, forcing you to hear him out
He HATES being emotional or open, but at that, he starts spilling his guts through gritted teeth and choppy sentences,,
Saying that you waste too much time in thise “extras”, that they don’t deserve as much time as you give them, and that you have more “important” things than do all their work for them
*cough cough him being the more important thing
But hoenstly, you feel a little bad for him,,,,,
So you compromise with him and promise you’ll spend more time on him
He’s pretty happy with that,
but now he takes it one step further to make sure you deifnitely have enough time to hang out with him
If he’s around when someone asks you for help, he’ll cut them off and lie straight theough his teeth, saying you two have a “date” and squeezing you close to him with an iron grip
“Wait-Bakugo-we didnt have a date planned-“
“Tsch, now we do-“
Shoto Todoroki
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I have said this timeeee and timeeee againnnn
But Shoto really is the definition of innocence
So really, it wouldn’t ever dawn on him on how killer his s/o’s body is
He’s just kinda like....yeah I know they have a butt and chest? Doesn’t everyone?😶
This poor Boi someone help him
It only really sets it after a few months of being together that he’s actually really, really in love with your body
Like how did he never notice how good you look in leggings?
Or how soft and comfortable your chest is?
And why does he want you to squeeze him with your thighs? 😳
Hormones are ragingggggg
And also veryyyyyyyy protective over you
Shoto is very observant and quiet in social situations, usually opting to check out his surroundings instead of trying to be sociable
So he’ll catch from time to time classmates commenting on you and your figure, and it never sits very well with him
At first when these incidences happened he was very conflicted, not understanding this intense jealousy and need to protect you
But after a while of contemplating his feelings, he understood it was because he was protective of you
And ohohoohohoh
This man is PROTECTIVE
He does little things you would never reallly notice until you actually do
Like when he takes you home after hanging out or a date, he lingers a little longer outside your door to make sure you’re inside safely
Or when you’re walking together he will make sure your walking inside the street and away from the cars
Also has a tendency to grab your waist or your hand when a group of men come your way
He just gets paranoid okay 🥺🥺🥺
And because he’s so protective, he doesn’t practically like that you’re being taken advantage of sometimes because of your kindness
Especially when it comes to other men
On a few occasions Shoto has spotted you in a sticky situation with a guy who was being a little too close for comfort
It would make you uncomfortable of course, you had a boyfriend you already loved a lot-
but you felt kind of bad just being a total bitch to this guy who desperately wanted a chance
So you’d just awkwardly laugh and smile with their stupid pick up lines, trying your best to be polite but also show you weren’t interested
But Shoto at this point has radar for when your in trouble, and just pops out of nowhere 💀
He’s not the type to flaunt his relationship by impulsively kissing you or anything like that, but he’ll show it in subtle ways
Like calling you “dear” or wrapping his arm around your waist
Honestly, the look of pure relief and comfort in your face shows more than Shoto could have ever done,,,
And that Shoto was deifnitely someone that was more than just a “guy fiend” and soemthing like that
Also Shoto would give them a look that could kill and that instantly scares the shit out anyone lmao
These dudes faces would deflate like balloons real quick, cause at this point everyone knows who Shoto Todoroki is
And how the hell can they compete with that
Instant “oh shit my bad” type energy
After those incidents, Shoto locks down way harder
He practically has you glued to his side, and he doesn’t let go
Like at all
Get used to it cause for the rest of the day Shoto is gonna be following you around like some body guard 💀
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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plounce · 3 years
a thing i am doing right now is i am writing a post-canon cardassia garashir fic BUT it is wholly made up of primary sources and secondary sources discussing garashir in later cardassian society because in present canon cardassia is like homophobic so their relationship was kept verrrrry private, so a lot of historians in the future debate over whether garak and bashir were together or not. ambiguity and all that. im a history major. all the secondary sources are post-post-canon when cardassia is like. more socially liberal about certain things, where the writers are reflecting on that period of cardassian history. anyway these are the sections i have written / planned so far
bashir's will that asks for certain documents to be preserved “for the sake of historical preservation, so that future generations may know Elim not just as a patriotic statesman but as a warm and loving man.” <-- homo
a book on present-canon cardassian homophobia, going into the social history. this section got really long because i talked about trans cardassians navigating around homophobia a lot. bc the homophobia is from a place of “you have to have children” but like (binary) trans ppl are okay so like those people who marry in ways that don’t appear childbearing tended to have children really quick to escape that. but yeah i still need to finish this bit bc i need to actually talk about the homophobia not just the trans people
list of cardassian homophobic slurs. yeah lmao i know. we have fun here. one of the ones for “lesbians” is “friend of sapohi” because i couldn’t resist making up lizard alien sappho
first physical letter garak sends bashir post-canon when there’s power shortages and bashir is stationed a long way away. they’re not together yet. sort of an introduction. these letters are one of the only personal documents garak left behind bc he’s paranoid and very private
a federation relief worker’s notes on a briefing about power rationing, which is some further explanation about why the fuck star trek people would be writing letters on paper instead of their weird ipads
second letter garak sends bashir. idk what’s gonna be in that yet but i do know garak says “your doodle of me was charming but inaccurate”. just one side of the conversation bc bashir kept his letters from garak while garak read the letters bashir sent him, memorized them, and destroyed them for security reasons.
record request emails from a cardassian history graduate student to a federation archivist asking for access to any messages from the o’briens about bashir but oh no :( the o’briens only marked for archival some videos of their grandkids :( and also a video of a random cardassian kid from bashir? weird. this one was really fun
one of the last messages bashir sent o’brien through starfleet comms that’s like right before he leaves for cardassia. nothing Concrete but definitely Hmmm-able
an excerpt from a book about the history of offworlders on cardassia, which includes a letter from one of garak’s political opponents as an example of reactionary xenophobia. basically it’s just a letter where this dude is very rude and homophobic about bashir. but it’s fine because he uses fake homophobia
political cartoon where bashir is portrayed as a seducer trying to get cardassia to assimilate into the federation. meant to be kind of funny imo. might commission karin to draw it for me. i think bashir tried to frame it in their house but garak like super hated it but idk if i can squeeze that in
transcript of an interview bashir gave on his views on cardassian politics, trying to be like “haha im just here to be a doctor, im not trying to be a spy or anything, but yeah i do agree with the people who like social programs and the rights of the disadvantaged etc etc”
an excerpt from a speech parmak gives like a decade after that after a piece of orphan rights legislation got passed that thanks bashir for the consultation and support. heheh
third letter from garak to bashir. probably like. subtly indicates that their relationship is on the verge of romantic. the last letter
a negative book review of a book that argues that garak and bashir were together. the review is just like “terrans are just Like That!!” plus some other stuff like “they lived together bc nobody would rent a house to an offworlder in this era!!” and stuff like that. im looking forward to writing this
the entries on garak and bashir from a children’s book on cardassian heroes. very saccharine and glossy and patriotic. bashir especially is like “once he stepped foot on cardassian soil he knew he loved this land” etc etc. amusingly inaccurate
the speech of one of garashir’s grandchildren (they take in some wards - non-blood related adoption is formally recognized on cardassia after the wards are of age) while accepting some medical award that thanks her grandfather elim garak for the support and her beloved elder julian bashir for his advice and support
a foreword from a book of poetry written by one of their GREAT-grandchildren who thanks his grandfather for the love of literature passed down to him. because Oh You Know
idk where this will go but cardassians discussing a federation documentary about The Heroes Of The Dominion War that says “oh yeah bashir went on to become the first naturalized citizen of cardassia. elim garak became an important figure in the new cardassian government. they were common law married” and the cardassians being like THEY REALLY SAID THAT? and some cardassians being mad and some cardassians being like Someone’s Fucking Saying It Finally!
still thinking of other sections that go a bit more into their children/married life. maybe also some other incidents. the thing about this is it’s such a fun little exercise to think of different ways to angle into this relationship and this society through surviving primary sources and variations on secondary sources. it’s a puzzle though because i want a lot of differentiation
im thinking ill conclude it with like their great great grandchild releasing some documents from them that confirm their relationships that were meant to published like a couple centuries later when hopefully cardassia was more accepting. because i want gay people to get the last laugh and assert their places in history and regain control over how society sees them. yk
sorry this post is like so insanely long and also kind of deranged in concept. im kind of fucking tired of my main twitter being this place where i have to remember that 21k people follow me (because i post c*tcrumb art on my main twtter) that im trying to make tumblr a place where i can just run my mouth yk. anyway. hey i got really into ds9 in the second week of march
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delbeugre · 4 years
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im tommy im a freak and of course i am here to get freakalicious with u all... this is my newest frankenstein type creation named sadie i know .02% about her yet but i am more than confident she will b nothing but a fun time! like this if ur down to plot!
capricorn sun / virgo moon / scorpio rising
raised by her uncle Big (his name) who is a hermit shut in town local in the depths of the florida marshland like some goosebumps protagonist. hes gone far past socially acceptable in terms of his ability to connect with the modern person but is wise beyond belief... his whole vibe is a warped cross between a cryptid and a mountain man that forages and cooks neighborhood plants. married for 27 years before his wife passed from illness. its quite possibly the only thing hes ever been emotional about
but dels entry to his life throws a wrench in his sadness (despite abandonment being what they bond over). she takes the focus away from his loss with her presence; her dad, his brother, died in a tragic train-car collision around the same time (which is speculated to be a suicide bt nobody can ever really be sure). he was a single parent so her custody is thrown up in the air for a few months as cps decides what they r gna do with this freshly orphaned little scrapper
she just kinda turns up on his doorstep n from there they cohabit a space. shes arnd 6-7 at this time... big never seemed to b phased by the fact tht she was a child n tended to treat her more like an apprentice or guest. he was never close to her father because of their age difference, being the older out of the two, so to have his daughter become his responsibility is just..... weird
this doesnt mean that he wouldnt provide for her bt it was. not very parental whatsoever.... no conversation or interaction beyond what was necessary. she was a mute fr a while and still is? to a degree.... very short spoken
when she got to her preteens he offered her an allowance in exchange for little odds and ends of stuff to be taken care of around the house. errands n all tht.... sometimes he wld purposefully leave things for her to pick up n take care of without mentioning it for a bonus. taught her the importance of saving your money and the horrid corruptness of a society basing everythings worth off paper. big exposed her to a lot of knowledge and took advantage of her silent curiosity by fueling it with books, homeschooling, life skills (catching a fish, setting a trap, knowing your berries in the woods...... the works)
her teens carried out the same way bt with the introduction of a real job, a spot down at the local butcher shop checking people out at the register and helping around the back of house. del knows a great deal abt cow/pig/chicken/etc anatomy from her years here..... she committed to being 100% vegan into her early twenties because of her trauma frm this occupation
it paid very well tho n was the best gig she was going to get within a reasonable biking route from home. so she settled!
the plan wasnt to keep it up for long anyway. she worked rly hard for her spot at yates and didnt intend to ever screw herself over. her plan was to get her bachelors, masters, become a professor, pursue a personal hobby of agriculture and build an elaborate greenhouse to live in
bt things happen..... 
some 35yr old douche with a green thumb woos her at a gardening store n swoops in to teach her a little more abt romance; all of this, of course, under the guise that he had all these tips and tricks for living environmentally friendly. a lame hippie wannabe that shouldve never even approached her bt alas.... he did
love is a touchy subject n it hadnt been something she set her sights on, but she was interested in wht this dude could teach her n at 19 she ended up falling in love. she delayed her education to stay an extra year back home and work out another plan which included him
this was very disappointing to her uncle bt he didnt have anything to say abt it. it was never parental before n it was never going to be, so this was another lesson she wld just have to overcome on her own
it turns out that she doesnt care for infidelity. when the confession comes out its met with a lot of screaming, bawling, blistering white hot anger. the whole incident is blacked out of her mind to b honest....
matters of the heart are no longer something to concern herself with because of the repercussions of her rash behavior regarding heartbreak O________O she spent a year in jail n still has to attend therapy / anger management meetings
deep down she is still hurting. there was a lot of pain... bt the sadness is not over the loss of some noob. she is in a state of constant disappointment, detaching from herself out of shame. putting her own life on pause only for it to turn out like that? stupid stupid stupid... 
chugging along! tldr spectre-like swamp nymph aura with the slightest (not so slight) unhinged feral tendencies
delicate like a moth resting in the gleam of a flashlight.... her anger singes her wings when shes too comfortable staying in one place, so theres always constant stimulation, always shifting gears. shes prone to feeling threatened; that being said, sadie is wary of walking in crowds, a little bit skittish when approached without making eye contact beforehand. like a small grey kitten..... in a big wide world
has a hard time keeping a conversation bt is very interested in debate, and even more so in studying alongside someone in complete silence. it reminds her of home in the same sense tht her uncle wld nudge her to keep reading by always having his own book open
doesnt have many friends and is alright with that. rumors are tht she is still a virgin bt who really knows? not i...... bt i wldnt be surprised if this was true. shes not impressed by people nor material items so this whole yates crowd is a turn off
she is truly clueless when it comes to how to behave around anyone her age. i think she understands but it just doesnt compute. she could come off as impolite bt it is just standoffishness? some people cld try to crack her but i dont think even she knows what that would be, or what that would look like. even in her one (1) failed relationship it was never deep heart to hearts or sharing dinner..... solitude is her realm
del is very comfortable with herself, very open with her wardrobe! doesnt leave too much to the imagination? she appreciates the human experience n expresses that thru this whole “body is a temple” type thing.... not quite confidence, but proudness of being. has gotten multiple notices frm professors for her tops being too sheer, nylons too ratted up, etc. has dirt under her fingernails half the time, chipped polish, some chapstick. smudges her eyeshadow on with her fingers
doesnt smoke cigarettes all too often but is dependent on weed. it kinda perpetuates her paranoid demeanor bt at the same time it keeps her lax enough to be able to mentally handle city life
her room is a playground for huge monstera plants, christmas cacti, ivy creeping along the doorway. she sleeps on a tiny thin mattress on the floor with a linen sheet and has her books stacked up on the ground next to it to hold her ashtray. the whole thing is dumb empty
takes her studies seriously and pinches every penny she can..... she has never ordered herself a coffee frm somewhere before, ordered food frm a restaurant... nothing. i wld think the most she would branch out from harvesting everything on her own is buying a bag of sunflower seeds frm a gas station, but even then, she much prefers eating stuff she grows herself. has a tomato plant, some basil beginning to sprout, etc.... manageable crops for any college students tiny space
bt yea thats it thats all! connections cld be all over the place. im legit open to anything. theres only a few tht come to mind right off that bat: 
a few people that get along with her? same classes? they shared a bowl n now theyre getting into the nitty gritty of some personal conversation that is veering into no mans land....
some sort of clueless makeover moment? arent rly into sadie as a person bt see a lot of potential... perhaps need a plus one to a party on the fly and figure thats the best option theyve got
crushes? this wld be fun n potentially dangerous! like playing with a hot cast iron pan or something :)
again im vry new to rp so i wld like to leave a lot of stuff up to chemistry, brainstorming n stuff like that, but please consider everything on the table! what i hav mentioned is the tip of the iceberg im so burnt out n i wrote a lot more than i intended to i am so sorry but i promise i am friendly
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fazbearsfrights · 4 years
hey rick tell me. abt your aubergine man. show will to the world
you got it ;)
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IT’S HIM, THE STINKY BASTARD MAN. he’s meant to look like michael because, y’know, sister location. for reference, here’s my mikey boi! there are some differences here and there, though (i.e. deathly pale, darker hair, sliiightly different haircut, green eyes, bigger nose, etc. also before / when he first opens fredbear’s he’s a LOT chubbier but he uh…loses a lot of weight after certain events. we’ll get into that tho!).
SO what’s really important to me here is the stuff just before and after fredbear’s/freddy’s and the afton family, mainly because i haven’t thought up much stuff before then (though i really should - i don’t really even have a solid character in mind for his wife at the moment).
anyhow, william’s family consists of himself, mrs. afton, michael, and elizabeth. william is FAR from the best father, and certain incidents where he lashed out at his own children (particularly michael) led his wife to threaten to leave him at certain points. but william is nothing if not a good manipulator and convincing pathological liar, and he convinced her to stay for a good while before she ultimately did gather the courage to leave. she pleaded for michael and elizabeth to come with her, but elizabeth - desperate for her father’s attention, and always unharmed, unlike michael - chose to stay instead. and being the protective brother he was, michael chose to stick with his sister, despite wishing he could do otherwise. once the divorce was finalized, though, she got custody of them every so often - weekly, which left william feeling…conflicted. that being said, this situation takes place over the course of time, in tandem with the fredbear’s/freddy’s stuff.
at some point in this part of his life, he met henry - a small-time inventor who was incredibly talented, but toiled his days away on miscellaneous small projects, either toys for his children or crafts he could sell for a small fortune (which, sometimes, were toys that his kids had rejected). william, by now, was a bit of an entrepreneur who was looking for a new project - and although it wasn’t obvious at this point, he’d struck gold. over time, their friendship grew, with william wrapping his new acquaintance around his little finger (both intentionally and unintentionally, due to him genuinely growing attached - over time, he grew to admire henry in all sorts of ways). and in the end, some time after learning of his buddy’s talents…he decided it was time for a brilliant idea.
they were both struggling a bit financially, but if they sunk all of their savings into this idea, he was certain it would pay off. “fredbear’s family diner” (although it wasn’t titled at the time, merely a concept) - a family-friendly diner, featuring costumed mascots, like a dinner theater. when henry nervously said that there was no way they could support the salary of costumed workers, william eagerly suggested that they could play the roles, to which henry protested again - they didn’t have the time, especially not if they would be managing the business! eventually they settled on a compromise. henry would be designing a suit that could double as a costume AND an animatronic, like the robotic toys he developed for his children…a springlock suit.
it took ages, with henry tinkering until he developed the first springlock, then a prototype suit, then designs of characters until he and william could both agree, then suits of fredbear and spring bonnie. the two characters who would lead the restaurant. by now, henry was thrilled by this idea and the delight it would bring to not only his kids (who were already excited by the characters he’d been creating) but the kids around their town, and william was simply in it for the money right now (and ultimately, nefarious purposes). still, the two of them smiled on their (henry’s) work at the end of the day, and eagerly started work on the restaurant.
another long while passed, and the financial struggles that its construction caused stirred serious turmoil in the afton family that william had to fan down. henry had similar troubles, but finally, the diner was COMPLETE. the stage was set! his two springlock suits were brought in and placed, and the diner opened the next day. they had a rough time getting word about the diner out, but once it did, it spread like wildfire. it was New to everyone around, especially because of the way the mascots could “change” their styles of dancing. they could even sing! people were impressed, and it was a good thing too, because they really needed that cash.
time passed, and the diner’s popularity grew, and william was pretty happy with how things turned out…for the most part. by now, his familial troubles were getting really rough - things were settling down now, but he wasn’t a better person at home whatsoever. his wife was getting ready to leave (for real) and That was tearing him apart on the inside, despite what success he had from fredbear’s, which was all he seemed to care about now anyway (aside from his relationship with henry). when she finally did leave, he started to snap for the first time and started to lash out at everyone, especially henry. it was the first time the two of them had ever had a real argument, since william had endeavored to keep himself on his “best behavior” because he didn’t want to lose him - and yet here he was, projecting his feelings for why his wife left him onto his best friend, and yelling at him for his unfounded fear that he would leave him too.
the next day, william outwardly gathered himself for henry’s sake and apologized, then explained the situation at home (but twisted the story so that it favored him - it wasn’t his fault she was leaving him, she was the one who manipulated and abused him, etc). and upon hearing all that, being the empathetic soul he is, henry was ofc like “oh worm im so sorry????” and wound up trying to COMFORT him bc he’s baby. and once again, william had him wrapped around his little finger.
now, when his divorce was finalized and his custody of the kids got kinda fucked, and his wife got her first week with them, he snapped yet again. only this time, it was MUCH, MUCH worse. yet again, his meltdown involved henry (or rather, his family), and it was meant to be a cathartic moment - if my family can’t be happy, if i can’t be happy, neither can he. so when one of his henry’s twins wound up locked outside of the diner, he smiled at her - a familiar face for her, as henry’s best friend, and comforted her for a moment…just before stabbing her. and as she bled out on the pavement, he felt no remorse or sadness…in fact, his only concern was that henry might be nearby, since one of his damn kids was. so he haphazardly dragged her toward the back, near the dumpster, barely concealing her under some trashbags, and smiled as he loomed over her pathetically covered corpse. henry would be just as miserable as him now.
william changed into his “professional” outfit in the car, then scrubbed his hands clean in the bathroom the first chance he got, despite wearing gloves at the time of the murder. not even a few hours into the work day, he was being pestered by henry about the whereabouts of his daughter - he didn’t even know a parent could be so paranoid. master manipulator that he was, he assured his friend that she must’ve been around somewhere, probably playing with sammy or one of the other kids, or heck, maybe even playing hide-and-seek. kids are unpredictable! that seemed to ease his worries just enough for the time being, but in the meantime, he just chuckled to himself, knowing what a fool the man was and what panic and misery would ensue the second he knew what fate his daughter had met.
as anticipated, over the next few days, henry’s misery drastically intensified - she went from “missing” to “found” in what felt like a matter of moments, and all the while, william was his only pillar of support. and he was loving every second of it. being able to comfort him on his darkest days, hearing the weak “thank you”s every time he listened to the pitiful man’s venting, the long and anguished hugs. of course, it wasn’t because he was being a friend to him (although part of him did yearn for a closer relationship with henry like this) - it was because he was towering over him in a position of power, because now he was the one “on top.” henry was the one suffering now, moreso than him, and he would never be able to recover. in fact, william was doing better than ever - killing charlie seemed to instill him with more confidence than ever, and he LIKED that feeling.
henry became more and more disheveled, showing up to work in stained flannel and mussed up hair, bags under his red eyes because he’d been crying all night. this pattern continued for a long time, but the crying eventually stopped, though his sorrow was replaced by a deeply-seeded paranoia regarding his own diner. he feared the place, and feared his kids ever visiting it, despite him practically opening it up for them. and yet…none of his suspicions were placed on william. not the one person who’d comforted him in his darkest days, no. not his best friend. that man would never betray him.
eventually (after a bit of an expansion, thanks to some convincing on will’s part - new characters would make the place brand new, make him forget), the diner claimed another victim, and it wasn’t even by william’s own hand, much to his own surprise. another one of henry’s kids, funnily enough (from will’s perspective). he had to witness the man’s grieving process all over again, and support him all over again, all the while trying not to smirk as he towered atop him - when henry suffered, he felt higher than ever before, even though he loved the man to death. 
with this death, however, henry officially decided that it was high time that the diner closed down. he couldn’t bear another death on his hands - not another child of his, especially. he’d grieved enough, and he only had one left. even so, william wouldn’t give up. he convinced henry to create another restaurant, finally, but henry refused to make the animatronics himself…he didn’t trust himself anymore.
and so marked the first time that william invented animatronics of his own, with henry’s help. and once again, his ego soared, as he took to the inventing game rather rapidly - even henry remarked that he was impressed. his models were plastic, unlike henry’s fuzzy and soft ones, and he insisted that they would be more “kid-friendly” and fitted with safer technology to keep him happy. so, the 1987 restaurant was opened, and the toy models took over while the withered animatronics rotted in the back room.
in the meantime, william got to Killin for realsies. charlie was like…a warm up, but this was the real deal. he got sloppy, though, not realizing that his own tech would recognize Him as a criminal if he killed in front of them. in fact, it shouldn’t have been technologically possible. one of his creations - the toy version of foxy, and what would ultimately be the prototype of funtime foxy (mangle) - even recorded audio of him in the act. so, to keep them all in order, he tampered with their facial recognition software. then, he dismantled the mangle beyond repair, then passed it off to everyone around him as something the children did.
although william didn’t have much of a real motive for killing this time around, his interest was piqued when he overheard henry’s oldest son - an employee of the establishment - discussing issues with the current night guard, and how he complained about the animatronic’s behavior during the night. it might not mean much to anyone else, but the way they acted made it seem like they were aware. sentient, perhaps. and their behavior over the ensuing weeks made that possibility feel more and more likely - they stared at staff almost maliciously, and adults in general, but behaved normally around kids. and that caused him to wonder if there was any chance whether the spirits of the kids themselves could’ve tethered themselves and possessed the things.
regardless, when henry realized that more kids were going missing in this restaurant, he started to lose it again. he couldn’t keep it together anymore - and eventually, he managed to figure out just who was behind it all. and although william did his best to keep it together, and sway him otherwise, and smooth-talk him out of it, henry continued to push and push until he snapped and called him out for the liar and the monster that he was. with that, henry truly DID leave him - in fact, he’d left a suicide note, but he just disappeared. no body was ever found.
but despite everything, all the misery william put him through, all the intentional torture, william found himself absolutely devastated by that loss. and for once, he seemed to be genuinely saddened by it; instead of lashing out at others, as he was wont to do, he seemed to lash out at himself. he was a pretty rotund lad back in the day of fredbear’s and the 1987 freddy’s restaurant, but he grew incredibly, deathly thin in the months after henry left. a few new scars had gathered on his wrists by the end of the year. he grew more unkempt, just as henry had just after his losses.
but in time…he recovered. he grew to turn his sorrow and saudade into unbridled hatred. he didn’t need henry, he NEVER did. and to prove it, he made his own franchise and his own robotics company in 1990 - “circus baby’s pizza” and “afton robotics, llc.”, respectively. when his daughter’s interest was piqued after seeing him work on circus baby for the first time, he even encouraged her by telling her that circus baby was being made for her. that wasn’t the case, obviously, but it made her giddy and it would ultimately make her excited enough to possibly spread the word about the upcoming restaurant to her little friends.
finally, circus baby’s restaurant was open to the public - and unbeknownst to them, it was essentially a haven for child murder, just as william had planned for it to be. each of the animatronics had their own mechanisms for luring children away and for ensnaring them, and essentially all he had to do was watch the chaos unfold. this time around, it was an “experiment” of sorts - he wanted to see whether the kids really would possess the robots if they were killed inside of them, test out different methods, etc. as toy chica would say, though, “there is only one thing that could possibly go wrong…”
although william hadn’t been the best father, there is some part of him that did care about his kids. especially elizabeth, his “favorite” child. he may have ignored her - a lot - especially in favor of his work, as of late, but he did love her. and so when she ignored his constant warnings, his incessant pleading for her to stay away from circus baby, only to be snatched up the second she walked up to her…well. he was devastated, yet again.
he should’ve seen it coming, really, especially after telling her that he’d created circus baby “just for her.” but of course he hadn’t thought it through, and now she was gone. it was like he was reliving what he’d done to henry, wasn’t it? karma’s a bitch, ain’t it, afton.
he closed down circus baby’s after that single incident, and started working on an underground facility for the animatronics to be stored while his own mental state started to deteriorate more and more, since he was in almost complete isolation - not even his own son came to see him anymore now that he was entirely independent by now.
around this time, the next freddy’s opened up - the owner just so happened to be henry’s oldest son, the only apparent survivor of the tragedies that befell his family. this IMMEDIATELY caught william’s attention, and reignited the grudge he felt toward henry and his family all over again. he’d get “revenge” for what was done to him, and even to his daughter - at least, that was how it was justified in his twisted mind.
he applied for a job as a dayshift worker under an alias, since he would be recognized otherwise. thankfully, his appearance had changed SO drastically over the years that even henry’s kid - who’d spent so much time around him back in the day - couldn’t piece his identity together. not at first, anyway…but by then, it was too late. he got to work with his usual pattern - luring kids away with the suit they kept in the back room, then stuffing them into the animatronics.
fortunately for him, this could be the experiment he missed out on when he lost his daughter and closed his own restaurant down. and he didn’t have to pay the price for it - henry’s franchise, son, and overall legacy did. he kept a keen eye on the animatronics’ behavior both before and after the children were killed, and he was fascinated to find that they were indeed haunted. something about the semi-conscious bodies being tethered to metal caused their souls to become tethered, too - which led to events like this. 
in fact, their behavior got so aggressive that they started hunting night guards - most of them either quit to keep their lives or mysteriously went “missing” in the night, but william knew what happened. he could see their clumsily stuffed bodies in spare suits in the back. the animatronics were getting revenge for what happened to them, and he was intrigued. but at the same time, he was given a new hope…
he decided to re-dedicate some of his attention to circus baby and her friends with these new discoveries in mind. his resources went to staff and machinery that would allow the bunker to be automated for them - and once that was sufficient (despite a few losses here and there - what can you do? the animatronics Were designed to be killers, after all), he even started up a rental service for them. it wasn’t big, but it was a side project. and in the meantime, he contacted his son about a job offer.
it took some convincing, especially since this offer was coming from a father who had never treated his son well, but because it was about his sister - and despite the supernatural circumstances surrounding the situation - he ultimately accepted. his son would take a job at the rental place as a night technician, but his actual goal would be to find elizabeth and “put her back together.”
with all that settled, this particular freddy’s inevitably closed down FOR GOOD. after all, plenty of grieving parents had come forward, alongside customers complaining about blood and mucus seeping out of the animatronics, and the owner himself had “gone missing” during the night shift (after taking the place of his last willing night guard). and so william went in the abandoned restaurant one last time to dispose of the evidence. after dismantling all of the animatronics and retreating to the safe room, however, he was met with the ghosts of the children he’d killed - and one of them in particular started to approach him. 
he wasn’t sure what they could do, but he was frightened enough to back away until he locked eyes with his springlock suit in the corner - and he suited up one last time, positive that once they saw him as “spring bonnie,” the cheerful character that they’d loved and trusted before they died, they’d leave him alone. he made one fatal mistake, though - in his surge of confidence, he laughed to himself the second he put the suit on, which triggered the springlocks. and once one of them went off, all of them started to go off, one by one, inflicting a quite painful death - or what ought to have been one. william always comes back, y’know.
the safe room got sealed up - william never knew who did it, or why, but it seemed like a premeditated arrangement by henry’s son - and 30 years later, fazbear frights opened up and william was Pissed. he’d been locked up all that time and he was itchin for revenge…and since the emily family was gone, he was ready to take his anger out on the world around him. except there was no escape from this attraction, all over again - and there was only one person around. a “guard.”
only, when he approached the makeshift office, what did he find? the “guard” this time around was none other than his goddamn son - except that his son was barely recognizable now, deformed, corpsey, and boney. if it weren’t for the wig and the make-up to make his skin resemble…skin, he Wouldn’t have recognized him. william was a confused and angry stinky, rotting bunny.
every time he managed to make it up to the window pane just in front of the office, he slammed his animatronic paws on it demandingly and tried to speak to michael through severed vocal chords. michael, on the other hand, would wince and desperately try to lure him into another room by distracting the suit he was inside of (which still had a mind of its own, even with him being somewhat dominant) with those damn balloon boy giggles, and he would be unwittingly forced to leave.
the miserable pattern continued for a week until michael set the place ablaze, trying to get rid of the franchise’s worst mistake - william himself. of course, he failed, and william survived…and now he had a new target. his son himself. whoops. and that leads us into the final freddy’s restaurant.
a freddy fazbear’s pizza joint that michael himself opens up, to salvage all the final pieces of the fazbear franchise and get rid of them once and for all, to make sure that everyone is set free. william is, of course, one of these final pieces - and despite realizing that this must be a trap, this piques his curiosity, and he’s confident that he’ll be able to escape again. that’s what he did before.
unfortunately for him, the construction of this place was too clever for him to anticipate - a carefully-constructed labyrinth that would endlessly lure him and the others in a circle, up until the final day, where they would all meet their end in a fiery grave.
and, of course, there’s the end - where william meets his ending in hell, surrounded by the animatronics he’s gotten to know so well; some of which he’s created, some of which henry has, some of which are haunted by his victims, some of which are a product of circumstance, and some of which…are him himself. and the one orchestrating it all just so happens to be henry’s boy…sammy, represented by golden freddy, one of the most vengeful spirits there.
NOW. uh. i’m sure you’ve gotten a taste of it throughout all of this, but we can talk a lil more about his personality and stuff?
william is a very mentally ill boio, but i really like to hone in on the fact that he’s a bpd bastard because i feel like there were lots of hints about that in the books. maybe that’s just me though. i mean, the fact that he wrote stuff about henry that ranged from the dude being his idol and him loving his work to him almost hating his guts and being consumed by jealousy for his talents kinda sealed the deal for me on THAT headcanon?? so he’s got like - a debilitating fear of abandonment, acts kinda recklessly / impulsively, is INCREDIBLY antisocial, hostile, and irritable, has mood swings a-plenty, is actually VERY insecure even though he’ll never show that to anyone around him, and is really self-destructive even if he doesn’t fucking realize it. like, this man will shrug off ANY self-blame until the cows come home.
and straight down the line, i think william meets all the criteria for having antisocial personality disorder, too. disregard for right and wrong, persistent lying to exploit others, disrespecting others, manipulating others for personal gain, arrogance and a sense of superiority, CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR, impulsiveness and failure to plan ahead, hostility, aggression, violence, lack of remorse, dangerous behavior, abusive relationships, failure to consider negative consequences or learn from them, and being consistently irresponsible and failing to meet work obligations.
so he’s obviously manipulative and cruel, and a pathological liar. but well, he can be…nice when he wants to be? it’s usually when he’s first starting his relationships, but it’s never quite “right” - there’s a moment of peace while he struggles to find what his new friend/partner wants in somebody, and he’ll do anything to meet their expectations and keep them happy until they’re content enough for him to start showing his true colors. 
in his wife’s case, he was a perfect gentleman who did anything for her, but then he started getting upset with her very easily over the littlest things. things escalated drastically over time, but he apologized every time and assured her he would be better for her, bought her candy and flowers, anything to remind her of that perfect guy he was at first. and that sort of pattern continued up until they were married, and she miserably stuck with him through the arguments and bruises and incidents with her children until she finally had enough.
on a similar note, he really did care about henry (before it all went astray) - henry was his closest friend and it really showed in just how intense his attachment was to him. his depression over henry’s loss was far more intense than what he went through after his divorce. unfortunately, his affection for henry just manifested in an INCREDIBLY twisted way, with his jealousy and bitterness often taking hold more than any actual kindness he might possess. 
there’s also his kids - even though michael got the short end of the stick, william did occasionally show…some shred of affection toward him. let’s just say that a lot of the ways that michael was mistreated, beaten, and kicked while he was down was how william was treated as a kid, and those patterns took over once he had kids of his own. when he wasn’t taking out his anger on his family, he did act like a real father every so often, treating his kids to Good days at the diner and letting them play alongside henry’s kids, or playing with them himself, or just tucking them in at night and doing little things to show he did care, even a tiny bit.
and as for elizabeth, the favoritism was real. when william was working on his bigger projects, like starting up fredbear’s or actually designing and creating animatronics - those for circus baby’s pizzeria in particular - she got ignored a lot more, which always upset her, but other than that? she got PLENTY of attention. love from her dad (though his “i love you”s were always spoken so haphazardly to both of his children, whether he intended for them to sound that way or not), playtime (though he always seemed bored), and he would take her out every so often to get ice cream (her favorite). circus baby might not actually have been made for her, but one aspect of her design was certainly inspired by her - the ice cream dispenser. her father’s attitude was always what made her insecure - and there were other things behind the scenes too, like the way he threw out her drawings when she wasn’t looking (she always found them in the trash later on).
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muertaheux · 4 years
Post J call (19/05) [diary sub.]
  4 days of no sleep  has meant  unblocking+subsequently spending a lot of time thinking about or talking to J the past couple days.   but damage done  & now that I know that this man has stopped doing all the things he was supposed to do continue doing once we were completely over; ensuring that he does those things again feels like my responsibility!! 
-SO! An attempt at digesting some of the most jarring things he said since instantaneous reflection/clarity was impossible !! -
“when you first wanted to end things there was no doubt that you’d be coming back out here”
like there’s a pandemic and i have no reason i need to go back to the bay as it’s alll online now ??
“see I’m not even in LA!! I chose not to be for you!!”
We’ve had no contact for months and I had no idea he still mainly lived in Oakland?? So that cannot be put on me?? ALSO literally one of the last things I had said to him was about how at least now he can live in LA & something to the effect of how he should try + actually enjoy the lifestyle now?? LA bitches always made me feel a way & a lot of the LA guys he worked with or just at different events were just a lot???
“How can you act like this is the way its supposed to be with us?? If you just decided that there’s not even a chance anymore than that’s fucked up that you gave me false hope”
WHAT THE FUCK. It’s certainly not healthy to entertain possibility of reconciliation, for plenty of reasons but especially as he’s not risen to the occasion of doing what he needs to do! I didnt leave him high and dry as he has the blueprints, tools, and resources now. Literally last night he was texting acknowledging how we’re both not “whole” and it seemed he got that we must be separate but I guess not?? I didn’t give him false hope???
Damn like I was still balancing my own academic + professional + personal obligations and mental health ?? I will do basically anything for someone I love and as his gf ended up taking on quite a bit . But I was 21/22 w. a rigorous course+research load,demanding job, & my own traumas & mental illness to manage??? I loved tf out of him but I am too young & too shaky myself for the dynamic we had to have been sustainable?? I don’t regret putting him onto therapy+psychiatry & the business/financial resources/techniques but being his buffer for the industry stuff in LA was exhausting & fucked w me. I hate almost everything about LA& I get that he’s more introverted than me + has wild imposter syndrome but he was the one who had a right to be there I’m not even remotely connected to that field and again I despise most of the LA bitches- I’m in my early 20’s obviously I would still have wild self esteem issues etc?? I would literally be crying for a good portion of the drive or flight down there almost every time after the first one. But as he would literally run every single business decision or interaction by me & even once the money started coming + he had validation regarding his skill set, for awhile he still would be  second guessing the creative aspect of it;   and he only really trusts & is out of his shell completely with his Oakland friends, people in LA/anyone he works with he views strictly as clients/collaborators - he wouldn’t go to anything he needed to  in LA if I wouldn’t come with him. Okkk yes he was ode loyal/ attentive to me as well as supportive + invested in my stuff & we really protected/looked out for one another in different ways, so it’s not that he was undeserving.. I just can’t be or do everything for someone!!! I also would not even have chance of being close to happy if I stayed in states now that I am completely disillusioned with medicine ??
“That’s insane that you’ve been able to move on like this that’s so fucking ode [my name redacted]. I bet you were fucking other people when were together”
What. the . fuck. I WAS NOTHING BUT LOYAL WHEN WE WERE TOGETHER AND UNLESS I WAS IN CLASSES OR WORKING WE WERE TOGETHER!! I actually  have never spent so much time with one person (and didn’t even mind it) before or after him. He knows I never cheated on him smfh he hurled this same accusation back in the winter after I started hooking up with someone again. So I don’t really get why he’s even acting like this is brand new information because the inciting incident for me to cut him off completely a few months ago was how he was handling me hooking up with someone. Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to tbh??
Also if it wasn’t for pandemic or if he was IN LA as a single man, I’m sure he would’ve ended up with at least someone ?? Yeah he’s not a hookup kinda guy but if he was taking the same drgz  but Im not there than Im sure he’d have plenty of bodies, he’s objectively gorgeous to the point that people are wild confused by his personality & mannerisms.
ALSO we’ve been broken up technically since the fall!! I’ve hooked up with TWO people, which is my prerogative?? I could hookup with a ton of people and it would still be well within my rights as in no way are he and I together ?? It doesn’t mean I don’t care or love him at all but it’s literally mid- May?? I get that he’s mainly upset that the person I most recently was with is the guy from Feb. What I didn’t count on or realize was that I had given J enough info that combined with his naturally sharp memory he’d piece together that the Feb/recent guy is the last person I was in love with before the relationship w J. Once he figured that out he was pressing for more info but I never give out names from situations anyways & I actually had to aggressively ask him if he enjoyed being hurt or something because there’s no reason he needs to fixate on this ??
“this is so fucked up youre not gonna give us a chance to say goodbye for real?? you promised me that it wouldn’t be the last time we saw each other , was this your plan all along ? i can’t believe i really thought you were gonna come back . i’m so fucking stupid. when i heard about schools, even graduations, going online i convinced myself that you still had to come back here or that you’d find a reason. what the fuck rachel! what am i supposed to do?”
Ok he started off yelling (for him) there but once it was just crying i got that his abandonment issues are triggered & that’s definitely valid but he can’t guilt me into coming out to Oakland & based off the past couple days he is not in a place that I can trust myself around. We’d definitely end up fucking & probably doing drgz & there would be no closure we’d just have intense /cinematic experiences that will make separation that much harder AGAIN. We can bring out the best in one another but we also bring out the absolute worst!! We can’t forget the truly fucking horrible parts of our relationship and how out of control it was. Love is not enough!!! The way we loved one another was all consuming & that doesn’t work when there’s soooo much individual healing+ growth that needs to happen.
of course i still love him as well , but i can’t even remind him of that as it’ll then be “so you’ll come back?” fuck like people can love people and know not to be with them!! if i was in a better place maybe i’d think about it; but i’m so far from where I need to be. ofc I miss a lot about him and the relationship but it’s more detrimental than it is beneficial!! it’s not like he didn’t have his grievances too he just doesn’t keep them in perspective in this type of situation . like yeah we coexisted extraordinarily well & never had little arguments over dumb shit/ needed a break from one another; but when we would fight it would be a massive aggressive blowout. ok great we didn’t find one another annoying but also we were respectively v fucking triggered by some deep rooted behavior (i.e our respective parents +trust issues, ptsd and psychosis manifested completely differently; bc of our constant proximity to one another - my BP was on full display multiple times; i accepted he was set on carrying but it was ultimately more like stockpiling ; we both at times did reckless things which made us obsess over the other’s safety [mine mainly in mixed or manic states] ; different attitudes/approaches to drgz) . the codependency was in some lights eventually p unhealthy , especially as eventually down the road itd be impossible to accommodate that degree of attachment to one another!!
ok in some way it’s romantic or w/e that we literally couldn’t be w/o one another at night but also we made it way harder on ourselves when we’d focus on making sure we could be with the other at their obligation instead of our respective responsibilities(i.e me always in LA with him, he ended up coming overseas 3x (EU&Middle East) when I was there for work/conference( for countries he wouldn’t be able to get into he waited at w/e neighboring one would be safe for him),  based his UK work trip around my exams schedule so he could bring me, brought me to PFW, etc. )  even considering taking space at any point was never a real conversation..  we were genuinely best friends but just bounced back from w/e dysfunctional argument we had vs solving it and we’re both mad paranoid people & we need someone to physically be there to feel reassured;on the surface and in actuality in some ways the dynamic was ideal- (regardless tho having someone be your primary safety is hardly fail-safe ).
Both of us are insomniacs & deal w night terrors; but from v. early on we figured out how to handle these things in each other to the point that both of us stopped our respective nighttime vices & could sleep naturally; in the case of night terrors the other person would soothe them back. His overwhelming need to protect found a match with my overwhelming longing for safety even before we knew a ton about one another&the respective back stories. Because of Chantel Miller’s assault case that had gone viral(re:the SU Swimmer case) years before, J was convince su at night was dangerous & always picked me up+ put pepper spray canister in my bag literally a week after we first met. When he learned my history/some of the traumas (mainly nyc r**** & parts i shared re:tr********* abroad) etc he was especially ode about my overall safety. (Tbf he has seen a lot in his life but he mistook my taking risks at times as being completely oblivious when most of the times it was because I had assessed the situation and compared to other experiences and I knew I could handle it; ofc for some of the episodic instances it was way more precarious of a situation. )When it was clear that it wasn’t just some over controlling maneuver, it was just easier to try and listen to him about which areas and times to avoid tbh& spared the details of my ~pickups~. He didn’t need protection in the same way; besides the support/‘protection’ for LA/industry stuff, he needed emotional support/validation, reassurance, and to be nurtured & encouraged.
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blackrupee · 7 years
Wow your life sounds complicated right now I'm sorry for that. So you aren't gonna have any managers what the fuck? And OH MY GOD I hate when people come in to eat so close to close!!!! ( I work @ zaxbys) if someone is acting passive aggressive I would act even more passive aggressive- make that bitch regret it- regarding the 2 guys: 2 guys is better than no guys:))) wish the first one didn't pressure you though. How did the 2nd one hurt you? - and I care so don't worry about boring me
hi hello would you like to read a novel on my life thanks i talk too much (tldrs at end)
nah like.. we had been managing with a general manager and 3 assistant managers even though we really need 4 so as not to overwork anyone. we recently hired a new one from a corporate arbys (we’re franchised) and two just quit. like i mentioned, theyre not coming back even though the original plan was that their new jobs would be only temporary (6 weeks). sooooo now we have a general manager who only works weekday day shifts, one assistant manager who is relatively new (she had been working at this place for a while but was promoted to manager 6ish months ago) and another who is brand new but still has some experience. they said theyre looking to promote from within initially, but they might have to hire outside people if no suitable potential manager is picked. id love to get manager pay and its not like managers do anything hard so id be WILLING to be a manager..like the whole reason why i got trained on backline was because we have such a big turnover rate with backline people since it fucking SUCKS and i was wanting to be helpful and flexible. so like. thats what i offerred. but one assistant manager was like “lmao all youd do is swear at the customers” and im like bitch when have i ever?? i talk shit about them all the time but ive only sworn IN FRONT OF a customer twice and neither time was it directed at them. but i mean im sitting on a small handful of customer complaints so its not like the gm would even consider me probably. idk dude. i can be nice if you pay me to be nice. but i get paid to do food and do it fast……….so
but yeah literallyyyyyyyyy i have no idea how people can be so??? inconsiderate???? and they dont??? care??? im learning that my contant frustration with people in my personal interactions is due to a disconnect between what i value in  expectations and what actually happens. like. when i go somewhere i already KNOW what i want, so i say it quickly and competently. i preface a lot of my interactions with people im requesting food or services from with “i’m sorry but…”. i phrase things as “could i get” as opposed to “get me” or “i want” which sound HELLA rude tbh. id always have my money ready at the window or the register, im always trying to pay attention and not miss anything or just….be rude in any way bc i know fast food fucking sucks. i know some of the people i interact with probably hate their job as much as i do and i want to be the smallest burden i can be. and it seems like nearly no one else has these same values???? and i dont understand how people can just??? be? so? inconsiderate?
also yes bitch im the queen of passive aggression. literally the night before i was working a short shift and my friend was closing frontline and this bitch was closing drivethrough. i just got the okay to clock out and i was like “bye! have a beautiful night! just know that i love you so much and ive everything ive ever said has always been fake until this point! never meant anything ive ever said until now especially if your name starts with k or ends with ristin (drivethrough girl/the one whos being so difficult is named kristin) but just know that i love you!” and basically being really dramatic and extra as satire.
i guess for context the whole reason she decided to be mad at me was the other night when she was drunk and was like “do you even likeeeeeee meeee i feel like you hateeeee meeee wahh wahh wahhhh” even though im like…..yes bitch i enjoy your company? i joke/use hyperbole/satire/irony/whatever a lot but like occasionally id be like “ey yo you know its all jokes right u know i love u right” just to ensure that she knows but she fucking. ignores it all. i feel like she so desperately WANTS me to hate her and tbh i got fucking sick and tired of hearing her complain all the time about this shit! i fucking hate repeating myself! so sure. if you want me to hate you so fucking much there. i hate you. i fucking hate you so fucking much. like is that what you want to hear? is that validating? are you fucking happy?
its so fucking frustrating
but i will not be held accountable for her decision to be upset. because thats what it is. she wants to be upset, and she wants me to be responsible for it when its literally not my responsibility. i am absolutely not going to stand for this shit like i kind of want to say its emotional abuse lmaooo but im just so fucking sick of it. 
everyone knows that i take chicken tenders and turnovers that would be thrown out at the end of the night and she was closing frontline yesterday and made a point to throw out the turnovers right next to me without asking if i wanted any/leaving any for me. i mean i completely expected her to be that petty of a bitch so it was kind of funny tbhonestly. also im p sure she unfollowed me here lmaoo
with regards to the guys and this paragraph could get a bit tmi/nsfw: yeah the first one kind of sucked but i feel like a little bit of the New Person Nerves have worn down so id do better if we were to hookup again. because like i totally would love to have fucked him but…..anxiety. he was hot tho. like 10/10 body and ass holy shit. plus he complimented me on my ass eating so (assuming that was genuine and not a vapid ego boost haha paranoia am i right) hopefully he comes back for seconds. 
second guy ive had a longish history with. started talking to him at the beginning of last fall semester and we hooked up kinda regularly for about a month. things fell apart, we both understood that we wouldn’t be good dating wise but still enjoyed meaningless cuddles. whatever. it got to a point where he would only hit me up like once every month and a half or so and towards like january-ish he hits me up again. so im like nice cool lets chill. im getting ready for this but my phone is in the other room. while im doing this he drove by my place to pick me up (since he was on his way back from nashville), didnt get a response to an “im here” text (bc i was busy and tbh not expecting him to do that), and left. he lives within like walking distance tho so im like “?? sorry i was busy are you still out or should i walk over?“ and he texts me like “sorry hold up a thing just happened” and im like…….okay. so im just.. waiting around for him. periodically texting like “hey are we good for tonight and whats going on?” because like there was some drama with his friend? hes like.. apologizing and shit but this goes on for an hour. BUT. the ENTIRE time he’s dealing with this friend problem or whatever he’s literally on grindr. and at the end of this hour im like in full blown paranoia panic mode and i literally text him something mentioning this and he BLOCKS ME ON GRINDR so im like ??????!!!!??? and i text him (all while saying “not to be crazy or paranoid bc im probably coming off that way but like could i get an answer or something??”) AND HE LITERALLY SAYS HE DELETED HIS GRINDR. but thats a LIE because i have a secondary account to see like……if guys are still on grindr/if a thing with a guy might turn into something more like if i see he’s not on grindr as much?? thats prob incredibly stalkerish and probably really creepy but hey. thats me. so i KNOW he lied to me but i cant really say “hey ur a liar” without disclosing this weird creepy stalker part of me (funnily enough this isnt the first time a guy has lied to me and i caught it with my secondary account! so it proves to have some function use in the end. not totally crazy). so. yeah. that was the incident. after this i dont trust him at all, and i still dont, but i had it in my mind to like somehow get him to fall in love with me just so i could break his heart for doing this? never really worked out. so now im at the point where im like….eh he’s a piece of shit and i hate him but ill cuddle with him bc it feels good
back to nsfw/tmi: the sex was okay. he’s weird about people being near his like….dick and stuff because he was raped and i totally get it bc i was too but he was comfortable enough for me to finger him and my finger still hurts from where he clenched when he came lmaoooooo. was totally hot tho. and i got to east his ass so im like eyyyyyyyy. its been so long since ive eaten ass so having it two consecutive nights in a row has been cathartic.
tldr; we have 2 assisant managers and a gm rn. looking for more
tldr; bitch. same.
tldr; bitch. same.
tldr; he’s a liar
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lost-poster · 4 years
Dear diary,
Trying to rebuild after my dad’s passing has been hard but I feel like I’m doing okay. Aside from the anxiety I’m okay.  The thing that gets me angry and has me stressing out is my mom.  A few months before my dad died she had been talking to other men and , for lack of a better word, being a hoe.  I was mad my post about that was laced in hate and distain. After about a week or so of being mad I felt like I was drowning and I couldn’t keep living like that; I thought about going back to old habit but I refused to have scars because of her. Then something in me decided to go to a higher power. I know religion and God aren’t for everyone and I would never push my views on anyone but this what I believe and how I coped. I began to forgive my mom and I stayed true to that path for a few weeks and then slowly started to pull away. Then I caught my mom in yet another situation of infidelity, I was convince it was because I had pulled away from God. Not because he was punishing me but because he knew I would need him and wanted to keep close. So once again I turned to him and stay on that path until about few days before my dad died, and after he died I definitely went back and started trying to live more involved in God and I have to say that helped me a lot during the hard part. Then for reasons ill go into later I pulled away again from God. and ofc caught my mom in another “hoe” situation. This time though I didn’t take the high road, I had already forgave her twice I needed to be mad I needed to be a bitch, my dad hadn’t been gone that long and she was already moving on? Was she happy when my dad died? Relieved ? now she was free and could go out and do whatever. That how I took it and I took all of her tears and word about my dad as lies. At the funeral people were saying “ he was lucky to have a wife like m mom” and once that last incident happened I went back to those word and thought “ what a load of bullshit, she didn’t care about him”.          I stayed mad at her for awhile but then I realized how unfair I was being and slowly started to ease up but even now theres this pain in my tummy that just gets so mad at her. I try to be understanding but some nights I just want to get away and not have to understanding I want to be mad and hate her, I want to hurt her like she hurt me, but then I feel bad. Every time she is on her phone I freak out , one because its like her life depends on her phone, like she has to be  on it and I know part of that is cuz it reminds me of the times she was talking to other men but none the less it freaks me out and I get that panicky , anger in my stomach and I just want to get away from her. Logically I know it shouldn’t matter cuz my dads is gone but its like he just died hasn’t even been a year and I feel like she is going to find someone and I have to relive hearing her moan or catch her doing something and there’s nothing for me to do. Plus at times it seems like her phone is more important than me like now that my dad is gone her ties and responsibilities are done and part of me feel like once she moves on that will be it ill be irrelevant. So I want to pull back before that happens so I don’t have to be that hurt. Its like needing my mom cuz she is all I have know but also at times hating her so deeply and idk what I want or how to fix it. Honestly idk if it can be fixed there only so much a person can take before u have to just move on, idk It just feels so fucking overwhelming. She spends a lot of time out of the house and I get mad cuz im left here alone and I get lonely but also its like I can breath I don’t have to worry about having another incident but also my mind starts being paranoid like “ oh she out doing stuff with someone, that’s why she is out without u.” its just a constant push and pull and I hate it, idk what to do or how to move on I just want it over. It got so bad that about two weeks ago I just had to fucking cut cuz it was so overwhelming , my leg was covered in cuts , I just wanted a release , but that didn’t help. So idk here is where Im at .
0 notes
hazbinextgeneration · 5 years
Allison Theory P3
(the image is not mine. Im just using it for context for my headcannon/theory. It and the characters belongs to @vivzportfolio​)
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From left to right:
Allison: A young lady who is the first ‘Lost One’ to stumble down into Wonderland for a good while and Cheshire’s old friend. Allison was born and raised by a single grandmother and is now done with everything. She’s seen too much stuff to be surprised anymore. While she was able to escape the madness that usually consumes humans when they stay a long time, many wonder if it’s really any of Cheshire’s doing?
Many would describe her as her own type of crazy, as many of Wonderland’s residents don’t really understand the outside’s world’s way of thinking with Cheshire being a somewhat exception. She doesn’t eat the teacups or dunk her tea cakes in water before she eats them? Bizarre. And what’s wifi? Humans stare at a glass box all day? WHat’s the point? She tries many times to explain these things to them with Cheshire chuckling behind her but to no avail. Living in Wonderland has it’s perks though. No taxes or other annoying people. Almost no real danger. And she’s always preferred surrounding herself with magic. She sometimes does miss the human world and sometimes her and Cheshire would take trips there or a special place know as Safe Haven.
Allison used to have regular brown eyes to go along with her strawberry blonde hair. Being introduced to Wonderland’s madness filled magic as a child and then as an adult may have caused the red madness in her eyes. While not magical herself, she often carries a magical umbrella that when opened can fly her anywhere and can somewhat understand the laws of the strange land.
Cheshire C. At: The last living Cheshire cat, his anscestor’s were helpers of witches and created the stereotype of witches having cats as helpers. They were often tasked with helping the humans or ‘Lost Ones’ that stumble into wonderland back to the human world. 
Cheshire is a....interesting one to be sure. He often speaks in riddles or rymthes and acts like a crazy ringleader. As if the world is his own personal circus. He loves doing all the normal cat things like climbing trees and purring, you can often find him in trees. He LOVES to cause mischief and often chuckles at everyone’s reaction, but tones it down around Allison. His more chaotic magic includes flying, detaching his head and segments of his tail, going to and fro from the human world, teleporting others, summoning objects, and turning invisible. No one knows the full force of his magic, but he sometimes uses his cane as a wand. While egotistic and eccentric, he treats Allsion pretty fairly and often the two could be scene trolling around the local upside-down houses or sipping koolaid from teacups. Typical bff stuff. But deep down he’s pretty lonely and a bit paranoid about those in power. After the incident with his past, he’s not ready to let go of certain feelings yet.
Cheshire resides in a giant tent in the middle of the Wonder Woods where he’ll perform and just go about his daily business. He has an incredible singing voice and talent for the art for performing, romance, comedy, tragedy, etc. He often draws a crowd. His most proud feature is his eyes
Deedee and Dumea Twiddle: (I don’t know they’re real names but because there’s 2 of them I headcannon they’re the equlivant of Twiddle dee and Dumb from Alice in Wonderland. Plus Dumea is Hebrew for silent so this will come in handy.) The troublesome conjoined twins works for Queen Heart’s court mostly as entertainers in her ring and as a call by friend of course, but basically a spy. The three get along pretty easily and often just as vain and rude as their queen. Despite that, both are very good singers and performers. Often using performances to gather info from the ones who come and watch them perform or too jump bask in the spotlight.
Deedee Twiddle: (the head with short dark pink hair) The more talkative of the two and just LOVES to gossip and spread rumors about others. Strangely very good at gathering information for her Queen’s subjects and will often talk for both of them. Often very vain like her Queen and will spend literally HOURS getting their outfits and makeup in line. Very protective of her Quuen and younger sister(by a minute) and will be the first to snap and get into heated arguments with others.
Dumea Twiddle: (the second head with whiteish hair) Dumea like her name says, is mostly silent most of the time. The only times she will talk is when performing with her sister, or in private and she barely talks in private as well. She usually communicates with facial expressions. Her sister can seem to know what she’s thinking all the time and can have arguments or full conversations with Dumea just making faces or nodding her head (think of Sven and Christoph from Frozen). While usually taking a step back and letting Deedee do the talking, she can be just as sudistic and rude with her snobby glares and scoffs.
Mad Hatter: As the name applies, a crazy little man who LOVES wearing his many hats and enjoys tea and tea parties. This little wackadoodle has a whole collection of hats, cards, teacups, teapots and things covered in polka dots around his home. Marsh Hare is always scolding him and trying to get him to organize the place but strangely enough he knows where everything is under the stuff including their pet mouse. You’ll often never see him without his favorite hat or polka dot suit. Just don’t touch the hat. SERIOUSLY. DO. NOT. TOUCH IT!
(In one pic Vivz drew the Mad Hatter and Marsh Hare hugging really cutely so I don’t know if they’re together or not so just bare with me on this next bit) Mad Hatter is often seen outside of the home he shares with the Marsh Hare having wild tea parties and is open to anybody coming and joining in. Anyone’s welcome! His personality is upbeat and very happy and energetic 24/7. He loves to make people smile and isn’t beyond physical affection like hugs. But if you join his party prepare to be sun A Very Happy Un-Birthday, see dancing teapots and edible cups, lots of tea, and maybe even another song or two. He’s very close with his roommate the Marsh Hare, the two go with each other hand n hand and often hare will be the one to calm Hatter down if he gets a little too wild for their guests. The two often share many hugs and physical affections like cuddles, so it makes others wonder if they’re just really close friends or secret lovers.
Fun Fact: His nose honks if you boop it and his favorite guests are Cheshire and Allison. Cheshire and him loves singing together and Allison is so interesting. Telling stories about humans that make no sense.
Marsh Hare: The comical companion of the eccentric Mad Hatter. Marsh Hare is very similar to the Mad Hatter but more calmer and can think a bit more down to earth. But the two get along very well with each other. The two share a house and a pet mouse together and try as he might, he always seems to be the one to try and somewhat organize the place. But his definition of organizing was to put his own clutter on his side of the house and move Hatter’s stuff in a pile of his own. He actually doesn’t like polka dots that much but all his clothes are made by Hatter so you’ll often see the two in matching outfits. 
While he is not the best singer, he’ll often join his friend is songs while singing offkey and downing Tea like crazy. Funny enough Marsh hates being referred to as a bunny or rabbit(or heaven forbid rodent) and will often go out of his way to correct others and insist on being called a hare.
Fortune Teller: The mysterious moth that resides in the mushroom fields. Not many know of him or his true intentions, but he’s a master of telling people major events of their futures using his crystal ball. While he can’t see into the future, he can see certain events or most likely moments to happen to someone in the future. Not that it’ll be any help to him anyhow, but it’s entertaining to say the least. He doesn’t get many visitors and when he does, he loves to spook them with fake chants and his creepy demeanor. 
Because of his appearance many mistake him for a female but he doesn’t mind and usually doesn’t correct them much. He has a bad smoking habit and often carry around his pipe and make it blow different colors, usually a dark pink or red color. Adds to his creepy demeanor. His most amusing visitors are the Queen and Allison. He likes to see the usually demanding Queen squirm in his presence as she lightly demands to know her future or things in the other Card kingdoms, he enjoys seeing the change in personality. And Allison is always such a sweet polite girl. But very strage. Exotic even.
Queen Heart: One of the Four rulers of Wonderland, the Queen of Hearts doesn’t have the best reputation because of what her family did and whatshe does, but she is much better compared to her ancestors. She doesn’t really behead anyone after her mother, but likes to threaten her subjects with the dungeon very much. The Queen can easily be described as vain, spoiled, cruel, and not an easy likable person. But really she’s paranoid about everything. She’s swore to never put herself through the past, so what’s the best way to go Once a month, the Queen puts on a performance of sorts staring her and her crew and invites the other rulers as a sort of peace offering when in reality it’s to check up on them to sense any threats. And to of course satisfy her lust for performance. She’s always been one for the center of attention.
She honestly does have a wonderful voice and runs her kingdom as her own personal stage with her as the ringleader. She believes she’s doing everyone a favor by being strict and making them follow her orders and in her own way ‘protecting’ them to make up for the blood at the hands of her family. As Queen she has hundreds of subjects to boss around and card guards as her subjects. Owns 1/4 of Wonderland as one of the 4 card rulers but the most wide known. 
Gets along best with the Twiddle sisters and maaaaayybeee the Fortune Teller. She really doesn’t like how he’s able to bring out certain emotions of hers and only goes when her paranoia allows. She absolutely Loathes Cheshire with his condenscending ways and stupid teases, but she wouldn’t hurt him. Not after the past. She....doesn’t know how to feel about the ‘Lost Ones’ personally hasn’t been one since Allison and she prefers to keep it that way. But you bet she was going to keep a very close eye on that girl.
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 5 years
 Duncan: *approaches the library desk* "..." *rings the bell--*
Poe: "EEEEEK!" *falls back*
Duncan: "..." *drops a pile of books* "Isn't there usually another librarian here?"
rowena: she's currently out on a mission.
Poe: "S-She's on a mission?" *picks himself up*
Duncan: "..."
*the books seem to be about weapon abilities...*
Poe: *flipping through the books, and as he scans one--*
Duncan: *spots an image of something called the Holy Sword* "What is--"
rowena: isnt that-
Duncan: "?!! I was reading that--"
rowena: 0____0
hiro: trust me, the less known about that-...that THING...the better!
Duncan: "..." *wipes his eyes*
EF: *enters, panting* h-hiro..h-how do you even run that fast?
hiro: sixth sense.
Poe: "Oh, that's fascinating! Look, Rowena--psychic abilities..."
Duncan: *grabs the books, hugging them close as he walks away*
EF: *notices him* ??
rowena: is that true?!
hiro: only in regards to this subject.
rowena: is that so? could it be....you're a descendant of king arthur pendragon himself?!
*loud steps are heard running into the library*
rowena: hmm?
*the doors kick open--as Arthur slams his foot into Hiro's head*
EF: D8
Poe: >3< "Shhh!"
EF:.....perhaps it's best not to question it anymore. *sweatdrop*
present mic: you guys ever think about having kids?
midnight: *SPITTAKE*
blood king: what brought this up?!
present mic: *shrug*
Aizawa: "...I already have cats and 2 morons."
midnight: oh, i could never have kids. i mean, i could, but i dont think i'd be able to look after small children. they may be cute, but they're crafty little buggers.
present mic: is it cuz your paranoid they'll get into your stash of stuff?
Aizawa: -_______-
*knock on the door*
blood king: ??
Shinso: *slides the door open...he's with Yuuji*
Aizawa: "Oh, there you are. Finish cleaning up?"
yuuji: yeah.
Shinso: *writes on whiteboard* <I can keep them quiet.>
yuuji: well, i've had several younger siblings during my times in foster care, so i think i can handle them well enough.
blood king: *ahem* as i myself was about to say, my sister sometimes asks me to look after her little ones. *shows a picture on his phone of two young boys and a young girl, all with the same hair color and fangs as him*
Aizawa: "..."
Shinso: <Strong family resemblance.>
blood king: they certainly are popular among my students.
{pony: SO CUUUTE!!}
{itsuka: they look just like you!}
{shouda: i wonder if their quirks will be the same as his.}
{kinoko: dude, that's rad}
yuuji: i see.
Aizawa: "You stop class to show baby photos?"
blood king: -_-; this was during homeroom.
Aizawa: "Still class."
blood king: >n<
midnight: boys, just because we're talking about children doesnt mean you should be acting like children.
Shinso: <Ha.>
Chuuya: *lying back in a beach chair* =u=
miyuri: *pokes a hole in the sand with her shovel until a crab comes out* oh!
Crab: "..." *steps to the side*
miyuri: *staring intently, with shiny eyes*
Crab: "..." *steps again to the side, picking at the sand*
sonia: *collecting rocks and shells*
*there's a shiny rock by the tide*
sonia: *picks it up*
*it sparkles like diamond under the sunlight*
sonia: *puts it into her bucket and walks over to chuuya*
Chuuya: *stretches* *looks* "Hey! How you enjoying the beach?"
sonia: pretty good. i found this.
Chuuya: "Wow, that's shiny!"
-near the rocks, the sound of a little girl crying can be heard-
miyuri: ??
sonia: do you hear that?
???: *sniffle* waaaah! mamai! w-whe-where are you? *crying*
miyuri: *goes over*
sonia: miyuri!
miyuri: *peeeeeeks*
-there's a young girl sitting on one of the rocks, her lower half not visible from where miyuri is standing-
miyuri: HI FRIEND!
girl: ?!?!?!? *turns to look*
Chuuya: "..."
sonia: are you alright? we wont hurt you, promise.
girl: um..i-i...i got lost a-and i-i cant f-find my mu-mama. *hic*
Chuuya: "Where did you last see her?"
girl: w-we were going t-to the docks b-bu-but then i got s-swept up in the current.
sonia: ?? !!! papa....her lower half....
-the girl has no legs.....but a tail?-
Chuuya: "...Forgive me being obtuse, but are you a mermaid?"
girl: *nods* i-i came with mamai for her job. sh-she trades pearls with the land people. b-but i-i dont know where she iiiis! *crying*
miyuri:...it's ok! we'll help you find your mommy!
girl: y-you will?
Chuuya: *looking around* "Maybe the docks, but that's some distance."
miyuri: miyuyu....ah! miyuri has an idea! *drawing something in the sand*
sonia: ??
-miyuri has drawn a walking bathtub full of ocean water-
miyuri: TADA!
girl: oh!!
Chuuya: ._.; "That's something alright. Let's help you in, um...What's your name?"
girl: my name's Elodie.
Chuuya: "Okay, let's help you in, Elodie."
Crona: *lying down* "..."
mami: *sitting next to them* how are you feeling?
Crona: "I feel wiped out--like every bit of energy pulled out of me."
mami: i could imagine.....im just....so glad you're alright....
Crona: *weak smile, sniffles* "I-I'm not sure what to feel."
mami: well. im hoping for the best...*pats their hand*
Crona: "Hee..."
mami:...*gently kisses their knuckles*
Crona: =\\\\= "Mami..."
mami: ^////^ your blushing is different now.
Crona: "Wh-What?!" O\\\\o
mami: *hands them a pocket mirror* the color's different now, see? it's more of a pink color now.
Crona: "... ... ..." *crying*
mami: !!!!
Crona: T~T "I-I can't believe all of this..."
Crona: *hugging her* "I-I am happy but scared...Mami..."
mami:....it'll be ok....its going to be ok.....
Crona: *nod nod* "*hic*"
Asher: *sitting at a fast food restaurant with a box of chicken nuggets in front of them* "..." *has been dunking one in ketchup for a minute*
izumi: hey, you ok?
Asher: "Hmm? Yeah. Why?" *the entire nugget is just ketchup now*
izumi: your nugget....
Asher: "...I was wondering why my fingers felt gross." *wipes them on a napkin* "Distracted."
izumi:...wanna talk about it or...
Asher: "...Just the training camp..."
Asher: "...You could've gotten killed."
Asher: "...I wasn't of any help."
izumi: that's not true, you helped zeke.
Asher: "But not to you. I don't know what exactly a weapon is supposed to do when--whatever that thing was attacked..."
Asher: "I don't know that I could've done anything...You seemed to reach her well enough."
izumi:....i guess so.....i could have easily just left her behind, after everything she did......
Asher: "But that's not who you are."
izumi: if i did leave then, i wouldnt have been able to forgive myself...
Asher: *nods* "That makes sense...You're a good person."
izumi: so are you.
Asher: "...Thanks."
sonia: there's the docks.
Chuuya: *guiding the bathtub* *looks around*
-a woman in the water is talking to a man in a boat, she seems frantic-
elodie: !!!! mamai!!
Elodie's Mother: "?!!" *turns* "Elodie!" *swims towards them*
miyuri: *waves*
elodie: *jumps into the water and hugs* TT~TT
Elodie's Mother: *stroking her head* "My poor baby! I was scared to death!"
miyuri: miyuri, sonia, and papa found her by the rocks and helped her find you! ^^
Elodie's Mother: *shaking, looking at them* "Th-Thank you..."
miyuri: you're welcome. ^^
Chuuya: "Y-Yeah..." ("Didn't think I'd see a mermaid.")
Monica: -_-# "So, you going to rat me out to Mom and Dad?"
lorenzo: well, obviously they need to know what happened, right?
Monica: >_<# "You don't have to narc on me to them about a two-week suspension! Just make something up!"
lorenzo: hmmm. how about we break your leg?
Monica: "?!! YOU WOULDN'T! R-Right?"
lorenzo: <chill sis> im bluffing.
Monica: -~-; "Ha ha..." <Asshole.>
lorenzo: well, mom and papi are probably still at work, so you want something to eat in the meantime?
Monica: "Duh--I was stuck in the desert and then getting poked and prodded at school all day--I'm starving."
lorenzo: anything in mind? *putting on the apron*
Monica: "Whatever is fastest--even leftovers."
Saria: *texting* [i think i'm on house arrest for the next millennium. : p ]
hibiki: [ouch, that bad huh?]
Saria: [the dads were not pleased. but i think they'll calm down with time. how are u?]
hibiki: [death by lecture from the fam via phonecall #riparroni]
Saria: [oh no! i'm sorry. are u alright?]
hibiki: [it's cool. axel + zeke got a lot of shit from their mom, tho. other than that, all good]
-zeke joined the chat-
Saria: [speaking of which...]
zeke: [axel's writing his will as we speak. he wants the space jam theme played at his funeral]
hibiki: [is that meme still a thing? wtf?]
zeke: [memes R forever]
Axel: [it makes my heart soar. like that song]
hibiki: *she sends a pic of herself facepalming*
Saria: [ ^^; i see u 2 are in well enough spirits]
Axel: [i am happy not to be dead]
miura: sir? are you drunk? -_-;
Mori: *hic* "I'm so lonely!!!"
elise: sucks to be you.
Mori: TT~TT "So mean!"
miura: -_-; why not call up an escort?
Mori: *sniff* "My favorite blacklisted me."
elise: not surprised.
Mori: "I need to find an-an-another..."
miura: then why not try a dating site?
Mori: "R-Really?"
miura: it's worth a try, isnt it?
Mori: "...Elise, bring me my laptop."
higuchi: ...gin, did you feel that too?
Gin: "Oh, yeah."
higuchi: *urk*
Gin: -~- "I'll get the ginger ale."
Kid: "Stocking, come to bed--you can continue tomorrow."
stocking: just...a little....*yaaaaAAAAWWWwwn* more....
Kid: *holds her up* "It'll be here tomorrow. Let's get you some sleep."
stocking: =~=
Kid: ^^; *walks with her*
Kau'i: *crushes a soda can on his forehead* "That was insane! What the hell was that black stuff?!"
dagon: i'll start looking into it now, sir.
audrey: Q~Q i've never been so scared in my whole life!
Derek: "Quite scary indeed." *shivers* "I don't think that was what Mr. Barret was anticipating on this trip."
lumina: do you think it could have been related to the moon incident?
nisha: that's a possibility.
Kau'i: *suddenly has a giant muffin in his mouth* "Huh? What Moon thing?"
lumina: didnt you see the news? *pulls up an article*
Kau'i: *munch, chew, swallow* "I don't read the news. That's how you end up having to debate people who really think the Earth revolves around the Sun."
Derek: "..." *opens his mouth...then just shuts up*
Ragnarok: *gobbling Jell-O* "OH MY DEATH, MY TASTE BUDS ARE INCREDIBLE!!!" *shakes an empty glass* "MORE MILK!"
nurse: how much is he going to eat? .____.;;;
Blair: *hiding behind the nurse* "I don't know--and I'm really scared!" >~<
Crona: .______________.
mami: oh dear.....
Ragnarok: *staring at Crona and Mami* "...Dang, Crona, you look scrawnier from this angle!"
Crona: >_<; "It's not my fault that I had to eat for both of us all this time!"
mami: hmm. that just leaves the rooming situation...
Ragnarok: "... ... ...I don't think the bed is big enough."
mami: you're on the couch.
Ragnarok: "WHAT?! We're not even going to flip Crona for it?!"
Crona: "Flip a coin!"
Ragnarok: "You heard what I said!"
mami: *protective hug for chrona as she GLARES at ragnarok*
Ragnarok: *frowns...then opens his mouth, a giant slithering pink tongue blowing a raspberry and revealing rows of teeth*
mami: ._.;
Crona: O_O; "What the heck kind of body did they give you?!"
Ragnarok: "...The kind that lets me lick the peanut butter out of the bottom of the jar now--WOOT!"
Black Star: *holding the broken sink...as the pipe that once connected it is leaking water* O_O;
himawari: D8
tsubaki: what on earth??
Black Star: "I DON'T KNOW MY OWN STRENGTH RIGHT NOW, AND IT'S FREAKING ME OUT!" *steps forward--and his foot falls through the bathroom tile* "SHIT!"
tsubaki:....im calling stein.
Black Star: "This can't get any worse--"
*Black Star crashes through the floor*
Black Star: "AAAAAAAH--"
Chuuya: *studying a string of pearls*
miyuri: *asleep*
Chuuya: *sets them down* "Did you have fun, Sonia?"
Chuuya: "Same. We'll have more tomorrow."
sonia:....im glad....we helped elodie find her mama......
Chuuya: "..." *nods*
sonia:.....it must be nice. being hugged by a mama....
Chuuya: "Sonia..."
sonia:....am i a bad person? for being jealous of her?
Chuuya: "No--feeling that way is completely normal. What we do with those feelings is what matters."
sonia:.....may i have a hug?
Chuuya: "Always..." *hug*
sonia: thanks papa.....
Chuuya: "You're welcome. I love you."
Harvar: "Ugh, no one here sees anything..."
kim: they seem a bit hesitant....
Jacqueline: "Give them time to get used to us..."
kim: what are we even supposed to be doing on this mission again anyway?
Harvar: "Locals and their livestock and crops have gone missing."
kim: ah.
Jacqueline: "Disappearances tend to happen overnight, so we'll need shifts to be nightguards."
ox: right.
Thunder: *yawns* =A=
-the next day-
suzune: *yaaaawn*
arisa: wakey wakey! we have a busy day today!
Chisato: *making breakfast*
suzune:.....how long have we been in kamihama now? -_-;;
Matsuri: "Quite a while, actually." *sets out a cereal bowl*
Kid: *yawns...reaches across the bed--and finds it empty* "???" *sniffs*
stocking: *looking exhausted* good morning darling. =u=
Kid: "??? Hey. Were you working again?"
stocking: yes.
Kid: ^^ *leads her to bed* "Now, lie down, and think of pleasant, happy dreams."
gin: ryuu, its time for breakfast!
Akutagawa: *grumbles*
gin: we're making omurice!
Akutagawa: "..." *walks out* "Coming."
higuchi: looks like theres going to be a night market at the park tonight.
Akutagawa: "Hmm." *nom* "You going?"
higuchi: yeah, might find some nice deals. ^^
Gin: "We could use something to make the living room look a bit more complete. Maybe a sculpture."
Black Star: *sticks out his tongue*
Stein: *looking in his mouth* "Well, it's not fuzzy..."
nurse valentine: *taking notes*
Stein: "Well, it's obviously a soul strengthening that is channeling your latent and trained muscular power to exert greater force."
Black Star: "... ...Obviously. Now put it in a way I can understand."
Stein: "Whatever has altered in the atmosphere is giving your soul more power, which is strengthening your body."
Black Star: "..." *rubs his eyes, then looks at Valentine--* "?!!!!"
nurse valentine: what he said.
Black Star: "Nah, nurse--what the hell is that stuff on you?!"
Stein: "..." *looks* "There's nothing on her."
*Black Star is seeing...something glowing around her and Stein...*
nurse valentine: what exactly do you see?
Black Star: "It's all glowy and wavy!"
nurse valentine: *glances at stein*
Stein: "I see...Your soul perception up to now has been pathetic. Now this power boost is letting you see them--"
Stein: *dripping wet* "..."
Black Star: *holding an empty glass* "...IT'S STILL THERE!"
nurse valentine: -____-;; i see his mental perception still leaves much to be desired...
Stein: "Small miracles..." *takes a surgical cloth to wipe his glasses, while looking at Black Star...he sees his soul* "But it is as I said: his power is increasing. And given what happened to Crona, I would not ignore the common cause."
nurse valentine: meaning this is related to what happened with the moon....
Stein: "A power...out of madness."
atsushi: *yaaaaaawn* -~-;;
Kyoka: "Good morning."
atsushi: i see you're already awake.
sylvia: *resting on the couch*
Kyoka: *sets out rice* "Yes. What would you like to drink?"
atsushi: some milk would be fine.
Kyoka: *nods* *walks to the fridge, looking out the window* "...Oh."
atsushi: *goes over to look*
*Dazai is setting up bricks in the yard*
atsushi: *sigh* i'll go check it out. i'll get the mail too while im down there. *exits and heads over to where dazai is* do i even want to know?
Dazai: *sets a board over the bricks* "Good morning, Atsushi! I'm making a see-saw!"
atsushi: for...?
Dazai: "The baby, of course!" *stands on one side of the board* "See? Then I add the hinge to let it swing up and down."
atsushi: i see. *examining the see-saw* points for innovation, but im not sure it's exactly....child safe. *sweatdrop*
Dazai: "Fortunately, I have determined a good way to test this." *looks up to the tree* "Okay, Kenji--let 'er rip!"
kenji: *waves*
atsushi: O____O;;;
Dazai: *readies himself*
kenji: *drops an old car onto the board*
*Dazai goes flying up--and crashes into barrels behind him*
atsushi: *wince*
Dazai: "I'm okay! ...Oh, I found a mouse--AH, GOD, MY FACE!"
chie: *filling up a kiddy pool*
Yohei: "Looking forward to this, kiddos?"
io: yappi!
toru: ah!
Tool: "Careful with that--maybe a floatie is needed..." *holds up a rubber ducky to Io*
io: *squeaks it* *laughs*
Yohei: "Cute." *picks up Toru, carefully putting him into the pool*
toru: *splashes his hands on the water*
Yohei: *rubs his own arm* "You seem pleased."
Tool: "Up you go..." *lifts Io and puts them into the pool*
Chuuya: *looking under the bed* "??? Um, Mito? Mito? Where are you..."
mito: *mrrp* *sitting on the couch*
Chuuya: *stands up--and hits his head under the bed* "OW!" *looks at the couch* "Ugh...There you are."
mito: *purrs*
Chuuya: *strokes her back* "Where did you run off to?"
Crona: *looking out the window*
lord death: good morning.
Crona: "Oh...Hello, sir."
lord death: how are you feeling?
Crona: "Okay...A little different."
lord death: *nods* i see.
Crona: "...Thank you for this. I never felt I deserve this..."
lord death: it's not about 'deserving' or not.
Crona: "I-I'm sorry--I'm not used to thinking that way."
lord death: it's quite alright. have you had breakfast yet today?
Crona: *shakes their head* "Still getting used to adjusted hunger--as I'm not two people now."
lord death: ah... well, im going to be doing a soul scan for you now, to see how the proporties of your soul have changed.
Crona: *gulps* "I-I see...Or don't. Should I be worried?"
lord death: not to worry, this will only take a moment, and it's painless.
Crona: "..." *nods* *sits still*
lord death: hmm, interesting.
Crona: .~.;
lord death: seems you have magic potential within you. although given your parentage, i suppose this is unsurprising.
Crona: "...It's a little surprising!" *looks at their hands* "I never tried..."
lord death: never to late to learn, i suppose.
Crona: "Who would even teach me?"
lord death: i can think of a few people...
Kimizuki: *staring at his phone*
hyakuya: *taps her foot as she stares out the window* boooriiiiing.....
Kimizuki: "It's called off-time. Enjoy it."
Yoichi: *reading a newspaper*
mitsuba:.....how about we go over to the batting cages?
Yoichi: "Oh, fun!"
Kimizuki: "Hmm...Could be good for aim."
hyakuya: sounds great!
-and so-
Yoichi: *puts on the helmet--and it's too big* ._.;
mitsuba: ^w^ not to brag, but i _was_ on my elementary school's baseball team as a kid.
shinoa: i think i remember that. you were known as the blonde ogress who made 5 boys cry.
mitsuba: >n<#
Yoichi: ^^; *backs away*
Kimizuki: "Checks out."
mitsuba: HEY! D8<
hyakuya: loser buys lunch! *takes her stance*
Yoichi: "Good luck!"
-the ball is thrown-
hyakuya: *swings....letting go of the bat and getting hit in the face* GRF-
Kimizuki: "..." *facepalm*
Yoichi: D8 "Oh no!"
hyakuya: *nose bleeding* IM OUT OF PRACTICE! CUT ME SOME SLACK! >n<
mitsuba: that.....that was the worst baseball fail ever......in the history of literally everything.
Yoichi: *offers tissues*
-shinoa's phone dials-
shinoa: ?? *answers* hello~? ^^
Guren: "Mission briefing in 10 minutes."
shinoa: ok. we got a mission
Kimizuki: "Oh, joy. So much for rest."
mitsuba: *pouts*
chess: hmm.... im soo booooored!
crowley: *checking his phone* ooh! text from ferid!
chess: oooh! what'd he say!
crowley: you know that guy shahal?
chess: he's in charge of keeping livestock, right?
crowley: well, apparently he's been neglecting his duties as of late, and several humans have escaped.
Horn: "Oh, that's no good. Is our priority to retrieve the humans, or punish Shahal?"
crowley: given how often humans make more humans, i say our main priority for now is shahal.
Horn: "...Flawless logic. Very well."
stocking: *checking recipes*
Rin: *tapping his fingers* "So what're you thinking?"
stocking: im thinking a brownie coffin filled with little candies for the desert.
Rin: "Oh, creative! Would definitely appeal to the Death Children..." *opens a book* "How many courses is this again?"
Giriko: "Then the entire blob thing went *BOOM* and took out Gruk, too."
arachne: hmmm....this is rather concerning...
Giriko: "What you think it was?"
arachne: *takes out her journal* since i've lost most of my old spellbooks, i've taken notes in here......just as i suspected. it's likely black blood.
Giriko: "Uuuuuum..."
arachne: what?
Giriko: "Isn't that what your dipshit sister worked on?"
arachne: *nods* according to lord death, she's still at large somewhere, supposedly....
Medusa: "... ... ..." *rubs her nose* *looks along the forest path*
-it's surprisingly dark and a bit foggy-
Medusa: *holds up a small orb...something shines inside, pointing to the left* "..." *turns left*
shinoa: *takes a seat*
-at the other end of the table, a woman seems to be distressed. -
Kimizuki: *holding a notepad* "We received initial details. Tell us about her."
woman: *sniffles* y-yes. about two weeks ago, my daughter, riko was abducted by a vampire.
shinoa: guren told us that one of your maids made a sketch of the vampire, correct?
Kimizuki: *looking*
riko's mother: of course. *hands them the sketch* i-i-im not sure how accurate it is, but-
Kimizuki: "No, this is useful."
hyakuya: hmm. how exactly are we going to find him?
Kimizuki: "Good old fashion sleuthing."
-in a room in an old cathedral, a young girl is looking out the window-
Shahal: "Back away from there."
girl: *looks over at him*
Shahal: "You don't want to fall down--it's not the best window." *holds up a plate* "Sugar cookie?"
girl:....um....*gingerly takes one*
Shahal: "I hope they're okay. You need milk, Lana?"
girl: t-they're alright....a-and i already told you, my name isnt lana, it's riko.
Shahal: "??? Since when? Is this some phase? Like when I insisted on wearing my shirt backwards--"
riko: erm.... ^^;
???: "Oh, wow--a pet?"
riko: ??
Shahal: "?!" *stands up sharply*
horn: so _this_ is why you've been abandoning your post, shahal?
chess: aww, she's so cute! *grabs her*
riko: *yells*
chess: she's so adorable, i could just EAT HER UP! *bears fangs with a feral fervor*
Shahal: *grabs Chess by the neck--and tosses her into the wall*
horn: !!!!
chess: OWIE! >n< ugh, so RUDE!
horn: such ungentlemanly conduct...
Shahal: "Back away from her. She is not a part of this."
horn: oh? it looks to me that she's the reason for our little visit.
riko: *trembling*
Shahal: "State your business and leave us be."
chess: jeez, if you're gonna be so hostile, maybe we _wont_ tell you that an extermination group is coming for you tonight~ whoopsie~ i let it slip~ *cute fist bonk on her head as she winks with her tongue out*
Shahal: "What?!" *looking out the window* "..." *studying different escape paths*
horn:.....unless you're going to return to your post and hand the girl over as livestock-
Shahal: "Lana stays here!"
horn:....very well, you've made your decision. but when death is at your doorstep and that girl is taken and drained of every last drop of blood in her, dont come crying to us. come chess, let's go.
chess: yes ma'am!
Shahal: "..."
riko: *still trembling*
Shahal: "Hey, it's going to be okay."
Crona: *buttoning up*
mami: *waiting outside the room*
Blair: *brings up the wheelchair* "Crona almost done?"
mami: i think so....
Crona: *buzzes the button* "I'm done"
mami: *opens the door*
Crona: *in jeans and a black t-shirt...smiles*
peg: we got this one too. *brings out ragnarok...strapped to a gurney a la hannibal lector*
Crona: *holds Mami close* "Don't look behind you." ^^;;;;;;
Blair: O_O;
Ragnarok: "Hello, nurse." *slithering tongue noises*
mami: ......
peg: mister dont _make_ me put the mask back on. -_-#
Ragnarok: "Look, I just got this body, and I got years of experiences to make up for it. I've already exhausted myself on 2 out of 7 deadly sins--want to go for 3 more?"
Ragnarok: "?!!!" *looks away* >_>;;;
Black Star: *meditating--under a giant waterfall*
child: mama, what's that guy doing?
Mother: "Oh, I think I saw this in a kung fu movie once! Warriors do that for training to improve their minds."
child: wow cool!
Mother: "I wonder whether it's working--"
Black Star: *collapses under the water*
Chuuya: "Careful not to tap on the glass." *looking at the fish tank*
miyuri: *face plastered against the glass* oooooh!
Fish: O_O *swims away afraid*
sonia: *looking*
*there's a hermit crab on the tank floor, changing into a new shell*
sonia: .....
Chuuya: "Really surprising creatures, aren't they?"
sonia: yeah....
Chuuya: "...I think they let you hold a sea urchin..."
sonia: ??
Chuuya: "Those little spiny sea creatures."
sonia: wont they hurt?
Chuuya: "The trainer shows you how to cup your hand so it won't."
sonia: ....
Chuuya: *looks*
-seems to be some kind of whale-
Chuuya: "?! Wow!"
Chuuya: "Y-Yes, indeed..."
Mori: *seated at the outdoor cafe table, sipping a coffee* "..." *looks around, then at his phone* *texts* [she's not here]
miura: [perhaps give it some more time?]
Mori: [it's already been 20 min]
Waiter: "Refill, sir?"
Mori: "...Check, please."
Kurogiri: "Okay, take a deep breath, and let's retrace your steps."
Dabi: *whistles* "Yo." *waves a hand...holding a hand*
tomura: *looks*
*two of the fingers are curled into a circle*
tomura: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-.....one day i will kill you in your sleep.
Dabi: "Sure." *tosses it*
spinner: bold move, my dude.
Kurogiri: "...I'm confused."
Dabi: "Please, I'm no hero. Literally."
banshee:.....we _are_ professional villains, arent we? -_-;
Kurogiri: "We try."
*knock on Kanin's apartment door*
amelia: *peeks out the peep hole*
*looks to be Genny, Duncan, and some others*
amelia: kanin, we have guests.
free: *wave* ^^
Kanin: *cooking* "??? Oh...Hello." *aspects of his werewolf appearance remain but have gradually reverted back to slightly more human*
lei-lei: how're you feeling? we brought some ingredients for a hotpot! ^^
Kanin: "...I'm fine." *takes the ingredients* "...Um...Amelia, can you see about more chairs?"
amelia: *nods*
Kanin: "...I-I'll be busy cooking. Help yourselves to..." *gestures to an old-fashion candy bowl full of what can be described as grandparents' candy choices, as he hurries away*
Duncan: *picks a piece of candy--that is stuck to the top of the pile of them* -_-; "Old fashioned... ...You know, maybe he needs help in the kitchen."
hyakuya: .......
Kimizuki: *looking through binoculars*
mitsuba: see anything?
Kimizuki: "The door looks like it was forced open."
mitsuba: should we go in?
Kimizuki: "I think when it gets darker."
{Mika: *sad smile*}
hyakuya: *bites her lip*
hyakuya: !!!...im fine. dont worry about it....
Yoichi: "..."
-that night-
Shahal: *standing guard*
riko: *asleep*
{???: big brother?}
{Shahal: *shivering* "Yes?"}
{girl: will we be able to eat soon?}
{Shahal: "Yes, soon...Just be patient. Please..."}
Shahal: "Not again...I'm protecting you this time."
shinoa: *looks inside* ok, this should be the back entrance...
Kimizuki: "How reliable was your intelligence?"
shinoa: i chatted up some urban explorers for advice. ^^
mitsuba: so far so good.....
Yoichi: *looking at the stairs...they look rotted*
hyakuya: this place sure has seen better days....
Kimizuki: "So keep an eye for debris used for this vamp to hide."
shinoa: and keep silent. our primary objective is to retrieve riko.
Yoichi: *nods*
hyakuya: ????
Kimizuki: "?!" *aims*
???: spread out, he should be here somewhere.
???: of course, lady enacotta.
rubile: *grins* (once i claim that traitor's head, i'll go up in the ranks for sure!)
mitsuba: *whisper* shit, vampires? here?
shinoa: this is bad. if they're here for shahal, then riko's at risk as well...
Kimizuki: "...Then we need to find her first. With the stairs broken, he's likely holding her upstairs to discourage people following up."
hyakuya: i'll look for a way up.
Kimizuki: "While we keep the vampires away..."
hyakuya: *nods and heads off*
Kimizuki: *following the vampires' path*
vampire: *looking around*
Kimizuki: *hides behind the vamp...readies his sword*
vampire: ?? *turns*
vampire: GRK-
Kimizuki: *stabs them through the chest*
vampire: *SCREAM*
Kimizuki: *beheads*
Shahal: "?!!!"
riko: hnn??
Shahal: "Shh."
riko: what's going on?
Shahal: *quietly* "Come on. Hide in here..." *leads her to a wardrobe in the attic* "Stay here."
rubile: *slashing with her sword*
mitsuba: *blocking with her axe*
Yoichi: *behind debris, aiming*
shinoa: take this! *SLASH*
vampire: GRAHH!
Yoichi: *fires off shots*
hyakuya: *looking around* (come on, there has to be something...)
*a brick in the side of the building falls, rolling down to her feet*
hyakuya: !! *looks up*
*a vampire can be seen scurrying down the hall--then blood splatters against the hallway wall*
hyakuya: .....*looking around for a way up*
*there are missing bricks in the wall--and a buttress above the window*
hyakuya:...that'll work. *spits on both her hands and rubs them together* here we go. *starts climbing*
*a window she passes breaks, as a vampire is tossed out of it*
hyakuya: OxO;;
*the noise seems to have stopped...*
hyakuya: *keeps climbing*
rubile: tch- damn...you humans dont know when to quit...*she's holding her arm, which has been cut along the bicep*
Kimizuki: "Call us stubborn." *aims*
rubile: *lunges at him*
vampire: lady enacotta! we need to retreat!
rubile: NO! we've come this far already, im not going to leave without our prize!
Kimizuki: *sweeps his leg at hers while he swings his blade at her neck*
rubile: !!! *dodge*
*there's a wardrobe*
hyakuya: *looks inside*
Riko: *curled up in the corner*
hyakuya: ...hey, it's ok.
Riko: "Wh-Who are you?"
hyakuya: you can call me akane. *small smile*
Riko: "...Are you a vampire?"
hyakuya:....no, im human, like you.
Riko: "...Like Shahal was."
hyakuya: shahal, that's the one who kidnapped you, right?....wait- so he wasnt born a vampire?
Riko: *shakes her head no* "He keeps calling me Lana. His sister. She died."
hyakuya:....how did you figure that part out?
Riko: "I-I kind of read his journal...Don't tell him I did that."
hyakuya: i wont...did he try to hurt you at all?
Riko: "No--he really misses his sister, and he keeps treating me like her."
hyakuya:.......(mika..........) do you miss your mom and dad?
Riko: *nods*
hyakuya:.....dont worry riko, i'll help you get back to your parents. you can count on us. *smiles*
Riko: "A-Are you going to hurt Shahal?"
hyakuya:....i'll try to talk to him.
mitsuba: WOAH!
Kimizuki: *crashes into furniture, collapsed*
mitsuba: *charges at him, yelling*
rubile: there you are! *charges at him as well*
Shahal: "..." *leaps just as they are close to him--*
rubile: *has her arm hacked off* *SCREAMS*
mitsuba: *gets her side sliced* GAH!!
Shahal: *grabs Mitsuba by her wrist* "Now leave."
hyakuya: HEY YOU!!
Shahal: "..." *holds Mitsuba up by the arm* *looks at Hyakuya* "Leave, before there is more bloodshed."
hyakuya: let her go!
Shahal: "Of course--" *and flings Mitsuba at Hyakuya*
mitsuba: oof! nngh....
hyakuya: mitsuba, are you alright?
mitsuba: bleeding, but otherwise just peachy.
Shahal: *aims at Shinoa*
hyakuya: leave my friends alone!
Shahal: "Leave my _family_ alone!"
hyakuya: your ‘family’ is dead!
Shahal: "?!!" *rushes at Hyakuya* "What did you do to Lana?!!"
hyakuya: i didnt do anything to her! that girl riko, she's not lana! i dont know what happened or how she died, but your sister isnt here anymore!
Shahal: "WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP LYING TO ME?!" *swings the blade at her head*
hyakuya: !!! *blocks with her own sword* im not lying!
Shahal: "Yes, you are! Everyone is trying to confuse me! But I remember what was done--and I am not letting you take Lana!" *presses the sword forward*
hyakuya: listen! i know what it's like, to lose a loved one. i've lost my parents, and my adoptive family, and every day it hurts thinking about what i could have done differently to save them, but the past is in the past, isnt it? the only thing left is to go forward. accept what's happened and move on, so quit living in the past and face reality already!!
Shahal: "..." *just staring at her* "...Lana..."
shinoa: *charges*
Kimizuki: *follows Shinoa--*
Yoichi: *gives them cover*
Shahal: "?!"
shinoa: take this!
Shahal: *tries to block--*
Shahal: *howls in pain*
hyakuya: please listen, i dont want to fight you, but if you dont stop this, i wont have any choice! you were human once, remember??
shinoa: (what on earth has gotten into her...?)
Shahal: *holding his arm* "Lana...stop this. I'm not human anymore--but I need to protect you!"
hyakuya: im not lana either! if you keep deluding yourself like this, you're only going to hurt yourself even more!
Shahal: "I'm willing to get hurt if it means my sister can live! I can't let her die!"
hyakuya: she's already dead!
Shahal: "She can't be!" *approaches Hyakuya* "Stop lying!"
Shahal: *stares wide-eyed*
riko: *collapses*
hyakuya: *stunned* !!!!!
Shahal: "N-No!" *cradles her* "Why would you do this?!"
riko: i-it's ok....it wasnt that deep of a cut...
hyakuya: riko....
Shahal: "...Riko..."
riko: *smiles* im not mad at you, shahal. because i think, despite everything...you're still a good person.
hyakuya:....*shaking slightly* mika.....
Shahal: *crying* "How can you think that? I thought..." *holds his head* "I'm so confused."
riko: you took care of me and made sure i was safe, and you never once bit me or drank my blood.
Shahal: "...I just wanted my sister back."
riko:....but im not her. i dont know how she died exactly, but im sure she misses you too...
Shahal: *sobbing* "I can never see her again..."
Shahal: *looks at Hyakuya* "Who...?"
hyakuya: my siblings....ferid killed them....i was....the only one who got away.....(liar...mika was.....)
Shahal: "...Oh God...I'm sorry..."
hyakuya: ever since then, i've hated vampires....and wanted nothing more than to kill every last one....but after seeing....my one sibling....mika....turned into one of them....and seeing this...i....i dont know what to think anymore...
Shahal: "...You end them."
hyakuya: ??
Shahal: "You don't leave one standing that can and will hurt humans, eventually."
hyakuya: ......
Shahal: "You can bring them peace...to let them die and reunite with their lost family."
hyakuya:...are you...asking me to kill you?
Shahal: "...Yes."
hyakuya: but what about riko-
Shahal: "She deserves to be with her family."
hyakuya:.....*bites her lip, clutching her sword*
-as the sun rises, hyakuya screams out, piercing her blade into shahal's heart-
Shahal: *shudders, coughs...starts to disintegrate at the heart...looks at the sun with a smile* "Lana...Thank you."
lana?: big brother!
-a spectral girl seems to be waving to him-
Shahal: "?!!!" *reaches up, his hand disintegrating as he does...*
lana?: i've been waiting for you for so long now! come on, i have lots of people to introduce you too!
-soon enough, they are both gone....-
mitsuba: hey....akane....
hyakuya: hehe...hehehehe....hahaha..HAHAHAHAHA!! *cackling madly*
Kimizuki: *grabs her by her shoulders* "Hyakuya! Hyakuya! Damn it, Akane, get a hold of yourself..."
hyakuya: *sharply inhales and starts hysterically sobbing into his chest*
Kimizuki: "..." *holds her, letting her cry*
shinoa:.....we should probably give riko first aid.
Yoichi: *holds up the kit*
Kid: "Absolutely adorable."
shiori: *in a new little jumper* lookie!
Kid: *shivering* "IT'S SO CUTE I COULD DIE!"
stocking: ^^
lord death: TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!
Yumi: *snaps a photo* "Indeed."
Monica: *buried under blankets* =_____= "I'm boooooooooooooooored!"
mrs ramirez: mija! your friends are here!
mrs ramirez: first thing i did, honey!
yolanda: jeez mrs R, have some faith in us. -_-;
Zarya: *grunts*
Monica: -_-; "You here to rub it in before you go off to school?"
yolanda: just wanted to see how you were?
Monica: "Bored out of my f--" *spots her mom* "...freaking skull. I need to dunk someone's head into a toilet now!"
mrs ramirez: that reminds me, that nurse from the hospital, mrs albarn, wanted to have coffee later and to chat. she's your friend izumi's mother, isnt she? ^^#
Monica: "... ... ...She's not my fucking friend."
Zarya: "... ... ..." *takes one giant step back away from Monica*
mrs ramirez: .........
stephanie: welp we're totes late, bye! *RUNS*
Monica: "?! YOU TRAITORS--"
mrs ramirez: monica, i'd like to have a little talk with you. in private. ^^#####
Monica: D8 *loud whimpering noise*
mrs ramirez: monica rosa-marie ramirez, you arent going anywhere! *smiles with a demonic glare*
Asher: "... ... ..." *small smile*
cassidy: asher? you ok?
Asher: "...I think I feel lighter."
kyouko: hey rin, is shiemi doing alright? last i saw her, she seemed kind of down.
Rin: *sighs* "I think she's trying to figure out some stuff with school."
kyouko: hmm....is she having problems?
Rin: "Kinda. She's leaving the exorcist class."
kyouko: wait really? what happened?
Rin: "She said she wanted to focus on what she can do for now--without getting in over her head. It's rough when you really want something but are not sure you're ready."
-rin's phone starts going off-
Rin: *checks*
-text from renzou-
Rin: *reading* "...??? It's from Renzou Shima. He's...ranting about diapers?"
kyouko: i'd rather not know -__-#
Rin: "Neither do I . But now he's yelling 'Code Omega.' I think his bro told me that means to meet up." *looks at the key hooks* "Tell the old man I'm stealing his keys."
kyouko: ._.
-and so-
Bon: *holding his stomach* "Ugh...I hate traveling with keys." >~<;
izumo: you guys got called too?
Shima: -_-; "Yep..."
Rin: "WOOOOOOOW! It looks so different at this time of year!"
izumo: we were here last year around summer, in the longest fucking summer ever -_-;;;
shiemi: im surprised we were invited to juuzo and mamushi's baby shower.
unagi: it'll be nice to see my family members again.
Shima: "Don't curse in front of my fam, Izumo--I want to keep a good impression with them."
shura: yeah, so behave yourself.
izumo: sure thing-....wait.
konekomaru: how long were you-
shura: kunoichi skills bitches.
Bon: *shoves Shima* "You're one to criticize anyone, spy."
Shima: ^^; "Former spy?"
shiemi: well we better find the restaurant then.
shura: you kiddos go on ahead, im gonna have a quick chat with the okumura bros for a minute, kaaay~?
Rin: "What?! But I'm starving!"
shura: *waits for the others to go* welp, now we can talk.
Yukio: "What is this about?"
shura: yuri egyn. your mother.
Yukio: "?!"
Rin: "...What?"
shura: it was around the time i met shiro...
{yuri: who is it?}
{shura: *flailing* putmedown! pummedown!! >n<#}
{yuri:.....is...is that a kid?}
{Fujimoto: "Um, no. It's obviously a new species of mountain rat. A smelly, dirty mountain rat--"
{yuri: .___.;}
{yuri:....why dont i make you something to eat? ^^;; }
{Fujimoto: ^^; "I actually have some tasks to attend to, so that would help me--OW! DID YOU JUST BITE ME?!"}
{shura: *HISSSSSS* *STOMACH GURGLE*.........food please.}
{Fujimoto: T^T "What do you even eat, kid?"}
{shura: squirrels mostly. sometimes birds. hachirou got me a boar once.}
{yuri: .______. shiro....where did you find this girl exactly?}
{Fujimoto: "In the mountains. Meet the fabled wild child of Towada. I've named her Shura."}
{shura: offer me food, mortal!}
{yuri: eat up!}
{shura: *ravenous eating*}
{Fujimoto: ^^ "Better than tiny squirrels with hardly any meat on their bones, right, kiddo?"}
{shura: *pulls the food closer and snarls* MINE!}
{yuri: goodness, she's got an appetite. ^^; }
{Fujimoto: "And needs to learn some manners..." *sniffs* "Ugh...and a bath."}
{shura: a what?}
{shura: *asleep*}
{yuri: so, what are we going to do about her?}
{Fujimoto: "Mephisto ordered me to keep an eye on her, and after seeing that Hachirou thing, I don't want her going back to it. After that? I'm not sure..."}
{yuri: maybe she could stay here? it gets lonely up here, so it'd be nice to have some company. ^^}
{Fujimoto: "??? For real? Mephisto was pretty insistent on not letting her out of my sight..."}
{yuri: you could stay here too, if you'd like. it'd be like a family.}
{Fujimoto: "..." *pulls out a cigarette, lights up* "Don't say it like that."}
shura: from what i remember, she was a really kind woman, she had eyes like yours, rin. and lots of moles, like yukio...and that concludes story time with shura for today!
Yukio: "..."
Rin: "...YOU COCKTEASE! DON'T STOP THE STORY THERE! TELL US MORE! What did she sound like?!" *grabs her by the shoulders* "Why didn't you tell us this before?!"
shura: now if you boys excuse me. im gonna go hit the bar. cheers! *walks off*
torako: <enjoy your stay with us.> *walks back to the front* !!!! <ryuuji!>
Bon: <Hey...>
-a child runs up and tackles shima-
child: <ANKO WENZO!>
Shima: <OW! ???>
woman: <ten, sweetie, there you are! what did mama tell you about running off?>
ten: <sowwy mamai>
woman: *looks* !!! <renzou!>
Shima: <?!!>
izumo: you know this woman?
woman: <oh, you must be renzou's friends. koneko and bon know me already, but im Jun Shima. renzou's sister.>
unagi: <a pleasure to see you again, ma'am'>
jun: <unagi! i was surprised to hear that you enrolled in true cross. how are you doing?>
unagi: <im very well. i've been learning a lot of english.>
-a woman comes barreling down the hall and clutches unagi-
uwabami hojo: ^^; <easy now, orochi, she's just fine.>
Bon: <We've been keeping an eye on her, ma'am.>
unagi: <hello mother, hello to you too uncle.>
Konekomaru: *sad smile, steps back*
girl: <hey sis, do we have any more- !!!! k-k-k-k-KONEKOOOOOO~<3 > *TACKLE* >///w///< <3<3<3<3
Konekomaru: .\\\\.; "Um..." <You can let go now?>
Konekomaru: ^\\\^; <We were a little busy on an investigation and--well, things got away from us. Sorry.>
Rin: -_-; *has a big handprint slapped on his face* "Freaking boobzilla..."
Yukio: -_-; "Please don't embarrass us more while we're visiting someone else's house."
jun: ?? <more friends of yours?>
Rin: <He gets that a lot.> *waves at the child*
girl: <hey. you smell different koneko, are you using a new bodywash?>
Konekomaru: >\\\\\\< <Wh-Why would you sniff me?!>
ten: <mamai! this guy has a tail! is he a kitty?>
Yukio: *facepalm* <Oh good lord...>
jun: .....^^; <why dont we help uncle gozo with the garden, ok?>
ten: <ok!> *runs off*
Yukio: <I am so sorry.>
nishiki: *eating watermelon shaved ice*
???: <over here sir?>
Tatsuma: <Yes, that's a good spot for it.>
???: *sets the statue down, wiping sweat from her brow* <yep, i reckon that's a mighty good spot for it>
Tatsuma: <Looking good! ...Maybe rotate it a bit more towards the morning sun.>
torako: <tatsuma! yoshikuni! bon and his friends are here!>
yoshikuni: <REALLY?!>
Tatsuma: <!!! My baby boy!> *gets up quickly--and throws out his back* >n< "AH!"
torako: D8
Bon: *steps out* <?!! Old man!> *runs up*
yoshikuni: <LIL RYUU! long time no see!>
Bon: <?!! Yoshikuni?!>
izumo: another friend of yours?
yoshikuni: <im his fiancee~>
izumo: O/////o W-W-WHAT?!?!??!
Bon: -_-; <Yoshikuni, please.>
yoshikuni: <LOL! JK JK! it's just a joke!>
Tatsuma: *trying to sit up* <Ha ha ha! ...I don't know what 'luul' means.>
Bon: <?!!! I will have you know I am desirable to people who like men with a strong will, you stubborn mule!>
izumo: <BEEF HEAD!>
izumo: <ROOSTER HAIR!>
torako: <my my, they're acting like me when i was that age.>
{young!torako: <GET BENT, BALDIE!>}
{Young!Tatsuma: <Babe, I _shave_ by choice because it makes me look cool!> *wink*}
torako: <so persistent.> *sigh* <i feel so old.>
Tatsuma: <And yet still so beautiful.>
torako: >/////< <oh stop!>
Bon: <OW!> *slapping his hand on the ground* <I YIELD, I YIELD, YOU SHRIMP!>
Kanin: *puts bento boxes of leftovers into their lockers* "Okay. I'll see you for lunch after morning classes."
genny: *nods*
Kanin: "... ...Well..." *rubs the back of his head...he's managed to revert almost back to human appearance*
genny:....i-if you want to talk...a-about anything, you can-
Kanin: "I-I appreciate that...M-Maybe later..."
genny: .///. r-right...see ya! *runs*
Kanin: "..." >\\\< *knocks his head against his own locker--and instantly hulks out into werewolf form, ripping his shirt* "...Aw, man..."
marie: kanin? are you alright? ._.;
Kanin: "?!! S-Sorry, Miss Marie! I'm fine, really! I'm not going feral..." *struggles to slowly revert to human form, as he takes off the torn shirt and opens his locker to retrieve a new shirt* "J-Just, you know, typical teenage hormonal stuff..."
marie: do you want to talk about it?
Kanin: "..." *nods* "Did other students ever deal with this kind of thing?"
arisa: so what do you guys want to check out next?
kanami: im kinda hungry, maybe we should get lunch?
suzune:..... !!!
arisa: suzune? you oka-....OH.....MY....G!!
kokoro: hmm?
masara: *looks* !!!!!
kokoro: yep, that's me alright.
arisa: do you remember me? im arisa narumi!
kokoro: oh right! you're that girl from back then!
arisa: you were so cool and inspiring that i became a magical girl too, see? my friends are-
suzune: *blocking masara's knife with her sword*
masara: what are _you_ doing back here, magical hunter?
suzune: im not here to fight, honest.
masara: a likely story. im not about to let you hurt kokoro.
Chisato: *gestures to her own weapon* "Let's all calm down. This is not a place for any fight."
masara: how can you be so calm when a murderer is among you?
Matsuri: "This is about giving people another chance, you know?" ^^ "She may have done bad things, but that doesn't make her a bad person!"
suzune: matsuri....
Matsuri: "Just give her a chance."
kokoro: easy there masara. sorry about my friend, she can be a bit protective, but she means well. ^^;
arisa: i take it you met suzune before?
kokoro: yep. say, you mentioned being hungry, right? it just so happens we know a great restaurant called 'Walnuts'. ^^
Monica: *glare*
izumi: .___.;;;;;
Sachiko: ^^ "I always come by here--I didn't know you managed it!"
mrs ramirez: well, assistant manager, but still. ^^
Monica: *takes her drink, sips--and crunches on the ice loudly*
izumi: ._.;;;;;
mrs ramirez: mija, dont you have something to say to mrs albarn's daughter?
Monica: "..." *mutters something*
mrs ramirez: speak up honey, no one can hear you when you're muttering.
Monica: *inhales* "I SAID 'I'M SORRY'!"
izumi: um...thanks..f-for apologizing...*shifts in her seat*
Sachiko: *uncovers her ears* "Y-Yes, thank you...How about you kids get a treat?" *hands Izumi some money* "The cookies looked good."
Rin: "So, Konekomaru, who's the girl?"
girl: *clinging to his arm* ^////^
konekomaru: this is yumi, shima's younger sister.
Rin: "Ah, so you all grew up together?"
yoshikuni: pretty much. <so you guys really defeated the impure king last summer?>
Bon: <We...did the best we could.>
Rin: <Well, us and my girlfriend, too.>
konekomaru: <come to think of it, where were you?>
yoshikuni: <i was at a convention in tokyo.> ^^
Juzo: *fretting back and forth in front of the building*
gozo: <easy bro, she's not due for another two months yet.>
Juzo: <I know! I keep reading the books--did you know you're not supposed to put a blanket over the baby?! THEY COULD SUFFOCATE! HOW WOULD THAT LOOK IF MY CHILD SUFFOCATED?!!>
gozo: <take a deep breath and chill.>
kinzou: <yeah, you're gonna give yourself a hernia!>
Shima: <Yeah, don't think of dead babies--that thought'll stay in your head forever.>
Kanin: *staring at the tea* "I don't know. I never had these problems controlling my appearance. But since that...thing got in my head and down to my soul..."
marie: perhaps it was an effect of madness from that clown.
Kanin: "I think so...But it hasn't gotten back to normal. I don't know when it will, if ever."
Kanin: "I don't know who could even help."
marie: i can think of a few people...
mami: lunch is ready!
Crona: "Smells great."
mami: the doctors recommended this to help you regain your strength.
Crona: *nods*
Ragnarok: *has on a bib* "AND FOR ME?"
naoya: how is he?
kouyou: still locked up in his office, crying. how unprofessional. -_-;
miura: -___-; *patting mori's back*
Mori: *head resting on a pillow* TT~TT "It's like I'm cursed."
elise: wouldnt be too shocked if that were the case.
Mori: "I need some good luck..."
Kimizuki: "..." *sets down a bottle of water*
Kimizuki: *nods* "You're welcome...The ride will be here in another hour."
Yoichi: *packing the first-aid kit* "Any more cuts and bruises?"
riko: i-im ok....
Yoichi: ^^ "That's a relief."
Yoichi: "...Happy to go home?"
riko: i guess so....
Yoichi: "That man...did release you."
riko:.....do you think....he's in a better place?
Yoichi: "...I like to think so."
arisa: mmm~ this is so yummy!
kokoro: i know right?
masara: *eating, not taking her eyes off suzune, staring intently*
suzune: *looking down at her plate, sweating nervously* ._.;;;;;;;;;
Chisato: "...Masara, how is your meal?"
masara: *nom, still staring at suzune* delicious.
suzune: *gulp* ._.;;;;;;;;;;;
Chisato: "...So, what are everyone's plans this afternoon?"
kokoro: well, masara and i were going to go hiking for a bit later.
Chisato: "Ah. It'd be good to get into the outdoors."
Guren: "Welcome back."
Guren: "We'll begin debriefing...You look like a mess. Go lie down."
hyakuya: *grunts and walks off*
Guren: *looks at the others* "Shinoa, walk with me. I'll start the debriefing with you."
shinoa: right.
Guren: *walks with her into the interrogation room* "What happened to Hyakuya back there?"
shinoa: she took the vampire down...
Guren: "I've seen her take down vampires--I haven't seen her acting like this."
shinoa: i'll speak with her about it when i can.....she has been different since our encounter with ferid....
Guren: "And that can be a liability. We need her in the field--and if her head is not in this, that will be a danger."
Guren: "Tell me about this vampire and child. Why did he take her?"
-shinoa explains the situation-
Guren: "Hmm...I knew vampirism can do things to the brain, but this is something else entirely."
shinoa:...perhaps vampirism has nothing to do with it....
Guren: "??? Explain."
shinoa: based on my observations, his reactions seemed rather human. perhaps relating to his previous life. sadly, without any official documents on him, we can only go by word of mouth for information.
Guren: "Hmm. So, what, he got confused, had memories of his pre-vampire life, and those influenced his mind? That still sounds dangerous."
Guren: "I'll ask C3 to check on this--they may have a bit more information on neuro influences after the transformation."
Rin: *pats his belly* =w= "Tasty meal..."
torako: <you seemed to enjoy it. ^^>
orochi: <will you be staying the night?>
Rin: <I should probably get back to the old man.> *pats Bon's shoulder* <But I'm sure Bon would be happy to stay with family for the night!>
Bon: -_-# *twists Rin's arm* <We're studying for exams right now.>
Rin: Q_Q *slapping his hand down on the floor*
shiemi: ....
Shima: <I mean, some of us don't need to worry too much about studying! And how often do you get to see family?>
izumo: *GLARE*
Shima: "?!!!!" *averts his glance* <Granted, that also depends on whether your own family wants to see you...> >w>;;;;;
higuchi: *washing Q's hair*
Q: >~< *whining*
higuchi: ^^; the water wont hurt you, and that visor is supposed to keep the shampoo out of your eyes.
Q: "It feels slimy!"
higuchi: ^^;
Gin: *sets out a towel* "It's that, or your hair will get covered in dirt, disease, and fall out, leaving you as the youngest bald person on this planet."
Q: Q_______Q "What?"
higuchi: .-.;
higuchi: *getting all wet from the splashing* ah! ok! ok! >-O;;
Gin: "My work here is done." *turns away*
Q: =~= *relaxes*
higuchi: *sigh* *mutter* next time _you're_ in charge of bath time...
Gin: *walks into the living room* "Kuniko, Ryu, your chores?"
kuniko: dishes are about 78% done!
Akutagawa: *uses Rashomon on a dish towel to dry*
Gin: "As for homework?"
Mephisto: "Then we use this key to open the closet, and..." *opens the closet to reveal Death City from the top of a building*
shion: bwoah! *shiny eyes*
Mephisto: "Impressive, yes? You can see our house from here! And there's Mephy Land!"
shion: ^o^ dada! dada!
Mephisto: "Hee hee--that's my head on that ferris wheel! But you need to be a bit taller to ride the roller coaster."
sonia: *eating ice cream*
Chuuya: *hands out napkins*
miyuri: *LICK LICK LICK* >~< GYEEK!
Chuuya: "Brain freeze?"
miyuri: miyuri's head feels bad! >A<
sonia: you shouldnt eat it so fast.
Chuuya: "Try putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth to warm it up."
miyuri: *does so*
Chuuya: "Feeling better?"
miyuri: *nods*
Chuuya: "That's good. Now, eat more slowly--we got plenty of time."
Hibana: =_____= *sneezes*
mikami: are you feeling alright, commander?
Hibana: "No--I haven't been sleeping."
ryuuko: do you need to see a doctor, or would that be too much?
Hibana: *groans* "Why would I need that?"
ryuuko: it's important for one to look after their well-being. perhaps some tea and meditation might help? that's what my father does when he's stressed.
Hibana: "I already do that--I set aside 5 minutes for meditating in-between the 10 AM and 11 AM meetings, and some tea when I get home at 9 PM."
Rino: *holds up a schedule* "She's booked solid 8 AM to 8 PM. She's killing herself. _It's not going fast enough_."
mikami: rino!
gabriella: princess, please rest.
Rino: >_>;
Hibana: *slams her fists down* "I have work to do! I have some genetic experiments out for my head! I have to figure out what the hell Haijima is doing with those kids! I--I--... *collapses*
gabriella: D8>
Rino: "?!!!" *tries to hold her up* "Jeez, she's heavy..."
Hibana: *unconscious*
nana: so, is sasori your actual name?
sasori:...not really.
ivy: is that right?
ria marcelo: yeah.
Joker: "Well, a lot of people change their names. Take Red for instance."
scarlet: ........
nana: and my name is seven.
Joker: "Nana, what did we agree? Your name is Nana now."
nana: EAT SHIT.
ria marcelo: .....she seems to have high regard for you.
Joker: *sniffs, wipes his eye* "I know--makes a father proud."
scarlet:.... -_-;
Joker: "So, Ria, ready to scope out Hibana's latest work?"
ria marcelo: im listening...
Hajiki: *somehow stuck behind the vending machine*
Hajiki: "I don't know--I was trying to get food, then I forgot what I was doing, and I ended up here."
hito: have you tried shimmying out?
Hajiki: "Let me see..." *shifts--and the vending machine starts rocking*
Asako: *runs out of a patient's room* "EEEEK!"
vivian: ??
*fire shoots out of the patient's room*
vivian: !!!!
Patient: *frowning, lobbing another fireball* "THAT THERMOMETER WAS COLD AS HELL!"
vivian: OwO;;;
Asako: >~< "That's only if you pursue the Dantean understanding of Hell--"
Patient: *throws another fireball, this one nearing at Vivian*
vivian: *dodge* gyah! how rude!
Patient: "I didn't want to be some fucking second generation flame person!"
Asako: >~< "Third-generation pyrokinetic, sir!"
Patient: "SHUT UP!" *tries to get out of bed--and falls face-first into the bedpan*
vivian: ._.;;
tao: owo~? what's going on here?
Asako: *sigh* "We've had more patients coming in awakening pyrokinetic abilities. And he's been the nicest of them..." -_-;
Kimizuki: *carrying a tray of food to a room* *knocks*
hyakuya: it's open....
Kimizuki: *enters* "Hey. Brought your dinner."
Kimizuki: "I wasn't sure what you would like, so if you want more of anything, I got more on the stove to heat up."
hyakuya: *nods*.....kimizuki?
Kimizuki: "Yes?"
hyakuya: did i do the right thing?
Kimizuki: "...Our job is to neutralize vampire threats. Who knows what he would have done next."
hyakuya:.....i saw mika in him.....
Kimizuki: "...So when you see Mika again..."
hyakuya: NO! i cant....i have to get him home....i just.....ever since that day my head's just been all tangled up...
Kimizuki: "How do you convince him? He's not the same kid you knew back then."
hyakuya: what would you do if you were in _my_ position? if it were mirai that was a vampire? would you just kill her without a second thought?!
Kimizuki: "?!! Okay, that's a low blow! It's not my sister that is a vampire, now is she? This is your friend who is suffering--and that's the reality you're dealing with!"
Kimizuki: "...I'm sorry. I don't know what I would do either."
hyakuya:...h-he's my family....*curls up into fetal position* i already lost him once....i cant lose him again....
Kimizuki: "...Then let's bring him back."
hyakuya: *looks up at him*
Kimizuki: "We figure out how to convince him, we figure out what C3 has already done about containing vampires without imprisoning or killing him. If he's that important to you, then I'll help."
hyakuya:...thank you......sorry....about what i said-
Kimizuki: "It-It's fine. If it was me, I would've said something as...passionate.”
hyakuya:...heh...you jerk...*wipes her eyes*
Kimizuki: "Me, a jerk? You're a jerk yelling at me like that..."
hyakuya: *laughs a bit* yeah, got me there....
Kimizuki: *small smile* "Then I win."
Kimizuki: "... ..." *pat pat, hug*
hyakuya:....*looks at him for a bit*
Kimizuki: *looks into her eyes*
hyakuya: kimizuki...i-
shinoa: *opens the door* hey guys~!
Kimizuki: "?!" X_X *knocked to the floor--flipping over the food tray onto Hyakuya*
shinoa: oh goodness. was i interrupting something~?
hyakuya:....nothing. nothing at all. -_-#
Jeje: "Johannes has not left the basement in days."
metsu: should i check on him?
Jeje: *hands her a taser* "Stay armed."
metsu: *nods* i need to bring him his dinner anyway.
Jeje: *nods, as he rummages through a box of vials*
metsu: *heading downstairs* johannes?
Johannes: *curled over his desk, looking at blood samples*
metsu:....i brought your dinner. *sets the tray down and collects the dishes from the last meal*
Johannes: "Huh? You say something?" *looks up--and has a long white beard*
metsu: ......... ._______.
Johannes: "What's with that look? ..." *glances down* "Oh, right--" *grabs the fake beard, rips--...then covers his mouth to let out a tortured scream* "I forgot the glue!!!"
metsu:........im not even going to ask. *heads upstairs*
Johannes: "Thank you for the meal! Bring down body wash!"
Jeje: *pulls out a vial...swirls its contents into a mug of hot chocolate*
Rin: *lies down*
-knock knock-
shiemi: rin? may i ask you something?
Rin: *sits up* "Hey, Shiemi--what's up?"
shiemi: well, pardon if it's intrusive, but i noticed you and yuki werent talking much during dinner....you two didnt have a fight, did you?
Rin: >_>; "That's...kind of personal. It's nothing..."
shiemi:....ok. well, good night.
Rin: *grunts* "Night..."
{Rin: "What brought this on?"}
{yukio: dont you want to know about our birth? according to the knight of true cross, she was the one who bore satan's sons, and most information on her is classified. but i want to know more about her...}
{Rin: "After what we've heard so far, and what we've gone through? No, it can't be a good story. Just knowing that she was a kind person is enough for me."}
{yukio: why are you trying to avoid this? dont you even care? this is our mother for god's sake!}
{Rin: "..." *frowns* "Why are you needing this so badly?"}
{Rin: "?!!! Yuki? Wh-What's wrong?"}
{yukio: HAHAHAHA.....that's right....we can never truly change how we think, right? we're both right and both wrong......it's funny.....we're twins, yet we're total opposites....well....just....just forget we had this talk, ok? come on...the others are waiting...}
Rin: "...What the hell, bro."
gozo: <tatsuma, sir, are you in?>
Tatsuma: *reclining in a chair, a book resting on his lap* "???" <Yes?>
gozo: <i wanted to talk to you about that one matter.>
Tatsuma: "..." <I see. What have you found?>
gozo: <nothing much yet, but we are researching it at the india branch's underground library. sadly, we havent yet found a way to summon a demon possessing another person.>
Tatsuma: <Hmm...> *holds up his book* <I'll have to finish this reading on exorcising Karura from Todo so to resummon...>
gozo: <there is a problem. based on renzou's observations from aomori on todo's appearance, it seems karura is bonding to its new vessel...>
Tatsuma: *sighs* <Then it is up to me to hurry. Thank you for this information. Please, continue your investigation.>
Fire: *yawns* *gets out of bed, looking out the window*
kim: .....
Jacqueline: "??? Fire?"
Fire: "I think I see something."
kim: ??
Fire: "I saw something glowing and moving in the forest."
kim: *looks to the others*
Jacqueline: "...Maybe wake the others." *nudges Kilik*
Kanin: *tucks Amelia in*
amelia: good night.
Kanin: "Good night, Amelia. I'll see you in the morning." *walks away...*
Kanin: *gets to the door* "...Should I leave a light on, or...?"
amelia: im fine.
Kanin: "O-Okay...Good night." *closes the door*
Crona: *lying awake in bed* "..."
mami: *asleep*
Crona: ("It's so quiet now...I used to hear his voice even when he wasn't talking...It's hard to get used to.") *looks at Mami* "..." *hug*
mami: *she seems quite relaxed*
Crona: *closes their eyes, sighs quietly*
Bon: *walking through the temple*
izumo: *cleaning*
Bon: "??? What, Mom has you working?"
izumo: i volunteered, for your information.
Bon: -_-; "Well, thanks--it's looking better."
Relan: *walking with his shoulder in a sling* *cringes*
iris: how are you feeling?
Relan: "The meds help, but it still hurts a lot."
iris: hmm...
Relan: "Enough of that--another day is ahead of us...How did the talk go with Mr. Fulham from the 1st?"
iris: well....
-she explains what happened-
Relan: "I'm so sorry. This can't be easy on everyone in the Church."
Yoichi: ^^ "Welcome back to work!"
hyakuya: morning.
shinoa: oh, that reminds me, riko's family invited us to their mansion for a celebration. ^^
Kimizuki: "What's to celebrate? We did our job..." *awkward glance at Hyakuya*
shinoa: they wanted to celebrate the return of their daughter, of course. so get your formal wear~
Yoichi: "Yay! ...I don't have really good formal wear, so I may need to shop a bit."
hyakuya: i dont have any formal wear!
Kimizuki: *sighs* "Looks like a few of us are shopping."
Monica: *in the cafe uniform* -_-# "Welcome. May I take your order?"
girl: i'll have a Frappuccino.
guy: do you still have the shamrock shakes?
Monica: "...It's June. Not March. So no. Is there something else you want to order?"
guy: can i have a mint green mocha then?
Monica: "..." *writes it onto a cup* "Sure. Name?"
Harvar: *looking at footprints* "Well, someone was here."
ox: or something....
Fire: .~.; "Like the thing we're supposed to find?"
kim: most likely...
Jacqueline: *following the steps' path--that lead to the edge of a cliff* "..."
*a man in a monocle opens his car door*
???: mr dragulsec i presume?
Dragulsec: "???" *turns--*
*Dragulsec is knocked to the street*
Dragulsec: *groans, sitting up* "L-Lighting?!"
lewin: salutations, doc!
Dragulsec: "What the devil is wrong with you?!"
lewin: word on the street is you've got connections to the illuminati.
Dragulsec: "Balderdash! Your 'word' would tell you I already entered a contract that would prevent me from cooperating with them!"
lewin: but that's the mystery i need to solve. after all, not many people can get away with a massacre and stay in the same line of work for over a decade...
Dragulsec: "Absurd! Hollow reasoning! You have no idea how such a massacre continues to affect me!"
lewin: talk is cheap, doc. but i'll still need a bit of proof. teyonebuse and so on...
*something buzzes around Dragulsec, striking him*
Dragulsec: "GAAAH! Stop this!"
Dragulsec: *screams, as his collar is ripped*
lewin:....so _that's_ it, huh? welp. thanks for your time, doc. im gonna vamoose, as it were.
Dragulsec: *coughing* "Y-You won't get away with this! I'll report this! They'll lock you away, Lightning, you madman!"
lewin: funny you should say that. i intend to have you prosecuted~
Lucy: *waves to the cafe manager* "Hello!"
manager: good morning, lucy. ready to start the day?
Lucy: *smiles, nods* "Ready!" *grabs the apron* "I wonder how busy it'll get."
*the door opens*
manager: welcome.
Q: ^w^ *waves his doll's hand* "Hello!"
higuchi: *nods*
Lucy: ._.;
kirako: ok, i brought everyone's orders. ^^
Kyoka: "Thank you." *smiles*
Kunikida: "Thank you very much. That was very kind of you."
fukuzawa: .....
Kyoka: "...Sir? You aren't touching your food. Do you anticipate it is poisoned?"
fukuzawa: im more concerned for miss haruno.
kirako: sir, im fine, really.
Kunikida: "Did you make sure to buy a meal for yourself?"
kirako: just something light.
Kunikida: "I see..."
Kyoka: "Can always have my fortune cookie." *holds up hers*
kirako: thank you kyouka.
sylvia: *noms her food* t-thank you!
Kyoka: ^^
Kunikida: "How did your check-up go?"
kirako: well, i did get a good report.
Kunikida: "Oh? That's great."
nana: *intently staring at a book*
Ria marcelo: "It's okay--try saying it aloud."
nana: hmm......aaa....pp...ley?
Ria marcelo: "Apple?"
nana: yeah, this thing. *points to a picture of an apple in the book*
Ria marcelo: "Right. It's a fruit that comes in a variety of colors and flavors varying by sweetness and tartness."
nana: uhhhh.....huh?
Ria marcelo: "It's food."
nana: oh. ok.
Ria marcelo: "And it's a common word when learning English and other languages because it starts with the first letter in the alphabet, 'A.'"
nana: ah...which one is 'A'?
Ria marcelo: "The first letter." *circles the "A" in "apple" with her finger*
nana: oooh! i see.
Ria marcelo: "..." *small smile* "There are some other words that start with 'a,' too."
Kimizuki: *looking at ties* "Hmm...Red may be too intimidating."
shinoa: alright, we've picked out our dresses.
hyakuya: 7,7;
Yoichi: "Great! This'll be fun, like playing dress up!"
mitsuba: wouldnt be my first formal dinner party.
shinoa: same.
Yoichi: ^^; "I'm out of practice on formal dining etiquette."
mitsuba:...*glances at kimizuki*
Kimizuki: "Hmph. I'm familiar enough with the dining practices." *picks out a black tie*
Saria: *walks up to the counter* "Hello! I'll have--" O_O; *hides behind Lukas*
Monica: -_-# "Just give it to me."
lukas: um... ._.;
Saria: >_< "Iced tea, please!"
kyouko: ......
Fujimoto: *reading, looks up* "Hey, kiddo--feeling a bit bored?"
kyouko: a bit stressed from studying and work, i guess. *sigh* i havent been this exhausted since working to pay off your medical bills.....
Fujimoto: "...You know, you had been saving up some money for a bit of travel..."
kyouko: ?? are you sure?
Fujimoto: *nods* "I think you need a break. Maybe I can help with your trip..."
kyouko: hmm.....
mami: feeling any better?
Crona: "Still lethargic, but less affected by whatever happened...Ragnarok has been a bit more unhinged but nowhere near as mindless when we were together."
mami: i see. do you need anything at the moment?
Crona: "...I'm kinda hungry." ^^; "Maybe pudding?"
mami: ok, two puddings coming up. ^^
Crona: "Thank you..." *looks out the window* "Maybe we could go out when I'm a little stronger."
mami: *nods*
*giggling is heard in the hallway*
mami: *looks*
Ragnarok: *in the apartment hallway, talking to a neighbor* "--then I said, 'It's supposed to be flat--it's roadkill!'"
old woman: ._.;;
Ragnarok: "So, how long you been living here? Since Peloponnesian or Trojan War?"
mami: hello mrs onozuka. he isnt bothering you is he?
mrs onozuka: hello mami, dearie. is he a friend of yours? ^^;
mami: more of a permanent house guest. 7_7;
mrs onozuka: that reminds me, how is chrona? i heard they were in the hospital.
mami: they're doing much better. i was actually about to make some food for them.
Ragnarok: "Not since they pulled me out of Cro--"
mami: *shoves ragnarok back inside*
Ragnarok: >_<# "You jerk! I'm making headway with that octogenarian!"
mrs onozuka: if you'd like, i could bring over some of my homemade ohagi. ^^
mami: that would be lovely, thank you. ^^
Ragnarok: "MAKE ME SOME TOO, MRS. O!"
kim: ugh...feels like we've been walking forever!
Jacqueline: *looking at the trail* "Maybe they are trying to confuse us--meandering."
kilik: ......
ox: *shivering*
Harvar: "This is the part in the horror film where someone gets pulled away screaming to their death."
ox: can you not? im cold enough as it is!
Thunder: *striking a stick along the trees*
-something growls-
Fire: O_O;
ox: EEK!
kim: ?!?
Harvar: *gets in front of Ox*
-something comes charging at them-
kim: jackie!
Jacqueline: "Right!" *transforms*
kilik: fire, thunder, let's go!
Fire and Thunder: *transform*
-a large green creature charges-
creature: *GRRAOOOOOOO*
Jacqueline: "!!!"
Fire + Thunder: "HOLY MOLEY!"
Harvar: "??? Are we in The Green?"
-the creature swings a fist at them-
Jacqueline: *lets out a fire in the air* "Get back, Kim!"
kim: *jumps back* jackie, blast it!
Jacqueline: *blasts it*
creature: *SCREECHES*
Thunder: "??? Are they upset we're on their land?"
kim: why dont we try asking it. OOOI! WHAT DO YOU WANT!
creature: *SHRIIEEEK*
ox: *dodging* ?? hey! there's something in it's back!
Harvar: *looks*
-in the creature's back is a black shard that looks like glass, but has an orange glow to it, similar to the creature's eyes-
Harvar: "Looks magic-y."
kim: *looks* !! we need to get it out!
Jacqueline: "Touching it directly may be dangerous. It may be safer to use a weapon to dig it out. I suggest using Harvar."
Harvar: -_-; "Thank you for your concern."
kim: and after we get it out, we need to destroy it.
kilik: you recognize it?
kim: *nods* it's a binding shard. witches use them to control living beings sometimes.
Jacqueline: "Who wants to be the distraction?"
kim: hey you big lug! over here! >XP
creature: *ROARS and attacks*
Jacqueline: "Oh boy..." *blasts up to let Kim fly over*
creature: *swings a fist at them*
Fire + Thunder: *charge up*
kilik: *runs at the creature*
Fire: "FIRE FIST!"
Harvar: "Ox, now!"
ox: HYAAAH!!
*direct hit*
creature: *SCREEEEEEEEE*
Harvar: "Now get back!"
ox: *jumps back*
Jacqueline: "Kim, what happens now to it?"
kim: we need to smash the shard!
Fire: "Punch it!"
Thunder: ^o^
-the beast stops. then a blue light appears in it's eyes, staring at them-
Jacqueline: "Did it work?"
Harvar: "No, the beast got contact lenses."
Jacqueline: -_-#
-the creature looks at them, letting out a low growl, as if to say 'thank you', then walks off-
Fire: "Bye bye!"
kim: well, i think that's case closed...
kilik: guys....i think that thing may have been the forest guardian...
Thunder: "Huh--that would make a lot of sense."
kim: i thought forest guardians looked like huge bucks?
kilik: in some cases, they do. the appearance of the guardian changes depending on the state of the forest it protects.
Jacqueline: "So this mossy forest..."
kim:...we should probably go now.
Black Star: *huffs, puffs* "...OKAY! AGAIN!"
Hyde: *operating a wrecking ball* "Okay!" *swings the wrecking ball--*
Black Star: *stares...pulls back his fist, and--*
tsubaki: what on earth?!
licht: idiocy. idiocy is happening.
Black Star: *knocks the freaking wrecking ball away--as it flies off the chain and towards Licht and Tsubaki*
ochako: *gravities the chain and sends it up*
Hyde: "Woot! Look at that sucker fly!"
Black Star: "Damn! I can't believe I knocked that thing away! Looks like I'm getting this strength thing under control!"
Hyde: "..." *runs for it*
ochako: YEEP!!
Mr. Uraraka: "Oh, hey kids! Careful on the equipment."
Fitzgerald: *picks up a pebble, throws it--and it smashes Hyde into the ground*
ochako: D8>
licht: ?!?!?
Hyde: *buried*
Fitzgerald: "Hmph. Not even worth $25."
Tetsutetsu: *staring at the list* "So many flavors...So many desserts..."
pony: they all sound so delish!
Sen: "Hmm...Maybe just something simple--like fudge ripple..."
Tetsutetsu: *staring at the sundaes*
Yosetsu: "Just a little bit before our training kicks into high gear!"
nirengeki: maybe i'll just get something small.
reiko: i suppose i'll treat myself to the chocolate fudge.
tokage: you sure, yanagin? it's a bit pricey.
reiko: *nods*
Hiryu: "Ibara, you want anything?"
ibara: i'll just have vanilla.
kinoko: dude, that's rad.
Hiryu: *nods* "That red velvet is calling my attention..."
mina: you think horses have dreams?
Jirou: "??? Probably. Animals make noises when they sleep and all..."
mina: what do you think they dream about?
eijiro: horse stuff i guess?
Hagakure: "Like winning the Derby?"
mina: maybe.
Todoroki: "??? What happened to your friend?"
Hyde: X___X
ochako: antics happened. ^^;
licht: *staring at todoroki*
Todoroki: "...Oh. Hello, um, 'bro.'"
licht: hello again brother, angel of the frozen flame.
Todoroki: -_-; "Not the moniker I intend to use for superheroism, but poetic."
Rin: *sitting under bamboo, has a monkey on his head* "I don't see what the big deal is..." *hands a grape up to the monkey* "The baby isn't out yet, so you still got time..."
Monkey: ^w^ *eating*
izumo: i guess they wanted so celebrate anyway.
Rin: "Yeah, but I mean his panicking over something that isn't happening yet--still got time to learn diapering, burping, cholic, warming up milk--"
izumo: how do you know about all this stuff?
Rin: "The old man kept seeing mothers all the time, so someone had to look after the kids while he was doing whatever with them."
izumo: i see...
Bon: "What a mother."
0 notes
Truth - look into my heart (in progress)
20th September 2017 - 4.28pm until 21st September 2017 10:44am
So here begins. This will be one lengthy post. Which may take me quite awhile to write. Maybe over the span of days. As I want to state everything. Bear with me, read this when you are level headed and calm. And read every word I write with an open mind. It may seem like a huge load of bullshit to you right now. But maybe one day it will makes sense to you. For I am stating nothing but the truth. God be my witness. I swear on my life.
1. “Babe. I’m sorry. Maybe I need some time to think about everything. I dunno if I’m doing things right.” 8.59pm telegram - this statement was made after I poured out my insecurities to you. I’m sure it made you feel like you were inadequate. That I don’t see a single thing you’re doing for me. All the shit you’re going through. And i still can constantly feel insecure about stuff. And you feel like you don’t know what else you can do. Because you have so much shit to deal with. But in all honesty, this is a bad trait of mine. Words hold such great importance to me. As much as actions do. Therefore I always have this bugging feeling. Especially after coming back from outfield. To get some verbal reaffirmation. No matter how little. That’s all I needed. Just that little pick me up. As reaffirmation is my love language. But I don’t blame you for not. Because you already have a shit ton to deal with. And your actions is plenty enough to reaffirm me. But that’s why I flipped when you told me you needed to rethink. Cause I was so scared of losing you. I felt betrayed. I made you feel like I didn’t understand what you were going through, and still continued to make things difficult for you. When in fact I knew exactly what you were gg through. And i still let my insecurities take control of me. And I’m sorry for that. And j never want to do that again.
2. Forged and Broken - This Instagram post is actually about the relationships I’ve build and lost in army. I’m not sure if I’ve ever told you about this. But I honestly hate coming back to camp and especially this 3 weeks with these people in my camp. Because I’ve had enough of them. Most of the are fake af and just being around them makes me so irritated. Sometimes I just want time to myself so I shut myself up in camp. In a way I filtered through a lot of friends and only kept the real ones. The post signifies the end of my army journey and how much it has thought me and helped me grow as a person.
3. Amidst all the shit you’re going through for us, I think perhaps you got too caught up in trying to figure out too much stuff. That you didn’t realise what I was doing, and trying to do for you. And us. I’ve controlled my temper, like when you wore his sweater. The old me would’ve raged and gave u attitude day n night. But I simply shared that I really didn’t like it. And if you could have not done it again. It's like how you tell me you have your ways of loving me, and I have my ways of loving you. And we always misunderstand each other. Like the steamboat dinner incident. And that doesn't mean I don't love you, or I'm just using my words? It's quite gut wrenching that you fail to see what I've done, or tried to do for you. And it all seems like excuses to you when I tell u about them.
4. Why Im constantly paranoid. And insecure. I Guess it stems from my upbringing, and my past. I've always felt that there isn't someone out there that will love me forever and always. Unconditionally. Until I met you, the things you did for me, willing to go through for me. I was so afraid of losing that. It constantly kept me on my toes, how to Ensure she still loves me? That we are on the right track? That's why I'm constantly seeking reaffirmation. I now know that there was no way of doing so. And if people are going to leave, they will no matter how much you want them to stay. Your insecurities and paranoia will be the exact reason why they leave. That's why when I got back from outfield, with the news of the dead guy. I was affected that U didn't react the way I thought you would. But I realised it was never your fault. Because you were out there fighting for us day n night, loving me in your own way. And I was selfish to think you didn't. Just because of such a trivial matter. Stuff like you meeting him, or you texting me late. They were all such trivial matters that I knew the exact reasons for. For we have discussed them time and time again. But after that 5d4n outfield, after the sweater incident, I got thrown back into the insecure me. Full of doubts, full of questions. And I desperately tried to get back on my feet. And I don't blame you for not helping me to, for you were already fighting for us in your own ways.
5. Why she may feel like shes not good enough for me but actually she really is. You were already giving me your everything. Taking that risk to give me all out. And I still made you feel like you weren't doing enough. When in fact you were giving me more than anyone would in a span of 4 months. Chose to give up her stability and comfort to be with a guy like me. And I really would have made it all worthwhile. But I understand that you don't have that confidence in me anymore. Because we are always arguing over the same stuffs. And it's really my fault for it. I know you don't have the time Nor patience to take a risk that what if I end up really being like this all my life? (Which definitely isn't the case)
6. I allowed myself to do it. Let my insecurities. And why I wont anymore.because I never want to let someone I love feel the way you did ever again. And I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you and myself for this. If I were to have the chance. I know you need more than just words now. But I hope you can use our love, just for this time being, to continue to trust me on this. And my actions will prove myself in time to come. Because I'm honestly tired of starting anew, with people that don't matter. I've found you, by a one in a million chance. And there won't be something more special than this. Remember babe? Please don't let something as special as this slip away. I won't let you down. I promise. I swear. I will show it to you.
7. There is no perfect relationship, couples always quarrel. Its how the work on their differences together and strive to improve themselves for one another that ensures a fruitful and Long lasting fulfilling relationship.
8. I know you feel like the person you love, that means so much to you. Could hurt you the way he did. But you need to know that. You mean the world to him. And he did not mean what he did. He would hug you so tightly that you know he didnt mean to do the things he did to you. He would rather die than watch you get in harms way. And you can count on him to protect you from all the crap life throws at you. Because I love you to death. Please see it. Believe it.
9. Thank you for teaching me this important lesson. To never disrespect the one I love the way I disrespected you. Dont take it for granted. Cause I never want to lose someone so important to me ever again. Just like how I lost you. It will never be the same with anyone else. And I will have to live with that for the rest of my life. Im sorry I didnt learn it before I met you. Or I would have never caused us to fall apart.
0 notes